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A10958 The faith, doctrine, and religion, professed, & protected in the realme of England, and dominions of the same expressed in 39 articles, concordablie agreed vpon by the reuerend bishops, and clergie of this kingdome, at two seuerall meetings, or conuocations of theirs, in the yeares of our Lord, 1562, and 1604: the said articles analised into propositions, and the propositions prooued to be agreeable both to the written word of God, and to the extant confessions of all the neighbour churches, Christianlie reformed: the aduersaries also of note, and name, which from the apostles daies, and primitiue Church hetherto, haue crossed, or contradicted the said articles in generall, or any particle, or proposition arising from anie of them in particular, heereby are discouered, laid open, and so confuted. Perused, and by the lawfull authoritie of the Church of England, allowed to be publique. Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. English creede. 1607 (1607) STC 21228; ESTC S116041 208,079 284

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but in Lymbo And lastly from those Germane diuines which thinke that our Sauiour carried with him into heauen the faithfull people in soule and bodie raised at his resurrection 3. Proposition Christ shall come againe at the last day to iudge all men euen the quicke and the dead The proofe from Gods word God annointed Iesus of Nazareth with the holie Ghost and with power c. Hence God raised vp the third day c. And he commanded vs to preach vnto the people to testifie that it is hee that is ordained of God a Iudge of quicke and dead saith S. Peter God shall iudge the world by Iesus Christ Iesus Christ shall iudge the quicke and dead at his appearing and in his kingdome c. Henceforth is laid vp for me the crowne of righteousnesse which the Lotd the righteous iudge shall giue mee at that day and not to mee onely but vnto all them also that loue his appearing saith S. Paul The Iudge standeth before the doore saith S. Iames And this Gods church and people doe firmely beleeue and faithfully confesse Errors and adversaries vnto this truth On the other side both they abroad and we at home abhorre them for their opinions which said that There shall be no genera●l iudgement at all as did the Manichies and doe the atheists That the deuills and the most vngodly some of them and namely so manie as in hell do call vpon God for mercie and forgiuenesse say the Turkes yea of al them say the Originists and Catabaptists shall be saued That the wicked shall not be iudged at all but shall die as the bruite beasts and neither rise againe in body nor come vnto iudgement An error of the Familie of Loue That Christ shall not be the future Iudge so thought both Dauid George Coppinger and Arthington For that George rumord himselfe to be the iudge of the whole world and Coppinger and Arthington published how one William Hacket was come to iudge the world and themselues to be his angels for the separating the sheepe from Goates That besides Christ the Pope is iudge of the quick dead An error of the Papists That afore the iudgement there shall be a golden world the godly and none besides enioying the same peaceably and gloriously as the Iewes imagine That the Beleife touching the general Iudgement of Christ ouer the liuing and dead is a doctrine mysticall or a mysterie no historie as H.N. teacheth That the righteous are alreadie in godly glorie and shall from henceforth liue euerlastingly with Christ and raigne vpon the Earth as the Familie of Loue holdeth 5. Article Of the holy Ghost The holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the Sonne 2 is of one substance maiesty and glorie with the Father and the Sonne 1 very and eternall God The Propositions 1. The holy Ghost is very and eternall God 2. The holy Ghost is of one substance maiestie and glorie with the Father and the Sonne 3. The holy Ghost proceedeth from the Father and the Sonne 1. Proposition The holy Ghost is very and eternall God The proofe from Gods word THe holy Ghost to be verie and eternall God the Scripture teach vs. For he is the Creator of all things In the beginning God created the heauen and the earth c. And the spirit of God mooued vpon the waters O Lord how manifold are thy workes c. If thou hide thy face they are troubled if thou take away their breath they die and returne to their dust if thou send forth thy spirit they are created Ergo the holy Ghost is God Christians are to be baptized in the name of the holy Ghost aswell as of the Father and the Sonne Therefore is he verie God Ananias lied vnto God and Sapphira tempted God when both he lied vnto the holy Ghost and shee tempted the spirit of the Lord. As God he chooseth assigneth and sendeth forth men for the ministerie of the Gospel as God he decreeth orders for his Church and people and as God he is to be invocate and praied vnto as well as the Father and the Sonne Vpon this and the like words I beleeue in the holy Ghost I beleeue in the holy Ghost the Lord and giuer of life the Catholike Faith is this that wee worship one God in Trinitie and Trinitie in Vnitie c. The Father is God the Sonne is God and the holy God And yet they are not three Gods but one God c. say the auncient Fathers which also is the Faith and confession of all Gods people at this day The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth This maketh to the condemnatiō of the Pneumatomacheis whereof Some impugne the deitie of the holy Ghost as did in old time Samosatenus and Photinus of late yeares Seruetus Ochinus abroad and Francis Ket Hamant and certaine Brownists among vs at home Some affirme the holy Ghost to be but a meere creature as did Arius the Semiarians the Macedonian heretikes the Tropickes Ochinus Some haue assumed the stile and title of the holy Ghost vnto themselues as did Simon Magus Montanus and Manes Some haue giuen the title of the holy Ghost vnto men and women so Hierax said that Melchisedech was the holy Ghost Simon Magus tearmed his Helene the holy Ghost The Helchesaites saide the holy Ghost was a woman and the naturall sister of Christ Many Papists and namely the Franciscanes blush not to say that S. Francis is the holy Ghost 2. Proposition The holy Gost is of one substance maiestie and glory with the Father and the Sonne The proofe from Gods word The holy Ghost effected the incarnation of Christ teacheth all things leadeth into all truth giueth vtterance to his seruants gifts vnto his people placeth rulers in the Church and ouerseers to feede the flocke of God sealeth the Elect vnto the day of redemption aswel as the Father and the sonne and these three viz. the Father the word and the holy Ghost are one Therefore is the holy Ghost of one substance maiestie and glory with the Father and the sonne And this was the beleefe of the auncient Fathers I beleeue say they in the holy Ghost the Lord and giuer of life c. who with the Father and the sonne together is worshipped and glorified who spake by the Prophets The Godhead of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost is all one the glory equal the maiesty coeternal Such as the Father is such is the Son such is the holy Ghost c And in this Trinitie none is afore or after other none is greater or lesse then another But the whole three persons be coeternall together and coequal The very
same doe all reformed Churches beleeue and confesse The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth The premises doe make Against the Tretheites which affirme the holy Ghost to be inferior vnto the Father Against the Arrians who said the holy Ghost was inferior to the Sonne Against the Macedonian heretikes who held the holy Ghost to be but a minister and seruant of the Father and the Sonne yet of more excellent maiestie and dignitie then the Angels Against many erroneous spirits which deliuer the holy Ghost to be nothing els but The motion of God in his creatures as did the Samosatenians A bare power and efficacie of God working by a secret inspiration as the Turkes and certaine English Sadduces doe imagine The Inheritance allotted to the faithfull and the beeing or vertuous estate of Christ as dreameth H.N. The affection of charitie or Loue within vs an error of Petrus Lombardus Gods loue fauour and vertue whereby he worketh in his children so thought Ochinus and Seruetus 3. Proposition The holy Ghost proceedeth from the Father and the Sonne The proofe from Gods word The proceeding of the holy Ghost from the Father and the Sonne we gather from the holy scripture which teacheth how The Father sendeth the comforter which is the holy Ghost in the name of the Sonne and the sonne sendeth the comforter the spirit of truth from the Father he proceedeth of the Father and is sent of the Sonne So with vs say the auncient Fathers and Christians He proceedeth from the Father and the Sonne The holy Ghost is of the Father and of the Sonne neither made nor created but proceeding So there is one Father not three Fathers one sonne not three sonnes one holy Ghost not three holy Ghostes which is the faith of the moderne christians Errors and aduersaries vnto this truth This discouereth all them to be impious and to erre from the way of truth which hold and affirme That the holy Ghost proceedeth neither from the Father nor the Sonne but is one and the same person that Christ is as the Arrians doe That the holy Ghost proceedeth from the Father but not from the sonne as at this day the Graecians the Russians the Moscouites maintaine That there is a double proceeding of the holy Ghost one temporall the other eternall an error of Peter Lombard vncontrolled hitherto and therefore well liked of the Papists 6. Article Of the sufficiencie of the holy Scripture for saluation Holy Scripture 1 containeth all things necessarie for saluation so that whatsoeuer is not read therein nor may be prooued thereby is not to be required of any man that it should be beleeued as an article of the Faith or be thought requisite necessary to saluation 2 In the name of the holy Scripture we doe vnderstand those Canonicall bookes of the old and newe testament of whose authoritie was neuer any doubt in the Church Of the names and number of the Canonicall bookes Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomium Iosue Iudges Ruth The 1. Booke of Samuel The 2. Booke of Samuel The 1. Booke of Kings The 2. Booke of Kings The 1. Booke of Chronicles The 2. Booke of Chronicles The 1. Booke of Esdras The 2. Booke of Esdras The Booke of Esther The Booke of Iob. The Psalmes The Proverbs Eccles. or the Preacher Canticles or song of Salomon 4. Prophets the greater 12Prophets the lesse 3 And the other bookes as Hierome saith the Church doth read for example of life and instruction of manners but yet doth it not applie them to stablish any doctrine Such are these following The 3. Booke of Esdras The 4. Booke of Esdras The Booke of Tobias The Booke of Iudith The rest of the Booke of Hester The Booke of wisedome Iesus the sonne of Sirach Baruch the Prophet Song of the 3. children The story of Susanna Of Bel and the Dragon The praier of Manasses The 1. Booke of Macchabes The 2. Booke of Macchabes 4 All the bookes of the newe Testament as they are commonly receiued we doe receiue and accompt them for Canonicall The propositions 1. The sacred Scripture conteineth all things necessarie to be knowen and beleeued for the saluation of man 2. All the bookes in the volume of the Bible are not Canonicall but some and namely those here specified are 3. The 3. 4. bookes of Esdras the booke of Tobias c. are apocryphal 4. Of the newe Testament all the bookes are Canonicall 1. Proposition The sacred Scripture containeth all things necessary to be knowne and beleeued for the saluation of man The proofe from Gods word THe holy Scriptures to be sufficient to instruct vs in all things necessary to be knowen and beleeued for mans saluation the word of God teacheth Ye shall put nothing vnto the word which I command you saith the Lord neither shall yee take ought therefrom Whatsoeuer I command you take heed you doe it thou shalt put nothing thereto nor take ought therfrom Thou shalt not turne away from it to the right hand nor to the left that thou maist prosper whither soeuer thou goest Euery word of God is pure c. Put nothing vnto his words least he reprooue thee and thou be found a liar These things are written that ye might beleeue c. and that in beleeuing yee might haue life through his Name The whole Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable to teach to improoue to correct and to instruct in righteousnesse that the man of God may be absolute beeing made perfect vnto all good workes If any man shall adde vnto these things God shall adde vnto him the plagues that are written in this booke and if any man shall diminish of the wordes of this booke God shall take away his part out of the booke of life and out of the holy cittie and from those things which are written in this booke Hereunto Gods people both alwaies haue and at this present doe subscribe The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth Therefore adversaries be wee to all adversaries to this truth especially To such as scorne and contemptuously reiect the booke of God as both did the Circumcellians which defaced and burnt the holy Scriptures and Pope Leo the tenth who tearmed the holy Gospel A fable of Christ and doe the prophane Atheists Also to such as debase the credite and estimation of the holy Scriptures as Dauid George did and both doe the papists who haue an opinion that the scriptures of God are not sufficient to instruct mankinde vnto saluation and the Anabaptists which deeme not the holy Bible to be the word of God with the Familie of Loue in whose bookes nothing is more frequent then the tearming of Gods reverend ministers and preachers Scripture learned Also to them which with Gods word doe equall their owne doctrines
3.5 h Rom. 5.6 c. i Act. 3 4. k M●tth 27.24 Ioh. ●9 4.6 l ●o●f●ss Helv. 1. ar 11. 2. c. 11. B●hem c. 4. 7 Gal. ar 14. Belg. ar 18. Matth. 12.10 Luke 13.14 Ioh. 5.16 b Matth. 21.23 c Luke 23.2 d Matth. 5.17 e Luke 23.5 f Jren. lib. i. c. 29. g Theodoret. h Holinsh. chro fol. 1299. i Leon. Vairus de Fas● lib. 2. c. 11. cir a finem a prooued pag. 53. b prooued pag. 54. c prooued pag. 39 40. d prooued pag. 50. e Eccles. 7.22 f Gal. 5.17 g 1. Tim. 1.15 h Iames 3.2 i 1. Ioh. 1.8 k Matth. 6.12 l Confess Aug. ar 20. Sax. ar 3. a Concil Trid. sess 5. decr de pec Orig. b Test. Rhem. an Col. 1.24 c Test. Rhem. an Mark 3.33 d Stapl. an●●d euang in Mat. 12.50 p. 118. e Sicut Adae Deo non parcuti omnis creatura rebellis extitit sic B. Francisco omnia praecepta Dei implenti creatura omnis famulata est omnia Deus subiecit sub p●dibus eius Alcar Fran. lib. 1. f Hier. in prol Dial. contra Pelag. g Cypr. l. 4. ep 2. h August l. 2. cont Petil. c. 14 i Concil Meli. cap. 8. k Display H. 6. b l Ans. to the Fam. libert L. 3 m Display H. 6. b. n Jren. l. 1. c. 9. o Epiphan p Iren. lib. 1. cap. 24. a Luk. 12.40 b 1. Ioh. 5.6 c Matth. 13.31 Mark 3.39 Luke 22.10 d Confess Bohe. c 4. e Confess Sax. ar 10. f Conf●ss Helv. 2. c. 8. h Concil Mil●vit i D. Hieron advers In●i● k Epiphan l Sp●c per●grin quaest d●c 1. c. 3. q. 5. Position Ingo stad de Purgat m Epiphan a Ioh. 5.14 b Ioh. 8.11 c Eph 4.21 22. d Coloss. 3 8. e Heb. 3.12 f 1. Tim. 1.19 2. Tim. 4.3 2. Tim. 2.22 g 1. Pet. 2.10 and 58. 2. Pet 3.17 h 2. Sam. 11 4. i 1. king 11.3 k Math. l Reuel 2. m Luk. 22.55 n Act. 2.23 c. 3.13 4.10 c. o Matth. 26 56. p Confess Hel● 2. c. 7. Bohem. c. 5.8 Saxon. ar 10 11. VVittem ar 32. S●e●ic● ar 15. a Magd. eccles hist. c●n 12. c. 5. b Eus. l. 5. c. 43. c Magd. eccles hist. cent 4. c. 5. d VVilkinson against the F. of Loue ar 14. e Calv. contra Libert fol. 217. f Tapp p. 189. g Concil ●rid sess 6. can 29. h Vis ad apicē venire perfectionis Vita cum moribus attende B. Francisci a Matth. 11.28 i. Tim. 2.4 b Luke 15.7 c Luke 19.41 42. c. d Iam. 5.20 e 2. Pet. 3.9 f 1. Ioh. 1.9 g Reu. 2.5.16 h Luk. 15.20 i Matth. 18.26 c. k Gal. 6.1 l 2. Cor. 2.5 6 7. m Philem. v. 12. n Confess Helv. 2. c. 14. Bohem. c. 5. August ar 11. Saxon. ar 3. VVittem ar 12. a D. Hieron adv Marc. b Cypr. epist. 4. ad Antonian c Bulling contr Anab. l. 2. c. 13. d Calv. Institut e Giffords repl f Magd. eccles hist. cen 4. c. 5. g H. N. spirit land c. 33. § 3. c. 34. § 11. c. 37. § 8. and Proverbs c. 5. § 15. and Crying voice § 6. h Gen. 4. i Act. 1. k Hist. Fr. Spir. l Luther on Gal. 3. ● m Giffords repl to Barr. and Green p. 17. a Matth. 20.23 b Ibid. 22.14 c Ibid. 24.2 d Luk. 12.32 e Ibid. 17.34 f Ioh. 6.37 g Act. 13.48 h Rom. 8.29 i 2. Cor. 2.15 16 k Eph. 1.3 4 5. l Math. 25.34.41 Iude 6. m Gen. 4.4 n Rom. 9 7. c o Mal. 1.2 3. Rom. 9.13 p Gen. 40.20 q Luk. 23.39 40 43. r Matth. 24.40 41. a 1. Cor. 15.12 b Clem. strom lib. 4. c Iren. d Iren. e Aug. contra Faust. l. 4. c. 16. f Epiphan g H.N. Instr. ar 5. § 24. Prophecie of the spir c. 16. § 7. a Matth. 25.34 b Eph. 1.4 c 2. Tim. 1.9 d Confess 2. c. 10.11 e ar 1. f ar 10. a Ioh. 6.37 b Ioh. 10.28 29. c Matth. 16.18 d Rom. 8.30 e Rom. 11.29 f 1. Ioh. 3.19 a Bredvvels detect p. 85. a Luke 10.20 b Ioh. 10.14 c 2. Tim. 2.10 d Confess Helv. 2. cap. 10. Basil. ar 1. Gal. ar 12. Belg. ar 16. a VVolf Musculus in epist. ad Philip. praef b Bulling cont Catabap lib. 1. c Nash in Chr. his teares p. 58. d Ramseis and Allens confess e Calvin epist. ministr Basil. fol. 105. f Test. Rhem. an Rom. 11.23 a That the purpose of God might remaine according to election Rom. 9.11 Who doth predestinate vs c. according to the good pleasure of his will Eph. 1.5 Not according to our workes but according to his owne purpose and grace 2. Tim. 1.9 b I will shew mercie to whome I will shew mercie Exod. 33.19 Rom. 9.15 c Hee hath chosen vs in Christ c. and hath predestinate vs through Christ vnto himselfe Eph. 1.4 5. Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things c. but with the pretious blood of Christ as of a lambe vndefiled ●nd without spot which was ordained before the foundation of the world but was de●lared in the last times for your sakes 1. Tim. 1.18 19 20. d Who doth predestinate vs c. to the praise of the glorie of his grace Eph. 1.6 The Lord hath made all things for his owne sake yea euen the wicked for the day of euill Prou. 16.4 e Rom. 8.29 Those whome he knew before he did also predestinate to be made like to the image of his Sonne that he might be the first borne among many brethren Hath not the potter power of the ●lay to make of the same lumpe one vessell to hon●ur and another vnto dishonour Rom. 9.21 a Test. Rhem. an Mat. 20.23 b Stella in Luc. c. 10. fol. 35. c Clem. strom lib. 2.4 d Theoph. in Matth. 22. e Calvin epist. minist Helvet fol. 104. a Whome he predestinate them also hee called Rom. 8.30 God separated me from my mothers wombe and called me by his grace Gal. 1.15 He hath called you to his kingdome and glorie 1. Thess. 2.12 He hath saued vs and called vs with an holy calling 2. Timoth. 1.9 They that are on his side called chosen and faithfull Reu. 17.14 b Your obedience is come abroad among all Rom. 16.19 in Christ ●ho ye trusted after ye heard the word of truth Eph. 1.13 Iesus Christ is in you except ye 〈◊〉 reprobates 2. Cor. 13.5 c Ye receiued the spirit of adoption whereby we ●rie A●●a ●a●her The s●me Spirit bearing witnesse with our spirit that we are the children of God 〈◊〉 8.15 16. After this manner pray ye Our Father c. M●tth 6 9. And ●ecause ye are s●nnes God hath sent forth the spirit of his Sonne into your hearts which crieth Ab●● Father ●al 4.6 d He hath chosen vs in him c. that we should be holy ●nd without
