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A09847 A gagge for the Pope, and the Iesuits: or The arraignement, and execution of Antichrist Shevving plainely, that Antichrist shall be discouered, and punished in this vvorld: to the amasement of all obstinate papists. 1624 (1624) STC 20111; ESTC S120961 58,414 88

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Bechine of the Romish Church the face of reuelation like your face in a glasse will reflect vpon you O that I neede bring you no further then that pulling hooke to shake the walls of Papistrie to rubbish but because varietie hath a passage of pleasure among Nouelists I am contented to search further and thus expose vnto you what I finde in other treasuries Nicholas the second in a certaine Sinod at Rome decreed year 1059 that Christs body was present in the Eucharist to bee handled with hand and torne a peeces with teeth In the Conuenticle of Florence the doctrine of Purgatory and the Popes supremacie was ratefied by the year 1439 authoritie of that Sinode and the doctrine of the seuen Sacraments propounded to the Arminians was confirmed and so established that the Councell of Trent agreed to the same withall the other errors and superstitions of year 1564 Popery Irenaeus saith that the Apostles did first Preach the Gospell and afterward deliuered the same in Scriptures Lib. 3. cap. 1. that they might be a foundation and pillar of our faith Lib. 4. de verb. cap. 4. but Bellarmine sayth they are neither necessary nor sufficient without traditions The Scotists and most Papists maintaine that the Virgin Mary was neither conceiued in sinne nor euer committed any and yet the Apostle sayth that by one man Rom. 5. Galath 3. sinne entred into the world and death by sinne went ouer all yea he sheweth that the Scripture hath concluded all vnder sinne It is well knowne and publikely printed both in the Iesuits doctrine of Collen the workes of Thomas Aquinas Bellarmine and others that the Papists maintaine iustifying by the Law Merit by Workes no necessity of confession of faith when yet the Scripture saith Christ is made vnto vs iustice wisedome Sanctification and 1 Cor. 1. Redemption and that Abraham beleeuing it was imputed to him for righteousnes yea Isaiah hath it thus Isayah 53. in plaine tearmes wee are healed by his stripes the Apostle speaketh in this manner It is manifest that no Gal. 3. Rom. 4. man is iustified by the Law before God and that Abraham was not iustified by the workes of the Law Nauarrus teacheth that lay men may not dispute of E●ch cap. 11. The Ch. ignorantia de ●u●●a trinit matters of faith vnder penaltie of the Popes excommunication and Linwood holdeth it sufficient for lay men to beleeue the Articles of the Creed implicitely without publike confession or other Christianlike yeelding a reason of their Saluation and good life Whereas our Sauiour saith Math. 11. My yoke is easie Math. 11. and my burthen light Thomas Aquinas sets it downe thus that the Precepts of the law or the Gospell are more Math. 11. greeuous and combersome then the law of Moses and the censures of Collein with Bellarmine himselfe say plainlie 2 quest 107. that wee cannot bee saued vnlesse in our owne persons wee fulfill the Law Mathew Paris in his collection from the yeere 1256. year 1256 aduertiseth vs that the Friers determining to ouerthrow the Gospell of Iesus Christ published another new one by the name of Euangelium aeternum as if the word of God should continue but for a time to which they added certaine fooleries out of the writings of Abbot Ioachim and continued in such blasphemie as if their deuises should out-last the Gospell of Saluation The Master of the Sentences determineth that the father and the holy Ghost might haue beene made man Lib. 3. dist 1. and yet may the maine Heresie of the Patripassians who held that the father suffered death for vs and the scoolemen mainetaine that the Sonne of God might haue assumed the nature of a woman which derogateth from the Misterie of Christs incarnation Besides they affirme that Christ was neuer troubled in soule with any perturbation or affliction contrary to the plaine Iohn 12. Math. 26. text of Scripture Nam anima mea perturbata est and Ambrose sayth hee hath taken our will and our sadnes vpon him The Master of the Sentences publisheth that all that Lib. 4. distin 1. died vnder the Law and not Circumcised were damned and the Sinod of Trent pronounceth them Anathema or accursed that say there are more or fewer Sacraments then seuen that is to say 1. Baptisme 2. Confirmation 3. the Eucharist 4. Penance 5. Extream Vnction 6. Order and 7. Matrimony and yet the misterie of the great Apoc 17. Whore is called Sacramentum mulieris and Saint Austine neuer knew any more then two Baptisme and the Lords Supper that is out of Christs sides slowed water and blood to which agrees Tertullian Dionisius Are●pagita Chrisostom Cyrill Gregory Cyprian Rabanus Pas●hasius besides it is absurde to thinke that Marriage Pri●sthood and Penance were of one nature vnder the Law and another vnder the Gospell Nauarrus in his Enchiridion and Bellarmine in his Discourses Lib. 1. de Sacr● 14. of