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A19056 Chronographia A description of time, from the beginning of the vvorld, vnto the yeare of our Lord, 137. Diuided into six periodes. Wherein the seueral histories, both of the Old and the new Testament are briefly comprised, and placed in their due order of yeares. Collected out of sundrie authors, but for the greatest part, abridged and translated out of Laurentius Codomannus his Annales sacræ scripturæ. Codomann, Lorenz, 1529-1590. Annales sacræ Scripturæ. 1590 (1590) STC 5471A; ESTC S108119 56,533 108

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Marie to wife Matth. 1. The sixt period from the birth of Christ vnto the death of Adrian the Emperor hath 137. yeares Y.W. 4142 Christ borne The two hundred three score and eight day of this yeare the fiue and twentith of December was borne in Bethlem of Iudea our Lord IESVS Christ in the two and fortith yere of the raigne of Augustus Emperor of Rome at whose birth the Angels reioyced Luk. 2. 13. 14. Circumcised The two hundred three score and fifteenth day Christ was circumcised and called Iesus for which the Hebrues write Iehoschua which signifieth Iehouah the Sauior Wisemen out of the East After this the wise men came out of the East to Ierusalem and enquired for Christ Matth. 2. 1. whence they were directed vnto Bethlehem c. Mich. 6. Christ presented at Ierusalem After that Christ is presēted vnto the Lord in the Temple at Ierusalem where Simeon Anna beare witnesse of him Luk. 2. 18. 3. 6. Now was fulfilled the prophesie of Iaacob concerning the comming of Schiloh Gen. 49. 10. Infants slaine Herod caused the infants of Bethlehem to be slaine Matth. 2. And after killed the Senate of Sanhedrim he also slew the husband of his sister Salome and hi● owne sonne whom he had by a wife of the tribe of Iudah Y.W. 4144 Herod d. This yeare and seuē daies Herodes Magnus died Archilaus succeedeth and Archilaus his sonne succeeded in the kingdome of Iudea Y.W. 4145 After the death of Herod the Angel appeared vnto Ioseph in Egypt Matth. 2. 13. Y.W. 4152 Archilaus banished This yeare and seuen daies Archilaus was banished vnto Vienna in France entring the ninth yeare of his raigne Y.W. 4152 A. c. 12. And two hundred three score and eight dayes Christ entered the twelft yeare of his age This yeare Iudas Galilaeus moued sedition amongst the Iewes whereof is mentioned Act. 5. Y.W. 4153 Iesus disputeth with the Elders And foure and twentie daies Iesus lost of his parents was found in the Temple disputing with the Elders Luk. 2. 41. 45. Y.W. 4154 M. Amb. Marcus Ambiuius was President in Iudea after Coponius Y.W. 4156 An. Rufus Anius Rufus was President in Iudea August d. And one hundred and fortie daies Augustus died fourteene yeares and two hundred thirtie and seuen daies after the birth of Christ when he had raigned fiftie and sixe yeares Tiberius Tiberius succeeded for three and twentie yeares Y.W. 4158 Valerius Gratus Valerius Gratus was the fifth President ouer Iudea Y.W. 4166 A. C. 26. And two hundred three score and eight daies entred the yeare of Christ 26. Y.W. 4167 And 20. daies was ended the 26. yeare of the Natiuitie of Christ and the 69 weekes of Daniel Y.W. 4169 Pilatus Pilatus succeeded vnto Valerius Gratus who had bene President in Iudea eleuen yeares Y.W. 4169 A. c. 29. And two hundred three score and eight daies began the yeare of our Lord 29. Y.W. 4170 Iubil 33. And six Monethes was the 33. Iubilie Daniels weekes ended and the middest of Daniel his 70. weeke in which the sacrifices of the old Testament should be abolished and the new Testament begin Dan. 9. 24. About the 11. day of October in the yere of Christ 29. Iohn Baptist called Iohn the Baptist was called and began to preach in the 15. yeare of Tiberius and in the third yeare of Pontius Pilate his being president in Iudaea Luk. 3. 1. An. ch 30. And 268. daies entred the yeare of Christ 30. Y.W. 4170 Christ baptized And 281. daies was the sixt of Ianuarie on which day Christ was baptised by Iohn in Iordan what time all the three persons of the blessed Trinitie at once were manifested Epiphanie The sonne vpon the earth in the nature of man The holy Ghost descending frō heauē in the similitude of a Doue the Father speaking from heauen and saying This is my beloued son in whom I am wel pleased Matth. 3 15. 16. 17. Presently after Christ was carried of the spirite into the wildernes to be tempted Math. 4. 1. Iohn● testimonie The fourteenth of Februarie Iohn witnesseth of Christ vnto those that were sent from Ierusalem the day before Christ his returne out of the wildernes Ioh. 1. 19. Y.W. 4170 Christs temptation And three hundred and twentie dayes were ended the fortie daies of Christes fasting and temtation in the wildernes The lambe of God The same day Iohn witnessed of Christ that he was the Lambe of God c. The next day he sent vnto him two of his Disciples Andrew Iohn Ioh. 1. 38. Peter The 17. of Februarie Andrew brought Simon vnto Christ whom he named Peter Ioh. 1. Y.W. 4170 And three hundred twentie and sixe daies was the twentith of February Thē Christ called Philip. vers 43. Nathanael Philip brought Nathaniel vnto Christ Ioh. 1. 45. A marriage in Cana. Christ went into Cana in Galilea to the marriage where he turned water into wine Christ purgeth the Temple After he wēt to Capernaum and thence after a few daies ascended to Ierusalē towards the Passouer which then was on the seuenth of April what time he cast the buyers and sellers out of the Temple Ioh. 2. 14. 15. Y.W. 4172 Nicodemus This yeare was that diuine conference of Christ with Nicodemus about the new birth Ioh. 3. 3. Christ returning into Iudea preached the Gospell and baptized by his disciples neare vnto Iohn Ioh. 3. 