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A37263 Truth and innocency vindicated against falshood & malice exprest in a late virulent pamphlet intituled, (A true account of a most horrid and dismal plague began at Rothwell, &c.) without printer's licenser's or author's name thereunto) : together with an account of the Kettering visitation / by R. Davis ... ; to which is added, Mr. Rob. Betson's answer to so much as concerns him in the said libel. Davis, Richard, 1658-1714.; Betson, Robert. Answer to some part of that pamphlet called, A plain and just account of a plague being at Rothwell. 1692 (1692) Wing D435; ESTC R10047 98,027 94

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dependeth wholly upon our Obedience as the condition to which it is promised and therefore it puts us into a condition or State of Life Imperfect and subject to Change as Obedience it self is that we are not perfectly justified till Obedience be perfected 7. That by their Obedience Believers serve God and are fitted for Heaven and their Afflictions are Paternal Corrections to quicken them and to purge them but not inflicted as effects of the Curse 7. That Believers by their Obedience obtain continue and perfect their Right to Heaven and that their Afflictions are Fruits of the Curse of the Law Christ having purchased only that it should not Damn us but left it to the Father to Punish us for Sins in this Life as he shall think fit 8. We are made partakers of Christ's Righteousness and the Benefits thereof by Faith and that Faith is a trusting in the Promise of Life for the sake of Christ's Righteousness 8. That Faith in its whole Latitude is believing and obeying the Gospel that by this we are made partakers of the Benefits of Christ he having only purchased this Grant or Law that they which Obey him shall be Saved not that his Obedience should Save them 9. That Justification is the acceptance of a Sinner with God as Righteous through the Righteousness of Christ imputed to him whereby he hath a full right to Eternal Life 9. Justification is nothing else but the Pardon of Sin i. e. the not exacting the punishment of Sin due by the Law of Works and an acceptance of Man so far and so long as he performeth the Conditions of sincere Obedience These I unfeignedly Assent and Consent to These I Declare and protest against Rich. Davis Richard Davis BEhold the present controversie rightly Stated and tho many of the present Adversaries seem to approve of the Old Protestant Scheme and to be shie of the other yet let their Principles Doctrins and Expressions be persued close and you will catch them in the Neonomian Scheme and many of those they call Anti-Nomian flow genuinely from the Old Protestant Scheme I shall add no more but heartily Pray that the Spirit of Truth would guide us into all Truth as it is in Jesus Amen And that the World may know what my Judgment is in Matters of Faith I do heartily declare my Assent unto and Approbation of these following Articles I. Of the Scripture THE Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testament are the Word of God and the only Rule of Faith and Life II. Of God There is but one only the living and true God who is a Spirit Infinite Eternal and unchangeable in his Being Wisdom Power Holiness Goodness and Truth There are three Persons in the God-head the Father eternally begetting the Son eternally begotten of the Father and the Holy Ghost eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son the same in Essence equal in all the incommunicable and communicable Attributes of the Divine Nature III. Of God's Decree The Decrees of God are his Eternal Purpose according to the Council of his Will whereby for his own Glory he hath fore-ordain'd whatsoever comes to pass which Decrees he executes in the Works of Creation and Providence IV. Of Creation The work of Creation is God's making all things of nothing by the word of his Power in the space of six Days and all very good and after other Creatures he Created Man Male and Female after his own Image in Knowledge Righteousness Holiness with Dominion over the Creatures V. Of Providence God's Works of Providence are his most Holy Wise and Powerful Preserving and Governing all his Creatures and all their Actions VI. The Covenant of Works When God Created Man he entred into a Covenant of Life with him as the common Head and Representative of all Mankind upon condition of perfect Obedience forbidding him to Eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil upon pain of Death which Covenant our first Parents being left to the freedom of their own Will broke and so fell from the Estate wherein they were Created by sinning against God and all Mankind descending from Adam by ordinary Generation sinn edwith him and Fell with him in his first Transgression VII Of Sin by the Fall The Sinfulness of every Man descending from Adam by an ordinary Generation consists in the Guilt of Adam's first Sin the want of Original Righteousness and the Corruption of his whole Nature which is commonly call'd Original Sin together with all Actual Sins whereby he is opposite to all Good and bent to all Evil and liable to God's Wrath the Curse of the Law Death and all Miseries Spiritual Temporal and Eternal The remainders of this Original sinful Nature acts even in the Saints when their State is changed through Grace VIII Of Christ Christ Jesus the Eternal Son of God became Man being conceived in the Womb of the Virgin Mary by the Holy-Ghost and thereby taking our Nature upon him continueth to be God and Man in two distinct Natures and one Person for ever IX Our Lord Jesus Christ both in his humbled and exalted state executeth the Office of a Prophet of a Priest and of a King to his Church X. Of the Prophetical Office of Christ Christ executes the Office of a Prophet in the times both of the Old and New Testament in revealing by his Word and Spirit the whole Mind and Will of God for Man's Salvation XI Of the Priesthood of Christ Christ executeth the Office of a Priest in once offering up himself a Sacrifice without Spot to God to be a Reconciliation for the Sins of all them that shall be Saved and in making continual Intercession for them at the Right Hand of the Majesty on High XII Of the Kingly Office of Christ Christ as our Redeemer executeth the Office of a King in calling out of the World a People to himself in Ruling and Defending them and in restraining and conquering all his and their Enemies XIII Of the Covenant of Grace The Covenant of Grace was made with Christ as the second Adam and in him with all the Elect as his Seed and was made manifest by freely providing and offering to Sinners a Mediator and Life and Salvation through him XIV Of Iustification Those whom God effectually Calleth he also freely Justifieth not by infusing Righteousness into them but by pardoning their Sins and by accounting and accepting their Persons as Righteous not for any thing wrought in them or done by them but for Christ's sake alone not by imputing Faith it self nor any other Evangelical Obedience unto them as their Righteousness but by imputing the Obedience and Satisfaction of Christ unto them They receiving and resting on him and his Righteousness by Faith which Faith they have not of themselves it is the Gift of God And this Faith is not a dead Faith but worketh by Love and is accompanied with all other saving Graces XV. Of Faith Faith in the General is a giving credit
