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A61222 Practical discourses on sundry texts of Scripture wherein is shewed and made known the absolute necessity for all people to turn immediately unto the Lord their God / by Richard Stafford ... Stafford, Richard, 1663-1703. 1695 (1695) Wing S5129; ESTC R34590 179,430 348

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saith in Zeph. 2. concerning Nineveh That when she shall be desolate and uninhabited then People shall reflect and look back upon what hath brought this Judgment on her And so when the World comes to be punished for their Evil and Iniquity then they shall call to remembrance and consider what brought all this Misery upon them But then it is too late and to no Purpose but to aggravate their own Folly and to torment them yet more And so contrariwise It would have been well with them if they had done after this and that Manner Why you were told and warned of as much by the Word of God for whom it was impossible to lie So that they might even then have been assured it would as certainly be as now they find it present upon them It was necessary to be told of it before because they might have done some things for which they should have been worthy to escape Luke 21. 36. and also obtain Good for which they did labour and endure the foregoing Conditions should be performed they should be in the mean while rendred meet which the same God did press unto by the same Word and Truth which spoke beforehand of these things People are apt to stumble and be blinded at the Doings of God Our Fathers understood not thy Wonders in Egypt Psal 106. 7. till after they were over And so it was of their Dealings towards his Servants the Prophets whom they did persecute unto Death and afterwards they acknowledged them to have been faithful Messengers sent from God So whilst the Messias lived and dwelt amongst Men they doubted whether it was he But after they had crucified and put him to Death then they understood it Now when the Centurion and they that were with him watching Jesus saw the Earthquake and those things that were done they feared greatly saying truly this was the Son of God Mat. 27. 54. Now Jesus did in his Lifetime both by his Doctrine and Miracles manifest sufficiently before the Jews that he was the holy one sent from God No Man can do those Miracles that thou dost except God be in him John 3. 2. The Works which the Father hath given me to finish the same Works that I do bear Witness of me that the Father hath sent me John 7. 36. And so they were amazed at his Doctrine for it was with Power and he taught as one having Authority and not as the Scribes It was sublime and divine and and so they might even then be convinced and apprehend it Those many great and wonderful things done throughout the whole Course of his Ministry were as evident a Demonstration of his being the Son of God as what appeared afterwards And when they did oppose him continually from Time to Time and still they were more and more convinced of his Truth and Divinity yet still to go on and to the utmost Pitch of their Malice and Rage as to kill the Body And when the whole Time of Trial is over then to acknowledge that they were in a Fault and would not have done it to pretend Ignorance for an Excuse or Mitigation of their Sin when it was either willing Ignorance or a false Plea God who knoweth the Hearts will judge of all this Our Saviour notably confutes such gross Hipocrites and Dissemblers Mat. 23. 29 30 31 32. Who say if we had been in the Days of our Fathers we would not have been Partakers with them in the Blood of the Prophets when at that very Time they did the same against Christ whom the most moderate Fame did say he was one of the Prophets risen again but others Christ and others Elias as their Fathers did against the Prophets And so it was clearly manifested that themselves did not only allow the Deeds of their Fathers but themselves at that Instant did the same And as they were Witnesses against themselves that they were Children of them which killed the Prophets so they did afterwards fill up the Measure of their Fathers for they proceeded and did kill him also of whom God spake to Moses I will raise them up a Prophet from among their Brethren like unto thee Deut. 18. 18. who was more than all the Prophets or the Angels yea the very Christ the anointed one of God This is the Abomination of Hypocrisie that when they do wickedly against God they would justifie themselves before Men and make a Shew as if they had not sinned nor done corruptly They would first hide their Sin as Adam but if it is known as publick Acts are then they would put a Colour and Pretext to it But what are your Sins to us or what are we that ye should plead with or extenuate your selves before Your Sins are against the Lord and he is the Judge himself Oh let the Wickedness of the Wicked came to an End but establish the Just For the righteous God trieth the Hearts and Reins Psal 7. 9. He observes the several Steps and Gradations thereof He sees how far it will go And it may be that is one Reason why he suffers it to proceed so far that the Folly thereof may be more manifest that Sin may appear to be exceeding sinful that when he comes to dissect and lay it open with his eternal Truth we may see the infinite Guilt and Aggravation thereof Like a putrifying Sore which the longer it is let alone the worse it grows If God should arise in his Anger and lift up himself Evil and Transgression could never have proceeded so far as now it hath done If God had spread out his Light universally to reprove the Deeds of Mankind there had not been so much Sin and Ungodliness If his Truth were clearly universally and fully made known it would prevent a great deal of Sin and Errour Neither then had all Flesh corrupted its Way upon Earth as now it hath done But there hath been the Hour of the wicked and the Power of Darkness Luke 22. 