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A67217 Comfort for believers, or, A discourse of the duty and priviledge of being sealed by the Holy Spirit In five sermons upon Eph. I. 13-- published for the establishment of weak believers, who are fill'd with doubts and fears about their eternal state. By Nathanael VViles pastor of a Church of Christ in Shadwell. Wyles, Nathaniel. 1696 (1696) Wing W3770A; ESTC R221272 44,526 168

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have those witnessing Sealing Testimonies of the Spirit which we have discours'd of and described to you I say for any but real Christians to have these is utterly impossible which brings me now to give the Reasons why none but real Believers are or can be Sealed by the Spirit of God And the Reasons to make it evident and plain shall be taken 1. From the Author 2. From the Nature 3. From the Object Matter 4. From the Mediums And Lastly from the great design and end of the Holy Spirit in his glorious Sealing Work 1. Reason taken from the Author of this Sealing Work viz. the Spirit of God who is the Spirit of Holiness and Spirit of Truth So Christ calls him John 14. 17. I will pray the Father for you and he shall send you another Comforter c. even the Spirit of Truth who shall lead and guide you into all Truth John 16. 13 14. Now he being a Spirit of Holiness and Truth he cannot witness to a Lye or give a Testimony quite contrary to the whole tenour of the Sacred Word of God Whose word is a word of Truth and not of Falshood John 17. 17. The Spirit Indicted the Scriptures and they are all like him that is Truth Now were the Spirit to Seal Unbelievers he would give a Testimony quite cross to the Word of Truth which he will never do The Elect themselves while in a natural state have no actual Interest in Christ nor the Promises therefore while in that state they can have none Sealed to them They that have no actual Interest in Christ and in the Promises of the Gospel cannot be Sealed by the Spirit of Promise We must my Beloved be Saints before we can be known to be so a Man must be in Christ before he can know he is in Christ and a Believer before he can know he is a Believer and that he has Faith in Christ 2. Reason is taken from the nature of this work of Sealing If you consider the nature of it it cannot be that Unbelievers should be Sealed Assurance is produced in the Souls of Believers by the reflexive acts of their Faith the Spirit in Sealing Believers helps them to reflect upon what he hath formerly done and wrought in their Souls 1 John 2. 3. Hereby saith John we know that is we Believers that have closed in with Christ and have him to plead for us c. that we know him Now to know that we know is a reflex Act as one says and there can be no reflex Acts where there is no direct Acts of Faith it is impossible that there should be a reflex Act before a direct Act of Faith No Man can have the evidence of his Faith before the habit of it be infused and the vital act first performed therefore deceive not your Souls with vain hopes of Heaven 3. Reason of this is taken from the object Matter to which the Spirit Seals and that you will find to be his own Sanctifying Operations upon the Heart or in the Hearts of those that he Seals and consequently to their great priviledges and advantages in Christ Jesus the Spirit witnesses to Believers that they are Christ's and that he hath loved them with an everlasting Love and shed his precious Blood for them Rev. 1. 5 6. This the Spirit Seal'd to Paul Gal. 2. 20. I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me And the life saith he that I live in the flesh is by the faith of the Son of God who hath loved me and given himself for me How did Paul know this but by the still voice of the Spirit who discovered in particular Christ's love to him The Spirit in Sealing Believers doth attest That Christ abideth in them and that they are the Sons of God Rom. 8. 16. 1 John 3. 24. Hereby we know that he viz. Christ abideth in us by the Spirit which he hath given to us Now no such thing as this can be Sealed to us until we believe because neither our Adoption nor Sanctification is before Faith John 1. 12. Gal. 3. 26. When Persons believe truly in Jesus Christ then are they actually Sons of God and really Sanctified and not before for our Hearts are said to be purified by or through Faith Acts 15. 9. Therefore Persons being unsanctified cannot be Sealed before Faith in the Blood of Christ 4. Reason it is thus If you consider the Mediums or Instruments made use of in this work of Sealing The Spirit of God in Sealing his People makes use of the great and precious Promises therefore he is called a Spirit of Promise in our Text He is not so called only because he is the Spirit promised Ezek. 36. 