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A31328 A Catechism containing the substance of the Christian religion in the words and phrases of Scripture. 1693 (1693) Wing C1470; ESTC R26584 19,006 33

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A CATECHISM Containing The Substance of the Christian Religion IN THE WORDS and PHRASES OF SCRIPTURE IMPRIMATUR Guil. Sill R. P. D. Henr. Episc Lond. à Sacris Domesticis LONDON Printed by J. D. and are to be sold by Jonathan Robinson in St. Paul's Church-Yard and Samuel Crouch in Pope's Head-Alley next Cornhill 1693. A CATECHISM Q. HOw came the Heavens and the Earth to be A. In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth Gen. 1.1 Q. HOw came your self to be and the rest of Mankind A. God made of one Blood all Nations of Men for to dwell on all the face of the Earth Acts 17.26 Q. Why did God create all things A. For his Pleasure or the fulfilling of his Will they are and were created Rev. 4. last Q. Why did God make your self and all Men A. That we might seek the Lord that is do his Will and enjoy his Favour Acts 17.27 Q. Who preserveth you and bestoweth upon you the good things you enjoy A. (a) Psal 36.6 The Lord preserveth both Man and Beast (b) Acts 17.25 He giveth unto All Life and Breath and all Things Q. What good Things hath God bestowed upon you A. If I should declare and speak of them they are more than can be numbred Psal 40.5 Q. What doth God require of you for his wonderful Goodness and loving Kindness to you A. He hath shewed thee O Man what is good and what doth the Lord require of thee but to do Justly and to love Mercy and to walk Humbly with thy God Micah 6.8 Q. You have told me that God made and preserveth the World doth he not also govern it and all Things therein A. (a) Psal 67.4 God judgeth the People righteously and governs the Nations upon Earth (b) Psal 103.19 He hath prepared his Throne in the Heavens and his Kingdom ruleth over all Q. Is there any more than one God A. There is none other God but one 1 Cor. 8.4 Q. What is said of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost A. It is said That these Three are One 1 Joh. 5.7 Q. Can you perfectly understand what God is A. I cannot by searching find out God I cannot find out the Almighty to Perfection Job 11.7 Q. How hath God discovered himself to Mankind A. The invisible Things of him from the Creation of the World are clearly seen being understood by the Things that are made even his eternal Power and Godhead so that the Heathens themselves are without excuse And that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God hath shewn it unto them Rom. 1.20 19. Q. Hath God made himself known any otherwise than by his Works of Creation and Providence A. Yes He spake in times past to the Fathers by the Prophets and hath in these last days spoken to us by his Son Heb. 1.1 Q. What do the holy Scriptures inform us concerning God's Nature and Perfections A. The holy Scriptures inform us that (a) John 4.24 God is a Spirit who is (b) Ps 90.2 from everlasting to everlasting (c) Rev. 4.8 most holy (d) Mat. 19.17 Ps 103.8 most good merciful (e) Ps 11.7 most just (f) Deut. 7.9 most faithful (g) Ps 147.5 most wise and (h) Luke 18.27 Dan. 4.35 most powerful Q. What do you understand by God's being a Spirit A. I understand by God's being a Spirit that he (a) Luke 24.39 hath not Flesh and Bones (b) 1 Tim. 1.17 Chap. 6. 16. is invisible and no Man hath seen or can see him with the Eyes of his Body (c) Esay 40.18 and that there is no likeness that we can compare unto him Q. What learn you from God's being a Spirit A. I learn from God's being a Spirit that he must be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth Or with the Soul as well as the Body Joh. 4.24 Q. What learn you from his being invisible c. A. I learn from his being invisible that we should take good heed to our selves lest we make to our selves any Likeness to worship him or graven Images Deut. 4.15 16. Exod. 20.45 Q. What do you understand by God's being most Holy A. I understand by God's being most Holy (a) Prov. 15.9 that the Way of the Wicked is Abomination to the Lord and that (b) Jam. 1.13 he cannot be tempted with Evil neither tempteth he any Man Q. What understand you by God's being most Good A. I understand by God's being most Good that (a) Ps 145.9 he is good unto all (b) Vers 16. and satisfies the Desire of every living Thing (c) Jam. 1.5 and giveth to all Men liberally and