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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01377 The Christians profession, or A treatise of the grounds and principles of diuinity by way of question and answer. In which all the chiefe grounds of religion are so plainely proued and explained by the Word of God, as that the meanest capacitie may by reading vnderstand the same. I. G., fl. 1630. 1630 (1630) STC 11498; ESTC S120492 43,346 118

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a Fast pag. 88. Concer a holy Feast ibid. Concer the exercises for the day pag. 89. Concer the Persons belonging to the Administration of the Kingdome of Christ pag. 90 Concerning the death of the Righteous and the wicked pag. 91. Concerning what is common to both and proper to each ibid. Concerning the last Resurrection pag. 92. Concerning the last Iudgement pag. 93. Concerning the signes going before pag. 95. Conce the end of Christs comming to Iudgement pag. 96. Concer the Glorification of the Saints ibid. Concer Christs deliuering vp his Kingdome to his Father ibid. Concer God being All in All. pag. 97. The Christians Profession Question WHereupon ought Faith and true Religion to bee grounded Answer Vpon the written Word of God contained in the holy Scriptures of the old new Testamen (a) Ephe. 2.20 Concerning the Scriptures and the Attributes of them And are built vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Iesus Christ himselfe being the chiefe corner stone Qu. Who is the author of these ●oly Scriptures An. God himselfe (b) Heb. 1.1 Who at sundry times and in diuers manners spake in times past vnto the Fathers by the Prophets Qu. How came these Scriptures first to the Church from God An. By diuine inspiration (c) 2. Tim. 3.16 All Scriptures is giuen by inspiration of God (d) 2. Pet. 1.20 Knowing this first that no pro phecy of the Scripture is of any priuate interpretation for the Prophesie came not in the old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moued by the holy Ghost Qu. To what end were they giuen An. Perfectly to teach vs what to beleeue to saluation how to liue well (e) 2. Tim. 3.16 All Scripture is profitable for Doctrine for reproofe for correction for instruction in righteousnesse Qu. Of what authority be these holy Scriptures A. Of the highest authority aboue al men or Angels therfore the authority of the Church Councels Fathers is far inferior therunto (f) Gal. 1.8 But though we or an Angell from heauen preach any other Gospell vnto you then that which we haue preached vnto you let him be accursed Qu. What is the reason of this An. First because they are of God Secondly because they only not the Church nor any humane authority do bind the conscience (g) Isa 33.22 For the Lord is our Iudge the Lord is our Lawgiuer the Lord is our King he will saue vs. Qu. Which be those bookes of the holy Scriptures An. the Old and New Testament Qu. Which be those of the Old Teastament An. The Law and the Prophets Q. Which be those of the Law A. The fiue booke of Moses called Genesis Exodus Leuiticus Numbers Deuterono Q. Which be those of the Prophets An. Some are Historicall Some Doctrinall and some Propheticall greater and lesser Histo Ioshua Iudges Ruth 1.2 Samuel 1.2 Kings 1.2 Chron. Ezra Nehemia Hester Doct. Iob. Psalmes Prouerbs Ecclesiastes Canticles Lamentati Propheti greater Isaiah Ieremiah Ezekiel Daniel Lesser Hosea Ioel. Amos. Obadia Ionah Micha Nahum Habakk●k Zephania Haggai Zacharia Malachi Qu. What be the Bookes of the new Testament An. Some are Historicall some Doctrinall and some Propheticall Histo of Christ and the Apostles Mathew Marke Luke Iohn Acts. Doct. The Epistles of Paul to the Churches Romans 1.2 Cor. Galathi Ephesia 1.2 Thes The Author to the Hebrewes Doct. Pauls Epistles to particular Persons 1.2 Tim. Titus Philemon The small Epistles writen by seueralmen Iames. 