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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19216 The humble and vnfained confessio[n] of the belefe of certain poore banished men grounded vpon the holy scriptures of God, and vpo[n] the articles of that vndefiled and onlye vndoubted true Christian faith, which the holy Catholicke (that is to say vniuersal) Churche of Christ professeth. Specially concerning, not only the worde of God, and the ministerye of the same: but also the church and sacramentes therof. Which we send moost humbly vnto the Lordes of Engla[n]d, and al the commons of the same. ... Lorde increase our faith.; Humble and unfained confession of the belefe of certain poore banished men. Ponet, John, 1516?-1556, attributed name. 1554 (1554) STC 5630; ESTC S111154 26,257 72

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me And so it came to passe Neuertheles after he wa●ed strong and ouer came that infirmitie and knewe y t to fal we haue of our selues to stād we haue onely of God So is tribulation profitable to the strōg and mightie for it bringeth them to the crown of glory it profiteth the weake for it openeth their minde and maketh thē to seke to the Phisition and curer of our soules and to cry with Dauid O Lord heale my soule for I haue sinned against the. Let vs therfore labour to ouercome our weakenes to accomplishe that the Lorde commaundeth Be faithful vnto the death and I wil geue the a crowne of life You se the Lorde requireth faithfulnesse both in the stewardes that preach his worde and in the seru●intes that heare it Death is the ende of al fleshe as well of Kinges and Quenes Dukes and bishops as of poore men For al flesh is grasse and al the glory of fleshe as the flower of grasse Whē the winde of the Lorde goeth ouer it it falleth fadeth but the Lordes word abydeth for euer and those that doth the wyll of the Lorde abide also for euer Happye are those to whom the Lorde geueth that crowne of lyfe and to loose it is a greater losse then either Emperour King or Quene or an Angel from heauen can either restore or recompence Stand therfore faithfullye to gods word beleue his promis He that hath eares to heare let him hear what the holy Gost saith to the churches He that ouercōmeth shal not be hurt by the seconde death The fyrste death is of the body as the Lord sayd to sinful Adam Earthe thou art and into earth thou shalt returne agayne But the secōd death is it that Christ admonished vs to flie saying I sai to you my frendes be not afraid of thē which withe body and after that thei haue nothing more that they can do I wil shew you whom you ought to feare Feare hym that after he hathe slaine the body hath power to cast into hel fyre Trulye I say to you feare him Let not the feare of man so ouercome v● but that the fear of god may alway be ruler in our hartes so shall we attaine the croune of life prepared for those that loue the Lorde and hys word vnfeinedly I haue not written this as to those that are ignoraunt of theyr dutye or vnable to strēgthen both them selues and others but as to my moste deare brethren in the Lord trusting y ● Gods spirit that is among you doth dayly moue your harts now to the highest perfeccion of godlines euen to denie your liues for Christes sake to take vp your crosse and to folow him Yf any haue in times past bene negligēt in the wai of godlynes I prai besech and exhort the same in the Lord Iesu to turn vnto the Lord with his whole hart and not by his euyl and wicked liuing prouoke the Lordes wrath any longer nor to bring plages vpon the whole congregacion for his wickednes Brethren fal to praier dayly euery man for him selfe and for his Christian brethren Fal to weeping wyth Nehemias Ieremye to see the wall of Ierusalem broken the city destroied with sweard and fire and the temple burned Fal to fasting for now y e daies are come that our swete deare Bridegrome Christ is taken from vs. I certeinli beleue that our to to much negligence in praier and our sloutheful and seldome cōmyng to the holye Supper of the Lorde are twoo of the great causes why the Lord hath thus plaged vs. Let vs therfore earnestlye turne vnto the Lord that he mai turn to vs cal that he may hear aske that he may giue seke that we may finde knocke that the Lord may open vnto vs. If euer we shewed our selues true Christiās let vs now shew it in godlines of conuersacion and lyuinge in quietnes in patiēt suffering in meeke bearing of wronges doing of none to other in forgeueing our enemyes and