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A10133 Iacobs vovv, opposed to the vowes of monkes and friers The first volume in two bookes; of the Holy Scripture, and euangelicall counsels. Written in French by Mr. Gilbert Primerose, minister of the word of God in the Reformed Church of Burdeaux. And translated into English by Iohn Bulteel minister of the gospel of Iesus Christ.; Voeu de Jacob. English Primrose, Gilbert, ca. 1580-1642.; J. B. (John Bulteel), d. 1699. 1617 (1617) STC 20390; ESTC S112003 232,060 268

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ser 50. Nec latuit praeceptorem praecepti pondus hominum excedere vires sed iudicauit vtile ex hoc ipso suo illes insufficie●tiae admoneri vt scirent sanè ad quem iustitiae finem niti pro viribus oporteret Ergo mandando impossibilia non praeuaricatores homines fecit sed humiles c. The Master was not ignorant saith Saint Bernard that the burden of the Commandement did surpasse the strength of man but hee thought it good and necessarie that by the very same they should be warned of their insufficiencie that they might know to what ende and marke of righteousnesse they ought to make towards with all their strength and power commanding therefore things impossible he hath not made men preuaricators but humble that euery mouth may be stopped and all the world may become subiect to the iudgement of God because that by the workes of the Law there shall be no flesh iustified in his sight for receiuing the Cōmandements and feeling our defect and want wee will crie vp to heauen and God will haue mercy vpon vs and wee shall know in that day that hee hath saued vs not by the workes of righteousnesse that wee haue done but according to his mercie Secondly because he vnderstands not the language of the Scripture hee restraines the choice to voluntarie and free things to the obseruation of the which man is not bound and compelled by any Law Hee might haue read the words of the Prophet Moses saying to the people of Israel touching the Law x Deut. 30.19 I call heauen and earth to record this day against you that I haue set before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore chuse life that both then and thy seede may liue As also Ioshuahs words to the same people y Ioshua 24.15 If it seeme euill vnto you to serue the Lord chuse you this day whom ye will serue Conformably to this Dauid saith z Psal 119.30 I haue chosen the way of truth thy iudgements haue I laid before me And Saint Cyrill expounds the Prophets words of them which chuse and retaine Christs Testament as Lyrinensis of those that liue righteously and vprightly with their neighbour VII He expounds as falsely these words I will giue vnto them a name better then of sons and of daughters a Bellar. de monach c. 9. parag 3. 9. maintaining that by sons and daughters God meanes those good and godly persons that are married which are Gods sons and daughters and that God promiseth to those which are virgins a greater good and a greater glory then to these What could he say more impertinently then this For to be a sonne and a daughter of God is the common name of all the faithfull and their highest and most excellent title and degree of honour from whence depends all their prerogatiue glory ioy and consolation both in life and death and it is not a name of an inferiour qualitie appertaining onely to some lesse priuiledge Witnesse our Sauiour Christ when he saith To as many as receiued him to them b Iohn 1.12 gaue he power to become the sonnes of God euen to them that beleeue in his name Witnesse God himselfe saying by his Prophets and by his Apostle c Isa 52.11 Ierem. 31.1.9 2. Cor. 6.17.18 Come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord and touch not the vncleane thing and I will receiue you and will be a Father vnto you and ye shall be my sonnes and daughters saith the Lord Almightie d Rom. 8.17 And if children then heires heires of God and ioynt-heires with Christ saith the Apostle What may we What can we hope desire wish more It is that which is giuen to honest and good men married persons by Bellarmines confession what remaines then to the Monkes what haue the Friers else a name saith he more excellent then of sonnes of God why then they are not sonnes of God And to maiden Virgins a name better then of daughters of God why then they are not Gods daughters what other name shall we giue them for he which is not the childe and sonne of God is the sonne of rebellion the childe of wrath whose father is the Deuill a name saith he better then of sonnes What greater or better name I pray you can wee haue on earth then to bee sonnes and heires of a King except we were Kings And what better or greater name in heauen then to bee Gods sonne and heire without being God The Angels are called e Iob 1.6 2.1 the sonnes of God The Saints are called the sonnes of God he which is the Sonne of God by nature was manifest in the flesh that we might be made the sonnes of God by grace The holy Ghost is sent into our hearts to assure vs that wee are the sonnes of God f Rom. 8.15.16 Ye haue receiued the Spirit of adoption whereby wee cry Abba Father The Spirit it selfe bear●th witnesse with our spirit that we are the children of God And there is no name in the Scripture so expresse so significatiue and of so large extent for it comprehends in it all the good that God bestowes on his elect and chosen people vnto whom he giues all his blessings in the name title and state of children and out of this state and condition he giue them no spirituall wholesome and sauing blessing VIII Now we shall finde the true sense and meaning of this place if wee adde thereunto that which goes before and that which followes after which hath been industriously and wittingly omitted by Bellarmine lest it should haue hindred hi● bad cause The words going before are Let not the sonne of the stranger that hath ioyned himselfe to the Lord speake saying The Lord hath vtterly separated me from his people neither let the Eunuch say Behold I am a drie tree Here then the stranger and the Eunuch fearing God are ioyned together both of them bewailing their miserie The one because he was separated from Gods people The other because he was a drie tree The Eunuch is first comforted by the wordes of this place whereupon Bellarmine grounds his Counsels The stranger is comforted in the verses following in these words Also the sonnes of the stranger that ioyne themselues to the Lord to serue him and to loue the name of the Lord c. euen them will I bring to my holy mountaine and make them ioyfull in my house of prayer c. The Gentils called by the Prophet the sonnes of the stranger g Ephes 2.12 were at that time without Christ being aliens from the Common-weale of Israel and strangers from the couenants of promise hauing no hope and without God in the world As for the Iewes God made a promise to Abraham their father saying h Gens 22.17 In blessing I will blesse thee and in multiplying I will multiply thy seede as the starres of the heauen and as the sand
complaines of those that reade and speake of them Let them defend them and forbid them with threatnings I will not feare what man can doe to me but knowing that the word of God is of such vertue n Psal 119.130 that the entrance of his words giueth light and giueth vnderstanding vnto the simple I will loue it I will put it close to my heart I will take in it all my delight and pastime his words shall be folkes of my counsell I will alwaies adhere and sticke fast vnto them that I may say in good conscience vnto my God with Dauid o Psal 119.97 O how loue I thy Law it is my meditation all the day CHAP. IIII. I. The Scripture is to be read with the same Spirit wherewith it was written II. The proofes which the Pastorall Letter alleageth are nothing to the purpose III. The Philosophers iustly blamed by Saint Hierome for that they did frame and apply the places of Scripture vnto their sense and opinions IIII. This blame pertaines and belongs vnto the Author of the Pastorall Letter V. Two true reasons why the Scriptures cannot be vnderstood but by the same Spirit they haue been indicted with VI. The Spirit of God is in the Church in generall and in euery member of the same according to the measure of the gift and grace of Christ. SAint Peter speaking of the writings of the Prophets saith that the a 2. Pet. 1.21 prophesie came not in old time by the will of man but holy 〈◊〉 of God spake as they were moued by the holy Ghost Out of these words of Saint Peter the Author of the Pastorall Letter inferres that we must reade the Scriptures with the same spirit that they were written by which is the Spirit of charitie a pure Spirit a cleane Spirit we adde to this that b Iohn 15.16 he is the Spirit of truth and so we say Amen to this doctrine II. But not to the proofes thereof that are allegoricall or false or corrupted and peruerted That which is said of the commandement giuen vnto him that preacheth the Gospell that he should g●● vp to the mountaine of vertue is allegoricall and repugning to the sense of the Scriptures In like manner that which is added that no beast way approch vnto this mountaine that is to say no carnall sense or meaning and that haue we seene in the Chapter going before The second proofe taken from c Genes 6.3 that of Genesis is false God saith there My Spirit shall not alwaies striue with man for that he is also flesh and the meaning is that God will no longer beare with the malice of men because they are nothing but flesh that is to say finne and corruption but hee will destroy them from the face of the earth if they repent not in the space of an hundred and twentie yeeres Here is therefore no question of the abode of Gods Spirit in men but of the strife that God hath with men obstinatly hardned and not harkning vnto his admonitions but taking occasion by his blessings to liue according to the flesh The third proofe is mained and defectiue Saint Paul saith that d Rom. 15.4 Whatsoeuer things were written aforetime were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope In the Pastorall Letter these words are thus changed Pag. 6. cut off and falsified The whole Scripture is giuen of God for our instruction that so by the example that we imbrace in seeing the recompence of the ver●●ous and the punishment of the wicked we comfort our selues in hope to attaine vnto the inestimable goods that are promised there So that whole comfort of the Scriptures is falsely referred and applied to the example that we take of the recompence of the good and the punishment of the wicked whereas it doth altogether consist in the death and passion of Christ Iesus in whose blood al those good men e Reuel 7.14 haue washed their long robes hauing all of them been iustified and graciously saued by the blood of him on the crosse and not by the merit of any vertue that was in them Whence the Lord is called f Luke 25. the Consolation of Israel namely of all the Saints the peace comfort and ioy of whom is wholy limited and stinted in him and to the witnesse that Gods Spirit beareth to their spirit and consciences by the holy Scriptures that God hath reconciled them to himselfe in him not imputing to them their sins where with ioy they crie out with the Prophet Dauid a man according to Gods heart g Psalm 32.1.2 Blessed is hee whose transgression is forgiuen whose sinne is couered Blessed is the man vnto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquitie But not being of a subiect and matter to examine this place any more I doe approue the conclusion that is drawne from hence for seeing the Scripture hath been giuen vs for our instruction and consolation we ought not alter it or diuert it to our destruction III. Neither ought we to imitate those of whom Saint Ierome complaines h Hieron that comming to the holy Scriptures after the studie of the Sciences of this world doe imagine that all that they say is the Word and Law of God and take not the paines to search and examine diligently what the Prophets and Apostles haue said but doe frame vnto their sense the places of Scriptures which haue no resemblance agreement or relation vnto it being like the Israelites in this who made a golden Calfe of the treasures they brought out of Egypt whereas they that vse holily humane Sciences making them serue and attend on Diuinitie are like those that did imploy the iewels and riches of the Egyptians towards the building of the Tabernacle and entertainement of Gods seruice IIII. But when they say Pag. 7. that parents which binde their children to the obedience of the commandement they giue them to stay with them to serue them and not to enter into such or such a cloister are like those first that they doe subuert all order imagine they ought to preferre their commandement before Gods commandement their wills before the Euangelicall Counsels against the expresse Texts of the Gospell the example of Saints the interpretations of all the Fathers and the decisions of the holy Canons They charge them with a false blasphemie wherewith the Author of the Pastorall Letter shall finde himselfe touched and tainted who takes violently by the haires as we say the places of Scripture and the interpretations of the Fathers and frames them after his owne imagination wherewith they haue no resemblance or relation as we shall see in the Chapters following V. Notwithstanding this remaines as true that the same Spirit which hath indicted the Scriptures and giuen it to bee written ought and doth vnfold and giue vs the sense and meaning thereof The reason is in them or in vs In them their
