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A77022 The churches glory, or, The becoming ornament being a seasonable word, tending to the provoking, encouraging, and perfecting of holiness in believers ... : whereunto is added, A glasse for the unconverted ... as also, several articles of faith briefly laid down for the further establishment and confirming of the faithful / by Josias Bonham, sen. of Byfield in Northamptonshire. Bonham, Josias. 1674 (1674) Wing B3592; ESTC R42680 146,195 373

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Gall and Bitterness to his Soul and become his miserable Comforters to the greater horrour of his Conscience and the furtherance of his condemnation See Rom. 2.9 When tribulation and anguish shall be upon the Soul then will the poor Soul bewail his former Folly and careless Negligence in slighting the Means of Grace and the precious Price put into his hand and he had not a heart to improve it Prov. 17.16 and all those things whereon his heart was fixed shall be dissolved according as it is written But the Day of the Lord will come as a Thief in the night in the which the Heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat and the Earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy Conversation and Godliness 2 Pet. 3.10 11. Fourthly let us consider this Ornament of Holiness in respect of the Duration of it Holiness is an everlasting Ornament unto the people of God it becometh Gods House for ever It is the Wisdom of the Children of this world That when they want any Commodity as Apparel or otherwise they will endeavour to obtain it with these three considerations in their eye first where they may buy at the best hand or cheapest rate secondly which Commodities are likely to be of longest continuance thirdly which are most beautiful and fashionable Now let us cast our eye upon this Ornament of Holiness of which there is so much necessity that without it no man shall see the Lord and we may behold it tendred unto us at a very cheap rate as on our part for although Gold and Silver will not purchase it yet God doth freely give it in the use of the means that he hath ordained to effect it Let us then improve the means and God hath promised a Blessing It will indeed cost us the parting with our rotten rags of the Old man but what are they in comparison to the Ornaments of the New man which after God is created in Righteousness and true Holiness it may be it will cost us the parting with our former Companions in worldly vanities and not only our gross sins but our own Righteousness which is of the Law Phil. 3. It may be it will cost us the parting with a good Name among men and with our Goods Liberty and Life which are things near and dear unto us but if we part with all these for Holiness we shall be abundantly gainers by the hand for what are corrupt Lusts and carnal Vanities in comparison of the Gifts and Graces and spiritual enjoyments of Christ and what is the Fellowship of carnal Friends and vain Companions unto the Communion of God in Jesus Christ and the Fellowship of the Saints and what are the Sufferings of Gods people though in Name Person and Estate in comparison of that exceeding and eternal weight of Glory promised unto a holy life Holiness doth far surpass all valuations that can be laid in opposition to it wherefore let us lay out for Holiness it is a rich bargain at the highest Rate Secondly Holiness is an Ornament exceeding durable in respect of its Use and Service the more it is made use of the more excellent it is Holiness is every way serviceable to the Creature it helps the Creature to glorifie God in obedience to his Commands as to find acceptance with him it helps towards peace of Conscience and Comfort in a dying hour it helps towards a sanctified use of all the Creatures with comfort in the enjoyments of them it helps a Soul to the sight of God and that blessed enjoyment of Communion with him in Glory Yea it is serviceable upon all accounts at all times in in all places in all companies in all conditions provided the Creature cast it not off as a Garment out of fashion esteem but put it on and gird it to him and be always found in it and it will be so serviceable to him that as abovesaid the more it is made use of the more excellent it is For Thirdly Holiness is never out of fashion and esteem with God and good men it is that which God in Christ designed from Eternity to accomplish in his people and Holiness shall be the Ornament of the people of God unto Eternity when all these outward things shall be dissolved holiness shall remain in its primitive beauty Holiness accompanieth and beautifies a Soul not only in this life but also in the life to come as saith the Text Holiness becometh thine House O Lord for ever O let us be exhorted and moved therefore by all these forementioned considerations to run the Race set before us to press after the Mark for the Price of the high Calling of God in Christ Jesus Phil. 3.14 to follow Peace with all men and Holiness without which no man shall see the Lord Heb. 12.14 CHAP. V. Containing some Directions how to pu● on the Ornament of Holiness I Shall now apply my self to the enquiring Soul which happily may propound this question You exhort us to Holiness and to press after it because i● is excellent and of great necessity bu● what course may we take that we may so press after Holiness as to obtain it In answer hereunto I shall lay before you these ensuing Considerations by way of Direction First I shall propound to your consideration the center where Holiness togethe● with the means for the obtaining thereof is placed Secondly the way in which a man must walk and the manner how he must press on to the Center where Holiness is centered so as to obtain the same First as Holiness in its perfection resideth in God the Father so Holiness together with the means for the effecting the same in the Children of Men is of the Father centered in God the Son Jesus Christ both God and man and by the holy Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son in its powerful influences and operations upon the inward man is wrought and effected in them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be Saints through the exercise of Faith in Christ Now for the clearing up of these things to our understanding let us consider some Scripture-Testimonies The Apostle Paul speaking of Jesus Christ hath these Expressions For it pleased the Father that in him should all Fulness dwell Coll. 1.19 And in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily Col. 2.9 Saint John saith And the Word was made Flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his Glory the Glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of Grace and Truth Joh. 1.14 in whom are hid all the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledg Col. 2.3 and of his Fulness have all we received and Grace for Grace Joh. 1.16 So that in Christ is centered both Holiness and the means to produce Holiness in the Sons and
which was in Christ Jesus c. See here is a Unity of Qualifications required between Christ and his People the same Mind the same affectionate Love the same bowels of Compassion and Mercies the same Humility the same Patience in the Quality though we cannot reach the Quantity To this purpose is that Divine Exhortation Coloss 3.12 Put on therefore as the Elect of God holy and beloved bowels of Mercies Kindness humbleness of Mind long-suffering forbearing one another and forgiving one another even as Christ forgave you so also do ye and above all things put on Charity which is the Bond of Perfectness as if he had said And above all things put on a real Love unto the Lord and unto one another for the Lords sake and let all your Actions flow from that Original and be therewith compounded This is my Commandment saith Christ to his Disciples that ye love one another as I have loved you Joh. 15.12 O see Christ and Christians Oneness in the matter of Qualifications according to what Christians do or ought to press after in order to the Attainment of Holiness Those Souls that would attain to Holiness must put on Christ in his Offices also in his Qualifications Thirdly as it is the great concernment of Souls to put on Christ in his Qualifications and Offices in order to Holiness so also in example of walking sutable to those Qualifications It is not enough to receive Grace and to have the Qualifications of Grace wrought in us but there must be a bringing forth the Fruits thereof by a visible motion and action in all those ways wherein the Glory of God and the Benefit of his People is concerned after the example of Christ according to our measure received Jesus Christ in the days of his Humiliation was active to administer Grace unto poor Sinners for their Conversion Edification and Salvation according to what he had received of the Father so Divine Counsel doth require every man as he hath received the Gift so to administer the same one to another as good Stewards of the manifold Graces of God 1 Pet. 4.10 Edifie one another as also ye do 1 Thess 5.11 building up your selves on your most holy Faith Jude 20. exhort one another Heb. 3.13 admonish one another Col. 3.16 forewarn and reprove in the case of Sin These are some of the footsteps of Christ that he had his motion and walking in these are some of the footsteps of the Flock of Christ wherein they are by Divine appointment to follow Christ in and he that saith he abideth in Christ ought so to walk even as he walked 1 Joh. 2.6 It was commendable in the believing Romans that they so improved the Word of Christ to an increase of Grace and Knowledg to an ability to admonish one another Rom. 15.14 The Thessalonians were under Commendations for their edifying and comforting one another in things of God while the Hebrews lay under Reproof in that they for the time that they had received the Gospel ought to have been Teachers of others they were become such as had need to be taught again the first Principles of the Oracles of God Heb. 5.12 The Corinthians were commended for keeping the Ordinances to them delivered but at the same time reproved for not observing of them in manner and form according to the order of the first Institution or Delivery therefore he that saith he abideth in Christ ought so to walk even as he walked To this agreeth those words of Paul to the Corinthians Be ye Followers of me even as I also am of Christ 1 Cor. 11.1 even so not otherwise Christ must be the Pattern for Matter Manner and Form Christ walked in the observation of all the Laws and Ordinances in Matter Manner and Form wherein his Fathers Will his Worship and Service was concerned he that saith he abideth in him ought so to walk even as he walked Should I by the way give one instance of Christs Observation in that holy Ordinance of Divine Institution unto a holy Use and End that in these days is by most people laid aside and by many violently opposed and abused calling it a low carnal empty thing a Shadow without a Substance and a Shell without a Kernel and the like or worse and the Observers of it had in gteat reproach the which Ordinance is that Baptism where a Gospel-Minister is the Administrator and the Subject a Believer demonstrating Faith in Christ and much Water the Matter and both going down into the Water the Administrator dipping or overwhelming the Subject in the Water in the Name of the Father Son and holy Ghost the Manner and Form This Baptism as low as some would lay it is from Heaven appointed by God the Father as a Branch of his Mind and VVill. To this Ordinance of Baptism in VVater did Christ the Son of God and Head of his Church submit unto in obedience to his Fathers VVill as an act of Righteousness thereby confirming it as the VVill of God and an act of Righteousness unto his People for to observe and do in obedience to the will of God the which Ordinance Christ hath ratified and confirmed unto his Church and every Soul exercising Faith in him by his Authority and Command as a standing Ordinance to be observed in its place and to its Ends Uses for and during the time of the Gospel-Administration the which is like to be until time shall be no longer Revel 10.6 or the great and terrible day of the Lord come in which the Lord will judg all men and those living under the Dispensation of the Gospel according to their embracing or rejecting of his Counsel contained in the Gospel as it is written The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming Fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting Destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the Glory of his Power 2 Thessalon 1.7 8. Therefore seeing the afore-recited Baptism was by God the Father instituted as a Branch of his VVill and an Act of Righteousness for Believers to observe and do and Christ his Son hath confirmed it unto us by his personal Act therein and also by his word of Command and Counsel thereunto He that saith he abideth in Christ ought so to walk so to observe the same it being by Divine Authority made one of the footsteps of the Flock of God But here is one thing liable to the Inquisition of the enquiring Soul unto which I would say something before I pass this particular Quest What is the End and Vse of Baptism Ans Baptism is an Appointment of God to stand as a visible sign or token of his Covenant of Grace made in Christ for the Remission of Sins and Acceptation of Persons that through a supernatural Illumination do see themselves siinners loft by sin
quickning to act in holy Duties assuring and confirming the Soul in the Favour of the Father and the Son unto eternal Life according to that Promise of God held forth by Ezekiel 11.19 20. I will give them one heart and I will put a new Spirit within them and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh and will give them a heart of flesh whence note by the way that the Spirit is here said to be a new Spirit not because it is any new erected thing in it self for it was of old from eternity but first because by its powerful influences and operations it doth take up its residence in that Creature that was formerly destitute thereof and so it is new to the Creature And secondly because it doth erect a new Work in the Creature so as to alter and change the Inclinations and Dispositions of the Heart by destroying the Carnality Earthliness and Rebelliousness thereof towards the things of God which is signified by the stony Heart and making it tender and pliable to yield a cheerful conformity to the Will of God which is signified by the Heart of Flesh This great Promise as to the end of it is further expressed in these words That they may walk in my Statutes and keep mine Ordinances and do them and they shall be my People and I will be their God To the same effect are the Words of the Apostle Paul Rom. 8.11 12 13. If the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the Dead dwell in you He that raised up Christ from the Dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you Therefore Brethren we are Debtors not to the Flesh to live after the Flesh for if ye live after the Flesh ye shall dye But if ye through the Spirit do mortifie the deeds of the body ye shall live Hereby saith John We know that we dwell in him 1 John 4.13 and he in us because he hath given us of his Spirit The Apostle Paul giving Instructions to Timothy concerning the qualifications of Church-Officers maketh this application to Timothy These things Write I unto thee that thou mayest know how to behave thy self in the house of God which is the Church of the living God the Pillar and ground of the Truth 1 Tim. 3.15 So that first Gods people are called the house of God as they have the in-dwelings of God by his Spirit in its Influences Operations and Laws residing in their hearts Secondly They are called the Church of God as they are a company or Congregation of people imbodied together by the Ligaments and Nerves of Gods word and walk together in the observation of all his Laws and Ordinances according to his Will Thirdly such a people or Congregation are called the Pillar and ground of the truth as they perform the office of a Pillar in upholding and propagating truths interest before the men of the world by doctrine and practice answerable thereunto as the Apostle to the Ephesians teacheth To the intent saith he that now unto the Principalities and Powers in Heavenly places might be known by the Church the manifold Wisdom of God Eph. 3.10 So that Gods people within the Evangelical Covenant of Grace believing on Christ and conforming to Christ in his holy Laws Orders and Ordinances according to the Gospel-dispensation and improving the same to the obtaining Victory or overcoming of their own Corruptions and inordinate affections to self and the World in its Vanities and live to God in holy Sanctity by the indwellings of God by his Spirit in the heart Such a people are by the Spirits demonstration called the House of God the Church of God and the Temple of God 1 Cor. 3.16 17. And such as overcome Christ makes Pillars in the same Rev. 3.12 In which Temple God doth dwell by his Spirit as the Apostle saith 1 Cor. 6.19 20. What know you not that your Body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which ye have of God and ye are not your own for ye are bought with a price therefore glorifie God in your Body and in your Spirit which is Gods chap. 3. ver 16 17. Know you not saith the Apostle that ye are the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you if any man defile the Temple of God him will God destroy for the Temple of God is holy which Temple ye are The Temple which Solomon built was called the Lords house upon four Considerations First He made choyce of that house above all other for an house of Sacrifice 2 Chron. 7.12 verse 16. Secondly He Sanctifieth that house to himself for that purpose Thirdly He placed there his name that his eyes verse 16. and his heart might be there perpetually Fourthly He promised such acceptation of the Worship there performed according to that dispensation that his eyes should be open and his ears attentive to the Prayers there made ver 15. and for a clear Testimony thereof he filled the house with his glory ver 2. In all these Considerations Gods faithful people may be accounted his house For first God hath chosen them and builds them up a Spiritual House 1 Pet. 2.5 A habitation for God through the Spirit Eph. 2.22 to the use of spiritual Service and the offering up the Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving to his name Secondly He sanctifieth them and fitteth them thereunto 1 Cor. 6.11 Eph. 5.26 Thirdly His eyes and his heart are upon them beholding with delight their Sacrifices and Services performed in Faith and Love Fourthly He so accepts of their worship performed in Spirit and Truth that his ears are open to their Prayers and for their consolation and assurance he fills them with Joy unspeakable and full of glory 1 Pet. 1.8 Whence note by the way that when a peoples Sacrifice of Prayer and Praise and other obedience doth arise from an in-dwelling of the Spirit of Faith and Sanctifying grace and is offered upon the Altar Jesus Christ in the golden Censer of his merits this doubtless is highly accepted of God in what place soever it be performed according to the words of Christ Where two or three are gathered together in my Name there am I in the mid'st of them Math. 18.20 The Conclusion drawn from these considerations is this That although God doth dwell in Heaven by his divine Essence and all-glorious presence and so Heaven may properly be called his house and dwelling-place yet God dwelleth also spiritually in and among his people who may be called his house or dwelling-place where he doth Record his Name and where he doth give his Blessings of Grace and Mercy as the Apostles in their Epistles to the Churches do declare and the Author to the Hebrews doth testifie in these words But Christ as a Son over his own House whose House are we if we hold fast the Confidence and the Rejoycing of the hope firm unto the end Thus
exhortation by vertue of the same command But as he which hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all manner of Conversation because it is written be ye holy for I am holy 1 Pet. 1.15 16. So that God's people are to be an holy people because they are enjoyned thereunto by special command And this is the fourth Reason A fifth Ground and Reason why it ever becometh God's people to be an holy people The fifth Reason is grounded on Psal 29.1 2. may be taken from the consideration of the beautifulness of holiness It doth beautifie and adorn the Christian and the Christian-profession or the profession of Christianity It is of great excellency to the advancement of God's glory to the promoting of the Gospel and to make Christian performances in the way thereof delightful in the sight of God and therefore the spirit of God by the Psalmist hath this exhortation unto the Sons and Daughters of men Give unto the Lord O ye mighty give unto the Lord the glory and strength give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness Psal 96. The sixth Reason is grounded on 2 Cor. 7.1 A sixth Ground and Reason why it ever becometh God's people to be an holy people is because they are a people unto whom God hath made exceeding great and precious promises 2 Pet. 1.4 The Apostle Paul to the Corinthians makeing a recital of many excellent promises which God hath made to his people as to dwell in them and walk in them to be a God unto them and to accept them as a people unto himself repeats an exhortation laid down by the Prophet Isaiah Esa 52.12 2 Cor. 6.17 18. to come out to be separate and not to touch the unclean thing and I will receive you and will be a Father unto you and ye shall be my Sons and Daughters saith the Lord Almighty As if the Lord should say my Divine power and providence shall be over them for their protection my Spirit of Wisdom and Counsel shall be in them by its influences and operations to instruct them in the way of Life My mercy shall be exercised in remission of their sins The experiences of my Love shall replenish their hearts with consolation and support in time of trouble My Righteousness shall plead their cause and right their wrongs against all their Oppressors As a Father will I take care of them in this their present Pilgrimage and interest them in an Heavenly and Everlasting Inheritance that it may be well with them for ever Upon these and the like considerations the Apostle groundeth this Exhortation Having these promises dearly beloved let us cleanse our selves from all filthiness of Flesh and Spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God 2 Cor. 7.1 So that God's people are a people unto whom God hath freely given exceeding great and precious Promises therefore it becometh them to be an Holy people And so I shall proceed to some Considerations by way of Application only make a brief recital of the six particulars laid down for the proof of the point namely It ever becometh God's people to be an Holy people and to be found therein is matter of great concernment First Because they do therein most resemble God their Heavenly Father Secondly Because they are thereunto Elected in Christ from Eternity 3dly Because they are thereunto called with an Holy means or calling Fourthly Because God hath enjoyned holiness upon his people by special Command Fifthly Because holiness is a beautifying Ornament unto a Christian and Christianity Sixthly Because they are a people unto whom God hath made exceeding grea●● and precious promises CHAP. III. Containing some Considerations by way of Application The first Vse of Information THe foregoing Considerations may be of use unto us in several particulars by way of information First To inform our Judgments wherein the beauty and comliness of a Christian doth consist that is to say not in fleshly beauty nor the adornings of gay Apparel but in Holiness God delighteth in the likeness of himself where he seeth his own Image in a person or people that 's the soul he delighteth to honour with the Communications of his choycest favours The Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself Psal 4.3 Secondly We are hereby informed into the original or first moving cause of holiness in a people with the means and promises thereunto appertaining and that is God's electing Love in Christ Jesus as the Apostle teacheth But God who is Rich in Mercy for his great Love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins hath quickened us together with Christ by Grace ye are saved Eph. 2.4 and herein is Love not that we loved God but that He loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins 1 John 4.10 So that Jesus Christ with all the means of holiness and promises thereunto appertaining are the effects of the Fathers Love see Deut. 7.6 7 8. Thirdly The third Vse of Information We are hereby informed into the knowledge of the will of God concerning holiness in his people It is certainly the will of God that his people should be an holy people seeing he hath chosen and called them thereunto as the effects of his Love towards them For this is the will of God even your Sanctifica●ion that ye should abstain from Fornicati●n that every one of you should know how to possess his Vessel in Sanctification and Honour 1 Thes 4.3 4 7. for God hath not called us to Vncleanness but unto Holiness So that it is the will of God that his people should be a● holy people Fourthly It may inform us of our Duty in answer to God's command God's command implyeth his peoples duty in obedience to the command by a careful improvement of the means which he hath ordained to accomplish that end The Lord said to the Israelites of old Sanctifie your selves and be ye holy for I am the Lord which sanctifie you Levit. 20.7 8. As if he should say I am the Lord which se● you apart for my self and sanctifie the means whereby you may be an holy people therefore sanctifie your selves by a careful and diligent walking in the use of that means that you may be an holy people unto me So likewise the Apostle to the Romans saith If ye through the Spirit do mortifie the Deeds of the body ye shall live Rom. 8.13 Also to the Philipians he gives this Exhortation Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure Phil. 2.12 13. All which Scriptures do shew that God is the chief Author of the means and th● mover to the means yet there is something enjoyned on the Creatures part in obedience to the command wherein the Creature by the direction and assistance of the means ought to be