53. In which things have been suffered so to be That Hour draws towards its End and the Light doth begin to shine Then also Sin and Iniquity will have its Period It will make an End of Transgression and bring in everlasting Righteousness For he will finish the Work and cut it short in Righteousness because a short Work will the Lord make upon the Earth Rom. 9. 28. What hath been some Thousand Years in Agitation and Continuance may be brought to an utter End within the Compass of a Year or less Even as we see that he who hath been a Sinner all his Life long is converted in an Hour or a Minute By one full and clear Conviction of the exceeding Evil and Danger of Sin he may be induced and brought over imediately to forsake it If we were throughly made sensible of the infinite Goodness and Glory of God and how he is dishonoured by the breaking of his Law this alone Consideration should move any one who hath the common Sense
hitherto hidden from some because they would not search the Scriptures for there they might have found it so and accordingly have prepared to have given up their Accounts The good may be hence quickned to do more to take hold of every Opportunity to lay up a greater Foundation against the Time to come to seek and do the Work of the Lord diligently and to improve every Talent to the utmost And the evil might presently have ceased to do wickedly turn and be more zealous in the other Way Faith apprehends so of things future as Memory and Recollection is to the past Herein appears the Excellency of the Understanding and reasonable Soul that she sees things afar off and remembers those behind But those things here are scarce worth our Remembrance but what things we are further told of they are all Wonder and Astonishment because they are so exceeding great and enduring Which will fill the Soul though opened wide and to the utmost and satisfie every Wish and Desire and these things are always to remain When these things shall be present before us we shall admire and be vexed within our selves that we did not more towards the obtaining them Even thus it will be of those who considered and did most that usually Men do Our Fathers received the Promises and saw them afar off they now stand more abundantly confirmed unto us being so indubitably made known that we are more fully perswaded of them and do embrace them So the Exhortation runs yet more forcible to cleanse our selves from all Filthiness of Flesh and Spirit perfecting Holiness in the Fear of God and to do all things that we may be found accepted of him at the last Day Even thus much we may discern at present that the Lord sitteth above all his Creatures He hath revealed how we the Inhabitants of the Earth are to behave our selves towards him He hath prepared his Seat for Judgment and his Kingdom ruleth over all neither is any Creature that is not manifest in his Sight But all things are naked and opened unto the Eyes of him with whom we have to do We cannot know him as he knoweth us for he seeth us and all our Ways clearly but we now see thro' a Glass darkly And as we are mere Creatures who have nothing but what we have received so we know nothing but what he first made known and revealed unto us Our Saviour abode on the Earth Forty Days after his Passion on the Cross and Resurrection from the Grave speaking of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God Acts 1. 3. very few of which are recorded And though many things are written which he made known in the Course of his Ministry yet the beloved Disciple John saith Many other things truly did Jesus in the Presence of his Disciples which are not written in this Book John 20. 30. So before his coming into the World God discovered his Will by Prophets and holy Men spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost And there have been since further Manifestations of divine Knowledge and Truth And yet still the Skies will be more opened and Righteousness shall be poured down Drop down ye Heavens from above and let the Skies pour down Righteousness Let the Earth open and let them bring forth Salvation and let Righteousness spring up together I the Lord have created it Isa 45. 8. He shall come down like Rain upon the mowen Grass as Showers that water the Earth Psal 72. 6. Truth shall spring out of the Eorth Psal 85. 11. Both as to the Element it self and also as to the Inhabitants thereof Let the People praise thee O God let all the People praise thee Then shall the Earth yield her Increase and God even our own God shall bless us Psal 67. 5 6. He shall make known those Arts and Means that the Earth shall yield her Increase so abundantly that there shall be no hungry and empty Soul but there shall be more than sufficient for every Creature whatever He shall give such a plentiful Fleece on the Sheep and may discover those other Ways for cloathing as to cover all the naked in our Land Bring ye all the Tithes into the Store-House that there may be Meat in mine House and prove me now herewith saith the Lord of Hosts If I will not open the Windows of Heaven and pour ye out a Blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it Mal. 3. 10. Mankind hath been hitherto proved wihther they will obey and trust in their God The poor hath been a long while suffered among them to see whether they will will provide for and do them good and they have not yet been so obedient and trusted unto him as they should But let them once do so let all the People praise him and then prove him whether he will not do those great things for us Whether he will not deal yet more bountifully even in those things for the sake of which People now transgress against him The Earth is the Lord's and the Fulness thereof Psal 24. 