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B09348 A voice out of the wildernes, crying with many tears and strong perswasions to the world for repentance. Proving by undeniable grounds from the word of God, that the great day of his righteous judgment will certainly be in this present age, namely about the 45th. yeer after the ruine of Rome, in 1666. Wherein are unfolded many great and wonderful mysteries of God, foretold in his word to come to pass unto th' end of the world. This work consists of five small tracts: 1. To the church of Rome, printed first in an. 1588. 2. To Qu. Elizabeth, presented to her in an. 1589. 3. To the E. of Essex in her days, called, Babylon is fal'n 4. To K. James, being an exposition of the 11. 12, 13. ch. Apoc. 5. De fide, against Baro, since translated into English. / By T.L. sometime a student in the University of Cambridge in the daies of Q: Elizabeth. T. L. 1661 (1661) Wing L83A; ESTC R179227 116,012 190

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travell and guard and watch him day night behold and learne his end he that is wise will marke his deliverance and happy man that can tell his teares and sit and sorrow with him To this man maketh God answer early or late delivereth him and how much the longer withholdeth his countenance retyring as it were his pitty from him so much the more entendeth t' advance his love and mercy towards him to make him great and a pillar in his house a comforter of the weake and broken knees of others and in his time sendeth downe his promise the rich and hidden treasure which from the beginning dwelled with himselfe and with his holy one who day by day laboureth washeth and bindeth up this broken one not leaving t' apply unto his stripe untill he have wrought and shaped in him a full and perfect assurance that God hath given him unto his Sonne in him and through him forgiven and covered all those his transgressions which cryed our so justly against his bloud and whereas in the day of his trespasse was a stranger and an enemy now in his Son and for his sake is reconciled and beloved and is unto him as a sonne and he to him a Father the treasure which his soule in the great day of his trouble so unspeakeably desired and therewithall commandeth him to beare written up in the apple of his eye night and day to read and consider what great things have been done for him This man is now so assured his ●innes are forgiven him as sure and perswaded that his Lord and Redeemer was once dead now liveth never dyeth more what Register may record the sinnes of him whose transgressions God forgetteth what power may discover the nakednesse of him whose shame and offence God covereth who shall be able to cast away whom God approveth or lay to the charge of him whom God chooseth may sinne wherein he was conceived may trespasse and filthinesse wherein his youth delighted may the bold and bloudy offences which his age hath committed may flesh and infirmities wherewith he is clothed may powers and blasphemies wherewith he is compassed nay this man is at rest fully perswaded God being with him nothing may prevaile against him as it is written God justifying who may condemne This man is now so assured God loveth him as that he is sure and fully perswaded neither fire nor sword neither death nor life neither Angels nor powers nor principalities neither things present nor things to come neither natures above nor depths below nor any creature other whatsoever may separate him from the love which God beareth him in Christ Jesus his Lord. And this is the saith of Abraham and of Abrahams posterity which reacheth justice to the sinner and life unto the just as it is written But the just shall live by faith And this is the faith whereof th' holy Ghost pronounceth by the mouth of his servant Paul in a place saying Being justified therefore by faith wee have peace with God in Christ Jesus our Lord. For he is truly justified whose sinnes are forgiven as it is written Blessed is the man whose sinnes are forgiven and whose transgressions are covered And he is truly at peace and one with God that is beloved of him and all this grace is reacht unto him in Christ and through him as it is written For death and bondage was given by Moses but grace and truth by Christ Jesus And this is the rest and peace from above the birth and baptisme of the holy Ghost the fire that purgeth the sonnes of men transforming them from sinners into the sonnes of God and no man shall see it or have his part therein that cannot sing the song of the little children which sat in the market place crying and calling one t'another We have mourned and yee have not sorrowed Murtherers stand forth tell me may you compare your beleefe with this mans saith behold thou beleevest one onely God Father Almighty of whom are all things and one Lord Jesus Christ his onely Sonne for whom and by whom are all things and one Spirit God holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the Sonne the power the life and quickner of all things and thou beleevest that the Sonne in the fulnesse of time descended from the bosom of his Father came into the world was made flesh conceived by the holy Ghost borne of a Virgin and that he dyed and rose againe for the redemption of all that beleeve in his holy name and thou beleevest those that beleeve in him are his Church chosen and gathered from all the winds a Company undefiled a holy Universitie as he is holy that hath chosen them and thou beleevest they wayle and weep and joy together and thou beleevest their Lord is mounted up into the heavens seated on the right hand of God all power in heaven and in earth subdued unto him and thou beleevest all flesh shall rise and stand before him every man to receive according to his thoughts And all these things beleevest thou thou doest well thy father the Devill beleeveth them also and it is so farre that this faith may save either thee or him as that it shall encrease both your stripes for unto whom much is committed of him much shall be required and he that knoweth and doth not shall be beaten with many rods And better it were thou hadst never been borne then to have heard and beleeved all these things and not to have sorrowed with the Mourner And this was the faith of Simon Magus one of your first-borne who hearing Philip preaching th'Incarnation Death and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus and forgivenesse of sinnes in his holy name and seeing the great and wonderfull works wrought by the same beleeved the promise and revelation of life and was baptized as it is written And Simon also beleeved and was baptized and yet was neither begotten by water nor by the holy Ghost he beleev'd as did the lyar his father of whom he learnt his jugling to plane the creatures of God and was reborne by water from below not able to beget the sinner a new for it is impossible that bloud of beasts or water of fountaines may either purge or prepare the sinner And therefore Peter comming to Samaria to purge those sinners whom Philip had prepared by water from above laid his finger to the wound fellow quoth he thou hast no part nor fellowship with us nor in this administration and shewed him the cause why namely his unrepentance giving him t' understand it was not possible for his soule to be purg'd of that gall and bitternesse wherein it lay because his heart was not prepared by water And this was the faith of the Traytor thy predecessor Balaam who sold the truth and life everlasting for the reward of iniquitie like unto thee he knew and beleeved as thou doest that the bloud of his Master was innocent bloud and was baptized with the selfe same baptisme
that day falleth downe dissolved into water beseecheth him to looke upon his Lord and Redeemer in him and for his sake to cover his fault and offence committed calling him to witnesse unto his poor and dryed soul how that the Sun hath not gone down upon his anger that day and seing the weaknes wherein he dwelleth the power and pride of unrighteousnesse wherein he 's as with a Garment mantled in great and strong teares cryeth unto his God and Father to deliver him from th' Aegypt and wounds of th' enemy that no temptation may lead him to commit evill in his sight And therewithall in quietnesse and sure trust reclineth himselfe upon th' arme of his Heavenly Father knowing in it dwelleth all strength Kingdome and power to save and deliver the soul that putteth trust in him And thus and so prayeth he in forme and manner as his Lord hath taught him Thou watchest and risest early like him that waiteth innocent blood and comming forth bowest thy selfe before the tran●gression and abhomination of th'Heathen and not considering the Sunne is darkened openest thy bold and filthy mouth blaspheming his Tabernacles which are in Heaven setting them up as did thy Fathers in the Wildernesse Moloch and Repham gods of Aegypt to grieve th' ears of the Holy Ghost For as betweene God and the sinner there is but one Mediator and Reconciler Jesus Christ the righteous so there is but one onely Advocate and Intercessor betweene God and the beleever namely the Spirit which proceedeth from the Father and the Sonne whose right hand dwelleth in the bosome of the Redeemer and left in th' heart of the beleever and lifting up from hand to other his poore and broken voices pointed with teares placeth them before the Throne of God and giveth them such grace through his presentation that they stand among his holy Angels beholding his face day and night depart not his eye nor memory till all their requests be granted And this is the great and honourable Advocate whose i●tercession so farre excelleth in power in worthinesse in grace in glory th' intercession of the mother of Christ his brethren his sisters his Prophets his Apostles his Servants his Saints and Martyrs as is the blood of the Lamb of God more excellent and precious then is the blood of Abel And this is the high and holy one that beareth record with his poore servant which wrote these things and we know that his record is true thereunto bearing witnesse thousand sighes and tears and that it might be confirmed under three the love of God diffused in his heart the Garment dipt in the blood of the Lamb cryeth out unto yee testifying with him these things are true And being compassed with testifiers in number so sufficient in quality so honourable yet have yee not received our witnesse and behold on earth there are none to be found that have or may or shall beare witnesse to the truth but these three alone Murtherers may yee compare your pilgrimages with his behold thou goest from Citie to Citie from one place to another and weariest thy selfe in wayes and labours which no man requireth at thy hands and when they say unto thee Goe into the wildernesse to this or that Hermites Cave there shalt thou see the life and imitation of the Lambe and of his servant John or