upbraideth not Q. What understand you by God's being most Merciful A. I understand by God's being most Merciful (a) Ps 145.9 that his tender Mercies are over all his Works (b) Exod. 34.67 that he is full of Compassion and Long-suffering forgiving Iniquity Transgression and Sin (c) 2 Pet. 3.9 That he is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to Repentance (d) Lam. 3.33 And doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the Children of Men. Q. What is meant by God's being most Just A. By God's being most Just is meant (a) Acts 10.34 that he is no Respecter of Persons but in every Nation he that feareth him and worketh Righteousness is accepted of him (b) Gen. 18.25 That God the Judg of all the Earth will do right and (c) Job 34.23 that he will not lay upon Man more than is right Q. What is meant by God's being most True and Faithful A. By God's being most True and Faithful is meant that (a) Titus 1.2 he cannot lie (b) Dan. 9.4 and that he keepeth Covenant and Mercy to them that love him and keep his Commandments Q. What is meant by God's being most Wise A. By God's being most Wise is meant that (a) Ps 139.2 3. he understan deth our Thoughts afar off and is acquainted with all our Ways (b) Rom. 11.33 And that his Judgments are unsearchable and his Ways past finding out Q. What understand you by God's being most Powerful A. By God's being most Powerful I understand (a) Luke 1.37 that with him nothing is impossible and (b) Ps 135.6 that he doth whatsoever he pleases in Heaven and in Earth Q. Now because that Knowledg which leads not to Practice is but little worth tell me what Duties you learn from these several Attributes or Perfections of the Divine Nature And first What learn you from the unspotted Purity and Holiness of God A. I learn from the Purity and Holiness of God that (a) 1 Pet. 1.15 as he who hath called me is holy so ought I to be holy in all manner of Conversation (b) 1 Joh. 3.3 and to purify my self as God is pure Q. What learn you from the infinite Goodness and Mercy of
also hath loved us Eph. 5.2 Q. For what other Reason doth it engage us to love each other A. For this Reason because we being many are one Bread and one Body for we are all Partakers of that one Bread 1 Cor. 10.17 Q. What is Prayer A. Prayer is the making known our Requests to God with Thanksgiving for all the good things we have received Phil. 4.6 Q. Must not our Hearts go alone with our Words A. We must lift up our Hearts with our Hands unto God in the Heavens Lam. 3.41 Q. Then you cannot think it lawful to pray in an unknown Tongue as the Papists generally do A. No in no wise Seeing we must (a) 1 Cor. 14.15 pray with the Understanding (b) Ps 62.8 and pour out our Hearts before God Q. Is it not for the same Reason unlawful to use Prayers in the Publick Congregations in a Language unknown to the generality of the People according to the Custom of the Popish Church A. (a) 1 Cor. 14.9 Except Men utter by the tongue Words easy to be understood how shall it be known what is spoken for they shall speak into the Air (b) Ver. 16. and how shall the Unlearned say Amen seeing he understands not what is said (c) Ver. 19. Therefore St. Paul saith he had rather speak five Words in the Church with his Understanding that he might teach others also than ten thousand Words in an unknown Tongue Q. In what posture of Body should we pray A. We should bow down and kneel before the Lord our Maker Ps 95.6 Q. How must we do that our Prayers and thanksgivings may be accepted A. (a) 1 tim 2.8 We must lift up holy Hands without Wrath and doubting of God's Power or Goodness (b) Col. 3.17 And whatsoever we do in Word or Dead we must do all in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ giving Thanks unto God and the Father by him Q. May we not pray to the Angels and the Virgin Mary and other Saints as the Mediators with God for us as the Papists do A. 