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A50468 The life & death of Edmund Staunton D.D. To which is added, I. His treatise of Christian conference. II. His dialogue betwixt a minister and a stranger. Published by Richard Mayo of Kingston, Minister of the Gospel. Mayo, Richard, 1631?-1695. 1673 (1673) Wing M1528; ESTC R221740 138,938 373

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of the things of God and of the great concernments of your Soul and of Eternity Let me give you some good counsel before we part it may be you and I shall never meet again and as we never saw the faces one of another for ought we know before this day so possibly we never may see each other again till the day of Judgments that great and terrible day of the Lord. Let me advise you and the Lord persuade your heart 1. To make Conscience of secret Prayer begging of God for Christ his sake that he would make you sensible of the ignorance of the blindness of the mind of the hardness and impenitency of the heart of the carelesness and mindlesness of the spirit in the great things of grace and salvation be earnest with God to give you knowledge and consider that the soul be without knowledge is not good Prov. 19.2 As also for repentance from dead Works and a true saving faith in Jesus Christ Beg of God an heart to seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and that you may be of those who strive to enter in at the strait gate and of those violent ones who take the Kingdome of Heaven by force c. 2. Be careful to hear good Ministers preach remembring what most concerneth you in what you hear 3. Be much in searching the Scriptures and reading of good Books Catechisms and such like 4. Make choice of good Company of such as fear God and walk precisely holily righteously and soberly in this present evil world and improve such acquaintance by good conference with them putting such questions to them as may make for your edification and they let me tell you will be as glad of your society as you of theirs 5. Be sure if you have a Family to set up the worship of God in your Family reading the Scriptures and praying morning and evening with the houshold Catechizing and instructing your Children and Servants if you have a●y 6. And lastly be strict in sanctifying the Sabbath spend that day well though the rest of the Neighbours be loose and careless therein and though men ungodly men hate you mock and persecute you it matters not so long as God loveth you Remember that 2 Tim. 3.12 All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution And that of Christ Matth. 5.10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of God And ver 11 12. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you c. And now Friend fare you well and the Lord bless you Stranger And you also good Sir I hope I shall remember you and some of your words to me as long as I live onely let me desire one favour of you that I may know your name and where you live Minister That you shall Friend my name is so and so and I live at such a place and if your occasions call you thither I shall be glad to see you and let me know your name and where you live and possibly if I come that way I may see you Once more Farewell FINIS TREATISE OF Christian Conference MY design being to bear up the honour the necessity and usefulness of Christian Conference too much neglected even by the best of men it will not be wholly impertinent to bear down some of that unruliness and irregularity The Tongues Vnruliness which the Tongues of too many are too much guitly of The Apostle James as it were bores the black tongues of men with a red hot Iron of sharp but just rebuke vers 6. The Tongue is a Fire a world of iniquitie setteth on fire the course of Nature and it is set on fire of Hell For every kind of beasts and of birds and of Serpents and things in the Sea is tamed and hath been tamed of mankind But the Tongue can no man Tame it is an unruly evil full of deadly poyson It s untamedness and unruliness appears in its great miscarriage and that both in reference to God and man 1 In reference to God in speaking In reference to God we are too tongue tied in speaking both to God in Prayer Praises and Confessions and of God with others To God He was a great man 1 To God and you will say as good as great who being a man of few words and of much prayer was thought to speak more to God than men Possibly that man after Gods own heart was such a one who saith very truly though of himself Ps 119.164 109.4 Seven times a day do I praise thee and again I give my self unto prayer Possibly some Popish Votaries in a superstitious way possibly also a man may be found in our dayes who is very slow to speak but of a musing medirabundous spirit in holy ejaculations Colloquies and Soliloquies betwixt God and himself much also in prayer by himself and with others but such a man where-ever he dwells I believe he dwells alone by himself is a very great rarity one of many thousands who speaks more to God than to men Again 2 Of God and for God We are all born and live too much tongue-tied as to our Speech of God to and with others 1 Omission though we have a large and spacious field very pleasant Fragrant flowery and Odoriferous for our Discourse to walke up and down and expatiate it self in to wit God in his essence and subsistencies the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost God in his Decrees in his works of Creation and Providence God in his Covenants made with man that of Works and that of Grace God in his Word Law and Gospel in his commands promises and threatnings Againe touching Christ his person natures and offices his humiliation and Exaltation As also touching the Holy Ghost his beginning and