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A02613 The ensamples of vertue and vice, gathered oute of holye scripture. By Nicolas Hanape patriarch of Ierusalem. Very necessarye for all christen men and women to loke vpon. And Englyshed by Thomas Paynell; Exempla Sacrae Scriptae ex utroque Testamento collecta. English Hannapes, Nicolas de, patriarch of Jerusalem, 1225-1291?; Paynell, Thomas.; Peraldus, Guilelmus, 13th cent. 1561 (1561) STC 12742; ESTC S103820 271,342 814

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he cured the olde Toby of his blindenesse and replenished his house wyth all goodnesse Oure Lorde semed as it were to be afraide to offend Ieremye when that he did vtterly purpose to destroye the people for theyr sinnes Iere. 7. for he sayde I shall thrust you oute of my syghte Therfore thou shalt not pray for this people thou shalt nether geue thākes nor prayer for them nor thou shalt not let me nor make no intercessyon to me for them For in no wise wyl I heare thee This thing is plain and manifest that GOD is with his seruauntes in their tribulation Daniell 3. For Nabuchodonosor sawe one in the burnynge fornace with Azaria and his fellowes like the sonne of God When Daniell was in the Lyons den at Babilon Daniel 5. Daniel 14. Our Lord sente him his dinner from a far of that is from Iewry by the prophet Abacucke Daniell 13. Our Lord hard the voyce of Susanna because she was vniustly condemned by thold and vnchast elders likewise by the iust iudgement of a continent and a chast childe she was delyuered Our Lord prepared a great fishe to swallow vp Ionas Ionas 2. the which semed yet for his disobedience iustly to haue deserued pain and punishment Machabeus and they that wer with him fightinge against Timothe 2. Mach. 10 had manifestlye healpe from heauen for there appeared fiue men vpon horsebackes with bridels of golde c. And afterwardes in a nother place 2. macha 11 they goynge to battaile against Lystas there appeared before them vpon horsebacke a man in white clothynge wyth harnesse of gold shakynge hys speare There was a greate benignitye in oure Sauioure Math. 4. For he wente aboute healynge all manner of Sickenesse and all manner of dyseases For if he had not so don many sick persons could not haue come vnto him Oure Lord answered the Leaper that sayde vnto him LORDE if thou wilte Math. 8. thou mayste and canste make me cleane verye meekelye and gently for Iesus puttinge forthe hys handes touched him saying I wyll be thou cleane But the Priestes abhord all suche men Oure Lord incontinent after Mathewes vocation dynde in hys house with him Math. 9. After that oure LORDE was departed and gone into the desarte math 14. he sawe muche people and was moued wyth mercye towarde them and he healed of them those that wer sick And when the euen drew on his disciples saide vnto him let the people departe Iesus as one moste liberall sayde vnto them Geue ye theym to eate When Peter begā to sincke he cried saying Math. 14. Lord saue me And immediatlye Iesus stretchynge forthe hys hand caughte him Oure LORDE did gentlye defende Marye Magdalen agaynste the pharisy that thought euil by her Luke 7. and agaynste her owne Sister complaininge of her Mar. 14. yea and agaynste hys Disciples that for the effusyon of the oyntment Luke 10. fumed against her The vnspeakeable goodnes of god is muche declared in the example of the prodigal sonne where it is written But when he was yet a great way of Luke 15. hys father sawe hym and moued wyth compassion ranne and fell on his necke and kissed him He desyred to be one of hys hired seruauntes but yet his father interruptinge his communication receyued hym as hys sonne This was a meruelous benignity and gentelnesse of Christe Luke 19. when that he inuited and badde hym selfe to the Publicans house the whych was desirous to see him and also he blessed the same When our LORDE hadde indistinctlye spoken these wordes Ihon. 13. One of you shall betray me It followeth when Ihon leaned on Iesus breaste he sayde LORDE who is it Lo what a benignitye and familiarity was this Actes 2 Our sauioure promised his Disciples being heauye that he shoulde depart from them that his father shuld sende them a nother comfortoure the whyche thynge was well fulfilled at Whitsontide when that the holy spirite did so mightely strengthen comfort illuminate and teach them Ihon. 18. The bishops ministers commynge to take our Lord he said vnto them if ye seke me let these go theyr waye For he knew ful wel that they were not ready to suffer martirdome And therfore mekely condescēding to their infirmity he would that they shoulde spare them Ihon. 23. The thefe desired our Lorde to remember him when hee came to hys kingdome But our LORDE dyd graunt him more then he demanded saying To day shalt thou be with me in paradise Luke 22 This was the great mekenesse and gentlenesse of Christe the which refused nor Peter that denied him thrise but beningly beheld him nor he lefte not Thomas in his doutfulnesse Ihon. 20 but did exhibite him selfe manifestly to be touched And he made Paule blinde Actes 9 folowing the act of his persecution He cast him to the earth called him and conuerted him Steuen when they stoned him Actes 7 saw oure Lorde standinge in heauen as though he had bene ready strongly to haue defended him Our Lord shewed great gentlenes to blessed S. Ihon Apoca. 1. being banyshed in to the yle of Pathmos when he appeared and sent his angel vnto hym the which with diuers reuelatiōs did comfort hym ¶ Of deuine consolation ¶ The fourth chapter AFter that Abraham at the commaundement of God Gen. 12.15 went oute of his country Oure Lorde dyd comfort him wyth apparitions and reuelations Genesis 18 Iacob flyinge from the face of hys brother and sleaping vppon a stone our Lord appeared and repleanished him with great consolation Exod. 3. Oure Lorde appeared to Moses beinge exiled and kepinge sheepe the whiche thinge for the time that he was in Pharos house chaunced not vnto him Exodus 16 It rained Manna from heauen in desert to the children of Israell yea often he gaue thē miraculously fleshe and water Exodus 34 Moses beynge in the mounte For the space of fortye dayes and fortye nyghtes dyd nether eat nor dryncke but was refreshed wyth the deuyne word of God Iosu. 1. Our Lorde saide vnto Iosua be of good chear and strong for I wyll not faile thee nor forsake thee 3. regum 17 Oure Lorde commaunded the ra●ens twise a day to bear Elias bread and flesh Afterwardes oure Lorde appeared to Elias flying from Iezabell iii. Reg. xix whose Prophettes he hadde caused to bee slaine Our Lorde did comforte kinge Hezechias effectuously 4. regum 19 both by his prophet and by his aungell the whyche smote and slue in the host of the Assiri ans an 185000. Euen at the selfe same time Saras and Tobias prayers were hard To. 3.8.11 and the angell of our Lord was sente to cure and deliuer them both that is Sara from the Deuyl that had slaine her husbandes and the elder Tobias from pouerty and blindnesse Oure Lorde vouchsafed wonderfullye to comforte his people of Israell by the
