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A15967 The Psalter of Dauid newely translated into Englysh metre in such sort that it maye the more decently, and wyth more delyte of the mynde, be reade and songe of al men. Wherunto is added a note of four partes, wyth other thynges, as shall appeare in the epistle to the readar.; Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Crowley. Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. 1549 (1549) STC 2725; ESTC S104580 117,190 355

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of Apostles do praise the So do the number of prophetes that so prayse worthy be The noble armie of martyrs prayse the wyth theyr wytnes And the holy church through the worlde doeth the alwaye confesse They do confesse the father of infinite maiestie Wyth thyne honourable and true sonne whome thou haste onlye The holye goste the confortoure they do also confesse And thou O Christe arte the kyng of glorie that is endlesse Thou arte the euerlastynge sonne of the father certayne Who to deliuer man dydste not the virgynes wombe disdayne When thou hadste ouercome the stynge of death thou dydste open Vnto all faythfull beleuers the kyngdome of heauen Thou sytest at the ryght hande of God in thy fathers glorie And to come thense to iudge thou arte loked for certenly To helpe thy pore seruantes therfore we humbly besech the Whom wyth thy preciouse bloude thou haste redemed and made free Cause thou them to be numbered and had in memorie Wyth thy chosen and holy saynctes in eternall glorie Lorde make thou thyne owne people salfe blesse thyne enheritaunce Gouerne them and set them on hye do them euer aduaunce We do dayly blesse prayse the we prayse thy name I saye From tyme to tyme for euermore from age to age for aye Vouchesafe O Lorde this daye to kepe thy seruantes from all synne To take mercie on vs O Lorde to take mercie begyne Shewe thy mercie on vs O Lorde let it vpon vs be As we haue put our cōfidēce only trust in y● I haue trusted in the O Lord in the haue I trusted Graunt therfore Lorde that thy seruaūt be neuer confounded Quicumque vult c. Athanatius WHo so wylbe saued muste kepe before all other thynge The Catholycke cōmune fayth that of the trueth doeth sprynge Which fayth vnlesse a man do kepe whole and vndefiled No doubt he shall for euer more perishe and be dampned And the fayth catholycke is this that we worshippe truly One God in three persons the same three in vnitie And that neither confoundynge the persons makynge them one Nor yet diuidyng the substaunce that is but one alone For the father and sonne are two distynct persons in dede And frō thē boeth the holy goste is also diuided Yet of these three persons ther is but one diuinitie Equale glorie in lyke sorte eternal maiestie For loke what one the father is the sonne is of that sorte And right so is the holy goste the authour of conforte The father is in create was neuer made certayne No more was sonne nor holy goste that togither do reygne The father is immense and can neuer be measured So are the sonne holy goste immense not conteyned The father is eternall and had neuer begynynge So are the sonne and holye goste and shall haue no endynge Yet are there not three eternall wyth outen begynnynge But only one eternall God that shall haue no endynge Euen as there be not three vnmade nor three vnmeasured But one God that was neuer made and one vnconteyned In lyke maner the father is euermore almightie So are the sonne and holye goste in theyr diuinitie Yet are ther not three in substaunce that be omnipotent But one only almyghtie God that hath the regiment The father is God and so is his only sōne also Wyth the holy goste yet not three but one God and no moe So is euerie one of them Lorde by hym selfe alone Yet are they not three Lordes I saye they are all three but one For as trueth causeth vs to calle eche persone God and Lorde So to calle thē three goddes or lordes doeth not ther wyth accorde The father hath not bene made nor created of any Neyther be gotte at any tyme the trueth to testifie The only sonne of the father commeth frō hym only Not made neither created but begote eternally And from the father and the sonne the holy goste doeth springe ▪ Not made create neither begote but only procedynge One father and not