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A17127 A sermon preached before His Maiestie at Whitehall, March 22. 1617. being Passion-Sunday, touching prostration, and kneeling in the worship of God. To which is added a discourse concerning kneeling at the Communion. By Iohn, Bishop of Rochester. Buckeridge, John, 1562?-1631. 1618 (1618) STC 4005; ESTC S106770 134,604 258

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meditation is but as prayer and the like which properly offer diuine adoration to God For why The Sacrament is a visible signe of an inuisible grace in which as God offereth to vs his Sonne in his death and passion and the graces of the holy Spirit so wee offer to him our selues In Baptisme the Sacrament of Spirituall generation the water washeth the body and the Blood of Christ washeth the soule there God becommeth our Father by adoption and wee offer vp our selues and our children to be sonnes of God by grace Aug. Tract 2. in loan Dedit vnicum vt non esset vnicus God giueth his onely Sonne to vs that hee might no longer be an onely Sonne but make many brethren vnto himselfe and sonnes and heires to God Christ giueth himselfe to vs to be our head and wee consecrate and dedicate our selues to Christ to be his members God becommeth our Lord and we become his seruants we offer our selues to fight as souldiers vnder his colours and he receiueth vs into his army and protection and armes vs by his grace to fight his battailes so that Baptisme is as a mutuall or reciprocal couenant that he should be our God and we should be his people consecrated and sealed to his seruice The like is done in the Eucharist the Sacrament of encrease there the Flesh and Blood of Christ the meate and drinke of our soules is giuen to vs for our growth and we there giue and offer vp our whole selues a holy and liuing sacrifice acceptable to God which is our reasonable seruice of him The first of regeneration is done of vs being children when wee are not able to promise for our selues in this of nourishment we doe contract by our selues that he shall be our God and wee will be his holy Temple that hee shall be our head and we will be his liuing members that hauing receiued life from his life and spirit from his Spirit we will no more liue to our selues but vnto him that so we may say with the Apostle Viuo ego iam non ego I liue yet not I Gal. 2.27 but Christ liueth in mee we cease to liue the life of sinne that wee may altogether liue the life of grace In which respect the fathers call this Sacrament Latreiam diuine worship Cyril Epist. ad Nectar Actor Concil Ephe. Tom. 1 c. 14 apud Biunium pag. 714. Dum vnigeniti filij Dei hoc est Iesu Christi mortem ex mortuis resurrectionem annunciamus eiusdemque in Coelum assumptionem profitemur incruentum in Ecclesia Dei cultum nos obire mysticasque benedictiones adire eaque ratione sanctificari vtpote sacrae carnis pretiosi sanguinis Christi omnium saluatoris participes effecti While we do shew the death of the onely begotten Sonne of God that is Iesus Christ and his resurrection from the dead and his assumption into heauen we professe to performe the vnbloody worship of God in the Church and come to the mysticall blessings and by that meanes to be sanctified as being made partakers of the sacred flesh and the pretious blood of Christ the Sauiour of vs all Aug. de Ciuit. Dei lib. 10. c. 4. so sayeth S. Cyrill And S. Augustine saith Hinc nos seruitutem quae latria graecè dicitur siue in quibusdam Sacramentis siue in nobis ipsis debemus We do owe to God that seruice which in Greeke is called diuine worship either in certaine Sacraments or in our selues Againe the oblation of sacrifice pertaineth Ad cultum Latreiae to diuine worship August contra Faust Man l. 20. cap. 21. And againe Sacrifice is diuine worship Aug de Trinit l. 3. c. 10. And againe Infantes non nouerunt quod in altari ponitur peracta pietatis celebratione consumitur Infants know not that which is set vpon the Altar and performed in the celebration of pietie where this Sacrament is called pietie But in my iudgement Caluine doeth best expresse this point for hee defineth a sacrament thus Instit lib. 4. cap. 14. §. 1. It is Testimonium diuinae in nos gratiae externo signo confirmatum cum mutua nostrae erga ipsum pietatis testificatione A testimony of diuine grace in vs confirmed by an externall signe with a mutuall testification of our seruice or pietie towards him And that this pietie is to Godward it appeareth in the word erga ipsum And againe when he saith That as God doeth seale the promises of his beneuolence to our consciences by these externall symbols so we in like sort doe testifie our pietie to him as well before him and his Angels as in the sight of men So the Sacrament is an action of our pietie to God and pietie is the inward deuotion or adoration of the soule And therefore Viguerius in his institutions which are a briefe of Schole diuinitie collecteth thus That Viguerius cap. 16. ver 8. Gratia Sacramentalis ad duo ordinari videtur videlicet ad tollendos defectus peccatorum praeteritorum in quantum transeunt actu remanent reatu iterum ad perficiendam animam in his quae pertinent ad cultum Dei secundùm religionem Christianae vitae Sacramentall grace is ordained for two ends 1. to take away the defects of sinnes past in as much as they bee past in acte and remaine in the guilt 2. to perfect the soule in those things that appertaine to the worship of God according to the Religion of Christian life And ver 3. He saith Dicitur signum datum ad sanctificandum hominem in cultum honorem Dei that it is a signe giuen to sanctifie man to the worship and honour of God And after In vsu Sacramentorum duo possunt considerari Cultus diuinus sanctificatio hominis In the vse of the Sacraments two things may be considered The worship of God and the sanctification of man As in the Law Circumcision did consecrate and seale the seed of Abraham to God and the Passeouer did prepare them to the sacrifice of God in the wildernesse Yea and this Passeouer is called Religio Religion What is this seruice Exod. 12.26 and Victima transitus Domini ver 27. the sacrifice of the Lords Passeouer And Exod. 13.10 Custodies huiusmodi cultum thou shalt obserue this ordinance or forme of worship so in the Gospel Baptisme doeth regenerate and consecrate vs to God and the Eucharist doeth offer vs vp in sacrifice to him And this Sacrament may better be called an Act of Religion or pietie and the sacrifice of the Lords Passeouer since that was Typus agni paschalis a type of the Paschal Lambe and here are offered membra agni Paschalis the members of the Paschal Lambe And this offering vp of our selues to him is indeed the true and dayly sacrifice of the Christian Church which being the mysticall body of Christ cannot offer Christs natural body which Christ offered once for all vpon the Crosse but
Deus not somewhat of God but God himselfe to whom it is proper to bee the Physitian and the Phisicke the food and the Feeder of our soules So then although all Gods gifts and graces be great and like to himselfe yet here in this Sacrament he giueth not simile but idem not somewhat like himselfe of a like substance to himselfe but hee giueth himselfe and the Sonne of his owne Substance And then quantus Deus qui dat Deum How great how good and gratious is God the Father to vs that giueth vs no lesse nor no other then God himselfe his onely Sonne to be the meat of our soules and the holy Spirit to bee our Comforter and refresher in this Sacrament The Elements or Signes after the words of Consecration are not bare accidents or signes and species but true substances and in that respect they are by Christ and the Euangelists and Apostles called Bread and Wine but the thing signified is the Body and Blood of Christ It is not figur a tantùm though the Sacrament be a figure it is not a figure onely but the trueth substance and God doeth not now feed vs with shadowes because the trueth and substance is there receiued this Sacrament doth exhibite this which it signifieth Neither is it Efficacia tantùm that is a very weake and short exposition Hoc est corpus meum 1. efficacia corporis mei This is my body that is this is the efficacie and vertue of my Body This is my blood that is this is the efficacie or effect of my Blood for that were to deuide the Body Blood of Christ from the force and vertue thereof But this is indeed the Body and Blood of Christ not in any grosse or carnall or corporall maner but in a spirituall maner a maner best and onely knowne to him that performeth that which he promiseth Caluin instit l. 4. c. 17. §. and as Caluin and Sadeel and others teach a manner aboue our capacitie and vnderstanding Experior magis quam intelligo which we prooue rather then vnderstand and therein are happie that wee finde it to bee so in deede and trueth though it surpasse the capacitie of mans wit be knowen onely to God In which wee doe imitate the blessed Apostles who beleeued Christs word and receiued it with faith Cyril in Ioan. lib. 4. c. 13. without once doubting or asking the Iewish question full of infidelitie Quomodo How can he giue vs his flesh Chryfostome saith Hom. 26. in matth 8. Etsi enim paruum aliquid fuerit quod datum est fit magnum tamen de honore dantis immò nihil exiguum est quod illo largiente confertur non solùm etiam quia datur à Deo sed quia tale est quicquid ille confert vt dici non mereatur exiguum vt enim alia vniuersa praeteream quae multitudine suâ numerum exuperant arenarum quidnam poterit ei quae propter nos facta est dispensationi conferri Quod enim erat apud eum omnibus pretiosius vnigenitum pro nobis filium dedit quidem cum adhuc essemus ipsius inimici nec