haue a Quaternitie of persons not a Trinitie to be worshipped so did Anastasius the Emperour command the Apollinarians did hold Some doe graunt and acknowledge the names of three in the God-head but denie their persons such were the Noëtians Praxeneans and Hermogenians This did say how the same God was called by diuers names in the holy Scripture and therefore that the Father became flesh and suffered because one and the same God is called the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost For which cause they were tearmed Patripassians In this number was Sernetus Againe some doe grant the names and persons of three and yet depriue not onely the Sonne and holy Ghost of their diuinitie but the whole Trinitie also of their properties For they say there be three in heauen viz. the Father the Word and holy Ghost howbeit say they the Father onely is very God the word is the breath of the Father and the holy Ghost is the spirit created by God of nothing through the word spoiling so both the Sonne and holy Ghost of their deitie and the whole Trinitie of their properties Such were the Arrian and Macedonian heretikes hence by-named Pneumatomachons because they waged battel with the holy Ghost And some doe bring in other names of deitie besides of the Father Sonne and holy Ghost as did the Priscilianists 2. Article Of the word of God which was made very man The Sonne which is 1 the word of the Father begotten from euer-lasting of the Father the verie and eternall God of one substance with the Father 2 tooke mans nature in the wombe of the blessed virgine of her substance so that 3 two whole and perfect natures that is to say the God-head and man-hood were ioyned in one person neuer to be diuided where-of is one Christ very God and verie man ● who suffered was crucified dead and buried to reconcile his Father to vs and to be a Sacrifice not onely for originall guilt but also for all actuall sinnes of men The propositions 1. Christ is very God 2. Christ is very man 3. Christ is God and man and that in one person 4. Christ is the Sauiour of mankinde 1. Proposition Christ is very God The proofe from Gods word IN the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and that Word was God This is written of Christ. Therefore Christ is God Christ was begotten of the Father from euerlasting Therefore verie God This is life eternall that they knowe thee to be verie God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ They shal call his name Emanuel which is by interpretation God with vs Christ he is the brightnes of the glorie and the engraued image of the Father his person and beareth vp all things by his mightie hand Therefore verie God And this both hath bin of the auncient Christians and is the Faith of the reformed Churches The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth Miserably therefore doe they erre which either denie or impugne the deitie of our Sauiour as did certaine old heretikes viz. The Arrians whereof some were called the Douleians because in scorne they tearmed the onely begotten of God the Fathers seruant The Cerinthians The Ebionites among whome some said that Christ Iesus was a meere man others acknowledged him to be God but not from euerlasting The Eunomians The Samosatenians who thought that Christ was not the Sonne of God before his incarnation The Nestorians whose opinion was that Christ became God by merit but was not God by nature The Macedonians which vtterly denied the Sonne to be of one substance with the Father The Agnoites who held that the diuine nature of Christ was ignorant of some things Againe some late heretikes euen to the death neuer would acknowledge Christ Iesus to be the true and verie God as namely Certaine Catabaptists Blandrat Matthew Hamant burnt at Norwitch an 1579. one of whose heresies was that Christ was a meere and sinnefull man Francis Ket burnt also at Norwitch an 1588. who most obstinatelie maintained that Christ was not God til after his resurrection Dauid George sometime of Basil who affirmed himselfe to be greater for power then euer Christ was In oppugning the deitie of our Sauiour with these heretikes ioyne the Iewes and Turkes which say that Christ was a good man such as Moses and Mahomet were but not God Hence Amurath the great Turke in his letters vnto the Emp. Rodolph the second an 1593. tearmed our Sauiour in derision The crucified God vnto whome may be added the Familie of Loue 2. Proposition Christ is very man The proofe from Gods word HOlding the humanitie of Christ wee ioyne with the blessed Prophets and Euangelists who either prophecied of his future incarnation and conception in the wombe of a virgine or plainely auouched and writ both that the virgine Marie was his mother and that as verie man he grewe and increased in strength endured hunger and thirst wept and slept and suffered death Hence the auncient Fathers and Christians I beleeue in God the Father almightie c. and in Iesus Christ c. which was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the virgine Mary suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried The right faith is that we beleeue and confesse that our Lord Iesus Christ the Sonne of God is God and man God of the substance of the Father begotten before the world and man of the substance of his mother borne in the world Perfect God and perfect man of a reasonable soule and humane flesh subsisting Equal to the Father as touching his Godhead and inferiour to the Father touching his manhood I beleeue in one God the Father almightie c. and in one Lord Iesus Christ c. who for vs men and for our saluation came downe from heauen and was incarnate by the holy Ghost of the virgine Marie and was made man c The verie same testifie Gods people in Heluetia Basil Bohemia the Lowe countries France Ausburgh Wittemberg Suevia with many moe besides The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth Therefore most wicked were the opinions of those men which held viz. that 1. Christ really and indeed had neither bodie nor soule but was man in appearance onely as the Manichies the Eutychians the Marcionites and the Saturnians 2. Christ had a bodie without a soule as thought the Eunomians the Arrians the Apollinarians with the Theopaschites 3. Christ tooke not flesh of the virgine Marie so did the Valentinians thinke and so thinke the Anabaptists and the Familie of Loue who make an allegorie of the Incarnation of Christ 4. Christ tooke flesh onely of the virgine but no soule as the Arrians 5. Christ tooke flesh not
necessitie the minister of Baptisme is euery man both male and female A woman be shee yong or old sacred or wicked Euery male that hath his wits and is neither dumbe nor so drunken that he can vtter the the words as wel Pagā Infidel heretik the bad as the good the schismatik as the Catholike may baptize And yet vsually in the ciuill warres both in France and in Netherland the Papists did rebaptize such children as of the Protestant not lai-mē but ministers had afore bin baptized This priuate Baptisme by priuate persons was also taught long since both by the Marcionites and Pepuzians 4. Proposition There is a lawfull ministerie in the Church The proofe from Gods word God for the gathering or erecting to himselfe a Church out of mankinde and for the well gouerning of the same from time to time hath vsed yea and also doth and to the end of the world will vse the ministery of men lawfully called thereunto by men A truth most euident in the holy Scripture Iesus said vnto his Apostles Goe and teach all Nations baptizing them c. and loe I am with you alway vnto the ende of the world Christ gaue some to be Apostles and some Prophets and some Euangelists and some Pastors and Teachers for the gathering together of the saints for the worke of the ministerie and for the edification of the body of Christ till we all meet together in the vnitie of faith and knowledge of the Sonne of God vnto a perfect man A truth also approued by the Churches Adversaries vnto this truth Oppugners of this truth are First the Anabaptisticall Swermers who both tearme all Ecclesiasticall men The Diuells ministers and also as very wicked doe vtterly condemne the outward ministerie of the word Sacraments And next the Brownists who divulge that in these daies No ministers haue the calling sending or authoritie pertaining to a minister and that It will hardly be founde in all the world that any minister is or shall be lawfully called such also be the Barrowists which say there is no ministerie of the Gospell in all Europe 5. Proposition They are lawfull Ministers which be ordained by Men lawfully appointed for the calling and sending forth of Ministers The proofe from Gods word S. Paul in the beginning of his epistle vnto the Galathians giueth vs to obserue the diuers sendeth-forth of men into the holy ministery whereof Some are sent immediately frō God himselfe So sent was by God the Father both Iesus Christ and Iohn Baptist by God the Sonne in his state mortall the twelue Apostles in his state immortall and glorious S. Paul This calling is speciall and extraordinarie and the men so called were adorned with the gift of miracles cōmonly as were Iesus Christ and his Apostles but not alwaies for Iohn Baptist wrought none And they were also enioyned for the most part as the Apostles to preach throughout the world howbeit our Sauiour was limited Some againe were sent of men as they be who are sent of men not authorized thereunto by the word of God and that to the disturbance of the peace of the Church such in the Apostles time were the false Apostles in our daies be the Anabaptists Familie Elders and law despising Brownists And some lastly are by men sent so in the primitiue Church by the Apostles were Pastors and Elders ordained who by the same authoritie ordained other Pastors and teachers Whence it is that the Church as it hath bin so it shall till the end of the world be prouided for They who are thus called haue power neither to worke miracles as the Apostles had nor to preach and minister the Sacraments where they will as the Apostles might but they are tied euery man to his charge which they must faithfully attend vpon except vrgent occasion doe enforce the contrary The calling of these men is tearmed a generall calling and it is the ordinarie and in these daies the lawfull calling allowed by the word of God So testifie with vs the true Churches else where in the world Adversaries vnto this truth This truth hath many waies bin resisted For there ●e which thinke how in these daies there is no calling but the extraordinarie or immediate calling from God not by men as the Anabaptists Familists and Brownists of whome afore The Papists albeit they allow the assertion yet take they all ministers to be wolues Hirelings Laie men and Intruders who are not sacrificing Priests annointed by some Antichristian Bishop of the Romish synagogue Either all or the most part of the ministers of England saith Howlet be meere Lay men and no Priests and consequently haue noe authoritie in these things It is euidēt c. because they are not ordained by such a Bishop and Preist as the Catholike Church hath put in authoritie 6. Proposition Before Ministers are to be ordained they are to be chosen and called The proofe from Gods word Though it be in the power of them which haue authority in the Church to appoint Ministers for Gods people yet may they admit neither whome they will nor as they will themselues But they are both deliberately to chuse and orderly to call such as they haue chosen This made the Apostles and Elders in the primitiue Church straightly to charge that suddenly hands should be laid on no man To make a speciall choise of twaine whereof one was to be elected into the place of Iudas By election to ordaine Elders in euery church and by praier and fasting to commend them to the Lord and by laying on of hands to consecrate them To describe who who were to be chosen and called For they are to be Men not Boies nor women Men of good behauiour not incontinent not giuen to wine not strikers not couetous not proud not froward nor irefull nor giuers of offense finally men of speciall gifts apt to teach able to exhort wise to diuide the word of God aright bold to reprooue willing to take paines watchfull to ouersee patient to suffer and constant to endure all manner of afflictions And this doe the Churches Protestant by their Confessions approoue The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth In error they remaine who are of opinion that The due election and calling of Ministers according to the word of God is of no such necessitie to the making of Ministers an erroneous fancie of the Anabaptists and Familie of Loue. That women may be Deacons Elders and Bishops the former the Acephalians the latter the Pepuzians did maintaine A speciall care is not to be had both of the life and the learning of men or that wicked men of euill life ignorant men without learning Asses of no giftes loiterers which doe no good or fauourers of superstition and idolatry which do great hurt
saith of the said Parkhurst that when he liued in Tigure Lady Elizabeth was euer in his mouth her Faith her wisedome her magnanimous spirit her virgineous and chast behauiour hee would euer celebrate with high words and commendations and that God would gard and safegard her person for the good of his people was his daily praier yea saith the same Gualter orabant idem te cum pii omnes it was not your praier onely but all Gods people so praied besides And their prayers were not made in vaine For both Q. Mary liued not long and L. Elizabeth was placed in the royall throne superstition was expulsed and true religion againe to the singular comfort and multiplication of Gods people in this kingdome very solemnely restored .5 Nothwithstanding an Vniformitie of doctrine to be taught embraced and professed by authoritie of the Prince and State was not published till certaine yeares after the Queenes attaining the kingly diademe but then Articles of religion to the number of thirty-nine drawē yet three yeares afore were commended to the consideration and perusall of the whole clergie of both Prouinces in an orderly and lawfull assembly or Convocation of theirs at London and by a sweete and vnanimous readines thereupon by them allowed This was effected in the yeare of our Lord 1562. the same yeare that the mercilesse Massacre at Vassey in France was committed by the Duke of Guize and the same very time also that all the Protestants in that country of France for holding and professing the same doctrine were sentenced vnto death and destruction by the Parliament at Paris after which their condemnatiō ensued those horrible and more then sauage murders and slaughters of the Religious and onely for this Religion at Carrascone at Tholouse Amiens Towres Sens Agen Aurane and many other citties townes and villages throughout France A principall contriuer of this Vniformitie in religion and thereby Vnitie among vs was another Predecessor of your Graces euen D. Parkar the first Archbishop of Canterburie in the said Queenes daies Here vpon Beza from Geneva Doctrinae puritas viget in Anglia Pure syncere religion flourisheth in England Zanchius from Strasborough Per hanc reginam factam by her meaning Q. Elizabeths comming to the Crowne God againe hath restored his doctrine and true worship and Daneus The whole compasse of the world hath neuer seene any thing more blessed nor more to be wished then is her gouernenment So now againe flourished those Apostolicall times as I may say of vnitie and Vniformitie of doctrine in our Church For then were there no contentions nor dissentions nor thornie pricking disputations among vs about questions of religion tantum res nobis fuit cum satellitibus quibusdam Pontificiis as Bishop Iewell said wee then skirmished onely with the Papists As it was at the building of Salomons temple so was it with vs then Wee set vpon the building of Gods house which is his Church without deane without noyse and stirres The adversaries without heard vs and heard of our doings abroad by the pens of the learned Iewel Nowel Calfehill and such other Architects of