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A90280 Of the divine originall, authority, self-evidencing light, and povver of the Scriptures. With an answer to that enquiry, how we know the Scriptures to be the Word of God. Also a vindication of the purity and integrity of the Hebrew and Greek texts of the Old and New Testament; in some considerations on the prolegomena, & appendix to the late Biblia polyglotta. Whereunto are subjoyned some exercitations about the nature and perfection of the Scripture, the right of interpretation, internall Light, revelation, &c. / By Iohn Owen: D.D. Owen, John, 1616-1683. 1659 (1659) Wing O784; Thomason E1866_1; Thomason E1866_1*; ESTC R203092 144,024 386

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another Treatise declare do manifest this Truth Sect. 8. That surely then which shall administer to all and every one of them equally and universally satisfaction as to all these things to quiet and calme their spirits to cut off all necessity of any further Enquiries give them that wherein they must acquiesce and wherewith they will be satiated unlesse they will cast off that Relation and dependance on God which they seek to confirme and settle surely I say this must be from the all seeing all-satisfying Truth and Being and from none else Now this is done by the doctrine of the Scripture with such a glorious uncontroleable Conviction that every one to whom it is revealed the eyes of whose understanding are not blinded by the God of this world must needs cry out 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I have found that which in vaine I sought elsewhere waxing foolish in my imaginations Sect. 9. It would be too long to insist on the severalls take one instance in the buisinesse of Attonement Reconciliation and Acceptance with God What strange horrible fruits and effects have mens contrivances on this account produced What have they not invented What have they not done What have they not suffered and yet continued in dread and bondage all their daies Now with what a Glorious soule appeasing Light doth the doctrine of satisfaction and Attonement by the bloud of Christ the son of God come in upon such men This first astonisheth then conquereth then ravisheth and satiateth the soule This is that they looked for this they were sick for and knew it not This is the designe of the Apostles discourse in the 3 first Chapters of the Epistle to the Romans Let any man read that discourse from v. 18. of chap. the first and onward and he will see with what Glory and Beauty with what full and ample satisfaction this Doctrine breaks out Chap. 3. v. 22 23 24 25 26. Sect. 10. It is no otherwise as to the particulars of present Worship or future Blessednesse this meets with men in all their wandrings stops them in their disquisitions convinces them of the darknesse folly uncertainty falsenesse of all their Reasonings about these things and that with such an Evidence and Light as at once subdues them captivates their understanding and quiets their soules so was that old Roman World conquered by it so shall the Mahumetan be in Gods good and appointed time Sect. 11. Of what hath been spoken this is the summe All mankind that acknowledge their dependance upon God and Relation to him are naturally and cannot be otherwise grievously involved and perplexed in their hearts thoughts and Reasonings about the Worship of God Acceptation with him having sinned and the future Enjoyment of him some with more cleare and distinct Apprehensiōs of these things Some under more darke and generall notions of them are thus exercised To extricate themselves and to come to some issue in and about these enquiries hath been the great Designe of their Lives the Aime they had in all things they did as they thought Well and laudably in this world Notwithstanding all which they were never able to deliver themselves no not one of them or attaine satisfaction to their soules but waxed vaine in their imaginations and their foolish hearts were more and more darkened In this estate of things the Doctrine of the Scripture comeing in with full unquestionable satisfaction to all these suited to the enquirings of every individuall soule with a largenesse of Wisdome and depth of Goodnesse not to be fathomed it must needs be from that God with whom we have to doe And those who are not perswaded hereby that will not cast Anchor in this harbour let them put to sea once more if they dare turne themselves loose to other considerations and try if all the forementioned perplexities do not inevitably returne Sect. 12. Another consideration of the Doctrine of the Scripture to this purpose regards some particulars of it There are some Doctrines of the Scripture some Revelations in it so sublimely glorious of so profound and mysterious an Excellency that at the first proposall of them nature startles shrinks and is taken with Horrour meeting with that which is above it too great and too excellent for it which it could desirously avoid and decline but yet gathering it selfe up to them it yeilds and finds that unlesse they are accepted and submitted unto though unsearchable that not only All that hath