22. Emulation At that time arose an emulation betweene Iohn his disciples and the disciples of Christ which Iohn appeaseth Ioh. 3. 23. The woman of Samaria Christ passing through Samaria towardes Galile conferred with a woman at the well of Sichar Many of the Samaritans were then conuerted Ioh. 45. Capernaum Esa 61. Comming to Nazareth he preached in the Synagogue vpon Esa 61. 1. and reproued the hardnesse of their hearts Luk. 4. 16. Being at Cana in Galile he healed a noble mans sonne of Capernaum Ioh. 4. 16. Iohn imprisoned About this time hearing of the imprisonment of Iohn he went vnto Capernaum After he called sundry of his Apostles preached the Gospell in Galile and healed the diseased Math. 4. 18. 23. Y.W. 4172 The 31. yere of Christ The two hundred threescore and eight day entred the one and thirtith of Christ his natiuitie Sermon in the mountaine Christ ascending into the mountaine preached that most excellent sermon written Matth. 5. 6. 7. Lepar Descending out of the mountaine he purged a lepar cast out a diuell Centurion cured the Centurions seruant and raised Peter his mother in law Matth. 8. 15. Fishes taken Christ preached out of a ship at the lake of Genezareth and after by miracle tooke a great multitude of fishes Luk. 5. 3. 6. Gergesites Sailing thence to the Gergasenes he healed two men possessed of deuils Matth. 8. 28. Luk. 8. 27. Palsey Returning to Capernaum he healed one of the Palsey and purged a lepar Matth. 9. 2. Luk. 5. 13. Matthew He called Matthew the Publican taught that mercie is better then sacrifice of the time and
The same day mariage was instituted Gen. 2. 22 23. Day 7 The Sabboth The seauenth day our Saturday God hauing finished his worke of creation ceased or rested sanctified this day vnto man and called it the Sabboth Gen. 2. 3. Creation of Angels The creation of the Angels is most probably assigned vnto the first day Of these some hold the integritie of their creation and are called holy and elect Angels The fall of Angels some are falne and called Deuils whose fall is most certaine but the time of their fall vncertaine sauing that they must needes fall before the fall of man The fall of Man The fall of Adam and Eue being most certaine the day and time is vncertaine and therefore it is curiositie to inquire where the word keepeth silence and boldnes to pronounce That they fell not the day of their creation beside the multitude Y.W. 19 variety of things done before and after the same day which requireth tract of time This seemeth plainly to argue that the sixt day is concluded by Moses with these words And God beheld all that he had made and lo it was exceeding good so the euening and morning was made the sixt day Codomannus assigneth Adams fall vnto the nineteenth day of the world which was the fouretenth of the first moneth and the tenth of May. His reason is from the institution of the Passeouer Exod. 12. Some referre it vnto the eight day in which Christ rose from the dead Man restored The same day wherein they fell they receaued the promise of grace in the seede of the woman which should breake the Serpents head Gen. 3. 15. Caijn and Abel b. In the end of the first yere of the world were borne Caiin and Abel if they were twinnes If also these were the first of Adams children as should appeare by the reason of Caiin his name Gen. 41. Y.W. 129 Abel slaine After this vnto the murther of Abel the family of Adam was greatly multiplied in both sexes And therefore the same is most fitly to be assigned vnto the yeare 129. or not much lesse Gen. 4. 8. Y.W. 130 Seth b. About the ende of this yeare Seth was borne in whom the line of Christ was recōtinued which seemed vnto Eue to be broken off in the death of Abel Gen. 5. 3. Y.W. 235 Enosh b. Religion corrupted Enosh was borne when Seth his father was one hundred and fiue yeares old Then began Religion to be corrupted euen in the Church and house of Adam by familiaritie and enter marying with the house of Caiin Gen. 5. 6. Y.W. 325 Cenan b. Cenan was borne his father Enosh being fourescore and ten yeares old Gen. 5. 9. Y.W. 395 Mahalaleel b. Mahalaleel was borne his father Cenan being three score and ten yeares old Gen. 5. 12. Y.W. 460 Iared b. Iared was borne when his father Mahaleel was of age three score and fiue yeares Gen. 5. 16. Y.W. 622 Henoch b. Henoch the seauenth from Adam was borne his father Iared being of one hundred three score and two yeares Gen. 5. 18. Y.W. 687 Methusala b. Methusala was borne the three score and fift yeare of the life of his father Henoch Gen. 5. 21. Y.W. 874 Lamech b. Lamech was borne the hundred fourescore seauenth yeare of his father Methusala Gen. 5. 25. Y.W. 930 Adam d. This yeare Adam died Gen. 5. 5. Y.W. 987 Henoch rapt Henoch the seauenth from Adam was rapt into heauen when he had liued three hundred three score fiue yeres Gen. 5. 24. of his prophecie S. Iude speaketh vers 14. of his faith Heb. 11. 5. Y.W. 1042 Seth d. Seth died when he was 912. yeares old Gen. 5. 8. The second period from the birth of Noah to the birth of Moses hath 1378. yeares Y.W. 1056 Noah b. Noah was borne when his father Lamech was of age one hundred foure score and two yeares Gen. 4. 29. Y.W. 1140 Enosh d. Enosh died hauing liued nine hundred and fiue yeares Gen. 5 11. Y.W. 1235 Cenan d. Cenan died of age nine hundred and ten yeares Gen. 5. 14. Y.W. 1290 Mahalaleel d. Mahalaleel died of age eight hundred foure score and fifteene yeares Gen. 5. 17. Y.W. 1442 Iared died nine hundred three score two yeres old Gen 5. 20. Y.W. 1536 Here begin the hundred and twentie yeares of the long sufferāce of God before the flood Gen. 6. 3. 1. Pet. 3. 20. Y.W. 1556 Iapheth Iapheth was borne when Noah was fiue hundred yeares old Gen. 5. 32. Y.W. 1558 Shem. b. This yeare was borne Shem. Gen. 5. 