1.2 Peter 1.2.3 Iohn Iude. The Reuelations which is Prophticall Qu. How is it proued that these Scriptures are the word of God An. First by the perfect concord and agreement betweene all the writings notwithstanding the diuersity of persons by whom place where times when and matters whereof they were written Secondly the admirable force and maiesty that is in them (h) Mebr. 4.12 For the word of God is liuely and mighty in operation and sharper then any two edged sword and entreth through euen vnto the diuiding asunder of the soule and the spirit and of the ioynts and the marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts the intens of the heart Thirdly by the Spirits accompanying the same in the minestery thereof Hitherto of the Scriptures Qu. What doe you consider of concerning God An. Foure things 1. His Nature 2. His Attributes 3. The Trinity of persons 4. His workes Qu. What is God Concerning God An. An eternall Essence that hath being of himselfe (i) Ex● 3.14 And God answered Moses I AM that I AM. Qu. Of how many sorts be his Atributs An. Of two sorts 1. Incommunicable Concerning the Attributes of God 2. Communicable Qu. What be the Attributes of God incommunicable An. Two 1. Simplenes of Nature 2. Infinitenesse Qu. What is that you call simplenesse of Nature An. It is an essenticall property in God whereby euery thing in God is God himselfe (k) 1. Iohn 4.16 God is Loue. Qu. What doe you consider of his infinitnesse An. That is either in greatnesse or eternity Qu. What is his greatnesse An. It is an essentiall property in God whereby he containeth al things and is contained of nothing Qu. What is his infinitenesse in eternity An. It is an essentiall property in God whereby (l) Reue. 1.8 He is the first and the last Qu. What are the Attributes in God which are communicable An. Those which he doth communicate to others Exod. 34.6 as power wisedome mercy and such like Qu. Are these in men or Angels as they are in God An. No in God they bee essentiall in vs by participation in him absolutely perfect 1. Cor. 13.9 in vs imperfect in him without measure in all fulnesse in vs by measure (m) Ioh. 1.16 of his fulnesse we receiue Qu. What is further to be considered of concerning God An. Concerning the Trinity of person● Ioh. 14.16 The Trinitie of persons Qu. What is a person in Trinity An. A distinct substance hauing in it the whole Godhead (n) Colos 2.9 In him dwelleth all the fulnesse of the godhead bodily Qu. What is the Father An. The first person in the Trinity who hath of himselfe begotten his son (o) Psal 2.7 Thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten thee Qu. What is the Sonne An. The second person in Trinity eternally begotten of the substance of the Father (p) Iohn 1.18 no man hath seene God at any time the onely begotten sonne which is in the bosom of the Father he hath declared him Qu. What is the holy Ghost An. The third person in Trinity proceeding eternally from the Father and the Son (q) Ioh. 15.26 But when the comforter shal come whom I wil send vnto our fró the Father euen the spirit of truth which proceedeth of the Father Qu. Is euery one of the three persons the eternall God An. Yes the Father is God
(r) Rom. 1.7 Iohn 17.3 Grace and peace be with you from God the Father The Sonne is God (ſ) Isa 9.6 For vnto vs a child is borne and vnto vs a son is giuen and the gouernment is vpon his shoulder and he shall call his name wonderfull counseller the mighty God (t) Ioh. 1.1 1. Ioh. 5.20 In the beginning was the word the word was God The holy Ghost is God (u) Act. 5.3 then said Peter Ananias why hath Sathan filled thine heart that thou shouldest lie vnto the holy Ghost Thou hast not lyed vnto men but vnto God Qu. How are these three said to bee one An. They are one in beeing and Essence but three persons and substances Qu. Euery one of these being true Gods are there more Gods then one An. No there is but one God onely (x) 1. Cor. 8.5.6 Deut. 6.4 For though there be that are called Gods yet vnto vs there is but one God Qu. What is the reason that these three are but one God An. Because the godhead is communicable to all the persons but the persons are not communicable (y) Ioh. 14.10 Beleeuest thou not that I am in the Father and the Father is in me Qu. What are the personall properties An. In the Father to beget in the Sonne to bee begotten in the holy Ghost to proceed from the Father and the Son (z) Ioh. 1.18 No man hath seene God at any time the onely begotten sonne of the father he hath declared him (a) Ioh. 15.26 but when the comforter the holy Ghost shall come whom I will send vnto you fróthe Father euen the spirit of truth which proceedeth from the Father Hitherto of the Trinity Qu. What doe you consider concerning the workes of God An. Two things 1. The decree of God Concerning the Decree of God in generall 2. The execution of the decree Qu. What is God decree An. It is the most perfect will of God whereby he appointeth all things (b) Ephe. 1.11 In whom also we wre chosen when we were predestinate according to the purpose of him which