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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02039 The tree of good and euill: or A profitable and familiar exposition of the Commandements directing vs in the whole course of our life, according to the rule of Gods Word, whereby we must bee iudged at the last day. By Thomss [sic] Granger preacher of Gods Word. Granger, Thomas, b. 1578. 1616 (1616) STC 12185; ESTC S117974 29,110 94

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tending to our neighbours hurt as if I had but this or that c. 2 Particular wishes and desires as I would such an house were mine such a liuing such a thing c. V. All vnchaste dreames arising from concupisence Vertues commanded I. A pure heart towards our neighbour 1. Tim. 1. 5. II. Holy thoughts and motions of the Spirit 1. Thess 5. 23. Eph. 4. 23. III. A conflict or warfare against the euill affections and lusts of the flesh Rom. 7. 21. 23. 24. 2. Cor. 12. 7. 8. 9. ROM 7. 7. I knew not sinne but by the Law for I had not knowne lust except the Law had said thou shalt not lust Exod. 20. 17. 9 I was once aliue without the Law but when the Commandement came sinne reuiued 14 For the Law is spirituall but I am carnall sold vnder sinne 24 O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer mee from the body of this death PSAL. 119. 9. Wherewithall shall a yong man cleanse his way euen by ruling himselfe after thy Word A Prayer for any priuate Person MOST mighty God and in Iesus Christ my most louing Father and mercifull Sauiour I being one of the meanest of thy seruants and vnworthy of the least of all thy mercies do acknowledge and confesse thy great goodnesse and bounty towards mee in that thou hast from my birth till this present powerfully preserued mee graciously susteyned mee and mercifully prouided all things needfull for my soule and body as well as for thy deerest children Thou mightst haue made mee a serpent hatefull and loathsome to all thy creatures Thou mightst haue vtterly taken from mee the spirit of wisedome vnderstanding and knowledge and giuen me vp into a reprobate minde and into a foolish and corrupt iudgement to hate the truth and to beleeue lies Thou mightst haue taken from me health strength and soundnesse of body and continually haue tormented mee with paines sickenesses and diseases and haue fastened all the sharpe arrowes of thy wrathfull indignation in my head heart liuer lungs and other members of my body Thou mightst haue depriued me of all the meanes of necessary maintenance and made mee a common reproach and by-word to the most abiect and basest people Yea thou mightst with-draw thy presence from mee and cause the fretting worme of feare and despaire to gnaw on my heart day and night giuing mee my portion heere with the wicked and after death with the damned in hell for euermore But louing Fathert ●y mercy hath beene endlesse towards mee a wretched sinner thou hast not with-drawne thy louing kindnesse from mee but alwaies comforted and refreshed mee both in soule and body with all things needfull thou hast reioyced my heart with the riches of thy grace thou hast measurably corrected mee louingly instructed mee and plentifully offered the meanes of saluation vnto mee And now most gracious God least I forget those fearefull iudgements oft-time● inflicted on thy deerest children and despise these heauenly graces and tender mercies through the deceitfulnesse of sinne sathan and this euill world thou that openest mine eyes from bodily sleepe of the night open I beseech thee also the eyes of my minde enlighten me with the sauing knowledge of thee thy blessed will and holy waies that I sleepe not in death lighten the heauinesse of my wordly heart waken the drowsinesse of my dul dead spirit reforme and set in order my sensuall and earthly affections take from me this hardnesse of heart rebellion of will foolish thoughts vaine imaginations selfe-loue pride frowardnesse take from me the way of lying dissembling double-dealing treachery flattery worldly craftinesse and all vnlawfull getting Conuert ô Lord and strengthen my vnbeleeuing fearefull and distrustfull heart that trusting in thee the liuing God and relying wholly on thy gracious prouidence in the lawfull vse of such meanes as thou daily offerest to mee I may escape the snares of the deuill and auoid a sea of euils whereinto the men of this world doe plunge themselues to eternall perdition O Lord incline my heart to thy Word and not to couetousnesse cause mee to valew the worth thereof aboue gold and siluer and to humble my selfe to my Spirituall Pastors and Teachers whom thou hast sent to call