32. Cham. b. C ham the youngest of Noah his sonnes was borne after this but what yeare it is vncertaine Y.W. 1656 Methusala dieth onely eight daies as is thought before the flood Gen. 5. 27. The Floud The seauen and fortith day of this yeare began the flood and continued one yeare and ten daies Y.W. 1657 The first day of the first moneth of this yere Noah remoued the couering of the Arke Ge. 8. 13. The seauen twentith of the second moneth Noah with the rest came out of the Ark built an altar offered sacrifice receiued the couenant Gen. 8. 20. Y.W. 1658 Arphaxad b. Arphaxad was borne two yeres after the flood his his father Sem being an hundred yeares olde Gen. 11. 10. Y.W. 1693 Selah b. Sela was borne when Arphaxad was fiue and thirty yeares old Gen. 11. 12. Y.W. 1723 Heber b. Heber of whom the Hebrues take their name was borne when his father Sela was of the age of thirty yeares Gen. 11. 14. Y.W. 1757 Peleg b. Babel Peleg was borne when Heber was foure and thirty yeares old Gen. 11. 16. At this time Babel was built and the languages diuided Gen. 11. 4. 7. Y.W. 1787 Regu b. Regu was born when Peleg was of the age of thirty yeares Gen. 11. 18. Nimrod Nimrod called of the Heathen Saturnus Babylonius began to reigne in Mesopotamia and Chaldaea one hundred thirty one yeare after the flood Gen. 10. 8. When he had built Babel Erech Accad and Calneh Gen. 10. 10. Y.W. 1819 Serug b. Serug was borne his father Regu being two and thirty yeares old Gen. 11. 20. Y.W. 1843 Iup. Belus Iupiter Belus succeeded his father Nimrod when he had reigned six and fifty yeares and reigned him selfe three score and two yeares Y.W. 1849 Nachor b. Nachor was borne when his father Serug was thirtie yeares old Gen. 11. 22. Y.W. 1878 Terach b. Terach was borne in the nine and twentith yeare of his father Nachors age Gen. 11. 24. Y.W. 1905 Ninus Ninus whose wife was Semiramis began to reigne He was the sonne of Iuppiter Belus and the sixt from Noah in this order First Noah called of the Heathen Ogyges Second Cham called Saturnus Aegiptius Third Cus called Saturnus Aethiops Fourth Nimrod called Saturnus Babylonius Fifth Iupiter Belus Sixth Ninus Y.W. 1948 Haran b. Haran was borne when Terah was three score ten yeares old Gen. 11. 26. Y.W. 1996 Peleg died of the
of the age of two hundred thirty and nine yeres Gen. 11. 19. Y.W. 1997 Nachor died of one hundred forty eight yeres Gen. 11. 25. Y.W. 2006 Noah d. Noah died the yeare of his age nine hundred fifty after the flood three hundred and fifty Y.W. 2008 Abram b. Abram was borne when Terah was a hundred and thirty yeares old Gen. 11. 12. 28. Y.W. 2018 Sarai b. Sarai was borne daughter of one whose widdowe Thare married after the death of Abrams mother Gen. 20. Y.W. 2026 Regu died of age two hundred thirtie and nine Gen. 11. Serug died of two hundred and thirtie yeres Gen. 11. 22. 23. Y.W. 2078 The Couenant first giuen This yeare God first appeared vnto Abram in Vr of Chaldea when he was yet an idolater in his fathers house Ios 24. 2. entered a couenant of saluation with him by the promised seede cōmāded him to depart thence to a land which he would shew vnto him So Abram Sarai his wife Terah his father Charran and Lot his nephew came into Mesopotamia and soiourned in Charran fiue yeares Gen. 11. 31. Act. 7. 2. Heb. 11. 8. Y.W. 2079 The Sodomites with foure neighbour kings were made tributaries to Cedarlahomer Gen. 14. 12. Y.W. 2083 Terah d. Terah dieth in Charran hauing liued two hundred and fiue yeres Gen. 11. 32. The promise renued God appeared there againe to Abram being of the age of three score and fifteene yeares Gen 12. 4. He and his house departed from Charran came into the land of Canaan and built an altar vnto the Lord in the plaine of More where God appeared vnto him and confirmed the couenant Gen. 12. 7. Thence he trauelled Eastward built an altar betweene Bethel and Haye and called vppon the name of the Lord. Gen 12. 8. Y.W. 2804 This was the first yeare of Abrams peregrination in Canaan Gen. 12. 5. Y.W. 2805 Famin. The first moneth of this yere Abram by famin was driuen into Egypt Gen. 12. 10. From hence vnto the departure of the children of Israel out of Egipt is foure hundred and thirtie yeares Gal. 3. 17. Y.W. 2086 Lot went to Sodome Lot this yeare departed from Abram and went to dwell at Sodome Gen. 13. 11. Y.W. 2093 Abrahams victorie To this yeare is referred the victorie of Abraham against the foure kings Gen. 14. 14. 15. 16. Melchisedec At this time reigned Melchisedec king of Salem who was Priest of the most high God met Abram returning from the battell releeued him with victuals blessed him and receaued tithe of his spoiles Some without great cause haue thought him to be Sem But it is more modestie lesse danger to follow the Apostle who from the silence of Moses in this part testifieth that he was a figure of Christ and not by seeking his name and parentage to destroy the figure and controll the spirit of God Hebr. 7. 3. Gen. 14 18. Tremelius Iunius call him Regulum Cananaeum that is A litle Cananite king Vision Promise After this God appeared to Abraham who complaineth of his barrennesse God promised him a sonne of his owne bodie and that his seede should be multiplied as the starres of heauen which Abram beleeued it was imputed vnto him for righteousnes God foretellerh the bondage of Abram his seede in a strange lande and their deliuerance in the fourth generation He confirmeth the promise of the land of Canaan Gen. 15. Y.W. 2094 Hagar Sarai giueth Hagar vnto Abram to be his wife whē he had dwelt ten yeares in Canaan Gen. 16. 2. Ismael b. The same yeare was borne Ismael of Hagar when Abram was foure score and six yeares old Gen. 16. 15 16. Y.W. 2096 Arphaxad d. Arphaxad died of the age of foure hundred thirty and eight yeares Gen. 11. 