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A17219 Questions of religion cast abroad in Helvetia by the aduersaries of the same: and aunswered by M. H. Bullinger of Zurick: reduced into .17. common places. Translated into Englishe by Iohn Coxe. 1572 Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Coxe, John. 1572 (1572) STC 4074; ESTC S113230 103,005 301

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Articles I haue here breefly set folowing in order The Common places which are handled in these Questions 1 OF the holy Trinitie Fol. 1. 2 Of the holy Christian Church and of the Churche of Rome eodem 3 Of Counsels and decrees of the church Fol. 30. 4 Of Free will. Fol. 43. 5 Of fayth and good workes Fol. 46. 6 Of the intercession inuocation and worshipping of Saincts Fol. 58. 7 Of Relikes Images and suche lyke Fol. 70. 8 Of purgatory and prayers for the dead Fol. 75 9 Of Sacraments Fol. 83. 10 Of Baptisme of children and of the Anabaptistes Fol. 85. 11 Of the Lords supper and receyuing thereof Fol. 88. 12 Of the sacrifice of the Masse Fol. 103. 13 Of repentaunce and Confession Fol. 108. 14 Of the authoritie of Priestes Fol. 116. 15 Of Mariage vowes and Chastitie Fol. 120. 16 Of Enoyling Fol. 139. 17 Of the Magistrate and lawefull obedience Fol. 141. The fyrst Common place Of the holy Trinitie The first question What they doe thinke of the holy Trinitie The Answere TOuching the holy Trinitie I doe beléeue all that which the true and sacred woorde of God dothe teache to acknoweledge beléeue To witte that there is one only true and liuing God in Trinitie one I say vndeuided in substāce and thrée distinct parsons God the father God the sonne and God the ho y ghost being of like power and equally to be worshipped So are we taught Deut. 6. Exod. 20. Matth. 18. Luke 1. Iohn 1. 3. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 14. 15. 16. and 17. Rom. 1. and. 9. 1. Corinth 8. 1. Iohn 5. Likewise we confesse the true faithe of the Trinitie contained in the twelue Articles of our Christian faithe where we say I beleeue in God the father in his only begotten sonne and in the holy ghoste And therefore what so euer in times past hath bene written or taught againste this Doctrine by Praxeas Arius Macedoni● and suche like yea and whatsoeuer the Jewes Turkes Michael Seruetus that Spaniard with their adherentes haue written we abhorre and detest assenting only to the olde holy Apostolike Church The second Common place Of the holy christiā church of the church of Rome The seconde Question Whether they beleue in one holy Catholike and Apostolical church The Answere LIke as there is cōtained and expressed ▪ in the. xij Articles of our christian faith so do I beléeue that ther is one holy and Catholike church and that the same or the Sainctes which are therin be partakers of all the grace and giftes of Christe I call the same one and Catholicke bicause there is but one only true Churche biside the which there is none other And the same is the congregation and felowship of all the faithfull throughout the whole worlde which at any time haue liued on this earthe in what time or place so euer they haue bin or that now are or héereafter shall be And as there is one God and Lorde neither any moe Gods or Lordes ▪ as appeareth ● Corinth 8. and Ephes. 4. so also it is of necessitie that there be but one only churche Wherfore althoughe this churche be dispersed diuers times into diuers sundry members through out the face of the whole earth yet hath it but one spirite one faith beléeueth in one God the father in one sauior our Lord Jesus Christ in the holy ghost And therfore is knit in one charitie and in one mind with all faithfull where and in what place so euer they be And this church is holy that is to say sanctified purged from sinnes beutified endued with holinesse and righteousnes and that through the grace of God the father in the blud of his only sonne by the power effectuall working of the holy ghoste It is called the christian Apostolical church bicause it is grounded built by the blissed Apostles vpō the true rock that only euerlasting foundation Jesus Christ in the which foundation also it is preserued réedified and increased by the doctrine of thapostles as we may lerne by S. Paul 1. Cor. 3. Eph. 2. 4. 1. Pet. 2. And here is to be noted that as the Israelites did beléeue Moses that is to say did beleue the doctrin commaundements which he brought to thē frō God euen so the christiās beléeue the true church Paule also calleth it the piller and foūdation of truth bicause shée heareth the voice only of hir pastor Jesus Christ not the voice of any stranger Nether is it beleued bicause it is the church only that is to say the congregation or felowship of mē but bicause it is the church of Christ heareth only his eternal truth preserueth confesseth teacheth the same and for this cause shée is called the piller foūdatiō of truth Wherfore we beleue the church for Christes sake and for his truthe and doctrines sake which by his faithfull ministers is taught in the same Neither ought any mā to beléeue in the church bicause she is collected of men therfore is of the order of things created And it is manifest that God abhorreth all those which trust in men Ierem. 17. wherfore this preposition ●n is ioyned in the. xij Articles of our faith only to the thrée persones of the holy Trinitie For vve confesse that vve beleeue in God the father in his only begotten sonne and in the holy ghost Furthermore Cyprian and other holy fathers do excellently teach in their interpretations of the Créede that we must beleeue there is an holy church but not to beleue in the church And therfore do we not teache any new thing but that which the fathers before vs haue themselues most plainly diligētly taught The third Question What they vnderstande by the name of the church The Answere WE vnderstande thereby the congregation or cōpany of those which beléeue in christ For the church in the Germain tong is called Kirch as though it were deriued from the Grecians which call our Lord Jesus Christe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say lord Wherefore all those which are coupled or knitte to Christ the true head and fruteful vine as his proper members and braunches springing and growing in him are the true Christian churche And this interpretation of the name of the church we haue also in the Articles of our faith for to the confession of the catholike church we adde that we beleue in the Communion or felowship of Sainctes as though we should say the church is none other thing but the congregation of Sainctes And euen in this sort do the blessed Fathers interprete these thyngs The church is called the Communion or felowshippe of Sainctes for these causes First bicause all the faithfull there are partakers of all the giftes and graces which Christe hath purchased that is to say chéefely the remission of sinnes like as it is said in the Créede next after this Article I
the name of sectes and these woords sectes and sectaries are vsually receyued in common spéeche But bycause they are deriued from the Latine tong many simple people doe not perfectly vnderstande them These woords sectes and sectaries are deriued from the woorde which signifieth to cut as when an whole péece of wood is hewen or cut into diuers partes or when those which were first of one minde doe nowe disagrée and are deuided into sundry opinions so as almost euery one hath a seuerall opinion with him selfe and so these partes being thus separated are called sectes euen as amongste the Philosophers were sundry sectes as of the Epicures Stoickes and Peripatetickes amongst whome eche secte had his peculiar or proper opinion Yet notwithstāding the fathers doe make some difference betwéene these words heresie and schisme of which difference there is no néede héer to speake sauing only to note that euery schisme is not heresie For when the Apostles begā first to preach and builde the churche that is to say to bring a peculiare people bothe of the Jewes and Gentiles vnto Christe and that they might seeke al things in him their Doctrine was called heresie as plainly appeareth Acts. 24. And bicause the Doctrine of the Apostles did differ much frō the doctrine which héeretofore had bene taught amongste the Jewes they called it heresie supposing it to be a defection or separation from that which they iudged to be the true faith Wherfore whersoeuer any discord schisme or heresie is begonne it muste néedes followe that there was first an vnitie which is nowe deuided by the Heretickes wherupon wée must perfectly know what that vnitie is which the Heretickes so deuyde by meanes whereof they take thys theyr name true church of Christ which putteth hir trust only in god the father through our lord Jesus Christ his son by the power of the holy ghost Yea also the sacramēts of ▪ Christ Baptisme the Supper of the Lord serue to this purpose by which the godly binde them selues to God mutually knit thē selues together in loue And this therfore is that whole summe or vnitie which being separated maketh heretickes And we haue exāples héereof in the auncient people of God to whō God gaue in cōmaundement that they should loue him with al their hart with all their soule with all their strength and therfore he included them into one churche gaue them one lawe made one couenaunt with them instituted amongste them one Tabernacle or Temple one arke of couenaunt one altare Sacrifice and Priesthoode Yea their sacramentes that is to say Circūcision and the Passeouer serue also to this vnitie teaching them that they were all one people vnder one God in one faithe And therefore he forbad them to worship or serue strāge gods that is to say to haue in steade of God or of a sauior any thing whatsoeuer besides him selfe who is the true and liuing god He also forbad them to hearken after strange religions or to worship him or offer Sacrifices vnto him in any other place but in that only yea and after that sort which himself had ordained But Jeroboam king of Israel did first manifestly cōtrary to the ordinances of god For first he separated the vnitie of the church into diuers parts and brought x. tribes frō the only temple altars priesthoode sacrifice brue them frō the appoynted written seruice of God built two tēples after his owne minde in which he placed idols built altars chose priests after his own wil wherof we mai read in the first of Kings in chap. 12. 