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A14341 An abridgement of the notable woorke of Polidore Vergile conteignyng the deuisers and firste finders out as well of artes, ministeries, feactes & ciuill ordinaunces, as of rites, and ceremonies, commo[n]ly vsed in the churche: and the originall beginnyng of the same. Co[m]pendiously gathered by Thomas Langley; De rerum inventoribus. English. Abridgments Vergil, Polydore, 1470?-1555.; Langley, Thomas, d. 1581. aut 1546 (1546) STC 24656; ESTC S107600 129,908 356

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bie or sell benefices and spirituall promocions whiche thyng although it bee often vsed is playnely forboden by the scriptures Next Simon succeded his disciple Menander a Samarytane borne whiche called hymself a sauiour sente from heauen to preserue and saue menne and promised theim ▪ 〈◊〉 receiued his baptisme should liue immortally he did more harme and peruerted more then his master Simon had doen. In thesame tyme the heresie of the Nicolayans beganne whiche taughte that wifes should bee vsed in common as the Anabaptistes dooe nowe at this tyme. Then also Corinthus enterprised to mixte the newe lawe with the olde affirmyng that circumcision oughte too bee obserued and kepte and that after the resurreccion menne should liue a thousande yeres in carnall lustes and pleasures At those daies Hebion his heresie broke oute whiche saied that Christe was not afore his mother agaynste this felowe Ihon wrote his Gospell laste of all the Euangelistes Aboute that tyme were other diuerse heretikes as Basilides that affirmeth there wer twoo beginnynges or principall causes of thynges contrary his scholer Marchion a Stoicien that denied Christe to bee the sonne of GOD and Valenciane that saied Christe tooke no fleshe of the virgins body but passed through her as it were through a pipe or condute thē also Montanus named hym self the comforter or holy ghoste Apelles was then also whiche saied Christe was but a phantasie in the sight of men and Sabellius that said the father the sonne the holy ghost wer but one persone and Paulus Samosatenus whiche denied the twoo natures to bee in Christe and that he beganne but of his mother and that she had after hym mo children by Iosephe And thus beganne heretikes firste to spryng vp As for Schismes whiche sprong of suche heresies and erronious opinions Nouatianus a prieste of Rome was authoure of the firste in the yere of our Lorde twoo hundred fifty and fiue in the tyme of Cornelius bishoppe of Rome he named his disciples Mundi that is pure and cleane and offēders he affirmed that thei ought not to bee admitted but reiected although thei wer penitente for their synnes whiche openiō the Anabaptistes now maintain He was condemned ●i Cornelius bishop of Rome as an heretike with all his adherentes Aboute foure score yeres after in the reigne of Constantine the greate Arrius a priest of Alexandria was the beginner of a secte schisme that denied the sonne too bee of the substaunce of GOD the father but this was conuicte in the counsaill of Nicene albeet not extincted THE thirde Schisme was when Damasus was bishop of Rome wher in thei contended not onely with voices and woordes but also with violence and weapons by reason of the ambicion of the bishoppes there assēbled Other Schismes haue sprōgen in our tyme to the great disquietnes and confusion of Christen religion destruccion of common welthes wh●che I praie God maie bee redressed staied to the honor of hym to the confirmaciō of y e faithfull to the subuersiō of hipocrisy to the auanncemēt of Goddes woorde too the mitigatyng of the trouble of poblike weales too the establishement of perpetuall vnitee of herte and continuall peace all discencion and warre extinguished ¶ The .iiii. Chapiter ¶ When the firste generall counsaill was kepte and whiche wer alowed by the fathers THE custome of assembling coūselles to take deliberaciō of thynges doubtefull or matters seriouse is of a greate ancientie aswel emong the Hebrues as other nacions And by suche a maner counsail was Matthias surrogated and substituted in the steade of Iudas into the number of the Apostelles And by a counsaill holden at Hierusalem the Apostles discharged the Gentyles of Moses lawe Cornelius was the first as plainly appeareth that called to gether any counsaill and that was in Rome of sixe hundred bishoppes as many priestes with a greate multitude of deacons In this counsail the heresie of the Nouatianes was cōuicted and at thesame tyme satte also a counsail at Carthage where sainct