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A10036 The doctrine of the sacrament of the Lords Supper handled. And plainely layd open out of the 1. Cor. 11. 23.24. &c. Wherein the nature of this sacrament is faithfully discussed, the matter of it, together with the necessity of often receiuing, truly declared; the words of consecration embowelled, and errours with the cauills of papists soundly confuted. By Richard Preston preacher of Gods word at Rushden in Northamptonshire. Preston, Richard, d. ca. 1624. 1621 (1621) STC 20283; ESTC S115177 102,646 398

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then any people c. but because he loued vs. Vse 1 1. This may teach vs to labour that wee may bee affected with this so immeasurable infinite and incomparable loue of God the Father Ps 103.13 Isai 49.15 farre excelling the loue of naturall Parents What father would take his son and giue him as a possession to his chiefest friend But to take his son his heire and eldest son nay his onely Son and giue him to his enemy yea to giue him to death for his enemy this is a loue beyond all loues and may astonish all Angells and men Great was the loue of Abraham towards God that so commanded his naturall affections as to offer vp his sonne Isaac at the commandement of the Lord vnto death hauing but one son giuen him by a speciall fauour to comfort his age and him whom he loued being vertuous and religious when hee had no hope to haue any more sonnes and this beeing the sonne of the promise in whom both himselfe and the whole world should be saued that this child should not be banished from him but put to death and killed not before his face but with his owne hands this was a great loue for flesh and blood to fall into But yet farre greater is the loue of God towards vs who louing Christ a thousand times more then Abraham could loue Isaac because betweene heauenly and earthly things there is no comparison that God I say should deliuer him vp not to the whip but to the gibbet not by commandement as Abraham did but of his meer and voluntary loue not into the hands of them that sorrowed to see him afflicted but into the hands of butchers that cared not how cruelly they dealt with him and this not for his friends as Abraham did who was called the friend of God but for traytors that wold haue pulled the Lord out of his owne seate This doth wonderfully set forth the loue of God the fulnesse of it and depth of it being not to be comprehended of all the hearts of men ioyned in one though euery one of thē were wiser then Solomon Let this loue beget loue in vs again that there may bee a reflection of our loue in some measure we cannot but requite loue for loue Vse 2 2 Seeing God was content to take his Sonne to giue him yea to marke and seale him to become our Sauiour This must teach vs to be content to suffer our selues to be marked and sealed for his glory and the good of his Church God set apart and sealed his owne Sonne for our glory that wee might be redeemed from shame and bee glorified in the heauens Now he asketh nothing at our hands for this his great fauour and loue but that wee would suffer our selues to bee sealed and marked with the seale and marke of Christianity and so answerably glorifie him and doe good to his Church In this respect Paule exhorteth vs yea entreateth and beseecheth vs to giue vp our bodies as holy Rom. 12. and liuing sacrifices acceptable to God But notwithstanding all this it is farre otherwise with most of vs Gods seale and marke is wome out wee beare but onely the name of Christians suffering our selues to bee marked sealed with the markes and seals of the Diuell we abound in most sinnes in pride Gal. in vanity of our minde in selfe-loue couetousnesse drunkennesse ignorance whoredome prophanation of the Sabbath lying swearing c. These are the markes of the Diuell and by them will hee marke vs as his owne for euer if we doe not repent Oh therefore if wee would auoyd his snares and the eternal torments in hell if wee would bee sealed of God vnto glory let vs take heed of these markes and seales of the Diuell and receiue Gods seales of an holy and godly life Vse 3 3 Seeing God the Father hath taken and bestowed his onely Sonne vpon vs to be our Mediatour and redeemer Here then is comfort to those that are redeemed of Christ notwithstanding al their afflictions and their tortures for sins God hath giuen his Sonne to the death that they might liue so as when they offer Christ to him hee cannot but haue pitty on them As Pilate presented Christ whipped to the Iewes with his Behold the man to moue compassion so must they presēt Christ crucified to the Lord to moue his compassion to thē Behold what thine owne hand hath done to thine own son and say It is enough 2 Action v. 24. He gaue thankes In the Euangelists it is said He blessed the bread wine not that Christ thereby through a secret vertue in himselfe did consecrate and transsubstantiate the bread and wine into his body and blood but rather the word Blesse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth signifie a praier made by Christ to his Father for the sanctifying blessing the significant Creatures that hee had in his hand and his thankesgiuing for them so doth Erasmus turne the words Mat. 26.27 Luk. 22.17 The other Euangelists Mathew and Luke and so Paule in this place make the words Blessing and Giuing of thankes to signifie the same thing Much deceiued are the Papists the enemies to sound and sauing doctrine that ground their consecration and meanes of transsubstantiation vpon this action of Christ He gaue thankes To giue thankes or to blesse God was a commendable custome of the ancient Iewes they gaue thankes before and after meate which custome our Sauiour followeth in his Gospell He tooke bread and gaue thankes It is also the vse and custome of the neotericall and later Iewes Rab. Kim to call vpon God for a blessing vpon their Passeouer and of all Christians to desire God to blesse the table and the meare thereon not that any thing is vncleane in it owne nature as the Manichees held or that the euill spirits are mingled among the creatures Orientales et Itali as they of the Easterne Countrey imagine which defend the sprinkling of holy water for the creature of God is good because all which God made is good but it is our own corruption sin which defileth the creature Prayer therefore before the receiuing thereof is necessary that it may be sanctified and made wholesome for our vse and that wee may vse them soberly and moderately Hence we learne first that Doct. It is the duty of Christians to supplicate and make requests to God for a blessing vpon the Sacrament or any creature they are about to receiue and taste Our Sauiour would not venture vpon his Supper till such time as he had desired of God a blessing vpon it for that vse he instituted it And it may be gathered from Paules words The Cup of Blessing which wee blesse 1. Cor. 10.16 c. that the Apostle made requests to God for the sanctifying of the Sacrament to this end that it might be a Communion And in all things wee must call vpon God for a