27. but secondly because he opens and applies the Promises to Believers which he doth when they believe and are united to Christ and not before The Spirit clears the Promises to their Understandings and by Faith enables them to apply them to their own Souls but still remember 't is after Faith for 'till a Person is united to Christ he has no true saving right to the Promises they are Childrens Bread and Dogs that are without must not meddle with them Matth. 15. 26 27. Rev. 22. 15. But Fifthly The Fifth Reason is taken from the great End and Design of the Spirit in this Sealing Work which is to secure to the believing Soul its Peace pardon of Sin and eternal Salvation with Christ in Glory The end of our Faith we read is the Salvation of our Souls and this is the end of the Spirit 's Sealing to secure it to the Soul 1 Pet. 1. 9 10. The Spirit of God is said Eph. 4. 30. To Seal Believers to the day of Redemption that is to their compleat Salvation in Christ We are all by nature in bondage to Sin and Corruption and we are Redeemed from Sin by the first coming of Christ Matth. 1. 21. Tit. 2. 14. And shall be fully and perfectly Redeemed from all Sin at his second Now in the mean time 'till this be God would have his People to be assured of it before-hand therefore he hath given his Spirit to Seal them up to the Day of Redemption Now my Beloved it is as equally impossible for Unbelievers as such to be Sealed as Saved And the Word saith Matth 16. 16. He that believeth not shall be damned And John 8. 24. Says Christ to the Jews If you believe not ye shall die in your sins Thus you see the Doctrine is clear That the great priviledge of Sealing by the Spirit follows the Act of Believing and goes not before it I should have shown you now Thirdly Whether all Believers are Sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise but our time is gone therefore I shall sum up all with a short Word of Application and leave what has been said to the Blessing of God 1. Vse If none are Sealed nor can be Saved until they believe in Christ
may know and have cleared up to them and that upon a five-fold account as First Because the Sealing of us by the Spirit is not in regard of God but in regard of our selves As for God he knoweth them that are his 2 Tim. 2. 19. But we do not know neither can we that we are God's but by the Sealing of his good Spirit and this Sealing is on purpose that we may know God is our Father and we are his Children Paul tells us Gal. 4. 6. That therefore God hath sent his Spirit into our hearts that we may cry Abba Father But Secondly Because the Scope of the Word which was Indited by the Spirit is for our comfort and that we might have hope Rom. 15. 4. For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our Learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope Now Beloved what comfort can a Man have in an uncertain condition wherein he knows not but he may be a Reprobate But again Thirdly Why did Christ Jesus come into the World and take our Natures upon him Why did he become a Curse for us and carry our Natures when he had suffered into Heaven there to appear before God for us 'till he has brought all home Gal. 3. 13 Heb. 9. 24. I say why hath and doth Christ all this for us but to have us out of all doubt of his Love and Good-will after once we have received him by Faith For having loved his own he loves them to the end John 13. ● Fourthly We may come to arrive at some knowledge of our state in Grace because we are commanded to make our calling and election sure Now God doth not injoin Impossibilities upon us but commands that which may be done and bids us seek after that which may be attained to 2 Pet. 1. 10. Give all diligence to make your calling and election sure But Fifthly What use are the Sacraments for especially the Lord's Supper but to confirm our Faith and seal up Christ's Benefits to us Saith Christ to the Noble Man that besought him to come down and heal his Son John 4. 47 48. Except ye see signs and wonders ye will not believe Christ sets the Elements of Bread and Wine in the Lord's Supper before us that by these visible signs our Faith and Grace might be strengthened As Faith comes by hearing Rom. 10. 17. so it is confirmed by seeing Christ Crucified which by Faith may be seen in the Lord's Supper This Sacrament is not only a bare sign to represent Christ to us but it is a Seal to confirm our Interest in him He that would have his Grace strengthened must be found in this Ordinance in which Christ is set forth and as it were lively Crucified Gal. 13. 1 2. It was a saying of Bernard When my spiritual strength begins to fail I know a Remedy saith he I will go to the Table of the Lord and there I will eat and drink to recover my decayed strength God meets his at the Table and there seals up his love to them and strengthens their Graces Cant. 1. 