praying for them in feedyng the poore and needy Saintes of God in pitying al men and in praying for all men And dearelye beloued praye for vs that God of his mercy strengthen and cōforte vs in these troubles that he nowe layeth vpon vs and that the Lorde leaue vs not to our selu●s but ●uer hold his handouer vs and kepe vs vnto the ende For truly I know without his grace and mercyful help no man is able to withs●and Sathās vyolence therefore for Christes loue pray for vs as we shal not faile dayly to do for you Here haue I gētle Reader setforth the Confession and Faith of certaine learned men that as they haue writtē it in theyr exile for thy cōfort so maiest thou giue god the praise and helpe to stop the mouthes of suche blasphemers as haue nothing in theyr mouthes but Heretickes Heretickes But I dout not that when thou hast read it with iudgement and cōferd it with theyr doctrine that they now preach to thee thou shalt se which sort ar the Heretickes Thou mayest see that all theyr struglynge is to brynge thee to theyr stynckyng Romyshe puddels agayne Thus I commende you all dearelye beloued in the tender mercies of Iesu Christ vnto the tuitiō of the liuing god which is the father of our Lord Iesus Christ beseching him to send his holy Gost among you to bestow his ritch grace and blessing vpon you that you al may be cōstant and perfect in Gods wayes and vnmoueable in Christes faith constantlye per●euering vnto the end Amen Grace be with you peace frō God our Father and from our Lord Iesus Christe who tread down Sathan vnder our fete shortly Amen ❧ To all suche as loue to feare God to serue and worshippe him in spirit and truth and to lyue in charitie and vertue amōg their neighbours within the Realme of England Grace mercye and peace be multipled with you from God the father through Iesus Christ his only sōne our Lord and only Sauiour BEcause we are assured that the Deuil not onely as an anucient murtherer proceadeth stil in cruel tirannye and extremities but also as the olde liar from the beginning and father of falsholde in misreporting slaundring and beliynge the moost sacred veritie of Goddes holy worde and vs poore men that haue bene minis●ers of the same specially now that we are absent and gone far from our natiue coūtry of England Therfor partly to certifie such of you as knowe vs that we shute styl at the olde marke of Gods worde neither recanting nor reuokyng that whiche we haue learned in the ●chole of Go● and taught amongst you and partly to signifi to as many of you as know vs not and yet do hear howe our aduersaries raile vpon vs behynde oure backes callyng vs Heretyckes S●●smatickes c. that we are not as they reporte but better framed bothe in thought word and deede
the loynes of our forefather Adam to whom he was promised immediatly after his offence but opened vnto the worlde whan he became incarnate So that this felowship was entred with vs in that parte whyche was properli ours In respect wherof the father of heauen through fayth operation of his holy spirit vouchsafe to make vs partakers of that whiche was properly his namely the breade that came downe from heauen which is lyfe it self optained by Christes death whereby his merites are become ours So that then was this felloweship fully ioyned whan the heauenly mariage betwene our nature and his was made in the vnitie of persone in him not by cōfusiū of substance no more thē ether his deuine or humayn nature is confounded thoughe he be both very God and very man Thus thorow faith wherunto this heauenly matter is offered and by the workyng of the holy gost we haue our felowship with euerlastynge life in his body and bloud which he tooke of vs and which now sitteth in glory wher also our soule is present through faith so that we be one with him The fruitful knowledge and vnderstandyng of this heauenly mistery is euidently setfurth to the eyes of faith ▪ not onely by the fyrst institution and practise of y e Lordes holy Supper but also by his most comfortable wordes afore in the Gospel where he sayth it is God the father that doth graūt vs his true bread namely his owne sōne which came downe from heauen and geueth life vnto the world For he only deserued that the father should geue vs agayne this lyfe that was loste And like as the sonne sayth that the father should geue vs the breade that came from heauen that is to saye his owne sonne whō he also calleth lyfe because he is the life it selfe Euen so the sōne saith that the bread which he wold geue shuld be his