their Spirits for Comfort and Encouragement in times of Sorrow and Affliction and as a piece of Divine Counsel useful upon all occasions Verily verily I say unto you whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my Name he will give it you hitherto ye have asked nothing in my Name ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full these things have I spoke unto you in proverbs the time cometh when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs but I shall shew you plainly of the Father at that day ye shall ask in my Name and I say not unto you that I will pray the Father for you for the Father himself loveth you because ye have loved me and have believed that I came out from God Joh. 16.23 24 25 26 27. If Christ enjoyn his People must obey But their Priv'ledg is he helps ' em in their way I cannot well pass these Words without observing some of the particulars therein contained first the thing enjoyned and that is Prayer secondly the Person enjoyning that is Jesus Christ thirdly the Persons enjoyned which are Disciples or persons learned and taught by Christ fourthly the Person to whom the Disciples are directed to present their Petitions and that is God the Father fifthly the means or way of Acceptation that is they are to pray unto the Father in Christs Name Whatsoever ye ask the Father in my Name saith Christ he will give it you There are three Specialties included in word Three Specialties in Christs Name the which being observed in our approaches to the Father are very prevailing for our Acceptance with him Name which we are to observe in order to the right performance of the Duty of Prayer The first is Christs Authority or Command as when a poor Soul in the sense of its Wants and Weakness shall approach unto God upon this or the like account The first is Christs authority saying Father I thy poor unworthy creature being made in some measure sensible of my own Wants and Imperfections and of thy Fulness and All-sufficiency do humbly appear in thy presence being directed to Thee the Fountain of all Supplies by the special Command of thine only Son in whom thou art well pleased in whom thou hast made many gratious Promises to thy People have respect I pray thee as thou hast to thy Son so also to thy poor Creature that exerciseth Faith in the Promises and in the Commands of thy Son True Faith applies both Promise and Command whom thou hast ordained to be King of Saints and by whose Authority I now approach thy presence and for whose sake I pray thee grant fupplies of Grace and spiritual Assistance according to thy Divine Wisdom and good Pleasure to the further enabling thy poor Creature to glorifie thy Name in this my present Pilgrimage that my Soul may be supported in the many straights and troubles that this World affords and so confirmed in the assurance of everlasting Peace and Consolation with thy Son and with thy Saints in eternal Bliss and Happiness Thus when a poor Soul through the Exercise of Faith in the Commands of Christ is drawn forth conscientiously to act in obedience thereunto ●t is doubtless an argument greatly pre●ailing with the Father for Obedience ●o the Son is agreeable to the Fathers Will and hath many precious Promises ●nnexed thereunto A second Specialty or prevailing Argu●ent included in Christs Name doth arise ●om the Influence and Operations of the Word and Spirit of Christ upon the Crea●●res Affections whereby the Love and ●esire of the Soul is bent toward the en●yment of Spiritual things with holy ●●ngings thirstings and pantings after ●od and for further participations of ●s Grace making its address unto God these or the like words saying Fa●●er I thy poor unworthy Creature unto ●●om thy Son Jesus Christ hath appear'd 〈◊〉 the Divine Illuminations and Operati●●s of his Spirit in and through thy Word ●ereby I am in some measure made sensible of my own Wants and of tha● Fulness All-sufficiency that is in thee 〈◊〉 supply the same do humbly approa●● thy presence upon the account of th● Son Jesus Christ being directed to the for Supplies by him whom thou hast ordained not only King of Saints but also th● Prophet of thy People to teach them Obedience to thy Will Behold O Lord the chief Cause as Ground of my coming to thee even t●● Son thine only Son he it is that quicke●● me and raiseth up my Affections towar● thee by the powerful Influences and Operations of his holy Spirit whereby th● Riches of thy Grace is in a measure 〈◊〉 my Soul discover'd my hope of acceptatio● with thee much reviv'd my love unto th● somewhat enflamed and the desires of 〈◊〉 Soul after more enjoyments of thy speci●● Grace and Favour much enlarged ther●fore O Righteous Father I pray the● behold me in thy Son as being enlightne● moved and quickened to come unto the by him it is his work upon my heart s●pernatural and divine even the Effect his Prophetical Office whereby I t●● poor Creature am made sensible of 〈◊〉 own Wants and Necessities and where● I behold a Fulness for Supply in thy bl●ed Self and whereby my Soul is drawn forth towards thee with earnest desires after more Communications of thy Grace and Favour And now Dear Father I pray thee behold the Work of thy Son upon my Soul yea thine own Work in and through him and satisfie those longing Desires wrought in me by vertue thereof with assurance of Acceptance with thee and of the Communication of the Gifts and Graces of thy holy Spirit to the replenishing of my Soul with spiritual injoyments and to the further enabling me to walk before thee in the ways of Holiness to the Glory of thy Name and to the everlasting Consolation of my Soul through Jesus Christ to whom with thee and thy holy Spirit be ascribed all the Honour Praise and Glory both now and for ever Amen Thus when the poor Soul can make its approach to the Father of Mercies experiencing the Work of Divine Grace by Jesus Christ enlightening and quickening to holy Duties so that the Creature can truly plead that Jesus Christ executing his Prophetical Office upon the inward Man is the Ground and Cause of its approaches to the Father This doubtless is an Argument greatly prevailing with him for Acceptation and for an Answer of Peace from him seeing the original Ground and moving Principle is his own work of free Grace upon the Creature wrought by his own Son through the operative Power of his holy Word and Spirit to the Praise and Glory of his Name It was the main Argument of the Prophet Isaiah When the Lord doth work the Love and Desire of a Soul unto himself it is a sign that be intends to that Soul a farther Benefit wherewith he moved God and strengthened his own Confidence in him Lord saith he thou wilt ordain Peace
for us and why so for thou hast wrought all our Works in us other Lords besides thee have had Dominion over us but by thee only will we make mention of thy Name Isai 26.12 13. It may be said of a Souls coming to God in the Name of Christ as aforesaid as David said of his and the peoples Willingness to offer Provision for the building of the Temple But who am I and what is my People that we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort for all things come of thee and of thine own have we given thee 2 Chron. 29.14 For such a frame of Spirit doth flow from a supernatural Work wherein the Creature is taught of God the Duties which he performs do flow as Fruits and Effects of what he hath received from the Lord to the Glory of his Name Thirdly a Christian comes to the Father in the Name of Christ not only upon the account of the Commands nor only because Christ by Divine Discoveries hath wrought an earnest Desire in him after further Enjoyments but also when he comes unto the Father upon the account of the Merits of Christ making his Address to this or the like effect saying Most glorious God and merciful Father in Jesus Christ although my Sins of Omission and Commission by which I have transgressed thy holy and just Law and offended thy Majesty do render me not only unworthy of the least of thy Mercies but also worthy of thy just Condemnation to proceed against me yet forasmuch as thy only Son Jesus Christ in the prosecution of his Prophetick Office hath revealed unto my Soul that the exceeding Riches of thy Grace and free Mercy to thy unworthy Creatures is so abounding that thou hast given thy Son who hath fulfilled thy Law by his actual Obedience thereunto to the end that I thy poor Creature which stand condemned thereby by reason of my manifold Sins whereby I have transgressed the same might receive a free full and absolute Remission Pardon and Deliverance from the Guilt Dominion and Punishment of Sin having an interest in the Righteousness which thy Son by his Obedience hath obtained through the Exercise of that supernatural Grace of Faith wrought in my Soul by the Influence of the Word and Spirit of thy Son I therefore thy poor unworthy Creature am emboldened and somewhat enabled to appear before thee in hope of Acceptation forasmuch as the Riches of thy Grace and free Mercy to thy unworthy Creature is so abounding that thou hast not only given thy Son to fulfil thy Law by his actual Obedience but also passively to suffer the Ignominy and Reproach of the World and patiently to yield and offer up himself in obedience to thy Will and determinate Counsel unto Death even the most shameful Death of the Cross shedding his most precious Blood and undergoing the Terrors of Divine Wrath due unto us for our Transgressions upon which account thou hast declared thy self to be a God well pleased in thy Son and reconciled unto such as through a true and lively Faith are united to unto Him whom thou hast raised again from the dead and set at thine own right hand in Glory now to appear in thy glorious presence for us as an Interceder and Advocate Now therefore most righteous Father as thou hast given unto thy poor Creature this new and living way unto the Throne of Grace to approach thy presence with free access I come unto thee utterly renouncing all my own Righteousness as being not any ways meritorious or deserving the least of the Mercies which thy poor Creature doth enjoy and casting my whole dependency upon the Merits of Jesus Christ my only High-priest Mediator and Advocate for my acceptance with thee I beseech thee therefore even upon the account of thine only Son to grant me a free and full pardon of all my Sins and to seal the assurance thereof unto my Soul by that illuminating quickening sealing and sanctifying Spirit of Truth which proceedeth from thy blessed self and from thy Son my blessed Saviour Therewith do thou enlighten my Understanding that I may understand thy Mind and Will contained in thy Word therewith confirm my Judgment in thy Truth and let me experience the Demonstrations of thy Love in Christ therewith transform and rectifie my rebellious Will and bring it to a conformity to thy Will in all things thereby inable me to mortify my Corruptions and let not Sin have dominion over me thereby do thou draw my Affection unto thy self and let not worldly Vanity be my delight O do thou replenish and satisfie my thirsting Soul In want of Grace we sadly may Our sad Estate condole Nothing but Grace can satisfie The thirsting Christian Soul Grace is attained by that Soul That unto God doth cry By Prayer in the Name of Christ That asks believingly with the rich treasures of thy Grace in Christ through the operating power of thy Spirt of Truth that my heart may abundantly rejoyce in thy saving Benefits and be thoroughly furnished to praise thy Name O Lord hear accept and answer thy poor Creature in these and all other particulars which thou in thy infinite Wisdom judgest most expedient for thy poor Creatures temporal and eternal well-being to the Glory of thy Name even for the meritorious Name sake of thy Son my only Redeemer and Advocate by whom I have received Command Direction and Encouragements to appear before thee for whom thy poor Creatures have always cause to bless and praise thy holy Name unto whom with thee and thy holy Spirit be ascribed as is most due all Glory Power Praise and Obedience by us thy Creatures everlastingly Amen Thus have I briefly delivered my Apprehensions concerning the Creatures going to God the Father by Prayer in the Name of his Son Jesus Christ wherein we may take notice of some particulars as First what great Concernment Christ is to the Believing Soul now in the days of his Exaltation whose Name is a prevailing Principle with the Father in the behalf of all those that come unto God therein Secondly how highly it doth concern every Soul to have an Eye of Faith fixed on him and consider him with a due consideration in all his Benefits Thirdly consider that as I am upon a use of Direction towards the Attainment of that excellent Ornament Prayer in Christs Name is an excell nt means for the attaining to an estate in the Ornament Holiness because it hath precious Promises thereunto annexed Holiness so Prayer in the Name Christ is not one of the least of the means whereby it is attained inasmuch as Jesus Christ who is Truth and cannot lye hath crowned the Duty with a Promise of the Fathers Gift as he hath said Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my Name he will give it you Joh. 16.23 And lest any should reply Lord we know not the Father and how shall we come unto him he annexeth this Promise also to the other
of Christ Doubtless this was one among the rest the Vertue and Tendency of his Words was unto the A●tainments of Holiness and Heavens Happiness to her Soul the words of Eternal Life This is that Lyon of the Tribe of Juda and Root of David that hath prevailed to open the Sealed Book Revel 5.5 even the Mysteries of the Kingdom and way of Holiness which from the beginning was hid in God but now made manifest for the Obedience of Faith This is that great Prophet of whom Moses spake saying A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you like unto me him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you and it shall come to pass that every Soul that will not hear that Prophet shall be cut off from his people or I saith the Lord will require it of him Deuter. 18.18 Act. 3.22 23. Whence note by the way First That God the Father according to his fore-determination and ancient Promise hath raised up Jesus Christ and or●ained him chief Prophet to his People Secondly Christ the Mediator between God and Man Jesus Christ is here said to be a Prophet like unto Mos●s that is as Moses in that day did stand as a Mediator between God and his People to receive the holy and lively Oracles of the Mind and Will of God from the Mouth of God and dispence the same unto the People in that Dispensation so Christ is the Mediator between God and Man now under the New Covenant to receive of the Father the lively Oracles of the Mind and will of the Father and to communicate them unto the Sons and Daughters of Men in this Dispensation of the New Covenant Thirdly An Advertisement to all persons to observe the Voice of Christ in the Ministry of his Word a third thing to be noted here is the Injunction or Command of the Father Him shall you hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you Fourthly the Danger that will ensue to that Soul that doth not hearken to this Prophet I will require it of him saith the Lord Deut. 18.19 Fifthly One thing more is considerable in vers An Advertisement to all Preachers to take heel they preach not any thing that the Voice of Christ in his Word doth not own 20. that if any Prophet shall presume to speak a Word in my Name saith the Lord that I have not commanded him or that shall speak in the Name of other Gods that Prophet shall die Would a poor Soul attain to Holiness so as to have an Interest in that comely Ornament then consider Jesus Christ in the Execution of his Prophetical Office which standeth in a revealing or discovering the Mind and Will of God the Father unto the Sons and Daughters of men with Advertisements and Perswasions to a Reception of the same and a walking answerable thereunto The Prosecution of which Office he did perform doctrinally in his own person in the days of his Humiliation and in the days of his Exaltation by his Spirit in his Apostles by immediate Inspiration whose Doctrine and Practice for Church-Constitution Order of Worship and Discipline he confirmed to all succeeding Generations with Signs and Wonders and Gifts of the Holy Ghost Heb. 2.4 and since more ordinarily by the Ministry of the word confirmed as aforesaid I say more ordinarily by the Offices and Officers as Pastors and Teachers gifted for the work of the Ministry to teach those confirmed Truths of Jesus Christ contained in his Gospel unto the Sons and Daughters of Men for their Conversion Edification Comfort and Confirmation of them in the Faith and Practice of all his holy Laws Ordinances and Order of Government and Discipline according to his own Institution Pattern and Appointment together with all those Promises and Priviledges in his Word of Truth given out to them that in Love and Loyalty unto him and his Soveraignty subject unto him and walk with him in the same Hereunto doth the Holy Ghost by the Apostle Paul witness Eph. 4.8 When he ascended up on high he led Captivity captive and gave Gifts unto men and vers 11. he gave some Apostles some Prophets some Evangelists some Pastors and Teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the Ministery for the edifying of the Body of Christ till we all come in the unity of the Faith and of the Knowledg of the Son of God unto a perfect Man unto the measure of the stature of the Fulness of Christ that we henceforth be no more Children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of Doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning Craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive but speaking the truth in love may grow up into him in all things which is the Head even Christ Ephes 4.11 12 13 14 15. Some few things I would here note by the way The Gospel Verities are Gods Oracles by him confirm'd to us for standing truths to be highly prized and faithfully embraced the Fountain from whence they flow being considered First that the Gospel-Dispensation is the lively and holy Oracles or Word of God the Father which Christ by his Prophetical Office hath received of the Father and made known to us the Sons and Daughters of Men and confirmed to us by the witness of the Father not only by the Resurrection of his Son but also by signs and wonders and Gifts of the Holy Ghost for the Glory of his Name and the Salvation of those that so embrace it as the Oracles of God so confirmed Secondly those Pastors and Teachers that in Love and Obedience to the Lord do make the Apostolical confirmed-Doctrine and Practice their Rule and Ground of Doctrine and Practice for Conversion of Souls to Christ An Adv●rtisement to Gods people both Preachers and Hearers to keep close to the Gospel-Rule Constitution of Churches Admittance of Members Order of Government and Discipline accordingly are such as Christ hath given and gifted as Ministers in his hand Revel 1.20 whereby he doth prosecute perseveringly from age to age his Prophetical Office in order to Mans Salvation Thirdly the natural Use The Gospel is of great excellency and concernment to poor sinners the use tendency of is being co●sidered Vertue and proper Tendency of the Gospel Apostolically taught observed and confirmed as aforesaid is the ordinary means by the Father put into the Heart and Hand of Christ for Mans Edification in the Knowledg of Christ Unity in the Faith of Christ a Participation of the Fulness of Christ unto an attainment of Perfection in Christ together with Stability in Christ unto Salvation by Christ through believing in Christ and conforming to Christ in the Teachings and Administrations thereof wherefore as I am upon an Use of Direction to the enquiring Soul after the way to Holiness Attainments or the Attainment to Holiness so I have set before thee Jesus Christ in his Offices as an Object whom
