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A50289 Karolou trismegistou epiphania the most glorious star, or celestial constellation of the Pleiades, or Charles Waine, appearing, and shining most brightly in a miraculous manner in the face of the sun at noonday at the nativity of our sacred soveraign King Charles 2d, presaging His Majesties exaltation to future honour and greatness transcending not only the most potent Christian princes in Europe but by divine designment ordained to be the most mighty monarch in the universe : never any star having appeared before at the birth of any (the highest humane hero) except our Saviour / by Edw. Matthew ... Matthew, Edward. 1660 (1660) Wing M1309; ESTC R19177 46,201 175

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A Representation of his late Majesty King Charles the first His giving Thankes to Almighty God for the birth of his Sonne now our most Gratious Soveraigne King Charles the 2d. at St. Pauls London May the 29th 163● ΚΛΠΟ'ΛΟΥ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 THE MOST GLORIOUS STAR OR CELESTIAL CONSTELLATION OF THE Pleiades or Charles Waine Appearing And shining most brightly in a Miraculous manner in the Face of the Sun at Noon day at the Nativity of our Sacred Soveraign KING Charles 2d Presaging his Majesties Exaltation to future Honour and Greatness Transcending not only the most potent Christian Princes in Europe but by Divine designment ordained to be the most Mighty Monarch in the Vniverse Never any Star having appeared before at the birth of any the Highest humane Hero except our Saviour Behold a King shall reign in righteousness Psal 32.1 By Edw. Matthew of the Middle Temple Esq LONDON Printed for J. Stafford and Edw. Thomas and are to be sold neer the White-hart in Smithfield and at the Adam and Eve in Little-Britain 1660. To the most Augustuous Prince my Dear and Dread Soveraign Charlemain the 2d by the Mercy and Divine decree of the Almighty his Highness own Inhaerent Inheritance and legal Succession The peoples surpassing desire signal Loyalty longing affection and especial Election of Great Britain France and Ireland Jure Divino humano King Defender of the true ancient Christian Catholick Faith c. And by Divine Providence preordained to be the most pious prudent and potent Prince in the Universe ERuctavit Cor meum verbum bonum Dico ego opera mea Regi Psal 45.1 My heart is Inditing of a good matter concerning the King Divine providence disposing my Meditations towards so sacred a subject directs the Dedication thereof according to the Princely Prophet Davids pattern Dico opera mea Regi Quod ausus sum tantae Majestatis Principem tantillo adire munusculo That so mean a person should approach the presence of so mighty a Prince with so poor a present may be accounted high presumption yet 't is storied that Jupiter was pleased with the course fare of a poor person Baucis in hospitium magnum accepisse Tonantem Atque illi insuaves apposuisse dapes c. Vnder the law he that had not a Lamb to sacrifice was permitted to offer a Turtle Dove or pair of young Pigeons and in the Gospel a small Mite renders a poor Widdow Liberall Aeschines when he saw his fellow Schollers presenting great gifts to Socrates their Master being destitute of such a present presented himself professing to be wholy devoted to his Master which Socrates accepted as the chiefest Gift There is nothing worth your Majesties acceptance in the power of Your Highnesse meanest subject Parasitical adulation I know unpleasing to your prudent Majesty and hateful to mine own Nature my Life and what else can be accounted dear usque ad aras I have bin alwaies and still shall be most freely ready to sacrifice 'T is said of Caes●r that surely nature meant him for a Conqueror when she gave him both such courage and such courtesie which put Marius into a muze saying that he that du●st speak to him was ignorant of his greatnesse and he that durst not was so of his goodnesse The incomparable Candor of your Majesties sweetest disposition gives me incouragement humbly to implore Your Majesties princely pardon for this presumption and to vouchsafe your Highnesse Gracious acceptance of this unpolished piece penner whilst my Soule though inlarged with surpassing Love and Joy for my Soveraigns safe and happy Restoration for which my prayers to Heaven were frequent and constant my Tounge and Pen Head Heart and Hands according to my best ability not wanting yet was much streightned with perplexity of spirit by reason of long imprisonment and distracted with distemper of Mind and Estate alwaies attending the sad Condition of Prisoners Happily herein somewhat not unworthy your Majesties serious consideration at present may be observed I hope I have herein delivered nothing touching your