13. While the King sits at his Table my spikenard sends forth its smell Christ's presence in his Ordinances stirred up the Spouse's Graces and put them into exercise Now after all this shall we doubt of God's love to us especially when besides the Sealing of the Promises to us we our selves are sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise Object But some may say We should not doubt did we but know this That we do Believe truly Answ As it is the Office of the Holy Spirit to work Faith and other Graces in the Soul so to reveal this Faith and Grace to the Soul The Grace of God is Light in its self because it comes from him who is the Father of Lights from whom comes every good and perfect Gift James 1. 17. And it is the property of Light not only to discover other things but it self also And observe also That the Spirit gives Light to this Light by shining on his own Graces wrought in the Soul 1 Cor. 2. 12. We have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that we might know the things which are freely given to us of God And says Paul Rom. 8. 16. The Spirit it self beareth witness c. we are the Children of God God's Children know that he is their Father and they his Children but the remainders of sin and corruption are still breeding doubts in the Soul but it is the office of the Spirit of Faith to quell them as they arise We are too prone in a time of temptation to doubt and have great fears But Sirs we need not help the Tempter as some do by holding it a Duty to doubt of Salvation when Christ saith be not faithless but believing Oh! have a care of this and rouse up your selves and say as David when doubts arise and your Souls are disquieted Psalm 48. ult Why art thou cast down O my Soul and why art thou disquieted within me hope thou in God for I shall yet praise him who is the health of my countenance and my God But Secondly From the Sealing of the Spirit I infer That Persons upon knowing their present state in Grace may be assured for the time to come For the Sealing of Believers by the Spirit is not only for the present but to the Day of Redemption Eph. 4. 30. Grieve not the Holy Spirit saith Paul whereby ye are Sealed to the Day of Redemption That is 'till they come to the full possession of that Glory which now they believe and hope for And besides this Sealing of the Spirit is for the securing of Believers for the time to come John 14. 16 17. Faith and Love and other Graces of the Spirit never sail finally but ever remain in their Habits though sometimes lost in the exercise True Faith sets us in a state of Salvation and we being put into Christ by Faith or ingraffed into him the Vine are risen with him and sits with him in heavenly places as you may see Eph. 2. 5 6. True Faith makes the things to come present for it is the substance ground or confidence of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen Heb. 11. 1. 2. Faith also Believes that neither life nor death principalities or powers things present or to come can never separate the Soul from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord Rom. 8. 38 39. So that Beloved the Assurance of Believers is not only for the present but for the time to come For they are Sealed up to the Day of Redemption even to that day in which Christ shall fetch them to Glory Who is there my Brethren that can reverse the Seal of God and make it void Grace is an earnest Penny for Glory and where God gives the one he 'll give the other Psal 84. 11. For thou wilt give Grace
to Salvation In whom after that ye believed c. 2. The nature of this Assurance Paul calls it a Sealing ye were sealed c. Assurance says one is like to a Seal for three things 1. It confirms the Grants of God And 2. It declares the purpose of God And Lastly It distinguishes the Persons so priviledged from other Persons 3. Here is the Author of this Sealing viz. The Holy Spirit of Promise Ye were Sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise It is he Beloved that keeps the great Seal of Heaven and it is his Office to Seal and to confirm to Believers their Interest in Christ by Faith and right to Heaven and Glory As it is his work to sanctifie so also to seal Believers and witness to them their Adoption Rom. 8. 16. The Spirit witness with our Spirits that we are the children of God 4. You have the quality of this Spirit that seals Believers he is a Holy Spirit and he seals the Saints as an Holy Spirit of Promise Now the Spirit 's sealing thus 1. as an holy Spirit relates to his previous work of Sanctification in the Souls of them he seals the Spirit first sanctifies and then seals the Soul 2. As a Spirit of Promise this respects the Medium or Instrument made use of by him in his sealing of Believers viz. the Promises of God which are made in or with Christ the Head for all Believers and given to them thro' him 2 Pet. 1. 