dedit solùm sed nostram illum fecit esse mensam Although it be little that is giuen yet it is made great by the honour of the giuer yea nothing is little which is conferred God giuing it not onely because it is giuen of God but that whatsoeuer he giueth is such that it deserueth not to bee called little for to passe all other things which with their multitude exceede the number of the sands what can bee preferred before that dispensation that is made for vs For that which was more precious to him then all things hee gaue his Sonne for vs and that truely when wee were his enemies neither did hee giue him onely but also he made him to bee our Table Nec Moses dedit nobis panem verum Hieron ad Heb. d. qu. 2. sed Dominus Iesus ipse conuiua conuiuium ipse comedens qui comeditur illius bibimus sanguinem sine ipso potare non possumus quotidiè in sacrificijs eius de genimine vitis verae vineae sorec quae interpretatur Electa rubentia musta calcamus nouum ex his vinum bibimus de regno Patris Moses gaue not vs this true bread but the Lord Iesus saith S. Hierom he is the guest and the banquet the feeder and the foode wee drinke his blood and without him wee cannot drinke dayly in his sacrifices wee treade those chosen red sweete wines out of the fruit of the true vine and vineyard sorec and out of those wee drinke the new wine of the kingdome of the Father Cuiusdā Serm. d● Coena Domini inter opera Ber. In coena illa munerans munus Cibans cibus conuiua conuiuium offerens oblatio He is the giuer and the gift the feeder and the foode the guest and the feast the offerer and the oblation In which respect the Eucharist Dion Areop c. 5 de Hier. Ecclesiast by Dionysius is called Omnium Sacramentorum consummatio or perfectissimum Sacramentum The consummation of all the Sacraments or the most perfect Sacrament Medicamentum immortalitatis antidotum non moriendi sed viuendi per Iesum Christum in Deo Catharticum expellens malum It is the Physicke of immortalitie the antidote or preseruatiue against death giuing life in God by Iesus Christ the medicine purging of all vices or driuing away all euils so Ignatius It is Cibus inconsumptibilis Epist ad Ephes vnconsumable meate so Cyprian De Coena Dom. Pignus salutis aeternae tutela fidei spes resurrectionis It is the pledge of eternall saluation the defence of faith and the hope of resurrection so Optatus S. Cyrill goeth further Lib. 10. in Ioan. c. 13. Considerandum est non habitudine solùm quae per charitatem intelligitur Christum in nobis esse verum etiam participatione naturali Nam quemadmodum si igne liquefactam ceram aliae cerae similiter liquefactae miscueris vt vnum quid ex vtrisque factum videatur sic communicatione corporis sanguinis Christi ipse in nobis est nos in ipso Consider saith hee that Christ is in vs not onely by an habitude which is vnderstood by charitie but also by a naturall participation for as waxe if it bee melted by the fire is so mingled with other melted waxe that it makes one waxe of both so by the communication of the body and blood of Christ he that is Christ is in vs and wee in him And hee prooues it out of S. Paul The bread that we breake is it not the communion of the body of Christ De fide orthodox lib. 4. c. 14. And Damascen explaining those words saith Communicamus per ipsum Christo participamus eius carne diuinitate quia communicamus vnimur inuicem
tibi perfectè possim in Sacrificium laudis offerre Bonum enim mihi longeque gloriosius atque vtilius est vt tibi magis offerar quàm deserar mihi ipsi Nam ad meipsum anima mea conturbatur in te vero exultabit spiritus meus si tibi veraciter offeratur What doe we O brethren Doe we offer or what do we giue to Christ for all these things which he hath giuen to vs He offered for vs the most precious Sacrifice that he had then which none can be more pretious and let vs doe what wee can and offer to him the best that we haue which is our selues hee offered himselfe for vs and who art thou that delayest to offer thy selfe to him who shall procure for mee that so great maiestie shall vouchsafe to receiue my oblation And then he tels what he hath to offer not his soule onely but his body also Lord I haue two mites a body and a soule Oh would I could perfectly offer them to thee as a sacrifice of praise for it is good and farre more glorious and profitable to mee that I should rather be offered to thee then forsaken by my selfe for in my selfe my soule is troubled but if it be truely offered to thee my spirit shall reioyce in thee Thus haue I been long in this second reason of Sacrifice because it containeth at least fiue seuerall sacrifices I will bee short in the rest as occasion shall permit Ratio 3. à Donorum magnitudine THe third Reason is Donorum magnitudo the greatnesse of Gods gifts and graces which are heaped vp in this Sacrament And the greater the person is that giues that is God the greater the gift is that is giuen which is Christ and the holy Ghost and the more vile and base the Receiuer is that is mortall and sinfull man the greater must bee the humilitie of him that receiues so great gifts from so great a God euen the lowest humilitie of soule and humiliation of bodie De Purificat B. virginis Serm. 3. in prostration or kneeling And euen now out of S. Bernard we heard Hostiam pretiosiorem quam habuit Hee offered to God the most pretious sacrifice that he had and what he offered to God for vs on the Crosse that hee offereth to vs in this Sacrament that which hee gaue for vs he giues to vs. So God loued the world Ioan. 3.16 that hee gaue his onely begotten Sonne that as many as beleeue in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting And how gaue he him Animam in precium carnem in cibum Ioan. hee gaue his life for our price and ransome and his flesh for our foode And his flesh is meate indeede and his blood is drinke indeede and hee is the bread of life that liuing bread Luc. 14.16 that came downe from Heauen A certaine man made a great supper and bade many saith our Sauiour A great supper for Magnus qui fecit Hee is great that makes it no lesse then a King nay Matt. 22.2 no lesse then God himselfe And that must needes bee a great feast which is made by the God of all greatnesse and Maiestie who in all other his works is great but in this his grace is greater then greatnesse it selfe and his mercie appeareth aboue all his workes and gifts A great supper quia serui magni the seruants and attendants are great Patriarches and Prophets and Apostles and Bishops who succeed the Apostles pro patribus filij Aug. in Psal 44. Sons in stead of Fathers Bishops in stead of Apostles who are Princes in all lands yea Christ the Sonne ministreth vnto vs. A great supper quia coenaculum magnum the marriage chamber is great not Iudea not a corner or conuenticle but the world or rather the Church ouer all the world Expulsus ab vrbe ab orbe recipitur Christ that was excluded out of the citie Hierusalem and crucified on Mount Caluarie is receiued in the whole world Leo de passione Hom. 1. Merito foli non habent quod omnibus perire voluerunt sayth Leo The Iewes onely haue not Christ by their desert whome they would haue lost to all others and the whole earth is become his inheritance and there is a greater in expectation the Kingdome of heauen when that is consummate which is now begunne And a great Supper for Conuiuae magni the guests are great Kings and righteous men and learned and noble and wise and rich and poore and ignorant Piscator Imperator Orator the ignorant fisher the potent Emperour and the learned Orator all bow their necks vnder the yoke of Christ And a great supper Quia apparatus magnus for the preparation is great the booke of Creatures and the booke of Scriptures the volume of Nature and the volume of Grace the Dictats of earth and the Oracles of Heauen the Paschall Lambe and the fat Calfe the Sonne of man and the Sonne of God the Word vncreat and the word incarnate Charitie vncreated that is the holy Ghost and created Charitie that is the gifts of the holy Ghost and all things else whatsoeuer God is pleased to giue vs with his Sonne and for his Sonne In a word it is Refectio in via Psal 17.16 a refreshing in the way therefore it is called a dinner of grace Matth. 22. Come to me I will refresh you Matth. 11.28 And it is Possessio in patria the possession in the Countrey and therefore it is here called A Supper of glory I shal be satisfied with thy glory In the Schoole it is Coena doctrinae Euangelicae a Supper of Euangelicall doctrine that teacheth faith In the Church it is Coena Eucharistiae the Supper of the Eucharist that doeth nourish and augment faith and grace And in heauen it is Coena gloriae a Supper of euerlasting glory that crowneth Gods owne graces in vs. Hee that maketh the Supper is God the Father he that is the meat of this Supper is Christ the Sonne and he that prepareth and prouideth this Supper is the holy Ghost Christus sponsus spiritus Sanctus Pronubus Pater Rex The bridegrome at this mariage Feast is Christ not the seruant nor the kinseman but the Sonne of God the chiefe Minister or Vicar that calleth and ordereth the Feast the guests is the holy Ghost and the man for his humanitie or mercie and the King for his power and riches and seueritie that maketh this Feast is God the Father that gathereth a Church to bee a spouse to his owne Sonne Now as it is said of God Non tam habet quam est causa amoris God hath no cause of his loue but is indeed the cause of his owne loue or rather is Loue it selfe so in this case Nontam facit quam est Christ doth not so much make as he is indeed this Feast For the Feast and fulnesse that wee looke for at Gods hands is not aliquid Dei but
