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A34038 The righteous branch growing out of the root of Jesse and healing the nations held forth in several sermons upon Isai. chap. 11, from vers. 1 to 10 : together with some few sermons relating to all who live under the shadow of the branch / by William Colvill. Colvill, William, d. 1675. 1673 (1673) Wing C5432; ESTC R26038 212,566 434

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natural determination to this or that yet he lost the liberty of rectitude and uprightness by being now after his fall perversly inclined to that which is displeasing in the eyes of God Rom. 5.10 We are called enemies to God by nature and enmity is properly in the will He lost purity in his affections our affections at first were like clean and pure water running in a clean channel but now they are muddy and earthly there being much perturbation in them like water running through a muddy channel Joh. 3.31 He that is of the earth is earthly Our affections at first were straight set upon God and things above but now they are bowed down and through the strength of corrupt nature set on things below Rom. 8.5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh Although fallen man hath not lost the faculty of conscience yet he hath lost that clearness quietness and calmness that was in it at the first for so long as man lived in a communion and harmony with God there was also inward peace and a pleasant harmony in his conscience like an instrument well tuned but when by sin he brake harmony and communion with God then his conscience became like a troubled sea roaring out into his ears a dreadful sound from fear of wrath to come as a mighty tempest to drive them into hell then as Out-laws they were afraid at every thing So Adam and Eva after the fall had a mighty tempest in their consciences which did drive them away to hide themselves from the presence of the Lord. Consider 3. In conversion to an estate of grace there is a happy change 1. In the mind by illumination and light as at first God created light in the first creation so in the second creation and regeneration he first creats the light of faith whereby we see God reconciled to man in Christ the Mediator 2 Cor. 4.6 God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ When a man is converted he gets a new light in respect of his mind which is the subject of it but it is not a new light in respect of the object he hath not new spiritual and saving truths revealed to him beside or far less contrary to the Word as a blind man when his eyes are opened doth not see another Sun then what was before in the firmament though not seen by him until his eyes were opened 2. God makes a change in the will by taking away the stony heart Ezek. 36.26 Acts 16.14 He removes impenitence and unbelief which are as two strong barrs to resist his call by the outward means until he remove them by the power of his invincible grace whereby he worketh mightily in those that believe Eph. 1.19 For not only doth he preach deliverance by his Word but also he sets at liberty such as are bruised with sorrow in their hearts for their sins Luk. 4.18 2 Cor. 3.17 Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty August Lib. 1. against the 2 Epist of Pelag. Cap. 19. citing that place Joh. 6.44 No man can come to me except the Father draw him observes it is not said no man can come to me except the Father lead him that so we might think the will of man did preceed and thereafter the Father did lead and promove his will but it is said except the Father draw him and who can be said to be drawn if he himself first be willing therefore saith he they are made in a wonderful manner even to be willing by him who knoweth how to work inwardly upon the hearts of men not that any man for that is impossible should believe against his will but because of not-willing he is made willing 3. There is a change in their affections which in some measure are purified and rectified the sense of Gods love in Christ worketh godly sorrow in their hearts Zech. 12.10 It works a filial fear in them to do any thing that may offend God Jer. 32.40 I will put my fear in their hearts that they shall not depart from me 4. There is a change in the conscience after conversion it is quiet and calm the righteousness of Christ apprehended by a lively saith doth quiet the conscience both with the peace of Justification Rom. 5.1 Being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ And with the peace of Sanctification Rom. 14.17 The kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost The conscience after conversion becomes more tender of duty and sensible even of smaller offences like the flesh of Naaman cleansed from his leprosie such tenderness we see in David Psal 119.113 I hate vain thoughts but thy Law do I love 5. There is a change in the body and conversation the body it becomes a temple to the Holy Ghost and all its members like several Vessels in the Temple are consecrat to the service of God 1 Cor. 6.19 Rom. 6.19 Consider 4. This change is not perfect in degrees 1. Our knowledge in the state of grace here is but in part 2 Cor. 13.9 For we know in part In many mysteries of Religion we know that such a thing is an undoubted truth from divine revelation but the cause and manner how such and such things are we know not as the eternal generation of the Son the manner of the eternal procession of the Holy Ghost from the Father and the Son the individual unity of the three blessed Persons in the Divine Essence these mysteries we know in a confused and general manner like the sight of the blind man of Bethsaida Mark 8.24 But in Heaven our knowledge of these great mysteries will be more clear like the sight of that same blind man by a second touch and by the light of glory when we shall see light in his light Psal 36.9 and when we shall see him as he is 1 Joh. 2.2 2. Although there be a change of our will at our conversion yet there remains in it corruption which is the seed of disobedience to the will of God Gal. 5.17 The flesh lusteth against the spirit This tumult and insurrection of corruption against grace in the will doth pain and vex the godly like the twains which strove in the womb of Rebekah but after our change at death to immortal glory our petition put up to God in this life shall be fully answered Thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven then shall we be like unto Angels and our will shall cleave unto God and his will indeclinably for ever 3. Our affections after our change and conversion in this life are not wholly pure who can say he hath made his heart clean Prov. 20.9 As shoes open above as was the manner of the Jewish Nation
to the pulling down of strong holds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth it self against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ We must not consult with sense and humane reason nor with flesh and blood in difficult duties commanded by God but follow the example of Abraham Rom. 4.19 20. and of Paul Gal. 1 16. Neither must we consult with humane reason and Philosophy as our dictator in the great mysteries of the Christian Faith such as are the individual unity of the divine essence in the three blessed Persons the eternal generation of the Son the procession of the holy Ghost from the Father and from the Son the personal union of the divine and humane nature of Christ and the resurrection of the body in the great day It is ground enough for us to believe the truth and reality of these great and deep Mysteries that God who cannot lie hath revealed them in the holy Word but we must be sober in our enquiry of the manner and although we cannot by humane reasoning attain to the natural knowledge and science of these divine truths and although through our infirmity and ignorance we imagine them to be contrary to Natural and Philosophical verity yet after better consideration we conclude that Supernatural verities are not contrary to Natural truths because God the prime verity is the Author of all real verity and he cannot contradict himself only by the light of divine revelation and the inward light of Faith we perceive and take up these sublime divine mysteries which we cannot discern by the light of Natural reason though never so refined as the light of the stars and the light of the Sun are from God the Creator and the light of the Sun is not contrary to the light of the Stars for both of them are lightsome bodies yet we see many things by the light of the Sun to which our eye cannot reach by the light of the stars Therefore let us submit our faith to divine revelation in the Word and not oppose the barkings of humane reasonings against revealed truths It may be well said to these men who Idolize humane reason and Philosophy which Tertullian said of the Hereticks in his time in his book of the resurrection of the flesh Chap. 3. Take from them these things of humane Wisdom wherein they agree with the Heathens that so they may determine their questions from the Scriptures alone and they cannot stand in the debate It may be justly said to them which Augustine said to the Manichees Lib. 17. against Faust Chap. 3. Your tergiversation and prevarication is every way confounded say plainly that ye believe not the Gospel for when ye believe in the Gospel what ye have a will to and ye believe not what ye will ye believe rather your selves then the Gospel But although humane reason cannot conceive the truth of these great mysteries yet it is our duty without all contradiction to believe the holy Scriptures and by a pious and modest silencing of all humane reasoning to submit by faith to the Word of God The more silent humane reason is in these great mysteries the obedience of faith is the more conspicuous and it well becomes humane reason that is an hand-maid to Divinity to be silent when her Mistriss speaketh Augustine frequently in his disputes with the Pelagians who did too much extol the strength of humane reason doth repeat this saying credam ut intelligam Let me once believe it is spoken by God then shall I understand it to be a truth evident in respect of divine testimony though I see no evidence in the things themselves Bernard Epist 190. What is more against reason than to endeavour by thy low and silly humane reason to transcend and surmount supreme reason to wit the testimony of God himself who is the prime verity 4. As thou would be led by the Ministry of the Word come to the reading and hearing of it with an honest heart that is with a serious and sincere purpose to obey the counsel and direction of it though it should cross thy opinion design humour or interest Luke 8.15 Thou must not come as these proud men Jer. 42 who pretended a purpose to obey but when the answer given by the Prophet was not according to their desire and design they in their pride disobeyed it but come with that disposition and earnest wish that David had Psal 119.5 