4. The Spirit opens and applies the Promises of the Gospel to Believers in order to their sealing Thus having opened the Text and given the Analyses of it we shall note two Doctrines First Doctrine That the Spirit of God who is a sealing Spirit is a holy Spirit or a Spirit of Holiness the Sanctifier of unholy Persons he is called by this Name often in the Scriptures 1 Thes 1. 5. As the Devil is an unclean Spirit or a Spirit of uncleanness Matth. 12. 43. so the Spirit of God is a holy Spirit or a Spirit of holiness We read of the sanctification of the Spirit 1 Pet. 1. 3. And we are said 2 Cor. 3. 18. to be changed from glory to glory into the Image and likeness of Christ even by the Spirit of promise I shall not inlarge upon this only beseech you in Christ's stead to examine your selves whether you have this holy Spirit of Promise dwelling in you know this that if you have not the Spirit of Christ Profess what you will you are none of his Rom. 8. 9. Have you therefore the Spirit or not If you have then you are Christ's and transform'd into his Image and Likeness you are made comely through his comeliness put upon you Ezek. 16. 14. If you have not the Spirit you are still under the power of Satan led captive by him at his will 2 Tim. 2. 26. He rules in your hearts and has his throne there Eph. 2. 2 3. Quest How shall we know we have the Spirit Answ By his blessed Operations and Fruit in your Souls where the Spirit is the Soul is changed and renewed and there 's Faith Love Patience and other Fruits of the Spirit 1 Cor. 5. 17. Gal. 5. 21 22. Second Doctrine The great Priviledge and Blessing of sealing by the Spirit follows the duty and act of Believing In whom also after that ye believed ye were sealed with the holy Spirit of Promise For the prosecution of this great Truth for your Edification and building up in Christ Jesus I shall 1. Shew you what the sealing of the Spirit is and how it is performed by him in the Soul 2. Shew you why none are sealed with the Spirit till after they do believe and close in with Christ by Faith 3. Shew whether all Believers are sealed by the Spirit 4. Shew you the great Priviledges of them that are Sealed 5. Then sum up all by way of Application 1. Shew you what the Spirit 's Sealing is and how it is performed by him in the Soul In general the Sealing of the holy Spirit is his giving a sure and certain testimony to the reality and truth of that Grace whichhe hath wrought in their Souls and to their saving Interest in Jesus Christ and propriety in all the promises of the Gospel that are made in Christ for all true Believers This is the Spirit 's Sealing whereby he resolves the fears and satisfies the Souls of Believers whom he seals about their state and condition This sealing Work is alone by the Spirit none else need do it and no meaner Person than he can do it The Holy Ghost delighteth to speak in our Language that we may understand him and because we cannot rise to him he therefore stoopeth unto us Under the Law we find that a matter of great concernment and weight was to be proved and confirmed by two sufficient Witnesses Deut. 19. 15. One witness shall not rise up against a Man for any iniquity c. at the mouth of two witnesses or at the mouth of three shall the matter be est ablished or confirmed Now the sincerity or uprightness of our Souls before God and our saving Interest in Jesus Christ are matters of great yea greater concernments to us than all in the World And being so they need a further Witness to confirm them than our own Spirits therefore the Spirit of God witnesseth with our Spirit that we are the Children of God thro' Christ Jesus 't is by him that we know God is our Father and that we are enabled to call upon him in Christ as our Father Gal. 4. 5 6. He hath given us the Spirit of his Son whereby we cry Abba Father This Sealing is not only a witnessing to us but it is a work upon us and in us carrying the Image of him that Sealeth us whereby saith Dr. Sibbs we are not only assured of the Good promised to us but freed for the receiving of it God prepares no Good for any but whom he prepares and fits by his Spirit for that good 2 Cor. 5. 4 5 6. There be three things that the Spirit doth in Sealing Believers which things all concur together and must be in this Sealing Work 1. The Spirit Sanctifies the Soul and makes it holy he never Seals before he Sanctifies this is the Spirit 's material and objective Seal where he is a Sealing Spirit there he is a Spirit of Sanctification he renews and changes the Soul and forms Christ's glorious Image upon it where the Spirit Seals he subdues Sin makes the Heart anew and enables them he Seals to cast off the works of darkness and put off the old man after the flesh with his deeds and put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness Eph. 4. 22 23 24. He Sanctifies them throughout in Body Mind and Spirit 1 Thes 5. 20. and makes them that were darkness to be light in the Lord Eph. 5. 4 5. Ye were sometimes darkness but now