carrying on the work of God in the Elect from the first to the last Adde hereunto the many and great priviledges and benefits which the effectually called ones are and shall be made partakers of by Christ in life at death at the Resurrection and to Eternity I might inlarge but one would think in what is said there were room enough and enough for all the nimble ●●ngued in the world to busy tire and weary themselves in O how sad then is it to have so little of God in our Mouths to observe how people who have their faces Zion-ward can spend hour after hour together it may be day after day and yet scarce have a word concerning God Christ the Spirit or the great affairs of their soules and of Eternity from one end of the prattle to the other This fruit indeed is bad and bitter but yet the root is worse The true and onely reason The reason God is little in our hearts Mat. 12.34 35. I know of is this God is not much in our hearts and therefore but little in our Mouths for out of the
Angels Min. No Friend God is not an Angel at all God is a Spirit uncreated having his being of himself infinite and eternal the Angels are creatures were made by God are finite have a beginning Col. 1.16 By him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be thrones and dominions principalities or powers all the Angels were made by God Str. I believe Sir what you say concerning God and the Angels Min. Where is God think you Str. Why God is in heaven Minister What is God no where els but in heaven Stranger Yes I hope he is in the hearts of all good people also Min. Is God in hell also Str. No not in hell unless by his power onely Min. Yes God is in hell also and that not onely by his power but in his essence and being or else How is God infinite if he be not every where Str. What you say is true but I never heard so much before Min. Friend How many Gods be there Str. There is but one God Min. Is there not God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost And are there not then three Gods Str. Yes Sir three Gods Min. No Friend three persons indeed but onely one God Deut. 6.4 Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord. Str. Yea three persons and one God I remember it now Minister Having said something concerning God what think you Friend concerning your self Are you a sinner against this God or no Stranger Yes Sir we are all sinners God help us Min. Why Friend which of the Commandments of God have you ever broken Str. Sir I break them all every day in thought word and deed Min. Say you so Friend let us come to each particular Commandment Did you ever break the first Commandment Thou shalt have c Str. No Sir I believe there 's but one God Min. What say you to the second Commandment Thou shalt not make c Str. I am sure I have not broken this Commandment I am no Papist I abhor Images I am a Protestant and so was my father before me Min. Did you ever break the third Commandment Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain c Stranger No Sir I am no common Swearer it may be I let fall an Oath now and then as others do but I am sorry for it when I have done Minister What think you of the fourth Commandment Do you keep holy the Sabbath Str. Yes truly Sir I keep the Church all my Neighbours can bear me witness I hear our own Minister sometimes I stay at home but not very often Min. For the fifth Commandment Honour thy Father c. Have you broken this Commandment Str. I hope not much Sir my father and mother were they alive would say I was as good a child as any they had and we were so many of us Min. What think you of the sixth seventh and eighth Commandments Thou shalt not kill commit adultery steal Have you broken these Commandments Str. I hope not for I am no murderer no adulterer no thief Min. For the ninth Commandment Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour have you kept or broken it Stranger I hope I have not broken it for I never took a false Oath against any man in my life Minister What think you of the tenth Commandment Thou shalt not covet c Are you guilty or not Str. Covet would I were as free from other sins as I am from Covetousness if you would have me tell you the truth I am to blame rather on the other hand I spend my money too fast Min. Oh Friend how do these things stand together you said even now that you broke all the Commandments every day in thought word and deed and now I have dealt with you upon each particular Commandment you clear your self in all as if you had broken none of the Commandments in thought word or deed Str. I pray Sir tell me something that I may understand my self better Min. Know Friend that you are grievously ignorant and that Satan the god of this World hath miserably blinded you that your heart fearfully deceiveth you pray earnestly to God that he would inlighten you hear read the Scriptures Catechisms and other good Books remember Sermons go to the Minister intreating him to instruct you in the principles of Religion grow acquainted with good people talk and discourse much with them about heavenly matters and by the blessing of God in a little time you will come to know God more and your self better Stranger I thank you heartily Sir and when I come home I purpose to think of your counsel and to follow it Minister Say and hold Friend and remember that a blind ignorant Soul is worse than a dark and blind body And that the soul be without knowledge is not good Prov. 19.2 Str. I hope I shall remember what you have said to me as long as I live and I confess I am a sinner Min. Are you guilty of Adam's sin in his eating the forbidden fruit Str. No Sir that was long before my time I know nothing of it Min. Yes Friend I and you and all Mankind except Christ are guilty of Adams first