maiestie i 1. Cor. 2.6 7 8 9. They containe the wisedome not of this world nor of the Princes of this world that come to nought but the wisedome of God which none of the Princes of this world knew but as it is written eye hath not seene nor eare heard neither haue entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that loue him They being of God k Matth. 11.27 none can know them but God and vnto whom God will reueale them For as amongst men none knowes the things of man saue the spirit of man which is in him l 1. Cor. 2.11 Euen so the things of God knowes no man but the Spirit of God For this first reason God must reueale them vnto vs by his Spirit m 1. Cor. 2.10 For the Spirit teacheth all things yea the deepe things of God The second reason is our incapacitie and insufficiencie for not onely haue we our eyes obscured and darkned with some certaine cloudes of ignorance but we haue them also so blinde that the Scripture calles vs n Ephes 5.8 darkenesse and plainely saith of vs and of the fairest and best things we haue by nature that o 1. Cor. 2.14 The naturall man receiueth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishnesse vnto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned VVhere the Spirit of God chargeth vs with two things o 1. Cor. 2.14 the priuation and want of all facultie aptnesse and abilitie to vnderstand and comprehend the things that are of God Secondly an euill and peruerse disposition and inclination for wee cannot only not comprehend the things of God but also we esteeme them foolishnes according to that which the Apostle saith p Rom. 8.7 The carnall minde is enmitie against God and therefore hee addes that q 1. Cor. 2.14 15 these things are spiritually discerned and that he which is spirituall iudgeth all things Dauid wrote that it was so when he prayed vnto God saying r Psal 119.18 Open thou mine eies that I may behold the wondrous things out of thy Law when Saint Peter confessed the Lord to ſ Matth. 16.16 be Christ the sonne of the liuing God The Lord presently taught him that it was so saying t Matth. 16.17 Blessed art thou Simon Bar-Iona for flesh and blood hath not reuealed it vnto thee but my Father which is in heauen The Apostle hath confirmed the same where he prayes God in his Epistles to giue his Spirit vnto them vnto whom hee writes that they may comprehend these things and assuring vs that u 1. Cor. 12.3 no man can say that Iesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost VI. But here is the question for they demaund Where is the Spirit In whom is the Spirit A question easie to bee resolued for as if one aske where the soule and life of man is a child would answere that it is in mans body and in euery part of the body though more sensibly and with more efficacy in one part of the body then in the other euen so when they demaund Where is the Spirit of Christ The childe of God will presently answere that it is in the body of Christ which is the Church vnited to Christ his head and in euery member of this body x Iohn 3.34 In Christ who is the head without measure in the other members with measure in some extraordinarily as in the Prophets and now ordinarie in all those that are come since in these a greater measure in those a lesser measure in some more in some lesse y Rom. 12.3 according as God hath dealt to euery man the measure of faith To doubt therefore if any one hath the Spirit of Christ in him is to doubt if he be a member of the body of Christ that is to say if he be a Christian for no man is a Christian but by the holy Spirit vniting him to Christ and inspiring him and quickning him that he liue to Christ CHAP. V. I. The words of Micah vnfitly and to no purpose alleaged cannot bee vnderstood by allegorie but of the Church in generall whose children are directed by the holy Spirit in the vnderstanding of the Scriptures II. Hee is an Heretick who obstinately defends a sense contrary to the Scriptures III. The argument whereby the Letter binds vs to depend and relie on the interpretation of the Fathers because Christ hath said nothing but that he hath heard of God his Father is impertinent and ridiculous IIII. In what consisteth our conformitie with Christ V. The argument retorted against the Author thereof VI. It is proued by the Scriptures and Fathers that wee are not to relie on the exposition of the Fathers WHen as therefore the Author saith in his Pastorall Letter that wee must not stand to our owne sense to know the sense of the Scripture Pag. 7. but follow the counsell of the Prophet Micah saying a Mica 4.2 Come and let vs go vp to the mountaine of the Lord and to the house of the God of Iacob and hee will teach vs of his waies and we will walke in his pathes Although that these words of Micah are to bee vnderstood literally of Sion and of the Citie of Ierusalem as it appeares by the words following For the Law shall goe forth of Zion and the word of the Lord from Ierusalem If by the mountaine of the Lord and the house of the God of Iacob hee vnderstands the Church of Christ Iesus it is most certaine that we ought to go and retire there to haue the sense meaning of the Scripture For there is the Scripture and there is the Spirit inspiring the whole Church in generall and euery true member of the same in particular according to the gift and wil of euery one When therfore the Scripture is read by a true member of Christ or is preached vnto him he hath the holy Spirit on his right hand and in his heart inspiring the true sense and meaning thereof and this inspiration is no other thing but that which S. Paul names b Ephes 1.18 the eyes of our vnderstanding enlightned to see comprehend the mysteries propounded in the Scriptures as it happened vnto Lydia c Acts 16.14 whose heart the Lord opened that she attended vnto the things which were spoken of Paul And it happens vnto all the Saints according to that which the Apostle saith d 1 Cor. 2.12 We haue receiued not the spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely giuen to vs of God And S. Iohn writing to young babes young children young men and fathers e 1. John 2.20 Ye haue an vnction from the holy One and ye know all things The one and the other after their Ma●●er who hath decided this controuersie with this notable sentence No f Ioh.
6.44.45 man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him It is written in the Prophets And they shall be all taught of God euery one therefore that hath heard and hath learned of the Father commeth vnto me They that thus heare and learne thus of the Father doe not stand to their owne sense nor are not wedded to their owne humours but are directed by the holy Spirit to the sense and meaning of the Scripture as much as is necessarie for them that they suffer themselues not to be distracted and with-drawne from the saluation which is in our Lord Iesus by the deceit of men II. The Pastoral Letter vnderstands not so the words of Micah and acknowledgeth none to be the mountaine of Sion Pag. 7. but the ancient Fathers and those of these times Pastors and Doctors there is difference saith he betweene one heretick and another which interprets the Scripture according to his sense the one with more the other with lesse obstinacie and wilfulnesse but both of them are alike in error To be like an hereticke is to make himselfe like the diuell and to beare his image This is his argument they are hereticks which do interpret the Scripture according to their owne sense wee ought not to resemble hereticks wee ought not therefore and must not interpret the Scripture according to our senses The Canon Law defineth an heretick thus g 24. q. 3. Can. 27. Haeresis quicunque aliter scripturam intelligit quàm sensus spiritu● sancti fl●gitat quo scripta est licet de ecclesia non recesserit tamen haereticus appellari potest Whosoeuer vnderstandeth the Scripture otherwise then the sense of the holy Spirit by the which it hath been written requireth although he hath not with-drawne himselfe from the Church he may be cald an hereticke is to be vnderstood if he be obstinate and being conuicted of error by the truth will not leaue his error to embrace the truth h 24 q. 3. can dixit For they which maintain and defend their false and peruerse opinion without any stubbornes and obstinacy being ready willing to be corrected are not to be reckoned amongst hereticks but i 24. q. 3. can 31. Qui in ecclesia they which being in the Church of Christ haue any contagious and peruerse opinion if being reproued of it that they may kn●w and acknowledge that which is sound and right they resist with stubbornnesse and contumacie and will not reforme and correct their p●stilent and mortall opinions and doctrines but persist to defend and maintaine them they become heretickes And if we will know who are they which haue a bad and peruerse opinion and doctrine Leo the first will tell vs that k 〈◊〉 epist 10. ad Flauianū est 24. q. 3. can 30. quid autem those fall into this furie and madnesse who being hindred by some obscurenes and darkenes to know the truth haue not their recourse to the voice of the Prophets to the Epistles of the Apostles and to the authorities of the Gospell but to themselues and therefore are masters of errors not hauing been disciples of truth All these conditions being put and laid together hee is an hereticke who despising all admonitions doth maintaine obstinatly an error contrary to the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles contained in the holy Scriptures Of such a one the Apostle faith l Tit. 3.10.11 A man that it an herericke after the first and second admonition reiect knowing that he that is such is subuerted and sinneth being condemned of himselfe I desire the Reader to marke and remember this definition to the ende he may iudge by the same of the truth and false-hood of the matters debated in our writings and finde and hold for an hereticke the one of vs who being an Idolater of his owne sense and opinion defends with obstinacie a sense contrary to the holy Scripture For as Tertullian saith m Tert. de praes aduers haeret cap. 38. Inde scripturarum expositionum ad●lteratio deputanda est vbi diuersitas inuenitur doctrinae There is the corruption of the Scriptures and of Expositions where the diuersitie of doctrine is found and else where The n Ibidem ca. ●2 Hereticorum doctrina cum Apostolica comparant ex diuersitate contrarietate sua pronunciabit neque Apostoli alicuius authoris esse neque Apostolici doctrine of heretickes compared with that of the Apostles will pronounce by her difference and contrarietie that she hath not for her author any Apostle or any Apostolick person The Pastorall Letter will not haue nor permit vs to make this comparison of the writings of men with those of the Apostles but binds vs to depend altogether on that which the holy Fathers and our spirituall Fathers which haue lawfull succession will tell vs and reach vs. III. Pag. 7. The Christian saith the Letter ought per omnia assimilari Christo in all things be made like vnto Christ who for our example said in Saint Iohn o Iohn 7.16 Mea doctrina non est mea sed eius qui misit me My doctrine is not mine but his that sent me In another place p Iohn 15.15 Omnia quaecunque audiui à patre nota feci vobis Al things that I haue heard of my Father I haue made knowne vnto you euen so you ought not to speake of the Scriptures but sicut audiui à patre as the holy Fathers doe expound This reason may be reduced to this forme The Christians ought to be like vnto Christ in all things but Christ hath said nothing but that which he hath heard of his Father therfore we ought not to say any thing of the Scripture but that we haue heard of our fathers or as they expound it Who seeth not that here are foure termes as Schoolemen speake and that the conclusion sayes more then the premise doe afforde let vs make a new this Syllogisme All Christians ought to be like vnto Christ in all things but Christ hath said nothing hath done nothing but that which his Father hath told him and commaunded him the maiden daughters therefore of whom the question is ought to say nothing to doe nothing but that which their father hath told them and commanded and consequently they ought not nor may not enter into the new religion and religious House or Cloister of Saint Vrsula the Virgin because their father hath told them and commaunded them not to doe it Let vs make it of another fashion All Christians must be like vnto Christ in all things but Christ hath spoken of all those things which he hath heard of his Father who is God the true One and holy One Therefore we must hold all that we haue heard of our Fathers of whom he most holy is but man and not God is a sinner q 1. King 8.46 for there is no man that sinneth not and a lyer
