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B04766 The true principles of the Christian education of children briefly and plainly declared and recommended to parents and all others concerned in the institution of youth. Very profitable for all sorts of persons, as containing the great and fundamental truths and duties of the Christian religion. / Translated from the second edition of the original French. Poiret, Pierre, 1646-1719. 1695 (1695) Wing P2743A; ESTC R181913 49,118 130

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Gospel requires of us is so great that it will be hard to find any for as advanced as he may think himself to be who hath not just ground to consider himself still as a Child Since the Wisdom of GOD and the Christian and saving Doctrine is so simple that it is proportioned to the Capacity of the meanest even of Children themselves and in fine Since GOD doth very often in Holy Scripture vouchsafe these whom he will save the designation of Children and of his Children I do not believe that any ought to think himself harshly treated when one shall tell him as I do that when Principles are laid down for the Christian Education of Children he may well believe that excepting only a few things which do not regard but some Circumstances of Age the Particulars insisted on do no less suit and agree to him in substance how advanced soever in years he may otherwise be then they do to those who are yet but beginning to live Would to GOD that Men would be perswaded to make a Tryal of this by a serious and continual practice of the following Truths And as I heartily wish that all Parents had been themselves oducated from their Infancy according to these Measures so I earnestly desire that to repair what might have been amiss as to this they may begin the practice of them in their own persons and betimes oblidge their Young Ones to observe them whiles their Souls continue flexible and complying FAREWELL The Contents Giving the READER a Summary View of the Whole THE most Effectual method of conveying the following Instructions into Young Ones briefly laid down SECT 1. Page 2. The chief mistake in the Education of Children condescended on SECT 2. ibid A necessary qualification of the Instructers of Young Ones namely they must in some measure know GOD and themselves SECT 3. Page 3 What they ought to know of GOD. SECT 4. Page 4 The knowledge they are to have of themselves SECT 6. Page 7. The principal Faculties of the Soul SECT 7. Page 8. I. The Faculty of Desire The necessity of improving the Faculty of Desire in Children betimes SECT 8 Page 10. The use and importance of the Facultie of Desiring brieflie declared by a familiar comparison SECT 9. Page 11. GOD and his VVill the True and the only Object of the Desire SECT 10. Page 12 Consequences from this I. To deny our own will and desires SECT 11 Ibid II To entertain low and mean thoughts of our selves never desiring the praises and commendations of men SECT 12. Page 14. III. To be content with the least and worst of things SECT 13 Page 15 How to kindle pious and devout inclinations towards GOD in the hearts of Young Ones SECT 14 Page 17. I. From the Consideration of the Divine Perfections SECT 15. Ibid II. From the consideration of the benefits of GOD both past and present SECT 16. Page 18 III. From the expectation of future Blessings especially of Spiritual Ones SECT 17. Page 19 That our desires may be successful great care must be taken to do the will of GOD. SECT 18. Page 20. IV. From the consideration of past sins SECT 19. Page 21 The nature and indispensible ingredients of prayer SECT 20 Ibid What praying in the Name of CHRIST imports SECT 21 Ibid To beget in Young Ones an habit of lifting up their Hearts to GOD frequently and sincerely is of vast importance to their pious Education SECT 22 Page 23 Young ones must be taught vocal Prayers a Caution about these SECT 23 Page 25 A needfull Caution about the imprecations that are in the Psalms Ibid Page 26 The obligations of Parents during the Infancie of their Children declared SECT 24 Page 27 The sad consequences of not beginning the Education of Young Ones from the improvement of their desire SECT 25. Page 28. II. The Faculty of Understanding Truth the object of Vnderstanding SECT 26. Page 29. Consequences of this 1. A lie depraves the Vnderstanding and must not be endured in Children SECT 28 Page 30. 2. Not to stuff our minds with the knowledge of useless things SECT 29. ibid How the Faculty of knowing is exercised in man SECT 30. Page 31. 1. The Understanding since the fall is blind as to Divine Things SECT 31. ibid We must believe what we do not yet Divinely see SECT 32. Page 32. The Principle and Light of Faith SECT 33 Page 33. 2. Young Ones are to be guarded against the abuse and delusions of corrupted Reason SECT 34 Page 34. How this may be best done is declared by a Comparison SECT 35. ibid Of what nature the discoveries are that corrupted Reason makes of Divine Things SECT 36. Page 35. The great Principle which with respect to human Reason must be betimes engraven in all hearts SECT 37. Page 36 What to do in order to be divinely enlightned SECT 38. Page 37. The right method of exercising the reason of Young Ones SECT 39. Page 38. The happy Advantages of this method SECT 40. Page 40. That the imagination of Young Ones must be early improven SECT 41. Page 41. A necessary caution with respect to it SECT 42. Page 42. Three wayes of exercising it 1. By Reading SECT 43. Page 43. 2. By acquainting them with the importance and meaning of the Belief SECT 44. ibid Where three things are to be recommended to their notice 1. GOD's Gracious Designs and Conduct with respect to man both in his Creation and Redemption SECT 45. Page 44. 2. The Conversation of JESVS CHRIST in our Humanity as designed for our imitation SECT 46. Page 45. 3. That the Father Son and Holy Ghost mentioned in the Belief are but One GOD. SECT 47. Page 46. What it is to know the Holy Trinity in a Divine and Saving manner SECT 48. Page 48. 3. Another way of improving the imagination and memory of Young Ones SECT 49. Page 50 III. The Faculty of Rejoiceing An Account of this faculty the ground of it very early mistaken SECT 50 Page 51. GOD only the ground of Rejoicing SECT 51 ibid Certain grounds of Rejoicing to be inculcate on Young Ones The first ground is GOD his Divine Excellencies and Benefits SECT 52. Page 53. II. When any thing is piously done whither by themselves or by others SECT 53. Page 54 III. When they suffer and are reproached and disgraced Ibid Page 56 The use of the faculty of rejoicing with respect to the particular immediatly preceeding illustrated by a comparison SECT 54 Page 57 Innocent Divertisement must be allowed young ones but with some Cautions I. That they be taught ever to acknowledge God to be the Author of whatever they receive and to thank him for it SECT 56 Page 58 II. That no objects which may gratifie their corrupt inclinations be made the ground of their joy SECT 57 Page 59 III. Particularly the love of money is to be suppressed in them SECT 58 Page 60 The Faculty of Rejoicing given to the Soul that