flesh which he would geue and offre to the father for the lyfe of the worlde Namely that the worlde by his death myght haue that lyfe whyche he sayde the father woulde geue and that is euen the very true breade that came downe from heauen So y t in the Gospel the sōne touchynge his deuinitie which came from heauen is called bread And like wyse his vmanitie whiche he offered vp vpon the crosse he calleth bread Thus through faythe we haue the perfourmaunce of that whiche was promised namely of y e deuine nature which is life after a more aboundaūt sort then it was lost in Adam So that this is and may wel be called a verye felowship and so in dede both Saynt Iohn and S. Paule termeth it The worthy Sacrament of the body and bloude of the Lorde was instituted only by himselfe in the Parler wher thei did eate the Easter lambe the same night wherin he was betraied And as cōcernyng the maner how the Lord and thei that receiued it with him did vse it Howe he also himselfe willed others his deputies and ministers of his congregation and church to do the same for whom like wyse for what intent and purpose he did institute ordayne it it is sufficientlye mencioned by the thre Euangelistes and by the Apostle Paule Touching the which we must consider that forasmuch as Christ did institute this to be a Sacramente and taughte by his most worthy worde and practife a ce●taine ordre in the ministration therof Therfore as the thynges therein contained ought Sacramentally to be vnderstand without anye absurditie or interruptynge either of the action or mistery So if the ordre and fourme by him prescribed and commaunded to be vsed by suche as are appoynted for the ministratiō therof be omitted Then is that no Sacrament of his For Sacramentes are as substancial couenauntes agremētes whose nature is to declare vnto vs some righte title priuiledge or gifte that we haue or shal receiue thereby whether thei be grounded vpon a commen custome or commaūded to be obserued by such as haue authoritie to make a lawe or ordinaunce for the same For whi should the ordre prescribed in this holy Sacramēt be worse kept or lesse obserued then was the rule that God appoynted in the Sacramentes of the olde lawe Their sacramentes had orders which wer kept and whi should not the rules of our Sacramentes be obserued likewyse Circumcision had a prescribed day what persons should be Circumcised and what part of the fleshe shoulde be cutte away c. The Lorde callinge it both his couenaunt and the token of his couenaunt The celebration of Easter had like wise of the Lorde a time appointed in the which euery houshold hauynge a lambe or a kydde of one year olde being a Male without blemishe should slaye him And not onely take strike the bloude of him vpon the two syde postes and on the vpper doorepost of the house but also eate the lambe or kydde the same nyght with vnleauened bread and with sower herbes nether rawe nor sodden in water but rosted at the fyre the head the feete and purtenaunce together with theyr loynes gyrded shooes on theyr feete sta●es in theyr handes and to eate it in haist nothing remainyng ouer vntyll the mornyng The scripture callynge it the Passouer and the sacrifice of the Lordes Passoeuer And diligently is this to be noted Namely that lyke as y e fathers in olde time did faythfully obserue and kepe the sayde rules nether omyttyng any of them nor minishyng theim nether addyng ought vnto thē that the Lord himself had not appoynted Euen so albeit that the cuttynge awaye of the fores●ynne of the fleshe in Circumcision had the name of the Lordes couenaunt and though the other sacramēt was called the passeouer of the Lorde Yet were they neuer the lesse without any strife brawlyng or contention about the names obediently and thākfulli in godli quietnes vsed obserued The Sacrament of Baptisme also hath his ceremonies and rule appointed of the Lorde as to putte water vpō the childe or to dy●p● him in water to pronoūce him baptised in the name of ●he father the sonne and the holye gost c. The scripture namynge it the newe byrth the baptisme of remission of sinnes the fountayne of the newe byrth c. Where as is likewise to be noted that thei do horribly abuse the Sacrament of baptisme that ether mynishe from it anye of the rules prescribed by the Lord himselfe or adde ther vnto their owne rites and supersticions whether it be salt spittle creme oyle or any such thinges as may deface the worthines of Christ. Yet hath there no suche mischaunce happened vnto this holy sacrament as ether to teach or beleue that ther is any transsubstanciatiō of the water in baptism or that it looseth the nature of water though it be appointed and turned to a very holy vse Nowe to returne agayn to our purpose The worthy Sacrament of the ●ordes body and bloud hath his