Esther shuld speake vnto kinge Ahasuerus Esth. 4 she saide to Mardocheus Gather all the Iewes together that maye be founde and faste ye and pray for me but howe deuoutlye and howe humbly they praid howe Mardocheus praied for hym selfe and the people It is wrytten in the .xiiii. Chapter of Esther The praier of Ieremy was of great reputation with God Ihere 11. when our Lord said vnto hī pray not for this people Azarias standing in the mydst of the fornace Dani. 3. praid thus Blessed art thou o Lord God of our fathers Daniel for al king Darius acte and decre Dani. 6. left not of kneling downe vpon his knyes to pray vnto the Lorde lyke as hys manner was to do afore time three times a daye See now how precious and howe profitable a thyng he estemed it to pray vnto our Lord. Daniel perceiuynge the tyme of the Captiuitye to be compleate and at an ende prayde the more instantly for the people that were in captiuite And note howe mekely and howe feruently he maketh his intercession and prayer Dani. 9. When Susanna perceiued that she lacked all humaine ayde and counsel Dani. 13. she made her recourse to the helpe of prayer and her prayer was heard Ionas prayed vnto our Lorde out of the fyshes bellye Ionas 2. and sayde in my trouble I called vnto our Lorde and he heard me The congregation were ready gathered to fight 1. Mach. 3. to pray to make supplication vnto God for mercy grace When that Iudas Machabeus should geue battayle with Gorgias he made his praier and said i. Mac. iiii blessed be thou O sauiour of Israel i. mach Vi. In other .ii. principal battaylles we rede not that he praied The one was against king Antiochus then he wanne not but departed his wayes i. Mac. ix The other was agaynst Bacchides Alchimus and then he was slayne in the battaille i. mach xi Ionathes perceiuing that al his cōpany except a few left him fightinge against straungers he rent his clothes and praid and afterwardes obtayned the victory The Iewes beinge in tribulatyon praied vnto our Lord. The priestes hauing on them their priestly stoles and vestimentes fel downe before the aultare and called vpon God ii mac iii. whych had made a law concerning stuffe geuē to kepe that it might be safely preserued for such as deliuerd it to be kepte And al the wemen held vp their handes toward heauen and praid Onias the hie priest praid for Heliodorus that was greuously scourged by God for spoiling of the temple ii mac iii. oure Lord restored him to life again Iudas Machabeus they that wer with him iii. Mac. viii praid and besought our Lorde to deliuer thē from wicked Nicanor and though he wold not do it for theyr sakes yet for the couenaunte that he made with their fathers and because they called vppon his holye and gloryous name The wycked Antiochus praid vnto our Lord of whome he should haue obtained no mercy 2. Mach. 9. Nicanor and they that were wyth him 2. Mach. 15. drue nie with shaumes songes but Iudas and his company with praier and calling vpon God They buckled together with their handes they smote but with their hartes they praied vnto our Lord and slue no lesse thē 35. thousand men for thorow the present helpe of God they were gloriously comforted Mat. 8. The Leper had a short a profitable and an humble maner of praying Luke 5. the which knelinge before oure Lorde did worship him and saide Marke 1. master if thou wilt thou canst make me cleane The Centurion vsed as it wer by a certain insinuation Mat. 8. the like manner of prayer Luke 7. when he saide Master my seruaunt lieth sicke of the palsy Ihon. 11. And also Martha and Mary for Lazarus that was dead and buried Our Lord at times will be prayed for that Luke 10. that he purposeth to do praye ye the Lord of the haruest to send forth labourers into his haruest Mat. 9. Then there followeth immediatelye Calling together c. And when the people were sente away he wēt vp into a mountaine to pray alone Mat. 14. Wherby we are taughte that when we intēd to pray we shuld fie the company of man lest we shuld be troubled Our Lord and sauiour in hys holye Gospels Mat. 6. hath taughte vs to praye by word of mouth saying Thus shall ye pray Our father c. Men oughte alwaies to praye Luke 18. not be weary Also our Lord hath animated vs to praye by his promise Luke 11. Ihon. 14. Aske saithe he and ye shall haue Item what soeuer ye aske in my name that wil I do He hathe lykewise informed and taughte vs to praye by hys example Mat. 14. For he that might commaund would pray And specially he did the same Mat. 26. for the persecution of this Passion beynge at hand he prayed and warned other to pray saying watch and pray When Mary Magdalen obtaind forgeuenes of her sinnes of oure Lord saying Luke 7. Thy sinnes are forgeuen the we rede not that she vsed anye loude prayer but that she wept only where by the efficacye of the inwarde desyre appeareth without any vocall or loud praier Our Lord doth induce vs to instant and cōtinual praier by thexample of one that went to his frend at midnight Luke 11. Luke 18. And by thexample of a widow the which desired wyth great importunity of the wicked iudge to auenge her And to instruct vs to pray with hu●mility without pride Luke 18. or any auācement of our selues Our Lorde induc●th thexample of the proud pharisy and the lowly humble Publicane Act. 1. After our lordes assention into heauen the Disciples returned vnto Ierusalem and they al continued● with one accord in prayer and supplication with the women and Mary Thapostles being minded and willinge to chuse one of the disciples in Iudas place Act. 1. apoynted two Ioseph and Mathias and when they praied they said Thou Lord which knowest the hartes of al men shew whether of these two thou hast chosen In the primitiue church al faithful people continued in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship Act. 2. and in breaking of bread and in prayers Peter Ihon wēt vp together into the temple at the ninth hour of praier Act. 3. And assone as the disciples had praied the place moued Act. 4. where they were assembled together and they were all filled with the holye ghoste and they spake the word of God boldly The Iewes stoned Steuen callinge on Act. 7. saying lord Iesu receiue my spirite And he kneled downe and cryed with a loud voyce saying Lorde laye not this sinne to their charge Peter and Ihon prayed for them of Samaria Act. 8. that they might receiue the holy
wicked dede Ionathas reprehended his father Saule because that he wrongfullye persecuted Dauid 1. regu 19. and at the beginning he somwhat did temper and debate his malyce Abigaill purposing to reproue her husband for his churlyshnesse that he shewed vnto Dauiddes messengers ● regu 25. would not by and by after dynner tel him but taried the aportunite of tyme vntyll the morowe day and then in the mornynge when he had digested the wyne that was within hym she tolde hym Abner tooke Asahel vp right well because he persecuted hym so neere 2. regu 2. But he distained to heare him and therfore he was slaine Note how discretly Nathan the prophete rebuked dauid after he had cōmitted aduoutrye and murder 2. regu 11. He sayde not angerlie thou haste doone wickedlye but wythe an apte and a mete similitude he intraped him by the wordes of his owne mouthe Helias rebuked the people most louyngly sayinge 3. regu 18. How longe halt ye betwene two opinions if our lord be god folowe him There was a certaine man of the children of the prophetes 3. regu 20. that wente about to reprehende Achab the kyng of Israel and put a parable vnto him by the whiche he knew his fawte 4. regu 3. Elizeus said frely to Ioram kyng of I●rael being enuironed wyth hys host if it were not that I regard the presence of Iosaphat I woulde not loke toward the nor yet se the. The priestes withstode Ozias the king of Iuda that would haue burnt incense 2. Para. 26. and saide It is not thy office to burne incense vnto our Lord but to the priestes the children of Aaron that are consecrated for to offer incense Esdras with a loude voyce rebuked the children of transmigratyon 1. Esd. 9.10 that contrarye to the lawe marryed straungers Nehemias hearing the clamoures of the people that were ouercharged by the riche 2. Esdra 5. rebuked the counsellers and rulers and saide vnto them Euerye one of you is to chargeable vnto his brother He doth the like