Scripture when Moses had set before the Jews divers of Mount Sinai's Statutes he intermingles this Caution Lev. 18. 5. Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments which if a man do he shall live in them I am the Lord. I suppose few think Life eternal is meant here and I suppose not Life temporal only for it was not present death to break any of these Statutes only some of them therefore a spiritual Life must be also included The same is quoted and to the same purpose Nehem. 9. 29. so also Ezek. 20. 11. And no less does the Apostle opposing the Life of Faith now to that Life they had from Mount Sinai's Covenant insinuate that then it was He that doth these things shall live in them but now the just shall live by faith Gal. 3. 11 12. Rom. 10. 5 c. 3 dly It plainly follows that so long as they obeyed and sacrificed so long they were quiet in their Consciences 4 thly I do not deny but they had Faith upon God in the Promise but in most of them it was weak dark and uncertain so as little Peace of Conscience could accrue only from thence 5 thly This is verified in the Experiences of many Christians especially them that walk legally who have too much a tang of that Covenant still in their spirits If the Question was asked them Whether they have their Peace of Conscience always from Faith in exercise on the Person and Righteousness of Christ or from their Vows Resolutions and Obedience with other marks they set up to themselves which are meerly legal I am certain if they speak the truth they must answer the latter for this I have experienced my self many years 6 thly Suppose it at the worst where is the dangerous Error of it now a days since we are not under that but another Dispensation And this Assertion only comes in to illustrate and magnify the Glory of this New Testament Dispensation Then I added in Discourse that Isaiah did not understand his own Prophesies as well as the Apostle Paul which I cannot but judge to be very true tho' my words were then wrested and trumpeted abroad according to the usual manner Let this also suffice as an Answer to the 11 th Charge in their order 17. Sinners must come to Christ and be united to him in all their sin and filth That the Gospel invites Sinners as Sinners to come to Christ and not as Saints nor as little and reformed Sinners is evident from the whole current of the Gospel's invitation Consider Isa 55. 1. 43. 22. to 26. Isa 65. 1. compared with Rom. 10. 20. Rev. 22. 17. All sorts are invited to come heavy-laden Sinners Mat. 11. 28. The like invitation Luke 14. the maimed the halt and the blind were to be brought in ver 21. and the high-way Sinners compelled to come in ver 23. I would fain know where and when People must leave their Sins before they come to Christ 'T is true instantly upon their closing with Christ they are no longer under the dominion of sin for they are under grace Rom. 6. 14. Therefore all the Scriptures quoted for the Confutation of this are not to the purpose not one of them proving that Sin can be mortified in a state of Nature before a Soul comes to Christ But this Objection shews its Teeth and discovers who the Objectors are and what their design is viz. To maintain a power in Man's will to believe repent and turn himself antecedent to Christ's coming to the Soul by his Spirit 18. 'T is great comfort to us when we were weak in the Faith that Christ is strongly believing in Heaven for us Answ The Writer that came at the latter end took this false also For these Assertions were then laid down 1. That Christ believed and exercised other Graces of the Spirit whilst on Earth as appears from the Word of the Lord proved by Dr. Goodwyn in his Triumph of Faith 2. That thus his fulfilling of all was for the Elect as their Mediator and that the holy Graces of the Spirit he exercised as Man came within the compass of imputed Righteousness This is undeniably proved in the aforementioned place 3. That his meritorious Righteousness in all its parts tho' compleated on Earth is now in Heaven where the person of Christ is who presents it to the Father on Believers behalf and he presents Believers in it And how Prejudice hath wrested this is evident from the Pamphlet But I add No doubt tho' the Lord Jesus has all power committed to him for bringing his Sons and Daughters to Glory yet he trusts his Father for bringing them also which redounds to our benefit This Assertion is grounded on his Intercession to his Father John 17. 11. And now I am no more in the world but these are in the world and I come to thee Holy Father keep through thine own Name those whom thou hast given me c. 19. God the Father and God the Son are at strife who shall love Man best Answ I remember well it was thus exprest There seemed to be an holy Contention between God the Father and the Son who should love the Elect best grounded upon those words John 10. 17 with other Scriptures compared They were Dr. Goodwyn's own words or very like them And I know not why we may not use holy strains of Rhetorick to set forth that unfathomable and ineffable Love of the Father and the Son in the Election and Redemption of Sinners without being an offence to any Ears but those that are stuft with Prejudice As for that Expression said to be used as the language of Christ to the Father I will throw up my work of Redemption if you will not give me these I remember nothing of it nor believe any thing of it to be true 20. Persons may sincerely desire Christ to be their Prophet Priest and King and yet be Hypocrites still Answ This is a notorious Falshood whoever it is that affirms it No Man of Reason not blinded by Malice can think me so void of common Sense as to express my self thus WE the Members of the Church of Christ at Wellingborough having formerly attended Mr. David ' s Preaching do upon the best Recollection of what we heard testify and declare He has been much wronged and that his Preaching amongst us has been to advance Grace and Holiness and the Doctrine that is according to Godliness Robert Berson Thomas Barker William Hensman Maximilian Grindon John Fox William Smith Thomas Tutel Samuel Tecar William Hall William Marshall Francis Mee Samuel Conquest Thomas Falknor Thomas Wells William Martin The following false Stories came from Cambridge which I have already answer'd to the London Ministers I shall prove how I am abused therein by divers substantial persons And I have here this advantage that the mistaken Objectors were speedy in these Charges whilst matters were fresh in the memories of the Hearers so that they then
only think so Answ The Adversaries themselves make nothing of this and it needeth no Answer Our Lord there speaketh to the Pharisees who themselves judged the Scriptures to shew the way to eternal life but yet they did not see he was the Person the Scriptures testified of No doubt People may set up a bare knowledge of the Letter of the Scripture in the room of the Mediator as it was the Case of the Pharisees 8. Make me as one of thy hired Servants Luke 15. 9. Lo here is his unbelief when God would have him be a Son he would be a Servant Answ Questionless 't is Unbelief not to accept of what is offered and what we are commanded to receive That is the only true modesty that glorieth not in the Flesh but in Christ and his Righteousness And that 's Gospel-humility where the Soul is emptied of itself most receiving from the fulness of Christ There may be a legal humility and unbelieving modesty What think ye of their modesty mentioned Acts 13. 46. whom the Apostles Paul and Barnabas charge with high wickedness for judging themselves unworthy of eternal life 9. There shall go forth such from Rowell as shall sound the Gospel over these three Kingdoms Answ I cannot tell whether ever it was said so by any yet I can say it is my hopes the Lord Jesus e're long will send forth out of other Churches of Christ as well as that at Rothwell such as shall be made very instrumental for the conversion of Souls WE the Members of the Church of Christ over whom Mr. R. Davis is Pastor and his constant Hearers having seriously considered the aforesaid Principles laid to his Charge do declare and testify they are utterly false and that the current of his Doctrine has been as he himself has laid it down And further the design of his preaching amongst us has been to offer pardoning Grace through the blood of Christ freely to Sinners to press them to accept thereof on the pain of damnation To press us to Holiness from the principle of saving Faith To advance the Person and Offices of the Lord Jesus likewise the Person Offices Graces and Gifts of the Spirit And lastly to advance electing Grace reigning through the Righteousness of Christ Jesus We also attest that all those evil Practices laid to his Charge and especially the ridiculous-Falshoods about Admissions are abominable Vntruths Where unto we have subscribed our Names at the general Church-meeting it being a solemn Day of Fasting and Prayer Robert Tebatt John Taylor Jonathan Wells John Arnall William Watts Edward Coales Francis Cave Thomas Chambers Robert Hills John Mansfield Thomas Servell Thomas Rowlatt Nathaniel Chamber Samuel Lades John Bridges Thomas Kilingworth William Whittwell James Taylor Richard Tebatt Christopher Brett Jacob Harle Joseph Person Thomas Ladson James Bodymore Richard Gaurn John Wood Stephen Smith Jonathan Palmore Robert Hoeman John Tebatt Robert King Thomas Whittwell Thomas Hall Samuel Knight John Wills William King William Arch Thomas Paine Thomas Remington Samuel Rogers These following were pretended to be delivered about Kimbolton 10. There are five times wherein Christ intercedes c. Answ However the two Ministers represented it that which was said was this That there are five times of Christ's especial Intercession Not that his Intercession is changeable in itself but in respect of us as to the effects thereof As for Instance Christ intercedes for his Elect before called yet then only it takes effect when they are effectually called So again for his Children under Backslidings yet then made effectual when they are recovered And as for the time of greater sinning it was thus alledged That then he intercedes that their Faith may not totally fail It was illustrated by the Example of Peter Satan's design in his Tryal was not only to cause him to deny his Master but also to take occasion from thence to urge him to cast away all his hopes But says our Lord I have prayed for thee that thy Faith fail not I never held nor preached That his Intercession was Oral that was the Construction Prejudice put upon it This is my Judgment That he presents his Satisfaction to his Father in a way consistent with his glorify'd state The preverting the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and making it to signify a Comforter in 1 John 2. 