come to this grave goe to that here at Loretta there at Compostella there shalt thou see the powers of God and of his holy one thou ●not caring no● considering they are the comman●ements of abhomination that ●itteth in the place ●here he ought not goest beleevest adding to thy ●lasphemy scorne and derision offering to the High●st the labour and stinke of thy feete for the sinne ●f thy soule This man all the dayes of his life are the dayes of his pilgrimage wherein like the childe that be●aileth the death of his Mother covered with darke ●nd mourning colours wandreth the desarts of this ●ife in an assured hope one day to come to a Citie ●romised whose walls are made of everlasting stones whose foundation is the strength of God whose tow●r's his glory And if any voyce say to him goe into ●he wildernesse to this or that Fremites denne there ●halt thou see Christ to these or to those dead bones ●here shalt thou see his works of wonder he abhor●eth it for he remembreth the commandement of his Lord. But goe not beleeve not take heed behold I have fore●old yee all Murtherers may vee compare your fastings with his Behold thou eatest fish once and twice a weeke to honour God withall Egyptians who hath required this honour at your hands careth he whether thou eate the flesh of fish or the flesh of Beasts hath he not made meat for bellies bellies for meats and shall he not destroy both it and them And knowest thou indeed that which entreth into the belly goeth out into the draught and du●st presume t' honour him with either one or other wherefore thus saith the truth the sacrifice and fasts of Hierusalem shall ●ise in judgement against th'offerings and fish-fasts of Babylon and had yee knowne what that Scripture meaneth No man drinking old Wine will straight way commend the new for he saith th' old is better then had ye never condemned the new and true fast t' establish a fast more vile and filthy then was the fast of Pharisies This man all the dayes of his pilgri●●ge are a continuall fast night and day fasteth he his bread is become affliction his wine is turned to trouble because the Bridegroom is taken from him and his Lord whom he loveth so is gone into a farre Country And as concerning meates and bellies this man is taught of God that besides the person of a Christian in which respect all the creatures of God are clean unto him received in godlinesse moderation and thankesgiving he sustaineth the person of a Citizen and knowing his King his Governours or State whereunder he is placed for good and probable causes tending to the peace and maintenance of the many which God especially will have preserved have authority to command and forbid in meates in drinkes in cloath in dayes and such like so eateth so drinketh so weareth so keepeth he as his Prince commandeth giving to his Prince th' obedience that to a Prince belongeth and honoureth his God with th' honour which to God appertaineth Murtherers may ye compare your almes and mercy with his Behold thou devourest the widdow and waterest the seed of adulterie and sayest thou feedest Orphans arrayest thy selfe with the spoile of Kingdomes and nourishest Dragons egges of Serpents and every unclean bird and sayest thou feedest the sonnes of Prophets Foole how canst thou give a drinke of cold water to a Prophet thy selfe being none of the generation of Prophets Balaam doest thou know him that wrote these things or hast thou considered his hunger and his wants as thou regarding passest by like one of the dead and rotten graves of Sodome
Jerusalem his steps beautifull as are the steps of God the flames and Angells of heaven ascending and descending at his commandement and it was fulfiled which was spoken In Jury is God knowne great is his name in Israel and opening his mouth taught them and marvellous gracious and true were the words which proceeded from him told them their Fathers were wonderfully indeed fed and cloathed in the Wildernesse and yet were dead because they were not fed nor cloathed with him who feedeth and arayeth to life everlasting and the food and rayment which he gave was his blood and they that are fed and apparrelled therewith are those that beleeve in him commanded them not to work as did their Fathers in the Wildernesse but as did Abraham whose Children they pretended to be and were not for he beleeved in him being yet but promised whom they refused now performed and witnessed plainly in their eares that day there were no other works but these alone that led from the rod of th' oppressor to the Land of promise saying This is to doe the work and commandement of God to believe in him whom God hath sent Which thing your Fathers the Pharisees denying to doe evermore seeking after their hard and brazen progenitors t' establish a righteousnesse and justice of their owne to work the works and Commandements of God according to their way and meaning by doing refusing the justice appointed by God to work his works and Commandements according to his way meaning by beleeving rushed against the square approved precious stone which was set up in Sion and were bruised and broken to death everlasting And doest thou know Balaam what it is to beleeve in him whom God hath sent We speak the things we know and testifie what we have seen and learnt That which is borne from below is flesh subdued unto sin imbondaged to death and cannot see th' inheritance and Kingdome of God wherefore it was requisite a new birth to be established subduing the flesh unto the spirit delivering from the power of sin and breaking the chaines of death Without the which vaine and impossible is the Commandement to believe in him whom God hath sent as it is written Vnlesse a man be begotten by water and by the holy Ghost he cannot enter into the Kingdome of God So many Baalists heapt on another at your conspiracy he●d at Trent against God and his anointed and knew not what it is to be borne of water and of the holy Ghost have ye indeed so planed the c●●atures of God wrought in them a beliefe ye are successors and dispensers in heavenly things and understand not earthly There was a man sent from God his name was John your Fathers ran out in troops to see him a strange and sour fellow was not lodg'd like a Prince nor cloathed like a Courtier neither wine nor water dranke he no other drinke but ●ears and in his mouth never entered bread Murderers how chanceth it that hanging up his dead body in your Courts and Caves drawing it through your streets once a yeare at the least denying it the naturall courtesie of buriall you have not considered that he was appointed from heaven the Minister of the Baptisme of water as of himselfe he testifieth in a place saying He that sent me to baptize with water said unto me on whom thou seest the Spirit discend and tarry he it is that baptizeth with the holy Ghost Doe yee know wherefore his Lord gave him that honourable testimony namely that he was more then a Prophet and that among all the sons of women there was none to be found his greater because who so is not prepared by him which was appointed the Minister of the baptisme of water shall never be purged by his Lord which comes after who sanctifieth with fire and with the holy Ghost for this was the Angell appointed to goe before the face of the great Dominator and teach the Children that sat in Prison in darknesse and shadow of death that if they would be Sons of the Fathers Abraham Isaac and Jacob they should prepare their hearts by water as did the Fathers Abraham Isaac and Jacob. And therefore his Lord in parable calleth him the Mourner wot ye why because who so sorroweth not with him shall never rejoyce with the Bridegroome shall never see the birth of the holy Ghost the faith which beleeveth in him which God hath sent The poor woman which entred into the house of Simon the Pharisee where her Lord was at meat and falling downwashed kissed his feet how commeth it to passe ye wise that nayling up her dead body in your Groves and Temples to the view ye have not considered her tears and her love preaching and crying so many hundred years the birth of water of the holy Ghost but yee say when Elias commeth he shall restore all Murderers and doe ye indeed lie in wait for another Elias behold the first came and had not his God delivered him from your hands by wonder sending downe his Chariot and Horsemen of fire ye had slaine him with the rest of his Prophets for ye sought his life also and the second came a righteous and holy man and behold as innocent as ye pretend to be his righteous blood shall be found in your Courts and his holy head in one of your vessells and doe ye yet more attend a third Elias like to your stiffe reprooved brethren which walke stinking in your streets to day gaping the comming of a second Messias wherefore thus saith the truth there shall no Elias come and he that reading considereth the dwelling the fare and rayment of the second Elias how read and swolne were his eyes with tears how dry his lips with sighs and doth not weep and wayle with him if seven thousand Mourners should rise from the dead they cannot make that man to sorrow This was the voyce who in the dayes of his flesh called unto Israel from out of the Wildernesse crying that if the would be sons and daughters of God they should not look up unto their pa●entage boasting their pedegree ●etcht from the loins of Abraham but should take up the true and perfect sorrow for their sin and th' unspeakable de●i●e to be reconciled to God as did his servant Abraham that then the God of Abraham would turne to th● Children a● he did unto the Fathers write his Laws ●n their hearts cover their offences and be unto them a God and a Father and they to him sons and daughters and every one which was to receive the light that followed in whose hand was the power to make of a ●●nner a Son unto God hearkened to the Mourner of Israel sate downe and sorrowed with him And he that sorrowed sorrowed indeed his eye refused sleep his mouth dened t'eate lost and dead was his cheere his mirth was t●●n'd to sadnesse and if an asked what ill he had seight and could not speake so great was his sorrow