'T is utterly unlawful so to do For there is one only Mediator between God and Men the Man Christ Jesus 1 Tim. 2.5 Q. What if we regard Iniquity in our Hearts when we pray A. (a) Ps 66.18 If we regard Iniquity in our hearts the Lord will not hear us (b) Joh. 9.31 But if any Man be a Worshipper of God and doth his Will him he heareth Q. What shall be after Death A. It is appointed to Men once to die and after this the Judgment Heb. 9.27 Q. Who shall be the Judg A. The Father judgeth no Man but hath committed all Judgment unto the Son Joh. 5.22 Q. Who must appear before this Judg A. We must all appear before the Judgment-Seat of Christ 2 Cor. 5.10 Q. Why must we all appear before Christ's Judgment-Seat A. That every one may receive the things done in his Body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad 2 Cor. 5.10 Q. Who are they that shall not be condemned by this Judg A. There is no Condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus or are true Christians who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit Rom. 8.1 Q. What shall immediately go before the general Judgment A. All that are in the Grave shall hear the Voice of the Son of God and shall come forth Job 5.28 Q. What shall follow the general Judgment A. To them who by patient Continuance in well-doing seek for Glory Honour and Immortality Christ will give eternal Life but to them who do not obey the Truth but obey Unrighteousness Indignation and Wrath Tribulation and Anguish upon every Soul of Man that doth evil But Glory Honour and Peace to every Man that worketh good Rom. 2.7 8 9 10. Q. What shall become of this World after the Judgment A. The Heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the Elements shall melt with fervent Heat the Earth also and the Works that are therein shall be burnt up 2 Pet. 3.10 Q. Seeing you profess to believe these things what manner of Person ought you to be A. (a) 2 Pet. 3.11 14. I ought to live in all holy conversation and Godliness and to be diligent that I may be found of God in Peace without spot and blameless (b) 1 Cor. 15.58 And to be stedfast immoveable always abounding in the Work of the Lord for as much as I know that my Labour is not in vain in the Lord. THE END The Creed I Believe in God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried He descended into Hell the third Day he rose again from the dead He ascended into Heaven and sitteth on the Right-hand of God the Father Almighty From thence he shall come to judg the Quick and the Dead I believe in the Holy Ghost The holy Catholick Church The Communion of Saints The Forgiveness of Sins The Resurrection of the Body And the Life Everlasting Amen The Lord's Prayer OUr Father which art in Heaven Hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdom come Thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this Day our daily Bread And forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us And lead us not into Temptation But deliver us from Evil For thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen The Ten Commandments I. GOD spake these Words and said I am the Lord thy God Thou shalt have no other Gods but me II. Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven Image nor the Likeness of any Thing that is in Heaven above or in the Earth beneath or in the Water under the Earth Thou shalt not bow down to them nor worship them For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God and visit the Sins of the Fathers upon the Children unto the third and fourth Generation of them that hate me and shew Mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my Commandments III. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his Name in vain IV. Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath-day Six days shalt thou labour and do all that thou hast to do but the seventh Day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God In it thou shalt do no manner of Work thou and thy Son and thy Daughter thy Man-Servant and thy Maid Servant thy Cattel and thy Stranger that is within thy Gates For in six Days the Lord made Heaven and Earth the Sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh Day Wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh Day and hallowed it V. Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thy Days may be
God A. (a) Rom. 2.4 The Goodness of God leadeth me to Repentance (b) Mark 12.30 and to love the Lord my God with all my Heart and Soul and (c) Luke 6.36 I learn that I ought to be merciful as my Heavenly Father is merciful Q. What learn you from God's Justice and Righteousness A. I learn from God's Justice and Righteousness four things Q. What are they A. First (a) 1 Pet. 5.6 Lev. 26.41 That I should humble my self under the mighty Hand of God and accept of the Punishment of mine Iniquity Secondly (b) 1 Pet. 1.17 That I should pass the time of my sojourning here in the fear of God who without respect of Persons judgeth according to every Man's Work Thirdly (c) 1 Thess 4.6 That I should not go beyond