enquiring Soul in order to its Attainment to Holiness forasmuch as Baptism as before considered is a holy Ordinance instituted by the holy God unto holy ends and uses neither is it of the Matter of putting on of Christ as before asserted in order to the Attainment of Holiness but is comprehended in the same that is to say his Offices Qualifications and Example of Walkings In order whereunto consider those Words asserted by the Apostle Paul Gal. 3.27 As many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ and so I shall proceed to the next perticular which is to abide in him Fourthly as we are concerned to put on the Lord Jesus Christ as aforesaid in order to our Attainment unto Holiness so also we are concerned to abide in him It is a piece of Divine Counsel delivered by our Lord and blessed Saviour Jesus Christ unto his Disciples Joh. 15.4 5. Christians must abide in Christ in order to their perfecting Holiness Abide in me and I in you as the Branch cannot bear fruit of it self except it abide in the Vine no more can ye except ye abide in me I am the Vine ye are the Branches he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me ye can do nothing Sometimes in Scripture we have this abiding in him set forth by the terms continuing and persevering The Apostle Paul Col. 1.21 22.23 putting the Colossians in mind of the End of Christs Death for them which was First to reconcile them unto himself and unto the Father in him Secondly to present them unto the Father holy unblameable and unreproveable in his sight he addeth this proviso If ye continue in the Faith grounded and setled and be not moved away from the hope of the Gospel which ye have heard Whence note by the way that a well-grounded Faith in Christ attended with stability therein according to the Apostolical Ministration is the principal way to attain to Holiness to the Fathers acceptation such will Christ adorn with the holy Robes of his own Righteousness and therein justifie them to the Fathers acceptation unto Life eternal Therefore as ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk ye in him rooted and built up in him as ye have been taught abounding therein with Thanksgiving Col. 2.6 I may not omit Saint Johns Exhortation and Advice in his first Epistle chap. 3.24 25 28. Let that therefore abide in you which ye have heard from the beginning if that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you ye also shall continue in the Son and in the Father and this is the Promise that he hath promised us even eternal Life And now little Children abide in him that when he shall appear we may have confidence and not be ashamed before him at his coming Whence note by the way First that as persons are concerned to put on Christ in order to Holiness and Heavens Attainments so it is their stability or abiding in it that crowns them with the same Hold that fast which thou hast that no man take thy Crown Revel 3.11 Secondly note that a person near conformity to and abiding in the Apostolical Doctrine in all things wherein the Faith and Practice of a Christian is concerned is the best visible Demonstration of a Souls being and abiding in the Father and the Son see 2 Joh. v. 9. Thirdly note that a people abiding in the Gospel-Doctrine and so in the Father and the Son by Faith they do thereby much augment the joy comfort and confidence of the true Gospel-Minister in the day of Christs second appearing under whose Ministry they have been conducted into that estate And now little Children abide in him that when he shall appear we may have confidence and not be ashamed before him at his coming 1 Joh. 2.28 For what is our Hope or Joy or Crown of rejoycing are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming for ye are our Glory and Joy for now we live if ye stand fast in the Lord 1 Thess 2.19 20. chap. 3.8 Thus having briefly laid down these four Rules for the enquiring Soul to observe in its progress towards the Attainment of Holiness as 1. That he look to Jesus with an eye of Faith as he is held forth in the Gospel-Administration 2. To consider him in his Undertakings for us and in his Benefits to us 3. To put him on in the particulars afore-premised And 4. To abide in him Now whereas there was three particulars proposed in order to the putting on of Christ as 1. Wherein he is to be put on 2. How he is to be put on and 3. Why he must be put on in order to that Attainment Having laid down something to the first and second it remains that something be said to the third Why Christ must be put on by those that would attain to Holiness And First because he is the Center in whom all the means appertaining to Holiness is by the Father centered In him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily and ye are compleat in him Coloss 2.9 10. Christs Person is holy his Word is holy his Works are Holy his Name is holy his Nature is holy his Laws Ordinances Government Councel yea all in himself and proceeding from himself is holy he is the Fountain of Holiness full of the Springs of God Secondly Persons must put on Christ in that Attainment because it is the Will of God and his fore-determination and appointment from Eternity that in Christ should that Attainment of Holiness be unto all persons through believing or putting on him as aforesaid There is no other way standing in the Election or Counsel of God to attain unto Holiness but only in Jesus Christ as saith the Apostle According as he hath chosen us in him before the Foundation of the World that we should be Holy and without blame before him in love Ephes 1.4 Wherefore would we attain unto an Estate in the Ornament of Holiness would we have Christ formed in us and we transformed into his likeness so as to bare his Image his Name and Nature Would we answer God the Fathers Predestination Election and Calling Would we have the assurance thereof sealed unto our Souls and have an entrance into his Kingdom Then put on the Lord Jesus Christ and abide in him as afore considered in his Offices Qualifications and Example of walking it s the great design of God in Christ from Eternity it s the joy of every faithful Gospel-Minister to behold such effects wrought in a people fulfil ye my joy saith the Apostle that ye be like minded having the same love It s the Beauty of a Christian the very quintescence of Christianity the honour of Religion to the glory of God O put on the Lord Jesus Christ and abide in him and make not provission for the Flesh to fulfil the Lusts thereof
himself and be made capable of that glory that no mortal eye is able to behold nor tongue express But Secondly As the body shall at that day admit of a glorious change as to be like his glorious body so the will the affections with every faculty of the soul shall in this re-unity be transendently glorious with the Image of God That soul that in this life by some beams and influences of Christ's love is drawn and contracted in love to Christ and holy longings after further Communion with him shall then have its desires accomplished in the glorious presence of her Beloved then will that glorious Marriage between Christ and his Spouse be gloriously solemnized with the glorious presence of God the Father and Christ the Bridegroom attended with an innumerable company of Angels then shall souls Espoused to Christ here in this day of grace by some streams of Christ's love be then filled with the Ocean of divine love from Eternity then will Christ beautifie and adorn his Beloved with the glorious beauty of himself and make her beautiful and comely and delightful unto himself yea in that day will Christ give his Spouse the right hand of fellowship he will set them on his right hand with this sweet salutation Come ye Blessed of my Father Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you before the foundation of the World O consider if some drams of Divine Love in Christ will in this day of grace comfort and refresh a soul and give cause of rejoycing how much more will the soul be filled with joy and consolation when it cometh to live in the full Ocean of Divine Love from Eternity Surely this is joy unspeakable and full of glory but Thirdly A third priviledge belonging to this Kingdom or reward of Inheritance may be considered consisting of most excellent Associates Companions in fellowship and communion together That soul now pressing after holiness in this day of grace and now delighting in such Companions in whom evidences of grace appeareth shall there live in the full enjoyment of Communion with God the Father of all our mercies and with God the Son the Redeemer of all our comforts and with the Holy Ghost God equal with the Father and the Son See Heb. 12 22 33 24. the Illuminator of our understandings the quickner of us in the life of grace the sanctifier of us to the subduing of sin the helper of our weaknesses and infirmities in our Christian duties the seal of our Redemption and witness of our Adoption the souls comforter in Tribulation and director in all the paths of holiness together with an innumerable company of Angels and glorious Saints whose Communion of persons shall flow from a perfect union of spirit solemnizing a perpetual Sabbath to the Lord in Praises and Thanksgivings in perfection of purity and real-hearted sincerity in fulness of joy and consolation while the Ignorant and Prophane the Carnal Worldling and the Voluptuous with the Time-serving Formalist that have spent the day of grace in pursuit of their own carnal interest little minding the interest of Jesus Christ in the footsteeps of the New Man which is Created in Righteousness and true Holiness shall have no part in the Resurrection with them that shall be counted worthy or made meet for these priviledges but shall be everlastingly excluded this Heavenly fellowship with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging having not so much much as one dram of God's love and favour to abate the flames of those horrors and terrors ceasing upon their souls through the sence of Sin and Condemnation for the same in that Eternal Wrath and fiery Indignation of the Almighty where the Worm of Conscience is always gnawing with Accusations of disobedience to the just and holy Laws of a Righteous God the Fire of whose Wrath and Flames of Divine Vengeance never goeth out but will be everlastingly burning in the soul time without end where the best Associates and chiefest Companions will be the Devils and damned Spirits in Hell and the best harmonious melody will be Confusion of howlings for extremity of pain and gnashing of Teeth in endless sorrows But Fourthly A fourth priviledge in this Reward of Inheritance or glorious Kingdom to be enjoyed by those persons that in this day of grace press after holy attainments perseveringly may be considered consisting in a due proportion of the Inheritance and Heavenly Mansions every one an Heir joynt-Heir with Christ every one a free possession and every one free in his possession every one a full possession and every one full of true content with his possession every one a possession full of true delight comfort and satisfaction and every soul taking a full delight comfort and satisfaction in his possession every one a peaceable possession and every one acting peaceably in his possession every one a possession full of divine love and every one acting in his possession in that principle of divine love which worketh no ill to his Neighbour every one a possession full of the glory of the Lord and every one rendering glory unto the Lord in his possession He that overcometh shall Inherit all things and I will be his God and he shall be my Son Rev. 21.4 And if Sons then Heirs Heirs of God and joynt-Heirs with Christ if we suffer with him that we may be also glorified together Rom. 8.17 And there shall be no more Curse but the Throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in the City of their Habitations and his Servants shall serve him and they shall see his face and his Name shall be in their foreheads Rev. 22.3 4. But Fifthly A fifth priviledge considerable in this Inheritance may be in the perpetuity thereof A man Heir to an Earthly Inheritance and entering into possession of the same in considering the great benefit that it will be unto him many times his heart is raised up with joy and delight therein but considering again on the other hand how soon death may take him away from it or an Enemy by force and violence take it from him or considering how soon he may be surprised with afflictions in body or mind or in both whereby the comfortable enjoyment of this possession may be taken off he considering the uncertainty thereof how doth this abate the delight and comfortable satisfaction that the poor Creature did seem to fancy to himself But as for this Heavenly Inheritance it is perpetually sure to every soul possessed thereof and therefore as it is a possession yielding a fulness of true delight and comfort unto perfection of satisfaction in the first enjoyment of possession So the consolation thereof is no whit abated or lessened by any fears or doubts that may arise concerning a deprivation There is no place left for fears nor doubts where the possession is so surely founded and confirmed As for this Inheritance saith Peter it is incorruptible and undefiled that fadeth not away it s a Kingdom that cannot be
unexpressible by the tongue of Men or Angels whereby Faith is the more confirmed and hope revived patience the more perfected the affections the more enflamed with desires and holy longings after further communion and fellowship with Christ whence these streams of living waters flow Stay me with Flagons saith the Espoused Soul For I am sick of Love Cant 2.5 chap. 8.6 chap. 2.14 chap. 5.16 chap. 1.2 Set me as a seal upon thy heart as a seal upon thine arm Let me see thy Countenance let me hear thy Voyce for sweet is thy Voyce and thy Countenance is comely he is altogether lovely Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth for his love is better than Wine Thy Name is as oyntment poured forth therefore do the Virgins love thee And hence it is that Paul so highly esteemeth the knowledge of Christ as the most excellent of all knowledge and his Being in Christ the most excellent Being There he might drink his fill of the River of the most excellent pleasures even the pleasures of God and the joy of the Saints And therefore if ever we would overcome our corruptions and break off our affections from self and the world if ever we would have our hearts cleansed of sin and furnished with the qualifications of grace and evidences of assurance of eternal life then let us run the race that is set before us improving the means given out unto us looking to Jesus that spiritual Rock in whom all the the springs of free grace is centured and from whom all the streams thereof do flow unto Believers for their comfort support strengthening refreshing and confirming of them in the assurance of a possession in the promised Inheritance and weight of glory far exceeding all the glory of this present world If thou knewest the gift of God and who it is that saith unto thee give me to drink Thou wouldest have asked of him and he would have given thee living water Joh. 4.10 Motive the Sixth A sixth Motive and encouragement to a careful improvement of the aforesaid means against the aforesaid distempers may arise from the consideration of our sad estate whilst we are slaves unto those corrupt Lusts what heart so hard as will not a little commiserate the condition of such as are in captivity and slavery under the dominion of the Turks What poverty and want what hard service and cruel bondage such under-goe we have had related to us O what would such poor slaves give if they had it to be freed from such a bondage that they might enjoy the liberty and plenty of their Fathers house O how welcome would a Ransom be to such how readily would they accept thereof And shall not we consider and commiserate the sad estate of our selves whilst we are in bondage and slavery under the dominion of sin the Horseleach and her Brood Corrupt Lusts which war against the soul 1 Pet. 2.11 and force the Creature to run and go at every beck wait all opportunities and improve all means to satisfie the greedy appetites of carnal desire and unsanctified love to self and the world whilst the poor soul is faint to feed on Husks and pine and starve for want of food and bread enough in the Fathers house and a Ransom given for liberty thereunto and invitations to partake thereof and acceptation promised upon return and the poor carnal is so blinded with the God of this world and so enslaved to its Lusts through that contract between the affections and self and the world That although there be a price put in the hand to get Wisdom as Solomon saith yet he hath no heart thereunto Motive the Seaventh Seaventhly We may be moved and encouraged to a careful improvement of the means aforesaid in order to a Cure of our aforesaid disease by the due consideration of that eternal woful misery that this slavery to our Lusts will bring upon us if the aforesaid conjunction be not timely broken and the heart cleansed of the lusts therein conceived through that contract when God shall say unto us Go unto the Gods your Lusts whom ye have served Remember now in Youth and Age Thy sinful Lusts to mortifie For they sad Evils do presage To those that to them live and in them dye and let them deliver you then shall they call upon me saith the Lord but I will not answer they shall seek me early but shall not find me for that they hated knowledg and did not chose the fear of the Lord they would none of my Counsel they despised all my reproofs therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own doings the turning away of the simple shal slay them And as the Apostle Paul affirmeth 2 Thes 8 9. The Lord Jesus Christ shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming fire taking Vengeance on them that know not God and obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power O sad slavery and servitude that bring-forth such sad effects To be Slaves to the Turks is but a temporal slavery of the body for a short time but the slavery to the lusts of Corruption tendeth to eternal wo and misery if not timely prevented Wherefore as ye have yeilded your Members servants to your Lusts unto Iniquity so now yeild your selves Servants to Righteousness unto Holiness For whilst ye are the Servants of sin ye are free from Righteousness and the end thereof is death Rom. 6.19 20 21 22. Motive the Eighth The eighth Motive to the aforesaid work may be the consideration of the little time we have in this life to mortifie our Corruptions and subdue our Lusts and crucifie the world and to deny self and so follow Christ in the way of his Commandements in holy sanctity to the glory of the Father and honour of the Son and edification and comfort and encouragement of his people and to get a stock of grace to help us in a time of Need. When our time is over our opportunities cease and therefore as Solomon faith Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do i. e. in answer to the will of God Do it with all thy might for there is no work nor device nor knowledge nor wisdom in the grave whither thou goest Eccle. 9.10 Therefore saith the Holy Ghost To day if ye will hear his voyce harden not your hearts that is neglect not the time reject not the means while they are afforded for time and means will not always attend upon us as saith the Holy Ghost Now is the acceptable time now is the day of Salvation i. e. now Christ with Salvation in him is freely tendred now the voyce of Christ in the Gospel is clearly demonstrated and the true light now shineth with the bright and beautiful beams of the Son of Righteousness now Christ waits upon us in the dispensation of his precious
is evidenced six fold Fourthly The Spirit and the Brides invitation to and commendation of the freeness of these waters of Life in Christ Fifthly The excellent operation of these living springs to the clarifying of the heart from corruption and to qualifie the heart with grace Sixthly The sad slavery and bondage of souls enslaved to the Horseleach and her Brood Seaventhly The woful misery that this slavery to our selves will bring upon us if the means be not improved for a remedy Eighthly The little time we have for our improvement the which once over our opportunities cease Ninethly The greatness of our loss if we obtain not a cure while the time and season serveth Tenthly They are Gods Enemies as much as in them lyeth opposing God and Christ and the Spirit in their effecting of mans salvation in the way of Gods determinations and for appointments from Eternity Eleaventhly The consideration of Gods requirement and choyce that God hath made of the heart to be as a Treasury for himself to place his word his spirit his gifts graces his laws and statutes there according to his Covenant Twelfthly They are the grand Enemies to true Reformation in Church and State and therefore are not to be suffered to live in the heart Thirteenth They will Monopolize all thy Religious actions of Piety and Charity to themselves all must be done for self-ends and worldly interests Fourteenth The Recommendations and Testimonies of the faithful which from their own experiences commend unto us the excellent use and efficacy of these streams of free grace in Christ as a soveraign remedy to our distempers as an encouragement to us Fifteenth and lastly One Use of comfort to the faithful improver of the aforesaid means to the aforesaid ends and unto that soul that is truly sensible of its disease its slavery and danger thereby and world with longing desires be relieved released and delivered from the bondage of sin and condemnation due for the same Behold O behold your priviledges your help your remedy you have a a God free of his dispensations of grace to you in Christ a full Fountain set open with the waters of Life to cure all your distempers by sin 't is to cleanse the heart of sin and of uncleanness a Rock that cannot be drawn dry a River with streams seasoned and sweetened with Divine Love Christ Jesus full of grace truth for the refreshing comforting and satisfying of every soul that in the sence of its own deficiency cometh to Christ believingly in real desire of remedy where you may drink and refresh your selves and welcome you have Christ ready to entertain you with friendly entertainment Eat O friends drink yea drink abundantly O Beloved Cant. 5.1 The more souls come to Christ the more free is Christ unto them the more joyfully doth he entertain them the more his delight is in them and the more he communicates of his fulness to them your presence with him and partaking of his fulness is his joy your absence from him and refusal of his benefits is his sorrow He wept over Jerusalem upon their refusal of him in the day of his free Communications The springs are open the Fountains full the streams run clear and pure and free for cure for all your wounds though ne're so sore here may you find support and comfort in the worst of times and greatest troubles as saith the Psalmist Although the Earth be removed and though the Mountains be carryed into the midst of the Sea we will not fear Psal 46.2 And why There is a River the streams whereof shall make glad the City of God verse 4. and agreeable here unto are those words of the Prophet Isaiah ver 23. The Glorious Lord will be unto us a place of broad Rivers with streams God will be yours and Christ and Grace and Glory and what enjoyments is communicable in them shall be for your Consolation and Salvation Wherefore as ye tender the glory of God the honour of Christ and your participation of the benefits and priviledges in Christ the life of holiness and the health of your souls in Heavens attainments use all diligence at the said Well-springs for to compleat a cure to your diseased hearts and to obtain your freedom from the servitude of carnal Lusts the Enemies to our Reformation and Salvation Certain Articles included and drawn from the foregogoing Discourse as the Judgment of the Authour in brief First THere is one God Creator of all things whose being is of himself Glorious in Essence Almighty in Power Infinite in Wisdom Wonderful in Providence Perfect in Purity Rich in his Mercies Great in loving Kindness Faithful in his Covenants Free in his dispensation o● Grace Tender of Compassion Long-suffering in Patience Abounding in Goodness and Truth Righteous in his Laws Just in his Judgments Jealous of his Truths a Hater of Sin a Revenger of Iniquity upon the Impenitent incomprehensible in himself yet comprehending all things within his All-seeing Eye his Understanding Knowledge and Almighty Power having Dominion over all things to order all things and dispose of all according to the good pleasure of his divine will unto whom all Worship Service and Obedience is due and is to be performed in his own way by the Sons of men and what he is in himself his Being and Attributes he is Incorruptible Immortal Eternally so God blessed for ever the hope the help the support the consolation and salvation of all that put their trust in him to whom be Glory Honour and Praise everlastingly Amen Secondly The glorious God hath made forth himself unto the Sons of men by three denominations or distinction of names as Father Son and Holy Spirit The Father is of himself not made created nor begotten The Son is of the Father Begotten not made as he is God yet made of a Woman as he is Man Gal. 4.4 The perfection of both Natures centred in him that he was perfect God and perfect Man The holy Spirit is neither made created nor begotten but is equally one from Eternity in the God-head with the Father and the Son proceeding from both mans heart to invade to repair the great loss the power of sin therein made Thirdly The Father from Eternity before the world was did determine decree and purpose in himself in time to Create man to be to the glory of his Name to enjoy him in a glorious state and thereunto did fore-appoint or predestinate him Fourthly The Father fore-seeing the Fall of Man by sin and Mans Captivity under Satans dominion thereby and Mans corrupt and miserable state under the same and Mans inability to recover himself there-from that the determined Counsel decree purpose and predestination or fore-appointment of the Father might stand sure and yet he be just He also determines a free Redemption for Man-kind by his Son and electeth or chuseth his Heirs of Glory in his Son under justification of Life and Glory through believing in his Son