three therfore we acknowledge to be One sonne and eke one holy goste we cōfesse and not three And in this holy trinitie ther is no thynge in dede That in tyme is more auncient or else that doeth succede There is nothynge greater or lesse but the three persons all Are of lyke tyme and are also emonge them selues equale So that in all poyntes as is sayde boeth one in trinitie And also three muste be worshypt in one sole vnitie Whoso euer therfore wyll be saued eternally ▪ Let not the same fayle for to thyncke thus of the trinitie It is also necessarie vnto saluation That he beleue most stedfastly Christes incarnation The vpright fayth therfore is to beleue and to confesse That our Lorde Iesu Christe goddes sonne is God and man doubtlesse God of hys fathers substaunce and gote ere the worlde began And borne in the worlde he is of his mothers substaūce man He is perfect God in substaunce so is he perfect man Consistynge of a reasonable soule and of flesh humane He is equale wyth hys father touchynge diuinitie ▪ But hys fathers inferiour in hys humanitie Who though he be boeth God and man yet is he neuer twayne But one only Lorde Iesus Christ boeth God and man certayne One not by turnynge the godheade into mans vile nature But by takeynge humanitie vnto the godheade pure In conclusion he is one not by confution Of the substaunce but by the vnitie of the persone For as the reasonable soule and flesh are one man only So is God man but one Christ the trueth to testifie Who suffryng for our health went downe to the sprites infernall And the thyrde daye he rose agayne from emonge dead men all He went vp to heauens and sytteth at his fathers ryght hande Whense he shall come to iudge boeth quicke and deade by sea and lande At whose comeynge all men muste rise agayne in theyr bodies And geue a compt of theyr owne dedes and that in moste strayte wyse And suche as haue done well shall go into lyfe eternall But the euell doars shall into eternall fyer fall This is the commune fayth which muste be firmely beleued Of all suche men as certenly do truste to be saued Glorie be to God the father the sonne and holy goste As hath bene is and eke shal be tyll mynde of tyme be loste FINIS
power diuine The lyes dregges the rof also he doeth not leaue byhynd But all the wycked of the earth do them in theyr cuppes fynde As for me I wyll preach for aye synge to Iacobes God I wyll breake all the wycked hornes euen wyth an Iron rodde I wyll I saye destroy the power of them that be wycked And suche as delyte in iustice I wyll se exalted The .lxxvj. Psalme IN Iuda God is surely knowē and eke in Israell Hys holy name is had in price and men lyke it full well Hys tabernacle and his tent is in Salem pytched And in Sion his holy seate and dwellynge is builded Ther hath he broken the arrowes that came forth of the bowe The shyld the swerd all the raye he brake also I knowe O Lorde thou art much more noble and more magnificent Then are the robbars of the hylles that to spoylynge are bent The men that were of haute courage are nowe become a praye They are slayne and haue slept theyr slepe so slender was theyr staye All men that were stronge and myghtie able for to fyght Haue not by strenght optayned ought but are turned to flyght When thou rebukest men that fyght on horsse or in charet Then are they caste into slumber and do thē selues forget For thou O Iacobes God I saye arte terrible in dede And who can abyde in thy syght when thy wrath is moued Once thy iuste iudgment was shewed downe from heauen vpon man Then shoke the earth great silēce through out the same began This thynge was done when God arose to minister iudgment And to saue them that on the earth were weake and impotent For when thou doest punish one man and plageste his furie Then doest thou put the rest in feare to deale so cruelly Make and performe vowes to your God all you that nygh him be Loke that ye brynge gyftes vnto him for terrible is he He stoppeth the breath of rulars and causeth them to die And the myghtie kynges of the earth feare him excedyngly The .lxxvij. Psalme WHen I dyd lyfte my voyce to God and dyd vpon him crye Then dyd he geue eare vnto me hearde me wyllyngly In the daye of my trouble I dyd to the Lorde resort ▪ By nyght my power was scatered my soule toke no confort When I