mee out of the darkenesse of this world into thy maruellous light Giue mee power and strength to redresse my waies according to thy Word and let not those common sinnes of presumption and carnall security get the dominion ouer mee Inable mee in some good measure to discerne the spirits of men and the vaine fashion of this transitory world that I turne not aside with the multitude to do euill but that I may delight in the Saints heere on earth and such as excell in vertue And whereas Satan and his instruments are enemies to Christian loue and fellowship giue me wisedome strength and constancie that I neither giue offence vnto them whereby they should withdraw themselues from my company neither yet take offence at their infirmities and imperfections that I should withdraw my affections from them to sort my selfe with such as know not thee feare not thee and condemne the generation of thy children Giue me grace to walke warily in these latter euill daies preserue my going out and comming in this day and euermore and send thy good Angell to guide and protect mee in all my waies And as ô Lord I grow elder in yeares and euery day draw neerer to my graue so grant that I may grow in knowledge faith hope loue and all vertue that when it shall please thee to call me to giue vp an account of my Stewardship I may enter into thine euerlasting ioy Vouchsafe ô Lord to bestow and encrease these graces in me for thy deerely beloued Sons sake Christ Iesus my Sauiour in whom onely thou art well pleased to whom with Thee and the holy Spirit bee giuen all honour glory praise and thankesgiuing now and for euer Thankes-giuing before Meate VVEe thank thée O heauenly Father for all thy mercies and blessings heretofore bestowed vpon vs and still continued and renewed vnto vs and especially at this time for these thy good creatures that of thine owne goodnesse and bounty thou hast ordained and prouided for the maintenance of our bodies giue them vertue and power to nourish vs that thereby our strengths being renued wee may bee made the more fit and able to serue thee in the duties of our Callings to thy honour and glorie and to the comfort of our owne soules and consciences through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Thankes-giuing after Meate THe God of all glory and power who hath created redéemed and presently ●ed vs hee blessed and praised now and for euermore Amen God preserue his Church our King his Realmes and Dominions increase in vs a true and liuely faith continuall peace of conscience and the comfortable ioy of the Holy Ghost through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen FINIS
knowledge of our sinne and misery and also of perfect holinesse and righteousnesse should come by the Law that so working guilt of sinne feare of iudgement and vtter despaire of life in the conscience wee might bee inforced to flie to Christ for succour and reliefe in this distressed estate and that being in Christ the sting of death which is sin and the strength of sinne which is the rigour of the Law îs abolished and is become the rule of Christian life and a Tree of life to them that eate thereof seeing I say it is thus let vs desire to eate of this Tree for the fruites thereof are not grieuous yea they are pleasant delightfull and more sweet then hony and the hony combe to the sanctified taste reuiuing and quickning the soule to eternall life For these causes did the Lord so strictly charge the Israelites to exercise themselues in his Lawes continually And that they might haue them in perfect remembrance aboue all things hee commandeth them to rehearse them continually to their children to write them vpon the posts of their houses and vpon their gates Deut. 11. 18. 19. and to weare fringes couered with a riband of blew silke on the borders of their garments for the same end Numb 18. ●9 that in all things in all places and at all times they might as an holy and peculiar people do the will of God and not their owne lusts as the Gentiles do Deut. 26. 17. 18. 