ours to our selues wee were comely as Ierusalem to our enemies terrible as an armie of Banners 6. Also what afore viz. an 62. they had agreed vpon the same at another Assembly at London an 71. and the 13. of Q. Elizabeth according to a Act of Parliament then made the said Clergie of England the Archbishops and Bishops first beginning and giuing the example by their seuerall Subscriptions with their owne hands most readily did approoue Howbeit in the yeare next ensuing sciz an 72 a yeare many waies memorable especially for the great and generall Massacre of aboue an hundred thousand Protestāts in France chiefly in Paris and the country thereabout adioyning begun on S. Bartholemewes eeue for Pope Gregories excommunicating of Q. Elizabeth for defending this doctrine and religion which here wee speake of and thirdly for the erecting of priuate Presbyteries now first in England diuers of the inferior ministers in and about London and else where in this kingdome not a little disturbed the quiet of our state and peace some of them by vntimely and inconsiderate Admonitions pamphelets and Libels others by obstinate refusing to subscribe as both Lawe did enioyne and their Fathers in Christ and superiors afore them had done But these men speedily both by learning were answered and by authoritie censured suspended or depriued 7. And yet not one of these Recusants and so not one of Englāds clergie either now or afore did euer oppugne the receiued publike and catholike doctrine of our Church but most willingly approued and applauded the same as the truth of God For euen the admonitioners themselues which said that they did striue for true Religion and wished the Parliament euen With perfect hatred to detest the church of England whereof notwithstanding they were members euen they doe say how they meaning the Bishops and their partakers they hold the substance of Religion with vs and wee with them And againe Wee all of vs confesse one Christ. And their Champion doth acknowledge that her maiestie hath deliuered vs from the spirituall Egypt of Poperie So that for doctrine I meane still for the maine points of doctrine there was now a sweete and blessed concord among vs which Vnitie continued all that holy and reuerend Fathers I meane Archbishop Parkers time which was till the 17. yeare of Q. Elizabeth 8. After him succeeded in the said Archiepiscopall chaire B. Grindall a right famous and worthy Prelate and for religion so sound as in K. Edwards daies had the Prince liued a while longer he had bin promoted vnto the Bishoprick of London vpon the translation of B. Ridly vnto Durham for these things had the State then in purpose But God otherwise had decreed for their advancements as that the one of them should passe through the fire vnto the kingdome of heauen and the other escape the dangers of many stormes and waters before hee came vnto any preferment at all And so accordingly Ridley was burned and Grindall banished and both of them depriued either of life or liuing or both and that for one and the same cause and doctrine which they had preached and wee professe But the tempest being ouerblowen and Q. Elizabeth her selfe hauing likewise escaped the bloody hands of her cruel enemies yea and Gunpowder traines and Treasons too in most barbarous manner laid to haue blowen vp her saint-like sanctified Body and Soule into the heauens and all for her constant fauouring and embracing this very doctrine her Maiestie not forgetfull what he had endured for the cause of Christ and his Church aduanced this zealous Confessour and tried Souldier vnto the See first of London afore designed him next of Yorke and lastly of Canterburie The care of this Archbishop was great to further the glory of God but through the enuy and malice
generalitie doe allowe the doctrine of our Church being called by authoritie to acknowledge their assent vnto euerie Article thereof in particular they doe not a little debase the estimation of this doctrine of our● and shewe themselues but too apparent and professed disseruors from the same And though all of them doe and will approoue some yet not one of them will subscribe vnto all and euery of the Articles For vnto the Articles of religion and the Kings Supremacie they are willing to subscribe And they may subscribe as afore hath beene noted vnto such of them as containe the summe of Christian Faith and the doctrine of the Sacraments But vnto the same Articles for number 39. agreed vppon in this Conuocation at London an 62. they neither will nor dare nor may subscribe For neither the rest of the Articles in that booke nor the Booke of common prayer may bee allowed no though a man should be depriued from his ministerie for it say the sayd Brethren in a certaine Classical decree of theirs The late Politician is not affraide to mooue the high and most honorable Court of Parliament that Impropriations may bee let to Ferme vnto Incumbent ministers viz. which faithfullie preach in the Churches the true doctrine of the Gospell according to the Articles of religion concerning Faith and Sacraments meaning that such Ministers as preach the same doctrine if they proceed to the rest of the Articles Concerning either Conformitie in externall and ceremoniall matters or Vniformitie in other points of doctrine contained in that booke should not be partakers of that benefit or of Benefices Impropriat 31. If it be demaunded what the causes may be why they will vnto some but will not vnto all or why they will vnto those Articles which concerne Faith and the Sacraments but will not vnto the rest subscribe The reasons hereof be two whereof The one is for that in their opinion there is no Law to compell them to subscribe vnto all For say the brethren resiant I know not where Wee haue alwaies beene readie to subscribe to the Articles of religion concerning the doctrine of Faith and of the Sacraments which is all that is required by Lawe Also the Brethren in Deuonshire and Cornewale Wee are readie say they to subscribe to the third which concerneth the booke of Articles of religion so farre as wee are bound by Statute concerning the same viz. as they concerne the doctrine of the Sacraments and the confession of the true faith And the 22 London Brethren tell K. Iames to his head how the Subscription which he calleth for is more then the Lawe requireth Their other reason is because as the Lincolnshire doe say sundry as the London Brethren affirme many things in that booke be not agreable but contrary to Gods word 32. If these things be true which they doe alleadge surely then are those men to be chronicled for the Faithfull the godly and innocent Brethren indeede whome neither present Benefices can allure nor the angry countenance and displeasure of a king euen of the puissant and powerfull king of great Brittaine can force to doe any thing at his beck and pleasure either against Lawe or for which there is no law and who had rather to forgoe all their earthly commodities liuings yea to goe from their charges and ministery and to expose themselues their wiues and children to the myseries of this world grieuous for flesh and blood to endure then to approoue any thing for true and sound by their hands which is opposite or not agreeable to the reuealed will and Scriptures of God But if these allegations of theirs be but weake and sinfull surmises or rather apparently most false scandalous and slaunderous imputations to their Prince their mother Church and this State then doubtlesse as they euen Christians now liuing cannot but take them so the ages to come will euerlastingly note and censure them both for disloyall Subiects that so traduce a truly and most christianly religious King il deseruing children that so abuse their honourable and reuerend Fathers and superiors of State and authority turbulent spirits not peaceable men which raise such broiles troubles and diuisions in the Church and kingdome the issues whereof no tongue can foretell and are fearefull being thought of without cause and finally neither faithfull nor godly Preachers but vngodly broachers of vntruthes and slaunders and the very authors and fautors of horrible cōfusion faction in Gods Church whose peace they shold seek promote euē with their deerest blood 33. Since the Statute for Vniformitie in rites and doctrine was first enacted moe then 35. yeeres haue passed in all which space neither the Brethren nowe being nor the Brethren afore them liuing haue hetherto shewen of the 39. Articles for names and titles Which for number Howe manie the Articles be which ecclesiastical Ministers necessarily must howe many which they may not or neede not vnlesse they list subscribe vnto which I am sure they or some of them at one time or other would haue expressed had the Lawe fauored their recusancie and they beene able to haue iustified their Maxime which is That they are not compellable by subscription to approoue them all Againe since the first establishment of that Statute Lawe the most reuerend Fathers and truely reformed Ministers of this Church sound for iudgement profound for learning zealous for affection sincere for religion faithfull in their Churches painefull in their charges more profitable many waies of as tender consciences euery way as any of these Brethren combined according both to their bounden duties and as they are perswaded to the very purport and true intent of the said Statute haue alwaies both with their mouthes acknowledged and with their pennes approoued the 39. Articles of our religion for truthes not to bee doubted of and godly Yea and the Brethren too themselues which nowe so scrupulouslie when they are orderly called thereunto doe holde backe their hands and will subscribe but choisely vnto some of them euen they with their mouthes which is equiualent and all one haue that according to the Statute or else their liuings be void vpon their first entrance into all and singular their ecclesiasticall benefices openly both read and testified their consent vnto the said Articles for number euen nine and thirty acknowledging them I say all of them to be agreeable to Gods word whereof the people in there seuerall charges be ready witnesses to testifie so much before God the world 34. Againe of these Brethren that will subscribe but vnto which they please of these Articles there be some who faine would beate into mens heads if they could tell howe to make it credible that the Doctrine of our Church is altered from that it was in the raigne of Queene Elizabeth But this assertion being too grosse egregiouslie vntrue and no way iustifiable they secondly giue out and report so industrious be they to inuent newe shifts to
inestimable benefits which wee haue and shall receiue from your selfe and your late Predecessors D. Whitgift Grindall Parker Cranmer of famous and honourable remēbrance Bishops of our Church Archbishops of the See of Canterbury for this vniforme doctrine by some of your Lordships drawen and penned by all of you allowed defended as agreeable to the Faith of the very Apostles of Christ and of the auncient Fathers correspondent to the Confessions of all reformed Churches in Christendome and contrariant in no point vnto Gods holy and written word commended vnto vs both by your authoritie and Subscriptions Now the all mercifull God and heauenly Father which so inspired them and your Lordship with wisedome from aboue and inabled you all to discerne truth from falsehood sound religion from Atheisme idolatry and errors vouchsafe of his infinite goodnes to encrease his graces more and more vpon your Grace to his owne glorie the Churches benefit and your owne euerlasting comfort And the same God which both mercifully hath brought and miraculously against all hellish and diuelish practises of his and our enemies continued the light of his truth among vs giue vs all grace with one heart and consent not onely to embrace the same but also to walke and carrie our selues as it beseemeth the Children of light in all peaceablenesse and holinesse of life for his Sonne our Lord and Sauiour Christ his sake At Horninger neere S. Ed. Bury in Suff. the 11. of March ●n 1607. Your Graces poore Chaplaine alwaies at commaund Thomas Rogers Constitutions and Canons ecclesiasticall an 1604. WHosoeuer shall heereafter affirme that the Church of England by Lawe established vnder the Kings Maiestie is not a true and an Apostolicall Church teaching and maintaining the Doctrine of the Apostles let him bee excommunicated ipso facto and not restored but onely by the Archbishop after his repentance and publike reuocation of this his wicked error Can. 3. Whosoeuer shall heereafter affirme that any of the 39. Articles agreed vpon by the Archbishops and Bishops of both Prouinces and the whole Cleargie in the Conuocation holden at London in the yeare of our Lord God 1562. for the auoyding of diuersities of opinions and for the establishing of consent touching true Religion are in any part superstitious or erroneous or such as he may not with a good conscience subscribe vnto let him be excommunicated ipso facto not restored but only by the Archbishop after his repentance and publike reuocation of such his wicked errors Can. 5. Whosoeuer shall heereafter seperate themselues from the Communion of Saints as it is approoued by the Apostles rules in the Church of England and combine themselues in a newe Brotherhood accounting the Christians who are conformable to the Doctrine Gouernment Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England to be prophane and vnmeete for them to ioyne with in Christian profession let them be excommunicated ipso facto and not restored but by the Archbishop after their repentance publike reuocation of such their wicked errors Can. 9. The Titles of the 39. Articles with the Pages where to find euerie of them in this booke Art 1. OF faith in the holy Trinitie Page 1. Art 2. Of the Word of God which was made verie man Page 7. Art 3. Of the going downe of Christ into Hell Page 15. Art 4. Of the Resurrection of Christ. Page 17. Art 5. Of the holy Ghost Page 21. Art 6. Of the sufficiencie of the Scripture for saluation Page 26. Art 7. Of the old Testament Page 33. Art 8. Of the three Creedes Page 39. Art 9. Of Originall or birth sinne Page 41. Art 10. Of Free will Page 47. Art 11. Of the Iustification of man Page 50. Art 12. Of good workes Page 56. Art 13. Of workes before Iustification Page 56. Art 14. Of workes of Supererogation Page 59. Art 15. Of Christ alone without sinne Page 62. Art 16. Of sinne after Baptisme Page 65. Art 17. Of predestination and Election Page 69. Art 18. Of obtaining saluation onely by the Name of Christ. Page 82. Art 19. Of the Church Page 86. Art 20. Of the authoritie of the Church Page 98. Art 21. Of the authoritie of generall Councells Page 112. Art 22. Of Purgatorie Page 118. Art 23. Of Ministring in the Congregation Page 131. Art 24. Of speaking in the Congregation in such a tongue as the people vnderstand not Page 141. Art 25. Of the Sacraments Page 142. Art 26. Of the vnworthines of the Ministers which hinder not the effect of the Sacraments Page 160. Art 27. Of Baptisme Page 165. Art 28. Of the Lords Supper Page 170. Art 29. Of the wicked which doe not eate the body and blood of Christ in the vse of the Lords Supper Page 178. Art 30. Of both kindes Page 179. Art 31. Of the oblation of Christ finished vpon the Crosse. Page 181. Art 32. Of the marriage of Priests Page 185. Art 33. Of Excommunicate persons how they are to be auoided Page 189. Art 34. Of the Traditions of the Church Page 193. Art 35. Of Homilies Page 192. Art 36. Of Consecration of Bishops and Ministers Page 196. Art 37. Of the ciuill magistrate Page 201. Art 38. Of Christian mens goods which are not common Page 215 Art 39. Of a Christian mans Oath Page 217. FINIS ¶ THE CATHOLIKE Doctrine beleeued and professed in the Church of England 1. Article Of faith in the holy Trinitie There is but 1 one liuing and true God euerlasting without bodie parts or passions of infinite power wisdome and goodnes 2 the maker and preseruer of all things both visible and inuisible 3 And in vnitie of this Godhead there be three persons of one substance power and eternitie the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost The propositions 1. There is but one God who is liuing true euerlasting c. 2. God is the maker and preseruer of all things 3. In the vnitie of the Godhead there is a Trinitie of persons 1. Proposition There is but one God who is liuing true euerlasting without bodie parts or passions of infinite power wisedome and goodnes The proofe from the word of God THat there is but one God who is c. is a truth which may be gathered from the al-holy and sacred Scripture is agreeable to the doctrine of the reformed Churches For both Gods word giueth vs to knowe that God is one and no moe liuing and true God euerlasting without bodie parts or passions of infinite power wisedome and goodnes and Gods people in their publike confessions from Ausburgh He●uetia Bohemia France Flanders and Wittemberge testifie the same Errors and adversaries vnto this truth Then impious execrable are the opinions of Dragoras Theodorus who fasly denied there was any God Of Protagoras and the Machiuilian Athiests which are doubtfull whether there be a God Of such as fained vnto themselues diuers and sundrie gods as did