see that in regard of Christ's death viz. the Intentionality of it there was a difference between the Elect and others For though all Men have a common yet 't is only the Elect who believe that have a special real benefit by it But Thirdly Yet know That all this while tho' there be a difference between the Elect and others in the Election of God and death of Christ yet there was no personal actual difference between them and others until they are sanctified and renewed and so are distinguished from other Men The Elect themselves considered in Adam are Children of wrath even as others till they are called and believe Eph. 2. 2 3. The Devil rules in them and they are kept in blindness by him as well as others 2 Cor. 4. 4 5. They are affar off from God Eph. ●● 13. and are wallowing in their Blood to the loathing of 〈◊〉 Persons till God say to them 〈…〉 ye Ezek. 16. 4 5 6. They are born in sin and polluted by it even as others till God sprinkle their Hearts with Christ's Blood Ezek. 36. 24 25. They are as vile as the vilest 1 Cor. 6. 11. Such were some of you viz. Thieves Covetous Lyars Swearers c. but now ye are washed now ye are sanctified by the Spirit of our God Fourthly Know that the Spirit of God in this objective Seal viz. Sanctification makes a real difference in the states and tempers of those that he thus Seals For says Paul If any Man be in Christ he is a new Creature old Passions and Corruptions are subdued in the Soul and all things are become new And the Spirit also manifests that difference which God in his chusing made between them he sanctifies and others 1 Thes 1. 4 5. Brethren ye know your Election of God But how did they know it The Gospel says he did not come in Word only but in power and in much assurance of joy in the Holy Ghost When the report of God is believed and the arm of the Lord revealed to any then they see that Eternal Love that God bore to them in Christ before the World was Vocation in time is a sign of Election from Eternity For those that God has Elected in Christ shall certainly be called by the Spirit out of Darkness into Light Fifthly Know further that all this while tho' a Person be sanctified which is the objective Seal of the Spirit yet he may not be formally Sealed i. e. he may not have his change of state and interest in Christ fully sealed up to him a Man's Sanctification may be very doubtful to himself and he may labour under many and great fears about it whether he is changed or no be in Christ or no so that this is one distinction we must make the kinds of the Spirit 's sealing a Man may have the objective Seal but not the formal Seal presently a Letter may be writ sometime before it is Sealed the Spirit may work Grace in the Soul some time before he sets his Seal to it But Secondly We must distinguish the times and seasons of the Spirit 's Sealing for there be various times of his sealing Believers as the kinds of the Spirit 's sealing are different so the seasons wherein he doth this work are many and various As First Some Persons though I think but few are sealed immediately upon their Believing in and closing with Christ by Faith they are no sooner Converted but Sealed but this is very rare and not common here and there one are sealed immediately by the Spirit upon Conversion I heard credibly of One that was convinced of Sin saw himself lost and undone and thereupon having a sight of Christ fled to him for Pardon Peace Life and all Grace and was enabled to close in with Christ by Faith and had also thereupon the Love of God and certainty of his being Saved Sealed up by the Spirit to him and all in an Hours time many Ministers and good Christians were amazed at it and afraid it was a Delusion but by close walking with God and a pious Conversation he declared it was God's work in him The prodigal Son returning home to his Father was thus immediately Sealed for he was entertained with a fatted Calf and sweet Musick and his Father ran and fell on his neck and kissed him Luke 15. 23 24 25. But all Believers find not this presently as soon as they are Converted nor for some time after 't is but few that are thus Seal'd by the Spirit Secondly Season The Spirit Seals in times of great and eminent communion with God through Christ Times of Communion are sealing times when the Soul sees and injoys God tastes of his matchless Love and the sweet kisses of his Mouth which are better than Wine Cant. 1. 2. Then there is much Joy and great out-lets of Peace and Comfort to that Soul When God meets and shines upon Believers in a Duty and in an Ordinance then he makes their state very obvious and clear to them then he banishes away all fears and doubts in their Souls and makes them rejoice with greater and better Joy than the World can afford saith David who was a Man much in Communion with God Psal 4. 