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A09502 Spirituall exercyses and goostly meditacions and a neare waye to come to perfection and lyfe contemplatyue, very profytable for religyous, and generally for al other that desyre to come to the perfecte loue of god, and to the contempte of the worlde. Collected and set foorthe by the helpe of god, and diligente laboure of F. Wyllyam Peryn bacheler of diuinitie and pryor of the friers preachers of greate Sayncte Bartholomes in Smythfyelde. Peryn, William.; Essche, Nicolas van, 1507-1578. Exercitia. 1557 (1557) STC 19784; ESTC S114592 137,241 328

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fautes and venials that ye dayly do cōmit neyther for that ye can not do as ye reade that other holy persons hath done neyther for that ye are weake or sycke in bodye Ye shall take no discorage nor feare for anye of thes whiche the deuyll oft tyme is wont to suggeste and to put in to the mynde and the memorye of the simple yong begynner eyther to discorage them either to trouble thē with fearful scrupulousnes or to wery them wyth tediousenes and al to hinder or to let theire gostly and holy purpose Only haue and hold stedfastly a good wyll and a ful and ferent desyre to haue such perfecciō in vertue as it might please the goodnes of god of his mercyful lyberalite to geue you Yet shal ye hope euermore the best and aske the best but commyt it to the high pleasure of god to geue what he wyl And yf ye hold this good wyll and do labour and do what your weke frayltie wyll suffer beyng sory that ye can do no better thoughe you feale no deuocion no comfort in thes your goostly trauel and exercyses yet are they a most acceptable sacryfice in the sight of god for whose only sake and desyre you do paynefully occupie your selfe without any goostlye comforte Obserue these instruccions as muche and as nyghe as ye can but not to scrupulously thynkyng your labour lost yf ye do not kepe them exactly and streytely but kepe them as well as ye may And when ye forget any of them intend to kepe it better here after and purpose euermore by godes grace and blessyd helpe to better your selfe and all shall be well And with peace and quietnes do as god shall geue you grace Vnto hym be geuen al honour and glorye Amē ¶ The firste exercise to come to knoweledge of almyghty god FYrste thou shalt exercyse thy selfe in the perfect and deepe knowlege of our lorde thy god callynge humbly to remembraunce how excellent and incomprehensyble he is as well as the grace that thou canst optayne of god shal assist the this knowlege thou shalt indeuer thy self to optayne rather by feruent desire and deuoute prayer then with highe studye and outeward laboure It is the syngular gyfte of god and very precyus Wherfore thou shalte wyth most humble and lowly hart very oftentyme desyre the same lorde god that thou myghtest possesse him most deuoutly praynge that he vochsafe to manifest and shew hym selfe vnto the that thou mayst know him and hys hygh pleasure and perfect wyl saying in this maner or lyke in thy hert secrete mynd with all desire and gostly affeccyon MOst gloryous maiestie of my lord god whom to knowe is the very blysse and felicitie of mans soule and there can no manne knowe thee as thou art without thou wylt open and shew thy selfe vnto hym Moost humbly I be seke the moost gracyus god and moste mercyful lorde vouchesafe of thy infynite mercy and goodnes to lyghten at thys present and euer my hart my mynd and knowelege with the very true and perfect knowelege of thyne owne selfe and of thy moost holy and perfect wyll and godly pleasure to thy moost honor and glory Amen ¶ Then shalt thou lyfte vppe thy heart and thoughte and consyder not with to greate vyolence but soberly the eternall euerlastynge and the infynite power and myght of god whiche hath creatyd al thynge consyder hys moost excellent wysedome hys vnmeasurable goodnes and his incomprehensible loue Consyder what thy lord god is who he is what maner and how great he is not in body but in might power goodnes wisedome mercy For he is very and only god most gloryus most blessed moost excellent and mooste hyghest aboue all thyng the excellent and hyghe verytie and truthe it self the euerlastyng and vnchangable goodnes a very and sempyternall substance a charytie infynite whiche is so great so excellent and ineffable in hym self that all dignitie perfeccyon and goodnes that is possible to be spoken by word can not suffycyently expresse any parte of hys moost inconprehensible nobilytie dignitie perfecciō and goodnes Way and consider well also that god is the very true propre and natural place rest and centre of thy sole in whom thi soule from the beginning fyrst restyd by the perfect resemblance and symilitude of hyr in the blessyd mynd of god from whens in the time of her creacion she came in to the bodie whyther shee must returne agayne and in whome she must by hym rest or els she shall perishe for euer and looseth that blysse that she was creatyde to and Iustly shall be caste in to the vnrestefull myserie and turmente of hell After thys thought then turne thy thought vnto the mooste holy and blessyd trinitie Not musing to much theron with most deuout and obedient faith most mekely and lowly adoure and worshyppe laude and prayse it with all the myghtes of bodie and soule saing in thy hert thus or lyke O Moost blessyd and moost holy trynitie of persons and moost swete and most gloryus vnitie in one godhed I most humbly beseche thy myghtyfull and moost mercyfull maiestie that the blessyd vnitie which thou art in godhed may flowe and runne by most feruent loue in to my soule and in to all creatures that be able to laude and prayse the. Amen THen consyder the blessed parsonage of god the father howe he is the euerlasting ineffable and incomprehensible goodnes which bryngyth forth incogytably of him self and substance an euerlasting goodnes coequall and of one godhead and substance with hym selfe which is his only son Whych two that is to say god the father with hys sempeternall son loue together the one the other in a charytie infinite and with an vnmeasurable and euerlastynge delight and this charitie or delight is god the holy goost ¶ Aspyracions to come to the blessed knowlege of god the holy trinitie thou shalt fynd at the end of these excersies Thou shalte also consider in this meditacion how al thynges are of thys blessed trinitie thy lord god and remayne and abyde by hym thorowe hys myght that vpholdeth them and are in hym more perfectly thē in their owne nature therfore to hym be all honoure and glorye of creatures worldes without end ¶ Of the knowlege of god commeth and groweth in the soule of manne all vertue and goodnes And of the ignorance of god aryseth all temptacyon all bytternes and dampnacion therefore thou owghteste to geue the more dylygence and to trauel the more earnestly to haue alway in thy memorie swetely louyngly delectably these thre if thou canst that is to say His essence or goodnes His presence and his loue ¶ Fyrst attendynge and consyderyng his infynite nobilytie his hyghnes his rightwisenes his swetenes liberalitie and mercy and other his innumerable perfeccions the whiche verely so farre passe and excede so incomparably al wyt and vnderstāding of any creature that what so euer of any of all these perfeccyons all the creatures
shouldest alwaie loue him to haue cōtēplacion fruiciō of him shuldest euer possesse him And that thou arte set here that thou shuldest faithfully serue hym thanke hym laud prayse and honour hym and to knowe and fulfyl his moost blessyd wyll and pleasure in thy self and in al creatures Consider also that thou art here in thys world as concernyng thy soule in a straunge contrey as an outlaw and a stranger beset round about with many grynnes and ennemyes in danger of innumerable peryls But yet yf thou remayne in god there can no man hart nor harme the. Consyder how noble how fayre how wyse thy soule is creatyd of god to hys owne lykenesse and ymage and yet neuerthelesse thou arte created as concernyng thy bodie of the slyme of the earth weake myserable vyle nedy redy and prone to all sinnes and vyce in goyng styll toward distruccyon Wherefore take good hede dylygently thou compel not thy soule to serue thy vyle fleshe for the moost filthi and most vile pleasures and delightes whiche soone passeth awaye of thy stynking fleshe and caren and so cast both body and soule into euerlastyng paynes and turmentes of hell and dampnacion Consyder diligently all thy cogytacyons thy workes and dedes whether the end and purpose in the vse of all thy powers and sensies be alway towarde god eyther toward thy selfe or toward creatures And thou shalt perceyue that thou canst neuer marke nor amend thy selfe suffyciently Consyder also how thou of thy self art nought thou hast naught canst naught do but syn Where fore I say consider oft tymes frō whens thou camst wher thou art what thou art whither thou shalt Thou maist see in thy selfe thre sorts of naught The first by innumerable deadely synnes thou art come to naught but to be turmentyd yf it please god perpetually in the deapth of hel like a stinking