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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A55794 The ready way to everlasting life, or, A perfect remedy against the poyson of sin in this little book is contained many severall and excellent vertues ... / by L.P. L. P. (Laurence Price), fl. 1625-1680? 1665 (1665) Wing P3381; ESTC R36690 4,982 18

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roul'd a mighty great stone against the Sepulchre door they hired watchmen to keep all fast and to be brief they thought they had made all things so sure that Christ his body should never be removed therehence in hast but by the great power of the Lord there came a Heavenly Angel to the door of the Sepulchre and rould away the stone which was laid to keep Christ in the Grave mean while the watchmen being sorely amazed at the sight of the Angel they ran away trembling with fear so Christ arose from the dead and the grav have no more power over him after that he appeared to his Disciple and to others several times to shew that he was recovered and that he had overcome death but Thomas one of his disciples would not believe that the Lord was risen from death til such time that he put his finger into the wound which the spear had pierced seen his hand which had been nayled to the Crosse wherefore our Saviour Christ came into the place bodily where Thomas was and shewed him the side which the Speare had pierced and the hands and feet of his which had bin nailed to the bloody tree which when Thomas had seen and felt he confessed and said unto Christ thou art my Lord my God but Jesus saith unto him Thomas Because thou hast seen me thou hast believed me Blessed are they that have not seen and have believed Johns Gospell 20 28. All this done to strengthen our beliefe and to shew us that as he himself is risen from the dead and ascended into heaven so can he also raise quicken us if we lay hold on him trust in him faithfully believe that he came into the world suffered all those things to be done for his love that he bore unto mankind to save out souls from perpetuall damnation God in his mercy give us grace to make good use of our times and so behave our selves whilst we remaine in this world that after this life is ended we may injoy everlasting happiness in the Kingdome of Heaven with God the Father through the mighty merits of Jesus Christ his only Son to whom with the Holy Ghost be ascribed all honour glory power praise might Majesty thanksgiving both in this world and in the world to come Amen The next matter is here to be exprest is instructions for youth which if youth will observe and follow they shall find it to be sweeter then the hony and the hony comb Psalm 19. Solomon the wise bids his Son delay no time but saith thus to all Remember thy Creator in the dayes of thy Youth as you may read Eccles 12 1. which sentence of his may very well agree with the proverb How that that which is bred in the bone will never out of the flesh so I say that he or she that will not serve God when they are young will hardly be brought to do God any good service when they are old wherefore I desire all sorts of youthfull people to have a speciall regard to what shall be spoken and withall to do their best endeavour to follow these instructions Ephesians 6 Children obey your Parents in the Lord Honour your Fathers and Mothers so shall your dayes be long and your lives happy The cause why so many youthful people now a days run head-long into desperate dangers and sudden mischiefs is this because they will not hearken unto the words of wise Solomon who saith thus My Son attend unto wisdome and how down thine eares to understanding Proverbs 5. Beloved these are precious words and worth the hearkning unto for He or She that hath understanding can never do amisse let the world run which way soever it will a wise man will be content with what Estate or condition soever he be in whether it be riches or poverty sicknes or health oppression or liberty right or wrong all 's one to a wise man for he putteth his trust in God who will surely deliver him out of all his troubles in due time according as David the Prophet saith in his Psallms Many and numberlesse are the Troubles of the Righteous but the Lord delivers them out of all againe A wise man is able to undergo and endure reproachfull words evill Actions Abusive Deeds Spightfull Neighbours Unkind Kindreds Ye and although it were so that the whole World should set themselves against him yet he is sure that they can do no more to him then God will give them leave to do for he hath learned such a faithfull lesson of his Master Christ Jesus that he can say with a safe conscience Blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness sake as you may read Mat ●● 10. Besides a●● this wisdome hath a great many Vertues belonging unto her which have not yet been spoken of as it shall presently be made known to all that will give eare to what shall be exprest in this profitable discourse If any one desires to be rich let them repair unto Wisedome for without Wisedome there is no good to be done a wise wan is able to discern the good from the bad the just from the unjust the right from the wrong and he that findeth wisdom findeth life and shall obtaine favour of the Lord and how can a man be poor that hath those blessings bestowed upon him Proverbs 8 35. Furthermore a wise man will take heed of what company he comes into for a man cannot touch pitch but he must be defiled Good wine is chosen by the smell by the colour and by the taste so must you chuse your Companions by their Religions by Wisdome and by vertue doth not very days experience tell us How that they which goes commonly hannteth evil company are counted to be as bad as themselves And have we not heard nor known that at sometimes there have true men bin taken in thieves companies and all sent to Prison together Yea and some have lost their livs only by keeping of evill company It is an old saying that company is good whether it be to Heaven or to Hell but I say thus that one were better go to Heaven alone then to Hell with a multitude of Wicked People And better it is to be alone by ones self then to be in company with Ungodly people a man cannot lie amongst dogs but he must be bitten with fleas nor can any one haunt and be in evill company but he must be evill thought on and spoken of therefore I desire all people whether they be old or young to be wise and to flye from sin as they would flye from a biting Viper and also to flye from evill company as you would flye from the Divell And now to conclude I desire you all to observe and make good use of these instructions and to lead your lives in such a godly manner whilst you remain in this world so that after this life ended Christ may receive your souls into his heavenly Kingdome Where is Joy world without end FINIS