14 15 16. Gal. 6. 6 It is of divine requirement and the Christian Churches duty to communicate unto the maintenance of their Minister in Office of their temporal concernments that ministereth to them in spirituals for so hath the Lord ordained that they that preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel yet may a Pauls spirit make his ministry without charge for the Gospel-sake without sin if he can subsist without the Churches maintenance Nineteenth It is the duty of Christians from the example of the primitive Apostolical Churches to set apart Act. 20.7 observe and solemnize the first day of the week peculiarly to assemble together to worship the Father to honour the Son 1 Cor. 16.2 and to edifie one another in that holy order and divine rule of truth made known unto us by the Son through the demonstrations of his Spirit in the Gospel without adding or diminishing Humane inventions cast aside For Christ in 's Word hath them denyed Twentieth That prayer with thanksgiving unto the Father in the name of the Son by the assistance of the spirit and reading preaching and hearing with due attention the doctrine of Gods word and the due administration of the Ordinances of Baptisme and of bread and wine in that order and to those ends which answer Christs Institution Pattern or Example as they are the essence and substantials of divine worship so are they with actions of mercy and charity the proper work of a Sabbath or a day set apart to the Lord and are to be continued in practice by the Church until the second appearing of Christ personally Twenty-first Mat. 28.19 Mark 16.15 16. That the Baptizing of Believers in the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost is a Divine Ordinance appointed as a visible token of Gods Covenant made in Christ unto Believers apprehended only by an eye of faith through a supernatural illumination and is to be administred unto subjects upon their confession of Faith in Christ wherein Christ not only gives a Believer visible admittance into communion with his Church as a Member but also engageth to the Believer walking in faith and obedience to him a performance of all the priviledges and benefits promised to his Church in him as he is King Priest and Prophet thereunto And also the Believer by Baptisme visibly testifieth to God Gal. 2.27 the Church and the World that he taketh Christ as his King Priest and Prophet and thereby engageth with Christ to walk with him through his assistance in his holy order of government and rule of truth made known in his word to be his will in opposition to Sin the World and the Devil All persons have a right to the hearing of the Word Preacht and are to be admitted by vertue of Christs Commission thereunto whether Jews or Gentiles Heathens or Pagans or whatsoever but only Believers to Baptisme upon confession of Faith Act. 8.37 Twenty-second The Ordinance of Bread and Wine instituted by Christ Luk. 22.12 20. is to be observed by his Church consisting of Baptized Believers until his second coming as a representation of the body and blood of Christ broken and shed for the remission of Sins and of the Union-Believers in him thereby 1 Cor. 11.24 25 26 as also a representation of that communion and fellowship Believers shall hereafter enjoy by vertue thereof the which Ordinance through a right application by faith proveth useful for the preservation and confirmation of the Faith Hope Joy and comfort of Believers acting in the said Ordinance in obedience to Christ their King Twenty-third Lev. 19.17 It is the order of Christ and the duty of Christians to reprove sin in their fellow-members upon the visible appearance of it and to give in warnings and admonitions for reformation as they tender the glory of God Rom. 15.14 the honour of Christ their own duty and the promotion of truths interest the life of holiness and the present and future good of the said fellow-member found in transgression Heb. 3.3 Twenty-fourth Psal 141.5 It is the will of Christ and the duty of Christians being justly reproved for sin that they take it patiently and apply it penitently and improve it reformingly with respect unto the aforesaid ends the glory of God the honour of Christ their own duty Prov. 15.10 truths interest the life of holiness and the present and future good of their own souls Twenty-fifth Mat. 18.16 17. It is a divine order given forth by Christ as a Statute-Law unto his Church that in cases of difference arising between Church-members and the said difference cannot be composed by the parties in difference or by one or two more that then the judgment and determination of the Church should stand for a composer of the same and the parties in difference to be satisfied there-with as they respect the glory of God the dignity of Christ the credit of the Church and their union in the bond of peace Twenty-sixth It is the order of Christ and the duty of his Church in obedience to him as their supream Head and King to put in execution the Ordinance of Excommunication against such Members that obstinately persist in wicked practices 1 Cor. 5. or destructive erronious opinions 1 Cor. 16.22 after private and publick reproofs admonitions and exhortations given by the Church according to the rule of Christs order with a respect unto the dignity of Christ and their duty to Christ the purity of the Church and the reformation of the person found in transgression Twenty-seaventh As a Church-Member is by the order of Christ Mat. 18.18 and the Authority thereof given to his Church justly excommunicated from communion with his Church in the holy Ordinance of divine representations so assuredly in the purpose and determinations of God he shall be excluded from the communion of Saints in glory and be numbred among the Transgressors except timely Repentance Twenty-eighth These persons that enter themselves visible Church-Members by Baptisme and walk in Church-communion in the use of all the external parts of divine worship Mat. 13.41 and under the dews of Gods free grace in Christ in the doctrin of the Gospel and have not Gods glory and the mortificacation of their sins Rom 8.13 the subduing of their corrupt Lusts and the sanctifying of their hearts with the qualifications of grace to be their principal ends and in order to those ends do not strive carefully to apply and faithfully to improve the aforesaid means thereunto such persons are like to be as the man without the Wedding-garment and his portion like to be their lot for carnal ends an outside profession only establisheth in a man but the hope of the Hypocrite but right ends often crowns the action with good success although the action have many imperfections Twenty-nineth Those persons that in love to their corrupt Lusts and the world in the pride pleasures and profits thereof
house which do most Adorn the same to make it comely and delightful unto the Lord. And that is Holiness Holiness becometh thine House O Lord. Fourthly we have here set forth unto us the duration of this Ornament Holiness how long its comeliness is acceptable in the sight of God and that is here said to be for Ever Holines● becometh Thine House O Lord for Ever Secondly By way of Explication We have several particulars very considerable First who this Lord is tha● claimeth propriety in this house Secondly what the House is and how considered Thirdly what Holiness is And Fourthly how far the term Ever doth Extend Of these particulars Briefly And First who this Lord is that claimeth proprie●● in this House Now among the multitude of Scriptur● Testimonies which do unfold this Quest●on that of Jeremiah is very full and clear where the Lord by the Prophet doth discover himself in these words But the Lord is the true God He is the living God and an everlasting King at whose wrath the Earth shall tremble and the Nations shall not be able to abide his Indignation Jer. 10.10 To this may be added Hebrews 3.4 the Words whereof are these For every House is builded by some Man but he that built all things is God who is a Spirit * J h. 4.24 or spiritual Essence pure † Hebr. 1.13 perfect * Psal 18.30 eternal † Deut. 32.4 incomprehensible * Deut. 33.27 having his Being of and from himself and giving Being to all Creatures of which he is the supream Governour Orderer and Disposer by his Omnipotency Providentiality Omnipresency and Omnisciency according to his Infinite Wisdom and Divine Will Jer. 13.23 24. Heb. 4 13 See Psal 22.28 Rev. 19.6 Ps 65.9 Ro. 13.1 Ephes 1.11 Thus much to the first particular Who it is that claimeth Propriety in the House The Second Question concerns the House it self under what Consideration it may be taken The term House doth signifie a Dwelling-place a place of Abode Habitation or of Rest Now it is not to be conceived that any one particular place can comprehend an Incomprehensible and Infinite God Do not I fill Heaven and Earth saith the Lord Jerem. 23.24 If I ascend up into Heaven thou art there saith the Psalmist If I make my Bed in Hell behold thou art there If I take the wings of the Morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the Sea even there shall thy Hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me Psal 139.7 8 9 10 11 12. So that God dwells in Heaven by his glorious essential Presence in Hell by his Wrath and just Judgments in the World by his common Mercies and in his Saints by his Spirit whereby they are regenerated sanctified assisted and assured o● his Favour in the use of all his Ordinances And under this last Consideration i● my ensuing Discourse I shall consider th● House of God That a Believing people in whom the Covenant of Grace is confirmed by the in-dwellings of the Spirit o● Grace in its Operations and powerful Influences whereby they are drawn forth to walk with the Lord Christ in the Faith and Practice of his Truth according to his Revealed Will contained in his Word such a People upon a Scripture-account may be called the Lords-House The Apostle Peter writing to the Saints scattered abroad considering them as People in Covenant with Christ and Partakers of the Spirit unto Sanctification and Obedience putteth them under this Denomination Ye also as lively Stones saith he 1 Pet. 2.5 are built up a spiritual House an holy Priesthood to offer up spiritual Sacrifice acceptable to God by Jesus Christ So Hebr. 3.6 Christ as a Son over his own House whose House are we if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoycing of the Hope firm into the end The Believing Ephesians likewise being in Christ by Faith and Christ in them by his Spirit operating and working them up to Sanctification and Obedience and sealing the Promises unto them The Apostle considering their near Relation unto God which they were hereby brought ●nto hath these Expressions concerning them Now therefore saith he Eph 2 1 20 21 22 ye are no more Strangers and Forreigners but Fellow-Citizens with the Saints and of the Houshold ●f God and are built upon the Foundation ●f the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ ●imself being the chief Corner Stone in whom all the Building fitly framed together ●roweth unto an holy Temple in the Lord ●n whom ye also are builded together for an Habitation of God through the Spirit Thus Gods People are his Habitation as God hath said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my People 2 Cor. 6.16 The Prophet Isaiah doth bear testimony to this truth Isai 66.1 2. Thus saith the Lord The Heaven is my Throne the Earth is my Footstool where is the House that ye build unto me saith the Lord and where is the place of my Rest for all those things hath my hand made and all those things have been saith the Lord but to this man will I look even to him that is poor and of a contrite Spirit and trembleth at my Word Two things briefly we may note in these words First the Question propounded Where is the House that ye build unto me saith the Lord and where is the place of m● Rest Secondly the Lords Answer to hi● own Question But to this man will I look even to him that is poor and of a contrit● Spirit and trembleth at my Word Now how will the Lord look to this man surely to make his abode with him to tak● up his residence and dwelling with him and in him by his Spirit of Grace quickning reviving comforting and replenishing the Soul with assurances of his Favou● in Christ endowing them with suc● Gifts and Qualifications of Grace whereby they are enabled to offer up spiritual Sacrifices of Prayers and Praises acceptable to God by Jesus Christ I dwell in the high and holy place Is 57.15 saith the Lord with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the contrite ones Judas one of Christs Disciples but not Iscariot putting forth this Question to his Lord Lord faith he how is it that thou wilt manifest thy self unto us and not unto the World Jesus answered and said unto him If any man love me he will keep my words Joh. ●4 23 and my Father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him Gods Work in the S●ul by his in ●● dwelling there Now how will the Father and the Son come to such a Soul to take up their abode surely by that illuminating and quickning spirit of Truth proceeding from the Father and the Son enlightening the Understanding informing the Judgment rectifying the Will subduing Corruption and
much in Answer to the second Question The third particular we have to consider by way of Explication is the Furniture or comly Ornaments of this House and these are here comprehended under the term Holiness Holiness becometh thine House O Lord Holiness is an Ornament which doth adorn and beautifie both the inside and outside of a Christian or Christian Society it is curiously wrought in the inward man by the In-dwellings of Gods holy Word and Spirit in the influences and operations thereof and it branches forth it self in those visible actions and practices that are agreeable to Gods Will. This Ornament comprehendeth within its circumference the great work of Transformation somtimes called Renovation or new Creation according to the Apostles exhortation And be not conformed to this World but be ye Transformed by the Renewing of your minde that ye may prove what is that good that acceptable and perfect Will of God Rom. 12.2 And saith the same Apostle Eph. 4.23 24. Be ye Renewed in the Spirit of your minde and that ye put on the New Man which after God is Created in Righteousness and true Holiness When the minde is transformed from Carnality to stand in the things of God it may then be said to be Holy The will also may be said to be Holy when it is transformed from that stubbornness and Rebelliousness which by corrupted Nature it standeth in against the will of God and is become submissive and obedient to the will of God so as freely to observe it in all his Commands and freely to submit unto his Will in all his dispensations saying The Will of the Lord be done So likewise the affections when they are transformed from Earthly objects to Heavenly objects when the Meditations Desires Love and Delights are all seated in God and in the things of God this may be accounted holiness in the inward man holiness in the outward man doth arise from this inward work as from the root and brancheth forth it self in word and action as that holy man David saith of himself That his mouth should shew forth the praise of God Psal 34.1 and his tongue should talk of his Righteousness all the day Psal 71.24 It was the Prayer of Paul that holy Servant of God in the behalf of the believing Romans That with one mind and one mouth they might glorifie God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Rom. 15.6 The minde and the mouth should go together in those things where the glory of God and the edification of the Church is concerned yea all the members of the body as David saith I thought on my ways and turned my feet unto thy Testimony I made hast and delayed not to keep thy Commandements Psal 119.59 It is not enough for a man only to withdraw his affections from Carnal objects but he must have also his eye fixed upon the Lord and his Truth with the Professors thereof as David saith Psal 101.6 Mine eyes shall be upon the Faithful of the Land that they may dwell with me Neither is it enough for a man to have his hand shut from doing any action of violence or oppression but he must have it open also in doing works of Mercy and Charity to undo the heavy burdens and to let the Oppressed go free Esa 58.6 to be ready to Distribute and willing to Communicate to such as are in Want Tim. 6.18 So that when all the faculties of the inward man and members of the outward man act in their places according to the will of God by vertue of his sanctifying and quickening Spirit that gives motion thereunto When a man is set free from sin and become the Servant of God he hath his fruit unto holiness and the end will be Everlasting Life Rom. 6.22 So that holiness is the perfection of purity in Nature Word and Works the which perfection is only found in God but in reference to man holiness consisteth in pardon of sin and in transformation of Nature by the renewing of the mind from corrupted Nature to a renewed or new-begotten Nature which is wrought by the operations of the holy-Spirit in such thoughts words and actions as arise from that original And thus much by way of Explication concerning the term Holiness The fourth particular concerns the duration of this Ornament which is expressed in the Text by the term Ever Holiness becometh thine House O Lord for Ever The term Ever doth here signifie Time without limitation or end and so it is taken somtimes in Scripture We have the Lords Kingly Office in respect of the duration of it set forth by this term Ever The Lord sitteth King for Ever Psal 29.10 So the Apostle Paul setting forth to the Thessalonians the second coming of Christ and the happy Estate of the Faithful at that day when the dead in Christ shall rise first Then we saith he which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the aire and so shall we ever be with the Lord wherefore comfort one another with these words Thes 4. whence I apprehend the the term Ever to signifie Time without limitation or end which is also called Eternity or Life Eternal Math. 25.46 And so having considered the words by way of Explication I shall proceed to the Doctrine and Application CHAP. II. The Doctrine Propounded and Confirmed THe point of Doctrine or Observation which doth offer it self to our Christian consideration from the words thus explicated is briefly this The Doctrine Holiness is an Ornament ever becoming the people of God Or thus It ever becometh Gods people to be an Holy people This Doctrine is confirmed by such Scriptures as do shew the Grounds and Reasons why it ever becometh Gods people to be an holy people And the first ground I shall present to consideration is this The first Reason grounded on Col. 3.9 10. because they do therein most resemble God their Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ their Elder Brother Paul to the Colossians gives this Exhortation Lye not one to another seeing that ye have put off the Old man with his deeds and have put on the New man which is renewed in knowledg after the Image of Him that Created him The same Apostle in his Epistle to the Ephesians gives the like Exhortation Put off saith he Ephe. 4.22 23 24. concerning the former Conversation the Old man which is corrupt according to the deceitful Lusts and be renewed in the Spirit of your minde and that ye put on the New man which after God is Created in Righteousness and true Holiness In which words we may note First That the Lord calls for a renewed mind and not only the mind but also the whole man Secondly The way in which this work of Renovation is wrought and that is through a true and sanctified knowledge of God Put on the New man which is renewed in Knowledge Thirdly Here is the likeness or Image into which the
New man is renewed and that is after the Image of Him that Created him after God or the likeness of God Fourthly Here is the particulars wherein this Image or Resemblance of the New Creature unto the Creator doth consist and that is in Righteousness and true Holiness Agreeable hereunto are the words of the Apostle to the Corinthians 2 Cor. 3.18 But we all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same Image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord So that Holiness doth most resemble the Image of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ therefore it ever becometh the Lords people to be an holy people The second Reason grounded on Ephe. 1.4 A second Ground and Reason why it ever becometh Gods people to be an holy people is because God hath chosen them thereunto in Christ before the foundation of the world as the Apostle teacheth the Ephesians According saith he as he hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in Love In this Scripture we may note these three particulars First God's choyce of his people Secondly Upon what account this choyce is made and that is not our works foreseen but Christ's merits he hath chosen us in him Thirdly To what end this choyce is made and that is that we should be holy and without blame before him in Love But if it be asked how hath God chosen his people in his Son unto holiness before the foundation of the world I Answer God did from Eternity see the lost condition of his people through their transgression of his Law and their defaceing his Image of holiness in which he did at first Create them He also did foresee and in himself purpose and decree a satisfaction to his Justice in and by Jesus Christ his obedience to his just Law which man had transgressed and by his suffering death for sin in the same humane nature that had sinned that thereby a perfect Righteousness and Justification might be wrought for man-kinde that all those who through grace and the operations of the holy Spirit are in time brought over to believe in Jesus Christ should be justified from all things from which they could not be justified by the Law Act. 13. and sanctified to the obedience of Christ and to acceptance with the Father through him And so God beholding his people from Eternity in that Righteousness that Christ by his perfect obedience to the Law should in time obtain and in that satisfaction which he should make to divine Justice by his sufferings on the Cross God also beholding his people in that work of Regeneration and Sanctification which in time Christ by his Spirit should work and effect in them did accept and choose them in this means to be a people to the praise and glory of his grace in relation whereunto are these words of the Apostle to the Ephesians For we are his Workmanship saith he Created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them Eph. 2.10 So that Gods people ought ever to be an holy people because they are chosen thereunto from Eternity And this is the second Reason The third Reas n grounded on 1 Thes 4 7. 2 Tim 1.9 A third Ground and Reason why it ever becometh God's people to be an holy people is because they are called thereunto with an holy calling as the Apostle to the Thessalonians saith God hath not called us unto Vncleanness but unto Holiness The Apostle also writing to Timothy speaking in the words before of God Who saith he hath saved us and called us with an holy Calling not according to our Works but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began In these words we have the Lords act of saving his people set forth unto us in two particulars First he Saved us Secondly he Called us whereby the term Saved I do apprehend that free and full Redemption from Sin and the Wrath of God due to man for sin which Jesus Christ the unspotted Lamb of God hath by his perfect and unsinning obedience wrought for Man-kind Rom. 3.24 25. Ephes 1.5 6 7 8. for which obedience sake the Father doth give to his people a free and full Remission of their sins with everlasting Salvation And by the term Called I understand the operating power of Christ's Spirit bringing persons into the way of Salvation and investing them with the holy Calling whereby they may receive the priviledges of the Gospel that is Adoption Sanctification and Justification as John 1.12 1 Cor. 6.11 which the Spirit of Christ doth work either immediatly as in the Apostles or more ordinarily in the Ministry of the Word plainly and purely set forth to the understanding to the producing Faith Regeneration and Sanctification whereby the Creature is called forth to walk with God in that way whereunto it hath pleased the Father to annex the promise of salvation according to those words of the Apostle to the Thessalonians 2 Thes 2.13 But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you Brethren beloved of the Lord because God hath from the Beginning chosen you to Salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the Truth Believers therefore are the persons that are saved and called not according to their works but according to the purpose and grace of God given in Christ Jesus before the world began so that mans works are no ways meritorious of Salvation nor any original ground of Gods love to man but Justification Sanctification and Glorification together with all the means appertaining thereunto are God's free gift to man upon the account of Jesus Christ to the end that man in a diligent improvement of the same might bring forth the fruit of holiness to the praise glory of his name God hath called his people unto holiness with an holy calling therefore it becometh them always to be an holy people sutable to their Call And this is the third Reason The forth Reason grounded on Levit. 20.7 8. A fourth Ground and Reason why it ever becometh God's people to be an holy people is because God hath enjoyned holiness upon his people by special command The Lord said to the Children of Israel to whom he had given his Laws Statutes and Ordinances Sanctifie your selves therefore and be ye holy for I am the Lord your God and ye shall keep my Statutes and do them I am the Lord which sanctified you As if he should have said I am the Lord your God which have chosen you unto my self to be an holy people and to that end I have sanctified unto you the means of holiness therefore sanctifie your selves through a careful and diligent improvement of the means that you may be holy So the Apostle Peter gives the like