called God to my mynde then was my sprite troubled And I mourned excedyngly my courage faynted O God thou dydest knowe certenly the watches of myne eies I was amased and coulde not speake out in any wise Then dyd I call to memorie the tymes that erst haue bene And the years that in the old world our fore fathers haue sene My verses in the nyght dyd I call to my memorie And wyth myne herte I cōmuned and dyd myne owne sprite trie Then sayde I wyll the Lord forsake his poreseruant for aye Wyll he neuer be pleasaūt but thus terrible alwaye Is his loueynge kyndnes quitte lost hath he no more in store Shall the sprite of true prophecie neuer be heard of more Hath God forgotten vtterly howe to be mercifull Wyl he holde in his mercies lyke a man that is irefull Yet at the laste thus dyd I thyncke this is but my weakenes For the right hand of the high God maye chaunge all thynges certes The worckes of the Lorde wyll I call to memorie therfore And wyll not forget the wōders that he dyd heretofore I wyll also O God thyncke on all thy worckes secretly And to speake of thy counselles Lorde I wyll my selfe applye For all thy wayes and thy counselles are holy and vpright No God therfore can be so great as art thou God of myght For thou alone hast brought to passe thynges straynge and wonderfull And emonge the people thou hast made thy power notable For thy people are reuenged by thy great poure full well That is to saye the chyldren of Iosephe and Israell The waters dyd se the O God the waters dyd se the And loste theyr strength and the depe gan amased for to be The darcke cloudes sent downe showeres of rayne in wonderfull plentie And the cloudes sent forth thunder clappes and thy arrowes gan flye The noyse of thy thunder clappes and the flashes of lyghtnynge Appeared round about and the earth fell in a tremblynge Thy wayes are in the sea and thy pathes in waters full stronge And thy fote steppes are not espyed either of olde or yonge Thou dydeste leade thy people lyke a simple flocke of shepe And by the hand of Moses and Aaron thou dydest them kepe The .lxxviij. Psalme ATtend my people to my lawe and to my wordes enclyne My mouthe shall speake strange parables and sentences diuine Which we our selues haue heard seene emonge men that are olde And that for our enstructiō our fathers haue vs told We wyll not therfore hyde these thynges from theyr posteritie But to them that shall come after we wyll tell them playnly We wyll I saye tell the Lordes prayse his strength and hys glorie And eke all hys wonderfull workes to oure posteritie For wyth a certen charge he gaue a lawe in Israell Whiche was that all fathers shoulde these thynges to theyr chyldren tell That theyr posteritie that is theyr sonnes yonge and tender Myght when they come to age knowe them and teache them theyr chylder That they myght haue the better hope in God that is aboue And haue his holy worckes in mynde kepe his lawes for loue And not be lyke theyr fathers that were false and of such sprite That would not frame theyr wycked hertes to credite God a right The sonnes of Ephraim wēt out in armes and thought to spoyle Shothyng theyr dartes yet in the daye of warre they toke the foyle For whye they dyd not kepe wyth God the promise that was made Nor yet would walke or leade theyr lyfe accordynge to his trade But they forgate his worckes eke they smally estemed The wonderfull and noble actes that to thē he shewed Wythin the land of Egypt and in the field of Tanim In the syght of theyr fathers were great wonders wrought by him He dyd diuide and cut the sea and brought them through it drye And bade the waters stand as styll as thynges heaped on hye He led thē secret in a cloude by daye when it was bryght And all the nyght when it was darcke wyth fyer he gaue them lyght He brake the rockes in wyldernes gaue the people dryncke As plentifull as when the welles do flowe vp to the bryncke Out of the rocke of stone he brought fresh water streames at nede And made the waters for to rēne lyke great riuers in dede Yet for all this agaynst the Lord theyr synne dyd styll encrease And styrred him that is most hygh to wrath in wyldernes They tempted God wythin theyr hertes lyke people of mistruste When they cried to haue such meate as serued to theyr luste Then sayde they thus agaynst the Lorde in theyr vnfaythfullnes How