THE READY WAY to Everlasting Life OR A perfect Remedy against the Poyson of SIN In this little Book is contained many severall and excellent vertues which being wel read heard understood and made use of it will both direct and instruct all sorts of people old and young rich and poor men and women and children how to order their lives in this world so that they may enjoy the blessings which Christ hath prepared for them in the world to come which is life Everlasting Here is Consolation for the Soul Here is comfort for the Body Here is ease for a troubled Conscience And here is content for the mind O hear ye this all ye people ponder it with your Eares all ye that dwell in the world high and low rich and poore one with another Psal 29.1 2. By L. P. Printed for R. Gilbertson 1665. The ready way to Everlasting Life OR A perfect Remedy against the Poyson of Sin IN the first place my invitations I prefer to all people but especially to them that are stricken in age and are ready to go to to their Grave I invite you therfore to observe those directions which are necessary for Salvation and withall to consider what a smal quantity of time you have to live in the world we read in the Scriptures that Adam lived nine hundred and 30 years and he dyed Seth lived nine hundred and 12 yeares and he dyed and also the dayes of Canaan was nine hundred and ten years and he dyed and all the days of Methasala was 9 hundred sixty and nine years and he dyed as you may read it large in the 5. Chap. of Genesis We also read and know that David was a valiant man Solomon a wise man Sampson a strong man Absolon a beautiful man and Adam a rich man for the Lord God made him Lord and Master of all other creatures Gen. 1 28. yet all those dyed as they came from the Earth even so they returned to the dust What reason hath any man therefore in our times to flatter themselves to forget that they must all go to the earth from whence they came seeing by daily experience that no man can add one Cubite to his own stature nor no man can prolong his own life one hour nor can all the men of the world resist the will of God for Gods will must be done both in earth and in heaven as you may read in Mathew the 5. Is the case so plain then that all men must in a short space forsake the world for ever why then I would intreat all men to follow these directions and to forsake sin before sin forsake them Moreover I would desire every man and woman that as they would prepare and make themselves ready to goe to a rich and glorious wedding on the very next morrow where is all kinds of varieties of what your hearts can crave or your tongue ask for so would I have you every day to make ready prepare your selves to go to God as one that have a long journey to go or to ride will be up early in the morning to set forward on the way lest by his negligence he should come too late to his journies end and so be kept out of his appointed lodging in the like manner I would intreat all those that are willing to be the Servants and Disciples of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ to prepare themselves with all speed that possible they may or can to come to the place where their Lord and Master is which is indeed a place of happinesse there is mirth without mourning joy without sorrowing there is light without darknesse and life without death where they that are once brought in shall never be turned out to which happy and Heavenly place the Lord in his good time bring us all Amen The ready way to the Everlasting place which is before spoken of I shall by Gods assistance direct you unto Your way must be First to ask God forgivenesse for all the time you have mispent and every day and every hour to repent you of your wicked living in this sinfull world you must henceforth whilst you do live in this world Pray unto God to give you grace and the assistance of his Holy Spirit so that you may ever hereafter serve God obey his holy word and will in a better manner then you have don heretofore you must also deal your bread to the hungry cloath the naked suffer the harborlesse comfort the fatherlesse be good to the poor distressed widdows visit the sick and according to your ability do good to all men that are in want for he that stopeth his ears at the cries of the poor shall cry himselfe and not be heard Proverhs the 10. Moreover you must not think that when you have done those good things which are ere spoken of that you have done enough to bring your soul to heaven without any more to doe but you must believe in God the Father Son and Holy-Ghost and how that Christ came that was the only Son of God the father into this world on purpose to save the souls of all true repenting sinners and to be Tormented for us here in this world because we should not be Tormented in the world to come as it may appeare in all parts of the Scriptures which were written from the time of the worlds creation to the latter end of the holy Bible Book but most chiefly the 4 Evangelists have every one discribed the manner of his comming into the world the time of his life the day of his death and in what manner and for what cause he dyed whilst he lived on the earth he shewed wonders did miracles he made the blind to see the lame to go and raised the dead to life al which was done to make it known to all the world that he was the wonderful and powerfull son of God and able to doe whatsoever it pleased his Father to have done to put us in remembrance and believe that he is the Saviour and redeemer of al that trust in him further more for our sake he suffered hunger thirst cold imprisonment reproachfull words spightful deeds bitter stripes false accusations taunts and scornes Buffeting Whippings and Spittings on the face And at the last he was Crucified upon a bloody piece of Timber between 2 notorious malefactors being nailed fast on the Cross through hands and feet and now let all Christians not only look upon but also remember to think upon what Christ our Lord hath undergone to redeeme our souls from the slavery of the divel to bring us into the sounder belief consider what was brought to passe through the power of the Almighty after that the Villaines had so cruelly murdered Christ which was and is a King of Kings and Lord of Lords Revelations 19 10. They took him down from the Crosse they laid him in a grave where never none was laid before they