1. is indeed according to the Grotian Divinity I judge the Libellers would do well to consider that Christ there is represented as transacting above with his Father and not with us It is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an Advocate with the Father And whether that be good Sense to render it thus That he transacts as a Comforter towards his Father I leave it to the Judgment of judicious and indifferent Persons E're I part with this I must fix a Falshood upon the Libellers who affirm That two Ministers discoursed me about it at that time whereas it was Mr. Chandler then only spoke to me and it was about the Sense of that Scripture Mat. 10. 32 33. 11. Justification by Faith is only a manifestation of it in our Conscience Answ That I said Only a manifestation of it in our Consciences is false like all the rest But that justifying Faith in the infused Principle thereof is a divine supernatural Manifestation or Revelation to the Conscience is undeniably grounded upon the holy Scripture of Truth Thus saith the Lord Hebr. 11. 1. Faith is the evidence or demonstration of things not seen but yet the demonstration of the Spirit and of power 1 Cor. 2. 4. Christ as working this Faith is said to manifest himself John 14 21 22. The Spirit as the efficient thereof is said to testify of Jesus John 15. 26. To take of the things of Christ and shew them to the Soul John 16. 14. God the Father also as the great Author of Faith is asserted to reveal his Son in the Soul Gal. 1. 16. And he that believeth hath the witness or manifestation in himself 1 John 5. 10. with divers other Scriptures Whence 't is evident That Faith is a Divine Manifestation in the Principle thereof and the Act flowing from it is the Soul's acceptance of manifested Grace and Principle and Act are of the essence of saving Faith Therefore it follows First They that contend for their word Illumination in opposition to Scriptural terms plainly prefer their own Phrases before the Words which the wisdom of the Holy Ghost teacheth Secondly But more especially they that exclude Divine-Illumination or Manifestation from the Essence of saving Faith either set up 1. An implicit Popish Blindfold Faith or 2 dly Set up Faith to act without a Principle which is monstrous and absurd or 3 dly Since in this Divine Principle of living Light Christ comes into the Soul by his Spirit and therein supernatural Power is communicated to the Soul to act as a living Soul in Christ they consequently set up a power in Man's Soul to believe antecedent to Christ's coming to
Brethren and Love to God and Christs But this way he denied and said Men make Idols of them and worship Stones and Stocks and such as put them on this way of 〈…〉 Priests Mr. Thomas 〈…〉 Dowly attested Mr 〈…〉 Sanctification is no Evidence of Justification Mr. Bland 't was also said Mr. Hunt would attest the same He preaching said How came the Covenant of Works and the Elect under it It was to illustrate the electing Love of God and not to make the Elect happy The Law entred that the Offence might abound The Law was too weak when Man was in his best estate to reign over him to eternal life Mr. Chandler who took it from his mouth in writing That Believers under the Law had their life from their doing and they had no longer life than when they were crying weeping and groaning witnessed by Mr. Robert Page who entring into Conference with Mr. Davis about it objected Isa 53. 5. He was wounded c. and therefore the Prophet believed on Christ To which Mr. D. replied the Prophet did not understand what he said Mr. Robert Page Believers under the Law had no real sight of Christ Mr. Chandler When you are discouraged with Unbelief in Duty if you can but believe that Jesus is there strongly believing for you this raiseth your Faith if you see Christ loves mightily for you this draws forth your love Mr. King who heard him You would mourn you would weep no Christ hath mourned and he hath wept and you have nothing to do but accept his Grace the Righteousness by which thou and I must be justified is Christ's fulfilling Adam's Covenant and Mount Sinai's Covenant and the Covenant of Grace Mr. Carlile For any to look to their Sanctification was a hindrance to their closing with Christ Mr. Worden the Minister Toe fear Sin is the way to increase it Mr. Holledge In Prayer he said Lord we stand before thee without Sin And in his Sermon he objected Some say we are against praying for pardon of Sin To which he answered Altho' we are pardoned yet it is our Duty to pray for Pardon for the Honour of the Father and of the Son Mr. Chandler Lord thou lookest upon thy People even when they are sinning against thee and sayst Thou art all fair my Love there is no spot in thee Again there must be no more Conscience of Sin in Believers Mr. Carlile There are five times of Christ's especial Intercession c. Christ saith I cannot so heartily pray for my People when they sneak from their Profession Mr. Sheppard Mr. Chandler Mr. Holledge Mr. Bland The Offers of Grace must be made only to the Elect Mr. Chandler Christ and Believers are one in Intercession Believers that take comfort in Promises mistake the way but we must flie to Christ Mr. Bland 't was also said Mr. Hunt will attest it too Whatever is supernatural is saving Grace Mr. N. Acock 't was said will attest it Mr. Davis and the Preachers sent from the Church at Rowel set up Meetings in very many Counties to the compass of about fourscore miles viz. at Wellingham Cambridge Bedford Needingworth Northampton Kempson Wellingborough Oundle Kimbolton Kaysoe Kettering Tharp Waterfield Chatresse Aiveth Creton Wormditch Kaysoe-wok Woolaston Olney Lutterworth the Fenns Codgbrook Old Weston Browden Rushden Brigstock Cockingworth Great Oakly Gedington Mr. M Mr. Blouer Mr. Taylor Hussey Billoe Singleton Dowley Shepard King Chandler c. who testified some of one place and some of another But the Name of upright Mr. Clark is not amongst them Several of these Meetings are in or near the Places where dissenting Ministers have their stated Congregations and Churches Kempson within a mile of Bedford Mr. Chandler Mr. Tomlins At Wellingham where Mr. Worden preaches Mr. Worden Mr. Marshall At Cambridge Mr. Taylor Mr. Hussey Needingworth within a mile of St. Ives where Mr. Bilio's is Mr. Billoe Mr. Freeman At Northampton Mr. Blore Frequent Week day meetings at Kettering Mr. M Codgbrook within a mile of Mr. Haycock near Mr. Gibbs Mr. Page Tho' desired to forbear coming to several of these places yet persisted He administers the Lord's Supper in places far distant from each other as at Rowel Thorp-Waterfield mr Terrey At Wormsditch mr Sheppard At Northampton mr Blower He hath taken Members of other Churches without any dismission yea against the Will of the Pastor and Church Mr. Bere from mr Gibbs mr Page Thomas Hobbie from mr Billows mr Billoe mr Moor. One of Caysoe Church goody Page of Creton mr Chandler He hath broken Churches and caused Divisions an Confusions mr Taylor 's Church in Cambridge broken mr Taylor Hussey Worden Gilbert Speckman He hath broken them at Willingham mr Worden mr Marshall He hath declar'd it to be his Opinion that he is happy who is an Instrument in breaking all the Churches mr Worden Furthermore he hath affirmed that for some years all the Churches are gone a whoring from Christ mr Medwell He being told how comfortably the Ministers had lived formerly together he reply'd with heat It was the Gospel he preached made all the disturbance for which he brought Matth. 