that of God reuealed in the Scripture so the priuate iudgment is inferior to the ministerial for it comes not out in publike with a publike calling and authoritie but keepes and containes it selfe in the conscience for her rest and peace and doth not extend or spread her selfe further then the calling of him which hath receiued this gift of God This is common to all true Christians who being all spirituall man haue receiued and had of God the eyes eares taste heart and iudgement of the spirituall man to see heare taste know iudge loue and affect the things of God z 1. Cor. 2.15 The spirituall man faith the Apostle discerneth and iudgeth all things euery Christian is spirituall he which is not spirituall is no Christian for to be a Christian is nothing else then to be spirituall euery Christian therefore knoweth and discerneth the things of his saluation Christians are the sheepe of our Lord Iesus As therefore a naturall sheepe can by the principle of nature make choise of that herbe which is the most wholesome to her and in feeding passe by that which is contrary to her nature so the spirituall sheepe by the principle of grace can iudge betweene the true passages and places vnto the which she is brought and led by her true shepheard and the bad pasture wherewith the stronger would infect and poyson her This doctrine is of Christ Iesus and of his Apostles Christ hath said that a Iohn 10.4.5 the good shepheard putteth forth his owne sheepe and goeth before them and the sheepe follow him for they know his voice and a stranger will they not follow but will flee from him for they know not the voyce of strangers The Apostle requires of all men that b Heb. 5.14 they haue their senses exercised to discerne both good and euill he exhorts them saying c 1. Cor. 14.20 Brethren be not children in vnderstanding howbeit in malice be ye children but in vnderstanding be men d 1. Thess 5.20 Proue all things hold fast that which is good Saint Iohn tells them that it is their dutie e 1. Iohn 4.1 Beloued beleeue not euerie spirit but trie the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the world They will not place the particulars in the pulpit to preach but they place them at the chaires foote to heare with iudgement and discerne between the true Doctor and the false seducer to follow that man and to take heed of this man according to Christs admonition f Matth. 7.15 Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheepes clothing but inwardly they are rauening w●lues yee shall know them by their fruits He presupposeth therefore that they shall haue iudgement to know them but this iudgement being a gift of God a gift grace not of nature a gift proper vnto the spirituall man vnknowne to the naturall the Apostle prayes to God to giue it vs g Phil. 1.9.10 I pray that your lo●● may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all iudgement that yee may approue things that are excellent that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ VII Iudge we then of what spirit are they which of spirituall sheepe would deforme vs and transforme vs into brutish sheepe and destituted of reason doe prohibit vs to speake of the things of our God Creator Father and Sauiour but as they list Let vs compare their spirit with that of Christ and of the Apostles Christ would that we should iudge of him by the Scriptures and not simply by his saying said vnto the people h Iohn 5.39 Search the Scriptures And these would haue vs to iudge of them by their bare saying and not by the Scriptures do blame and condemne vs for the diligent search of the Scriptures The Apostle said to the Corinthians i 1. Cor. 10.15 I speake as to wise men iudge yee what I say These feare nothing so much as vnderstanding men to keepe and deteine the world in ignorance they crie out it is not for you to iudge of what we say If the spirit wherewith Christ and the Apostles were guided ●●d led was the holy Ghost what manner of spirit can this be which leader these men A spirit which would make vs like to painted clouds in a Church or like vnto those little court-cupbord gods of whom it is written k Ps ●15 5 ● They haue months but speake not eyes haue they but they see not they haue eares but they heare not noses haue they but they smell not they haue hands but they handle not feete haue they but they walke not neither speake th●y through their throat they that make them are like vnto them so is euery one that trusteth in them And therefore the spirit of darkenesse who detaines the Christians in darkenesse to the ende he may draw and bring them to the gulfe of outward darknesse with himselfe as it is written l Io. 3.19 20. 21 This is the condemnation that light is come into the world and men loued darkenesse rather then light because their deeds were euill for euery one that doth euill hateth the light neither commeth to the light lest his deeds should be reproued but he that doth truth commeth to the light that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God Let him therefore that will walke in darknesse As for vs that m Ephes 5.8.11 were sometimes darknesse but now we are light in the Lord we will walke as children of light and will haue no fellowship with the vnfruitfull workes of darkenesse but rather reproue them reioycing and taking pleasure in the light of the Scriptures without and in the direction and conduct of the holy Spirit within vs vntill n Iames 1.17 the father of lights who by his grace o Col. 1.13 hath deliuered vs from the power of darknesse and hath translated vs into the kingdome of his deare sonne p Phil. 1.6 finishing that good worke which he hath begun in vs q Col. 1.12 make vs meete to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light r 1. Iohn 3.2 where wee shall bee like to him and shall see him as he is Amen The ende of the first Booke OF EVANGELICALL COVNSELS The second Booke CHAP. I. I. The Iewish Church hath been of old troubled by false prophets who pretended the name of the word of God and laid claime to it in their false lies II. Saint Peter prophesied that the like should happen vnto the Christian Church by false doctors III. Of this number are they which exalt with puffing words the Monasticall life IIII. Making the people beleeue that it is grounded vpon Euangelicall Counsels whereas there is no such Counsell in the whole Scripture THe Church of the Iewes was very much troubled abused and seduced in her time by the false prophets They saith God
the Euangelists and Apostles Bellarmine hath found nothing for his Counsels in the Prophets let vs see if hee can finde any thing to serue his turne in the writings of the Euangelists and Apostles For seeing that they properly appertaine vnto the Gospell and to the Christian Church and doe bring so excellent and great a reward to the obseruers of them They ought to bee euidently and plainely recommended in the new Testament II. The Lord Iesus propounding the Parable of the Sower 3 Obiection compares the Church to good ground which hauing receiued seede b Mat. 13.8 brings forth fruit some an hundred folde some sixty folde some thirtie fold By this Parable saith Bellarmine the merit of chast matrimonie of virginitie and of widdow-hood is distinguished and that proues hee by Saint Cyprian Saint Ierom and Saint Austin Whence saith he it appeares that the virgin-like continencie is a greater good and more meritorious towards God then matrimoniall chastity is because that it is a diuine Counsell for that which God commaunds not and notwithstanding recommends and preferrs before all other things without doubt he counsels it III. But this cannot be showne in any wise by our Sauiours words who speakes neither of virginitie nor of marriage nor of widdow-hood but of those onely which heare his word of what condition and state soeuer they be according to the exposition which he himselfe giues c Mat. 13.23 He that receiued the seede into the good ground is he that heareth the Word and vnderstandeth it which also beareth fruite and bringeth forth some an hundred fold some sixtie some thirtie folde It is hee therefore which heares the Word of God and keepes it liuing holily and doing good workes according to that measure of grace which hee hath receiued who seekes here any other sense or meaning forgeth to himselfe chimeraes and fruitlesse imaginations buildes castles in the aire and deceiues himselfe with those which heare him And therefore we obiect against Saint Ierome that which he himselfe saith in his Commentarie vpon this Parable d Hieron in Mat. 13. Canendum est vbicunque dominus exponit sermones suos ne velaliud nec plus quid velimus intelligere quam ab co expositum est Obserue saith he that this is the first parable which is set downe with his interpretation and we must beware in what place soeuer our Lord expounds his words that we vnderstand no other thing nor more then that which hath been expounded by him If hee had kept this rule which he prescribed to others he would haue taken heede and not allowed an hundred folde to virgines sixtie to widdowes and but thirtie only to married folkes Falsely by his leaue and fauour seeing that Abraham who was married and remarried is propounded in the Scripture as e Rom. 4.11 the Father of all them that beleeue f Luke 16.23 in whose bosome Lazarus lyes and of whom Christ Iesus saith g Mat. 8.11 that many shall come from the East and West and shall sit downe with Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the Kingdome of heauen He is then aduanced on high liuing in a glory so eminent and so excellent that all the happinesse of all the faithfull of all nations is described by the part and portion they shall haue therein because the Apostle saith that h Gal. 3.9 they are blessed with faithfull Abraham The Virgin Marie her selfe a daughter of Abraham not onely according to the flesh by birth but also by faith in beleeuing hath no greater glory in heauen then Abraham hath neither doth shee attribute to her selfe any thing aboue him but contents her selfe to haue part in the promises that haue been made to him as we find it i Luke 1.55 in her Canticle It is not for me to play the harbinger in heauen or the Steward to set at table the friends of the Spouse euery one according to his degree but all that which we say and can say is grounded vpon coniecture I say that I gesse coniecture that Abraham who hath been twice married hath the highest degree and ranke of glory in heauen seeing that none enters into heauen but in as much as he hath followed the trace of Abrahams faith Saint Ignatius a single vnmaried man was of this opinion when he said k Ignati ad Philadelp I desire that God finde me worthie to be in the Kingdom of heauen at the feete of them which haue been married as of Abraham Isaac and of Iacob of Ioseph Isaiah and of the other Prophets as also of Peter and of Paul and of the other Apostles which haue been married The Fathers which haue attributed an hundred folde vnto virgins and thirtie vnto the married yea an hundred vnto the Martyrs sixtie to the Virgins and thirtie vnto Widdowes and nothing to the married folkes according to that we reade in Saint Ierome if the Martyrs haue an hundred folde l Hieron in Mat. c. 13. Quod si ita est sancta consortia nuptiarum excluduntur à fructu bono The holy conuersation in marriage is excluded from the good fruite All these Fathers were they an hundred haue intruded themselues into matters which they haue not seene they haue spoken of the things of God without the Word of God they haue spoken by the spirit of man and not by Gods Spirit and therefore I will answere to all that they say and to all that can bee said vntill the ende of the world that which Saint Ierome answered to those which did broach and propound their opinions without Scripture m Jdem in Mat. c. 23. Hoc quia de scripturis non habet authoritatem eadem facilitate contemnitur quâ probatur Because this hath not his authoritie from the Scripture it is reiected with the same facilitie wherewith it is proued being able notwithstanding to name for my part both ancient and moderne Doctors Chrysostome Theophylact c. which haue seene no such great and deepe mysterie in this Text let Frier Ferus be heard at this time for them all giuing vs the right vnderstanding thereof This saith hee is diuersly expounded c. but it seemeth that Christ saith and meaneth in this place that the Word of God doth altogether conuert more men in one place then in another as it hath done more good and borne more fruite among the Gentiles then among the Iewes Againe that the same Word of God fructifies more in one man then in another in this man then in that man according as the ground is the more fit and apt IIII. It followeth that wee see in the second place 4 Obiection that which is written in the selfe same Gospell chap. 19. where the Apostles hauing said vnto Christ n Mat. If the case of man be so with his wife it is not good to marrie Christ saith vnto them All men cannot receiue this saying sauing they to whom it is giuen
IACOBS VOVV OPPOSED TO THE VOWES OF MONKES AND FRIERS The first Volume in two Bookes Of the Holy Sripture And Euangelicall Counsels WRITTEN IN FRENCH BY Mr. GILBERT PRIMEROSE MINISTER of the Word of God in the Reformed Church of Burdeaux And TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH by IOHN BVLTEEL Minister of the Gospell of Iesus Christ August de Trinit lib. 4. c. 6. Contra Rationem Scripturas Ecclesiam Nemo Sobrius Christianus Pacificus Senserit 2. COR. 13.8 We can doe nothing against the truth but for the truth LONDON Printed by Felix Kyngston for Nathaniel Newbery and are to be sold at his shop vnder Saint Peters Church in Corne-hill and in Popes-head Alley 1617. TO HIS DEARE AND LOVING BRETHREN Mr. IAMES BVLTEEL AND Mr. PETER BVLTEEL Merchants I. B. wisheth increase of externall prosperitie and internall peace and comfort in this life and eternall felicitie in the life to come through our Lord Iesus Christ ALL Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God deare and louing Brethren and is profitable for doctrine a 2. Tim. 3.16.17 for reproofe for correction for instruction in righteousnesse that the man of God may be perfect throughly furnished vnto all good workes And therefore the same Scripture is called b Heb 6.5 the good Word of God c Psal 119.103 the sweete Word d Heb. 4.12 the quicke and powerfull Word e Colos 1.5 the Word of truth f Heb. 5.13 the Word of righteousnes g Act. 14.3 the Word of grace h Act. 13.26 the Word of saluatiō i Psal 19.7 making wise the simple yea k 2. Tim. 3.15 wise vnto saluation through faith which is in Christ Iesus l Psal 19 ● conuerting the soule reioycing the heart enlightning the eyes m Rom. 15.4 instructing vs and n Deut. 31.13 making vs to feare God ●●endring in vs o Iob. 20.31 faith p Rom. 15.4 consolation hope patience q Joh. 5.39 hauing 〈◊〉 eternall life r Joh. 20.31 Gregor 1. Origen Isider Fulgent Athanas Greenam Tilen Molin for by it wee beleeue in Christ Iesus and beleeuing we haue life through his name Hence it commeth to passe that the holy Scripture is for diuers considerations diuersly termed of the Fathers both ancient and moderne A long Epistle which