and it shall be give● him § 18. That we may o●tain these and the like grace we desire from this Soveraig● Benefactor 18. that our desires may be succesful great care must be taken to do the will of GOD. we must remember to be solicitously careful n● to offend him from whom ● expect such great favours an● to be alwayes ready to do h●● will For GOD heareth not sinners but any man be a worshipper of GOD and do his will him he heareth saith the Gospel Jo 9 21. § 19. 4. But since we have often offended in the time past of our life 19. 4. From the consideration of past sins and so are unworthy of his grace and of his favours we must with an ardent desire intreat him for the pardon of our past offences as also beseech him to preserve us from them in time to come § 20. These four sorts of desires I To praise GOD 20. The nature and indispensible ingredients of Prayer and his infinite perfections 2 To be thankful to him for his favours 3 To seek his Divine grace in order to please him And 4 to implore his mercies for the pardon of our sins do make up that which we call Prayer We never in effect Pray unto GOD but when we have truely and sincerely such desires as these in our hearts without which although we teach young ones all the vocal Prayers in the World we do make but Parats of them and such whereof GOD sayes This people draweth nigh to me with the mouth but their hearts or desires are farr from Me. Isa a0 9 § 21. We must not on this occasion be unmindful to make young ones understand 21. What praying in the Name of Jesus Christ imports that when they are taught according to the injunction of Holy Sc●●pture to address all their Prayers to GOD in the Name of JESVS CHRIST in order to be heard of their Heavenly Father the meaning is not that they must simply pronounce the sound and the syllables of the Name of JESVS CHRIST If this were so the most part of the Prayers recorded in Scripture it self should not be made in the Name of Jesus Christ But the import of the injunction is that we must desire by the Grace and by the Virtue of JESUS CHRIST and have desires wholly conform and like unto his to the end that Jesus Christ acknowledging them as having sprung from himself may unite them unto his own and offer them as his own desires unto GOD his Father and that the Father who cannot refuse any thing to the desires and to the merits of his well beloved Son and who grants him alwayes his desires may also grant us ours as being included in his Yea and even making a part of them So that when one sayes to GOD hear us O LORD In the name of JESVS CHRIST or I beseech thee in the Name of JESVS CHRIST it is as much as if one did say unto him I offer unto thee O LORD these same desires which the grace of Jesus Christ doth inspire me withall and which I will not mingle with the desires of my corruption but conform them and unite them unto the desires of thy Son to the end that thou mayest have respect unto them in him and that by this means thou mayest accomplish them for his sake to thy Glory and my Salvation § 22. It appears now from all these important Truths 22. A serious Endeavour to beget in Young Ones an habit of lifting up their hearts to GOD frequently and sincerly is the first and greatest concern of their Education that the first and capital work of the Education we are treating of is to teach Young Ones to lift up their Desires towards GOD on all Occasions by little sighs and breathings conform to the Will of GOD and so simple as that with the Divine Grace they may fitly come from themselves As for Instance to train them to say according to the different Occasions My GOD who art all Good all Wise and Almighty be Thou blessed for ever Grant me the Grace to love Thee and to obey Thee I give Thee thanks because thou hast created and redeemed me My GOD I praise Thee that Thou hast created the World and all that is in it because Thou gives me food and raiment because Thou wilt give me Eternal Good Things and because Thou wilt come to dwell in my Soul and take Thy delights with me Eternally My GOD deliver me from my sins give me Thy good Spirit Give me the Grace that I may never love to do mine own will but only Thy Will My LORD grant that I may have an humble heart that I may not esteem my self better then others but that rather I may despise my self and account my self to be below all the Creatures Make me to hate and to eschew the praises and flatteries of men Thou only ought to be praised for Thou only art the cause of all the Good which we can ever do Give me to be alwayes content with every thing that befals me I do not deserve but hell and the least of all Thy Mercies as indeed the meanest of all things are still much more then I deserve By these kinds of Elevations when Young Ones are daily accustomed to them the solide Principles of true Christianity and the living Seed of Life Eternal are planted in their Souls § 23. We may do well also to make them learn by Heart some Holy Vocal Prayers and above all 23. That it is necessary to teach Young Ones Vocal Prayers but withall they must be told that these are not prayers unless the Heart act its part in them The LORDS Prayer which our Saviour Himself hath prescribed us But withal we must carefully inculcate on them that it is not a Prayer and that it is not agreeable unto GOD but when the Heart hath truely in it the Desire that GOD should be 1. Esteemed and Loved 2. Honoured and Praised 3. Obeyed 4. That he would nourish our Souls with His Grace and with His Love 5. That He would deliver us from our past sins And 6. That He would preserve us from them for the future as well as from the innumerable and hidden snares by which the Devil endeavours to make us fall into them which are the six or seven Petitions of this Prayer to which we may joyn that which is at the end 〈◊〉 ●●d * It is to be found at the end of this Letter of the Works of Rusbrochius As also some of the Psalms of David But in the mean time we must let them understand that when we pray there against our Enemies and when we desire that GOD would exterminate them A needful Caution about the Imprecations that are in the Psalms this must be understood in a Spiritual Manner That is to say of the Spiritual and true enemies of our Souls which are our sins and our vices our self-will our self love our