to bee Ministers for God therefore they cannot be disallowed Sol. Sol. I confesse indeede that there is an ordinary calling of the Church which is necessary for the making of a Minister But yet the outward ordinary calling of the Church alone is not sufficient to make a man a Minister of the Lord vnlesse he be also inwardly called of God and fitted with gifts as with the Spirit of God in wisedome Exod. 31.2.3 and in vnderstanding and in knowledge and in workmanship 1. Tim. 1.12 1 Sam. 10.9 and in strength and with another heart c. to discharge the duties of the place to which God calleth him And therefore whosoeuer taketh vpon him the charge ouer a people must look narrowly vnto himselfe and see whether hee bee put into orders by God Vnlesse he haue a testimony that God hath called him inwardly as well as the Church outwardly all is to small purpose hee is none of Gods Ministers hee is crept into the Church of God by the window and God neuer set him apart to his holy seruice but rather as a iust Iudge will say to him Friend Mat. 22.12 how camst thou in hither Hence it was that Tyndall that blessed Martyr did sharpely reprooue such kinde of Ministers saying Exposit in Mat. 5. In what case are they that haue Benefices and preach not Verily though they stand at the Altar yet are they excommunicate and cast out of the liuing Church of almighty God And againe Priests that preach not are none of Christs nor of his annoynting but seruants of the beast whose marke they beare Oh that all ouer-hasty Ministers wold well consider these things and rather vndertake any other calling then this so weighty a worke without direction from the Lord. A notable president we haue for them in the Prophecy of Zechariah where the Prophet speaketh of some such Priests as pestered the Church in his time Zech. that They should no longer weare a rough garment to deceiue But he shall say I am no Prophet I am an Husbandman for man taught me to be an Heardman from my youth Then better it would be for Gods Church she should bee gouerned by the men of God and more comfortable to themselues though their life be more painefull Vse 2 2 This may teach all Ministers to trye and examine themselues whether they bee the Lords Ministers If they 1. finde themselues ready vpon all occasions to goe when God bids and to returne when hee calls 2. If it bee vnto them as meate and drinke to do the will of God their Father that sent them 3. If they cry aloud and spare not if they lift vp their voyces like trumpets Isa 58.1 and shew the people their transgressions and sinnes Act. 10.33 4. If they deliuer nothing but that which they haue receiued and all that which they haue receiued 5. If they deliuer sound Doctrine and the wholesome word of truth 6. If they diuide the same word aright and giue euery one his owne portion Warning to the vnruly 1. Thes 5.14 comfort to the feeble minded if they binde vp the broken hearted c 7. If they study to approue themselues their liues and hearts vnto God 2. Tim. 2.15 as men that neede not be ashamed 8. If their lips preserue knowledge 9. If they be ready to euery good worke Tit. 3.1 Phil. 3.20 and haue their conuersation in heauen purging thēselues as Christ is pure If these things bee in them then it may be truly said that they are the Lords workemen that hee hath placed them in his watch-tower that they haue receiued gifts from aboue that they are Ambassabours for Christ that he hath powred of his Spirit vpon them and giuen them orders for the Ministeriall function to discharge it Thirdly the Apostle saith I haue receiued of the Lord that which I deliuered c. I haue not dealt deceitfully with you to giue you any Sacrament of my owne inuention but I haue deliuered that very same Sacrament and words also that I receiued from the Lord Iesus Christ From hence then in the third place we learne That God alone is the Author and appointer of all our Sacraments Doct. 3. whereby Gods inward graces are represented sealed and conueyed vnto vs. And for this cause our Apostle heere saith that the Lord Iesus God-man and man-God not any man alone nor Angell nor Saint took bread and wine c. that is hee alone instituted this holy Supper The like wee may see in the other Sacrament for wee haue but two Sacraments vnder the New Testament 1. Cor. Christ alone giueth commandement to his Disciples and in them to all his faithfull Ministers to Teach and baptize in the name of the Father Mat. 28.19 the Sonne and the holy Ghost Accedit verbum ad elementū et fit Sacramentum Aug. fu Ioanne tract 80. Now God ordaines euery Sacrament by his Sacramental Word and this is due two wayes First by giuing a commandement whereby he commandeth his Sacrament both to be administred and receiued Mat. 26.26 28.19 Secondly by making a promise whereby he hath ordained that the Elements shall bee instruments and seales of grace The reason why God alone must be the author of euery Sacrament Reas 1. is because euery Sacrament which is but a signe of grace can confirme nothing vnlesse it be by the consent and promise of him from whom the grace promised must bee receiued But euery good gift and good grace is from God alone Iam. 1.17 Mal. 3.1 Heb. 8.6 therefore it must needs follow that God is the author of the Sacrament Vse 1 1 This serues to confute the Papists who doe not onely content themselues with polluting these two holy Sacraments of the New Testament many and sundry wayes but also most impudently and arrogantly take this priuiledge of ordaining Sacraments vnto themselues which belongeth to God alone and therefore they make more Sacraments then Baptisme and the Lords Supper by adding fiue others vnto them First Confirmation Secondly Repentance Thirdly Orders Fourthly Extreame Vnction or annoynting Fifthly Matrimony All these howsoeuer they are holy Ordinances for other ends yet they are no Sacraments For 1. They cannot confirme Faith 2. Neither are they so proper to the Church as Sacraments are 3. Neither haue they any commandement of God to bee Sacraments 4. Nor his promise of beeing signes and seales of grace Vse 2 2 This must teach vs to come prepared to the Lords Supper all the dainty dishes therein are of the Lords owne prouision If a man should bee bid a guest to sit at the Princes table to eate of the dainties of the Princes prouision he would without all doubt trimme and prepare himselfe as Ioseph did to come into Pharaohs presence Now wee know that the Sacrament is a supper of the Lord Iesus his prouision he hath prepared his chaire and furnished his table as Salomon