been received must be rejected but also the whole dependance of the Creature on God be dissolved or rendred only dreadfull terrible and destructive to nature its selfe Such are the Doctrines of the Trinity of the Incarnation of the son of God of the Resurrection of the dead of the new birth and the like At the first Revelation of these things nature is amazed cries how can these things be Or gathers up it selfe to Opposition this is babling like the Athenians folly as all the wise Greeks But when the Eyes of Reason are a little confirmed though it can never clearly behold the Glory of this Sun yet it confesseth a Glory to be in it above all that it is able to apprehend I could manifest in particular that the Doctrines before mentioned and severall others are of this importance namely though great above and beyond the reach of Reason yet upon search found to be such as without submission to them the whole comfortable Relation between God and man must needs be dissolved Sect. 13. Let us take a view in our Way of one of the Instances What is there in the whole Book of God that nature at first sight doth more recoyle at then the Doctrine of the Trinity How many do yet stumble fall at it I confesse the Doctrine its selfe is but sparingly yet it is clearly and distinctly delivered unto us in the Scripture The summe of it is that God is one His nature or his Being one That all the Properties or infinite Essentiall Excellencies of God as God do belong to that one nature and Being This God is infinitely Good Holy Just Powerfull He is eternall omnipotent omnipresēt these things belong to none but him that is that One God That this God is the Father Son and Holy Ghost which are not diverse names of the same Person nor distinct Attributes or Properties of the same nature or Being but One Another and a Third all equally that One God yet really distinguished between themselves by such uncommunicable Properties as cōstitute the One to be that One and the Other to be that Other and the Third to be that Third Thus the Trinity is not the Union nor Unity of three but it is a Trinity in Unity or the Ternary number of Persons in the same Essence nor doth the Trinity in its formall conception denote the Essence as if the Essence were comprehended in the Trinity which is in each Person but it denotes only the distinction of the Persons comprised in
that Number Sect. 14. This I say is the summe of this Doctrine as it is delivered unto us in the Scripture Here Reason is entangled yet after a while finds evidently that unlesse this be embraced all other things wherein it hath to do with God will not be of value to the soule this will quickly be made to appeare Or all that Communion which is here between God and man founded on the Revelation of his mind and will unto him which makes way for his Enjoyment in Glory there are these two parts 1 Gods gratious Communication of his Love Goodnesse c. with the fruits of them unto man 2. The obedience of man unto God in a way of Gratitude for that Love according to the mind and will of God revealed to him These two comprise the whole of the entercourse between God and man Now when the mind of man is exercised about these things he finds at last that they are so wrapped up in the Doctrine of the Trinity that without the beliefe receiving and acceptance of it it is utterly impossible that any interest in them should be obteined or preserved Sect. 15. For the first or the Communication of God unto us in a Way of Love and Goodnesse it is wholly founded upon and enwrapped in this Truth both as to the eternall Spring and actuall Execution of it A few instances will evince this Assertion The Eternall fountaine of all Grace flowing from Love and Goodnesse lies in Gods Election or Predestination This being an Act of Gods Will cannot be apprehended but as an eternall act of his Wisdome or Word also All the eternall thoughts of it's pursuit lye in the Covenant that was betweene the Father and the Son as to the Son 's undrtaking to execute that Purpose of his This I have at large elsewhere declared Take away then the doctrine of the Trinity and both these are gone There can be no purpose of Grace by the Father in the son no Covenant for the putting of that purpose in Execution and so the foundation of all fruits of Love Goodnesse is lost to the soule Sect. 16. As to the Execution of this Purpose with the actuall dispensation of the fruits of Grace and Goodnesse unto us it lyes wholely in the unspeakable Condescention of the Son unto Incarnation with what ensued thereon The Incarnation of the Eternall Word by the Power of the Holy Ghost is the bottome of our Participation of Grace Without it it was absolutely impossible that man should be made partake● of the favour of God Now this enwraps the whole Doctrine of the Trinity in it's bosome nor can once be apprehended without it's Acknowledgment Deny the Trinity and all this meanes of the Communication of Grace with the whole of the satisfaction and Righteousnesse of Christ falls to the Ground Every Tittle of it speakes this Truth And they who deny the one reject the other Sect. 17. Our actuall Participation of the fruits of this Grace is by