Majesty but what I have received from the dictates of that Good Divine spirit which hath directed me through this whole discourse and what I faithfully believe will in due time be fully accomplished my faith herein being in part confirmed not only by those propheticall presages in this Tract specified and by Dreams Visions which howsoever by some may be accounted vain or deceitful yet I have often proved since found really to come to pass and receive a plenary effect touching your Majesties return and other matters of Moment But also by an irresistible and invincible pressure of spirit to publish what in this tract I have written so that I may truly say with the Prophet Jeremiah 'T was a fire in my bones and I could not supresse it but by Divine impulsion of spirit was importuned and prest to declare what by divine designment I believe is determined touching your Majesties exaltation not only to be the most potent Christian Prince in Europe But to be the phenix of this Age and the most Famous and Illustrious potentate in the Vniverse This I shall be ready to avouch against the most criticall carpers murmuring and detracting Momusses and seeming zealous Zoylusses and 't is probable some pernicious Pashurs wil conspire with other confederates cogitare cogitationes to devise devises against Jeremiah and be ready percutere eum lingua to smite him with the tongue Jer. 18.18 Their malice shall render them nothing more then Pashurs reward but a new name of terror and shame Magor missabib signifying fear round about we have of late unhappily had too many pashurs who cannot abide to hear any truth spoken such as wil not hear any good declared or prosperity presaged to their Prince how pious worthy soever but are ready rather to calumniate let all such seditions Shebaes Cursing Shimei's Railing Rabshekeis rebellious Korahs know that though they rail rage against their lawful Soveraign against whom they ought not to entertain so much as an evil thought he that sits in Heaven will not only deride but in the end destroy all such disturbing Traytors will establish your Majesties Throne in righteousness cause your Highnesse Crown to flourish and cloth your Enemies with shame confusion in conclusion The King of Kings hath set his King on high upon his holy Hill his Sion over his People sent an heavenly Herald to proclaim his present power and declare a future inlargement of his Dominion A glorious Star or rather flial Constellation the Pleiades Charles Waine shining brightlie on the day of your Majesties Nativity when your Majesties late pious Father of blessed memory came to offer his sacrisice of praise as Incense at the Alter of St. Paul That Celestiall Embassadour was sent to certifie Gods acceptance of that sacrifice and to confirm the certainty of your Majesties future Exaltation to transcendent honour by divine designment preordained E Caelis
offer of Colone Because they had a secret reed that one Who should hereafter sit in Arthurs Chaire Should fetch the Fleete when he occasion saw And hold the golden Monarch in his aw This prediction of our now soveraign King then the Prince of great Britain and the royall issue of our late pious King and his most Serene Queen Deuout Sans Dout a Mary full of grace pronouncing them both thrice blessed in their royall progeny in this Distichon not altogether to be despised Of the then Prince Charls now our King For he and they that shall of them descend Shall raign in Britain till the world have end Why should any Imagine these Predictions shall not attain accomplishment in his Majesties Honour and happinesse seeing the King of Kings owneth his Majesty with so many signal tokens of love and marks of Mercy by dispelling those dark distructive clouds of bloudy Rebellion turning his peoples hearts as the Rivers of the South making his Majesty the delight and desire of those people who before despised him Observe I pray this Prophetique presage at hand ready to be performed above 25. years since penned and published But turn our eyes now from the clouded West And see the new Sun rising in the east With what auspicious brows the Heavens exprest Their glad presages the coelestiall signes With holy anguries shined Saturn did Feast With sprightly Jove whilst Apollo divines In delychick Raptures the Age renewed again And takes new influence from bright Charles his Waine Although these are but parcels of that Poem touching the Royall line and Family of Plantaginet yet some poesie hath sometimes come so near to Prophecy that as there is some vicinity in the names so many times it happened in the matters of their writings Propheta poeta differ not much in the words propheta 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which comes from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 praedico