the Manichies the Basilidians the Valentinians the Messalian heretikes the Gentiles and heathen people whereof some in place of God worshipped Beastes vnreasonable as the Aegyptians did a Calfe an Oxe Cats Vulturs and Crocodils The Syrians a Fish and Pigeons the Persians a Dragon some as Gods haue adored men vnder the names of Iupiter Mars Mercurie and such like and some euen at this day for God doe worship Kine the Sunne and what they thinke good so doe inhabitants of Baly in the East Indies Of the Anthropomorphites which ascribed the forme and lineamentes of man vnto God thinking God to be like vnto man Of such as put their trust and confidence to be reposed in God alone either in men liuing as doe both the Persians in their Soldan and the Papists in their Pope who with them is God their Lord and God of infinite power or in Saints departed this life as doe the same Papists both in their S. Francis whome they tearme The glorie of God prefigured by Esay when he said Holy Holy Holy c. and in their Thomas Becket whom they say God hath set ouer the workes of his hands or in Beastes vnreasonable as doth the Mordwite Tartar or finally in riches and other senslesse creatures as doe the Atheists and irreligious worldlings 2. Proposition God is the maker and preseruer of all things The proofe from Gods word THat the world and all things both visible and invisible therein both were made and are preserved by the almightie and onely power of God are truthes grounded vpon the holy Scripture and agreeable to the confessions of Gods people For touching the creation of the world we read that in the beginning God created the heauen and the earth c. He made heauen and earth by him were all things created which are in heauen and which are in earth things visible and invisible whether Thrones or Dominions or Principalities or Powers all things were created by him and for him by his Sonne he made the worldes and all these acknowledged by the Churches primitiue and reformed at this day And touching the preseruation of all things by him created My soule praise thou the Lord c. saith the Psalmist which couereth himselfe with light as with a garment spreadeth the heauens like a curtaine which laieth the beames of his chambers in the waters and maketh the cloudes his chariot and walketh vpon the wings of the winde which maketh the spirits his messengers and flaming fire his ministers c. Are not two sparrowes sold for a farthing and one of them shal not fal on the ground without your Father yea and al the haires of your head are numbred saith our S. Christ God that made the world and all things that are therein he is Lord of heauen and earth he giueth life and breath and all things and hath made of one blood all mankinde to dwel on all the face of the earth and hath assigned the times which were ordained before and the bonds of their habitation saith S. Paul The Sonne is the brightnes of the glorie and the ingraued forme of his person and beareth vp all things by his mightie word The Churches of God in Heluetia Basil France and Flanders testifie the verie same Errors and aduersaries vnto these truths Hereby are condemned all Heretikes and errors impugning either the creation of the world by God or his providence in the continuing and preseruation of the same Of the former sort was First Aristotle and his followers which said the world was eternal and without beginning Next the Marcionites that held how God made not the world as being too base a thing for him to create 3. Simon Magus Saturnius Meander Carpocrates Corinthus who ascribed the worldes creation vnto Angels 4. The Manichies who gaue the creation of all things vnto two Gods or Beginnings the one good whereof came good things the other euill whence proceeded euill things 5. The same Manichies and Priscillianists which did affirme man to haue bin the workemanship not of God but of the Deuill 6. The Familie of Loue who deliuer that God by them made heauen and earth 7. The Papists who giue out how sacrificing Priests are the Creators of Christ Of the latter sort were The Stoike Philosophers and the Manichies who are the great patrones of Destinie Fate and Fortune The Familie of Loue which may not say God saue any thing for they affirme that all things be ruled by nature and not ordered by God The old Philosophers who thought that inferior things were too base for God to be carefull of And lastly the Epicures who thinke God is idle and gouerneth not the same Of which minde was Cyprian who held that God hauing created the world did commit the gouerment thereof vnto certaine celestial powers 3. Proposition In the Vnitie of the Godhead there is a Trinitie of persons The proofe from Gods word THe Scripture saith In the beginning God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost created the heauen and the earth By 1 the word of the 2 Lord were the heauens made and all the host of them by the 3 Breath of his mouth Loe the heauens were opened vnto 1 him and Iohn sawe 2 the Spirit of God descending like a Doue and lighting vpon him and loe a voice from heauen saying This is 3 my beloued Sonne in whome I am well pleased Because yee are sonnes 1 God hath sent forth 2 the Spirit of his 3 Sonne into your heartes which crieth Abba Father saith the Apostle and againe The grace of 1 our Lord Iesus Christ and the loue 2 of God and the communion of the 3 holy Ghost be with you all And S. Iohn There are three which beare record in heauen 1 The Father 2 the word and 3 the holy Ghost and these three are one This truth hath alwaies bin and serously is confessed in the church of Christ. Errors adversaries vnto this truth Then cursed are all opinions of men contrarie herevnto whereof Some denied the Trinitie affirming there is one God but not three persons in the Godhead so did the Montanists and Marcellians and so doe the Iewes and Turkes Some as the Gnostikes Marcionites and Valentinians affirme there be moe Gods then one and yet not three persons nor of one and the same nature but of a diuers and contrarie disposition Some thinke there be three Gods or spirits not distinguished onely but diuided also as did the Ennomeans and Trethectes Some feare not to say that in worshiping the Trinitie Christians doe adore three Deuils worse then all the idols of the Papists such blasphemers were the Heretikes Blandrat and Alciat Some will
of the virgine onely but by the seede of man too so said Ebion and Carpocrates 6. The flesh of Christ was spirituall and his soule carnal so dreamed the Valentinians 7. The carnal bodie of Christ was consubstantial with the Father as published the Apollinarians 8. The humane nature of Christ before his passion was deuoide of humane affections so thought the Seuerites 3. Proposition Christ is God and man and that in one person The proofe from Gods word THat the Diuine and humane natures of Christ are vnited in one person it accordeth with the holy Scripture For The worde was made flesh and dwelt among vs and wee sawe the glorie thereof as the glorie of the onely begotten of the Father full of grace and truth saith the Euangelist Iohn And Matthew Iesus when he was baptized c. loe a voice came from heauen saying This is my beloued Sonne in whome I am well pleased He that descended is euen the same that ascended farre aboue all heauens that he might fill all things saith S. Paul Againe Christ Iesus being in the forme of God thought it no robberie to be equall with God he made himselfe of no reputation and tooke on him the forme of a seruant and was made like vnto men and was found in shape as a man c. wherefore God hath also highly exalted him c. that euery tongue should confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord vnto the glorie of God the Father And the same Apostle There is one God and one mediator betweene God and man euen the man Christ Iesus who gaue himselfe a ransome for all men Vpon these and the like grounds I beleeue in God the Father almightie c. and in Iesus Christ his onely Sonne our Lord which was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the virgine Mary The right faith is that wee beleeue and confesse that our Lord Iesus Christ the Sonne of God is God and man c. who although he be God and man yet he is not two but one Christ. One not by the conuersion of the Godhead into flesh but by taking of the manhood vnto God One altogether not by confusion of substance but by vnitie of person I beleeue in one Lord Iesus Christ the onely begotten sonne of God begotten of the Father before all worldes God of God light of light very God of very God begotten not made beeing of one substance with the Father by whome all things were made Who for vs men c. came downe from heauen and was incarnate c. He suffered and was buried c. and he shall come againe c say the ancient and first Christians The very same is the beleefe and confession of all the reforformed Churches at this present and alwaies hath bin Errors and adversaries vnto this truth Detestable therefore is the error Of the Acephalians who denied the properties of the two natures in Christ Of the Seuerites of Eutiches and Dioscorus who affirmed the diuinitie and humanitie of Christ to be of one and the same nature Of the Monothelites who denied that two wils viz. a diuine and humane were in Christ Of Theodorus Mesechius who said that the word was one thing and Christ another Of Nestorius who denied the two natures of Christ to be otherwise vnited than one freind is ioyned to another which onely is in good will and affection Of Seruetus who said of Christ that he was the patterne of all things and but a figure of the Sonne of God and that the body of Christ was compact of three vncreated elements and so confounded and ouerthrewe both natures 4. Proposition Christ is the Sauiour of mankinde The proofe from Gods word Christ to be the Sauiour of mankinde we finde it perspicuously in the holy Scripture which teacheth vs that Christ was crucified dead and buried and that to reconcile his Father vnto vs and to be a Sacrifice for all sinnes of men Hence I beleeue the forgiuenes of sinne He suffered for our saluation For vs men and for our saluation he came downe from heauen say our forefathers in their confessions as doe also our brethren through-out Christendome Errors and aduersaries vnto this truth Wicked then are all opinions and assertions contrarying crossing this truth as That the Father in his deitie not the Sonne in his humanity did suffer which error the Patripassians did hold That Christ aswell in his diuinitie as in his humanitie suffered for mankind an error of Apollinaris of old and of Islebius and Andreas Musculus of late yeares That the whole and holy Trinitie was crucified as said Petrus Antiochenus That Christ really and indeed hung not on the crosse for his passion was in showe onely said the Cerdonites the Euticheans and the Manicheans and another man said the Theopaschits and Basilides yea the very Deuils and not Christ said the Manichies suffered and hung on the crosse That the whole passion of Christ is to be vnderstood allegorically and not according to the letter as the Familie of Loue doe thinke That Christ on the Crosse hath suffered 1 for the redemption of mankinde and shall suffer againe for the saluation of the Deuills such heretikes there haue bin 2 as Iesus but shal againe suffer as Iesus Christ which was one of Francis Ket his heresies for which he was burned 3 for men but one mother Iane is the Sauiour of women a most execrable assertion of Postellus the Iesuite The fantasies of the Iacobites and Turkes The popish doctrine touching the Masse praiers vnto Saintes Pardons and Purgatorie which make the passion of Christ either of none effect or to put away but originall sinne onely That albeit our Sauiour hath suffered for all men in generall yet both each man must suffer for himselfe in particular and the workes of one man may satisfie the iustice of God for another which are popish errors That Christ died not for the sinns of all men and that some sinnes are so filthie and enormous as Christ his blood vpon true repentance of the delinquents part cannot wash them away which was Kains Fr. Spiras and other desperate persons error That whatsoeuer is written touching Christ his sufferings must in vs and with vs be fulfilled the false doctrine of H.N. 3. Article Of the going downe of Christ into Hell As Christ died for vs and was buried so also it is to be beleeued that he went downe into Hell The Proposition Christ went downe into Hell The proofe from Gods word SVndrie be the texts of Scripture for Christ his descension into Hell Mine heart was glad saith Dauid a figure of Christ my glorie reioyced my flesh also shall rest in hope For why Thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell O Lord my
derision of Christians 7. Article Of the old Testament 1 The old Testament is not contrary to the new For both in the old and newe Testament euerlasting life is offered to mankinde by Christ who is the onely mediatour betweene God and man being both God and man 2 VVherefore they are not tr be heard which faine that the old Fathers did looke onely for transitory promises Although the law giuen from God by Moses as touching 3 Ceremonies and rites doe not binde Christian men 4 nor the ciuill precepts thereof ought of necessitie to be receiued in any Common wealth yet notwithstanding 5 no Christian man whatsoeuer is free from the obedience of the Commandements which are called morall The Propositions 1. The old Testament is not contrary to the newe 2. The old Fathers looked for eternall happinesse through Christ as well as for temporall blessings 3. Christians are not bound at all to the obseruation of the Iudaical ceremonies 4. The Iudiciall lawes of the Iewes are not necessarily to be receiued or established in any common wealth 5. No Christian man whatsoeuer is freed from the obedience of the lawe Moral 1. Proposition The old Testament is not contrary to the new The proofe from Gods word THat the old Testament is not contrary to the newe it may be prooued by many inuincible arguments yet it is most apparent in that our Sauiour Christ very God and very man as aboue art 2. hath bin declared is offered vnto mankind for his eternall saluation by them both For We learne that there is one and no Christs moe in the new and we learne the same in the old That Christ is the Sonne of God in the newe we learne the same in the old That Christ is very man in the new we learne that he should be so from the old That Christ was borne at Berhelem in the newe we learne that he should be so from the old That Christ was borne of a virgine in the new we learne that he should be so from the old That Christ was honoured of wise men in the new we learne that he should be so from the old That he road vpon an Asse vnto Ierusalem from the newe we learne that he should so doe from the old That he was betraied in the new we learne that he should be so from the old That hee suffered not for his owne but for our transgressions in the newe we learne that he should so doe from the old In the newe that he rose againe from the graue from the old that he should so do And in the newe that he ascended into heauen and in the old that he should so doe The adversaries vnto this truth Wee are then adversaries to all them which reiect as of no reckoning the old Testamēt as did both old heretikes as Basilides Carpocrates and the Manichies and the newe Libertines who say the old Testament is abrogated 2. Proposition The old Fathers looked for eternall happines through Christ as well as for temporall blessings The proofe from Gods word The old Fathers to haue looked not onely for transitorie promises but also for eternall happines through Christ the holy Scripture doth manifest S. Paul saith Brethren I would not haue you ignorant that all our Fathers were vnder the cloude and all passed through the sa and did all eate the same spirituall meat and did all drinke the same spirituall drinke for they dranke of the spirituall Rocke that followed them and the Rocke was Christ. By faith Noe was made heire of the righteousnesse which is by faith By faith Moses when he was come to age refused to be called the sonne of Pharaohs daughter and chose rather to suffer adversitie with the people of God then to enioy the pleasures of sinne for a season esteeming the rebukes of Christ greater riches then the treasures of Egypt for he had respect vnto the recompense of the reward c. All these through faith obtained good report and receiued not the promise God providing a better thing for vs that they without vs should not bee made perfite Abraham reioyced to see my day Abraham aboue hope beleeued vnder hope that hee should be the father of many nations Of which saluation the Prophets haue inquired and searched This truth was neuer doubted of in the church of God and is publikely acknowledged by some confessions The adversaries vnto this truth They are not then to be heard which thinke the Fathers faithfull people before Christ his time hoped onely for temporall not for spirituall if for spirituall yet not for etetnall happines as did many of the Iewish Atheists and Sadducis and doe the Familie of Loue which make the promises of happines by temporall blessings to be accomplished in this transitorie life Hence H. N. very strangely allegorizeth of the land of promise when he calleth it The good land of the vpright and concordable life and saith that The louely being or nature of the Loue is the life peace and ioy mentioned Rom. 14.6 and the land of promise wherein hony and milke floweth spoken of Exod. 3. a. 13. a. Deut. 8. b. This and more a great deale to this effect hath H. N. 3. Proposition Christians are not bounde at all to the obseruation of the Iudaicall ceremonies The proofe from the word of God That neither the whole law ceremoniall of the Iewes nor any part thereof is necessarily to be obserued of vs christians the holy Scripture teacheth vs by Peters vision the Apostles decree and by the doctrine of S. Paul As all beleeue so some Churches publikely acknowlege the same Errors Adversaries to this truth In a wrong opinion therefore be they who are of minde either that the lawe Ceremoniall whollie is to continue be in vse or that part thereof is yet in force and must be The former of these was the opinion of the false prophets the Cerinthians the Ebionites and is of the Iewes Armenians and Familie of Loue the latter is an error of our home Sabbatarians For say they The Sabboth was none of the Ceremonies which were iustly abrogated at the comming of Christ When all Iewish things haue bin abrogated onely be their very words the Sabboth hath continued still in the Church in his propet force that it might appeare that it was of a nature farre differing from them Whereas all other things were so changed that they were cleane taken away as the Preisthood the Sacrafices and Sacraments this day meaning the Sabboth day was so changed that it yet remaineth which sheweth that though all the other were ceremoniall and therefore had an ende This Sabboth was moral and therefore abideth still The Commandement of sanctifying euery Seuenth day as in the