because that many of them bearing of burdēs did prophane and breake the Saboth day Tobi. 2. Tobias elders kinsfolkes laughed him to scorne but he rebuked thē sayinge Saye not so for we are the children of holy men and loke for the life which God shal geue vnto them that neuer tourne their belefe from him When Iudith hearde the mynde and purpose of her citizens Iudi. 8. that they after the fifte day would geue vp the city vnto the Assirians she reprehended and reproued them with faithful and discreate Communicatyon and wordes Daniel did very discretely reproue king Balthazar by the example of his father Dani. 5. And note how pacientlye the king harde him notwithstandynge He spake against him and howe that he afterwardes dyd magnify and honour him And Ihon the Baptist spake with a meruelous feruentnes Mat. 3. to the Pharises and Saduces O● generation of vipers who hath taughte you to flee from the vengaunce to come Ihon said to Herode that committed aduoutrye with Herodiada hys brothers Mat. 14. wyfe It is not lawefull for the to haue her Peter vndiscretely although● yet louyngelye Mat. 16. dyd rebuke ●ure lorde sayinge that he shoulde suffer many thinges of the elders and hye preastes but oure lorde answeared hym hardely agayne sayinge Go after me Satan Our lorde gaue Peter a true and a certaine rule of brotherely reprehention Mat. 18. If thy brother trespase against thee goe and tell him his faute betwene him and thee alone One of the theues which were hanged rayled and blasphemed our lorde Iesus Luke 23. But the other answered and rebuked him sayinge Feareste thou not god c. we receyue accordinge to oure deedes The man that was borne blinde and illuminated of god Iohn 9. did reproue and ouercome the pharises Euen very well sayinge This is a maruelus thinge that ye wotte not from whence he is and yet he hathe opened myne eyes Sence the woorlde began was it not hearde that any mā opened the eyes of on that was borne blinde If this man were not of god he coulde haue done nothinge Peter perceiuing certaine Iewes to maruell Act. 2. and to laughe the Dysciples to scorne dyd boldly and discretelye rebuke them and instructe them and conuerted them to the faith The like did chaunce after that Peter had healed the haulte Act. 3. For he shewed thē their fautes and somwhat he excused them and spake many swete wordes vnto them so that 5000. menne were conuerted Peter rebuked Ananias Saphira his wife very sore Act. 5. because they defrauded and kepte awaye part of the pryce of a field or possession that they hadde solde and broughte a certayne parte and layde it at the Apostles feete Steuen beynge wyth the Iewes in counsell Act. 7. dyd boldly reprehend them sayinge amonge other thynges O ye stiffe necked and of vncyrcumcised heartes and eares ye haue alwaies resisted the holye Ghoste as your fathers did so do ye Whiche of the Prophets haue not your fathers persecuted Paule setting his ●ies on Elimas the sorcerer Act. 13. that sought to turne the ruler away from the fayth saide vnto him O full of all subtelty and disceitfulnesse the childe of the Deuyll thou ennemye of all righteousnesse wilte thou not cease to peruerte the straight waies of the Lord Peter terriblye reprehended and rebuked Simon Magus that offered mony for the gift of God Act. 8. saying Thy mony pearish with thee Paule dothe reproue wyth a meruelous discretion the Romains whiche were conuerted of the Gentiles and Iewes and with a proude commotion woulde haue preferde theym selues aboue other Hee declareth that they haue bothe sinned and that they haue n●ade of the glorious mercye of GOD. For the Gentyles were transgressors of the lawe of nature and the Iewes of Moses lawe Roma 2. For we haue alredy proued saith he how that bothe Iewes and Gentiles are vnder sinne Paule dothe rebuke the Corinthians speciallye of this because they semed to be diuided among them selues for one sayth 1. Cor. I am of Appollo and another of Cepha And again because they diss●mbled and winked at the fornicator that being amonge them kept his mother in lawe And because they wente to lawe for seculer busynesses before the Hethen And he reproueth them as touching the receite of the holye Communion And rebuketh them as concerning their erroure of the resurrection of the deed And chefely he reproueth them because they sustained and suffred many greuous thinges of the false prophets nor had not hym in suche reuerence as they should haue had 2. Cor. 11. ye suffer saith he if a man bringe you into bondage yf a man deuoure you if a man take yf a man exalte him selfe if a man smite you on the face And again he saith I ought to haue bene cōmended of you 2. Cor. 12.
When proud Aman saw that Mardocheus would not worshyp hym he through that occasion counsailed the kyng by false surmising and lyes to destroy all the Iewes Iob. 1. Because that Sathan could by no meanes deny before our Lord Iobes vertues he imagyned deceytfullye to depraue hys intentyon saying Doth Iob feare God for nought Note likewyse how that vpon one day the deuyl depryued hym of all that euer he had and caused messengers to come vnto hym that throughe manifolde sorowes he myghte weaken breake him be impac●ence The great estates of the realme of Per●ia procured that Darius should put out such a decre or cōmaundemēt the whiche they estemed and thought that Daniell would not obserue nor kepe Dani. 6. that be suche subteltie and craft they myghte wynde hym oute of the kinges fauour Two olde preastes inuented a detestable deceyte Dani. 13. to deceaue Susan and afterwardes cruelly to be reuenged of her Alcimus beinge full of malignite 1. mach 7 came to Demetrius accused Iudas Machabeus of many thinges And after that hee presented hym wyth a crowne of golde and with other gyftes as that day he helde his tonge 2. Mach. 14. but afterwardes he did and spake so muche that the king gaue him the hie preesthode Iason sent Menelaus with money vnto king Antiochus 2. Mach. 4. but Menelaus beinge commended and praised of the kyng turned the preesthode vnto him selfe laying vp .300 talentes of syluer for Iason When Herode priuely called the wise men enquired diligently and learned of them what time the starre appeared Math. 2. sending thē to Bethleem sayd Go your way thither searche diligently for the childe But for what intent he dyd so it appeared by the murthering of the chyldren The Pharises wyllyng to tangle oure Lorde in his woordes sent oute vnto hym their discyples Mat. 22. with Herodes seruauntes saying Master we knowe that thou art true Is it lawful that tribute be geuen vnto Cesar or not The hye preestes and chefest of the Iewes gaue large moneye vnto the keepers of the Sepulchre Mat. 28. that they should say how that Iesus was stolen awaye by night The Pharyses sought manye cyrcutes and wayes to cause the blinde man that had receyued his syghte to confesse and say Iohn 9. that he receaued not his sight of Christ. Ananias his wife Saphira hauing knowledge thereof defrauded kept away parte of the price of the lande Act. 5. The Samaritanes regarded much Simon Magus because that of longe tyme he with hys sorceryes had bewitched them Act. 8. The Iewes perceiuinge that the worde of God was sowen and published throughe all the countreye bye Paule and Barnabas Act. 13. steered vp and moued the deuoute and honeste wemen and the chefest of the citie of Antioche and raised persecution against them and expelled them oute of their coostes When Paule and Barnabas were at Listra Act. 14. and in so greate fauoure that men would haue doone sacrifyce vnto them as vnto Goddes There came certaine Iewes the whiche perswaded the people so that Paule was stoned and drawen oute of the cytie supposing he