active in the things of God which concern its own salvation and the Edification Comfort 1 Thes 5.9 10 11. and Assurance of others and that not upon the account of merit or desert on the Creatures part but to glorifie God that hath freely given forth both means and merit in his Son whom God the Father hath ordained supream Head King and Governour to his Church and People that men might honour the Son by obedience to his Laws as they honour the Father Joh. 5.22 23. unto which obedience through Faith in the merits of Christ God the Father hath annexed the promise of Salvation of his own free Love and rich Mercy Heb. 5 9. so that Salvation is on God's part an act of Mercy on Christ's part an act of Merit on man's part it is undeserved in his best obedience for It is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of God that sheweth Mercy Rom. 9.16 A second Use which the afore-mentioned considerations may direct us unto The second Vse is of Admiration is a use of Admiration It may raise up our Souls to behold with Admiration God's great Love All the Works of God are to be Admired of his Saints Especially his g●ace in Christ to effect holiness in his people and happiness thereupon and rich Mercy manifested in all his proceedings in and by Jesus Christ towards man a sinful and undeserving Creature who by sin had dishonoured God defaced his Image of Righteousness and true Holiness wherein he was at first Created and deprived himself of the Paradice of God and made himself an object of his displeasure according to due desert Now that God should look upon the Creature in its lost condition and corrupted state from which he was no way able to recover himself with such an eye of pity and bowels of compassion as to lay help upon one that is mighty even Jesus Christ his only Son both God and Man to take satisfaction in him that sinned not for the world of Sinners And by his grace to accept those unto the adoption of Sons that by Faith receive Jesus Christ as in the Gospel he is tendred Joh. 1.12 and to repair the decayes of Nature and to restore that Image of holiness which by sin was defaced to pardon the sin of Sinners and to impute Righteousness unto them without the deeds of the Law to behold the Creature in the Righteousness of his Son and to bestow upon him Heavenly felicity and eternal life is admirable Mercy and he is to be admired in all them that believe it 2 Thes 1.10 They may say with the Psalmist What is man that thou art mindful of him or the Son of man that thou visitest him Psal 8.4 And with the Apostle O the depth of the Riches both of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his Judgments and his ways past finding out For who hath known the mind of the Lord or who hath been his Counseller or who hath first given to him and it shall be recompenced unto him again for of him and through him and to him are all things to whom be glory for ever Amen Rom. 11.33 34 35 36. Thirdly Is it so The third Vse is of Examination Self Examination of our hearts and ways is a Christians duty and of great concernment that holiness ever becometh the people of God and to be found adorned therewith is matter of great concernment it may then put us upon a third Use by way of Examination to move us to examine our own hearts and wayes how far we have attained to the Ornament of holiness which so becometh the people of God And in the prosecution of this Duty two things are to be considered First Our hearts or inward man Secondly Our wayes or outward walkings We may know our holiness by our Heavenliness Hath the Lord through the illuminations of his Spirit and the operations thereof manifested to thy Soul the great sufferings of Christ to procure the pardon of thy sins together with the priviledges of Adoption Justification and Salvation hath he shewed thee the dignity of Christ in respect of his Offices King Priest and Prophet hath he sealed the benefits and priviledges thereof to thy Soul with the signet of his Love through the demonstrations of his holy Spirit to thy great Consolation in the enjoyments thereof so that thy mind and affections are thereby raised up from Earthly and Carnal objects and seated on God with so earnest a desire and delight in him that thou canst truly say with the Psalmest Whom have I in Heaven but thee and there is none opon Earth that I desire besides thee Psal 73.25 Thy Testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever for they are the rejoycing of my heart Psal 119.111 When thou canst experience by a supernatural work of grace that thy affections are so fixed on the Lord that thou canst sincerely love him for his own sake and in love to him bear an affectionate esteem to and delight in his Testimonies Statutes Ordinances and Commands so as to make them thy choyce Psal 119.30 or chosen Subjects of thy meditations and rule of observations when thou canst experience thy will by grace made free to stand in the will of God so as in love to him submit and wait upon him in all his dispensations serve worship and obey him in all his institutions When thou canst experience thy desires drawn forth towards him with holy longings thirstings and pantings after more enjoyments of him and supplications to him for further strength and power of grace to assist thee support and uphold thee against those corruptions and temptations that attend thee lest thou shouldest thereby be overcome to sin against God to the dishonour of his Name the grief of his Spirits and stain the profession of his Truth When thou canst experience this end in thy desires and supplications for his assisting grace as aforesaid The Saints end in their desires and supplications to God for grace A right end Crowns the action not only that thou mightest not dishonour God by sin but also that thou mightest honour him by such motions and actions as may answer his will in his commands to the experiencing of self-ends self-righteousness self-merits and carnal delights and the vain pleasures of this world in a dying or dead condition in thee and thee dead to them so as not to have any motion or action thereunto approved by thee when thou canst experience such a Love to the Lord as that for his sake thou canst perform Offices of Love towards all men as opportunity serveth thee Gal. 6.10 and that as they are his Workmanship by Creation but especially to his Saints as they bare his Image by Regeneration for every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him 1 Joh. 5.1 So when thou canst experience such a supernatural work of grace in thee every
Divine Love the which if we could behold with a believing Eye and seriously consider it would be an excellent means to raise up our affections to Love and Delight in the Lord and to quicken us in our motions towards the Attainment of Holiness for every Performance of Christ in the days of his Humiliation was so perfumed with Love towards us that did we truely apprehend it and really consider it it would be of force to draw our feet out of those crooked paths of carnal vanities and to place them in those pleasant paths where Peace with Holiness doth dwell Fifthly A due consideration of Christs Exaltation is a great help towards the Attainment of Holiness let us look upon and consider Jesus Christ in his Exaltation The Scripture saith that Christ is entred into Heaven it self now to appear in the presence of God for us Heb. 9.24 to carry on the Execution of his Office as High-priest to be Interceder and Advocate with the Father on the behalf of his People to perfume their Prayers and Praises which are offer'd up in his Name with the sweet Perfumes of his own Merits wherein the Father doth accept them and therefore as the Apostle saith he is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he hath an unchangeable Priesthood and ever liveth to make Intercession for the Saints according to the Will of God Heb. 7.24 25. Rom. 8.27 Should I transgress the Kings Law in some high nature whereby his Displeasure is so provoked against me that all that I can do cannot appease his Wrath nor stop the proceedings of Justice against me unto Death in this sad condition should a Friend arise on my behalf who is of near Relyance to the King and in tender Love and Pity to me should take my Case upon himself and make an atonement for me not only to the appeasing of the Kings Wrath but also to the procuring of his Favour so far as not only to save my Life and Possessions forfeited but also to endow me with such Benefits and Priviledges in his Kingdom as far surpass all my former Enjoyments yea farther this Friend in Court doth so engage himself by Promise unto me that if I should again transgress the Kings Commandment provided it be not wilfully but only through weakness infirmity and inability to resist the Strength of the Tempter that then he will become my Advocate and Interceder with his Majesty to make an Atonement on my behalf O how great is the Love and tender Affection of this my Friend how may these his Actions prevail upon my Heart to rejoyce in him and engage my dearest Affections to him to love him and so delight in him as to desire more communion with him to hearken to his Counsel and to obey his Will in whatsoever he commands me And indeed while I exercise mine Eye upon this happy Object with a serious consideration of the excellent Benefits I received by him there is nothing more dear unto my Soul but if I cast mine eye considerations upon lower Objects of less concernment and short of my Friend I may soon forget his loving Kindness and suffer my Love and Delight to grow dead towards him Surely herein is our Condition represented for we unworthy Creatures have transgessed not only a Law of an Earthly King but even of an Eternal God the King of Kings and Lord of Lords at whose Wrath the Earth shall tremble and the Nations shall not be able to abide his Indignation the which is due unto every Transgressor of the Law of God And such is our weak and frail estate now since the Fall yea such is our wilful Stubbornness that in many things we offend all and become guilty before God whose Law condemns us and whose Justice calls for Satisfaction so that every Soul is liable to his Indignation and Wrath which we are no ways able of our selves to appease nor stop the Proceedings of Justice from inflicting upon us the heavy Horrors and Terrors of Divine Wrath and the Indignation of the Almighty no not so much as for one day much less for time without end or for Eternity Now in this our sad condition which we are fallen into by reason of our Transgression a Friend is risen up on our behalf even Jesus Christ the Son of Righteousness with Healing in his Wings Mal. 4.2 who hath not only performed the Office of an High-Priest in the days of his Humiliation in offering his own Body upon the Cross to make an Atonement for us and to free us from the Wrath to come Heb. 10.10 Ro. 5.11 but also is entred into heaven it self now to appear in the presence of God for us Heb. 9.24 to enrich us with such Benefits Priviledges as Grace Glory doth afford If now a poor Soul lie under the apprehensions of Gods Displeasure for some sin committed if he want an increase of Faith in Gods Promises if he want inward peace and assurance of Gods Favour if he want Power against Corruption and Temptation if he be oppressed by the violence of men and want Patience to bear it if he want Wisdom or Knowledg in the things of God or any Grace or good thing whatsoever would this poor Soul make its humble address unto God the Father of all Mercies and Fountain of all Supply to all our Wants from whom every good and perfect Gift proceedeth that he would grant a continual Supply of all good things according as the conditions of his poor Creature doth require Then behold O thou poor Soul behold thy Friend at Court Jesus Christ in his unchangeable Priesthood and ever glorious Exaltation on the right hand of the Majesty on high there to appear in the presence of God for us in all the approachings of thy Soul unto God take this Friend with thee he is able to save them to the utter most that come unto God through him seeing he ever liveth to make Intercession for us Heb. 7.24 There is no approaching to the Father without the assistance of the Son our faithful High-Priest Mediator and Advocate as he himself hath said I am the way saith Christ the Truth and the a Life no man commeth to the Father but by me Joh. 14.6 I am the Door saith Christ by me if any man enter he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find Pasture Joh. 10.9 as if he should have said I am the way or place of entrance to the Father by me if any man enter he shall go in and out that is he shall have free access unto the Father Ephesians 2.18 and he shall find Pasture even such spiritual enioyments as shall abundantly refresh replenish and content the Soul even to its full satisfaction When Christ foretold to his Disciples his Exaltations to the Father and the great concernment he should be unto them therein as their High-Priest to intercede for them he leaveth these Expressions with other upon
The time cometh meaning the time of his Exaltation that I shall shew you plainly of the Father That Soul that would obtain a true and saving knowledg of God the Father must take Jesus Christ for his Counsellor And lest there should be any scruple or doubt arise that they should not perform the Duty aright or not so perfect without Imperfections as to be heard of the Father and answered by him he annexeth this Promise also unto the rest for their Encouragement in the Duty in that day saith he meaning his Exaltation ye shall ask the Father in my Name and I say to you that I will pray the Father for you Joh. 16.25 26. O excellent Priviledg Christ the Saints advocate an excellent priviledg wouldst thou pertake of the priviledg be active in the duty to that Soul for whom the perfection of Wisdom Knowledg and Fidelity is exercised to plead its cause Christ the Wisdom of God and the Power of God is become an High-priest for ever to intercede with the Father in the behalf of those Souls that come unto the Father with a dependency by Faith upon his Intercession for their Acceptation with the Father wherefore as saith the Holy Ghost having an High-priest over the House of God let us draw near in full assurance of Faith having our Hearts sprinkled from an evil Conscience and our Bodies washed with pure Water let us hold fast the Profession of our Faith without wavering for he is faithful that promised Heb. 10.21 22 23. O! did we really consider this High-priest Jesus Christ as in his Humiliation so also in his Exaltation executing his Priestly Office upon our account that we might experimentally partake of the benefits and Priviledges thereof how would it engage our Love to him our Delight in the enjoyments of him and our utmost Endeavours to answer his End in all his undertakings for us which is that we should be holy and without blame before him in love Ephesians CHAP. VI. Containing a Word of Advice to consider Christ in his Kingly Office and by Faith to embrace him in the same in order to our better Attainment unto Holiness SIxthly would we attain unto Holiness be found in the Ornaments thereof then we are concerned to exercise our eies of Understanding and Faith upon the Dignity and Authority of the Lord Jesus Christ beholding and considering of him and submitting to him in his Kingly Office wherein the Father hath exalted him unto his own right hand of Power and Throne of Majesty on high to sway the Scepter of Rule and Government in Righteousness by his righteous Laws Statutes and Ordinances Heb. 1.8 and to execute Justice and Judgment accordingly against all opposers The Prophet Isaiah speaking of Jesus Christ saith of him he shall not judg after the sight of his eyes neither reprove after the hearing of his ears but with Righteousness shall he judg the Poor and reprove with Equity for the meek of the Earth Isa 11.3 4 5. The Father loveth the Son and hath given all things into his hand or into his Power and Jurisdiction Joh. 3.35 Paul to the Ephesians saith that He meaning the Father hath put all things under his feet and gave him to be head over all things to the Church which is his Body Eph. 1.22 Christ a King by the Fathers Ordination whose Laws and Subjects are his Kingdom By Headship is signified Supremacy Soveraignty or his Kingly Office and Authority to give forth Laws Statutes and Ordinances with Order of Rule and Government with Power to command Obedience thereunto with Power to defend his Subjects in the proper Rights and Priviledges of his Kingdom to plead their Cause to revenge their Wrongs and to crown them his Subjects with an immortal recompence of heavenly Glory all the oppositions of the Devil wicked men notwithstanding as the Lord by his Spirit in his Word hath of old declared saying Yet have I set my King upon my holy Hill of Sion Psal 2. The word Yet is a Relative to what is in the foregoing Verses related as if the Lord should say Although the Kings of the Earth and Rulers yea though Herod and Pontius Pilate the chief Priests and Elders the Scribes and Pharisees yea all the rude multitude of the people consult together set themselves against the Lord and against his anointed saying Let us break their Bands and cast their Cords from us yet for all whatever they can do I have exalted him set him at my right Hand of Power and Majesty Act. 5.31 far above all Principalities and Powers and Might and Dominion and every Name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come hath put all things under his Feet Eph. 1.20 21 22. that is to say all persons of what Rank and Quality soever by what Names Titles or Dignities soever distinguished together with all earthly Dominions Rules and Governments whatsoever to be at his disposing or deposing according to his own Will and Pleasure all shall be brought in subjection unto him either by active Obedience to his Laws and righteous Government or passively to submit unto the Execution of his Justice as it is written At the Name of Jesus every Knee shall bow Phil. 2.9 10 11. the which bowing of every Knee doth intend Subjection to his Laws as aforesaid or Submission to his Justice unto one of which all the whole Creation of Men and Angels shall be forced to submit unto Such a Construction the Apostle Paul seemeth to put upon the words Rom. 14.11 But why dost thou judg thy Brother or why dost thou set at naught thy Brother we shall all stand before the Judgment-Seat of Christ his ground and reason is because it is written As I live saith the Lord every Knee shall bow to me and every Tongue shall confess to God the which Expressions the Apo●●le asserteth to prove the certainty of Christs sitting on the Seat of Judgment and that all persons in particular none excepted shall be forced to app ar before him to give an account how they in this life have acted in order to the Supremacy of Christ and to receive the Sentence of Absolution into Glory or the just and righteous but dreadful Sentence of Condemnation into everlasting Perdition as the Apostle Paul by the Spirit of God doth testifie that will render to every Soul of Man that doth evil Indignation and W●ath But Glory Honour and Peace Immortality and eternal Life to every Soul of Man that worketh good to the Jew first and also to the Gentile for God is no respecter of persons Rom. 2.9 10 11. every man shall give an account of himself unto God Rom. 14.12 Surely it will then be in vain for ungodly and wicked men be they of what Degree Rank or Quality soever to call to the Rocks and Mountains to fall upon them and hide them from the Face of him that sitteth on the Throne