O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes then mayest thou be confident it shall be well with thee both in this and in the other life Psal 73.24 Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel and afterward receive me to glory Likewise whosoever submits sincerely to the Word of the Lord will have a due respect unto his Ministers and Messengers 1 Thes 5.13 For when the message is commended unto the conscience of the hearers it makes room also in the heart for receiving the Messenger for his Master's and the works sake Rebekah was very civil and courteous toward Abraham's servant who came to suit her in marriage to his Master's Son Gen. 24. and shall not believers be kindly affectioned toward the Ministers of the Gospel who are friends to the Bridegroom Jesus Christ and do suit them in marriage unto him 2 Cor. 11.2 I have espoused you to one husband that I may present you as a chast virgin to Christ Evid 3. The third evidence of a true change and conversion to God in the days of the Gospel is set down in these words vers 7. And the lion shall eat straw like the ox that is the man who before his conversion lived like a fierce lion upon violence and rapine who made no conscience what way he purchased his livelihood after his conversion shall forsake his unlawful way of purchase and thereafter shall live on the fruits of his own lawful labours as also he shall be well satisfied and content therewith as his allowance from God even as the Ox eateth straw and provender the fruit of his labours and is well satisfied and in his own manner content therewith From this evidence of true conversion we infer clearly these two conclusions 1. Men truly converted will forsake their former evil ways of purchase by fraud or oppression and will make conscience of the way of their purchase in time coming 2. They will study contentment in their lawful purchase whether it be great or small Conclus 1. As a true Convert will forsake in his purpose and endeavour every former evil way because he knoweth mercy from God is promised only to such Prov 28.13 Whoso confesseth and forsaketh his sins shall have mercy Isai 55.7 Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon So the man that hath been an oppressour or fraudulent in
bear their iniquities Isa 53.11 3. By the manifestation of Jesus Christ and by believing in him as he is offered in the Gospel in all his Mediatory-offices such a deep impression of his rich and free love is put upon our spirits that we are turned to a conformity unto him in our wills and affections unto the will of God 2 Pet. 1.4 By the precious promises ye are made partakers of the divine nature This impression is like the Spirit moving the wheels of our inner man and making them to follow the Spirit in their motions conform to his Word Ezech. 1.20 our hearts become like the paper stamped with the printing iron and receiving an impression thereby conform to the impression of the Spirit by his word and the doctrine of the Gospel is therefore called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 16.17 the impression of doctrine Quest If the great mystery of Redemption and Salvation in Christ may be known by the light of Nature and of humane Reason Answ 1. There are means given of God whereby all people on earth may know God in his existence and something of his power wisdom and justice as the book of Creation Psal 19.11 Rom. 1.20 The Book of ordinary Povidence bearing witness there is a God Acts 14.17 Acts 17.27 The Works of his extraordinary Providence carried by report or otherwayes unto the Heathens Josh 2.10 The report of the silence of the Oracle at Delphos made unto Octavius Augustus did so affect him with admiration that he caused erect an Altar with this Inscription 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 To the God first-born by the Minut-book of mans own conscience which is a vade-mecum something of the justice of God both preceptive and vindicative is known and was known to the Heathens from the light of Nature Rom. 2.14 15. When the Gentiles which have not the Law do by nature the things contained in the Law these not having the Law are a Law unto themselves which shew the work of the Law written in their hearts their conscience also bearing witness and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another The Heathens knew something of the revenging justice of God from the great terrours upon the spirits of those that do evil as upon these wicked men Caligula and Nero but shall these Books there was not one sylable of the way of salvation by Jesus Christ that knowledge of the Law of Nature from the light of Nature maketh them inexcusable before God because they glorified not God and did not all the good and moral duties they might have done if they had improven that light of Nature so that they are without excuse Rom. 1.20 2. The Heathens before and under the Law and even many at this very day from the light of Nature and by tradition as the learned Grotius thinks in his Book of the satisfaction of Christ from Noah and from Japhet and Ham the Progenitors of the Gentiles as also from their posterity downwards to the Heathens and Pagans at this very day they had and now have the custom of sacrificeing although the Heathens by these sacrifices did and do acknowledge from the light of Nature the Majesty Sanctity and Justice of God which is to be satisfied and appeased by the children of men guilty of many iniquities yet they did not know Jesus Christ who offered up himself a sacrifice by his death to satisfie Divine Justice and to preserve us from eternal wrath this is only known by Divine Revelation in the holy Scriptures wherein we are required by faith to behold him who taketh away the sin of the world Joh. 1.29 3. The Heathens by the light of Nature knew that in great calamities it was their duty to pray unto God for help and relief the Mariners in the Ship with Jonah being afraid in the great storm did cry every man unto his God Jonah 1.5 but they knew not Jesus Christ the alone Mediator between God and man and therefore did not pray in his Name in whom alone both our persons and our supplications are accepted the knowledge of this we have in the holy Scriptures from our blessed Lord John 16.23 Verily verily I say unto you whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my Name he will give it you 4. The knowlege of the work of Redemption and Salvation in Jesus Christ is only known from Divine Revelation in the holy Scriptures Acts 4.12 Neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other Name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved This great mystery is only known by revelation in the holy Scriptures Mat. 11.25 our Lord said I thank thee O Father Lord of Heaven and Earth because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes Mat. 16.17 Blessed art thou Simon Bar-jona for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee but my Father which is in Heaven The Incarnation of the Son of God and the Salvation of lost man by him is called a mystery hid from the Gentiles for many ages Eph. 3.9 This sublime mystery the natural man cannot know by the strength of humane reason 1 Cor. 2.14 The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned Some who magnifie the strength of humane reason think that by the natural man in this place is to be understood the carnal man addicted to his sinful desires which hinder him by the strength of his own reason to take up these divine mysteries but it is clear from the series of the sacred Text that natural man signifieth one indued only with the light of reason and it is some way opposed by way of distinction to the spiritual man inlightened and renewed by the illumination of the Holy Spirit as also spiritual man is taken Gal. 6.1 Brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual restore such an one in the spirit of meekness Chrysost on this place by natural man understandeth a man indued only with the light of reason That man saith he who liveth for the flesh neither is yet illuminat in his mind by the Spirit but only has that inbred humane wisdom which the Creator of all things has put into the souls of men Grotius upon that place speaketh thus The natural man and the carnal man is not the same thing the natural man is he who is guided only by the light of humane reason but the carnal man is he who is ruled by the affections of his body It is true some of the ancient Fathers in the Christian Church who before their conversion had been eminent Philosophers themselves and had a great kindness for some of the best of them as Socrates and Plato they do speak very charitably concerning their salvation although they lived in Gentilism yet they thought not that they were saved without some
his promise of rest to the weary soul bless him for the promise rest upon it by faith and in his own good time he will give the some sense of inward peace from the sense of his love shed abroad in thine heart by the Holy Ghost for this seal of the Spirit is given after believing Ephes 1.13 In whom also after that ye believed ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise The second thing affirmed by our Lord of himself is I am the truth This is the glorious title of the Supreme God Deut. 32.4 A God of truth and without iniquity just and right is he And the Son of God who thought it no robbery to be equal with God is called here the Truth 1. He is essentially truth as the justice and mercy of God is no other thing but the just and merciful God So the truth of Christ is no other thing but the true and faithful Lord as it is said 1 Joh. 1.5 God is light and in him is no darkness at all So Christ is truth and in him is no possibility of errour In him is infinite wisdom and he cannot be deceived he is infinitely holy and true and cannot deceive any who trusteth into his word 2. He is the prime and suprem Truth the cause of the truth of beeing and essence in all things Col. 1.18 For by him all things consist And he is the cause and author of all morall truth in the thoughts speeches and actions of men 3. He is the truth because by the word of truth revealed out of the Fathers bosom by him who is called Joh. 1.1 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because he is the essential Word and the express Image of the Father and also he is the great Interpreter and Revealer of the will of the Father Joh. 1.18 and by this revealed will he guideth his own Children in the way to everlasting glory Psal 73.24 Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel and afterward receive me to glory 4. He is to speak so morally true even as he was man 1 Pet. 2.22 Guile was not found in his lips 5. He is the truth answerable to all the Prophesies and Promises made concerning him 2 Cor. 1.20 In him all the promises are yea and amen He is the truth answerable to all the legal types as the body to the shadow Joh. 1.17 The