cup with which the affections of the faithfull inebriantur are drunken that thou maiest put on ioy of remission of sinnes and put off the cares of this world And Chrysostome saith Hom. 24. in 1. Cor. Vt frigida ad Eucharistiam accessio periculosa est it a nulla mysticae illius Coenae participatio pestis est interitus ipsa namque mensa anima nostrae vis est nerui mentis fiduciae vinculum spes salus lux vita nostra As the cold comming to the Eucharist is dangerous so no participation of this mysticall Supper is a plague and death it selfe for this Table is the strength and force of our soule the sinewes of the mind the band of confidence our hope our health our light and our life In Ioan. homil 45. Againe Hic mysticus sanguis Demones procul pellit angelos angelorum Dominum ad nos allicit Demones enim cum Dominicum sanguinem in nobis vident in fugam vertuntur angeli autem concurrunt his sanguis effusus vniuersum abluit orbem terrarum This mysticall blood driueth the deuils afarre of draweth the Angels and the Lord of Angels to vs for the deuils when they see the Lords blood in vs they are turned to flight and the Angels come vnto vs this Blood being powred out doeth wash the whole earth And againe In Psal 22. Qui veniunt ad mensam potentis considerantes ea quae apponuntur eis accipere cum timore tremore tribulationes fiunt consolationes auferuntur ea quae sunt carnis infunduntur ea quae sunt spiritus ex mensa praeparat a proficiunt contra eos quitribulant eos To them that come to the Table of the mightie considering to receiue those things that are set before them with feare and trembling feare and trembling is the gesture of Communicants with S. Chrysostome not familiaritie and equalitie of heires that boast of the Prerogatiues of a Table to them tribulations are consolations those things that are of the flesh are taken a-away and those things that are of the spirit are powred in and by this prepared Table they profit or preuaile against them that trouble them This made him say Ad Popul Antioch homil 61. Tanquam Leones ignem spirantes ab illa mensa recedimus facti Diabolo terribiles As Lions that breath fire we depart from this Table made terrible to the diuel c. And after Parentes quidem alijs sepè filios tradunt alendos ego autem inquit non ita sed carnibus meis alo meipsum vobis appono vos omnes generosos esse volens bonas vobis praetendens de futuris exspectationes Parents often deliuer their children to others to be nourished or brought vp but I doe not so saith the Lord but with mine owne flesh I nourish them and set my selfe before them willing to haue them all noble and pretending good expectations to them of future things This made S. Cyprian to say Epist 54. Non infirmis sed fortibus pax necessaria est nec morientibus sed viuentibus communicatio â nobis danda est vt quos excitamus hortamur ad praelium non inermes nudos relinquamus sed protectione sanguinis corporis Christi muniamus c. Peace is necessary not onely to the weake but to the strong the Communion is giuen by vs not to the dead but to the liuing that wee may not leaue them vnarmed whom wee excite and exhort to the battell but arme them with the protection of the Blood and Body of Christ And whereas the Eucharist is ordained for this end that it may hee a defence to the receiuers Let vs arme them with the muniment of the Lords saturitie whom wee desire to be safe against the aduersary For how doe we teach or prouoke them to shed their blood in the confession of Christs name if we deny to them going to fight the Blood of Christ Giue them the Cup of Christ that are to drinke the cup of Martyrdome Serm. de Bapt. in Coena Dom. I conclude this point with S. Bernard Duo illud Sacramentum operatur in nobis vt videlicet sensum minuat in minimis in grauioribus peccatis tollat omnino consensum si quis vestrum non tam saepe modò nontam acerbos sentit iracundiae motus inuidiae luxuriae aut caeterorum huiusmodi gratias agat corpori sanguini Domini quoniam virtus Sacramenti operatur in eo gaudeat quod pessimum vlcus accedat ad sanitatem This Sacrament saith he worketh two things in vs it diminisheth sense in small faults and in great sinnes it altogether taketh away consent if any of you feele not so often nor so sharpe motions of anger or enuie of luxurie or the like let him giue the thanks to the Body and Blood of Christ for the power of the Sacrament worketh in him and let him reioyce because the worst soare draweth neere to health Now Luke 15. what shall I say more The Sonne of God as the Sheepheard seeketh vs and carrieth vs to the fold of the Church The holy Ghost as the woman lighteth the candle of knowledge and sweepeth the house by obedience and sanctitie and there remaineth but one onely greater gift the vision and possession of God the Father who is our exceeding great reward The two first of the Sonne and the holy Ghost pertaine to grace the third of God the Father belongeth to glory The two first are in the way the third in the Country in the end of the way What greater gifts could God giue vs then those that he hath giuen in this Sacrament that is not creatures but the Creator the second and third person in the Trinitie the Sonne and the holy Ghost Quem horum contemnitis which of these two can wee despise The Sonne whose members wee are or the holy Ghost whose Temples we are If God had giuen vs the best of his creatures wee ought with all reuerence to haue receiued them kneeling had bene decent and necessary Respectu doni donātis both in respect of the gift it selfe which far surmoūteth all proportion of desert in vs but much more of the giuer whose incomparable and infinite greatnes and loue more then infinite requireth all reuerence of body and soule of vs vile wretched sinners who deserue punishment and receiue remission and life euerlasting But when he giueth Creatorem the Creator the Sonne and the eternall Word that made all things and the holy Ghost who is Charitas increata vncreated and essentiall charitie and Donum the gift that is both the gift of God and God himselfe can any deuotion or adoration of the soule and prostration and bowing or kneeling of the bodie bee too humble nay humble enough when wee come to the Table of the Lord there to receiue not Panem Domini the bread of the Lord alone as Iudas did but Panem Dominum the
dispose any kingdome or take away the life of any were hee King or Subiect as his life and practise declares The Priest hath his call venite ad nuptias Matt. 22.4 come to the marriage but it is venite directiuum non coactiuum a call of direction not of externall coaction as the Kings is Saint Paul sayes These things command and teach 1. Tim. 4.11 command them that know teach the ignorant Imperamus nos In Oratione ad praesidem natū said S. Nazianzene wee in the Pulpit command also on Gods behalfe Luc. 14.23 And the Priest hath his compulsorie also Compelle intrare Compel them to come in but it is verbi potentiâ censuris by the power of the word the sword of the spirit not Caesars word and by the censures of the Church wherewith shee is armed to reuenge all disobedience which are sanatiuae 2. Cor. 10.6 and not eradicatiuae healing 1. Cor. 5.5 that the spirit may be saued in the day of the Lord not eradicatiue to take away life as the censure of the Ciuill power doth So then as the Church calls by the word and censures thereof so the King calls first verbo by his word or lawe Ciuill secondly exemplo by his practise and example His word is not Ite Goe yee and serue the Lord but venite come and goe with mee to serue God Iosua 24.15 I and my house will be first Hee is first in place before all men that he may be first among men in the seruice of God and the greater his power and graces are the greater is his obligation to adore God that placed him aboue men and neere to himselfe And thirdly Gladio He must call by his own ciuil sword by temporal punishments not spiritual to which all Recusants of all sorts must be subiect He must cōpel all men to enter into Gods house Now there is a threefold venite the first Singulare particular or singular in euery particular man for man is a little World or Citie or Kingdome in himselfe The spirit is to rule and all the powers of soule and bodie must obey Memorie must record all Gods blessings and our owne dueties Reason must apprehend and beleeue them Will must chuse and loue them and affection must desire them The senses must bee shut vp that they wander not but ascend and beholde The eyes must see Gods beauties not gad after vanities and send teares as Embassadors The eares must attend trueth not leasings The tongue must sound forth the Sacrifice of prayer and praise The hands must be lifted vp as an euening Sacrifice to intreat pardon and bestow almes And the knees must bee bowed that God who resisteth the proud may behold the humble afarre off Iam. 4.5 1. Pet. 5.5 and the whole man must be offered vp as a liuing sacrifice to God vt totus hic sit totus in Coelo offeratur that the whole man being in the Temple may at the same instant be presented to God in Heauen The second is Priuatum the priuate call of the master of the family which is another little kingdome and hath all the societies of man and wife father and sonne master and seruant in it as the Kingdome is the great familie consisting of many families and the power of the King is no other but Patria potestas that fatherly power that was placed by God immediatly in Adam ouer all the families that issued from him In which as Dauid said Psal 101.7 No deceiptfull person shall dwell in my house so euery Master must say No Recusant in Gods worship shall rest within my doores If he will not go to Gods house adore his Maker and receiue his blessed body and blood Non habitabit in domo mea Hee shall not hide his head in my house if he be ashamed to shew his face in Gods houses Our most religious Dauid that sits vpon the throne of this Kingdome and suffers none to serue him a King on earth vnlesse hee will also with him serue the King of heauen may be a singular light a patterne to all Masters in this kinde And surely hee can neuer bee a true seruant to a man in earth that is not a deuout and religious seruant to God in heauen If he be false to God he wil neuer be true to him that is but the Image represents the person of God on earth The third is Publicum the publike call when he calls all who hath authority to call all that is the Kings call to which euery one that is a part or member of the great familie and receiues protection and direction from him must be obedient and not onely one family or one Kingdome but as many families or kingdomes as are subiect to his dominion All his Kingdomes must be obedient to his venite and ioyne together not onely in vnitate in the vnitie and substance of Religion and worship of God but also in vniformitate in vniformitie of outward order and ceremony of Gods seruice if possibly it may be especially in all the parts of my Text of Adoration and Prostration and kneeling which are not ceremonies Rom. 13.4 but parts of Diuine worship and for disobedience must be subiect to his coercion who beares not the sword in vaine The Kings word is not venite adme come to mee Matth. 