the Creator sends to the creature The Testament of God the Sonne The Librarie of God the holy Ghost The booke of true loue wherein God vnfoldeth his loue vnto man The mirror of Diuine grace and mans misery The rich Treasury of the King of glory wherein is the spiritual Manna the Bread of life common to the perfect ones and to the young ones where is Iacobs Well out of the which the learned and the simple may drinke where are meates for all ages the sincere and wholesome milke of the Word the two Testaments being the two brests of the Church of God for the new borne babes and strong meates for them that are of full age where are remedies for all euils preseruatiues to keepe vs from diseases plasters to heale our wounds weapons against tentations heresies a sword to kill hereticks a touchstone of truth to display error an exact rule of all things the Mistris of faith and of vertue a lanterne to direct our steppes an anker in time of tempest Yea the Scripture is called Paradise God sometimes ſ Ambros ep 41 Deambulabat Deus in Paradiso nunc deambulat in Paradise Deus quando scripturas lego Paradisus Genesis in quo virtut●s pullulant Patriarcharum Paradisus Deuteronomium in qu● germinant legis praecepta Paradisus Euangelium in qu● arbor vitae b●nos fructus facit walked in Paradise saith Saint Ambrose and now God walketh in Paradice when I reade the Scripture Genesis is a Paradise wherein the vertues of the Patriarkes doe branch forth Deuteronomie is a Paradise wherein the Law doth spront forth The Gospell is a Paradise wherein the tree of life doth bring forth good fruits And truly well may it be called a Paradise for the godly person can in no place finde a sweeter and pleasanter refreshing then in the Paradise of the holy Scriptures where the tree of knowledge is not of that that was forbidden but of that which is appointed of God for the elect where standeth in the middes the tree of life which is Chris t. The dore whereunto is not kept close by Cherubins and the fierie sword but it is opened by the instinct of the holy Spirit and the light of the Gospell to all that be hungrie where the riuers be of liuely waters whereof the Church of the faithfull is ouerflowne and cherished and where the mindes of the godly are enriched with most fine gold and precious stones that is with the riches of heauenly graces t Muscul loc Com. cap. 20. de S Script where bee trees of all sortes faire to the eye and sweete to the taste trees planted by God handsome and fruitfull that is the Patriarkes Prophets and Apostles where the aire passeth very smooth and calme I meane the breathing of the holy Spirit most sweetly cherishing the hearts of the dwellers in this Garden where the voice of God is walking and seeking the saluation of the seduced man not crying this onely Adam where art thou but calling all men also vnto him instructing and teaching the ignorant correcting and prouoking to amendment them that do sinne shewing vnto them that bee deceiued the tree of true knowledge leading them that bee subiect vnto death and destruction vnto the tree of life raising vp them that are fallen comforting the carefull and refreshing them that bee wearie The Garden of Eden out of the which Adam was thrust for his disobedience had scarsely the shadow of the true pleasure which the Elect doe enioy in this garden of holy Scripture wherein they heare the voice of God they see the appearings of Angels they bee conuersant with the holy Patriarkes and Prophets with Christ himselfe and the Apostles and do feede on the tree of life not onely taking no hurt but exceeding profit being made partakers of it for euer But as the old Serpent indeuoured to banish our first parents out of the corporall and terrestriall Paradise so hath he laboured to banish his posteritie out of the spiritual and heauenly Paradise of the holy Scripture depriuing them of the vse profit and consolation thereof Witnesse the u August contra Petil. lib. 1. c. 27. Circumcellians who seduced by this old Serpēt and brought into a distast dislike therof contemptuously refused and contumeliously reiected yea defaced and burnt the Scripture If x Ioseph Antiq. lib. 20. cap. 4. a wicked Souldier and an Heathen was beheaded by the Commandement of Cumanus an Heathen gouernor of Iudaea for tearing a copie of the booke of the Law of Moses at the sack of a Towne What were these wicked hereticks not heathen but Christians though vnder that name worse then
pretended Paracler which might be such an holy Ghost as ſ Ep●ph here 's 2● that of Simon Mag●● was or such a one as was carried in poste in a cloke-bagge from Rome to Trent The Heretickes t Ter●●● de ●●ret● 50. N●●●● heres●●●● Alphab●●● Gr●●●rum comp●s●●runt c. Marcus and C●l●barsu● did 〈…〉 new heresie out of the Greeke Alphabet maintaining that the truth could not bee found out without these characters and that the fulnesse perfection of 〈◊〉 w●● contained in these letters for which cause Christ said I am 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 The Hereticks 〈…〉 Apelles Mare●●● ●●thsuch like did boast that they had receiued many doctrines and 〈◊〉 without scripture u Euseb bist lib. 5. c. 28. Eusebius ●els vs that the Hereticke A●●●m●● did beast that his doctrine was 〈◊〉 from the Apostolike 〈◊〉 x Clem. Alex. 〈◊〉 lib. 7. 〈…〉 did glory in that he had a certain Glaucus for his teacher who had serued as an interpretor to S. Peter that Valentine did vaunt to haue been Saint Pauls auditor that the Marcionites did brag that they were the disciples of them that had seene and heard the Apostle Matthias of whom they held obserued and teached their doctrine In a word as the Scribes and Pharisies esteemed the traditions of the Elders the R●bbines their Cabala the Moutanists the new Comforter these Hereticks their reuelations and traditions to be necessary to saluation without the which the truth could not bee learned out of the Scripture So the Papists doe maintaine that the sacred and Canonicall Scripture is not sufficient to prooue matters of faith and charity and therefore haue recourse vnto traditions and the vnwritten word which are necessary to saluatiō But as the holy Fathers did accuse that iustly Samosate●us y Euseb hist lib. 7. cap. 30. because that departing from the Canonicall bookes hee had been author of an hereticall doctrine and had not followed the Apostolicke doctrine Euen so may wee accuse the Papists who haue corrupted the word of God by their traditions and fables and straying from the Scripture haue strayed from the truth And surely it is no maruell if they erre so long as they forsake the sea-man● compasse without the which all things are to vs vncertaine yea rather it were a wonder yea more then a wonder if without that compasse they could hold their course and not suffer ship wracke against the rockes the sands and the vnknowne shores of humane traditions For as z Plutar. in vita Thesei in princip Plutarke saith The Histriographers which doe set ●oo●th the description of the earth in figure are wont to place in the lowermost part of their mappes the farre distant region● vnknowne vnto them and to marke in the margent such like notes and reasons as these beyond these countries are nothing but deep dry sands without water full of soule ill fauoured venomous beasts or much mud vnnauigable or Scythia forsaken for cold Euen so say wee The Scripture is a map containing a description of the place of our soiourning here in this vale of misery of our iourney to our heauenly Ierusalem containing all thinge necessary for vs in this our pilgrimage both for our instruction and saluation Beyond the Scripture and without the mappe there of as in the lowermost parts and borders of mappes there is nothing but ●●rra incognita vnknowne land and dry de●●res full of barres sands of humane traditions nothing but stinking pooles full of venomous and cruell beasts that is to say of false opinions and detestable heresies nothing but vnknowne and doubtfull waies the mother of all kind of errors Beyond this Scripture there is nothing but scriptura incognita the vnknowne and vnwritten word and traditions dangerous gulphes and whirle-pooles where the anker of our faith can haue no hold where all our sounding plummets are found too short and where wee must of necessity make shipwrack of our faith and therefore wee keepe our selues within the m●ppe and comp●sse of the Scripture the sea-mans compasse the rule of our sobriety the bridle of our discourse the limit of our faith for our safety lest wee should bee tossed and cast vpō some vnknowne coasts so perish a August Hypognost articul 6. Sede in portu fidei catholicae vbi te nu●●a possit fluctuosae curi●sitatis tempestas turbare vel mergere we rest our selues in the hauen of the Catholicke faith where no tempest of troublesome ●●●●sity 〈◊〉 either trouble or drowne vs. If then they aske vs why we retaine not their doctrine their determinations decrees Councels and traditions we answere that we receiue them not because they are not described nor contained in the mappe of the holy Scripture if they accuse vs b Matth. 15.2.3 Marke 7.5.7 as the Pharisies and Scribes did the Disciples of Christ because wee walke not according to the traditions of the Elders but transgresse them wee will answere them with Christ Why doe you also transgresse the commandement of God by your tradition In vaine doe ye worship God teaching for doctrine the commandements of men If they reproue vs because we c Fox pag. 1441 Boner will haue no more then Scripture teacheth but euen as Christ hath left it bare we will answere d Thomas Hawkes He that teacheth vs otherwise wee will not beleeue him If they call vs Hertickes wee will confesse with Saint Paul that e Act. 24.14 after the way which they call here●ie so worship we the God of our fathers beleeuing all things which are written in the Law and the Prophets Nay they themsel●es are Heretickes because they doe not beleeue all the things that are written in the Law and the Prophets f Fulke against the Rhemists Tit. 3.10 but doe obstinately defend grieuous errours against the manifest authority of the holy Scriptures and detract from them and adde vnto them teaching another doctrine another Gospell and therefore are accursed for it g Gal. 1.8 any man preach another Gospell vnto you then ●hat which you have receiued let him be accursed And h Reuel 22.18.19 if any man adde vnto these things God shall adde vnto him the plagues that are written in this booke If any man shall take away from the words of this booke God shall take away his part out of the booke of life and out of the holy City and from the things which are written in this booke But the Romanists doe not only detract from Scripture and adde vnto it but they peruert it also by their false glosse and irregular expositions which they i 2. Pet. 3.16 wrest vnto their owne destruction as S. Peter saith witnesse the point of Euangelical Counsels which they display to set forth their workes of supererogation the supererogation of their workes placing them aboue the perfection of the Law the Law of perfection though some of them denie any perfection in them and maintaine that they doe auaile but instrumentally
ad me non est qu● eas nisi per me Saint Austin to this purpose brings in Christ speaking after this manner Wilt thou walke I am the Way Wilt thou not be deceiued I am the Truth Wilt thou not die I am the Life thy Sauiour tells thee this thou hast no other where to goe then vnto me nor by no other then by me II. Now that we may the better goe vnto him who is the Life and by him who is the way and that going by him vnto him we stray not from him hee himselfe takes vs by the hand and leades vs with his two hands by the hand of his Spirit within and the hand of his holy Word without For euen as we must haue light without for the chasing away and dispelling of darkenesse and also light in our eyes and a cleere sight if we meane to trauell and soiourne in this valley of miserie and manage the ●hings of this life it being impossible that the most quicke eyed yea though he had the eyes of an Eagle can see in the dark vnlesse he be outwardly enlightned or that he that is blind and bereaued of his sight can see the fairest Sun-shine day euen so if we vndergo the way of life and mannage holy and celestiall things holily and to our saluation wee must bee enlightned without with the Lampe of Gods words as Dauid saith g Psal 119.105 Thy word is a lampe vnto my feete and a light vnto my path and enlightned within by the illumination of the holy Spirit of the which Saint Paul saith h Rom. 8.9 If any man haue not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his that is to say hee is not a Christian For to be a Christian is to be anointed of the holy Ghost in some measure as to be Christ is to be annointed of the holy Ghost without measure as it is written i Psalm 45.7 O God thy God hath anointed thee with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy fellowes And so the Apostle praies for the Ephesians and in their persons for vs all that k Eph. 1.17.18 The God of our Lord Iesus Christ the Father of glorie would giue vs the spirit of wisdom and reuelation in the knowledge of him to wit The eyes of our vnderstanding being enlightned that we may know what is the hope of his calling and what are the riches of the glory of his Inheritance in his Saints III. Now as touching the word which teacheth vs how God will bee serued of vs and how hee will reward saue and glorifie vs we hold that that word of God is comprehended in the holy writings of the Prophets Apostles and Euangelists For euē as God in the beginning created the light which gaue light to the world some certaine dayes without Sun Moone or Starres l Gen. 1.3.14 and afterwards created the lights in the Firmament of heauen into the which he did infuse and shut vp