shall not returne to former drouth for Out of their belly shall flow riuers of water Ioh. 7.38 they shall eate till they be able to say with the holy man Pro. 30.8 Lord I thanke thee thou hast fed me with food conuenient for mee They shall so feede vpon Christ as that there shall bee a store-house of foode and a fountaine of liuing water within them 3 It may be that sometimes they may finde cause to cry with the holy men of God in the sense of Gods wrath O my leannesse my leannesse I am pained at the very heart or I am like the drouth in Summer parched as the ground and scorched for want of moysture yet here is comfort in this misery that Christ is in thē their bread wine their meate and drinke that they should not perish he is a fountaine a treasury of liuing graces springing vp in their harts to refresh and reuiue them In him dwelleth the fulnesse of the Godhead bodily Colos 2.9.10 and wee are compleate in him Hee is that fountaine that shall run out of the house of the Lord Ioel 3.18 and water all the valley of Sittim Hither they may come to take their bread out of the store-house and to draw with ioy waters out of the wells of consolation Isa 12.3 Ioh. 1.16 In Christ is all fulnesse for of him wee receiue grace for grace Generally the graces of Regeneration and in particular all other graces 1 Peace with God our selues Rom. 5.1 2 Entrance and accesse vnto the Father Eph. 2.18 3. The riches of wisedome and vnderstanding Eph. 1.8 4. Consolation and comfort 2. Cor. 5. Eternall saluation Rom. 6.23 In a word in Christ wee are blessed with all spirituall blessings Eph. 1.3 For of him and through him and for him are all things Rom. 11.36 And he is made of God vnto vs Wisedome Righteousnes Sanctification and redemption 1. Cor. 1.30 All these as food necessary through Christ come vnto all beleeuing Saints in the midst of all paines and troubles of conscience for their consolation Lastly in that Christ tooke bread and then wine not leauing the one without the other but ioyning both together to make a full Supper Learne that These two Elements of bread and wine Doct. must be administred in this holy Supper For now Christ being to depart from his Disciples did celebrate his Supper on this manner deliuering both bread and wine and left himselfe in this respect a president and patterne for his Disciples and all faithfull Ministers to bee followed vnto the end of the world And hauing commanded and instituted both these it is not for any one of vs to adde to or take from them or to alter and change them The time or place may be altered for order or comelinesse but the elements themselues in no wise must be altered Vse Here then we may see a Vse grosse abuse of this holy institution among the Papists these elements of bread and wine which Christ hath ioyned together they haue put asunder denying the wine to the Laytie and common people though their Massing Priests receiue both bread and wine yet the people must not Chron. Germa and why Because the Chalice was too pure forsooth for the people to touch with their naked and bare fingers as Pope Sixtus the first iudged and secondly because a Councell holden at Constance did by a publike Law forbid the administration of the Lords Supper to the Lay people vnder both kindes when notwithstanding the commandement of Christ is farre otherwise Ob. Ob. But the Papists say that in receiuing of bread wee must consider Christ his blood as in the veines and therefore when men receiue bread signifying the body they receiue blood also contained in the veines thereof Sol. Sol. But I answer in the Lords Supper wee receiue Christ not as in a maunger or walking on the earth but we receiue Christ as nayled on the Crosse his body broken and his blood powred forth and shed abroad wee must not then receiue Christ as whole but as he is wounded and pierced and thus wee haue the blood of Christ not in the veines but powred forth and so it must be receiued Ob. Ob. but there must be a difference betweene the Clergy and the Laytie the Clergy must receiue both but not the Lay people Sol. Sol. This is false for in respect of Christ the couenant all haue equall title and right to him which maketh the Apostle Paule say There is neither Iew nor Grecian Gal. 3.28 bond nor free male nor female but all are one in Christ Iesus and therefore consequently all both Minister and people haue an equall right to bread and wine the signes whereby Christ his body and blood are represented Q. Quest How differeth this bread and wine from our bread and wine which wee vse at our ordinary Tables Sol. Sol. Surely the difference stands not in the substāce quantity or quality but onely in the vse and signification in that these by vertue of Gods institution doe besides their naturall vse signifie the body and blood of Christ and are instruments for the conueyance of him vnto our soules Thus much of the elements of Bread and Wine the matter whereon Christs Supper was instituted He tooke bread c. The manner of the institution followeth wherein we noted the action of Christ and secondly his words The actions are 1. Taking 2. Blessing 3. Breaking and powring c. 4. Giuing The first action expressed is taking He tooke bread into his hands Doct. from whence we take notice of the vnspeakable loue of God towards Mankinde in prouiding a Mediator and Redeemer for man being in extreame misery For by this action of taking Bread and wine is signied that action of God the Father whereby hee set apart his Sonne from all eternity to bee a mercifull Mediator betwixt God and man And for this cause it is said that God the Father hath sealed him Ioh. 6.27 that is made him fit authenticall al-sufficient for this office As money first is sealed and stamped then goeth for paiment so Christ was sealed stamped and appointed for this end This is that inestimable gift of God mentioned by S. Iohn Hee gaue his onely begotten Sonne Ioh. 3.16 that is he tooke him and then gaue him for a Mediator that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life Thus then we see that God cōmendeth his loue to vs Rom. 5.7.8 in giuing his Christ to dye for vs. The ground of this vnspeakable loue is in God himselfe Reason he saw nothing in vs that could be the moouing cause of this so boundlesse bottomlesse loue but the cause was in himselfe and may bee his owne pleasure and good will Deut. 7.7.8 The Lord saith Moses did not set his loue vpon vs or chuse vs because wee were more in number