signifies not only a Prophet but also a Poet And Poets have had another name and that of Honour too and that was Vates How shall we distinguish between the Prophets and Poets of Israel What are Jeremies thre in his Lamentations but a kinde of Saphick Elegies David Psalms are not onely Poems but Songs snatches and raptures of a flaming spirit The Jews had not two such Kings in all their Catalogue as Solomon and his Father P●ets both There is a largenesse in their soules beyond the narrowness of other men and why may we not then think this may imbrace more both of Heaven and God and they be indued with a Prophetique spirit As Christs Star for so it is termed by the wisemen Mat. 2.2 appearing at his birth was by St. Augustine called magnifica lingua coeli the glorious tongue of Heaven So I hope without offence the star● that appeared at his Majesties Nativity may be stiled Caroli meximi● Epiphania the glorious star and manifestation of King Charles the great his exaltation And as of Christ● star as some observe It was no ordinary star Ex situ mot● tempore lucendi in respect of the site motion and time of shining● so under favour may it be said of the Kings star touching the temp●● 〈◊〉 't was extraordinary in regard other stars shine in the night this at noon day in the fight of the Sun in its full glory as it were● star appointed to wait on the 〈◊〉 hereby happily signifying that the great Jehovah the sun of righteousnesse hath designed and elected our Soveraign KING to be his High STEWARD for management of the greatest matters and affairs in his Family in his Church and State over his people throughout a great part of the Universe God giving his Majesty superiority over many other his servants though seated in high places of Honour and power also Houdemius an Englishman thus sung of our Saviours star Novâ Caelum stellâ depingitur Dum Sol novus in terris Oritur T was fit a new star should adorne the skies When a new Sun doth on the earth arise In honour of our Charlemain T is hop'd t wil not be counted vain To frame according to this strain A short Ode on bright Charls his Waine Clarâ Caelum stel●â depingitur Dum Rexclarus in terris oritur Thus Englished Why not a bright star to adorn the skies When a Prince so bright doth on the earth arise Of that star of Christ it was prophesied Numbers 24.17 And of this star of our King by the same sybill that prophesied of our Saviour as hereafter shall be shewed Stella luce vincens Luciferum Magis ducit ad regem siderum 3. That star of Christs served to the Wisemen ad ducendum to lead them to Christ This of our King Charles serveth to us if we will be wise ad docendum to teach and instruct us in ready faithfull and constant obedience and loyalty to Gods Vicegerent our Leige Soveraigne and from thence never to revolt nor like broken bows start aside least it should happen unhappily to befall this Nation as once it was spoken of Greece in regard of the ruines yea even of the utter distruction for etiam periere ruinae Graeciam in Graecia quaerimus non invenimus We fought for Greece in Greec found it let it never be said of us in regard of our recidiuall disloyalty and disobedience I will not say rebellion Angliam in Anglia quaerimus non inventa est we seek peace and plenty and safety in England we seek that famous Church of England in England but finde it not The Coelestial sign of the Pleiades seven stars or Charles waine whose influence signifies highest exaltation appearing brightly at Mid-day whilest the sun shone in its glory doth doubtles plainly demonstrate an ampler extent or enlargement of power even from a threefold to a seven fold increase of Dominion and territory to our most illustrious Charlemain at whose Nativity this glorious signe appeared which I shall endeavour by evident predictions of this nature more plainly to demonstrate producing the Judgment of some learned persons profoundly sagacious in knowledge of secrets touching other signes and stars long before and some smce all concurring and conducing evidently to this purpose The new star in Cassiapeia 1572. The memorable blazing Star 1610. That speedy last Comet stella Crinita 9. of December 1652. sudden appearance and motion violent c. If we look into the History of nature and the times or enquire into the secrets of Stars or observe the predictions of some persons of eminent knowledge in the Mathematiques we may finde matter sufficient inducing us to believe that the time draweth near and is even at hand when as a miraculous Change in Kingdoms and Nations shall manifest it self in Europe amongst the Northern and North-west yea and North-east people also as ever did in any part of the world fince the universal Deluge in Noahs time and these so great and formidable actions are to be performed by the Power and