sin Rom. 5.12 By one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all for that all have sinned Stranger True Sir now I remember my self I have heard them say that we are all guilty of Adam 's sin because we were all in his loins Minister I have heard them say you must not build your faith upon hear-sayes but upon the written Word of God and for your reason why we are guilty of Adam's sin because we were all in his loins that 's not the main reason for then we should be as well guilty of the sins of our Fathers and Grandfathers c. for we were in their loins also Str. How then I pray you came we to be guilty of Adam 's first sin Min. Why thus Adam was a publick person representing all Mankind and the Covenant of life made with him was not for himself only but for all his posterity so that when he sinned we sinned when he fell we fell with him in that his first transgression Stranger I must needs confess that I am guilty of Adam 's first sin Minister Friend You and I are not only guilty of Adam's first sin but also of many actual transgressions You said even now that sometimes you let fall an Oath in your common discourse which is swearing and taking the Name of God in vain and you said truly also that we break the Commandments of God in thought word and deed and the Scripture saith Rom. 3.23 All have sinned c. So that you and I and all men are sinners certainly Str. I acknowledge Sir that I am a sinner Min. Yea Friend but are you such a sinner as that you deserve
Davids Psalms along with him the first thing he did in a morning was to read a portion of Scripture which was matter of meditation and communication also all the day after When he was to seek for matter of good discourse which was not often or when no apt occasion was offer'd otherwise then you should hear him speak of some Scripture that he had read that morning from which he would raise some usefull observations or propose some practical questions to the instruction of the Company And at night when he went to bed he would search out some Scripture or other which suited his present thoughts and that was the subject or matter of his meditation in his waking houres He seldome wrote any letter but he added three or four or more Scriptures for a Postscript and those very pertinent either to the occasion of his writing or the condition of the person to whom he wrote or it may be they should respect the times and the providences of God therein How many letters have I received from him subscribed in that manner He selsome visited or met any friend but he would at parting leave some Scripture or other with him Pray he would say let me leave one Text of Scripture with you and thinke of it when I am gone 5. His giving himself to Prayer He was the most praying Christian that ever I was acquainted with Ps 109.4 Ego oratio ve Tig. vir orationis eram Pagn Vitus Theodor. Once it fell out sayes he I over-heard him but good God with what a spirit what a confidence was in his expressions with such a reverence he sued as one begging of God and yet with such hope and assurance as if he spake to a loving father or friend What David said of himself may be affirmed of him that he gave himself to prayer One sayes of Luther that no day past wherein he did not spend three houres at least in this duty I can't assert so much of this reverend person but this I dare averr that no day past wherein he restrained it or slightly past it over His manner was when ever he came to lodge at any friends house after he had saluted those that were in his way immediately to betake himself to his Chamber where he would spend an houre more or less by himself before any friend could speak with him At night again he would be shut up in his Chamber a considerable time before any servant could be admitted He would often say to his Godly friends that came to visit him Joach pa. Virg. Mar. Mihi cibus et pitus est oratio Come must not we pray together before we part indeed it may be said of him what was said of another that prayer was his repast Nor did he slubber over this duty as many doe but he did it with all his might he prayed in prayer he wrestled with God as our Father Jacob did and he wept for the most part when he made his supplication to him He was not onely affectionate in prayer with others but when he was alone by himself This passage I find under his own hand The Glory be Gods where I have shed one tear in prayer with others I have I think I speak within compass shed two in secret betwixt God and mine own soul One thing I had almost let slip that in prayer alone or with others if he could have room he would perform the duty kneeling on the ground yea though sometimes he was almost lost in the croud by so doing he would say the humblest gesture as well as spirit became the duty of prayer and that he knew no way of wrestling with the Almighty like that of lying at his feet and prostrating our selves before him Of old when the question was propounded Servasti Dominicum the answer was Christianus sum intermittere non possum 6. His Sanctification on the Lords Day the Christian Sabbath He was a strict observer of the Lords day and indeed he is no true Christian that is careless therein Some have observed that the Sanctification of the Sabbath is one of the first things a converted person makes conscience of this good man was every day watchful over his thoughts words and actions but on this day more especially It was rare to hear him speak one idle word or see him do one unnecessary action on the Sabbath day The Jewish Talmud proposeth this question why God made man on the Sabbath Eve and gives this answer that he might presently enter upon the sanctification of the Sabbath and begin his life with that work