Mosaicall decalogue is naturall morall and perpetuall is their doctrine 4. Proposition The Iudiciall lawes of the Iewes are not necessarily to be receiued or established in any Common wealth The profe from Gods word The truth hereof appeareth by the Apostles decree which sheweth wherevnto onely the primitiue church necessarily was tied By the Apostles doctrine which enioyneth Christians to yeeld obediēce vnto the ordināces of their lawfull gouerners and commanders whosoeuer By the Apostles example and namely of the blessed S. Paul who tooke benefit and made good vse of the Romane and Emperiall lawes Adversaries vnto this truth This truth neither is nor euer was oppugned by any Church Only among our selues some thinke vs necessarily tied vnto all the Iudicials of Moses as the Brownists For they say The lawes Iudiciall of Moses belong as well vnto Christians as they did vnto the Iewes Others that wee are bound though not vnto all yet vnto some of the Iudicialls as holdeth T.C. and Philip Stubs 5. Proposition No Christian man whosoeuer is freed from the obedience of the law Morall The proofe from Gods word Thinke not that I am come to destroy the Lawe or the Prophets I am not come to destroy them but to fulfill them For truly I say vnto you saith our Sauiour Christ till heauen and earth perish one iot or one title of the law shall not scape till all things be fulfilled whosoeuer therefore shall breake one of these least commandements and teach men so shall be called the least in the kingdome of heauen c If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commandements c. Thou shalt nor kill thou shalt not commit adulterie thou shalt not steale thou shalt not beare false witnesse Honour thy father and thy mother Doe wee make the lawe of none effect through faith God forbid yea we establish the Lawe Circumcision is nothing and vncircumcision is nothing but the keeping of the Commandements of God The publike confessions of the Churches of God in France and Belgia agree with this Doctrine The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth Whereby are condemned as most wicked and vnsond the opinions Of the Manichies who found fault with the whole Lawe of God as wicked and prooceeding not from the true God but from the Prince of darkenes Of Brownist Glouer whose opinion was that Loue now is come in the place of the tenne commandements Of Iohannes Islebius and his followers the Antinonies who will not haue Gods lawe to be preached nor the consciences of sinners to be terrified and troubled with the iudgements of God Of Banister among our selues who held how it is vtterly euill for the Elect so much as to thinke much lesse to speake or heare of the feare of God which the Law preacheth 8. Article Of the three Creedes 1 The three Creedes Nicene creede Athanasius creede and that which is commonly called the Apostles creede ought thoroughly to be receiued and beleeued For 2 they may be prooued by most certaine warrants of holy Scripture The propositions 1. The Nicen Athanasian and Apostolicall Creedes ought to be receiued and beleeued 2. The three creedes viz. the Ni. Athan. and of the Apostles may be prooved by the holy Scripture 1. Proposition The Nicen Athanasian and Apostolicall Creedes ought to be receiued and beleeued THis Proposition the Churches of God both aunciently and in these daies doe acknowledge for true The adversaries vnto this truth Therefore much out of the way of Godlinesse are they which tearme the Apostles Creede A forged patcherie as Barrowe doth and Athanasius Sathanasius creede so did Gregorius Paulus in Polouia and in the newe Arrians and Nestorians in Lituania My selfe some ●8 yeares agoe heard a great learned man whose name vpon an other occasion afore is expressed to whose acquaintance I was artificially brought which in private conference betweene him and my selfe tearmed worthy Zanchius a Foole an Asse from his booke de tribus Elohim which refuteth the newe Arrians against whose sounders the Creedes of Athanasius and Nicene were deuised Him attentiuely I heard but could neuer since abide for those wordes in deede I neuer sawe him since 2. Proposition The three Creedes viz. the Ni. Athan. and of the Apostles may be prooued by the holy Scripture The proofe from Gods word Than this assertion nothing is more true For the Creedes I meane these three Creedes speake first Of one and the same God whom wee are to beleeue is for essence but one in persons three viz. the Father the Creator the Sonne the Redeemer the holy Ghost the sanctifier Next of the people of God which we must thinke and beleeue is The holy and Catholike Church The communion of Saints Pardoned of all their sinnes And appointed to arise from death and to enioy eternall life both in body and soule Aduersaries vnto this truth Therefore wee are enemies to all adversaries of this doctrine or any whit of the same in them comprised whether they be Atheists Iewes Sadduces Ebionites Tretheites Antitrinitarains Apollinarians Arrians Manichies Nestorians Origenians Turkes Papists Familists Anabaptists or whosoeuer 9. Article Of Originall or Birth sinne 1 Originall sinne standeth not in the follwing of Adam as the Pelagians doe vainely talke but 2 it is the fault corruption of the nature of euery man that naturally is engendred of the offspring of Adam whereby man is very far gone from originall righteousnesse and is inclined to evill so that the flesh lusteth against the spirit and therefore in euery person borne into the world it deserueth Gods wrath and damnation 3 And this infection of nature doth remaine yea in them that are regenerated whereby the lust of the flesh called in Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 VVhich some doe expound the wisedome some the Sensuallitie some the affection some the desire of the flesh is not subiect to the law of God And although there is no condemnation for them that beleeue and are baptised yet the apostle doth confesse that 4 Concupiscence and Lust hath of it selfe the nature of sinne The propositions 1. There is Originall sinne 2. Originall sinne is the fault and corruption of the nature of euery man c. 3. Originall sinne remaineth in God his deere children 4. Concupiscence euen in the regenerate is sinne 1. Proposition There is Originall sinne The proofe from Gods word In the holy Scripture we finde of Originall sinne the cause the subiect and the effects the cause thereof is Adams fall partly by the subtill suggestions of the deuill partly through his owne freewill and the propagation of Adam his corrupted nature vnto his seede and posteritie Except a man be borne againe he cannot see the kingdom of God saith our Sauiour Christ As by one man sinne entred into the world and death by sinne and so death
veniall sinnes 10. Article Of Freewill 1 The condition of man after the fall of Adam is such that he cannot turne and prepare h●mselfe by his owne naturall strength and good workes 2 to faith and calling vpon God wherefore we haue no power to doe good workes pleasant and acceptable to God 3 without the grace of God preuenting vs that we may haue a good will and working with vs when we haue that good will The Propositions 1. Man of his owne strength many doe outward and euil workes before he is regenerate 2. Man cannot doe any worke that good is and godly being not yet regenerate 3. Man may performe and doe good workes when he is preuented by the grace of Christ and renued by the holy Ghost 1. Proposition Man of his owne strength may doe outward and euill workes before he is regenerate The proofe from Gods word WEe denie not that man not yet regenerate hath free will to doe the workes of nature for the preseruation of the body and bodily estate which thing had and haue the bruite beastes and prophane Gentiles as it is also well observed in our neighbour churches Besides man hath free will to performe the workes of Satan both in thinking willing and doing that which euill is For the imaginations of the thoughts of mans heart are onely euill continually euill euen from his youth A truth confessed by our brethren d. Errors adversaries vnto this truth A false perswasion is it therefore that man hath no power to moue either his body so much as vnto outward things as Laur. Valla dreamed or his minde vnto sinne as the Manichies maintained affirming how man is not voluntarily brought but necessarily driuen vnto sinne 2. Proposition Man cannot doe any worke that good is and godly beeing not as yet regenerate The profe from Gods word The wisedome of the flesh is enimitie against God for it is not subiect to the Law of God neither indeede can be They that are in the flesh cannot please God The naturnll man perceiueth not the things of the spirit of God for they are foolishnes vnto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned No man can saie that Iesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost Wee are not sufficient of our selues to thinke any thing as of our selues but our sufficiencie is from God Without mee ye can doe nothing saith our Sauiour Christ Which is the confession of the godly reformed The adversaries vnto this truth Adversaries vnto this truth are all such as hold that naturally there is Free will in vs and that vnto the best things So thought the Pharisies the Sadduceis the Pelagians and the Donatists and the same affirme the Anabaptists and Papists For say the Papists Man by the force power of nature may loue God aboue all things Man hath free will to performe euen spirituall and heauenly things Men beleeue not but of their owne free will It is in a mans free will to beleeue or not to beleeue to obey or disobey the Gospell of truth preached The Catholike popish religion teacheth freewill 3. Proposition Man may performe and doe good workes when hee is preuented by the grace of Christ and renued by the holy Ghost The proofe from Gods word In a man preuented by the grace of Christ and regenerate by the holy Spirit both the vnderstanding is enlightened so that he knoweth the secrets and will of God and the minde and the minde is altogether changed and bodie enabled to doe good workes To this purpose the Sriptures are plentifull I will put my lawe in their inward parts and write it in their hearts No man knoweth the Father but the Son and he to whome the Sonne will reuiele him Blessed art thou Simon the sonne of Ionas for flesh and blood hath not revelled it vnto thee but my Father which is in heauen No man can say that Iesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost To one is giuen by the spirit the word of wisedome and to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit and to another faith by the same spirit and to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit and to another the operations of great workes and to another prophecie and to another the discerning of spirits and to another diuersities of tongues and to an other the interpretation of tongues c. God he purifieth mans hearts worketh in vs both the will and the deed the spirit helpeth our infirmities for we know not what to pray as wee ought c Such were some of you but yee are washed but yee are sanctified but ye are iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus and by the spirit of our God Vnto you it is giuen for Christ that not onely yee should beleeue in him but also suffer for his sake And this doe the Churches of God beleeue and confesse 11. Article Of the iustification of man VVe are accounted righteous before God only for 1 the merit of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ 2 by faith and 3 not for our owne workes or deseruings VVherefore that we are iustified by Faith onely is a most wholesome doctrine and very full of comfort c. The propositions 1. Onely for the merit our Lord and Sauiour Christ are we accounted righteous before God 2. Onely by Faith are we accounted righteous before God 3. Not for our owne workes or deseruings are we accounted righteous before God 1. Proposition Onely for the merit of our Lord and Sauiour Christ we are accounted righteous before God The proofe from the word of God BY Christ his blood onely wee are cleansed Hee is the Lambe of God which taketh away the sinne of the world Wee are iustified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus Wee are bought with a price euen with the pretious blood of Christ the lambe vndefiled and without spot which cleanseth vs from all sinne By his onely righteousnes wee are iustified By the obedience of one many be made righteous Christ is the ende of the Lawe for righteousnesse vnto euery one that beleeueth He of God is made vnto vs wisdome and righteousnesse and sanctification and redemption and wee are made the righteousnes of God in him And therefore from heauen we looke for the Sauiour euen the Lord Iesus Christ And this is the faith and Confession of all Churches reformed Errors Adversaries to this truth This truth is neither beleeued nor acknowledged Of the Atheists who are neither perswaded of the life to come nor vnderstand the mysteries of mans saluation through the merits of Christ. Nor of the Pharise is and their followers who thinke that by ciuill and externall righteousnes we are iustified before God Nor of Matthewe Hamant
from Gods word THat Christ was pure from sinne it is abundantly to be seene in the holy Scriptures For Hee was both conceiued and borne without sinne Hee appeared to loose but not to fulfi●l the workes of Satan He liued and was tempted yet without sinne and did no sinne knewe no sinne nor had any sinne in him He died a guiltlesse and iust man euen by the testimonie of Paul Peter Stephen yea of his advsrsarie and iudge Pilate As ours such is the confessions of the purer Churches m. Errors Adversaries to this truth Cursed therefore before God are the Iewes which said that Christ was a violator of the Sabboth That hee taught being not lawfully authorized therevnto That he forbad tribute to be giuen vnto Caesar That hee was the destroyer of the law That he ouerthrew all religion and moued the commons vnto rebellion In this state with the Iewes are The Marcionites which said that he dissolued the Law the Prophets and all the workes of God The Saturnians which blazed that his comming into the world was to ouerthrow the God of the Angels Our newe Heretikes viz. Matthew Hamant in England which divulged that Christ was a sinfull man and an abominable Idol and Leonardus Vairus among the Papists which hath written that Christ was Veneficus or a common poisoner of men and women 2. Proposition All men besides Christ though regenerate be sinners The proofe from Gods word All mē either be regenerate or vnregenerate the vnregenerate be all sinners vnrighteous sin in whatsoeuer they do The regenerate also be not without their sinnes both originall and actuall Besides there is no man iust in the earth that doth good and sinneth not saith the preacher yee cannot doe the same things that ye would Christ Iesus came into the world to saue sinners of whome I am cheife saith S. Paul In many things we sinne all is S. Iames saying and S. Iohn If we say we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues the truth is not in vs Pray therefore Forgiue vs our debts A truth beleeued and confessed by all Churches expressedly by some The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth Many adversaries hath this truth had and hath as the Papists the Manichies the Catharans the Donatists the Pelagians Familie of Loue Marcionites Adamites and Carpocratians For The Papists say that the blessed virgin was pure from all sinne both Originall and actuall For these are their owne wordes Our Lady neuer sinned Our Lady sinned not so much as venially in all her life she exactly fulfilled the whole Law that is was without sinne Also of S. Francis they write that for virtue and Godlines he was like vnto Christ and hath fulfilled euery iot of the Law The Manichies and Catharans thought they could not sinne so much as in thought The Donatists dreamed how they were so perfect as they could iustifie other men Some were of opinion as the Pelagians and Familie of Loue how they were so free from sinne as they needed not to say Forgiue vs our trespasses Which Familie also teacheth how there be men liuing as good and as holy as euer Christ was An error of Christopher Vitels a cheife Elder in the said Familie and that Hee which is a Familist is either as perfect as Christ or els a very Deuill Some deemed themselues as pure as Paul Peter or any men as the Marcionites yea as Adam and Euah before their fal as the Adamites yea as Iesus Christ himselfe as the Carpocratians 16. Article Of sinne after Baptisme 1 Not euery deadly sinne willingly commited after Baptisme is sinne against the holy Ghost and vnpardonable VVherefore the grant of repentance is not to be denied to such as fall into sinne after Baptisme 2 After we haue receiued the holy Ghost we may depart from grace giuen and into sinne and by the grace of God wee may rise againe and amend our liues And therefore they are to be condemned which say they can no more sinne as long as they liue heere 3 or denie place of forgiuenes to such as truly repent The propositions 1. Euery sinne committed after Baptisme is not the sinne aganst the holy Ghost 2. The very regenerate may depart from grace giuen and fall into sinne and yet rise againe vnto newnesse of life 3. No men vtterly are to be cast off as reprobates which vnfainedly repent 1. Proposition Euery sinne committed after Baptisme is not the sinne against the holy Ghost The proofe from Gods word THough euery sinne in it selfe considered deserueth damnation yet is there a sinne which shall be punished with many and a sinne which shall be punished with few stripes a sinne vnto death and a sinn not vnto death a sinne against the Father and the Sonne which shall be forgiuen and a sinne against the holy Ghost which neuer shall be forgiuen So in their extant confessions witnesse the Churches in Bohem Saxonie and Heluetia Errors adversaries vnto this truth Diuerslly hath this doctrine bin oppugned For Some haue thought all sinnes to be like and equall as the Stoikes Pelagians and Iouinians Some haue taught as Manes the heretike how none of the godly fathers and others from the beginning of the world till the 15. yeare of Tiberius the Emperour though earnestly they did repent were saued but were all punished alike with vtter confusion Some giue out that such persons be vtterly out of Gods fauour and condemned which depart out of this world either afore they are baptized as the Papists doe or afore they come vnto yeares of discretion as Hieranites did 2. Proposition The very regenerate may depart from grace giuen and fall into sinne and yet rise againe vnto newnes of life The proofe from the word of God That the Regenerate may fall into sinne and yet rise againe it is a doctrine grounded vpon the Scriptures For in them wee euidently may see that fall they may partly by the admonitions of our Sauiour vnto the man healed of the Palsie and vnto the adultresse of S. Paul vnto the Ephesians Colossians Hebrewes and Timothie and of S. Peter vnto all the godly and partly by the examples of Dauid Salomon Peter who egregiously and very offensiuely did fall and that they doe fall it is most euident by the fift petitiō of the Lords praier were nothing els to prooue the same but see afore 9. art Prop. 3. art 12. prop. 2. art 15. propo 2. Next that being fallen they may rise againe and be saued it is apparent both by the exhortations of the Angell vnto the Churches of Ephesus Pergamus and Thyatira and by the examples of Peter who denied and