of saluation but themselues are growne vp exceeding great proude and rich And although they haue blinded the eyes of the people holding them in ignorance through this iniustice and outragious sea of Monkish superstition yet they haue runne contrary to Christs institution and therefore they may looke for no other but eternall destruction and that the blood of all the say people shall bee laid to their charge Thus by remoouall of these superstitious tricks of the Papists which secretly and by wringing and wresting they gather from these words of our Sauiour a plainer path and entrance is made for vs to speak of that which followeth Take ye First to speake of the persons that were admitted to be partakers of this Sacrament they were Christs faithfull and sanctified disciples take ye saith hee speaking to them alone Hence note That A Minister is not to admit euery one to this Sacrament Doctr. but there must be a special separation on of Atheists prophane and open offenders from holy godly and religious professours of open and manifest Hypocrites who professe in word and deny God and his truth in their liues from sound and sincere-hearted Christians This commandement is directed to the faithfull seruants of God onely not to the prophane and vngodly And this separation hath bene from the beginning Adam in Paradise had the couenant of God and was admitted to the seales of the couenant namely the two Sacraments Gen. 2. the tree of life in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and euill but Adam after he had fallen the Lord separated him from the couenant and the seales thereof So Caine after he had slaine his brother Abell was put from the Lords face Gen. 4.12 16. that is he was seuered from the place of Gods presence where God especially manifested himselfe vnto his seruants in his seruice honour and worship and for this cause the Lord commanded that none should bee admitted vnto the Passeouer the same vnto the Iewes Num. 9.13 Leu. 10.10 which this Sacrament is vnto vs being vncleane The reason of this is plaine Reason we see a mortall Prince will not entertaine or admit of euery one to his Table especially of his enemie but his steward hath charge and authority if any dare bee so impudent to bid themselues c. to giue them the repulse euen so wee must not thinke that the immortall Prince the God of heauen and earth will admit of euery ghost vnto his Table but hath giuen commandement to his stewards euen all his faithfull Ministers to weede out the refuse prophane persons and as the Prophet saith Ier. 15.19 to separate the precious from the vile Vse 1 1. This condemneth the Papists who put no man backe from their Masse though neuer so vngodly wicked and of euill report but allure inuite bid and admit of all that come bee they neuer so corrupt in life and doctrine as worshippers of Images louers of pleasure more then of God enemies of piety proud men vnfaithfull Vsurers Murderers Tyrants Hypocrites Whoremongers Swenters Lyers Slanderers and such as are giuē to Drunkennes Bibbing Feasting Gluttony c. And whō not that this prouerb may be found no lesse true then old Like will to like Thus the Popist Priests without all consideration deliuer the most holy mysteries of the body blood of Christ which the ancient Fathers gaue to none but to those that were replenished with the knowledg of Gods wil in al wisdom spiritual vnderstanding to them that are defiled with al kind of sin abhominations 2. Euery Minister must hence learn his duty Vse 2 He must endeauour to haue a speciall eie to the guests that come to the Lords table to giue them a repulse if they bee prophane scandalous and open-offendours such as are knowne to bee Gods enemies till such time as they reforme their liues and become the Lords friends In so doing he shall discharge the office of a faithfull steward and shall preuent Gods heauy wrath that otherwise would fall vpon the head of the vnworthy and vnbidden guest He that by admission of the Minister rusheth vpon the Lords Supper vnworthily in filthinesse and sinnes most odious cannot auoid iugdment nay he is in danger of hearing the voyce of the King Friend how camest thou in hither not hauing on thy wedding garment Mat. 22.12 and prouing speechlesse he is sure to be bound hand and foote and cast into vtter darkenes where is weeping wailing and gnashing of teeth Oh therefore thou that art the Lords Minister suffer no man to enter vnto this Supper with filthy garments If any man though hee be thine owne brother be a Fornicator an Idolater on a Railer or a Drunkard 1. Cor. 5.11 or an Extortioner or any one that brings not true Doctrine bid him not God speede eate not with him 2. epi. Ichn verse 10. nay suffer him not to eate at this table Hilar. in Mat. Can. 30. Christ would not suffer Iudas to eate of his last Supper who according to an other name Iscariot Theophilact in Mat. Cap. 26. is a man of power He went forth before Supper and could not be suffered to eate because he was condemned of the holy Ghost to be a Traitor an Hypocrite a couetous person a diuell a sonne of perdition a vessell of wrath c. And wee reade that Ambrose stood in the Church doore and would not permit the Emperor Theodosius Theodoret Lib. 5. Cap. 18. after he had caused seuen thousand men to be slaine without iudgement to enter into the Church but forbade him to go any further then the doore saying Quomodo manus extendes de quibus adhuc sanguis stillat iniustus quomodo buiusmodi manibus suscipies sanctū Domini corpus Qua temeritate ore tuo poculum sanguinis preciosi percipies quando furore verborum tuorum tantus iniuste est sanguis effusus c. Tripar hist Lib. 9. ca. 3. With what eyes wilt thou behold the house of him which is the Lord of vs all or with what feete wilt thou treade vpon his holy pauement Wilt thou stretch out these hands which yet droppe with the blood of them that were vniustly slaine and with them take the most holy body of the Lord or wilt thou put that precious blood to thy mouth who through the words that haue proceeded from thy furious mind hast shed so much innocent blood I say vnto thee depart and to this thy former wickednesse adde not another that is more wicked fusus c. Tripar hist Lib. 9. ca. 3. neither disdaine thou to take that yoake and bond vpon thee which the Lord of all doth approue and blow from aboue c. These were the words of that good Bishop vttered with an holy zeale against that great Emperour and may teach thee that art Gods steward much corage and boldnesse in this case if any ignorant man or