11.28 I will refresh you his office is not Reficere but Ducere not to refresh vs but to leade vs to refreshing that is proper to God and Christ who is both Shepheard and foode Pastor and pasture of our soules Neither is the Kings word venite per me Ioan. 14.6 Come by mee I am the way and the trueth that is true onely of Christ For no man commeth to the Father but by mee and the King is not via but Dux in via Not the way but the guide of the way But the Kings word is Venite mecum Come with me I am both a sheepe of the flocke Psal 78.71 and a Shepheard as Dauid was Let vs goe together as one man to worship God And therefore when God calls vs to come to him he is our end And Christ calls vs to come by him he is the way And the King calls vs to goe with him he is our Chieftaine And the Prophets and Priests teach vs to goe in the way they are our directors And the Saints of God are our companions and the Angels of God are our assistants in this way to goe to God Passibus mentis corporis with the steps of our soules and bodies Who wil refuse to goe by such a way as Christ is vnder such guides as Kings and Prophets are with such companions as Saints and Angels are vnto such an end as God is who is life and blessednes it selfe But strepitus est in anima Part. 2 3.4 ther 's such a confused cry in the soule that Dauids cry is not heard
The proud man calls none for he cannot endure either superior or equall but must be singuler and alone And the couetous man calls none for he can abide no partner and he denies that most to himselfe that hee gets from others these in their silence stop the cares against Dauids call The voluptuous calls Venite perfruamur Wisd 2.6 to fil himselfe voluptatibus he might haue said morbis with pleasures or rather with diseases of the body and the worme of conscience in soule For while hee labours not to loose the flower of his youth he spends his life and ends in that which he hates most that is corruption and rottennesse The malicious calls for reuenge Iere. 18.18 Venite cogitemus percutiamus linguâ and occidamus Let vs deuise ther 's their conspiracie Let vs wound with our tongues ther 's their practise let vs wound or murther his good name Let vs kill him ther 's their end he is the heire the inheritance shall be ours But this is a cursed wrath that kills the enemies body and withall kills and eternally condemnes their owne soules The Ambitious man calls to his owne faction without which he cannot aspire Venite aedificemus Gene. 9.4 Let vs build a Tower to clime to heauen but it is Babel a Tower of confusion and ambition that pleases all torments all and it lifts to the highest that it may giue the greater and more headlong downefall In this confusion of calls this Religious call Venite adoremus Come let vs worship God is scant heard or regarded In which giue me leaue to ioyne these three Adoration Prostration and Kneeling together because in trueth they should neuer be separated And first I obserue It is not said Venite audiamus Come let vs heare as those doe that turne Oratories into Auditories and Temples into scholes and all adoration and worship into hearing of a Sermon As if all soule and body were turned into an eare or as if all Religion and sacrifice that must be sent vp to God were onely this to know the message that God sends downe by his Seruants Luke 10.42 Rom. 10.17 Hearing indeed is a good part of Christianitie but it is but a part And faith comes by hearing but faith hope and charitie Iustice and Religion are not hearing but the fruits of hearing And therefore no man may thinke that he hath giuen God his due worship if hee haue heard God speake by his Minister as if a man had obserued the Sabaoth well if they haue heard reuerently as some Catechismes teach much lesse may they thinke that they haue done all their duetie that haue slept or talked out a Sermō or heard it but not regarded it For in this Psalme there is a difference betweene hearing and worshipping Verse 8. Hodie si vocem eius audiueritis To day if you will heare his voice harden not your hearts The Iewes heard Gods voice in the Mount their Audire was not obedire Their hearing was not obeying They heard but they worshipped not God but the golden Calfe And therefore Dauid after hearing calls for worshipping so hearing is not all 2. The Adoration here called for is Publica solennis publique and solemne and so much the Call proues for it is of all the whole multitude of the people And likewise the place for it is not Praeueniamus ipsum Let vs come before him Verse 2. for that may be done in euery place on the way in the field in the chamber in the bed in the closet and euery where when wee are most retired and alone but it is Praeueniamus faciem eius Let vs come before his face or his presence with thankesgiuing His presence is his Tabernacle or his Temple the place which hee hath chosen to dwell in And then as the adoration is compleat and solemne so it must haue all the parts and dueties thereof performed to God In solemne and compleat Adoration these two or three here mentioned must be offered to God First internall Adoration that is the deuotion of the heart and inward worship and next outward worship that is Prostration falling downe or bending of the body and kneeling which is a kinde of falling downe and may well be included in it In all adoration the inward deuotion and sacrifice of the heart in prayer and praise is alwayes required and accepted In sacrificijs externis semper desiderantur interna Aug. In externall sacrifices God alwayes calls for the inward Prou. 23.26 My sonne giue mee thy heart and God cares not for the outward nay hee loathes it if the inward be wanting Matt. 6. If the heart doe not fast and pray and giue almes the rest is no better then the stage playing of a fast Isay 29.19 Matth. 15.8 Marc. 7.8 or a prayer or a Maundie when our lips draw neere to God and our hearts draw farre from him God cryes downe the Sacrifices that himselfe did institute with Isa 1.11 12. Quo mihi multitudinem and quis requisiuit Why doe you loade me with these loathsome and abominable sacrifices or who requires them And of this outward Adoration there is no doubt but it is receiued and allowed by all though not performed by all But in publike and solemne Adoration not onely the inward deuotion and prostration of our soules and the bending the knees of our hearts is to bee tendered and offered vp to God but also the outward prostration and kneeling of our bodies is required at our hands And this externall worship of kneeling is opposed by those that loue their ease more then their dueties and therefore cannot endure to kneele or stand but must sit at their deuotions which is contrary to all discipline and sit at the Lords Table as if they were equall guests with him else wee shal bee Idolaters Good God! Is it Idolatry to kneele at Gods Table or at our prayers when as no man without the brand of irreuerence and ill manners makes his suite or askes a pardon or receiues a great benefit from a mortall King without this bowing or kneeling And the vniuersall custome of the purer Church was that no man did receiue the flesh of Christ Nisi priùs adoret but first he did adore August in Psal 98. I doe not say the Sacrament or element but Christ himselfe and it was the practise of all the Saints and holy men to adore with bowing and kneeling For the Patriarches wee haue Abraham Gen. 17.3 17. the father of the faithfull in the law of nature Cecidit pronus in terram Hee fell on his face For the Iudges we haue Moses Procidi in faciem sicut priùs Deut. 9.18 marke that word sicutpriùs I fell on my face as at the first It was Moses custome so to doe For the Kings we haue Dauid a man after Gods owne heart and the Elders with him in sackcloth Proni in facies ceciderunt 1. Paral. 21.17 they fell