13. And this was the chefest heretike or deuider of gods church ▪ for the which oftētimes he was moste sharpely reproued by the word of god Then after this mā came King Achab who besides this added héerunto the worshipping of Baal and so ledde the people yet further from the true right way wherfore God rooted out bothe them and all their posteritie Againe after that the blessed Apostles had preached Christe and all saluation of man to be contained in him and on this foundation haue builded the churche in this worlde lefte their wrytings and the bookes of the Prophetes wherin is contained the fulnesse of all good doctrine vnto the same they foreshewed in their wrytings that there should come suche which would deuide or tear their doctrine faith and church And in shorte space after suche entred into the churche and haue daily encreased Of whome some denyed the Trinitie some the deuine and some the humane nature of Christe Other some of them did extenuate or take away the corruption of manne or as some call it Originall sinne and some did attribute righteousnesse and saluation of man to mannes owne power and frée wil to the workes of the lawe and merites of men and that cleane contrary to the frée grace of god And eache of these most lamentably haue torne and rent the holy scriptures and the church to the ende they might establishe some peculiar opinions and by those crooked sleightes to seduce the foolish and leade them from the onely way and Apostolike churche to their vtter destruction which sleightes and péeuishe opinions they either haue deuised of their owne braynes or else receiued them frō other traditions without the warrant of the holy Scriptures and hauing thus receiued them they moste obstinately defende and teach them And therfore the auncient fathers haue righte worthely counted and estéemed them for Schismatikes and Heretikes Wherfore if any nowe in these our dayes doo rayse vppe or renue any of the aforenamed Heresies of sedicious opinions or deuise any thing of them selues contrary to the Scriptures or doo otherwyse rent and deuide asunder the scriptures and the holy christian Church and attribute that vnto them selues whereof they haue spoyled Chryst and béeyng neuerthelesse better instructed oute of the worde of God wil not reuoke their foresayde errours but preache vnto them selues an other God an other Gospell an other Chryst renting the hearts of the faythfull teaching them not to loue one god with al their harts but other Gods also not to pray vnto God onely but to other creatures to serue them worship them pray vnto them Agayn they teach not al saluatiō and health to be in Chryst alone but to be in other creatures also that christ is not in the holy scriptures so called a pastor head chéefe bishop aduocate and intercessor sacrifice for sinnes the righteousnesse redemption of the faithful as thoughe these were so proper vnto him that to this end none other things might be ioyned to him Furthermore if they vse the Sacraments for any other purpose than for the conseruation and increase of the vnitie of the Church If I say either euen wée our selues or any other doo the things wherof I haue spoken they are vndoubtedly to be suspected of Heresie as the authors of sectes and discordes in faythe and the true Churche of Chryste
doe all the faithfull in the vniuersall church beléeue acknowledge Christe to be their onely intercessor to God the father therefore come they vnto him onely For they stedfastly beléeue that he is the Christe that is to say the annoynted and ordained King and Priest at the righte hande of God who hathe deliuered vs and hath ascended into the heauens euen vnto the righte hande o● God that he mighte alwayes appear● before his heauenly father for vs lik● as Paule saythe that Christe is entre● into the heau●s that he might appear● in the s●ght of God and make intercession and pray for vs. But bicause Intercession or Prayer is reckened amongste the chéefest partes of the office of a Prieste or Bi ▪ shop and that there is but one Priest hoode yea and that so vnited that it cannot be translated giuen or imparted t● any other whereby it is called eternal and immutable therefore the faithful séeke not any other Bishop aduocate or intercessor besides Christ no not vnto the Angels or sainctes liuing in heauen But content them selues with Christ alone and vse him their onely aduocate and intercessoure to God as he which is best accepted with his father and can moste faithfully readily excellently effectually and wisely do this office For the Angels and Sainctes can in no wise be compared to Christe Furthermore he bothe can and will performe those things which we craue knoweth our want and calleth vs vnto himself neyther can we héereby wearie him and knoweth what is profitable for vs and howe all things may be done most commodiously for vs And all these did he confirme while hée lyued héere in this worlde bothe with his woords and déedes For he readily gaue care to all menne yea he knewe their necessities better than they could expresse them by their wordes was neuer wearyed but healed all diseases holpe all menne hadde euer inoughe for them and althoughe he cured many and gaue maruellous giftes yet had he still asmuche grace helpe other giftes as he had before Yea and when his disciples wold oftentimes haue put men off he tooke it not in good parte but how muche the more they thronged vnto him and craued many things of him so muche the more declared he his power oftētimes exhorting them that they should continually come vnto him c. Wherby the faithfull receiue this comforte that euen this oure Lord Jesus Christe being nowe at the righte hande of God i● heauen is no lesse gentle willing ready and able to helpe all those which● put their trust in him And therefore i● all their néedes they contente them selues with the intercession and med●ation of Christe And that chéefely sith● Paule sayth in the first Epistle to T●mothe and the seconde Chapter The● is one God and one mediator between God and manne euen the manne Iesu Christe vvhich gaue him selfe for th● redemption of all menne And S. Jho● saith If any man sinne vve haue an ad●uocate with God the father Iesus Chri●● the righteouse and he is the propitiation for our sinnes and not for ours onely but for the sinnes of the whole worlde Touching the intercession of our Lorde Jesus Chryste in heauen we haue the manyfest and inuincible testimonies of the holy Scriptures but as touching the intercession of Angels and Saincts which are in heauen we haue no testimonie thereof and therefore the godly care not for it Yea those whiche beléeue the worde of God in which we haue taught vs but one onely intercessor Chryste in heauen they ●éeke for none other intercessor there ●ycause they haue the same full and ●erfectly in Chryste But they whiche ●oo not beléeue nor acknowledge Christ ●or their onely and perfecte intercessor ●nd aduocate those Infidels shall ne●er be holpen with any prayers of An●els or Sainctes althoughe they dyd ●ray for them The .xxvj. Question If Chryste be our onely inter●ssor why did he then teach vs this prayer which we call the Lordes prayer which was also vsed of the apostles and so with one accord continued in prayer as it is written in the first Chapter of the Actes of the Apostles The Answere YT may very easily appeare by this question that those wicked men whiche were the authors of these questions did neuer rightly vnderstande this holy Prayer common vnto all men and commonly called the Lords prayer For they speake thereof as though wée dyd●e pray the same of ourselues without Chryste when as muche rather it is the prayer of Chryste and is so named not onely for that he made the same but also for that wée nowe pray the same as euen by his mouthe For when wée say the Lords prayer we then with those wordes pray euen as it were with Chrysts owne mouth therefore the father who loueth hys sonne acknowledgeth his wordes and prayer and those are moste acceptable vnto him therefore euen for his sons sake he heareth vs And therfore in the Lords prayer Chryst is made the only intercessor and although wée pray the same with the Apostles yet are we not herd for their sakes but for Christs for euen their prayers are made effectuall acceptable vnto god through Chryst. In the Acts they require the gift of the holy ghost of whō the Lord before had spoken in the gospel saying that his father would send him in his name and therfore it euery where appeareth that Chryst is the true aduocate and intercesser of all the faythfull And it were not a little to be wondred at why these men sho●●● more set by and regard the intercession of sa●●c●s than of Chryst on lesse they did man●festly declare thē selues to be of that number of whome Paule speaketh in the ●●●ste Chapter to the Romanes saying which worship and serue the creatures more than the creator c. The .xxvij. Question Whether the charitie and loue of the Angelles and Sainctes whiche are nowe in heauen bee cleane put out and taken away from vs when as Paule yet sayth that Charitie neuer fayleth The Answere CHaritie or loue can neuer in heauen nor yet in earth bring to passe that the Saincts should chalēge that vnto them selues which is onely due to Chryst that is to say his priesthoode and the office of a mediatour to make intercession to God the father Furthermore in the Saincts all things are purged and perfected after they bée departed out of this lyfe and fleshe vnto eternall felicitie and therefore Charitie which in this life reioyceth not in the miserie of the vngodly is not in the lyfe to come troubled nor sorroweth not for their damnation And bycause that God in heauen is all in all and that the saincts haue giuen them selues all wholly ouer vnto the will of God so as his will is their chéefe felicitie or ioy and therefore wée pray thy wyll be done in earth as it is in heauen therfore no kinde of charitie moueth them to make intercession For why they perfectly knowe that