Law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ In the Temple during the Levitical service the lights and lamps were shadows of Christ who was called by John the Baptist the true light Joh. 1.9 And is called by himself the light of the world Joh. 8.12 Thou that art ignorant and mourns under the sense of thine ignorance come to him who is the true light and he will give unto thee that eye-salve even the illumination and unction of the Holy Spirit Rev. 3.17 18. He is the beam and resplendor of the Fathers glory although a man through the weakness of his eyes cannot behold the Sun in his brightness without dazling and confounding his sight yet with much contentment and delight he looketh upon the beams of the Sun So it confounds and astonisheth the Spirit of a Believer to look on God and to think upon his greatness and justice provoked to wrath by his many sins this fight affrights him and maketh him say with Manoah Judg. 13.22 I shall surely die because I have have seen God Therefore look thou on God manifested in his Son Jesus Christ who is the brightness of his Fathers glory Heb. 1.3 Look upon his mercy and love manifested in giving his Son to satisfie divine justice for our sins this fight of God in Christ is a comfortable and reviving fight then may a Believer say as the wife of Manoah said Judg. 13.23 If the Lord were pleased to kill us he would not have accepted of Christs offering and satisfaction for us The Lord Jesus Christ is the truth of all the sacrifices under the Law they were a shadow of good things to come to wit of the sacrifice of Christ who offered up himself by death a sacrifice of sweet smel to the Father he is the true Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world Joh. 1 29 Heb. 10.12 We are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all August lib. 20. against Faust cap. 21. The flesh and blood of Christ before his coming was promised by the similitude of Sacrifices in the passion and suffering of Christ it was exhibi●t by the Truth its self after the ascension of Christ it is solemnly celebrat by the Sacrament of Commemoration upon the Cross he offered up himself to the Father to take away our sins and now in the Word and Sacraments we call to mind his sacrifice and death till he come again 1 Cor. 11.26 As in the Word Christ is not offered to God by the Minister but to us so in the Sacrament he is not offered to God but to us and with him a communion and share in the fruits of his death ● Cor. 10.16 As the blood of the Paschal-lamb was sprinkled upon the posts of the doors and the destroying Angel came not near the house so the application of the Sacrifice of Christ for Propitiation and Salvation is made by Faith Rom. 5.1 Therefore being justified by Faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ He is the Truth of all the legal washings and purifications he is that true Fountain opened to the house of David for sin and for uncleanness Zach. 13.1 Therefore confess thine uncleanness with the Lepers believe in him who is the truth of all these purifications 1 Joh. 1.9 If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness He is the true Manna that true bread of life Joh. 6.32 My Father giveth you the true bread from Heaven Our Lord is the true Manna 1. The Manna was given to the people of Israel in the wilderness where bread could not be had from any creature so when no creature was able to save man God gave his Son to the death that by faith poor hungry souls might feed on him and be refreshed Isai 59.16 And he saw that there was no man and wondred that there was no intercessor therefore his arme brought salvation unto him and his Righteousness it sustained him As the people of Israel cryed out in admiration when they saw the Manna Man-h●● what is this So let us admire and cry out what a love is this in God to give his only Son to be the bread of life to feed and preserve those who by nature were enenemies and children of wrath The Manna was white and pleasant to the eye and also sweet and pleasant to the taste like waffers made of hony so Christ in himself the true Manna is most pleasant without spot and without blame as also he is a most pleasant fight
of it by their claim of faith on Christ as if they were already in present possession of it yea it is said in the preterit tense Rom. 8.30 Whom he justified them he also glorified Quest May not one have true justifying and saving faith in his heart and yet not know that he is justified Ans Yea he may have the direct act of faith whereby he is justified and yet not have the reflex act of faith whereby he knows and is assured of the gift of Faith freely given to him of God by which act he is Assured of his justification as an Infant has the truth of life natural in him though for want of ripeness in judgement he doth not by a reflex act of understanding know the same Yea a true and justified person may be so overwhelmed in spirit with the fears of his former great and many sins though he embrace Christ and rely on him wholly and only for salvation that yet he may so faint in his fears that at the time he doth not discern the truth of the life of grace and faith in his Soul as a person in the time of his bodily swouning and fainting doth not discern the truth of a natural life in his body Notwithstanding the true Believer in such times and cases cannot discern the truth of the life of faith in himself yet other godly discerning Christians perceiving his sincere desire after the means of Salvation and his appetite toward the Gospel which is the immortal seed of the new life do very rationally conclude that he has the truth though not the vigor of the life of grace and faith in his soul as these who look on and see an Infant greedily sucking the breast though the Infant it self has no knowledge to discern its own life yet they truely conclude from its natural appetit to the means of life that it has life because as new born babes they desire the sincere milk of the Word 1 Pet. 2.2 Quest What are the effects and signs whereby I may discern the truth of faith when we have not the vigor of it Ans We discern it by the effects 1. The true Believer has an high estimation of Christ and a low estimation of himself He is precious to Believers 1 Pet. 2.7 Paul had an high estimation of Christ that he came into the world to save sinners and a low estimation of himself as being the least of Saints and chief of sinners The true believer esteems highly of the Gospel whereby life and immortality is brought to light through Christ He accounteth all things but loss yea but dung and unsavory in camparison of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus his Lord Phil. 3.8 2. The true believer as he rejoices most in the cross of Christ so he mourns for his sins whereby he crucified the Lord of glory he looks upon him whom he pierced with his grievous sins and he mourneth as one mourneth for his only Son Zach. 12.10 3. True faith is a Magisterial grace and labours to quiet our unruly affections and passions as an awful Master by his presence quiets the unruly Scholars for faith receiving Christ in the heart to dwell there commandeth all the affections to be still and to do nothing that may disturb and grieve the Spirit of Christ the Spouse after shee has found her Beloved saith to her heart and affections I charge you O yee daughters of Jerusalem c. that ye stir not up nor awake my love till he please That ye neither interrupt his delight in me nor my delights in him Cant. 3.5 4. True faith purifieth the heart and labours daily to keep it clean by the bessom of repentance Act. 15.9 God put no difference between us and them purifying their hearts by faith The Lord is said to dwell in the heart by faith Ephes 3.17 And after the believer has received him he endeavours daily to keep the house clean where he dwells by faith the heart is espoused unto Christ as a chast virgin 2 Cor. 11.2 And when the believer is tempted to any vile lust he saith with Joseph how can I do this and sin against my Lord to whom I am espoused for ever in holiness and righteousness 5 True faith on Jesus Christ worketh by love Gal. 5.6 It commands us and in an holy violence constraineth us to love the Father who has forgiven us much to love the Son who shed his blood for the remission of sins an● to love the Holy Ghost who is the sealer and confirmer of our justification and remission Faith on Christ commands us and by a commanded act requires us to love one another 1 Joh. 3.23 This is his commandment that we should believe on the Name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another As lines drawn from the circumference the nearer they come to the Centre they are the nearer one unto another so believers the nearer they come by faith to Jesus Christ the Centre of our souls rest and happiness they are the more united one to another in love yea when by faith we look upon Christ as our great example faith doth command us to love even our enemies with the love of benevolence and beneficence when we perceive our blessed Lord both prayed for his enemies and also healed Malchus ear and in a special manner to love all saints with a love of complacency and delight as fellow-members of the mystical body of the Lord Jesus Christ and to walk in love as Christ also hath loved us and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour It is therefore the wisdom duty and comfort of believers to examine themselves that they be not only sound in the doctrine of faith but also sincere in the grace and work of faith that they may have rejoycing in themselves from the testimony of a good conscience Gal. 6.4 True and sincere justifying and saving faith receiveth Christ entirely to dwell in their hearts the sincere believer receiveth him in all his Offices as a Priest to bless the soul where he dwells with all spiritual blessings as a Prophet to teach him by the Word and as a King to rule him by his Law and holy Commandments As he receiveth him by faith so he intertains him by love as he receiveth Christ by faith so he gives up himself by love unto him as Christ dwells in him by faith so he dwells in Christ by love and delight he intertains him by obedience in the course of Sanctification as an honest Subject who sometime was a rebel to his Prince the more he rests upon the word of the Prince for his remission he is the more ready and active to obey him in all time coming for though faith rest on Christ alone and on no other for Justification and Salvation yet it rests not from the duties of obedience in the course of Sanctification the true believer in the preparation of his