that light which hath not since beene imparted vnto the world but by those two great Lights Euen so God in the beginning gouerned the celestiall world which is his Church and did enlighten it by his holy word one and simple without any Scripture but since he hath clothed and adorned her with the Scriptures hath lodgd and harboured her as it were in a faire Pauillion and Tabernacle in the diuine holy books which he himself hath composed by the hands of Moses the Prophets and Apostles m August de consens Euangelist li. 2. cap. vlt. who when they haue writtē the things that God hath shewed them related we must not say that he himself hath not written them for he hath commanded them to write as it were with his owne hands all that he would haue vs to reade both in his words and workes which they haue so faithfully and perfectly performed that wee may confidently affirme n Idem de doctrina Christi li. 2. ca. 9. In ijs quae apertè in scripturis posita sunt inueniuntur illa omnia quae continent fidem morésque viuendi that all things appertaining to faith and the rule of life are plainely expressed in the Scriptures Art thou an ideot and simple let not the depth and height of them affright thee o Psalm 19.7 The testimonie of the Lord is sure making wise the simple Art thou wise doe not despise them for p Prou. 1.5 A wise man will heare and will increase learning and a man of vnderstanding shall attaine vnto wise counsels Art thou pensiue and grieued with the feeling of thy sinnes and by the apprehension of Gods anger q Psal 19.8.9 The Law of God is perfect conuerting the soule the Statutes of the Lord are right reioycing the heart r Rom. 15.4 For whatsoeuer things were written aforetime were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope Art thou blind in Gods matters ſ Psal 19.8 The Commandement of the Lord is pure inlightning the eyes Art thou young and desirest thou to know the direct and ready way to vertue and godlinesse Doest thou aske the Lord with Dauid t Psal 119 9. Wherewithall shall a young man cleanse his way Dauid will answere thee in the name of thy God t Psal 119 9. by taking heed thereto according to thy word and will prooue vnto thee his answere by his owne example saying u Psalm 119.99.100 I haue more vnderstanding then all my Teachers for thy Testimonies are my meditation I vnderstand more then the Ancients because I keepe thy precepts Art thou desirous of the true wisdome which is to saluation and of the true profession which makes the Man of God the Euangelist the Preacher of Gods word and so with good reason euery Christian to abound in all spirituall gifts necessarie for thee in thy vocation in thy conuersation to leade and bring thee vnto faith in Christ and to instruct thee to liue according to Christ x 2. Tim. The holy Scriptures are able to make thee wise vnto saluation through faith which is in Christ Iesus All Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproofe for correction for instruction in righteousnesse that the man of God may be perfect throughly furnished vnto all good workes y 2. Cor. 5.2 Doest thou sigh and grone earnestly desiring to bee clothed vpon with thy house which is from heauen according to the example of the Saints z Iohn 5.39 Search the Scriptures saith he that is the Prince of life for in them ye thinke ye haue eternall life It is not an estimation of an humane opinion but a firme perswasion of diuine certaintie and true knowledge if the Spirit of truth that cannot lie do not deceiue vs when he saith that a Iohn 20.31 These things are written that ye might beleeue that Iesus is the Christ the son of God that beleeuing
as it is written r Rom. 3.4 Let God bee true but euery man a lyer We see therefore that the word father is taken ambiguously by the Author of the Pastorall Letter and that from this ambiguitie a thousand impertinent false blasphemous conclusions might be inferred Moreouer the proposition is false if it bee not limited for can we be God like Christ Can we be Prophets Priests and Kings of the Church as Christ is In a word can wee bee mediatour betweene God and man as Christ is what are not these things proper to Christ and vncommunicable to all creatures IIII. The resemblance likenes which we must haue with Christ is in the holinesse of his life in that which concernes his godlinesse towards god and his charitie towards men according to the Law ſ Ephes 4.24 Col. 3.10 The new man which is renewed in knowledge righteousnesse and true holinesse after the image of him that created him The argument then will be good in this sort if we say that euen as Christ hath been so conscientious so scrupulous and holy in his vocation that hee hath not taught any thing but that which he hath heard of God his Father so our Pastors and Doctors ought not to teach any thing but that which they haue heard of God their Father that is to say that which is contained in the holy Scriptures And againe as Christ although authorised in his doctrine by that heauenly voice t Matth. 17.5 Heare him submits his doctrine to the touch-stone of the Scriptures and exhorts the people to examine it by the Scripture saying u Iohn 5.39 Search the Scriptures they are they which testifie of me Our Teachers and Doctors which haue not such an authoritie and should resemble Christ in humilitie and reuerence towards the Scripture ought and must submit their doctrine to the like examination and exhort the people to search the Scriptures to see and examine if it be so And if the people ought not to heare any other doctrine then that of their Father contained in Scripture remembring that notable sentence of Saint Augustine x August contra lit Petilia lib. 3. c. 6. Si angelus de caelo vobis annunciauerit prete●qu●● quod in S●xipturi● legalibus Euangelicis accepisti anathema sit If an Angell from heauen preach vnto you otherwise then that which you haue receiued in the Scriptures Legal or Euangelicall let him be accursed V. Let vs now retort and returne the argument against the Author of the same and say VVe may not speake of the Scripture otherwise then we haue heard of our Fathers we haue no other Father then God therefore we may not speake of the Scripture then as we haue heard it of God the Maior is his as we haue seene the Minor is his also For by this argument hee proues that children desirous to dwell in a cloyster ought not to obey their carnall parents which thwart their desires saying to the fathers Know yee not Pag. 20. that God forbids in Saint Matthew y Matth. 23 9. Nolite vobis vocare patrem super terram vnus enim pater est vester qui est in caelis Call no man your Father vpon the earth for one is your father which is in heauen The conclusion therefore is good according to his arguing and according to truth and therefore we wil heare none but God speaking to vs in the Scripture and will not heare the Fathers be they neuer so holy if they preach not to vs the word of God contained in the Scriptures VI. For so hath God expressely commanded vs in his word saying z Ezech. 20.18.19 Walke ye not in the statutes of your fathers neither obserue their iudgements nor defile your selues with their Idols I am the Lord your God walke in my Statutes and keepe my Iudgements and doe them Conformably to this an ancient Father saith a Hier. in Ier. cap. 7. nec parentum nec mai●rum error sequendus est sed authoritas scripturarum c. We must not follow the errors of our fathers nor of our ancestors but we must follow the authoritie of the Scriptures And another b Bernard ad Abbat epist 91. Auant and farre from me and you let them be which say we will not be better then our forefathers The former saith againe of himselfe c Hier. contra Iouini As often as I do not interpret the Scriptures but that I speake freely of mine owne sense and reason let who will reprehend and reproue me Saint Austin said as much of Saint Hierome of all Catholike authors and particularly of himselfe as we haue seene in the Preface he tells vs ouer and besides of himselfe d August de Trinit lib. 3. in proaem Doe not thou subiect and submit thy selfe to my letters as to the Canonicall Scripture Of Saint Cyprian e Idem contra Crescou lib. 2. cap. 32. I account not the letters of Cyprian as Canonicall but I examine them by the Canonicall Scripture That which in them is conformable to the authoritie of the holy Scripture I receiue it with his praise and commendation that which is not conformable to it I reiect it with his good liking Of S. Ambrose and of the rest of the Doctors that were before him f Idem Epi. 112 Doe not thinke that wee must follow the sense and opinion of any man as the truth of the Canonicall Scripture Of all them which haue written from the Apostles time to his time g Idem contra Faustum Mani lib. 11. c. 5. In the small bookes or short Treatises of them which are come since the Hearer or Reader hath his free iudgement to approoue that which is pleasing and good or to reprooue that which is vnpleasant and offensiue Cardinall Caietan the most learned of all the Cardinals and Bishops of his time hath the like speech in his preface on Genesis for hauing said h Caiet praefat in 5. lib. Mos That this authoritie is reserued only to the sole authors of the holy Scripture that we beleeue the thing to be so because they haue so written it layes downe this principle and maxime i Deus non alligauit expositionem scripturarū sacrarum priscorum doctorum sensibus that God hath not tied the exposition of the holy Scripture to the sense of the ancient Doctors k Si quando occurrerit nouus sensus textui conformis quanquam à torrente doctorum alienus aequos se praebeant censores And therefore he intreates them which shall find in his Commentaries a new sense or meaning conformable and agreeable to the text to iudge iustly and vprightly although it bee against the torrent and streame of the Fathers l Andrad defens Synod Trident. lib. 2. Andradius maintaines the selfe same principle and improues the allegoricall expositions of the Fathers reprehends many expositions that they giue of the literall sense pronounces that they
spake not oracles in the expounding of the Scriptures that for not hauing the vse of a good Translation they haue often straied and swarued from the true meaning of the holy Ghost that many things in Moses and the Prophets are better and more exactly expounded in our age then they had euer beene before Others haue said and written as much CHAP. VI. I. There is none of the Fathers that hath not erred none of them therefore that can alone be iudge of the sense of the Scripture II. No more can the consent of the greater number of them because all haue erred together in the same points of doctrine either in mens opinion or in truth III. All the Fathers haue diuided the first Table of the Law in foure Commandements and are reiected two onely haue reduced it to three and are receiued of the Romane Church IIII. The opinion of Saint Austin alone to be preferred before that of Saint Hierome and of the number and multitude of the Fathers touching Saint Peter reprehended by Saint Paul V. The ancient Fathers for the most part were Millenaries or Chiliastae and thought that the soules saw not not God before the resurrection VI. All the Fathers haue beleeued for the space of 1500 yeeres that the Virgin Marie was conceiued in sinne their consent and agreement in the same is condemned by the Church of Rome VII The whole ancient and Primitiue Church for 1400 yeeres did celebrate the Eucharist vnder two Elements that is now adaies heresie in the opinion of the Romish Church VIII To make a shew of to relie on or shroud himselfe vnder the exposition of the Fathers and yet to refuse and forsake them is to make a mocke of the Fathers THe a Bellar. de concil writings of the Fathers are no rules and haue no authoritie to binde vs by the proper confession of them which bindes the consciences of the children of God of the co-heires of Christ vnto their authoritie take euery one of them apart take the greatest number of them consider them altogether and you will finde that it is so He on whose iudgement my conscience ought to rest must be indued with such a perfection that he cannot be allured nor induced to any error and cannot seduce nor misleade me by any errour it behoues that God giue him this testimony in the holy scriptures which giue this prerogatiue to none but to the Prophets and Apostles Let vs take the others one by one b Bellar. de verbo Dei lib. 3. c. 10. §. 21. Dices although they haue had the gift of interpreting in an high degree and haue beene spirituall yet is it certaine that the chiefest amongst them yea all of them haue erred and haue fallen into grosse faults and grieuous errors c Canus lib. 7. de locis Theolog. cap. 3. yea and sometimes doe engender monsters II. If all together or the greater number against the l●sse as ordinarily they hold and maintaine yet thus do they not receiue them d Maldon in Matth. 