Beast and therefo●e the Spirit crowneth not his heads but his hornes saying and upon his hornes ten diadems And concluding sheweth even by his head attire how far unlike this Dragons High Priest of Rome was and should be to the Lords High-Priest of Jerusalem who in stead of having his head-attire emblemished with ●olinesse to the Lord as had his servant Aaron should have his head-peece beslubbered with names of blasphemy and upon his heads names of blasphemy whereof proofe is made in the sixth verse following VERS 2. And the Beast which I saw was like to a Leopard and his feet as a Beare and his mouth as the mouth of a Lion and the Dragon gave him his owne force and his throne and great power ANd forasmuch as the Apostle fore-saw that this Beast should be a far greater adversary and a far longer persecutor of the Church of God then any of the Monarchies which did arise afore him he shaped him an outside answerable to his inward making framing his parts of the most notable persecuters that ever were as concluding him for his extraordinary wickednesse the odd fellow the totall sum and very accomplishment of all other And first for his presumption in extolling himselfe above the Prince of the Covenant desouling his sanctuary desolating his sacrifice burning his statutes and insorcing the humble and meek to the abnegation of the truth by blood fire st●appadoes and such like exquisite torments the Spirit resembleth him to his arch-type Antiochus descended from the Monarch of Greece here as in Daniel deciphered by a Leopard And I saw the Beast like a Leopard Secondly in pride of life in pomp and luxury the Spirit equalleth him with the Monarch of Persia and likeneth his arrogant and voluptuous gate to her ●en Kings here as in Daniel deciphered by a Beare And his feet as of a Beare Thirdly the holy Ghost ascribeth unto him the proud prophane and cursed mouth of the Monarch of Babylon in commanding the dwellers on earth upon paine of fire and furnace to adore his golden Idol which he had dedicated with cornets ●ackbuts psalteries dulcimers which also the Spirit covereth as Daniel doth under the mask of a Lion And his mouth as the mouth of a Lion And last of all lest haply he should be least beholding unto his Bella Nympha his dearest Lady and mistris of Rome the holy Ghost saith that the love of his Patronesse the Dragon was equall to the love of a fa●her towards his son for she made him heir apparent and Lord of her Empire sub●ecting all things to the feet of his censure and confirming unto him her throne and Palace of Lateran with all the demesnes and glory of Latium as one of his own also noteth Latiumque relinquit Christo Romuleam septem cum collibus urbem VERS 3. And I saw one of his heads as it were slaine to death but the wound of his death was cured and all the earth was in admiration after the Beast ANd presently after this grea● Antichrist was risen the Apostle foresaw such a wound given to one of his heads that the Beast was in eminent danger to be stricken downe againe and slaine in the very egge for so much the Spirit noteth in saying And I saw one of his heads as it were slaine to death For the better opening of which wound we must not onely remember the Beast hath seven heads but we must also step a little forward and crave the assistance of the seventeenth Chapter concerning the interpretation of the seven head● which saith that the seven heads are seven hills and they are also seven Kings discovering the true seat and situation of the City of Rome where Antichrist should keep his Court and residence by the seven hills And by the seven Kings the seven Monarchies which from the beginning of the world to this day have successively risen and reigned over the earth of which seven the Assyrian Monarchie was the first and the Roman the sixth of both which and their pue-fellows is further revealed in the 17. Chapter following Meane time we are here to observe that as the holy Ghost doth therefore call his seven heads by the name of seven hils because the seat of Antichrist should be there and not elsewhere placed and planted so he nameth them also seven Kings because the power of Antichrist should be an extraordinary ●overaignty compounded of such spirituall and temporall claims and jurisdictions as should be equivalent in presumption and prophanation to all the transgressions of the seven Monarchies which from the beginning hitherunto have blasphemed God and corrupted his world This foundation laid doth shew that this deadly wound given to one of his heads which as after appeareth was the wound of a sword cannot be meant of any one of his heads after the first signification as they are hills but as they are Kings and subject to the sword and so by consequence intendeth that one of his imperiall heads and namely his faire Adonis his minion Lord and Master of Rome of whom he had so lately received his breath and being was so deadly wounded as that the Beast himselfe thereby was in great danger of extinction Thus having found the head let us look unto the wound that so we may the better discerne the great danger the Beast was in delivered in these words as it were slaine to death This deadly wound was given and driven home to the head by the sword and incursion of the West Gothes under the leading of Alaricus who in the nineteenth year of Caesar Honorius of whom the Beast some foure yeares before had received his life entred Italy and gave such a deadly stroke unto his powerfull pate that for very feare the beast lock● himselfe up in his den at Ravenna while the enemy ript up the streets of his imperiall City filling them with famine fire and sword which night of woe or ratner beginning of her wofull night made an ancient friend of hers who in her youth did love her over-well to bewaile and bind up her deadly wounded head with an old Ballade a●ter the tune of the burning of Troy Quis cladem illius noctis quis funera fando Explicet aut possit lachrymis aequare l●bores Vrbs antiqua ruit multos dominata per annos And having thus mortally wounded the head of the Beast in the yeare of salvation 410. and 1157. years after Romulus had raised her walls with his brothers blood proceeded to seize upon the rest of his dignities havocking and burning his chiefest honours Latium Campania Apulia Lucania Calabrid where raging and devising how to extermine the power of the Empire for ever and to spread his glory over all was by sudden death blotted out leaving his purpose and his Army Royal to his wives brother Ataulphus who in like raging hast and fury returned to Rome with an obstinate intent and resolution to obliterate the ancient name of Rome for ever and to call her
A VOICE Out of the WILDERNES Crying with many Tears and strong perswasions to the World for REPENTANCE Proving by undeniable Grounds from the Word of God that the great DAY of his righteous JUDGMENT will certainly be in this present Age namely about the 45th yeer after the Ruine of ROME in 1666. Wherein are unfolded many great and wonderful Mysteries of God foretold in his Word to come to pass unto th' end of the World This work consists of five small Tracts 1. To the Church of Rome printed first in An. 1588. 2. To Qu. Elizabeth presented to her in An. 1589. 3. To the E. of Essex in her days called Babylon is fal'n 4. To K. James being an Exposition on 11. 12 13. ch Apoc. 5. De fide against Baro since translated into English By T. L. sometime a Student in the University of Cambridge in the daies of Q. Elizabeth LONDON Printed and are to be sold at the three Bibles in Paul's Church-yard and at the Crown in Popes-Head-Alley 1661. The Preface to the READER Christian Reader BE pleased to understand That whereas there have been severall Impressions of this Authors Works formerly published distinctly and by peices according as they were found out and opportunity served the first Edition of that To the Church of Rome being in the Authors life time in the year 88. at Frankford in Germany the next at London the year following And th' Exposition of the 11. Chapter of the 4th of Ezra entituled Babylon is fallen printed at London in 1610. The Original Copyes whereof are yet preserved and may be produced if occasion require to satisfie any that may question whether they bear so ancient a date All which being spent it was thought fit in respect of the excellency and worth of the matter contained therein and of that great benefit that Christians may reap thereby to impart them once more and expose them to publick view 2. Concerning the Author and his abilities it were enough to say that those excellent endowments wherewith he was accomplished especially th●se choice and peculiar gifts and graces which God did conferr upon him are every where conspicuous throughout his writings to the discerning Reader and do sufficiently demonstrate and testifie his preparation by and Authority from God in divine and heavenly things 3. For the time wherein he first writ 't is evident it was in the dayes of Q. Eliz. towards the latter end of her Reign unto whom he presented the Treatise entituled An Advertisement to Q. Eliz. with his own hands in the mean and obscure habit of a humble Shepherd which imployment for some weighty considerations he willingly underwent Neither let any be moved at his low estate many took offence at Christ for his poverty Is not this the Carpenter say they Mar. 6. 3. Joh. 6. 42. 66. the son of Mary and they were offended at him And in another place Is not this Jesus the Son of Joseph whose Father and Mother we know from that time many of his Disciples went back and walked no more with him They were offended at his mean and outward appearance Others being misled by the Rabbies and blinded with the glory of the world expected a Messiah presently to Reign in Majesty whereas the true Messiah promised the Fathers foretold by Moses and the Prophets was first to do the will of God and suffer and undergo the death ●f the Crosse and at length after the troubles of the Church and her warfare ended the full number of Gods elect compleat and the tedious and tyrannous raign of Antichrist past then to receive his Kingdom and great power sit upon the Throne of David and raign over Luk. 1. 32. 33 the house of Jacob forever The Emperour Domitian when some of Christs kindred whom he suspected were brought before him beholding their hands grown hard with labour and understanding Euseb Hist Eccles l. 3. c. 17. their poor estat● despised them and let them go But the truly wise will not be offended or stumble at this Authors low condition and manner of living considering that many worthy persons Patriarks Prophets and other holy Servants of God whose memory at this day is precious with all good people have been exercised in the Shepherds life 4. The first Martyr was a Shepherd Abel was Gen. 4. 2. 3 Gen. 47. 3. a keeper of sheep and he brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof Thy Servants are Shepherds say the Patriarks the Sons of Jacob to Act. 7. 22. Heb 11. 14. Pharaoh King of Egypt both we and also our Fathers Moses learned in all the wisdome of the Egyptians refused to be called Son of Pharaohs Daughter relinquisht the pleasures of Pharaohs Court and beca●e a Shepherd and leading this contemplative life God the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob appeared to him while he kept the Flock of Jethro by the mountaine of God even Horeb Exod. 3. 1. And in that estate he continued about 40. years during which time it is supposed he wrote the Books of Genesis and Job for the comfort of his afflicted Brethren in Egypt And thus it pleased God to exercise Moses in a Shepherds life that he might thereby be weaned from the pleasures of Egypt and as it were renounce the world and by that pastoral Life as a kind of introduction prepared for the Government which God afterwards laid upon him as Psal 77. Thou leddest thy Psa 77. 20 people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron Lastly That Gods power might appear in raising Moses from this contemptible kind of Life especially Gen. 46. 34. in the opinion of the E●yptians who abhorred all keepers of Sheep to that high place calling and Authority to the which he was afterwards advanced 5. David sometime a Shepherd was appointed King over Israel Thy servant saith he to King Saul kept his Fathers Sheep and there came a Lyon and 1 Sam. 17. 34. Psal 78. 70 71. a Bear c. He chose David his Servant and took him from the Sheep-folds from following the Ews great with young he brought him to feed Jacob his people and Israel his Inheritance Amos that holy Prophet when Amaziah the Priest of Bethel was angry with him for prophesying and accused him for conspiring against the King bidding him be gon and prophesie no more at Bethel for saith he it is the Kings Chappel it is the Kings Court Amos 7. 13. 14 15. thus answered and said to Amaziah I was no Prophet neither was I Prophets Son but I was an Herdman and a gatherer of Sycomore fruit and the Lord took me as I followed the flock and the Lord said unto me go prophesie unto my people Israel 6. And this renowned Author upon whom God confer'd like Gifts and Graces as upon the Prophets of old and rais'd him up in this last age of the world that he might be a speciall instrument of his Glory and direction to his Church and people though he
