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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02503 [The courte of vertue.] Hall, John, b. 1529 or 30. 1565 (1565) STC 12632; ESTC S105963 112,237 362

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hearde The prayse of men whiche they desyre Is only their rewarde But at suche tyme as thou wylt praye Into thy chamber go A faythfull and a contrite harte Prayer must Issue fro And when thou hast closed thy dore And shut out wordly care And vayn thoughtes of this wretched worlde Thy prayer then declare Vnto thy god and father dere Whiche is in secrete still Seing the bothom of eche harte Eche thought eche worke and wyll Whoe will rewarde thee in such wise That it shall well appere That he hath heard thy hartes requeste Moste lyke a father dere But in thy prayer bable not With many wordes and vayne As Heathen men whiche thinke therby their purpose to obteyne It is the harte and not the lyppes Wherby thou mayste aspyre Thy sute to god for to attayne And to haue thy desyre The harte I saye both cleane and pure Must be the very meane For lips doe but prouoke gods wrath Where hartes be founde vncleane For god doth knowe before you speak● Your nede and all your lacke And wyll you kepe it you be iuste That nought shall goe to wracke And erre thou praye bethynke thy self Who did the hurt or greue Refrayne thy wrath in continent And louyngly forgeue If thou forgeue not other men Their trespasses and cryme Thinke not that god will thee forgeue Thy faultes at any time Contrariwyse if thou forgeue Suche as did the vnryght God by his promis wyll thee here And shewe the mercy bryght And where thou hast done any hurte It is not worth the whyle To praye before thou make amendes And thy selfe reconcyle But when thou art prepared thus In all pointes as I saye With pure harte in moste humble wyse On this sorte see thou praye Pater noster O Lorde that art our only god And father of vs all In heauen whiche arte resident To thee we crie and call Thy holy and thy blessed name That we may sanctifie Graunt that we may for euer vse The same reuer ently Oh let thy kyngdom downe descende And alwayes vs protecte That we may reigne in peace and ioye Whiche are thyne owne electe Thy worthy wyll let it be done Of worldly wretches here As it in heauen euer is Among thy saintes moste dere Our daily bread geue vs this daye Our bodies to susteyne And to our soules thy blessed worde Thy truthe styll to mainteyne Both for the body and the soule Relieue vs with thy store That we therby may taste thy grace This daye and euer more Our trespasses our great sinnes Redeme and clene forgeue As we forgeue and mercy take On them that doe vs greue O lorde into temptation Aboue our strengthe and powre Doe not leade vs at any tyme Least Sathan vs deuowre But with thy grace defende vs styll Let not thy goodnes cease But from all euylles vs defende Delyuer and release For onely to thee doth belonge The kyngdome very ryght The power and gloryous maiestie For euer so be it ¶ The abridgement of our Christen beleefe written as some suppose into .xii. Articles by the .xii. holy apostels of our sauiour Iesus Chryste THe .xii. Apostelles of Iesus our lorde After their holy preachyng a long tyme And settyng forth of goddes most holy worde Preaching repentaunce from al synne and cryme Yet not withstandinge all their dilygence Mistaking of goddes worde dyd make offence For many heresyes dyd then aryse And mysbele●e in god our lorde aboue By mystakyng and worldely wyt lyke wise Whiche made from true fayth many to remoue For carnall reason walketh styll astray And vnto fayth dothe alwayes disobay These holy preachers therfore thinkinge best In this turmoyle to set order and staye Dyd then deuyse bothe vnto most and least Of true beleefe a breefe and perfect waye That all men might as well the younge as o●lde Sone lerne the same and in memory houlde Syth then the holy ghost hath taught vs thus It doth behoue that we dilygently Do learne the same to knowe and to discusse And kepe eche parte therof most faythfull Wherefore the summe of it I wyll reherse As here doth folowe in this kynde of verse Credo in deum patrem I Do beleue with stedfast true intent In God the father which is of all myght Who made heauen earth and al their whole content The nyght the day the darkenes and the lyght And I beleue in Iesus Christ our lorde Hys onely sonne thee uerlastyng worde Which of the holy ghost conceyued was And of the most pure virgyn Mary borne And vnder Ponce Pylat as came to passe Suffred and on the crosse was rente and torne And beyng dead was buryed in the ende And also downe into hell dyd descende And the thirde day accordyng to scripture He rose from death to perfect lyfe agayne And vp to heauen he ascended sure On god the fathers ryght hande to remayne Till at the last he once agayne shall come Both quicke and deade to iudge by rightfull dome I also beleue in the holy ghoste And in the church of chryst catholycall And of the sayntes the communion moste The forgeuenes of myne offences all And this our fleshe shall ryse agayne at last And I beleue eternall lyfe to taste Amen ¶ The songe of prayse and thankesgeuinge of blessed Mary the vyrgyn mother of our lorde and sauiour Iesus Chryst after the salutation of the Angell Gabriell and of Elizabeth mother of blessed Iohn baptist written Luke the j. Chapter Magnificat anima mea My soule truelye Shall magnifye The lorde and hym honour So shall my sprite Ioy and delyghte In god my sauyour Hys eyes he stayd On hys handmayde In poore and lowe degree And kinreds all From henceforth shall Knowe me blessed to be For he whose myght Excelleth ryght Hath exalted my ●ame Doynge to me Great thinges and hye And holy is is name His mercy sure Doth aye endure And doth not wast nor weare In kynredes all Continuall That do hym loue and feare He in his powre Hath at this howre His arme put forth at length The prowde abowght Bringeth to nowght What so their hartes inuenth He putteth downe From their renowme The mighty and the stronge And doth vp set In honour great The meeke that suffer wronge And he doth styll Both fede and fyll All those that hunger payne And doth them good When without foode The ryche empty remayne He hath in minde His mercy kynde His folke to helpe and saue His seruantes well Euen Israell That for his mercy craue As he like wise Dyd once promyse To Abraham before Our fathers olde that fayth dyd holde And their sede euermore Glory and prayse And laude alwayes Vnto the trynitie With one accorde Prayse we the lorde One god and personnes three As hath ben aye And at this daye Continueth as yet And shall extende Worlde without ende For euer so be it Finis ¶ The songe of prayse and thankes geuinge of holy Zachary father of Saynct Iohn baptist beinge restored to