man turning all his desires and his will towards his GOD GOD should fill his mind with his Divine knowledge and his Soul with His Joy and with His Felicitie and Eternal Glory but man having turned away his desire and his will from GOD and so having rendred his mind ignorant and his Soul unhappy and miserable for Eternitie GOD did assume our humane nature and live and die amongst us not only to merit for us the pardon of our wickedness and the Divine Grace but also to demonstrate unto us by his Doctrine and by the examples of his Life of his Death and of his Resurrection how we ought to renounce our evil desires to forsake and make to cease and die our own will and to resume new and Divine desires a will Holy and living unto GOD the which the Holy Spirit imparts unto the soul together with an illuminated Vnderstanding and a Divine Peace and Joy whereby we are reunited with all that which is Holy as well on Earth as in Heaven enjoying in this Holy Society and Communion the Spiritual Grace and benefites of JESUS CHRIST here in time to the end that after the death of the body and then after its Resurrection we may live together Eternalie and Gloriously with GOD. § 46. 2. A second thing which we ought to oblige them particularly to remember 46. 2. Another thing they must be made seriously to observe is the conversation of Jesus Christ in our humanitie as designed for our imitation is how JESUS CHRIST in His Birth in His Actions in His Life and His Death hath managed and conducted the faculties of his Soul and particularly his desires and his Will as well in turning them from evil from the natural inclinations of our mortal humanitie from the esteem of himself from the search of pleasures of the commodities and good things of this World by self denyal by disgrace by lowness by povertie by sufferings and an unrepining acquiescence in all as in turning and yeelding unto GOD these same Desires and will of his not desiring any thing but GOD doing nothing but his Divine will in every thing and adhering alwayes to him by praises and continual Prayer by which his Vnderstanding obtained all the Divine Lights which he demanded of his Father in whose good pleasure he also placed all his Joy 47. They must be taught that the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost mentioned in the Belief are but one GOD and that this Glorious mystry is incomprehensible § 47. We may in the third place on the subject of the Holy Trinity tell them in a few words that the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost whereof mention is made in the Belief and in the Scripture are not but One only and the same GOD as in us to give some resemblance of this great Mystrie the desire the understanding and the Joy or pleasure of the Soul are but one only Soul and not three That the difference that is among them doth not hinder the Unity of the Divine Nature which is the same and one in all but that this difference is such in GOD that no reason nor humane light neither can nor ought to endeavour to comprehend it That we must believe it with reverence on the Testimony of the word of GOD without knowing it otherwayes waiting untill it please GOD to make us see something of it that will be more clear whether in this life or the other and in the mean time contenting our selves to represent unto us according to our weak capacity GOD the Father as the Author of all good things the Father and Just Judge of our Souls GOD the Son as the Redeemer of the World and the inlightener of our Souls that are ignorant and fallen into darkness and the Holy Spirit as GOD the Sanctifier of hearts and filling with the love of GOD the Souls which had been corrupted by self-love and by sin Or yet moreover GOD the Father as good and the principle of goodness who hath Created all things by the communication of his goodness GOD the Son as Just and the principle of Justice who was incarnat to render us Just who were made unjust by sin GOD the Holy Ghost as the principle of Truth who opens and who illuminates the mind that it may comprehend the truth of Spiritual and Divine things 48. What it is to know the Holy Trinity in a Divine saving maneer § 48. In fine they ought to be made remember on this occasion that the true knowledge of Divine things depends on the living operations of the Holy Spirit in the inward man as hath been already asserted and consequently that the knowledge of the Holy Trinity to the end that it may be Divine and saving must be produced by him in us after the same manner And such it shall certainly be if this knowledge issues in a living representation of the most Holy Trinitie after the image of which we were likewise Created as also if the same knowledge terminates and results in the love and imitation of GOD so vigorously recommended by St. Paul Be ye followers of GOD as being his dear Children and walk in love even as CHRIST hath loved us Eph. 5.1 2. For every one that loveth saith St. John is born of GOD and knoweth GOD But he that loveth not knoweth not GOD nor consequently the Holy Trinity for GOD is love 1 Joh 4.7 8. So that whosoever saith that he knoweth JESVS CHRIST and keepeth not his Commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him saith the same Apostle Chap 2. V. 4. So then an infallible mark that we truely know the Holy Trinity and that we confess savingly the Father the Creator the good and the powerful is when we love him with fear obedience and respect when we confidently resign our selves to his Power and divine providence and when we represent and follow his Goodness towards all and in every thing We know and confess savingly the Son the Redeemer and the Just one when we live as being delivered by him from this present evil world Gal 1.4 And when we give up our selves to the practice of Righteousness 1 Joh 2.29 And we know and confess savingly the Holy Spirit the Sanctifier and the Spirit of Truth when we give up our selves to Holiness without which none shall see nor consequently ever know livingly the LORD Heb. 12.14 And when we follow the truth in Love Eph. 4.15 Such a knowledge of the Holy Trinity as this is is not an ideal operation of our Humane Reason but a true and real production of the Holy Spirit since the fruits of the Spirit saith St. Paul are goodness Righteousness and Truth Eph. 5.9 But when we reject either all these things or even some of them we do then in effect deny GOD and his Divine Trinity which we do not confess but with the mouth only or by some vain and dead acts of barren reason so as the