he Id. in Apoc. 17. writes Cum liber signatus puta Apocalypsis sit prophetia de futuris in fine mundi c. Seeing the Book of the Revelation is a prophesie of things to be done in th' end of the world under Antichrist it follows that these things are to be understood of the City of Rome which shall be towards th' end of the world consequently saith he Rome must return to her pristine splendor Idolatry c. And further Hii odient fornicariam c. these shal hate the Whore that is Babylon i. e. Rome saith this Jesuite To them subscribes Suarez and confirms it in these words Sub Suar. T. 2. Qu. 59 Disput 56. Sect. 2. aenigmate purpuratae Meretricis Apoc. 17. exprimitur Roma c. Vnder the figure of Babylon Apoc. 17. is represented Rome as 't is manifest from the last words of the Chapter And the woman that thou sawest is the great City that raigns over the Kings of the earth for no other City had then universal dominion besides Rome And concerning her ruine thus he Idem contra Praef. monit Doctis Regis Jacobi l. 5. c. 7. writes Desolatio Romae quae praedicitur Apoc. 18. erit sempiterna c. The desolation of Rome foretold Apoc. 18. will be perpetual therefore 't is certain that this prophesie was not fulfill'd in any of the former destructions or calamities that befell Rome Thus Suarez one of the chiefest late Writers of that side To these I might add Lessius Salmeron Tirinus Estius Malvenda Alcasar with their two Cardinals Baronius their Annalist and Bellarmine their Golia● to make up the Jury full who all unanimously agree and give up their verdict that Rome is signified and figur'd under the name of Babylon yea and divers of them affirm that she being guilty of the blood of the Saints and Martyrs of Jesus must be burnt with fire and made desolate by the Kings of the Earth who formerly had given their power strength unto the Beast before th' end of the world But their words at present I omit and refer the Reader to their Writings and Commentaries on the Thess Apoc. and other Scriptures relating to this particular or to the Treatise entituled Romae Ruina finalis An. D. 1666. c. 4. where he may finde them and others with their words and judgements in this matter cited and produced at large And now I submit it to the judgement of the Reader to determine whether of the twain have delt more fair and honest in this particular the deluded Jesuits or blasphemous horrible Familists and resume the consideration of this excellent Author his incomparable writings 21. After he had laid before Q Eliz. the absolute necessity of Repentance and shewed what graces she must attain and way she must walk in to obtain that everlasting Crown and Inheritance promised the Fathers and all their faithful Seed he thus Advert to Q. Eliz. p. 51. 52. concludeth And this is the generation of the Counsel wisedome of God the true description of all her Children which if you understand and do thereafter then shall you discern those reprobate times and save your self from the visitation to come What man is he that travelling by desert places and seeing the day at his going down hasteth not to recover his Inn for fear le●t the night leave him in distresse Hasten then after the Counsel and Correction of God while yet the Day lasteth for behold the Night commeth And these are all which I advertise you few as they be and simple as they go yet if truth deceive me not their right understanding is far finer Gold then is your Scepter and much more honoura●le then your Fathers House And this shall be for a SIGN that I speak not of my self Behold the Mountain which you fear so much I mean the Beast the Man of sin Lucifer son of the morning the Horn that hath so many hundred years blasphemed Heaven and oppressed Earth behold I say though now he be so great as that he makes the Earth to tremble and shake with a word only the very roots of Kingdomes the time hasteth and is at hand wherein he shall be made so little as neither name nor remnant of him nor son nor sons son shall be found upon the Earth For his days are numbred sign'd and seal'd up in the Book of God and yet Seaventy and seven Viz. 77. years which added to 1589. the year wherein this Author writ that Treatise reacheth to the year 1666. days and his number 666. shall be fulfilled And all his Princes his Sorcerers and multitudes of People which now rejoyce and clap their hands drunken with the whordoms and prosperity of Babel shall then lie comfortlesse and wring their hands as fast for Beltis their God is dead And the death of Babylon shall be the life of Sion c. 22. In which passage this is remarkeable that he gives this for a SIGN that he speaks not of himself namely the destruction of Rome in 1666. By which 't is clear that he puts the credit and truth of those other great and weighty matters throughout his writings concerning the Principles of the doctrine of Christ regeneration way to salvation so much now questioned and gainsaid upon this conclusion that is to say to be receiv'd as the very truth if that come to passe but rejected if not as if he had said If i● come not to passe that Rome the Seat of Antichrist be destroyed and burnt with fire by the Kings of the earth that formerly had given their power and strength to the Beast at th' end of 77 years after this viz. in the year Apoc. 17. 666. then look upon my writings as no other then my own private conclusions But if you see the judgement foretold executed on that great City in that year 666. then receive what I have writ as the truth concerning those other things far more excellent of greater concernment then this But hitherto his writings have bin by all sober discerning Christians that have seen them receiv'd and imbrac'd as a great Treasure containing in them most spiritual and heavenly truths consonant and agreeable to the doctrine of Christ his Prophets and Apostles And p. 32. To the Church of Rome he saith And this is the high and holy one To the Church of Rome p. 32. that beareth record with his poor Servant that wrote these things and we know that his record is true thereunto bearing witnesse thousand sighs and tears And that it might be confirmed under three the love of God diffused in his heart the garment dipt in the blood of the Lamb cryeth out uuto you testifying with him these things are true And p. 19. he asks his Adversaries Which of you reproveth him that writeth of a lie And yet none of them ever answer'd or convinc'd him of a lie though divers whereof some now living have in vain attempted it to their
attended for her at length lay hold upon her Behold saith he thus saith the truth in the year which shall be 1666. the judgement pronounced shall lay hands on thee And as all thy fearful wings and feathers be already descended and blown down so before that day which is so nigh at hand the Tyranny of thy malicious Heads cruel Claws shall be consumed brought to nought And in that day thy vain Body shall be burnt with fire and shall be so clean cut off from the Land of the living that neither Son nor Nephew as the Prophet speaketh nor branch nor remnant of thy name shall be found upon the Earth For as it is purposed so shall it come to passe as it is consulted it shall stand Isaiah c. 14. v. 22. 24. 25. After th' Abomination of Rome is past there will be but a few years namely 45. to th' end of this present evil corrupt World as Daniel foretold Chap. 12. Dan. 12. 11 12 13. from the time that the daily sacrifice shal be taken away and th' abomination that maketh desolate set up there shall be a 1290. dayes Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the 1335. days But go thou thy way till the end be for thou shalt rest and stand up in the lot at the end of the days viz. of the 1335 days above mention'd that is in the general Resurrection end of this world when Daniel and all the dead must rise as it is at large else where Rom. Ru. c. 6. declared And then at length will the Lord return to raign with his Servants the holy Patriarks Prophets Apostles and all the Elect both of Jews and Gentiles ●hat were in all ages of the world as it is written The Lord will give him the Throne of his Father David and he shall raign over the house of Jacob forever and of his Dominion there shall be no end According as he had spoken by all the holy Prophets as it is Psal 2. Ask of me and I will give thee the Heathen Psal 2. 8. for thine Inheritance and the utmost parts of the earth for thy possession Psal 72. He shall have Dominion also Psa 72. 8. seq from Sea to Sea from the River to th' ends of the earth They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him his Enemies shall lick the dust The Kings of Tarshish and of the Isles shall bring presents the Kings of Sheba and Saba shall offer gifts Yea all Kings shall fall down before him all Nations shall serve him His name shall endure for ever his name shall be continued as long as the Sun and men shal be blessed in him all Nations shall call him blessed Blessed be the Lord God the God of Israel who only doth wondrous things blessed be his glorious name for ever and let the whole earth be filled with his glory Amen Amen And then all Israel shall be saved as St. Paul saith Rom. 11. And blessed and happy only Rom. 11. 