13. Y.W. 2107 When Abraham was foure score and nineteene yeares old God appeared vnto him renued the couenant called his name Abraham Circumcisiō that is the father of many nations and instituted the sacrament of circumcision Genes 17. 2. 5. 10. which Paule calleth a seale of righteousnesse by faith Rom. 4. 11. Isaac promised to Sarah Abraham is promised a sonne by Sarai whose name should be Isaac Sarai is named Sarah God promiseth to blesse Ismael then thirteene years old Abraham was circumcised and his house Gen. 17. 20. 24. Y.W. 2108 Sodome destroyed The hundreth yeare of Abraham and ninetith of Sarah Gen. 19. 24. Was Sodome and Gomorrha c. destroied with fire from heauen the inhabitants of these cities were of the posterity of cursed Cham. Isaac b. In the ende of this yeare was borne Isaac in Gerar. Gen. 21. the sonne of the free woman and of the promise Rom. 9. 9. Gal. 4. 30. Y.W. 2114 Ismael cast out Now Isaac was 7. yeares old Hagar Ismael were cast out of Arams house Gē 21. 14. From hence vnto the deliuerance of Israel out of Egypt are 400. years according to the prophesie Ge. 15. 13. Y.W. 2118 Rebecca b. This yeare was Rebecca borne Y.W. 2126 Selah d. Selah dieth of the age foure hundred thirtie and three yeares Gen. 11. 15. Y.W. 2141 Isaac offered Isaac is offered a figure of Christ Gen. 22. 10. And Abraham was a figure of God the father giuing his owne sonne for vs. Rom. 8. 32. Gen. 22. Y.W. 2145 Sarah d. Sarah dieth being one hundred twentie and seuen yeares old Gen. 23. 2. Y.W. 2148 Isaac maried Isaac being fortie years old marrieth Rebecca the daughter of Bethuel the sonne of Nachor Abrahams brother who then dwelt in Charran of Mesopotamia Gen. 24. 67. whither it is like he came before the death of his father Terah Y.W. 2158 Sem d. Sem died of the age of sixe hundred yeares Gen. 11. 11. Y.W. 2168 Iacob and Esau b. Iaacob and Esau are borne when Isaac was three score yeares old Gen. 25. 23. Here God said the elder shall serue the yonger Rom. 9. 12. Mal. 1. 2. Y.W. 2183 Abrahā d. Abraham died of age one hundred seuentie and fiue yeares Gen. 25. 8. Y.W. 2187 Heber d. Heber died hauing liued foure hundred three score and foure yeares Gen. 11. 17. Y.W. 2200 Promise About this time Isaac receiueth the promise of the Messiah to come Gen. 26. 24. Y.W. 2208 Mules Esau being forty years old taketh two wiues of the Heathen Gen. 26. 34. About the same time his father in law Ana inuented the generation of Mules Gen. 36. 24 Y.W. 2231 Ismael d. Ismael died hauing liued one hundred thirtie seuen yeares Gen. 25. 17. Y.W. 2245 Iaacob goeth into Mesopot Isaac being blind blessed Iaacob Esau Gen. 27. 28. Heb. 11. 20. Y.W. 2245 Mesopot Iaacob being three score and seuenteene yeares olde fled into Mesopotamia and in the way at Luz saw a vision of Angels and receiued the promise of the Messias Gen. 28. 12. Hos 12. Y.W. 2252 Iaacobs marriage Iaacob marrieth Lea and Rachel the daughters of Laban Gen. 29. 23. Ruben b. Two hundred three score and ten dayes within this
1. Reg. 10. 1. Y.W. 3141 Iubil 12. And six Moneths was the twelfth Iubelie Y.W. 3147 Ahia About this time Ahia prophesied that Ieroboam should be king of the ten tribes of Israel 1. Reg. 11. 31. Ieddi The same time prophesied Ieddi 2. Paral. 9. 29. Y.W. 3148 Salomon died This yeare three moneths Salomon died when he had reigned almost fortie yeares 1. Reg. 11. 43. whō Rehabeam succeeded About this time Asa was borne About this time Asa was borne Ieroboam returned out of Egypt and was made king ouer the ten tribes of Israel 1. Reg. 11. 31. Y.W. 3148 The kingdome deuided And foure months the kingdome of Salomon was deuided into two kingdomes Iudah and Israell The idolatry of Dan and Bethel Ieroboam inuenteth the execrable idolatrie of Dan and Bethel 1. Reg 12. 20. Y.W. 3148 The altar in Bethel And seuen monethes with 14. dayes was held the feast of Tabernacles in Bethel The prophet threatneth the altar plagueth the king prophesieth of Iosias and is after slaine of a Lion in his returne 1. Reg. 13. 2. c. Y.W. 3149 Sichē built This yere the citie of Sichē was built 1. Reg. 12. 25. Y.W. 3151 Roboam his fall And foure moneths Rehoboam after he had reigned three yeares forsooke the law of the Lord. 2. Paral. 12. 1. Y.W. 3154 Ierusalem spoiled Sisak king of Egipt spoiled Ierusalem and carried away all the treasures with the golden shieldes c. 1. Reg. 14. 25. 26. Semaia the prophet Then God spake vnto the Princes of Iudah by the Prophet of Semaia 2. Paral. 12. 5. With this prophet liued Iddo also a Prophet 2. Paral. 9. 29. This yeare was borne Iehoiada the high Priest Y.W. 3165 Abiam king of Iudah And foure monethes Rehobeam died Abiam succeeded in Iudah and not long after ouerthrew the Israelites 1. Reg. 15. 1. 2. Paral. 13. 12. Benhadad Benhadad the sonne of Tabrimon king of Syria was confederated with Abiam 1. Reg. 15. 18. 2. Paral 16. 2. Y.W. 3168 Asa king of Iudah And three monethes Asa was made king of Iudah after his father 1. Reg. 15. 9. Y.W. 3169 Nadab king of Israell And ten monethes Nadab was made king of Israel after the death of Ierobeam his father 1. Reg. 15. 25. Y.W. 3171 Baasa king of Israell Nadab died in the beginning of the second yeare of his raigne slaine by Baasa who succeeded him in the kingdome 1. Reg. 15. 28. Y.W. 3175 Iehosaphat was borne this yeare 1. Reg. 22. 42. Y.W. 3178 And three monethes were determined the tenne yeares of peace wherein Asa built fenced Cities After which time he had continuall warre with Baasa 1. Reg. 15. 16. Y.W. 3183 Asa his victorie And three score one days in the moneth of Iune sacrifice is offered vnto God of the pray taken from the Aethopians whom Asa destroyed Asa and his people make a couenant with God 2. Paral. 15. 11. Y.W. 3189 Rama built Baasa king of Israel vexed Iudeah and built Rama 2. Paral. 