preache and recorde Let vertue therfore be had in all pryse Whiche styll to goodnes doth good men entyse And well doth rewarde all suche as hir serue And kepeth nought back that they doe deserue But with goodnes styll doth rychly augmente All suche as vnto hir seruice be bent And neuer doth leue them ne yet forsake Till ended be all that they vndertake She neuer doth sease to spurre them forwarde Tyll they be in blysse of heu●ns rewarde Whiche is the whole thyng they seke for and sue That serue in the court of Lady vertue And styll for hir sake doe suffer and byde The stumps and the mocks of suche as deryde Ye hatred and scorne and all kynde of spyghte Of such as in vyce and synne doe delyght But vertue doth t●ache to suffer this rage That we may styll passe on in our pylgrimage Considering that we but strangers are here And wander styll towarde our countrey dere And make ou● selues lyght from burden and lode Sythe in this vayne worlde is no sure abode No meruaile though then the worlde doth them hate And euer be styll with them at debate For Christ vnto his hath made it well knowne The worlde shall aye loue and fauour his owne And those from the worlde and sinne that remoue It is not possible the worlde should them loue The cause as sayeth Christe of all this whole stryfe Is that from the worlde they differ in lyfe For as in this worlde no mans lyfe is sure The vertuous lyfe shall eternally dure Though here they be murdred and sene for to die Of suche as all vertue and goodnes denye Then howe can we counte them short tyme to lyue To whom lady vertue rewarde doth gyue Whom as say●h Gelasius ought styll to be From teror and dread and wrath euer free Her consolation where she doth bestowe In ryche or in poore in hyghe or in lowe From bondage of sinne she doth them free make Lo thus are her seruantes safe for hyr sake Among the good rootes that depely besette Vertue sayeth Tullie the chiefe prayse doth getie The whiche by no kynde of vyolence may Be hurte or destroyde by nyght or by daye From wanton desyres her seruantes flee all And folowe styll iustice as sayeth saint Paule Faith loue and vni●ie well doth accorde In them whiche with cleane hartes ●onor the Lorde Lactancius also would all men remember That they the true honor to vertue doe render With sensing or prayer she honor hath none Nor yet with an Image of woodde or of stone But only with good wyll and purpose true This honor to vertue alwayse is due For he that in Christes fayth doth not remayne In no wyse to vertue may apertayne Vertue refreyneth wrath without measure And also absteyneth from carnall pleasure The frutes of the spiritie as true godly loue Pacience and peace and ioy from about Bounteousnes goodnes and longe sufferance Gentlenes fayth and modest temperance Sobernes continence and chastitie All these in vertues courte officers be Therfore the quene vertue it may well beseme To were a moste hyghe and ryche diadeine ¶ The prayse of faithe Hebre. 11. IF I shall enterpryse to make A due prayse vnto fayth I can in no wyse better that Whiche written is of Paule In his epistle to the Iues marke therfore what he saieth though not eche woord yet wyll I here resite the summe of all Fayth is a perfect confidence Of thynges that hoped are And a most constant certeintie Of thynges whiche are not sene For therby did the fathers olde As scripture doth declare Obteyne a iust and good reporte That long tyme since hath bene And we through faythe doe vnderstande God dyd the worlde ordeyne By Christe his sonne the blessed worde That no beginnyng had By it also howe thynges were wrought We doe knowledge obteyne Thynges that are sene by thinges not sene Were ordeyned and made By fayth also as we doe reade The ryghteous man Abell Dyd offer vp a sacrifice More plentyfull then Cayne And therby had a wytnes true As holy wryte doth tell That he was iust Though he be dead His fame doth styll remayne By fayth Enoch translated was That death he should not see And was not founde for god therfore Had taken hym awaye Before whiche tyme he wan the name A ryghteous man to be Because he dyd the wyll of god And pleasde hym nyght and daye But sure without a lyvly fayth It can be in no wyse That any man by any meane The lyuyng god should please For all that come to god beleue And their fayth exercyse That he rewardeth them that seke Hym with eternall ease By fayth Noe beyng warnde of god Vnsene thynges dyd eschue Preparde an arke and savde his folke As holy scripture sayth Wherby he dyd ccondemne the worlde That synne dyd styll insue And became heyre of ryghteousnes Accordyng vnto fayth By fayth our father Abraham When he first called was To goe into a place most strange Dyd by and by obeye Whiche place though he inherite should As after came to pas When he went forth he knewe it not Nor no part of the waye By fayth into the promyste lande I saye he dyd remoue A strange countrey where he dyd long In tabernacles dwell And so dyd Isaac and Iacob Heyres with him from aboue All these dyd for a citie looke Which God had buylded well Through fayth Sara receiued strength When she was nowe past age To conceyue and bryng forth a sonne That perfect was and pure Because she iudgde the promyser Both faythfull true and sage Lo thus by fayth there sprang great health Where thought was no recure And therfore sprang there forth of one That dead was to esteme As many folke in multitude As are starres in the skye And as the sand on the sea shore Hir ofspryng then did seme The whiche without number to be No creature can deny These dyed in fayth yet the promys None of them dyd receyue But seyng it as afarre of They dyd right well beleue That as many as so it sawe And to the same dyd cleaue Salutyng it by livly fayth None euell should them greue These faythfull men the fathers olde As truthe was did confesse That they strangers and pilgrymes weare Vpon this earthly vale For they that see suche thynges before Of truth declare no lesse But that they doe a countrey seke Ryght hygh aboue this dale Also if they had mynded once The countrey whence they came They had leysour to turne agayne To that whiche they dyd loue But now it shewes they dyd desyre A thyng of better fame That is to saye a heauenly soyle With God the lorde aboue Wherfore the lyuing God hym selfe Estemeth it no shame To be called the God of these And suche lyke godly men For he a citie excellent Hath builded for the same And thynketh nothing ill bestowde That may well pleasure them Who so the texte wyll farther reade To folowe there shall fynde That Isac
Iacob and Ioseph And Moses did the lyke By fayth how the redde sea went back Contrary to his kynde As on drye lande howe Israell dyd passe through that drye dyke The Egiptians when they the lyke Would seme to enterpryse They lackyng fayth weare drowned all As for their t●st rewarde By fayth the walles of Ierico Did falle downe in lyke wyse No force or engyn of the warres Against it once preparde The harlot Rahab in lyke wyse Nowe she dyd saue hir lyfe And perisht not with them that dyd Resist the wyll of god When she the spies receaued well In peace without all stryfe For she beleude that god would plage That contrey with his rodde What should be sayde of Gedeon Of Barach and Samson Iephte Dauid and Samuell And eke the prophetes all Who dyd by fayth great realmes subdue And myghty kyngdomes wonne They turnde their enemies to flyght And gaue their foes a fall By fayth some stopt the lyons mouthes Some quencht the rage of fyre By fayth some wrought out rightousnes Some promyse dyd obteyne Some scapie the sworde some were made strong Whom weaknes erste dyd tyre And women dyd their dead receyue To perfect lyfe agayne Some racked weare and would not voyde The danger of that wo Knowyng that they should ryse agayne Possessing better ioye With mockes