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A67183 Righteousness encouraged and rewarded with an everlasting remembrance in a sermon at the funeral of the right worshipful Sir Roger Bradshaigh of Haigh, Knight and Baronet, who died at Chester on Monday, March 31, and was buried at Wigan, Friday, Apr. 4, 1684 / by Richard Wroe ... Wroe, Richard, 1641-1717.; Shaw, S. Elegy upon Sir Roger Bradshaigh. 1684 (1684) Wing W3727; ESTC R38322 16,793 40

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1. In the Design of God who hath contrived every thing for the Advantage and Encouragement of Virtue and real Goodness God hath said them 1 Sam. 2. 30. that Honour me I will Honour Now Righteousness in his Image and bears a great Likeness and Resemblance to him and as he delights to see it in the Sons of Men so he is pleased to Esteem himself honoured thereby Which made the Wise Man when advising to the Practice of it say hereby thou shalt find Favour and good Vnderstanding in the Sight of God and Man And it is the Voice of Righteousness Who so findeth me shall obtain Favour of the Lord. Pro. 8. 35. Yea it is Gods promise to the Righteous I will deliver him and bring him to Honour And David thus Is 91. 15. triumphed in his Abundant Sense of the Divine Favour Ps 92. 10. Mine Horn shall be exalted like the Horn of an Vnicorn I shall be anointed with fresh Oyl intimating the Honour and Dignity that he would conferr on him Hence such Men are mentioned in Gods Word with Appellations of Honour Abraham his Friend Moses his Servant David a man after his own Heart Nathanael an Israelite indeed in whom there is no Guile And their Virtues are recorded as the lasting Trophies of their Glory and Renown The Faith of the Patriarchs the Meekness of Moses the Patience of Job the Uprightness of Josiah the Constancy of Daniel to the Honour of their Memories and the Praise of their Righteousness which the Son of Syrach thus Ecclesiasticus 44. 7. Summs up All these were honoured in their Generations and were the Glory of their Times They have left a Name behind them that their Praises might be reported The Holy Spirit of God which inspired the Authors of Sacred Writ hath affixt Characters of Renown and Remarks of Praise to the Names of Religious and good Men And Honourable are the Titles of the Righteous equal even to Kings and Princes For when in one Evangelist it is said Kings desired to see Christ's day it is said in another Righteous Men desired to see it For they are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Sons of God the Children of the most high and God himself disdains not to be called their Father And Christ the Son of God is become their Elder Brother since he came into the World for the sake of Righteousness and hath exalted Humane Nature to the highest pitch of Dignity by uniting it to his own Divinity And the Holy Ghost contributes no less to the Honour of the Righteous whom he condiscends to inhabit as his Temple And greater Honour cannot be done to Mortal Nature than to lodg so Noble a Guest to entertain God himself and converse with Divinity And if Righteousness be so honoured by the Sacred Trinity we may conclude its Esteem is great amongst their Glorious Attendants the winged Train of Angels and Arch-Angels And so Scripture tells us of them they rejoyce to Minister for the good of such Men while they live they receive the Souls of such as dye in the Lord with Joy and Triumph and transport them into the Regions of Rest and Bliss Secondly Righteousnes is Honourable in the Opinions of Men. I mean of all Sober and Rational Men and the estimate of all others I reckon of small value I know the Devil has long sought to obtrude upon the World what he taught Macchiavel to insinuate that Religion and Righteousness are low and mean Principles unfit for Governours and great Men and has hoped to laugh them out of Countenance and render them ridiculous by his Agents Prophane and Atheistical Men. But Wisdome is justified of her Children and in spite of Hell and Sinners Virtue has yet the Vogue of the World and Vice tho too oft in Fashion could never yet obtain an Universal Reputation and Esteem No 't is Vice alone that is sordid and contemptible 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Plat. All