16. 1. Hanani the prophet was cast into prison by Asa 2. Paral. 16. 10. Y.W. 3190 Iubil 13. And six moneths was the the thirteenth Iubelie Iehu proph Iehu sonne of Hanani prophesied against Baasa 2. Paral. 16. 2. Y.W. 3194 Ela king of Israel And one moneth Baasa died his sonne Ela succeeded in the kingdome of Israell in the beginning of May and reigned one yeare and foure and twentie daies 1. Reg. 16 6. Y.W. 3195 Zimri king of Israel And foure and fiftie daies Zimri killed Ela and reigned seuen daies But being besieged by Omri in Ti●●a he fired the kings palace and so died Tibni holdeth parte of the kingdome for foure yeares 1. Reg. 16. 12 17 20 24. Y.W. 3199 Omri raigneth alone And foure score and eleuen daies Tibni died and Omri reigned alone 1. Reg. 16. 22. Y.W. 3200 Ioram was borne vnto Iehosophat 2. Reg. 8. 16 17. Y.W. 3202 Samaria built Omri the sixt yeare of his reigne came to Samaria which he had built to be the seat of the kingdome of Israel 1. Reg. 16. 24. Y.W. 3206 Omri d. And three score and sixteen daies Omri died being the twelfth yeare of his reigne about the midst of Iune Achab. After him succeeded his sonne Achab. 1. Reg. 16. 28. Ierico built About this time Hiel builded Iericho 1. Reg. 16. 34. Y.W. 3207 Asa his gout King Asa began to be diseased in his feete the nine and thirtith yeare of his reigne 2. Paral. 16. 12. Y.W. 3205 Iehosaphat raigneth And three moneths Asa died in the ende of Iune hauing reigned almost one fortie yeres Iehosaphat his sonne succeeded king ouer Iehudah 2. Paral. 17. 1. Y.W. 3211 And three moneths Iehosaphat in the third yeare of his reigne The Law published sent Princes and Leuites to publish the booke of the Law in the cities of Iudah 2. Paral. 17. 7. Y.W. 3217 Ahasiah Ahasia nephew to Iehosaphat by his sonne Ioram was borne this yeare 2. Reg. 8. 24. Y.W. 3220 The drought About this time began the three yeres of drought denounced by Elias 1. Reg. 17. 1. Sarephta Elias soiourned with the widow of Sarephta raised hit sonne from death Obadia Obadia hid an hundred Prophets of God in two caues 1. Reg. 18. 4. Y.W. 3223 Baals prophets slaine Elias presented himselfe vnto the king Fire from heauen consumed his sacrifice Foure hundred and fiftie Prophets of Baal were slaine 1. Reg. 18. 38. 40. Elias fed by an Angell trauelled fortie dayes vnto Horeb and thence returned vnto Damascus Elizeus in which return he called Elizeus to be a Prophet who exercised that office for three score and three yeares 1. Reg. 19. 16 19. Samaria besieged Towards the end of this yeare Benhadad king of Syria besieged Samaria with a great armie which Achab ouerthrew 1. Reg. 20. 29. Y.W. 3224 A second victorie The Syrians againe were ouerthrowne and Benhadad is taken 1. Reg. 20. 29. Naboth stoned This yeare Naboth by the wicked practise of Iezabel was stoned to death for his vineyard 1. Reg. 21. 13. Y.W. 3225 This yeare the Sunamite conceaued a sonne as Elizeus had said 2. Reg. 4. 16. Y.W. 3226 Ahasia made king Ahasia was made king ouer Israell his father Achab yet liuing 1. Reg. 22. 40. Also Iehosaphat caused his sonne Ioram to be saluted king of Iuda 2. Reg. 8. 16. 1. Reg. 22. 50. Iehosaphat reproued About this time Iehosaphat was reproued by Eliezar the Prophet for ioyning with Ahasia in nauigation 2. Paral. 20. 35. 37. Y.W. 3227 Achab slain at Rameth Iehosaphat goeth with Achab to Ramath where Achab was slaine as Michah the Prophet had foresaid 1. Reg. ●2 34. 35. Y.W. 3227 Ahasia reigneth Two moneths and eighteene daies Ahasia succeeded his father Achab in Israel and died after eleuen daies The Moabites fell from Israell 2. Reg. 3. 5. One hundred souldiars burnt About this time Elias consumed an hundred souldiers and their two captaines with fire from heauen 2. Reg. 1. 10. Y.W. 3227 Ioram king And
serpent which was made eight hundred fortie and two yere before 2. Reg. 18. 4. celebrated the Passeouer destroied the idolatrie of Ierobeam and appointed order and maintenance for the priests and Leuites 2. Paral. 31. 1. Y.W. 3398 Hosea king of Israel This yeare Salmanesser made Hosea king of Israel tributarie 2. Reg. 17. 3. Y.W. 3400 Salmanessers second assault Salmanesser againe inuaded Israel and besieged Samaria three yeares 2. Reg. 18. 9. Before this siege they of the Tribe of Simeon obtained Gedar and destroied the remnant of the Amalakites 1. Paral. 4. 39. Y.W. 3403 Israel carried captiue In the beginning of this yeare Samaria after three yeares seige was taken and Israel carried captiue into Assyria without promise of returne into Chanaan 2. Reg. 18. At this time Nahum prophesied Nachum He comforted Iudah and foretold the destruction of Niniuie Nachum 2. 8. Y.W. 3410 Sanherib besiegeth Ierusalem In the fourteenth yeare of Ezechias Sanherib inuaded Iudeah 2. Reg. 18. 13. The same time Thartan one of his Captaines tooke Asdod Esa 20. 1. The angel of God killed 185000. Assyrians Sanherib slaine Sanherib fled to Niniuie and was slaine of his owne sonnes in his idols Temple and Asser-Haddon succeeded in the kingdome 2. Reg. 19. 37. This yeare Tobia became blinde Tob. 2. 10. Ezechias sicknesse Ezechias falleth sicke vnto death and is cured by Esay the prophet 2. Reg. 20. 5. Esay 38. 5. Achas diall The shadow of Achaz his diall is carried backe ten degrees 2. Reg. 20. 11. Y.W. 3411 Merodach alias Mardocēpadus king of Babylō sent Embassadors vnto Ezechias 2. Reg. 20. 12. Esay 39. Esay prophesied of Cyrus About that time Esay prophesied of Cyrus and that he should destroy Babylon and restore Iudah which came to pas●e one hundred fourescore and twelue yeares after Esa 44. 23. 45. 1. c. Y.W. 3414 Manasses was borne Tobias the yonger tooke a wife his father receiued his sight Tob. 11. 