vs to eternall life ▪ For the body of Christe which was 〈…〉 uen for vs and his bloud that was sh●● for vs is our lyfe or lyfe is therby purchased to vs and these do we receiue b● faithe so as thereby Christe dothe li●● in vs and we in him Wherfore in th● holy supper of our Lord Jesus Christe ▪ we do not eate bread and drinke win● onely but his body and bloude also bu● yet in suche sorte as before I haue said spiritually by faithe so as the presence of Christe in this supper is spirituall is the eating therof also is For the body of Christe which is and remaineth 〈…〉 heauen euen vnto the laste day is a ●aturall body subiecte to a place and ●s therefore in heauen ouer vs and can ●n no wise bodely or fleshly be in di●ers places at once vppon this earthe ●r be carnally eaten And therefore in the celebrating of this Supper they haue alwayes sayd Lift vp your harts and therefore the aunciente wryters haue alwayes in interpreatyng the ●oordes of Christe touching the eating and drinking of his body and bloud ex●ounded the same to be done spiritually by faithe bicause the fleshe profiteth not as in the sixth Chapter of John and therefore they haue interpreated these ●oords of Christ This is my body This is my bloud thus It so signifieth or it is the signe or Sacrament or token of my body and bloud For euen immediatly after the forsaid words our Lord himself ●aith Do this in the remembrāce of me And Paule saith shevv you the Lordes death vntill he come to witte to iudgement Wherefore to this Question we Answere that the naturall body and true bloude of Christe is in heauen as touching the substance and that in the supper or in the bread and wine which two retaine their propre substaunces they are Sacramentally or spiritually present not substancially or bodily For the bread and wine are the true Sacraments or signes of the bodye and bloud of Christe which being once offered on the Crosse ▪ are now abiding in heauen and are spiritullay by faithe receiued of vs vnto eternall life But some not being concente with this plaine exposition obiecte that in oure dayes there is great strife aboute the sacrament some teaching that Christ must be eaten spiritually other some saying that it ought to be carnally c. And these men we hartely beseeche that they woulde diligently marke those which thus so earnestly holde that the breade it selfe or that vnder the breade or formes thereof the very body of Christe is presente and corporally to be eaten for after they haue contentiously tossed themselues and others herein yet at the last they come to this poynt that they confesse this not to be done so grosly or carnally bicause the whole matter is heauenly Sacramentall and Spirituall Wherefore if this be true why then yéeide they not here vnto and ceasse hencefoorth to bée contentiouse and to perswade this thing to bée carnally spirituall and that the substaunce of bread no longer remayneth c. Wherby neither them selues nor yet others can tell what they meane Let the auncient doctrine of Chrystes Churche remayne which alwayes beléeued that Chryste had a true naturall body and that glorified in hys resurrection yet still remayning a true naturall body euen suche as our bodies shall bée at the last day and that with this body he ascended into heauen there remayneth and shall from thence come to iudge bothe the quicke and the dead And that yet neuerthelesse he is present spiritually in the Sacramente of the supper and so receiued of the faythfull spiritually and not carnally vnto eternall life This is the auncient playne Apostolical truth to whiche not onely thou mayest yeelde thy selfe but also know what thou beléeuest Wherfore if thou goo foorth any further to séeke to contende or to quarel then must we let thee alone that euen through thine own default thou maiest al thy life long remayne and continue a most miserable man c. The. xlj Question Whether they do beleeue that Christ being present in the Sacrament is to be worshipped whē the same is eleuated or lift vp by the priest giuē vnto other caried to the sicke or is otherwise shewed or caried about The Answere TOuching the presence of Chryst we haue answered in the former question but if any man bée not sufficiently answered therwith let him heare the answere of S. Augustine vpon the words of Chryst Trac● in ●oan 50 The poore shall you haue alwayes with you but me shall ye not haue alwayes Thus he wryteth Accordyng to that substance after which he was borne of the Virgin taken of the Iewes nayled on the Crosse and appeared manyfestly in the resurrection according to that substance you shal not haue me alwaies with you VVherefore he was conuersaunt bodily fortie dayes with hys disciples and after ascended into heauen and is not nowe héere on earth For there he sitteth on the righte hande of his father yet is here also for the presence of his Maiestie did not depart Therfore according to the presence of his maiesty we haue Chryst always present but as touching the presēce of his humane body we haue it not For the Church had him present but a few dais yet faith apprehēdeth him though our eyes see him not And this is S. Augustines doctrine Touching the worshipping of Chryste we beléeue he oughte to be worshipped in what place so euer he bee in bodie For whylest he was héere on earth the Apostles and others dyd worship him here and after he ascended into heauē they worshipped him there Luk. 24. Wherfore sithe we haue already sufficiently declared that Chryst is not bodily presente in the earthe vnder the fourme of bread but is in heauen therfore is he to be worshipped in heauen sitting on the right hande of God and not vnder the fourme of breade Furthermore touching the worshipping of the Sacrament we haue neither commaundement from God nor example of the Apostles For the Lorde sayth Take yée eate yee and not shew it and worship it Neither dyd the Apostles kéepe this Sacrament and shut it in a Boxe carrie it to the sicke or in procession or dedicate any festiuall day vnto it no more than they did to Baptisme which notwithstanding is an holy Sacrament giuen in the name of the blessed Trinitie the father the sonne and the holy ghost And wée truely do worship rightly the holy Trinitie and yet not in Baptisme Laste of all it is euident by Histories that 1200. yeres and somewhat more after Chryste the inuention and buylding of Chappels to the Sacraments and feastes and carying of the same aboute on procession was inuented and ordeyned onely by men cleane contrary to the worde of god Dan. 11. and Math. 24. The. xlij Question Whether those Priests which are not consecrated suche as a greate many bee amongest the gospellers haue power to make of bread and wine the
on the thighe Wherfore true repentaunce and the right sorowing for our sinnes muste procéede from God stirring vp the same in vs by fayth so as it must not be a repentaunce or sorrow according to the world but after the wil of god ● Cor. 7. Touching confession and satisfaction shall bée spoken hereafter The. L. Question Whether they beleue that sins with all their circumstaunces oughte to bee confessed to the Prieste in the Sacramente of confession The Answere COnfession or the numbring of our sinnes which must be done before the priest with al the circūstances therof as how when who with whom how often and wherfore he hath offended is but in vayne and without all sufficient proofe called the Sacrament of confession For God alone as wée haue before shewed dyd institute the Sacraments but he ordeyned not this confession to be any of them neither did he commaunde it as necessarie to our saluation For the holye Scripture teacheth an other maner of profitable and necessarie kinde of confession and byddeth vs to confesse our sinnes with a true fayth from our hearts méekely vnto god For God it is alone whome wée haue offended who knoweth our hearts déedes and determinations remitteth or punisheth sinnes and hathe giuen his sonne vnto vs an high Priest and one eternall sacrifice Therefore muste wée come to GOD the father through Chryst and that with the same wordes which he hathe giuen vs teaching vs to confesse our sinnes saying Forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgyue them that trespasse agaynst vs. And after this sorte may all the faythfull in all theyr troubles and at all tymes and in euery place confesse themselues to GOD bothe secretly and openly Secretly when eche man prayeth alone and confesseth his sinnes to god Openly when any man in the Church togither with the whole congregation prayeth and confesseth the same And there are many examples in bothe the Testamentes of those who confessed themselues to God and not onely craued but also obteined of him forgiuenesse of their sinnes But on the contrarie there are no examples of any which confessed themselues to Laye men or Priestes for this honor belongeth to God alone which hathe giuen vs hys sonne to be our high Prieste who heareth sufficiently the confession of al the faythfull so that there is no néede to substitute any in hys roume to heare them For who so euer with a true fayth from the bottome of his heart in maner as is sayd confesseth his sinnes to God the father and to his sonne our onely chiefe Byshoppe Chryste Jesus ●auing hys grace and mercy they vndoubtedly receiue full remission of all their sinnes And therfore I demaunde of our Aduersaries whether this bée true or no If they denie it then doo we obiecte agaynst them the Lords prayer in the which wée confesse and pray saying Forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse agaynst vs. And our Lorde hathe saide whatsoeuer you aske in my name you shall receiue it Agayne wée obiecte agaynst them the Articles of our Fayth wherin wée confesse wée beléeue the remission of sinnes Yea wée doo certaynly know that if wée beléeue according to Gods worde wée doo also obteyne the same that wée beléeue but wée beléeue the remission of sinnes therefore wée obteyne the same To conclude wée obiecte the euydente promisses conteyned in the worde of God and chiefly that saying of Saincte John. 1. Epistle 1. If wee confesse our sinnes hee is mercyfull to forgiue vs our sinnes Wherefore sithe it is thus as by the truthe it is confirmed then they which confesse their sinnes to God and to his sonne our Lorde haue obteyned full remission of the same and so is there no néede to vse the Auricular confession of the Romishe Churche Furthermore there is an other kynde of confession commaunded by our Lorde to all the faythfull to wyt that euery man should confesse eche one to other his faults and offences wherein he hath offended iniured his neighbour and that ech man doo hartily forgiue euery offence iniury which he hath suffred and forgiue hym also which hath don the same and pray for him And the Lordes prayer dothe prescribe vnto vs this kinde of confession for we say As we forgiue them that trespasse agaynst vs. And of this confession is it that Saincte James speaketh in his fifthe Chapter and not of that which is done vnto the Priestes Furthermore there is not one worde in the whole Scripture of God spoken of any other confession than thys and therefore their Auricular confession vnto the Priest is without all authoritie of Scripture Furthermore the blessed Apostles dydde neuer gyue them selues to the hearing of confession neither gaue them absolution whispering in the eares of them that were confessed For the preaching of the Gospell is that ioyfull tydings wherin the captiues and suche as are adiudged to death are declared to bee made free and delyuered from the falte the punishment due for the same and are receiued into fauour and into the number of Gods children and that by the death of Chryste Jesus as Chryste him selfe teacheth out of Esai the Prophet ca. 61 at Nazareth as appeareth in Luke 4. And Paul confirmeth the same 2. Cor. 5. Wherefore that which the aduersaries obiect saying that the priest knoweth not the state or condition of the sinne excepte the same be opened to him and therfore knoweth not what to forgiue or what to leaue vnforgiuen hathe no maner of ground of truthe Wherfore if the Priest doo remitte or retayne any sinnes it behoueth that those be disclosed and opened to him But the wordes of Chryst touching the remitting or retayning of sinnes appertayneth to the preaching of the Gospell and to excommunication not to the priuate power of the Priest whereof I will speake hereafter Likewise when Chryst biddeth the Leper shewe him selfe to the Prieste he commaundeth him not to confesse him selfe vnto him but that he should offer him selfe to be tryed by the Priest and so offer his sacrifice For the iudging or trying of Leprosie appertained to the priest Leuit. 13. and. 14. But in that they say Leprosie did signifye sinne we answere that touching spiritual things and sinne the Priests and sacrifices were figures of Chryste and therefore are they to bée sente vnto Chryste to whome also that Samari●ane came when he was healed and not to any priest So also we trust that Chryst will delyuer and saue vs if wée beléeue in him and to him we confesse our selues although we come not to the priest The auncient Churches before the birthe of Chryste and a long tyme after his comming were altogither ignorant of the confession and absolution of the Priest and after it began to bée receiued yet was there no commaundement for the same as appeareth De pemtent Distinct. 1. But in the counsell of Lataran vnder Innocentius the third Pope it was commaunded in the yere of our Lorde