1. The Silver is mine and the Gold is mine saith the Lord of Hosts Hag. 2. 8. so he can disclose it whensoever he will perhaps more than hath been yet seen and talked of And I will give thee the Treasures of Darkness and hidden Riches of secret Places Isa 45. 3. He can shew us where are the several rich Mines and some way bring to our Knowledge whatever Worth and Excellency lies hid at present in the Bowels of the Earth So there may be sufficient yea and abundance for all And there may be such exceeding Plenty even of the formerly beloved Mammon that they shall even loath and not esteem it because there is no such intrinsick Goodness in it as was supposed And things will be as readily done without as heretofore they were greedy and eager after it The Nature and End of every thing relating to us shall be perfectly understood and how they conduce to our real Good and Happiness As things shall be fully made known which tend to the Use Well-being and Delight of the Body so the same will be discerned concerning the Soul The hidden Man of the Heart will come forth and as that even now doth clearly appear in the Sight of God so it will be yet more manifested to our View that we may also know what is in Man as we see his outward Face The Thoughts of many Hearts shall be revealed so we may as evidently perceive them as we behold the working of their Hands or their goings up and down upon bodily Feet The Lord saith behold all Souls are mine Ezek. 18. 4. He challengeth a peculiar Property in them and yet he hath sent forth a peremptory Decree The Soul that sinneth it shall die The Soul hath a Knowledge of this which cannot be shaken off so imprinted that though it may be somewhat defaced yet it cannot be worn out The Desire and Tendency
thy Righteousness as the Waves of the Sea which mounts up and ascends on high So it is here said in the following Verse of this Psalm last quoted I will praise thee with Vprightness of Heart when I shall have learned thy righteous Judgments Both which are given to signifie and from hence we may learn that the Happiness of God's chosen doth not only consist in a perfect Peace and true Satisfaction of Mind tho' these are things very desirable and beyond what the World gives But it breaks forth into Singing and Joy unspeakable full of Glory That I may see the Good of thy chosen that I may rejoyce in the Gladness of thy Nation Psal 106. 5. Here are ascending Steps one after another There is not only a Freedom from Evil and Misery nor yet only a Stayedness and full Content of Mind but it hath further Delight and Refreshment and also can express it self forth as others shew forth outward Signes of Rejoycing So that when the World shall be perfectly obedient and what is consequent to that reconciled unto God when his People shall be all righteous Isa 60. 21. and each Man and Woman throughout the Earth observe all Parts and every least Tittle of their Duty to God they shall not be dull nor yet in deep Silence But they shall be more merry talkative and pleasant in speaking of and praising God for his wonderful works than now they are or have ever yet been about other things Their Heart shall rejoyce as through Wine their Heart shall rejoyce in the Lord Zech. 10. 7. which will very much exceed the Mirth of Tabret or Harp or the Joy of Feasts Their Talking shall be of God's Doings declaring his Truth and singing forth the Praises of the Lord In which they shall find more Variety yea and agreeable Satisfaction than heretofore in spending their Time in hearing or telling of some new thing some little Novelty idle Story or foolish Jesting They shall more rejoyce in the several Parts of Duty than formerly in the Pleasures of Sin for a Season All the Briskness and pretended Merriment of that compared with the Joy and Exstacy of God's Chosen shall be darkened and exceeded as the Light of the Moon is by that of the Sun or as the small and faint burning of a Candle is to the Lights of Heaven The seeming Activity of Souldiers and men of Valour all that Shew of Briskness Renown and Courage whereby in Times past the Abaddon and Destroyer hath stirred up Thousands to butcher and kill one another shall be infinitely exceeded by the Lord of Hosts and by his Army of Saints according to what is written They shall run like mighty Men They shall climb the Wall like Men of War and they shall march every one on his Ways and they shall not break their Ranks They shall run to and fro in the City they shall run upon the Walls they shall climb up upon the Houses They shall enter in at the Windows like a Thief and the Lord shall utter his Voice before his Army for his Camp is very great for he is strong that executeth his Word for the Day of the Lord is great and very terrible and who can abide it Joel 2. 7 9 11. Their Speed Resolution and Order shall as much exceed that of the most excellent and victorious Army which was ever heard of since the VVorld began as they do a Flock or Herd of Sheep God is glorified by Action when the Powers which he hath given are exerted and then he will give yet more when little Creatures do great things when what before lay hid is put forth Thy People shall be willing in the Day of thy Power Psal 110. 