7. Thou hast put more joy and gladness into my heart than when their Corn and Wine and Oil increase But how was this no otherways than by God's lifting up the Light of his Countenance upon his Soul which will gladen the heart indeed Thirdly Many have been sealed upon some great and eminent Tryals and Dangers that they have been exposed to for Christ's sake and his Gospel Many Persons in times of eminent sufferings for Jesus Christ wherein they have carried it with great meekness patience and self-denial are sealed they have much comfort and assurance given to them Paul tells us 2 Cor. 1. 4 5. That as their sufferings did abound for Christ so their consolations did abound in him For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us so our consolation also aboundeth by or in Christ And whether we be afflicted it is for our Consolation c. How were the Martyrs Sealed many times in the depth of their Suffering for Christ his Cause one cried out when he was going to dye Oh! Austin he is come he is come meaning Christ who then met him and by his Spirit Sealed up his Love to him Another when in the Flames injoy'd so much of God That he said He was as if he were in a bed of down He sweetly convers'd with God in the Flames Fourthly The Spirit usually Seals Persons after a dark day and time of desertion when they have been clouded and gone mourning for lack of the Sun Job 30. 18. When they have had hard and sore conflicts with Satan and their own base Lusts Thus some read and understand that Text Revel 2. 17. To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden Manna and I will give him a white Stone
COMFORT FOR BELIEVERS OR A Discourse of the Duty and Priviledge of being Sealed by the Holy Spirit In Five Sermons upon Eph. 1. 13 PUBLISHED For the Establishment of weak Believers who are fill'd with Doubts and Fears about their Eternal State By Nathanael VViles Pastor of a Church of Christ in Shadwell Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ and hath anointed us is God Who hath sealed us and given the earnest of the Spirit in our Hearts 2 Cor. 1. 21 22. London Printed for James Gibbs and to be sold by Caleb Hooker at the Muzeled-Bear upon VVapping-VVall near Peliean-Stairs Thi● Shadow Shadows out the Face of one Whose Life 's a Bubble and will soon be gone He is a Mortal and must shortly dye But hopes to live with Christ Eternally Who lost his Life and freely shed his Blood He trusts to Sāve and brīng him unto God My Flesh my Soul my All I owe to Thee My blēssed Lord whos̄e Stripes are Balm to me THE Epistle Dedicatory To all who are in God the Father and in our Lord Jesus Christ but particularly to the Church of Christ meeting in Shadwell Grace Mercy and Peace be multiplied Dearly Beloved THE wisest of Men hath told us excepting Christ that a word spoken in Season or as it is in the Original upon his Wheels is like Apples of Gold in Pictures of Silver Prov. 25. 11. Oh how excellent are Words rightly ordered placed and circumstantiated such words of all are the most excellent the most prevalent and the most pleasant Words that can be spoken they are most precious most desirable and most delectable the Lord grant that what is here spoken in this Treatise may be such kind of Words that all that read them may find them most precious most sweet and very seasonable To time a Word Beloved in Season is to set it upon the Wheels And Oh that this might be a Word well timed To speak a word to the purpose si Deo placuerit if it shall please the Lord is the project and design of this Book there is a great glory upon all words of Truth but there is a double Glory upon seasonable words of Truth Therefore in the following discourses I have made it my Care and Business to set before you a seasonable comfortable and encouraging Truth and if the Lord will set in by his Spirit I am sure you will find it such to be sealed by the Spirit and to have his Witness in our Hearts that God loves us with an Everlasting Love therefore with Loving Kindness he hath drawn us Jer. 31. 3. And that we are the Children of God is most sweet and comfortable there is nothing can or will encourage the Saints of God living and dying and comfort their Souls more than this A Seal beloved is for two Ends viz. Safety and Secresie and Sealing is used in three Cases First to keep things secret that they may not be seen Secondly Distinct that they may not be confused And Thirdly Safe that they may be forth-coming these uses you will find opened in the Book To set forth the unspeakable Priviledges of Believers Sealed by the Spirit from which may be drawn much comfort and sweetness there is not a more encouraging and comforting Truth in all the Book of God well understood and applied than this is of Sealing by the Holy Spirit to the Day of Redemption Eph. 4. 