19. Now although these and such like ceremonies be abolished yet the Law is euerlasting and giueth no more liberty of sinning to vs then vnto them yea hauing receiued greater measure of the Spirit of Adoption wee should more ioyfully and cheerefully performe all obedience then they that had but the spirit of bondage viz. who like children were held in awe with temporall threatnings and sharper outward punishments Let vs therefore which haue receiued the promises which they saw a farre of freely without constraint ingenuously and willingly as adopted sons reade heare talke and meditate in the Law continually and in steed of Iewish fringes ribands and Phylacteries fitter for children then men of perfect age let vs carry the Law ingrauen in the fleshy tables of our hearts And because the Law maketh but shallow impression in our stony hearts and is therefore quickly defaced and worne out with the rust of corruption wee haue need of daily meanes to cleanse purge and correct those furring vessels and so much the more because wee haue also corrupters and tempters without vs and about vs the world and the deuill that old deceitfull cauiller withdrawing and mis-leading vs in euery action and thought of the mind from the will of God to their owne lusts Now for thy more distinct knowledge and more spirituall and true vnderstanding of the Law for thy better direction in all matters and for thy furtherance in godlinesse and vertue in these latter euill daies wherein that wicked one 1. Ioh. 2. 14. so wonderfully hardneth the hearts of most men 2. Tim. 3. 1. I haue drawne an Exposition of the Commandements in such a forme and order with such breuity and fulnesse and with so many manifest proofes as that any man learned or vnlearned may reape great benefite thereby And seeing that it is easie for the price waighty for the matter and light for the carriage either in pocket or in thy bosome or in thy handes thinke it I pray thee no more trouble to thee then Fringes and Phylacteries Mat. 23. 5. were to the Iewes then Crosses and Crucifixes to the Papists who think hereby to scarre away deuils whereas indeed the deuils know where to take vp their Iunes and Lodgings by these whorish tokens markes Contrarily here thou hast God speaking plainely to thee and louingly instructing thee and informing thee as a father doth his sonne Thou hast heere a powerfull weapon euen the voyce of God to scarre away deuils and to reproue the wicked in all their vniust dealings Whatsoeuer men say iudge or do and howsoeuer the world swaggeth and reeleth as the spirit of the aire that worketh in the children of disobedience hales it from iniquity to iniquity Heere thou hast a firme Foundation and vnmoueable Rocke cleaue to this Rocke confidently and build therevpon without wauering so shalt thou abide for euer 1. Ioh. 2. 17. when others with their wisedomes shall come to naught 1. Cor. 2. 6. and with their vnfruitfull workes of darkenesse shall perish euerlastingly For they that haue done good as the Law of God informeth them shall go into life euerlasting and they that haue done euill shall go into euerlasting fire Thine in the Lord T. G. To the Christian Reader Grace and Peace GOOD Reader thou hast heere a small Treatise penned by a learned Diuine wherein is plainely laid downe the sense and meaning of euery Commandement both in the Negatiue and Affirmatiue part as well of Graces commanded as of sinnes forbidden confirmed with many pregnant proofes of Scripture wherein much is expressed in few words Which Treatise I haue pervsed and doe esteeme it very profitable especially for the vnlearned which desire knowledge and the rather because I know none that hath opened the Commandements so fully in this manner I commend it to thy diligent reading continuall remembrance and carefull practise and thee to the Grace of God and to his fauour in Christ Thine in the Lord Neuill Drant A Profitable and Familiar Exposition of the Commandements THE FIRST COMMANDEMENT Thou shalt haue none other Gods but mee THe occasion of this Commandement is our lusting after false Gods The principall vertues herein commanded are sixe First The knowledge of God Iohn 17. 2. Secondly The loue of God aboue all Deut. 6. 5. Fiue signes of the true loue of God 1 A pure heart a good conscience faith vnfeigned 1. Tim. 1. 5. 2 Our loue to his Word Ioh. 14. 5. of this there are two signes also first To loue them that loue it Psal 119. 63. secondly To draw others to loue it Deut. 6. 5. 6. 7. 3 Loue of our brethren 1. Iohn 4. 19. 20. 4 Reioying to thinke and talke of Christ more then any worldly thing Gal. 6. 14. 15. 5 Our loue to all things that pertaine to his seruice Psal 84. 1. 2. 3. Thirdly trust and affiance in God Ier. 17. 7. Fiue signes of true confidence in God 1 To seeke for the fauour and countenance of God aboue all worldly things Psal 4. 6. 7. Math. 6. 33. 2 Delight in the Lord. Ps 37. 4. 3 Hope in the Lord Ps 37. 35. 4 Cleauing alwaies to the Lord Iosh 23. 8. Act. 11. 23. 5 Comfort in the Lord in troubles 1. Sam. 30. 6. Fourthly Feare of God Ps 128. 1. Deut. 28. 59. 1. Sam. 12. 24. Two signes of the feare of God 1 To eschew euill Gen. 39. 9. Iob. 1. 1. 2 To do good Gen. 22. 12. Ps 112. 1. This feare is bred and preserued in vs by foure meanes