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A57644 Apocalypsis, or, The revelation of certain notorious advancers of heresie wherein their visions and private revelations by dreams, are discovered to be most incredible blasphemies, and enthusiastical dotages : together with an account of their lives, actions and ends : whereunto are added the effigies of seventeen (who excelled the rest in rashness, impudence and lying) : done in copper plates / faithfully and impartially translated out of the Latine by J.D. Haestens, Henrick van.; Davies, John, 1625-1693. 1658 (1658) Wing R1945; ESTC R16929 56,554 106

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should be nothing published that were disconsonant to Christian Doctrine That children should be educated according to incorrupt manners That they should not make such promiscuous marriages among themselvs as they did That they should take no Dutch into their families That they should submit to amercements and pecuniary mulcts if any were inflicted on them as Citizens ought to do That upon a day assigned they should in the Parish Church in the presence of the whole congregation make a publick abjuration of the said Religion and condemn and anathematize the whole sect of it That they should hold no friendship or correspondence with any that shall persist in that Religion To these conditions did they promise to subscribe with all the reverence and gratitude they could possibly expresse These things being thus managed the most renowned Senate returning afresh to the business of the Arch Heretick passed these votes viz. That the doctrine of David George upon mature examination thereof was found impious and derogatory to the divine Majestie That the printed books and whatsoever may have seen the light should have the second light of the fire That he as the most infamous promoter of that execrable Sect and a most horrid blasphemer against God and Christ should not be accounted worthy Christian burial That he should be taken up out of his grave by the common Hangman and together with his books and all his writings and his manuscripts should according to the Ecclefiastical Canons be burnt in a solemn place According to the said judgment the carkasse being digged up was with all his writings whereof the greatest part was that truly miraculous book together with his effigies brought by the Hangman to the place of execution where having opened the dire●ul Coffin he being found not much disfigured nay so little that hee was known by diverse hee being covered with a watered garment having about him a most white sheet a very clean pillow under his he●d his yellowish Beard rendring him yet graceful to be short having a silk Cap on under which was a piece of red cloth and adorned with a garland of Rosemary was set up publickly to be seen and in the third year after his death was with his writings consecrated to Vulcan that is to say burned MICHAEL SERVETUS Omnia quum portenta voces hominemque Deumque Infandi SERVES nominis opprobium THE CONTENTS SERVETUS his converse with Mahumetans and Jewes He disguiseth his monstrous opinions with the Name of Christian Reformation The place of his birth At the 24 year of his age he boasted himself the onely Teacher and Seer of the world He in●eighed against the Deity of Christ Oecolampadius confutes his blasphemies and causeth him to be thrust out of the Church of Basil Servetus held but one person in the Godhead to be worshipped c. He held the Holy Ghost to be Nature His horrid blasphemy He would reconcile the Turkish Alcoran to Christian Religion He declares himself Prince of the Anabaptists At Geneva Calvin faithfully reproves Servetus but he continues obstinate Anno 1553 by the decrees of several Senates he was burned MICHAEL SERVETUS like another Simon Magus having conversed long among the Mahumetans and the Jewes and being excellently well furnished with their imaginous opinions begat both out of Divinity and the general treasury of Christian Religion a monstrous issue of opinions with the coition of what he had received from the extravagant Mahumelans and Thalmudists upon which b●at this instrument of Satan must needs bestow the disguised name of Christian Reformation From this Cocks egge were bred these Cockatrices Gonesus Gribaldus Blandratta Gentilis Alciatus Simanus Casanovius Menno and diverse other Anabaptistical Vipers who extreamly increased the restless waves of Sects and opinions We recommending the rest to their proper place Hell will take a more particular survey of one Religion and by the horridnesse of that guesse at the others This Servetus was a Spaniard born in the Kingdom of Arragon most unworthy both of his Name and Nation Being wrapt into a most incredible Enthusiasme he boldly lays his unwash'd hands upon holy divinity and at the four and twentieth year of his age boasted himself to be the onely Teacher and Seer of the world making it his main design and that by his impious and worthlesse writings to inveigh against the Deity of the Son of God with which writings being sufficiently furnished and withall enflamed with hopes of raising no ordinary tumults hee bestirrs himself winde and tide for Basil but Occolampadius an Ecclesiastical Doctor learnedly before a full Senate confuted the blasphemies of this man and by the publick Authority he had caused him as a poisonous blasphemer to be thrust out of the Church of Basil From thence he went to Venice where in regard the Venetians had been timely forewarned of him by the wise and learned Melancthon he made no harvest of his incredible blasphemies nor indeed was he permitted seed-time for them Religion is no where safe But having consulted with the Arch-hereticks his Predecessors and being bird-lim'd he held that there was but one person in the God-head to be worshipped and acknowledged which was revealed to mankind sometimes under one notion sometimes under another and that it was thus that those notions of Father Son and Holy Ghost were to be understood in the Scriptures Nay with the same line of his blasphemous mouth he affirmed that our Saviour Jesus Christ according to his humane nature was not the Sonne of God nor coeternall with the Father The Holy Ghost he granted to be nothing but that influence by which all things are moved which is called nature He most impiously Ironicall affirmed that to understand the word Person we must referre our selves to Comedies But the most horrid blasphemy of all was when by the suggestion of Satan he imagined that the most glorious and ever to be worshipped and adored Trinity who doth not tremble at it was most fitly compared to Cerberus the Porter of Hell-gate But he stayed not here no he thought it should be accounted nothing but a diabolicall phantasme the laughing-stock of Satan and the monsterous ●eryon whom the Poets by some strange mystery of Philosophy feigned to have three bodies O incredible and unheard of subtilty of blasphemy The most glorious name of the most blessed Trinity is grown so odious to this man that he would personate being the greatest that ever was all the Atheists that have quarrelled with that name Moreover he maintained that taking but away the onely Article of the Trinity the Turkish Alcoran might be easily reconciled to the Christian Religion and that by the joyning together of these two a great impediment would be removed yea that the pertinacious asserting of that Article had enraged to madnesse whole Countries and Provinces This abomination of God and men held that the Prophet Moses that great servant