3. The Lord himself shall again awake as one out of Sleep and like a Giant refreshed with VVine As he endues every thing that hath Life and Breath with Powers of Action or Motion so himself will cause that that it be manifested forth he will subdue his Enemies in the hindermost Parts and put them to a perpetual Shame Those tormenting Passions shall be stretched out and come sorth in the VVicked So again the delighting Affections shall be stirred up in the Good and vent forth in the utmost Gladness and Pleasure Thou shalt increase my Greatness and comfort me on every Side I will also praise thee with the Psaltery even thy Truth O my God unto thee will I sing with the Harp O Thou holy One of Israel My Lips shall greatly rejoyce when I sing unto thee and my Soul which thou hast redeemed Psal 71. 21 22 23. Here in this VVorld of Opposition Sin and Temptation we do meet with great and sore Troubles but when once those are done away there will succed a more than proportionable Degree of Joy and Consolation This is figured by that Phrase so usual in the Prophets of Joy in the Harvest It is but a faint and imperfect Comparison to set forth the Transports and Extasies which shall be of God's People As a Bridegroom rejoyceth over his Bride so shall the Lord rejoyce oves his People and they reciprocally shall joy in the God of their Salvation who were formerly possessed with Horrour and Dread they do at length arrive at Reverence and Good-will and then their Souls do greatly rejoyce in God and he doth put Gladness into their Hearts more than can be expressed by Corn and Wine or any worldly thing When we do sincerely and actually endeavour to be holy as he that hath called us is holy then he is perfectly reconciled unto us Notwithstanding his infinite Greatness he doth humble himself to become familiar to our Nature All former Averseness and Enmity are vanished away And we being fully resolved to keep his Commandments at all Times and that our Lord shall guide us continually he doth according to his gracious Promise keep him in perfect Peace whose Mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth on thee We may see and perceive a tittle Representation hereof in the Communion of Saints here on Earth who when they are obedient and like-minded do find exceeding Joy and Sweetness with one another as they talk of and derive it down from the God above The like will be much more in the Times of universal Reformation when the whole Earth shall be at Rest and Quiet it shall break forth into Singing Isa 14. 7. the one before the other The Pleasures of Sin or the Laughter of the World are not so much to that as sounding Brass and tinkling Cymbal compared with the best Musick All carnal Joy is now sudden mix'd and unsatisfying But what comes down from the Father of Spirits or arises from doing his Will that doth remain and is sincere gives a blessed Expectation till we awake after his Likeness and are satisfied with it The Joy is suitable with our imperfect Condition here it increases as we grow up towards Perfection and is in us a Well of Water springing up unto eternal
us than with them who flourish and encrease most in worldly Goods May we not more surely rely upon God's infallible VVord that it shall be well with us than the vain and deceitful Promises of others or our own Imaginations in our own Designs and Enterprizes for we know by experience that we are often beguiled and mistaken as to both but the Lord never said to the House of Jacob Seek ye my face in vain Neither is he wanting as some are apt to doubt to make good his Promises at the present time But they do err in misapprehending of them for the great and precious Promises are yet a far off And now the Divine Goodness is only engaged so far as to give us all things pertaining to Life and Godliness to preserve Health and Strength of Body and he puts Grace and Consolation into the Soul that we may Perform And if we are at any time cast down yet we should not then be so discouraged as to neglect utterly and leave from Duty In the name of God let us go on and take whatever we shall meet withal for the time is short and hasteneth away VVnither we Rejoice or Rejoice not whether we Laugh or Mourn whether we are in good plight and steadfastness of Mind or are heavy and cast down It all goes on and we flie away And whatever is done here it is for Eternity Either it passes into Condemnation or it makes way for Repentance There is one Event to him that Sacrificeth or him that Sacrificeth not and this is found so by daily Experience But the same word of Truth saith That we must appear before the Judgment Seat of Chist to receive for the things we have done whether they be Good or Evil. It is certain that the Lord God of Recompences shall surely requite Jer. 51. 56. And this will much exceed both as to the delightful or tormenting Nature whatever is esteemed so here The Acts are suddenly over and so the Joy or Sorrow of of them is suddenly slipt by And indeed it is strange that a reasonable Creature should be so much concerned as to that fugitive thing of Joy or Sorrow but his care and sollicitation should be to what it tends at last Nothing is so good as to be truly desirable and nothing is so bad but what may be endured And therefore the first is not to be eagerly catched after but to be carefully avoided if it should lead and beguile into Misery and likewise the other may be chosen and submitted unto if it makes for and increases our Crown and Reward I mean as to the Delights and Pleasures of Sin so of the seeming pain and trouble of Duty The first are nevertheless to be abstained from the others to be willingly undertaken if they help unto good in the latter end And tho this may seem harsh and uncouth at first yet it is both Practicable and easie to him who is exercised therein It is thus by custom and continuance and afterwards it grows up into Delight and sincere Satisfaction Notwithstanding all vain fears and surmises anxious care or sinful distrust yet by thus doing he shall have more Happiness yea and be sensible of