Wherefore ●ithe wée giue our whole diligence labour and studie that the Auncient and Primatiue puritie and vnitie of the fayth and christian Apostolike Church may be restored and that Chryst may obteine that reuerence in the heartes of the faythfull which is due vnto him and wée in this lyfe may lyue holily and in the lyfe to come eternally in him I hope that no good and godly man can then slaunder or condemne vs for Heretikes bycause we haue forsaken not the aunciente Churche of Rome in those things whiche shée had common with the vniuersall Apostolike Church but this latter Romishe Churche yea and that onely in those thinges whiche to moste shamefull abuse and offence shee hathe deuysed and ordayned not by the authoritie of Goddes woorde but of hir owne brayne yea and moreouer bycause shee is fraughte with all horrible filthinesse and that our Lorde commaundeth vs to go out of hir Rom. 16. 2. Cor 6 Apoc. 18. c. The thirde Common place Of the Decrees and Counsels of the Churche The. x. Question Whether they do stedfastly and without all doubt teach and beleeue that which the holy Catholike church of Rome doth commaunde and teache to be beleeued The Answere TOuching the holy Catholike Churche wée haue already wrytten that the Gospel teacheth vs shée only heareth the voyce of hir only pastor and not of any straunger Wherby we may easily conclude that she commandeth nothing to be beléeued which shée hathe not heard from the mouth of our Lorde and that chiefly bicause Paule sayth that fayth commeth by hearing and hearing by the worde of God or of Chryst Wherfore when the faythfull doo stedfastly beléeue the word of God then doo they also beléeue all that the holy Churche commaundeth and teacheth to be beléeued for she commaundeth nothing to bée beléeued but that which is conteined in the word of god And whatsoeuer is contrary to Gods worde oughte not to bée beléeued although it were colored with the name of the Churche or any other tytle And as touching the churche of Rome it is manyfest that vnder hir name many things were commaunded to be beléeued and kepte whiche were bothe vnknowen to the primatiue Churche and cleane contrary to the worde of God And all suche things God forbiddeth to beléeue or to receiue saying by his prophet Jeremie Do yee not hearken to the words of the Prophets which speak the imaginations of their owne hearts and not out of the worde of the Lorde And our Lorde out of the prophet Csai sayth in the Gospell ▪ They worshippe me in vayne teaching for doctrynes the preccptes of men And Paule affirmeth there is no truthe in the decrées of men and curseth euery doctrine that is contrarie to the Gospell By this Question it may easily appeare that these men desire or couete nothing else but that the Churche of Rome that is to say themselues might be accounted the only and true church and that whatsoeuer they commaunde to bée kepte and beléeued myght without further question bée receyued But why cōmaunde they not all men without all question to beléeue the holy Scripture or woorde of GOD and to acknowledge that all which is néedefull to saluation is fullie conteyned faughte and written therein lyke as Paule sayth in his seconde Epistle to Timothe the thirde Chapter Truely bycause they seeke not the honour of God and the encrease of hys woorde but theyr owne honoure the authoritie confirmation of their owne lawes and customes The. xj Question Whether they doo beleeue that the Decrees and Preceptes of the Churche the Canones and Ordinaunces of the Fathers be of the holy Ghost and not contrary to Christ or the Scriptures The Answere TOuching the decrées of the Churche wée haue answered in the former question But concerning the Canones and ordinances which the fathers haue ordeyned thus muche of them God our moste saythfull father gaue vnto his Churche his holy worde conteyned in both the Testamentes to be as a certayn direction or touchstone by the which all that in stéede of golde that is to say for the ordinaunce of god vndoubted truth was offered vnto vs mighte be tried proued whether they were pure or corrupted Now the Canons and ordinances of the fathers are offered vnto vs for Golde and as the true Oracles of god But sithe them selues were men and might erre and did also commaunde their ordinaunces and decrées to be no further beléeued but as they were proued and allowed by the touchestone of the holy Scriptures they ought therefore to be tryed and proued by the same as Paule teacheth 1. Thessa. 5. and John. 1. Epist. 4. Wherfore if they agrée with the scriptures then are they of the holy Ghost and not contrary to Chryste and hys worde but if they agrée not with them then are they not of the holy ghost but contrary to Chryst and his worde and therefore ought not to be beléeued nor kepte But howe many Decrées of the fathers do apparantly shew themselues contrary to the Scriptures it would be too tedious to recite and therefore as muche as is néedefull to be knowen may easily by these questions be perceiued For almoste all that these men striue for are nothing else but the ordinances and decrées of the fathers or of other men And to say the truthe the decrées of the fathers are many tymes cleane contrary one to an other For some of their decrées forbidde the mariage of the Ministers of the Churche and on the contrarie parte it is euident what the Counsell of Gangra●● dyd teache concerning the same excommunicating all those whiche forsake or despise those Priestes that hée maried And many suche like shal yée finde yea euen in the very Popes decrées But why I beséech you doo not they sée men striue as earnestly for the Lawes and ordinances of God to commende them as the holsome knowledge of our saluation vnto the worlde But truely in all their Questions there is not one word spoken hereof Doo they not therfore moste liuely represente vnto vs the Scribes and Pharisies who were at continuall debate with Chryste and hys Disciples and that onely aboute the decrées of the fathers neglecting the lawe of God and as Chryste often did ●ast in their téeth preferred them to the ●awe of God Math. 15. Mark. 7. The xij Question Whether those generall Councelles whiche are lawefully kepte oughte to bee beleeued and obeyed and whether they may bee called into question as though they had erred and so be disputed vpon The Answere THis Question conteyneth thrée others First whether those generall Councelles whiche are lawfully made ought to be obeyed and beléeued To this we answere that all councels both vniuersall and prouincial as they terme them oughte to take their authoritie from the worde of god Wherfore if the lawes decrées of Councels be deriued from the worde of God and confirmed by the same then ought they no lesse to be
beléeued than the worde of God it selfe But if it be otherwyse then is there no aucthoritie of any Councell to bée accepted agaynst the truthe of the holy Scriptures Constantinus the Emperoure in the firste generall Counsell holden at N●c● offered vnto the fathers there béeing lawfully assembled the Bookes of the olde and newe Testamente commaunding them thereby so iudge and determyne all controuersies The seconde Question is VVhether that Counsels haue erred But their Question is so demaunded as thoughe they mighte neuer erre But bycause all the Councelles that haue béene héeretofore as also those whiche are now were gathered from men and and that men doo and may erre like as in times past they haue often erred for Dauid sayth God is true but euery man is a lyar and saint James sayth In many things we sinne all It foloweth therfore that coūcels may erre On the other side if they folow god his word they cā not erre as we before haue sufficiently declared That councels haue erred and therby often haue bene quite cōtrary one to an other cōdemning one an other dothe manyfestly appeare by Hystories For it is not néedefull at large héere to discourse them all sithe I haue onely determined to aunswere the Questions aforesayde briefly The thirde Question is VVhether those thinges whiche are well and sufficiently decreed vppon once in some generall Councell oughte to bee called into question and to bee disputed on agayne To this question I aunswere thus Those thinges whereon the Counselles haue rightely and truely decréed by the woorde of GOD to those muste wée submitte our selues neyther are they to be called into question As the firste generall Counsels holden at Nice Constantinople and Ephesus dyd well and rightely decrée touching the holy Trinitie the Deuine and Humane nature of Chryste the holy Ghoste and of suche thinges whiche dydde héerevnto appertayne They nowe therefore offende not agaynst GOD whiche dispute and set them selues agaynst those that call these thinges agayne into question and make doubte of them but they whych are the causers and authors of these Disputations offende as namely Seruetus the Spaniarde in our age and diuerse others whiche haue done the lyke by their open workes and wrytings We also confesse that the lawes of the godly Emperours and Kinges were and are ryghte profitable and necessarie wherein blasphemouse and wycked disputations are forbydden But the Popishe Prelates can not by this tytle defende or shielde them selues as that nothing ought to bée written or disputed agaynst their late newe holden Counselles whiche thyng in déede they greately desire bycause they knowe them selues giltie of infidelitie For it is tootoo manyfeste and can by no manner of meanes bée denyed that in their Counsels they haue ordeined and decréed many thinges contrary to the custome of the Primatiue Churche and the manyfeste testimonies of the holy Scriptures which by their leaue wée may not leaue vntouched Wherevppon within these fewe hundred yeares many holy learned faythfull valyaunte and sincere Ministers of GOD haue cried out saying that the church of Rome is fraught and full stuffed with all abuses errors sinnes wicked and horrible factes and offences and therefore hathe néede of greate and earneste reformation But these men woulde that all these thinges shoulde bee couered and smered ouer and therefore they say It is not lawefull agayne to speake of or dispute agaynst those things which were once decreed and establyshed by generall Councels But whether this bée righte and iuste before God and men the wyse may easily perceiue Touching this matter Saincte Augustine dothe very well instruct vs for he commaundeth vs without all doubt to beléeue the Scriptures of the holy Bible and to beléeue the writinges of the fathers so farrefoorthe as they bee confirmed and proued by the witnesse of the holy Scripture Epistle 19. 