10. Christ came not to bring Peace on earth but a Sword mr M mr Blouer He said that mr Sheppard was an enemy to Christ and to the Gospel T. Leigh● That mr Medwell had done more mischief in two years than he could repair all his life Others he call'd dry Sticks witness mr Shepard Scribes Pharisees Legalists Baal-Priests mr Worden mr Jennings He said I care not for all the Elders in London they are most of them Arminians Amiraldists and Baxterians mr Chandler mr Holledge He with the Church at Rothwell send forth many illiterate and ignorant Preachers without advising with neighbouring Ministers one of which said Christ murdered himself Down with Works down with the Law Another Christ went about his work blindfold from that place who so blind as my servant which another of them thus interpreted viz. Christ is blind so as to see no sin in his People Another thus When People have Convictions they will go to the Minister and he will exhort them to read and pray and repent but these are the black marks of Hell These last words spoken by mr Rowlett and witnessed by mr N. Cook of Welford mr Davis pretended to Visions for preaching a Funeral Sermon at Oundle he told the People that on Thursday-night about eleven of clock in a Vision he saw his deceased Sister in Heaven she walking in her uprightness whereas he knew not of her death till late on Friday the day following mr John James of Oundle mr John Nickolls both of mr Sheppard's Church That he anoints the Sick with Oyl is confessed by himself and Friends One passage relating to this purpose was attested by two serious Professors produced by mr Medwell The passage was this There was a Woman who had got Faith in the Anointing as also some of her Relations confident of her recovery thereupon
of Christ will do When he is convinced of the Suitableness and absolute Necessity of this Righteousness to him and that nothing short of an Interest in it will satisfie his Conscience Also When he is convinced of his great Evil in leaning so long on his own Righteousness and the proneness of his Heart to do so still And Lastly When he is convinced of an evil Heart of Unbelief The Spirit convinceth of no Sin but Vnbelief Sure Mr. Jerry was under a great Mistake For it was this I inferred from John 16. 7 8 9 10. 11. That the first Sin the Spirit savingly convinceth a Man of is his own evil Heart of Unbelief and his Evil in trusting to his own Righteousness But see how strangely it is wrested What will not Envy and Prejudice put a Man upon For any to look to their Sanctification was an hindrance to their closing with Christ 'T is true in a good sence they have no Holiness afore they close with Christ and what should they look for that to bring with them they cannot possibly have afore they come ANIMADVERSIONS The Reader may easily perceive that the tendency of all these Charges under this general Head is to support Two Principles I. That there must be antecedent Works as Conditions of Justification Or at least II. There must be antecedent Works to fit and prepare us for Christ The First Principle I cannot fall in with for these ensuing Reasons Reas 1. God Justifies us freely as well as he Chose us freely and Christ died for us freely God chose the Elect and Christ died for them without any regard had to foreseen Conditions Rom. 9. 11. with 13. 15. Rom. 5. 6 8. So he also Justifies Rom. 9. 16. So Rom. 3. 24. Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus Reas 2. The Word of the Lord says That God Justifies the Elect not as Saints nor as reformed Sinners but as ungodly Sinners Rom. 4. 5. But believeth on him that justifies the ungodly Therefore he does not Justifie upon precedent Conditions Reas 3. To make the Works of the Law to be the Conditions of our Justification is to seek to be Justified by the Deeds of the Law I which the Word of the Lord expressly condemns Rom. 3. 20 28. Gal. 2. 11. 3. 11. Reas 4. If the Sinner may be allowed to have the Works of the Law as Conditions of his Justification then he has ground of boasting in himself But the Law of Faith that receives Justification freely as a free Gift Rom. 5. 16. excludes all manner of boasting from the Creature Rom. 3. 27. Where is Boasting then It is excluded By what Law Of Works Nay but by the Law of Faith Reas 5. The perfect Law or Promise of an infinitely Holy Righteous God must needs require Perfect Conditions Therefore Imperfect Obedience cannot be the Conditions of Justification Reas 6. Whatsoever is not of Faith is Sin and all Works done before Faith put on the Nature of Sin and that that is sinful cannot be the Conditions of Justification Reas 7. They that are performing Conditions in a State of Nature are under a Curse Gal. 3. 10. For as many as are of the works of the Law are under a curse And how can that that is under a Curse be the Cndition of Justification Reas 8. This Doctrine of Antecedent Conditions of Justification as it is contrary to the Word of God so it is contrary to the Doctrine of the first Protestant Reformers and also expressly contrary to the Tenth Eleventh Twelfth and Thirteenth Articles of the Church of England which most of the Dissenting Ministers in the Kingdom have subscrib'd to Neither can I be for the Second Principle Viz. That there must be antecedent Qualifications at least to fit us and prepare us for Christ Before I give my Reasons I shall first tell what the Question is not And then what it is 1. The Question is not Whether an Elect Soul may not often be under the Convictions of the Law before Grace cometh For that we all agree in 2. Or Whether God doth most commonly lay hold of a Sinner by his Grace when he is under strong Convictions of Sin by the Law For this I readily assent to 3. Or Whether since Actual Justification as it is an Act of God terminated in the Conscience is an Actual Discharge there for the sake of Imputed Righteousness that it is necessary there be the same moment an Actual Conviction or Arraignment by the Law in the Conscience which is called a Sight of Sin to make the Soul see its need of the Righteousness of the Lord Jesus But the Question is Whether legal Convictions do prepare and fit the Soul to receive Christ i. e. By enabling the Soul the more or making the Soul the more willing to receive Grace antecedent to the State of Grace And this I do deny All the aforesaid Arguments against Conditions of Justification are edg'd against such antecedent Qualifications also However I shall add a few more Arguments Arg. 1. The Word of the Lord says That God walks by the same rule in Calling as he did in Election and the Eternal Compact 2 Tim. 1. 9. Who hath saved us and called us with an holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began Whence it is convincingly evident That as he hath chosen the Elect and promised them all Grace in Christ their Common-Head before the Foundation of the World without any regard had to their fore-seen Qualifications not according to their Works So he also saveth them with an holy Calling in time without the least regard had to their then previous Works For it is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of God that sheweth mercy Rom. 9. 16. See further Eph. 2. 8. Arg. 2. The Spirit is as free in Application as the Father in Election and the Son in the Work of Redemption and therefore the Spirit in Conversion regards not antecedent Qualifications Arg. 3. 'T is in Christ Jesus we are God's Workmanship created to good works Eph. 2. 10. Therefore there is no power for Good Works antecedent to our actual Union with Christ Arg. 4. The first Work of God Souls are put upon is Believing Joh. 6. 28 29. And we are pressed in Scripture to other good Works after Believing Tit. 3. 8. Therefore there can be no previous Qualifications preparatory of Faith Arg. 5. Faith it self is receiving a free Gift as freely given Rom. 4. 16. Eph. 2. 8. Therefore ex Naturâ rei excludes all manner of such antecedent Qualifications Arg. 6. The Promise was by Faith that it might be sure to all the Seed Rom. 4. 16. Even to the Gentile Seed who had no manner of Qualifications to bring For the Scripture saith expressly they had not so much Qualifications as to follow after righteousness