had bene dead Certaine craftes men with a damsell possessed with a spirite that prophesied which were minded and willynge to complayne of Paule sayed not that through him they loste their gaines Act. 16 but lyingly they sayd These men trouble oure cytie and preache ordinaunces whiche are not lawfull for vs to receiue neither to obserue seynge that we are Romaines The Iewes malitiouslye did purpose to desire the Tribune that Paul might be brought forthe Act. 23. as thoughe they would haue knowen something more perfectly of him but many layd waite to kyll him had bounde them selues with a vowe that they would eate nothing tyl they had slaine him ¶ Of the erudition of Chyldren Cap. lv IAcob seynge and marking Iosephs dreames Gen. 37. rebuked hym least he shoulde stere vp the indignation and enuye of his brethren against him Iacob hearing that ther was corne and sustinaunce to be solde in Egipt Gen. 42. reproued the negligence of his children The blasphemer and cursed speaker was stoned to deathe in the wyldernesse his father was a manne of Egipie Leui. 24. and his mother an Israelitishe woman Suche chyldren are oftentimes euyll instructed Our lorde commaunded by Moses that the children of Israel shuld teach Deu. 4. theyr chyldren suche thinges as they hadde sene A contumacius a stubburne child that will not obeye the commaundement of his parentes Deu. 21. but contemne them is cōmaunded by Moses to be stoned to deathe Holy the preaste corrected hys children but slenderlye 1. re 4. and therefore aswell he as they wer punished of our lorde A●onias was but meanelye corrected of his father Dauid 3. Re. 1.2 And therfore he beynge pufte vp in pryde exalted hym selfe sayinge I wyll raygne and be kynge But at length kynge Salomon hys brother caused him to be slayne Dauid approchinge and drawinge nye vnto hys deathe did diligentely instruct Salomon his son the which shoulde raygne after him 1. Para. 28 Tobias the elder taught his sonne from his infancye and tender age to feare oure lorde Tobi. 4.13 to abstayne from all synne and when he beleued that he shoulde dye he holsomely instructed him And likewyse when he shoulde departe and dye The parentes of Sara yonge Tobias wyfe did suffer theyr daughter to departe and to goo wyth her husbande Tobi. 10. Exhortinge her to honoure her father and mother in lawe to loue her husbande to rule well her housholde to gouerne and kepe her house in good order and to shewe her selfe fawtlesse Iob had greate solicitude and care for his children for when they hadde eaten and banketed to gether Iob. 1. dailye he offered for euery one a burnt offerynge leste peraduenture they hadde done some offence The parentes of Susanna beynge iust and godlye people taughte theyr Dani. 13. doughter accordynge to the lawe of Moses When the time drew faste on that Matha●hias should die 1. Mach. 2. he healthsomly instructed his sonnes and animated and encouraged them against the wicked That mother more thē meruelous the which saw her 7. sōnes suffer and dye in one day 2. Mach. 7. exhorted euery one of them with godly wordes and said I canne not tell howe ye came into my wombe c. ¶ That it is a pearillous thing not to agre to good counsell Ca. lvi THe aungels that appeared vnto Lot gaue hym thys good counsel that he shoulde depart from Sodome and take his sonnes in law wyth hym and that they should not loke behynde them but saue thē selues in the hyll The which Lot said vnto hys sonnes in lawe that they shoulde bee goyng but hee seemed to them as though he hadde mocked Gen. 19. And therefore Lotte sonnes in lawe that woulde not departe from that wycked
did manfullye when he slew two kinges and Ochozias brethren the children of Achab and when hee kylde a greate multitude of Baals Prophets Ioiada with great strennuitye and force pluckt the kingdom of Iuda out of the handes of Athalia 4. regu 11. and crowned the kinges litle sonne of the kynred of Dauid Ioab the sonne of Seruia was the prince and head captain of the hoste 1. Para. 11 because that he before all other smote the Iebusites that dwelt in the citye of Ierusalem and so dyd Dauid appoynt it Nehemias said vnto the noble men and iudges Let vs aryse and buyld and theyr handes were strengthed to good 2. Esd. 2. The children of transmigratiō dyd build the wall of Ierusalem round about 2. Esd. 4 and wyth one hand dyd euerye one worke and wyth the other helde his weapon The ennemies of the chyldren of transmigration did diuers maner of waies put them in feare 2. Esd. 6 thinckynge that there by they woulde cease from theyr woorke But Nehemias sayde That therfore he strengthed his handes the more When the chyldren of Israel hearde of Holofernes myghte and power Iudith 4 they prepared most diligentlye to resist him for they tooke in and occupied all the toppes of the mountains and walde theyr Townes and prepared Corne for them agaynste the battayle Iudith 13 Iudith had in her self a meruelous strenuity corage when she went to Holofernes and slue him in his tent Daniels companions saide to Nabuchodonozor the kinge of Babylon Dani. 3 our God is able to keepe vs from the hote burninge ouen And if he wyll not yet shalt thou knowe O kynge that we wyll not serue nor worshyp thy Gods Dani. 6 Daniel left not of for all the kings decre to pray vnto his God 1. mach 2 Mathathias and his children had a wonderful fortitude and strēgth that so withstode kyng Antiochus so oft preuailed against him Iudas Machabeus with good hope and very manfully and boldly passed ouer the riuer to his ennemyes 1. macha 5 the which had pitched their tents beyond the water Eleazar the sonne of Saura ranne boldly and with a courage to an Elephant 1. mach 6 and gat vnder him and slue him then fel the Elephant down vpon him and there he died Eleazarus saide vnto the tormentors If I die manfully and as it becommeth mine age 1. mach ● I may parauenture leaue an example of stedfastnes for such as be yonge if I with a ready minde and manfullye die an honest death for the moste worthye and holy lawes● Machabeus and thei that wer with him went promptly and willingly to battaile againste Lysias hauinge an helping from heauen 2. mach 11. and our Lorde was mercifull vnto them They fell mightely vpō their enemies like Lyons they brought down xi M. fotemē xvi C. horsmen and put all other to flight many of them being wounded and some got away naked And wyth greate power gaue the Act. 4. Apostles wytnesse of the resurrection of our Lord Iesu Christe and greate grace was in them all Steuen ful of grace and power did great wonders and miracles among the people Act. 6 His fortitude dyd mooste appeare in that that moste constantly he resisted the Iewes and toke hys most cruel death most pacientlye Fortitude as Cicero doth say is a preconsiderate susception and taking vpon of pearils and daungers And a sufferaunce or bearinge of laboures And in that it is verye euydent that Paule was Christes moste strongest Apostle and souldioure the whyche for Christes sake sustained so greate pearils and dangers Capi. 11 as it appeareth in th● Actes of the Apostles Capi. 11 he doth recite and nomber them in the secōde to the Corinthians ¶ Of Confydence and magnanimity Ca. lxxviii Exo. 5 MOses stode often before Pharao and constantly reproued hym Nathan the Prophet constantlye and yet reuerentely dyd reproue Dauid after he hadde committed aduoutrye and murther 2. regu 11. Helias sayde to Achab. It is not I that haue troubled the house of Israel 3. regu 18. but thou and thy fathers house in that ye haue forsaken the commaūdementes of our lorde And after that he caused CCCC prophetes to be slayne Item he sayde to Ochozias the kynge of Israel 4. regu 1. Thou shalt not come down of