and scornes and prisonment Lo some were tryed so Some were stoned some were tempted Thus did the worlde them noye Some hewed were a sonder quyghte Some with the sworde were slayne Some in the skynnes of shepe and gotes Disdeyned not to go In trouble and necessitie They were content to reigne In mountaynes desertes and in dennes By fayth this could they doe These was the worlde not worthy of Yet dyd it them despyse Though they did all through lyuly fayth Obteyne a good reporte Yet dyd they not that tyme receyue That God dyd them promyse That we with them and they with vs myght ioynctly haue comforte For Christe that holy promyse was The frute of all our fayth Without whom none can saued be No neither we nor they For in hym all fulfilled is That holy scripture sayth Ye Christ is he in whom both we And they our fayth doe staye For which all honor laude prayse To God ascribed be To the father and to the sonne And to the holy spyrite In vnitie and trinitie One God and persons three As hath ben is and shal be styll For euer so be it ¶ The prayse of hope out of many places of scripture HOpe the medcyn against dreadfull dispayre If we should prayse as doth hir well behoue As holy Paull we nede had to repayre to the third heuen or ells God from aboue to sound his voyce to one that he doth loue as in the holy mount Moyses dyd here And to Elias lykewyse did apere Or as the most blessed Apostles three At Olyuet euen Peter Iames and Iohn Where they the glorie of the Lord dyd see Transfigured that holy mount vpon Beside which syght they herde this voyce eche one This is myne only sonne and worde so bryghte In whom I fixe and set my whole delyght Who so I saye myght once haue suche a syghte Should afterward lacke no knowledge nor skyll To prayse dame hope that lady pure and bryght In whom all good men haue of ioye their fyll Who could without despayre suffer the ill That in this worlde we dayly see and byde If blessed hope stode not on our ryght syde Our spirituall foes that dayly vs asaulte As is the fende the flesh and world also With ignorance and error eke so haulte Behynde before we no where lacke a foe So that if hope once banyshte were vs fro Alas who could of gods fauour be sure That daily sethe his owne wayes so vnpure What man doth as god hath commanded playne That we should doe or els perysh in hell Sith none therfore can there vnto attayne For all doe disobey synne and rebell Howe can we thynke in heauen then to dwell If blessed hope doe not oure fayth directe That we in Christe are vnto blysse electe In all the stormes of Sathans cruell rage Wherwith he seketh mans soule to destroye If in our soules good hope dyd not aswage The sorowes that doe seke the same to noye And comfort them with quietnes and toye Assuryng them that doe their whole good wyll That Christ our lorde wyll all our wante fulfyll Without this hope I saye who could Indure The boystrous brunte of this moste mortall fyght Our enmies are no babes I you assure But very strong in respect of our myght Wherfore we ought to praye both daye and nyght To god our lorde that he woulde graunt vs aye That blessed hope with vs continue may Howe apte are we from comfort to decaye If we hyr helpe had not in our distres Sith she in Christe doth cause vs for to staye And to be bolde not fearyng our weaknes Syth our captayne in his great manlynes Is able styll our foes for to withstande If we in hym that battell take in hande As sayth saynt Paule hope is the geft of god In whiche we are made safe in all our nede And takes away of care the heauy lode An armor strong and spirituall indede An helmet sure wherwith we may procede Against the powres of darknes and of hell For heauenly thinges that we may wrestle well In it we ought to ioye and to reioyce As to the Romanes he doth farther saye And Peter also with a feruent voyce Sayth that we ought without all doubt and staye To yelde a reason of our hope alway Hope is the meane that men to God drawe nere without the whiche none faythfull may apere Who without hope can truly loue the lorde Who without hope can serue god in true feare Who without hope can cause his lyfe tacorde To vertues lore and fylthy synnes forbeare Who without hope can praye in true maner Who without hope can yelde god laude and prayse Who voyde of hope wyll walke in Christen wayes The blessed martyrs by the hope and truste That they had in the glorious lyfe to come Dyd from this worlde withdrawe their mynde luste And gladly suffred cruell martyrdom By fyre by sworde and briefly all the summe No kynde of death or tormente dyd despyse That wicked worldlynges could for them deuyse By hearyng scripture true hope doth procede And otherwyse can lyghtly not be had Confounded shall they neuer be in dede Whom perfect hope hath once with ioy made glad Whiche takes away all doubtfull dred so sad Whose hope in Christe therfore doth staye and reste We may well call them faithfull folke and bleste What so before tyme wrytten is sayeth Paule It written was vs to instructe and learne That we through comforte of the scriptures all And pacience might perfectly deserne The perfect hope to hope in God eterne Lo thus doth God in scripture vs procure Through hope in him of heauen to be sure We knowe
his speche whiche was taken from him at the vision of the angell written Luke the fyrst chap. Benedictus dominus deus BLessed nowe be The almyghtye Lorde God of Israell Hys people whych Visiteth myche Redemynge them full well A myghtye horne Of saluation That hath to vs raysed Euen in the house So ryghteous Of his seruant Dauid As he spake by The mouthes holy Of hys Prophetes ech whan That ay haue bene Among vs sene Sence the worlde first began Which sayde that we Shoulde saued be From our enemyes all Who euer that Hath vs in hate Eyther the greate or small To performe ryghte Hys mercy bryght That he sometyme dyd graunt Our forefathers And remembers Hys holy couenaunt Hys othe once sworne For to performe Vnto our father dere Euen Abraham That when tyme came To vs it myght appere That from our foes We beynge lose And cleane delyuered We myght serue him From tyme to tyme Without all seruy●e drede In holynes And ryghteousnes With perfect wayes and pure For euermore Hys face before While our lyfe dayes indure And thou O chylde That art so mylde Shalt be calld the prophet Of the most hyest And hys sonne Chryst To shewe hys glory great The lorde of grace Before hys face Thou chylde shalte go I say For to prepare And eke declare his pure and chosen way To geue knowledge Of this the pledge Of their saluation his peoples synne That they are in The cleane remission Throughe the mercy Tender and free Of god wherby the day Springeth so bright Euen from the hight Doth visyte vs alway From deathes shadowe And darkenes lowe Suche as syt to release their feete eche tyde With light to guide Into the way of peace Glory and prayse And laude alwayes Vnto the Trinitie To the father And the sonne dere And to the ghost holy As hath ben aye And at this day Continueth as yet And shall be styll With right good wyll For euer so ●e it Finis ¶ The songe of prayse and thankes geuyng of holy Simeon at the Circumcisyon of our Lorde Iesu Chryste Luke ij Nunc dimittis THy seruaunt nowe Permyt mayst thowe For to depart O lorde In quiet peace from strife to cease According to thy