there thou shalt reade the depth of sinne that pearced not onely his hands and feete but his heart also in which hee offered vp prayers and supplications with strong cries and teares that he might ouercome the clamour of our crying sinnes Heb. 5.7 and Christ offered nothing for our redemption but that which was necessary and therefore teares must concurre as a part of our ransome And if our Sauiour wept for vs the Redeemer for the redeemed we haue much more reason to weepe for our selues and let none be found so profane amongst vs that when the Sonne of God wept and suffered for our redemption wee should laugh and make merrie at our condemnation as if wee were senselesse of our owne confusion First then hearken what Christ sayth to vs from his Crosse Vide quae pro te patior Behold O man what sorrow Christ suffered for thee vpon his Crosse and let his sighes and teares moue thee to compunction And if this will not preuaile then heare what hee sayth in heauen to all impenitent and wilfull sinners Vide quae à te patior Behold thou obdurate sinner how great reproches Christ suffers at thy hands who by thy wilfull impieties doest crucifie againe to thy selfe the Lord of life and then resolue that as Christs hands and feete and head yea and euery little pore and passage of his body was a fountaine of mercie that runnes in his blood so thy heart must bee as a spring of sighes and groanes and thine eyes must bee as fountaines of teares to wash with Magdalene Luk. 7.38 not so much Christs feete as thine owne soule Now interest Cui Pars 5 the question is of the Coram to whom this internall deuotion and outward prostration and this contrition is to bee tendered And my Text sayeth Coram Domino quifecit nos before the Lord our maker Adoration is due to Lordship or Maiestie and that by many rights 1. Potestatis quia principium creans First by reason of his power Hee is the principle author of our creation in whom we liue and mooue and haue our being Act 17.28 who made vs not according to the image of Angels Gen. 1.26 or beasts but according to his owne Image And therfore this worship must be giuē only to God quifecit sic fecit who made vs and made vs by no other stampe or patterne but his own Image 2 Bonitatis quia principium conseruans by reason of his goodnesse hee is the principle and fountaine of our preseruation in being in nature and restorer to our well being in grace and that by no other meanes then the Incarnation and death of his onely begotten Sonne And therefore this worship must bee exhibited onely to God Qui refecit sic refecit who restored vs and so restored vs by the blood of his owne Sonne as the Captiue euer honoureth him that ransomed him and the sicke man his Physician and the condemned man going to execution euer reuerenceth him that procureth his pardon 3. Felicitatis quia principium beatificans by reason of his felicitie he is the onely principle of mans eternall blessednes For all the perfection and fulnesse we looke for at Gods hands is God himselfe And the blessed Trinitie hath thus diuided The Sonne gaue himselfe in pretium for our price and ransome The holy Ghost gaue himselfe in arrhabonem as an earnest or pledge And the Father reserueth himselfe in praemium as our exceeding great reward Gene. 15.1 and therefore all seruice and worship is due to the Lord qui beatificat sic beatificat who blesseth vs and so blesseth vs with no lesse then the fruition of himselfe So that now Nec aliud pro illo nec aliud cum illo wee may neither adore another in stead of God nor any other together with God for he is sole and supreame Lord to whom all diuine and religious Adoration is due Propter Dominum for his Lordship Naturall Morall and Ciuill reuerence or adoration is due to them to whom God hath communicated some parts or branches of his power 1. Reg. 1.16 23. as vnto Kings as Bathsheba and Nathan adored Dauid to parents who as Gods instruments bring vs to a naturall being and to Priests who are Gods tongues and hands in our spirituall being and to others that haue any eminencie and excellencie of Gods graces And this duetie is deriued frō Religion the worship of God is done only for Gods cause yet it is not properly religious in the strict sense but Ciuill and humane For mans Lordship and dominion is not absolute and supreme in respect of Gods but vnder God and limited and coarcted by his Law It is ab illa sub illa in illam from Gods power hee is the author of it vnder Gods power and subiect to his coercion Hee is iudge of it and for Gods power subordinate and directed to him Hee is the end of it And therefore all powers on earth must giue this diuine and religious seruice onely to God whose Lordship is onely supreme and absolute in heauen and earth Angels and Saints haue no part in this diuine worship because though they be in possession of the Country and haue more excellencie of nature grace and glory then men haue yet they haue no dominion they haue Administrationem custodiam administration vnder God for they are ministring spirits Hebr. 1.14 Dan. 10.13 12.1 and haue custody of whole countreys and perchance of particular men yet they haue not dominium Lordship or dominion ouer men Apoc. 19.10 22.9 but professe themselues to be fratres conserui brethren and fellow seruants and not Lords and therefore forbid men to adore them And it is certaine and cleare no man euer offered sacrifice to any but to him Aug. de Ciuit. lib. 10. c. 4. Quem Deum aut sciuit aut putauit aut finxit whom he knew or thought Tho. secunda secundae q. 85. art 2. or fained to be a god And externall sacrifice is due onely to God because it is a signe or testificatiō of the inward sacrifice of the heart in which none hath any part but God onely And yet these later times haue placed much deuotion in the worshipping of Angels and Saints offering to them the inward and outward sacrifices of prayer and praise and their goods in vowes and pilgrimages and not onely distinguishing temples and Churches by their names which is lawfull but also dedicated them vnto them together with God at least in practise whatsoeuer their booke-doctrine be But Qui Deum colunt nolunt se coli pro Deo Angels and Saints will not be worshipped as gods vpō earth because they doe truely adore God in Heauen and excite vs to doe the like with them Quaest in Gen. lib. 1. q. 111. Gen. 4.61 It is true S. Augustine noteth vpon those Words of Deuteron 6. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God Et illi
verò his tantùm sacrificijs contentus fuit sed quia seipsum consecrauerat Deo etiam orbem vniuersum studuit offerre S. Paul offered not sheepe and oxen but himselfe that made him say Iam immolor I am now ready to be offered and hee was not contented with these Sacrifices but because hee had consecrated himselfe to God hee studied to offer vp the whole world also I haue beene too long in setting downe these places of S. Augustine who is the most doctrinall among the ancient Fathers and therefore I content my selfe with him and some few more onely I adde Eusebius who ioyneth both these that is the commemoratiue sacrifice and the sacrifice of our selues together with other sacrifices concurring in that action Sacrificamus nouo more secundùm nouum Testamentum Euseb de Demon Euang. hostiam mundam sacrificium Deo spiritus contritus dictus est wee sacrifice after a new manner according to the new Testament a pure sacrifice and a contrite heart is called a sacrifice to God A broken and contrite heart God will not despise Iamque etiam incendimus propheticum illum odorem in omni loco offerimus ei benè olentem fructum omni virtute abundantis Theologiae hoc ipsum orationtbus directis adeum facientes quodsanè ipsum alius quoque docet propheta qui ait fiat oratio measicut incensum in conspectu tuo igitur sacrificamus incendimus aliàs quidem memoriam magni illius sacrificij secundùm ea quae abipso tradita sunt mysteria celebrantes gratias Deopro salute nostra agentes religiososque hymnos orationes sanctas illi offerentes aliàs nos ipsos totos illi consecrantes eiusque Pontifici ipsi vtique Verbo corpore animoque dicantes And now also we burne that propheticall sweete odour in euery place and we offer to him that sweete smelling fruit of diuinitie abounding with all vertue doing this with prayers directed to him which another Prophet teacheth also who saith Let my prayer be as incense in thy sight therefore wee doe but sacrifice and offer incense aliàs celebrantes memoriam sometime celebrating the memory of that great sacrifice according to those things which are deliuered by him and giuing thankes for our saluation and offering to him religious hymnes and sacred prayers aliàs nos ipsos totos illi consecrantes and sometimes consecrating out whole selues to him dedicating our selues in bodie and soule to his high Priest euen to the Word himselfe Here is both the commemoratrue sacrifice and the sacrifice or offering of our selues our soules and bodies beside the sacrifice of prayer and praise and contrition which I am now to speake of all ioyned in this one sentence of Eusebius To proceede then with this collection of sacrifices in this one sacrifice the third is Sacrificium non pecoris trucidati sed cordis contriti as S. Augustine calleth it The sacrifice not of slain beasts but of broken and contrite hearts by repentance and sorrow for sinne And this is collected out of the words of the Apostle Probet seipsum homo ● Cor. 11.28 Let a man examine himselfe and so let him eare of that bread and drinke of that cup for he that eateth and drinketh vnworthily eateth and drinketh his owne damnation not discerning the Lords body And this probation is a iudiciall acte for so it followes If wee would iudge our selues w● should not bee iudged And these are the actes of Penitents first to accuse and confesse or beare witnesse against themselues next to iudge condemne themselues and thirdly to execute and do vengeance on themselues by true sorrow cōtrition for their owne sinnes that so God may spare them And no man ought to approach the Lords Table till he haue first washed and clensed his soule by his repentance from all his sinne that so it may bee a fit house for the Lord