111. 48. agaynst Cresconius Lib. 2. Capitu. 32. ni his Booke De peccatorum meritis remis cont Pelag. Li. 3. Ca. 7. De vera regione Cap. 10. Contra Epist. Pelag. ad Bonifac. Lib. 4. Cap. 8. And in his third Booke agaynst Maximinus he saythe But nowe neyther oughte I to bryng the Councell of Nice nor thou the councell of Arimineus as to be preiudiciall one to an other but let vs dispute by the authoritie of the Scriptures And in his seconde Booke agaynst the Donatistes and thirde Chapter he submitteth Councelles to the authoritie of the Scriptures and saythe that it often commeth to passe that the former Councelles may bée amended by those whiche are holden after Agayne De V●itate Ecclesiae in hys sixetéenthe Chapter he sayth That the Scripture is the foundation and Pyller of the Churche and of all that is therein The. xiij Question Whether that Paule Peter James and the rest of the Apostles in the first Counsell holden at Jerusalem did take into thē the Heretikes which vrged Circumcision and the obseruing of Moyses lawe vpon the godly or the lay men which were of that secte The Answere THe whole scope and drift of this question is this that if there chance a frée conference or disputation in any counsel wherin they are required to render a reason of their fayth and Religion and so may not refuse the same that then they may haue at the leaste some kinde of prerogatiue to the ende that nothing may bee decréed agaynst thē that they may not be drawen frō their sinnes errors other abuses to a vertuous acceptable life before god Therfore séeke they by al meanes that them selues onely may be placed in th● councels and that they may not be constrained to admit any lay man or suche as are not of their stampe amongste them but that they alone may haue ful power and aucthoritie to accuse to be witnesses to determine and to iudge and that by this meanes nothing may be done but as it listeth them And euē in this sorte haue some of their forefathers nowe a great while holden councels being the readye waye as they thought to prouide for them selues But whether this were acceptable before God vpright before men or profitable to the church the time it selfe the oppressing of the truthe the slaughters of moste godly men and the miserable gouernement of the thurche dothe euidently declare yea and all faithfull and wise men may easely iudge Of this question there is two partes The first is vvhether the Apostles in the firste councell at Ierusalem did take into the same those heretickes which wente about to thrust vpon the godly circumcision and the lawe of Moses Now héere they suppose we must néedes denie the same whereuppon they will conclude that bicause we are Heretickes we neither oughte to be heard nor be admitted into the councel But althoughe there were no place nor licence giuen to the heretickes in the councell at Jerusalem to speake yet it foloweth not that we ought not to be heard or ought not to be admitted into
inuocation prayers holy dayes fasting dayes gyftes sacrifices almes dedicating of Churches lyghting of Candles and such lyke then saye wée that God alone is to bée worshipped inuocated and honoured and not the Sainctes Yea the Sainctes wyll not bée worshipped and serued in this sort But if this worshippe signifie to reuerence and honestly and reuerently to thynke of them and acknowledge them prayse and commende them as the deare frendes of God and to imbrace them as the singular Ministers and members of Chryste then doo wée gladly beléeue and truely confesse that all the godly the blessed virgin Mary the Angels Apostles Martyres and all other Sainctes oughte by good right to bée worshipped Furthermore wée condemne all those which contemptuously thinke any thing of the Sainctes whiche lyue in heauen And chiefly we confesse that the blessed virgin Mary is woorthy all prayse and that shée is a pure vndefyled virgin bothe before in and after the birthe of Chryste and that shée is blessed aboue all other women and that of hir wombe was borne the sonne of God and therefore may very well be called the mother of god Yea wée also acknowledge and confesse that shée was the dearely beloued handemayden of God who for hir●faythe loue puritie lowlinesse holynesse pacience hope and suche lyke vertues can neuer bée sufficiently praysed and that shée was aboue all others beautified with moste singular gifts of grace and therfore we ought to thinke mo●e reuerently of hir And as touching the Apostles of our Lorde Jesus Chryst we acknowledge them to bée the chosen and singular frends and seruaunts of God indued with most excellent giftes by whom it was his pleasure that the gospel should bée preached vnto vs that thereby the worlde mighte receyue lighte and wée bée delyuered from the mouthe of Sathan and adopted in Chryste into the number of the children of god Yea wée defende the doctrine faythe loue vertues and example of lyfe bothe of the Apostles Martyres and all other the godly agaynst all the enimies of GOD and of the Sainctes yea wée prayse God in them and loue them as the very members of the selfe same body with vs vnder our onely heade Chryste wée studie to followe the example of their lyues and faythe that wée may togither with them after this lyfe haue the fruition of eternall ioyes with god Furthermore whatsoeuer the holy Scripture teacheth or God commaundeth to bée done vnto them we muste readily and willingly yéelde it vnto them But nowe why wée doo not attribute and giue vnto them those honors which the Papists require that is to aske séeke helpe of them in time of trouble as from our intercessors sauiors I wil héere bréefly render the reasons and further also shew why we so earnestly teache and affirme that god alone ought to be worshipped called vppon and serued our lord Jesus Chryst to be acknowledged the onely euerlasting mediator and intercessor before god the father in heauē First we haue a manyfest commandement that in all necessities God only is to be prayed vnto and called vppon and that he alone is sufficient for vs and that he bothe can and will giue vnto vs all things necessarie bothe for our bodies and soules for he him selfe calleth vs vnto him and promiseth vs all good things and is displeased so often as wee seeke vnto others and not vnto him and therfore when we come vnto him we greatly delight him and thereby worshippe him Secondely by the examples of all Sainctes and in the Psalmes also wée are taughte that God alone in all cases is to be called vpon and to be thanked for those benefites whiche we receiue what so euer they be Thirdely that common and holy prayer called the Lordes prayer can onely be sayde and offered to God the father and to no maner of creature Wherefore if we had no other thing but this prayer of our Lorde yet might wée thereby sufficiently knowe that none other is to be called vppon but God only Last of all S. Paule saith he ought to be called vppon on whome we doe beléeue but we doe beléeue in God only and therfore we ought to call vpon him only as he who alone knoweth is able and will helpe vs And yet we do not reiecte the intercession of Christ neither say we that we haue néede of no intercessor with god But like as God alone is to be called vpon so ought we to vse none other intercession nor any other aduocate or intercessor before God than Christe Jesus onely bicause the father hath appoynted him alone to this function therefore in him he heareth and receiueth oure prayers as I haue héeretofore sufficiently preued Wherfore if we would doe obedient seruice to the Sainctes then should we content oureselues with God and Christ our sauioure only For vnto this marke haue the Sainctes alwayes sent all menne and would not suffer themselues to be worshipped or called vpon Wherfore if they suppose that the saincts did not send men to Christe alone but to others also then let them shewe vs who they were to whom they sent thē For we haue our opinion confirmed by the manifest scriptures For when S. John twice as appeareth in the Reuelation 19. 22. fel downe before the Angell to worship him the Angell answered Take heede thou do it not for I am thy fellovve seruaunte and of thy brethren the Prophets worship thou God. Againe at the mariage in Cana a citie of Galelei when there lacked wine the mother of Jesu saide vnto him They haue no vvine Iesus ansvvered vnto hir and sayde vvoman vvhat haue I to doe vvith thee mine houre is not yet come His mother said to the seruaunts vvhat so euer he sayth vnto you doe it And this is the only will of the virgine Mary that what so euer hir sonne commaundeth we should do it And bicause he commaundeth vs to come vnto him to cal on him to pray in his name doutlesse the blessed virgin wold haue vs so to do to serue him and not hir which thing we do when we call vpō hir son not vppon hir In the Actes also it is written of Peter and John that when they hadde healed the lame at the gate of the Temple the whole multitude being amazed ranne vnto them but the Apostles sent the people from them selues vnto Christe saying vvhy meruell you at this Or vvhy looke you so on vs as thoughe by our povver or vertue vve had caused this man to vvalke God hathe in this sorte glorified hys sonne c. Likewise Paule and Bar●abas when they had healed the man that was as is wrytten in the foure twentienth of the Acts of the Apostles and that the menne of Lystra woulde haue done Sacrifice vnto them Paule refused it as a thyng horyble in the sighte of GOD and so renting hys garmentes diligently taughte them that God onely was to be woorshipped and not the Apostles