that is my staye And let the God of my soule health be extolled I saye It is God that geueth me powre for to reuenge my wronge And that doeth subdue vnto me peoples mightie and stronge It is God that doeth leade me out from my deadly enmies Lord thou doest brynge me vp from thē that do agaynste me ryse And from the man that doeth purpose me wronge and violence Thou doest deliuer me I saye wyth carefull diligence And for this cause O Lorde I wyll in the Heathen prayse the And wyll synge to thyne holy name wherso euer I be And for the greatnes of the healthe and prosperouse lyueynge Wherwyth thou doest enrych Dauid thyne owne anoynted kynge And for the health wherby thou doest with benefites applye Thyne annoynted Dauid and eke his seede eternally The .xix. Psalme TO vs the heauens dooe declare goddes wonderfull glorie And the cōpasse therof doeth shewe hys handworcke trulye The daye that succedeth shal teach vs yet a lytle more And the nyght folowynge shall shewe more then that went before They haue no maner of language nor wordes sowndynge wyth noyse They speake not as men vse to speake no mā doeth heare theyr voyce Yet went theyr rule through out the world all men haue heard theyr sounde And theyr wordes went into the coastes of all the worlde sorownde In these heauens the Lorde hath sette a dwellynge place and tent For the sunne that wyth his bryght beames is alwaye resplendent And as a brydgrowme he commeth out of his bower bryght Ryght cherfully to renne his rase lyke to a man of myght At the vtmost parte of the easte he doeth his rase begynne And in the vtmoste of the weste is hys returnynge in And vnder the heauens that be so wonderfull and wyde There is not one that from his heate may hym absent or hyde The Lordes lawe is pure and perfect turnynge the soule to it So is hys testimonye true geueynge the simple wytte The decrees of the Lord are streyght and make a mans herte lyght So is the Lordes precept most pure maketh the eies bryght The feare of the Lorde is right pure and doeth euer excell So are his iudgmentes true and iuste this do I knowe right well They are more to be desyred then plentie of pure goulde And sweter then the honie combe that droppeth many folde Yea in them thy pore seruant is chiefly admonished And in the obseruance of them much hyre is promised Whoe is able to marke his fautes them to vnderstande To purge me from my secrete fautes Lorde do thou take in hande And put from me all greate mischiefes leste they ouercome me And then from all greate treaspases I shall innocent be O Lorde that art my sure defence doest reuenge my ryght Let my wordes and thought of myne herte be pleasant in thy syght The .xx. Psalme I Besech God the Lord heare the in all thy miserie And that the name of Iacobs God do place the in safetie And that he helpe and succour the from his sanctuarie And that out of Sion he do vnderset the surely And that he do remember all thy gyftes or sacrifice And that thy fat brēt offeringes be pleasant in hys eies God graunt he geue the thy desyre euen as thyne hert doeth wyll And that all thy mynde and counsell he do throughly fulfyll Then wyth syngynge we wyll reioyce in thy saluation And wyth triumphe set vp bannars in oure goddes name anone For the Lord wyll fulfyll al thy requestes this is no naye And then shall eche man in his herte breake out in wordes and saye Nowe I acknowledge that the Lord hath preserued hys kynge And hath heard hym out of heauen where he is abydynge I acknowledge he hath heard hym out of hys holy place By the saueynge strength of his powre and his plentifull grace Let some put theyr trust in charettes and some in horses hye Yet the name of the Lorde our God wyll we speake of trulye They fell vnderneth theyr burden were quite destroyed But we stode styfly vnder it and were styll strengthened The Lorde shall aye preserue and kepe his owne anoyted kynge And in the daye when we shall call he shall geue vs hearynge The .xxj. Psalme LOrde in thy myght and powre the kynge shall be glad and merie And in thy saueyng health he shall reioyce excedyngly Thou haste geuen hym his hertes desyre wythout any delay And of the thynges he hath asked thou hast not sayde hym naye Wyth the beste and most pleasaunt gyftes thou haste hym preuented And