26. happy are they that are regenerate here and born again and overcome their corrupt and evil desires and are mortify'd to this sinful world and live unto God by faith which is the first Resurrection blessed holy Apoc. 20. 6 Psal 37. 18. 19. are they that have part therein for on such the second death hath no power for they are made unto God Kings and Priests and shall raign upon the earth and dwell therein forever with their Lord and Redeemer in that world which is to come when all things upon which the curse came shall be restored renewed wherein righteousness peace shall dwel flourish for ever as it was foretold and declared by all the Prophets and Apostles 26. But that time between the Ruine of Rome and end of the World which will not exceed 45. years although it will be joyful to the faithful and chosen of God in respect of the neer approach of the Lord of those graces comforts which God will give them to enjoy yet it will be very toublesome heavy upon the world upon all the dwellers upon earth who have their conversation below especially in respect of outward troubles fears the more Northern parts of the world for then viz. about 30. years after the fall of Rome as may be gathered from the Scriptures will Gog and Magog with their numerous Armies viz. the Turks Tartars Armenians Persians Arabians and other barbarous Nations spread themselves upon the Mountains of Israel i. e. wil come down in great vast multitudes upon the plains of Germany and other parts of the Empire with intent to swallow up overwhelm the Christians and endeavour to extirpate and blot out the name of Christ from under heaven and subject all Europe to the Ottoman yoak and blasphemous Law of Mahomet And will thus continne war upon them till fire from God out of heaven devour them as it is written Apoc. 20. and as the Lord by Ezekiel doth declare saying And I will rain upon him upon his bands and Apoc. 20. 9 upon the many people that are with him an overflowing rain and great hailstones fire and brimstone Ezek. 30. 22. 27. To conclude as concerning this Authors name we have at present nothing of certainty more then from himself in that Treatise to Q. Eliz. p. 52 where he thus writeth J. T. L. testifie those things with my own ●and in sober humbleness commending them to your Majesty only in Advertis to Q. Eliz. p 52. regard of my duty and for no other reward Give your promotions to those sons of Beor that rise so early s●dle their Asses to post after them For I your Servant haue bread water enough thanks be to my God am therewith as well content as if my Lands were as larg as are the Roialties of the little Bird that possesseth all the Fields over which it flyeth Finally The premises being considered I make bold and am no whit ashamed to affirm though the world will not bear it that this Author was a most choice special Servant of God immediately guided directed by his holy ever blessed Spirit as the holy Prophets Apostles were raised up by God in this last Age to shew these great things th' end of this World to this Generation to call for exhort to Repentance 120. years before hand as Noah was to foreshew th' end of the old World by the Flood exhort the Nations to Repentance 120. years before it came Therefore commending his writings so many of them as could be found here presented together in the following Treatise to all well disposed humble Christians who have their hope not only in this 1 Cor. 15. 19. life but in that which is to come for so are the Apostles words to be understood contrary to the false Atheistical gloss of the Note Reader that in discourse with a chief Rabby amongst
death of the Tree for the Redemption of those that were his sworne enemies And this is the Love which the World can neither give nor receive the Love which forbeareth and is gentle void of envy vanteth not whose countenance is humbled whose steps are modest alway seeking good to others not giving place to anger never found devising or joying in evill but alway rejoycing in the company of truth beareth all things beleeveth all things hopeth all things endureth all things And this is the perfection the new Commandement the Garment dipt in the precious price whose often praise shineth in the two Lamps which burne before the Throne of God and no man can see it or have his part therein that hath not received the promise and spirit of adoption wherein he cryeth Abba father What wilt thou doe to this man to take his love from him wilt thou revile him charge him with names of Heretick Sectary private spirit Devill he bearing in mind thy blasphemy of old and how thou didst call his Lord 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and knowing the Disciple is not above his Master nor servant greater then he that sent him openeth his mouth and blesseth thee for he remembreth the Commandement of his Lord Blesse them that curse yee Wilt thou hate him lye in wait for him and sweare in thy heart to be his enemy he weepeth and loveth thee for hee remembreth the Commandement of his Lord But I say unto you love your enemies Wilt thou bend thy brow and fist against him lay thy hand to the sword and drive him into the corners of th' earth hee goeth weeping and prayeth for thee for he remembreth the Commandement of his Lord Pray for them that persecute ye Wilt thou lay thy hand and authority upon him draw him through thy streets and beat out his braines with the stones thereof he lifting up his voyce commendeth his spirit and last request unto his God and Father beseeching him to forgive his blood unto thee and sleepeth for he remembreth how in like case his Lord the Lamb did so And this is the renovation spirituall and first resurrection Happy man that hath his part therein for the second death shall take no hold on him Who layeth to the charge of this man Who may reprove his light his steps and his corrected customes This man if he have beene a Worshipper of the Beast returning to himselfe falleth downe and broken to water powreth out his complaint before the Throne of God confesseth he was conceived in darknesse his birth was blasphemy his bringing up destruction beseecheth him to remember his Testament and Covenant of mercy wherein from the beginning his soule so delighted in it to pity and gather up againe the blood which sin and abhomination hath spilt and raised up comes out of Her ever after offereth Sacrifice well washt with water the fire of heaven consuming and giving up the savour before the Throne of God to whom in his Lord and Redeemer he is now reconciled and dyeth inward night and day remembring the treason of his life past This man hath he been an adulterer or a defiler of his body returning to himselfe falleth downe at the feet of God and broken to tears cryeth Sodome was his Mother Gomorrah his Father beseecheth him to remember him to remember his Covenant and Testament of mercy wherein his soule so evermore delighted in it to turne and love againe the poore confounded work of his hand by ●in and filthinesse cast out to death and raised up doth so no more ever after holdeth his body chast or honourable and bleedeth inward night and day remembring th'uncleanenesse of his youth This man hath he beene covetous an Userer an Extortioner a Fighter a Loyterer a Theefe a Drunkard Contentious furious a darke and double-dealer a lover of his flesh or any such like returning to himselfe falleth downe and molten to tears powreth out his cryes before the Throne of God confesseth he was conceived in death his teachers and his blood-friends the powers and strength of hell beseecheth him to remember his everlasting Testament wherein his soule so greatly delighteth in it to pity and recover againe the poore and broken work of his hand which ●in and foolishnesse hath slaine And raised up doth so no more ever after breaketh his bread unto the hungry restoreth the poore mans pledge that lyeth bleeding by him rendreth to him to whom he hath done wrong hath peace and love with all men eateth not unlesse he labour and by his true and faithfull paines getteth his bread receiving his increase with moderation and thanksgiving beareth al things forbeareth all things speaketh the truth from his Heart and in his Tongue useth no deceit setteth by himselfe now no more but is become vile and lowly in his owne eyes and mourning consumeth inward ni●ht and day remembring the trespasse of his time lost Come forth ye Theeves and Murtherers out of your Dens and Pallaces you that have filled the aire with voices boasting your works and called the heavens into the field despised their wayes in respect of your works Like as if the Thistle should bragge of his Figges or Thorne should vaunt it selfe against the Vine of Canaan and say her berries were better Grapes then hers Vipers tell us may the fruit be good when the Tree is bad Serpents how can you do good works your selves being evill but because ye have call'd him out modest and fearfull as he is he comes accepteth the controversie and may ye indeed set your prayers and your pilgrimages by his may ye compare your fasts your mercy and your almes with his Looke how a graine imbalanced against the round world is found light and to beare no scale at all so are ye found blind dead and abominable weighed with this man held up by the finger of him whose Hand is an everlasting Scepter a rod and rule of equity Murtherers dare ye to set your prayers by his Behold this man early in the morning and late in the night season with broken and humbled knees presenteth himselfe before the Throne of God and having n'other Father but him alone in sure confidence lifting up his voyce confessing his poverty shame and confusion giveth all praise honour and glory unto his Holy name and utterly ashamed now of his owne will and walks beseecheth him to powre downe his promise the ruler and governour of his Kingdome that being sanctified and guided by it he may ever after walk in his Commandements and worke his holy will even as his servants which minister before his Throne in Heaven And thereto knowledging he is fed and cloathed not by his owne carke and care but by the Hand and providence of his Heavenly Father commendeth unto him his body and the life thereof beseeching though he be not worthy the least of his mercies it may please him notwithstanding to continue his love and graces towards him and calling to mind his seven-fold offence committed before him