vessel and fier meate Secōdly by the great corrupcyon of al thy powers and senses of thy bodye and soule thou canst do naught but syn and sholdest fall in to innumerable enormyties yf god dyd not preserue the. And thus art thou become a botomles deapth of darkenes a vessell worthy of all contumelye and reproche be gotten by vnclennes and syn lyuyng in concupiscence and shalte die in anguyshe and agonye Thyrdly in comparyson vnto thy lord and sauyor Chryst thou and all creatures are naught and creatyd of nought and should in a moment come to naught yf thou and they were not contynually conseruyd of almighty god Wherefore thou shuldest desyre to be contempned dispised to be vnknowen of all men yet without thy faulte and deseruyng it For thou must not do any thynge synfull to be dispysed but if the worlde dyspise the god permittyng it thou must be glad and thinke thy selfe very worthy therof Thou must also punishe thy self wyth thy lorde Iesu but yet wyth discrecion Feare god euery where alway with chyldely or louely feare Speke fewe meke and lowely wordes Thynke and remēber alway beleuing that the commynge of thy heauenly brydegrome spouse is at hand alway callyng and saying to the Ecce spōsus venit exite obuiam ei And thus alway returninge thy thought and consideracion vpon thy naughtynes thou shalt merueyle greatly that god doth suffer the so foule filthy and vnthankefull a creature to abyde one moment before his eies or sight Thou shalte wyth all meekenes cry vnto thy lord god from the botomles deapth of thy mysery deuoutelye callynge for the botomlesse deapth of hys mercye with the ofte searche of thy conscience wherby he of his mercy by his grace synguler for of it thou haste nede wyl vouchesafe to geue thee the clere sight and knowledge of al thy vices imperfections passions and synful inclinacions to syn and all thy sinnes which cleaue and lye hidde within and withoute thy powers and sences and do miserablye blynde thy soule and drawe the continualy to perdiciō and destruction And thus must thou lerne to know thy selfe and that very dilygently For thoughe thou profite very much continually yet art thou not able to penetrate and perse to the botome of thy naughtynes the herte of man as Esay sayeth is so wycked and vnsearchable yet by grace thou mayst come to a great knowledge therof Where fore to optayne thys specyall grace thou shalt make deuoutely vnto god in thy herte and most herty desire and not with voyce thys prayer which is the practyse of this exercyse that folowe these fewe aspyracions ¶ These briefe short prayers be called aspyracions for they be as it were syghings and longinges to obtaine of almighty god that which we aske in them and they must be vsed and sayd in hert and desyre as often in the daye as they come to mynde what euer we do or where euer we be euery daye so longe as we do vse thys present exercise ¶ Oh most mercifull Lorde whose loue is the lyfe of my soule lyghten my soule with thy grace to knowe thee ¶ Oh mooste swete Iesu to knowe all the worlde and not to know the is but darkenes and foly graunte me grace therfore mercifull lorde to knowe the. ¶ Oh most mercifull Lorde make me Ignorant and a foole in all thynge so I maye knowe the whiche is the hyghest wisdome of all ¶ Oh Gracius Iesu whiche arte not knowen but of clene heartes purge my harte that I maye see the. ¶ My Lorde Iesu whiche doest reuele thy secretes vnto the litle babes make me perfecte meke and a babe in euyll that I may knowe the. ¶ Oh mercifull Lorde graūte me to come to the knowlege of my selfe the ground of all mekenes ¶ Graunt me grace good Lord perfectly to contempne my selfe and to se the botom lesse pytte of all my myseries ¶ Mercyfull sauiour graunt me an holye hate of my selfe for the verye pure loue of the and thy honour ¶ The practise of the exercise to come to some knowledge of god of thy self O Moost myghtyful maker swete sauiour Iesu whiche taughtest saydest Thys is the lyfe euerlastinge the very hygh waye to the blysse of heauen that we maye knowe the very god thy father thee his sonne whom he hath sente to redeme the worlde There can none come to the knowledge of the father but such to whom thou wylte vouchsafe of thy gracious mercy to reuele hym For it is thy gyfte onely and we must receyue it only at thy hand Wherfore most mercifull mediator Iesu by whose onely mercyfull meanes and the blessed merites of thy holy manhead all grace is geuen to vs wretched sinners of thy father celestial and thou also as very god doste geue with thy father al mercy and grace I most humbly beseche thee graunte me thy heauenlye lyght and the blessed knowledge of thy blessed godhead Manifest and open to me thy blessed father and thine owne selfe whych arte one god with hym and the holy goost I knowledge good lorde that to know the
my Lorde god perfectly and profoundlye is the synguler gyfte of thee whiche I cannot come vnto without thy speciall grace which I most hertely and most mekely beseche thee to graunt me that therby I may perfectly know thee and thy holy wyl and moost blessed and acceptable pleasure ¶ Graunt me good lorde now at thys present and oftentymes to consider profoundly perfectly to knowe that thou my lorde god art moste higheste and moost excellent aboue al thynges moost blessed wysedom euerlasting and vnchaungeable goodnes A very incomprehensible and sempiternal substaunce an infinite and mooste blessed bryghtnes and an euerlasting and incomparable lyghte of blysse whiche in thy selfe arte so myghtye so gloryous so good and so perfecte that there canne nothynge be thought so good so perfecte so worthye so excellent so gloryous but thy goodnes thy perfeccion thy wysedome thy power and thy incomprehensible loue surmounteth and excelleth it infinitely and incomparably For if al power vertue goodnes wysedome the perfeccions of all the creatures in heauen and in earth and in al the whole worlde were knytte in one it weere not so muche in comparison of thy blessed and most excellent maiestie as is one lytle drop of water in cōparison of the vnmesurable maine sea Yea what soeuer the thoughtes of al men the vnderstandyng of al aungels good and bad be able to thynke or vnderstande of anye goodnesse or perfection thy blessed goodnes vnmeasurable might and infinite perfeccion passeth it without comparison ¶ O moost blessed holy and glorious trinitie most myghtyful father euerlastyng ineffable incomprehensible goodnes which of thyne owne substance sēpiternally doest brynge forth an euerlastyng ineffable and incomprehensible goodnes coequal consubstanciall wyth thy selfe which is thy sēpiternal onely son And both you father sonne equally the one louyng the other infinitely in a charitie delighte infinite are knyt together in one holy gost the third persō For this infinyte charytye is none other then the holy goost proceding incogitably of the father and of the sonne ¶ Thus art thou my Lorde God thre dystincte persons in one very God thre persons in one godhede and one very godhed in thre persones ¶ Most dredfull mayestye I moste lowlye and most deuoutly as I can I adore the worshype the with all myght and powers of my body and my soule moste swete and blissed vnite most blessed holy Trynitye ¶ Oh my deare and mercyfull lorde and my god shew thy selfe vnto me and I aske no more ¶ Oh most myghty maker and most swete Lorde God infunde powre into my hart and my vnderstanding thy heauenly light and blessed charitie that I may know and loue the aboue al thynge comforte the wekenes and infyrmytie of my frayle nature wyth thy blessed presence fyll my harte my delyght with the loue of the and wyth the goostly influēce of thy synguler grace that I maye knowe how louyng how gracious how good howe mercifull a Lorde God thou arte and hast bene vnto me specially and vnto all creatures ¶ Graunte me grace most mercyfull lorde ofte tymes louyngly and verye delectably to remembre how so myghtyful so dredfull a lorde god hast created and made my soule most nobly vnto thyne owne likenes and ymage and hast geuen vnto my soule thre excellent powers or myghtes that I myght and should not only in the worlde to come but also in this presente lyfe by wit and vnderstandinge in constant fayth knowe the by wyll I myght and ought to chose and loue the aboue all thinge and by memorye I myght rest in the and beyng knytte fast vnto the I myght so faythfully remayne and cleue vnto the that for the pure delyght and loue of the I myght contempne and forget all thynge ¶ Graunte me good Lorde that I may be so rauyshed in the loue and the delyght of thy blessed essence goodhed that for Ioy gladnes and admyracion I may forgette my selfe I maye feele nether prosperytie neyther aduersite of this worlde and that I maye not feare to suffer all the payne in this world rather then to be pullyd or parted away from the whiche arte of infinite power wysedome Iustice goodnes charytie swetnes lyberalitie and of infynite pytie clemencye and mercy whose perfeccions excedyth infinitely all thought and vnderstandynge ¶ Graunte me most mercifull and louing Lorde grace to perceaue and remember alwaye wyth gostly Ioy and thankefulnes that thou so gloryous and