put into Iron baskets as anathema's of eternal example hang out of the tower ●f S. Lambert And this was the retiring room of the Tragedy of Munster HERMANNUS SUTOR Hic qui se Christum et qui se Jactârat IESUM SERVASSE haud potuit seque suisque fidem THE CONTENTS HERMAN the Cobler professeth himself a Prophet c. He is noted for drunkennesse The ceremonies hee used in Anabaptisme Eppo his Host discovers him and his followers to be cheats Hermans wicked blasphemies and his inconstancy in his opinions his mothers temerity his Sect convinced and fall off from him by one Drewjis of his Sect he is handled roughly Herman is taken by Charles Lord of Golderland c. and is brought prisoner to Groeninghen when questioned in his torments he hardened himself and died miserably THat there were divers Emissaries and Ambassadours sent by the King of the Anabaptists into Holland Friezland and other places to raise souldiers you have understood out of the History of Munster which souldiers having raised a Tumult caused the Bishop to discamp from before Munster and of this Heard was there one Nicholas Alcmariensis a worthy disciple of John Mathias who being dispatched into Friezland for the foresaid negotiation got together a promiscuous crue of Anabaptists for● the relief of Munster but that it might appear how real and effectual he was in the businesse they sent two of their fellow-soulders Antony Cistarius and a trades-man whose name was James to Munster These two with some others having compassed their desires at a Town called Opt'zant having shuffled together from all parts into a kind of a Troop made their rendezvous at the house of one Eppo about the twilight out of a pretence that they there should meet with some later intelligence which they receiving from their Ambassadors out of very joy for those good tidings absolutely broke forth into Tumults The Bell-weather of these was one Herman an excellent vamper of all abomination a Cobler of Opt'zant who professed himself a true Prophet and that he was the true Messias the Redeemer and Saviour of the world nay which causes horror to me in the relation that he was God the Father This fellow lay naked in his bed from the privy parts downward and caused to be laid near him a hogs-head of strong beer which he desired to drink in Healths which required no small draughts for he had gotten an excessive thirst greater than that of any dog or that which the Serpent Dipsas causeth in those that are stung by it all through his extraordinary bellowing and bawling For having for some dayes led a life like one of Epicurus's herd that is to say being drunk even to extravagance hee with a Stentors voice and a horrid howling among other things often repeated this Kill cu● the throats without any quarter of all these Monkes all these Popes and all especially our own Magistrate Repent Repent for your deliverance is at hand c. In the mean time hee with the assistance of his fellow souldiers denounced to certain Proselytes of another Religion that Peice was not to be rejected without incurring the dreadfull effects of the last judgment which was now at hand and these were such as both by sollicitations and promises his main design was to inveigle into his deceit Moreover hee sent to redeem some of his followers out of a prison belonging to a certain Nobleman called John of Holten with this charge that they should kill with swords and pistols whosoever should either by words or blows any way oppose them When they returned with their delivered captives they had dispatched a man it is thought hee was Priest looking out at his door with a Musket had he not turned his back and shut the door against them The very same night which was to bee the last or wherein the world being to bee turned to deceitfull ashes they expected it should by the means of this Mediator and Intercessor as was thought presently bee restored to liberty there were a great many that embraced him where ever they could with those complements which they should use to one as without the earnest of whose Baptisme they were to expect the reward of disobedience and eternall destruction to bee trrasured up for them The Sacrament of Anabaptisme being according to these cerremonies celebrated the fore-commended Parent exhorted his children to prayer in these words Pray pray pray pray mouthing it out with an agitation of his lips like that of our Sto●ks which done falling on their knees they disgorged a strang vicissitude of prayers and songs The owner of that house who was an Inn-keeper and withall lame sate neer this great Father towards whom the Father turning said unto him Arise and walk But Eppo being still lame and seeing that they were all deceived and that by a sort of cheats wickedly stitch'd together withdrew from them and hid himself for fear in anothers man's house far from thence These things being thus past there rises up another one Cornelius * Coemiteriensis who ran about after a most strange manner and when the Father of all execrable temerity lay sick in his bed tormented with an imaginary or at least such a disease as puzzelled the Physicians to find any name for this man for an hour together uttered these and such expressions O FATHER look upon thy people have mercie upon thy people O let thy bowels O Father be moved to compassion c. At which addresses the Father being moved he commanded a tankard of beer to be drawn out of the hogshead which was now almost at the bottom which he drinking to his son drank till it came to the Lees which presenting to his son hee said to him Drink up the holy Ghost The son like his father and following his example having taken it off he flings out of bed and falls upon those that stood by and tossing the tankard from one hand to the other ran up and down like a drunken man and at length joined with the father who was sick of an imaginary extravagance wherein he was much given to laugh in roaring out these word Mortifie the flesh mortifie the flesh the flesh is a Divel the flesh is a Divel mortifie the flesh c. Upon this there immediately starts up another pursued as he thought by an extraordinary vision and after their example roared it out most furiously which fellow as was reported was really advanced to some degrees if not the supreme of madnesse A certain woman better than middle-aged being frighted almost out of her wits by the bawling and howling of this sonne intreated that they would keep in the lunatick and possessed person and that hee might be carried to Bedlam The common people being astonished at this impious hellish crue were forced to pinne their faith upon their sleevs as a truth confirmed by the lying of those prophetical mouthes These ●elapses of fury