it might be fixed on God SECT 59 Page 61 The Abuse of our Joy with respect to Divine things to be prevented and how SECT 60 Page 62 IV. The Executive Faculty The Divine faculties of the Soul being well ordered action easily and naturally follows SECT 61 Page 6● The general Rule of action laid down recommended and illustrated SECT 62 Ibid The Commands must he taught Young Ones first in the Literal and then in the more Sublime and Spiritual import of them SECT 63 Page 71 Though what the Law Commands be impossible to corrupt Nature Yet the Spirit of Jesus makes it easy SECT 64 Page 74 Portions of Scripture particularized which contain the Gospel Law SECT 65 Page 75 An abridgement or short summ of the Divine Laws SECT 66 Page 76 Children must be put in mind of the Baptismal Covenant SECT 67 Page 78 What Young Ones must practise I. With respect to God SECT 69 Page 79 II. With respect to Parents and Superiors SECT 70 Page 80 III. With respect to their Neighbours SECT 71 Ib IV. With respect to themselves SECT 72 Page 81 How to mannage the reproofs and chastisements of Children SECT 73 Page 82 They must be taught to praise God when they do well SECT 74 Page 84 Parents ought conscientiously to practise themselves what they recommend to their Children SECT 75 Page 85 The fancied impossibility or ridiculousness of the foregoing directions refuted SECT 76 Page 86 The great misery of negligent Parents Ib Page 87 The happiness of such as shall train up their Children according to the maxims of Christianity SECT 77 Page 88 Some Passages of Scripture declaring the Obligations that ly on Parents carefully to endeavour the Religious Education of Childrcn ANd ye Fathers provoke not your Children to wrath But bring them up in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord Eph 6.4 Train up a Child in the way he should go And when he is old he shall not depart from it Prov 22.6 He that spareth his Rod hateth his son But he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes Pro 13.24 Chasten thy son while there is hope and let not thy Soul spare for his crying Prov 19.18 Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him Prov 22.15 Withhold not correction from the child For if thou beatest him with the rod he shall not die Prov 23.13 The rod and reproof give Wisdom But a child left to himself bringeth his ●other to shame Prov 29.15 Correct thy Son and he shall give the rest Yea he shall give delight unto thy Soul Ibid 17. verse The Obligations of Children to listen to the Instructions of their parents likewayes represented from some few passages of Scripture CHildren Obey your parents in the Lord for this is right Eph 6.1 My son hear the Instruction of thy Father and forsake not the Law of thy Mother for they shall be an Ornament of Grace unto thy head and chains about thy neck Prov 1.8 9. Hear O my son and receive my sayings And the Years of thy life shall be many I have taught thee in the way of Wisdom I have led thee in the right paths When thou goest thy steeps shall not he straitned and when thou runest thou shall not stumble Take fast hold of Instruction let her not go keep her for she is thy life Prov 4. 10 11 12 13. Hearken unto thy Father that begat thee and despise not thy Mother when she is old Buy the Truth and sell it not also Wisdom and Instruction and Vnderstanding The Father of the Righteous shall greatly rejoyce and he that begetteth a Wise child shall have Joy of him Thy Father and thy Mother shall be glad and she that bare thee shall rejoice My Son give me thine heart and let thine Eyes observe my wayes Prov 23.22 23 24 25 26. My Son keep thy Fathers Commandment and forsake not the Law of thy Mother Bind them continually upon thine heart and tie them about thy 〈◊〉 When thou goest it shall lead thee When thou slee●est it shall keep thee And when thou awakest it she talk with thee For the Commandment is a lam● and the Law is light And reproofs of Instruction a● the way of Life Prov 6.20 21 22 23. Now therefore hearken unto me O ye Childre● For blessed are they that keep my wayes Hear I●struction and be wise and refuse it not Blessed the Man that heareth me Watching dayly at my gate waiting at the posts of my doors For whoso finde● Me findeth Life and shall obtain Favour of th● Lord. But he that sinneth against Me wrongeth hi● own Soul All they that hate Me love death Prov. 8.32 33 34 35 36. Come ye Children heaken unto Me I will tea●● you the fear of the Lord Psal 34.11 The Reader is intreated to correct the following mistakes Page Line Mistakes Ammendments 1 27 as to the mind As to the mind 4 16 Willingly Willing 5 8 on the Margent allow them allow 6 19 Whatsoever Whosoever 7 15 all other all the other 10 2 case cause 10 10 on the Margent § 82. § 81. 12 14 and what and of what 13 11 if the if this 13 18 their own its own 14 26 desire desires 15 5 deprived depraved 17 6 § 14. 3. § 14. 20 10 and heart an heart 26 4 end of end end 27 25 as turning in turning 30 10 to unpunished to pass unpunished 32 1 we able we be able 32 28 see see 35 16 them them 36 24 principal principle 40 27 a young young 41 7 their causes the causes 56 17 or it is for it is Ibid 21 injuried injured 60 27 something somethings 61 7 accustoming accustoming them 62 22 this thus 67 3 on the Margent are being 70 8 for the glory to the glpry 75 7 walketh walk 76 14 say I say 77 1 unto into Ibid 2 unto into Ibid 6 Psalms Psalm ADVERTISEMENT 1. That Part 1. Essay 2. which the Reader will see in the running Title of some of the Coppies was insert by a mistake 2. That what is Printed between such Paratheses as these contains the additions made to the second Edition The JUST MEASURES Of the Pious Institution of YOUTH Containing the True Principles of a CHRISTIAN Education SIR YOU have so often importuned me to write something which might be a Directory to Men in the Christian Education of Children that I cannot any longer forbear declaring to you in a few words that which in my opinion ought to be observed on this head by all such as intend to bring them up Christianly §. 1. The most effectual Method of conveying the following Instructions into Young Ones briefly laid down Viz. Parents and other Governours must know digest and practise these things themselves in order to impart them savingly to their Children § 1. And that I may the more happily accomplish this design I shall imitate these who that they may with more