gracious lorde god of Infinite charitie of godly myght mercy doest offer thy selfe vnto me euery where specially in my soule more verylye present then I am with my selfe beyng alwaye and euery where redye to conserue to gouerne to saue me and to brynge me to thy blysse ¶ Wherfore most dredfull Lorde I haue a great cause yf I wyll do my dewty to be circumspecte and take greate hede how I do vse my selfe in the presēce of the my lord whiche seist and lokest vpon al my wordes dedes and thoughtes ¶ Graunte me therfore moost mercyfull Lorde grace to walke and conuersant my selfe before thy blessed presens like a chaist and an holy spouse with al reuerēce feare shamfastnes mekenes obedyence and pacience contynually preparing my selfe with al dilygence to please the sight of thy dredfull maiestie and wyth al my hearte and wyl to loue the aboue al thyng wherby al grace and vertu may encrease in me ¶ Graunt me o merciful sauiour alwaye in euery place to remember that thou so myghty a Lorde God berest towarde me vyle wretched worme of the erthe an euer lastinge vnmesurable most constant fre loue and charitie which passeth al thoughtes and desire so greate is thy goodnes towarde me moost vyle wretche whiche am but sinne and claye that thou doest vouchsafe to tende and to take so great hede and care vpon me as though thou haddest no mo creatures in heauen or earth and hast and doest deliuer me and defend me from innumerable perels dedly dangers bothe of body and soule and hast and doest frely adorne me indewe me and multyplye in me most vnthankeful and vnworthy with so many gyftes and benefytes at al tymes that I am not able to reken the least parte of them and of thy Infinite loue and charyte moost lyberally I maye at all tyme yea euery minute of an houre come vnto the in so muche that with one godly thought and desyre I maye optayne and haue the whiche art euerlastyng felicitie and to the as vnto my most nearest derest most faithfull and trusty frende in heuen or earth I maye safely open all my griefes necessytyes and be certayne and sure to haue such help of the as shal be most for my soule helth Wherfore most merciful lord god which arte the sempyternal lyght of heauen vochsafe for thy mercy sake to lyghten the darkenes of my synfull soule and the blindnes of my harte with the blessed beme of grace that I may come to the perfecte
me If I haue the I haue al that good is that pleasant that delectable is that is Ioyfull and blessed yea very heuen it selfe For where thou arte ther is heuen and blysse And wher thou art not ther is very hell ¶ Graūt me therfore good lord Iesu most hartely to loue to wyshe to desyre wyth all the powers of my harte the only to mynd the only to contempne al things for the to suffice my desyre with the to content my loue wyth the to delight my selfe with the only ¶ Oh moste meke sauyour Iesu dystroye in my harte all kynd of pestlylent estymacion of my selfe Lighten my vnderstanding to se my owne vylenes that I may euermore perfectly beleue and vnfaynedly thynke from the bottome of my harte that I am more vyler more sinfull more vnkynd vnto the and inferyor and worse then anye man Ther is none other sinner good lord Iesu that hath runne so farre from the in sinne but they haue very ofte time though not alway turned their hart by contricion vnto the and they do oft tyme loue the and honor the with more pure affection then I do They do sorow more hartely their sinnes and purpose more earnestly to amend then I do accordyng to the grace that thou hast geuen them Ther is no man but yf that he had commyttid so many sinnes and so cowardly fallen to synne as I haue and had had so many graces and benefites of the as I haue had but he wolde more feruently and deuoutlye serue the then I do And bycause that I can not thynke from the bottome of my harte thus of my selfe therfore I aske mercy most humbly of this most detestable pryde besekyng the moost mercyfull Iesu be mercyfull to all sinners and specyally vnto me most wretchedst and vnkynd of al pardō our sinne most gracious good lorde And as I haue here lorde accusyd my selfe in worde as the most sinner of all other so most mercyfull Iesu graunte me grace to come to that poynt of humylitie that I may verely beleue and vnfainedly esteme my self so in dede that I am most vylest of all creatures moost worthy of all shame punyshment and confusion al turmente and payne And by this poynte of mekenes which is the mekenes only of begynners graunt good lorde that I maye come to the mekenes whiche is of those that are perfecte For this blessed and excellent mekenes of the perfect very loue and charitie workyth it in the soule by the gostlye syght and knowlege of the swete sauyoure Iesu Wherfore most mercyful Iesu lighten by the speciall grace of the holy goost my reason and vnderstanding in the syght of the to beholde and consyder perfectly plainely the ineffable mekenes of thy blessyd humanytie and to tayst goostly of the infynite goodnes of thy blessed deuinitie that my soule may take by that goostly syght so greate loue and pleasure in the that it may vtterly forget it selfe and al the world and so to be wholy rauyshed in the holye loue desyre styl to behold the and to forgette my sinnes my vnworthines and to set litle by and lytle to esteme all the good dedes that euer I dyd yea and to set lytle by al thinges as though there wer nothyng in the world but thou alone wyth me moost swete sauioure Iesu ¶ Most merciful and louing lorde Iesu I moost humbly beske the open my goostly eyes by the grace of the holy goost to see and perfectly to beleue wyth whole fayth my selfe to be most miserable wretched sinfull and wycked And vnfaynedly to iudge and esteme my selfe and all my good workes and exercyses to be nought worth and so to come to the very pouertie of the spirite thynking my selfe and all that I haue ryght nought And to ascrybe al my goodnes vnto the only as in very dede yf thou dydest not vphold me and the whole world both I and all the worlde shoulde come to nought in a moment as we were made of nought And I am not able to thynke one good thought by myne owne power o myght but al good thoughtes and dedes al that good is is only of the merciful lord Iesu When the holy goost doth open mine inwarde eye to beholde and beleue this verytie of my selfe then shal I be very meke then shall I not consyder my selfe but forget my selfe as a thyng of nought and set all my mynde my desyre all my knowlege and al my loue wyth moost stable meditacyon vpon the my swete sauiour Iesu For this syght and beholdyng of the comforteth and lyftyth vp so meruelusly and delectably the soule that it can take no Ioye in any pleasure of this worlde nor take no heuines nor sorowe for any aduersitie or grieffe that can chance or hap for it remaynyth very stable and vnmouable in the and insencyble towardes al worldly thynges euer desyryng to rest in the swete Iesu hauing euer the eys of the soule vnto the. And then thou dost delyuer it from the gynnes of temptacyons and dost dystroy in it all the mocyons of the strength of pryde and of al vices meruelus secretly And bi holy simplicite whiche is a secreat by path thou doest leade it vnto a stable and a blessyd vnion in the where by thou dost remayne and dwel in it and it in the to thy honoure and glory for euer more Amen ¶ The practise the holy exercise to come vnto the holy vnyon wyth god by aspyracyon resygnacyon and postulacion In the whiche thou must more vse the affectyon hartye desyre thē vnderstandyng And feruente aspyracion and vehement wyshyng more then only meditacion And fyrst thou shalte haue thys or like medytacion to stire and in flame thy desyre and to kyndel thy loue vnto god Most deuoutly in thy mynd and in thy harte saye vnto god the father MOOST almyghty Lorde God father celestyal dredful mayesty the very and only life of my soule and myne only trew blysse and felycitie I most myserable sinner and sinful wretche do syt here in thy godly presence desyryng wyth al my harte to enkindle my harte in the most holy and blessed loue of the my lorde by burning charitie to be made and knyt vnto the my creatour and maker and vnto this moost blessed loue I can not come but only by thy mercyfull helpe and grace Wherfore I most humbly beseke the moost mercyful father in the most blessyd merytes of my lorde and sauyour Iesu thy only sonne graunte me grace most deuoutly most hartely and most louyngly to cal to remembraunce the inestimable benefittes gyftes and graces whiche thou onlye of thy infynite goodnes charytie and loue towarde me hast and dost geue vnto me And by this holye and louely memorye my harte and mynde maye be in kindelyd and set on fyrre in the very loue of the of pure loue to laude and prayse the. And first howe much am I bounde to loue the my dere lorde whiche hast created and made