and madnesse having their intervalls of calmnesse and ●erenity he admonished them that all arms and weapons were to be laid aside and that they should put off their guarded edged and scolloped garments and their wrought smocks and petticoats nay that women ought to abstain wearing their neck-laces and all things that were burdensome intimating the manner wherein God that needs no arms would fight their battels for them and should discomfit all their enemies The cowardly and inconstant vulgar being moved at the madnesse of this Doctrine disburthened their bodies of all manner of cloathing A certain harmlesse man having cast away his knife takes it up again which his daughter looking asquint upon rebuked her father to which he answered Be patient be patient daughter we shall have emploiment hereafter for this to cut bread withall O how was this girle once a childe but how was the old man twice When the student of Bedlam the Son with his yelling was exhorting the bewitched people to singing and praier and to resist the Divel the Father presently with his own son in whom he was well pleased taught them that the time of praier being done and that the time of war coming on they must take up the instruments of war whereupon he gets up into a Pulpit and declared himself to the people who stood all about him with a loud voice that he was the Sonne of God and cried out that he was born a true Mediatour unto them c. His mother being there present they asked her whether she was the mother of the Son of God To which between force ●nd fear she at length answered though innocently that shee was This gave occasion to many to bee diffident and to waver in the faith received insomuch that a certain man discovering his dissatisfaction and speaking ill of the sonne the said sonne taking hold of him flings him into a common shore saying unto him now art thou deservedly cast into Hell from whence the said man coming out all dirt diverse others unanimously acknowledged that they were defiled and bespattered with the same filthiness and abomination And hence rise up that impious report of the Sonne of God that hee was thrust out of doors which that Ambassadour Antony being returned from Munster having heard took it in mighty indignation and by force breaking into the house would have vindicated those holy expressions The Father and Son were much against it that any should come in yet hee though the people flocking about him made some opposition bitterly rebuking that blasphemous wretch broke forth into these words Thou villanous and contagious burthen of the earth What madness what extravagance hath bes●tted thee without fear of divine judgement to assume to thy self the title of the Son of God which spoken swelling up with the leaven of wrath he ca●●s himself upon the ground whereupon the people ran violently upon him knocking beating and kicking him like a foot-ball at last being well loaden with blows hee rises and breaking through the presse of the people he got away and escaped In his way hee comes to a hole in the ice broken for the cattle to drinke twenty foot over which hee made a shift to get over as is said with the help of the Devill for many that would have found him out lost their labour All being now convinced that they were abused for fear of the most noble Charles Lord of Gelderland the Viceroy of Groningen called also King of Gelderland who was sent to appease that tumult got secretly away But before they were all departed one of them called Drewjis whom they called Doctor Nucius out of pure spight laying hold of the Father being sick in his bed thundred to him in these words Thou villain thou fruit and groanings of the Gallows where where is now your governing and authority now the time of prayers is past c. Having dragg'd him out of bed by head and shoulders they with some assistance bound him with cords and delivered him to the custody of the Mistresse of the house to bee safely kept till night In the mean time the valiant Charles surrounds the house with his men and besieged it which the woman seeing cut the co●ds Being loose hee takes a trident fork wherewith assaulting them as with a sword he put to flight forty men through other houses whom he hastily pursuing was unawares surprised by others and brought to Groningen But behold the miracle to that very place where this naked of all truth Messias with his fork● Scepter and this Shoomaker of Cobler beyond his Last had with his Trident put so many to flight did the water-dreading Anabaptists resort and ●ender unto God infinite thanks for the 〈◊〉 us privilages thereof Of this lewd Messias who was ●ow well acquainted with the fetters of Groningen it was asked in his torments whether those routs of whom he was ring-leader were out of pretence of sanctity raised to rob the publick treasuries as many thought which yet as some say was denied For he hardening himself against even the most cruel torments could be inflicted on him still cried out Destroy destroy destroy Monks Fo●●s kill all the Magistrates and particularly our own In the midst of these bawlings being miserably worried ou● he gave up the ghost THEODORUS SARTOR Quis qu●●●o hic Sartor nudus qui deperit ille Quî rogo ●●ruentis nomine dignus ●●at THE CONTENTS THEODOR the Botcher turns Adamite hee affirms strange things his blasphemy i● forgiving of sins he burns his cloaths c. and causeth his companions to do the like He and his rabble go naked through Amsterdam in the dead of night denouncing their woes c. and terrifie the people They are taken and imprisoned by the Burghers but continue shamelesse May 5. 1535. they are put to death some of their last words IN the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred thirty and five upon the third of Februay at Amsterdam in a street called Salar street at the house of John Si●●id a cloth worker who at that time was gone into Austria about some businesse there met seven men Anabaptists and five women of the same perswasion of which flock the Bell-weather was Theodorus Sartor who rapt into a strange enthusiasme and extasie stretching himself upon the ground stark-naked upon his back before his brethren and sisters seemed to pray unto God with a certain religious dread and horrour Having ended his prayers he affirmed that he had beheld God with his eyes in the excessive and ineffable riches of his glory and that he had had communication with him both in heaven and in hell and that the day of his judgment was at hand After which he said to one of his companions Thou art decreed to eternal damnation and shalt be cast into the bottomless pit at which the other crying out The Lord God of Mercy have compassion on
Soveraignty and would be accounted Potentates when they are indeed the wickedst among men Dissemblers Cheats Hypocrites Novators or Advancers of Novelties and the subtle generation of the old Viper Novatu Which said Novatus if I display in the colours wherein the holy Father and Martyr Cyprian sets him forth discreet men shall be my Judges whether I have not hit the mark and the same description most sitly suits the greatest part of the Proselytes of Muntzer As concerning Novatus sayes that Ornament of his Carthage lib. 11. Epist. 8. to Cornelius then Bishop of Rome We needed not any relations to be sent to us of him since that from us you were to expect a more particular account of Novatus a man that is a constant Advancer of novelties of an insatiable avarice furious in his rapines blown up with arrogancie and pride even to astonishment a man not admitting any good understanding with the Bishops the end of his curiosity is to betray of his flattery to surprise his love is dogg'd by his infidelity he is the fuell and fire-brand that heightens the combustions of sedition and the hurrican and tempest which causes the shipwrack of Faith an opposer of Tranquility and an enemy to peace These were his thoughts of Novatus which what wise man but will allow us to attribute to our Novators Certainly if John that Botcher of Leiden the ulcer and deformity of that gallant City were to be drawne in his own colours we need borrow them no where else You therefore Orthodox Doctors reduce those erroneous and miserably seduced men which yet are so into the way of Truth Deliver them I beseech you out of this phrensy and omit no opportunities which may help to recover them out of this imaginary disease to which they are so accustomed This shal bee your reward this is the prize you shall obtain Him that overcometh will I make a Pillar in the Temple of my God and I wil write upon him the name of my God c. Revel. 