to enter vnder the roofe thereof and a fit Temple for the holy Ghost to dwell in and to make his mansion or standing habitation So contrition and repentance to put away sin past and to put on a resolution against sinne to come is a necessary preparation before the receiuing of the body and blood of Christ lest we come to these holy mysteries with foule mouthes and polluted hearts and so eate and drinke our owne damnation Luk. 15.18 And so the prodigall sonne came First Peccaui in coelum I haue sinned against heauen and before thee and I am vnworthy to bee called thy sonne make me one of thy hired seruants by which sacrifice of contrition hee was not onely receiued as a seruant or hireling but as a sonne and admitted to his fathers kisse and embracing and adorned with a robe and a ring and then at last tanquam conuivae as a guest at the Lords Table he was fed with the fat calse that was slaine for him And so the adopted sonne of grace was fed with the flesh of the naturall Sonne of God the Sonne of his owne essence and substance And Saint Augustine said well In Psal 21. Quotiens Pascha celebratur nunquid totiens Christus moritur Sed tamen anniuersaria recordatio quasirepresentat quod olim factum est sic nos facit moueri tanquam videamus in cruce pendentem Dominum doeth Christ die as often as the Passeouer is celebrated But yet saith hee the anniuersary recordation of it doth as it were represent that which was long since done and doth make vs to be moued or affected as if wee now saw our Lord hanging on the Crosse And after he addeth Tempus lugendi estcū passio Dominicelebratur tempus gemendi est tempus flendi tempus confitendi deprecandi When the passion of the Lord is celebrated it is a time of mourning a time of sighing a time of confessing and begging of pardon Cyprian de Coena Domini In huius praesentia non superuacuae mendicant lachrymae veniam nec vnquam patitur contriti cordis holocaustum repulsam In his presence saith S. Cyprian teares doe not beg pardon in vaine and the sacrifice of a cōtrite heart neuer receiues repulse Quoties te in conspectu Domini videosuspirantem Spiritum sanctum non dubito aspirantem cum intueor flentem sentio ignoscentem As often as I see thee sighing in the sight of the Lord I doubt not but the holy Ghost is breathing vpon thee so oft as I behold thee weeping so oft I perceiue God pardoning And the holy Ghost chuseth the poore in spirit to this ministery and loueth them and he detesteth their worship that thrust themselues Pompaticè gloriosè pompously and gloriously to the holy Altars and who come more pompously and gloriously then they that will sit as coheires and fellowes as if they were Christs equals And S. Moral li. 2. c. 1. Gregorie vpon these words Let a man first examine himselfe Quid est hoc locose probare What is it saith hee
per illam nam quia ex vnopane partipamus omnes vnum corpus Christi vnus sanguis inuicem membra efficimur concorporati Christo existentes Wee communicate with Christ by the Eucharist and participate his flesh and Deitie and because we communicate wee are vnited among our selues by it for because wee all participate of one bread wee are made one body of Christ and one blood and members one of an other being incorporated with Christ S. Conf. lib. 7. c. 10. Augustine sayd excellently well in the person of Christ Cibus sum grandium cresce manducabis me nec tu me in te mutabis sicut cibum carnis tuae sed tu mutaberis in me I am the meate of strong men growe and thou shalt eate mee neither shalt thou change mee into thee as thou doest the meate of thy flesh but thou shalt bee changed into mee De passione Domini Serm. 14. And S. Leo in like sort Non aliud agit participatio corporis sanguinis Christi quàm vt in id quod sumimus transeamus The participation of the body blood of Christ workes nothing else but this De Sacram. lib. c. 4. that we shall become that which wee receiue S. Ambrose saith Qui vulnus habet Idem Aug. de verbis Domini Serm. 28. medicinam requirit vulnus est quia sub peccato sumus medicina est coeleste venerabile Sacramentum Hee that hath a wound let him require physicke the wound is that we are vnder sinne and the medicine is the heauenly and venerable Sacrament But why doe I trouble my selfe with many authorities When as it is confessed by all that in this Sacrament wee receiue the Body and Blood of Christ Instit l. 4. ca. 17 as Caluin doth most fully proue and Beza in an Epistle to Caluin Epist 309. Ad secundum verò non ponimus inquam pro re significatâ in Sacramentis ipsum tantùm meritum passionis Christi sed ipsissimum corpus cruci affixum sanguinem ipsissimum in cruce effusum pro nobis In summâ Christus ipsemet verus Deus homo nobis significatur per illa signa vt attollamus corda nostra ad illum contemplandum spiritualitèr fide in coelis vbi nunc est atque ita communicamus cum omnibus ipsius bonis thesauris in vitam a●ernam idquetam verè tamque cervò quam verum ac certum est nos naturalitèr videre accipere edere bibere signa illa quae videntur à nobis sunt corporea To the second for the thing signified in the Sacraments I say We put not the merit of Christs passion onely but the same bodie that was nailed on the Crosse and the same blood that was shed on the Crosse for vs. In summe Christ himselfe true God and man is signified vnto vs by those signes that we may lift vp our hearts to contemplate him spiritually by faith in the heauens where now he is and so we communicate with all his goods and treasures vnto eternall life and that so truly and certainly as it is true and certaine that we naturally see and receiue and eate and drinke those signes which are seene of vs and are corporall And after Inter. Epist Caluius he addeth the words of the Queene to the Cardinal Audisne Domine Cardinalis non aliam esse Sacramentariorum opinionem quam eam ipsam quam nunc ipse approbasti Doe you heare Sir Cardinall that the opinion of the Sacramentaries is but the same which you haue approued Add to this that Christ neuer commeth alone but is euer attended with a traine of graces and as the Father sendeth the Sonne God of God and Light of light to redeeme vs so the Father and the Sonne send the holy Ghost to sanctifie vs. Rom. 8.32 If God hath giuen vs his Sonne how shall he not with him freely giue vs all things saith the Apostle And that this Sacrament is a Communion or participation of Christs Body and Blood it is apparant in the Apostle 1. Corinth 10. And whereas wee participate of Christs Body and Blood in the preaching of the word and in Baptisme yet this onely Sacrament is called Communio the communication of the Body Blood of Christ there must be some special reason of it namely a more liuely and neere coniunction of our selues to Christ that we should indeed be liuing members incorporated into his mysticall body that liue no longer by our owne spirit but by the Spirit of Christ who is the spirit of our spirit the soule of our soules and the very life of our liues He is the Sun from whose beames we receiue the light of grace the Fountaine from whom we as riuers receiue the water of life The Roote from whom wee as branches receiue the sap of increase and the Head from whom we as members receiue being and life By the force and effect of this Sacrament wee receiue power against sinne and Satan and abilitie to serue God in holinesse and righteousnesse and the neglect thereof giueth aduantage to our spirituall enemies whereby we are intangled in many temptations and fall into many sinnes S. Donatiuitate Christi Cyprian saith Sacramentorum communicatio per quam illius corporis sinceritati vnimur nos in tantum corroborat vt de mundo de Diabolo de nobis ipsis victoriâ potiamur Sacramentali gustu viuificis mysterijs inhaerentes vna caro vnus spiritus simus dicente Apostolo Qui adhaeret Domino vnus spiritus est The Communication of the Sacraments by which we are vnited to the sinceritie of his body doth so farre forth corroborate vs that we obtaine victory ouer the world the deuil and our selues And by this Sacramentall tast adhering to the life-giuing mysteries we are one flesh and one spirit as the Apostle saith He that adhaereth to God is one spirit with him Againe Panis hic azymus cibus verus sincerus per speciem De Caena Domini Sacramentum nos tactu sanctificat fide illuminat veritate Christo conformat sicut panis communis quem quotidie edimus vitaest corporis it a panis iste supersubstantialis vita est animae sanit as mentis This vnleauened bread the true and sincere meat by a shew or Sacrament sanctifieth by the touch illuminateth by faith and by trueth conformeth to Christ and as common bread which we eate daily is the life of the body so this supersubstantiall bread is the life of the soule and the health of the minde S. Ambrose saith Venias ad cibum Christi In Psal 118. Serm. 15. ad cibum corporis Dominici ad epulas Sacramenti ad illud poculum quo fidelium inebriantur affectus vt laetitiam induas de remissione peccati curas seculi huius metum mortis solicitudinesque deponas Come to the meat of Christ to the banquet of the Sacrament to that