worketh all things after the counsell of his owne will Qu. What doe you consider of his decree An. Two things 1. That it is generall 2. That it is speciall Qu. What is his generall decree An. It is that which is vniuersall of all things from the beginning of the world vnto the end of the same (c) Act. 15.18 From the beginning of the world God knoweth all his workes Qu. What is his speciall decree An. It is that which is speciall and particular of some things as men and Angels called predestination (d) Rom. 8.30 Whom he predestinated Qu. What is Predestination An. Concerning Predestination in speciall It is the decree of God concerning the eternall estate of men and Angels Qu. What are the parts of Predestination An. Two 1. Election 2. Reprobation Qu. What is Election An. Concerning Election with the cause and end thereof Gods eternall chusing or appoynting of certaine men and Angels to eternall life (e) Ephe. 1.4 He hath chosen vs in him before the foundatió of the world (f) Rom. 9.23 And that hee might declare the riches of his glory vpon the vessels of mercy which he hath appoynted vnto glory Qu. Concerning reprobation and the end thereof What is Reprobation An. Gods eternall appoynting of some men and Angells to destruction (g) Rom. 9.22 What if God would to shew his wrath to make his power knowne suffer with long patience the vessels of wrath appoynted to destruction (h) 1. Pet. 2.8 And a stone to stumble and a rocke of offence euen to them which stumble at the word being disobedient vnto the which thing they were euer ordeined (i) Iude 4. For there are certaine men crept in which were of old ordained to this condemnation Qu. What is the cause of this decree An. The will of God onely (k) Rom. 9.18 Therfore he hath mercy on whom hee will and whom he will he hardeneth Qu. When did this decree beginne An. It was before the foundation of the world was layd therefore eternall (l) Ephe. 1.4 He hath chosen vs in time before the foundation of the world Qu. VVhat is the end of his Election An. The prayse of his glorious grace (m) Ephe. 1.5 6. Who hath predestinated vs in him to the praise of the glory of his grace Qu. VVhat is the end of his reprobation An. The prayse of his glorious Iustice (n) Pro. 16.4 God made all things for his owne glory euen the wicked for the day of wrath Qu. Can this decree be altered An. No but remaineth vnchangeable the same for euer (o) Iames 1.17 Euery good and perfect gift is from aboue and commeth downe from the Father of lights with whom is no variablenes neither shaddow of turning Hitherto of the Decree Qu. Concerning the execution of Gods Decree What is the execution of the decree An. The fulfilling of that which is decreed (p) Ephe. 1.11 Daniel 4.21 Who worketh all things after the counsell of his owne will Qu. What are the parts of execution An. Two 1. Creation 2. Prouidence Qu. Concerning the Creation ●ngenerall VVhat is Creation An. The giuing of the first being forme and quality to euery creature Qu. VVhat are the parts of Creation An. Two 1. The rude Masse of the world wherein all things were confounded one with another 2. The beautifull frame and fashion of the world Qu. VVhereof was this rude Masse made An. Of nothing (q) Heb. 11.3 Through faith we vnderstand that the world was ordained by the word of God so that the things which wee see are not made of things that did appeare Qu. How was it kept and preserued An. By the holy Ghost (r) Gen. 1.2 And the earth was without forme and voyd darkenesse was vpon the deepe and the Spirit of God moued vpon the waters Qu. VVhat doe you consider in the frame and fashion of the world An. Two things 1. The Elemens which are most simple substances 2. The bodies which are compounded of the Elements Qu. What are those Elements An. They are foure First Fire Secondly Ayre Thirdly Earth Fourthly Water Qu. VVhat vnderstand you by the bodies compounded An. The rest of the creatures made of the vneuen mixture of the Elements Qu. How many sorts of creatures be there created An. Two 1. Visible (ſ) Col. 1.16 For by him were all things made which are in heauen and which are in earth things visible things inuisible 2. Inuisible (ſ) Col. 1.16 For by him were all things made which are in heauen and which are in earth things visible things inuisible Qu. How many sorts of visible creatures be there An. Two 1. Sensible Sensible man Insensible al the rest of the creatures 2. Insensible Sensible man Insensible al the rest of the creatures Qu.