less Misery even as to this present time than possibly the one can be had or the other avoided by all Irreligion or the pretended wisdom and caution of any Disobedience Much more might be said as to this Point But as the truth may be cleared so again the force and perswasion thereof may be lost by multiplicity of words and therefore it is convenient to add no more upon this particular Head of Discourse especially there having been so much demonstrated in the fore-cited Book of Happiness and as to the several Heads of Good and Evil there treated of so that he who will not perceive nor be convinced by what hath been already said neither would he be perswaded if ten thousand words were more added to the same purpose CHAP. V. Herein sundry Things are written against them who will not be perswaded by nor live according to Words and also against following the Multitude BUT why do I mention this In vain is the Pen of the Writer or the Tongue of the Speaker for some obstinate and stubborn Souls do therefore refuse it They will not be tied and confined to live according to Words either they will be despisers or stubborn not to mind at all or practice just contrary or otherwise Indeed one would admire by what kinds of method Satan's Kingdom doth stand by what slender Threads he holds Men Captive at his will for do but once examin and touch them and they will fall and snap asunder Those Imaginations which he puts into the Hearts of Men and Women and thereby works in them with all deceiveableness yet when they are once known they are presently confuted The falshood and danger of them are so clearly laid open that themselves may see it and so they need not miscarry through all his Delusions if they would but receive the knowledge of the Truth that they might be Saved Amongst the several things which Satan Who deceives the whole World Rev. 12. 9. doth suggest and each Man keeps close in the deep of his Heart That aforementioned is a common and generally received Imagination which they hug and hold fast And to confirm them the more therein they will have a seeming excuse for it because so many go about troubling Christians with Words and there is such a multitude of words in the World such hold it the better way once for all to reject them and not to be limited or confined to live according to Words But they should do well in the first place to consider what it is they thus set at naught and cast off even what they shall not prosper nor be blessed in Their root shall be as rottenness and their blossom shall go up as dust because they have cast away the Law of the Lord of Hosts and despised the word of the holy one of Israel Isa 5. 24. These are the words which they will not be guided by nor give heed unto They refuse obedience and subjection unto Almighty God just like their fore Fathers A stubborn and rebellious Generation that kept not the Covenant of God and refused towalk in his Law Psal 78. 10. They rebelled against the words of God and contemned the Counsel of the most High Psal 107. 111. Now these words of God are contained in Scripture which is his Statute-Book for his government of the World All Scripture is given by Inspiration of God 2 Tim. 3. 16. As saith another Apostle For the Prophecy came not in old time by the will of Man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost 2 Pet. 1. 21. At this the People are so impatient and will not be governed by it which is downright Disobedience and manifest Sin and shall receive a due Punishment thereof for Sin is the transgression
Isa 65. 5. which he could not endure and would have behind or a far off from him Indeed the infinite Holiness and Uprightness of God is in no wise reconcileable to Man's Sin and Corruption and he doth the more abominate and loath it when he beholds it covered with the Mask and Visour of Hypocrisie Who is all-Wise and all Knowing he doth pity and despise our Folly and Ignorance but it is a further Aggravation so that he cannot or rather will not endure therewith when Worms of the Earth would be wise beyond their Maker or pretend to know otherwise than he knoweth and hath decreed or purposed It doth provoke him justly to Anger That when the Sun Moon and Stars and the whole Family in Heaven so much Greater and more Excellent Creatures than we do observe the Law which he hath made And seeing he hath given unto Men Laws which are Holy Righteous and Good he hath shewed unto us strait ways yet stubborn and disobedient Man will not keep and walk in them but every one is for walking after the Imagination of his own evil Heart And as they live and are joined together in Civil Society so this carries on the course of the World and each Person doth make a part of and contribute unto the universal Sin and Wickedness The word Imagination doth import no set Rule of Action but it is a Wandring or Guess Now it thinks it may be thus but is afterward mistaken And this is so much the worse as the End is more excellent which it aims at Now that End is Good and Happiness Every Soul as aforesaid is in pursuit thereof and his several Actions are intended accordingly There is One God over all One rule of Action in his Word One End of everlasting Happiness or Misery and all the deeds done in the Body are as so many Steps to one or the other This is actually so though too many perceive it not nor consider thereof in the time of Probation and Tryal To walk all along in a vain and false Imagination and be deceived at last when this is but once for all Eternity when there is no possible Redress of this Errour must very much enhanse the Folly and Misery of such a Man The first Errour and Evil is in having departed from God and casting away his Fear and exempting himself from his Obedience For though it is so suffered in this Life to prove Mankind more perfectly that it may be seen It is possible for him to run out his days here without having due regard and respect to his Maker and Preserver yet it is known unto God and also Revealed unto us how he will be pleased to deal further with them Even according as we order our Conversation and as our doings are That Word by which we are to Live be Judged and receive accordingly doth now forewarn and acquaint us that things will be otherwise or contrary to what they appear now For that which is highly esteemed amongst Men is abomination in the sight of God Luke 16. 