Lord himselfe the bread and meate and drinke of our soules The people of Israel who were a stiffe-necked people when Moses tolde them the law of the Passeouer Exod. 12.27 Incuruatus adorauit bowed themselues and worshipped or adored and that was but Typus the Type and Lex the Law of the Passeouer and not the true Passeouer But this Sacrament containeth Christ the true Passeouer and shall wee not much more bow downe and kneele when wee receiue this trueth and substance If the King that is but a mortal man whose breath is in his nostrils giue vs a pardon or some great gift and office who is so proud but hee will stoope and bow downe his head and kneele nay kisse his feete And the greater the Kings grace is the greater will be the receiuers humiliation And shall we denie that to God which we euery day tender to man So then as Religion taught men naturall and ciuill dueties to Parents to Kings and to Priests and benefactors to kneele and to bow the head in reuerence when wee receiue naturall and ciuill gifts so let nature and ciuilitie as Riuers returne their streames to the Sea of Gods goodnesse whence they take their beginning and teach men the dueties of Religion and deuotion to bow the head and the bodie and the knees with all reuerence and humilitie to God who giueth not onely naturall but also supernaturall and diuine graces and glory it selfe nay that giueth himselfe and his Sonne and his holy spirit for vs and to vs in this Sacrament And let Fathers and Masters on earth learne euen of their children and seruants on Earth to do their duetie to their Father that is in Heauen Thou bowest and kneelest to thy Father thy Master thy Prince thy ghostly Father in earth who are but instruments and vnder-agents of thy being and conseruation in nature and grace and therein doest but thy duetie And wilt thou not much more kneele and bow to thy Master and King and Father and God in Heauen who is the first and supreame Author and cause of our naturall and supernaturall being in grace and glory If thou doe it to Gods Image much more doe it to God himselfe for Gratiam Psal 84.12 gloriam dabit Dominus grace and glorie are both the gifts of God and because they bee the greatest gifts they must bee receiued with greatest reuerence and humiliation and therefore with kneeling Ratio 4. Tremenda mysteria I Come to the fourth Reason and that is Mysteriorum dignitas the dignitie of the mysteries And that surely is great since they exhibite Christ vnto vs for as it appeareth in the former Reasons in this Sacrament God giueth his Son Christ and Christ giueth himselfe to be our food And therefore since wee receiue the bread of Heauen and the soode of Angels we may well thinke the Church to bee another heauen vnto vs where God feedeth vs with his Sonne and the Angels assist and minister in this feast And in that respect all humilitie of soule and bodie and consequently kneeling is most fit for this holy action of consecration and participation of this heauenly and Angelicall foode Moses beheld a burning bush in the wildernesse Exod. 3.5 and hee might not come neere it vntill hee had put off his shooes the reason is because Locus in quo stas terrasancta est the place wheron thou standest is holy ground and is not this sacred mystery as holy if not more holy then this burning bush since it hath vim Sanctificantem a sanctifying power in all them that receiue it with true contrition and faith When God appeared to Iacob at Bethel Gen. 28.16 17 Iacob said Surely God is in this place and I knew it not and hee was afraid and said Quam terribilis est hic locus How dreadfull is this place This is none other but Domus Dei Gen. 31.13 and Porta Coeli the house of God and the gate of heauen and God calleth himselfe the God of Bethel But this mystery goes further It is not Domus but Mensa Dei not the House onely but the Table of God not Porta but Cibus Celi not the gate onely but the foode of heauen yea Christ that is God and man is here offered and receiued and therefore as that was Locus terribilis a dreadfull place so this is Actio terribilis an action not of familiarity which breedes presumption and presumption begets contempt but of dread and reuerence and therefore to be vndertaken with all deuotion of soule and humiliation and kneeling of bodie And if holinesse doe become Domum Dei Psal 93.6 the house of God for euer much more doth holines become Deum Bethel the God of Bethel the God of that house If holinesse become the materiall house or Temple much more doth it become the spirituall house and table of the Lord in which wee offer our soules and bodies to be spirituall Temples to the Lord. And this holinesse must make a difference of the Lords body from other meates 1. Cor. 11.29 for some eate and drinke their owne damnation because they discerne not the Lords bodie And what is it to discerne the Lords bodie Doth hee discerne or make a difference of the Lords body that commeth to this Sacrament with no more respect or reuerence then hee commeth to his ordinarie supper Doth hee discerne the Lords bodie that adoreth and kneeleth to the Elements and giueth the worship to the creature which is due onely to the Creator Doth hee discerne the Lords body that commeth to this Sacrament Pompaticè gloriosè pompously Cyprian de Coena Dom. and gloriously without all contrition and sorrow for guiltinesse of sinne without all praise and thanks for the great blessings hee is to receiue without any prayer that hee may worthily receiue those great mysteries Doth hee discerne the Lords bodie that commeth to these mysteries rashly and presumptuously as if he were coequall and hailefellow with Christ when as wee should indeed come cum timore tremore Chrysost with feare and trembling in respect of Gods greatnesse and our owne vnworthinesse to receiue these sacred mysteries So then these holy mysteries by their dignitie and greatnesse should strike an awe and reuerence in vs when we come to the Lords Table and procure adoration and kneeling not to them for they are but creatures consecrated to an holy vse but to the Creator that feedeth vs in such holy yet fearefull maner In which respect the ancient Fathers spake of these mysteries with great reuerence Hom. 24. in 1. Cor. 10.16 chiefly S. Chrysostom who expounding the words of S. Paul The cup of blessing which we blesse c. saith Quid dicis O beate Paule volens auditori pudorem suffundere reuerendorum mentionem faciens mysteriorum benedictionis Calicem vocas illum terribilem maximè formidandū calicem certè inquit non est enim paruum quod dictū est Nam
or that which is the trueth the Fathers and Councels that vpon the particular of Christs resurrection decreed for standing prayer might and did as it will appeare vse kneeling at the Lords Table according to the generall rule of Prayer at all other times and occasions and according as they then vsed to do in the participation of those great and reuerend mysteries of the Body and blood of Christ Now among all these obseruations this must not be omitted in generall before wee come to the particular that all those Fathers who vpon particular reason of Christs resurrection speake for standing prayer on Sundayes and from Easter to Pentecost and at other times according to the Common Law or rule of prayer require kneeling and humility with prayer yet in the matter of this Sacrament either they are silent and say nothing or if they speake of it they reiect both sitting and standing and speake onely for adoration and kneeling And so here bee Testes but not Testimonia names of mute witnesses whose depositions or dictats are nothing against kneeling but rather pleade for it both by their silence and their reason For concerning their silence it is more then probable that they who for the resurrection of Christ and our hope and expectation of our owne Resurrection did in a maner violate the Law of Prayer and humilitie and ordaine standing on the Lords day and from Easter to Pentecost as a testimony of our ioy and confidence and expectation thereof and dispence against the generall Law of kneeling at Prayer would also haue added the like expresse declaration in a matter of so great consequence as the Lords Supper is and said plainely that for the same reason we ought also to stand at the Lords Table when we receiue the Body and Blood of Christ since these reuerend mysteries require as reuerend gesture and behauiour as prayer doeth because in this Sacramēt we receiue all that which our praiers can aske and receiue in this life that is Christ with all the benefits of his death and Passion and the holy Ghost with all the whole traine of his gifts and graces and the greater Gods gifts are the greater should bee our humilitie and reuerence in receiuing them And the Argument is good Quod hominem though it be defectiue in the Fathers sense which is this The Fathers and Counsels decreed for standing at Prayer on Sundayes and from Easter to Pentecost But in the celebration of the Eucharist according to Christs institution there was not neither should be now any prayer at all as these men suppose Therefore the Fathers and Councels that decreed for standing at Prayer on Sundayes and from Easter to Pentecost spake nothing of the Lords Supper in which there ought to bee no prayer at all So then the silence of the Fathers in point of the Lords Supper is an argument that they spake onely of standing at Prayer and not at the Lords Supper Come to the Reason and it wil appeare more plainely For besides that priuate Lawes are stricti iuris and therefore to be restrained to the strict letter and no further And as the Lawyers say Exceptio firmat regulam the exception doth make the rule more strong and firme the exception of Sundayes and betweene Easter and Pentecost concerning standing at prayer maketh the rule strong that we should not stand at any other time and the exception of Prayer on Sunday maketh it strong that at other parts of diuine worship whereof the Sacrament is a principall and most eminent part we should not stand but vse the gesture that the nature of the action requireth which is humilitie and kneeling The reason which the Fathers giue is the memorie and celebration of the resurrection of Christ and the confidence that we haue of our part in the first and second Resurrection Now what is this Reason to this Sacrament which is Commemoratio not Resurrectionis but Mortis a commemoration not of the Resurrection but of the death and Passion of Christ 1. Cor. 11.26 The Apostle saith not as often as you eate this bread and drinke this Cup Annunciabitis resurrectionem you shall shew forth the resurrection but Annunciabitis mortem Domini you shall shew foorth the death of the Lord So then the reason of the Fathers is quite turned against this disputer The Christians did stand at praier on Sundaies and from the Passeouer to Pentecost vpon a particular reason that is for the memorie of Christs Resurrection and the ioy and confidence of our Consurreximus our rising with Christ Phil. 3.10 and the power of his Resurrection in vs Wee come to this Sacrament not to celebrate the memorie of Christs resurrection nor our confidence of rising together with him but in remembrance of his death and Passion in which wee must die to sinne as hee died to nature Therefore though we stand at Prayer to celebrate Christs resurrection yet we ought to kneele in all humilitie at the receiuing of this Sacrament in remembrance of his death and Passion for the Passion of Christ is as forcible to procure sorrow and humilitie for our sinne that deliuered him to death as the Resurrection of Christ is able to procure ioy and confidence for our redemption and deliuerance from sinne and death And of the oxen and fatlings Christ said Matth. 