themselues are no better then Turkes The Papists also which say that The present Church of Rome is Gods Church Gods catholike church the mysticall body of Christ Papists Catholikes and true christians are all one Muncer and the Anabaptists tearmed themselues cleane opposite to the church of Christ the elect of God and said that all other men were wicked and worthie to be slaine The Familie of Loue who publish how themselues onely are the Church and all other men are Heathen and Beastes themselues onely are the Catholike Church of God the Saints of God and his acceptable people and that such as are no Familists they haue no liuing God and shall perish The Puritanes finally they say If God haue any Church or people in the land no doubt the title Puritane is giuen them Notable wordes either God hath no Church in England or Puritanes are the Church The Marprelate is not afraide to vtter this speech They against whome I deale namely the ecclesiasticall officers as Bishops and their fauourers and partakers haue so prouoked the anger of the Lord and praiers of his Church as stand long they cannot others of the said Bishops and the like write thus they bidde battell to Christ and his Church and it must bid defiance to them till they yeeld 3. Proposition The visible Church is a Catholike Church The proofe from Gods word The visible Church properly vnderstood is but a part of the Catholike yet forasmuch as it is a Congregation of the faithfull who are for calling Gouernours and subiects noble and base rich and poore teachers and learners for sexe men and women for age old and young for nation Iewes and Gentils Grecians and Barbarians for time and continuance in all ages euen from our first parents it may rightly be called a Catholike Church This is groūded vpon Gods word where wee finde that excluded is no calling no sexe none age no nation and that the Church as it hath bin from the worldes beginning so shall it continue to the end And this is the confession of the Churches Errors and Adversaries vnto this truth Vnsound be they in religion therefore which haue and doe as it were tie the church to a certaine country as the Donatists did to Africa a people as the Iewes to themselues persons place calling or time as doe the Papists To certaine persons when they say The Church is founded vpon Peter and his successours All that will be saued must of necessitie be subiect to the Bishop of Rome The true Church is vnited to the obedience of the Pope of Rome To a certaine place when they say The Church of Rome is the Catholike Church The Church of Rome is the mother of the faith To a certaine calling by their Petrus a Soto to Bishops and Prelates To a certaine time as when the said Papists affirme how The time was when holynes was onely in the virgine Mary when faith rested onely in the virgine Mary when all the faith was lost saue onely in our Lady It is a bold assertion also and very presumptuous of Apostata Hill that in England al men were Papists without exception from the first Christening thereof vntill the age of K. Henry the eight 4. Proposition The word of God was and for time is before the Church The proofe from Gods word Forasmuch as the visible Church of Christ is a Congregation of men either in the eies of God or in the iudgement of the godly faithfull it followeth that the word of God must be afore the Church for time as likewise for authoritie For time because Gods word is the Seede the faithfull the Corne and the Children Gods worde is the Rocke or foundation the faithfull the House For authoritie also the word is before the Church because the voice of the Church is the voice of man who hath erred and may erre from the truth but the voice of the word is Gods voice who cannot deceiue nor be deceiued Of this iudgement be the Churches reformed Aduersaries vnto this truth This maketh to the strengthning of vs against those Popish assertions of Vignerinus and such like viz. that the Church was before the word for time and is aboue the word for authoritie 4. Proposition The marks and tokens of the visible Church are the due and true administration of the word and Sacraments The proofe from Gods word There is the visible Church of Christ where the word of God sincerely is preached and the Sacraments instituted by our Sauiour are duly administred Hence is it that our Lord and Sauiour calleth them his mother and his brethren which heare the word of God and doe it and saith Hee that is of God heareth Gods word also My sheepe heare my voice and how shall they heare without a preacher saith S. Paul Likewise the Apostle S. Iohn He that knoweth God heareth vs he that is not of God heareth vs not Again they are of the world therefore speake they of the world and the world heareth them And touching the Sacraments first of Baptisme Goe therfore teach all nations baptizing them in the Name of the Father and the Sonne and the holy Ghost teaching them to obserue all things whatsoeuer I haue commanded you Wee haue bin baptized into Iesus Christ yee are washed yee are sanctified By one Spirit are wee all baptized into one Body Next of the Lords supper The Lord Iesus in the night that hee was betraied tooke bread and when he had giuen thankes he brake it and said take eate this is my body which is broken for you this doe in remembrance of me After the same manner also he tooke the cup when he had Supped saying This is the new Testament in my blood this do as oft as yee drinke it in remembrance of mee The Christians in all reformed churches acknoledge these things Some and they also many of them very godly men adde ecclesiasticall Discipline for a note of the visible Church But because the said Discipline in part is included in the markes here mentioned both wee and in effect all other well ordered Churches ouer passe it in this place as no token simply of the visible Church Neither tie wee the Church so strictly to the signes articulate that wee thinke all those to be without the Church and no Christians which neither doe heare the word ordinarily publikely read and preached nor participate in the Sacraments if so be they would and yet can neither heare the one nor receiue the other as it falleth out sometimes especially in the times of blindenesse and persecution The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth Wee renounce therefore as altogether vnsound Antichristian the opinions 1. Of the Papists who both denie
and feare of God according to the rule of the Apostle afore mentioned let all things be done honestly by order All churches reformed consent hereunto Errors and Adversaries vnto this truth The premises beeing as they are most true most false then is it which the Papists doe publish viz. that The church hath power to change the Sacraments ordained euen by Christ himselfe Whatsoeuer the Apostles and Rulers of the Church command is to be kept and obeyed The authoritie of the of the Church is greater then of the Sacred Scripture 3. Proposition The Church hath authoritie to iudge and determine in controuersies of faith The proofe from Gods word Authoritie is giuen to the Church and to euery member of sound iudgement in the same to iudge in controuersies of faith and so in their places to embrance the truth and to auoid and improoue Antichristianitie and errors and this is not the priuate opinion of our Church but both the straight commandement of God himselfe particularly vnto all Teachers and hearers of Gods word and generally vnto the whole Church and also the iudgement of our godly brethren in forraigne countries The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth Vnsound therefore in iudgement are the Papists For first they maintaine That the Pope of Rome hath the power to iudge all men and matter but may be iudged of no man to decree without controlment against the epistles of S. Paul to dispense euen against the new Testament and to giue the sense and meaning of the holy Scripture to which sense or Interpration of his all and euery man without contradiction must yeeld and obey Next they publish hold that the power to iudge of religiō points of doctrine is either in Bishops onely as some of thē doe thinke or in their Clergie onely as other deeme and in the Church of Rome onely as all of them suppose 4. Proposition The Church hath power to interpret and expound the word of God The proofe from Gods word To interpret the word of God is a peculiar blessing giuen by God onely to the Church and companie of the faithfull though not to all and euery of them For No man knoweth the Sonne but the Father neither knoweth any man the Father but the Sonne and he to whom the Sonne will reueale him It is giuen to you to know the secrets of heauen saith our Sauiour vnto his disciples but to them it is not giuen The manifestation of the Spirit is giuen to euery man to profit withall For to one is giuen by the Spirit the word of wisedome c. and to another Prophecie If any thing be reuealed to another that sitteth by let the first hold his peace saith S. Paul vnto the Church at Corinth Yee haue an ointment from him that is holy and yee haue knowen all things c. yee neede not that any man teach you saith the Apostle Iohn Hereunto subscribe the Churches in Heluetia Wittemberg Boheme The errors and Adversaries vnto this truth Many sundry are the adversaries vnto this truth wherof Some thinke that to expound the word of God is so easie a matter as any Student endued with a good naturall wit by diligence and industrie of his owne may doe the same Some teach how to interpret the Scriptures is too hard a thing for any mortall man to attaine vnto so did Iohannes de Wessalia and doe many Anabaptists Some though they acknowledge that diuers haue the gift to open the sense of Gods word yet that some say they are not the knowen Preachers writers in the reformed and Christian assemblies whom the Familie of Loue in scorne doe tearme the scipture learned For saith the said Familie It is meere lies and vntruth c. whatsoeuer the Scripture learned through their knowledge out of the Scriptures institute preach and teach They preach the letre c. but not the wotd of liuing God but themselues onely haue that gift neither euery one of the Familie but the illuminate Elders For to them it is giuen to knowe the truth they are the Elders of the godly vnderstanding and of the manly wisedome the Primats or principalls in the Light Some doe suppose that to interpret the holy Scriptures is not so much a speciall gift of God vpon some chosen persons as an ordinary power annexed to the state and calling of Popes Bishops and Clergie men Others be so farre from giuing the people of God not being of the Clergie power to expound as they will not suffer them to read nor so much as to haue the Scriptures by them in a vulgar tongue except it be their owne most corrupt and barbarous translation which but of late yeares neither and that in part too is granted by the Papists but in place thereof they thrust vpon the Laitie their most idolatrous and blasphemous Fustinals Legendes Rosaries Horaries and Psalteries of our Lady as falsly they called her 5. Proposition The analogie of faith must be respected in their exposition of the Scripture The proofe from Gods word Forasmuch as no prophecie is of any priuate motion and whatsoeuer interpretation man giueth if it agree not to the analogie of faith which S. Paul gaue in commandement to be obserued is a priuate interpretation speciall heede is to be had that one place of Scripture be so expounded as it agree with another and al to the proportion of faith The Churches reformed approoue this assertiō by their subscriptions Errors Adversaries to this truth Of another iudgement are many For Some doe thinke the Scriptures may be expounded in what sense and to what purpose men list as the Pharisies the Seuerians and Papists among whome there be which from this opinion doe tearme the most holy word Scriptures of God most reprochfully A shipmans hoase a Leaden rule a Nose of waxe Some doe mislike all interpretations and written Commentaries vpon the Scriptures as vnnecessary and vaine such were Seruetus Valdesius Coranus with others of late yeares and are the Libertines Scwenkfeldians and Familie of Loue Some depend wholly vpon visions revelations as did the Enthusiasts Nicholaus Storch Thomas Monetarius the Anabaptists and our late English reformer Hacket Some dislike of the literall and preferre the Allegoricall sense of the Scriptures and thereby deuise what them list most monstrously from the word of God as did the Originists and doe the Libertines and Familie of Loue hence teaching on the other that the spirituall vnderstanding is the worde of God and that to embrace the literall sense is to commit Idolatrie Some of euery place of Scripture will haue an exposition both Analogicall Allegoricall historicall and morall as the curious Thomists and Monckes Some are addicted to an interpretation which they cal