Cypriane was bishoppe Eusebius writeth also that once in the dayes of Dionisius and likewyse in y e tyme of Felix the fathers somoned another counsail at Antioche to condemne Paule Samosatene whiche denied the two natures of Christ as is aforesayd FIVE other counsailes wer celebrated in the reigne of Constantine the Emperour and al were in Grece one at Nicea a cytie of Bithine wher were gathered thre hundreth .xviii. bishoppes to confu●e Arrius and his secre This was the yere of Christ thre hundreth twenty and foure the same tyme that Siluester y e fyrst was bishoppe of Rome THE seconde was at Constatinople when Damasus was bishoppe of Rome wherein Macedonius and Eudoxus wer cōdemned bicause thei dyd deny the holy ghost to be God HHE thirde was at Ephesus Celestyne the fyrst then occupiyng the sea of Rome There was Nestor his heresie abholished that sayd Mari the virgyne was mother of Christ a man but not as he was of God and that the persone of the God hede and his manhod wer .ii. sundry persones THE fourth was at Chalcedonie vnder Leo the fyrst where Entiches an heretike was improued these .iiii. sainct Gregorye thought worthye to be admitted and allowed to the establishyng of our religion THE .v. was solēnely kept at Byzance at the cōmaundement of Vigilius bishop of Rome and in this was Theodorus reasoned with whiche affirmed that Marie dyd beare onely a man and not God and man For that cause the counsail there then decreed that Christes mother should be called Theotocos or Deipara that is bearer of God and the actes of this counsail were receiued by Gregorye THE sixte counsail Constantine the fourth at the request and suite of Agathon called also at Byzance where two hundreth bishoppes condemned Macarius of Antioche This counsail was accepted by Hadriane the fyrst That no counsail might be legitimate or lawfully assēbled without the bishoppe of Rome his consent and assente was the constitucion and decree of Marcellus the fyrst and afterwarde Iulius Damasus and Gregorie ratified the same Martine the fifth made a law that euery tenth yere the bishop of Rome and al Christen princes should meete together to consulte of matters concernyng our religion christen faith It was decreed at the counsail of Nicene that euerye bishop should twise yerely haue a sinode or senes general within his diocese to correcte and refourme suche thynges as were out of order But now the matter is so handeled that senes be onely courtes to gather their senage and proxie with a procession and a sermon that the half vnderstand not other correction I heare of none The .v. Chapiter ¶ Of the fyrst persecutours of the christen and fyrst Martyres CHRISTE whiche came into this worlde and was incarnate to beare witnesse
effect emōg y e priestes of the Weste parties vntill the tyme of Gregory the seueth whiche was the yere of our lorde M.lxxiiii AND here Polydore protesteth that the syngle life of priestes dooeth more harme to the religion shame to the ordre and griefe to honest menne then their constrained chastite profiteth if thei wer restored to the libertie and chose it were no preiudice to the christen common wealth and honesty for the ordre In the beginnyng menne maried their sisters and kinswomen but Moses restrained theim of the Hebrues from the first and seconde degrees and Fabianus forbad the third and fourth whiche custome stādeth now in effect Theodorus did inhibite first that a manne might not mary that mayde to whō his father was a godfather It was confirmed firste by Gregory and after by Alexander the third that no man should mary his brothers wife lest it should bee thought to be a counterfet of the Hebrues Lamech was the first that euer had two wiues whose example many other ensued afterwarde The custome of purifiyng was taken of y e Hebrues but there is no daie or time appoincted for it Neuerthelesse for an honest order thei vse cōmonly not to be purified afore the moneth daie then with a few honest matrōs she cōmeth accompained to the church offereth a waxe taper the chrisome ❧ The .v. Chapiter ¶ Of the temples churcheyardes when the crosse was firste had in reuerence IN the old testement Moses sette vp a tabernacle curiously edified to God wherin supplicacion and intercessiō was made to hym for the sinnes of the people And in that he made the Arke of couenaūt in the whiche he put the twoo tables of stone conteignyng the lawe of the ten commaundementes Aarons rod and the potte of Manna After hym Salomō kyng of the Hebrues made at Hierusalē a temple of costly araie and sumptuously wrought I cannot to saie