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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A77813 A few sighs from hell, or, The groans of a damned soul. Or, An exposition of those words in the sixteenth of Luke, concerning the rich man and the beggar : wherein is discovered the lamentable state of the damned : their cries, their desires in their distresses, with the determination of God upon them. A good warning word to sinners, both old and young, to take into consideration betimes, and to seek by faith in Jesus Christ to avoid, lest they come into the same place of torment. Also a brief discourse touching the profitableness of the Scriptures for our instruction in the way of righteousness, according to the tendancy of the said parable. / By that poor and contemptible servant of Jesus Christ, John Bunyan. Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. 1658 (1658) Wing B5516; Thomason E1927_2; ESTC R210338 119,232 307

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for he laid the sins of thousands and ten thousands and thousands of thousands of sinners to his charge Esay 53. And caused him to drink the terrible cup that was due to them all and not onely so but did delight in so doing For it pleased the Lord to bruise him God dealt indeed with his Son as Abraham would have dealt with Isaac I and more terribly by ten thousand parts for he did not onely tear his body like a lion but made his soul an offering for sin And this was not done fainedly but really for justice called for it he standing in the room of sinners witness that horrible and unspeakable agony that fell on him suddenly in the Garden as if all the vials of Gods unspeakable scalding vengeance had been cast upon him all at once and all the devils in hell had been broken loose from thence at once to destroy him and that for ever insomuch that the very pangs of death seized upon him the same hour For saith he My soul is exceeding sorrowful and amazed even unto death Mark 14.33 34. Witness also that strange kinde of sweat that trickled down his most blessed face where it is said And he sweat as it were great mark I beseech you great drops or clodders of blood trickling down to the ground O Lord Jesus what a load didst thou carry what a burthen didst thou bear of the sins of the world and the wrath of God! O thou didst not onely bleed at nose and mouth with the pressure that lay upon thee but thou wast so pressed so loaden that the pure blood gushed through the flesh and skin and so ran trickling down to the ground And his sweat was as it were great drops of blood trickling or falling down to the ground Luke 22.44 Canst thou read this O thou wicked sinner and yet go in sin Canst thou think of this and defer repentance one hour longer O heart of flint yea harder O miserable wretch what place in hell will be hot enough for thee to have thy soul put into if thou shalt persist or go on still to adde iniquity to iniquity Besides his soul went down to hell Psal 16.10 Acts 2.31 and his body to the bars of the grave And had hell death or the grave been strong enough to hold him then he had suffered the vengeance of eternal fire to all eternity But O blessed Jesus how didst thou discover thy love to man in thy thus suffering And O God the Father how didst thou also declare thy purity and exactness of thy justice in that though it was thine onely holy innocent harmless and undefiled Son Jesus that did take on him our nature and represent our persons answering for our sins instead of our selves thou didst so wonderfully pour out thy wrath upon him to the making of him cry out My God my God why hast thou forsaken me And O Lord Jesus what a glorious conquest hast thou made over the enemies of our souls even wrath sin death hell and devils in that thou didst wring thy self from under the power of them all and not onely so but hast led them captive which would have led us captive and also hast received for us that glorious and unspeakable inheritance That eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither hath it entred into the heart of man to conceive And also hast given thine some discovery thereof through thy Spirit And now sinner together with this consider Fourthly That though Jesus Christ hath done all these things for sinners yet the devils make it their whole work and continual study how they may keep thee and others from enjoying of these blessed priviledges that have been thus obtained for sinners by this sweet Jesus He labours I say first to keep thee ignorant of thy state by nature Secondly to harden thy heart against the wayes of God Thirdly to inflame thy heart with love to sin and the wayes of darkness And fourthly to get thee to continue herein For that is the way he knows to get thee to be a partaker with him of the flaming hell fire even the same that he himself is fallen into together with the rest of the wicked world by reason of sin Look to it therefore But now in the next place a word of incouragement to you that are the Saints of the Lord. 1. Consider what an happy state thou art in that hast gotten the faith of the Lord Jesus into thy soul But be sure thou have it I say how safe how sure how happy art thou For when others go to hell thou must go to heaven when others go to the devil thou must go to God when as others go to prison thou must be set at liberty at ease and at freedom when others must roar for sorrow of heart then thou shalt also sing for the joy of heart Secondly consider thou must have all thy well spent life to follow thee instead of all thy sins and the glorious blessings of the Gospel instead of the dreadful curses and condemnations of the Law The blessing of the Father instead of a fiery sentence from the Judge Thirdly let dissolution come when it will it can do thee no harm for it will be but onely a passage out of a prison into a palace out of a sea of troubles into an haven of rest out of a croud of enemies to an innumerable company of true loving and faithful friends out of shame reproach and contempt into exceeding great and eternal glory For death shall not hurt thee with his sting nor bite thee with his soul-murthering teeth but shall be a welcome guest to thee even to thy soul in that it is sent to free thee from thy troubles which thou art in whiles here in this world dwelling in the tabernacle of clay Fourthly consider how ever it goes with friends and relations yet it will go well with thee Ecclesiastes 8.12 However it goes with the wicked yet I know Mark yet I know saith he that it shall go well with them that fear the Lord that fear before him And therefore let this in the first place cause thee chearfully to exercise thy patience under all the calamities crosses troubles and afflictions that may come upon thee and by patient continuance in well doing to commit both thy self and thine affairs and actions into the hands of God through Jesus Christ as to a faithful Creatour who is true in his word and loveth to give unto thee whatsoever he hath promised to thee And therefore to incourage thee while thou art here with comfort to hold on for all thy crosses in this thy journey be much in considering the place that thou must go into so soon as dissolution comes It must be into heaven to God the Judge of all to an innumerable company of Angels to the spirits of just men made perfect to the general Assembly and Church of the first born whose names are written in heaven and to Jesus too the
