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A30022 A brief history of the rise, growth, and progress of Quakerism setting forth that the principles and practices of the Quakers are antichristian, antiscriptural, antimagistratical, blasphemous, and idolatrous from plain matter of fact, out of their most approved authors, &c. ... / by Francis Bugg, Senior. Bugg, Francis, 1640-1724? 1697 (1697) Wing B5367; ESTC R23818 99,372 212

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every word in particular for you have Tongue enough sometimes let us see now if it can wag c. Now Reader this is one way by which they deceived the simple and thereby Quakerism had its progress Gen. Hist 112. The Form of the Quakers Confession before the House of Commons was I believe with my Heart and confess with my Mouth the Sacred Scriptures to be Divine left us by Men Inspired by God as an exact rule of our Faith and Behaviour and I profess to believe in one only God who is the Father and in Jesus Christ his Eternal Son very God and very Man and in the Holy Spirit one and the same God with the Father and Son blessed for evermore c. I must confess this Confession if sincere is somewhat to the purpose but if sincere then there is a vast Change in their Minds both from their frequent disputations as well as their printed Books and because we cannot well try them by the first therefore we will examine their Sincerity by the latter and if their Books teach the contrary then until they first condemn those Books we have no ground to believe them sincere in what they say to serve a turn I will at this time quote only two of them viz. The Sword of the Lord drawn c. p. 5. Your imagined God beyond the Stars and your carnal Christ is utterly denyed and testifyed against by the Light and whereas you the Priest say that Christ is God and Man in one Person it is a lye c. Now if they believe as they write how can they be sincere in what they say as above for contraries cannot be the same white is not black neither is black white Men never gathered Grapes of Thorns nor Figs of Thistles ye shall know them i. e. Deceivers said Christ by their Fruit this is an infallible rule Again News coming up out of the North c. p. 14. Your original is carnal Hebrew Greek and Latin and your Word is carnal the Letter and the Light is carnal the Letter their original is but Dust which is but the Letter which is Death and their Gospel is Dust Matthew Mark Luke and John which is but the Letter c. So then if the Scriptures be Dust Carnal and Serpents-Meat how are they Divine nay how were they given forth by Divine Inspiration What did George Fox mean Divine Dust Divine Food for Serpents a Divine Carnal Letter No sure Then doubtless these expressions were cast upon the Scriptures by way of contempt against such as professed them to be given by Divine Inspiration and that they were in earnest the rule of our Faith and Behaviour against which the Quakers have both Preached and Disputed this 40 years as I can make appear by 40 of their Books now by me One more I shall quote to strengthen what I say Howthen can they be sincere in this their Confession How can they at one and the same time believe the Scriptures are Death Dust Beastly Ware Serpents Food and also that they are Divine and left us by Men Inspired of God for the rule of our Faith and Practice I say how can these contraries be reconciled nay it 's impossible If they shall say in answer to what I now affirm that their Minds are really changed and better informed I could be heartily glad of it but then let us have a sign of it and some ground to believe them viz. Let them condemn these Books that Teach contrary to their Confession for whil'st then I boldly aver to those who know them and their Doctrine and their Books which they prefer above the Scriptures they cannot they are not to be believ'd The Book I mention to cite is this A brief discovery of a three fold Estate of Antichrist c. p. 7. 8 9. The Priests of the World are 1st Conjurers raising dead Doctrines dead Reasons dead Uses dead Motives dead Tryals out of the Letter which is death raising Death out of Death notable Conjurers 2. Thieves and Robbers 3. Antichrists the Priests of Baal cannot shew any Scripture example for their Heathenish ways and Beastial Worships 4. Witches 5. Devils the Serpent is Head in them 6. Lyers the Commission and call of Baal Priests come from Oxford and Cambridge even the Sir Simons of our days run to Oxford and Cambridge 7. A viperous and serpentive Generation 8. Blasphemers living in the Kingdom and Government of the Prince of the Air yea of the Devils fearful Blasphemers 9. Scarlet colour'd Beasts a well favour'd Harlot having a golden Cup in her Hand full of abomination and filthiness of her Fornication 10. Babylons Merchants selling Beastly ware for a large price the Letter which is Dust and Death for filthy lucre sake 11. Whited Walls painted Sepulchers professing something possessing nothing but poysoned stuff 12. Ravening Wolves 13. Greedy Dogs really they are Blood-hounds 14. Eminent and Ambitious Pharisees living in the same Antichristian steps that the Pharisees did that Christ cryed out against Wo wo wo was their portion then and wo wo wo is their portion now and wo and misery is the portion of the upholders whether King or Parliament of that