Soul-nourishment in holy and heav nly Attainments for the Glory of his Name and the eternal Consolation of the Soul yea although the Lord doth many times work and operate by his Word in the Ministery thereof upon the Mind Affections and understanding Faculties both to will and to do according to his good pleasure and that by his loving Invitations and perswading Arguments Exhortations and Promises yet notwithstanding what Ignorance of God and Fruitlesness in the things of God what little strength of Grace remains in the greatest part of the men of this Generarion And what 's the reason thereof Su●ely saith the Lord Wine and Musick is in their Feasts i. e. they give themselves up to the Vanities of this world in the Profits and Pleasures thereof to fulfil the fleshly lustings of a carnal Heart but they regard not the Works of the Lord neither consider the Operation of his Hands Surely would we seriously consider the great Work of God in Jesus Christ and the Operation of his Word and Works manifested in this our day how useful would it be unto us for Direction unto Holiness and to quicken our motion thereunto CHAP. VIII Containing some Directions tending to our better Attainment of that comely Ornament Holiness by putting on of Jesus Christ and abiding in him GReat Care and Cost is exercised by many for the putting on upon the Body not only such Raiment necessary for the Preservation of its Health and Modesty but also for such Attire that they think may most beautifie and adorn it to an esteem in the Eyes of Men mean while that Attire that is of greatest concernment for the adorning of both Body and Soul to make them comely and delightful in the sight of God is laid by disregarded as Ornaments out of fashion Holiness is the comely Ornament well becoming Gods House Gods People As I am upon a Use of Direction to the inquiring Soul for its Attainment to Holiness and in the foregoing Chapters have laid some Directions before you in order to that Attainment by an Act or Exercise of the Eyes of the understanding Faculties upon Jesus Christ in his Offices as King Priest and Prophet anointed and appointed thereunto by the Father Also an Act of Consideration to consider him in the prosecution of the said Offices with the Use End and Tendency thereof towards the Sons of Men as the Eye-Salve for the clearing the Eyes of the Understanding to behold the way of Holiness and the Excellency of its Attainments Now in further prosecution of this Use of Direction I shall propose a further Action in order to our perfecting Holiness in the fear and way of God The which is to put on the Lord Jesus Christ Would we attain to an Estate in the Ornament of Holiness then our great concernment is to put on the Lord Jesus Christ It is a piece of Divine Counsel not mine but the Lords given by his Spirit whose Office it is to lead Souls into all truth But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ Rom. 13.14 Three things are here liable to be proposed in way of Inquisition by the enquiring Soul as first wherein persons are concerned to put on the Lord Jesus Christ Secondly how persons are concerned to put on the Lord Jesus Christ Thirdly why persons are concerned to put on the Lord Jesus Christ in order to that Attainment of Holiness To the first Proposal wherein Christ is to be put on and that is in a threefold respect in order to that Attainment First in respect to his Offices Secondly in respect to his Qualifications Thirdly in respect to his VValkings To the second Proposal how Christ is to be put on in respect to his Offices Qualifications and VValkings And First to his Offices And that is by an Act of Faith adheringly and dependingly as when a Soul beholding God the Father tendering his Son in all his Offices as King Priest and Prophet to the Soul the Soul is hereby moved to accept and take by Faith Jesus Christ with all his Offices so as wholly to confide in him and depend on him and on him alone for a free pardon and a full Remission of its sins and for its acceptation with the Father through his Atonement and Satisfaction made by Vertue of his Priestly Office Secondly to confide in him and depend upon him in order to his Kingly Office as the only Lawgiver unto whose Laws the Subjection and Obedience of the Creature is due and ought to be performed and as its great Protector to eternal Bliss Thirdly adheringly by applying and relying by confiding in him and depending upon him in his Doctrine teaching Advice and Counsel contained in his VVord as the only Rule and Guidance of a Soul into the paths of Holiness and way of Salvation by Vertue of his Office Prophetical Thus to put on Christ doth put a Soul into possession of most excellent Priviledges as First Christs Merits obtained by vertue of his Priestly Office doth become the Souls Righteousness and Justification unto the Fathers Acceptation Secondly Obedience to the Laws of Christ as King is attended with many Blessings from the Father who accepts it as Honour done as unto his Son so also unto himself Thirdly by a Souls putting on of Christ as its Prophet the Soul is put into possession of a sure word of Prophecy an infallible Counsel for Direction how to stear its Course both in Word and Action so as to please God and to possess his favour in whose favour is Life saith the Psalmist Psal 30.5 Secondly the second thing proposed wherein persons are concerned to put on Jesus Christ is in his Qualifications of Grace It is not enough for persons to hear the Word of Christ nor to act in the visible Ordinances of Christ but also to endeavour so to improve the Word and Ordinances of Christ by an Application of Christ in the same to the Heart through believing that by the Power of the Word of Christ in our Hearts we may attain to the Qualifications of Christ in their proper nature ruling in our Hearts by the Dominion and Power thereof to the enabling of us to subdue the Qualifications of Corruption and to bring our Thoughts Words and Actions our Minds our Wills and our Affections into a conformity unto Christ And for Testimony hereunto that persons are concerned to put on Christ in his Qualifications and wherein these Qualifications do consist I shall call in two or three Scripture Evidences among many which that infallible Spirit of Truth proceeding from the Father and the Son hath recorded Phil. 2.1 If there be therefore any Consolation in Christ if any Comfort of Love if any Fellowship of the Spirit if any Bowels and Mercies fulfil ye my Joy that ye be like minded having the same Love being of one accord of one Mind let nothing be done through Strife or Vain-glory but in lowliness of Mind let each esteem others better than themselves let this Mind be in you
we were reconciled by the Death of his Son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his Life that is to say by his Life whereunto he is risen again will he much more carry on the Management of every Branch of the Covenant which on his part is to be performed to the crowning of all his reconciled ones with eternal Salvation even as the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is an evidence of assurance unto all men that God will by the Man Christ Jesus judg the World Act. 17.31 so is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ a sure evidence of Confirmation that Jesus Christ ever liveth to perform every Branch of the Covenant unto Believers as aforesaid by vertue of his Offices Now as it is the Counsel ond Requirement of God that persons should through the Gospel-Ministration believe on Christ and conform to Christ as aforesaid so also is it the Counsel and Requirement of God that persons so embracing of Christ by Faith with purpose of heart to conform to him should visibly confess their Faith in Christ and visibly put on the Profession of Jesus Christ by Baptism in the way of Christ confirmed unto us in the Gospel Gal. 3.27 the which Baptism although with Water administred doth unto the Eye of Faith comprehend figuratively the Ark of Safety with the Mercy Seat also i. e. Christ Jesus with the Covenant of Grace in him which carrieth the Soul through Faith above the deluge of Sin and Condemnation for the same wherein the ungodly world do sink and perish while the Believer remaining in the Ark doth dwell in safety Would you know the Reason why the Eunuch when baptized went away rejoycing Act. Surely he was by Faith gotten into the Ark wherein he did behold his security from the aforesaid deluge of Sin and Condemnation and set into a state of peace with God unto his consolation we joy in God saith the Apostle through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have received the Atonement Rom. 5.11 Noah in believing Gods Word and improving the Means by God appointed according to his Advice and Counsel doth therein answer a good Conscience towards God and answered his Conscience with peace and security to his great joy and consolation so a Believer in embracing Gods Word and improving it according to his Advice and Counsel doth therein answer a good Conscience towards God and God doth in the said Improvement answer the Conscience with peace and the Soul with preservation to its great joy and consolation A Believer by being baptized doth thereby visibly justifie God in the truth of his Word and God does by Baptism visibly signifie his justifying of the Believer unto a participation of all his Church-priviledges according to his Covenant The Publicans saith Christ justified God being baptized with the Baptism of John but the Pharisees and Lawyers rejected the Counsel of God against themselves being not baptized of him Luk 7.29 30. The Publicans it seemeth did apply the Word of God believingly the Pharisees and Lawyers gave not so much credit thereunto Where the Word of a King is saith Solomon there is Power But the Administration of the Gospel of Christ is not only the Word of a King but it is the Word of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in whose Word Baptism standeth both by Command and Promise Matth. 28.19 to Believers by Command for their Observation and by Promise to their Consolation and Salvation He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved Mark 16.16 the Word of this King is a Word of Power it is the Power of God unto Salvation to every one that believeth Rom. 1.16 yea it is a Word of Power also to the Unbeliever for to judg him unto Condemnation for rejecting the same as saith Jesus Christ He that rejecteth me and receiveth not my Words hath one that judgeth him the Word that I have spoken the same shall judg him at the last day his Reason is for I have not spoken of my self but my Father which sent me he gave me a Commandment what I should say and what I should speak And I know that his Commandment is Life everlasting whatsoever I speak therefore even as the Father said unto me so I speak Joh. 12 48 49 50. Here behold a faithful Mediator between God and Man the Man Christ Jesus he brings nothing to the Sons of Men but what is the Mind and Will of God the Father for them to believe observe and do accordingly and as Baptism is equally confirmed to us with the rest of Gospel-Doctrine for to be believed and observed in its place so it doth greatly concern all persons exercising Faith in Christ to observe it so as to answer the Will of God and a good Conscience in the Administration and improvement of the same in order to its End and Uses and withal consider that if it doth become a Shell without a Kernel to any persons it is for want of Faith in the Subject upon whom it is administred to behold the Kernel and to feed thereon and indeed it is the Wisdom and good Pleasure of Almighty God to order the preaching of the Word unto all people for to beget Faith in them and those converted to the Faith unto a visible Demonstration of the same to be meet Subjects for Baptism and visible Church-membership by the same And whereas some persons do pretend they are baptized with the Spirit and therefore slight Baptism with Water as too low an Ordinance for them to observe in the administration of it and rather plead the cessation of it than the observation of it In answer whereunto consider that if any persons might have been exempted from Baptism upon that Plea of being baptized with the Spirit then doubtless Christ and also those persons spoken of Act. 10. might have been exempted inasmuch as they were extraordinarily inspired with the Spirit and Gifts thereof yet these must put on the Administration thereof as an act of Righteousness in submission to the Will of God Whence note that the highest Attainments of the Spirit and spiritual Gifts of Grace we can attain unto in this Life doth not exempt or free any person from but rather obligeth the more unto and maketh them the more meet for action in those Ordinances of Baptism and Bread and Wine in their several places ends and uses And indeed it is a question whether those persons pretending the abovesaid Plea for their Omission and Opposition of the afore-recited Ordinances are at all pertakers of that Spirit whereunto they do pretend forasmuch as it is the Office of the Spirit of Truth to lead Souls into the Observation of all Truth and not into the Omission or Opposition of the same In the next place consider that although I have proceeded so far upon this point of Baptism in order to the Vindication of it and Believers in the Observation of the same yet have I not digressed from the Matter of Direction to the
Service that is due unto him and our Souls want that nourishment that is of its greatest concernment and our Children want that Soul-Education that is their right and due from us to be performed to them and the poor and needy eyes want that refreshing that of right by God's requirement and the bond of Nature and the bond of Charity we ought to communicate unto them There is that scattereth saith Solomon and yet increaseth and there is that with-holdeth more then is meet but it tendeth to Poverty The liberal Soul shall be made fat and he that watereth shall be watered also himself Prov. 11.24 25. The merciful man doth good to his own Soul but he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh Prov. 11.17 The sence of these words is made out and confirmed by the Apostle Paul to Timothy 1 Epist 6.17 18. Charge them that are rich in this world that they be not high-minded nor trust in uncertain riches but in the living God who giveth us richly all things to enjoy that they do good that they be rich in good works ready to distribute willing to communicate laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come that they may lay hold on Eternal life verse 19. O consider ye that have the world chief in your hearts that sins of Omission are condemning sins as well as sins of Commission See Matth. 25. where you have a large description of several under the sentence of Condemnation only charged with Omissions as the foolish Virgins for omitting the time and season for providing themselves of Oyle and the sloathful Servant that improved not his Talent to the advantage of his Lord and the hard-hearted and close-handed that did not visit relieve and shew mercy unto the poor distressed and oppressed Members of Jesus Christ Wherefore consider and Sow to your selves in Righteousness that you may Reap in Mercy break up the fallow ground of your hearts for it is time to seek the Lord till he come and rain Righteousness upon you Hos 10.12 Thirdly A word to the more knowing and seeming Religious yet acting the qualifications of the Old Man Is Holiness of such concernment as before considered and the way of its Attainment is by putting on of Christ in his offices qualifications and example of walking It may administer a word of Reprehension and Admonition unto those of us in particular and also all persons that have attained a great measure of knowledge in the Doctrin of Christ yea in the foundation-principles of Christianity and yet do not persevere to the putting on of Christ in his qualifications of grace and example of walking to the Crucifying of the qualifications of the Old Man O how doth Pride abound in many knowing people whose knowledge should teach them humility how many Professors even men of great knowledge do suffer their desires to run on in an immoderate pursuit after the riches and honours of this world whose knowledge should lead them to covet earnestly the best gifts O how is self-love and self-endedness abounding in this Generation and that among knowing persons whose knowledge should lead them to deny themselves more in worldly things to follow Christ in the way of holiness but as if those words of Paul were made good in our days Phil. 2.21 All seek their own not the things of Jesus Christs O how doth that old deformed qualification of the Old Man even Envy Hatred and Malice shew it self unmortified among many knowing people bearing the denomination of Christians only upon the account of some differing opinions about ceremonial circumstances or it may be some difference in Judgment in the manner of Church-constitution or observation of Ordinances or order of Discipline to the exposing one another unto the devouring jaws of Cruelty by Imprisonment loss of Estate and Life for not conforming the one to the other in an outward conformity although in judgment and conscience there is no union as experience doth manifest in the dealings of the Papists with the Protestants and the Protestants one towards another in the case of non-conforming outwardly in religious worship in those things that in judgment and conscience they cannot act Faith in as to be agreeable to the will of God whereas if Christians in name would be Christians in nature and act one towards another in the qualifications of Christ if difference in judgment should cause a dividing in the matter of assembling in religious worship for conscience-sake yet Ephraim need no more envy Judah nor Judah vex Ephraim but each enjoy his own priviledges and liberty of Conscience in Religious Worship without any more hailing into Captivity or complaining in our streets by reason of the tender Conscience being oppressed Obj. But we are commanded to contend earnestly for the Faith once delivered to the Saints the more because of certain men crept in unawares who were before of old ordained to this Condemnation Vngodly men turning the grace of God into Laciviousness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ Jude 1.4 Ans First We are to consider the persons concerned in the duty of contending to be Christians called into a Church Assembly in the faith and order of the Gospel Secondly For what they should contend and that is said to be for the Faith once delivered to the Saints or the Doctrine of the Gospel and the observation thereof accordingly Thirdly With whom they should contend and those are gain-sayers of corrupt principles and gain-sayers of corrupt practices Fourthly The manner of the mannagement of this contention also is considerable and that is two-fold as 1. Respecting persons without the Church as not being Church-members 2ly Persons within the Church as Church-members As to persons without there is no way of contending with them to bring them into an imbracement of the Gospel and Church-membership thereby but the management of the word of God unto them and the example of a Godly life and if they will not be won thereby there is no other forceable means upon Gospel-record approved that the Church of Christ should by temporal penalties force them into Church-membership before through Faith in Christ they are made willing thereunto for temporal penalties may force the body into a way of worship but they cannot force the spirit and God requireth no such worship for the time is come saith Christ that they that worship the Father must worship him in spirit and in truth for the Father seeketh such to worship him Joh. 4.23 24. And Paul asserteth his remembrance of the believing Romans in his Prayers with this testimony God is my witness saith he whom I serve with my spirit in the Gospel of his Son that without ceasing c. Note here Pauls Spirit and Gospel-truth are joyned together in the worship of the Father such the Father seeks to worship him Now Club-law cannot beat these two together although laid on by human might and power As saith the Lord
must expect the greater Judgments from the Lord There is in a day of Prosperity more danger of a peoples growing into Carnal Security and forgetting of their God than in a day of affliction if we take not heed as the Lord said to Israel of old When ye shall come into the good Land and have Houses builded and Vineyards and Olives planted and your Cattel multiplyed and ye have eaten and are full then beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God in not keeping his Commandements and Judgments and Statutes which I Command thee this day that then thou forget not the Lord thy God that brought thee out of the Land of Egypt out of the House of Bondage Deut. 6.12 Whence note that God's People that have had great experiences of God are in times of peace and plenty very apt to forget the Lord and to turn aside from a due observation of his ways and thereby defile themselves with the sins of ingratitude and great disobedience under eminent mercies highly provoking the Lord would we be a holy people unto the Lord Let Israels and others sins and punishments for the same make us timely to beware lest we stain our chiefest Ornaments thereby and watch and pray against such ingratitude the neglect whereof may cause God to neglect us of those supplyes of grace necessary to uphold us and in all our approaches to the Lord we are also to take heed and be careful that our end be right that we might glorify God in our act of Prayer and our end of asking any thing of God may be for our better glorifying of his Name the end many times crowns the action as the words of Saint James doth imply Ye have not because ye ask not and ye ask and have not because ye ask amiss that ye may consume it upon your Lusts Jam. 4.2 3. Wherefore would we have God to supply and support us let us not omit our duty in seeking to him would we have him answer us in our seeking to him then let us take heed that we omit not a right end in what we seek unto him for The omission of one thing more I would present to mind that we take heed of lest it should become sin unto us and that is of omitting the ministring of our temporal things unto such as perform the Office of ministring unto us in spiritual things especially if it be by the Minister required for as much as the Lord hath so required and ordained that they that Preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel The Apostle Paul would have the Churches know their duty in this point and the Ministers power to require it although he voluntarily would rather work with his hands then to be chargable to the Churches But as for me as I have not been chargable hitherto in that nature for what hath by me been done upon that account so do I not desire to make the Gospel chargable to any except the greater necessity yet as Paul would so would I have Christians know their concernment in this point as well as other points of Christianity and to take heed lest Omission here do not become a sin of deep pollution since it is doubtless the requirement of God see 1 Cor. cap. 9. Gal. 6.6 And let the Minister on the other hand take heed and beware that he make not temporal means and honour the chiefest end and master-wheel of his motion in the work of the Ministry and it become a pollution of the Ornaments of holiness unto him Also take heed and beware of omitting actions of charity towards the poor and it become our sin For as much saith Christ as ye have not done it to one of the least of these my Brethren ye have not done it unto me go ye therefore into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels but he that giveth to the Poor lendeth to the Lord and he will repay it Blessed is the man that considereth the Poor the Lord will deliver him in the time of trouble And so I shall conclude this Use by way of Caution with those words of Deut. 4.9 Only take heed to thy self and keep thy Soul diligently lest thou forget the things that thine eyes have seen and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life but teach them thy Sons and thy Sons Sons CHAP. XI Containing a Use of Encouragement unto Believers to Press after the attainment of Holiness and to Persevere therein THe first consideration I shall propound for Encouragement in the prosecution of this design for an Estate of Holiness is the warrantableness of the design it is highly approved of God insomuch that God doth command the prosecution of this design Be ye holy for I the Lord your God am holy Persons prosecuting this design for holiness in God's way out of which there is no attainment they do hereby answer God's Will and a good Conscience the which is a good encouragement in the prosecution of a design a good issue and success thereof may be expected But Secondly A second ground of encouragement in the prosecution of this design may arise upon the consideration of the promise of assistance in the management of this design for holiness made to the prosecutors of the said design A man having a design for his advancement in this world either for the obtaining some great Estate of Land or place of Honour and Dignity and having the word of a King for his assistance by his Countenance his Court and Counsel his Laws and Authority for the accomplishment thereof how doth this raise up and enlarge the heart of this man with encouragement in the prosecution of his design and confirm his hope of attaining his end therein How much more may the Christian-Soul be raised up with confidence and his heart enlarged with incouragements in his design for holiness and hope of attaining unto the perfection thereof Considering he hath not only the command but also the promise of him who is the King of Kings the Omnipotent Immortal and Omni-present Majesty of Heaven and Earth with all his Heavenly Court and Counsel Laws and holy Appointments to protect and assist us in the management of this great design for our attainments unto holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. O what an assistance is this for a poor Soul to have the whole Court of Heaven to assist him in his design and management thereof where God the Father by his holy appointment doth ordain his holy Word and Counsel therein to inform us his holy Spirit to enable us his holy Angels to encamp about us to minister security to us in the said design and his holy Son Jesus Christ to Crown us with the perfection of Holiness in himself considering also that he is faithful that hath promised who also will do it O what great encouragement is this that the Lord hath laid before us What rich grace is this that God doth