pride our vanity in one word our old man of which we ought to demand from the LORD the ruine and extermination otherwise we should change the Psalms into pernicious poyson in applying the Imprecations that are in them to our Neighbour whom we ought to love We may also very profitably imploy the Imprecations of the Psalms and the ardent Prayer that are there made that GOD would confound destroy and root out our enemies against the evil spirits our mortal and invisible enemies who as St. Peter sayes Go round about us like roaring Lions seeking to devour us 1 Pet. 5 8. And who by their fiery darts Eph. 6.16 That is to say by their villanous inspirations endeavour to kindle in us all sorts of wicked desires and sinful inclinations that they may make us perish eternally When we find our selves tempted to evil especially when it is against our will these sorts of Psalms and Prayers against the tempter and enemie of our Souls come in very seasonably and are the true weapons of our defence § 24. 24. Parents must make up the defects and weaknesses of Infancie by their own serious Piety and Devotions for which GOD will be sure to reward them and bless their Off-spring In fine because that Young Ones have as yet their Faculties almost all asleep and but very little Active it will be necessary here that their Parents come to their Assistance and supply their Impotency and all these duties as well in turning from evil their own desires as in offering alwayes to GOD in behalf of their Children these same Holy desires and these true and genuine Prayers whereof we have spoken For GOD accepting then the desires of Fathers and Mothers in Name and behalf of and as coming from their Children and being willing to recompense the Piety of the Parents He will not fail to answer them by the saving Operations of his Good Spirit on the hearts of all their posterity and so Shewing Mercy unto thousand Generations of those that love Him Exod 20 6. 25. The sad Consequences of not beginning the Education of young Ones from the Improvement of their desire § 25. The Improvement of the Desire or of the heart of Young Ones is a point so fundamental and so essential to their Good Education that if we either absolutely neglect this or if we do not begin their Instruction by it but by things which only concern their Understanding we cannot choose but miserably ruine their Souls in leaving in them and even planting in them by this negligence the fatall seeds of Irreligion of Spiritual carelesness of forgetfulness and disrespect of GOD of vanity of pride in a word of death Eternal Notwithstanding this is it whereof Men do but little think The whole World saith St. John lyeth in wickedness and that we may not be conform to the miserable World in this point it can be never enough recommended to those who would educat their Children Christianly not so much to cultivat their mind as to make their heart 1. Pious towards GOD. 2. Humble in themselves 3 Meek and Charitable towards their Neighbour And 4. Content with regard to all that which may happen them and which may be done unto them On such a Foundation as this GOD builds great things and even takes in his Hand the whole conduct of the Soul § 26. 11. 26. 11. Truth that is God his word works the object of our Vnderstanding The second and the principal of the Faculties of our Souls is the power of Knowing or our Vnderstanding It hath been made for the Truth that is to say for God himself who is the Truth and for his Word and his Works which are the streams of this Soveraign and Original Truth § 27. 27. The consequences of this And so we ought not to desire to know any thing but God and that which he hath said and done for His Glory 28. 1. Consequence a lie and whatever is contrary to Truth depraves the Vnderstanding and must not be induced in Children § 28. 1. And therefore falshood or a lye which is opposite to Truth is the most abominable of all things because it corrupts and perverts the most noble of the Faculties of our Soul we ought not to tolerat it in the least in young ones nor suffer them to unpunished when they bewray in any measure this diabolical enormity the devil being which is the first and chief of all his qualities a liar and the father of lies saith the Scripture 29. 2. We must not stuff our minds with the knowledge of useless things but seasonably check our vain curiositie § 29. 2. For the same reason we ought not to apply our selves to the knowledge of the unprofitable discourses vanities inventions cnimeras and fictions and the deeds of vain and corrupted Men we must betimes resist curiositie and distraction which fill the mind with obscuritie and darkness and render it insensible and unsuitable to solid Truth and to the Light of God how great a loss it is to fill with dirt and impurities a precious vessel which was made for no other end but to lodge and contain God and his most pure Lights which are incompatible with the impure fictions of the depraved minds of corrupted and worldly men § 30. 30. How the faculty of knowing is exercised in Man The faculty of knowing is exercised in Man 1. By the Vnderstanding or the Pure Mind 2. By reason 3. By the Imagination assisted by the Senses especially these of Seeing and Hearing § 31. 1. 31. 1. The Vnderstanding since the Fall is blind as to Divine things GOD only can cure this blindness of both which Young Ones must be early made sensible The Vnderstanding or the Pure Mind which is designed for Divine Things is intirely shut up in all men since the entrance of sin We are and are born all blind as to Divine Things and it is God only that is able to heal to open and to enlighten the eye of our Soul so as to capacitat us to know Spiritual Things As we could not see nor know the Sun the Earth the Trees nor the other things of this World if GOD had not given us bodily eyes So neither can we able ever to know the things of GOD if he do not restore to our Soul its Spiritual Eves which it hath broken and which GOD doth not reim part no● open but to those only whose Heart i● withdrawn from sin and inclined and carried to good This ought to be inculcate on al● from their Infancy to the end that the mind may tend betimes towards GOD and that by the Goodness of its Desires and Purity of Heart it may be disposed for his Divine Light For GOD doth not discover his Secrets but to such as fear to do evil and he gives not his Light but to those who will make a good use of it as David who said to him Give me O