Treacherous Crew and Deceitful Generation wherefore come from among the Babylonish Merchants c. Oh horrible and unheard of and in this Book there are the Names of George Fox Thomas Lawson Thomas Aldham Benjamen Nicolson John Harrwood five of their primitive Teachers and notable Doctors Behold the way manner and method of the growth and progress of Quakerism what shall this be encourag'd shall this be establish'd in a Christian Nation God forbid Here is contempt cast upon the Scripture upon the Ministry upon the Magistracy and People no matter for their confession whil'st these Books stand uncondemned they keep these Books in their Families read them and recommend them as elsewhere I have observed Even as Arias kept his opinion to himself and yet deceitfully signed as fair a confession to please the Emperor Constantine which is as followeth See Hist Socrates cap. 38. Viz. I believe in one God the Father Almighty and in Jesus Christ his Son who was made by him before all Ages God the Word by whom all things in Heaven and Earth were made who came down and was incarnate who suffered and rose again and ascended and shall come to judge the quick and the dead and in the Holy Ghost the Resurrection of the Flesh and the Life to come in one Catholick Church of God from one end of the World to another this we believe as God shall judge us now and in the World to come Constantine the Emperor was a good Man and thought him sincere and accepted of it but the cheat lay here which afterwards was found out he wrote a Paper of what he really believed and said he believed as he had written and the Quakers have wrot Books that for any to say that Christ is God and Man in one Person is
a Miracle as any thing can be found in the Popish Legends for if setting a Man's Neck aright that had gone awry by a fall be a Miracle then many Miracles have been wrought in England and elsewhere for it is very common and yet was never called a Miracle until now that these who published his Journal have so called it and like to this is that one recovered from Sickness after G. Fox had prayed and if this was a Miracle many such Miracles are wrought by Ministers of the Church of England and others SECTION IX Divers particulars contracted out of the General History and branched into six distinct Heads where their Anniversary Synods and their Church Government and private Devotions are Treated of shewing the effects to be disparaging the Scripture withholding Tythes refusing to pay Church Rates neglecting to read the Bible in their Meetings refusing to vindicate it from the aspersions of the Papists throwing of the Sacraments allowing Women to Teach and Vsurp Authority in their distinct Womens Meetings omitting private Duties censuring and reproaching the Church Liturgy Magistrates Ministers such as write against them and for Conscience sake separate from them their gross Hypocrisy in making Legal punishments to be persecutions in saying and recording that they suffer great penalties when they really do not c. GEN. Hist p. 50. to 56. They the Quakers have likewise Meetings like to those we call Classes and Provincial and National Synods or Councils these Conventions are celebrated but so as to allot each Sex both Men and Women their distinct and particular Meetings other Meetings are appointed every Month others every three Months in which they consider their Provincial affairs In these they inspect into and recognize all Books that are to be printed after they have been perused and approved by the Censors appointed for that purpose The Acts of these Meetings are put into Registers they have Anniversary Synods in every considerable Kingdom to whom belong the Care and Administration of all the Affairs of that Kingdom In England their Metropolis they have a fixed Anniversary Synod on the third day of Penticost continuing sittting 4 or 5 days together They have Delegates also come to this Synod from all their Churches in all Counties or Places where the Quakers obtain footing but these must be such as are in the Ministry At this Meeting they make a Catalogue of the Sufferers for their Religion discovering what their Sufferings were and for what causes they were inflicted and by whom when the Synods are dismissed all their Acts and Decisions are enregister'd by the publick Authority of the Synod which are afterwards copyed from the Records in order to be printed and sent to all the Synods of their Associates throughout the World They have no President to their Synod which place say they is supplyed by the Holy Ghost but they have a Clark who marks down every thing moved by the Assembly Moreover it is their custome in their Houses never to express a Religious Duty with an outward voice as Praying to God craving a Blessing e'er they take Meat or go to Bed till they feel the impulsion of the Spirit c. Having contracted the sense of several pages wherein my Author relate the Way Manner and Method of the Quakers Church Government and Family Behaviour now I shall make it my business to shew how Quakerism grows encreases and makes its progress in and by these Ways and Methods and thereby discover not only that Quakerism tends to root up the Foundations of the Christian Religion Instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ who so loved the World that he laid down his precious Life for lost