moved It is an Eternal Everlasting Inheritance founded upon the Basis of Eternal love even the infinite love of the Eternal God and confirmed unto the Heirs thereof by the Eternal decree of the incorruptible unchangable God upholden maintained by the Omnipotency Omnisciency Omnipresence Immortality Incomprehensibility of the same Eternal Infinite and Everlasting God Everlasting in his love to those Souls in possession of this Inheritance Everlasting in his peace which passeth all understanding Everlasting in his glorious presence that filleth all in all And there shall be no Night there and they need no Candle neither light of the Sun for the Lord God giveth them light and they shall raign for ever and ever Rev. 22.5 Therefore we receiving a Kingdom which cannot be moved let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and Godly fear Heb. 12.28 For as much as the Kingdom is Unmovable and Everlasting so also is the joy and consolation of the Inhabitants thereof an Everlasting Joy and Consolation which neither Men nor Devils can deprive the soul of Death cannot do it there shall be no more death no more sorrow no more pain no more hailing into Captivity nor complaining in the Streets by reason of Oppression but all Violence shall be done away and Everlasting Joy Peace Comfort and Consolation shall be as a Crown upon the heads and hearts of these Inhabitants God shall be all in these souls and these souls shall be all in God by a Union of qualifications Divine and the sweet enjoyments of his glorious benefits the height the length breadth depth whereof eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive Too narrow is the capacity of mortal man to comprehend and the tongue of Men and Angels to express the Latitude thereof Wherefore gird up the loyns of your minds be sober and hope to the end for the Grace that is to be brought unto you at the Revelation of Jesus Christ as obedient Children not fashioning your selves according to the former lusts in your Ignorance but as he that hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all manner of Conversation because it is written be ye holy for I am holy 1 Pet. 1.13 14 15 16. But sixthly A sixth priviledge appertaining to the Heirs of this Kingdom to be by them enjoyed at Christ's personal appearing at his second coming may be considered herein for to consist that he that is their Head and Husband with whom there is a unity of Affection and Covenant-Contract and is the Recorder for his Espoused Souls that puts their tears in his Bottel and Records their sufferings in his book of Remembrance and by whom and for what even for their love to him and loyalty to his Supremacy in the observation of his Laws and for rejecting the contrary This is a great ground of consolation that he that is their Recorder their Head and Husband is the only potentate King of Kings and Judge of all the World who will bring his Records with him and make his personal appearance in the glory of his Majesty and seat of Justice attended with his glorious Angels and glorified Saints to Judge the World in Righteousness who will not respect persons in Judgment nor pervert Judgment for gifts nor reward but in Righteousness will he Judge the cause of the Poor and with Equity will he plead for the Meek of the Earth who will then plead the cause of his people with a witness against those that in this time of their Pilgrimage have oppressed and persecuted them A poor man being oppressed by one that is too potent for him and being not able to relieve himself he maketh his address unto the King laying open his cause before him resolving to wait with patience for his relief at length the King ariseth and taketh this poor mans cause into his hand and pleadeth it with his Adversary and rights him in his wrongs and avengeth him of his Oppressor O how doth this administer comfort to this poor man O how doth this oblige and endear the affections of this Poor man unto his Prince and fill his heart with joy and gladness and thanksgiving for such a benefit and shall not God avenge his own Elect which cry day and night unto him though he bear long with them they having committed their cause unto Him and cast their burthen upon him yea saith our Saviour I tell you he will avenge them speedily O what Consolation doth this bring unto oppressed Souls in the cause of God and especially when the Lord shall plead their cause with their Adversaries what praises will it bring forth unto his Name I heard saith Saint John a great voyce of much people in Heaven saying Alleluja Salvation and Glory and Honour and Power unto the Lord our God for he hath Judged the great Whore which did corrupt the Earth with her Fornications True and Righteous are his Judgments for he hath avenged the blood of his Servants at her hand and again they said Alleluja and her smoak-rose up for ever and ever in her was found the blood of Prophets and of Saints and all that were slain upon the Earth Rev. 2 3. Note the Heavenly Host rejoyceth when God pleadeth the cause of his people with their Adversaries Rev 19.5 And a Voyce came out of the Throne saying praise our God all ye his Servants and ye that fear him both small and great Babylon rejoyced in the day of Sions troubles and helped forwards her Afflictions and Sion must rejoyce in the Lords hand of Justice upon Babylon in the day of her Desolation Wherefore all ye that in this day of your Pilgrimage are in God's way pressing after holy Attainments in order to the adorning of your souls for further Communion with your holy God your Head and Husband although many troubles may attend you and many difficulties oppositions and temptations compass you about Yet cast not away your Confidence which hath great Recompence of Reward Heb. 10.35 But raise up your hearts and labour to strengthen your Confidence in the Lord by a serious Meditation and Application of the Testimonies and Promises of God contained in his Word unto all long-suffering and patience For yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry Heb. 10.37 For as sure as he was once offered to bear the sins of many so surely to them that look for him will he appear a second time without Sin unto Salvation Heb. 9.28 And then assuredly will the Lord own a people that now in this day of Grace press after Holy Attainments in the way of God for his People peculiarly as Taught by him Redeemed by him Sanctified by him and Justified by him the effects of the Fathers Election in himself and the fruits of the Travels of his Soul in the sufferings of himself his Beloved Espoused to himself his Inheritance
Purchased with his own blood unto himself and his Fellow-heirs to possess Eternal Glory with himself unto whom every wrong done he taketh as done unto himself Act. 9.4 5. and Recordeth it every Tear by them shed through their Oppression he bottleth up for a Witness against the Oppressor in the day of his Vengeance Psal 56.8 when he maketh Inquisition for blood he remembreth them then will he not only take account of actions done against his people but also of the omission of that good they might have done unto them and should have ministered to them in the day of their distress In as much as ye have not done it to one of the least of these ye have done it unto me Matth. 25. See this Omission is rewarded with go ye Cursed with what reward then will the Act of Oppression be rewarded the Lord hath spoken he will also bring to pass the Lord will perform and none shall hinder his proceedings Nevertheless when the Son of Man cometh shall he find Faith on the Earth Luk. 18.8 True Faith in Christ works by Love to Christ a stability in the way of Christ the which by the words of Christ is likely to be very rare and scarce to be found among the Sons and Daughters of men in the latter days immediatly before his coming unto which the Apostles in their holy writings do bear their Testimonies Therefore when ye shall see but little true Faith on Earth as it were but here and there a man or a few that are stedfast in the Profession of Christ as the truth is in Jesus according to the primitive Institution and Law of Love but great instability in ways of worships turning and twisting soon this way and soon that way and but few performing obedience as to the Lord by the rule of God's Word and when ye shall see the Iniquity of prophaneness in actions and erronious opinions to abound Mat. 24.11 12 23 24. and the love of many to wax cold and actions of Charity to be almost grown out of use scarce here and there a man acting in the principle of true love to Christ in obedience to him neither towards God in his worship nor the Neighbour in civil Curtesies but almost all carryed on by a self-ended principle of self-love in their actions 2 Tim. 3.1 2 3 4 5. all which are evidences of want of true faith then lift up your heads for your Redemption draweth nigh then behold the Judge standing at the door as it were ready to plead your Cause and to revenge your wrongs and to give you a full and free Possession of his glorious Kingdom He that shall come will come and will not tarry even so come Lord Jesus Now the Just shall live by Faith but if any man draw back my Soul shall have no pleasure in him saith the Lord Heb. ●0 37 38. 1 Pet. 4.19 Wherefore as the Apostle Peter teacheth Let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their Souls to him in well doing as unto a faithful Creator for we have not an high Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our Infirmities but was in all points tempted even as we are yet without sin Heb. 4.15 for in that he himself hath suffered being tempted he is able to succor them that are tempted Heb. 2.18 Let us therefore come boldly unto the Throne of Grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need Heb. 4.16 O let every one of us in this our present Pilgrimage endeavour to have the word of Christ dwelling richly in our hearts and Heavens glory in our eye and let us run with patience the holy Race for holy Attainments considering that holiness is an Ornament ever becoming the people of God to be found therein is a matter of great concernment First Because therein God's people do most resemble the Image of God their Heavenly Father and Christ their Redeemer Secondly Because thereunto they were Elected in Christ from Eternity Thirdly Because thereunto they are called with an holy calling Fourthly Because thereunto they are enjoyned by special Command Fifthly Because holiness is a beautiful Ornament well becoming a Christian and Christianity Sixthly Because God's people are a people to whom precious promises appertain Seaventhly Because holiness is an excellent Ornament is respect of its duration the more made use of and improved the more comely and perfect it is Eighthly Because there is a great necessity of it for without holiness no man shall see the Lord. Ninethly Because there is a sure Attainment of a holy state in pressing after it in the way of God Tenthly Because thereunto is anexed a sure reward of an Eternal Inheritance Eleventhly Because holiness puts a Soul in a capacity to see the Lord and to enjoy Union and Communion with him in a state of glory to its Eternal Consolation Twelfth Because negligence and carelesness in improving the means appointed of God for holy Attainments puts a Soul in a capacity of possessing God's great displeasure under his Eternal wrath Wherefore dearly Beloved having an holy God that requires holiness in us and holy Services to be performed by us in the way of his own holy appointments to the glory of his Name and he having made out unto us such great and precious Promises in the same Let us cleanse our selves from all filthiness of the Flesh and Spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God always considering that holiness is an Ornament well becoming the House of God his people for ever to be found therein is a matter of great concernment and so with that Exhortation 1 Sam. 12 24. I shall conclude Only fear the Lord and serve him in Truth with all your heart for consider how great things the Lord hath done for you A GLASS FOR THE UNREGENERATE TO BEHOLD Their Heart-Conceptions OR A brief discourse tending to the Discovery and Removal of some grand Obstructions to Spiritual Health and Heavens Attainments with some Directions and Motives necessary thereunto By JOSIAS BONHAM of Byfield in Northamptonshier And Judah said the strength of the Bearers of Burthens is decayed and there is much Rubbish so that we are not able to build the Wall Neh. 4.10 Printed in the Year 1674. A Glass for the Unregenerate to behold their Heart-Conceptions WHen Honest-hearted Nehemiah had tidings of the decays and breaches made upon Jerusalem that the Walls were broken down and the Gates burnt with fire and the Inhabitants Captivated by their Enemy he so lays it to heart as to become sencible of Jerusalems condition and in the sence thereof he mourns with tears he fasts from food he humbles himself and intercedes with God by Prayer on Jerusalems behalf Yea the sadness of his Countenance did demonstrate the sorrow of his Heart to over-weigh all the honours profits and pleasures that he did possess in King Artaxerxes Court Yea so did he prise Jerusalem and
of Gods Word discovereth that a sharp appetite unto the way of Righteousness and a good digesture of the truths of God in his word contained is an approved sign of a good condition Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after Righteousness theirs is the Promise They shall be filled Mat. 5.6 But when the appetite of the soul or the affections are but weak to Righteousness and the stomack slow of digesture as to things of God so that the Heavenly Manna is thereof loathed and the way of Righteousness is become as a burthen thereunto it is an evident sign that heart is almost overcome of the aforesaid disease and hath great need of a portion effectually applyed to it Again Secondly The glass of Gods word sheweth that if the conceptions of the heart have in them the stamp of Divine Humility Sincerity Love Joy Peace and Unity and the like qualifications ruling in the heart there is a discovery of a healthful condition But on the contrary If the Conceptions are Wrath Malice Envy Pride Contentions Strifes Variance Hypocrisie and the like fruits of corruption It is an evident sign that heart is diseased and hath great need of a potion effectually applyed thereunto For Jam. 3.14 15 16. If ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts glory not and lye not against the Truth this Wisdom descendeth not from above but is earthly sensual and divellish for where envying and strife is there is confusion and every evil work But they that are Christs Gal. 5 24. 2 Cor. 5.14 have Crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new Creature old things are past away behold all things are become new A new mind new affections new apprehensions a new understanding a new will new conversation new ends new grounds of hope new objects of joy ye all things are become new and Christ is become all to and all in the new man Col. 3.10 11. Thirdly The glass of Gods word discovers that except a man deny himself and take up his Cross and follow Christ he cannot be his Disciple and if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him So when self and the world are the Conceptions in the heart and the objects in our eye as to hinder us in following of Christ in his Righteous Commands so as not to give him the preheminence of our obedience it is an evident sign the heart is diseased with the aforesaid distempers and hath need of a potion effectually applyed thereunto But saith the Apostle Who so looketh into the perfect law of Liberty or glass of Gods word and continueth therein he being not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work this man shall be blessed in his deed Jam. 1.25 Thus trying our Heart-conceptions in the glass of Gods word and by due examination discovered our distempers let us accept a word of exhortation to be active for a cure and direction therein A word of Exhortation and Direction Let us in the sence of our disease and our weakness and distempers thereby put on the Ornaments of sincere humility and real desire of remedy and go every day unto the Well-springs of Gods free grace in Christ flowing from the fountain of his eternal love streaming forth unto us in his word of promise and drink every day a good hearty draught or two of that holy water in the cup of serious Meditation compounded with the ingredience of Faith Then let us take the odours of Thanksgiving for such grace mixt with Supplications for a sanctified use thereof to the heart And go unto the Throne of Grace and present the said Odours in the sensor of of Faith upon the Altar Christ Jesus with the Insence of Christs Merits and the fire of fervent Zeal unto the God of all grace and through Christs blessing this means may prove effectual to the hearts enlargement I will run the way of thy Commandements when thou shalt enlarge my heart Psal 119.52 Secondly Let us have recourse to the streams of Christs self-denyal for our sakes and his meakness and humility in the same and ever and anon take a good hearty draught or two thereof in a cup of due Consideration and serious Meditation upon the manner nature and ends thereof and this through Gods blessing may prove very effectual against the aforesaid distempers and much strengthen support and comfort the heart against the same Faith being one ingredience in the said Cup. Consider him that endureth such contradictions of sinners lest ye be weary and faint in your minds Heb. 12.3 Thirdly Let us have recourse unto the School of Christs Supremacy where Christs Commands is the only rule of action and the testimonies of his will the ground of observation and by Faith lay to heart the said supremacy and by a due consideration and serious meditation thereof learn our duty to Christ and accordingly observe his Precepts and Testimonies of his will as the only rule of our observations and withal present thy supplications at the Throne of grace as aforesaid for Divine assistance in the work and through Gods blessing it may prove effectual to purge the heart of the aforesaid distempers produce in us obedience to the dignity of Christ and to the joy and comfort of the Soul Through thy Precepts I get understanding Davids Experience therefore I hate every false way Psal 119.104 I will never forget thy Precepts for with them thou hast quickened me Psal 119.93 But for the better perswading of our selves to a faithfull improvement of the means aforesaid let us consider some motives to move us to a careful use of the said means Motive the First Let us consider God the Fathers free Invitations to his Son and to the springs of his free grace in him as by the Prophet is made forth Isa 55.1 O every one that thirsteth come to the waters and ye that have no Money come neither merit nor desert in which Chapter we have a free tender of Christ and free grace in him with a free invitation thereunto of every soul that in the sence of its loss and dammage by the Horselease-Corruption and her Daughters desire a remedy as also a Remonstrance of Christs Supremacy Behold I have given him for a Witness to the people a Leader and Commander to the people ver 4. Motive the Second Secondly Consider Christs fulness he is a full Fountain full of grace truth for in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily he is the Fountain set open for Sinners a Fountain fed with all the springs of God that will never fail A River whose streams shall make glad the City of God in the worst of times and in the greatest Revolutions that can come upon the world Motive the Third Thirdly Consider him as in his fulness so also in his freeness to impart of his fulness to poor Sinners that are enslaved by this
Horseleach and her Daughters and their brood unto the obedience of Satans will to the enslaved sinners condemnation The which freeness of Christ to impart of his fulness to poor Sinners as aforesaid is evidenced six-fold First By that order he taketh by the doctrine of his truth to inform the Creatures of their enslaved state and of their remedy to be in him attainable by converting to him Secondly By his invitations given out for Sinners to come unto him Come unto Me all ye that Labour and are heavy Laden all ye that through the influence of my Doctrine are drawn forth to consider and become sensible of your estate by sin and in the sence thereof desire a remedy Come unto me submit to my supremacy and ye shall find rest for your souls Mat. 11.28 29. Thirdly By his promise of acceptance to those that come unto him Those that come unto me I will in no wise cast out saith Christ Joh. 6.37 He will not turn back the bruised reed with the sence of its own unworthiness and the least desires of the soul towards him he will not quench Fourthly By his complaints of the backwardness of Sinners in comeing to him Ye will not come to me that ye might have life wherefore do ye lay out your money for that which is not Bread and your labour for that which profiteth not Fifthly Christs freeness to Sinners in their coming to him to partake of the streams of his fulness for a remedy against the aforesaid distempers is further signified by his commending the excellent vertue and duration of those streams as inducements to draw poor Sinners unto an esteem thereof Whosoever shall drink of the water that I shall give him saith Christ shall never thirst but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a Well of water springing up into everlasting life Whence observe that a full satisfaction unto an eternal duration is the natural vertue and effects of free grace unto every soul that partakes thereof by a union with Christ Sixthly A sixth evidence of Christs freeness to Sinners and of his desire of their coming to him to partake of the streams of his fulness is the testifications of his great displeasure he takes against such that obstinately refuse And those mine Enemies that would not that I should raign over them bring them hither and slay them before me Luk. 19.27 Expressions testifying great displeasure Because I have called and ye refused I have stretched out my hand and ye have not regarded therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own doings and be filled with their own devices Prov. 1.24 32. Thus you have Christs free desire of sinners coming to him and to partake of his fulness of Grace and Truth demonstrated First By the means he useth to inform sinners of their need of him Secondly By his Invitations to sinners to come unto him Thirdly By his Promise of acceptance of those that come unto him Fourthly By his Complaints or Reproofs upon their not coming Fifthly By his commending the excellency of the vertue and duration of his streams of free grace as an inducement to sinners to come Sixthly By his testifying displeasure against those that refuse and withstand all means thereunto afforded Thus much concerning the third Motive which is Christs freeness towards poor sinners for their coming to him and partaking of his benefits which is a strong inducement thereunto Motive the Fourth As the Father hath placed his springs of water of life in his Son and invites us to his Son to participate thereof and as the Son gives testimony of the excellent vertue of the water of life in him with invitations thereunto so the Spirit and the Saints Espoused to Christ that experience the vertue of these living springs by their union with him through Faith beholding the freeness thereof and the fulness of satisfaction therein do also give forth invitations thereunto The Spirit and the Bride say come and let him that is a thirst come and let him that heareth say come and whosoever will let him come and take of the water of life freely Rev. 22.17 Motive the Fifth A fifth Motive for encouragement to the said means for the aforesaid cure may be the priviledges attainable thereby This water of free grace which we are so called and invited to by the Father Son and holy Spirit and sanctified persons that have tasted thereof and from their experience commend it to us is not only effectual to clarifie the heart of the aforesaid Horseleach and her brood but also to qualifie the heart with the Divine qualifications of grace for nature and quality like the Fountain whence they flow to the evidencing of our Election in Christ our Adoption by Christ our Justification through Christ and our Glorification with Christ Yea hereby the poor soul cometh to be enriched with the Heavenly treasures of divine contentment in all conditions whether Prosperity or Adversity Plenty or Poverty Peace or Persecution I have learned saith Paul In whatsoever state I am in therewith to be content And why so Doubtless he had drank of these living springs these waters of life in Christ Jesus whereby he had the evidences of an eternal Inheritance sealed unto him to enjoy when this life shall cease and be no more Therefore Paul valueth not self nor the world nor any of his Birth-priviledges nor any outward external knowledge or interest in comparison to the knowledge of Christ and the priviledges and dignities attainable in and by Jesus Christ and him Crucified I determined saith Paul not to know any thing among you save Jesus Christ and him Crucified 1 Cor. 2.2 But what things were gain to me those I counted loss for Christ yea doubtless and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but dung that I may win Christ and be found in him Phil. 3.7 8. And what is the Reason that Paul is thus taken up in estimation of Christ Doubtless he had drank of those living springs of free grace in Christ and tasted the sweetness and savour thereof then all his self-righteousness and self-justification and self-wisdom and self-ends and worldly interests must all be laid aside as dung when once he beholdeth Christs perfect Righteousness streaming towards him for the adorning of his soul to the Fathers gratious acceptation And Justification in Christ streaming towards him to free him from the gift of sin and condemnation the just desert of sin and the sanctifying Spirit of Christ streaming into his soul to cleanse the heart of corruption and to replenish it with grace And wisdom in Christ streaming into his understanding to instruct him in the paths of Salvation and every stream hereof compounded and sweetened with Divine love from Eternity and with that peace that passeth all understanding and with assurance of that glory which is