the Holy Ghost We cannot our selves seize on them nor bring them home to our owne soules The impossibility hereof I cannot now stay to manifest Now whence is this Holy Ghost Is he not sent from the Father by the Son Can we entertaine any thought of his effectuall working in us and upon us but it includes this whole Doctrine They therefore who deny the Trinity deny the Efficacy of it's operation also Sect. 18. So it is as to our Obedience unto God whereby the Communion betweene God and man is compleated Although the formall object of Divine worship be the nature of God and the Persons are not worshipped as Persons distinct but as they are each of them God yet as God they are every one of them distinctly to be worshipped So is it as to our faith our Love our thanksgiving all our Obedience as I have abundantly demonstrated in my Treatise of distinct communion with the Father in Love the Son in Grace and the Holy Ghost in the Priviledges of the Gospell Thus without the Acknowledgment of this Truth none of that Obedience which God requireth at our hands can in a due manner be performed Sect. 19. Hence the scripture speakes not of any thing betweene God and us but what is founded on this Account The Father worketh the Son worketh and the Holy Ghost worketh The Father worketh not but by the Son and his spirit The Son Spirit work not but from the Father The Father Glorifieth the Son the Son Glorifieth the Father and the Holy Ghost glorifieth them both Before the foundation of the world the Son was with the Father and rejoyced in his peculiar worke for the Redemption of mankind At the Creation the Father made all things but by the Son and the Power of the Spirit In Redemption the Father sends the Son the Son by his owne condescention undertakes the worke and is incarnate by the Holy Ghost The Father as was said communicates his love and all the fruites of it unto us by the Son as the Holy Ghost doth the merrits and fruits of the mediation of the Son The Father is not knowne nor worshipped but by and in the Son Nor Father or Son but by the Holy Ghost c. Sect. 20. Upon this discovery the soule that was before startled at the Doctrine in the notion of it is fully convinced that all the satisfaction it hath sought after in it's seeking unto God is utterly lost if this be not admitted There is neither any foundation left of the communication of love to him nor meanes of returning Obedience unto God Besides all the things that he hath been enquiring after appeare on this account in their Glory beauty reality unto him so that that which most staggerd him at first in the receiving of the Truth because of it's deep mysterious glory doth now most confirme him in the embracing of it because of its necessity Power and heavenly Excellency Sect. 21. And this is one Argument of the Many belonging to the things of the Scripture that upon the Grounds before mentioned hath in it as to my sense and Apprehension an Evidence of Conviction not to be withstood Sect. 22. Another consideration of the like Efficacy may be taken from a briefe veiw of the whole Scripture with the designe of it The consent of parts or Harmony of the scripture in it's selfe and every part of it with each other and with the whole is commonly pleaded as an Evidence of it's divine Originall Thus much certainly it doth evince beyond all possible contradiction that the whole proceedeth from one and the same principle hath the same Authout and He wise discerning able to comprehend the whole compasse of what he intended to deliver and reveale Otherwise or by any other that onenesse of Spirit designe and ayme in unspeakable variety and diversity of meanes of it's delivery that absolute correspondency of it to it's selfe and distance from any thing else could not have been attained
alone that it passes in the world or is believed we have added to it many bookes upon our owne judgement and yet thinke it not sufficient for the guidance of men in the worship of God and their obedience they owe unto him yet do they blush are they ashamed as a thiefe when he is taken nay do they not boast themselves in their iniquity and say they are sold to worke all these abominations The time is coming yea it is at hand wherein it shall repent them for ever that they have lifted up themselves against this sacred grant of the wisdome care love and goodnesse of God Sundry other branches there are of the Abominations of these men besides those enumerated all which may be reduced to these three corrupt and bloody fountaines 1. That the Scripture at best as given out from God and as it is to us continued was and is but a partiall revelation of the will of God the other part of it which how vast and extensive it is no man knowes for the Jewes have given us their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in their Mishna and Gemara These kept them lockt up in the breast or chaire of their holy Father beeing reserved in their magazine of Traditions 2. That the Scripture is not able to evince or manifest its selfe to be the Word of God so as to enjoy and exercise any Authority in his name over the soules and consciences of men without an accession of Testimony from that