by crying to him Memento te esse mortalem remember thou art a mortal man Philip of Macedon commanded his Page to knock every morning at his chamber door before he rose and to cry Memento mori remember thou must die The great Emperour of the Schythians Tamberlan in his military march caused carry before him his winding-sheet as well as the royal standart and many of the people of God amongst the Jews had their tombs in their gardens as we read Joseph of Arimathea had to keep their spirits sober in the midst of their worldly pleasures and delights but mens forgetfulness of their approaching dissolution makes many so impudent and obstinat in their sinful courses Lam. 1.9 Her filthiness is in her skirts she remembreth not her last end therefore she came down wonderfully she had no comforter We have dayly warnings of the approaching dissolution of this house of clay 1. From the propps we make use of dayly to support it as our meat and our drink they are for repairing this ruinous house for a time and yet do what we can it will fall down to the dust take warning from thy going to sleep and ●emember as thou puts off thy cloaths so thou must put off this garment of mortality If at any time thou take medicine remember it is but as a plaistering for a time of a decaying mud-house 2. Let sickness in the body at any time put thee in mind of thy dissolution by death because alteration doth tend in end to corruption as a drop from the roof doth in end wear the side-walls 3. Take warning from the death and burial of others when thou seest their scull or bones or dust this is a pious Necromancy thereby to divine of thine own dissolution by death 4. Take warning from the winter season when thou lookest on the earth thou seest neither grass nor flower then remember thou that of 1 Pet. 1.24 All flesh is as grass and all the glory of man as the flower of grass the grass withereth and the flower thereof falleth away But thou who sowest in tears rejoyce in the hope of that harvest of compleat glory at the Resurrection which is the spring-time of the immortality of the body when the bodies of the Saints shall spring up in glory like the lillies that were hid under the ground in time of winter Isa 26.19 Thy dead men shall live together with my dead body shall they arise awake and sing ye that dwell in the dust for thy dew is as the dew of herbs and the earth shall cast out the dead There is great reason wherefore we should be preparing dayly for the dissolution of the body by death 1. This dissolution is inevitable and there is not exemption from it by any humane power It is true God himself did exempt Enoch and Elias from dissolution of the body because he is the supreme Law-giver and may dispence with his own penal statutes but no person can exempt himself from the necessity of a dissolution of the body riches cannot bribe death the rich glutton died honour and majesty in the great ones of the world cannot dash death out of countenance nor chase it away Kings are laid in their graves might and power of Armies cannot affright death it has taken away Kings and great Commanders upon the head of their Armies wisdom and eloquence cannot disswade it from approaching the wise and eloquent die as well as fools and ignorant men The Piety of the godly will not turn it away Abraham the fathe● of the faithful and all the Patriarchs died 2. This dissolution is uncertain in respect of the time manner and place We come into the world one way but go out of it a thousand divers wayes that rich worldling Luk. 12.18 was taken away on a sudden the Shunamit's son goeth forth well in the morning but dies before the evening though our dayes are numbred of God yet they are uncertain to us our breath is in our nostrils if either the air we draw in or the air we breath out be stopped we are gone in an instant if but the small passages from the reins be obstructed our heart is suffocat Therefore let us not in our vain presumption number years unto our selves but let us pray daily to God that he would teach us so to number our dayes that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom Psal 90 12. Quest How shall I be prepared for my dissolution and death Ans That thou mayest be prepared 1. Repent of thy sins and be reconciled unto God through faith in Jesus Christ the Mediator without delaying even while thou art in the way and cannot tell how soon thou mayest be removed that thou may appear before thy Judge Mat. 5.25 Delay not till the very term of thy dissolution be come for then it will be with thee as with a careless debt or who takes no course with his debts in time at the term-day he is confounded with fear lest death as a rude Messenger sent from the great Judge shall hale him to the bottomless prison from which there is no redemption 2. Embrace Christ the Saviour of sinners into the arms of thy faith that so with old Simeon thou mayest depart in peace Luk. 2.29 30. Holy Ambrose at his death beholding his friends weeping sore said Why weep ye I have not so lived that I am ashamed to live longer if it shall so seem good in the eyes of God neither am I afraid to die because I have a gracious Lord. 3. Be thou diligent in thy Christian and also in thy particular lawful Calling the fore-sight of death and appearance after death before the Tribunal of the Lord Jesus Christ made Paul careful to approve himself to God in his Apostolical Calling 2 Cor. 5.9 10. Wherefore we labour that whether present or absent we may be accepted of him for we must all appear before the Judgement seat of Christ c. Upon this account Peter was also careful to do his duty faithfully 2 Pet. 1.13 14 15. Yea I think it meet as long as I am in this tabernacle to stir you up by putting you in remembrance knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle c. 4. In all the wayes of thy Christian conversation study to persevere in keeping a good conscience that at death thou mayest die with some comfortable evidence in thy self of thy future happiness 2. Tim. 4.7 8. I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness c. 5. Labour thou to be prepared as were the wise Virgins Mat. 25. with the light of sound knowledge in thy mind that thou mayest say with the Apostle 2 Tim 1.12 I know whom I have believed And also having the oyl of sincere love in your heart toward God for the heart cannot conceive what God hath prepared for them that love him 1 Cor. 2.9
City compassed about with bushy trees as even at this day the Jews call a Christian Natzar It is said out of his roots because at the time of Christs birth tbe family of David the son of Jesse was like a root hid under the ground in time of Winter because after the captivity of Babylon none of the Tribe of Judah had the government but at that time the Maccabees of the Tribe of Levi were the supreme Rulers at the birth of our Lord Herod the Great the son of Antipater slew all of the Sanedrim who were for the most part of the royal Tribe of Judah then was fulfilled that Prophesie of the Patriarch Jacob concerning the departure of the Scepter from Judah and of a Law-giver from between his feet when Shiloh was born into the world Gen. 49.10 At our Lords birth the family of David in respect of any outward splendor was like a root hid under the ground in Winter-time but the Lord who quickens the dead made this root to sprout and bring forth this Plant of Renown even the Lord Jesus Christ Observ 1. It is the duty of the people of God to raise up their thoughts from any temporal deliverance promised or received unto the meditation and consideration of that spiritual and eternal redemption wrought be Jesus Christ This is clear from the coherence of this Chapter with the preceeding 1. Because all our temporal mercies and deliverances are nothing in comparison of that precious full and eternal redemption purchased by Jesus Christ if we consider the price of our Redemption even the precious blood of the Lamb of God of infinite worth and value above all things corruptible 1 Pet. 1.18 19. we are redeemed and delivered from all our enemies Luk. 1.74 and it is an eternal redemption that in the effects of it endureth for ever Heb. 9.12 2. Temporal deliverances are common to the wicked as well as to the godly in which respect Christ is called the Saviour of all men 1 Tim. 4.10 3. Wicked men may receive a great temporal deliverance who are yet reserved for wrath to come 2 Pet. 2.4 Jud. v. 13. Cursed Cham was delivered from the deluge and many damned Sodomites were delivered by Abraham from captivity at the rescue of Lot from his enemies Obser 2. Our blessed Lord humbled himself to a low condition here on earth he was as a rod or small twigg out of the family of Jesse one of the smallest in the Tribe of Judah Consider well his Humiliation 1. It was voluntar and free Philip. 2.7 8. he emptied himself as he laid aside his upper garment to wash the feet of his Disciples so he laid aside outward state and glory that he might suffer for us and wash us in his precious blood 2. It was a gracious and bountiful Humiliation and Exinanition on our behalf that by the merit thereof he might enrich us with his unsearchable and durable riches even with the graces of the holy Spirit obtained to us by the merit of his death 2 Cor. 8 9. Though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor that ye through his poverty might be made rich and thereby also to exalt us unto glory and set us in heavenly places together with himself Heb. 2.10 For it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory to make the Captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings The merit of his Humiliation was as a Ladder fixed on the earth for us to ascend thereby unto glory 3. He came in a low condition for the comfort of many of the godly who are born and live in a poor and low condition here on earth their low and despicable condition in the world shall not be any prejudice to the salvation of their souls for Christ shall be all to them and all in them Colos 3.11 Lazarus a poor man and Onesimus a servant are accepted of God in him 4. He became low and subjected himself to infirmities that thereby we might have confidence of pity and help to us in the day of our infirmities Heb. 4.15 16. He knoweth from experience what it is to have an heart overwhelmed with grief or astonished with fear for his soul was in an agony Luk. 22.44 and he was sore amazed through fear and very heavy in heart through grief Mark 14.33 5. He came in a low condition to teach us to be content in our lowest estate in thy low Cottage be content and look to the Heir of heaven born in a poor out-house though thou have course fair be content and look to him who in his ordinar entertainment had but a few barley Loaves and some small Fishes at the evening of the day though thou get a hard bed look up to him and be content for he had not whereon to lay his head Mat. 8.20 Vse 1. Be not offended at Christs low estate Blessed is the man saith our Lord that is not offended in me remember 1. he was brought low for our cause he was bruised for our iniquities our lifting up of our selves in the pride and rebellion of our hearts against God brought him low to suffer and satisfie the Divine Justice in our nature for us Should a Debter be ashamed of or despise his Cautioner brought low only by his suretyship for his debts and not for any of his own person 2. That thou may not be offended at his outward low condition look by the piercing eye of Faith into the inside of Jesus Christ in him the God-head dwels bodily Col. 2.9 His Humane Nature was like the vail that hid what was within the most holy place but draw aside the vail and by Faith behold in him the most holy One that Mercy-seat and Propitiatory in whom and by whom we get a gracious answer of peace from the Father Joh. 16.23 Verily verily I say unto you whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name he will give it you He is our propitiation 1 Joh. 2.2 By Faith look through the vail of the Humane Nature and behold in him the pot of heavenly Manna which descended not only from the clouds as that Manna in the wildernesse but from the third heaven to give life unto the world By Faith behold in him the rod of Aaron the high Priest ever blossoming for he is our great high Priest living for ever in the most holy place Heb. 7.24 and by the special assistance of the holy Ghost according to his promise Mat. 28.20 he maketh the preaching of the Gospel by his Ministers not only to blossom in a fair outward profession but also to be fruitful in the conversation of his people 3. Consider although our blessed Lord was born and lived in a low condition yet some glimpses of the glory of his Divine Nature did now and then at his own pleasure break through the vail of his Humane Nature although he was low in the place of his birth yet at the