which was the main end of it His strictness was such herein that some have wondred at it and some too hastily have censur'd him for it I can remember I have kept some Sabbaths with him but alas I could by no means keep pace with him he went from duty to duty as Bees doe from Flower to Flower from publique duty to family duties from family duties to closet duties finding sweetness in them all he would say we must alwayes be good husbands of time especially of holy time we must not spend that time which is not our own about our own things 7. His ke●…g dayes of prayer and fasting alone and with his Family Ne. 1.4 Dan. 9.3.2 Sa. 12.16 Est 4.16 Mat. 18.19.20 v. Clarks Marrow of Eccl. History p. 932. He accustomed himself to keep private fasts a practise out of use amongst Christians though much commended in the Scriptures This good man sometimes by himself alone and sometimes with his little family kept many whole dayes of prayer and humiliation This he did ordinarily before the Lords Supper and often as he found any corruption to grow or get head in his heart There are some devils and devillish lusts that will be cast out or kept under no other way This particular experience he himself records That when he was a young Preacher he found himself very prone to be puffed up and exalted and indeed it was a common saying with him that Spiritual pride is the special sin of young Ministers whereupon he set apart a day to seek God for strength against that sin and from that day forward he felt 't is his own expression the neck and heart of it was broken And to speak truth which might have been another head he was a most lowly minded Christian● He was clothed all over with humility 1 Pet. 5.5 Fuit in honore sine tumore in elatione sine praelation● Bernard Clem. de correct Eccl. Stat. c. 22. Aug. de civit Deil. 14. c. 13. that Treasury of grace that ornament of Religion neither his Parentage nor his parts nor his applause nor any thing else did to appearance any way elate or puff him up though he was lifted up in the eyes and hearts of others yet he was lowly in his own how often have I known him to esteem others that were abundantly worse to be better then
their studies so to see it reverently performed and that the whole Society came duly together Every Lords day in the Evening when the whole House met to offer up their Sacrifice of praise and prayer he examined the younger sort calling them to account about what they had heard that day which was a likely means to engage them to the greater attention in hearing and to make the truths by their pondering them sink the deeper into their hearts He took great pains to instruct them of the lower rank in the grounds of Religion calling them one day in the Week into the Chappel where he opened and explained the great and weighty Truths of Christianity to them endeavouring still not only to inform their judgments but to make the truths reach their hearts Whereas the Founder required that the Fellows and Scholars should at such a standing as was said before be ordained to the Ministry he with the consent of such of the Fellows as were impowered by Statute to make orders for the good of the Society decreed That all of such a standing or above should preach every Lords day in the morning by course in the College Chappel before the publick Sermon in the Vniversity By this means they who were designed for the Work of the Ministry might first prove and improve their own abilities And secondly approve themselves to others to be men apt to teach which is one of the qualifications required in the Apostolical Canons in them that are to be called to the Pastoral office Fifthly and lastly besides the Conference which he had often in his own Lodgings about Soul-matters and Communion in the Lords Supper in the College Chappel where he himself did administer and many of the House with others from abroad were partakers he was often discoursing with such of the Society as came to him about any business in such a manner as tended to the promoting of Holiness for he seldom let them depart without some instruction admonition or hearty counsel They especially who by reason of their place and standing were most about him received great benefit by conversing with him For his heart taught his mouth and added learning to his lips When a portion of the Scripture was read at Dinner as is usual he did not only cause altum silentium and reverent attention through the Hall that all might feed their Souls while they were feeding their Bodies but the Chapter ended if there were any difficult places in it he either propounded them to the Fellows that sate at the Table with him to be unfolded by them or else opened and unfolded them himself if it contained practical matter it was a pleasant thing to see and hear how he who applied his heart to the knowledge of God and kept his words and Laws within him had them withall fitted in his lips He lived to see some fruit of his Labours to his great joy and contentment for a competent number of them who were educated ab origine under his care became Learned well-disposed and pious men I cannot refrain but must mention one of them viz. Mr. Joseph Alleine late Minister of the Gospel at Taunton in Somersetshire for as he was a great comfort to this holy man while he continued in the College so it did revive him to hear for he was often enquiring after such as had been of his House as a father after his children that he proved so eminently pious and useful a man in the Church of God But had he lived to see the Relation of his Life now published since his Death he would have fallen into an extasie of joy And I have so much charity for some that were instrumental about his great Sufferings and often