to suffer affliction with the People of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season for he had respect to the Recompence of reward and what 's the reason of this Surely he drank of the Brook in the way and therefore he lift up his head Psal 110.7 above all the treasures and pleasures of this world Esteeming the reproaches of Christ greater Riches than the Treasures of Aegypt Yea Heb. 11.25 26. such is the Virtue and Efficacy of these living spings Gods free grace in Christ that it both cures the heart of the raigning power of sin and furnisheth it with courage and boldness in the ways of God against all reproaches and persecutions for the sake of Christ As we read of many that underwent Mockings and Scourgings Bonds and Imprisonments some ston'd some sawn asunder and some slain with the sword some wandring about in Sheep-skins and Goat-skins being destitute afflicted tormented of whom the world was not worthy and these not accepting of deliverance i. e. upon their Adversaries terms And what was the reason that they thus slighted self and the world to follow the Lord in his ways to the loss of all their outward enjoyments Surely they drank of the brook in the way the streams of Gods free grace in the promised Messiah were the waters of life whereunto they had recourse upon all occasions and by a supernatural hand of faith applyed the same unto the heart in the cup of serious meditation and by the vertue of the said streams they received such spiritual nourishment comfort support and assurance of better and more satisfying enjoyments the which drew up their affections to the Lord so as to renounce self and the world with all the fading vanities thereof as saith the Apostle Paul Whether we are besides our selves it is to God or whether we be sober it is for your cause for the love of Christ constraineth us because we thus judge that if Christ died for all then were all dead and he dyed for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him that dyed for them 2 Cor. 5.13 14 15. Thus divine love with the excellent benefits thereof hath a constraining opperation in it to convert a soul from self and the world unto God and to the glorifying of his name with qualifications of grace wrought in the heart through the souls participation of the powerful influences and refreshing streams thereof For as the true sight and sence of our own Corruptions and our vileness thereby and our just deserts for the same laid to heart by a divine hand is sufficient for the converting of our proud hearts and haughty spirits into humiliation so also the true sight and sensible experience of the glory of the Lord in the dispensations of his free grace in Christ and the glory that it leads unto being laid to heart by due consideration and serious meditation through the operation and power of the divine spirit of the Lord is a sufficient means for to change the property and alter the dispositions of the heart from what it was by corrupted nature and to qualifie it with the qualifications of the Divine Nature into the same Image or likeness unto Jesus Christ in his natural properties inclinations and qualifications of grace as evidences of future glory As saith the Apostle We all beholding as in a Glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same Image from Glory to Glory even as by the spirit of the Lord 2 Cor. 3.18 An Exhortation to a Unity with Christ in qual fication and self-denyal after Christs example as an emblem of true Christianity If there be therefore any Consolation in Christ if any comfort of Love if any fellowship of the spirit if any bowels and mercies Fulfil ye my joy saith the Apostle that ye be like-minded having the same love being of one accord of one mind Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves Phil. 2.1 2 3. so forward Thus have we the Counsel and Example of Christ with the experimental testimonies of the faithful in former ages recommending unto us upon Scripture Record Gods free grace in Christ as a soveraign remedy to cure our souls of this disease of Corruption that Horseleach and all those greedy worms bred in the heart by the influence thereof which lye as obstructive Rubbish in our way to Holy and Heavenly attainments suitable to our Head Jesus Christ Wherefore we having such excellent means afforded us and being compassed about with such a cloud of Witnesses giving testimony to us of the excellent vertue and powerful efficacy thereof let us carefully and with all diligence improve the said means to the laying aside every weight and the sin that doth so easily be set us and let us run with perseverance unto the divine springs and streams of the waters of life flowing unto us in and through Jesus Christ from the Fountain of the Eternal Love of his Father and manifested by his Spirit in the word of truth the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our Salvation looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith who for the joy that was set before him denyed himself contemned the world endured the Cross and despised the shame to do his Fathers Will in opening the springs of the waters of life unto us and is set down at the right hand of the Majesty on high there to appear in the presence of God as an Interceder for us as we by faith unite to him and participate of his fulness Thus have we before us a discovery of a most sad and dangerous disease of the Heart-worms the Horseleach and her Daughters in conjunction with self and the world and a brood of ungodly Lusts conceived in the heart of unregenerate man by the influence thereof as insatiable as the Grave the barren Womb the Earth and the Fire which never saith it is enough the which disease is not only dangerous but also very general thousands are sick thereof and thousands are dead thereby whilst they live as being unsensible of the disease or danger thereof and thousands of thousands have perished by the same we are also informed of a way how we may try our hearts whether this disease be prevalent in us or no and also what means is like to be most effectual against the same with some motives for encouragements to a careful improvement of the said means As First God the Fathers free invitation of Sinners unto his Son in whom the springs of the water of life is placed to be communicated to those that by faith imbrace him Secondly Christs invitation of Sinners to come unto him and partake of his fulness as he is a full Fountain set open for Sinners a Fountain fed with all the springs of God Thirdly Christs freeness to impart of his fulness to poor Sinners enslaved the which freeness
and conforming to him and herein God is just and the justifier of them that believe on Jesus Fifthly Believing and conforming to Christ is the product of the spirit The which power of believing and act of conforming was by the Father fore-appointed from Eternity to be produced by or the product of the spirit which through its operation upon the heart or inward man should enable the Sons and Daughters of men at least Some of them to believe on his Son and conform to him and thereby be made meet to glorifie God and enjoy his glory therefore is this believing and conforming in Scripture called a New Birth and the sanctification of the Spirit because wrought by the spirit somtimes extraordinarily by inspiration or more ordinarily in and by the Word and Ministry thereof The works of sanctification or New Birth by the Spirit enlightening the understanding quickening the apprehension informing the judgment rectifying the will renewing the mind regulating the affections and perswading the heart to take Christ to trust in Christ to relye upon Christ to obey Christ and to suffer for Christ It qualifies the heart with love to God and joy in God and zeal for God with patience to wait upon God with humility in its walking with God with sincerity in the worship of God sobriety in life temperancy in the use of the Creatures with kindness to the Brethren and a peaceable disposition and charitableness towards all men together with an hatred and loathing of sin but a love to and delight in all the ways of Righteousness Sixthly The Lord Jesus Christ in his working out the Redemption of man in order to the decrees and fore-appointments of the Father did take upon him the humane Nature by a Conception in the Womb of a Virgin through the over-shaddowing of the Holy Ghost as saith the Scriptures And in the Womb of the Virgin Mary was he nourished for the time and after the manner of Women and became both God and Man that the same nature that had sinned being assisted with the Divine might make restitution unto justification of life and so God be just and the justifier of them that believe on Jesus Seaventhly He taketh upon him the Execution of three offices imposed upon him by the Father as King Priest and Prophet And in the Execution thereof he doth accomplish and compleat the Redemption of man-kind unto justification of life according to the eternal purpose and fore-appointment of the Father Eighthly He invadeth the Kingdom of darkness and encountered the Prince thereof the Divel that captivated man-kind and brought them under his dominion and by his two-edged sword the word of God he obtained Victory and spoyled the Principalities and Powers of the dominion thereof Ninethly Effects of Christs obedience to the Law He answered the Law by a perfect obedience thereunto whereby he brought in perfect Righteousness unto life whereby he became the end of the Law for Righteousness to Believers as they stand by faith in him and whereby believers are wholly freed from the Accusations Curse and Condemnation of the Law Tenthly The effects of Christs Priestly Office He answereth divine justice in his sufferings upon the Cross for mans transgression to a full satisfaction whereby Believers through saith in Christ are wholly acquitted as from the accusations of the Law so from the Executions of Divine Justice and brought into an estate of peace reconciliation and acceptance with the Father Eleaventhly He obtaineth a Conquest over Death and the Grave Christs Victories are the Saints Triumph but the Wickeds Woe those great Captivaters of man-kind by the power of his Resurrection whereby Death and the Grave are become subject to him to deliver up their Captives at his command which is a Priviledge to the Faithful but a Woe to the Ungodly Twelfthly He Ascended to the right hand of power into the glory of the Father Christ the Saints Prophet in his exaltation where he further executeth the aforesaid Offices as a Prophet he openeth the sealed book the misteries of the Kingdom and the great salvation that the Father from Eternity hath placed in him for all that by faith subject to him instructing and teaching the knowledge thereof Thirteenth Christs Priesthood a priviledg to his Saints for ever Christ further executeth his Priestly Office also now in the days of his exaltation by presenting the performances of his Subjects unto the Father in the golden censor of his own Merits making intercession for them unto the Fathers gracious acceptation and to the encouragement comfort and consolation of his Servants walking in his holy order of government contained in the Gospel Fourteenth Christ is in execution of his Kingly Office whose Laws Subjects are his Kingdom As Christ did invade the Kingdom of darkness and overcame the Principalities and Powers thereof that held fallen man in Captivity thereby Se he as a King is now in the execution of his Kingly Office in these days of his exaltation as is demonstrated not only by his ordination but also first in his giving forth his Laws Ordinances and Righteous order of Government with commands of obedience thereunto Secondly By defending and upholding his said Laws and Government against all opposers Thirdly By his sending and gifting his Embassadors with propositions of Pardon Peace Reconciliation and Protection unto the Sons and Daughters of men upon their receiving of him and conforming to him his Supremacy Crown and Dignity by subjection to his Laws and Government accordingly that man might become Servants to him in subjection to his Laws and be brought into the glorious liberty of the Sons of God and Heirs of Glory according to the Fathers fore-determination from Eternity Fifteenth It is the order and design of Christ in the dispensation of the Gospel to gather Believers into Congregational Assemblies otherwise called Churches for the better accomplishing the fore-determined decrees and purposes of the Father that is that man might the better glorifie God and be edified and made meet for glory Sixteenth It is the way and order of Christ that Believers actively constitute imbody or congregate themselves into Church Assemblies by a personal confession of Faith and Baptisme answering the institution and order of Christ their supreme Head and King Seaventeenth It is the order of Christ and the liberty and priviledge of Christian Congregation so gathered so constituted as aforesaid to elect their Church-Officers men approved for gifts and qualifications sutable to the rule of truth as near as they can and to ordain them into Office by a solemn ordination of fasting prayer and laying on of hands of the Eldership for the better promoting of the interest of divine worship and that order of government that Christ hath left unto his Church upon Gospel-record and for converting of the unconverted and perfecting of the Saints in the Knowledge Faith and Obedience of Christ their King Eighteenth 1 Cor. 9.11 12 13
do carelesly slight the means of grace and live in the neglect thereof and those that obstinately oppose the dignity of Christ in his Laws and Government and subjects in the same and those that wilfully resist the motions and operations of the spirit of grace and work of sanctification until death without Repentance are doubtless of that number that God from Eternity hath through their corruptions ordained or predestinated unto eternal Condemnation Thirtyeth The Office of Magistracy is an Ordinance of God Rom. 13. wherein God doth impower and appoint him to be an Executioner of his civil Laws of justice to the terrour of all vicious prophane and wicked persons that will not be bridled and kept within the bounds of civility Titus 3.1 by the power of Gods word nor light of nature and also to countenance maintain and protect all civil persons within his jurisdiction in their just rights and priviledges And also not only to observe Christs institutions and order of government and worship without adding too or diminishing from the truth as it is in Jesus with respect to the dignity of Christ as the only Law-giver sole Head and Governour of his Church but also to promote and propagate the interest of Christ and his People in the true worship and order of Gospel-government as a nursing Father to countenance preserve and protect by his power those that endeavour to walk peaceable in the same And herein he is the Minister of God to thee for good Rom. 13.4 5. But if thou do that which is evil be afraid for he beareth not the sword in vain for he is the Minister of God a Revenger to execute Wrath upon him that doth evil Wherefore ye must needs be subject not only for Wrath but also for Conscience-sake And hence the Apostle exhorteth that prayers and supplications be made for all men for Kings and all that are in Authority that we may lead a peaceable life in all Godliness and Honesty for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour But if the Magistrate contrarily lay injunctions and impositions upon the Conscience of his Subjects in the point of divine worship which the Voyce of Christ in the Gospel doth not own either in matter or manner of performance so that it become inconsistent to the dignity of Christ and the peace of a tender Conscience then may a soul lawfully with the Apostles Christians of old chuse rather to suffer the penalty then to obey actively the command say with Peter and John whether it be right to obey God or man judge ye Act. 4.19 Thirty-one Comprehending many Christs visible appearance in his Kingly power The said Lord Jesus Christ shall once more appear personally in his Kingly power glory Mat. 16.27 Luk. 21.27 Mat. 24.30 2 Pet. 3.10 11. wherein the Father hath exalted him the which power he shall then put in execution The general desolution to the dissolving of this world all the Principalities and Powers thereof The Resurrection The Communion of Saints in Immortality attend Christ on the Throne with the Angels unto which power the graves shall be subject Joh. 5.28 29. 1 Thes 4.16 17. Jud. 14. Mat. 24.31 1 Thes 4.14 to deliver up their dead according to his will the Saints in the first place with those his Saints then alive all of them will he gather into one Assembly or Body in Communion with himself in their Immortal state 1 Cor. 15.53 Mat. 19.28 1 Cor. 6.2 3. Joh. 5.27 Mat. 25.31 32 41 46. Rom. 2.8 9. Rev. 20.13 14. Rev. 21.8 2 Tim. 4.8 1 Pet. 5.4 1 Cor. 15.24 who with the Holy Angels The seat of Justice shall accompany him on the Throne of Majesty and Seat of Justice beholding giving their assent and consent unto the just proceedings of Christ the Righteous Judg in the execution of his Justice The Condemnation of the Ungodly against all the ungodly both Men and Angels who shall then be cast into eternal flames of the fiery Indignation and Wrath of the Almighty as a just reward of their ungodly deeds But his Saints The Saints Crown of Righteousness shall be in the white Robes of his own Innocency and Crown of Righteousness present and deliver up unto the Father The Kingdom of Saints presented to the Father and accepted to glory as the effects of the Fathers Election in the Son and as the fruits of the faithful labours of the Son unto the Fathers great and gracious acceptation of them unto his Kingdom in the state of glory from Eternity The Saints triumph in glory purposed appointed and promised unto them through faith and sanctification there to dwell as Kings triumphing in glory over all their Enemies The Saints sacrifice in their glorified state fears sufferings and sorrows and as Priests offering up their sacrifices and songs of deliverance unto him that sitteth on the Throne and unto the Lamb eternally A Letter to my Beloved Children Josias Bonham Thomas John Samuel and Elizabeth Bonham Beloved Children ALthough in the last end of my Book reminded yet in much respect are you upon my heart retained in the tender bowels of true Fatherly affection wishing unto you not only the blessing of me your Father after the flesh but more especially the blessing of him who is the Father of spirits unto your establishment in his grace mercy peace and unity in the truth as it is in Jesus unto all perseverance through the knowledge of God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. Where as the influence of Gods word upon my heart written Deut. 6.5 6 7. chap. 11.18 19. and Eph. 6.4 hath heretofore drawn me forth to consult with the mind of God in his Testimonies Commands and Promises contained in holy Scripture for my better ability to perform my duty in answer to such a divine requirement and having in a measure improved my attainments thereunto in my House and Family among you for your edification that you may set your hope in God And having found the Blessing of God in some good measure attending the same to your growth in civility and piety unto my greater comfort to the praise of God be it spoken and to the encouragement of others in such concernments Now considering that most of you are gone from me and that Mortality 〈◊〉 approaching near unto me and considering the danger of these latter days by the abounding of Iniquity both in errours of Opinions and vicious practices Therefore to the end you might be preserved from the evils of the times and the principles that have been communicated to you be preserved in you to an increase and growth in holy and Heavenly attainments I would bequeath unto you as the best Legacy that I can bestow upon you even this little Book containing some few gleanings which through grace I have gathered out of the Vintage of God and for your sakes in part
composed to the end that these lines within contained may be your Companions to consult with as you have opportunities thereunto and to remind you of your great concernments and be some direction to you in the way of Holy and Heavenly attainments when I have put off this my Tabernacle and am Deceased from you Wherefore let me remind you with the words of David to Solomon his Son Know ye the God of your Father and serve him with a perfect heart and a willing mind for the Lord searcheth all hearts and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts If you seek him he will be found of you but if ye forsake him he will cast you off for ever 1 Chron. 28.9 Take this promise also along in your Considerations which saith Then shall ye know if ye follow on to know the Lord his going forth is prepared as the Morning he shall come unto us as the Rain as the former and latter Rain upon the Earth Hos 6.3 As the going forth of the Morning light expelleth the darkness of the Night away and increaseth more and more unto the perfect day so will the Lord with the light of the Son of Righteousness the beams of his special favours in Christ break forth upon your souls to refresh nourish comfort and rejoyce your souls and cause you to grow up unto a state of perfection in Jesus Christ as the fruits of the Earth by the former and latter Rain For the Eyes of the Lord run too and fro throughout the whole Earth to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose hearts are perfect towards him 2 Chron. 16.9 The Lord is good a strong hold in the day of trouble and he knoweth them that trust in him Nahum 1.7 Wherefore eye the Lord in his providences and wait upon him in his dispensations praise him for all his Benefits trust in him at all times in all conditions and confide in him for the performance of all his promises in Christ unto you always remembring that he is faithful that hath promised One Text more I would mind you of which saith thus And the Lord was with Jehoshaphat because he walked in the first ways of his Father David 2 Cor. 17.3.4 and sought not unto Baalim but sought to the Lord God of his Father and walked in his Commandements and not after the doings of Israel And now my dear Children my desire is that you would make my failings your warnings and what you have heard and seen in me of good make that examplary for your imitation and the God of peace be with you and make you perfect in every good work to do his will working in you that which is well-pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory for ever and ever Amen So I commit you to the Lord and to the word of his grace which is able to build you up and to give you an Inheritance among them that are sanctified hoping in Heavenly glory You to see enjoying of each other in felicity Your loving Father Josias Bonham A word to my Book and I have done BEhold I send thee forth to th'Church and World Not knowing in whose hands thou may'st be hurld As well as Friends thou maist meet with Foes That will thy Plainness and thy Truth oppose Some may perhaps thee friendly entertain Whilst other-some behold thee with disdain But whether it be so or whether not Thou may'st expect it as thy adverss Lot For this be sure thou must expect to pass Through good and bad report for why alass Who so Gods Errand tells must bare his Cross Deny himself to his external loss