worde Myne eyes our wealth Thy sauyng health haue sene nowe through thy grace Of thee preparde to be declarde Before all peoples face To be a lyght Styll shyning bryght Guyding the gentylles wel And for to be the great glory Of thy flocke Israell Let eury trybe Glory ascrybe Nowe to the deitye As hath bene is And shall not mysse To be continually Amen ¶ The r. commaundementes of almighty God written in ij tables of stone with y ● finger of God The first table conteyning iiij preceptes concerneth our duety towardes God The second table conteyning the other vjpreceptes concerneth our duetye towardes our neyghbour written in the xx Chapiter of Exodus and in the v. Chapiter Deuteronomium Argument The lyuyng God our onely Lorde That all thinges with his word hath made And as the scripture doth recorde Doth gouerne all in godly trade And knowth how apt man is to stray And all good thynges to disobay Wyth hys fynger for mannes behoue In tables twayne of stone dyd wryte Commaundementes ten hys heart to moue From guyle and wrong to truth and right In godlynes to guyde hys wayes They folow here note what he sayes I Am thy Lorde and God alone From Egypt land that ▪ brought the ryght Beholdyng thy distresse and mone From house of bonde I freede thee quight Wherefore thou shalte I say to thee None other Goddes haue before mee Thou shalt no grauen Image make Nor picture be it greate or smalle Or fygure that thy minde may take In heauen earth or waters all Nor honour them that shalt not thou Nor vnto them ne knele nor bowe For I thy God and onely Lorde A ielouse God am of suche synne And fathers faultes I haue abhorde Vpon their childern and their kynne In kynreds iij. or iiij or mo I vysit them that hate me so Which iustyce yet doth me not stay From mekenes mercy nor from grace Which I extende to them alway My holy lawes that do embrace To thousandes though none can deserue That I commaunde if they obserue The holy name thou shalt not vse Of me thy lord and God in vayne Vnlawfull othes thou shalt refuse Sweare not for false or fylthy gayne The Lorde will thee not holde vngylt Hys name in vayne if take thou wilt Remember that in any wyse the Sabaoth day thou sanctifie Syx dayes thou shalt thee exercise And labour for necessitie The seuenth day the Sabaoth is Of god almyght the lorde of blys Therfore this day beare well in minde No kinde of worke that then thou do Vnto whiche lawe thy sonne I bynde Thy daughter shall it kepe also Thy man thy mayde and eke thy beast In fyne within thy gate thy geast For in syx dayes the lorde created Heauen earthe sea and all of noughte The seuenth day take his rest he dyd Wherfore the lorde that all hath wrought The Sabaoth day dyd sanctifie And blessed it perpetually Thy father and thy mother dere Se that thou reuerently honour Let none ingratitude appere In thee to them but them soccour So in the lande longe shalt thou lyue Whiche thy lorde God to thee shall gyue Thou shalt not kyll note thou it well Also thou shalt no wedlocke breake I say also thou shalt not steale Nor witnes false thou shalt none speake Against thy neyghbours them to wrong But lyue vprightly them amonge And to conclude of this take hede What my lawes chieflye doe requyre Not onely to forbere the dede But also from the heartes desyre Of that thy neighbour doth possesse Of any thyng in more or lesse Particularlye to recite Thy neyghbours house couet thou not Nor yet hys wyfe his heartes delyght Hys man or mayde whych is his lot Hys oxe or asse or ought of hys Couet thou not thynke wel on thys ¶ The prayse of God the father sonne and holye ghost Wrytten in an holy Hymne by the worthy fathers Augustine and Ambrose Te Deum laudamus O God of myghte As it is ryghte We yelde the la●de and prayse Wyth one accorde To be the Lorde We knoweledge thee alwayse The earth throughout And all aboute Thy worshyppe doth expresse Thou doest appere A father dere In euerlastyngnesse To thee do call The Angelles all And cry wyth a loude dynne The heauens hye Eternallye And all the powres therin Both Cherubin And Ceraphin Do in thy prayse reioyce And thus alwayes Expresse thy prayse Wyth an incessant voyce Holye holye Thou art holye Lorde God of Sabaoth Thy maiestye And thy glorye Fylles heauen and earth both The gloryous sect Of thyne elect Apostles euery one Thy prayse doth showe All in a rowe And honour thee alone The Prophetes all Do on the call So goodly in their kynde That felow shyppe Doth not let slyppe To kepe thy
prayse in mynde The noble aray Of martyrs aye Thy prayse doth styll expresse The Church holye Where euer it be The lyke prayse doth confesse Infinitlye Thy maiestye O father doth endure And thy Sonne styll We honour wyll Onely so true and pure The holye ghost Our comforte most We do confesse to be Thou Chryst Iesu Mesias true Art the kynge of glory Thou art euer Of the father The euerlastyng sonne Which we confesse Both more and lesse That in this worlde do wonne When for our sake Thou dyddest take On thee man to restore The wombe so cleene Of the Virgin Thou dyddest not abhorre When thou the darte Of death so sharpe Dydst vanquishe and depriue Thou dydst vnlose Thy blesse to those That truelye d● beleue On the ryghte hande We vnderstande Of the father so dere In glorye greate There art thou set Tyll the last day appere Then we beleue Iudgemente to geue That thou from thence shalt come Most ryghteouslye Our iudge to be And iudge vs all and some Thy seruauntes pray Thee day by day Of thee some helpe to haue Whom wyth thy bloude Precious and good Thou dydst redeme and saue Make them indede To be numbred Wyth thy holy sayntes all For euermore Thy face before In glory eternall Thy people saue Whiche on the craue And blesse thyne heritage Gouerne them styll To doe thy wyll Euer from age to age For we dayly Thee magnifie And worshyp styll thy nam● And styll intende Worlde without ende To continue the same Vouchsafe we praye O lorde this daye From sinne vs to defende For on thyne ayde Oure faith is stayde And euer doth depend Mercy O lorde Haue mercy Lorde Shewe vs thy mercy iuste On vs let lyght Thy mercy bright As we in thee doe truste And synce alway My truste and staye In the lorde is fyxed Oh graunt that I Eternally Be neuer confounded To the father And his sonne dere And to the holy ghoste Glory and prayse Geue we alwayes As we are bounden moste As was and is And shall not mys To be eche tyme and when For euer more Laude and honor To our lorde god Amen ¶ To his friend E. H. at whose requeste the author drue into metre the songe of the three chyldren whiche were put into the whot burning ouen which were called properly in the hebrue tongue Ananias Asarias Misael whose names Nebucadnezer chāged into Cidrach Misach and Abednago in the Chaldey tongue Written Daniel in MY louyng friende Your boune and mynde Doth seme to me this tyde As Phaet on vayne Should once againe The sonne his chariot guide Who folyshly Immediatly May set the world on fire Till Ioue almight Most iust and right Doe sley him in his Ire Or one vnwise Should enterpryse To make or cause tapere From flynt stones dure Swete fountaynes pure Of waters cristall cler● Yet for to chuse Or once refuse Your most frendly request Is not in me Nor can not be At any time possest Therfore take well This small cantell Of my due and good will Though