trueth perfectely tell where the firste churche of christen menne was buylded but by all coniecture it semeth that it was made of the Apostles either in Ethiopia where Matthewe preached or in lower Inde where Bartholomewe taughte or in Scythia where Andrewe shewed the worde of God Where thei doubtles either caused newe churches too bee edified or els transposed the idolles temples to serue the christen mennes vse abolishyng supersticion plantyng the true religiō of Christ Albeit it were not against reason to suppose there was a temple or hous of praier appoyncted by Iames at Hierusalē IN Rome the first that I reade of was cōsecrated by Pius bishoppe of Rome in the strete called Patricius at Nouatus bathes in honour of the virgin Prudentia at the requeste and suite of Praxedis her sister And after Calistus made a temple to the virgin Mari in a place beyōde Tyberis and instituted a churcheyarde in Appius strete and called it after his owne name notwithstandyng Abraham was the first that made any place of buriall in Hebron where he bought of Ephron an Hethite y e double caue for thre hundred sicles of siluer with the grounde aboute it and ther was Sara his wife and he himself buried NOHA buylded the firste alter and offered vpō it a burned sacrifice to the lord And Bonifacius the third caused that thei wer couered with linen clothes Constantinus when he had wonne the battaill against Maxentius by reason of a vision that he sawe of the crosse the daie of the battaill ordained that from thēce furth no manne should suffre death on the crosse And so in processe of tyme it was had in muche reuerēce and worship And Theodosius made a lawe that there should no Image of the crosse bee grauen in stone marble or in yearth lest men should tread on it Helene Constantines mother a verie vertuouse woman repaired too Hierusalem to seke the crosse of our lord where with greate laboure and diligence she found it and with it the other twoo whereon the theues were hanged but it was easy to perceiue Christe his crosse by the title whiche then did remain albeeit sore wasted and corrupted with antiquitee ¶ The .vi. Chapiter ¶ Of the auncient rite of sacrificyng feastfull daies dedicatyng temples the mistery of Fire holy Water CAIN and Abell the two sonnes of our first father Adam offered in sacrifice to GOD the firste fruites of their goodes Abell his oblacion was milke Cain his gyfte was corne Afterward whē the priesthode was ordained Aaron and his sonnes offered diuerse thynges with sundry ceremonies whiche be shewed at large in the boke of Leuiticus The Gētiles almoste all sacrificed to y e idols men or women after sundry rites as appeareth in the histories Gentile auctours And if it fortune that thei omitted any suche abhominable idolatry thei had greate punishment destrucciō of their fruite corrupcion of their waters infeccion of y e aire deth of catel greate droughtes womē had eiuill deliueraunce with many suche plages as Dionisius Hilicarnasseus witnesseth which the spirites of the aire procured to delude seduce men and confirme theim in their errour THE holy daies emong the Iewes were diuerse as the Sabboth daie the feaste of y e newe Moone the passeouer the feaste of swete breade Pentecost the feast of Tabernacles the dedicaciō daie whiche bee al shewed largely in the olde Testament The vsage of dedicating churches is of great antiquitie for Moses did sacrifice the tabernacle Salomon consecrated the temple that he buylded at Hierusalem And Esdras after when thei returned from the captiue of Babilō hallowed the temple newe again Of them we receiue our rite of hallowyng of churches albeit we haue mo ceremonies thē thei had FIRE was kepte continually on the alter by the priestes for without it and salte could no sacrifice bee duly made or ordinarely offred and we in oure Masses haue euer a taper of waxe burnyng And the emperoures of Rome had Fire bourne afore thē the Vestales had euer perpetual Fire in the tēple where thei serued Vesta THE spirites of y e aire that gaue doubtfull answeres to them that required any question of theim wer at the commyng of Christe all destroyed For what tyme he was caried into Egipte whiche is a countree full of supersticion and Idolatry all the Idoles of that region wer ouerthrowē fell to the ground at his commyng thither And in the tyme of Adriane the Emperoure bothe the wicked sacrifices wer abholished and also the oracles of Apollo at Delphos Iupiter Hammon in Egipte with like vanities wer subuerted bi the power of God through his sōne Iesus Christ HOLY water was ordaigned by Alexander the first to be consecrated to driue away spitites and was commaunded that it should bee kepte as well in churches as in priuate houses for thesame vse whereof are growen emong the commō people many supersticiouse erroures contrary to the woorde of