19.20 Maldonat expounding the historie of the rich man that said to our Sauiour that he had kept all the Commandements from his youth vp saith Some Fathers Hilarie Ierome Ambrose Austin Theophilact Beda and others say that this young man lied notwithstanding I rather like and approue saith he the opinion of Basil Euthymi●s Chrysostome and so preferres the lesser number before the greater III. All the Fathers haue deuided the ten Commandements placing foure of them in the first Table and sixe in the second except e Clemens stromat lib. 6. Clement Alexandrinus who hath acknowledged but nine And Saint f August qu. 71 in Exod. Austin ioyning the second with the first hath reduced the foure of the first Table to three seeking in it the mysterie of the Trinitie and hath made two of the last of the second Table Notwithstanding the common diuision of g Phil. de Dialogo Philo h Ioseph antiq lib. 3. c 4. Ioseph and of i Aben Ezra in Exod. 20. all the Iewes of k Greg. Nazianz in vers de decalogo Gregory Nazianzen l Origen in Exo. hom 8. Origen m Athanas in Synopsi sacrae scripturae Athanasius n Chrysost operis imperfect in Mat. hom 49. Chrysostome amongst the Greekes of o Hieron in epist ad Ephes cap. 6. Saint Hieromie p Ambros in epist ad Ephes cap. 6. Saint Ambrose and of q Aug. qu. vet noui Test cap. 7. Saint Austin himselfe if 〈…〉 Author of the questions of the old and new Testament is reiected of the whole Romish Church and that opinion of Saint Austin contradicting himselfe is receiued and that not without cause IIII. There was a great contention betweene Saint Ier●●● and Saint Austin concerning the rebuke that Saint Paul made to Saint Peter before the whole Church of Antioch Saint Ierome held that Saint Paul did dissemble with Saint Peter that he did vse an officious lie and an honest dispensation and did quote and alleage for himself many Fathers of whom hee made so much that he feared not to say r Hyeron Aug. If thou dost blame and 〈…〉 as one that erres 〈◊〉 me 〈…〉 them that are such Saint Austin held that Saint Paul rebuked Saint Peter in earnest and saith that if hee had read much hee might haue found as many Fathers on his side ſ August epi. 19. But faith he I haue for them all and aboue them all the Apostle Paul I haue my refuge to him I appeale from all them which haue expounded his writings and thinke otherwise to him I aske and dem●●●● himselfe c. and I heare him crying with a religious voice in the exordium and beginning of this narration Concerning the things I write vnto you Behold I say before God that I lie not let those that thinke otherwise pardon me I had rather beleeue so great an Apostle taking his oath in his writings and for his writings then any man bee hee neuer so learned disputing of other mens writings Doe not we hold now adaies that Saint Austines opinion was sounder and truer then that of Saint Hierome and of his adherents Medina t Medina de sacror hom orig lib. 1 c. 5. hath not doubted to affirme that Ierome Sedulius Primasius Theodoret Austin Chrysostome Theophylact haue held that the order of Bishops and of Priests is one and the selfe same order They that beleeue that now adaies are held for heretickes of the Romane Bishops and of their clients and followers V. The u Greg. Valent. Jes lib. 8. anclys c. 8. Senens bibl lib. 3. annot 237. ancient Fathers for the most part were Millenaries Papius an Auditor of the Apostle Saint Iohn Apollinaris Irenaeus Tertullian Victorin Lactantius Seuerus Sulpicius and a great number of Catholicks Iustin Martyr all of them deceiued for not vnderstanding well that which is written in the Reuelation x Reuel
20.3 Till the thousand yeeres should be fulfilled Who would now suffer himselfe to be swaied and caried away with this error should with good reason bee held and condemned for an heretick Doth not Stapleton tell vs y Staplet lib. ● de authorit Scripturae c. 2. §. 5. that Clement the Roman Tertullian Origen Irenaeus Chrysostome Theodoret Oecumenius Theophylact Ambrose Bernard were of opinion that the soules doe not enioy the vision of God before the day of iudgement Another adds to these z Senens lib. 6. annot 345. Iustine Martyr Lactance Victorinus Prudentius Arethas Iohn Pope of Rome Is not this an horrible errour VI. a Canus locorum Theolog. lib. 7. c. 1. num 1. §. Sancti namque Canus expounding S. Pauls words b Rom. 5.12 In whom all haue sinned saith that from these words All the Saints doe affirme with one consent that the Virgin Marie was conceiued in sinne Chrysostome Eusebius Remigius Ambrose Austin Bernard Bede Anselme Erardus Martyr Saint Antonie Doctor Bona●enture Thomas of Aquin Vincentius Hugo de Sancto Victor why then doth not he himselfe follow this consent and opinion Let he himselfe say why Although no author hath contradicted it Infirmumest tamen ex omnium patrum consersu argumentum The argument notwithstanding taken from the consent of all the Fathers is weake and the contrarie opinion is more probably and holily held and maintained Of late then and newly haue they left and forsaken the vniuersall beleefe of all the Saints the space of 1400 yeeres and c Salmeron Iesuit in Rom. c. 5. disp si §. Deinde Salmeron the Iesuite tells vs that we must answere to this whole multitude that which one alleages and obiects that which is written of Gods word d Exod. 23.2 Exod. 23. Thou shalt not follow a multitude to doe euill neither shalt thou speake in a cause to decline after many to wrest iudgement Let this suffice for an answere to those that say we may not speake of the Scripture but onely as the holy Fathers expound it for if it were so we ought and should be Millinaries with many of the holy Fathers we should beleeue against all Scripture that the soules of the faithfull departed see not God vntill the vniuersall resurrection with the Fathers wee should race out of the catalogue of festiuall dayes that of the conception of the Virgin Marie the mother of Christ and hold with the Scripture that she was conceiued in sinne for so all the holy Fathers haue held VII The Romish Church should giue vnto the people the Eucharist vnder both kindes for so haue they beene instituted and giuen by the Master receiued and recommended by the Apostles celebrated by all the Fathers and of the whole Christian Church the space of 1400 yeeres wee ought to detest the new Fathers of Constance who haue presumed against Christs institution the doctrine of the Apostles the practice of the whole Church for so many ages to take away the cup to bereaue and depriue the Christians of the Sacrament of the bloud which the Sonne of God hath shed for them in the remission of their sinnes VIII To crie out alwaies the Fathers the Fathers to make great shew of the Fathers to relie on them to shelter themselues vnder the exposition of the Fathers and yet not follow the Fathers is to doe like e Matth. 26.49 Iudas which betraied Christ in speaking to him with great reuerence and kissing him or like the souldiers f Mat. 27.18.30 who hauing clothed our King and Sauiour Christ with a scarlet Robe and giuen him in his hand a Reede in stead of a Scepter they bowed their knees before him made a shew to adore him but forthwith did spit vpon him tooke the Reede and smote him on the head with it CHAP. VII I. What opinion wee are to haue and what iudgement to make of the Fathers in what and how farre they are to be beleeued II. The Author of the Pastorall Letter tyes and bindes the exposition of the Scriptures vnto the Pastors and Doctors hauing lawfull succession III. What is their authoritie charge and dutie IIII. They are not to bee heard vnlesse they speake according to the Scriptures V. Many vnder the Law and vnder the Gospell High-Priests Bishops and Popes hauing succession haue been Idolaters Hereticks Sorcerers VI. The obiection taken from the words of Malachie is contrary to the opponent I Doe not pretend to abate or diminish in any wise the authoritie of the Fathers I say that they haue been great men of God that they haue serued God and his Church in their time with great profit that their writings are of great vse and that by the reading of them a man may become wiser and holier And I hold for certaine that they are bound in the bundle of life and doe raigne in heauen with Christ Iesus their King for whose sake God hath been mercifull vnto them But when men make a buckler of their errors and when men say that we may not speake of the Scripture but as they are interpreted by them we are inforced to say the truth that first they all were men and not God secondly they were all disciples of the truth and not Author of the same all Interpreters of the law not Law-giuers all our fellow-Brethren and fellow-Seruants and not our Masters Thirdly that we ought to beleeue them in matters of fact or of things done in their time and that which they assuredly know when they speake of things not by heare-say but which themselues haue seene and knowne these certain things Fourthly that in matters of faith they are not to bee beleeued if they proue not their doctrine by the bookes of faith because as a Canus cent 3. sequent c. 4. Canus saith All the Saints those onely excepted who haue digested and committed vnto writing the Canonicall bookes haue spoken by human spirit and haue sometimes erred in things which appertaine to faith The reason is b 1. Cor. 13.9 They knew onely in part and prophesied in part c Gal. 5.17 The flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh in in them as well as in vs. The Apostles onely were priuiledged with an extraordinarie measure of the holy Ghost to leade them without any imperfection d Iohn 16.13 in all truth Fifthly that the Spirit of Christ Iesus is not dead with them but is as yet in his Church enlightning it in the truth and sanctifying her by the truth in so much as although there were no writings of the Fathers the people of God for all that should not leaue to know vnderstand the Scriptures to know the voyce of Christ and follow it Sixthly that the writings of the Fathers are as much or more obscure then the holy Scriptures if it might bee said without blasphemy that there were obscurenesse in those bookes which were dictated by him e Iohn 1.9 Who is the light
being past feeling haue giuen themselues ouer vnto lasciuiousnesse to worke all vncleannesse with greedinesse This is the description of a man not regenerated and renewed of the Iew as well as of the Gentill of him that is vnder the Law as well as of him which is without the Law of the Christian who is in the Church as of the Infidell which is out of the Church II. g Isai 64.6 New we are all as an vncleane thing and all our righteousnesse are as filthie raggs This is the description of the regenerate and renewed the confession of the greatest Saints which say h Dan. 9.5 c. we haue sinned and committed iniquitie and haue done wickedly and haue rebelled 〈◊〉 by departing from thy precepts and front thy iudgements neither haue we hearkened vnto thy seruants the Prophets which spake in thy name O Lord righteousnesse belongeth vnto thee but vnto vs confusion of fa●et to our Kings our Princet and our Fathers because wee haue trespassed against thee As the prayer of euery one is Forgiue w●●●● trespasse● Those can doe no good they haue neither the will nor the power These say with Saint Paul i Rom. 7.18 To will is present with me but how to performe that which is good I find●●●t Therefore these also cannot keepe the Law in that perfection which it requires of men in this life they aime and make towards the perfection and doe aduance and draw neere vnto it more and more but they shall not attaine vnot it vntill that being vnclothed of this body of sinne which doth beset them they bee clothed vpon with their house which is from heauen and that will we proue by fiue arguments III. First the most regenerate and holy are not more renewed more holy then the holy Apostle who said of himselfe and of all the Saints k Rom. 8.23 We haue the first fruits of the Spirit The first fruites are as it were an handfull taken from the whole heape our sanctification therefore in this life is little in comparison of the full haruest which wee shall rape in the life to come for we are regenerated and renewed but in part successiuely and by degrees much of the old infirmitie remaining in vs and drawing vs to sinne with such vigor and force that the Apostle himselfe complaines saying l Rom. 7.21 I finde a law that when I would doe good euill is with me He had that from the originall malice which remained as yet in him and m August in Ioan trac 41. Minuitur in vita proficientium quod in vita consumitur perfectorum which diminisheth onely in the life of those which profit and goe on as it is fully consumed in the life of those which haue attained vnto perfection whence else-where he saith of himselfe n 2. Cor. 4.16 Though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day Which words Saint Austin hath well peised and pondered and from whence he bath drawne this doctrine o Aug. de peccat merit lib. 2. c. 7. Prefect● qui de die in diem ●dbuc renouatur nondum totus est renouatus in quantum nondum est renouatus in tantum adbuc in ve tustate est He which is renewed day by day is not as yet wholly renewed and in as much as he is not altogether renewed so much is hee in his old nature And by consequent a child of this world euen as in so much as he is renewed he is the childe of God and such are all the regenerate of whom the Apostle saith that in them p Gal. 5.17 The flesh Insteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh and these are contrary the one to the other so that yee cannot do the things that ye would The flesh is that which is not as yet renewed in the minde in the will in the affections as it appeares by this that the Apostle attributes to the flesh a certaine q Rom. 8.7 wisedome r Col. 2.18 reason and vnderstanding and placeth among the works of the flesh ſ Gal. 5.20.21 Idolatrie and the heresies that are conceiued and borne in the minde and exhorts vs t Ephes 4.23 to be renewed in the Spirit of our minde In which respect he saies of himself * Rom. 7.18 I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing vnderstanding by his flesh not his body for if he said vnto the Corinthians u 1. Cor. 6.19 Know ye not that your body is the Temple of the holy Ghost did hee not know that his was but this infirmitie or rather peruersitie which did as yet dwel in al the parts of his soule although it did not rule there was indeede mortified but not as yet dead The Spirit therefore is that which is renewed in the minde in the will in the affections and in all the parts of the soule and of the body The flesh is the old man the Spirit is the new man these two men are in euery true Christian they are both together at one time in one and the same subiect of the minde of the will of the affections in the minde and vnderstanding knowledge and ignorance of the same thing faith and vnbeleefe in the will confidence and distrust in the affections loue and hate c witnesse the father of the lunatick who confessed saying x Mark 9.24 I beleeue and thereupon presently prayde to Christ saying helpe thou mine vnbeliefe It is with the regenerate man Similitude 1 who is flesh and spirit as with a man raised vp from a long and grieuous maladie who makes a few turnes in his chamber but trailing his leggs after him and will stand vpright but it will be in leaning on his staffe hauing in him as yet by reason of the reliques of his sicknesse an vniuersall indisposition in all the parts of his body Or else it fareth with such a man Similitude 2 as with the aire in the dawning or breake of day which is not altogether cleare and light as it is at noone it is not partly light partly darke as the Moone is in the increase and waine but is in all her parts cleare and blacke obscure and enlightned Wee may also compare it vnto luke-warme water Similitude 3 which in all her parts is mixed with heate and cold Similitude 4 or vnto a liquor mingled with water and wine wherein is neither pure wine nor pure water but the whole is wine and water together euen vnto her most insensible parts although such a liquor will sauour somtimes more of water then of the wine and again somtimes more of wine then of water as the regenerate man in the beginning of his regeneration is more carnall then spirituall and in the progresse of the same is more spirituall then carnall These two men therefore doe fight in vs in lusting the one against the other the flesh lusteth two waies First it