momus secte Then it reiecte No force it shall not skyll BLessed be thou O lorde god nowe The god of our fathers For thou alwayes Arte worthy prayse And of all great honers The name holy Of thy glory Worthy to be praysed Styll in worldes all Continuall Is to be magnified Be thou blessed In euery sted Of thy temple holy Whiche doste vs moue All thynges aboue To set vp thy glory More then worthy Thou arte truly Of laude and prayse eche daye Wherfore euer We wyll preferre And set the vp for aye Blessed alone In thy hyghe throne Be thou in thy kyngdom Thee aboue all We styll blesse shall In worlde of worldes to come Blessed be thou That lokest throwe The depe and yet doste syt The Cherubes on Worthy alone Of prayse descruing it The fyrmament And heauens hente Thee prayse which arte worthy For thy fauour Of all honoure Vnto eternitie Benedicite omnia opera Domini domino OYe workes all In generall Of god the lyuing Lorde Se that his prayse Ye shewe alwayes Set vp and it recorde Ye angels bryghte And heauens lyght And waters all aboue The fyrmament With one consent Prayse hym as doth behoue The lorde his powres Sonne Moone in cours Tell and shewe forth his prayse And neuer let Hym vp to set In his due laude alwayes O all ye sterres Dewe and showers O all ye wynds of God His prayse tell ye Hym magnifye As in his worde he bod Heate and fyer Wynter sommer Ye dewes and frostes hore Ye frost and coulde His prayse be boulde To set forth euermore O Ise and snowe His prayse forth showe Hym laude and magnifye Ye nyghtes and dayes With the lyke prayse Laude hym eternally Lyght and darknes His prayse expresse Lyghtnyng and cloudes I saye Let the earth speake And his prayse breake Forth for euer and aye Mountaines and hilles With your good wylles Herbes grasse al grene things Welles seas and flood Of hym speake good And declare his praysyngs Ye whales that lyue And all that meue In floodes and waters clere All soules of thayre Lykewyse repayre To make his prayse appere Bestes and catt●ll His prayse forth tell Ye chyldren of men pure Let Israell In prayse excell For euer to endure With one accorde Prayse ye the lorde That the lordes seruantes are Sprites and soules iust His prayse syng must Hym set vp and declare Let holy men Prayse hym eche when And humble men of harte With good pretence Euer from hence From his prayse neuer starte Ananias Azarias And Misaell prefer His prayses great And hym vp set For euer and euer Whiche hath from hell Vs saued well And clene delyuered And hath our breath Kepte safe from death And also hath vs ryd From burnyng flame Amydste the same And made the heate retire When we dyd craue He dyd vs saue In the mydst of the fyre Vnto the lorde Let vs recorde Both prayse and thankes therfore His hearte is kynde For we doe fynde His mercy euermore O all men ryght That are contryte Speake good and prayse the lorde For he truly Is almyghtie And of all gods the God O geue him prayse With thankes alwayes Whose mercy doth extende And doth indure Remayning pure Euer worlde without ende Prayse glorious Euer let vs Magnificently moste Geue the father And the sonne dere And to the holy ghoste From beginning Continuyng And nowe doth perseuer And shall doe aye From daye to daye For euer and euer Numeri .xiii. ¶ Sing this as The dawnyng daye beginnes to glare c. LEt now thy powre be great O lorde Lyke as thy lyps dyd once repeate And as we fynde it in thy worde Thy suffrance long thy mercy great For as thou doste our synnes forgyue And trespasses when we repent So are we sure no man on lyue From synne is free and innocent And of their father the misdede Thou visitest vpon the childe His generation and his
synge That with gods honour laude and prayse All Israell dyd rynge Benedicam dominum I Wyll vnto the lorde Be geuing thankes alwayes My mouth and tungue shall euer be A speakyng of his prayse My soule shall make hyr boste In God the lorde of myght That poore oppressed men may here The same them to delighte Together let vs nowe In honor doe our partes His name to prayse and magnifie With meke and humble hartes For when I him besought He heard my prayer so That he did streyght delyuer me From all my care and wo. Receaue therfore the lyght And to hym drawe you nere And so without all shamefastnes Your faces shall appere For I poore man made once To hun my playnte and mone He heard me crye and dyd me ryd From troubles euery one His angell pytched hath His tente about his shepe I meane all suche as feare the lorde In saftie them to kepe His frendshyp proue and see And take therof a taste For they that truste in hym are sure Most happy at the laste O feare the lorde all ye His saynctes of him electe For such as feare him lacke nothyng He doth them well protecte The lyons ofte doe lacke And hunger for their foode But they which seke the lord shal want● Nothyng the whiche is good Ye children all I saye Come harken to my voyce I wyll you teache to feare the lorde And in him to reioyce If thou to lyue in ioye And see good dayes be fayne Thy lyppes tongue from guyle wrōs See that thou doe refrayne Se that thou doe none ill In goodnes neuer cease But se thou seke and folowe faste On quietnes and peace The lorde doth fixe his eyes On iust men louingly And to their prayers openly He doth his eares applye Contrariwyse the Lord Doth bende his countenance Of from the earth ill men to moue And their rememberance But to the iuste the lorde Doth so inclyne his ●are That when they praye he wyll them ryd From all trouble and feare The Lorde is nyghe to suche As are in harte contrite And he wyll saue suche as be meke And of an humble sprite Though iust mens troubles be Both manifolde and great The lord from care wyl make them free When they doe him intreate Their bones he wyll defende And kepe so free from cryme That not so muche as one of them Shall breake at any tyme. Misfortune or ill happe The wicked men shall kyll And suche as doe the iust men hate Shall peryshe in their ill The Lorde will saue the soules Of all that doe hym serue And all that put their trust in hym Shall not in peryll swerue ¶ An example that God heareth all suche prayers as are made with a faithfull harte out of the .liiii. Psalme EVery good phisicien That doth a medcyne proue To take effecte in curyng well Is striken streyght with loue Not only to geue god the prayse For his vertue and grace But dothe the same in wryting put To comfort all his race That all whiche after folowe hym In that moste godly arte May proue the lyke and prayse the lorde In lyke case for their parte Noble kyng Dauid in suche wyse Doth godly ioue bestowe By wryting medcines for the soule That other men may knowe As if they doubte at any tyme Howe he dyd health obteyne He dyd the same declare abrode In wryting to remayne That when to others lyke distres Here after may betyde With cleane hartes that they may prepare And lyke medcines prouide But I will neuer teache quod he In darke or doubtfull waye But suche as I in practice dyd By perfect proofe assaye And of my selfe probatum est Suche medicines I bryng And in example to you all In this wyse wyll I synge Deus in nomine tuo O God I call to thee for helpe In my distresse and nede For thy names sake in thy strēgthe Auenge my cause w t spede For strangers full of tyranny Against me ryse and raue Suche foly she folke as