and beast Albeit I cā rather take it to be an imitacion of y e olde Romayne feastes whiche thrise in the yere had sacrifices for the prosperous successe of their corne one Vinalia for their wynes the other Robigalia for all their grayne least it should be mildued The third Floralia for all their fruites These vayne superstitious old bishoppes of Rome turned to a godly vse and trāsposed their feastyng into fastyng that the rather at the contemplacion of oure praiers and fasting God might prosper the increse of al the fruites to the sustentacion of his creatures The .iiii. Chapiter ¶ Watches were turned into fastes fastyng of Fridaies and Wednesdaies namyng the daies of the weke in sundry wise IT was the maner from the begynnyng of oure christen faith that for so much as it pleased our sauioure to be borne in the night priestes dyd ryse in the nighte season and song the houres canonical otherwyse named the Matyus the laye people was accustomed on those sainctes euens that were any solemne feastes to watch at the tombes of Martyr spraiyng and singyng holy psalmes Which thing the testimony of Plinie doeth well approue wher he writeth in a pistle to Traiane how that much nomber of people was slaine in whom he could neuer espye any faulte sauyng that afore daye at certayne tymes and feastes they arose and song of cōmendacion of Christ whom they called God But as tyme is corrupter of al thynges worldely in processe as deuocion beganne to abate in stead of hymnes they song dissolute balades praier was turned into wanton daliaunce The youth went about lyght amorous companye the eldest personnes practised baudry women were not ashamed to geue them selues to be corrupted in al kynd of whordome Vpō this occasion the olde fathers seyng least it myght growe to a further in conuenience turned the Vigilles into fastyng dayes Notwithstandyng the priestes vsed their ordinarye tymes of seruyse as they were wont to do and suche feastes were called by the name of Vigilles and obserued with no lesse reuerence then the faste of Lent This remedy was prouided after sainct Hieromes tyme whiche died the yere of oure Lorde cccc.xxii when Bonifacius the seconde was bishoppe of the sea of Rome The lyke custome was also obserued among the Egyptians whiche on the euens of theyr hyghe feastes fasted and after thei had slepte thei offered a cowe all suche night sacrifices and obseruances for like causes wer by a perpetuall lawe in Grece abrogated by Diagundas a Thebane The faste of wednesdaie and Fridaie was cōmaunded by the fathers bicause on the one daie Christ was crucified and on the wednesdaie Iudas purposed in his minde to betray him as Apolonius the eloquent oratoure supposed Siluester the first bishoppe of Rome abhorryng the memorial of the vain Gentile godes decreed that the daies of the weke whiche had afore the names titles of the Sonne Moone Mars Mercury Iupiter Venus and Saturne should be called the first second third fourth fifth sixte seuenth ferie in semblable maner as the Iewes coumpted their daies frō the Sabboth daie He did also call y e firste ferie Dominicus dies that we name Sonday and called Saturday Sabbatum of the olde holy daie and rest of the Hebrues al these thynges wer dooen at the sute of Constantine then Emperour Albeit the Apostles afore that tyme had consecrated the Sondaie to the Lorde bicause that daie he rose from death the Iewes Sabboth was turned into it as maie appere by the decree of Pius that ordained the Easter to bee kepte on the Sundaie and therfore I thynke Siluester did but onely renewe thesame acte of the Sundaie It was the inuencion of the Egiptians y t the daies wer firste named after the seuen planetes as Diodorus recordeth Sācte Gregory was the authour that neither fleshe nor any thyng that hath affinitee with it as chese milke butter egges should bee eaten on suche daies as were fasted Wee haue also a maner vsage of hallowyng the table and meate afore wee bee set that begonnen of the imitacion of Christ whiche vsed thesame fashiō ouer the fiue loues in the wildernesse and at Emaus also he did insemblable wise consecrate the table in the presence of his disciples so was the fourme of saiyng grace after supper taken like wise of the custome that Christe commonly kept at his suppers The maner to reade apart of the