Man but also tends to unhinge the Government both of Church and State and in order to make some further discovery hereof I shall digest the matter into a few Heads and speak briefly and distinctly to each in their place 1. The Quakers in their Synods have no President the Holy Ghost supplying that Office 2. The Quakers at their Synods make a Catalogue of them which suffer for their Religion what they suffer and by whom 3. That the Quakers at their Synods inspect Books to be printed and recognize the same 4. About the Womens distinct Meetings and their way of Government 5. The Quakers custome observed in not Praying to God in their Families nor craving a blessing before they Eat 6. About their Anniversary Synods particularly that at London with some of its Fruits and Effects And lastly with some observations upon a passage in the General History p. 110. The Quakers also could not but Love King William and embrace him as their most effectual Defender c. And so shall conclude these seven particulars 1. The Quakers have no President in their Synod which place they say is supplyed by the Holy Ghost c. This is the great Foundation upon which the Church of Rome build their Faith touching the Doctrine of infallibility and of which they mightily boast over all Protestant Churches For tho' all true Protestants believe that the Holy Ghost is with and will continue with his Church to the end of the World according to Matth. 28. yet that thereby any Synod Councel or Church is infallible in their Precepts and Councels that as such they are to be indispensably obeyed as was the Precepts of the inspired Apostles this they deny and none hold it but the Papists and Quakers And as this vain glorying of infallibility in the Papists has been refuted so it will be in the Quakers also and in order to it let us examine how and in what manner the Holy Ghost is the President of the Quakers Counsels and Synods c. It is written John 5. 23. For the Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgment to the Son v. 27. and hath given him Authority to execute judgment also because he is the Son of man And to this agrees that Apostolical saying Acts 17. 31. Because he hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained whereof he hath given assurance unto all men in that he hath raised him from the dead Now this Text in St. John the Quakers do not like it as translated and therefore to bend the Scripture to serve their design and to quadrate to their principles they have perverted these Scriptures in Josiah Coal's Works p. 93. saying All Judgment being committed to the Light that Lighteth every Man the Light that is in every Man must of necessity be Judge of all controversies c. So that it plainly appears from hence as also in my First Chapter in the First Part. That whereas God Almighty hath committed all Judgment to the Son and hath ordained him to be Judge of quick and dead because he is the Son of Man Therefore the Quakers translate this Prerogative from the Son of God Christ Jesus to their Light which by their Logick is the Son of Man which
Gentlemen Justices of the Peace Ministers of the Gospel and People within the County Sheweth That George Fox and James Nayler are Persons disaffected to Religion and the wholsome Laws of this Nation and that since their coming into this County have broached Opinions tending to the destruction of the Relation of Subjects to Magistrates Wives to their Husbands Children to their Parents Servants to their Masters Congregations to their Ministers and of People to their God † † Indeed Mr. Croese in the foregoing recital tacitly says the same and have drawn much People after them many whereof Men Women and Children at their Meetings are strangely wrought upon in their Bodies and brought to fall foam at the Mouth roar and swell in their Bellies and that some of them affirm themselves to be equal with God contrary to the late Act as hath been attested at a late Quarter Sessions holden at Lancaster in October last and since that time acknowledged before many Witnesses besides many other dangerous Opinions and damnable Heresies as appear by a Schedule hereunto Annexed c. May it therefore please Your Honours upon consideration of the Premises to provide a Remedy as to your Wisdoms shall seem meet that some speedy course may be taken for the speedy suppressing these Evils And your Petitioners shall ever pray as in duty bound 1. Charge That George Fox professed and avowed that he was equal with God Defence It was not so spoken as Geo. Fox was equal with God but the Father and the Son is one I and my Father are one and where the same is revealed this is witnessed Let the same mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus who being in the Form of God thought it no Robery to be equal with God and this I witness to be fulfilled for the same Spirit where it is is equal with God and he that hath the same Spirit that raised Jesus Christ is equal with God Observa Mark Reader here is the Charge that 's Blasphemy you do not hear him deny it only he brings in an Equivocation like G. W.'s It is not spoken of George Fox who then is that He I say who is this He if not George that Hath for He and Hath are but the Relative and the Verb. It cannot be meant here that the Spirit of God is equal no it is and He the Man that hath the Spirit which raised Jesus Christ is equal with God 'T is prov'd Blasphemy beyond all the Quakers Glossing 2. Charge That George Fox professed himself to be the Eternal Judge of the World Defence He that was a Minister of God said that the Saints should Judge the World yea Angels Herein they do shew themselves to be no Ministers of God Observe The Charge is confess'd and the Ministers who handed the Petition condemned as no Ministers of Christ for that they will not allow George Fox to be the Eternal Judge of the World 3. Charge He said he was Christ the Way the Truth and the Life Defence The old Man cannot endure to hear the new Man speak which is Christ and Christ is the Way and if Christ be in you must he not say I am the Way the Truth and the Life Observ 1. The Charge is Blasphemy 2. 