the Sacraments maintaine that the Sacraments of the new Law both containe grace and conferre grace Ex opere operato which also may appeare by the Canons of the seauenth Session of Trent But Lord what absurdities must now follow First to attribute as much to Matrimony Confirmation and extreame Vnction as to Baptisme and the Lordes Supper Secondly What contrarietie is this for Priestes to forsweare marriage seeing it containeth grace and worketh it Thirdly If grace be nothing else but Charitie or a habit not distinct from it how may Charitie be contayned in Oyle or the rites of Matrimony or externall signes Fourthly Who can shew or dare maintaine that such as receiue their Popish Confirmation orders extreame Vnction or are married are more iust then they were before Fiftly Last of all God hath promised to worke by his Sacraments but wee doe not reade that euer he promised Iustification or grace to married folke or to such as are greased by extreame Vnction or to any such who with Bell●rmine and Canisius say that Sacraments are onely externall signes whereby it must needes follow that Christs body and blood in the Eucharist are no Sacrament because they appeare not to the eyes nor are apprehended by other sences By the effects of holy water sprinkling and washing the Papists hope to be clensed from sinnes but the Homerobaptists among the Iewes were therefore reputed Heretiques as Epiphanius affirmeth and the Prophets tell vs that neither Cal●mus nor thousands of riuers of Oyle neither riuers nor the whole Ocean can purge or purifie vs from our transgressions In those dayes the Dositheans were reputed Heretiques for affectation of Virginitie and punishing their bodies yet now the Papists are transported with another Doctrine yea many others For the Councell of Constance condemned Iohn the 23. for denying the immortalitie of the soule yet such is the corruption of nature and impietie of Popes Epicurean Phylosophers Rome that Alexander the 6. Leo the 10. Clement the 7. and diuers other Popes
these times profanely abuse that Character to tender your owne saluation by considering what a strange religion this is and aboue all other in the world agreeing and concurring with the reuelation of Antichrist especially in this point of signes and wonders and lying miracles so that if this fall to my share that am the meanest of a thousand what can others doe that haue Beniamins portion fiue times doubled both concerning Scripture Historie Fathers Knowledge Iudgement Eloquution and other faculties As for such as are yet willing to be deceiued and hauing heard of that great dutie of perseuerance in holy matters peruert it to obstinacie and pertinacitie in idolatrous superstition I say no more but answer a Gods name you that must answer before the iudgement throne of the Lambe How comes this about if the Papacy shall not come to ruine and Rome it selfe be destroyed seeing Antichrist is discouered and thus arraigned and indited the man of sinne reuealed by these lying miracles whom God will consume with the breath of his nostrils And thus much for his inditement now to his punishment and vtter extirpation Section III. Or the execution of Antichrist according to the sentence of condemnation I Might haue begun this discourse with that which followes but I hope it comes now in order well enough Note the Comparison Obserue then I pray you the Simile Politicke states and well gouerned Commonwealths haue either commonly secret intelligencers or publicke Ambassadors in forren countries to acquaint them with all occurrences and so let nothing passe no not triuiall accidents which may concerne the good of their countrie without reuealing so that if letters or certificat of credit come that there are Iurking amongst vs certaine traitors that intend the ruine of the kingdome and endanger the life of the Prince there is presently search in euery corner and warrants sent out to apprehend them afterward vpon happy discouery and honest attachment they are imprisoned and kept secure till they may be further examined then vpon due and orderly proceedings they are to be arraigned and indited of high treason as they are found and proued delinquents in Crimino lase Maiestatis Last of all vpon finding Billa vera and iustifiable conuiction the sentence of condemnation goes out and they are executed accordingly so hath the holy Ghost dealt with the Church of God concerning the traitors of mens soules and discouery of Antichrist the instrument of Satan to bring vs to damnation he hath first made vs acquainted that there is such a Viper lurking amongst vs. Let no man deceiue you by any meanes For that day shall 2. T●ess 2. 3. not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sinne be reuealed the s●nne of perdition Who opposeth and exalteth himselfe aboue all that is called year 4 God or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God shewing himselfe that he is God Remember ye not that when I was yet with you I told you ● these things I haue not written vnto you because you know not the truth 1. Epist Iohn 2. 