13. Y.W. 3425 Ezechias dieth Ezechias died hauing raigned nine and twentie yeares and Manasses his sonne succeeded him in the kingdome of Iudah being but twelue yeares old 2. Paral. 33. 33. Y.W. 3434 Deioces Deioces king of the Medes began to raigne for fiftie and three yeares Y.W. 3435 Iubil 18. And six monethes was the eighteenth Iubilie Y.W. 3456 Manasses captiuitic Manasses a most wicked idolater burning his owne children and killing the Prophets was about this time bound with chaines and carried captiue into Babylon and Eliachim ruled in Iudah Esay 22. 20. Tobia dieth Tob. 14. Y.W. 3457 Manasses repentance Manasses in prison repented of his sinnes and was restored vnto his kingdome 2. Paral. 33. 11. 13. Y.W. 3458 Amon b. Amon sonne of Manasses was borne 2. Paral. 33. 21. Y.W. 3473 Iosias b. And fortie sixe dayes Iosias sonne of Amon was borne 2. Paral. 31. 1. Y.W. 3479 Amon raigneth And fortie fiue dayes Manasses hauing raigned fiftie and foure yeares more died about the middest of May Amon his sonne succeded being twentie and two yeares old 2. Reg. 21. 19. Y.W. 3481 Amon slain And fortie fiue dayes Amon when he had raigned two yeares was slaine in his owne house by his courtiers whom after the people put to death 2. Reg. 21. Iosias raigneth and made Iosias his sonne king being but eight yeares old Y.W. 3483 Nabuchadnezer the first The first moneth of this yeare Nebuchadnetzer the father of Nebuchadnetzer the great began his raigne and raigned fiue and thirtie yeares Y.W. 3484 Iubil 19. And sixe monethes began the ninteenth Iubilie Y.W. 3487 Phraortes Phraortes succeeded his father Deioces in the kingdome of Medes after he had raigned three and fiftie yeares Herodot Lib. 1. Y.W. 3488 Sallum b. About the middest of this yeare was Sallum the eldest sonne of Iosiah borne Y.W. 3489 Eliachim b. About the one hundred thirtie and seuenth day was borne Eliakim sonne of Iosia who was after called Ioiakim 2. Reg. 23. 34. Y.W. 3490 Ioachas b. And fortie fiue dayes Ioachas sonne of Iosia was borne 2. Reg. 22. 1. 24. 31. Y.W. 3492 Iosias destroieth Idolatrie And forty fiue daies began the twelft yeare of Iosia his raigne what time he began to destroy the high places groues idols and altars of Baal and burnt vppon them the bones of the Priestes 2. Reg. 23. 20. according as it was prophesied three hundred fortie and foure yeares before 1. Reg. 13. 2. Anno 3148. Y.W. 3493 Ieremie Ieremie began to prophesie in the thirteenth yeare of Iosias Ier. 1. 2. Zephenias About the same time Zephanias prophesied Zeph. 1. 1. Nebuchadnezar This yere and three hundred thirtie foure daies Nebuchadnezer the first in the moneth of march the twelft yeare of his raigne ouer came Arphaxad alias Phraortes the king of the Medes Y.W. 3495 Holofernes slaine Holofernes is slaine the fourteenth yeare of Iosias king of Iudah Y.W. 3498 And fiue and fortie dayes began the eighteenth yeare of Iosias his raigne The house of God restored He restored the house of the Lord his God 2. Reg. 11. 1. 2. Paral. 34. 1. The booke of the Lawe found Hilkija the high Priest findeth the booke of the Law written by Moses Huldah the Prophetisse foretelleth the destruction of Iudah 2. Paral. 34. 24. Here began the fortie yeares of the sinne of Iudah Ezech. 4. 5. 6. Y.W. 3499 A solemne Passeouer And thirteene daies Iosias held a most solemne Passeouer at Ierusalem 2. Reg. 23. 21. 22. Y.W. 3503 Zedechia b. Zedechias the sonne of Iosias was borne 2. Reg. 24. 18. 25. 1. Y.W. 3506 Ioachim b. This yere was Ioachim or Iechonias borne 2. Reg. 24. 1. 8. Y.W. 3509 Phraortes slaine Phraortes king of the Medes hauing raigned twentie and two yeares perished in battaile after whom Cyaxares his sonne succeeded and raigned fortie yeares Herod 1. Y.W. 3512 And fortie fiue dayes Iosias going out to meete Pharao Neco king of Egypt died in Megiddo when he had raigned one and thirtie yeares 2. Paral. 35. 25. Ioachis k. of Iudah his sonne Ioachas succeeded being three and twentie yeares old 2. Paral. 20. 2. Ieremie imprisoned About this time Ieremy was cast into prisō by Passur Ier. 20. 2. 3. Ioachas d. Ioachas whē he had raigned three moneths was carried by Pharao Neco into Egypt and there dyed 2. Par. 36. 3. Sallum d. Thither also was carried Sallum and there dyed Ier. 22. 11. Y.W. 3512 Eliachim k. of Iudah And one hundred thirtie and seuen dayes Eliachim sonne of Iosias was made king of Iudah by Neco and is called Ioiakim He paied a great tribute vnto Pharao 2. Reg. 23. 35. Vrias slaine He caused the prophet Vrias to be slaine with the sword Ier. 22. 23. Y.W. 3513 Ioachim ordained his son Iechonias to be king of Iudah being thē but eight yeres old 2. Par. 36. 9. Y.W. 3515 Ierusalem besieged This yeare after winter Nabuchadnezer the great sent by his father besieged Ierusalem and taking Ioiakim carried away part of the holy vessels many of the Iewes captiue Daniel
4. 7. 17. Y.W. 3542 Darius b. Darius Medus was borne Dan. 6. 1. who helped Cyrus in the taking of Babylon He was the son of Ahasuerus Dan. 9. 1. Nebuchadnezer his madnesse This yere Nebuchadnezar for madnes was driuen from his kingdome to liue amongst beasts seuen yeares Dan. 4. 30. Y.W. 3547 And one hundred thirtie and one dayes Ezechiel saw the vision of his 40. chapt Y.W. 3549 Astyages raigneth Astyages succeeded his father Cyaxares in the kindome of the Medes and reigned 35. yeares Nebuchad restored Nebuchadnezar was restored to his reason and kingdome and praised the most high God Dan. 4. 31. Y.W. 3559 He dieth And one hundred twentie and two dayes Nebuchadnezar died hauing raigned three and fortie yeares by himselfe and two yeares with his father in all fortie fiue yeares Euilmerodach His son Euilmerodach succeeded him raigned thirty yeares Y.W. 3560 About the three hundred fiftie and eight day of this yeare Iechonias preferred Euilmerodach preferred Iechoniah who had bene captiue more then six and thirtie yeares and was now fiftie and fiue yeares old 2. Reg. 25. 