of some troubles and distractions of minde yet before I leaue you quite I will giue you my comforter my Spirit as a pledge of our coniunction And in another place Our Sauior prayeth vnto his Father that all beleeuers might be one with him O Father that art in me and I in thee let these be one in vs I in thē Ioh. 17.21.23 and thou in mee that they may bee made perfect in one These testimonies proue that Christ and we are ioyned together though not in a popish manner as if by eating the bread wee did eate the carnall and reall body of Christ and so were ioyned to him yet we are so vnited to him euen as though wee were but one body with him Secondly this our vnion with Christ may bee expressed by way of comparison First Christ is called on Oliue or a Vine Rom. 11.17 Ioh. 15.5 and we are said to bee the branches the branches ingrafted into the tree are of the tree beare fruite and receiue sap from the tree and whatsoeuer is ascribed to the branches is ascribed to the tree so that if the branches bring forth the tree is said to bring forth Euen so it is with all Beleeuers ingrafted into Christ Secondly this our vnion with Christ is set forth vnder the estate of marriage For wee are mumbers of his body of his flesh Eph. 5.30 and of his bones As there is an inseparable vnion in marriage betweene a man and his wife so is there bet weene Christ and his Spouse the Church Thirdly this vnion is expressed in the Ephesians where God is said to haue giuen Christ to bee the head to the Church Eph. 1.22.23 which is his body In which place Christ is compared to a body that as the members are knit and vnited to the body so are all wee as members incorporate into the body of Christ and as the members this vnited are said to bee part of the body so we being ioyned vnto Christ are said to bee Christs This vnion might here be expressed by other comparisons as by the foundation 1 Pet. 2.4 and the building vpon it 1. Cor. 6.19 Rom. 13.14 by the garment vpon a mans backe c. Vse 1 1 This may teach vs aboue all things to labour and not to be at rest til we haue a sense and feeling of our vniō with Christ for this is the very drift scope of this Sacrament Proue your selues 2. Cor. 13.5 know you not your owne selues how that Iesus Christ is in you except you be reprobates Till such time as we try and feel our selues to be vnited vnto Christ we can ueuer receiue nourishment by Christ but that which we receiue wil be as purgations giuen to vnprepared bodies very hurtfull and turne to corrupt humours Vse 2 2 This serues to teach vs to labour in our liues to shew forth the fruits of Christs flesh that we may shew that we are boght from men by following the Lambe whither soeuer hee goeth by hauing no guile found in our mouthes nor pollution in our bodyes but keeping our selues pure Virgins and vnspotted as being the first fruits vnto God Vse 3 3 Seeing our feeding on Christ doth draw such fruite after it let vs labour to meete Christ in those meanes himselfe hath ordained namely the Word and the Sacraments the one beeing the storehouse of his promises the other as it were a patent of confirming them vnto vs vnder the seales left vs by the King of heauen that as these infirme bodyes of ours cannot be supported without the staues of bread and drinke the one to kill hunger the other to staunch the thirst So we may perswade our selues that our soules for their cherishing and refreshing doe require the like necessity to bee fed with the flesh and blood of Christ that we may grow vp perfect men in him and be freed from the scorching heat of desperation whereinto we may easily fall through that streame and current of sinne wherewith wee are carried in the whole course of our liues and from which we cannot bee saued but through the sprinkling of that blood which was shed for vs vppon the Crosse This is my body which is broken for you After that our Sauiour had deliuered this bread vnto the Apostles and they had taken it and did cate it then he gaue thē the signification of it what it should represent here set downe This is my body c. Which words make this Supper to be a Sacrament and offer to our consideration two things First Christs promise This is my body 2. The fruite and benefit of it which is broken for you First for Christs promise This is my body Wee must vnderstand the words thus not that the bread is the body or is changed into the body of Christ after the words of consecration but that the bread is bread still and represents the body of Christ and by Gods blessing on it it hath that vertue infused into it that it doth not onely signifie his body but conuey his body and himselfe vnto vs as if Christ might say This is my body that is this bread which you receiue is a signe and token of my body Hence learne That In receiuing of bread Doct. we receiue not the body of Christ thogh together with the bread but not in the bread wee by faith receiue his body but the signe of his body for Christ faith plainly of the bread This is my body yet his meaning is nothing lesse but rather that it is a resemblance of his body speaking after the manner of the holy Ghost in sundry places of the Scripture We reade that God called Circumcision the Couenant of Grace Gen. 17.10.11 and yet it was but a signe of the Couenant of Grace Gen. 41.26.27 The seuen leane kine were called seuen deare yeares yet they were but a token of those yeares Exc. The Lamb was called the Passeouer and yet it was but a signe of the Passouer Baptisme is called Regeneration Tit. 3.5 though it bee but the dipping of our bodies in water a signe of Regeneration so here Christ calles bread his body when indeede it is but a signe of his body These words of our Sauiour must not litterally bee vnderstood but figuratiuely a Aug. ad euodium et in Leuit. c. 17.19.67 we must aboue all things take heed that no man beleeue that the nature of God either of the Father or of the Son or of the holy Ghost may bee changed Neither let this moue any man that sometime the thing which signifieth taketh the name of that thing which it signifieth b Aug. in Psal 98. The same Authour in another place saith Ye shal not eate this body that you see Christ his speech to his disciples nor drink this blood that they shall shed who shall crucifie me But I haue deliuered you a sacramēt which being spiritually