Imprisonments as to believe that if they would please to read the Relation aforesaid wherein both Conformists and Nonconformists agree to give him an high testimony for his great parts Learning peaceable spirit quiet deportment zeal of the right kind with ardent love to God and man extending to the worst of his enemies their hearts would smite them for giving so good a man so much trouble however he is now where the weary are at rest Job 3.17 We have seen how vigilant and industrious a Governour this worthy man was in his College he was also one who in compassion to mens souls took every opportunity when at home to Preach in or near the City One of the Impropriations belonging to the College about seven Miles distant having but a small stipend before his time not sufficient to afford a subsistence to an able man to labour and watch among the people for the good of their souls he first went himself afterward he desired some of the Senior Fellows to go over by course and Preach unto the people which desire of his they readily complied with for some time till the Lease of the Impropriation came to be renewed when upon the Presidents proposal the Fellows consented either much to abate or wholly remit the Fine requiring in lieu thereof a competent Sum to be paid yearly to encourage an able man to labour constantly among them When the Affairs of the College called him forth into places remote from the Vniversity he was alwayes ready to take any opportunity to do good to the souls of men One who hath rode many hundred Miles in company with him hath alwayes observed his deportment in all places and toward all persons to be such as became an heavenly minded Christian and a true Minister of Christ When he was riding on the way Deut. 6.7 he entertained his company with heavenly discourse and as variety of Objects did present themselves to him he alwayes drew excellent matter out of them glorifying God for the power wisdom and goodness which appeared in the Works of Greation and Providence Psal 104.24 As he passed by such as were about their occasions in the Fields he would many times make an halt and enter into a short discourse with them He would first ask them some ordinary question such as Travellers use to ask and then take an occasion from their answer to ask them other questions of more weight and concernment to their Souls leaving alwayes some serious word with them at parting for them to ruminate upon And I am persuaded that there are many who never saw his face nor he theirs but thus in transitu that have blest God for him When he came to his Lodging either in a publick or private house as he had a better advantage there so he constantly made good use of it for the glory of God and the edification of whatever company he was cast upon He had an excellent gift and rare faculty beyond what I did ever observe in any man beside to improve discourse so as to make it not only pleasant to those with whom he did converse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but very profitable to their souls aiming still at the last as the mark which
to the Palat loathsome to the stomack and hurtfull to the body so unsavory talke is lothsome to God and good men and of it self hurtful to the soules of all the hearers It corrupts the head with errors the heart with vile affections and the life with sinful practises 1 Cor. 15.33 Be not deceived evil communication corrupts good manners It seems we are apt to be deceived herein therefore the Spirit prefaceth thus Be not deceived Positively but that which is good c. and hath a tendency for good to the heads hearts lives and Conversations of the hearers in it's own nature and our designe for the advance of knowledg and grace in heads and hearts holiness and righteousness in the life and conversation of others To the same purpose command is given to the Colossians Col. 4.6 Let your speech be alway with grace Learned Davenant on the place seasoned with salt As Salt is a preservative against putrefaction so is gracious speech against errors and sins in the heads hearts and lives of the hearers Salt on meats draweth out drieth up some think noxious humors and renders them more apt for digestion and wholsome for nourishment This grace in speech is that pious prudence flowing from the Spirit of God which sanctifieth first the heart and then guides and directs the Tongue and words and makes them sound and solid suitable and seasonable to the Cases and Conditions of others with whom we converse Remember salt must be rubbed in thrust into holes and corners so speech must be set on with life and warmth by the speaker But what must our speech in reference to Children also be with grace and seasoned with salt yea why not to Children so farre as they are subjects capable and recipient of what is spiritual and good What though the understandings and memories of Children be little narrow vessels yet they are every day growing bigger and wider and they are vessels of God's making and therefore good and for good ends and purposes and if parents and friends do not labour to fill these small vessels and to season them with the good liquor of Divine and wholsome truths the Devil and his Instruments wicked ones will bestir themselves to drop store great I can't say good store of venome and poison into them possibly for the tainting sowring and infecting them as long as they live It 's God's command that Parents do bring up their Children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord Eph. 6.4 To bring up that 's natural even the beasts of the field and fowles of the aire bring up feed their young and cherish them In the Nurture that moral and rational men as men if prudent will doe they keep their Children in awe and order therefore the Apostle adds and admonition of the Lord that 's Christian and spiritual Christians indeed will instruct their Children in the Principles of Religion will put good things into their minds as the word imports so farr and so fast as their capacities will take in and their memories retain If any demand what Children at what age must they be instructed All the answer that I will give is this the Original word is large and Comprehensive takes in all that be born and why should I straiten or narrow it Common reason will suggest that the Childs capacity must be the parents guide and rule therein nor is this the taking the Name of God in vain as some ridiculously may fancy it 2 Arg. God taketh delight therein 2. Argument for the promoting of holy conference among Christians is that the Lord our God takes much delight to speak of him as he speaks of himself after the manner of men in a gracious condescension to our weakness and pleasure in the spiritual and heavenly communications of his people And this argument depends as a consequent upon the former Gods command Parents are never better pleased with their Children nor masters with servants then when they are upon the work injoyn'd them to do Yea each glorious person in the God head Father Son and Holy Ghost seem to be much taken with the good language of his people when met together 1 The Father Mal. 3.16 1. The Father himself loves and likes it and takes special notice of it as in the days of Malachi Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another and the Lord hearkened and heard it and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord and thought on his name Mal. 3.16 Then in Malachi's days which were none of the best as his Prophecy declares In that it is said The Lord hearkened and heared is implied a kind of delight and complacency which he found therein as men listen to Musick vocal or instrumental which is melodious and harmonious Again in that A book of remembrance is written it imports Gods taking delight in the words of his people as men addicted to learning what they read and hear which they take delight and pleasure in they 'l book it down for after use as occasion shall serve And probably this place is an allusion to Kings and Princes who have their State-Scribes and Secretaries to make Records as of bad services done against them so of good services done to them and for them as Ahasuerus did Mordecai's Esth 6.1 There 's not a word spoken for God his truth ordinances day his ministers or people that shall fall to the ground and be lost for God hath an Ear to hear all and an hand to register and record all so that all will be upon the account of believers with Comfort in life and death at judgment and to eternity 2 The Son 2. God the Son our dear Lord Jesus Christ holy conference to him is welcome and very acceptable What Christ said to his Church concerning her voice in prayer and praises is true also concerning her voice in holy speech and Conference O my dove let me hear thy voice for sweet is thy voice Can. 2.14 and 4.3 11. And if Christ had not found much content in conferring with Company why did he the very same day in which he rose again from the dead associate himself and that by choice with the two disciples going to Emmans he knew full well they were ingaged in good discourse and whiles they were communing Jesus himself drew near and went with them Luk. 24.15 And to shew how he liked their company and approved their discourse he gave them signal tokens of his love towards them vers 27. He beginning at Moses and all the Prophets expounded to them in all the Scripture the things concerning himself vers 32. the best Divinity Lecture or exposition that ever was made or heard unless such another made by himself Yea he spake to them with authority and power so that their hearts did burn within them He condescended to their entreaties and made some considerable abode with them at Emmans vers 29
born but legions of Devils got possession of them so many beloved lusts as bad or worse than so many Devils and how they were still born dead quite dead in Trespasses and Sins but now through the riches of Grace in Christ the Lepers are cleansed the Devils are cast out and the dead are quickned and raised to the life of grace and glory Eph. 2.1 To hasten shall Souldiers old Souldiers love to be talking of what battels they have been in what sharp Conflicts and hot disputes they have had with such and such enemies what victories obtained what spoils they have divided what joyful triumphs they have solemnized and shall not Old Disciples yea all experienced believers who are the good souldiers of Jesus Christ discourse and love to discourse what spiritual combats they have had with the Devil the world and the flesh the corruption of their own hearts their unbelief pride passions covetousness how they have conflicted with ungodly men their Cruel mockings and persecutions yea how they have gotten the victory have overcome the world by their faith Heb. 11.36 Gal. 4.29 Joh. 5.4 what spoils they are inriched with what answers to prayers what mortifying of such and such Corruptions what eminent growth in grace how faith hath been marvellously strengthen'd love inflamed zeal fired longing after communion with God heightened and the like and all this because they fought under such a Captain who puts spirit and life into all marching under his banners even Jesus Christ the Captain of their Salvation yea the Lord of Hosts himself mighty in battel Heb. 2.10 Jer. 50.34 Again shall wrestlers and racers speak much of their strength and swiftness And why not believers of their wrestling not against flesh and blood only but against principalities and powers Eph. 6.12 