For thy sorowfull naylyng of thy blessed feet hold fastē my feate frome all steppes to euyll from al vnprofytable gaddyng make them quicke and spedye to do all deedes of charytie and obedyence to thy only honour ¶ Gracyus Iesu in whose mouth was neuer found disceat nor nothing but al godly and heauenly wysdome and gauest vnto vs moost perfecte example of scilence when thou most mildly and wysely didist hold thy peace when thou waste falsely accused bycause thou by thy answere colde not profite them and specially when thou shouldeste aunswere for lyfe and deathe Then lyke an innocent lambe thou hyldyst thy peace And all the tyme of thy moost bytter passion thou didest speke syldom for thou spakest but onely seuen wordes vpon the crosse which wordes were spoken of most excellent charitie Graunt me good lorde the grace of sylence that I neuer open my mouth to any euyl or ydel wordes that I may speake only thy wordes Shut vp also good lord mine eares with thy grace frō al heryng of euell and vayne wordes for thy merytes of the payne that thou sufferedst whē thou hardest the greate blasphemyes rebukes reuyles of the Iewes ¶ Gracious Iesu for thy tēder teares that thy most gracyous eyes shed oft tymes for me kepe myne eyes and syght frō al syghtes of euyll and of al vnnecessary thynges in this worlde And for the horible sauour that thou feltest in that stynkinge place of caluarye when thou wast crucified kepe my smellyng from al mysuse and for the mooste bytter and sowre drynke of gall and vyneger that thou drankest for me ¶ Good Lorde graunt me grace to exchew all kynd of glotonye and excesse and graūt me perfect temperaunce to eate for onlye necessarye and bare neede Most merciful sauiour Iesu for thy moost crewell schurgyng and all the payne and woūdes that thou suffredst in all members and partes of thy most precious and blessed bodye mortyfie in me by the power of thy mightiful grace all the mysuse of al the sensies and powers of my soule and of all the lymmes members of my bodie that by thy grace I may neyther feele see heare taste smel eate drynke nether moue no member of my bodye nor vse no sense of my soule but in the and for thy honoure not sekynge my pleasure or my selfe here in but puerly and only the. ¶ Gracious God and moost mercyfull redemer of my soule Iesu I moost humblye beseke the for al thy sorowes and paynes that thou sufferedst in the inner powers of thy most blessid and holy soul in the merites and for the merytes of thy most blessed crucified humanytie puryfye reforme rule lyghten the inner myghtes and powers of my synful sowle speciallye my vnderstandyng my wyll and my memorye where in apearyd in my creacyō the holy ymage of the moost blessed trinitye but by my most sinful corrupt lyfe I haue all most clene blotted and put oute the ymage of the my lorde god and I haue fowlye defaced my soule wyth the horyble ymage of sin For wher I should haue in my vnderstanding the knowlege of the wythout ignoraunce and error I haue sought to knowe wyckednes and syn and so haue lost the gostly knowlege of the. And wher my wyl and desyre was creatyd to desyre and loue the aboue al thyng I haue lost that loue in louyng and desyreng inordynatly creatures Where my memory ought to be occupyed only wyth the my most deare Lorde God I haue paynted it wyth the memories and innumerable fanses not only of creatures but of horryble detestable sinne and wickednes Wherfore most merciful Iesu I mekely beseke the for the merytes of thy most rufully and cruelly deformed face for the wofully woūdyd and sorowful coūtenaunce restore and reforme agayne in me the blessed ymage of thy moost blessed diuynite in my soule that I may with moost stable and constante knowlege loue and thought of the desyre contynually to increase more more in the true knowlege the feruent loue and most blessed remembraunce of the that I maie knowe al thinges loue al thynges remember al thinges and vse al thynges only in the and for the. And I beseke thee my sauyour Iesu in the most tender loue that mouyd the most blessyd lorde to suffer so paynefull passiō and death for me and for the precious hart bloud and water that yssewed out of thy most louyng harte when thou hangist bare and al naked vppon the crosse graunte me grace that I may abstracte and pull awaye my harte from the loue of all creatures and to put vtterly out of it the loue of al creatures and specyally of my selfe that thy bare pure loue may fyl occupye al my whole harte desyre and wyll And that al that I shall loue desyre or wyl I may loue desire and wyshe in the and for the only ¶ Graunte me grace also so to confirme so to knytt my whole wyll vnto thy moost blessed and godly wyl that I may haue no other wyl then thyne And the I may be most hartely and fully contente wyth what soeuer thou wylt do wyth me in thys worlde and for euer yea if thou wylte put me into hell and to suffer al the paines there so that I hate not the but retayne thy loue I may be hartely wel contented wyth my whole hart without any be it neuer so litle gruge inwardely Also most mercyfull redemer I beseke the in the merytes of the innumerable woūds of thy blessyd head lightē my vnderstanding wyth perfecte and syncere knowlege of thy blessed god hed that I maye verely and truly know what thynge thou my lorde god art and haste that hyghly profundly knowyng the that thou arte infynite in goodnes moost noble dredfull maiesty most blessed and moost holy lorde god my wyl by thy grace most hartelye earnestly may desyre to be in loue wyth the so gracious so good so louing so kynde mercyfull a father and lorde god ¶ Graunte therfore most gracious Iesu thy grace to me to quycken and to sharpen my wyt and vnderstanding that I may come to the gostly and godly knowlege of the by knowlege to come to the perfecte and pure loue of the. Helpe also most mercyful sauyoure my busye and incomberyd memorye and fansye that by thy merciful grace I maye cast out and purge it of al euyl yea and vnnecessary fansies and imaginaciōs and from strange cogytacions that be not of the that I maye kepe my memory clene and pure as a wedlocke chamber from al worldly and vnprofytable thoughtes and to decke and tryme it wyth all kynd of heuenly thoughtes and gostly ymaginaciōs wyth al holy medytacions of thy holy humanite crucified for me minding alwaies some poynte of thy passion of thy vertue or some other holye medytacyon or good thoughtes That thou my lord god may delyght take pleasur to dwel rest in me as oftē as long
spede hilarite The second the obedience of conformitie and thys consistyth in the prompt and redye wyl inwardly not only in cōmaundements preceptes but in any other thyng leful wythout commadement and that purely for the loue of god wtout al respect of any fauor of man so that thou wolddest rather be contempned and dispysed of man for such obedience then to be praysyd or to haue any rewarde for it The third is the obedience of vniō with god which knittith so the wyl of man vnto the wyl of god that it is become but owne wyl with it so that what so euer god doth permyt and suffer to come vpon hym yea in al inward pressure heauynes and agonye of spyryt desolacyon and dereliccyon he is fully perswadyd be leuith al together to come by the ordinaūce of apoyntmēt of the vnmesurable loue and mercy of god and therefore he receauyth it with al affeccyon be it neuer so hard paineful shameful or greuus for thys time and for euerlastyng accordyng to the example of his deare louyng lord and sauyor Iesu whych from the most payneful agony and bloody swet in the garden vntil the crewell death vpon the crosse he was destitute of al sensyble grace consolacyon as thoughe he had byn the extreme enemye of god abydyng most crewell and most intollerable payne and tormetes only beyng resignyd moost perfectly of loue into the handes and wyl of his father When thou hast once optayned thes .xii. mortifycacyons then shall thou wyth the powers of thy soule be redy and able to flow and to haue recourse to god and in hym to rest cōtynualy wyth out any let or impediment Not withstandynge thou must lerne to come to more cleare playne knowelege how thou maist optaine and possesse the very trew loue and stable sure vnyon betwene god and the myghtes and powers of thy soule firste in the ornament of actyue lyfe by perfect mekenes obedyence other morall vertues and by the increase of them also by faythe hope and charytie Secondly in lyfe contemplatyue spyrytual by burnyng and ardent aspiracions and the gyftes of the holy goost and also other godly and gostly exercyes Therfor thou shalt marke obserue dylygently those thynges that thou shalt fynd declaryd brefely ī thes exercyses folowing next after this practyse that folowythe ¶ Ther are no aspiraciōs for this exercise but take some of the sentencies of the practyse as shall lyke you ¶ The practise of this exercise for mortyficacion MOst almighty and immortal God my moost mercyfull sauyoure Iesu whiche of most tender loue and pytyfull mercy that thou beare vnto me and to all mankynde dydest suffer most cruel most painefull and shamefull death for me al mankynde I most mekely and most hartely beseke thy mercyful goodnes for the innumerable merytes of thy most precyous death graunte me grace and power vtterly to renounce and to forsake all thinges that might let me from the synceare loue of the and fully to mortyfie in me al suche thynges that is not good ether that which thou woldest not ether that whiche thou louyst not For these do presse downe