same time he was attended by an heavenly host of Angels and was worshipped both by the wise men that came from the east and by the shepherds after he was tempted as a man in the wilderness yet the Angels ministered unto him as the Son of God after his sleeping as a man in the ship he rebuked the Sea and the Winds as the Son of God yea in his lowest condition upon the Cross he by the power of his God-head did shake the earth and raise the dead Vse 2. Meditate oft-times for thy comfort upon his lowing and humbling himself in his birth life and death look upon it as the greatest token of his love Jacobs service in so low a condition was a great token of his love to Rachel but the Prince of Glory even Jacobs Lord was in the form of a servant near-by thirty four years to espouse us who were by nature enemies to God Look upon his low condition and humiliation as a special mean to engage thy heart and affection to himself who took upon him thy nature to make thee partaker of the Divine Nature by a conformity to God in holiness in this life and in glory and happiness for ever in the other life Look upon his humiliation as thy pattern in thy behaviour to thy inferiours he condescended to us in our low estate therefore be not high-minded neither in a supercilious arrogancy stand upon your punctilio's but let the like mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus who humbled himself to do us good So should we after his example condescend to do good one to another Phil. 2.3 4 5. VERSE II. And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. FOr the better clearing these words we would answer three questions 1. Seing God gave him the Spirit not in measure Joh. 3.34 How is it that the graces of the Spirit bestowed upon him are here stinted and limited to the number of six 2. Seing he had these graces from all eternity being equal in understanding wisdom counsel might and knowledge with the Father how is the Spirit said to rest upon him in his Incarnation as if he had not been endowed with those graces before that time 3. What is meant by these several graces and gifts mentioned here I answer to the first The graces reckoned up here are such as were bestowed upon him as Man and Mediator in our nature at his Incarnation and were requisit for him in the Government of his Church and people although all other graces were habitually and eminently in him as humility meekness patience c. yet such graces are mentioned here as in a special manner qualified him for the actual discharge of the Mediatory-office as for that spoken of our blessed Lord Joh. 3.34 He received not the spirit by measure it is not to be understood simply as if the Humane Nature of Christ by way of transfusion had received an infinit measure of grace for a finit creature cannot receive such a measure seing every thing is received according to the measure and capacity of the receiver but it is spoken by way of comparison with all the intelligent creatures Angels or Men who received not such a measure of the graces of the Spirit as Christ did in his Humane Nature wherein he was anointed above his fellows Psal 45.7 Eph. 4.7 To the second Question I answer Our blessed Lord in respect of his Divine Nature was of infinit understanding wisdom counsel might and knowledge but these graces in a finit measure were communicat to the Humane Nature in the personal union thereof with the Divine Nature in his Incarnation but in a measure far above the capacity of Angels or Men because the nearer the creature is united to God the perfection of it is the greater therefore it is even so among believers in the Church here on earth some of them are more perfect then others because united to God by more of faith and love then others and in Heaven the Saints glorified are more perfect then the Saints militant on earth because they are united and near to God in the facial vision of God by full knowledge and perfect love Now of all creatures the Humane Nature of Christ was and is most perfect because united and nearest to the Divine Nature in a personal union To the third I answer We understand by the Spirit of understanding his large capacity in perceiving and up-taking what was incumbent for himself to do and suffer as our Mediator and also what the elect should do for attaining eternal life through him By the Spirit of wisdom we understand the gift of active prudence whereby he was enabled for doing and performing the duty which he understood was incumbent to him as our Mediator Psal 40.8 9 10. I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation I have not concealed thy loving kindness and thy truth from the great congregation By the Spirit of counsel we understand his ability to reveal the eternal counsel and purpose of the Father concerning the way of mans salvation Joh. 6.40 And this it the will of him that sent me that every one which seeth the Son and believeth on him may have everlasting life By the Spirit of might we understand that power and dominion over all creatures given to him as Mediator and Head of his Church Mat. 28.18 All power is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth An exceeding power of invincible grace toward the Elect in their effectual calling and conversion Eph. 1.19 and also a power and mighty force to subdue his obstinat and incorrigible enemies 1 Cor. 15.25 For he must reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet By the Spirit of knowledge we understand not only his certain and infallible knowledge of all things to be done and suffered by him for the salvation of lost man but also his knowledge and dexterity for instructing his Church in the truth and way of salvation As in the Breast-plate of the High Priest was Vrim and Thummim rendered by the 70. Interpreters 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Manifestation and Truth So our Lord knew the truth and had a transcendent gift of a convincing gravity and authority as also a perswasive clearness upon the spirits and hearts of his hearers Psal 45.2 Grace is poured into thy lips Mat. 7.28 29. And it came to pass when Jesus had ended these sayings the people were astonished at his doctrine For he taught them as one having authority and not as the Scribes Luk. 24.32 And they said one to another Did not our heart burn within us while he talked with us by the way and while he opened to us the Scriptures This knowledge infused into the Humane Nature of Christ was not an absolute Omniscience which is incommunicable to any
creature yea not to the Son of man Mark 13.32 This knowledge in the Humane Nature of Christ was intrinsecal communicat from the personal union for it is said He knew in himself to wit from the God-head dwelling in him personally Luk. 8.46 Joh. 6.61 but the knowledge of the Prophets and Apostles was extrinsecal by inspiration and extraordinary revelation By the spirit of the fear of the Lord we understand that heavenly grace of unspotted holiness and purity in his Humane Nature for such an High Priest became us who is holy harmless undefiled c. Heb. 7.26 therefore is he called by way of singularity and excellency 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that Holy Thing Luk. 1.35 The words being thus explained two things may be observed 1. The variety of the graces and gifts powred forth upon our Lord Jesus Christ for the good of his Church 2. The permanency and continuance of these graces and gifts in vigor and exercise it is said The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him Observ 1. Variety of graces and gifts were poured forth upon Jesus Christ our Head for the good of all the members of his mystical body the Church this is evident from this place as also from Joh. 1.14 16. He was full of grace and truth and of his fulness have we all received and grace for grace As the ointment poured forth upon the head of Aaron the High Priest did flow down to the skirts of his garment Psal 133.1 in like manner the vertue of the graces of the Spirit poured forth on Jesus Christ our great High Priest doth descend to the meanest member of his mystical body for sanctifying them throughout and for gladning their hearts with that oyl of gladness spoken of Psal 45.7 8. It is said Eph. 4.10 He asscended up far above all Heavens that he might fill all things It is true believers were filled in some measure with grace through him before his ascending into Heaven yet a greater measure of the Spirit was poured forth upon them after his ascension Acts 2.33 as the Sun after its rising fills the earth with light but the higher it ascends in its course the earth is filled with more of light so there is a greater measure of spiritual knowledge and grace in believers after the ascension of Christ then was before his birth or during the time of his abode upon the earth in the time of his humiliation Vse 1. Seing the Lord Jesus Christ received all these graces and gifts of the Spirit as Mediator for the good of his Church we should in all our wants and spiritual indigencies have our recourse by prayer to him that out of his fulness we might receive grace for grace It is a sure ground of our confidence and comfort that he received all these graces and gifts for our benefit therefore we should go to him as Children of the Family to the Stewart sealed and appointed by the Father who to their certain knowledge hath got provision both of grace and glory for all of the houshold of Faith and we may be