21. but because you know it and that no lie is of the truth Who is a lier but he that denieth that Iesus is the Christ year 22 he is Antichrist that denieth the Father and the Sonne And euerie spirit that confesseth not that Iesus Christ is Chap 4. 3. come in the flesh is not of God and that is that spirit of Antichrist whereof you haue heard that it should come and euen now already is it in the world Here you see what a noble intelligencer and friend from heauen we haue had to acquaint the Church of God that the betraier of mens soules and traiters to the maiesty of God are euery where lurking amongst vs vpon which certificate I though vnworthy and the meanest of Gods seruants haue aduentured to search and find him out and vpon the search haue not onely discouered and reuealed him but arraigned and indited him so that I hope no man can mislike or traduce this iustifiable proceeding against him which if they dare doe what will they then say to the sentence of condemnation which is now to be denounced from God himselfe and the Scriptures the Sibylls ancient Fathers and their women Saints sure sure the Gentiles will fret and rage imagining vaine Psal 2. Acts. things and I answer with Paul after the way you call heresie I serue the God of my Fathers and with Iob though thou kill me O Lord I will not forsake thee But to the purpose in hand Antichrists punishment from Scripture IF you search the Prophets you shall finde that hee that drowned the world burnt Sodome to sinders and ouerwhelmed Pharao with whole mountaines of waters confounded Aegypt destroied Tirus who was as proud and Isaiah 19. 23. 34 46 Ezech. 25. 1. Damel and the rest of the Pr●phets exalted as euer Rome in her first and second glory reuenged the cause of his Church ouerthrew the idols of Babylon a meere figure of Antichristian Prelacy threatned and dissipated Ammon Moab Edom the Philistines and in a word all the mighty Monarchies vnder the Sun resembled to fierce and cruell beasts strange images and figures Eagles Rams Goats and such like Hierogliphicks Why then should any question be made of the Popes establishment or Romes perpetuity considering her sinnes cry to heauen for vengeance and her abominations are spred like a carpet to the loathing of all honest beholders and godly Christian Spectators but to put all out of doubt harke what the holy Ghost saith in the Reuelation and that the Pope and city of Rome in Italy is personated by the prediction I referre you to all the ancient Fathers and moderne Writers especially Tremelius Innius Napier and diuers others And the rest of the men which were not killed by these Apo● 9. 20. plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands that they should not worship Deuills and idols of gold and siluer and brasse and stone and of wood which neither can see nor heare nor walke Neither repe●ted they of their murders nor of their sorceri●s verse 21. nor of their fornications nor of their thefts And when they shall ha●e finished their testimony the Apoc. 11. 7. Beast that ascendeth out of the bottomlesse pit shall make warre against them and shall ouercome them and kill them And the great Dragon was cast out that old Serpent called Apoc. 12. 9. the Deuill and Sathan c. And there followed another Angell saying Babylon is Apoc. 14. 8. fallen is fallen that great city because shee made all nations drinke of the wine of the wrath of her fornication And the Angell t●rust in his sickle into the earth and gathered Apoc. 14. 19. the Vine of the earth and cast it into the great wine presse of the wrath of God c. The Beast that thou sawest was and is not and
the Emperour Charles 5. to breake with Luther Paul the 3. in a Bull against Henry 8. denounced them accursed that would not infringe all oathes and alleageance either couenanted with the King or his subiects Eugen●us 4. was the cause or motiue that Ladislaus of Poland infringed his oth with the Turke Innocentius the 3. blew vp that winde of rebellion against King Iohn And Pius the first cursed heauen and earth that he could thriue no better against Queene Elizabeth Gregoey 7. contrary to all the lawes of honor and nations imprisoned the Emperors Embassadors and another killed the Emperor Fredericks Embassadors who brought good newes of the successe in Palestina I will not name the Marquis of Montigni and Earle of Bergnes sent into Hesmoldus author Spaine who were put to death by the Inquisitors Paschall 2. and his adherents armed the sonne against the father Gregory 9. performed the like by Henry the sonne against Frederick 2. witnes Auentinus Innocentius 3. confounded whole kinreds with intestine warre Marius Belga affirmeth that Gregory 4. was the radical cause of Ludouicus Pius warres when his children rebelled But what say you to Alphousus Dias that came post from Rome to haue his owne brother murthered for embracing the true religion If I should goe forward in the discouery of all the errors Heresies and absurdities in Popish religion I should loose my selfe in a labyrinth wander in a wildernes and though I were a good swimmer yet proue like a man entangled in weedes ready to sincke without some charitable supportation therefore I will cast vp no more earth vpon this banke but referre you to other