feare not God Doe seke my lyfe to haue But lo God is my helpe at nede Yea only it is hee That doth my soule vpholde and saue From their iniquitee And euell shall the lorde rewarde Vpon myne enemyes And in his truthe destroy them all That vertue doe despyse With offrynges of an harte most free Now wyll I prayse thy name Because O lorde my comfort sty●● Consisteth in the same For thou lorde didst delyuet me From troubles manyfolde So that vpon my foes myne eye Doth his desire beholde For this to geue glory to god Shall be my hartes delyght To the father and to the sonne And to the holy sprite As it from the begynnyng was And at this time is sure And as it shall worlde without ende Continue and endure ¶ An example that the thankefull age gaue prayse to god for al his benefites geuen to his creatures out of the lxv Psalme of Dauid I Herde a preacher once declare Two partes to be in prayre The one to god in all our nede For succor to repayre And aske of hym with stedfast sayth All wherof we haue nede For Christ hath surely promysed That therof we shall spede The second part of perfect prayre Is geuyng thankes and prayse To God for all his benefites That we receyue alwayes This is the lyvly sacrifice The lyuing God to please As prayer of the penitent His anger doth appease And sure quod he the very cause That god ofte wyll not here Is that men for his benefites Vnthankfull doe appere For when we praye in tyme of ned● For plenty of our foode Howe can we thinke that God to vs Will geue ought that is good If we in tyme of plentie be Vnthankfull and ingrate To geue him praise and honor both According to the rate Yea I may also farther saye This lyuing without awe Ingratitude doth cause the lorde His goodnes to withdrawe And surely Dauid in this Psalme Lykewyse doth well declare That to prayse God we neuer should Any tyme cease or spare But for the goodnes whiche god doth On mortall men bestowe In prayse of his most holy name Some thankfull psalme to showe Howe men shall with a faythfull hart● Gods holy name agnise He doth instruct all Christen men By synging in this wyse Te decet hymnus deus in Sion TO the O god in Sion still Great prayses are in store To the also they vowe and kep● Their promyse euer more My prayer lorde sithe thou dost hear● And art my whole comfort All fleshe to the for succour shall In their due tyme resorte My mysdedes and my wickednes Against me doth preuayle Oh to my sinnes be mercifull That thus doe me asayle For thei are blest whom thou dost chose And in thy house retayne Or doste elect within thy court To dwell and to remayne For he shall leade a plesant lyfe Within thy holy place Thy temple shall hym satisfie With goodnes and with grace For wonders
But leaped lyke the playing lamines If one myght aske what ayled thee Thou sea that thou dydest so forbeare And Iordan what cause myght there be That draue the backe in suche a feare Ye myghty mountaynes in lyke case Why skipped you lyke rammes I saye Ye little hilles why from your place ●an ye to leape as lammes doe playe All the whole earth it shall behoue When Iacobs God shall be present To tremble shake and muche to moue And in his sight hym reuerent For at his wyll he turned tho The hard rocke in to water clere Conuertyng harde flynte stones also To springyng welles as dyd appere ¶ An example of praier against idolatrous tyrātes that set vp false worship in the reproche of Gods true worshyp Out of the Cxv. Psalme IF vnto vs poore mortall men No prayse is due of very ryght Howe are they mockte and blynded then How farre are they from perfect sight That to a stocke or dead Image Wil geue such laude as god should haue How vayne is he howe doth he rage That doth Gods glorie so depraue The whiche sinne and most vyle offēce Dauid did so abhorre and hate That he a Psalme in Gods defence Compiled hath that eche estate May vnderstande howe farre awrye They wandred be from righteousnes The lyuing God that doe denye By an Image or false lykenes And therfore doth all men exhorte To fear● the lorde and in hym truste Whiche is a true and sure comforte To all that in his hope are iust His harpe in hande he therfore tooke And on his knees this noble kyng As it is in the Psalter booke This holy Psalme began to synge Non nobis Domine NOt vnto vs lord not to vs But to thy holy name alwayse For thy mercy truthe done thus Ascribed be all laude and prayse These heathen folke that faythles be Why should they saye to vs in spighte Where is their God let vs hym see In whom these Christians haue delyghte For their false Gods their chiefe best Are nothyng but syluer and goulde The handes of men both most and lest Haue forged them out of the moulde Yet haue they for their idols made Mouthes wherw t they can speak nothing And eyes also wherof the trade Is to be blynde from all seyng Suche eares also in them are wrought As heare nothyng that one can tell And noses whiche are likewyse nought For they with them can nothyng smell Vayne handes haue they and fete also For with their handes they handle not Nor with their feete they can not goe Nor sounde no voyce out of their throte Wherfore suche as doe Idols make Doe their owne workes resemble iust And they also that doe them take For Gods or haue in them their truste Let Israell then in the lorde Set all their truste and confidence And Araons house therto accorde For he is their most sure defence All ye that feare the lorde aright Truste in hym well be not afrayde For he will surely shewe his myght To succoure you and be your ayde The lorde will not forget doubtles But haue vs in his mynde full well The ryghteous houses he wyll bles Of Araon and of Israell Ye that doe feare the lorde therfore Are blessed both the great and small The lorde increase you more and more Both you and eke your children all For sithe ye are his chosen sorte And haue the lord whole in your thought He wyll you blesse with great comforte Both heauē earth that made of nought The heauens and the firmament Are his and at his holy wyll But the rounde earth he hath forth lente The sonnes of mortall men vntyll The dead O lorde that are gone hence Can not in graue expresse thy wayes Nor suche as downe are in sylence Can honor thee or geue the prayse But we O lorde that be alyue Thy prayse wyll spreade and ramifye And in our hartes due thankes contryue Vnto thy name eternally ¶ An example of prayer from a repentant harte out of the Cxxx. psalm Sythe in this worlde all men doe fall And none from sinne is free and clere It doth behoue we study all In humblenes for to appere For in this lyfe we dayly see By stoutnes none can wynne nor gayne But rather it in eche degree Doth purchase woe and cruell payne Who is so fonde if he offende To stande hym selfe to iustifie And rather doth not knele and bende Tyll he haue pardon and mercy The noble prynce Dauid therfore Knowyng the frutes of humblenes Did frō his harte powre forth great store Of teares and contrite gentilnes Because he would all men should lerne The lyke to doe in their great nede He sheweth howe his harte did yerne Tyll he had felte mercy in dede Him selfe prostrating in due wyse For sorowe of his greuous sinne In prayer was his exercise Thus doth his humble sute begynne De profundis clamaui FRom care of harte that caue so depe So hath my soule my sinnes abhorde Repentantly I