is no great matter it is but a veniall sinne God will not regard it By sinne the great God the infinite immortall immense God is offended and men dare say that it is a small sinne O sinne not veniall but mortall not small but great but worthie of an infinite and immortall punishment of all those which dare teach that man can sinne against the infinite Maiestie of the Almightie and yet not sinne infinitely nor be guiltie of an infinite punishment IIII. Let sinne be measured by the Law e 1. Iohn 3.4 for sinne is the transgression of the Law Now the Law-spares not him which transgresseth the least i●t or tittle of the same but pronounceth this sentence and decree f Gal. 3.10 Cursed is euery one that continueth not in all things which are written in the booke of the Law to doe them What is there any sinne so small which is not committed against some word or other of the Law of God which by consequent drawes not the curse vpon the head of him which transgresseth it This cannot bee denied me that hee which is guiltie of the transgression of all the Commandements of the Law is worthie of death g Iames 2.10 But whosoeuer shall keepe the whole Law and yet offend in one point is guiltie of all saith S. Iames for as much as the Law generally vnderstood requires nothing but obedience which is not rendred by him which transgresseth the least word thereof Wherefore such a one is worthie of death although he had spoken but an idle word seeing that Christ declares that h Mat. 12.36 Euery idle word that men shall speake they shall giue account thereof in the day of iudgement or had vttered i Ephes 5.4.6 but foolish talking or iesting seeing that the Apostle saith because of these things commeth the wrath of God vpon the children of disobedience The Saints which haue prayed with such seruencie for the remission of sinnes which haue confessed that they could not subsist before God if he would proceede against them in rigour and extremitie who renouncing vnto their owne iustice and righteousnesse haue called vpon him for grace and mercy to their vnrighteousnesse haue knowne this haue ●elt it thus haue acknowledged and confessed it V. All they that will compasse and measure their sinnes by the satisfaction which our pledge hath made vnto the iustice of God will know and finde it so will confesse this and feele it so What termest thou that a sinne veniall not to be punished by death for the which the God of glorie died Wilt thou say that to be veniall and pardonable for a little asperges a little Holy-water sprinckle for the which the onely and best beloued Sonne of God hath spilt his bloud Wilt thou blesse thy selfe in thine heart in committing a fault a sinne for the which k 2. Cor. 5.21 God hath made him to be sinne for vs who knew no sinne yea l Gal. 3.13 a curse for vs to redeeme vs from the curse of the Law Of that Law which accurseth all them which keepe not euery word thereof Now such are the sinnes which they terme veniall m 1. Iohn 1.7 for the bloud of Iesus Christ clenseth vs from all sinne And as Saint Iohn saith speaking as well of himselfe as of others n 1. Iohn 2.1.2 If any man sinne we haue an Aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous and hee is the propitiation for our sinnes Sinne thus examined and measured to God against whom it is committed to the Law of God by the which it is condemned to Iesus Christ who hath spilt his bloud to blot it out cannot seeme veniall to none but to him who insensible of his owne corruption mockes at God despiseth the Law and sets naught by it and counts the bloud of the Couenant the death of our Immanuel God-Man and Man-God an vnholy thing All sinnes therefore are mortall in their nature and are alwaies mortall to them which liue not by the Spirit of Christ VI. o Rom. 8.1 But there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Iesus to them which haue Christ liuing in their hearts by faith and are true members of his body To these all sinnes are veniall and in effect are pardoned and forgiuen them by the merit and indulgence of God VII All this hinders not that some sinnes are greater then othersome and more or lesse rigorously punishable with death eternall as our Sauiour Christ himself declareth when he saith that p Ma. 10.14.15 11.24 it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gom●rra in the day of iudgement then for them which heare not nor receiue his word Euen so among men capitall crimes are vnequall and different and punished with a more sharpe and cruel death in some then in othersome VIII I haue sufficiently proued that not one of those which are recommended in the Scripture for their holinesse hath kept the Law I haue brought in a great number of Fathers Bishops Priests Monks which subscribe vnto this whelsome and holy doctrine haue yeelded vnto it condemned themselues and confessed themselues to bee sinners as other men I would faine see now if these righteous men these bo●sters these sellers of merits could make any one come forth out of their Monasteries whom the Cowle the Sackcloth and Monasticall discipline haue so sanctified and renewed that hee hath obserued and kept all the Commandements hath no need to say Forgiue vs our trespasses nor to confesse himselfe a sinner to his brethren in life and death Let them not iuggle and dodge with the truth as the Pelagians did for when Saint q Hieron ad C●esiphontem Egregij Doctores dicunt esse posse quod nunquam fuisse demonstrant Ierome asked them who those were whom they esteemed to be without sinne they shifted of his demaund by a new tricke affirming that they spake not of those that are so or haue beene so but that may be so They that would auoide it with such a ●est and wile I will oppose to them as a wall of iron S. Ierom● answere Goodly Doctors which say that that may be which they cannot shew that it hath euer been seeing the Scripture saith r Eccles 1.9 The thing that hath been it is that which shall be and that which shall be done is that which hath been done Let then these holy Fathers these mortified men display and lay open their righteousnesse before God and giue God thankes with the Pharisee ſ Luk. 18.11.12 God I thanke thee that I am not as other men are extortioners vniust adulterers or euen as this Publican I fast twice in the weeke I giue tithes of all that I possesse As for mee acknowledging my selfe with Saint Paul t 1. Tim. 1.15 the chiefest sinner I will goe vnto the throne of grace to obtaine mercie and will crie and call vpon my Iudge with the Publican u
which is vpon the seashore Afterwards a particular promise is made vnto euery one of them i Deut. Wherefore it shall come to passe if ye hearken to these iudgements and keepe and doe them that the Lord thy God shall keepe vnto thee the Couenant and the mercie which hee sware vnto thy Fathers And hee will loue thee and blesse thee and multiplie thee He will also blesse the fruite of thy wombe c. Thous● al●●● blessed aboue all people there shall not be male or female barren among you Wherefore it was a great reproch among them to be ba●ren and without children as we may gather from the words of E●izabeth who hauing conceiued in her old age after so long a barren●es●e saith k Luke 1.25 Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the day●s wherein he looked on mee to take away my reproch among men But especially the Eunuch who is impotent and vnable to ingender and beget children was marked and branded with a speciall and peculiar infamie and reproch by the Law of Moses l Deut. 23.1 He that is wounded in the stones or hath his priuie member cut off shall not enter into the Congregation of the Lord. It is this Eunuch who is such a one by defect whether of nature or by necessitie who complaines that he is drie tree and therefore altogether vnfit to be planted in Gods house God comforts him with the Gentile by this promise that when the Messias shall come it shall be no more so because that in Christ there is no difference and distinction of father or Eunuch Iew or Gentile the Gentile and the Eunuch that keepes his Couenant is as well and as much accepted as the Iew and hee which is the father of many children Therefore God saith concerning the Eunuchs vnto them that keepe my Sabbaths c. I will giue a place in mine house applying the things appertaining to the diuine seruice at that time to the things of these times and promising to those that by faith shall stick fast vnto Christ keepe iudgements and doe that which is iust and lawfull to receiue them in his house and to giue them in the same a name better then of sonnes and of daughters an euerlasting name that shall not be cut off That name whereof he saith in the Reuelation m Reuel 2.17 To him that ouercommeth will I giue him a white stone and in the stone a new name written which no man knoweth sauing he that receiueth it The name of the ●onne of God of the member of Iesus Christ of the childe of the Church the witnesse of the Spirit of Christ sealing his election vocation iustification and sanctification in his heart whereby hee cries Abba Father by the assurance which hee giues him that hee is the childe of God A name a great deale better then to be called the father of sonnes and daughters yea a name and fame farre surpassing that which comes from the multitude of children for such a one is a father of many children who is the sonne of wrath and execration but he whom the Lord receiues in his house in the number of his children and auowes him as his owne willing that his name be named on him that he be in effect and bee called his sonne that man cannot perish but it shall be said vnto him in the last day as also to all others whom God hath adopted in Christ Iesus by their eldest brother in whom they haue been adopted n Mat. 25.34 Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world And the ●eason is rendred by the Apostle saying o Rom. 8.17 And if children then heires heires of God and ioynt heires with Christ. For the Inheritance is for the children an inheritance that cannot faile them because they cannot fall away from God nor loose their adoption which is not grounded on them but vpon Iesus Christ in whom and by whom the Father hath adopted vs to himselfe and who keepes so well those whom the Father hath giuen him that not onely p Iohn 6.37 he neuer casts them out but also q Phil. 1.6 performes and finisheth the good worke begun in them r Iohn 17.15 keeping them from the euill ſ Ephes 4.30 and sealing them by his Spirit vnto the day of redemption in the which hee will giue them the crowne of righteousnesse t Iohn 10 My sheepe heare my voice and I know them and they follow me And I giue vnto them eternall life and they shall neuer perish neither shall any man plucke them out of my hand My Father which gaue them me is greater then all and no man is able to plucke them out of my Fathers hand I and my Father are one Thus haue they an euerlasting name which shall not bee cut off and taken away and therefore a better name then that of sonnes and daughters because that the name and reputation that a man hath by hauing children being grounded vpon the childrens liues if they come to faile and die faileth and dieth with them as we often see that u 1. Sam. 2.5 she that hath had many children is waxed feeble as it happened vnto Naomi Ruths mother in Law who hauing lost her husband and all her children said vnto her neighbours x Ruth 1.20.21 Call me not Naomi that is pleasant call me Mara for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me I went out full and the Lord hath brought me home againe emptie Why then call yee me Naomi seeing the Lord hath testified against me and the Almightie hath afflicted me There are some which reade A name better then to sonnes and daughters which ought to bee referred to the Iewes who are called by our Lord Iesus y Mat. 8 1● 15.26 The children of the Kingdome because that before the time of the Law the priuiledge and title of the children of God appertained vnto them So then the meaning should be that God wil more abundantly blesse the Eunuches vnder the new Testament then he hath blessed the Iewes vnder the old Testament but the first exposition is the true and naturall one grounded vpon the right construction of the Text. The selfe-same promise is made to the Gentiles adioyning themselues vnto Christ that they shall not be separated from the people of God but shall be receiued in Gods house and that their prayers made vnto God shall be heard and accepted of God And these promises made both in generall to the Gentiles and particularly to the Eunuches do tend to testifie that which the Apostle declares hath been effected when he saith that Christ z Ephes 2.14 hath made both one and hath broken downe the middle wall of partition betweene vs and that now a Gal 3.28 there is neither Iew nor Greeke there is neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female and