30. In these Sermons of Sealing by the Holy Spirit I may say There is Milk for Babes and Meat for strong Men. I hope all that see or read them will reap benefit by them Many of you Beloved were well pleased and much refreshed in the hearing of these Sermons and I trust yea and shall pray that you may be also built up and nourished in the reading of them 'T is true they are brought forth and set before you in a homely Dress not garnished with fine Phrases and Rhetorical Expressions but such as they are I hope you will accept of them The design of them is honest viz. God's Glory and the edifying and building up of your Souls in Christ Jesus What you find of God in them to the use of Edifying give him all the Glory of it and bless his Name for making the hearing or reading of these Sermons beneficial to your Souls I am well aware That some will censure me for what I have here done and offered to the World But if God may have Glory by these weak Endeavours of mine and any poor Soul reap Spiritual Comfort and Advantage then I shall have my end and bear up chearfully under the variety of Censures which may be pass'd upon me To conclude Consider this one thing Christians for your comfort and establishment in Christ Jesus viz. That those who are Sealed by the Spirit of God here shall be crowned with Eternal Glory hereafter Rev. 2. 10. Such shall have a Crown of Life Christ has bought the kingdom of Heaven for them that Believe and hath paid for it at an high rate even his most precious Blood is the price paid for it Eph. 1. 14. 1 Pet. 1. 17 18 19. And he hath prepared for them Mansions who are Denisons Crowns for them who are Heirs And pray who are these but such as are born again and Sealed by the Spirit of Promise Rom. 8. 16 17. Believers have Assurance of Heaven three ways First By Faīth in Christ 1 Pet. 1 9. Receiving the end of your faith even the Salvation of your Souls Secondly By their hearty and real Conformity to Christ Rom. 8. 29. For whom he did fore-know he also did Predestinate to be made conformable to the Image of his Son Thirdly By the Sealing Work of the Spirit For they are Sealed unto the Day of Redemption Eph. 4. 30. And says Paul in the Text Eph. 1. 13 14. After that ye Believed ye were Sealed with that Holy Spirit of Promise which says he is the earnest of our Inheritance c. Believers shall as certainly be glorified as if they were Crowned already John 14. 1 2 3. They be Heirs to Heaven's Crown here and shall be possessed of it when they come there What the Saints hold now in reversion they shall then have in full possession and be with their God in the Impyreal Heaven where there will be nothing present that offends nor nothing absent that delights Now that you may all Beloved arrive at this place of Blessedness and be for ever with the Lord is and shall be the prayers of him who subscribes himself Your Servant in the Gospel for Jesus's sake Nathanael Wyles Decemb. 4. 1696. Believers Sealed BY THE Spirit of Promise First Sermon from Ephes 1. the latter part of the 13 verse In whom also after that ye believed ye were Sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise THE Apostle Paul a Servant of Christ in this Chapter enumerates the principal Christian Privileges and Blessings that were given to and conferred on Believers thro' Christ
which were the occasion of his Doxology and Solemn Thanksgiving verse the third Blessed says he be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us that is us Believers with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places or things in Christ Jesus Whence note That Christ is the Foundation of all those Spiritual Blessings that are given and bestowed on the Saints Secondly That God the Father is to be blessed that is praised and glorified for these spiritual Blessings who is the Donor of them through Jesus Christ Blessed be the God and Father c. What these rich Blessings are which are bestowed on Believers in and through Christ the Apostle shews from the 4. to the 13 v. and numbers them up which are 1. Election before the Foundation of the World or from Eternity in Christ v. 4. according as he viz. God hath chosen us in him viz. Christ before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love Where observe four things 1. That the efficient cause of Election is the love of God 2 Tim 1. 9. Secondly That the Election of Persons is sounded in Jesus Christ chosen us in him Christ is the Elect of God and all the Elect are chosen of God in Christ Thirdly Election of certain Persons in Christ is not after they are born or do believe but before even from Eternity he hath chosen us in him when before the foundation of the world that is from Eternity Election is from Everlasting though Vocation is in time Fourthly That God hath not chosen Persons to happiness only but to holiness that we should be holy c. Happiness is the End Holiness through Christ the means to that End Though God has chose some to happiness and they shall all certainly be Saved he having set his Seal upon them yet they that name Christ's Name must depart from Iniquity So saith the Apostle 2 Tim. 2. 