to be attested by several That Believers under the Law had no clear Sight of Christ for it was Christ manifested in the Promise and not in the Flesh that they had immediately to Eye This is so clearly to be prov'd by many Testimonies of Holy Writ besides that in 1 Pet. 10 11 12. that I need not add any more for I think it will not be denyed This I observe of Mr. Chandler's Testimony that he still offereth to corroborate it with Mr. Acok as his faithful Second whereas there were divers others always present as well as he and yet scarcely any mentioned but he alone because he is filled with as much prejudice as himself Animadversions on the foregoing Head THE Design of the Charges under this Head seem very probably to me to insinuate this That there is no Difference between Believers now and Believers under the Law and therefore Believers then being under a Conditional Covenant of Grace as is alledged they are so still even now in Gospel Days But the Vanity of this Argument appears if we do but well weigh the Scope Argument and Design of many of the Writings of the Apostles both of Paul and others which was to shew an eminent difference between the Two Dispensations this the Apostle Paul doth on set purpose through the whole Thread of his Discourse in his Epistle to the Romans The like is done in that of the Hebrews c. Now grant that to be a Conditional Covenant of Grace yet now saith the Word of the Lord we are under another Dispensation far exceeding that and this in a greater preheminence above the other in that it is free in its Dispensation The former Covenant said Do this c. Rom. 10. But the Covenant of Grace the Rightousness of Faith saith on this wise Ascend not into Heaven to bring Christ from Above descend not into the Deep to bring Christ up that is perform no Conditions for Christ but what saith it the Word is nigh thee even in thy Word and in thy Heart that is the Word of Faith and it is of Faith that it might be of Grace 2dly The Order of the First Covenant was quite different from this The First Covenant ran in this strain Exod. 19. 5. Now therefore if ye will obey my Voice indeed and keep my Commandments then ye shall be a peculiar People unto me above all People c. Whence observe 1st here is Doing and Obeying before there is a Right and Title to any Blessing The Order of the Second Covenant ran quite otherwise as you may see Jerem. 3. 35. Hebr. 8. 13. Where you have 1st The Cause the free pardon of Sin 2dly The Effects I will put my Laws in their Hearts and write them in their Minds v. 10 and the Cause must always precede the Effects Observe in the First Covenant Obedience is mentioned as the Condition of the Blessing 3dly This new Covenant is said to be established upon better Promises Hebr. 8. 6. The Promises of the First Covenant being chiefly Temporal and all Conditional but the Promises of the Second being Eternal and also Absolute and Free 4thly The First Covenant was faulty Not that there was any Fault in the Holy Covenant but in them that were under it For it is said expressly Heb. 8. 8. For finding fault with them c. And that is because they could not perform the Conditions of it therefore the Fault of the Covenant was in respect of them that were under it because they could not come up to the Terms of it But this Fault is fully amended in the Scond in that the Conditions are fully performed by the Mediator thereof and therefore the Blessings thereof are perfectly Free and Unconditional to them that are under it so that no fault can be found with the Covenant for requiring Conditions not to be performed for they are already performed by the most excellent Mynistry of the Mediator of this Second Covenant Nor can there be any fault found with them that are under it for they can plead the Performance already given in by their Surety and Representative This is the main Scope of the Apostle's Argumentation Heb. 8. ver 6 ad finem So that I conclude If the First Covenant were a Conditional Covenant of Grace yet it is evident that the Second has the Preheminence over it in that it is Free yea Absolutely Free to us without Condition I might add many Scriptural Reasons more to prove the Freedom and Unconditionality of this New-Covenant but that would be contrary to my designed brevity therefore let these suffice for the present I shall now return to the next Head of Charges In Prayer he said Lord we stand before thee without Sin And in his Sermon he objected Some say we are against Praying against Pardon of Sin to which he answered altho' we are Pardoned yet it is our duty to pray for Pardon for the Honour of the Father and of the Son Answ There is too much Sin cleaves to our Persons and Performances and we ought to acknowledge it but Believers in the Righteousness of another are so accounted which was meant if not added Though there be Spots enough upon us and upon our best Performances yet there is no spot in that Compleat and God-like Righteousness which is imputed to us The Expression is Scriptural Rev. 14. 5. For they are without fault before the Throne of God Cant. 4. 7. Thou art all fair my Love there is no spot in thee Why should the Expression then be offensive to any except to such who are enemies to the Righteousness of God which is by Faith 'T is true our Justification is true at our first Believing this truth is only sit for Bellarmine to deny and they that are like him therefore when we pray for the Pardon of Sin we pray for the greater Application of it to our Consciences and the continuance thereof this God requireth of us And certainly to obey him is to Honour him 'Pray in this Charge where is the Crime Lord thou lookest upon thy People even when they are sinning against thee and sayest Thou art all fair my Love there is no spot in thee These Positions are undeniably true 1. That the best of Believers do sin and the sin of Unbelief mixeth with their best Performances and that I take to be a very great Evil. 2. That God looketh upon them and dealeth with them always in the compleat Righteousness of his Son even then also when their Imperfections mingle with their best Holiness Else what would become of the Best 3. As this Everlasting Righteousness is unchangeable so is God's Act of Imputation for with him there is no variableness nor shadow of turning from whom this Good and perfect Gift cometh Jam. 1. 17. Jesus Christ that's make of God unto the Believer Wisdom and Righteousness and Sanctification and Redemption 1 Cor. 1. 30. is the same yesterday to day and for ever Heb. 13. 8. Who is
an Advocate with the Father for us always even when we sin and pleading his Propitiatory Sacrifice unchangably on our behalf 1 John 1. 2. Compared with Heb. 7. 24. Tho' we vary and change in our Frames and in the Exercise of Grace yet it is well for us he never changeth nor the Righteousness of his Son He is God and changeth not therefore c. Mal. 3. 6. There must be no more Conscience of sin in Believers Such is the Nature of their Sacrifice that it ought to be so this Expression also is Scriptural Heb. 10. 2. they that cavil at me herein cavil at the words of the Holy Ghost pray let them undertake to answer him for it You would mourn You would weep Christ hath mourned Christ hath wept and you have nothing to do but accept his Grace the Righteousness by which you and I must be justified is Christ's fulfilling Adam's Covenant and Mount Sinai's Covenant and the Covenant of Grace I do not remember verbatim what hath been expressed so long since malice it self must have a better memory than I to do it but I will plainly relate my Judgment in the matter 1. That the Lord Jesus Christ is according to the Scriptures the End or Consummation of the Law for Righteousness to every one that believeth Rom. 10. 14. And he did as it became him to fulfill all Righteousness as their Representative 2ly This offered Righteousness must be most freely accepted as a free Gift Rom. 5. 16. We must bring no Money nor Price in our hands to purchase it Isa 55. 1. 3ly Sinners are prone to mourn and weep by way of satisfaction to Justice but what ever in that nature was Penal and Satisfactory to Justice Christ dath done and suffered Isa 53. 3 4. Heb. 5. 7. When you are discouraged with Unbelief in Duty if you can believe that Jesus is there strongly believing in Heaven for you this raiseth your Faith If you see Christ loveth for you this draweth forth your love First observe this differently Phrased in the Libell so that it seems Mr. King took the same sentence from my mouth divers ways backward and forward even as his fancy pleased to chime it The same observations I have made concerning divers of these Accusations compared with them in the Libell 2. This I affirm that this Report was heard of early by us so that I and others that heard me did recollect what I delivered and we found upon such Recollection that my words were wrested and misconstrued but that I expressed my self to this Effect 1mo That Christ as our Representative fulfilled all Righteousness as is aforementioned That Christ believed and believed as our Representative Dr. Goodwin undeniably proves in his Triumph of Faith 2ly That the Graces of the Spirit he perfectly exercised as man cometh within the Compass of our Imputed Righteousness that all the Righteousness he fulfilld on Earth he carried with him to Heaven when he entred once for all not without Blood where he eternally presenteth them to the Father as the matter of our Justification and they are the Pleas he useth in his Intercession the Faith and Love and other Graces he exercised when on Earth are now in Heaven where he is 3ly Believers may take Comfort by veiwing through Faith not only their Persons but Performances covered in his Righteousness and see all their Guilt done away in his Blood see their Imperfect Obedience cover'd with his perfect Obedience This is the Summ of what was delivered and this I will stand by To fear Sin is the way to increase it The Position I laid down was this That Unbelieving Fears of Sin distrusting the Power of Christ to keep us is an inlett into sin 1 Job 4. 