22.4 Tauri mei altilia occisa sunt mine oxen and fatlings are killed and Christ was slaine not onely that he might be to Godward Pretium the price of our ransome but also that hee might to vs-ward be Cibus our food Wherein because man doeth altogether abhorre to eate liuing flesh our blessed Sauiour was put to death that so hee might be the food of our soules So then the reason of the Fathers which moued them to decree standing at Prayer on Sundayes and from Easter to Pentecost doeth proue a contrario that when we celebrate the memorie of Christs Passion in the Eucharist which mooueth compunction and humilitie we should then kneele in token of our contrition and humiliation as they did stand in the ioy and confidence of Christs and their owne resurrection Whereby it appeareth that the Fathers who ioyne teares and contrition and confession and prayer with this Sacrament ment not to alter the humilitie in the receiuing thereof though they change the ordinary gesture of kneeling at Prayer vpon Sundayes and from Easter to Pentecost for the ioy and confidence they receiued of our Sauiours Resurrection Thus haue we passed the example of our Sauiour and his Apostles and haue not yet found any solid proofe for sitting at the Sacrament but rather left it doubtfull what gesture they vsed whether standing as at the Passeouer or kneeling or lying or sitting Now after the time of Christs Ascention vnto the time of Iustin Martyr and Tertullian and Dionysius of Alexandria there is no Author produced that saith any thing concerning the gesture of Communicants only there is a coniecturall argument made to
humilitie and come Pompaticè gloriosè Cyprian de Caena Domin pompously and gloriously as if we were haile-felow and equall with God No It was humilitie that prepared vs to come to the Lords Table and it must be humilitie that presenteth vs at the Lords Table And Eadem sunt principia constitutionis conseruationis Humilitie was the first principle of Constitution to make vs Christians and humilitie must bee the same principle of conseruation to keepe vs Christians and when we leaue humilitie we leaue to be Christians for humilitie is Proprium quarto modo no Christian without humilitie And therefore Christ saying indefinitely Learne of me for I am humble and meeke saith vniuersally because humilitie is necessary to Christianitie Learne of me to be humble in all actions of Christianitie Christ saith not Learne of me to be humble in the way and to be proud and presumptuous in the end of the way he saith not Learne of me to be humble in confession of sinne and then to be proud in confession of praise hee saith not Learne of me to be humble in your priuat prayers and bee proud at your prayers in the Temple and corners of the streets hee saith not Bee humble and come by weeping Crosse in your preparation to the Eucharist and then be proud and presumptuous at the Eucharist as if you were equall with Christ coheires with Christ and owed him no reuerence at his Table No the Lesson is Catholicke and vniuersall Bee humble in all actions and dueties of Christianitie And surely this Man neuer learned this Lesson of the Fathers but doeth indeed father his vntrueth vpon them For they neuer discerned kneeling the gesture of humilitie to be vnsuteable and repugnant with reioycing and cheerefulnesse their standing at Prayer was as full of humilitie as of Ioy and cheerefulnesse and they well knew that reioycing was ioyned with reuerence As it is in the 2. Psalme Exultate cum tremore so they reade it Reioyce to him with trembling They knew Abraham that feasted the Angels or the Sonne of God did adore them And yet his feast was not without Ioy. And had this man read and obserued the Fathers well hee should haue found that they neuer thought humilitie it selfe or the gesture of humilitie to bee vnsutable and repugnant to the Ioy of Communicants S. Cyprian saith that we must come Cum lachrymis nectareis suspirijs contemplationis with teares sweeter then Nectar and sighes of contemplation Fletibusse abluendo lachrymis se baptizando washing and baptizing our selues with teares Chrysostome saith we must come Cum timore tremore horrescendo with feare and trembling and a certaine horror Ambrose saith Cum cordis contritione lachrymarum fonte with contrition of heart and a fountaine of teares with a deuout heart with feare with reuerence and trembling with chastitie of body and puritie of soule S. Augustine saith Cum veneratione singularitèr debitâ with singular veneration with adoration and prostration and kneeling as Ambrose and Augustine and many others of the Fathers speake Wee must come confessing our selues to be sinners with feare and a pure conscience with feare and compunction of heart with humbled bodies and contrite soules with due reuerence and vigilancie and many the like phrases most common in their writings as the Reader may in part see in the fift Reason I hope all these phrases proue sufficiently that the Fathers no way thought the gesture of humilitie to be altogether vnsutable or repugnant to the Ioy and cheerefulnesse of the guests at the Lords Table They knew well ynough that this is a Sacrament of humbling our selues after the guise and maner of suppliants and penitentiaries though it were a spirituall Feast and reioycing For the more humble we are in soule and body when we come to this Feast the more Ioy we shall haue in our selues Ioy in the Feast of God and the participation of the Body and Blood of Christ and an encrease of Ioy because wee haue encreased our sorrow and contrition for our sinnes past and sent vp our sighes and teares to procure our pardon and acceptation of our selues our soules and bodies to be liuing Sacrifices holy and acceptable to him which is our reasonable seruice of him and the greater was our sorrow the greater is our Ioy for the treasure that is sought in sorrow is found with Ioy Matth. 13.44 and the blessed Virgin Ioseph that sought Iesus sorrowing found him with Ioy in the Temple Luke 2.48 But why doe I trouble my selfe and the Reader with this vn-Christian doctrine that excludeth all humilitie of soule and humiliation of body from the Feast of the Lords Supper Surely I make this one vse of it that I presume if the words of this Author were well obserued by all his absurd fauourers and followers they would renounce that prophane or ciuill gesture of sitting which dasheth out one of the most glorious and eminent vertues of Christianitie that is Humilitie out of the greatest and principall part of Gods worship that is the Eucharist which assuredly the more humble it is the more acceptable it is in the sight of God and bringeth in stead thereof that same Luciferian Pride that was so odious in Satan that presumed to say Esay 14.13 Sedebo in monte testamenti I will sit vpon the Mount of the Congregation O thou impudent Lucifer Bern. Serm. de S. Bened. when thousands of thousands and millions of millions stand and minister about him and fall downe and worship him Tusedebis wilt thou sit as if thou thoughtest thy selfe equall to God Cast downe thy selfe then O thou miserable soule at the feet of Iesus that thou mayest cease to be miserable and bow thy knees to him Phil. 2.10 to whom all knees are bowed of things in heauen in earth and vnder the earth and know that all Christian vertues without humilitie can neuer make vp the wedding garment without which thou shalt neuer be suffered to abide at the marriage Feast but be cast out into outward darkenes where is weeping and gnashing of teeth Now the first Reason is Ius cohaeredis Ratio 1 the right of a coheire wee are Sonnes not seruants and not yonger Brethren but heires and heires of God not of man and coheires or ioynt heires with Christ and heires must take their place and right vpon them and sit as coheires with Christ But this man had forgotten the Text Gal. 4.1.2 The heire so long as hee is a childe differeth nothing from a seruant but is sub Tutoribus vnder Tutors and gouernours vntill the time appointed of the Father Surely though wee haue put off the beggerly rudiments of the world and bee Sonnes of grace and no seruants of the world and haue put away disciplinam naturae legis the discipline of nature and Moses Law and the discipline of seruitude and feare yet wee haue not put away Disciplinam Euangelij charitatis