vnto Christes wordes do also practise the same in their life and cōuersaciō plaiing the partes of wisemen whiche against stormes for to come build their house vpon the rocke and sure foundation Of this blessed felowship are thei that endurynge stedfast vnto the ende and fearyng God more thē mē take vp theyr crosse and follow Christ beyng wel content to ieopard all that thei haue their life also for his sake These in al their aduersitie resorte vnto the Lorde takyng his yoke vppon them and lernyng of him to be meke and lowly in heart fynd ease and rest vnto their soules Of thys holy congregation and Churche are thei vnto whom it is geuen to knowe the misteries of the kyngdom of heauē whose eyes are blessed for they se and lykewyse their cares for thei beynge children of Gods kyngdome the good seede sowne in the fortunate grounde do not onely heare the word of God but also vnderstand it and bring furth plentiful fruit some more some lesse accordyng to the measure of such giftes as he hath geuen them These are the Lordes owne shepe whych knowing Hom their shepherd his voice folowe not a straunger but flye from him for thei knowe not the voice of strangers It is the Lordes only voice that thei herken vnto and hym they followe who knoweth them and geueth them eternal life so tha they shal neuer perish neither shal any manne plucke them out of his hand The father of heauen who hath geuen this holye flocke and Congregation vnto Christ his sone is greater then al and no man is able to plucke them out of his heauenly fathers hande Nowe is God the father and Christ his sonne all one to the endles comforte of this his vniuersal Church This flocke of Christ this holy congregation is that blessed Church whose vnrightousnes is forgeuen and whose sinnes are couered and not imputed Yea in this Church hath the Lord himself ordayned appointed the heauēly ministracion of continuall remission and forgeuenes of sinnes to al such as vnfainedly repente of their former wicked lyfe and truelye conuerte vnto hym ▪ For vnto this Church hath he geuen the keyes of heauen that whatsoeuer thei bynde vpon earth shalbe bounde in heauen and whatsoeuer they lose in earth shalbe losed in heauen Vnto this Church hath he geuen his holye gost ▪ so that whose synnes soeuer they forgeue the same are forgeuen And whose sinnes so euer thei retayne the same are retained In this church is the pure word of God and al the worthye exercises of his true Religion the holy Sacramētes praiers thankesgeuynge ecclesiasticall discipline c. duelye and faythfully ministred And thoughe the particuler members of this church maye erre as many both perticuler persons also perticuler churches haue erred and som do at this day while thei are compaced with fleshe and bloud Yet shall not one shepe perishe that is of this holy vniuersall flocke neither the fayth or foundation of this Catholike Churche fayle This holy vniuersall church as the sōne in brightnes hath beames of light whereof it commeth to passe that there be also particuler Churches or congregations Where thoughe there be but two or thre gathered together in y e name of Christe He is in the myddes amonge theim For thoughe we confesse and knowledge that the holy Catholike or vniuersal churche of Christ is inuisible suche as our Crede teacheth vs to beleue y t such a church there is Though no mortal man can se the regeneratiō of the spirit and the fayth of Christ in it selfe Yet a good tre mai be knowne by his fruts Like as the beames then that procede of the Sūne are testimonies and partakers of the lyght therof Euen so what church or congregation soeuer professeth the name Religiō of Christ hauyng and exercising the pure and sincere doctrine of hys Gospel of his Sacraments and of al his dissipline accordyng to his holye institutiō y e same do we take vndoutedly for Christs church For bi mās wordes and dedes we mai discerne to alowe or disalowe theim True Prophetes also from false may we know by their fruites The heart God only seeth and iudgeth Notwithstandyng to build vpon we are throwli perswaded that as the sayd blessed vniuersal Church and cōgregation of Christ is the pillor and ground of the truth for greate is the misterye of godlines that it