and drawe backe my soule when it wolde and myght wholye aryse vnto the perfecte and pure loue of the by gostly vnyon and spirituall knote to be knyte vnto thy blessed godhede Fyrst I humbly beseke the swet Iesu for thy pouertie and nedines that thou tokest vppon the and sufferedst in this world for me graunt me by the myght of thy specyall grace to mortyfie most perfectly all care al loue al affection be it neuer so lytle vnto anye worldly or transytory thyng that I may alway wyth most quyet mynde resygne and offer vp all thinges wordly vnto thy most hyghe wyll and pleasure wether thou wyl gyue them or take thē that I neuer desyre any thinge be it neuer so small nether to holde it nether to geue it nether to saue it nether to bestowe it nether to kepe it nether to forsake it but only for thy honour ¶ Graunte me god lorde by perfect pouertye of spirite to forsake al thing in my hart what so euer chanceth in al fortunes good or bad that I may euer offer my bare hart and loue restfully vnto the. ¶ Graunte me gracyous Iesu to forsake and do away al superfluus thynges al curyous thinges and in thynges that seme necessary neuer to rest wyth any affeccion to them but that I may wyth yrkesomnes and werines vse such thinges that I must nedes haue to satisfie naturall necessytye where by I may the better folow thy holy pouertie and be more lyke vnto the moost meke Iesu beseke the for thy obediens that thou shewyst vnto god almighty thy glorious father for that most blessyd and moost tender loue that thou dydest beare vnto vs myserable sinners vnto the death soughtest of pure loue towarde vs and the glory of thy father celestyal not thine owne glorie and honor but the heuenly fathers not thyne owne comoditie and comforte but ours Thou forsakyst no paine nor punishmente nor labor nor trauell no shame nor confusyon to set forth the glory of thy gloryous father and to procure our saluacion our redempcion oure felycitie ¶ Good lorde graunte me grace to distroy and mortifye in me the seking of my selfe and the inordynate loue whyche I bare to my selfe For in euery thing that I do wel and in all euyll that I forsake I haue by reason of my corrupte nature euer an eye and respecte vnto mine owne commoditie myne owne consolacion and myne owne honor glorye and prayse and in al the gyftes of god that I haue or do vse and exercyse or do aske whether they be outwarde or inward my corrupte and crafty nature euer seketh craftely some commoditie and honoure and seketh euer moore to escape and auoyde hurt dammage shame confusyon payne and punishment as wel in this worlde as in the worlde to come more thē for pure loue Of this inordinat loue of my selfe I do counte al thinges that I do wel of muche reputacion I esteme myne exercyses to hyghly and thus I fal into gostly pryde in this gyftes Wherfore moost mercyfull lorde Iesu helpe me by the power of thy specyall grace and graunt that I may begyn and procede in al thinges and do al thinges of moost pure and fylyal loue and pure intente for thy only fauer honor sekyng purely and sincerely to please the with an amorous and louely affectiō of my inwarde spirite being lyghtened wyth a dyuyne and a godly vnderstanding by faythe hope and charite not seking any maner of gostly comforte of the soule but rather to desire if it please the al derelicciō al aduersitie for thy sake that I maye be lyke vnto thy afflicted humanytie in this world and in the worlde to come I maye by thy grace and mercy haue the fruicion of thy godhed ¶ Most mercyful sauioure Iesu for the bitter payne thou suffdrest in thy
and passion of Chryst prynting deapely in to thy soule fleshe his passion deathe that they shyne out of the like a lanterne so that thou alwaye thinke and talke of them For Chryste oure sauyor by the same redemed vs when the deuyl possessed vs as his slaues and bond men that now we are the fathers of heuē which by his only begottē sonne hath bought vs paying by hym our dettes wherein we were bound vnto him And for thys greate benefit we remayne detters vnto him for euer Wherefore yf we wil repaye this det vnto him godly and thankefuly we must prynt hys lyfe passyō and death ī to the powers of our soule and in to the sensies of our bodie and in to al our fleshe we must beare this his crosse vppon vs and folowe effecteously as thoughe we were become one with him in his lyfe and passion And thus the dette that he paied for vs we do some what recompence That thou mayst perfectly fulfyl the same thou must neades conforme or make lyke all thy thoughtes thy wordes dedes thy maners so lyke vnto the thoughtes the wordes the dedes and maners of thy lorde Iesu chryst that wheresoeuer thou be seene harde or touched there be nothinge found in the but that which was in Iesu chryst then shal be sene in that that thou art a very christiā a seruante louer of Chryste And bycause that we are lyke hym in the nature of hys manhed we must according to this example crucify oure nature in vs bycause our nature dyd wyllynglye synne as he exhorteth vs in the holye gospell sayenge deny and forsake thy selfe and take vp thy crosse vpon thy backe folowe me In this he commaundeth that we shoulde crucifye oure bodely nature and sensualytie wyth very true vertues Our soule also we must confirme and make lyke vnto the most heuye and sorowfull soule of our lorde Iesu so shall we do yf we sorow and lamente al waye the greate dishonour of god the losse of soules and our owne sinnes and the sinnes of all men And loke howe muche we wante in this conformytie and folowing of christes passion in oure bodye and soule so moche more we remayne in debte vnto oure lorde god Certaynely a faythfull louer of Iesu ought to drowne in maner so prynte hym selfe into the lyfe and passyon of hym that he shoulde feale that passion lyfe more presente and more fastened into hym selfe then hys owne payne or crosse that he suferith yea yf he had any specyal paine or gryef in any member of his body were sore vexed therewyth yet shoulde he feele more the payne and passion of hys Lorde Iesu then the sorowe that payneth hym in the member of hys owne bodie Wherfore thou oughtes wyth greate desyre and deuoute harte contynually to pray intrete thy most gracious lorde Iesu that he vochsafe to confyrme the most perfectly vnto hys mortifyed holy and crucyfyed humanytye by an ardent an eleuate and a ful resygned spirite and by a mortifyed an heuy and a compassionate soule and also by an aflyctyd a laborsome a tormented and a pained bodye or at the least thou shalte praye hym to sende the some bodely and contynuall payne or grefe to put the in mynde alwaye of hys bytter passion that thou forgette it not also that he vochesafe to rest in the and to take pleasure to worke in the wythout any inpedimente We ought therfore to exercyse our selfes in the most blessid passion of oure lorde .vi. maners of wayes Fyrste thou shalte exercise thy selfe in the passion of Iesu by imitacion or to folowe it Secōdly by cōpassion or to haue cōpassiō therin Thirdly by admyracion to haue wonder Fourthly by ioy or to reioyse therin Fiftly by resoluciō or to be resoluid therī Syxtly by deuocion to rest therin Fyrste thou oughtest to haue meditacion in this blessid passion that thou mightest folowe the same for it is the hyghe most perfectest imytacion that a man can haue this is the hygh and most holyest relygion and most relygius perfecciō To folow Christ in his death and passion is the rule and the example of oure sauiour the rule of our lyfe in whō we may haue so moche the more confort consolaciō as we herein be the more conformable and lyke oure lorde Iesu And let vs thinke oure selfes so moche the more desolate as we fynd oure selfes farre from this example rule Let vs therfore wyshe and desire as moch as lieth in vs to be cast downe to be set at nought to be scornyd afflycted scorged of all persons and in the seruice that we do to God to be rebuked of all men Let vs be poore and barewyth poore and bare Iesu let vs desyre to haue nothing Yea let it be most payneful payne and vnmesurable sorow to haue any thīg and to haue nothinge let it be perfecte Ioy gladnes let vs abhorre al to tast swete delectable thinges let vs rather desire to be refreshed with vyle homely bytter thynges and let vs desyre that al fode or mete may tast to vs rather galle then hony bicause that Iesus dranke vineger gal And as I may saie breuely let vs cōsider how he vsed him selfe in his passiō and let vs conforme our selfe for our litle power vnto him as much as we can keping and obseruyng alway the meane and moderacion that we excede not the measure of oure infyrmytie Secondly thou must exercise thy selfe in the blessyd passion of thy Lord Iesu that thou mayste take compassyon on hym moost innocent cōsideryng his cruel scorging his scornes his reuyles and rebukes reuoluyng in thy hart howe greatly our Lord Iesu was dyiectid cōtempnyd in his most bitter passion how great afflicciō paine he suffered ī his hart body both by reason of his owne payne and passyon also by reason of hys compassyon towarde vs for our synnes Let vs consider with howe muche bytter sorow the very swet angells where repleanisshed with al how moch greuyd our Lorde Iesu not only the payne layd vppon hym and our vnthankefullnes but also the sore afflyccyon of hys deare mother that stode by whome he louyd moost dearely and fre he rredy to swone for sorow Certaynly by reason of the excedyng grate and moost ardent burning loue that the one bare to the other they suffered most payneful compassion and the affliction of bothe partes was exceding greate For the one sufferyd for the other sake For the mother knew wel that her dere sonne suffered for her specyally as wel as for to redeme other The sonne also knewe full well that the swerde of sorowe of hys passion perced the soule and harte of his his mother And therfore was the passion of the sonne the passion also of the mother Goo to thē good doughter the seruāt of god and the spowse of chryst to se and turne these in thy harte wyth the rebukes and paynes of thy lorde