the bed on which thou art gone vp but shalt dye the death Achab the kinge of Israel sayd vnto Helias 3. regu 21. hast thou founde me thine enemye he answered I haue founde the for thou art euen solde to worke wickednesse in the sight of oure lord Eliseus spake maruelus frely and boldlye to Ioam the kinge of Israell his host standinge about him 4. regu 3. What haue I to doo wyth the Gat the to thy fathers prophetes and to thy mothers Our lorde was with Iosaphat 2. Para. 7. because he walked in the wayes of his father Dauid Then foloweth When hys hart had taken bold●es by the wayes of oure lorde c. The spirite of our lorde came vpon zacharia the son of Ioiada the preast 2. para 24. whiche stode in the syghte of the people sayinge why transgresse ye the commaundementes of oure lorde the whyche thynge shall not be for your profite Hezechias comforted his menne of warre sayinge 2. Para. 32. Plucke vp your hartes and be strong Be not afraied nor discouraged for the kinge of the Assirians nor for al the multitude that he hath with him for there be mo with vs then wyth hym wyth hym is an arme of flesh But with vs is the lord oure god for to helpe vs and to fight oure battayls Sanabalat and other enemyes beynge sory that the walles of Ierusalem were a buylding 2. Esdras 4 endeuerd them selues to resiste and diuers waies to feare Nehemias but they could not Iudit 10.13 Iudith was a womā of a maruelus great magnanimity the which vnarmed went to Holofernes tent slue him Mardocheus dyd boldely refuse to worshippe proude Aman althoughe he knew that the king had commaunded it And also he spake vnto the Quene seuerely and frelye Esther 3.4 sayinge Thinke not to saue thine owne lyfe while thou a●te in the kynges house for yf thou holdest thy peace at this tyme then shal the Iewes haue helpe and delyueraunce oute of an other place and thou and thy fathers house shal be destroyed Ananias his felowes said stoutly to kyng Nabuchodonosor Daniell 3. oure God whom we serue and worshyp is able to delyuer vs out of thy handes Daniell lytle regarding kyng Da●ius decree Daniell 6. or cōmaundemente dyd worshyp and pray vnto his lord God ●s he was wont accustomed to doo Matathias his sonnes dyd strongye and boldly rebell and resist kynge Antiochus 1. Macha 2 Eleazar Saures sonne ran boldlye 1. macha 6 ●o the Elephant wher he coniectured that the kyng was and gat hym vnder him and
slewe him Timothe gaue his host a great sign and token of magnanimite 1. Mach. 5. yf they woulde passe ouer the water And so did Iudas and obtayned a great and a noble victory When Iudas men sayd vnto him that they might saue their lyues for our enemies are manye 1. Mach. 9. and we are but fewe Iudas answered God forbid that wee shoulde flee from them Wherfore yf oure tyme be come let vs dye manfully and let vs not staine our honour When Iudas Machabeus menne sawe the hooste comming they saied Howe are we able beyng so fewe to fight agaynst so greate a multitude and so stronge And Iudas sayd it is a small matter for manye to be ouercome with fewe 1. Mach. 3. yea there is no difference to the God of heauen to deliuer by a great multitude or by a smal company for the victorye of the battayle standeth not in the multitude of the hooste but the strength commeth from heauen Ionathas did encourage his company to the battaile 1. Mach. 9. because their enemies were in their waye and the water of Iordan on bothe sydes with banckes fennes woodes so that ther is no place for vs to departe vnto When that Ionathas was in battaile against the Heathen 1. Mach. 11. all his men left him except .ii. or iii But whē thei that fled saw that their capten fought man fully they turned againe vnto hym helped hym and there were slayne of the Heathen thre thousand men That excellente Captaine Iudas Machabeus 2. Mach. 10 went turned him selfe to fyght when moste neade was Machabeus and they that were in hys companye 2. Mach. 10 perceauyng that they had helpe from heauen were comforted in their mindes not only to fyght with men but with the moste strongest and cruell beastes yea and to run thorowe the walles of yron After our Lorde was crucified Mat. 27. Ioseph of Arimathia wente boldly into Pylate begged the body of Iesus Iohn 9. The man that was borne blynde and that was restored to his syght by oure Lord did frely conf●sse speake the truth by Christ our Lorde Thomas sayde vnto the disciples lette vs also goo Iohn 11. that wee maye dye with him Peter the which at the onely voice of a mayde Act. was made afearde denied Christ but after he had receaued the holy spirite was so indued with vertue and strengthe that he in the presence of the Pharises and Magestrates dyd preache Christe moste constantly Steuen beynge full of grace and strength Act. 7. dyd frely preache Christ our Lorde and rebukynge the Iewes did confounde them seyng amonge other thynges ye stiffe necked and vncircumcised hartes eares ye haue alwaies resisted the holy ghost as your fathers did so do ye The Magestrates and Ministers rebuked and commaunded the Apostles sayinge Act. 5. We commaunde you that ye teache notte in this name And behold you fill and repleanyshe Ierusalem with your doctrine and intend to bring this mans bloud vpon you Peter and the other Apostles answered and said we ought more to obey God then men Paule the Apostle Actes 13. Paule the proconsul being presente rebuked Elymas the sorcerer most sharplye for a season made him blinde When the magestrates hadde commaunded that Paul and Sylas shuld be deliuered out of prison Actes 16. Paul said vnto them They haue beaten vs openly vncondempned for all that we are Romaines and haue cast vs into prison and now they would send vs away priuelye And he spake so that they beinge afraid came and desyred them to depart out of the city The city of Ephesus beyng moued and in a rore Actes 19. the citizens rushed into the common hall wyth one assen●e and toke violently with them two of Paules companions Paule woulde haue entred in vnto the hall but hys disciples would not suffer him Paule takinge his leaue of his brethren that were in Asia said Act. 20. The holy ghost witnesseth in euery city that ●andes and trouble abide me in Ierusalem But none of theese thynges moue nor feare me neyther is my life deare vnto my self c. Paul shewed great magnanimity before his iudges that is before Ananias the hie priest Act. 24.25 before Felix and Festus from whom because he did hym manifest wronge he appealed to Cesar Paule beinge in all theese pearyls and dangers Act. 27. was continually with out feare and that did principally appeare in the tempest and shypwracke that he suffred Sainte Augustine saythe thus of Paule Aug. libro de ci●i dei 14. Ca. 9. That behoueable saith he stronge man that laboured more thē all the other disciples that did glorye and reioyce in his infirmities that blessed man Paule I saye Christes Champion whome he taughte for whome he was in bondes with whō he was crucified in whome hee was glorious in the sighte of this world to whose honoure hee was a spectakle bothe to Aungels and manne that gladlye behelde him striuynge in greate agonye wyth the eye of faith and to reioyce with those that reioyced wepe with those that wepe outwardly hauing strife and fear inwardly desiringe to be dissolued and to be with Christ. ¶ Of pacience and mekenesse in iniuries and torments Capi. lxxix ISaac toke it mekely when his father would haue offered hym vp for a sacrifice Gen. 21. Ioseph toke that mischeuous dede that hys brethren did againste hym patiently Gen. 37.4 and forgaue them beninglye Ioseph gaue hys brethren a special commaundement Gen. 45. saying Se that ye fall not out by the way Moses did estsones pray for Mary