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A09418 The foundation of Christian religion gathered into sixe principles. And it is to bee learned of ignorant people, that they may be fit to hear sermons with profit, and to receiue the Lords Supper with comfort. Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1591 (1591) STC 19710; ESTC S105978 14,111 53

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iudgement which being ended the godly shal possesse the kingdome of Heauen but vnbeleeuers and reprobates shal be in hel tormented with the diuel and his Angels for euer The Exposition of the Principles I. Question WHat is God A. GOD is a spirit or a spirituall substāce most wise most holie eternall infinite Q How doo you perswade your self that there is such a God A. Besides the testimonie of the Scriptures plaine reason will shew it Q. What is one reason A. When I consider the wonderfull frame of the world me thinks the silly creatures y t be in it could neuer make it neither could it make itselfe and therefore besides al these the maker of it must néedes bée God Euen as when a man comes into a strange Countrey and sees faire and sumptuous buildings and yet findes no liuing creatures there beside birds and Beasts hee will not imagine that either Birds or Beasts reared by those buildings but he presently conceiues that some men either were or haue been there Q. What other reason haue you A. A man that commits any sinne as murder fornication adultery blasphemie c. albeit he dooth so conceale the matter that no man liuing know of it yet oftentimes he hath a griping in his conscience and feeles the verie flashings of hel fire which is a strong reason to shew that there is a God before whose iudgement seate he must answere for his fact Q. How many Gods are there A. No more but one Q How doo you conceiue this one God in your minde A. Not by framing any image of him in my minde as ignorant folkes doo that thinke him to be an olde man sitting in heauen but I conceaue him by his properties and works Q. What be his chiefe properties A. First he is most wise vnderstanding all things aright and knowing the reason of them Secondly hee is most holy which appeareth in that hee is most iust and mercifull vnto his creatures Thirdly hee is eternall without either beginning or ende of dayes Lastly hee is infinite both because hee is present in all places and because hee is of power sufficient to doo whatsoeuer hee will Q. What be the workes of God A. The creation of the world and of euery thing therein and the preseruation of them beeing created by his speciall prouidence Q. How knowe you that God gouerneth euery particular thing in the world by his speciall prouidence A. To omit the Scriptures I see it by experience Meate Drinke and cloathing being void of life could not preserue the life of man vnlesse there were a speciall prouidence of God to giue vertue vnto them Q. How is this one God distinguished A. Into the Father which begetteth the Sonne into the Sonne who is begotten of the Father into the holie Ghost who proceedeth from the Father and the Sonne II. Q. Let vs now come to our selues and first tel me what is the natural estate of man A. Euerie man is by nature dead in sinne as a loathsome carrion or as a dead corps lieth rotting and stincking in the graue Q. What is Sinne A. Any breach of the Lawe of GOD if it bee no more but the least want of that which the Lawe requireth Q How many sortes of sinne are there A. Sinne is either the corruption of nature or any euil actions that proceede of it as fruites thereof Q. In whome is this corruption of nature A. In all men none excepted Q. In what part of man is it A. In euerie part both of bodie and soule like as a Leprosie that runneth from the crowne of the head to the sole of the foote Q. Shew mee how euerie parte of man is corrupted with sinne A. First in the mind there is nothing but ignorance and blindnesse concerning heauenlie matters Secondly the cōscience is defiled being alwaies either benummed with sin or els turmoyled with inward accusations and terrours Thirdly the wil of man only willeth and lusteth after euill Fourthly the affections of the heart as loue ioy hope desire c. are moued stirred to that which is euil to embrace it and they are neuer stirred vnto that which is good vnlesse it be to eschewe it Lastly the members of the bodie are the instruments and tooles of the minde for the execution of sinne Q. What be those euil actions that are the fruites of this corruption A. Euill thoughts in the mind● which come either by a mans own conceiuing or by the suggestion of the Diuell euill motions and lusts sturring in the heart and from thes● arise euill words and deedes when any occasion is giuen Q. How commeth it to passe that al● men are thus defiled with sinne A By Adams infidelitie and disobedience in eating the forbidden fruite● euen as wee see great personages b● treason doo not only hurt themselues but also staine their bloud disgrac● their posteritie Q. What hurt comes to man by his sinne A. He is continually subiect to th● curse of God in his life time in th● end of his life and after this life Q What is the cursse of GOD in this life A. In the body diseases aches paines in the soule blindnesse hardnesse of heart horrour of conscience in goods hinderances and losses in name ignominie and reproach lastly in the whole man bondage vnder sathan the Prince of darkenesse Q. What manner of bondage is this A. This bondage is when a man is the slaue of the Diuell and hath him to raigne in his heart as his God Q. How may a man knowe whether sathan be his God or not A. He may know it by this if hee giue obedience to him in his heart and expresse it in his conuersation Q. And how shall a man perceiue this obedience A. If he take delight in the euill motions that Sathan puts into his heart and doo fulfill the lusts of the Diuell Q. What is the cursse due to man in the end of his life A. Death which is the seperation of bodie and soule Q. What is the cursse after this life A. Eternall damnation in hell fire whereof euerie man is guiltie and is in as great danger of it as the Traitor apprehended is in danger of hanging drawing and quartering III. Q. If damnation be the reward of sinne then is a man of all creatures most miserable A Dog or a Toade when they die all their miserie is ended but when a man dieth there is the beginning of his woe A. It were so indeede if there were no meanes of deliuerance but God hath shewed his mercie in giuing a Sauiour to mankinde Q. How is this Sauiour called A. Iesus Christ. Q. What is Iesus Christ A. The eternall Sonne of God made man in all things euen in his infirmities like other men saue onelie in sinne Q. How