things then Accidents should bee instruments of Gods grace causes of remission of sinnes then Accidents should be broken eaten and drunken c. How absurd this is let euery one that can discerne and trie doctrine iudge Our Sauiour sayth Mat. 26.29 Luk. 22.18 I will not drinke not of these Accidents but of the fruite of the vine any more Paul sayth the bread not the formes or accidents but the bread which we breake 1. Cor. 10.26 is it not the cōmunion of the body of Christ And againe he sayth in the next Chapter As oft as yee shall eate not these Accidents 1. Cor. 10.26 but this bread In a word that which is made of many cornes euery one of them being a substance in it selfe must needs bee a substance and no Accident but the bread in this Sacrament is composed moulded and made of cornes therfore it is a substance and no Accident The Maior is vndeniable the Minor is the testimony of Cyprian Panis ex multorum granorum adunatione congestus est Cyprian in Oration Dominic that is This bread is moulded and made of many cornes Now touching their Transubstantiation which is a maine pillar of their Religion and yet is in estimation but a fancy or a dreame it was first hatched in the time of Pope Nicolas the second in the yeare 1061 when it had but small credit till Pope Innocentius the third came who gathering a swarme of Papists together about the number of 1300. in the yeare 1215. established it After him came Pope Vrban the Monke in the yeare 1264. and made vp all the market for hee ordained a feast called Corpus Christi in honor of this Sacrament which day is still obserued of the Papists this deuice is but lately found out and deserueth no credit all that they can alledge for it is no more but this that Christ sayd This is my body by which they may aswell say Christ is a doore a way a light a vine a shepheard a lambe c. Christ called his Father an Husbandman Ioh. 15.1 is his Father therfore an Husbandman Christ called Iohn Baptist Elias is therefore Iohn made that Elias the Thisbite who prophecied in the dayes of wicked Ahab Christ called Iohn the Euangelist Maries son and Mary his mother is therefore Iohn made the naturall sonne of Mary or is Mary the virgin made his naturall mother I am sure the Papists dare not auouch this No more is the Sacramental bread Christs natural body although he calleth it his body but his body in a mystery and a figure as hath bene shewed before my reasons against their Transsubstantiation are these Reas 1 1. The first is taken from the institution it selfe for therein what did Christ take Bread what did he blesse Bread what did he breake Bread what did he giue ver 26.27 Bread and what did his Disciples receiue bread what did they eate Bread and after the words of consecration what did he call his supper eating of Bread Then it must of necessity bee that whatsoeuer Christ tooke blessed brake gaue consecrated and his Disciples tooke and eate was bread and not his body 2. It is against the nature of a Sacrament that bread should be transsubstantiated into the body of Christ for then the thing signifying is consumed which makes the Sacrament nothing is left but the thing signified which takes away the nature of it a Sacrament is no longer a Sacrament then there is a signe to represent as a Tauerne is sayd to be no longer a Tauerne then the bush hangeth before the doore 3. If Christs body were really present in the Sacrament then the Sacrament should be turned into a sacrifice which two differ as much as giuing and taking It can be no sacrifice of Christ for hee offered himselfe but once and that was vpon the crosse therefore it is called a Sacrament because it is but a signe of his sacrifice 4. If Christs body should be eaten in the Sacrament then so often as we eate it Christ should be sacrificed his body broken and his blood shed wee should then crucifie him as the Iewes did which is most horrible and fearefull to consider 5. If this their errour should be holden for a truth then the damned crue of prophane and wretched sinners should eate Christs flesh and be saued as our Sauiour speaketh He that eateth my flesh Ioh. 6.54 and drinketh my blood hath life euerlasting Yea the dumbe and insensible creatures should eate the flesh of Christ as a mouse or a rat c. Which thing the Councell of Arelate fearing decreed that the Priests should be punished and do pennance if a mouse or any other beast did eate the body of Christ through their negligence 6. If Transsubstantiation were certaine then what became of all our forefathers the Patriarches Prophets and other holy men of God that were before Christs being in the flesh what should become of many Infants the children of beleeuing Parents Al these neuer did eate the flesh of Christ as corporall meate and yet they are saued besides they did all of them eate Christ before his being in the flesh as we do he being come in the flesh So Paul plainly telleth vs They did all eate the same spirituall meate 1. Cor. 10.3.4 and drinke the same spirituall drinke which meate and drinke was Christ Marke the words hee sayth not only they did eate the same meate that we eate but he sayth that this meate was Christ and not only so but to shew that Christ is not a corporall meate as the Papists say he sayth he is a spirituall meate as we say and therfore you see we do not eate him corporally no more thē our Fathers but as they did eate him spiritually so do we 7. If Christs body were in the Sacrament then it must bee eaten with the mouth and pulled in pieces with the teeth then the members of our body shold dismember and disioynt his body which is absurd to speake but damnable to practise then it were enough to eate Christ corporally being before our eyes in the Sacrament but in this corporall eating there can be neither Hope nor Faith Rom. 8.24 Heb. 11.1 Hope is of things not seene and faith is an euidence of things not seene the substance hoped for but herein the Papists can go no further then the things are before their face when the obiecr is gone which is the body of Christ really present then all their faith and hope decaieth 8. If Christs body bee in the Sacrament then it must be either a mortall body or a glorified body the one it must be If it be a mortall body then either Christ is not dead as yet which is false or else Christ is againe subiect to mortality which cannot bee but the truth is Christ was dead is risen againe hath changed his mortal body into an immortal body therfore they cannot receiue a mortal body for