Iesus was bound led away and deliuered vnto Pilate A councell iudged our S. Christ to be both a deceiuer and a blaphemer A councell corrupted the Souldiers and willed them to tell a Lie A counsell withstood Peter and Iohn and commanded them that in no wise they should speake or teach in the name of Iesus A councell both caused the Apostles to be beaten and commanded them also that they should not preach in the name of Iesus In auncient writings of credit wee may read how contrarie to Gods word by Councells Arrianisme hath bin confirmed as by the Councell at Ariminum By councells the traditions and bookes of foolish men haue bin made of equall authoririe with the word of God as by the counsell of Trent By councells hath bin established both the adoration of images as by the second councell of Nice and the Inuocation of creatures as by the Tridentine councell By councells the authority of princes hath bin empaired the Pope and Clergie advanced aboue all earthly Princes as by the Councell of Lateran The consideration of the premises and the like mooued S. Hilarie to call the Synode of Mediolane The Synagogue of the malignant and S Augustine to write vnto Maximinus Neither ought I to obiect against thee the Synode of Nice nor thou against mee the Synod of Ariminum and Nazianzene openly to pronounce that Hee neuer sawe any good end of a Councell and The French king his Embassadour to say vnto the chapter of Trent that scarsely any good at all or very little came by Councells vnto the state of Christendome and Cornelius Bishop of Bitonto to breake out into these words in the face of the Councell at Trent I would that with one consent wee had not altogether declined from religion vnto superstition from faith vnto infidelitie from Christ vnto Antichrist from God vnto Epicures Aduersaries vnto this truth This notwithstanding the Papists doe continue in an opinion that councells cannot erre 4. Proposition The things ordained hy generall Councells are so farre to be embraced and beleeued as they are consonant to Gods holy word The proofe from Gods word Generall councells we simply condemne not yet doe wee not ground our faith vpon any councell but onely vpon the written word of God Therefore in generall Councells whatsoeuer is agreeable vnto the written word of God we doe reuerendly embrace but whatsoeuer is contrarie vnto or besides the will of God reuealed in the holy scriptures wee doe carefully auoid And so are wee commaunded to doe euen by God himselfe Whatsoeuer I command you take heed you doe it thou shalt put nothing thereto nor take ought therefrom Walke ye not in the ordinances of your fathers neither obserue their manners c. I am the Lord your God walke in my statutes and keepe my iudgements and doe them Though that wee or an Angell from heauen preach vnto you otherwise then that which wee haue preached vnto you let him be accursed As wee said before so say I now againe If any man preach vnto you otherwise then that yee haue receiued let him be accursed And so thinke the Churches reformed with vs The adversaries vnto this truth Contrarie hereunto are the opinions of the Papists For of them Some doe thinke that the decrees of Councells doe binde all nations as Pope Hormisda decreed they should Some as Pope Gregory the great supposed that some coūsells and namely the councell of Nice of Constanstinople Ephesus and Chalcedon some as Campian thought that all councells were of equall authoritie with the word of God Others as the Guisiā faction in Frāce be resolued in matters of religion to follow the footesteps of their ancestors though Gods word and a thousand councells decree to the contrary 22. Article Of Purgatorie The Romish doctrine concerning 1 Purgatorie 2 Pardons worshipping and adoration as well 3 of images as 4 of Reliques and 5 also Inuocation of Saints is a fond thing vainely inuented and grounded vpon no warrantie of Scripture but rather repugnant to the word of God The Propositions The Romish doctrine concerning 1. Purgatorie 2. Pardons 3. Worshipping and adoration of Images 4. Reliques 5. Inuocation of Saintes is a fond thing and not warranted by the holy Scripture nor consonant but contrarie vnto the same 1. Proposition The Romish doctrine concerning Purgatorie is fond and not warranted by the holy Scripture nor consonant but contrary vnto the same The proofe from Gods word IT is granted as well by the Romish or false as by the true Church that none vncleane thing can enter into the kingdome of God And because all men either haue bin or be still vncleane therefore they must be purged from sinne But in the manner of purging them who are vnpure they doe greatly differ For the true church looking into the word of God doth finde that wee are sanctified or made cleane in diuers respects diuersly as by Baptisme by the word preached by the blood of Christ and by the spirit of God and that in this life and not in the other world For in the sacred scripture there is mention but onely of two waies one leading vnto destruction the other bringing vnto life of two sorts of men whereof some beleeue and they are saued some beleeue not and they are damned and of two States one blessed where Lazarus is the other cursed where Diues doth abide A third way or sort or state cannot be founde in the word of God And therefore the Purgatorie in another world both denied hath alwaies bin by the Greeke Churches and neither is nor will be acknowledged by any of Gods reformed Churches in this world as their Confessions do testifie Adversaries vnto this truth Erroneous therefore and not warrantable by Gods word concerning Purgatorie is the doctrine both of the old Heretikes the Montanists who thought there was a purging of soules after this life and of the newe and renued Heretikes the Papists For They thinke it to be vnsound doctrine and not sufferable in any booke for Christians to diliuer that it is vnpossible for godly and faithfull men or women to be punished after they be dead Therefore deleatur say they Blot out such doctrine They teach by their Catechismes that to doubt whether there is a Purgatorie or no is a breach of the first commandement Thus doe they pray for the soules of the faithfull as they fancie boyling in the torments of purgatorie Auete omnes animae fideles quarum corpora hîc vbique conquiescunt in puluere Dominus Iesus Christus qui vos nos redemit suo pretiosissimo sanguine dignetur vos à poenis liberare c. that is All haile all faithfull soules whose bodies doe here and euery where rest in the dust The Lord Iesus Christ who hath redeemed both you and vs with
otherside too highly as if the dignitie of their calling were cause good enough that what they doe or say ex opere operato take happy effects These things from the Scriptures are manifest which teach vs that wicked ministers euen the Scribes and Pharisies sitting in Moses chaire and preaching Christ though through enuie strife and contention are to be heard and may administer the Sacraments as did the ordinarie Priests among the Iewes whereof very many both afore and after that our Sauiour came into the world were most wicked men and the best which be are the ministers of God and Gods labourers Also the purer Churches beare witnesse hereunto Neither is hee whosoeuer that planteth any thing neither hee that watereth but God that giueth the encrease saith S Paul And a signe of a good Spirit is it to regard not so much who speaketh or ministreth as what is vttered and offered from God Errors Adversaries to this truth The due consideration of the praemises will both settle vs the more firmely in the truth and make vs the more carefully to abhorre all adversaries thereof as in old time were the donatists and the Petilians who taught that the Sacraments are holy when they be administred by holy men but not els also the Apostolikes or Henricans who had a fancie that he was no Bishop which was a wicked man Among the Fathers also Cyprian and Origen were not ●ound in this point For Cyprian published that no minister could rightly baptize who was not himselfe endued with the holy Ghost hee further deliuered that whosoeuer doe communicate with a wicked minister doe sinne Origen held that in vaine did any minister either binde or lose who was himselfe bound with the chaines of ●inne and wickednes Such adversaries in our time be the Anabaptists the Family of Loue the disciplinarians vsually tearmed Puritants the Sabbatarians the Brownists and the Papists For The Anabaptists will not haue the people to vse the ministerie of euill ministers and thinke the seruice of wicked Ministers vnprofitable and not effectuall affirming that no man who is himselfe faultie can preach the truth to others The Familie of Loue doe say that no man can minister the vpright seruice or ceremonies of Christ but the regenerate also that wicked men cannot teach the truth The disciplinarian Puritans doe bring all ministers which cannot preach and their seruices into detestation For their doctrine is that Where there is no Preacher there ought to be no minister of the Sacraments None must minister the Sacraments which doe not preach The Sacrament is not a Sacrament if it be not ioyned to the word of God preached It is sacriledge to seperate the ministration of the word preached from the Sacraments Of these mens opinions be the Sabbatarians among vs. For their doctrine is to the common people that vnlesse they leaue their vnpreaching ministers euery Sabboth day and goe to some place where the word is preached they doe prophane the Sabboth and subiect themselues vnto the curse of God So the Brownists No man is to communicate say they where there is a blinde or dumme ministerie The Papist doe crosse this truth but after another sort For Pope Hildebrand decreed and commanded that no man should heare Masse from the mouth of a preist which hath a wife The Rhemists doe publish how The Sermons of heretikes and so tearme they all Protestant ministers must not be heard though they preach the truth Their praiers and Sacraments are not acceptable to God but are the howling of wolues 2. Proposition Euill ministers are to be searched out convicted and deposed but orderly and by the discipline of the Church The wicked and euill ministers must not alwaies be endured in the Church of God For they are the euill and vnprofitable seruants the Eies which doe offend the vnsauorie salt which are carefully to be seene vnto and if admonitions will not serue deposed yet orderly and by the discipline of the Churh For that God which appointed a gouernement for the ciuill state hath also giuen authoritie vnto his Church to punish offenders according to the qualitie of their transgressions And so may we read in the word of God Tell the Church saith our Sauiour Let such a one by the power of our Lord Iesus Christ be deliuered vnto Sathan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saued in the day of the Lord Iesus saith S. Paul So the neighbour Churches Adversaries vnto this truth Then deceiued and out of the way are the Brownists and Barrowists which are of minde that Priuate persons in themselues haue authoritie to depose vnmeete ministers and to punish malefactors Euery particular member of a Church in himselfe hath power to examine the manner of administring the Sacraments c. to call men vnto repentance c to reproue the faults of the church and to forsake that church which will not reforme her faults vpon any priuate admonition For want of the due execution of discipline against persons offending and malefactors both women may leaue their husbands as some haue done and husbands their wiues and goe where it is in force See more in Art 33. Prop. 1. 27. Article Of Baptisme 1 Baptisme is not only a signe of profession and marke of difference whereby christian men are discerned from other that be not Christened but 2 it is also a signe of regeneration or newe-birth whereby as by an instrument they that receiue Baptisme rightly are graffed into the Church the promises of the forgiuenes of sinne and of our adoption to be the Sonnes of God by the holy Ghost are visiblie signed and sealed Faith is confirmed and grace encreased by vertue of prayer vnto God 3 The Baptisme of young children is in any wise to be retained in the Church as most agreeable with the institution of Christ. The Propositions 1. Baptisme is a signe of Profession and marke of differēce whereby Christians are discerned from other men that be no Christians 2. Baptisme is a signe or seale of the regeneration or newe birth of Christians 3. Infants and young children by the word of God are to be baptized 1. Proposition Baptisme is a signe of Profession and marke of difference whereby Christians are discerned from other men that be no Christians The proofe from Gods word HOw the Sacraments are tokens and therefore that Baptisme is a signe of the true Church which be Christians it is apparent from Gods word in the 5. proposit of the 19. article afore going and the same doe the Churches of God acknowledge Errors adversaries vnto this truth This declareth vs to be sound Christians and. Not Nazarens who were with the Iewes circumcised and baptized with Christians and so as Hierome writeth of them were neither Iewes nor Christians Mot
necessarie in communicants contrary to the Scripture Wee are to adore Christ as alwaies present contrary to the Scripture where we are taught to remember him absent The fauour of God by mony may be purchased from a priest contrary to the Scripture All which their fables and deceipts doe tend to the utter abolishing of true relion Therefore iustly haue wee and our godly brethren abandoned the masse Accursed then stand those Papists before God which take the Masse to be the Sacrifice of Christ his body and Blood and the onely soueraigne worship due to God in his Church 32. Article Of the Marriage of Preists Bishops priests and Deacons 1 are not commanded by Gods law either to vowe the estate of single life or to abstaine from marriage Therefore it is lawfull also for them 2 as for all other Christian men to marry at their owne discretion as they shall iudge the same to serue better to godlinesse The Propositions 1. By the word of God it is lawfull for Bishops and all other ecclesiasticall Ministers to marrie at their owne discretion 2. It is lawfull by the word of God for all Christian men and women to marrie at their owne discretion in the feare of God 1. Proposition By the word of God it is lawfull for Bishops and all other ecclesiasticall ministers to marrie at their owne discretion The proofe from Gods word NEither the single nor the wedded life is enioined any man much lesse any calling of men by the word of God And that ecclesiasticall ministers in particular may marry it is euident both from the old and the newe Testament From the old Testament both by the Commandements giuen vnto the Priests for the choise of their wiues and by the examples also of the religious Priests as Aaron Eli Zacharias c. Prophets which were all married as it is thought except Ieremie From the newe Testament by the words of S. Paul who saith A Bishop must be the husband of one wife one that hath childrē vnder obediēce An Elder must be vnreproueable the husband of one wife hauing faithfull children Deacons must be the husbands of one wife and haue wiues that be honest not euill speakers c. and by the example of Peter Paul yea of the Apostles who were all married men Iohn the Euangelist onely except as some thinke All sincere Churches and professors subscribe hereunto Adversaries vnto this truth And none of Gods churches or people be of the mind Either of the vigilantians that all and euerie one of the Clerge is necessarily to marrie or not to be admitted for a Minister Or of the Iouinians whose Elect or Preists might not marrie Or of the Papists who teach that From the Apostles time it was neuer lawfull for Priests to marrie The three orders of Deacons Subdeacons and Preists are bound not to marrie After Orders to marrie it is not lawfull it is to turne back vnto Satan and Apostacie None may be a priest though hee will vowe a single life if he haue bin a married man For a priest to play the whore-maister it is lesse offence then to take a wife This was the speech of Cardinall Campeius And most infamous is the Romish Clergie for their vnclean and vncontinent Hence written is it Of Pope Paul the 2. Anxia testiculos Pauli ne Roma requiras Filia huic nata est haec docet esse m●rem Of Pope Innocent the 8 Bis quattuor Nocens genuit puellulos Totidem sed et Nocens genuit puellulas O' Roma possis hunc meritó dicere Patrem Of Pope Alex. the 6 Non spado Alexander fuerat Lucretia nempe Illius coniux nata nurusque fuit Of the Priests Multi vos sanctos multi vos dicere Patres Gaudent et vobis nomina tanta placent Ast ego vos sanctos non possum dicere Patres Possum cùm natos vos genuisse sciam Of the Iesuites With women yee lie not but with Males rather Speake Iesuit how canst thou be a Father c. 2. Proposition It is lawfull by the word of God for all Christian men and women to marrie at their owne discretion in the feare of God The proofe from Gods word The Spirite of God saith vnto men and women in all ages Bring foorth fruite and multiplie and fill the earth Marriage is honorable among all men and the bed vndefiled To auoide fornication let euery man haue his wife and euery woman haue her husband If they cannot abstaine let them marrie Notwithstanding in saying that Christians may marrie at their discretion the meaning is not that any may marry if they thinke good either within the degrees of kinred and affinitie prohibited by wholesome lawes or without the consent of parents or of others in the roome of parents if they be vnder tuition or to other ends then God hath praefixed So testifie with vs the reformed Churches Errors Adversaries to this truth Greatly hath this truth bin crossed and contradicted For Some leaue it not to men and womens discretions but compell them whether they will or no to marrie so did the Ossenes Some vtterly doe condemne marriage as did the Gnostikes the Hieracites the Priscillianistes the Montanistes the Saturnians the Aerians the Apostolikes Some allowe of the wedded life yet not in all sorts of persons For The Papistes forbid all Clergie men to marrie as also all Godfathers Godmothers and whosoeuer be of spirituall kinred Some will haue none to marrie but Virgins and single persons as the Henricians Some condemne all alteration of marriage or twice marrying the husband or wife being dead such haeretickes were the Catharans c. Some would haue women though married to be all common as the Nicolaitans and Daui-georgians Some will nor marrie according to Gods ordinance but thinke that one man at one and the same time may haue manie wiues In which were the Hermogenians and are the Ohinites 33. Article Of excommunicate persons howe they are to be auoyded That person 1 which by open denunciation of the Church is rightly cut off from the vnitie of the Church and excommunicate ought to be taken of the whole multitude of the faithfull as an Heathen and Publican 2 vntill he bee openly reconciled by penance and receiued into the Church by a Iudge that hath authoritie thereto The propositions 1. The person that is rightly by the Church excommunicate is of all the faithfull to be taken for an Heathen and Publican 2. An excommunicate person trulie repenting is to be receaued into the Church againe 1. Proposition The person that is rightly by the Church excommunicate is of all the faithfull to be taken for an Heathen and Publican The proofe from Gods word THe most seuere and vttermost punishment that the