and of their running with patience the race set before them He. 12.1 and how they can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth them shall wise men be speaking Phil. 4.13 Je. 9.23 24. yea glorying in their wisdome mighty men glorying in their might and rich men in their riches which is their sin and their shame and shall not the Saints of the most high God each glory in this that he understandeth and knoweth me saith the Lord which glorying is their duty and honour also yea Gal. 6.14 glory in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by whom or whereby the world is Crucified unto them and they unto the world shall men addicted to recreations who devote themselves to hunting and hawking fishing and fowling speak much of what delight and contentment they find therein one praising his pack of Hounds for being well mouthed hunting close and round as in a ring another commending his hawk for mounting high as an Eagle even to the Skies and when the fowle ariseth for falling and shooting down upon the prey like a thunder bolt out of the Cloudes and so forth Then surely the generation of believers have more cause to speak one to another and that not with a carnal and sensual delight as men in their sports and recreations but with a spiritual and heavenly cheariness of what contentment and satisfaction they have found in God delighting themselves in the Lord their God David speaks to all his fellow Saints Ps 66.16 Come and hear all ye that fear God and I will declare what he hath done for my soul to wit how he hath heard my prayers quickned me when dull and dead raised me up when I was brought very low delivered me from the hands of all mine enemies and from the Hands of Saul Psal 18. the Title He giveth us his judgment plainly A day in thy Courts O God is better then a thousand and backs it with the choice he made I had rather be a door-keeper in the house of my God then to dwell in the tents of wickedness Ps 84.10 Talk with men called of God according to his purpose who in their youth poured out their soules to vanities to all manner of sports and pastimes and they will ingeniously confess that they find more sweetness and hearts solace in one hours communion with God in secret prayer in one day of humiliation or thanksgiving in hearing a good Sermon or in being partakers of the Lords Supper and so sitting with the King at his Table Can. 1.12 then they did in all their youthfull games and recreations all their dayes To conclude shall the worst of men the cheating gamester the swinish drunkard the beastly adulterer be so bold as to talke and that in a jolly boasting way of their false Dice and coggings of their drinking down such and such laying them under the Table of their defiling Women or Maidens satisfying their lust to the full with them all glorying in their shame Phil. 3.19 and shall not Christians in their Conference speak freely with joy and thanksgivings ascribing all the glory to the Lord their God of their diligence and faithfulness in their lawful callings of their Temperance and Chastity yea farther how their hearts have bin raised up and ravished with holy Meditations and heavenly ejaculations how their spirits are got above the world whilst in the world how their fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ through the Spirit 1 Joh. 1.3 How the Father and the Son love them make their abode with them and manifest themselves unto their soules Joh. 21.23 How Jesus Christ is pleased Can. 1.2 to kiss them with the kisses of his mouth day by day O Friends what I say are not bare words and notions but things and realities and glorying herein is good for it is glorying in the Lord. But I fear my fancy and pen run too fast and too far in this argument possibly to the tiring of some faint and feeble readers Therefore in a word know the Devil drives a great and mighty though an ungodly and accursed Trade in the Tongues of Sinners they speak often one to another corrupting poisoning and debauching each other and how unwearied are they in this drudgery advancing and promoting to their uttermost the Kingdome of darkness and of the Devil as they are going toward Hell together and shall not our God and Father and our dear Redeemer Jesus Christ carry on an holy and blessed Trade if I may so phrase it in the mouths and lips of his Saints and Servants his sons and daughters to the convincing and converting of sinners if possible or at the least to the rendring them more inexcusable in that great and terrible day of the Lord and to the edifying strengthening and comforting one another speaking much of God and for God even with all their might striving and labouring to inlarge the Kingdome of Christ in grace here and so in glory hereafter Whilst we are Travellers here below in our present pilgrimage to be very busie active and toyling as it were in the work of the Lord will doubtless be upon our account to our safety comfort