that spake so wyckedly agaynst hym and through hys prayer she was healed Nume 12. The people murmurd agaynste Moses and Aaron sayinge ye haue kylled the people of our lord And whē our lord waxed wroth and woulde haue punyshed the people Nume 16. Moses sayed vnto Aarō Go thou spedely to the people and praye for them and the plage ceased The chyldren of Ephraim that ●hode myghtelye wyth Gedeon were pacified by his meke answer Iudi. 8. saying what deede coulde I haue done lyke vnto yours 1. regu 11. Saul woulde not suffer those men to be slayne that backbyted hym 1. regu 34. Dauyd myghte often haue slayne Saule that sharply persecuted hym and would not as when he cut of the lappe of his garmente and when he found him a slepe 2. regu 15.16 Dauid flying from the face and presence of Absolon saide pacientlye to Sadocke If I shall finde fauoure in the eies of our LORDE he wyll ●rynge me agayne And wyth lyke pacience he aunswered Semeus that cursed him Mephiboseth tooke the vniust sentence geuen against him verye patyently 2. regu 19. The elders geuing Roboam counsail said 2. Para. 10. If thou wilt please this people and speak mekely vnto thē they wil be thy seruauntes for euer Elizeus did not suffer those
vow a vow to be sāctified Nume 6. or did consecrate or appoint thē selues vnto oure lorde they abstained from all suche kyndes of dryncke as myght caste them into dronckennesse The Aungel appearinge vnto mānas wife which should conceaue him Iudi. 13. that shoulde deliuer the people commaunded her to abstayne This maketh muche to the cōmendation of sobriety the which doth stande in the vse of fishe and in the abstinence from flesh that our lord in his gospel doth euen often times multiply fishe Luke 5. and not flesh And at oure lordes commaundement the disciples in closed a great multitude of fishes Marke 6. furthermore we reade that he twyse multiplied bread fishes Luke 9. And of .v. loues Ihon. 6. ii fishes in Marcke Math. 15. Luke Iohn And of .7 loues a few fishes the which our lord multiplied Marke 8. mentiō is made ī Mat Marke Peter purposinge to shew that the disciples Actes ● which wer replenished with the holy ghost wer not drunken saied that it was not yet the thyrd houre of the daye Geuynge vs to wyt that it was not conuenient to drincke before the thyrd houre The people of Israell were a hungerd there was hony in the fyeld 1. regu 14. but no man eat thereof but Ionathas the sonne of Saul When Dauid desyred water of the well or cesterne of Bethelem it was broughte hym 2. regu 23. but yet he woulde not dryncke thereof because he longed to greadely after it A small and a slender sustenaunce contented Elias 3. regu 17. the which asked only of the wyddow Sereptane a lytle water and a morsell of bread Ieroboās wyfe goynge to Helias the prophet 3. regu 14. toke with her .10 loues and a cruse of hony There is no mētion made of any flesh For he supposed that the prophet dyd eate no suche meate And it is notable that the rauens fed Helias wyth fleshe twyse in one daye 3. regu 17. 3. regu 19. And how that the Aungell of oure Lorde shewed him bread and a vessell of water onely Achab hearinge after he had put Naboth to death 3. regu 21. our Lordes cōminatiō and threatning declared vnto him by Helias the prophet put a shyrt of here vppon his fleshe and fasted and laye in sackcloth and went barefote and helde downe hys head And therfore oure Lorde did temper the payne and punyshmente the whyche hee threatned Esdras proclaimed a fast and caused all men to afflicte and humble thē selues 1. Esd. 8. for they desyred of oure Lorde that hee woulde geue them a ryghte waye Then there foloweth So we fasted and besought our lord for this and he hearde vs. The children of Hely of Amnon wyth certayn of the Amonites gathered them selues together 2. Para. 20. to fyghte against Iosaphat the king of Iuda And when he hearde it he set hym selfe to seke and to praye our LORDE and proclaimed a fasting throughout all Iuda And there foloweth that he obtayned the victorye When Paule and Barnabas had ordained elders and priestes in diuers cities Act. 14. and in euery cōgregation had prayed and fasted they cōmended thē to our Lorde on whom they beleued When Nehemias shuld praye Arthaxarses for the holy citie 2. Esd. 1. and that the walles thereof might be repaired He sayeth of hym selfe I fasted and prayed before the God of heauen It is sayed of yonge Tobias and of his father in lawe ToBi 8.12 other his frends that wyth the feare of God they helde the feaste of the marriage And the Aungel sayed afterwarde to both the Tobias prayer is good with fastinge and almes When the chyldren of Ierusalem hearde of the terryble and fearefull power of Holofernes Iudith 4. they humbled theyr soules wyth fastinge and prayers Also it is sayed of Iudyth that she ware a smocke of heere and fasted all the daies of her lyfe Iudith 8. excepte the Sabothes and newe mones and the solempne dayes of the house of Israell When Esther shoulde speake vnto king Ahaswerus she saide to Mardocheus Go and gether all the Iewes together that are founde at Susan Esther 4. and pray ye for me Loke ye eate not nor drinck not in thre dayes neyther day nor night I and my maids wyll fast likewise Our Lorde commendeth the abstynence of the Rachabites Ieremy 35. because they would drink no wine as their father had commaunded them Our Lord caused Ezechiel the prophet to keepe an harde diet Ezechiel 4 sayinge Take vnto the wheat barly beanes gromel sede Millium and fitches Daniel was at a poynt wyth hym self that he would not be defiled thorow the kinges meat Daniell 1. There followeth God gaue those springaldes conninge and learninge in all scripture and wisdome Daniell for the space of iii. wekes eate no bread as for fleshe and wyne there came none within his mouthe Daniel 10. And our Lorde shewed him a maruelous vision Sainte Gregorye in hys Homely of Pentecost saithe that the holy ghost did fil the abstinent childe and made the Prophet iudge of the old men Our Lord sente to Daniell by the prophet Abacucke Daniell 14. bread and potage beinge in the denne of Lyons but he sent hym no fleshe nor no other delycate meates Eleazar an aged man had rather die a cruell death 2. Mach. 6. thē contrary to the lawe to eate or to faine to eate anye swines flesh It chaunced the vii brethren wyth theyr mother to be compelled by the king against the law 2. Mach. 7. to eate swines flesh but they chose rather to sustaine and suffer most cruel torment It is wrytten of Ihon the Baptist that his meat was Locustes wylde hony Math. 2.11 and liued so as though he neyther eat nor dranke Anna the prophetisse the doughter of Phanuell is among other thinges commended Luc. 2. that she departed not frō the temple but serued GOD wyth Fastynges and prayers nyghte and day Our sauioure after he was baptysed by and by was led into the wyldernesse and there he fasted tyll hee hōgred Luc. 4. which thing maketh against those that faste with a filthye conscience nor will not for the tyme of fasting suffer nor sustain no honger The children of Israel which were of the xii Tribes Iudi. 20. were twyse ouerthrown by the children of Beniamin afterward they wept before our lord and fasted the same day and so ouercame theym and preuayled agaynste theym In the tyme and daies of Hely the Philistines● 1. regu 4.7 preuayled agaynste the children of Israell once or twise and the Arke of oure Lorde was taken Thirdly the Philistines gathered together in Samuels daies but the chyldren of Israell fasted the same day saide we haue synned agaynste oure Lord. And it foloweth that the chyldren of Israell destroyed them After oure Lordes resurrection he manyfestlye shewed hym selfe to the .vii.