or defraud my Brother in any matter the Lord being the Avenger of all such Fourthly (d) Rom. 12.19 1 Pet. 2.23 That I should not avenge my self but commit my self to him that judgeth righteously Q. What doth God's Truth and Faithfulness teach you A. God's Truth and Faithfulness teach me three Things Q. Which are they A. (a) Ps 15.2 Prov. 12.22 First To speak the Truth in my Heart lying Lips being an Abomination to the Lord. Secondly (b) Ps 37.3 To trust in the Lord and do good Thirdly (c) Heb. 10.22 To hold fast the Profession of my Faith without wavering he being faithful that hath promised and (d) 1 Pet. 4.19 to commit the keeping of my Soul to him in well-doing as to a faithful Creator when I suffer according to the Will of God Q. What doth God's infinite Wisdom teach you A. God's infinite Wisdom teacheth me First (a) Rom. 12.16 Prov. 3.5 1 Cor. 3.19 That I ought not to be wise in my own Conceit nor lean to my own Understanding knowing that the Wisdom of this World is Foolishness with God Secondly (b) Col. 3.23 1 Chron. 28.9 It teacheth me whatsoever I do to do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto Men because the Lord searcheth all Hearts Q. What learn you from God's infinite Power A. I learn from God's infinite Power First (a) Mat. 10.28 Jer. 5.22 That I ought to fera him and tremble at his Prefence Secondly (b) Ps 56.4 Rom. 4.21 That I ought to trust in him being fully perswaded that what he hath promised he is able also to perform Q. Having given me an Account of your Knowledg concerning God the Father I next ask you what you think of the Knowledg of Jesus Christ Is this also necessary A. Yes verily For this is Life eternal to know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent Joh. 17.3 Q. What moved God the Father to send Jesus Christ A. God who is rich in Mercy for his great Love wherewith he loved us did shew the Riches of his Grace in his Kindness towards us through Jesus Christ Eph. 2.4 7. Q. For what purpose did God send his Son Jesus into the World A. (a) 1 Joh. 3.5 We know that he was manifested to take away our Sins (b) Joh. 3.17 And God sent not his Son into the World to condemn the World but that the World through him might be saved (c) Chap. 3. 16. and have everlasting Life Q. Have all Men then sinned and by Sin deserved Death tA (a) Rom. 3.23 All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God (b) Rom. 6.23 And the Wages of Sin is Death Q. What is Sin A. Sin is the Transgression of the Law 1 Joh. 3.4 Q. Did not God make Man upright A. God hath made Man upright but he hath sought out many Inventions Eccl. 7.29 Q. Who of Mankind committed the first Sin A. Our first Parents Adam and Eve Q. What Sin did they commit A. They did eat of the Tree whereof God commanded that they should not eat Gen. 3.6 11 12. Q. Who tempted them to this Sin A. The Serpent that is the Devil beguiled Eve and she did eat and she gave to Adam of the Tree and he did eat Gen. 3.13 12. Q. By what Temptation did the Serpent prevail with Eve A. The Serpent said unto the Woman You shall not surely die For God knows that in the Day ye eat thereof then your Eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as Gods knowing Good and Evil. And when the Woman saw that the Tree was good for Food and that it was pleasant to the Eyes and a Tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the Fruit thereof and did eat and gave also to her Husband with heer and he did eat Gen. 3.4 5 6. Q. What did follow upon Adam 's Sin A. By that one Man Sin entred into the World and Death by Sin and so Death passed upon all Men for that all have sinned Rom. 5.12 Q. What did Christ when he was upon Earth to save us from Sin and the Punishment due to it A. (a) Joh. 15.15 Christ first made known to us all things that he had heard from his Father Secondly (b) 1 Pet. 2.21 He left us an Example that we should follow his Steps Thirdly (c) Gal. 3.13 He was made a Curse or Died on the Cross for us and (d) Eph. 5.2 gave himself for us an Offering and a Sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling Savour Q. What do the Apostles of Christ declare concerning him A. They declare that (a) Joh. 1.14 he is the only begotten Son of the Father (b) Rom. 9.5 and God blessed for ever (c) Euke 1.31 35. that he was conceived of the Virgin Mary by the Holy Ghost (d) Acts 10.38 that he went up and down doing Good (e) Acts 2.22 that he was approved of God by Miracles Wonders and Signs (f) Hebr. 4.15 