Persians s●y vnto the Soldan P. Bizarus rerum Pe● sic l. 11. q Panormit C. quanto Abbas r Extruag Joan. 22. s Extrauag de transl epist. Quanto t Alcar Francisc. l. 1. u Horum B. virginis Ma. secundum vsum Sarum p. 51. x Russe commonvveale c. 19. a Gen. 11. c. b Psal. c Coloss. 1.16 d Heb. 1.8 e Creede Apost Nicen. f Confess Helv. 2. c. 6 7. Basil. ar 1. of Frāce ar 7. Fland. ar 12. g Psal. 104.1 c. h Mat. 10.29 30 i Act. 17.24 25 26. k Heb. 1.3 l Confess 2. ● 7. m Confess Basil. ar 1.2 n Confess Gal. ar 18. o Confess Belg. ar 12.13 a Tertul. lib. 1. contr Marc. b Iren. Epiph. Phila●●er c Epip August cont Man c. 49. d D. August de side contra Manich. c. 40. e Concil Brac. cap. 11. f Display of the Fam. of Loue. H. 8. b. g Qui creavit me sine me iam creatur mediante me Stella cleric h Socrat. hist. eccles l. 1. c. 22. i Display of the Fam. H. 5. b. k Dii magna curant parva negligunt Cic. de nat Deor. lib. 2. l In exposit Symb. a The Father by the Sonne made the worlds Heb. 1.2 b In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and that word was God The same was in the beginning with God Ioh. 1.1 2. c In the beginning God created the heauen and the earth c. and the spirit of God mooued vpon the waters Gen. 1.1 2. d Psal. 33.6 e Math. 3.16 17 f Gal. 4.6 g 2. Cor. 13.13 h 1. Iohn 5.3 i Creed Apo. Nic. Athan. k Confess Helv. 1. art 6. 2. c. 3. August art 1. Gal. art 6. Belg. art 6. Bohem. c. 3. VVittemb c. 1. Suca● art 1. a Socrat. eccles hist. l. 1. c. 23. b Theod. haeret fab lib. 2. c Lud. Carettus lib. diuinor visor ad Iudae d Pol. of the Turk emp. c. 5. e Clem. Alex. strom l. 5. f Epiphan g Cl. Alex. str l. 4. h Philaster i Zanch de 3. El. par i. l. 7. c. 1. k Calvin epist. l Athanas. ad Epictet m Concil Bracar cap. 2. a Ioh. 1.1 b Psal. 2.7 Acts 13.33 Heb. 1.5 c Iohn 17.3 d Matth. 1.23 e Heb. 1.3 f I beleeue in God the Father c and in Iesus Christ his onely Son our Lord. Symb. Apost The godhead of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost is all one the glorie equall the maiestie coeternall Such as the Father is such is the Sonne The Father vncreate the Sonne vncreate The Father incomprehensible the Sonne incomprehensible The Father eternall the Sonne eternall The Father is almightie the Sonne almightie the Father is God and the Sonne is God the Father is Lord and the Sonne is Lord. Symbol Athanas. I beleeue in God the Father almightie c. and in one Lord Iesus Christ the onely begotten Sonne of God begotten of his Father before all worlds God of God light of light very God of very God begotten not made beeing of one substance with the Father Symbol Nicen. g Confess Helvet 1. ar 11.2 cap. 11. Bohem. cap. 4.6 August ar 6. Gal. ar 13 14. Belg. ar 10. VVittemb cap. 2. Suevica ar 2. a Theod. haeret fab lib. 4. b Irenaeus c Euseb. eccles hist. l. 3. c. 27. d Basil. l. 5. contra Eunom e Concil Bracar cap. 2. f Liberatus g Theodoret. l. 4. haeret fab h Gregor epist. 22. l. 8. i Zuing. lib. contra Catabap k Beza epist. 19. l Holnis chron 12●99 m Hist. Dauidis Georg. n Lud. Caret l. divinor visor ad Judaeos o Policie of the Turkish Emp. c. 5. p. 16. p Display of the Fam. of Loue. H. 7. a. a The seed of the woman shall breake thine head Gen. 3.15 The Scepter shall not depart c. vntill Shiloh come Gen. 49.10 b Behold a virgine shall conceiue and beare a sonne Esa. 7.14 c Math. 10.18.23 Luk. d Luk. 2.40 e When he had fasted 40 daies and 40 nights he was afterward hungrie Mat. 4.2 f Ioh. 4.7 He said I thirst Ioh. 19.28 g Luk. 19.41 h Mark 4.38 i Math. 27.50 Mark 15.37 Luk. 23.46 Ioh. 19.30.33 k Symb. Apost l Symb. Athan. m Sym. Nicen. n Confess Helv. 1. ar 11. 2. c. 11. o Confes. Basi. ar 4. p Confess Bohem. c. 6. q Confess Belg. ar 18. r Confess Gal. ar 14. s Confess August ar 3. t Confess VVittemb c. 2. u Confess Suevica ar 2. x Harman confess praef a August l. 14. contra Faust. b Niceph. l. 18. c. 52. c Philast Beza epist. 81. d Iren. l. 1. c. 22. e Basil. contra Eunom f Theodoret. haeret fab l. 4. g Ruffin lib. 2. c. 20. h Niceph. l. 18. c. 53. i Iren. l. 1. c. 1. k Confess Belg. ar 18. l H.N. prophecie of the Spir. c. 19. sent 9. m Epiphan n Eusch. eccles hist. l. 3. c. 27. o Iren. l. 1. c. 24 q Athan. lib. de incar Christ. p Tertul. lib. de car Christ. r Niceph. lib. 17. c. 29. a Ioh. 1.14 b Math. 3.17 c Eph. 4.10 d Phil. 2.6 7 9 11. e 1. Tim. 2.5 6. f Symbol Apost g Symbol Athan h Symb. Nicen. i Confess Helv. 1. c. 11. 2. ar 11. Basi. ar 4. Bohem. ar 6. Gal. ar 15. Belg. ar 19. August ar 3. VVittem c. 2. Suevica ar 2. Harmon confess praef a Hartman Schedel b Niceph. l. 16. cap. 33. c Volater l. 17. d Magdeburg eccles hist. Cen. 6. c. 5. fol. 319. e Niceph. l. 18. c. 48. f Beza epist. 81. Confess Gal. ar 14. a Math. 27.26 c. b We were reconciled to God by the death of his Son Rom. 5.10 God hath reconciled vs vnto himselfe by Iesus Chr. 2. Cor. 5.18 by his crosse Eph. 2.16 It pleased the Father c. by him to reconcile all things vnto himselfe Colos. 1 19 20. c He hath borne our infirmities and carried our sorrowes Esa. 53.4 He is the lambe of God which taketh away the sinne of the world Ioh. 1.29 Christ hath redeemed vs from the curse of the Law when he was made a curse for vs. G●l 3.13 God h●th made him sinne for vs which knew no sinne that we should be the righteousnes of God in him 2. Cor. 5.2 He is the reconciliation for our sinne and not for ours onely but ●lso for the whole world 1. Ioh. 2.2 d Symb. Apostol e Symb. Athanas. f Symb. Nicen. g Conf●ss He●vel 1. c. 11. 2. ar 11. Basil. ar 4. Bohem. ar 6. Gal. ar 13.16.17 Belg. ar 20.21 August ar 3. Saxun ar 3. VVittemb c. 2. Suevica Harmon confess praef a D. August de Trin. l. 5. b Magdeburg eccles hist. Ce● 4. c. 5. c Beza epist. 60. d Iren. l. 1. c. 23. e Nic. l. 18. c. 52. f August contr Faust. l. 15. c. 10. g Antoni● tit 13. c. 5. § 3.
yet afterward confessed his master Christ and of all the disciples who fled and yet returned This both granted is and published for truth by the Churches The adversaries vnto this truth Vnto this truth subscribe will not Either by the Catharans Nouatians Iouinians which thinke Gods people be regenerate into a pure and Angelicall state so that neither they be nor can be defiled with any contagion of sinne Either the Libertines whose opinions were that Whosoeuer hath Gods spirit in him cannot sinne Dauid sinned not after he had receiued the holy Ghost Regeneration is the restoring of the estate wherein Adam was placed afore his fall Or the Papists who are of minde that The workes of men iustified are perfect in this life No man which is fallen into sinne can rise againe and be saued without their Sacrament of Penance S. Francis attained vnto the perfection of holines and could not sinne at all 3. Proposition No men vtterly are to be cast off as reprobates which vnfainedly repent Such as doe fall from grace and yet returne againe vnto the Lord by true repentance are to be receiued as members of Gods church and this by the Scripture is verefied For there wee read that God would haue all men saued God is alwaies readie to receiue the penitent into fauour For there is ioy in heauen for the sinner that conuerteth Christ is grieued when sinners will not repent He shall saue a soule from death and hide a multitude of sinnes which conuerteth a sinner from going astray out of his way The Lord would haue no man to perish but al men to come to repentance If wee acknowledge our sinnes he is faithfull and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes and to clense vs from all vnrighteousnesse Hee exhorteth his erring people to repent and doe their first workes neither refuseth hee the sinner that repenteth as appeareth in the example of the Prodigall sonne and of the debter God then being so gratious and mercifull man after his ensample is both by all good meanes to prouoke sinners vnto repentance and they testifying the same to receiue them into fauour So did S. Paul will the Galatians Brethren saith hee if a man be fallen by occasion into any fault yea which are spirituall restore such one with the spirit of meekenes considering thy selfe least thou also be tempted So did hee enioyne the Corinthians when hee saide If anie hath caused sorrowe the same hath not made me sorie but partly least I should more charge him you all It is sufficient vnto the same man that he was rebuked of many So that nowe contrarywise yee ought rather to forgiue and comfort him least the same should be swallowed yp with ouermuch heauinesse When also he said Receiue him meaning Ouesinus And so teach the Churches Errors and Adversaries vnto this truth Adversaries vnto this truth are they First which leaue nothing but the vnappeasable wrath of God to such as doe sinne after Baptisme as as did both in old time the Montanists and Nouatians and of late yeares Melchior Hoffman the Arch Heretike of his daies and the Anabaptists in Germaine and the Barrowists among our selues in England Next who say that being once regenerate sinne is cut away as with a Rasor so that the godly cannot sinne and therefore neede no repentance so did the Messalians and doe the Familie of Loue Lastly the desperate whose sinnes being either most infinite or abominable they thinke how God hee neither can nor will forgiue them such in times past were Kaine and Iudas in our fathers Franciscus Spira and one Doctor Kraus and in our daies Bolton euen hee that first hatched that sect in England which afterward was tearmed Brownisme 17. Article Of praedistination and election 1 Predestination to life is the euerlasting purpose of God whereby 2 before the foundations of the world was laid he hath 3 constantly decreed by his councell secret to vs to deliuer from curse and damnation 4 those whome he hath chosen 5 in Christ out of mankinde and to bring them by Christ to euerlasting saluation as vessells made to honour wherefore they which be indued with so excellent a benefit of God 6 be called according to Gods purpose by his Spirit working in due season 7 they through grace obey the calling they be iustified freely they be made sonnes of God by adoption they be made like the image of his onely begotten Sonne Iesus Christ they walke religiously in good workes at length by Gods mercie they attaine to euerlasting felicitie 8 As the godly consideration of Predestination and our election in Christ is full of sweete pleasant and vnspeakable comfort to godly persons and such as feele in themselues the working of the Spirit of Christ mortifying the workes of the flesh and their earthly members and drawing vp their minde to high and heauenly things as well because it doth greatly establish and confirme their faith of eternall saluation to be enioyed through Christ as because it doth feruently kindle their loue towards God So for curious and carnall persons lacking the Spirit of Christ to haue continually before their eies the sentence of Gods predestination is amost dangerous down fall whereby the Deuill doth thrust them into desperation or into rechlesnes of most vncleane liuing no lesse perilous then desperation Furthermore 9 wee must receiue Gods promises in such wise as they be generally set forth vnto vs in holy Scripture and 10 in our doings that will of God is to be followed which wee haue expresly declared vnto vs in the word of God The Propositions 1. There is a Predestination of men vnto everlasting life 2. Predestination hath bin from euerlasting 3. They which are predestinate vnto saluation cannot perish 4. Not all men but certaine are predestinate to be saued 5. In Christ Iesus of the meere will and purpose of God some are elected and not others vnto saluation 6. They who are elected vnto saluation if they come vnto yeares of discretion are called both outwardly by the word inwardly by the spirit of God 7. The Predestinate are both iustified by faith sanctified by the holy Ghost and shall be glorified in the life to come 8. The consideration of Predestination is to the godly wise most comfortable but to curious and carnall persons very dangerous 9. The generall promises of God set forth in the holy Scriptures are to be embraced of vs. 10. In our actions the word of God which is his his revealed will must be our direction 1. Proposition There is a predestination of men vnto euerlasting life The proofe from Gods word That of men some be predestinate vnto life it is a truth most apparent in the holy Scripture by the testimonie both of Christ himselfe who saith To sit at my right hand and at my
left hand is not mine to giue but it shall be giuen to them for whome it is prepared of my Father Many are called but fewe chosen For the elects sake those daies shall be shortned Feare not little flocke for it is your Fathers pleasure to giue you a kingdome I tell you in that night there shall be two in one bedde the one shall be receiued and the other shall be left All that the Father giueth mee shall come vnto me Witnessed also is this by the Euangelist Luke and Paul the one saith how of the Gentiles at Antioch so many as were ordained vnto eternall life beleeued and the other those whome he knewe before he did also predestinate Wee are vnto God the sweete sauour of Christ in them that are saued and in them which perish to the one wee are the fauour of death vnto death and to the other the sauour of life vnto life Blessed be God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ which c. hath chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world c. who hath predestinate vs to be adopted through Ies●● Christ vnto himselfe c The examples also of the elected creatures man and Angels of the two brethren Abel and Kaine Isaac and Ismael Iacob and Esau of the two Eunuches of K. Pharao of the two kingdomes Iuda and Israel the two peoples Iewes and Gentiles the two Apostles Peter and Iudas the two Theeues vpon the Crosse the two men in the fieldes and the two women at the Mill make to the illustration of this truth All Churches consent with this doctrine The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth Erre therefore doe they which stand in opinion that Some are appointed to be saued but none to be damned In soule some persons but in soule and body together none shall be saued of this minde were the old heretikes viz. the false Apostles the Carpocratians the Valentinians the Cerdonites the Manichies and the Hieranites and of their opinion be the Familie of Loue 2. Proposition Predestination hath bin from euerlasting The profe from Gods word Predestination beganne before all times It will be said saith our Sauiour Christ Come ye blessed of my Father inherite ye the kingdome prepared for you from the foundations of the world God hath chosen vs in Iesus Christ before the Foundation of the world God hath saued vs c. according to his owne purpose and grace which was giuen to vs through Christ Iesus before the world was The publike confessions of the Churches namely in Heluetia Basil and France beare witnesse herevnto Aduersaries vnto this truth Those wrangling Sophisters then are deceiued who because God is not included within the compasse of any time but hath all things to come as present continually before his eies doe say that God he did not in the time long agoe past onely but still in the time present likewise doth predestinate 3. Proposition They which are predestinate vnto saluation cannot perish The proofe from Gods word All that the Father giueth mee shall come to mee and him that commeth to mee I cast not away saith Christ I giue vnto them eternall life and they shall neuer perish neither shall any pluck them out of my hand c. none is able to take them out of my Fathers hand The gates of hel shall not ouercome the Church Moreouer whome be predestinate them hee also glorified For the giftes and calling of God are without repentance They went o●t from vs but they were not of vs for if they had beene of vs they would haue continued with vs So the Churches of God as afore in this article The Errors and adversaries vnto this truth Wander then doe they from the truth which thinke That the very elect totally and finally may fall from grace and be damned That the regenerate may fall from the grace of God may destroy the temple of God and be broken off from the vine Christ Iesus which was one of Glouers errors That the number of those which be predestinate may both encrease and be diminished so thought the Pelagians 4. Proposition Not all men but certaine be predestinate to be saued The proofe from Gods word Wee denie that all and affirme that a certaine chosen and companie of men be predestinate and so doth Gods word Reioice that your names are written in heauen I knowe mine and am knowne of mine is the saying of Christ Iesus I suffer all things for the elects sake saith S. Paul The very same with vs doe the Churches affirme Adversaries vnto this truth Wee are therefore against them which teach how not certain but all euen the most vngodly and damnable yea the very Deuils shall be saued of which opinion were the Originists and are the Cptabaptists All men be elected vnto life euerlasting There is no hell nor future and eternall misterie at all but only either in mās opiniō as hold the Atheists or in the heart and conscience of man in this life as the Familists maintaine No certaine companie be foredestined vnto eternall condemnation None more then others be predestinate vnto saluation which was an error of Henry Bolsteck In like sort we condemne such as either curiously enquire who and how many shall be saued or damned or giue the sentence of reprobation vpon any men whosoeuer as doe the Papists vpon Caluine Beza and Verone when they call them Reprobates 5. Proposition Of the meere will and purpese of God some men in Christ Iesus are elected and not others vnto saluation The proofe from Gods word In the Scripture wee read of mans predestination the cause efficient to be the euerlasting purpose of God the cause formall God his infinite mercie and goodnes the cause materiall the blood of Christ the cause finall or ende why both God the Father hath loued and Christ for his elect hath suffered is the glorie of God and the saluation of man And this doe all the Churches militant and reformed with a sweete consent testifie and acknowledge Errors adversaries vnto this truth Hereby is discouered the impietie of those men which thinke that 1. Man doth make himselfe eligible for the kingdome of heauen by his owne good workes and merits So teach the Papists The kingdome of heauen say they is prepared for them that are worthie of it and deserue it by their well doing Licet electis gloria ex eterna Dei predestinatione dimanet non tamen provenit nisi ex eorum operibus c. Sine nobis non glorificamur 1. Although from Gods eternall predestination glory floweth to the elect yet for all that it springeth not but from their owne workes c. Without our selues wee are not glorified 2. God