lazy calling wee get our liuings easily by pattering on a booke a little c. some say and it is no maruell that they must labor for vs. But we see by that which hath beene spoken that they are greatly deceiued Our Sauiour compareth the worke of a Minister to things of great labour as to plowing fallowing planting watering rearing an house seeding of Cattell watching by night c. In all which great diligence is required The worke of an husbandman is neuer at an end sometimes he fallowes sometimes he stirs sometime he carieth out his cōpasse sometimes he sowes sometimes he harrows somtimes he weeds yea euery moneth brings with it new worke So the Minister that is Gods husbandman if he haue care to doe his duty shall neuer finde time to be idle neither shall any man haue any iust cause to say that because hee is a Minister therefore he hath an easie occupation 2 Here may be reproued idle Ministers who are notwithstanding called to this high calling such are blinde Watchmen that haue no knowledge and dumbe Dogges that cannot barke Isa 56.10 they lye and sleepe and delight in sleeping If they cate the fat and clothe themselues with the wooll Eze 34.3 they care not greatly what becomes of the flock such slow bellies are from the Diuell fishers of money rather then from God fishers of men they can hunt wel after many liuings yet bend themselues to doe no good It were to be wished that the gouernours of the Church would vse their authority to reforme this grosse idlenesse of Ministers Oh that these wells without water were stopped vp 2. Pet. 2.17 and these clouds without raine were dispersed Iude v. 12. that Gods people might obtaine the riuers of waters and those streames that shall neuer run dry Vse 2 2. Vse of this Doctrine may serue to teach vs with care and conscience to looke to our callings when one thing is concluded another most beginne still the end of one is the beginning of another we must euer be doing something either preaching or praying or reading or conferring or visiting the sicke or studying or admonishing c. When we haue planted knowledge then practise must bee vrged when practise is approued then perseuerance must be pressed when perseuerance is allowed thē progresse must be vrged there is still 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 something left to doe And to conclude as it was with Peter touching his net so it is with all painefull ministers touching their office they busie themselues sometime in preparing sometimes in mending sometimes in casting abroad sometimes in drawing in their nets alwayes in necessary employments This Cup is the New Testament in my blood That which hath bin formerly deliuered touching the bread that sacramentally it is the body of Christ may here be spoken touching the Cup that sacramentally it is the blood of Christ And as there it was said This is my body that is a Sacrament of my body So it is here said and elsewhere in Mathew and Marke This is my blood that is Mat. 26.28 Mar. 14.25 a Sacrament of the New Testament in my blood Now for the better vnderstanding of these words we are to marke and consider what a Testament is and what things are therein contained Secondly what the difference is of the Olde and New Testament Thirdly the benefit that wee from thence may gather Testamentō est externa morituri voluntas qua bona sua dispensal et quibus vult gratuito largitur Musc in Coen Do. 1 Touching the nature of the word Testament we must vnderstand it to be a promise or a couenant made betweene one that is sicke and ready to yeelde vp his Ghost and his children or other his deare friends to whom hee bequeatheth his goods and lands and it is impressed in paper with pen and inke yet so as that paper is a full testimony witnesse or signe of all the gifts and Legacies that the party sick and ready to depart promised gaue and bequeathed to his children or friends In like manner Christ his Testament was his finall promise and couenant made to his Elect touching his gift of Grace and free remission of sins confirmed vnto them at his departure out of the world not in paper but in the powring and shedding forth his blood for the blood of Christ giues life to this Testament as Moses plainely tells vs There is life in the blood This word Testament implies a promise Leuit. 17.11 and therefore teacheth vs that This Sacrament doth confirme strengthen Doct. nourish our faith because it seales the promise we should beleeue As it is with those to whom Legacies are bequeathed they neuer are in doubt or feare of the payment because say they it was his will and Testament but the more they thinke of them the more they are confirmed So it is with all the faithfull nay they in better case for the executors of a mortall man may fly or dy or be bankrupt they may fully assure themselues of the payment of their Legacies bequeathed vnto them by Christ who who will neuer faile them for what hee hath promised in his last will and Testament shall be established The things to bee considered in and about a testament are such as these 1. The Testator 1 The Testator who makes his will and testament and that is Iesus Christ Mat. 16.16 Mar I am 1.17 Isa 9.6 Heb. 1.2 the eternall Sonne of God the Author of euery good and perfect gift the euerlasting Father the heire of all things c. Hee had free liberty and power to make his last will and testament Ob. But a seruant in the house Ob. of his master and a sonne vnder the gouernement of his father can be no Testators Christ was both a seruant and a sonne how could he then be a Testator Sol. God gaue all power and authority vnto him Sol. as Christ himselfe testifieth Mat. 28.18 All power is giuen vnto mee in heauen and in earth and God made him the heire of all things as hee saith in another place All things are deliuered vnto mee of my Father Luk. 20.14 Mat. 11.27 therefore hee had free power to be a Testator Secondly God his Father sent him into the world for this end that he should confirm with his death this new Testament Behold saith the Lord the daies come that I will make a new couenant with the house of Israell Ier. 31.31.32 Heb. and with the house of Iudah c. The Legacies 2 The Legacies that the Testator bequeathed are many but principally Redemption Eph. 1.7 Col. 1.14 liberty from the powers of hell death Sathan flesh world sinne c. by his blood he hath redeemed vs and free remission of sinnes This is my blood which is shed for many Mat. 26.28 for the remission of sinnes These Legacies were Christs own proper goods they did not