among al the Sons of women there was none found his gr●ater because whoso is not first prepared by the ministry of John who was appointed the minister of the baptism of water shal never be purged by his Lord which comes after who sanctifieth by the ministry of the Baptisme of fire I doe not meane the fire of this world nor yet the Element so called for it 's imipossible for any such fires to purge to sanctifie or to refine the sinner But the fire of this birth is a heavenly power and finger from above which writeth in the heart prepared by water and in no other Tables the indeleble Covenant of mercy and love which before all worlds in the precious blood of the Mediator thereof God made with Abraham and his Sons for ever namely that he would remember their sins and their iniquities no more and that he would be to them a God To 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and a Father and they to him a people Sonnes and Daughters And this is the word and ingraving of God which being written in a molten heart and blowne downe with water refineth it to the sey of Rom. 10. 8. Deut. 30. 12. the gold of Ophyr And this is the birth and purgation of fire called in Scripture the Baptisme of the holy Ghost the life the justice the promise and felicity of God as holy David describeth saying Blessed is the man whose sins are covered and whose God is the Lord Psalme 32. 2. 33. 12. JEHOVAH And this is the Tree and first beginning of the wisedome and counsell of God and hee that cannot attaine thereto shall never see the raigne and prosperity of Israel according to the eternall decree proceeded out of the mouth of the highest never to be repented of or called back againe Vnlesse a man be John 3. 5. begotten by water and by the spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdome of God The fruit of this Tree of life spreadeth it selfe into foure branches and as the Heavens by immutable ordinance shut up the course and labour of the yeare in foure seasons so hath the Scriptures complected the whole voyage and travell of this sanctified and new begotten servant in these foure Peace Patience Hope and Love I doe not meane the peace betweene Amon and Moab that is to say the smooth the Civill and dissembling truce of the Kings and Councellors of this world but a peace which passeth their affairs a peace which is heavenly and from above even the peace and reconciliation betweene God and the sanctified in the price and mediation of the Lord of the Covenant for what power what preparation what terror or what else may feare him in whose heart the finger of God hath once engraven a full and perswaded assurance that neither fire nor sword nor death nor life nor powers nor principallities nor things present nor things to come nor natures above nor depths below nor any creature other whatsoever may separate him from the love which God beareth him in Christ Jesus his Lord May the sin wherein he was conceived or the follies and offences wherein his youth delighted or the bold and bloody treasons which his age hath committed or flesh and blasphemies wherewith he is intrenched nay this man is at rest fully perswaded God being with him nothing may prevail against him as it is written If God justifie who can condemn● Isa 50. Rom. 8. And this is the peace which the world cannot give nor take away from any to whom it is given the peace which the Holy one the Redeemer of Israel speaketh of in a certaine place saying Peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you but not as the world giveth let not your hearts therefore be troubled nor feare John 14. 27. And forasmuch as to be at peace and one with God is to be at war and odds with sin and with all her pleasures this man in wonderfull patience prepareth and armeth himselfe to meet the enemy And tho his flesh with all her desires like multitudes of Armies incompasse his soule be sieging pursuing tormenting it day and night as it is written Wee are Ps 44. given up like sheep to be eaten and for thy sake O Lord we are slaine all the day long yet in silence and quietnesse he endureth all sustained by the Word which saith In patience possesse your soules Looking assuredly for the promise of good things to come and that with such a Luke 21. 19. stable and full perswaded expectation as no power in Heaven above or in the earth below may shame or confound his hope fully perswaded that tho now he live closed in flesh as in a City of transgression like righteous Lot in Sodome scorn'd of Angels despis'd of men hated of the world and pursued of his owne yet that his mourning shall tarry but till morning 〈◊〉 for then his life shall be revealed which now lyeth hid laid up in the bosome of his Lord and Redeeme● and shall be declared and given him even in that morning when he shall come to judge the world with righteous judgement rendring to every man just and truly according to the wayes wherein his heart hath walked And in the exercise of these three consisteth the death to sin called in Scripture by the names of Mortification the great affliction the Dust the Tears the shame and oppression of Sion Happy man that hath his part therein for he shall live to see the raigne Rev. 7. 14 15 16 17. wherein the Sun shall not burne him by day nor fire by night any more and wherein he shall not hunger nor thirst nor want nor weep any more The fourth and last branch of this Tree of life is Love the light and perfection of the whole estate and travell of a Christian for can a City built upon a hill hide her face from the passer by or may a Sacrifice salted convey his seasoning from the mouth of the taster may the Sun shine and not shew his beauty or may a Candle burne and not bewray her light And tho these creatures could forget their natures yet cannot the plant in whose heart the eternall Covenant of Love is once engraven forget to burne with like affection first toward God then toward men I meane not those alone which have received like part and fellowship with him but towards those also that are his enemies which love is commended to us by the names of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and is called in Scripture the love of God because it is not learnt of flesh nor after the will and wisedome of flesh but by the sample and patterne of that love wherewith God first loved us Who being fellowed in glory with the highest as testifieth the Prophet Zach. 13. 7. disrobed himselfe of all his beauty and came downe into the world and was fonnd in dishonour in weaknesse in flesh and shape of a servant obedient to the shame and
are Caesars and unto God the things which are Gods Which many blind and fleshly humours not considering have laboured and brought forth such errour and distraction as we see every where this day Some so drunken with the primacies and prerogatives of Caesar as that they feare not to revile the freedome appertaining to the Kingdome of God Others so headlong carried with a false pretended liberty and freedome of a Christian as that they care not to deny the lawful sword and authority of Caesar so that amongst so many so few from time to time are found that can discerne how Saints are free and yet subject to Caesar But God loveth Sion and hath chosen it for in her is truth without confusion And this is the generation of the counsell and wisedome of God and the true description of all her children which if you understand and doe thereafter then shall you discerne those reprobate times and save your selfe from the visitation to come What man is he that travelling by desart places and seeing the day at his going downe hasteth not to recover his Inne for feare lest the night leave him in distresse Hasten then after the counsell and correction of God whilst yet the day lasteth for behold the night commeth And these are all which I advertise you few as they be and simple as they goe yet if truth deceive me not their right understanding is far finer gold then is your Scepter and much more honourable then your Fathers house And this shall be for a signe that I speake not of my self Behold the Mountain which you fear so much I mean the Beast the Man of sin Lucifer Son of the morning the Horne that hath so many hundred years blaphemed heaven and oppressed earth behold I say tho now he be so great as that the makes the earth to Isai tremble and shake with a word only the very roots of Kingdoms the ●ime hasteth and is at hand ●herein he shall be made so little as neither name nor remnant of him nor son nor sons son shall be found upon the earth For his days are numbred signed and sealed up in the b●ok of God and yet seventy and seven days and his number 666. shall be fulfilled And all his Princes his Sorcerers and multitudes of people which now rejoyce and ●lap their hands drunken with the whoredoms and prosperity of Babel shall then lie comfortles and wring their hands as fast for Beltis their God is dead And the death of Babylon shall be the life of Sion but her light may not long endure as testifieth the Prophet and then and in those dayes shall be finished the secret knowne to the Lord alone even the great mystery and redemption of God forespoken of by the Dan. 12. 22. mighty Angel who stood upon Sea and Land and swore by him that liveth for ever and ever That time should be no more And when these things shall come to passe as Revel 10. 6. verily in their appointed time they shall then shal they k●ow that in the days of their rebellion there was a voyce of a servant of God heard amongst them 1 T. L. restifie these things with mine owne hand in sober humblene●●e commending them to your Majestie onely in regard of my duty and for no other reward Give your promotions to those sons of Beor that rise so early ●nd saddle their Asses to post after them for I your servant have bread and water enough thanks be to my God and am therewith as well content as if my Lands were as large as are the royalties of the little bird who possesseth all the fields over which it flyeth Proverb 1. Because ye have despised all my counsell and refused my corrections I will also laugh at your destruction and mock when your feare commeth FINIS BABYLON IS FALLEN OR A Prophesie that had lain hid above two thousand years Foreshewing The rising continuance and fall of the Empire and Supremacie of Rome with all matters of moment that were to come to passe during the reigne of the Emperours and Popes The last being the vanishing of the Germane Empire lately fullfilled The next the dividing of the Kingdome of France by the Sword of Spaine The third that of Spaine by the Sword of other Nations The fourth the destruction of Rome and desolation of her Church in the yeare 1666. The fifth the descending of the Kings of the East and of the whole world unto the battell of the great day of God Almighty The first title was onely Babylon is Fallen with these words of the Prophet For I heard the railings of many and how they watch for my halting saying it may be that he is deceived Jer. 20. 10. LONDON Printed by M. S. 1651. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE ROBERT Lord DEVOREUX Earle of Essex REading of late my Lord a Chapter of Esdras folding up in a mysticall and dark discourse a living Representation of a long time whereof the most is past and some little to come ● thought it no lost labour to take my Pen and unfold the same that therein wee may behold which naturally all desire to see as well the issues of things to come as what is past or now in being and thereafter to qualifie and moderate our hopes and call our troubled thoughts which otherwise run with reins on Neck within the Circle and limitation bounded and drawn from above And finding this Prophesie written by a Man greatly beloved of God and thereto which rare is a Princes Favourite high in grace with a King of Persia I presumed the rather to present this my Labour to your Hon. Lordship as upon whom God hath vouchsafed like great and rare graces ' Tsufficeth that your Honour read it greater favour Esdras seeketh not He Labours not to praise or please which now a dayes finds many friends but to admonish and forewarne which fataly finds none till 't be too late He fears not the Noble and Learned Reprover of supposed Predictions for he hath heard him honour the Prophesies of Holy Writ wherein himselfe hath no less honour gotten then given His other Enemies have wisht me to conceal and t● reserve them to a more open hearing But Esdras is at th● next leaf my Lord and craves your Honours patience for an Hour BABYLON IS FALLEN ESDRAS 4. Chap. II. Vers 1. Then I saw a Dreame AFter this the Prophet saw a Vision concerning the beginning continuance and fall of th' Empire and supremacie of Rome And this Vision was shewed him in the dayes of Artaxerxes King of Persia About four hundred years before the first stone of Julius Caesar her Empire was laid And behold there arose from the Sea an Eagle And there arose among the Nations the fierce and fearfull Kingdome and Empire of Rome seene in Vision by the Prophet Daniel some few years before Which had twelve fethered wings Wherein should arise and raigne twelve Emperours which should spread their Power like wings