to be an outcaste to be scornyd to be afflictid beaten to be rebukyd of al parsones when I do the most seruyce for so were thou handlyd when thou dydest most good and greateste myracles ¶ Graunt me grace moost gracius sauior that I may be so bare pore in spryte that I may wyshe or desire nothing but rather I may thynke it a greuus paine and vnmesurable sorow to haue any thyng and that it may be my singular pleasur ioy to haue nothinge and to want my necessaryes for thy sake ¶ Graunt me grace good Lord to abhore al delyght and pleasure and swettnes in al thing saue in the only that I may desyre in al thyng rudenes homlines and bitternes in meat and drinke I may desyre that thing should rather be bitter then swete remembring thou my deare redemer drankyst for my sake sowre vyneger gall And generally in al laboure trauel sorow shame paine and greafe graunte me grace to conforme my selfe in al thing to thy blessyd example with discreacyon as my wretchid nature is able to suffer to thy honor and glorie ¶ Gracyus good Lord Iesu graunt me thi special grace that I mai oft time haue swet meditacion of thy bitter passion with most true and earnest compassion and sorow for the pure loue of the when I consider what greate payne sorowe and afflyccyon thou didst suffer for my sinnes what deadly and payneful agony sorowful heuynes thou sufferedst in thy moost louynge swete and tender hart when thou swettist both water and blood thou weptest vppon the crosse for our sin and vnkindnes And that I may sorowe the greate dyshonour of thy blessyd celestyal father and namely for the intollerable payne and turmentes that thou were in but in speciall that thou tokest for thy sorowful and mooste lamentable mother whom thou louydst most tenderly when thou dydyst behold her redie to die for very sorow and heuynes For thy passyon was a passyon mooste paynful vnto thy mooste blessid and tender mother more greuus more bitter then euer was turmēt or martyrdom to any saint that euer sufferid for the. ¶ Graunt me moost swet Iesu oft tyme to reuolue in my hart thes two sorowful and painefull passions of the and of thy mother and to lament morne sorow in my harte wyth the my most louyng Lorde Iesu and wyth that blessed mayd thy swete mother Make me one good Lord with that by moste intyre loue that I may sorow and lament as much yea and more thy paynes then yf I sufferyd them my self ¶ Good lord neuer let thi rebuke shame reuilinges depart out of my mind nor out of the very bottom of my harte nor thy bitter scorgyngs thy thornes thy woūdes precious death neuer be out of my mind that what so euer is in me may be ful of thy paines passion that I may cōtinually sorow therfore to thy honor my soule helth ¶ Gracius good lord and deare sauior Iesu graūt me grace to mind oft time thy bitter paine and passion with most reuerent and louely admiracion depely and amyably to consider Fyrst what thou art that suffredst so louingly kyndly for me that I may reuerently see and parceaue that it was no smalle personage that was so crewelly put to death for my sake but it was the very sonne of al myghty god the second parsone in trinitie very god and man moost myghtest moost excellent infinitely good most noblest in comparyson of whom al the goodnes all excellency al wysedome al nobilitie that is in al creatures or can be thought of al vnderstandynge or wyt is nothing For this mightye maiestie and mooste vnmesurable excellencie incomparably transendyth surmoūteth al things in heauen or earth ¶ Graunt me grace also good Lord to consider how greuous and cruel paines so noble and excellent maiestie sufferid for me howe greate trauel and labor how greate hunger thurst cold heate watche temptacions feare parsecucyon agony bloody swete mooste crewel comprehēsion spyttinges reuiles sore bondes scorginges mockes scornes sorow shame cōfusyons beatynges greuous strokes innumerable plages and woundes and most crewel and payneful death For in thy passion very honour and glorie it selfe was dispisid and dishonored rightousnes was condempned the iuge of al the world was iuged the harmeles was rebuked and accusyd and the innocent was defamyd god hym self was blasphemyd god man ouer trodden life it selfe was slaine the sun was eclipsid the moone was darkenid the starres were sparkelyd Yet al those paines and passion didest thou moost innocente lambe suffre and bare most paciently for mi sake which were able and couldest yf it had pleasid the haue drownyd in the botomeles pyt of hell al those vnkynde and cruel creaturs and wyckyd people ¶ Graunt me grace to consider of whome my gracyus good Lord Iesu thou sufferedist so cruelly For if thou haddest sufferyd of them whome thou haddest harmyd or hatyd it had not byn so wonderfull But thou sufferedest of thē whom thou didist specially chose and syngularly louyd vnto whome thou shewedst specyall goodnesse and all kynd of benignitie And for thy great goodnes and benyfittes for thy great vertues and myracles for thy most holy conuersacyon and doctrine thou were cruelly tormented and put to death of most vylaines beyng moost excellent and valyant prynce The moost wisest ye the eternall wisedom of the father of most ignorant Most holiest of moost sinful Most godlyest of moost vngodlyest Moost righteus of most wickyd The euerlasting and eternall brightnes of god of the most and foule and filthy drosse and durte of the worlde The Lorde of hys owne seruauntes The kyng of hys owne subiectes The sauioure and benefactoure of them that he hath saued done most for ¶ God almyghty of hys vnkind and wretched creature It may make me most gracious lorde Iesu more to wōder and meruell when I consider and waye deapelye wyth my selfe for whom thou sufferedst For most louyng lorde and mercyfull sauiour thou suffredst for most vile slaues most sinful enymies most wretchyd caytifes ye very deuelles and dyabolycall persons and the very chyldren of the deuyll by imytacion for the contemners and dyspycers of the maiestie of god and most vnkinde and vnthankeful to the infinite goodnes of their lorde and maker of the which nomber oh mercyfull sauioure Iesu I am one I haue greate cause therfore wyth louely admyracion to laude and prayse thy mercyfull goodnes towarde me and al mankind and wyth moost lowly thankes to ioye in thy moost blessed mercy ¶ Graunt me therfore most gracious Iesu to haue ofte in the meditaciō of thy passion gostly ioye and gladnes with thankes geuyng vnto the for the redempcion of mā kynd for the restoryng of the quieres of angels and for thy dyuine clemencye and godly mercy ¶ Graunt me grace moost mercyfull Iesu wyth gostly gladnes to remēber how mercyfull how louyngly thou hast redemed al mankynd
dysfygured and fully defaced it in me wyth innumerable synnes dailye fautes vyces and imperfeccyōs and haue brought and made my soule farre vnlyke that my lord god Wherefore now I moost humbly beseke the in that the moost blessed and burning loue which mouid thi mercy to make me lyke the to redeeme me with so cruel payneful and shameful death and passyon of my lord and sauyor Iesu thi only most dear sonne consume burne vp vtterly destroy in me al my vnlykenes toward the in me al mi sinfulnes mi vices al mi fauts and my imperfeccyons al my inordynate passyons and redynes to syn al the mysorder and abuse of my sences inward and outward al noughty and inordynate affeccyons to any creature al my impacyens and scrupulusenes And graūte me most deare Lord and most mercyful father with most burnyng desyre at this tyme and euermore to aske and most vehemently to craue of the my most gracyoꝰ lord the perfect lykenes in me of thy most gloryus and blessid sōne my Lorde Iesu ¶ Oh mercyful Lorde and most gracyous god wochsafe to adorne and decke my bare soule withal those moste holy vertues and graces that he was adorned bothe in his blessyd dyuynitie and his holye humanitie most specyally with those vertues whyche apeared in hym in the tyme of hys mooste shameful death and payneful passion ¶ Graunt me the perfect affecciō and most harty desire of most lowe mekenes by most perfect abyection and contempt of my selfe desyryng from the botome of mi harte now and euer to be abiect and vyle ¶ Graunt me most perfect desyre and affeccyon of most perfect pouertie pacyencie and charytie and