27. Ier. 52 31. Y.W. 3579 This yeare ended the fortie yeares of the desolation of Egypt Ezec. 29. 12. Y.W. 3582 Iubil 21. And sixe monethes was the one and twentith Iubilie Y.W. 3584 Astyages taken Astyages king of the Medes when he had raigned fiue and thirtie yeares was taken by Cyrus After this victorie Cyrus liued and raigned nine and twentie yeares Herodotus Y.W. 3589 Euilm d. And one hundred twentie and two dayes Euilmerodach dyed hauing raigned thirtie yeares whom his sonne Belshatzar succeeded and raigned three yeares with his brother Regassau six yeares with his brother Labassardach and by himselfe fiue yeares in all foureteene yeares About this time Daniel saw the vision of foure beastes signifying the foure kingdomes of the world Dan. 7. 3. Y.W. 3593 Belshatzar This yeare or three thousand sixe hundred two was the third yeare of Belshatzar Vision of 4. beasts Vision in which Daniel saw the vision of the Ram the Goate c. contained Dan. 8. Y.W. 3603 Babylon taken This yeare in the spring time the Medes and Persians tooke Babylon according to Daniel his prophesie Dan. 5. 25. Xenophon lib. 7. Then was verified the saying of Ier. 51. 11. Darius Medus being 62 yeres old was at that time with Cyrus Belshatzar was slaine in the fift yeare of his Empire by Gobria and Gadata captaines of Cyrus Xenophon lib. 7. Dan. 5. 6. Y.W. 3604 In the first yeare of Darius Medus sonne of Assuerus about the feast of the Passeouer Daniel prayeth Daniel vnderstanding that the 70. yeres of the desolation of Ierusalem according to Ieremies prophesie were now come to an end fasted and prayed for the deliuerance of his people Dan. 9. 1. and was informed by the angel Gabriel of the comming and office of Christ Determining the time by seuentie weekes Dan. 9. 25. Period 5. The fift period from the deliuerance of Babylon vnto the birth of Christ hath 538. yeares Y.W. 3604 The returne of the Iewes to Ierusalē Cyrus in the first yere of his raigne in Babylō permitted the Iewes by his edict to returne to Ierusalē to build the Temple c. Esra 6. 3. Then was fulfilled the prophesie of Esay concerning Cyrus cap. 44. 5. The Lions denne After this Daniel was cast into the Lions den and myraculously delyuered Dan. 6. 16. 23. Y.W. 3605 The 9. day of the fift moneth were ended the 70. yeres of the desolation of Ierusalē The first day of the 7. moneth the Iewes thē returned assembled themselues at Ierusalē the same moneth offered sacrifices The feast of tabernacles held the feast of Tabernacles Esd 3. 1. 4. This yere died Darius Medus hauing helde the Empire of Babylon onely two yeares with Cyrus Y.W. 3606 Daniels fast In the entrance of this yeare Daniel fasted and mourned c● 10. 2. 3. 11. About the 24. day of this yeare Daniel receiued of the Angel the prophesies of his 11. and 12. chapters His death And shortly after died In the moneth of May The Temple founded the foundation of the Temple was laid by the Iewes Esd 3. 10. And the work hindred by their neighbors Esd 4. 1. c. Y.W. 3607 Samarit hinder the worke In the beginning of this yeare the Samaritanes againe sought to hinder the work of the Temple and complaining to Ahasuerus caused the staying therof 16. yeares al the daies of Cyrus vnto the 2. yeare of Darius the son of Hystaspis Esd 4. 24 Cyrus warre against Tomyris The same yere Cyrus going to war against Tomyris Queene of the Scythians committed his kingdome vnto Ahasuerus otherwise called Cambyses his son who raigned six yeares vnder Cyrus and after him before Darius seuen yeres Y.W. 3610 Ahasuerus in the third yeare of his raigne made a great feast vnto his Nobles for 180. dayes Seuē dayes after Vasthi the Queene was diuorsed Hester 1. 19. Y.W. 3613 Cyrus d. Cyrus died hauing raigned nine and twenty yeres Cambyses raigned alone after his father seuen yeares and fiue monethes Hester maried to Ahasuerus Toward the end of this yeare in Ianuarie the seuenth yeare of Ahasuerus Hester of the tribe of Beniamin called also Atossa or Edessa became wife vnto Ahasuerus Hester 2. 14. Y.W. 3614 Mardoch fidelitie Mardocheus by Hester signified vnto Ahasuerus the treason of Bigthan and There 's his seruants Hester 2. 22. Haman aduanced Haman was aduanced vnto high honor Hester 3. 1. Y.W. 3619 His practise against the Iewes In the entrance of this yere Hamā practised to destroy the Iewes persuaded the king sēt letters for execution of his deuise Hest 3. 9. 13. which Hester vnderstanding by Mardochai commaunded a fast to be helde of the Iewes for three dayes Hest 4. 16. After she called Ahasuerus Haman to a banquet Hest 5. 8. The king commanded Mardochai to be honored Hester intreated the king for her people and obtained Haman hanged Haman was hanged c. Hest 7 3 8. Purim Then the feast of Purim was instituted Hest 9. 21. Y.W. 3620 Cambyses killeth him selfe This yeare and fiue monethes Cambyses or Ahasuerus killed himselfe with his owne sword Magus And Magus raigned for seauen Monethes Herodot 3. Y.W. 3621 Darius raigneth Darius the sonne of Hystaspis began his raigne who tooke Hester to wife by whom he had Xerxes father of Artaxerxes longimanus a great benefactor of the Iewes He raigned sixe and thirtie yeres Y.W. 3623 Zerubabel In September the second yere of Darius his raign Zerubabel and Iehoshua the priest The Temple built Aggay Zacharie stirred vp by Aggay and Zacharie the Prophets began to finish the building of the Temple which had bin intermitted for more then fifteene yeares Ezr. 5. 13. Agg. 1. 1. and that by the commandement of Darius Ezr. 5. 13. Y.W. 3627 Finished The second Temple was finished in the end of this yeare about the third of March the sixt yeare of Darius Hystaspis Esr 6.