and feare was for the holy temple Our Lord speaking vnto the people one saide vnto him Mat. 12. beholde thy mother and thy brethren stand wythout seking thee But he aunswered who is my mother or who are my brethren whosoeuer doth the will of my father which is in heauen the same is my brother sister and mother Our Lorde dyd aunswer hys aunt after the fleshe Mat. 20. desyringe that her two sonnes myghte sytte by hym in hys kyngdome so rigorouslye and hardlye as thoughe she hadde beene a straunger And so he is as readye to sell heauen as good cheape to thee as to them Although blessed Saint Ihon and the two Iames were menne of great holinesse and imperfection● Yet hee Ihon. 21. commytted not the generall cure of the Churche to anye of them● but dyd ordaine Peter the whiche was nothing kin vnto hym to be the heade the Prince and the pastoure of hys Church Our sauioure approuynge and alowing Peters confession whyche he made of hym when he saide Thou arte Christe the sonne of the liuynge God Math. 16 did consequently say fleshe and bloude hathe not opened that vnto thee Meanynge there by that fleshe is wonte to make but euill reuelatyons The Apostle Paule commendinge his Gospel doth saye It pleased hym which seperated me frō my mothers wombe Galat. 1. and called me here vnto by hys grace c. I by and by communed not of the matter wyth flesh and bloud ¶ Of the Ire and anger of man throughe zeale and loue Capi. xcv WHen Moses spake vnto Pharao Exo. 11. that Pharao woulde not hear him he went oute from Pharao very angry Moses commaunded the children of Israel Exo. 16. that no man shuld leue ought remain of Manna tyll the mornyng that notwithstanding they harkened not vnto Moses but some of them left of vntyll the mornynge and it waxed and craulde full of Wormes and stanke and Moses was angrye wyth them Moses returning and cōming nye vnto the ●oste Exo. 32. sawe the calfe and the daunsing and being angrye he caste the tables out of his handes brake them beneath the hill When Moses sought for the Goate that was offred for sinne Leui. 10. he founde that it was burnt being angrye wyth Eleazar and Ithamar the sonnes of Aaron he saide Wherefore haue ye not eaten the sinne offering c. Nume 16. Moses beholdinge the rebellyon of Chore his company and being very angry said vnto our lord Turne not thou vnto their offering 1. Re. 20. Ionathas Sauls sōne considring the iniquity of his father against Dauid arose from the table in great anger and did eat no meat that day 2. regu 13. When Dauid had hard the parable of Nathan the Prophet he was dysdainful and exceding wroth with the man and said As surely as our Lord liueth the man that hathe done thys thing is the child of death Elizeus was angry with Ioas the kinge of Israel 4. regu 13. because he hadde not smitten the ground with the arrowe v. or vi times that he myghte haue destroyed all Siria Nehemias hearynge the peoples clamor and complaint for the vsury that the rulers nobles exacted 2. Esd. 5. was sore dyspleased and angry Esth. 7. After that king Ahaswerus hadde hard Quene Esthers cōplaint against Aman the which sought the death of all the Iewes he arose from the common seat in displeasure and anger Our Lord loked roūd about him on the Iewes with anger mar 3. and mourned on the blindnesse of theyr hartes ¶ Of the anger of man through vice Ca. xcvi OUr Lord had respecte vnto Abell and to his oblation Gen. 4. And Cain was exceading wroth hys countenaunce abated Balaac being angry wroth wyth Balaam Nume 24. smote his handes together and said I sent for the to cursse mine enemies and thou hast blessed them Saule hearynge that Dauid after the victory was commended 1. regu 18. was exceading wrothe and the sayinge dyspleased hym c. When Ionathas had excused Dauid vnto his father 1. regu 20. Saule being angry with Ionathas said Thou rebel do not I know that thou dost loue the sonne of Isai vnto thyne owne rebuke and confusyon Achab the king of Israel came home to his house heauy and euil apaid because of the word which Naboth the Israelite had spoken vnto him 3. regu 21. After Elizeus easy and holsom coūsel Naaman was wrothe 4. regu 5. and went away and said I thoughte wyth my self he wold surely come out to me call on the name of his God Hanai the prophet came to Asa and reproued him 2. Para. 16. that he had putte hys trust in Benadab the kinge of Siria And Asa was wroth with the seer commaunded him to be tied and put into a prison Amazias seuered the host whyche came out of Ephraim to aid and help him 2. Para. 25. But they wer exceading wroth with Iuda and retourned home into their country in great anger The priestes reproued Ozias the king of Iuda 2. Para 26. whych went aboute to burne insence and beinge angrye he held the censare and threatned them When Sanallat hard that the wal of Ierusalem was a building 2. Esd. 4. he was very wroth and beynge sore moued mocked the Iewes When Sennacherib retourned againe and fled out of Iewry Tobi. 1. because of the plage and punishmente of God for his blasphemy in his wrathe and anger he slue many Iewes When Tobias spake of the kid that cried Tobi. 2. loke that it be not stoln c. Hys wife was angry and said Now is thy hope become vaine openly It was shewed Holofernes that the children of Israel prepared them selues to make resistance againste hym Iudith 5. then was he exceading wroth When Achior had shewed them that the power of the God of Israell was great and mightye Iudith 5. the greate men of Holofernes were wroth and thought to slay him When Aman hard say and had proued by experience that Mardocheus wold not bow his kne vnto hym Esth. 3. nor worship him he was exceadinge angrye Elihu the bussite disdained was angrye at Iob Iob. 32. because he called hym self iust before God The princes of Iuda thinckinge that Ier. 37. Ieremy wold haue rund to the Caldees were angry with him bet him and cast him in prison Nabuchodonozor in his great fury and anger Daui 2.3 commaunded to destroye all the wise men of Babilon because they coulde not declare and open hys dreame vnto him and in hys anger he commaunded the three men to bee brought before him Ionas 4. Our Lord reproued Ionas because he was angry for the wilde vine 1. Mac. 3 When king Antiochus hard of Iudas battailes and victories he was angry in his minde and gathered an hoaste 2. Mach. 6. The tormentors of Eleazar hearing his constant wordes