that he was in all Points tempted like as we are yet without Sin (g) 1 Cor. 15.3 4. that he died for our Sins and was buried and rose again the third Day (h) Mark 16.19 and was received up into Heaven and sate at the Right-hand of God (i) Acts 1.11 and that from thence he shall come again (k) Ch. 10.42 to judge the Quick and Dead (l) Mat. 13.40 at the end of the World Q. What doth Christ now he is in Heaven to save us from Sin and Misery A. (a) Heb. 7.25 He is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them And (b) 1 Joh. 2.1 we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous Q. For whom of Mankind did Christ die A. (a) 1 Tim. 2.6 He gave himself a Ransom for all (b) 1 Joh. 2.2 He is the Propitiation for our Sins and not for ours only but also for the Sins of the whole World (c) Heb. 2.9 He tasted Death for every Man (d) Rom. 5.18 And as
suffer a merciful and good Man to fall into Afflictions notwithstanding the fore-mentioned Promises A. Yes (a) Rom. 8.28 For we know all things work together for good unto them that love God (b) 2 Cor. 4.17 And these light Afflictions which are but for a moment work for them a far more exceeding and eternal Weight of Glory Q. You have well told me your Duty towards the Poor and Needy God grant that you practise it Tell me next your Duty towards your Brother that hath offended you A. We ought to forbear one another and forgive one another even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven us Col. 3.12 Eph. 4.32 Q. How often shall thy Brother sin against thee and thou forgive him till seven times A. Yes Until seventy times seven Mat. 18.22 Q. What if you do not forgive your Brother his Trespasses A. Neither will my heavenly Father forgive me my Trespasses Mat. 6.15 Q. What is your Duty towards your Brother that hath offended God A. I must not hate my Brother in my Heart but in any wise rebuke my Neighbour and not suffer Sin upon him Lev. 19.17 Q. What Encouragement have you so to do A. If any Man err from the Truth and one convert him let him know that he which converteth a Sinner from the Error of his Way shall save a Soul from Death and shall hide a multitude of Sins Jam. 5.20 Q. How should we reprove our sinning Brother A. If any Man be overtaken in a Fault they that be Spiritual should restore such a one with a Spirit of Meekness considering themselves lest they also be tempted Gal. 6.1 Q. Is it not your Duty to be as savourable as may be in judging your Brother A. Our Lord hath said (a) Mat. 7.1 2. Judg not that ye be not judged For with what Judgment ye judg ye shall be judged And (b) Rom. 14.4 who art thou that judgest another Man's Servant to his own Master he standeth or falleth Q. How ought those that are strong and knowing to behave themselves towards the weak and ignorant A. They that are strong ought to bear the Infirmities of the Weak and not to please themselves Rom. 15.1 Q. What is your Duty towards your Enemies A. 'T is my Duty to love mine Enemies Mat. 5.44 Q. How should you shew your Love to your Enemies A. By (a) 1 Pet. 3.9 not rendring Evil for Evil or Railing for Railing but contrariwise blessing (b) Rom. 12.21 And by overcoming Evil with Good Q. What Arguments have we to love and do good to our Enemies A. (a) Rom. 5.8 God commendeth his Love towards us in that while we were yet Sinners Christ died for us And (b) Mat. 5.45 so shall we be the Children of our Father which is in Heaven For he makes his Sun to rise on the Evil and on the Good and sendeth Rain on the Just and on the Unjust (c) Luke 6.35 And is kind to the Unthankful and to the Evil. Q. By the Answers you have given I perceive you are far from imagining that the Grace of the Gospel doth excuse us from good Works A. We are created in Christ Jesus unto good Works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them Eph. 2.10 Q. Is it sufficient to do good Works with our outward Man A. No but if any Man be in Christ or a true Christian he is a new Creature 2 Cor. 5.17 Q. What is it to be a new Creature A. To be a new Creature is to be (a) Eph. 4.23 renewed in the Spirit of our Mind (b) Rom. 6.17 and to obey from the Heart Q. Why is it necessary to be renewed in the Spirit of our Mind A. It is necessary to be renewed in the Spirit of our Mind because (a) Mat. 7.18 a corrupt Tree cannot bring forth good Fruit nor a good Tree bring forth evil Fruit. (b) Chap. 12.34 And out of the abundance of the Heart the Mouth speaketh Q. For what other Reason is it