own nothingness from our weakness from our own injustice wickedness ignorance and such like For example wherefore did GOD Creat the World To manifest his Power his Wisdom and his Goodness Wherefore did he make Man For that very same end and withall to shew him and give him his Felicity and his Glory Wherefore doth man die By the Justice of GOD It being Just that since man did abuse his life it should be taken from him Wherefore are the good afflicted by sickness or any other way Because since they have been formerly guilty of some sins the Justice of GOD so orders it that they should be rather corrected for them in this temporal life then in the other which is Eternal Wherefore on the other hand doth good oftentimes befal the wicked here below By the goodness of GOD who sweetly invites them to his love or also by his Justice who will give them in this life the recompence of any little good they may have done in it Whereas in the other life they shall be Eternally punished for the sins in which they have lived without forsaking them And so as to all other things even the most material and visible We must make them understand for example that wars fall out because that GOD is Just and that men and their wickedness deserve to be punished We must tell them that the fire is warm by the reason that GOD is good and that knowing that man hath need of heat that he may live he hath by his goodness given him the fire with such a quality that the fire burns and causes pain by the Justice of GOD who makes use of this creature as a Rod for the chastising of men who have sinned And as to moral things we ought to do the same and tell them for instance that we must obey our Parents and Superiors in this and in that because it is the will of GOD That we must not value our selves nor desire that others should esteem us because GOD only deserves that as being only Wise and only good and that we are but Weakness but ignorance but folly and wickedness of our selves that we must not wish nor render evil to those who do evil to us because GOD wills that we should do as he doth who alwayes doth us good and even then when we offend him that we must not disesteem Judge nor dishonour our Neighbour because GOD alone will be his judge and that it is his Will that we should love others as our selves that we are too ignorant to know the hearts of others and too perverse to Judge favourably of them or without passion and so of the rest 40. The happy advantages of this Method § 40 If we did imploy every day some moments to exercise after this manner the reason of young Ones we would very soon accustom them to see GOD in every thing to have him alwayes before their eyes and to walk continually as in his presence There is nothing in this World whether Divine Humane Natural or Political Histories whether Sacred or prophane whereof we might not very easily make them reduce all the causes and all the particular events with their reasons to these admirable Principles of the Power Wisdom Goodness truth Justice Felicity Glory Holiness and Will of GOD and to the weakness ignorance inconstancie and malignitie of Man This besides that it would render GOD alwayes present to us would moreover wonderfully serve to rectifie reason after a most solid and saving manner providing that we did it imploring with sincerity and humility the Grace and Blessing of GOD. We might begin to make some Essay of it on an History of the Scripture For instance on the Historie of the selling of Joseph which is in the Book of Genesis or on some Historical Chapter of the Gospel § 41. III. Since the Imagiination 41. III. The imaginatione of Young Ones must be early improven as well as the Memorie is that which hath most strength and most activitie in Young Ones we shall do well to improve them very soon that by this way also we may communicate unto them as much of the knowledge of the things of their Salvation as is possible and as they are then capable of 42. A necessarie caution All the notices of Divine things which we receive by the imagination are but verie dark and imperfect images § 42. But it is good to let them understand before hand that all the knowledge they shall acquire after this manner is but very gross and very obscure Pictures of Divine things whereof they do not know by that the hundred thousandth part not even the least part as realie it is in it self because that the things of GOD have by millions of times more perfections then we are able to comprehend of them untill that in process of time and after that we have constantly prayed unto GOD and done his will he dispel and chase away our gross and dull way of knowing and then make us see the pure beautie of his truth This shall hinder these little Spirits from curuing their first thoughts unto obstinate prejudices and it will dispose them to teachableness and to the expectation of the Light of GOD. § 43. 43. This may be exercised in Young Ones three wayes 1 By reading and leting them see the resemblances of Sacred histories We may exercise their minds in this respect 1. By reading and even by the sight of some representations of the Histories of the Holy Scripture to the end that so their memorie and their imagination may be filled with Holy Images And we must at the same time accustom them to reduce that which they shall read or see at least the principal heads to the Divine principles which we have alreadie recommended § 44. 2. By the explication of the Creed 44. 2. By acquainting them with the importance and meaning of the Belief which they ought to learn by heart and on which we ought to discourse with them according to their capacitie 1. Of GOD the Father and the Creatour of his Perfections Power Wisdom Goodness and the rest of his Works as well Spiritual as Corporal as well these that are dureable and Eternal as these that are Temporal and transient 2. Of GOD Incarnat or of the Son of GOD JESUS CHRIST of his works which concern our redemption And 3. of the Holy Spirit whose works regard the restitution of man to his first Estate 45. Where three things must be recommended to their notices § 45. And on this head it will be profitable to oblige them to remarke two or three things of great importance 1. GODS Gracious designs and conduct with respect to man both in his Creation and Redemption which is the substance of the whole One is that all that is in the Creed doth issue and result in this principle Viz. that GOD the Almighty and the Creator of all things did make man to the end that