onely without the which yet nothing can purge vs but without all authoritie of Gods worde they fayne vnto vs I knowe not what kinde of fire to the which they without all shame attribute our purging This also wée finde false with them for that they say the faythfull who departe out of this life are tormented in the life to come quite contrary to the wordes of Chryst Verily verily I say vnto you he that heareth my worde and beleueth him that sent me hath eternall life and shall not come into iudgement but passeth from death to life Iohn 5. Wherefore if he went into Purgatorie then must he néedes come into iudgement but sith the faythfull passe from death to life we answere that the faithful are clerely purged of the Lord and are not subiect to any fire of Purgatorie The. xxxv Question Whether the prayers almes and sacrifices which are done in the christian Churche for those who are tormented in purgatorie be profitable to thē or not The Answere FOrasmuche as we haue alredy playnly declared that our aduersaries erre euen in the chefest point of this question and that is in the fire of Purgatorie it selfe bycause it hath no testimonie in the Scripture therefore I conclude the soules of the faythfull can not there bée punished bycause there is no suche thing and therfore we néede not pray for them after they be dead or do any thing for them sauing onely to make a reuerende remembraunce and render thankes vnto God for that it hathe pleased him to call them out of this worlde in the true fayth vnto his kingdome and that it would please him to encrease our fayth and so in tyme to couple vs with our forefathers in eternall felicitie Furthermore we teache that if we could doo anything for their sakes acceptable to God and profitable to them that then we ought to doo for their wyues children and kynsfolk And I am not ignoraunt that many ciuill men are maruelously offended with vs bicause they thinke it very vndecēt yea horrible a thing in no wise beséeming a christian man that we not onely doo nothing to helpe our forefathers but also speake write agaynst so auncient a custome and as wée ourselues knowe so vniuersally receyued and vsed And therefore I hartily beséeche all those to heare and way those our reasons which moue vs herevnto For we doo not this neither ceasse we to pray for them or neglecte so vsuall things bicause we loue not our forefathers or for that we care not for them but bicause the christian fayth teacheth and confirmeth yea forceth so as by no meanes wée can acknowledge ▪ it good and sounde doctrine to pray for them or that these things oughte to bée done for their saluation yea we know that our fathers haue no néede hereof and that they require no suche thing of vs For wée faythfully and certaynely beléeue and knowe that sinnes are remitted bothe héere in this lyfe and in that to come by none other meanes but by the grace of God in the bloud of Jesus Chryste through fayth and as for the fyre of Purgatorie which standeth on our merites and punishments whiche we suffer is nothing appertayning to the grace of God nor the bloud of christ in fayth Agayne it is certayne that our fathers dyed in the confession of the same fayth with vs wherein wée say I beleeue the remission of sinnes the resurrection of the body the lyfe euerlasting Wherefore sithe the vniuersall fayth the manyfest testimonies of the Scriptures doo euidently proue that al they which by true fayth commit them selues to the grace and mercy of God and dye in Christ are preserued of him so as they come not into iudgement into any fire payne or punishment 〈◊〉 are receiued into euerlasting ioye● how then I beseeche you can wée pr● for them or do such like things for the● saluation wherof in déede they sho●● haue néede if they suffered any pay● or punyshmente But they suffer no● and therfore there néedeth nothing bée done to delyuer them from it F●● if after the departure out of this life the true Fayth they yet neuertheles● suffered the fire of Purgatorie punishementes and torments then we● all that vayne and to no purpose whiche are reade and taughte vs out of 〈…〉 holy Scryptures touching the fr●● mercyfull promyse of God the del●ueraunce by Chryst and of the certai● tie and veritie of fayth yea our fay● it selfe shoulde bée moste vntrue B● our fayth is certayne and sure Ther● fore as our fathers did vndoubtedly b● léeue the forgiuenesse of sinnes ete●nall lyfe so haue they vndoubtedly o● ▪ teyned the same and féele no payne in ●●e other lyfe And therefore bothe for the glory of God the prayse and confession of our faith as also for the honor of ●●r fathers touching whose saluation ●e doubt not we do nothing after their 〈…〉 at h for the saluation of their soules 〈…〉 ea we think that by these kind of do●gs prayers of ours both our saluation and faythe is called in doubte as 〈…〉 oughe they beléeued the remission of 〈…〉 nes euerlasting life and yet haue 〈…〉 t obteined it But this is most wicked be thought therfore not to be spokē 〈◊〉 it is all one as though God and our ●●th might deceiue vs which is impos 〈…〉 le Moreouer for breuities sake I wil 〈…〉 t here declare how vile those things 〈…〉 and without all authoritie of Gods ●●rde whiche they commaunde vs to 〈…〉 for the helpe of our fathers so as they shoulde féele but some of those ●ollerable paynes of Purgatorie as ●y saye they doo yet coulde these 〈…〉 ngs helpe them nothing at all for ●t for the moste parte their delyue 〈…〉 nce and remedie is boughte of those who are moste filthye and wycked Wherfore it is much better not to séek● the saluatiō of our fathers at the hand● of those wicked and filthy marchaunts ▪ who doo nothing but for money or from the traditions of men but rather stedfastly to knitte our selues to the sure foundation of the grace and mercy o● God in the bloud and death of our sauiour Chryst through perfect fayth And so by this meanes shall our mindes bée assured of the saluation of our fathers where as otherwyse by celebratyng yerely Ceremonies for them wee are stil left doubtfull when they are effectuall or they receiue profite by them Agayne we learne not to truste in the merites and workes of other men after our death for Purgatories sake For those fiue foolishe Uirgins perished by suche negligence whylest they sought and would bye Oyle of others For the Scripture byddeth vs to doo good and not to deferre it whylest we haue time And therefore wée earnestly exhort all men whyle they are heere in this lyfe and in perfect remembraunce to serue God and prepare them selues to their iourney and not to trust in the workes of other men to bée done
our infancie baptized in the name of the father the sonne and of the holy ghost For if we should be baptized againe yet could we haue no more than we had before only this wold remain that heereby we should deface our former baptisme to the great displeasing of God the breache of lawes and the incurring into the daunger and punishment thereof The .xj. Common place Of the sacrament of the body and bloud of our Lorde and of the receyuing vnder bothe kindes The .lx. Question Whether they beleeue that the liuing body and the very bloude of Christe be substantially in the Sacramente so that after the words of cōsecration the bread is transubstantiated into the body of Christ so as there then remaineth no more bread but the true naturall body of Christe The Answere CErtayne of the later Doctors of the Romish church do euidently and fréely confesse that before the councel of Lateran whych was celebrated at Rome Innocentius the third thē Pope in the yéere of our Lord. 121 in the which Synode the doctrine of transubstantiaon was first decréed confirmed there were diuers and sundry opinions in the churche touching the presence and substance of Christe in the Sacramente So that if any man did not beleue that the substance of bread was turned into the substance of Christes body yet was he not reckened for an hereticke But in this councell it is decreed that all those which will auoide the suspition of here●ie muste beléeue that the very body of Christ is naturally in the Sacrament and it is greatly to be wondred at wherfore this councell would cōdemne the faithfull as hereticks for that which hither vnto for the space of 1200 yeeres was neuer done nor ment Whereby lette any wise man thinke whether the councell had authoritie now after 1●00 yéeres to Decrée these things For if those menne which liued from Christe 1200. yéeres were not coūted heretikes and yet did not beleue that the substāce of breade was chaunged into the substaunce of Christes body whye then shoulde they now be called Heretickes which beleeue not those things whiche the Churche neuer beléeued in all that space of yéeres before said But if those things which that councell now holden 1200. yéeres after Christ were true and necessary to be beléeued then all those which liued before this time and beléeued not these things did not beléeue a righte but if their faithe were true as vndoutedly it was then is it not necessary for vs to beléeue that which after were deuised and imagined And truely the auncient fathers did thus beléeue and teache concerning this holy Sacrament to witte that there is two things chéefely to be considered the signes that is the bread and the wine the things signified that is the body bloud of Christe But if it be true which the churche of Rome teacheth that the substaunce of bread is not in the sacrament but only the body of Christ then surely the Sacrament is no more a sacrament but onely the thing signified And is not this their definition of a sacrament A Sacrament is the signe of an holy thing If therefore the breade be no breade neither kéepeth hys substance but in the place therof commeth the substaunce of Christes body I pray yée then what is that they doe breake in the sacrament Is it the body of Christ or what other thing else For it is no breade for they say there is no breade in the Sacrament Therefore if the body of Christe be present onely then is the same broken which thing cannot ●e Neyther is it any more a Sacramente for it is not the signe of an holy thing but the very holy thing it selfe Then was there no nede that the Lord should haue giuen breade and wine in ●ys laste Supper But if it be as they were woonte to say that the fourme and accidentes of the breade as the ●hytenesse coloure roundenesse and ●aste be the signes the things that are ●roken then doe we demaunde of them 〈◊〉 what substaunce the whitenesse ●oundnesse and taste doth abide They ●●nne not say I trow that they are the accidentes of Christes bodye or that they rest in his substaunce and therefore it necessarily followeth that they remaine in the breade And therefore the substaunce of the breade in this Sacramente is not chaunged but remayneth and so theyr Doctrine hathe no good foundation Yea these woordes also Substance Accident forme and accident vvithout substaunce dothe sufficiently declare that this their doctrine was forged from the deuises of subtil● Sophisters and their craft whereof the Apostles were altogither ignorante But nowe when they are at a sopp● game then say they these things a●● altogyther done miraculously by the omnipotent diuine power of God b●● yet they cannot proue that and there 〈…〉 no cause so false but that it may be defended by this kinde of reason In th● gospell and wrytings of the Apostles oftentimes this Sacrament is plaine● called breade and wine that without dout is in respecte of the signes that might thereby manifestly appeare that the substaunce of bread and wine doth● remaine in the sacrament which thi● also we perceiue and fast when we receiue the same although the Papists go about to persuade vs the contrary Neither by this dothe it folowe that be acknowledge and receiue in this sacrament nothing else but bread wine only as in other bankettes where oure body is fed For our Lord whē he gaue 〈…〉 his supper the bread and the cup vn●● his disciples commaunding them to ●ate and to drinke he added This is my body this is my bloude And it is to be ●oted that it is an vsuall thing to geue ●●to the sacramētall signes the names 〈…〉 those things which they doe signifie ▪ 〈…〉 s in this sacrament the bread wine 〈…〉 e the signes of the body and bloude of Christ and therfore Christ nameth thē is body bloud The like is to be said Baptisme Circumcision the Passeoer and other Sacrifices And they are ●us called to the ende we shoulde not ●pende vpon the signes that is on the ●reade or on the Wine but being by ●ese visible things putte in mynde of ●ings inuisible we might lifte vp our ●es vnto heauen to the things signified and that is to the bodye of Christ which was geuen for vs to his blo●● which was shed for vs and so study 〈…〉 receiue these But howe or in what manner d●● we receiue the body and blud of Christ Truely spiritually by Faithe so 〈…〉 outwardly with oure bodely mouth●● we eate and drinke the Lordes breade● and the Lordes wine the holy signe●● and inwardly with the mouthe of ou● soule that is to say by faith we recey●● the bodye and bloude of Christe F●● like as with oure mouthe we recei●● meats to sustaine our body so likewis● by Faithe in Christe is his bodye and bloud which he offered on the Crosse made meate vnto