3. 12. 1 THOMAS MUNTZER His OPINIONS ACTIONS and END The Contents MUntzers Doctrine spreads his aims high his affirmations destructive He asserts Anabaptisme rests not there but grows worse and worse in his opinions and practises his large promises to his party and the common people he endeavoured to set up himself pretending to restore the Kingdom of Christ being opposed by the Landgrave his delusive Animation of his followers their overthrow his escape he is found but dissembles him self is taken but yet obstinate the Landgrave convinceth him by Scripture when being racked he laugheth afterward relenteth his last words is deservedly beheaded and made an example 2 JOHN MATHIAS The Contents JOhn Mathias repairs to Munster his severe edicts he becoms a malicious executioner of Hubert Trutiling for contumelious expressions touching him his own desperate end 3. JOHN BUCKHOLD or JOHN of LEYDEN The Contents JOhn Buckhold his character his disputing and contention with the Ecclesciasticks concerning Paedobaptism he succeeds John Mathias he comforts the people with a pretended revelation he makes Bernard Knipperdoling of a Consul to become common executioner Buckhold feigneth himself dumb he assumes the Magistracy he allows Polygamy he takes to himself three wives he is made King and appoints Officers under him his sumptuous apparel his Titles were King of Justice King of the new Jerusalem his throne his Coin and motto thereon The King Queen and Courtiers wait on the people at a Feast with other d●gressions The King endeavours to raise commotions abroad is haply prevented He suspects his own safety his large promises to his Captains himself executes one of his wives he feigns himself sick and deludes the people with an expectation of deliverance in the time of famine forgets community he is betrayed by his Confident is brought prisoner before the Bishop who checks him his jesting answer and proposal he is put to a Non-plus is convinced of his offences his deserved and severe execution 4. HERMANNUS SUTOR The Contents HErman the Cobler professeth himself a Prophet c. he is noted for drunkenness The ceremonies he used in Anabaptisme Eppo his Host discovers him and his followers to be cheats Hermans wicked blasphemies and his inconstancy in his opinions his mothers temerity his Sect convinced and fall off from him by one Drewjis of his Sect he is handled roughly Herman is taken by Charles Lord of Gelderland c. and is brought prisoner to Groningen when questioned in his torments he hardened himself and died miserably 5. THEODORUS SARTOR The Contents THeodor the Botcher turns Adamite he affirms strange things his blasphemy in forgiving of sins he burns his cloaths c. and causeth his companions to do the like He and his rabble go naked ihrough Amsterdam in the dead of night denouncing their woes c. and terrifie the people They are taken and imprisoned by the Burghers but continue shameless May 5. 1535. they are put to death some of their last words 6. DAVID GEORGE The Contents DAvid George the miracle of the Anabaptists At Basil he pretends to have been banished his Country for the Gospels-sake with his specious pretences he gains the freedom of the City for him and his His Character His riches He with his Sect enact three things His Son in Law doubting his new Religion is by him questioned and upon his answer excommunicated His wifes death He had formerly voted himself immortal yet Aug. 2. 1556 he died c. His death troubled his disciples His doctrine questioned by the Magistates eleven of the Sectaries secured Eleven Articles extracted out of the writings of David George Some of the imprisoned Sectaries acknowledged David George to have been the cause of the tumults in the lower parts of Germany but disowned his doctrin Conditions whereupon the imprisoned are set at liberty The Senate vote the doctrine of D. G. impious and declare him unworthy of Christian burial and that his body and books should be burned which was accordingly effected 7. MICHAEL SERVETUS The Contents SErvetus his converse with Mahumetans and Jewes He disguiseth his monstrous opinions with the Name of Christian Reformation The place of his birth At the 24. year of his age he boasted himself the onely Teacher and Seer of the world He inveighed against the Deity of Christ Oecalampadius confutes his blasphemies and causeth him to be thrust out of the Church of Basil Servetus held but one person in the Godhead to be worshipped c. He held the holy Ghost to be Nature His horrid blasphemy He would reconcile the Turkish Alcoran to Christian Religion He declares himself Prince of the Anabaptists At Geneva Calvin faithfully reproves Servetus but he continues obstinate Anno 1553. by the decrees of several Senates He was burned 8. ARRIUS THE CONTENTS Arrianisme its increase Anno 323. THe General Council at Nice Anno 325. called as a Remedy against it but without success The Arrians misinterpret that place Joh. 10. 30. concerning the Father
Matthias of whom wee have spoken before But that sally of his out of the City those of Munster looked on as a great Omen of their destruction and thought that the unexpected death of that most holy man did signify that some great calamity did hang over their heads But John Buckhold must bee his successor a lid fit for the other pot who addressing himself to the people comforted them perswading them that they ought not to mourn for that unlooked for miscarriage of the Prophet for that it had long before been revealed to him and withall that hee should marry his widow Upon Easter Eve they fell upon all the Churches and places of devotion about the City and pulled down all the brasse works Some few days after Bernard Knipperdoling prophesied that all the chiefest men ought to be disqualified and degraded and that the poor and the humble were to be exalted Hee also declared that it was the command of the divine Oracle that all Churches should be demolished which indeed was sufficiently performed The very same day John Buckhold putting into the hands of Bernard Knipperdo ling the Executioners sword conferred on him withall his employment and that according to Gods command so that he who had discharged the office of a Consul was now to execute that most dishonourable employment of a common executioner This most excellent condition he cheerfully accepted By this time had the City been besieged some moneths by the Bishops forces when resolving to storm it they lost both Gentlemen Commission Officers others to the number of about four thousand upon which they quitted all hope of taking it by force Some few dayes after Whitsuntide the City being notwithstanding the dis-excecution of that assault stil besieged was wholly taken up to rest and imaginary dreams