Bible at dyner tyme hath been of long continuance and did proceade of the Godly doctryne that Christe instructed his disciples in at all tymes but namely at his last supper wherein he treated of y e perfecciō of al y e misteries of our religiō And thus our fathers to kepe in memory suche an holsom instituciō did bryng in this maner of readyng the scripture at meate or meale tyme. ❧ The .v. Chapiter ¶ The originall of holy daies Paschall candelles birthe daies LYKE as the Iewes had in their law whiche was but onely a shadawe of thynges too come holy daies appoyncted for the execucion of the misteries of their religion whom thei in one generall terme named Sabboth dais of the rest and vacasiō that thei had from bodely labours semblably our fathers haue ordaigned festiuall daies in the new testament wherein Christen men all profane businesses and eiuil maters laied aparte might wholy apply and bend themselfes to Godly and spirituall meditacions As the perusyng and readyng of scriptures heryng of deuoute sermons renderyng honor to God by sacrificyng praiyng and well dooyng bee woorkes fete and conuenient for the holy daie and also reuerencyng the memoriall of sainctes on suche daies as bee assigned to that purpose is on the holy daie laudable For oblacion is onely due to God as Paule Barnabas did openly testifie at Listra For whē he had commaunded by the power of the worde of God that the man whiche was lame from his mothers wombe should arise and walke the people for wonder and maruaile of the miracle would haue dooen sacrifice to them but thei renting their clothes departed out of the prese and with sharpe woordes rebuked their enterprise as a thyng vnmete to bee dooen to any mortall man or worldly creature Firste of all the feaste of Easter was instituted by y e Apostles and prescribed by Pius the first to be solemnised on the Sondaie Afterward as it chaunsed that alteracion of that matter arose Victor that was bishop of Rome aboute the hundred nynetie and sixe yere of our lord decreed that it should altogether bee kepte and celebrated on the Sondaie frō the fourtene daie of the firste moneth that was Marche vntill y e .xxii of the same least our ordre coumpte should agree with the Iewes whiche kept it somewhat soner then that appoyntemente speaketh of albeeit many foreyne bishoppes at the firste refused that cōstitucion bicause thei thought it not out of
caurse or amisse to kepe that feaste after the precident of saincte Ihon the Apostle whiche renued euer the rite of the Iewes in the feast of Easter THE custome of hallowyng Paschall candelles on Easter euen was commaunded by Zozinus to bee frequented in euery churche THE maner of kepyng holy the birthe daie of euery manne was muche vsed in Rome albeit the Persians had that vsage afore theim for there it is the fashion that euery manne after his habilite● should with many obseruances and greate dentie feastes worship the daie of their birthe and of theim the Romaines receiued that supersticion ❧ The .vi. Chapiter ¶ Of the institucion of holy daies and canonisyng AS you haue hearde y e sanct Ihon the Apostle did celebrate the feast of Easter euē so the other Apostles as it is saied wer authores not onely of the same Easter feast but also ordained those daies wherin our sauiour had doen any mistery concernyng out saluacion or informaciō should be kept holy and to the entent thei might be more reuerenced of their posteritee thei themselfes kepte theim duryng their life very deuoutly as the Sondaies Aduent the Natiuitee Circūcision and Epiphanie of our Lorde the Purificacion of our lady called Candelmas Lente Palme Sondaie Maundy Thursdaie when Christ after supper washed his disciples feete Goodfridaie Easter the Ascension and Witsondaie As for the feaste of Pentecost was afore vsed of the Hebrues for .l. daies after that the lābe was sacrificed in Egipt y e law written by the handes of God was giuen by Moses in the Mount Oreb in the wildernes of Sinay And .l. daies after the death of Christ whiche like a lambe was offered of the Iewes for our Paschal the Apostles receiued y e lawe of the spirite The feast of transfiguracion came also of the Iewes for like as Moses his face was transposed into a perfect brightnes after he had commoned with GOD in the Mounte so nowe after the shadowe and vaile wer taken awaie by Christ his comyng it pleased God to shewe to his disciples his transfiguracion as a declaracion of the shadowe past and a figure or significaciō of the immortalite to come In consideracion wherof the holy fathers perceiuyng the vse of