assured he is faithful in all the House of God to give unto the children their Fathers allowance Joh. 6.27 Labour not for the meat which perisheth but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life which the son of man shall give unto you for him hath God the Father sealed Art thou dull in understanding and hath little or no sharpness of wit to understand and discern spiritual and supernatural truths no more then a blind man has sight to discern colours Go to the Lord Jesus Christ in whom was and is the spirit of understanding be thou humble under the sense of thy spiritual blindness and by prayer seek that eye-salve which is called the Vnction from the holy One 1 Joh. 2.20 and is called the Spirit of revelation Eph. 1.17 Seek it with a sincere purpose of heart to improve thy understanding of the truth revealed unto practice and doing what thou shalt understand to be Gods will and thy duty Go with confidence to the Lord Jesus Christ who is both able and willing to open thy understanding and to give a heavenly faculty to perceive and understand divine truths He not only taught the Disciples going to Emmaus by word of mouth but also opened their understandings Luke 24.44 And if thou have an honest purpose of heart to do revealed duties thy Lord will mak thee to understand and discern the truths that are necessary for the saving of thy soul Joh. 7.17 If any man will do his will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speak of my self Wouldst thou have spiritual wisdom and prudence for ordering thy conversation and doing of revealed duties Go to him upon whom was poured the spirit of wisdom by prayer seek it of him who gives liberally Jam. 1.4 Make conscience of frequent hearing and reading the Word of God which is the book of heavenly wisdom making men wise to salvation 2 Tim. 3.15 16. In difficulties and perplexities wherein thou knows no more what to do then Jehoshaphat did in a great strait 2 Chron. 20.12 go to him for counsel Prov. 8.14 Counsel is mine And here it is said The spirit of counsel was upon him He is called by way of excellency The Counseller Isai 9.6 He hath promised to give counsel to our hearts in times of greatest difficulties Luk. 21.15 and accordingly he did so to his faithful servants as to Stephen Act. 6.10 and to Paul Act. 23.6 In an hour of temptation from the power of thine own corruption from Satan and from the world go to the Lord Jesus Christ for obtaining might and power to resist and in end to overcome thy spiritual enemies thus did Paul in an hour of darkness and temptation 2 Cor. 12.9 remember the spirit of might was poured on him he is able to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him Go to him for strength and protection in times of great trials and persecutions keep fast the word of his patience that is his direction for carrying thy self in such a time humbly patiently and peaceably Rev 3.10 Go to him in a time of fainting that from him thou may get quickening and might to run the ways of his Commandments Because the spirit of might was poured forth upon the Captain of our Salvation to help forward poor willing souls now and then fainting in the way of their Christian race it is not enough in your regeneration at first to be quickened unto a new life but in respect of your faintings in the race and course of Sanctification ye have need of daily quickening and up-stirring to the duties of the new life Therefore it is that David a man according to Gods heart being already in the state of grace and partaker of the new life prayeth frequently for quickening unto duty Psal 119.25 37 88 107 159. and Psal 143.3 Wouldst thou have the knowledge and
joyned with an high estimation of Divine Truths more then men has of thousands of gold of honey and of spoil or plunder as was in David Then mayest thou be assured thou art partaker in some measure of that Spirit of knowledge that was poured forth and rested on Christ thine Head Ps 119.72 103 162. Thou art one of his sheep effectually called and elected to be set on his right hand for his sheep know his voice Joh. 10.4 If the Spirit of the fear of the Lord be in thine heart a fear with humble submission to the will of God both for doing and suffering his will Is 50.10 a fear joyned with hope and confidence on his mercy Ps 145.11 a fear joyned with reverence in his holy worship Ps 5.7 a fear joyned with zeal provoking others by word and good example to worship and fear the Lord Act. 10.2 3. Then mayest thou be assured thou art of the Spirit of Christ for the Spirit of the fear of the Lord rested on him there was in him a fear joyned with submission in the day of his sad affliction for he said not my will but thine be done there was in him a fear joyned with active and passive obedience Philip. 2.8 a fear joyned with confidence even in his greatest desertion and sad complaint my God my God c. a fear joyned with reverence in prayer Luk. 22.44 and a fear joyned with zeal provoking others to fear the mighty God above all things Mat. 10.28 Vse 3. Here is sure ground of unspeakable comfort to the Church and company of Believers against all their fears from the worldly wisdom and power of the enemies of the Kingdom of Christ there is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the Lord Pro. 21.30 The spirit of wisdom in him who is set over the house of God doth far surpass and over-reach all their wisdom falsly so called the enemies of the people of God said Let us deal wisely with them Exod. 1.10 but the Lord in the depth of his wisdom turned their cruel policy to the good and increase of his Church and People it was as the heavy weight unto the Palm-tree to raise them the higher and as the inundation of Nilus to make them the more fruitful in every good work there is no counsel against the Lord for he throughly sees the devices and plots even in the heart of the enemies Is 10.7 He is the stone with the seven eyes Zachar. 3.9 he can discover their secret designs as he did to his servant Elisha 2 King 6.12 He discovered the secret conspiracy against Paul Act. 23.16 The power of the wicked is finit and limited but his power being God is infinit and there is no proportion between finit and infinit He can limit their power and say as to the proud waves come no farther though he permit them to come to the neck yet they shall not drown them Is 8.8 Their Head the Lord Jesus Christ is now far above all the waters of affliction and persecution he can restrain their malice he cuts the horn of the wicked he breaks their teeth Ps 3.7 although they bark yet they bite not or if he permit them to bite yet their bite is not deadly like that of some mad dogs he can put a bridle in the jaws of Sennacherib he can defeat their counsels and contrivances as he did that of Achitophel turned it to folly and ruine to himself he did defeat and wonderfully disappoint the counsel of Haman against Mordecai according to that of Job 5.13 He taketh the wise in their own craftiness and the counsel of the froward is carried head-long and in his unsearchable wisdom he turns their malice to the praise of his great Name who is mighty to save his people maugre all opposition Ps 76.10 Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee There is no might nor power worldly that can overthrow the Church of Christ The gates of hell shall not prevail against it Mat. 16.18 Because it is built on him who is the Rock of Ages and is the strength of all who by faith are built on him they are kept by the Father Joh. 10.29 and by the power of God through saith 1 Pet. 1.5 The Church and company of Believers is compared to a strong City fortified with strong Walls and with a deep and broad Ditch Isa 26.1 Isa 33.21 because the mighty Lord is in the midst of them It is true the Lord doth not alwayes shew his might in holding off the trouble from them yet he makes manifest his might and power in upholding them under troubles and in strengthning them to patience and long-suffering with joyfulness they are cast down but not destroyed persecuted but not forsaken perplexed but not in despair 2 Cor. 4.9 Psal 46.5 He that dwells in the bush though he suffer fire to enter into it yet he keeps it from being consumed because he strengthens his own children to bear afflictions Isa 41.10 Fear thou not for I am with thee be not dismayed for I am thy God I will strengthen thee yea I will help thee yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness Likeas a Physician holding his Patient by the hand doth encourage him under the present pain and throws from a bitter potion by confirming him in the hope of better health thereafter Joh. 16.20 2 Cor. 4.17 Sometimes he comforts them with a sense of his love shed abroad in their hearts by the Holy Ghost which as a cordial doth preserve and revive them that they faint not altogether in times of great trouble 2 Cor. 1.3 4. As a tender father speaketh more kindly to his sick child then he was wont to do formerly in time of his better health so the Lord speaketh comfort to them by his Spirit according to the word of promise when they are in a desolate condition like unto a wilderness wherein they have none or few to speak a word of comfort unto them Hos 2.14 Stephen the Martyr had never such a manifestation of Gods gracious presence as in the day of his greatest affliction and persecution Acts 7.56 And the young Confessor Theodorus as testifies Eusebius felt never more sweetness then in the time he was upon the rack Consider the merciful Lord moderats their afflictions in the specie or kind in not sending alwayes his sorest plagues Sometimes in the number he lays not on all his rods he stayeth his rough wind in the day of the east-wind Isa 27.8 Sometimes in the degree and measure in not afflicting them in extremity The Lord hath chastised me sore saith David but he hath not given me over to death Psal 118.18 And he moderats the afflictions in respect of the time and endurance Psal 125.3 The rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity The Lord by the spirit of wisdom and power turns all their afflictions in end