the dead what need have they of such a thing Have they not Moses and the Prophets hath not Moses told them the danger of living in sin Deut. 27. from ver 15. to ver 26. And chap. 28.15 16 17 18 19 20. c. to the end of the chapter also ch 29.18 19 20 21. hath he not there told them what a sad state these persons are in that deceive themselves with the deceit of their hearts saying They shall have peace though they follow their sins in these words And when he heareth the words of this curse he bless himself in his heart saying I sh●ll have peace though I go on or walk in the imagination of my heart to adde drunkenness to thirst The Lord will not spare that man but then the anger of the Lord and his jealousie shall smoak against him and all the curses that are written in this book shall lye upon him and the Lord shall blot out his name from under heaven Ag●in did not Moses write of the Saviour that was to come afterwards into the world Deut. 18.18 Nay have not all the Prophets from Samuel with all those that follow after prophesied and foretold these things therefore what need ●ave they that I should work such a miracle as to send one from the dead unto them They have Moses and the Prophets let them hear them From whence observe again That God doth honour the writings of Moses and the Prophets as much nay more then if one should rise from the dead Should not a people seek unto their God what seek for seek for the living among the dead To the Law and to the testimonies saith ●od if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them Isa 8 19 20. And let me tell you plainly I do believe that the devil knows this full well which makes him labour to beget in the hearts of his disciples and followers light thoughts of them and doth perswade them that even a motion from their own beguiled conscience or from his own wicked Spirit is to be observed and obeyed before them when the very Apostle of Jesus Christ though he heard a voice from the excellent glory saying This is my beloved Son c. Yet writing to the Churches and telling them he heard such a voice he commends the writings of the Prophets before it saying We have also a more sure word of the Prophets unto which ye do well to take heed c. 2 Pet. 1 17 18 19. Now if thou doubtest whether that place be meant the Scriptures the words of the Prophets or no read but the next verse where he addeth for a certain confirmation thereof these words Knowing this first that there is no prophecy of the Scriptures Mark it is the prophecy of the Scriptures There is no prophecy of the Scriptures of any private interpretation for prophecy came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost And therefore O what a sad thing is it with those that go about to disown the Scriptures I tell you however you may slight them now yet when they come into hell and in bitterness of soul cry out Oh that one might go to forewarn my companions of their folly lest they come into this place of torment God doth and will answer them with these words they have Moses and the Prophets let them hear them Again it is very observable who they are that are so tossed to and fro with the several winds of doctrine that have been broached in these dayes They are such for the most part as have had a light esteem of the Scriptures for the ground of errour as Christ saith is because they know not them Mark 12.24 And indeed it is just with God to give them over to follow their own dark blinded consciences to be led into errours that they might be damned into hell who did not believe that the things contained in the Scripture were the truth that they might be saved and go to heaven I cannot well tell how to have done speaking for and on the Scriptures side onely this I consider Verse 30. A word is enough to the wise and therefore I shall commit these things into the hands of them that are of God and as for the rest if they convert not to Jesus Christ I shall say to them rather then God will save them from hell with the breach of his holy word if they had a thousand souls a piece God would destroy them all for the Scriptures cannot be broken Joh. 10.35 Ver. 30. And he said nay Father Abraham but if one went unto them from the dead they would repent THe verse before you know as I told you it was part of an answer to such as lose their souls so it is a vindication of the Scriptures of Moses and the Prophets where he saith They have Moses and the Prophets let them hear them as if he had said they should have closed in with the tenders of mercy held out by Moses Samuel David Isaiah Jeremiah together with the rest of the glorious certain truths that I moved them to utter and hold forth in their generation to the world and also which they have left on record both for the warning comfort and reproof of them who in after ages should come into the world both by holding forth the state of man by nature how miserable it was and by holding out the mercy and grace of God and how large that was and also how free God is and ever was to save them that did come the right way to him namely by Christ together with the lamentable and sad state that those were and are and shall be in that did turne their backs on what they did then speak and afterwards leave on record for the good of succeeding generations if they vvould or v ill be blessed that are yet alive let them ovvn them clo●e in vvith that vvhich is held forth by them namely the Mesias or Jesus that came from heaven to earth on purpose to lay dovvn his life for the rebellious as I said before Novv this verse is an ansvver to the former and such an one as hath in it a kind of reject●on of the former ansvver Nay Father Abraham Nay saith he do not say so do not put them off vvith this send one from the dead and then there vvill be some hopes 'T is true thou speakest of the Scriptures of Moses and the Prophets and sayest let them hear them but these things are not so vvell as I could vvish I had rather thou wouldst send one from the dead In these vvords therefore Nay Father Abraham there is a repulse given Nay let it not be so Nay I do not like of that ansvver Hear Moses and the Prophets nay The same expression is used by Christ Luk. 13.2 3. Think you that they upon whom the tower of