séeke a newe Sacrifice to be offered And therfore it followeth that the holy church euen to the ende of the worlde doth acknowledge none other sacrifice propitiatorie for sinnes but the deathe and passion of Christe alone And that which of this only sacrifice of Christe I haue hither vnto spoken is most truely and manifestly confirmed by the euidēt testimony of holy scripture as Leui. 16. Zach. 3. Hebr. 5. 7. 8. 9. and 10. chapters But to returne to the Lords supper it is not in that respecte that we do minister it a propitiatorie Sacrifice that by the doing and celebrating of it we should be deliuered from sinne For the deathe and sacrifice of Christe vpon the crosse if we haue faithe hathe deliuered and purged vs from oure sinnes Neyther is Christe in his supper crucified againe or his body offered in the same againe for why no Priest is able to offer it but there is onely celebrated a remembraunce of his Sacrifice once perfected and that not by the Priest alone but by the whole churche For so our sauioure Christ commaunded saying Doc this in the remembraunce of me wherefore S. Augustine very agreeable with the holy scripture wryteth againste the Manachees saying That before the comming of Christe the Sacrifice of his body and bloud vvas promised by the figured sacrifices of the olde Testamente but by his comming and passion it is finished and that after his ascention the remembrance thereof is celebrated Wherefore the opinion of those which say that the body and bloud of Christe is offered in the Masse for the quicke and the deade vnto the ende of the worlde can in no wise be confirmed by any testimonies of holy Scripture And to passe ouer that the deade haue already receiued their iudgement as it is already saide in the thirtie foure and thirtie fiue Questions they besides can not any more be made partakers of the Lords supper for the Lord saith Take and eate which thing the deade can not doe But in that they say the priest eateth for the deade they doe it contrary to the commaundemente of Christe To conclude the supper of the Lorde is onely the remembrance of the sacrifice of Christ once finished and not the sacrifice it selfe and that done only by those which héere doe liue The sacrifice of praise and thanks giuing comprehendeth first the praise and thankes which they offer to God by a pure faith for all his benefites bestowed on them And bicause in the Lordes Supper we chéefely make a remembrance of Christes death and our redemption therfore praise God and geue thankes vnto him the fathers haue called the same supper a sacrifice and we also doe willingly acknowledge that this sacramēt in this sorte is an acceptable Sacrifice vnto God and yet not bicause the priest offereth the body and bloud or prayers for to merite or gaine thereby but bicause the whole congregation in theyr prayers offer vnto God praise thanks geuing for the benefite of Christes sacrifice which once offered vp him selfe vppon the crosse Many things in déede are spoken of this Sacrifice in the holy scriptures as in the Psalmes the Prophets the Epistles of Paul and chéefely in the thirtienth chapter to the Hebrewes Yea also of the Fathers as Ireneus and Tertullian vppon the woordes of Malachie in his firste Chapter c. Furthermore the studie to obey the commaundemente of God to the encrease of oure faithe and the prouoking of others vnto good the forgeuing of offences and mutuall loue yea the studie of righteousnesse and holinesse the offering of oure bodies and soules is an acceptable sacrifice vnto god Like as the Psalmes Prophetes Euangelists and Apostles doe eche where exhort● vs and chéefely in the twelfthe chapter to the Romaines And we thincke it more necessary and profitable that men be wel instructed touching this Sacrifice and that these things shoulde be taughte them than to force them to beléeue the sacrifice of the Masse by the marchaundise whereof those which call them selues spirituall doe rather encrease enlarge their owne riches than the glorye of Christ and the saluation of the faithful Therefore lette euery good man well consider with him self the doctrine concerning the sacrifices of the Christians whereof we haue hither vnto spoken and leaning neither the one way nor the other let them due●y cōsider which is best for their saluation The. xiij Common place Of repentaunce and Confession The. xlix Question Whether they beleue that ther be three partes of repentaunce to witte contrition confession and satisfaction The Answere THere are many things wrytten in the Holye scripture of repentance and the amendemente of life bothe in the New and Old testament For the doctrine of repentaunce is very necessarie and profitable for all Chrystians And this worde Repentaunce séemeth to come of this worde repayring as when torne broken or things rente are renued and repaired The Hebrues call repentaunce returning or conuerting to god But he which is returned to God ought first necessarily to know and vnderstande how he fell from him and to knowe what God is howe wée fall from him and howe wée oughte to turne to him agayne So that he which must repente ought to know his owne naughtinesse and wickednesse and also by what meanes the same may bée amended whiche is broken or spoyled And these things can in no wyse be don of any wretched sinner onlesse they be drawen herevnto and therin instructed by the spirite and worde of God which they must also most stedfastly beléeue For these things are so necessarily required that onlesse GOD by grace through his spirite open and drawe the heart of the sinner and by his worde shewe vs the perfect way gouerne and kéepe vs in the same giue vs true faith wherby to quicken and iustifie vs that onlesse I say he giue vs these al repentaunce howe harde or gréenous soeuer it séeme is no true repentaunce Let Judas bée an example héereof who repenting for hys sinnes confessed the same to the Priestes in the Temple saying I haue betrayed the innocente bloud Yea and he in this part made satisfactiō that he threw the vnrighteous price of bloud into the tēple But what did this repētance profite him although it had in it contrition confession and satisfaction they holpe him nothing at all and bicause he lacked true fayth he dispaired and hong him selfe On the other side the Lorde looking backe vpon Peter and the Cocke crowing he remembred the words of the Lord and beléeuing them departed from the wicked company wept for his sinnes and amended his faults and this his repentance was a true and perfecte repentaunce And Jeremie the Prophet confirmeth this doctrine who in his 31. chapter prayeth to the Lorde saying Conuert mee O Lorde and I shall bee conuerted for thou arte the Lorde my God and after thou haste conuerted me I shall repent and after thou haste shewed thy selfe vnto me I wyll strike my selfe
1215. And I will not héere tell howe gréeuously the consciences of the godly were by this Romishe and Papisticall confession troubled and howe they learned more euill thereby than good and howe horrible and fylthie factes were in this confession committed and howe the same serued to vpholde the power pryde errours and disceiptes of that vnspirituall spiritualtie as they call them selues But it is no small fortresse or foundation of their kingdome and therefore no maruell thoughe they so earnestly and busely labour to defende and kéepe the same But all these things thanks bée vnto God are made manyfest vnto the whole worlde The. Lj. Question Whether those things which the Priest dothe enioyne vs to do for our sinnes which we haue confessed are not to be done as the punishments and deedes of tepentaunce ▪ and whether this our satisfaction be hurtefull or contrary to the satisfaction of Chryste The Answere NEyther the confession whiche is done to the Priest neither yet the payne or penance which is ioyned for the same haue any authoritie frō the holy Scrypture but are onely grounded vppon the authorities of a fewe fathers And therfore I answere that the faythfull are not bounde by the word of god to do that penaunce which they call satisfaction neither I say to require or doo them For there is one eternall satisfaction that is to say a price reconciliation redemption from our sinnes to wit the death passion of Chryst by meanes wherof al our sins ●ffences and punishments deserued for the same are clerely forgiuen and wyped away And this is confirmed by Esai 53. the writings of the Euangelists and Apostles and chiefly of Paul to the Romanes the thirde and fifth chapters and 1. Cor. 1. c. If therefore by our workes and penaunce which we suffer that is to say if we attribute to our satisfaction which consisteth in the correctiō of our body fasting prayer almes other such like workes the remission of our sinnes the punishment due therefore or if wée suppose that by this satisfaction we satisfie and requite all those things for the which we were gilty before God then truely this satisfaction is directly cōtrary and striueth agaynst the satisfaction of Chryst. Or else must they say that Paule in the like case reasoned not aright when he sayd For if righteousnesse bee by the lawe then is Chryst dead in vayne For euen after the same maner doo wée also reason saying If wee our selues can make satisfaction for our sinnes what neede then had Chryst to dye Wherfore the Chuche kéepeth still that one eternall