'T is not denyed but fairly owned and the Petitioners justified to be wise and good Men and not wicked Men nor Fools 4. Charge That George Fox said whosoever took a place of Scripture and made a Sermon of it and from it was a Conjurer and his preaching was from Conjuration Defence And all that do study to raise a living thing out of a dead to raise the Spirit out of the Letter are Conjurers and draw Points and Reasons and so do speak a Divination of their own Brain they are Conjurers and Deceivers and their Teaching is from Conjuration which is not spoken from the Mouth of the Lord c. Observ What contempt is here thrown upon the Scripture and upon all the Servants of God who from the beginning of the planting of Christianity have frequently read the Scripture in the Churches and sometimes have expounded a Chapter and Catechized c. And frequently have taken a portion of Scripture and open'd it and held it forth to the People What signifies the Quakers vindicating the Martyrs printing a Book in Folio Entituled The Spirit of the Martyrs revived c. 'T is not reviv'd in the Quakers surely when they thus condemn them and their practice and condemn all Ministers of the Christian Faith as Conjurers Diviners c. This I would ask G. W. whether these following Martyrs and Ministers were Conjurers and Deceivers Viz. Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury Ridly Bishop of London Latimer Bishop of Worcester Hooper Bishop of Glecester Bradford Prebendary of St. Pauls Dr. Taylor Parson of Hadly I say were these and their Brethren which took places of Scripture and Preached from them with the Assistance of God's Spirit accompaning the Ordinance all Conjurers and Diviners 5. Charge That Fox said the Scriptures were Carnal Defence The Letter of the Scripture is Carnal Obser This contempt is confessed c. 6. Charge R. Hubberthorn said that Christs coming in the Flesh was but a Figure Defence As he is held forth in the Scripture Letter without them as in the Flesh without them he is their Example or Figure which is both one Obser Then Christ in the days of his Flesh was but a Figure his Death and Sufferings a Figure his Resurrection and Ascension a Figure of the Quakers Light within them his Death within them his Crucifixion and Resurrection within them This is perfect Blasphemy and infallible Quakerism 7. Charge Ja. Milner professeth himself to be God and Christ and gives out Prophesies that the day of Judgment shall be the 5th of Novem. next that there shall never sit Judge more at Lancaster that he must e'er long shake the Foundation of the great Synagogue i. e. the Parliament c. Defence George Fox said as for Ja. Milner tho' his Mind did run out from his Condition and from minding that Light of God which was in him whereby the World takes occasion to speak against the Truth and many Friends stumble at it yet there is a pure Seed in him Obser I am the longer on this Head because it contains all the Pillars upon which Quakerism stands Gen. Hist p. 103. say these Words were denyed there is not a word of reproof like that of the Apostle who has bewitched you Not a word of condemning his Blasphemy but all is hush'd he had a pure Seed in him I write the more for Mr. Croese his sake that he may see and in seeing may correct the Quakers for their false Information 8. Charge Leo Fell said that Christ had no other Body but his Church Defence There is one Body and one Spirit even as ye are called c. Obser John Whitehead Joshua Coal and as many of them as have spake honestly what they
this very Testimony from this Great Prophet of theirs Printed 1659. and Reprinted in 1672. by Whitehead and the Chief Quakers Approbation and at the same time too when the Quakers were seeking Favour was such a piece of Impudence as Arius never had But to proceed to my 4th and last Head proposed viz. Who are in the Quakers Account True and Orthodox Preachers since all that Baptise with Water all that Study the Scriptures and Preach out of them all that Preach Christ without as he is in Heaven above all that take Receive or pay Tyth's are false Ministers Witches Devils c. In a word all not Quakers for so they affirm The Quakers Challenge c. p. ● Come Protestants Presbyterians Independents and Baptists the Quakers deny you all p. 3. The Quakers are in the Truth and none but they c. And therefore 't is highly necessary to know who they account true Preachers which are these that follow viz. 1. Such as Teach that the Name of Christ belong to every Member of the Body as well as to him that Suffered at Jerusalem that his Body was but a Vail a Garment c. and which they can never call Christ that his Person was no more to his Disciples then another Person but for the sake of the Spirit Frame and Temper that dwelt in him his Disciples loved him that Christ is not God and Man in one Person For Proof hereof see Is Pennington's Question to Professors c. p. 20. to 33. Will Bayly's Works p. 300. 