God 4. reg 17. and made thē Gods of metal serued Baal There foloweth Israel was translated caried away out of theyr owne land The word of God was against Iuda to put him out of hys sight 4. reg 24. for the sinnes of Manasses● the which he had commytted and for the innocent blud that he shed Ierusalem and all the cityes of Iuda are desolate Iere. 44. and no man dwelling in thē because of theyr greate malice and sinne which they commytted to prouoke me to anger No that they had any cause to do so but vpon a custom The burden and grefe of sinne is so great that Ieremy dothe saye That our Lord might no longer suffer Iere. 44. because of the malitiousnesse and inuētions of your studyes Mā through sin is febleshed Ierusalē sinned and therfore it was made vnstable 3. regu 11. yea and Salomous seruaunte was so bolde as to rise agaynste hys Lord after he had trespassed After that our Lord had healed the manne that lay sicke in his bedde Ihon. 5. he founde hym in the temple and sayde vnto hym Beholde thou arte made whole Sinne no more least a worse thing happen vnto thee Our lord said vnto the womā that was apprehended in aduoutrye Iohn 8. and accused of the Iewes before him Go and synne no more ¶ Of confession of sinnes Capi. Cvi OUr lord monished Adam after he had sinned to knowledge to confesse his faut but he in a manner reiected and laide his faut to God and to the woman Gene. 3. the woman to the serpent And said The woman whom thou gauest to be my felow c. And the woman said yonder serpent begiled me and I did eat Cain did knowledge his faute Gen. 4 sayinge My iniquitye is more then that it maye be forgeuen Pharao saied I haue synned against God and you Exodi 9. And again I haue now synned oure Lorde is righteous and I and my people are vngodly Saule sayed 1. regu 26. I haue synned I haue playde the foole and haue erred excedynglye And Iudas sayed Mat. 27. I haue synned betrayinge the innocent bloud And yet none of all these obtayned forgeuenesse because thei spake it not with a true harte Dauid spake the lyke wordes with an humble lowlye harte 2. regu 12. and deserued to heare our Lord hath put away thy synne The people beyng afflycted and stonge wyth fyerye serpentes Nume 21. came to Moses and sayed we haue synned for we haue spoken agaynst our lord and agaynst the. The children of Israell were vehemently and sore oppressed by the Philistines and the children of Amnon And they sayed vnto oure Lorde we haue sinned Iudi. 10. do thou vnto vs what soeuer please thee deliuer vs only this day Dauid beynge reprehended of Nathan the prophet for hys excesse and synne committed agaynst Urias and his wyfe 2. regu 12. did humblye recognise and confesse his faute Dauid when he had nombred hys people 2. reg 24. did so humblye and mekely recognise his faute that he offerd him selfe to be punished in stede and place of the innocent people 2. Esd. 1. Nehemias saied I knowledge and confesse for the synnes of the children of Israel which we haue sinned against the And I my fathers house haue synned haue bene vaynly seduced Tobi. 3. Although Tobias feared God euen from his infancye and obserued his preceptes and cōmaundementes yet he most humbly confessinge saied we haue not done accordinge to thy commaundements neyther haue we walked innocently before thee Daniels three felowes which lyued so holyly among the Chaldes Dani. 3. and fo● whose sake our Lord shewed so great a miracle in the fornace neuer murmurd against our Lorde asthoughe they had sufferd suche thinges iustly But Azarias sayed we haue synned we haue offended and done wickedlye And Daniel in his prayer to God confessed his synnes Dani. 9. and the peoples sayinge We haue synned we haue offended we haue done wyckedly The syxte of those seuen brethren whyche beganne to dye 2. Mach. 7. sayed We suffer these thynges for oure owne sakes for we haue synned against our Lorde God There came to Iohn Baptyst all Iewrye Mat. 5. and all the regyon rounde aboute Iordane confessynge theyr synnes As Paule was preachinge in Asia Act. 19. many that beleued came and confessed and shewed theyr woorkes ¶ Of the hardnesse and obstinacye of the wicked Capitu. Cvii CAin after that our Lorde hadde reproued him was worsse Gen. 4. and slew his brother The harte of Pharao neyther by fayre wordes Exo. 5.6.7 8.9 which Moses spake frō our lorde nor yet by dure and sharpe punishemente coulde be mollified Oure Lorde dothe call the chyldren of Israel Exo. 32. a styfnecked people as it appeareth in diuers places in Leuitici 1. regu 2. Hely corrected his chyldren wyth woordes but it profyted theym but a little Samuell foretoulde the people the sore and greuous conditions of their kynge i. regu 8. and that it dyspleased oure Lorde And yet they would not leaue of theyr purpose Saule neyther by Ionathas wordes nor yet by the benefytes whyche he receyued of Dauid 1. regu 18. coulde be prouoked or induced to loue Dauid 1. regu 25. It is sayed of Nabal that he was harde very euyll and malitious ●saell persecuted Abner but to obstinatlye 2. reg 2. Oure Lorde sente prophets to the men of Iuda 2. Para. 24. that thei should returne vnto him But they would not heare of it Ye they kilde zacharia the sonne of Ioiada most cruelly because he rebuked them Hezechias the kinge of Iuda sente messengers through oute all Israel 2. Para. 30. sayinge But ye not styfnecked like as wer your fathers thē foloweth that they laughed thē to scorne mocked them Their hartes were very hard that came to take our lorde Luc. 22. that which when that he with a worde had smitten them prostrate to the earth Iohn 18. had healed the seruaūtes eare that was smittē cut of wer not moued to mercy neither by the manifestatiō of the miracle nor yet bi the mekenesse or gentlenes of the benefite Saint Steuen rebuking the Iewes vehementlye and sharpely Act. 7. sayed O ye styfnecked of vncircūcised hartes eares ye haue alwaies resisted the holy ghost as your fathers did so do ye ¶ Of the peruersity of certayne menne Capitu. Cviii. THe fyrst woman peruerted the ordre of nature Gen. 3. when she gaue her husbande of the frute that was forbiden and he eate it when that the man ought rather to haue taught the woman what she shuld haue eaten or what she shoulde haue a voyded The lord enrychd the Hebrues with the spoyles of the Egyptians althoughe there bee many nowe as vsurers and such lyke Exo. 12. the whyche enryche the Egiptians wyth the spoyle of the