Devil himself doth such saith St. Paul profess to know GOD and the Holy Trinity but nevertheless they do effectually deny him by their works Tit. 1.16 49. III. The imagination of Young Ones may be entertained with Emblems and their memorie ought to be filled with the most necessary and Instructive places of Scripture § 49. III. We must moreover reckon amongst the means of exercising the minds of Young Ones with pleasure the presenting them with Books of Spiritual Emblems such as these of Francis Querels And for the memorie we cannot fill it with a more precious Treasure then with selected portions of the Holy Scriptures particularly out of the Psalms of David and the Proverbs of Solomon the Parables and discourses of our Saviour and some obvious and remarkable parcels out of the Epistles and even out of the book of Ecclesiasticus which though it be Apocryphal yet we would do well to make them not only often read it but also to learn it by heart as being full of Divine and very excellent Moralitie § 50. III. Young Ones are so naturally carried and inclined to Joy 50. Young ones very inclinable to Joy An account of the facultie of Rejoycing The ground of it very early and deplorably mistaken that one may say that it is as it were the design and end of those little Creatures And if we narrowly mark it we shall find that even all other men do not propose to themselves any other aim but this in all their enterprizes and in all their travels Joy or the facultie of Rejoycing is if we may so call it the final and perfective facultie of our Souls which in effect were made for nothing else but to solace themselves in joy in pleasure and contentment without which it is not possible for them to have any rest or ease But it is the misfortune and unhappiness of men that placing at first their Joy in that which is not solid they do thereby commit from their very infancie an errour which being continued shall make them infallibly lose Eternal Joy and Blessedness 51. 1. GOD only the true ground of rejoyceing and not our selves and any perishable and worldly things This Young Ones must timously be made sensible of § 51. 1. It is most necessary to inculcat on Young Ones as soon as ever it can be done that since men are miserable sinners ignorant weak and such as shall rot in the earth and since all that which is in the world is likewise momentany vain and shall end by the fire we must not place our Joy in any of those things We must not then rejoice in pleasing men or in being esteemed or praised by them in being well done to well cloathed well provided for and well accommodat in all things for all these things shall perish for ever and all the Joyes of this World shall terminat and end in a sadness which shall be so much the more sensibly afflicting as these Joyes have been more sensibly relished and as we have set our hearts more passionatly on them But since that GOD alone is Great Eternal Good and the Author of all Good we must not rejoice in any thing but in him only in his only Will and in doing of that only Wise only Good and only Eternal and Durable Will § 52. 52. Certain grounds of rejoiceing to be inculcated on Young Ones We must therefore betimes excite Young Ones to rejoice in God and in His Holy Will For instance 1. With respect to God let them rejoice in this namely that they have an Eternal and Almighty God to be their Father who did make them with design to fill them with a Divine and Eternal Joy if they will do his Holy Will if they will love Him and obey Him and not love the honour the goods nor the pleasures of this World which shall last but a little time Let them rejoice in this that this GOD is without beginning and without end incomprehensible and more glorious then we are able to think that he can do all things that he doth all things that he is only Wise to teach us well and to govern us well that he is Just that he is Good and a continuall Spring of all good things that he is Faithfull in his promises of Eternal Life that he is happy and glorious in himself Let them rejoice moreover in this that God only deserves to be desired Known Esteemed Loved Praised and Glorified for ever Let them rejoice in this that GOD hath assumed our Nature that he is become our Brother and that he will take us for ever with himself unto his holy Fellowship in Heaven and that even in this World he will come and dwell in our hearts if we desire him and do His Will Let them praise him and thank him for His Goodness as well as for the knowledge which they have of it and the Joy which they have in it 53. 2. They must be taught to rejeice when any thing is piously done whither by themselve or by others as also when they suffer are reproached and disgraced § 53. 2. By the same mean from the principles we shall make them easily understand that when any thing is done according to the Will of GOD whither by our selves or by others we ought to rejoice at it as when our desires and our minds are formed and managed after the manner I have al-already declared and whereof it will be profitable to let them see an Application in particular instances And that on the contrar when any thing is done by Mans own will and according to it instead of rejoicing at it we should be sad and grieved at it For this reason it is that we ought to be sensibly afflicted for and very deeply bewail the sins committed against God whether by our selves or by others since when we sin we follow our own wills in a disregard and rejection of the Will of God Further when Men do esteem us and when they praise us if we were Wise we would be troubled at it and we would say to God LORD who art only good and the cause of all good it is Thou alone who ought to be praised and it is a shamefull robbery in the miserable creature to desire to take to it self that Esteem and that praise which do appertain but to Thee alone On the other hand when we are despised and undervalued or when any doth us any injurie or when we have not to our full content the things which we desire we ought to rejoyce at all these in our hearts taking them as being so dispensed to us by the hand of our Heavenly Father and be content with them and say unto GOD LORD I deserve nothing but reproaches sorrows and destitution when I have these I have that which in justice belongeth to me and therefore I rejoyce that thy Divine Justice is thus manifested in me Even I give thee thanks and I