belong to any other Christ might therefore more freely bequeath them No man can bee a Testator of another mans goods inheritance 2. They were not deserued nor of merit Non potest Test●menta liter Legari quod debetur ex merito Meritum enim transit in that cannot bee called a gift by will and testament that was first earned it is rather a debt due and excludeth al fauor and good will which is required in a Testament debitum Debitum autem excludit gratiam quam libera requirit Testamenti beneuolentia Musc Much deceiued then are the aduersaries of Gods Church in respect of their pardons and of their merits 1. By their pardons granted them by one or other of their holy Fathers the Popes they looke for remission of sinnes but they may looke long enough ere sinnes can bee pardoned by a Pope nothing can purge vs from them but the blood of Christ Iesus 2 By their merits they shall neuer procure those Legacies left by Christ to his Church he gaue them freely but they will haue them deseruedly they scorne his gift they will either earne it or not haue it and so they are like for euer to go without it 3 The heires of the Testator 3 The Heires Rom. 8.17 They are the Sons of God and true beleeuers Christ in making this his last will and testament was not partiall giuing much to one little to another and disinheriting a third but he gaue to all the faithfull alike euen to all that beleeued in him remission of sinnes Ob. But it may be said Ob. that Christ herein did much wrong to his naturall mother bretheren sisters and other his kinsfolkes they aloue should haue beene his heires Sol. I answer heere Sol. Christ lookes not at his kindred his brethren and sisters by nature flesh and blood haue small part in these Legacies but he looks at his bretheren and sisters by Grace to whom the Couenant was made It is not the priuiledge of nature but of adoption that can challenge inheritance giuen by his will 4 The Executors 4 The Executors they were his Apostles successiuely all diligent and faithfull Ministers whom hee entrusted with the carefull performance of this his will and testament who while they carefully and faithfully preach the Word administer the Sacraments performe other duties laid to their charge are said to be good and faithfull Executors and as Paule saith they are right disposers of the mysteries of God 1. Cor. 4.1 5 The death of the Testator 5 The death of the Testator A will is as good as no will so long as the Testator liueth hee may adde to it or take from it what he pleaseth but when he is dead it is in force and strength as the Spirit of God reacheth vs Where a Testament is Heb. 9.16.17 there must also of necessity be the death of the Testator for a Testament is of force after men are dead otherwise it is of no strength whilest the Testator liueth This Testament of Christ was confirmed and ratified by his owne death and blood-shedding as the Couenant God made with Israel was with the shedding of the blood of Bulls and Goates 6 The Condition of the Heire 6 Lastly there are conditions required of the heire which he must keepe So also of the heires of Christ which they must obserue they must beleeue in him and make particular application of him and his merits vnto themselues saying with the Apostle He dyed for me and gaue himselfe for me Gal 2.20 They must walke worthy of those Legacies in his Testament bequeathed vnto them being holy mercifull and humble as hee was they must come as neere to his diuine nature as possibly they can and resemble his Image Yea seeing all of vs are called to bee heires let vs not bee proud of our inheritance bequeathed but rather let vs bee obedient to him that gaue it let vs bee thankfull for such a gift let vs giue our selues againe to him that hath beene so liberall to vs let vs no more minde earth and earthly things and let vs giue good possessions to our sonnes and dowries to our daughters that is let vs labour for their plantation in the most holy faith that they may bee co-heires with Christ rooted and built vp in him A new Testament Secondly Christ doth not onely speake of a Testament to shew vnto vs that the first couenant wherein were the ordinances of diuine seruice Heb. 9. reade the whole Chapter and a worldly Sanctuary For there was a Tabernacle made the first was called the Sanctuary wherein was the Candlesticke the Table the Shewbread The second was called the holiest of all wherein was the golded censer the Arke of the Couenant the golden pot that had Manna Aarons rod and the Tables of the Couenant c. is renewed by Christ All the ceremonies carnall ordinances and sacrifices which did remaine vntill the time of reformation came are abrogated and dissolued For Christ being come an high Priest of good things to come by a greater and a more perfect tabernacle not made with hands did so wash the face of the old Testament with his blood as I may so speake that one would not thinke it the same but rather a new Testament Euen now it was shadowed with a thousand ceremonies and now they are gone from it as the mist before the Sun 2. It is called a new Testament because of the often renewing of it Gen. first to Sem then to Abraham after to Dauid and now both to Iew and Gentile that it might be for euer a new Testament 2. Sam. 7.14 to distinguish it from the old from which it differs not in substance but in circumstance in regard of administration thereof The Law was giuen by Moses but grace and truth came by Iesus Christ Iohn 1.17 The Law is the ministration of condemnation But the Ghospell or the new Testament is the ministration of righteousnesse 2. Cor. 3.9 The Law or the old Testament gendreth to bondage but the Ghospell is free Gal. 4.24.28 and maketh vs children of promise The old Testament was confirmed by the blood of Goates Bullockes Exo. 24.8 Leu. and Rammes but the new Testament is confirmed by the blood of Christ In the old Testament Christ was promised but not exhibited in the new Testament the promise is fulfilled he is exhibited Mat. 3.17 The old Testament was full of types shadowes and figures Moses put a veile on his face that the children of Israell could not stedfastly behold the end of that which is abolished 2. Cor. 3.13 But the new Testament is the substance of those shaddowes the sacrifices and ceremonies with the Priest-hood are taken away the veile is rent we may behold as in a glasse with open face the glory of the Lord the new Testament therfore doth as far excell the