18. He that feareth is not made perfect in Love so divers other places which I need not insist upon now Animadversions on the foregoing Head I Cannot but judge that the Particular Accusations under the foregoing Head do infer a pernicious design against the imputed Righteousness of the Son of God viz. 1. That this Righteousness taketh not in the Active as well as the Passive Obedience of Christ which is a Principle which hath been lately minted in Opposition to the Current of Orthodox Writers to the various Confessions of Faith of the Protestants since the Reformation and to the Word of God which hath been already proved in part Therefore I shall only add this following Argument 1. The Law of God must be either satisfied or defeated in its intents and to defeat the intent of such a Holy Righteous Just Law is Antinomianism with a Witness which puteth a great Affront upon the Law-giver 2ly The Primary intent of God's Law is perfect Obedience and without perfect Obedience the Law of God cannot be satisfied 3ly Unless the Law can be satisfied there is no man living can be justified according to the Tenour of it and unless a sinner is justified he cannot be saved 4ly There is no sinner can plead satisfaction made unto it in his own proper Person therefore he must plead the satisfaction given by his Surety and Representative in his stead who fully satisfied as well the demands of it as the Penalty therefore through Faith we establish the Law Rom. 3. 31. and give it the highest Honour by offering to the Law-giver the perfect and God-like Obedience of his Son thereunto 2dly This last Head seemeth to have a bad intent to eclipse God's Act of Imputation by which this Righteousness is so made over to us for our highest Benefit and Advantages as if we our selves had wrought it out All this resulteth to Believers by virtue of Union to the Person of Christ and accepting the Union of Three Persons in One God and of Two Natures in One Person This Union is most unexpressibly great bating those Two fore-mentioned Unions we may speak as high of it and conceive as high of it as possible By virtue of the First Union God the Second Person is Equal with the Father and so the Third Co-equal with the Two former By virtue of the Second Union the Man Christ Jesus becometh the Redeemer the Mediator the Saviour Head over all Prince of Life Lord of Glory But it is Blasphemy to attribute any of this to any Believer by Virtue of a Third Union it is Blasphemy to say We are Godded with God Christed with Christ or that we become Saviours and Redeemers c. Yet however this 3d. Union conferreth great Titles and Privileges upon Believers according to the Scriptures As nothing can be spoken too high of the Righteousness of Christ so the Holy Scriptures of Truth do speak very magnificently of those that are cloathed with it They are said to be made Kings and Priests to God and the Father Rev. 1. 6. 1 Pet. 2. 6. A Holy Priesthood ver 9. A Chosen Generation a Royal Priesthood an Holy Nation a Peculiar People As to Christ they are called Members of his Body Ephes 5. 30. 1
Corinth 12. 12. His Friends John 15. 15. His Brethren John 20. 17. His Bride and Spouse and Wife Revel 21. 2. ch 19. 7. His Love his Sister Cantic 4. 7. And by Vertue of this Union what properly is attributed to Christ is in the Scriptures attributed to his Members with this Difference It must be understood of him properly and inherently but of them only imputatively Yet it is exprest of them in the Word of God after such a manner as rendreth the Act of Imputation very Admirable The Name that is peculiarly given to him in Gospel-Days to wit The Lord our Righteousness is also given to his Jerem. 33. 16. And this is the Name wherewith she shall be called The Lord our Righteousness As a Wife by Virtue of the Marriage-Union taketh the Husband's Name So also of the Description given to his Vesture Revel 1. 13. One like the Son of Man cloathed with a Garment down to his Feet and girt about the Papps with a Golden Girdle Which Garment was of Fine Linnen Dan. 5. 5. The same is affirmed concerning the Garment of Believers Rev. 15. 6. And the Seven Angels came out of the Temple having the Seven Plagues cloathed in pure and white Linnen and having their Breasts girded with Golden Girdles so also Revel 19. 8. Of him it is said Esa 53. 9. Neither was deceit found in his mouth The same is said of them Rev. 14. 5. And in their mouth was found no guile Of him it is written Hebr. 7. 26. That he is Holy Harmless and Undefiled and separate from Sinners The like concerning them is asserted They are all fair and there is no spot in them Cant. 4. 7. Nay He presenteth them to himself a Glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but Holy and without blemish Ephes 5. 7. He presenteth them to the Father no less Glorious In like manner they are said to be compleat in him as Head over all Principality and Power Col. 2. 10. And as they are wrapt round with this Righteousness God is said to behold no Perversness nor see any Iniquity in them Numb 25. 21. And concerning their Transgressions also thus it is written That their Sins upon the exactest search of Justice are not to be found c. Jerem. 50. 20. I cannot but from hence conclude how vain it is for Men to pretend with the Line of Reason to sound this imputed Righteousness or to judge how far it reacheth and how far not such full-blown Discoveries thereof are reserved for the Glory of the Latter-Day or rather for Heaven it self In the mean while it is safer for us to keep close to Scriptural Expressions and believe and admire what we cannot comprehend I wonder therefore that Saucy Earth-worms dare cast this imputed Righteousnessinto the Fire of their own Fancies that thence it may come out a Golden Calf for them to Dance about or cast it into the Mold of their own carnal Reason that from thence they may lift up a dead Image for themselves to fall down before But vain Man would be wise tho Man be born like a wild Asses Colt Job 11. 12. Yet this their Wisdom is their Folly being Enmity against God and the way of Salvation by Jesus Christ Thus I have briefly vindicated the Righteousness of God which is by Faith now I pass on to the remaining Fragments of Accusations There are five times of Christ's especial Intercession c. Christ saith I cannot so heartily pray for my People when they sneak from their Profession Answ To this purpose I Preached That tho Christ's Intercession be Unchangeable in it self yet eventually as to us there are special Times of Intercession As for instance Christ interceedeth for his Elect afore called yet it is eventually an especial time when they are Called Again he interceedeth for his Children when under Babylonish Captivity yea he is represented in the Scripture especially interceeding when they are coming out of their Captivity see Zech. 1. 12 12. compar'd with vers 16 17. That Babylonish Captivity Deliverance and Intercession were but Typical a greater Man than many now alive to wit Mr. Bridge of Yarmouth was of the same Judgment What was said as to Christ's interceeding for Believers when sneaking from their Profession was to this effect That Christ did not interceed for his own Children that they might be kept from particular Apostacy for if he had they should never have fallen thereinto nor doth he own them unto his Father in relation to their Act of their Apostacy tho he doth as to their State This is plain to me from Mat. 10. 