THE Foundation of Christian Religion gathered into sixe Principles And it is to bee learned of ignorant people that they may be fit to hear Sermons with profit and to receiue the Lords Supper with comfort Psal. 1.19.30 The entrāce into thy words sheweth light and giueth vnderstanding to the simple Printed by Thomas Orwin for Iohn Porter 1591. To all ignorant people that desire to bee instructed POore people your manner is to sooth vp your selues as though ye wer in a most happy state but of the matter come to a iust trial it will fall out farr otherwise For yee lead your liues in great ignorance as may appeare by these your common opinions which follow 1 That faith is a mans good meaning his good seruing of God 2 That God is serued by the rehearsing of the ten commaundements the Lords praier and the Creede 3 That yee haue beleeued in Christ euer since you could remember 4 That it is pitie that he should liue which dooth any whit doubt of his saluation 5 That none can tell whether hee shall bee saued or not certainly but that all men must be of a good beliefe 6 That howsoeuer a man liue yet if hee call vpon God on his death bedde and say Lord haue mercy on me so goe away like a Lambe he is certainly saued 7 That if ani● be strangely visited hee is either taken with a Planet or bewitched 8 That a man may lawfully sweare when hee speakes nothing but the truth sweares by nothing but that which is good as by his faith or troth 9 That a Preacher is a good man no longer than he is in the pulpet They thinke all like themselues 10 That a man may repent when hee will because the Scripture saith At what time soeuer a sinner doth repent him of his sinne c. 11 That it is an easier thing to please God than to please our neighbour 12 That yee can keepe the Commandements as well as God will giue you leaue 13 That it is the safest to doo in Religion as most doo 14 That merry ballads bookes as Scoggin Beuis of Southampton c. are good to driue away time to remoue hart quames 15 That yee can serue God with all your hearts and that yee would be sorie else 16 That a man neede not heare so many Sermōs except he could follow them better 17 That a man which cōmeth at no Sermons may as wel beleeue as he which heares all the sermons in the world 18 That yee know al the Preacher can tell you For he can say nothing but that euery man is a sinner that we must loue our neighbours as our selues that euery man must bee saued by Christ and all this ye can tell as well as he 19 That it was a good world when the old Religion was because all things were cheap 20 That drinking and bezeling in the alehouse or tauerne is good fellowship shews a good kinde nature 21 That a man may sweare by the Masse because it is nothing now and byr Ladie because she is gone out of the country 22 That euery man must be for himselfe and God for vs all 23 That a man may make of his owne whatsoeuer he can 24 That if a man remember to say his praiers in the morning thogh he neuer vnderstād them he hath blessed himselfe for all the day following 25 That a man prayeth when hee saith the ten Commaundements 26 That a man eats his maker in the Sacra 27 That if a man be no adulterer no theef nor murderer and do no man harme he is a right honest man 28 That a man need not haue any knowledg of religiō because he is not book learnd 29 That one may haue a good meaning when he saith and dooth that which is euill These and such like sayings what argue they but your grosse ignorance Now where ignorance raigneth there raignes sinne where sinne raignes there the deuil rules and where he rules men are in a damnable case Ye will reply vnto me thus that yee are not so bad as I would make you if need be you can say the Creede the Lords prayer the 10. cōmandements and therefore ye will be of Gods beleefe say all men what they will and you defie the deuill from your hearts I answere againe that it is not sufficient to say all these without booke vnlesse ye can vnderstand the meaning of the words and bee able to make a right vse of the Cōmandements of the Creede of the Lords prayer by applying them inwardly to your hearts and consciences and outwardly to your liues conuersations This is the very point in which ye faile And for an helpe in this your ignorance to bring you to true knowledge vnfained faith and sound repentance here I haue set downe the principall points of Christian Religion in sixe plaine easie rules euen such as the simplest may easily learne and hereunto is adioyned an exposition of them word by word If ye do want other good directions then vse this my labour for your instruction In reading of it first learne the six principles when ye haue them without booke the meaning of them withall then learne the exposition also which being well conceaued in some measure felt in the heart ye shall be able to profite by Sermons whereas now ye cannot and the ordinarie parts of the Catechisme namely the ten Commandements the Creede the Lords praier and the institution of the two Sacraments shall more easily be vnderstoode Thine in Christ Iesus William Perkins ❧ The foundation of Christian Religion gathered into sixe Principles Question WHat doest thou beleeue concerning God I. There is one God creator and gouernour of all things distinguished into the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost Q. What doest thou beleeue concerning man and concerning thine owne selfe II. All men are wholly corrupted with sinne through Adams fal so are become slaues of Sathan and guilty of eternall damnation Q. What meanes is there for thee to escape this damnable estate III. Iesus Christ the eternall sonne of God being made man by his death vpon the Crosse and by his righteousnes hath perfectly alone by himselfe accomplished all things that are needefull for the saluation of mankinde Q. But how mayest thou be made partaker of Christ his benefites IIII. A man of a contrite and humble spirit by faith alone apprehending and applying Christ with all his merits vnto himself is iustified before God and sanctified Q. What are the ordinary meanes for the obtaining of faith V. Faith commeth onelie by the preaching of the word and increaseth daylie by it as also by the administration of the Sacraments and praier Q. What is the estate of all men after death VI. All men shall rise againe with their own bodies to the last