humbly crepe And call to thee for helpe O lorde O lorde witsafe my voyce to here I thee beseche to bowe thyne eares Suffer my prayer to appere Pourde forth to thee w t piteous teares For if thou wylt for euermore Our wyckednes laye by thy syde Or kepe a note of them in store Oh lorde who then may 〈◊〉 abide Thy mercy lorde then make vs taste Whiche is to thee most naturall That graciously forgeue thou mayste And rayse them whiche by frailtie fall This made me on the lorde to wayte My soule also on hym to byde His promise is without deceyte And from his worde he wyll not slyde My soule hath more earnest delyghte Vpon the lorde to watche and staye Than watchmen whiche wake al y e night And long ryght sore tyll it be daye Let Israell the Lordes electe The iust that godly be and wyse Haue to the lorde their whole respecte For mercy is his exercyse This Israell I saye he shall All wickednes from them expell From sinnes he shall redeme them all Though thei be more then tongue can tel Glory be to our god aboue The father whiche of myght is moste And to the sonne as doth behoue And also to the holy ghoste As it from the beginning was And yet doth to this tyme extende And shall be still as tyme shall pas For euer more worlde without ende ¶ An example that as wel penitent prayer as ioyfull thankes and prayse haue their due tyme and place out of the Cxxxvii Psalme AS eche thinge hath his due tyme her● On this earth where we goe So is ther tyme for ioye and glee And eke for care and woe For as we ioye in tyme of welth Praysing the lorde therfore So in the tyme of pensyvnes Of myrth we make no store In one subiecte two contraries Can neuer well agree Both myrth and wo at once in one A strange thyng were to see It would be thought a great madnes In ioye to wayle and
In it we take our ende The Sommer whiche doth repe Our sede both corne and frute Alas to hot this heate to hot With men thus goeth the brute And as with sommers heate We doe complayne and scoulde So do we wayle on wynters there And blame hym for his coulde No welth without some wo No Ioy without some care No blysse without his dolefull bale Thus wretched men doe fare We seke for sugred welth As we should aye dwell here The bytter galle of mysery Therfore doth strayte appere The wyne that cheres the hearte Doth ofte tymes vexe the brayne And woman made was for mans helpe Who doth hym ofte great payne Sometyme we call for dryth Some tyme we aske for rayne Some tyme we saye we haue to much Of eche thus we complayne In musyke we delyght And calle for it some tyme Wherof we sone be wery lo And blame our selues of cryme And iudge our selues to be Both vayne fonde and vnpure Because our myrth without sorowe No long tyme doth indure And whyle this dredfull care Had fraughted thus my breste I me bethought what myght be founde To purchase here moste rest And that we myght let passe With lesse disease of mynde These contraries that vs assaulte Of so repugnant kynde And temperance was the thyng That then came to my thought A better ayde in suche a case Is no where to be sought And therin seke to fynde The wyll of God aboue And doe the dedes prescribed vs Within the lawe of loue ¶ The iust innocent complayneth on sclanderous tongues LIke as the larke within the marlions foote from solace supplanted it were with me if thou lord wert not my buckler and boote at whose hand I hope saluacion to see My hope and helth lord is only in thee My castell of comfort my shylde and defence From sclanderous tongues Lorde delyuer me That thei no iust cause haue through myne offence So shall their deceites turne to their own shame Although for a tyme they chance to preuayle When truthe shall be tryde and vtred by fame Their falshod may faynte and vtterly quayle For they doe reporte that I neuer did My iudgement and cause I yelde vnto thee That out of this wo ryght fayne would be ryd And neuer did why so sclandred to be Oh mercifull lord creator of all I doe remember men sclandered thee Great diuell and Belzebub they did the call Thy myracles dayly though they did see If thou se it good thy seruant to trie By sclander of tongues and vntrue reporte For pacience thy gifte to suffer I crye Rememberyng thee my selfe to comforte For helpe at thy hande I only resorte Resolue their harde hartes and cause them relent For they that loue euell doe alwayes suporte All suche as to lyes and sclaunder are bent Yet if thy wyll weare that they myght repent Confessing their fault their falshod and guyle To comfort somwhat the poore innocent That falshod and lyes hath put in exyle Thy glory so should we largely expresse And teache it to men and cause them to feare Whiche were for this crime a perfect redresse For nothyng so much could make thē forbeare Thus all my whole cause to thee I commit My matters with thee I alway decyse Iustly in iudgement because thou doest syt And ryghteousnes is thy whole exercyse O lord geue thē grace to leaue ther great crime And me for to suffer walke without blame So wyll I endeuor from tyme to tyme To blesse and to prayse thy most holy name The innocent sclaundered complaineth praying for the conuertion of his enemies AL cōfortles lo without any ayd now shuld I remayn if God wer not he which in y e defēce of good mē hath sayd in all their distresse their helper to be My hope is therfore sure fixed O lorde That thou dost abhorre all vntrue reporte And as thou dost byd in thy holy worde All only for helpe to thee I resorte From thee O good lord ther is nothyng hyd Prouoke them by force their lyfe to refrayne For they doe reporte that I neuer dyd Accepted of suche as lyes doe maynteyne Good lord let not them their purpose obteyn Which in these my days wold turn me to shame Not that I refuse to suffer the peyne But only that it turne not to their blame My harmes be heinous whē they me defame But yet the moste harme to them doth returne When they vpon me doe reporte the same That they can not proue it maketh me morne Lo thus am I bent in good part to take The sclander of tongues rememberyng thee Contented to suffer all thynges for thy sake For vengeance only belongeth to thee Oh mercifull Lord I render therfore To thee condygne thāks which art my defence O strengthen me then good lorde euer more That I may styll suffer with pure pacience And finally graunt oh mercifull lorde That these false lyers may turne and conuert And being instructed by thy swete worde They may be ryght sad and sory in heart To God our Creator and lord omnipotent The Father the Sonne and the holy ghost Thre persons and one God most excellent Be all prayse and honour as worthy most ¶ The complaint of Christ our sauiour agaynst the Ingratitude of mankynde THys of the Lord is the complaynt Of man how he was sold and bought And thus he sayd hym to attaynt Myne own people what haue I wroght For towards me thou art so faynt And I thy loue so dere haue bought Thy answer loke thou nothyng paynt To me for why I knowe thy thought Haue not I done all that I ought Or els what haue I left behynd Thou sterst my wrathe I hurt thee nought Why art thou to thy frend vnkynd I sought thy loue it was well sene When I thee made so lyke to me Myne earthly workes both quicke and grene To thee I gaue bothe fruite and tree From Pharao that was fierce and kene Out of Egypt delyueryng thee I kylled hym and all hys men And the redde sea in twayne dyd fl●e Which I commaunded drye to bee The water serude thee and the wynde From bondage so I made thee free Why art thou to thy frend vnkynd Full forty yeares in wyldernes To wyn thy loue I dyd the lead Toward a land of great ryches With Manna also I thee fed To thee to shewe my great kyndnes Thy kynde to take I had no drede I left my myght and toke mekenes Myne owne heart bloud for thee I bled To buy thy soule my selfe I led And bound my selfe thee to vnbynde Thus with great p●yne thy turne I sped ▪ Why art thou then to me vnkynde For thee I ordeynd Paradyse And shewde to thee my Testament And thou agayne dydst me despyse In breakyng my commaundement Thy synnes were great in dyuers wyse For to my foes thou dydst consent Downe I thee thrust thou couldst not ryse Thy wyts from thee away they went A naked wretche poore shamd and shent And as for