for their spiritual advantage By this shall the iniquity of Jacob be purged and this is all the fruit to take away his sin Isa 27.9 Dan. 12.10 They shall be made white c. And many times he orders their afflictions to the good of others who are confirmed in the way of truth and righteousness from the example of their patience in suffering for the truth Phil. 1.12 The dispersing of some Christians in that persecution against Stephen was in the wisdom and power of God ordered for the in gathering of many people in Samaria unto the Christian faith Acts 8. Observ 2. As the gifts and graces of the Spirit were poured forth upon Christ in great variety so they were permanent and abiding in him without any change and without remitting of their vigour and exercise upon all occasions the Spirit of the Lord shall rest on him The Spirit which descended from Heaven like a Dove did abide upon him Joh. 1.32 The extraordinary gift of revealing things secret by the light of Prophesie was not at all times permanent in the Prophets 2 King 4.27 As light within the house occasioned by lightning in the air is transient and not permanent so neither was the gift of miracles or healing the sick alwayes permanent in our Lords Disciples Mark 9.18 Yea Paul left his beloved Trophimus sick at Miletum 2 Tim. 4.20 But our blessed Lord healed all whom and when he pleased It is true the sanctifying graces in the Elect are alwayes permanent Joh. 4.14 1 Joh. 3.9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God They are permanent in respect of the root of the seed and of the habit but not in respect of the fruit and exercise but the graces of Christ were ever flourishing and fruitful Graces in the godly have decays and changes even Abraham the father of the faithful had a fit of diffidence when in his fear he dissembled twice to wit in Gerar and in Egypt but our blessed Lord his confidence was permanent in the hour of temptation for he witnessed a good confession even to the last before Pontius Pilat Moses was a meek man yet was surprised with a fit of bitterness at Meribah but our blessed Lord was meek at all times for his scourging out the profaners of the Temple Joh. 2. was not a fit of passion and perturbation but an heroick act of holy zeal proceeding from judgement and deliberation because it was written His Fathers house should be the house of prayer The habits of grace in Christ were full and perfect whereas it is said Luke 2.52 He increased in wisdom We grant he increast in wisdom and in knowledge experimental he learned obedience by the things which he suffered Heb. 5.8 as a Physician who hath an habitual gift of healing such and such a disease may grow in his experience although his knowledge of healing groweth not in the habit It is a growth extensive in respect of divers objects toward which it is extended but it is not intensive in respect of the habit it self The graces of Christ were permanent in their fulness and not more remiss at one time and more intense at another because the absolute fulness of grace in his Humane Nature so far as it could be capable being a sequel of the personal union did exclude all intensive growth It is true there were different degrees in the manifestations and expressions of his graces at one time more than at another Christ his dying for us was an higher expression of his love to lost man than was his suffering of poverty hunger c. yet all the expressions of his love to the elect did proceed from love in his heart equally intense at all times More of his patience was manifested in his agony and bloody sweat than in his suffering of reproaches and buffettings His love and devotion toward God was full at all times and did not admit of degrees whereas it is said Luke 22.44 he prayed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 more earnestly and therefore it might appear he was more servent in his devotion and religious affection at one time than at another I answer 1. Some render it prolixius he prayed longer which did proceed from a deeper impression of his sufferings upon his spirit but his love and devotion toward God was still equally intense in his soul For even in godly men short ejaculations at one time and prayers longer at another time may proceed from devotion in the heart equal at both times 2. Though he prayed more earnestly yet this earnestness was not in respect of his devotion toward God unto whom he prayed whom Christ as man loved fully and perfectly at all times but this greater earnestness was in respect of the great and inexpressible sufferings against which he prayed being in an agony and under the sense of greater inward pains than any he had felt formerly This manner of expression will not infer any intenseness of his devotion and love to God but only that there was an intenseness of pain and agony in his spirit from what he suffered and against which he prayed yet alwayes with submission to the will of the Father Vse In all our intermittings of the exercise of grace or in the remittings of degrees in gracious actings we should go to Christ on whom the Spirit rested as in time of drought when waters fail we go to the fountain because the dearest children of God are subject to decay of grace in respect of degrees and to intermission in the exercise of grace through their own sluggishness in prayer they have sometime a great freedom and out-flowing of the Spirit Job 32.13 At another time they are so bound up and overwhelmed with griefs and fears that they cannot speak to God Ps 77.4 At one time their faith and confidence is very strong Ps 27.10 but at another time very weak Ps 31.22 At one time they have a soft heart and abundance of tears Ps 6.7 but at another time their heart like Nabal is dead and stupid and their eyes are dry as was in David for some time till the Prophet Nathan did awake him At one time they have great joy and comfort Ps 23.4 but at another time especially after relapses into sins against the light of their own conscience they have much heaviness and suppression of spirit Ps 51.8 At one time they have great zeal as David dancing before the Ark and at another time they are much damped and disheartned in the course of Godliness by reason of some cross dispensation in their course as David was in bringing up the Ark when he saw the breach made upon Vzza 2 Sam. 6.8 9. Quest What is the cause of such intermiting and remitting of the exercise and degrees of grace in the godly Ans The causes are especially 1. Pride and conceit of our own ability to improve the habit and stock of grace
grace are more hardened by the Word of God through the fault of their own natural perverseness and corruption bending them the more against sins forbidden in the Word and Law of God Rom. 7.8 But sin taking occasion by the commandment wrought in me all manner of concupiscence 2. If wicked men continue obstinat in their evil wayes they shall be destroyed in the great day according to the threatnings of the Word Ps 7.12 13. Ps 9.17 Rom. 2.16 Vse For admonition Therefore let us not be obstinat in any sinful course but obey in time that warning 2 Chron. 30.8 Be not stiff-necked but yield your selves unto the Lord and serve the Lord your God that the fierceness of his wrath may turn away from you Quest What call ye obstinacy in sin that I may know whether my sin be of infirmity or obstinacy Ans 1. The obstinat man is one who goeth on in his sinful course notwithstanding frequent reproofs of the Word of God spoken by the Ministers thereof and secret challenges from his own conscience such was the obstinacy of some Jews Jer. 44.16 17. As for the word which thou hast spoken unto us in the name of the Lord we will not hearken unto thee but we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth c. The obstinat man being reproved speaketh or in heart resolveth that he will act the evil deed over again Jer. 2.25 I have loved strangers and after them will I go Such obstinacy provokes God in his justice to give a man over unto himself Ps 81.13 and when God gives him over Satan finds such a man and drives him on in his sinful course as he did the swine into the lake of perdition 2. He is an obstinat man who notwithstanding God has met with him by some sad judgement in his evil way whereof he is convinced in conscience yet goes on in it as Balaam did toward Balak with whom in end he perished such an obstinat wicked man was Ahaz who in the time of his great distress did trespass yet more and more against the Lord 2 Chron. 28.22 This obstinacy is a fearful sin and presagious of a sad ensuing judgement Prov. 29.1 He that being often reproved hardneth his neck shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy 3. When a man hardens himself against the frequent challenges and reproofs of his own conscience he provokes God to give him over unto a mind past feeling to commit sin with greediness Therefore despise thou not such warnings for if our heart condemn us God is greater then our heart and knoweth all things 1 Joh. 3.20 It is meet for us under such challenges to say unto God as Job 34.32 That which I see not teach thou me if I have done iniquity I will do no more VERSE V. And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins and faithfulness the girdle of his reins IN these words is set down that great and necessary qualification required for right governing of people to wit righteousness and faithfulness this breeds and entertains great respect and confidence in the hearts of the Subjects toward their Governour The righteousness and faithfulness of Christ in governing his Church and people is evident especially in these four 1. His veracity and faithfulness in all his assertions for he is the faithful witness Rev. 1.5 and a faithful witness will not lye Prov. 14.5 2. His diligence in doing faithfully whatsoever was commanded him of God it is said Heb. 3.2 Moses was faithful in all the house of God making all things according to the pattern shown in the mount In like manner our blessed Lord was diligent and faithful in doing all things for the good of his Church according to the eternal counsel and decree of the Father Joh. 17.26 And I have declared unto them thy Name and will declare it 3. His carefulness in keeping all these who by saith and well-doing commit their souls to him Jacob was faithful and careful in keeping the sheep of Laban Our blessed Lord the great shepherd of our souls keepeth all his sheep who hear his voice and follow him by obedience Joh. 6.40 Joh. 10 27 28. 4. It comprehends also the righteousness and faithfulness in keeping and performing lawful promises Rahab was righteous and faithful in performing her promise made unto the spies our blessed Lord is righteous and faithful in performing all his promises in his own due time Heb. 10.23 1 Joh. 1 9. By the girdle of his loins and reins we understand 1. The delight which Christ hath in his faithfulness he looks upon his own faithfulness as a special point of his honour and glory as the golden and embroidered girdle was an ornament of Kings Job 12.18 2. His readiness and forwardness to perform all his promises as one girded and prepared for his journey therefore he is said to wait that he may be gracious Isa 30 18. and to stand at the door ready to enter in when it is opened Rev. 3.20 3. It signifieth the firmness and immutability of his promises his faithfulness cleaveth fast to him as a girdle to the loins or reins not like Ezekiel his girdle that by time was marred and spoiled but all the promises in Christ are yea and Amen 2 Cor. 1.20 Conclus 1. Seing our blessed Lord is righteous and faithful in all his assertions though some of them may seem strange and incredible to sense and humane reason not yet purified and elevated by the light of saith it is our duty to captivat sense and humane reason unto all his assertions 2 Cor. 10.4 5 as to believe the unity of his essence with the Father because he who is the faithful witness hath asserted it Joh. 10.31 I and my Father are one To believe his eternal existence before all time even his personal pre-existence with the Father before his coming forth in his Incarnation and assuming of the Humane Nature because he himself who is the truth hath asserted it Pro. 8.30 I was by him as one brought up with him He was co-eternal with the Father and yet in the fulness of time came forth from the Father into this inferiour world to take on him the vail of flesh and thereby consecrat an entry for us into the most holy place Joh. 16.28 I came forth from the Father and am come into the world Heb. 10.19 20. It is our duty to believe his individual operation with the Father in the works of Creation and Providence not as a cause social with the Father but as one prime cause with him because he himself who is righteous and faithful hath asserted it Joh. 5.17 19 20. My Father worketh hitherto and I work c. To believe the resurrection of the dead upon his own testimony full of veracity Joh. 5.28 The hour is coming in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth But we are not too curiously to enquire about the