15. And so what is universally received and fashionable among us will be rejected and even loathed by him He hath left another Rule to follow than the Multitude or the meer Example of others An Holy Man of God doth speak on this wise Be ye followers of me even as I also am of Christ 1 Cor. 11. 1. But no otherwise for Christ had done no Violence neither was any deceit found in his Mouth He was the Holy one of God and in him was found no Sin So that if we do the same which he did we may be assured that it is not Sinful Again his Meat and Drink was to do the will of God and he did always the things which pleased his Heavenly Father So that if therein we follow his Steps as we have him for an Example and do the like things that he did we may hereby know that we do the will of God also and what is pleasing and acceptable in his Sight But every Man besides is a Liar for they have all both Saint and Sinner none excepted varied and gone aside either in some single transient Instances or in many continued ones from the Word of Truth and from the right way It is Written And thou shalt not go aside from any of the Words which I command thee this day to the right hand or to the left Deut. 28. 14. That is neither to one Extream nor yet to the other But where is the Man or Woman who have not gone aside from any of the words wich the Lord God hath Commanded in the Bible both as it comprehends all that is written in the Old and New Testament Both Jews and Gentiles yea all Mankind of every Generation and Country are under Sin and have come short of what God requied in his Law So that whoever doth follow any of these Examples in all things even of the most Perfect and Upright among the meer Sons of Men he will go aside with them even unto the Transgression So that the word of God is to be our Rule and not the Example of others However prone and subject the People of the World are to follow the Examples of their Fellow Creatures and to do what others do of near the same Age Condition and Circumstances of Life yet in these times of the Universal Reformation of the World which is now drawing on in these latter days we must labour and endeavour Mightily to beat off and dissuade People from acting according to that dangerous and mistaken Principle of following the Multitude and being led by the Example of others For besides that to follow the Multitude is a sure token that such are amongst those many which go in the Broad way which leads unto Dsstruction and they are not amongst those few in the Narrow way which leadeth unto Life Matt. 7. 13 14. This seems to lye as the greatest Prejudice against the ways of God That though all his Commandments are Just Holy and Good And it is meet and right for all People at all times to observe the same Yet still nevertheless very few People do observe them When the Scripture speaks of those glorious times Thy People also shall be all Righteous Isa 60. 21. And how that the Sinners will be consumed out of the Earth and the wicked will be no more Psal 104. 35. For in what Prayer the Spirit of Truth doth Dictate is included a Promise that so it shall be As we read these and alike Places what in the Prophet's Phrase is a very lovely Song Ezek. 33. 32. And Peter reciteth from the faying of others As if the Scriptures were a cunningly devised Fable So in our way of speaking those Scriptures seem to be as a pleasant Romance which contain things that were to be indeed wished and desired but at first sight they do not seem to be grounded on Truth for the thing neither as yet is so and there is no
Soul to Sin or be wanting in Duty Both which do now occasion Vexation of Spirit But they shall see and be ashamed for the Envy of the People Isa 26. 11. That is whereas heretofore the World did envy at the People of God from whence did spring up their Hatred and unkind usage of them thinking that such would be more Happy and Blessed than themselves in the end But when God shall also manifest unto them the Favour that even the Wicked had That even they might have learned Righteousness and beheld the Majesty of the Lord see the foregoing Verse They shall be so ashamed for ever having maligned and done despitefully against his Servants as they shall never do it more And whereas also heretofore the Churches had sometimes Rest from their Enemies and again at other Times they were made Havock of and Persecuted This did happen interchangeably and successively as was before observed that at some times some Countries would fear the Lord greatly and then remisly or negligently and not at all And as there was a time of War and a time of Peace among the Nations so likewise as to this we have the certain and assured Promise of the Lord. Also I will ordain a place for my People Israel and will plant them and they shall dwell in their place neither shall the Children of Wickedness waste them any more as at the beginning 1 Chron. 17. 9. He will make an utter end Affliction shall not rise up the second time Nahum 1. 