33. As also from the instance of Peter who tho the Lord Jesus pray'd for him that his Faith fail'd him not yet it is not recorded that he pray'd for him that he should not deny his Master nor did the Lord own him then before his Father as doing well in that Act of denying him confirming it with Cursing and Swearing Christ and Believers are one in Intercession That that I said was this as many are ready to attest that we are one with him who is our Intercessor and that I judge is no Error I abhor putting any into Co-partnership with the Lord Jesus as much as others Believers that take comfort in Promises mistake the way but we must fly to Christ They that take Comfort out of the Letter of the Promise without meeting Christ in it by Faith may be mistaken for it is Christ in the Promise maketh the Promise precious and the Promise without Christ is but a dead and insignificant Promise And if to bid Persons fly to Christ and not to rest on any Promise short of Christ be to be vile I 'll be more vile still Whatever is Supernatural is saving Grace 'T was thus exprest in Discourse All saving Grace is Supernatual as was testified to their Faces then tho they had the Confidence to wrest the words first and then to Charge them on me The offers of Grace must be made to none but the Elect. I remember very well this I said to Mr. Chandler in private Dicourse that God designeth his offer'd Grace only to the Elect This I think none but a Free-willer will deny ANIMADVERSIONS THE design of this Charge if I am not mistaken may be to Countenance the New-minted Principle that others might be Saved besides the Elect. Again this Principle I shall offer a few Reasons and so conclude my Defence as to Matter or Doctrin 1. This sort of Doctrin fixeth two sorts of Eternal Decrees upon the holy God both respective and irrespective which is more absurd than the Arminian Tenent for it constituteth a two-fold Will in God in respect of those that are to beSaved to wit that his Eternal Will was to save some absolutely and others upon Conditions than which there cannot be a greater Injury offer'd to his holy perfect and intire Will which cannot be resisted 2. It rendreth the Death of Christ ineffectual
was Mr Chadler and Mr. King Never was Captain Hilton more busie and active One should have thought Mr. Chandler should have received some Check from a sore Providence that befell him a few days before But where will not Pride and Fury drive Thus I have Indulg'd the Curiosity of some Men with what was done at Kettering and of others with an Answer thereunto The Fable tells us That the Mountains were in Travail The Rumour thereof dispersed every where People flock'd together from all Parts to see this Prodigious Birth At last to their Disappointment out comes a ridiculous Mouse which ran away Now the Mouse is let lose into the World but not without both Marks and Fetters It is enough that I have diverted thus far from the weighty Service of Christ This Diversion I should not have been guilty of had not great necessity and importunity called me thereunto I am aware this will be one of Satan's designs by irritating me to Reply's and Rejoynders not only to stir up my Passion and mingle Self therewith but to make me neglect that weighty necessary Work of Preaching the Gospel and feeding the Flock of God over which he hath made me Overseer the Lord help me to be upon my Watch in that matter Yet I do not say but I may meet them again in their full career of Wickedness or at least defend the Gospel again when the Lord shall give me a special Call therunto and tho I am Rash and Ignorant yet my Learned Brethren engaged in the same Cause I hope will not be Offended if I maintain my Post in the strength of Christ as he shall assist me However this I am resolved in the strength of Grace not to stop at every Stone thrown I am perswaded all their attempts will be to their own Overthrow As for me I have committed my self with the Cause that I manage to him that is able to support and maintain all If there be any Errors I maintain I care not how soon they fall tho I fell with them Nay if I could be convinced that I Erroneously worded any Matter I should soon publickly declare against my own Wording It is not my own Honor I seek but the Honor of him that sent me and I hope I am always ready to Bury my own Honor in Shame provided I could secure thereby his Name from Dishonor and Contempt I should think hard of no Confession of mine that should give Glory to God But if it be the Truth of Christ I am Assaulted for as thereto I am perswaded it is then all the attempts against it will be in vain his Truth is like himself Eternal and will abide Stedfast bright and Insuperable when I and my Opposers are Mouldred to Dust and Ashes In Parting I shall again recommend to them Gamaliel's prudent Advice viz. To let us alone for if this Councel be not of God it will fall of it self But if it be of God it shall stand in spight of all their Rage and Persecution and they themselves will at last be found fighters against God As I have declared to the Reader what Principles I consent to and declare my approbation of so I shall now declare what Doctrins I cannot consent to but declare my Abhorrence of and they are those Principles Methodised by Dr. Chancey in the beginning of a late Tract of his in Answer to Mr. Dan. Williams's Book thus Entituled Some of the Paradoxes contained in the Neonomian Scheme Printed at London Anno. Dom. 1677. But this is unquestionable that all Doctrins and Inferences lean on some Foundation-Truths and it 's as evident that these Doctrins that are of the Superstructure may be discerned by the Foundation they lean on and the Foundation by them reduce any Doctrin to its own Fundamental and then it will appear in its own proper hew and Colour Therefore for a Conclusion I shall lay down the Fundamentals of the Gospel being the Foundation Principles of the Old Protestant Doctrin in one Column and the Fundamentals of the late invented Gospel in an opposite Column it being the very Scheme word for word Drawn up by Mr. Troughton in his Lutherus Redivivus THESES Neonomian Anti-Theses 1. THe Protestants have hitherto Taught that what Christ did and suffered for Sinners he did as a Common Person as a Head and Representative of the Elect and a Surety for them 1. BUt they say Christ was not a proper Head Representative or Surety but that he did all meerly as a Mediator i. e. as one endeavouring to Compose the difference betwixt God and Sinners 2. That Christ as their Head and and Surety fulfilled the Law of Works in their stead 2. That Christ undertook not to fulfil the Law of Works which Man had broken nor to satisfie it but that he fulfilled the peculiar Law of a Mediator i. e. so much Obedience and Sufferings as it should please the Father to lay upon him 3. That Christ by bearing the Curse of the Law delivered Man from the Curse And by obeying the Precepts purchased for them Life which the Law had promised and by the superminency of his Obedience additions of Blessedness to that Life 3. That Christ by his Obedience and Sufferings did neither satisfie the Law nor purchased what the Law has Promised but only gave to God a valuable consideration or recompence that he might justly wave and not execute the Law of Works but give Man a new and milder Law of Grace or terms of Life according as the Father or Son should agree 4. That this Righteousness of Christ whereby he fulfilled the Law is imputed to Believers for their Justification i. e. for that Righteousness God grants them pardon of Sin and a firm gift or grant of Eternal Life 4. That therefore Christ's Righteousness or Obedience cannot be imputed to Men for which they should be accepted and Justified it not being the Obedience due to the Law given to them but to his own peculiar Law of a Mediator But Christ's Obedience did purchase that God should appoint Men new and mild conditions of Life instead of sinless Obedience and Death for the failure of it 5. This Righteousness of Christ is that alone which we must oppose to the wrath of God by which we must stand before him in Judgment for which alone Heaven is given and all things necessary to bring us thither 5. That the Righteousness of Christ hath only purchased the removing of the Law of Works from being a Covenant of Life by which we must Stand or Fall but that our right to Life and the favour of God peace of Conscience and hope of Heaven do depend upon our obedience to the Gospel which Christ hath purchased should be accepted for our Righteousness by which we must be Judged 6. That by this Rsghteousness imputed Believers are perfectly Justified i. e. freed from all the Curse of the Law and certainly Entituled to Eternal Life 6. That our Justification or right to Life