mens groundes where you shall haue minds of all manner of mettalls and so you may repaire to those furnaces that trie gold from drosse and s●ew you the puritie of Scripture from the durt and filth of Poperie onely one word concerning the authoritie and pretogatiue of Kings which the Popes haue endeuored to impaire and by all meanes to disanull Innocentius the 3. compareth the Pope to the Sunne and Popery prei●d●ceth the authoritie of Princes the Emperour to the Moone Cap. de maior obed Clement the 5. in the Chap. Romani princip auou●heth that the Emperours haue submitted their ●eades to the Bishop and how they ought to take an oath of fealtie and obedience to the Pope In the Chap. Pastoralis the Pope determineth that by right of the papacy hee hath superioritie ouer the Empire and that in the Vacancy hee himselfe is Emperour Boniface the 8. writing to the French King gaue him to vnderstand that hee was the Popes subiect Scire Volumus c. and therefore hee had two swordes to inuest and depose Kings as well as the Keies to open and locke the dores of heauen Iosephus V stanus lib. de osculat pedum Lib. 5. cap 6. de pontif Rom. Pontif. inferreth that the Pope may depose the Emperour In the Bull of Pius the 5. against Queene Elizabeth the Pope dares presumptuously affirme that hee is made a Prince and set ouer all nations and kingdomes to dissipate and spoile to plant and to build c. yea in the Iesuits new year 1594 doctrine Bella●mine saith that the Pope hath power to change kingdomes and to take from one to retribute to another Chincard a Iesuite was hangd in Paris for writing diuers seditious positions concerning the Popes authority in disposing of the Crowne of France and transplanting it from the family of Burbon William Rainold an English man vnder the name of Rosse doth in expresse tearmes defend the league against the French King and affirmeth that the right of all kingdomes is layed vpon the Popes foundation wherevpon as in some sort you haue heard before Gregory the 7. raised the wars of Germanie against Henry Emperour Paschall 2. raised the son to rebell against the father whereby hee was taken prisoner and so resigned but yet the Pope prosecuted the sonne with as great hatred as the father Innocentius 2. went by force of armes to conquer Roger of Sicily and had surely done it if the sonne had not succored and assisted his father Adrian 4. and Alexander 3. did so preuade against Frederick 1. that hee held the stirrop to the one was trod vpon by the other Celes●in the 3. cast the crowne from the head of Henry the 6. with his foote Innocent the 3. brought the Emperour ●hilip and Otho to destruction Gregory the 9. and Innocent the 4. furiously assaulted Frederike 2. with such soldiers as had made a vow to fight against the Saracens Iohn 22. Benet 12. and Clement 6. with implacable hatred prosecuted Lewis of Bauaria for no other reason but because hee tooke vpon him the Imperiall diadem without the Popes consent thus was Harold ouercome by the conqueror through the Popes curses and King Iohn besides his other troubles lost all Normandy How did Boniface 8. infest both Italy and Spaine attempting to subi●gate Philip of France the house of Colonia and Italy I will come no further for euery man knowes our moderne stories that the Maiesty of England hath written a discourse against this Pontificeous vs●rpation is it not high time then to bring this man to the bar of Gods iudgement seate indite him of high treason against the glory transcendent power of heauen and for this intollerable pride against the Princes of the earth who are the chiefe and absolute substitutes of God in their Kingdomes and must answer in their stewardship for vnfashionable mixtures vniustifiable diuiding their greatnes with one that hath nothing to doe with worldly encombrances or distributing inheritances but rather should be an humbled minister of God a seruant indeed to dispence holy things to the people therfore I wonder how the Papists in England seeing hearing and knowing this Antichristian opposition to Gods truth and the gouernment of all Common welths can haue their hearts more hardned then stone for the stones rent asunder at the Passion of Christ when the lewes laughed their saluation to scorne and their eares stopped worse then the adders with her taile will not hearken to this Inditement nor allow of these vnanswerable proofes vndeniable inferences Answer a Gods name yee that must answer before the iudgement throne of the Lambe how comes this blockishnes and stupiditie how comes all this about if the Papacy shall not come to ruine and Rome it selfe be destroyed after Antichrist is discouered and the man of sin reuealed whom God will consume with the breath of his nostrels and thus much for my second Inditement The third Inditement of Antichrist for abusing the people with lying miracles I am glad I haue done with these tedious relations and wonderfull proofes against the vsurpation of Antichrist because I would make you glad too and exh●lerate your sad hearts with a modest mirth which must needes be raysed from these deuises of men and lying miracles But be not too forward nor preiudicate