teacheth Euen so in such wonderful deuersitie of doctrines sectes and sondry religions of the worlde we should neither haue com to the true knowledge and beliefe of the Gospel neither shoulde we be satisfied in our selues or surelye fixed to continewe and abyde still in in y e sayth therof as we be God haue the praise against al herisies and false opinions If the authoritie of the said holy vniuersal and catholike churche of Christ had not wholly fully moued stirred prouoked admonished and taught vs so to do But whan we considered with S. Augustine the estimation and dignitie the worthines and authoritie of the sayde vnyuersal church and howe vniformally the mēbers of that mistical body accordeth and consenteth together in the vnitie of the holy gost and in the ministracion of heauenly thinges our conscience with al thanful obedience with obedient thākfulnes doth most cherfully and gladli agree aswel to learne what the said church teacheth vs and to beleue gods word that it preacheth vnto vs. As to be warned by the coūsailes that it geueth vs and to folowe the instructions lessons and ensāples that it sheweth vs. For sure we be as we haue cōfessed alredy that the foūdation of this Church is fyrme fast Herein hath the Lord set vp his owne lyght that hath no darknes in it Here is the truth that desceiueth no man the lyfe that kylleth no man and the kynges hye way that bringeth euery man righte to his iourneies ende As for a perticuler mā a perticuler church or Congregation as we sayd before they maye erre thei may be disceiued in one thyng or other at one tyme or other The consideration wherof as it appeareth did moue S. Augustine to haue most prīcipal regard to y e church vnyuersall although the particuler churches of Aphrica in his time were not defiled and poysoned as they be nowe O that mē were so circumspect this day as to builde vppon so sure a ground For though we maye safely geue credence to ani perticuler church whan it followeth the wholesome doctrine wherin the holy gost by his Apostle did stablish the Churche of the Ephesians of the Philippians of the Colossians of the Tessalonians c. Yet if any such Church do shute at another marke we shall but loose oure game in doyng therafter As for ensample what sound doctrine what wholsome religion what good and vpright discipline is there at this present day in any of the said particular Churches
Be they not vtterlye corrupted and poysoned with diuers kindes of horrible idolatrye with shameful supersticious with dānable sectes and false religions and with the dotyng doctrynes of men Is the Church of the Ephesians yet still light in the Lorde and not rather barckenes in Mahomet Hath the Church of the Philippians this present day felowship stil in the Gospel and not rather in the fylthy doctryne of the Turke Both the church of the Collossians continewe yet styl groūded and stablished in the fayth of the word of God and not rather blinded in infidelitie and in such horrible idolatry as is taughte by the false doctrines of men Is the churche of the Tessalonians nowe conuerted still from images to serue the liuynge God or contente to suffre trouble and losse of their goodes for the truthes sake and not rather turned back agayn to their idols as the dogge to hys vomyte and become cruel persecutors of Christes gospel What sound doctrine thē cā be had in a church or cōgregation y t is so corrupted Yea is the churche of Rome it selfe nowe obedient vnto the faith of Christ as it was in S Pauls time and not rather to the Popes ordinaunces and decrees Wherfore inconsideration of the premisses and for auoydinge of suche stormes as must needes ouerthrowe the house that is builded vpō the sāde we are fully resolued in maner aboue written concerning the sayd holye Apostolicke and Catholike or vniuersal church of Christ. Of the ministery of the word of God VUe are fully perswaded and do sted fastly beleue that the same almighti eternal most gracicious God who in times past diuersly and many waies spake vnto the fathers by the Prophetes hath in these last daies not only spoken vnto vs by his owne deare sone our onlye Sauiour Iesus Christ but hathe also by him ordained appoynted in hys Churche the ministerie of hys holye word willing his Gospel to be preached vnto al creatures to the intent y t al Nacions might become his disciples be taught to obserue al thinges whatsoeuer he hathe commaunded For in consideraciō of this most gracious purpose he did not onlye geue vnto his Apostles and Disciples the