every desire of having more is that covetousness which is forbidden 64. Though what the Law commands be impossible to corrupted nature yet the Spirit of Jesus makes in an easie yoke § 64. And in fine although that which the Law requires be impossible to the flesh because of sin which hath weakened it nevertheless when GOD gives the Good Spirit of Jesus Christ to a Soul it doth then by his assistance or rather the Spirit of Jesus Christ doth then in that soul all that the Law requires Without doing which none can as yet pretend to the Spirit of Jesus Christ neither doth any as yet belong to him as his Child nor as justified by him Rom 8.3 4 9. Nor as having true faith which doth not make void the Law but establish it Rom 3.30 By which also we keep the Commandments of GOD in overcoming the World Joh 5.3 4. And which in fine admits us into a communion with GOD in the Light and into a state out of which we cannot partake in the merits of Jesus Christ and of his Death Since If we say than we haue fellowship with GOD and yet walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth But if we walk in the Light as he is in the Light we have fellowship one with another and then the Blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin saith St. John 1 John 1.6 7. § 65. The Will of GOD as to that we must practise 65. Portions of Scripture particularized which contain the Gospel Law the perusal whereof must be specially recommended to young ones is also set down very particularlie and in brief in the 5 6 and 7 Chap of St. Mat And in the 13 14 15 and 16 of St. John and in the first Epistle of St. John and St. Peter All which must be made very familiar to young ones together with the great Psalm of David by the reading one Section whereof we may alwayes shut up the reading of the mentioned portions of Holy Scripture To these we may also joyn Thomas a Kempis § 66. All the Laws of GOD which are so wholsome 66. An Abridgment or short summ of the Divine Laws which must be very carefully imprinted on the hearts of Young Ones and so admirable whereof David speaks so often with so much love and admiration which all the Scripture recommends as the source of life as the light of the heart as the Treasure of Souls which Jesus Christ calls Eternal Life Joh 12.50 And which in fine the Holy Spirit promised Writes in the heart where he dwels say all the Laws of GOD may be reduced to these four 1. To Love GOD. 2. To Love Jesus Christ Crucified that is not only himself but also his Cross and his Tribulations the fellowship of his Afflictions conformity to his Death and the fulfilling of what is behind of his Sufferings in our flesh 1 Cor 2.2 Phil 3.10 Col 1.24 3. To love our neighbour 4. And to hate our selves The whole of our duty is truely comprehended under these few heads Therefore it is that we must take pains to inspire the Veneration and love of them into the hearts of Children so to say into the Marrow of their bones from their tender years and to animate them thereto by Prayer by meditation and by the dayly reading of that incompareable Psalms of David which hath been already mentioned as also by the application of those excellent words of his in the 19 Psalm The Law of the Lord the Law of the love of God of the Cross of Jesus Christ the love of our Neighbour and the hatred of self This admirable Law when it is imprinted on the Heart by the Holy Ghost Is a Law that is intire perfect converts the Soul The Testimony of the Lord is sure and makes the simple even little Children wise The Commandments of God are right rejoycing the Heart The Statutes of the Lord are pure and they enlighten the eyes of our soul The fear of the Lord is the source of Holiness it is the only good that shall endure for ever The Judgement of the LORD are true and Righteous altogether more are they to be desired than Gold yea then much fine Gold sweeter also then Hony and the Hony-comb By them is thy servant enlightened and in keeping of them is a great reward § 67. It will be also very profitable 67. Children must be put in mind of the Baptismal Covenant as also of the advantages and duties of it and even necessary to represent unto Children that at their Baptism they entered into a Covenant with GOD who on His part hath promised to be their GOD that is to say to give himself Father Son and Holy Ghost unto them with all his good things and with all his graces whereof then they have received the first fruits which they should take care not to loose by their sins and by an Antichristian conversation especially considering that they also on their part have reciprocally promised unto GOD to be entirely his and to give and consecrate unto him for ever their Souls and their bodies their desires their understandings their pleasures and their Joyes their actions and their whole life together with a filial obedience to all the expressions of his most Holy will and an absolute and full renounciation of self and sin of the Devil and the World thus ratifieing in substance all those things which we have hitherto insisted on and which none can neglect without renouncing his Baptism and Christianitie § 68. I suppose that all the World knows well enough the most common rules concerning what Young Ones ought to practise with respect to God 68. What Young Ones must practise their Parents their Neighbours themselves things which ought to be inculcat very carefully on them by reason that such is the Will of God As § 69. 1. With regard to God 69. 1. With respect to God To live and to act as being alwayes in the presence of God who together with all his Holy Angels still looks on us and who will make to come into his Judgement whatsoever we have done spoke or thought whether Good or evil in order to be rewarded or punished for it for ever To pray unto God orderly Evening and Morning and before Meals To make them often lift up their heart to God particularly before any labour or imployment in order to obtain his Assistance and Blessing and after they have finished their work to return Thanks to God for it and offer it up to Him and to His Glory To hear with respect and Attention the Divine Truths whether in private or at Church without thinking that they have sufficiently discharged their Duty to God for having simply heard them or retained them in their Memories and that therefore they ought to pray unto God that he would give the true Understanding of them and by the Operations of his Good Spirit