of patience Rom. 15.5 whose name is by himself proclaimed to be the Lord the Lord God gracious and merciful slow to anger Exod. 34.6 Neh. 1.6 so highly as to pour out his fury like fire yea in fire to the laying wast of Englands Metropolis in three or four days and so to putting God yea forcing God as it were upon his strange work which he so unwillingly is ingaged in I would well hope that whilst England is England the Histories and Chronicles relating these signal tokens of Gods fierce indignation will have a benigne influence by the blessing of God upon our posterity to the worlds end that they may hear and fear and do no more such wickedness as we have done Deut. 13.11 4 Strangers meet Again 4ly Strangers meeting upon the high-way or else where might and should discourse it how all even the best of men Gods own Children are and have confessed themselves to be but strangers and pilgrims here and therefore as strangers and pilgrims we ought to abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul 1 Pet. 2.11 Or when we ask others or others ask us the way to such or such a place why may not a question be put touching the way to heaven and happiness how Christ is the way purchased for believers and how in thankfulness to God for Christ and the benefits we have by Christ we should walk in yea run the way of his Commandements as holy David resolved to do Ps 119.32 Yet againe 5. When people marry 5 Marriages and matches are made possibly with some of the relations and you are guests also at the wedding feast surely it would not be unbecoming Christians to be thinking and speaking of the happy condition of such as are betrothed to Jesus Christ as all believers are and that for ever in righteousness in judgment in loving kindness and mercies Hos 2.19 20. And as John was commanded to write Blessed are they which are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb Rev. 19.9 As also the sad and dolefull estate of all who being invited to the wedding feast as all are who live under the sound of the Gospel Come not but desire to be excused make light of it go their wayes one to his farme another to his merchandize Matt. 22.5 or if they come yet have not on the wedding garment are not clothed with the righteousness of Christ and graces of the spirit The Gentile hypocrite is that man to whom the King when he came to see his guests said Friend how earnest thou in hither not having a wedding garment vers 11 12. Both these fall and lie under an heavie doom and dreadful vengeance The slighters who came not to the feast probably the unbelieving Jews with them the King was wroth and he sent forth his armies and destroyed those murderers and burnt up their City This execution was done speedily by the Romans destroying Jerusalem firing and demolishing the Temple and the City and there was a dismal slaughter of eleven millions of men De belle Judaico women and Children as Josephus reports And for the man that came to the feast he made some Christian profession but had not the wedding garment which is the false unsound Professour the Gentile hypocrite the King deales or will deal severely with him also the man was speechless or muzzled not having a word to say for himself why he should not be condemned vers 12. but the King hath something to say to him which might make his heart to ake and tremble vers 13. Then said the King to the servants to wit the holy Angels ministring spirits bind him hand and foot that is make him sure as they use to do condemned persons he is disabled to sight for himself or by flight to make escape being bound hand and foot take him away O that 's a cutting word if when an angry Father sayeth concerning a froward child take it away away with it the Child screams and roars it 's worse to it then the rod or whipping If when the Judge upon the Bench having passed his sentence of death against a Malefactor saith Take him Jaylor away with him to Prison and from thence to the place of execution if these words be as swords and daggers piercing the hearts of the condemned O then how terrible and dreadful beyond all expression or imagination must it needs be when Christ the righteous Judge shall turne and cashire sinners for ever out of his gratious presence never to see the face of God never to be with the Lord this punishment of loss privative torment is not the least piec● of the misery of the damned and to compleat their woe and horror it follows Cast him into utter or outer darkness Joh. 3.19 They loved darkness rather then light the darkness of gross and wilful ignorance know not nor care to know the things of God but are willingly ignorant saying unto God Depart from us we desire not the knowledge of thy wayes 2 Pet. 3.5 Job 21.14 Eph. 5.11 And love the deeds of darkness therefore the Lord justly casts them into darkness and they shall be filled with darkness as they who cutting the bloody Tyrants head threw it into a pail of bloud saying satiate thy self with bloud Whereas The inheritance of the Saints is in light Satio te Sanguine Col. 1.2 The portion of sinners shall be in blackness of darkness for ever Jude 13. And more it 's outer darkness as doggs without Rev. 22.15 When believers as the children of God are within doors housed in Heaven a place of light and glory the glory of God doth lighten it and the Lamb is the light thereof vers 23. And if here be not misery enough for what followes there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth Matth. 22.13 Now the sinner hath as he thinks a merry time of it but there 's a woe coming Wo unto you that laugh now for ye shall mourn and weep Luk. 6.25 Now the wicked plotteth against the just and gnasheth upon him with his teeth Psal 37.12 But let them know their black day is at hand wherein they will have gnashing for gnashing their gnashing upon the righteous in scorne and contempt shall be turned into a gnashing their teeth through extremitie of paine anguish and horrour for ever Having been large in this instance my words may seem to be words of digression or of diversion might they by the blessing of God prove to any words of Conversion or of Edification neither writer nor reader would have any cause to repent them of their labour 6 Conversion of a sinner If we hear of the conversion of a sinner it puts us upon rejoycing and praising God and expressing our thankfulness in words and actions It was meet we should make merry and be glad for this thy brother was dead and is alive again c. saith the Father of the returning Prodigal to his elder Brother Luk.