19. Secondly Another Blessing is Predestination unto the Adoption of Children by Jesus Christ according to the good will and pleasure of God to the Glory and Praise of his rich Grace v. 4. and 5. Thirdly Acceptance with God both of our Persons and Services in and through Christ who is the beloved is another Blessing v. 6. to the praise and glory of his grace wherein he viz. God hath made us accepted in the Beloved Fourthly Redemption from sin and wrath through the Blood of Christ which is precious Blood that only makes peace with God for us v. 7. In whom through or by whom we have Redemption through his Blood Colos 1. 20. Fifthly Forgiveness of Sins which is a Soul-inriching Blessing This comes through the bitter agony and blood-shed of Christ to us Heb. 9. 22. We have not only Redemption but Pardon and Forgiveness of Sins through Christ according to the riches of his grace bounty or goodness v. 7. Sixthly A manifestation and discovery of the mystery of God's Will through Christ in the Gospel concerning the Salvation of Sinners c. according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself v. 9. Whence observe That not only the Election but also the vocation of the adopted Sons of God proceedeth from meer free Grace in Christ and nothing else Seventhly Union with Christ the Head of all the Faithful this is a great blessing and priviledge mentioned v. 10. That in the dispensation of the fulness of times that is in the time prefixed by the Lord who is the disposer of times and of order in all things for the accomplishment of the Promises that concerned Christ the Messiah and that concerns all the Elect in him he might gather in one all things in Christ reduce into one capital sum or bring under one head so the word signifies both which are in heaven and which are on earth even in him Some understand here the Faithful whereof some are now in Heaven and others are yet upon the Earth which are called and gathered into one body and under one head The Faithful may be said to be gathered together in Christ which holds forth their mystical Union with him because they are joined together with him by Faith and so are become as it were one Man But Eighthly In the 11. and 12. v. you have the vocation or calling both of Jew and Gentile to the participation of that Redemption in Christ according to God's good pleasure and purpose of the Jew first and afterwards of the Gentile In whom also we have obtained an Inheritance being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things according to the counsel of his own will that we should be to the praise of his glory who first trusted or hoped in Christ Where observe four things 1. That the calling of Jew and Gentile by Grace in Christ here and their obtaining Heaven and Glory hereafter is all according to the good pleasure and wise purpose of God 2dly All things are attributed to the Free Grace of God through Christ without exception who worketh all things yet we are not stocks for he giveth us Grace both to will and to do those things that are good Phil. 2. 13. 3dly God's working all things not simply according to his will but according or after the counsel of his own will teach us thus much That God as an intelligent and most wise Agent doth all things upon most just and prudent grounds known to himself and he hath always a reason for his will tho' to us his will must stand for the supream Reason Stat pro ratione volunt as Matth. 11. 26. 4thly Observe the great end of all this viz. the praise and glory of his Grace i. e. of his glorious Grace that as his bountiful goodness and love in Christ deserveth all praise so also it should be set forth and published Ninthly In the 13 14. Paul speaks particularly of the vocation of the Ephesians to whom he wrote And that 1. by the operation of the word of truth which they heard 2. By the obsignation of the spirit in whom also they trusted after that they heard the word of Truth the Gospel of your Salvation In whom also after that ye believed ye were Sealed with the Spirit of Promise Here is another Blessing which is not one of the least though it be one of the last named In this one Verse part of which is our Text we have two noble acts of Faith spoken of and display'd 1. A direct act called trusting In whom also ye trusted c. 2. A reflex Act which in order of Nature and Time follows it which act is implied in the word Sealing In whom also after that ye believed ye were Sealed c. In which words are these four parts as 1. The Subjects of this Sealing or Assurance and they are Believers such as have closed in with Christ by Faith An Unbeliever as such was never sealed unless to damnation 'T is Believers only that are sealed