suche holy daies cōfirmed and ratified theim by a decree made in the coūsaill had at Liōs in Fraūce furthermore commaunded that suche daies as either our holy sainctes departed this life orels wrought ani miracle or did any notable deede to y e encrease of our religiō should be kept holy bycause christen people mighte haue more oportunitee too heare the woorde of God and more deuoutely serue hym in an vniforme ordre THEN were instituted the feastes of saincte Stephen Inuocentes Siluester Ihō Baptist the Apostles daies Conuersion of Paule our lady daies Laurence Michell Martyne and generally of all sainctes whiche was the constitucion of Bonifacius the fourth For he caused that the tēple whiche Marcus Agrippa did edifie in honoure of all the Romaynes Idolles as the name Pantheon doth pretende was by the license of Phocas then Emperoure turned into the churche of all Hallowes and consecrated the twelfe daie of Maie and Gregory the fourth afterward willed it too bee kepte the firste daie of Nouember THE festes of the inuencion and exaltacion of the crosse and Corpus Christi daie were dedicated by Vrbane the fourthe and denounced for holy daies Siluester at the su●e and instance of the Emperou●● Constantine assigned the daie of ad Vincula sancti Petri called commonly Lammas in memoriall of Peters paines persecucion and punishment that he suffered for the religion Felix y e first of purpose to magnifie the gloriouse commendacion of Martyres made a statute that yerely oblaciō should be had in memoriall of theim and Gregory would that Masse should bee sa●ed ouer their bodies whiche thing Vigilantius thought woorthy to bee reiected refused albeit the reporte goeth that Anacletus was of this cōstitucion the first authour The same Felix instituted firste that the daie whereon any temple was dedicated should bee hallowed of that village or toune and made also a lawe that suche churches as menne doubted of whether thei wer consecrated or no should be hallowed again And Felix the fourth did ordain that bishoppes onely should dedicate them and that the same dedicacion daie should bee kepte holy yerely afterwarde THE fashiō to deifie menne that had dooen any benefites to the common wealth is one of the moste auncient vsages that I reade of For antiquitee euen frō the beginnyng was accustomed to make goddes of their kynges whiche either by aboundāce of benefites or notable qualites and prowes had wonnen the heartes of their cōmons And specially the Romaynes did that with greate pompe of circumstaunces and many obseruaunces as I did declare afore in the thirde booke out of Herodiane Of theim our bishoppes learned as by a paterne their rite of canonisyng sanctes and the yerely sacrifices that Gregory and Felix appoyncted cōcerned nothyng els but too declare that those Martyres were sainctes and of the housholde of God Last of all Alexāder the third ordained that no suche diuine solemnitee should be giuen to any man openly without he wer canonised and admitted to bee a saincte by the bishoppe of Rome his bulle bicause no manne should chose hymself any priuate sainct or committe any peculiare Idolatry ❧ The .vii. Chapiter ¶ Institucion of yere daies or Obites and the maner of Mournyng FVNERAL exequies that be dooen ouer ded bodies were the institucion of Pelagius albeeit Isidorus ascribeth the originall of it to the Apostles and he hymself did augmente the rites that wee vse in this tyme. Ambrose supposeth that it proceaded of the custome of the Hebrues whiche lamented Iacob fourty daies and Moses the space of thirty daies for that tyme is sufficient for the wise to wepe in It was also y e vsage of auncient Romaines to mourne For Numa Pompilius assigned oblacions to the infernall goddes for the ded and did inhibite that a childe vnder the age of three yeres should bee bewayled and that the elder sorte should be mourned no mo monethes then he had lyued yeres But commonly the lōgest tyme of a widowes mournyng was but tenne monethes and if any were maryed within the space agayne it was coumpted a greate reproche wherefore NVMA ordaygned that suche as had mourned vp afore the daie limited should offer a cowe that was greate with calfe for an expiacion Neuerthelesse if that rite wer vsed now a daies and namely in Englande we should haue smal store of veales there be so many that mary within y e tyme prescribed Plutarch writeth that the womē in their mournyng laied a parte all purple gold and sumpteous apparell wer clothed bothe thei and their kinsfolk in white apparell like as thē the ded body was wrapped in white