necessary that we should be renewell in the Spirit of our Mind and pure in Heart A. It is also necessary because Christ gave himself for us to redeem us from all INiquity and purify to himself a peculiar People zealous of good Works Tit. 2.14 Q. Is there any other Reason why it should be necessary to be renewed in the Spirit of our Mind and be pure in Heart A. It is also necessary because hereby (a) Col. 1.12 we are made meet to be Partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in light (b) Joh. 3.3 And except we be born again we cannot see the Kingdom of God Q. Why can we not A. Because God is Light and in him is no Darkness at all and therefore we cannot have Fellowship with him and walk in Darkness 1 Joh. 1. 5 6. Q. Are you able of your self to believe and repent and make you a lcean Heart and obey God's Laws A. (a) Phil. 4.13 I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me (b) Joh. 15.5 but without him I can do nothing Q. Is Christ ready to enable you with his Grace and Spirit A. He hath promised that (a) Mat. 13.12 to him that hath shall be given that is that useth the Strength he hath already received and he shall have abundance (b) Luke 11.13 And that if we who are evil know how to give good Gifts unto your Children how much more shall our heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit unto them that ask him Q. What were those Operations of the Holy Ghost which were proper and peculiar to the first Ages of the Church A. First the Holy Ghost whom the Father did send in Christ's Name did teach the Apostles all things and brought all things to their Remembrance whatsoever he had said unto them Joh. 14.26 Secondly (a) Acts 2.1 4. when the Day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other Tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance (b) Mat. 3.11 And they were baptized with the Holy Ghost and with Fire (c) Acts 2.3 when there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of Fire which sate upon all of them Thirdly When (a) Mark 13.11 they were led before Rulers (b) Luke 12.12 the Holy Ghost did teach them in the same hour what they ought to say Fourthly To one was given by the Spirit the Word of Wisdom to another the Word of Knowledg by the same Spirit to another the working of Miracles to another Prophecy to another discerning of Spirits to another divers kinds of Tongues to another the Interpretation of Tongues 1 Cor. 12.8 9 10. Q. For what End were these extraordinary Gifts and Operations of the Holy Ghost A. By these the Holy Ghost was a Witness that God hath exalted his Son Jesus with his Right-hand
to be a Prince and a Saviour for to give Repentance unto Israel and Forgiveness of Sins Acts 5.32 Q. What Operations and Gifts of the Holy Ghost have and shall continue in all Ages of the Church A. The fruit of the Spirit is Love Joy Peace Long-suffering Gentleness Goodness Faith Meekness Temperance Gal. 5.22 23. Q. Will God accept nothing less than absolutely Perfect and Sinless Obedience A. If any Man sin we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous 1 Joh. 2.1 Q. What are the special Means in the use of which we may expect the conveyance of God's Grace A. They are the Word Sacraments and Prayer Q. What read you of the Word or Holy Scriptures A. I read that they are able to make us wise to Salvation 2 Tim. 3.15 Q. Is it not sufficient to believe as the Church believes as the Papists say A. No but I must (a) Joh. 5.39 search the Scriptures (b) 1 Thess 5.21 And prove all things and hold fast that which is good Q. May the Scriptures be understood by simple People in all things necessary to Salvation A. Yes (a) Ps 19.7 Ps 119.130 God's Word giveth Light and Understanding to the Simple (b) 2 Cor. 4.3 And if our Gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost Q. Are the Scriptures able to make wise to Salvation without the Addition of unwritten Traditions which the Papists do make necessary A. Yes certainly For all Scripture is given by Inspiration of god and is profitable for Doctrine for Reproof for Correction for Instruction in Righteousness That the Man of God may be perfect throughly furnished to all good Works 2 Tim. 3.16 17. Q. How must we read and hear the Word A. (a) Jam. 1.21 We must lay apart all Filthiness and Superfluity of Naughtiness and receive with Meekness the ingrasted Word which is able to save our Souls (b) 1 Pet. 2.2 And as new-born Babes desire the sincere Milk of the Word that we may grow