ryght so wyth a crowne of goulde hys heade thou hast crowned He asked lyfe of the and thou haste geuen to hym certayne Such lenght of dayes that he shall be when no tyme shall remayne Through the health that thou gaueste hym ryght great is hys glorye Vpon him thou hast set honour bryghtnes great plentie Thou haste set hym that he hath aye plentye and aboundaunce Of all good thynges so doest thou chere him wyth thy comtenaunce For in the Lord the kyng putteth his trust vnfaynedly And shall stande stydfastly through the goodnes of God most hye Thyne hande hath founde all suche men as thy deadly enmies be And thy ryght hande hath founde all such as euer hated the. Lyke a fornayce in thyne anger thou hast them all kenled The Lorde hath eate them in hys Ire fyre hath them consumed The fruyte of theyr bodies thou haste rowted out of the land And haste not suffered theyr seede emonge men for to stand For they went obout to noye the and for to do the yll They inuented suche wyckednes as they could not fulfyll But thou madest them as a but to shote at wyth thy bowe And wyth thy strynge thou leuelledste euen at theyr face I knowe Extolle thy selfe Lorde in thy powre set vp thy selfe on hye Then shall we synge and celebrate thy powr most worthyly The .xxij. Psalme MY God my God why dydest thou forsake thy pore seruant From myne health my roreynge crye howe far art thou distant By daye I call on the my God but no answere I heare And eke by night but vnto me no silence doeth appere Yet art thou the holye rular of prayse in Israell Thou art I saye the holy one that emonge them doeth dwell Our fathers haue trusted in the thou haste ben all theyr staye They haue trusted in the and thou haste set them tree I saye They haue cried to the I saye and are deliuered They haue put all theyr trust in the and are not ashamed As for me I am but a worme I am no mā in dede I am an opprobrye of men of people despised So manye as do loke on me do laugh at me alwaye They mocke they mowe and moue theyr heades and with them selfe they saye He hath lefte all thinges to the Lorde let hym set him at large And for the loue he beareth hym let the same him discharge But thou art he O Lorde that
And that with manicles they maye bynde theyr princes ech one And eke theyr Lordes and maiestrates with fetters of Iron That as it is written God maye reuenge hym on them all Whiche shall be prayse to hys dearlynges that on hys name do call The Cl. Psalme PRayse ye God in his holy place congregation And prayse hym in the sure grownde of hys dominion Prayse hym for hys myghtie powres sake and hys valiauntnes And right so do ye prayse hym for hys excedynge greatnes Prayse hym wyth the sowne of trumpet prayse hym wyth harppe and lute Prayse hym I saye wyth the tymbrel and wyth the pype or flute Prayse hym with organnes and rebecke and cymballes of lowde sownde Prayse hym I saye wyth such cymballes as make the voyce rebownde Let eche spirite and lyueynge thynge prayse God boeth night and daye Let them all worcke hys holy wyll prayse ye the Lorde I saye The ende of the Psalter Magnificat c. Luce. i. MY soule doeth magnifie the Lorde euery daye and houre And my spirite doeth reioyce in God that is my sauiour Because he hath loked vpō hys hādmaides lowe degree For loe hense sorth men shal reporte me right happie to be For he that is myghtie hath done right noble thynges to me And therfore is hys name holy euer more shal be And his mercie is stretched forth vpon all progenies From age to age on thē that haue hys feare before theyr eies By the powre of his myghtie arme he hath worthyly wrought He hath scattered the proude men in theyr owne secrete thought He hath deposed the myghtie out of their royall place And promoted them to honour whose degre was but base The hungry he hath fylled wyth good thynges in greate plentie So hath he sent the ryche awaye wythout and quite emptie He hath taken into fauour Israell his seruante That he myght be myndfull of hys mercie couenaunt Euen as he hath spoken vnto our fathers heretofore That is to saye Habraham and his seede for euermore Nunc dimittis c. Luc. ij LOrd nowe letteste thou thy seruāt departe from hense in peace Accordynge to thyne holy worde thy faythfull promesse For nowe myne eies haue sene thyne health and thy saluation Before