9. This as may be seen from the two foregoing Verses is spoken as to that day of Trouble which hath come upon his Servants that trusted in the Lord their Strong-hold which was stirred up and occasioned unto them by the Enemies of the Lord emphatically and truly called his Enemies though they did shew themselves so to his Church that is his People And when as to many of his Prophets his Son Jesus Christ his Apostles Ministers and People Affliction did arise up not only the second time but even in Job's Phrase The Lord was with them even to seven Troubles Job 5. 19. Yea and to Seventy times seven for their whole Life was a continued Train and Series and Succession of Trouble and Affliction How then was this found true Affliction shall not rise up the second time And indeed it cannot be otherwise understood and believed but that God hath another day shortly coming in the which he will fulfil and make good this his Word when God will Return How long This question shews how impatient and desirous our Nature is of it How long O Lord Holy and true dost thou not judge and avenge our Blood on them that dwell on the Earth Rev. 6. 10. And shall not God avenge his own elect which cry day and night unto him though he bear long with them I tell you that he will avenge them speedily Luke 18. 7 8. So that it will Repent him concerning his Servants O satisfie us early with thy Mercy that we may rejoyce and be glad all our days and make us glad according to the days he hath afflicted us and the years wherein we have seen Evil Psal 90. 13 14 15. for the Lord shall judge his People and repent himself for his Servants when he seeth that their Power is gone and there is none shut up or left Deut. 32. 36. Like Sheep they are laid in the Grave Death shall feed on them and the Vpright shall have Dominion over them in the Morning Psal 49. 14. Now to make the like Application of all these Scriptures here laid together as Peter did in Acts 1. 16. Men and Brethren who shall read or hear this these Scriptures must needs be fulfilled which the Holy Ghost spake by the Mouth of Moses David Isaiah and Jesus Christ hath spoken before concerning that poor afflicted and persecuted Condition of the People of God How they shall take them Captives whose Captives they were and they shall rule over their Oppressors Isa 14. 2. The Power of these Oppressors shall be utterly gone and the Vpright shall have Dominion over them God shall repent himself for that hard Condition he suffered his Servants to go through with and he will satisfie and make them glad for it Now it being manifest that all this good Word is not as yet performed on this Earth and in this Life from the like Reasoning which the same Apostle Peter makes use of Acts 2. 29 30 31. Acts 3. 21. We may assuredly gather and believe That in the Resurrection and Restitution of all things God will most certainly make good this his Word That all things which are written may be fulfilled And that there will be a beginning and entrance into this Blessed State towards the latter days here on the Earth when the Lord shall reign before his Ancients gloriously And all things shall exactly so come to pass according as he hath aforespoken of in his word When the Wolf also shall dwell with the Lamb Isa 11. 6. and there shall be a Concordance and Agreement between the most fierce and devouring Natures of Men and Women with the most calm meek and peaceable Dispositions according to what is further written and confirmed The Wolf and the Lamb shall feed together and the Lion shall eat straw like the Bullock and dust shall be the Serpents meat They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my Holy Mountain saith the Lord Isa 65. 25. To make way and prepare for this glorious day of universal Holiness and Righteousness is the end of all our Preaching and Writing and laying before Men and VVomen all the Words of Truth which we can The Lord saith I will come near to you to Judgment Mal. 3. 5. So according to the goings forth and Emanations of his Eternal Truth God doth come nearer to the Children of Men both for Good and Comfort to his Saints and Servants as also for Terror and Punishment to the Ungodly and Disobedient For that thy Name is near Thy wondrous Works declare Psal 75. 11. God in Scripture is sometimes said to be afar off and he is invisible So that he cannot be otherwise shewn forth and made known unto others but in his VVorks and by his Name Both which are declared by fit proper and true words So that the Reader need not to be offended at the multitude of them here used if they help to make the invisible God more known unto the Inhabitants of the Earth and render him as it were visible yea and sensible unto their Souls If we do not darken counsel by words without knowledge but according to the measure of the gift in us our words become instrumental that the things pertaining to God's Kingdom are rendred yet clearer and clearer that the Children of Men may more easily understand and perceive them than we do the VVork and VVill of God As I do this day the Father to the Children shall make known thy Truth Isa 38. 18. If