thereby Q. Then meer bearing or reading the Word is not sufficient A. We must be Doers of the Word and not Hearers only deceiving our own selves Jam. 1.22 Q. What must we do besides reading and hearing God's Word that we may yield Obedience to it A. We must (a) Ps 119.11 hide it in our Hearts (b) Ver. 15. and meditate therein Q. Must we not also pray to God for his Blessing to make his Word effectual A. Yes We must pray unto God to (a) Ps 119.33 teach us the way of his Statutes (b) Ver. 36. And to incline our Hearts unto his Testimonies Q. How many Sacraments are there A. Two Baptism and the Supper of the Lord. Q. What is Baptism A. Baptism is (a) Acts 10.47 washing with Water (b) Mat. 28.19 in the Name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost Q. What is the inward spiritual Grace of Baptism A. It is the (a) Tit. 3.5 washing of Regeneration (b) Acts 22.6 or the washing away of Sins Q. What doth your Baptism oblige you to A. My Baptism obligeth me to put on Christ Gal. 3.27 Q. What is it to put on Christ A. To put on Christ is to name the Name of Christ or to profess Christianity and depart from all Iniquity 2 Tim. 2.19 Q. HOw doth your Baptism oblige you to depart from all Iniquity A. So many of us as are baptized into Christ were baptized into his Death therefore we are buried with him by Baptism into Death that like as Christ was raised up from the Dead by the Glory of the Father even so we also should walk in Newness of Life Rom. 6.3 4. Q. Doth not our Baptism oblige us to love one another and to keep the Vnity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace A. Yes For by one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body 1 Cor. 12.13 Q. What is the Lord's-Supper A. The Lord's-Supper is (a) Mat. 26.26 c. Luke 22.19 Bread broken and caten and Wine poured forth and drunk in remembrance of Christ (b) Esay 53.5 who was wounded for our Transgressions and bruised for our Sins (c) Mat. 26.28 And whose Blood was shed for the Remission of our Sins Q. How long is the Death of Christ to be remembred in the Lord's-Supper A. As often as we eat this Bread and drink this Cup. we do shew the Lord's Death till he come or till he comes to Judgment 1 Cor. 11.26 Q. May the Cup be denied to any that receive the Bread as the Papists do to all the Laity A. No certainly For Christ took the Cup and gave thanks and gave it to them saying Drink ye all of it Mat. 26.27 Q. Is the Lord's-Supper a proper Sacrifice or is the Body of Christ again offered up therein for the Quick and Dead as the Papists say A. No by no means But (a) 1 Cor. 11.26 his Death is therein shewed forth (b) Heb. 9.26 For otherwise must he often have suffered but now once hath he appeared to put away Sin by the Sacrifice of himself Q. What is the Meaning of those words Take eat this is my Body A. Christ hath told us his Meaning in saying Do this in remembrance of me Luke 22.19 Q. Is Christ's Body confined always to Heaven A. The Heavens must receive or retain him until the times of restitution of all things or till the last Day Acts 3.21 Q. How may we worthily receive the Lord's-Supper A. Let a Man examine himself and so let him eat of that Bread and drink of that Cup. 1 Cor. 11.28 Q. What if you should receive the Lord's-Supper unworthily that is in the allowance of known Sins A. He that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh Damnation to himself not discerning the Lord's Body or not making a difference between the Lord's Supper and his ordinary Meals 1 Cor. 11.29 Q. What is the Advantage that accrues to those who worthily receive it that is that receive it with firm Resolutions against all Sin and with a thankful Sense of the Love of Christ A. To such the Cup of Blessing which we bless it is the Communication of the Blood of Christ and the Bread which we break it is the Communication of the Body of Christ 1 Cor. 10.16 Q. How doth the Receiving the Lord'-Supper farther engage unto Holiness A. the Receiving thereof doth farther engage us to Holiness as it is a shewing forth of Christ's Death whose Love in dying for us constraineth us to all holy Obedience because we thus judg that if one died for all then were all dead and that he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live to themselves but unto him which died for them and rose again 2 Cor. 5.14 15. Q. Doth it not for the same reason in a special manner engage us to love each other A. Yes For we are commanded to walk in love as Christ