307. The Sword of the Lord Drawn c. p. 5. 2. Such as deny the Blessed Trinity see W. Penn's Sandy Foundation c. p. 15. to 20. and W. Penn's Christian Quaker and his Dev. Testimony p. 98. 3. Such as Teach that the Scriptures are Dust Death Serpents Food that the Sacraments are Dust that Matthew Mark Luke and John are Serpents Meat Dust and Beastly Ware and such as propose it doubtful whether Moses or Hermes was the 1st Pen-man of the Scripture and whether some of it was not spoke by the Grand Imposter some by Wicked Men some by Wise Men ill Applyed some by Good Men ill Expressed some by False Prophets and yet True some by True Prophets and yet False for Proof see The Quakers Refuge Fixed c. p. 17. News coming out of the North c. p. 14. David's Enemies Discovered c. p. 7. 4. Such as Teach that the Scriptures are not the Word of God and that so to Affirm is Blasphemy See G. Fox's Book Stiled Firebrands c. 2 part p. 159. Printed 1678. and his Great Mist c. p. 240. Printed 1659. 5. Such who Teach that the Quakers Writings are the Word of God given forth by the Eternal Spirit of God that we may as well burn the Scriptures as their Books Papers and Queries That if ever we own the Prophets Christ or the Apostles we will own their Books that what is spoken from the Spirit of Truth in any is of as great Authority as the Scriptures and Chapters are and greater for Proof See Truth 's Defence c. p. 2. 104 107. Fox's his Answer to the Westmorland Petitioners c. p. 3. both Printed 1653. likewise G. Whitehead's Serious Apology c. p. 49. A Brief Discovery c. p. 8. Several Papers given forth for spreading Truth c. p. 40. 6. Such as Teach that Water Baptism is no Ordinance of God but an Institution of the Whore of Rome And that the Practice of it is Idolatry and that such are bewitched to accept of those two Institutions of Christ Baptisme and the Lord's Supper For Proof News coming up out of the North c. p. 34. 35. A Musick Lecture p. 25. Burrough's Works p. 51. 518. William Smith's Primmer p. 36. 7. Such as Teach that the Quakers Sufferings are greater and more unjust than the Sufferings of Christ his Apostles and all the Marters since That the Sufferings Inflicted upon Christ his Apostles and Martyrs were chiefly done by a Law and in a great part by the due Execution of a Law see Burrough's Works p. 273. Behold Reader not only how they Magnifie their Sufferings the Blasphemy of their Doctors But the horrible Lye far exceeding that of Mahomet's Journey to Heaven as at large in that Learned Treatise Wrote by Dr. Prideaux Arch-deacon of Suffolk Entituled The Nature of an Imposture in the Life of Mahomet c. Printed 1697. Sold by W. Rogers at the Sun in Fleetstreet London 8. Such as Teach and leave it upon Record to Posterity that they Suffer 20 l. at a time for Preaching when they not only not suffer a penny but get ten pound clear by the Bargain as in this Book at large shewed in the Instance of that Self magnifying Teacher of theirs Samuel Cater of Little Port in the Isle of Ely See The lamentable Cry of Oppression c. p. 40. to the end Hadenham old Records c. 9. Such as Teach that the very Christ of God is within us his Sufferings within us that his offering himself as a Sacrifice is within us and by the scope of their Ancient Testimony deny him that was nail'd to the Cross Pierced c. to be Christ which their Light never was c. See Burrough's Works c. p. 149. W. Smith's Primmer p. 8. 9. and his Catechism p. 57. to 60. 10. Such as Teach that the Quakers have a a Spirit given them beyond all the Fore-fathers and thereby know who are Saints who are Devils and who are Apostates without speaking ever a word and that none need to give the Quakers Discerning or Judgment for Christ i. e. their Light doth furnish them at all times and on all occasions see G. Fox's Great Mist. p. 89. Judas and the Jews c. p. 58. 11. Such as Teach and that truly too that the Quakers are raised contrary to all Men yea ever since Noah's Flood and that they have given their Power only to God and that they cannot seek that 's a grand Lie the Parliament can bear me witness to outward Authority But stand Witness against Parliaments that 's true Judges Justices and to such Laws Customs Courts c. they cannot yield Obedidience that the Quakers Kingdom is from above and that they reject the Beasts Authority i. e. the Parliament and the Dragons Power And that the Quakers are gather'd up into the Life which the Holy Men of God lived in That they i. e. Quakers are fallen from the World and it's Ways and Nature That even the Father oh dreadful Blasphemy bears Witness of them and therefore their Witness is true Alluding as in many other Cases to Equalize themselves to Christ John 5. 32. There is another that beareth witness of me and I know the witness which he witnesseth of me is true that Teach saying What have you the publick Ministry lost the Lord to be your Strength that you must flee for Help to Men Must they make Laws to Establish