his annoiuted Deputies he dare blaspheme the house of God wherein his name is honoured cursing reviling and reputing it a house of schismatiques heretiques excommunicates which blasphemous and undeserved wrong the holy Ghost layeth to his charge in these words and his tabernacle And last of all to shew that there is neither end nor measure in his black presumptuous and blasphemous mouth the Spirit further chargeth him with blaspheming the Saints and servants of God deceased cursing reviling and condemning their doctrine and yet blessing adoring and erecting their shadowes sepulchers and shrines for mediators intercessors and reconciliators betweene God and the sinner like their cursed fore elders the Israelites who boasted in the descent of their Father Abraham and yet balsphemed the faith of Abraham their Father of which blasphemous and indicible contumely against the Son of God and his most holy Spirit the Apostle condemneth him saying And those that dwell in heaven VERS 7. And it was given unto him to make battel with the Saints and to overcome them and power was given him upon every people tribe tongue and Nation ANd as after lightning followeth thunder so after Antichrists blasphemy followeth his persecution as the Spirit testifieth saying And it was given him to bid battel to the Saints which the Prophet Daniel by way of exposition also plainly fetteth forth saying That he should murther and consume the Saints and servants of the most High and with the cursed Philistims should make his festivalls of Samsons afflictions And in further amplification of this his carnificious fury the Spirit setteth forth the largenesse of his charter and commission by an excessive loquution foretelling us that it should be so large and generall that the fire of his prophane and sycophanticall keys should take hold upon every nation and tribe as if we please to cast an eye upon the time past and confer what he had with what he hath we shall easily discerne the meaning of the holy Ghost in these words And power was given him upon every tribe people tongue and nation VERS 8. And all that inhabit the earth adored it whose names be not written in the booke of life of the Lamb which was slain from the beginning of the world THe holy Ghost having in the former part of this Chapter discovered the birth place person power blasphemie and persecution of Antichrist descendeth now to the description of his creatures and devotaries foretelling us that they should be such onely for unto such onely the particle all is here restrained as have their portion and interest in this life whose p●e●y heaven hope and glory is here and not elsewhere which kind of out and overcast Ch●istians the Spirit describeth by a periphrasis most proper to the●r naturall and inbred disposition saying th●y are those that inhabite the earth therein discovering them as by a difference divisive from such as are the Lords pilgrims and strangers on earth having here no permanent abode or place of rest but seeking the things which are above attend with patience the revelation of a life and City to come not made with hands where their Lord and their Redeemer live●h And the Spirit proceeding sheweth further the supreme hidden and unperceivable reason why the adorers of Antichrist thus defiled the ornaments of their calling and why they loved lyes more then truth the Beasts penance more then Gods repentance the Beasts beliefe more then faith towards God the Beasts miserable merits more then the fruits of the Spirit hatred of sin and love of God because as holy David saith they were not found in the Lords record nor written with the righteous for so much the Spirit unfoldeth saying whose names be not written in the Booke of life of the Lamb which was slaine from the beginning of the world VERS 9. If any man have an eare let him heare TH' Apostle having sufficiently deciphered the nature and carriage of Antichrist and his creatures commeth now to discover his reward and judgment which howsoever it tarry little or long is of necessity the reward of sinne But before the Spirit draweth out his sword it pleaseth him in his accustomed mercy to awake his Church and her enemies and to move them to a feare and reverent attention by a generall summons proclaiming If any man have an eare let him heare VERS 10. He that shall lead into captivity goeth into captivity and he that shall kill with the sword must be killed with the sword here is the patience and the faith of the Saints THe holy Ghost in this verse calleth An●ichrist to the Barre and sets him bef●re the world for the very hee on whom the wrath of God and his heavy displeasure is to be executed For he who under colour and pretence of weeding out and rooting up of heretiques hath b●ought into the Church captivity inquisitions tortures and torments to the horrible murther and slaughter of the Saints when in such cases notwithstanding he had neither precept nor example in the life of the Lamb or his Apostles so to doe hee even hee saith the Lord is that party against whom this just judgement of taliation is laid up in store to be executed upon him in that day when the Lord shall bring againe the captivity of his Church which for their sings he hath given up to the sword and fury of the Beast untill she have bo●ne the burthen of her shame and as the Prophet saith renewed her beauty by her sorrows and her glory by Ezek. 39. her persecutions and then shall be fullfilled that which was spoken by the Prophet Wo to thee that spoyledst and wast not spoyled and didst deale wickedly Isa 33. when they did not wickedly against thee for when thou shalt cease to spoyle thou shalt be spoyled and when thy sin is ended thou shalt be rewarded as here also the Spirit denounceth contesting that God shall scourge him with his owne inventions and repay him home in his owne coine saying He that shall lead into captivity shall goe into captivity and he that shall kill shall be killed And in consolation of the Spouse concludeth that howsoever Antichrist and his Delegates foolishly thought by afflicting the Church to destroy the Church yet in her afflictions consisteth the very strength and approbation of her children for by the things they suffer they learne obedience and through patience their faith is consecrated by the which they are perfected and made inheritable of the promise of God all which mercy and favour is commended unto them under the hand and seale of afflictions by which their mad and drunken adversaries thought to consume them and like fools did not consider that as the workman doth square the stone by strokes and as the Snake doth cast his old skinne by passing through sharpe stones so the Lord doth renew his Spouse by stripes and brusheth off her old affections by passing her through the asperitie of tribulation which holy and hidden consideration causeth
the Spirit to honour the sufferings of the Saints so highly as to ascribe unto them the chiefest stayes and supportations of their precious hope and calling namely patience and faith saying Here is the patience and faith of the Saints VERS 11. And I saw another Beast comming up from the earth and he had two hornes like the Lamb but he spake like the Dragon THe holy Ghost in the verse foregoing having pronounced sentence of death against Antichrist before he comes to the execution thereof descendeth to the arraignment and condemnation of his Clergie that so they may be carted to the valley of Hinnom both together whom the Lord here figureth under the name of the Beast saying And I saw another Beast comprehending under the singular number of one Beast by a manner of speech common to the holy Scriptures the whole corporation and university of false and lying teachers who from the first Eremite Hypocrite Father Priest Monk Fryer to the last trumping and vagabond Iesuite have avouched the honour and adoration of Antichrist And is most aptly deciphered by their earthly sensuall and divellish minds in pointing to their countrey and place of extraction whence and where such weeds doe grow saying comming up from the earth And commendeth their making and acquaintance to us by two exqu●site tokens the one their person the other their doctrine Touching their shape and person the Spirit saith that it was in robe and exteriour appearance the very face and countenance of the Lamb deckt and garnished with his owne two hornes to wit the Law and the Gospel wherewith the Lamb doth save and kill for so the Spirit saith And he had two hornes like the Lamb. But as concerning the use and force of the hornes the Spirit saith they were therein so contrary to the Lamb that when they did open either to teach the Law or preach the Gospel they spake and taught like the Dragons Doctours and like the Priests of Jupiter teaching and preaching unto the children of the world that they ought to worship the God of heaven as the Dragons Priests had taught their fathers to worship the Gods of the heathen Which detestable prophanation of the worship of God and preposterous adoration of his name the Spirit detecteth in saying But he spake like the Dragon VERS 12. And all the power of the first Beast he did in his sight and he made the earth and the inh●bitants therein to adore the first Beast whose wound of death was cured BY the power of the first Beast is