in thes vertues mooste busely dyligently and affectuuslie to trauel and exercise my selfe in them Specyally by moost ardente and burnyng desyres and most deuout and cōtinual prayers vnto the vntyl that I may feale in on selfe in al dammage wrongs rebukes sclanders pains yea in the time when grace is subtracted taken away from me then to haue a most harti desyre to suffer most hartly al greues for the loue of the and so perseuer vnto the end that I myght herein be conformable and lyke vnto my Lorde Iesu that suffered of pure charitie so moch so many greuus paynes to thy honoure and glory and for my saluacyon Amen THat day that thou doyst vse this exercise thou shalt haue oft in thy mynd such desyres shorte prayers euery where where euer thou be and lerne to force thy hart with most harty affeccion and earnest desyre to remember them and wishe for the in thy mind and to desyre the crying most hartely earnestly and deuoutly in this maner or lyke ¶ Aspyracyon for thys exercyse ¶ Oh mooste blessyd sauyor Iesu howe vnlyke am I vnto the which art so gracyous so good so ful of grace and vertue And I wretchyd synner am ful of al vyces wyckednes dystroy good Lord al my sinneful deformyties and restore in me thy blessyd image to thy honor and glorye ¶ Oh merciful Iesu that died for my loue make me to dye to al the world for the true loue of the. Mortifie in me al impacyence al inordynate passyons and affeccyons to any creature that thou myghtest haue al my loue and whoole hart ¶ My most gracyous Lorde and sauyoure Iesu put in my soule and hart most perfect pacyence obedience most perfect charytie with all other of thy blessyd vertues that it may be lyke thy blessed humanytie ¶ Oh blessyd loue of my soule set me so on fyre in thy loue that I may thinke that all payne shame confusion and turment that is possible to be suffered is to lytle to be sufferyd for the that al my delyght and desyre may be in the myddes of al my prayer to suffer for thy loue al thing swete Iesu ¶ Swete sauyour Iesu whiche dyddest suffer moost payneful death for my sin mortyfie in me by thy specyall grace the great redines vnto sin in me al my viciousnes fautes al my negligences and imperfections that I may come to the goostly vnion in the by moost burnyng loue and ardente charytie THou must moost feruently desyre aske in thy harte and deuoute mynd contynually of god that thou maist be made lyke conformable vnto his blessyd crucified humanitie specially in this point that thou in al thynges neuer seke nor desyre any thyng that partayninge to thyne owne selfe or thy owne commodytie but only that whiche belongyth to thy lord Iesu how thou mayst moost feruently perfectly honour serue and please and be lyke hym euermore And how thou mayst most exactly forsake thyne owne wyll and contempne thy selfe and loue hym forgettyng in maner thy selfe and al thynges And for the vehemente burnynge loue of hym thy mynde may runne so muche vpon hym that thou dost take no hede nor consyderest not what is bytter what is swete nether hour time nor space nor place nor markest not one persō from another but in al thynges thou must seke consider and remember thi lorde god and hys blessid wil pleasure and honour seing verely thy sauioure christ in his members And thus doyng thou doyst lyue a contemplatiue lyfe in an actiue life For in thy outwarde doynges thou hayst contemplacion goostly of god and fyndest hym euery where and in euery thynge specially thou do recollect thy selfe wholy and dost enter into thy hart and serchynge the bottome therof resoluyng and resigninge thy selfe dost put thy selfe wholy in the handes of god For then thou arte in maner transformed into god or deifyed And vnto what thynge soeuer thou turne thy selfe to and what good worke soeuer thou doyst thou shalte thinke that god doth it and not thou And to forder the in this goostly exercyse thou must indeuer thy self as nere as thou canst in al thinges euer more choose that whiche is most to goddes honour or most lyke vnto chryst and his example or most profytable to thyne euen chrysten or most against thine proper wyl or most grefe and payneful to thy body wyth dyscrecion or moost rebukeful worldy whereof thou arte wordly ashamed so it be not sinful Euer thou must crye out vnto thy lord god in thy hart vnfainedly I am nought I haue nought I can do nought but sin only I seke nought I desyre nought but Iesu a lonly Yf thou do this truly contynewe faithfully in thys spyritual worke and trauel god at length wyl without dout here thy dyligent knockyng and delyuer the from al the trouble goostly from al the tumulte noyse and cōberaunce of cogitacions and fansies and from al earthly affeccyons which thou canste by no better meane put away then by the contynual and feruent desire of the loue of Iesu the whiche desyre he muste nedes in spyre in the and geue it and worke it in the whiche he wil very wyllyngly and redily do so thou in the meane time do feruently aske by mooste deuout prayer yf thou wylt
forsakynge in all thinge thyne owne proper wyl And for as muche as thou and all creatures be in the power and regymente of god therfore ther can no creature harme nor yet touche the but it must fyrst touche god wythin whom thou hayst in closyd thy selfe and transposyd and turned thy selfe al wholy into him and hys godly wyl and pleasure And for this cause must thou nedes harkē more to god and here hym rather se hym touche hym and tayst hym moche more then any other thing When thou perceauyst thy selfe thus knyte vnto god that thou perceuyst thy soule to be more fast and ioyned more nerer vnto god then to thyne owne body and by the same loue whiche hathe thus knyt the vnto god dost perceaue that he is the very euerlastynge the incomprehēsible ineffable and only goodnes out of whose power and might thy soule came by creacion and is so lyke vnto god that ther is no creature that can knowe and perceaue throughly the dyngnitie nobilytie of thy soule Then I say thou with this cōsyderacion kindelid and styrred with the loue of god thou mayst felyng this loue in thy harte at mydnight or in the morninge dayly if thou wilte exercyse thy selfe whensoeuer thou desyrest to enter by oure sauioure Iesu and to knit thy selfe secretly vnto god inwardely in spirite in this maner folowing Thou shalt knele deuoutly only prostrate before the crucifixe if thou may conueniently or in a secreate place where thou canst not lyghtly be distracted fyrst saye this prayer that thou mayst come vnto this knowlege and maist perceaue thy selfe to dwel in god and god in the. For it is an excellēt gifte of god and he only can and wyl redely geue it to the faithful and deuoute peticionars thou shalte therfore I saye make frome the bottome of thy hart this humble peticion in thy mynde harty desyre vnto god saying O Gloryous maiestie of infinite mercy and goodnes ineffable which fulfillist al the whole world art euery where in euery thing bi thi might thi essence and presence but specially in the soule of man and singularli in the soule of them that are thi chosen suche as desirethe sekythe and longyth after the I moost humbly hartely beseke the of thy infynitie goodnes and mercy lyghten wyth thi speciall grace mi vnderstandinge and knowlege that I may playnely and clerely parceaue and vnderstand thy blessid presens in me and howe I am in the. And when I feale and perceaue thy holy presence graunt me grace mooste mercyfull Lorde to holde the and kepe the wyth much reuerence and with a reuerent feare to walke and conuersant my selfe before the kepyng al the powers of my soule and my senses chaystly and clerely from al worldly vaynities that they al way may tende vpon the and in al thing I may find and remember the And what so euer I se here towche feale or tayst I may in them se heare towche feale and tayst the more then them And that I mai receaue al thing what euer commyth vpon me immediatly as at thy hand and sendyng and seke there in to fulfily ioyful thi blessid wil pleasure or my nighbors profyt and soule helth or the amēdement of my lyfe and the meking of my selfe and to obey the and al creatures for thy loue and honor for sakyng vtterly mine owne wyl By cause thou art in me and in al thinges therefore I shoulde obey the in euery creature to thy glory honour and my soule helth THou shalt say this forsayd prayer deuoutly kneling before the imayge of Christ crucyfed or crucyfyxe yf thou can conuenyently as I sayde before or in suche place where thou shalt not be distractyd Then after this prayer thou shalt recollect thy selfe fully beleuynge that thou verely syttest before thi bare nakid and crucified lord Iesu euen as he was veryly crucified and hange vpon the Crosse al nakyd and defaced with most cruel and blody woundes And thoughe thou se hym not with thy bodely eyes thou oughtest yet to se him faythfully and inwardly with thy goostly eyes For playnely for as muche as thou doyste hartely desire to loue hym aboue al thinge and by harti loue doist moost hartely desire to be knyt vnto hym by grace in spyryt vndoughtidly he is as verili present as he did hang vpon the crosse and is now in the bosome of the father And bicause that the infinite