combination of politicke worldly minded men that call themselves the Church of Rome 3. That the Originall copies of the Old and New Testament are so corrupted ex ore tuo serve nequam that they are not a certaine standard and measure of all doctrines or the touch-stone of all Translations Now concerning these things you will find somewhat offered unto your considerations in the ensuing discourses wherein I hope without any great alter●ation or disputes to lay downe such principles of truth as that their Idoll imaginations will be found cast to the ground before the sacred Arke of the word of God and to lye naked without wisdome or power It is concerning the last of these only that at present I shall deliver my thoughts unto you and that because we begin to have a new concernment therein wherewith I shall afterward acquaint you Of all the Inventions of Sathan to draw off the minds of men from the word of God this of decrying the authority of the Originalls seems to me the most pernicious At the beginning of the reformation before the Councill of Trent the Papists did but faintly and not without some blushing defend their vulgar Latine Translation Some openly preferred the Originall before it as 1 Cajetan Erasmus 2 Vives and others Yea and after the Councell also the same was done by Andradius 3 ●erarius 4 Arias Montanus 5 Masius 6 and others For those who understood nothing but Latine amongst them and scarcely that whose ignorance was provided for in the Councill I suppose it will not be thought meet that in this case we should make any account of them But the State of things is now altered in the world and the iniquity which first wrought in a mystery being now discovered casts off its vizard and grows bold nihil est audacius istis deprensis At first the designe was mannaged in private writings Melchior Canus 7 Gulielmus Lindanus 8 Bellarminus 9 Gregorius de Valentia 10 Leo Castrius 11 Huntlaeus 12 Hanstelius 13 with innumerable others some on one account some on another have pleaded that the Originalls were corrupted some of them with more impudence than others Leo Castrius as Pineda observes raves almost where ever he falls on the mention of the Hebrew text Sed is est Author saith he dum in hujusmodi Ebraizationes incidit vix sui compos bono licet zelo tamen vel ignoratione rerum quarundam vel vehementiori aliquâ affectione extra fines veritatis modestiae rapitur si ex hujusmodi tantum unguibus Leonem illum estimaremus non etiam ex aliis praeclaris conatibus aut murem aut vulpem censeremus aut canem aut quiddam aliud ignobilius Yea Morinus who seems to be ashamed of nothing yet shrinks a little at this mans impudence and folly Apologetici libros saith he sex bene longos scripsit quibus nihil quam Judaeorum voluntarias malignas depravationes demonstrate nititur zelo sanè pio scripsit Castrius sed libris Hebraicis ad tantum opus quod moliebatur parum erat instructus In the steps of this Castrius walkes Huntley a subtie Jesuite who in the treatise above cited ascribes the corruption of the Hebrew Bible to the good providence of God for the honour of the vulgar Latine But these with their companions have had their mouths stopt by Reinolds Whitaker Junius Lubbertus Rivetus Chamierus Gerardus Amesius Glassius Alstedius A mama and others So that a man would have thought this fire put to the house of God had been sufficiently quenched But after all the endeavours hitherto used in the daies wherein we live it breaks out in a greater flame they now print the Originall it selfe and defame it gathering up translations of all sorts and setting them up in competition with it When Ximenius put forth the Complutencian Bibles Vatablus his Arias Montanus those of the King of Spaine this Cockatrice was not hatcht whose fruit is now growing to a flying fiery Serpent It is now but saying the ancient Hebrew letters are changed from the Samaritane to the Chaldean the points or vowels and accents are but lately invented of no Authority without their guidance and direction nothing is certaine in the knowledge of that tongue all that we know of it comes from the translation of the 70 the Jews have corrupted the old Testament there are innumerable various lections both of the old and new there are other copies differing from those we now enjoy that are utterly lost So that upon the matter there is nothing left unto men but to choose whether they will be Papists or Atheists Here that most stupendious fabrick that was ever raised by inke and paper termed well by a learned man magnificentissimum illud quod post homines natos in lucem prodiit unquam opus biblicum I mean the Parisian Bibles is prefaced by a discourse of its Erector Michael de Jay wherein he denies the Hebrew text prefers the vulgar Latine before it and resolves that we are not left to the word for our rule but to the Spirit that rules in their Church pro certo igitur atque indubitato apud nos esse debet vulgatam editionem quae communi catholicae Ecclesiae lingu● circumfertur verum esse genuinum sacrae Scripturae fontem hanc consulendam ubique inde fidei dogmata repetenda ex quo insuper consentaneum est vera ac certissima fidei Christianae autographa in