youth thou hast frequented Euery one shall shewe thee hys erronious waye yet shall none of them defend thee ¶ A Ditie declaryng the risyng and setting of the .xii. sygnes of the zodiake one always opposite and goyng down at the same instant that an other ryseth THe Sygnes do ryse and sette At iust instant of tyme Eche hydyng hym selfe when His opposyt dothe clyme For why the Ramme so soone Appeares not in the east But streyght the balance be Gone downe then in the west The Scorpion rysyng The Bull euen then doth fall When twynnes come the Arche● On thother syde the Ball Doth passe from vs and so The Crabbe and Goate lykewyse The Lyon and the Water potte Eche fall when thother ryse The Vyrgin in the east No sooner shewes hir face But in Weste the Fyshes Them hyde and so gyue place Thus in lyke order as One in East dothe appere The Opposite sygne then Abstaynes from tarying here Ne yet can one of them Declare hym selfe so bolde Aboue the Horizon His contrary beholde ¶ A Ditie made to the prayse of God by the Author for a pacient to vse after helth attayned who contrary to all mens expectation was in hys handes by the goodnes of God cured Syng thys as Of Ielousye who so wyll heare O Louyng God and myghty Lorde My maker and my gouernour My mouth and heart shall now accorde Thee to worshyp laude and honour As Moses sung thy laude and prayse When through the red sea he had past And Pharao drownde as Scripture sayes As he pursude thy people fast In many Psalmes as Dauid dyd That kyngly Prophet prayse thy name When out of sorowes he was ryd He sung thy prayses for the same As dyd good kyng Ezechias When thou dydst hym to helth restore Makyng hym whole as earst he was To lyue yet full fyftene yeares more As Ionas brought from poynt of death Hym selfe adressed by and by As soone as he could drawe his breathe Thy holy name to magnify And as thy Prophet Daniell From lyons mouthe delyuered For ioye thy prayse and powre dyd tell And Darius the worshipped So doo I wretched synner nowe Hauyng a cause as great as those In thys case execute my vowe Thy mercyes great Lord to disclose Thou bryngest downe to depth of wo Suche as thou myndest to correct And yet thou doste not leaue them so But doste to knowledge them direct As connyes myne and theyr holes make In bankes where they delyght to brede Lyke order dyd my sycknes take Wythin my fleshe so dyd it fede Tyll at last I was consumed And nothyng left but bone and skynne My synncwes shrunke my veynes were fled Not once possyble to be sene Incredible was my weakenes Consumed cleane wyth peyne and griefe But in greatest of my dystres Thy grace was sent to my reliefe Wherfore whyle breath within my breast May moue I shall thy prayse declare And wyll shewe foorth to most and least Howe swete thy grace and mercies are And howe at nede thou art hand To helpe all that in thee doo trust And makest vs to vnderstand Howe faythfull thou art and how iust My holowe caues are fyllde agayn Those runnyngsores are whole and drye And I in ease ryd out of payne In health and strength ryght perfectly All honour prayse and great glory To thee therfore I styll shall gyue And wyll not put from memory Thy grace and mercyes whyle I lyue But wyll all other folke exhorte By all occasyons as I may To trust in thee to theyr comforte And faythfully moue them to pray All honour therfore I render To thee God that of myght hast most O Father with thy sonne so dere And also to the holy ghost As hath ben is and shal be styll To worlde of worldes for euermore Where angels euer with good wyll Doo prayse thee styll out of theyr stor● ¶ An other Ditie to the same purpose and vse IF any man front wo And payne restorde to ease When griefe is gone hym fro With sycknesse and dysease Haue cause with prayse To laude thy name And shewe the same Wyth thankes always Then I most wretched wyght Of all folke most am bounde To cause bothe daye and nyght Hys prayses to abounde Whyche at thys day Haue had reliefe From all my griefe Wherin I lay My pynyng payne and sore Incomparable was As beastes in payne doo rore So dyd I wretche alas Almoste tyll death Would me haue caught At me he raught To stoppe my breath For as a carkas dead I lay in wo and care I coulde not eate my bread So faynt was I ●nd bare But nowe beholde Howe God my Lorde Hath me restorde A thousand folde For where before his rod I carelesse was and wylde Forgettyng my swete God With all his mercies myld I nowe am taught To prayse hys powre And kepe eche howre The same in thought Thus may we dayly see He scurgeth vs for loue True christians to be His mercie dothe vs moue And euer styll Dothe vs procure Ay to indure To doo hys wyll Wherfore I wyll not cease On earthe here whyle I dwell Hys kyndnes to rehearse And of hys mercyes tell And howe that he When hope was past Yet at the last Restored me All godly men therfore That in hym hope and truste Prayse hym with all honour For he is true and iuste And wyll not mysse To helpe at nede And that wyth spede All that are hys Se that both day and nyght Whether ye worke or rest Ye prayse hym for hys myght All creatures moste and least Whether ye play Lye downe or ryse Styll exercise His prayse alway Whether ye syt or stande Whether ye ryde or go On sea or on the lande What so euer ye doo Whether therfore Ye drynke or eate After your meate And eke before All honour to hym gyue For he vs wrought and made And causeth vs to lyue Eche ereature in his trade And dothe gouerne As shypmayster Dothe guyde and stere His shyppe wyth sterne With all our myght and strength Let vs hym magnifie Whych saueth all at length That loue hym faythfully Wherfore all thyng Wyth hart and voyce In hym reioyce And thys wyse syng Glory to the father God that of myght hath moste And to the sonne so dere And to the holy ghoste As hath ben y●re Is and styll shall Be ouer all For euermore Amen ¶ A ditie to be sung of musiciens in the mornyng at theyr lord or masters chamber doore orels where of hym to be heard THe hauning day begins to glare And Lucifer doth shine on hie And saith that Phebus doth prepare To show him selfe immediatly And the most darke tenebrous nyght Is fayne to flee and turne her backe Whyche can in no wyse bbyde the lyght But beares away hir mantle blacke Wherfore in tyme let vs aryse And slouthfulnes doo cleane away Doyng some godly exercyse As seruantes true whyle it is day Let vs in no wyse tyme abuse Whyche is gods creature excellent