holy Ghost and opened theyr wittes that they might vnderstand the scriptures but also cōmitted vnto them to theyr succession in his Church the office and charge of preaching repentaunce and remission of sinnes in hys name among al nacions For this intent also hath it pleased him to constitute and ordaine diuers and sondrye Ministers some hauyng one charge some another that the Saintes holy members of his mistical body and Church myght haue all thynges necessary to worke and minister wythall for the edifying thereof for the increase also and conseruatiō of his true doctrine and Religion This holy office which the Apostle calleth y e stewardship of the misteries of God the ministracion of the spirit the ministracion of rightuousnes the preaching of the attonement and the embassage of Christ though the blind se it not and the vnthankefull worlde regard it not is a noble and precious treasure which the ministers haue in earthen ves●els that the excellent power therof may appeare to be of god and not of them yea of suche worthynes is it that the true ministers thereof are Messengers in the roume of Christ as if God himselfe did ▪ beseche ●s thorowe them to be at one wyth him So that who so heareth thē heareth him who so despiseth them despiseth him and he that receaueth whom soeuer the Lord sendeth receaueth the Lord himself When we consider this as we are bound to do it moueth vs to haue the holy ministracion of gods blessed woorde the more in reuerence And euen so are we occasioned to doe when we cal to remembraunce how worthye Apostles Euangeli●tes and Disciples it pleased him not onlye to appoin●e at the fyrst in hys primatiue Church chiefly for the excecutinge of thys holy office but also to descrybe by hym selfe and them how vpryght Ministers hys wyll was to succeede them what good qualities and gift● they ought to be endued withal ho●● wel learned and exercised in the scriptures how apt to teache other howe true shepheardes how painful worke men in Gods vyn● yarde how dylygent labourers in hys housbandry haruest how faithful stewards of his misteries how honest keepers of hospitality how voyde of fylthynes and corrupcion how discrite vertuous fa●teles they ought to be how sober honest and faithful wyues howe wel ordered housholdes how obedient godly brought vp children they shuld haue how wel esteemed also and regarded and how worthely prouided of nessary liuinges they ought to be Of these and such like thinges testifyed in the scriptures we ar out of dout concernyng the ministerye of Gods holye woorde Of the Sacramentes YF it be meete and conueniēt as it is in dede that the circumstāces of the scriptures as S. Augustine saieth be diligentlie obserued Then is it lykewyse expedient necessary that in medlyng with Gods holy sacramentes it be also r●uerently and discretly considered by whom whā wher after what maner ▪ for whom and for what intent purpose they were ordeined For the ignoraunce and not regardynge thereof hathe marred al the matter and is the verye occasion that as cōcerning the true vnderstāding vse of Gods holy Sacramentes men shute either to wide to shorte or to far of so that therby they loose the game and come not neare the marcke Now because we must nedes confesse as we do reuerently wyth al our hartes that the mistery of Gods holy Sacramentes is most comfortable most worthy to be tasted felt and vnderstand in euery Christen consciēce And forasmuch as the Diuel with the cloud of blynd and wilful ignoraūce hath darkned theeyes of mani a mothers child so that they do not see nor perceiue the swetenes of this treasure what it is wher it lyeth nor the right vse of it Therfore albeit y e holy Gost him selfe hath broken the hard shel of the Nutte already yet seing there are sondry good peeces of the swete kernel ca●t out and lye some troden vnder feete some shuffeled amonge the shels We mynde as sincerely faithfullye as we can to do our best in taking vp and laying forth such parcels of the said most swete kernell concerning the mis●ery of Gods holye Sacramentes as the Lord himselfe bi his grace in this our humble confession shal helpe and teach vs to vtter Nowe as it is most requisite worthely to consider the sayde misterye whych is the Communiō and felowshyp that we haue in eternal lyfe thorow the me●i●es of Christ Euē so we confesse and fynde it so by ecsperiēce that the verity and truth therof doth much the more comfortably appeare when Gods wonderful and most gragracious working for mankynde frō the beginnīg is