Antiochus Epiphanes in one hundred three score yeare of the raigne of the Grecians tooke the Citie of Ptolemaida raigned there 1. Mach. 10. 1. 20. Ionathan high Priest Ionathan became high Priest the seuenth moneth of this yeare in the feast of Tabernacles Y.W. 3980 Demet. d. Demetrius died in battaile against Alexander Y.W. 3981 Cleopatra Alexander married Cleopatra daughter of Ptolomeus Philometor king of Egypt at which marriage Ionathas is honorably receiued 1. Mach. 10. 62. Y.W. 3984 Ioppa taken Alex. depriued of kingdome and wife The hundred three score and fift yere of the Gretians Ionathas and Simeon tooke Ioppa which was fortified by Apollonius Simon ouerthrew the horsemen of Apollonius and fired Asdod Y.W. 3986 Is slaine Ptolo. Philometor d. Ptolomeus Philometor tooke both kingdome and wife from Alexander his sonne in law and gaue them vnto Demetrius the sonne of Demetrius called Nicanor And when he had seene the head of Alexander which Zabdiel the Arabian had cut off he died the third day after in the hundred three score and seuenth yeare of the Grecians raigne Demetrius possessed the kingdome of Asia Ionathas sent him 30000. choise souldiars who defended the king at Antioch slew in one day 100000. seditious persons Antiochus sonne of Alexand. Antiochus the son of Alexander tooke the crown and expelled Demetrius c. 1. Mach. 11. 54. Y.W. 3987 Ionathas taken Tryphon the hundred sixtie ninth yeare of the raign of the Gretians circumuēted Ionathas by treason tooke him prisoner Simon Simō his brother was chosen captaine in his stead resisted the attempts of Tryphon 1. Mach. 13. 13. 14. Ion. and his sonnes slain Shortly after Ionathas and his two sonnes were slaine in Galaad Y.W. 3988 Antiochus slaine In the hundred three score and ninth yeare of the Graecians Tryphon secretly killed Antioc sonne of Alexander and tooke the crowne vnto himselfe whom Simon resisted 1. Mach. 13. 31. Y.W. 3989 Demetrius eased the Iewes of their former burdēs Y.W. 3990 Simon The three and twentith day of the second moneth Simon purged the tower of Dauid which the enemies had held for eighteene yeres and made his sonne Iohn captaine ouer his whole host 1. Mach. 13. 54. Y.W. 3991 Demetrius taken Arsaces king of the Persians and Medes tooke Demetrius prisoner 1. Mach. 14. 3. Tryphon tirannized in his kingdome two yeres 1. Mac. 15. 10. 11. The Rom. couenant with Simon The Romanes renewed with Simon the couenant made with Iudas and Ionathas So did the Spartanes The Priesthood and gouernement was confirmed vnto Simon 1. Mach. 14. 38. Y.W. 3993 Anti. Soter obtaineth the kingdome Antiochus Soter sonne of Demetrius father of Nicanor entred vpon his fathers kingdome expelled and distressed Tryphon 1. Mach. 15. 11. Cendebeus his flight Iudas and Iohannes put Cendebeus to flight Iudas was wounded Iohannes pursued the victorie 1. Mach. 16. 22. Y.W. 3995 Simon and his sonnes slaine And three hundred and sixe dayes in the hundred seuenty seuēth yere of the Grecians Ptolomeus sonne of Abobus killed Simon his father in law with his two sonnes Mattathia and Iudas at a banquet 1. Mach. 16. 15. Iohannes Hyrcanus Iohannes Hircanus son of Simon obtained the kingdome for 31. yeares Y.W. 4000 Three sectes About this time arose among the Iewes iij. sectes the Phariseis Esseis and Sadducees Y.W. 4016 Was borne Alexander sonne of Iohānes Hircanus Y.W. 4023 Iubil 30. And sixe Monethes began the thirtith Iubilie Y.W. 4026 And ten monethes ended the thirtie one yeare of the raigne of Iohannes Hyrcanus Y.W. 4028 Aristobulus dieth Sixe monethes and fourteene dayes died Aristobulus hauing raigned one whole yeare somwhat more Alex. Ianneus raigneth whom Alexander Ianneus his brother succeeded married Salome his wife and raigned seuen and thirtie yeares Y.W. 4034 This yeare was borne Hircanus the first sonne of Alexander Ianneus Y.W. 4065 He dieth Alexander Ianneus died his wife held the kingdome and his sonne Hyrcanus the priesthood for nine yeares Y.W. 4072 Iubil 31. And six monethes entred the 31. Iubilie Y.W. 4074 Salome d. Salome called also Alexandra died her sonne Hircanus held the kingdome three monethes and was expelled Aristobulus his brother tooke the kingdome Herod b. About this time was borne Herod the great Y.W. 4080 Pompeius taketh Ierusalem And three monethes Pompeius tooke Ierusalem when C. Antonius and M. Tullius were Consuls in the yeare of Rome 690. Y.W. 4099 Iul. Caesar slaine And three hundred fortie and eight daies C. Iulius Caesar was slaine in the Senate the 15. of March whom the 19. of August Octauius Octauius Augustus succeeded who held the Empire 12. yeares with Antonius and 44 yeares alone in all 56. yeares Y.W. 4103 Pacorus And two monethes about the feast of Pentecost Pacorus king of the Parthians entred Ierusalem carried Hircanus captiue and set Antigonus for him ouer Iudea Y.W. 4104 Antigonus Her made king of Iudea In the end of this yeare the Romans taking in euil part that Antigonus raigned in Iudea Herod the great was made king of Iudea Y.W. 4107 In the beginning of Feb. Herod besieged Ierusalem in the third yeare of his raigne Y.W. 4108 Ierusalem besieged taken In the third moneth of this yeare Herod tooke Ierusalem Y.W. 4111 Warre in Actium This yeare almost eleuen monethes began that warre which is called Actiaca the same time was a great earthquake in Iudea Y.W. 4112 And one hundred fiftie and two dayes the last of August in the yeare of Rome 722. Victorie Octauius Augustus had the victorie against Antonius at Actium Then began Augustus to raigne alone Antonius fled to Alexandria in Egypt which was taken after the winter following Y.W. 4113 Hyrcanus slaine Hyrcanus was slaine being fourescore yeares old Y.W. 4121 Iubil 32. And sixe monethes entred the two and thirtith Iubilie Y.W. 4124 Encaenia instituted Eight monethes and foure and twentie dayes was the feast of Encaenia instituted 2. Mach. 1. What time Herod began to prepare for the building of the third Temple This preparation indured eight yeares Y.W. 4132 This yeare was borne Herodes Agrippa Y.W. 4133 Tēple built the 3. time The third Temple began to be built and was finished in one yere and sixe monethes The second Temple hitherto had stoode fiue hundred and fiue yeares and almost ten monethes Y.W. 4134 And two monethes the Temple was dedicated Y.W. 4141 Zacharia is promised a sonne The Angell appeared vnto Zacharia in the Temple in the feast of Tabernacles and in the moneth of October He was promised a son whose name should be Iohn Luk. 1. 11. Y.W. 4141 Christ conceaued And sixe dayes the Angel Gabriel declared vnto the virgine Marie that she should conceaue a sonne which should be the sonne of God Luk. 1. 28. Starre Then it is thought that the Starre first appeared vnto the wise men in the East Matth. 2. 2. Y.W. 4142 Shortly after Mary visiteth Elizabeth Luk. and after three monethes returned vnto Nazareth About which time Ioseph confirmed by the Angell tooke