could not learne it What was it too deepe for their small capacitie or too long for their short memorie either they ought to haue learned it or else they ought not to haue learned it if they ought not to haue learned it then they haue out-gone their commission and ouer-passed their dutie and in so doing haue sinned and if they sinne or can sin they are not happy If they ought and would haue learned it but could not compasse it they are yet defectiue and imperfect and therfore they are not happy Secondly that the other Saints were not redeemed from among men For this is the priuiledge of those hundred and foure and fortie thousand Thirdly if these words these are they which were not defiled with women signifies that they haue not been married it would follow that God hath instituted a pollution that Adam Seth Abraham Dauid all the Patriarkes Prophets Apostles and particularly S. Peter the head say they of the whole Church and consequently of these virgins haue been all defiled and follow these virgins a farre off which by this reckoning are perfect●r then Adam the Father of the liuing then Abraham the Father of the faithfull then Saint Peter the Head of Christians and are exalted in a higher degree then their Father and Head yea we should also confesse that God contradicts himselfe for he saith l Heb. 13.4 Marriage is honourable in all and the bad vndefiled and elsewhere hee should haue called it a pollution and the Church of Rome that boasts she is pure from all spot of errour doth grossely erre and sinne daily in sanctifying and blessing the marriages that defile men yea that she contradicts her selfe in that shee call them defiled that are married and calls the marriage a holy Sacrament of the holy Church conferring grace to the married folks ex opere operato Fourthly that the other Saints see not alwaies the face of the Lambe and therefore are not alwaies happie for the blessednesse of Saints consists in that m 1. Iohn 3.2 they see Christ as he is as Christ himselfe declareth in that excellent prayer which hee hath made for all those that shall beleeue in him saying n Iohn 17.24 Father I will that they also whom thou hast giuen me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast giuen me for thou louedst me before the foundation of the world For if the virgins haue alone this priuiledge to follow him euery where hee absents himselfe from the others and sometimes hides his face from them then that must needes befall them which Dauid saith o Psal 30.7 Thou diddest hide thy face and I was troubled which is contrary to the Scripture which describe euerlasting life by the contemplation of Gods face p Psal 16.11 In thy presence is fulnesse of ioy at thy right hand there are pleasures for euermore this was his greatest comfort in his life q Psal 17.15 I will behold thy face in righteousnesse I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likenes This is that comfort which Christ Iesus himselfe giues vs saying r Iohn 14.3 I will come againe and receiue you vnto my selfe that where I am there you may be also He said that to the Apostles being married he saith as much to all ſ John 12.26 If any man serue me let him follow me and where I am there shall also my seruant be if any man serue me him will my Father honour The Apostle speaking by the same Spirit telleth vs that then t 1. Cor. 13.12 we shall see him face to face and u 1. Thes 4.17 we shall euer be with the Lord. So Saint Iohn describing the holy City and the blessednesse of the Inhabitants thereof saith x Reuel 21.22.23 The Lambe is the Temple and the light thereof y Reuel 22.3.4 there his seruants shall serue him and they shall see his face and his name shall bee in their foreheads They therefore shall be alwaies with him and he alwaies with them z Reuel 21.3 Behold saith the same Apostle the Tabernacle of God is with men and be will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himselfe shall be with them and be their God And there are none of the Fathers whose authoritie can authorize and make good those vntrust●● and absurdities which accompany their exposition whereby they turne an allegorie into a literall sense as they do also but too often turne the literall sense into allegories Although all the Fathers are not of one opinion in this point VII Origen writes that these hundred and foure and fortie thousand are they of whom mention is made in the seuenth Chapter a Reuel 7.3.4 c. of the Reuelation where it is said that of euery Tribe of Israel twelue thousand were marked with Gods seale in their fore heads b Origen in Exod homil 1. Quos simul omnes dicit esse creatum quadraginta quatuor millia c. Iohn saith he writes in the Reuelation of the Iewes which haue bel●eued in Christ there were twelue thousand sealed of euery Tribe which being put together are an hundred and foure and fortie thousand which were not defiled with women and haue remained virgins The number agree for twelue times twelue thousand make an hundred fortie and foure thousand Their markes agree for the twelue thousand of euery Tribe were marked c Reuel 7.2.3 with the seale of the liuing God and it is said that these hundred fortie and foure thousands d Reuel 14.1 had the name of the Lambes Father written in their foreheads It is manifest that those were of the Tribes of Israel It is also written that these were with the Lambe on the Mount Sion that is to say according to Origen they were Iewes Now there was neuer among the Iewes any profession of virginitie by Counsell from God and by vow according to God Wherefore it being improbable that there were so great a number of virgines among the Iewes we must not thinke that they were corporall virgines They are the elect of God whether from among the Iewes then gathered together in heauen as Origen thinketh o● from whole Christendome which are here described first by their marke they had the name of the Father written in their foreheads Secondly by their present actions They sung as it were a new Song which none but they could 〈◊〉 For 〈◊〉 the elect they alone which haue been red●●●●●● from the 〈…〉 made capable to hear● and comprehend the mysteries of God which flesh and blo●d cannot comprehend 〈◊〉 are vnto the naturall man foolishnes Thirdly by their actions past they haue not been 〈◊〉 with women for they are virgines That is to say They haue abstained from all spirituall and corporall whoredome and as chaste virgines haue kept themselues from all impietie and vnrighteousnesse Let vs heare f Ambres in 2. Cor. 11.2 Virgines vult eos
which lighteth euery man that commeth into the world Seuenthly that the fathers are so many in number their writings in like manner that though a man had an iron body he could not take the paines to reade them all and though he had a memory of steele he could not remember the expositions of all of them that there is no man liuing which hath them all no man liuing which hath read all those we haue yea I suppose and presume that I may say truely that all the liuing together haue not read them all whereas all can and may reade the Scripture ouer and ouer euery one oftentimes learne by it with prayer and labour all that is necessarie for their saluation Eightly lastly that the Scriptures are snatched out of the peoples hands deteined in such a brutish ignorance that they cannot know if the things written by the Fathers are of the Scripture or no the meanes to reade the Fathers is taken away from them so that they cannot know how they expound the Scriptures and therefore it is a meere mockerie to send the ignorant to the Fathers which they haue neuer read which they cannot reade though they would and dare not reade them though they could and whom they cannot vnderstand though they should reade them and therefore are taught to referre themselues in all these things to that which their Pastors and Doctors will make them beleeue II. This is the sense of that which followeth in the Pastorall letter where to that which hath been said that we ought not to speake of the Scriptures otherwise then the fathers expound them is added And besides your spirituall Fathers Pastors and Doctors that are instituted of God grounded on the lawfull succession of the Apostles to expound and interpret it to you f Malach. 27. Labia Sacerdotis custodient scientiam ex ore eius legem requirent The Priests lipps shall keepe knowledge and they shall seeke and aske the Law at his mouth III. We ought not to take away from the true Pastors and Doctors any thing of that which God giues them Saint Paul saith of himselfe and of all g 1. Cor. 4.1 Let a man so account of vs as of the Ministers of Christ and Stewards of the mysteries of God and elsewhere h 2. Co. 5.19.20 God hath committed vnto vs the Word of reconciliation We therfore are Ambassadours for Christ as though God did beseech you by vs. We ought then to account and esteeme of them and to put them in another ranke then priuate persons are we are to heare them with attention and reuerence in the declaration of their commission And if we honour the Ministers and Ambassadours of a Prince for the Princes sake who sends them how much more shall we honour and reuerence the Ministers of Christ Iesus who is the i Acts 3.15 Prince of life and hath written on his thighe k Reuel 19.16 The King of Kings and Lord of Lords for Christ Iesus sake But they ought also to know that they are but Ministers of Christ therfore are not Lords and Masters ouer the Church which is the body and spouse of Christ that they are the Ministers of Christ therfore are called administerium non ad magisterium to serue and that with labor and paines like those which row in shipps 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as the Greeke word beareth and not to gouerne and play the Regent according to their owne fancie and affection that they are stewards of the great mysteries of God of the great mysteries of the Gospel the which they must distribute that is to say preach and apply it to the vse and saluation of the Saints That they are the Ambassadors for Christ and therefore they ought to produce their letters and patent of their commission and declare faithfully the substance of the same without any addition diminution or changing thereof They are no more priuiledged then Saint Paul was who l 1. Cor. 11.23 receiued of the Lord that which he deliuered vnto them and m Acts 26.22 Rom. 1.22 hath giuen nothing but that which was written touching the substance of the doctrine And of that whereof euery one had the copie in hand to examine if he kept himselfe in the precincts and compasse of his charge and commission as n Acts 17.11 they of Berea did with praise and commendation IIII. Therefore the Apostle hauing declared what is their charge and function and the dignitie or excellencie thereof giues them this admonition o 1. Cor. 4.2 Moreouer it is required in Stewards that a man be found faithfull faithfull in care in labor and especially in the preaching of the will of God in purenesse and simplicitie without any mixture of humane traditions his will say we wholy comprehended in the Scriptures of the which God will that all should haue copie as being all his children and hauing right and reason to know the contents of his Testament to the ende that if they which are but his Teachmen and Heralds doe interpret other language then his relate and deliuer otherwise then that which he hath giuen in writing and hauing sent the copies throughout all the world they be not heard what succession soeuer they pretend Aaron from and by whom the Leuiticall succession began p Exod. 32.4 made a golden calfe and notwithstanding the Leuits who were inferiour vnto him would not be partakers of his sinne q but obserued the words of God and kept them If a prophet or a dreamer of dreames did arise amongst the people and made signes and miracles and hee say let vs goe after other Gods and let vs serue them God commanded to put such a one to death and saith to the people r Thou shalt not hearken vnto the words of that prophet or dreamer of dreames c. Yee shall walke after the Lord your God and feare him and keepe his commandements and obey his voyce and you shall serue him and cleaue vnto him In like manner the Prophet Isaiah sends them to ſ Isai ● 20 the Law and to the testimony saying If they speake not according to this word it is because there is no light in them Saint Peter also to the Pastors and Ministers t 1. Pet. 4.11 If any man speake let him speake as the oracles of God And Saint Iohn writing to a woman and in her person to all u 2. Iohn 10. If there come any vnto you and bring not this doctrine receiue him not into your house neither bid him God speede V. Neither is there any succession that is free or can priuiledge them Vriah the high Priest descended by succession from Aaron builds contrary to Gods commandement an Altar according to the patterne of that of Damascus and sets it in the Temple x 2. King 16.11 according to all that the King Ahaz had sent from Damascus Caiphas hauing the succession with the Scribes and