satisfaction euen the death of Chryste and héerewith doo all the faythfull content them selues iudging their works not to bée so perfecte or worthy that by them their sinnes should be forgiuen and that God by them should bée satisfyed and eternall lyfe bée purchased Here also is to be noted that the faythful which acknowledge Chrystes death to be their onely satisfaction and redemption and are delyuered by hym doo earnestly and diligently auoyde sinne and willingly suffer whatsoeuer God layeth vpon them and yet not to make any satisfaction therby bycause Chryste already hathe fully satisfied but bycause it pleaseth God so to exercise them and call them from their sinnes shewing howe gréeuously the same offende him and by this meanes exerciseth their fayth and maketh them partakers of the afflictions of Chryst. And therefore when GOD receyued Abraham and Dauid into fauour for Chrystes sake and had forgiuen theyr sinnes yet dyd he exercise them in this lyfe with the mortification of their fleshe Chryste also in the Gospel sayth vnto the man which he healed Behold thou art made whole see thou sinne no more least some worse thing happen vnto thee And therefore wée vse commonly to say to doo the same offence no more is a great punishment but yet the beste punishement And out of thys penaunce and satisfaction whiche standeth by no warrant of the Scripture is farrowed all the Whelpes of Romishe indulgences For after they had layde moste gréeuous penaunces and punyshments vppon the poore Penitentiaries for which they must make satisfaction for their mortall sinnes as by fasting many yeres togither then by their Indulgences they mitigated the same agayne and so by this meanes heaped vy huge heapes of money and so of Gods house they made an house or shoppe of Marchaundise yea rather a very denne of théeues and therefore doubtlesse God will shortly whip them out of his house The thirtenth Common place Of the authoritie or power of Priestes The. Lij Question Whether Priests haue power and authoritie to forgiue or retayne those sinnes for the whiche wee bee sory and confesse our selues The Answere THe power which Christ hathe giuen to the Ministers of the Churche is rather an office than a power for power belongeth to Christ alone And that power or Office which the Ministers or Priests haue receyued is to edifie and not to destroy as Paule manifestly teacheth 2. Cor. 10. And the keyes of the kingdome of god are giuen in déede vnto the Ministers of the church For our Lord promised them to Peter and to the rest of the Apostles Math. 16. with these words I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt lose in earth shal be losed in heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt binde on earth shal be bound in heauen the same he gaue to all the Disciples John. 20. saying Euen as my father sent me so sende I you who soeuers sinnes you shall remitte they shall be forgiuen and whose sinnes you shall retayne they shall be retayned Therefore to lose is to forgiue sinnes and to binde is not to forgiue or to retayne sinnes But bycause no man can remit or forgiue sinnes but God onely therefore the Ministers of God by his commaundement preaching the Gospel doo declare that god forgiueth their sinnes and remitteth all punishmente if they beléeue in Chryst and that on the other side their sinne remayneth and that they shall bée punyshed for the same if they beléeue not in Chryst and therfore for this cause dothe the Scripture say that the Minister doth bind or lose forgiue or retaine sinnes And as the minister doth truly preach this so doth it vndoutedly come to passe both on the faithfull and vnfaithfull For God being in heauen performeth that which his ministers héere doe promisse on the earthe By this we may easily gather that the keyes are nothing else but the preaching of the gospel and not a peculiare iurisdiction or power as oure aduersaries reache For euen as a maister of some house giueth his keyes vnto his seruaunt to open and shut the house to let men bothe in out So is the church the house of God in the which who so euer abideth is an inheritor of the kingdome of heauen those which through infidelitie are not in the churche haue no portion in the
sufficientlye proue that this their enoyling was neuer ordained by the Apostles And what shall I say of that which they vse to speake in this their enoyling when they say In the name of the father the sonne and the holy ghoste I annoynt thee vvith this holy oyle that thereby thou maiste receiue remission of al thy sinnes What ground or forme of institution of this haue yée in all the holy scriptures of Christe and his Apostels The Apostles taught that ful remission of sinnes was to be soughte in the bloude of Christe and not in Oyle And therefore euen by this one pointe it may euidently appeare to the faythfull that for good consideration we vse not this Ceremonie Furthermore when wée beléeue that one baptisme which we haue once receiued wherein we were once Baptized with water in the name of the Father the Sonne and of the holye Ghoste is effectuall by the operation of the holy Ghoste euen all oure life long vnto death we thinke it not néedefull to be againe at the pointe of deathe rebaptized of a Baptisme deuised by man for they call this their annointing the laste Baptisme But we according to Christianitie visite the sicke instruct them admonish them exhort them cōfort them strengthen them and pray with them and charitably looks vnto them c. The seuententh Common place Of the Magistrate and lawful obedience The. lx Question Whether the spirituall and ciuill magistrate ought not to be obeyed chiefly when the things that they commaund are not agaynst God The Answere WE wyll héere make a difference betwene the Ciuill and the spirituall Magistrates For the teachers and gouernors of the Church are ministers and not Lords to exercise a gouernement lyke kings prynces or noble men and we ought to obey them as the Ministers of Chryste so long as they bée hys preache hys worde and execute the Christian ministerie And so Paule teacheth with these wordes VVee beseeche you brethren that you will know them which labour amongest you and take the charge ouer you in the Lorde and instruct you that you honor them throgh loue for their works sake and haue peace with them And againe Obey those which haue the ouersight of you and submyt your selues for they watch for your soules as they that must giue accountes that they may do it with ioy Likewyse Chryst sayth to his Apostles He that heareth you heareth me And he manyfestly forbiddeth his Apostles to rule as Ciuill Magistrates John. 13. Reade more of this Math. 18. and. 20. Luke 22. where you shall manyfestly finde that our Lorde saythe The kings of the Nations reigne ouer them and those which exercise authoritie ouer them are called gracious lords but it shal not be so with you And therfore the ciuil power which the Bishops and gouernors of the Churche exercise hath no groūd or authoritie in the word of god neither hath Chryst at any time commaunded them to vse bothe the swordes Saint Peter in the sixt of the Actes speaketh of him self and the other Apostles thus It is not conuenient that we should leaue the worde of God and serue Tables that is to say giue ourselues to the féeding of the poore c. And yet it is more lyke that the Apostles woulde take charge care for the poore than to take vpon them gouernemente and ciuill authoritie onlesse they had knowen the same to bée agaynst the commaundement of god And therfore doubtlesse if suche power had ben offered vnto them they would neuer haue receiued it And besides this experience teacheth vs nowe in our age that these two can not be ioyned togither Yet let the christians submit thēselues to these magistrates so long as they cōmaunde not things contrary to god yet if they do they may not therfore stir cōmotiōs but do that which god hath cōmaunded Touching the Ciuil power as kings Emperours Princes Counsellors Magistrates and all other lyke which exercise any publique office by what name soeuer they bée called wée are bound to obey them by the worde of God in all things that are not contrarie to God yea God threatneth vengeaunce agaynst all those that are disobedient stubborne and rebellious agaynst the Magistrates Moreouer wée are taughte by Gods worde that the Magistrate is ordeyned of God and is for hys sake to be honored and to be acknowledged in hys Ministers ordeined for the wealth of good men but for the punishment of euill men and that wée muste loue them as fathers geuing vnto them their due honor tribute loyaltie faythfulnesse and other bodily seruices which appertayne vnto thē and that with a good hart and wil faithfully And thus are we taughte by the worde of God Math. 17. and 22. and 1. Peter 2. Romanes 13. and Titus 1. And in the Epistle to Timothe Paule commaundeth that wée make faythfull prayers vnto God for those which haue the gouernemente ouer vs And euen as the Apostles for Gods cause were obediente vnto the Magistrates so is it méete that Byshoppes and those which gouerne in the Churche as teachers and preachers bée obedient to the Ciuill Magistrate also like as Jeremie in his firste Chapter teacheth but yet in suche sorte as they teache the worde of God fréely But if any wyll not thus doo then let them reade the seconde Epistle of Sainct Peter the seconde Chapter and the Epistle of S. Jude and sée what the Apostles doo thinke and iudge of suche And agaynst those which resiste their Magistrates and so become worse than théeues or murtherers many sharpe thinges are written in the holy Scripture and in the Prouerbes of Salomon The. Lxj. Question Whether the magistrat ought to bee obeyed if he publishe set foorth or commaund any thing contrary to the vniuersal church of Chryst The Answere WE muste héere agayne make a difference betwéene the true Christian Churche and the false bearing onely the name and tytle therof For that Churche which is called and is in very déede the true vniuersall Church of Chryst is that company of the faythfull whiche rightly beléeue in Chryste putting all their trust in God throughe Chryste geuing eare onely to him in his holy worde séeking all things in hym and seruing him in holynesse and righteousnesse And agaynst this Churche can no Magistrate decrée any thing but if they chaunce to doo then doo the faythfull knowe that it is better to obey God than man In déede at the beginning and in the tyme of the Primatiue Churche Kinges and Emperours concluded set foorth many gréeuous things against the Christians but thē they which otherwise in al bodily seruices were contente to bée obedient vnto their Magistrates dyd in déede disobey them in the things which appertayned to their faythe for they would neither woorshippe their Idols nor doo sacrifice in their Temples or communicate with them in their Religion and for thys cause many of them were put to death Yet GOD in the ende maruellouslye punyshed