meant the purpose and plot of the Dragon for the upholding and establishment of their false and godlesse religion to the prophanation and extinction of the true worship and service of God which forasmuch as he could not effect by force and open e●mitie I meane by the bloody persecutions of his prophane and Ethnick Caesa●s he did devise to put a new string to his old bow and to work it out by fraud and falshood of friends and thereupon perswaded his Ethnick Caesars that in policie it was the best to play Christians forasmuch as the world was now so given as Jupiter with all h●s idols must needs give place to Christ because most voices went that way And the better to bring the mystery of iniquity to passe he caused his new christened Caesars to set up a race of sycoph●nticall high and princely Priests who under colour of proctering the affairs of the Lamb should cunningly cl●p Jupiters coat upon the Lambs back and bestow all the ceremonies and ritualls of Jupiter and his idolls upon Christ that so by turning Jupiters worship into Christianisme he might turne the worship of God into Paganisme and idolatry and that so he might at the least prophane and desolate the true worship of the true God whose Majesty and truth of deitie they could no way blemish And for the better successe in this their project should cause to be erected throughout all Kingdomes and Nat●ons certaine covents and swarmes of false ungodly and prostituted Clerks who by avouching and mainta●ning against all commers that Antichrists name is Simon Peter and that the supremacie his Caes●rs and his Kings gave him is the very keys of heaven and hell which the Lam● committed to the dispensation of his Saints and servants and that the throne a●d se●r of wick●dnesse is Peters Chaire and Sea Apostolique and that the execrable forme of Jupiters worship wherein his Lords and Caesars delig●ted is the very true worship and service of God which ●he Lamb and his Apostles delivered And by these mists legerdemains and new editions of old idolatry should establish in the sight of Antichrist the ●elfe same p●ophanation and devout impiety which his Antecessors the Caesars so ardently embraced for so much the Spirit rippeth up in saying And all the power of the first Beast he did in the sight of Antichrist and thereby so strongly deluded and seduced the children of disobedience most properly here as elsewhere described by the name of the earth and the inhabitants therein that they loathed the Sac●ifices of the God of heaven and refused to worship as the Lord commanded and chose rather as the Spirit saith to adore the first Beast that is to say to worship the God of their fathers as the Dragon commanded them just after the prescription of his Caesars and manner of the heathen And that we may the better discerne from whom those Proctors of Don Ant●christ borrowed this their abominable Church-service the Spirit remembreth the repaired wound of their masters creditors pate mentioned in the third verse Whose wound of death was cured VERS 13. And he did many signes so that he made fire to come downe from heaven to the earth in the sight of men THe holy Ghost having arraigned and condemned the Clergy of Antichrist touching their doctrine proceedeth further to detect their abomination and forgery in seeking to confirme their false doctrine by lying signes and works of wonder condemning therein first their vanity secondly their presumption For as nothing can be more vaine and ungodly then to seeke by lying signes and wonders to confirme the doctrine of the Lamb and his servants which is all sufficiently established by their owne magnificent and divine miracles unto which the Church of God upon her allegiance is enjoyned to subscribe so nothing can be more presumptious and wicked then to attempt by fignes and wonders the confirmation of any other doctrine then that which the Lamb and his two witnesses have sealed and delivered unto us according to the statute of God Deut. 13. And though their signes were many as the Spirit reporteth saying And he did many signes yet were they but forgeries and lies not wrought in truth and dignity but in falshood and fallacy as our Lord himselfe and his servant Paul foretold us Mat. 24. 2 Thess 2. In which regard the holy Ghost squaring the miracles of these exorcists after the rule of their doctrine which was in shew
Arrows of Heaven into the p●ace from whence they come or to meete the whirle-winde comming in his strength like a King his men of Armes and Fifers by his side and shoulder him out of his point into another it shall be easier for thee I say to doe all these things then t'answer the voices which shall be heard against thee And I thy Brother am in Babylon mourning over thee and it and there will tarry notwithstanding the rage and violence of all thy Spades thy Speares and Arcu buzadoes this day and tomorrow and the third will pay my vows Amen ESAY Bell is fallen Nebo is smitten down whose Images were burthens for the Beasts and Cattel of the field to overcharge and weary them FINIS AN ADVERTISEMENT TO Q. Elizabeth Presented to her Majestie by the Author thereof First Printed in Anno Dom. 1589. And sundry times since TO HIS MOST EXCELLENT SOVERAIGNE PRINCESSE Queene Elizabeth IF it be impertinent and out of season in regard of your other pleasures to advertise these few words let truth be blamed for I your servant cannot but speake the things I know and testifie that which I have seen and heard what though I be no Minister nor Sonne of a Minister Shepheards and Clownes have beene Divines sometimes and why not I I doe not advertise you concerning the wisdome of a Princesse of this World how to relieve your people if they be oppressed nor how to curb them if fullnesse make them wanton nor how to raise a little weale to great nor how to uphold it from falling downe againe for all these things may you doe and perish but I advertise you concerning a wisdome from above which if you understand and doe thereafter then shall your Scepter be a Scepter of continuance and you a Princesse and a Queene for ever not like to Babylon nor Monarch of the East nor like the rakehell rout of Emperors and Kaisers of this world which for a season flourish and then goe downe to hell but like unto his Servant David who in the dayes of his flesh performed the duties of a King of this world and yet remaineth a King for ever for he observed the counsell and wisdome from above which made him so faire in situation like to Mount Sion never to remove And this wisedome which we speake is a Law not that of fearfull Sinai a Law of condemnation a Statute of execution a Covenant of death condemning the transgressor to everlasting captivity But it is a Law proceeding out of Sion a Law of pardon a Statute of deliverance a Covenant of life redeeming the sinner from the wrath of the day to come And therefore this wisedome is called in Scripture the new Covenant the Covenant of Levi the everlasting ordinance the truth the light the life the reward the promise the power the salvation the redemption the sanctification the justice the counsell the correction the hidden purpose the secret intent the mysterie and Kingdome of God And one in a certaine place calleth it the wisdome from above because it is not a vertue ingendred or in begotten by any grace or benefit of nature growing to perfection by long studie and large experience Iam. 3. 17. but a mysterie and secret from above which God determined before all worlds and hath revealed it to the glory of those whom he hath chosen and this is the wisdome whose nature we advertise not in the tea●mes and eloquence of the Theologall discourses of this age but in the power and strength of God able to raise from death to life the soule that understandeth it The whole nature and work of this heavenly wisdome is perfectly set out and declared unto us in these two First in her Tree next in the fruit thereof Her Tree in Scripture is disciphered by the names of cleansing or washing or purging and sometimes expressed by a borrowed word as a new making a new birth a birth from above a re-begetting and is so called not in a naturall but in a spirituall meaning not because it reduceth us into our parents calling us out of their bowells againe but by comparation way of similitude that like as by our naturall and fleshly generation we are borne servants and sons of wrath which sometimes we were not so by this spirituall generation and birth from above wee are borne free and made the sons of God which by nature wee are not for that which is of nature is flesh subdued unto sin imbondaged to death and cannot see the inheritance and Kingdome of God but that which is born from above is Spirit redeemed from the captivity of sin and of death and chosen to inherite the Kingdome and promise of God And this birth and propagation from above is wrought and brought to passe by these two to wit by water and by fire whereof this purgeth the other prepareth I doe not meane the water of Jordane nor any waters from below for it is impossible for the water of fountaines to breake to mollifie or to prepare the sinner but the water of this birth is a force and vertue from above which turneth and as it were transhapeth the hard and stony heart of the sinner into tears preparing it by this kind of water to receive the promise and redemption of God And therefore the Scripture compareth the man that is begotten by water to a Mount that is become a Valley unto a Cedar now become a Plant to a rough and crooked way that is become a plaine unto a wise and prudent one but now become a babe unto a stone transformed to flesh and to a substance hard as Diamond translated to a nature as soft as water by these and such like speeches describing the man whose heart is turned from all the joyes and contentments of sin into a feare and sorrow for them and from all her temporary and false pleasing lusts into a restlesse and indicible desire to be restored to grace and reconciled to God again For the hill doth not more differ from the Valley the Cedar from the plant the crooked from the plaine the discreetly aged from the little child the hardnesse of flint from the softnesse of flesh the substance of Diamond from the nature of water these I say differ not each from other more then this man now from that he was And this is the birth and preparative of water called in Scripture the Baptisme of John Whose ministry was ordained as testifieth the Prophet to prepare the way before the great Redeemer and Messenger of the Covenant Mal. 3. 1. 4. 6. by turning the hearts of the Children into water like to the hearts of their Fathers Abraham Isaac and Jacob that God might also turne unto them in mercy and love as hee did unto those their Fathers And therefore his Lord in a certaine Scripture gave him in regard of his ministry that honourable testimony namely that he was more then a Prophet Mat 11 9. 11. and that