Wickedness is dishonourable and Sin the Disgrace both of our Natures and Persons It brings disgrace to Families and wounds the Reputation of the Great Ones It stains the Blood and leaves a mark of Infamy on the Pedigree It Exposes Men to Scorn and Contempt and makes their Names odious to Posterity Whereas Righteousness enobles Men and adds Degrees of Worth to Persons of Honour and Advances the Reputation of the great Ones of the World Chiefly in three things First It makes their Persons valuable For 't is Goodness only in Conjunction with Greatness that makes Men truly Honourable and Power and Grandeur without Piety is but what the Apostle says of other Graces without Charity as sounding Brass and a tinckling Cymbal The great Titles of the World are but empty Names without the Addition of Virtue and they only have been truly great who have been exemplary therein 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 It is Virtue alone that is deservedly Honourable and hath always crowned its Followers with Esteem and Renown Heathen Rome was not more Famous for the extent of its Dominions than for the Virtues of its Inhabitants Which made Saint Augustin say of them that tho God would not give them Heaven because they were Heathens yet he gave them the Empire of the World because they were Virtuous So true is that of the Wise Man advising to the Heavenly Wisdome of being Religious Exalt her Pre. 4. 8 9. and she shall promote thee She shall bring thee to Honour when thou dost embrace her She shall give to thine Head an Ornament of Grace a Crown of Glory shall she deliver to thee Secondly It makes their Memories precious 'T is their Names that are delivered down to Posterity with Characters of Renown who have been Good as well as Great and they shall be had in Honour when the Sons of Fame shall sleep in the Dust of Oblivion and their Names rot with their Monuments 'T is true the Memory of the wicked is sometimes also transmitted to after Ages as it is said of Erostratus that he fired the Temple of Diana only to get him a Name tho it were never mentioned without that brand of Infamy But we may say of all such what our Saviour does of the giver of Offences It were better for that Man if he had never been born It were better to have our Names buried in Eternal Silence than to have them like Jeroboams made the Note of Infamy and the Monuments of our Shame But a good Name is a sweet Perfume and Righteousness makes Men Immortal and Virtue outlasts the Succession of Ages Let Solomon's words conclude this The Memory of the Just is Blessed but the Name of the Pro. 10. 7. Wicked shall Rot And again as the Whirlwind passeth Verse 25. so is the Wicked no more but the Righteous is an Everlasting Foundation Thirdly It makes their loss great and Vnvaluable Alass the World is not sensible what Advantages good Men bring and secure to it tho it be spared for
it even care not much which way they Sayle But he was still the same Man and the same good Subject One who made nothing worse but endeavoured to make every thing better To say all in a word One Immovably Honest unalterably Loyal For which he shall live in the Memories of all that knew him and long be had in Honour and Remembrance Secondly There is yet another part of the Remembrance behind which is most properly Everlasting viz. before God hereafter His Righteousness remaineth for ever Verse 9 It shall come in Remembrance before God when the Righteous shall receive a Reward not of Merit indeed but of Favour who tho they cannot claim it of right yet in Gods Esteem do best deserve it tho they cannot challenge it as a Crown due from his Justice yet they shall receive it from his Mercy And could we but raise our Souls in Contemplation high as their Happiness it would be a powerful Encouragement to an Imitation of their Virtue For then we should be in some Measure able to imagine how mean and despicable this Worlds Felicity must needs appear to Glorifyed Spirits to whose compleat Happiness all the Content and Satisfaction we meet with here bears no more Proportion then this spot of Earth we tread on to the unbounded vastness of the wide-Stretch'd Heavens For when they are once exalted into those Blissful Regions they shall out-shine others in Glory as far as they out-stript them in