wherein there were spent three whole days which done THE ANABAPTIST being awaken acted the part of Zacharias John Baptist's father for pretending to be dumb he desired to have a Table-book wherein he wrote down the names of twelve men who should be as it were the twelve Elders of Israel and should administer all thing at Munster as if it were the New Jerusalem and this he affirmed that hee was commanded to do from heaven By this broke●y d●d this crafty knave chalk out his way to that soveraign dignity whereof he was so ambitious But in the mean time consider by what a strang Stich this excellently wicked Botcher did utterly dis-repute that Magistrate whom God had ordained and by the assistance of most illusive dreames his own excellency of playing the impostor he possessed himself of that dignity A while after our Prophet advanced certain conclusions tending to the allowance of Polygamy whereat the Ecclesiasticks made some opposition but afterwards were content of fit still So that not long after the Prophet at one bout took to him three wives whereof the most eminent was the widdow of the deceased Prophet Jo. Mathias and whom he afterwards dignified with the title of Queen This example of Kingship some other knaves like himself did without any difficulty admit but divers of the more godly citizens looking on this thing with the greatest indignation that might be repairing to the Market place laid hands on the Prophet Knipperdoling which occasioning the people to take up armes they set upon those Citizens in the palace and having taken them they delivered the Prophet and the Ecclesiasticks out of their hands Nine and forty of the said Citizens were after a most barbarous manner put to death Hereupon the Prophet cried our that all those who should do any violence to those enemies of God should do God a very high piece of service whence it came to pass that some were torn in pieces with Hooks and not a few killed by Knipperdoling himself Upon the four and twentieth of June which is the day of the Nativity of John Baptist in the year one thousand five hundred thirty four at Munster or rather Monster for so may that place bee called from the monstrous and portentous pullulation of Anabaptists there sprung from Hell another new Prophet one John Tuysentschreuer a Goldsmith of Wa rendorp The people being generally summoned to the Market place this man acquainted them that the most holy Prophet John Buckhold of Leyden was to bee exalted to Kingly Dignity and that hee should inherit the eternall seat of his Father David and should possesse it with farre greater Majestie Having prophecied these things Buckhold kneeling down confirmed all saying that so much had been revealed to him from God the Father ten days before though it was against his inclination to undertake the difficulties of Government The common people being astonished at this extravagant piece of villany tore their hair as they went yet however some might smell out the cheat fear was able to stifle all muttering For this Beast fatten'd for destruction having been very successeful in som encounters had now assum'd what Authority he pleased Behold he that at Leyden was but a Botcher is made King at Munster John Buckhold is invested with all the Regalia of supreme Authority Having hereupon immediately degraded the twelve Counsellours of State according to the wonted manner he constitutes a viceroy a Controller of his houshold four Huissers or common criers a Noble man a Chancellour Cup bearers Carvers and Tasters and Master-builders and disposed of all other officers as Princes use to do The Kingly robes were some made of water'd stuffs some made of silk some of pure silk some scarlet some made more sumptuous with the Gold of the Ornaments which the sacriledge had furnished him with so that it can hardly be expressed how artificially how gallantly how indeed Emperor-like they were interwoven being embroyder'd with gold edg'd scollop'd and dispos'd into divers colours His spurs were gilt with gold and he had two Crownes of solid gold and a golden scabbard The King walking in these ornaments two young men in a Courtly and magnisicent habit one of each side of him accompanied him whereof one carried a naked sword the handle whereof glister'd with gold and precious stones the other held up the Holy Bible together with a golden Crown shining with most excellent pearls A certain jewel dazeling the beholders with the bright sparkling of a Diamond and whereat was hanged a golden apple to repesent as it were the world wounded through with two swords a cross hang'd at his neck His Scepter was set forth with three golden incirculations His Nobles who were eight and twenty in number clad in green and ashie coloured garments and having on white Turbants accompain'd him The Kings title was THE KING OF JUSTICE THE KING OF THE NEW JERUSALEM In the Market place there was erected a Throne for him of three steps high which when the King sate in it was adorned with ornaments of more then Attalick
He affirmed that he was Christ and the Messias the well-beloved Son of the Father in whom he was well pleased not born of blood nor of the flesh nor of the lust of man but of the holy Ghost and the spirit of Christ who vanishing hence long since according to the flesh and deposited hitherto in some place unknown to the Saints was now at length reinsused from heaven into David George 3. Hee held that hee onely was to bee worshipped as who should bring out the house of Israel and the true that is the professors of his doctrine tribe of Levi and the Tabernacle of the Lord not through miseries sufferings crosses as the Messias of the Jews did but with all meekness love and mercy in the spirit of Christ granted unto him from the Father which is in heaven 4. Hee approved himself to be invosted with the authority of Saving or condemning binding and loosing and that at the last day he should judge the twelve tribes of Israel 5. Hee further maintained that Jesus Christ was sent from the Father to take flesh upon him for this reason at least that by his doctrine and the use of his Sacraments men being as it were no better then children and uncapable of receiving the true doctrine might be kept within duty till the coming of David George who should advance a Doctrine that should bee most perfect and most effectuall should smooth out mankind and should consummate the knowledge of God and of his Son and what ever hath been said of him 6. But hee further affirmed That these things should not come to pass according to humane ceremonies but after a spirituall dispensation and after such a manner as had not 〈◊〉 ●eard of which yet none should be able to discern or comprehend but such as were worthy disciples of David George 7. To make good and prove all th●se things he wrested and mis-interpreted many places of the holy Scripture as if Christ and the Apostles whom he commends had intimated not themselves nor any other Ecclesiasticall times save only the coming of David George 8. And thence it was that hee argued thus If the Doctrine of Christ and his Apostles bee most true and most effectuall for the obtaining of salvation the Church which they had by their doctrine built up and confirmed ●ould not possibly have been broken to pieces for as Christ himself testisieth against the true Church the gates of Hell shall not be able to prevaile But that building of Christ and his Apostles is overturned and pulled down to the very foundation by Antichrist as may be evidently seen in the Papacy according to the Testimony of the same Christ It therefore necessarily followes that the Doctrine of the Apostles is imperfect and interrupted whence he concluded his own doctrine and saith to be the onely solid and sufficient doctrine 9. Moreover he maintained himself to be greater than John Baptist yea then all the Saints that had gone before him for that the least in the Kingdome of God according to the suffrage of Truth it self is greater than John But he said David George was one whose kingdome was heavenly and most perfect whence he makes himself not only greater than John but also sets himself above Christ since that he was born of fl●sh and that himself was born of the spirit according to a heavenly manner 10. He further allowed with Christ that all sinnes committed against God the Father and against the Son may be forgiven but those that are committed against the Holy Ghost that is to say against David George shall be forgiven neither in this world nor in the world to come by which meanes it is apparant that he conceiv'd himself greater and higher than Christ admitting Christs own Testimony 11. He declared Polygamy to be free and lawfull for all even for those that are regenerated by the spirit of David George These hends without any brains did the Magistrate deliver to be carried to some that were in the prison to fish out what confession they would make who besides these being provoked and challenged by a number of Questions answered at last That this Davus I would say David George was the same who had embroyled the lower parts of Germany with so many tumults sedition but as that to that doctrine and the fore-recited Articles they unanimously affirmed that they had never heard nor read of any such things Neverthelesse they were to acknowledge the doctrine expressed in those Articles to be pestiferous execrable and derived not from heaven but from Hell and that it was heretical and to be banished with an eternal Anathe●a and withall as men miserably seduced yet desiring for the time to come to be reduced into the right way they were with good reason to implore forgiveness Among those that were in close prison there was one formerly of David's greatest confidents who confessed that indeed he had been infected with that Religion but that since by the illumination of the grace of God he discovered and detested the errors springing from it and avoided them as he would do a cockatrice But there were others who were civilly acquainted with this man who denied that they had known any such thing by him and cried out against the fore-mentioned Articles as impious and blasphemous These passages the Judges appointed by the Magistrate gave him an account of who perceiving that some that were in custody were not so extravagant but that they had some remainders of discretion left he sent to them some learned and able Preachers of the Word who having diligently weeded out the tares of their errors should sow into their hearts the saving seed of true faith Those who were sent ●i●ting them with all the humanity mildnesse meeknesse and charity possible could scrue nothing out of them more than what the Judges who had been emploied before had done In the mean time a report was spread about the City that it was not David George not any eminent person of any other name that had been buried but that a meer swine calf hee-goat haply an Asse had been carried out and buried and that the dead carkasse embalmed with the strongest spices was worshipped and adored with great devotion and religion But this was but a report and was not true Those that were in custody abhorring that doctrine as unheard of and such as deserved to be anathematized and desiring to renew their acquaintance with discretion and their sences are delivered out of those habitations of Iron which they had kept possession of for two months upon these conditions That none should make any purchases either within or near the City without the knowledge and consent of the Magistrate That they shall not entertain any coming out of the lower Provinces though of their kindred but at publick houses or Inns. That the printed books and writings that were translated into the Dutch language shall be brought into the Palace That there
of God and faithfull ●…ard of the Lords house that Prince and Captain Generall of the people of Israel one so much in favour with God that he was admitted to speak to him face to face was to be accounted no other than an Imposter He accounted the Patriarch Abraham and his seed too much given to Revenge and that he was most unjust and most malicious to his enemy The most glorious Church of Israel 't is the swine that loves the mire he esteemed no better than a Hogge-Sty and declared himself a sworn Prince of the Anabaptistical generation But keep o●● and approach not O all ye other Heresies and Hydra's of opinions of this one man furies not capable of expiation Being arrived at Geneva and being forbidden to spue out and spatter his pestiferous blasphemies he continued in hostility against all sharp but wholesome admonitions which Calvin that famous Minister of the Church perceiving being desirous to discharge the duty of a soul saving Pastor went friendly to Servetus in hopes to deliver him out of his most impious errors and horrible Heresie and so to redeem him out of the jawes of Hell and faithfully reproved him But he being dazzled with the brightnesse of Truth and overcome returned nothing to Calvin so well deserving of him but an intolerable obstinacie and inconvincible recapitulation of his blasphemies whence it came to passe that by the just and prudent Decree of the Senates of Bernen Zuring Basil and Scasfuse and by the righteous condemnation of the eternal God in the moneth of December in the year one thousand five hundred fifty and three or as Sleidan hath it in October he was how great is the obstinacy of blasphemy being at that time ecstarically hardened and intoxicated consecrated to the avenging flames ARRIUS Divisit Trini qui form●●●uminis ecce Dividitur membris Visceribusque suis THE CONTENTS Arrianisme its increase An●● 323. THe General Council at Nice Anno 325. called as a remedy against it but without successe The Arrians mis-interpret that place John 10. 30. concerning the Father and the Son They acknowledged one onely God in a Jud●icall sense They deny the Trinity Arrius his wretched death Anno 336. ABout the year of the Incarnation of the Son of God three hundred twenty and three Hell was deliver'd of a certain Priest at Alexandria named Arrius a man subtle beyond expression the trumpet of eloquence one that seemed to have been cut out for all honesty and elegance who yet with the poison of his Herefie and the 〈◊〉 cups of his distructive doctrine did in the time of Silvester Bishop of Rome and the Emperour Constantine draw in a manner all Christendome to his opinion and so corrupted some even great nations in the East that except a few Bishops who stood to the true doctrine none appeared against him To remedy this disease at Nice in Bithynia in the year three hundred twenty and five a generall Councill was called but to no purpose for the contagious stocks of Arrianisme were deeply rooted so that they were become such ravening wolves among the flock of Christ that all that would not embrace their beliefe were to expect banishment or death These imagined that the Sonne was not of an equall nature and coeternall with the Father but that he was onely agreeing and concurring with his Father to confirm which they alledged that place of John 10. 