Righteousness and Holiness were ingrafted into the Hearts of all Men so that they did live and were led by it at all times and in all places The Spirit of God would dwell in them 1 Cor. 3. 16. As God hath said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my People And I will be a Father unto you and ye shall be my Sons and Daughters saith the Lord God Almighty 2 Cor. 6. 16 18. VVhat is requisite to all this we may read in the first Verse of the following Chapter Having therefore these Promises both those aforementioned are included for it is expressed in the plural number let us cleanse our selves from all filthiness of the Flesh and Spirit Perfecting Holiness in the Fear of God 2 Cor. 7. 1. Be ye clean ye that bear the Vessels of the Lord Isa 52. 11. And from what is written Thou hast taken Captivity Captive VVe learn that God hath taken even Sin and Corruption Captive which heretofore did hold the Children of Men in Slavery and Captivity But when every Thought in them also is brought into Captivity unto the Obedience of Christ God will plant somewhat else in the room thereof Thou hast received Gifts for Men even the qualifications of his Grace and the fruits of his Spirit Yea for the Rebellious also that the Lord God might dwell among them Psal 68. 18. So that though Men and Women have been Rebellious and Disobedient formerly yet when those Rebellious Thoughts and Imaginations are brought into Captivity when the Gifts of God are first lodged in the Soul to make it ready and meet beforehand the Lord God himself will come and dwell amongst them also So that whereas it was before mentioned And the Lord said My Spirit shall not always strive with Man for that he also is Flesh Gen. 6. 3. And the reason hereof was assigned because the Flesh did so very often overcome the Spirit when the Children of Men did Rebel and Vex and Grieve and Quench the Spirit yet the Blessing and Saying of Gad is made good and herein is found true A Troop shall overcome him but he shall overcome at last Gen. 49. 19. So a Troop of Lusts and a Legion for they are many of Temptations have overcome the Spirit but the Spirt shall overcome them at last And the Spirit shall have that Dominion and Prevalency in the hearts of all Men that all its Dictates and Motions shall be so willingly and immediately obeyed and complied withal that there shall be no striving of the Spirit with Man for he shall forthwith and presently go as that commands him to go and come as that bids him to come and do this or that according as the Spirit saith without any such thing as Reasoning and Perswasion or striving in the Heart for there will not be the least Reluctancy or Unwillingness God who sees and knows the things afar off doth foresee this also that even Flesh will become so Spiritual that they shall obey all his Commands and execute his Statutes without any striving of the Spirit but only upon the first motion and making of it known unto their Hearts CHAP. VIII Towards the end of Time and in the latter days All the Inhabitants of the Earth will be turned and brought over unto God Which will be done and accomplished by the Pouring out of the Spirit upon us from on High IF it be asked But when shall these things be I Answer Tho there may be some tendency and preparation thereto in the mean while yet we must not expect nor look for it absolutely and fully Vntil the Spirit be poured down upon us from on High Isa 32. 15. Which shall acquaint us with the things of God and of Heaven in a most wonderful and plentiful manner that we shall then know them as clearly distinctly and truly as now we do the common things of this Earth which are now visible and present before us My Doctrine shall drop as the Rain My Speech shall distill as the Dew as the small Rain upon the tender Herb and as the showers upon the Grass Deut. 32. 2. After that very manner hath the Word and Spirit of the Lord came to the several Men and Women of the former Generations by Droppings and Distillings like small Rain and as the Dew or Showers But this pouring forth of the Spirit upon us from on High will be like great Drops running on continually together or raining down Bucket fulls at once as the common proverbial Speech is When all the Fountains of the great Deep shall be broken up and the windows of Heaven shall be opened Gen. 7. 11. In this sence also So that all the things that are in the Earth or Sea or in the Hearts of the Children of Men shall be openly disclosed and made known And the windows of Heaven shall be opened so that we shall as clearly see and perceive the things there as now by looking through the Window thereof we see the things that are in such a Room of an House as when we are in it and look through the Casement we see the things in the next adjoining Court And that it will be all thus made known Universally at once we are given to understand by what is Written Drop down ye Heavens from above and let the Skies pour down Righteousness Let the Earth open and let them bring forth Salvation and let Righteousness spring up together I the Lord have Created it Isa 45. 8. God hath made and ordained that it shall be so that the Heavens shall drop down the things contained therein They shall be so made known unto and had by us as if they were actually dropped down and next to us The Earth also shall open and bring forth the things contained in her which heretofore lay underneath and hidden All this shall be done together And it is observable how they are all expressed by these two VVords Righteousness and Salvation By the first is shewn forth the nature of them as they are fixed and connected together after the Image of him who Created them that is in eternal and immutable Righteousness And because that in the Earth those things are which now hurt and destroy therefore God who causeth Light to shine out of Darkness and by his own way of working Which is marvellous in our eyes will cause that both Heavens and Earth do open and let them It is expressed in the Plural Number and therefore both of them shall have an hand and part in it As to bring forth Salvation and Righteousness is to spring up together with it Intimating that besides that Righteousness which the Skies shall pour down another Righteousness shall spring up together with it By the Phrase of Springing up we learn that this will proceed out of the Earth Truth shall spring out of the Earth and Righteousness shall look down from Heaven Plal. 85. 11. That is both