the face of euerie people and nation Alyght to lyghten the Heathen through out the worlde so wyde And the glorie of thy people Israell on eche syde Benedictus c. Luc. i. THe Lorde the God of Israell is for to be praysed For he visited his people and hath them redemed And in the house of Dauid his seruant he hath erect The home of health for vs that be his chosen and electe As he hath spoken by the mouth of his prophetes holye That from the begynnynge haue bene preachars of veritie Declareynge that we should be made salfe from our enimies And from the powre of all them that hate vs in anye wise That towardes our fathers he myght vse his bountifull mercie And call hys holy testament into hys memorie And that he myght performe the othe that he had firmely sworne Vnto our father Habraham longe before we were borne And that he myght geue vs the powr to serue hym wythout feare Beynge free from our enmies powre whose heauie yocke we beare And that in holynes of lyfe and iustice in his syght All the tyme that we shall lyue here as well by daye as nyght And thou chylde shalt be called the prophete of the moste hye For thou shalt go before hys face hys wayes to make redie To geue his people knowledge that they shall theyr soule health wynne Only by the forgeuenes of theyr trespasse their synne By the bowelles of the mercie of our God most myghtie Where wyth the bryght daye springe hath nowe visited vs from hye To shyne to them that sate in deathes shadowe and in dearcknes To set our fete strayght in the waye that leadeth vnto peace Benedicite c. Daniel .iij. ALl ye worckes of the Lorde prayse hym speake well of hym I saye Prayse and extole his holye name for euer and for aye O ye that be the Lordes angelles and messengers at nede Speake euer well of hym prayse hym and extole hym indede Ye heauens speake wel of the Lord prayse and extole hym aye All ye waters that are aboue do ye the same I saye Al ye powres of the Lord se that ye speake good of hym styll Prayse and extole him euermore accordynge to his wyll Sunne moone speake good of the Lord prayse and extole him aye And ye starres of the hygh heauen do ye right so I saye All rayne and swete dewe blesse the Lord prayse and exalte hym hye And ye wyndes of God se ye do the same eternally Fyre and heate speake good of the Lorde laude and prayse hym euer Colde wynter and hote somerse ye do in lyke maner Ye dewes and hore froste blesse the Lord prayse and extole hys name Froste and extreme rigoure of colde do ye alwaye the same Ise and snowe speake good of the Lorde extole him euer more And ye nyghtes and dayes se ye do walke after the same lore Lygh and darckenes blesse ye the Lorde laude and extole hym aye Lyghtnynge and cloudes do ye the same wythouten stoppe or staye Let the earth speake good of the Lorde blesse hym for hir store Let hir laude and extolle hys name wyth prayses euer more Ye mountaynes ye little hylles se that ye blesse the Lorde Laude extole his holy name alwaye wyth one accorde All ye thynges that budde on the earthe the Lorde your God blesse ye And let hys laude extollynge euer emonge you be Ye sprynges speake ye good of the Lorde laude and extole him styll Ye seas and freshe riuers also do the same wyth good wyll Ye whalles and all thynges that moue in the waters blesse the Lorde Laude and extole hys holye name alwayes wyth one accorde All foules of the ayre blesse the Lord prayse and extole hym aye All beastes wylde and tame se that ye do the same thynge alwaye Ye sonnes of men blesse ye the Lord laude and extole hym styll And let Israell do the same with full consent of wyll Ye priestes of the Lorde prayse the Lorde extole hym euermore And all ye seruantes of the Lorde folowe ye the same lore Ye spirites and soules of iuste men blesse ye the Lorde alwaye Ye saynctes and ye of humble herte do the same wythout staye O Ananie O Azarie and thou O Misael Se that ye cease not to extole the Lord of Israell Te Deum laudamus c. WE prayse the as God and confesse the the Lorde for to be And as father euerlastynge all men do worshyppe the. To the crie all angelles the heauens with all the powres therin Wythout ceaseynge crie vnto the Cherub Seraphin Holy holy holy Lorde God of Sabaoth they crye Heauen and earth are full with thy maiestie and glorie The gloriouse company