30. which sayes I and the Father are one and though they called the Sonne a great God yet they denied that he was a living and true God and co-essential with the Father They boasted that they were ready to answer all objections and acknowledged one onely God in a Judaical sense To that I and the Father are one they were used to retort thus Doth the unity in this place denote co-essencie It most therefore follow that it is as much where the Apostle sayes 1 Cor. 3. 8. He that planteth and he that watereth are one They accounted the word Trinity a laughing-stock and a Fiction that the Sonne of God was a Creature and that the Holy Ghost was both born of Christ and conceived and begotten of the Virgin Mary All that were baptized in the name of the blessed Trinity they baptized again They denied that Christ was the Sonne of God according to the Spirit and the Godhead they denied God his own Son While Arrius was disburthening himself of the necessities of Nature his bowels came forth and with them his life And so he who was the successor of those Arch-Hereticks Artemon who lived about the year of our Lord two hundred and Paulus Samosatenus who lived about two hundred forty one came to a miserable death in the year three hundred thirty six See Athanasius Epiphanius Hilarius Hierom Augustine Ambrose Basill Theoderet Eusebius Socrates Nicephorus Sozomen and other Ecclesiasticall writers who have treated of these things more at large MAMOMET Adsum Ingens Mahometes ●go lachrymabile mundi Prodigium omnigeni dux et origo mali THE CONTENTS MAMOMET characterized He made a laughing-stock of the Trinity He agreed with Carpocrates and other Hereticks He renewed Circumcision and to indulge his disciples he allowed them Polygamy c. His Iron Tombe at Mecca IN the year six hundred twenty two Honorius the fift being Bishop of Rome and Heraclius Caesar Emperour of the East a transcendent Arch-heretick called Mahomet exchanged Hell for earth a Prephet by Nation an Arabian but most deprav'd and corrupt He had sometimes been a Merchant extremely rich and withall very subtle to be short he was a serious professor of diabolical Arts a most ungodly instrument of Satan the Viceroy of Antichrist or his sworne fore-runner This man endeavoured to exoll his brother Arrius with such praises as are correspondent to his Heaven He also with Sabellio renewed the laughing-stock of the Trinity He with Arrius and Eunomius most fervently and contumeliously held that Christ was onely a Man and that he was onely called God secundum dici that is to say according to a certain manner of speaking He agrees with Carpocrates who denied that Christ was a God and a Prophet This is also he that shakes hands with Cerdonus who utterly abjur'd the Godhead of the Sonne or that he was co-substantial with Father He imagined with the Manichees that it was not Christ but some other that was sastened to the Crosse With the Donatists he contemned the purest Sacraments of the Church With the most impure Origen he affirmes that the devils shall be eternally saved according to an humane yet an invisible manner He with Cerinthus placed eternal Felicity in the lust of the flesh Circumcision that was long since abolished and antiquated he renewed Upon his dicisiples he bestowed the priviledges of Polygamy Concu●ines and Divorce as Moses had done and with such dreames and an imaginary Phrenly was the miserable wretch ever troubled This man
of the City for him and his His Character His riches He with his Sect enact three things His son in Law doubting his new Religion is by him questioned and upon his answer excommunicated His wifes death He had formerly voted himself immortal yet Aug. 2. 1556. he died c. His death troubled his disciples A good resolution A pattern for good Migistrates The Senates enquiry Eleven of the Sectaries secured In such cases the learned to be consulted with Articles extracted out of the writings of David George Some of the imprisoned Sectaries acknowledged David George to have been the cause of the tumults in the lower parts of Germany but disowned his doctrine An ingenuous confession and resolution A pious act A lying report raised Conditions whereupon the imprisoned are set at liberty The votes of the renowned Senate The doctrine of D. G. declared impious He is declared unworthy of Christian Buriall And that his body and books should be burned A fit punishment for perverse Hereticks Servetus his converse with Mahumetans and Jews He disguiseth his monstrous opinions with the name of Christian Reformation The place of his birth His arrogant Boast He inveighs against the Deity of Christ Oecolampadius confutes his blasphemies causeth him to ●…e thrust out of the Church of Basil Servetus held but one person in the God-head to be worshipped c. He held the holy Ghost to be Naure His horrid blasphemy He would reconcile the Alcoran to Christian Religion He declares himself Prince of the Anabaptists At Geneva Calvin reproves Servetus Serve●●● his obstinacy Anno 1553. By the Decree of several Senates he was burned Arrianisme its increase Anno 323. The General Council at Nice Anno 325. called as a remedy against Arrianisme but without success The Arrians misinterpret that place Joh. 10. 30 concerning the Father and the Sonne They acknowledged one only God in a Judaicall sense They deny the Trinity Arrius his wretched death Anno 336. Anno 622. Mahomet characterized He made a laughing-stock of the Trinity He agreed with Carpocrates and other hereticks He renewed circumcision and to indulge his disciples he allowed them Polygamy c. His Iron Tomb at Mecca Hubmor Patron of Anabaptisme He damned usury He brought in a worship to the Virgin Mary c. The Senate of Suring by a Council reduced him He renounced the heads of his former doctrine Himself or Sect still active He is taken and imprisoned at Vienna in Austria He and his wife both burned John Hut the prop and pillar of Anabaptisme Anabaptists aime at the advancement of themselves but destruction of others Hut his credulity in dreams and visions Hut accounted a true Prophet by his Proselytes At Merhern the Hutfian Fraternity became as it were a Monastery Lodowick Hetzer a famous heretick * An item to the Hot-spurs of our times He●zer gains Proselytes in Austria and Switzerland Anno 1527 at a publick disp●tation Oecolampadius puts Hetzers Emissaries to their shi●ts Hetzer denied Christ to be co-essential with the Father His farewel to his Disciples He is put to death for Adultery Anno 1528. Hofman a Skinner and Anabaptist seduced 300. men and women at Embda in West-Friesland A delusive prophecy His followers accounted him a great Prophet At Strasburg he challenged the Ministers to dispute which was agreed upon Jan. 11. 1532. Being mildely dealt with he is ●●verthelesse obstinate Other Prophe● 〈◊〉 delude hi● * Yet it 's like to back their prophecies they pretended liberty of conscience A Prophetess deludes him He deluded himself He voluntarily pined himself to death Melchior Rinck an Anabaptist He is accounted a notable Interpreter of dreams and visions His disciple Thomas Scucker in a waking dream cut off his Brother Leonards head He pretends for his murther obedience to the decree of God Anno 1527. Adam Pastor a derider of Paedobaptisme He revived the Arrian heresie His foolish interpretation of that place Gen. 2 17. His opinion hath been sufficiently resuted Henry Nicholas Father of the Family of Love He is against Infant-Baptism * As to that minute if he confine not God we may believe him His blasphemy Doubtless he hugg'd himself in this opinion His divellish Logick * Hereticks allow not of the Scriptures