dygnitie worthynes and nobylytie-of god canne not suffer the leaste sinne in hym that wold be knyt vnto hym and thou commenly fallest vnto some sin daily after thou haist parhaps byn knit vnto thi Lord god Thou muste therefore ascende and come vp vnto thi lord god vnto the godhed or dyuinitie of thy Lord Iesu by the moost precyous woundes of his blessid humanitie which he therfore sufferyd them and arose agayne from death with them and kepyth them styl in his blessid and holy bodye that we may clyme vp as it were by them vnto the blessyd godhed therfore he sayth There can none come vnto my father but only by me I am the dore who that commith in by me they shal find pasture Thou shalt therefore fyrst with most profunde mekenes fal down yf place as I haue sayd wyl serue or bowe very lowe downe at his most graciꝰ fete with the holy penitent Mary magdalene and there thou must do two thynges as she dyd Fyrst thou must with teares outward or inward as grace wyl serue for thy sinnes swetly louyngly wet his fete lamenting of very loue thy fawtes and synnes commytting thē with most harty confidence in his mercy and drowning them as it were in the most precious wounds of his blessid fete Thou shalt offer thi self to his merci al thy sinnes fawtes and imperfeccyons great and smal wherewith thou haist euer offendyd so louyng a father specially sythe thou were last knyt vnto him For his most excellēt noble maiesty can byde no meane nor let be it neuer so lytle no not one vaine thought or one litle morsel eatē otherwise then it ought except the same be purgid and cleansed by penaunce When thou hayste washed and weat the feate of thy sauyour Iesu after this sorte The second thing that thou must do is thou muste wype the same blessyd feat with the lockes of thi head that is to say Thou must with mooste perfect wyl and purpose so forsake al syn be they neuer so lytle that thou woldest rather suffer deathe then commit any sin Then thou shalt with mooste ardent desyre wyshe and longe to optaine al vertues and to die perfectli vnto al vyce and imperfeccyons And make this humble petycyon with harty deuocyon in thy affeccyon and mynde not in voyce MOst dear sauyor Iesu the longyng and desire of my soul I humbly beseke the by the most blessid woūdes that thou sufferedst vpon the crosse for me make me to sucke drawe effecteously out of thy precious woūdes al
sekyng purely thy only glory and honoure here in nowe and euer Amen AFter thou haiste made this deuoute petycion in thi harte then must thou fully hope and trust that thy louynge Lord Iesu hathe in the vnmesurable sea of his infynitie merites consumed al thes thy fawtes and vtterly forgeuen them the. Then al thy sinnes are lefte as it were beneth thou must ascende vp vnto his blessed handes whiche are alway stretchyd out vnto his deare fryndes in token of singulare frindship thou shalt then in this place approche in thy hart and desyre vnto god askyng of hym and desyryng that thou maiste be knyt vnto hym and made one with him in true loue and charytie And firste thou mast put out of thy hart al carefulnes al thy dystraccyon casting and committing them in to the handes and pleasure of almyghty god by whom there can nothing be lost nor peryshe Then thou must set thy ful mind and behold thy Lord god that is veryly present with the ther which louith the most hartely which also tarith for the yea he knockyth and callyth the louingly And so muste thou knyt thi mind so earnestly vpon god that thou maist be as it were inclosed within thy lord god thy selfe with in him gatheryng and recolectinge al the powers of thy soule and bodyly sensies in the blessed woūdes of his most holy handes And whyle thou art thus recollectyd thou shalt make these thre prayers in thy hart mynd vnto god the thre persons in trinite And first to the father say this prayer O Most omipotent god father celestial in the mooste blessyde merytes of my sauyor Iesu take away and put out of my memorye phansie by thy infinite power and myght al the imagynacyons and outward affeccyons and fulfyl my memorie wyth thyne owne selfe and with al godly imagynacyons and desyres ¶ Secondly vnto the Some O Moost al myghty sonne sempyternall of god I humbly beseke the of thy infynitie mercy by thy eternal and euer lastynge wysedome mooste gracyously vochsafe to lyghten my wyt and vnderstandyng with the most blessed knowledge of thy goodnes increate and īfinitie which thou art and to know thy blessed benefites and mooste holy wyl and pleasure and myne owne noughtynes ¶ Thurdly thou must make petycyon vnto the holy goost after this maner O Gloryous Lord god holy gost moste humbly I beseke the of thy infinitie mercy and charytie whiche thou arte thy selfe vochesafe with thy in comprehēsyble goodnes to raiushe and swalowe me vp all together in to the with my will and al myne affeccyons and set them on fyere with most ardent loue and charytie ¶ The fourth is vnto Christ Crucified O Moost louing sauior and most derest loue of my soul my swete Lord Iesu I humbly beseke the for thi crosse and passyon and for thy most payneful deathe that thou of most perfect loue towardes me dydest suffer vpon the crosse vochsafe by thi most holy powers of thi blessid soul and the senses of thy moost holye bodye to make bare and nakyd all my wytes and powers of my boodie and soule frome al phansyes vyces imperfeccions and inordynacyons and restore them to their fyrst perfeccyon and order vochsafe to knyte and to inclose them within thy selfe and thy selfe al together within them Amen MORE ouer as often as thou wilt knyt thy wil and vnderstandynge vnto thy Lord god thou must stirere vp and not without some labor these two that is to say thy vnderstandyng and wyl towardes thy Lord. First thou must force thy vnderstandyng earnestly to consyder and faithfuly to behold the highe goodnes of god and his infinyte hys moost super-excellent and incomprehensible nobylytie and holines and therwtal consider and fele also the innumerable tormentes paynes sorowes and passyons that he so hyghe so noble so excellente and so infinite maiestie suffered of most ineffable loue and charitie for vs most vile wreched and most vnkind synners And with greate wonder thou muste meruayl at the moste wonderful loue that god almyghtye hath shewyd towardes the by his owne moost deare sone whome for thy loue only saluacion he gaue to suffer al kynd of myserye saue syn of trauel labour fatigaciō care honger thirst watch trouble sorow shame reuyle rebuke cōfusyon sclander blasphemye persecucyon false trateri heuines dread feare and deadly agony vntyl blody swete wrongful cōprehencyon and captyuitie lyke a thief in bondes most cruelty most vyle entreatyd halyd pullyd and led from poste to pillar moost worngeful accusacion and mooste vniuste condempnacyon spyttynge and conspurcacion yllusions mockes and skornes forsworne forsaken of his owne apostles mooste cruell flagellacyon and beatynges fore strypes and buffets most payneful coronacyons with thornes hys tender limmes body and fleshe rent torne moost cruelly And in al these plages and woful aray made a gasyng stocke to al hys most cruel enemies At the length cōptyd moost abhomynable more vyle and more worthy of deathe then a stronge thiefe and cruell murderer he was condemnyd the other delyuered and so ladē wyth his most cruel and heuy crosse vpon his torne shoulders and weake body vnto his paine and al wordly wonder confusion and shame he was lad vnto the most fylthy and horyble place of his moost cruell shameful death moost bytter drynke offered hym and violently spoyled naked of al his garmentes rackid to the lengh and bredth of his crosse most paynefully nayled with sturdy blunte nayles eleuated on hygh vpon the crosse hys mēbers most cruelly torne rent his vaynes and synowes violently broken his precyous bloude moost paynefully shed trayled downe vpon the earth in greate aboundaunce in suche paynfull plyghte he honge thre long houres vpon the crosse in moost wooful panges and paynes of death sustayning moost deadly burnyng thurst blasphemye reproche and reprofe mooste payneful derelection wythout al comforte or consolacion And thus he most wofully yeldyd vp his blessid soule by moost bytter cruel paineful and shameful death And al only for the mere and most burnynge loue and charitie that he bare vnto the hys enymye that thou myght be delyuered from the wrath of God and sentence of damnacion that thou haddest deseruyd by the sinne oryginal and innumerable other in normytes deadly and dayly offēces which thou hayst done myghtest haue done and mayste do yf he reserued thee not by hys grace And yet requyreth he nothynge in this worlde of the for al these that he hathe sufferid and done for the but only thy trew harte and loue And for this cause he suffered his moost dyuine and louely hart to be opened wyth a speare that thou myghtest yf thou woldest in maner crepe into hys most blessid syde and swete harte the treasure house of al grace and mercy of al vertrue and perfection where thou mayst optayne what thou wylt aske And all for the moost tender loue that the swete louynge hart of thy deare lorde Iesu berith to the. Thou hayst