the Sword that goeth out of my Lord's Mouth will finish the Work in his own time and then shall be fulfilled many Scriptures on them that go on in their Scorning 3. They say I said They that die doubting and Fearing are Damned And they charge me with Barbarity Ans I never was so barbarous as the Writers would make me but I had and have Bowels for poordoubting dejected Souls as many can Witness neither did I say these words alone but this I said They that live and die Doubting and never believe on the Lord Jesus are Damned s And so saith the Scripture Without are the Fearful and Unbelieving and he that Believeth not shall be Damned 4. They say I said Christ tore himself Ans When I broke the Bread according to Christ's Institution tho they Revile on that account also I did in setting forth the love of Christ in laying down his own Life for us say thus Christ gave himself but presently added That tho there was a Sovereign Act of Christ in laying down his own Life according to that Scripture John 10. 15. 17 18. yet it was the wicked hands of the Jews that Murthered him 5. When we find our Hearts most wicked then to Believe in Christ is Pure Faith Ans I remember not that I said so but if I had I know not what cause any have to be Offended unless it be those that think to make themselves good before they Believe David would trust in God when the Iniquity of his Heels compassed him about And whether should a poor filthy Sinner go but to the Blood of Christ for Cleansing but I find the Accusers would be acting like Naaman the Syrian that thought the Waters of his own Country better than the Waters of Jordan But Paul saith this is a faithful Saying and worthy of all acceptation That Christ Jesus came into the World to save Sinners of whom I am chief 1 Tim 1 15. And if Christ Jesus came to save the chiefest of Sinners then certainly when I see my self the chief of Sinners and yet Believe in Christ this must be pure Faith that looketh through all to Christ and I am sure was there more of this Faith there would be more Holiness in Heart and Life 6. That there is no use of the Law This they say I said at Oundle but when I said it or on what account I know not neither do the Accusers tell me But this I do declare as my Judgment of the Law First That it is Holy Just and Good Secondly That those that Believe not are under the Condemnation of it Thirdly That it is a Rule of Life to Believers But yet this I must say it cannot give Life to dead Souls and therefore not of use on that account Gal. 3. 21. Again there cannot be Righteousness attained by it on which account a Sinner may be Justified Gal. 2. 21. For if Righteousness came by the Law then Christ is dead in vain 7. That the 42 of Isaiah 19 ver is meant of Christ That Christ was Blind and Deaf and did not know what he should suffer when he came into the World Ans I did say That that place spake of Christ and I judge still that it doth but I did not say That he was Blind and Deaf and did not know what he should suffer when he came into this World And pray Reader consider that Verse and the 20. 27. with the first Verse Behold my Servant And in this 19 Verse the Lord's Servant Again he is said to be Perfect And again there is difference between the 18 Verse and the 19. The 18 Verse speaketh of the People of Israel that were Deaf and Blind and calleth upon them in the Plural Number saying Hear ye Deaf and look ye Blind But this 19 Verse speaketh in the Singular Number My Servant and he that is Perfect Again it is said Seeing many things but thou observest not opening the Ears but he heareth not Now how can this be meant of wilfully Blind Israel or their Priests for tho it be granted they were Deaf and Blind themselves yet they could not open the Ears of others therefore I take the Words to be meant of Christ that tho he did foresee all his Sufferings that he was to pass through yet he did not so observe them as to hinder him in his carrying on our Redemption tho he did hear the contradiction of Sinners against himself yet he suffered patiently for them according to the 38 Psalm 12 13 14 ver They all seek after my Life c. But I as a deaf Man hear'd not and I was as a dumb Man that opened not his Mouth thus I was as a Man that heareth not and in whose mouth are no Reproofs Compare this with Acts 8. 32. and 1 Pet. 2. 2. 8. That we are Adopted from Eternity Ans I did Preach our being Predestinated unto the Adoption of Children by Jesus Christ according to the Good pleasure of his Will And if any will contend against it let them know they contend against that plain Scripture Eph. 1. 5. For my part I am well satisfied that there are a number Chosen in Christ their Head and fore-appointed by the Father to this Relation of Son-ship in Jesus Christ and because they are Sons he sendeth forth the Spirit of his Son crying Abba Father Gal. 4. 6. And pray let it be considered it is one thing for us to be took into favour by the Father in Christ our Head and another thing for us to have this kindness of God manifested and help given to us to receive it Gal. 4. 5. that we might receive the Adoption of Sons 9. That People must not rest on Promises and think to renew their Comfort by them Ans I did not say these words separate from others and if prejudiced People will run away with half Sentences and be offended I cannot help it I have been as wary as I could notwithstanding the Unchristian Reflections that the Accusers cast upon me This I have said That People must not rest on Promises separate from Christ for tho God hath given to us exceeding great and precious Promises yet those Promises are Yea and Amen in Christ 2 Cor. 1. 20. So I have said They must not renew their comfort by the promise separate from Christ and that fullness of Grace in him that the Promise speaks of I do say the Word is as it were the Breasts but the Sincere Milk of the Breast is Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 2. 2. As new born Babes desire the sincere Milk of the Word What this Milk of the Word is you may see Verse 6. wherefore it is contained in the Scripture Behold I lay in Sion a chief Corne-stone Elect Precious and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded Therefore you must renew your Comforts in Christ by the Promise And whereas they say Head the 25. Doth not this make void the Promise I say no for it bringeth you to the Promise in it's right Place but I will return the 〈◊〉 Doth not their way in Arguing for Comfort by the Promise separate from Christ make Christ of none Effect But if any ask who argueth so I Answer many that I have known which hath been the cause of our thus Preaching there are many that have great Notions of the Word and take their Comfort from their Notions which notwithstanding reject Christ and count it Presumption to Believe and it plainly appeareth by their wicked Carriages and ungodly Reasonings and hard Speeches against the Saints I say it appeareth that they have not Faith neither know what it is to Believe notwithstanding all their Notions Thus the Pharisees they took Comfort from the Promise made to Abraham and they boasted they were his Seed and thought to have Eternal Life in the Scriptures But Christ telleth them That they would not come to him that they might have Life And here I intreat all that are high in their Notions to look to it that their Faith in Christ be according to their Notions concerning him And here also I beseech poor drooping doubting Souls to learn to take hold of Christ in the Promise and rest on him that speaketh yea and renew your Comforts in him learn what that meaneth Matt. 11. 28. Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you Rest Lastly They speak of many such Doctrins that I have delivered but when I know what they are I shall Answer them as the Lord shall help me But I hope those that are concerned in writing the Pamphlet will learn more Wisdom in their next and as in this they concealed their Names as being ashamed to be known like Thieves that Disguise themselves when they have a mind to Rob their near Neighbours so in their next they conceal their Wickedness lest that they thought to do to others be done to themselves by the Lord 's leaving them to fall under Reproaches and Shame according to that Word Isa 41. 11. Behold all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded they shall be as nothing and they that strive with thee shall Perish Read the next Verse But I shall leave the Pamphlet with the Writers and Abetters of it and earnestly desire the Reader to Pray for and endeavour to understand the Truth and comply with it tho Men and Devils strive against it and I earnestly desire thee wherein thou thinkest I am out thou wilt Pray for me and take the first opportunity to deal with me according to the rule of Christ Matt. 18. 15. that if I am out I may be informed or if I be not out thy Thoughts may be governed because wrong informed I shall add no more because I would not make our Answers too Bulky but earnestly desire the Prayers of the Godly for me under all my Reproaches for Christ who do and shall Pray for thee and my Enemies FINIS