Goodness here and receive a recompense of reward proportionable to their Righteousness and good Deeds and when the Son of God has received them into those mansions of Bliss which he has prepared for Holy Souls in the Kingdom of his Father then shall their Righteousness break forth as the Morning Sun and exceed the Stars in Lustre and Beauty The Heathens imagin'd that their deceased Hero's were transformed into Starrs and having enlightned the lower World with their Beneficence and good Examples did after Death ascend to Gild the Heavens with new Light and Brightness and were it true yet it falls far short of that splendor that shall encircle the Inhabitants of the new Jerusalem for the Mat. 13. 43. Righteous shall Shine forth as the Sun in the Kingdome of their Father Yea as Starrs disappear at the approach of the Sun so shall the Sun it self vanish at the appearance of that resplendent Glory when the Sun of Righteousness shall shine in his Meridian Lustre and fill his Kingdome with the Brightness of his presence then shall holy Souls rejoyce in his light with fulness of joy and transports of pleasure and glory to behold their Saviour interceeding for the Righteous and welcoming such as come under that winning Character into Eternal Embraces where they shall be blesied to endless ages and happy in an Everlasting Remembrance AN ELEGY UPON Sir ROGER BRADSHAIGH KNIGHT and BARONET April the 4th 1684. I. WHat mean these Eccho'd Groans and Panic Fears And Showers of Tears Why does a gloomy Fog choak and destroy Our Easter Joy Why one day Publick Mirth and on the Morrow As Publick Sorrow What 's the Surprize whence is this Mourning Bred Alas the Great the Good Sir Roger's Dead II. In Loyal veins if Loyal blood e're ran This was the man Did Love and Peace ' mongst Mortals ever rest Here was the Breast Did Justice ever dwell with Humane State Here was its Soul here was its Seat If Heart and Tongue true Vnisons e're were Then it was here And hath the Virgin-Church a true-bred Son Then this was one Do's Charity once in an Age appear She took her Lodgings here And yet this Loyal Loving Peaceful just Sincere Kind Genuine Son must yield to dust III. Tell not this News in Caesars Court lest he Should Mourn as much as We. Be silent Fame lest he for one long day Should not the Scepter sway Should Phaebus one days space deny to throw His Beams the World would chill and Stupid grow And should Great Charles but half that time dispence No Act of Justice no kind Influence This blessed Eden and this fruitful Isle Would thence become a Frozen barren Soyl. Peace then let not the Meanest Smallest Part Of this our Sorrow seize Kind Charles's heart IV. Tell not the Loyal Party this lest they Loosing so Strong A Fort should Fear betray Conceal this Mournful Sence from Just Mens sight Lest feebl'd Justice take a Second flight Let Peaceful Souls be Strangers to this Fate Lest it Alar'm and ruffle their calm State O tell it not to Sions Sons lest thy Amaz'd forbear to thank forget to Pray Where Charity now moves in a large Sphere Lest it close-up her hands tell it not there This News despoils of Joy this robs of Rest The Loyal Loving just and Hospitable Breast V. But 't is too late Fame cannot be withstood Fame swift to broach bad News slow to bring good Then let this Publick mouth loudly Proclaim The Old-Mans Glories and the Young-Mans Name Tell it abroad that tho a Glorious Star Is set yet still another does appear Tho the Old Phaenix from our Coast is flown Yet here 's another Strong and sprightly grown One that inherits with Impartial Hand His Fathers Vertues with his Fathers Land May he do equal Good in equal Space As Worthy Heir of such a Worthy Race And when Life's stock shall all exhausted be Then may he scale the Walls of blest Eternity EPITAPHIUM Hic jacet in Tumulo Pacis Patriaeque satelles Qui coluit Caroli faedera jura Dei Cujus dicta simul Clarissima facta ferebant Vultu Laetus erat Liber ille Manu Hunc dilexerunt omnes hunc Caesar amavit Hunc exornavit Gloria Forma Lepos Vivat immensum vigeat productus in Aevum Morbis Morte vacet Sic petiere pii Fata tamen vincunt illorum Nemo Catenam Solvere Conatus frangere Nemo potest Fallor non jacet hic Animus transivit ad Astra Lucida hic tantùm Pulvis Umbra jacet S. Shaw A. M. FINIS