and the Son They acknowledged one only God in a Judaeical sence They deny the Trinity Arrius his wretched death Anno 336. 9. MAHOMET The Contents MAhomet characterised He made a laughing-stock of the Trinity He agreed with Carpocrates and other hereticks He renewed Circumcision and to indulge his disciples he allowed them Polygamy c. His Iron Tomb at Mecca 10. BALTHAZAR HUBMOR The Contents HUbmor a Patron of Anabaptisme He damned usury He brought in a worship to the Virgin Mary c. The Senate of Suring by a Council reduced him He renounced the heads of his former doctrine Himself or Sect still active He is taken and imprisoned at Vienna in Austria He and his wife both burned 11. JOHN HUT The Contents JOhn Hut the prop and pillar of Anabaptisme His credulity in dreams and visions He is accounted a true Prophet by his Proselytes At Merhern his Fraternity became as it were a Monastery 12. LODOWICK HETZER The Contents LOdowick Hetzer a famous Heretick He gaint Proselytes in Austria and Switzerland Anno 1527 at a publick disputation Oecolampadius puts Hetzers emissaries to their shifts Hetzer denied Christ to be coessentiall with the Father His farewel to his Disciples He is put to death for Adultery 13. MELCHIOR HOFMAN The Contents HOfman a Skinner an Anabaptist Anno 1528 seduced 300. men and women at Embda in West-Friesland His followers accounted him a Prophet At Strasburg he challenged the Ministers to dispute which was agreed upon Jan. 11. 1532. where being mildely dealt with he is nevertheless obstinate Other Prophets and Prophetesses deluded him He deiuded himself and volunt arily pi●●ed himself to death 14. MELCHIOR RINCK The Contents MElchion Rinck an Anabaptist He is accounted a not able interpreter of dreams and visions His disciple Thomas Scucker in a waking-dream cut off his brother Leonards head pretending for his murder obedience to the decree of God 15. ADAM PASTOR The Contents ADam Pastor a derider of Paedobaptisme He revived the Arrian heresie His foolish interpretation of that place Gen. 217. so often confu●ed 16. HENRY NICHOLAS The Contents HEnry Nicholas Father of the Family of Love He is against Infant-Baptisme His divellish Logick The End of the Contents THOMAS MUNTZER His OPINIONS ACTIONS And END Hei mihi quot sacras iterans Baptismatis undas Muntzerus Stygijs millin tinxit aquis THE CONTENTS MUntzer's Doctrine spreads his aim 's high his affirmations destructive Hee asserts Anabaptisme rests not there but grows worse and worse in his opinions and practises his large promises to his party and the common people he endeavours to set up himself pretending to restore the Kingdome of Christ being opposed by the Landgrave his delusive animation of his followers their overthrow his escape he is found but dissembles himself is taken but yet obstinate the Landgrave convinceth him by Scripture when being racked hee laugheth afterward relenteth his last words is deservedly beheaded and made an example ABout the year of our Redemption M. D. XXI and M. D. XXII there rise up in Saxony near the River Sales a most insolent Sect of certain Enthusiasts among whom Nicholas Storkius was no ordinary person These presumptuously boasting that their Dreams Visions and Revelations were inspired into them from heaven had s●ily scattered it among other seditious persons of the same kidney That the world was to be reformed by their means which done and the wicked utterly cut off from the face of the earth it should be governed by Justice it self All that gave not up their names and embraced their Sect they branded with the name of ungodly One of this Sodomitical lake sprung THOMAS MUNTZER one that boasted that hee had had communication with God This man's doctrine incredibly spred as being in the first place levell'd at the holy Doctors of the Reformed Religion And from thence discharged at the Magistrates themselves for the Christian flock being once deprived of these two constitutions of men there were nothing to hinder the greedy Wolves to break out into all rapine and oppression And this is the reason why the Wolves that is to say the false Teachers have ever most violently opposed the the Ministry and the Magistracy in hopes if possible to draw these from the care and charge of their flocks or at least to bring them into contempt with their sheep which by that means should stray into their parties This Muntzer did both by his teachings and writings publickly affirm that the Preachers of that time that contributed their endeavours to the advancement of the Gospel were not sent by God but were meer Scribes and impertinent interpreters of the Scriptures That the Scriptures and the written Word were not the pure word of God but onely a bare Testimony of the ●●e wo●d that the true reall word was something that were intrinsecall and heavenly and immediately proceeding out of the mouth of God and consequently to be learned intrinsecally and not out of the Scriptures or by any humane suggestion With the same breath he brought Baptisme into contempt most inconvincibly affirming that there was no warrant from God for Paedobaptisme or baptisme of children and that they ought to be baptized after a spirituall and more excellent dispensation He further endeavoured to teach that Christs satisfaction for us was unnecessary whatever honest and weak understanding men could urge to the contrary That matrimony in the unfaithfull and incontinent was a pollution meretricious and diabolical That God discovered his will by dreames whence it was that he was mightily infatuated with them holding that those were as it were communicated by the holy Ghost Hereupon was he acknowledged by his followers for some heavenly and spirituall Prophet and it was believed that he was thus taught by the spirit of God without any humane assistance This doctrine did he disperse throughou● all Germany by printed books and Epistles which the tinder-brain'd disciples of his seditious sect were soon fir'd with read approved and propogated The same man in the yeares M. D. XXIII and M. D. XXIV taught at A●sted which is a City in Saxony near Thu●ingia and when not onely the Ministers but also the Magistrates lay under the lash of his calumny insomuch that his Sermons were stuff'd with most seditious and bitter invectives against them and pretending to groan for the return of lost liberty and for the insufferable pressures of the people under Tyranny he complained of it as a great grievance that their wealth and estates were the prey of the Magistrate and therefore would peswade them that a remedy was timely to be applied to these things Being for this doctrine dispatched out of Alsted he comes to Norimberg and thence without discontinuing his journey into Basil and thence into Switzerand from whence at length he came to Cracovia where at a certaine town called Griess●n he continued some weeks In the mean time he was no lesse