his own good time can easily recompense all our temporal losses even in this world if it seem good in his eyes Is 61.7 For your shame you shall have double and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion therefore in their land they shall possess the double But certainly in that day of restoring all things all losses shall be recompenced though not in specie yet in value exceeding them very far therefore reckon with thy self that all the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us Rom. 8.18 Object 4. The faithful Lord hath promised to deliver out of temptation 1 Cor. 10.13 yet I am daily infested with sinful thoughts and sometime brought into bondage with my own consent Ans Yet it is the better that such thoughts are a grief to thy spirit as Hagar was to Sarah be of good courage the Lord in his own good time will cast out the bond-woman and her child even thy in-dwelling corruption and all the off-spring of it reverence the wisdom of God in suffering thy soul to be molested with these incursions and bickerings of that impure spirit he permits it that the grace of humility and prayer m●y be the more exercised by thee all the Canaanites were not driven out of the land of Canaan by the wise providence of God permitting and ordering it for good that the wilde beasts should not multiply in the land So the Lord in his wisdom permits the in-dwelling and stirrings of corruption within thy soul to preveen the encrease of pride and to keep thee humble and watchful and to stir thee up unto daily prayer for encrease of strength in the inner man Therefore give it not over but resist daily trusting to that promise Rom. 16.20 The God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly Thou art engaged into a good cause to fight against thy lusts although through the wiles of Satan at a time thou mayest be brought into bondage yet despair not of victory in end mourn as Peter did after his denyal in the high Priests Hall and if thou mournest bitterly for thy bondage it is not altogether voluntary when thou mourns for it there is some resistance to it from grace in thy will and he that gives grace to resist shall give victory in end Rom. 7.24 25. O wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. The father of the possessed child brought his son who had been infested and molested from his childhood and when the child was a-coming to Christ the unclean spirit did vex him and rent him but he went forward to our blessed Lord who charged that soul spirit to come out of him and enter no more into him Mark 9.17 c. So it may be thou art never more infested than when thou hast a resolution to go to Christ and walk after his Commandments yet rise up by repentance and resolution of new obedience who knows but thy mighty Lord will rebuke that unclean motion and say as he did to that unclean spirit I charge thee to come out of him and enter no more into him Object 5. But in the mean time my soul faints within me under great afflictions and desertions because there is neither appearance of comfort nor out-gate Answ As faithfulness cleaveth to his loins as a girdle so let faith in thine heart cleave to him and his promises for as the lungs like bellows do cool and refresh the heart that it faint not through much heat and labour so faith breathing the faithful and gracious promises of God into the fainting soul doth revive the same Psal 27.14 Psal 42.5 Psal 119.81 When the Mariners in the Ship with Paul Acts 27. saw no light outward for directing their course they did cast out their Anchors and waited for the day so when thou who fears the Lord walkest in darkness and hath no light trust in the Name of thy faithful Lord and stay thy self upon thy God Isai 50.10 Remember for thy encouragement thy blessed Lord is faithful and compassionat Mat. 15.32 he had pity on the multitude who had continued with him three days without any bodily refreshment and would not send them away fasting lest they should faint in the way much more thy Lord full of compassion will not suffer a poor humble soul that hath been waiting on him by sincere obedience and for him by a lively hope purifying the heart and thirsting more and more for righteousness to depart out of this life without some refreshment in the inner man but as he did to that old expectant Simeon Luk. 2. he will give him Christ his Saviour into the arms of his faith that he may depart in peace in the hope of salvation VERSE VI. The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together and a little child shall lead them FRom this vers to the 10. is set down the great and admirable effects of Christs powerful government by his Spirit and Word to wit a strange change and metamorphosis of persons who before the light of the glorious Gospel did shine in their hearts were of a sensual and brutish disposition and of a wild and savage conversation who were rebellious against God and had an antipathy one against another who were like Wolves in oppression like Leopards and young Lions in fierceness like the Asp and Cockatrice in bitterness of spirit and venomousness in conversation but these after their conversion by the light of the Gospel shall live in obedience and peace with God and in concord with others who before them were in a state of grace The wolf shall dwell with the Lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid and the calf and the young lion c. that is they shall be so daunted by the power of grace with the Gospel that they shall live in a sweet communion and fellowship with these who were in Christ before them and also with these who sometimes were also bitter and malicious enemies to the godly even such as had been like Asps and Cockatrices shall be converted and made partakers of the meek and lowly Spirit of Christ The cause of all this change will be the light of the glorious Gospel as it is said in the end of vers 9. For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea As at the Sun-rising the wild beasts do return to their dens and caves so the light of the Gospel in such as are effectually called according to the eternal purpose of God will make their wild and beastly affections to hide themselves for shame and they shall have no pleasure in the unfruitful works of darkness and they shall cast away all their idol-lusts Isai 31.6 7. Hos 14.8 Observ
the company of the ungodly Psal 26.4 Psal 101.7 The holy Evangelist John would not go into the same Bathe where were the blasphemous Hereticks Ebion and Cerinthus but contrariwise it was their custom to frequent and delight in the company of such as feared God Psal 16.2 Psal 119.63 Act. 9.19 Then was Saul to wit after his conversion certain days with the Disciples which were at Damascus Quest 1. Is it unlawful in any case to keep communion and company with wicked men Ans 1. It is not simply and altogether unlawful for then must we needs go out of the world 1 Cor. 5.10 A natural communion with them in things necessary for this present life is very lawful Abraham and Isaac went to Gerar and Egypt in time of famine and our blessed Lord sent to Sihar a village of the Samaritans for bread 2. A civil communion in things necessary for our well-being is also lawful as commerce and trading with wicked men thus Solomon 1 King 9.26 did keep a communion and commerce of trade with the Heathens of the Eastern India Likewise a communion and association in war for defence and self preservation or for the recovery of things unlawfully taken by usurpers and oppressours is very lawful for the Magistrate and Ruler of the people Abraham joyned in confederacy with Aner Eshcol and Mamre though Canaanites for the rescuing of Lot Gen. 14. It is lawful also for the preserving of the publick peace and their own privat peace Isaac made a Covenant of peace with that Heathen King Abimelech Gen. 26.31 And Nehemiah sought a Pass for safe conduct and protection from Artaxerxes Neh. 2.7 Providing alwayes such confederacies be without any condition prejudicial to Religion or to common honesty It must not be on such like conditions as were these whereupon peace was offered to Israel by Nahash the Ammonite 1 Sam. 11.2 3. There is a lawful outward Church-communion with wicked men in the outward ordinances as in hearing the Word praying praising and receiving the Sacrament Ishmael was circumcised as well as Isaac and Simon Magus was baptized as others also were in Samaria We may not separat from the Church because possibly through the negligence of the Spiritual Rulers profane and scandalous persons are admitted to the holy Sacrament The Angel of Pergamos and Thyatira is reproved for tolerating vile and scandalous persons notwithstanding the people of these Churches are not required to separat from the Church Rev. 2. Cyprian Lib. 3. Epist 3. Although saith he there seem to be tares in the Church yet thou must not separat from it but labour by all means that thou thy self may be good grain August Epist 48. to Vincent Good men saith he are not to be forsaken for evil mens sake but evil men are to be tolerat for good mens sake And this he proveth 1. From the example of the Prophets who spake much against the people of Israel and yet did communicat with them in the holy Ordinances 2. From the example of Christ whō did tolerat Judas 3. From the example of holy Cyprian who did tolerat the covetousness of his Colleagues and yet not forsake communion with them in the sacred Ordinances Such toleration is not an approbation of these whom they tolerat it is simply unvoluntar as the toleration of the tares Mat. 13. but voluntar only in respect of a care to preserve the wheat Thus David for preserving the publick peace did tolerat the sons of Zerviah but did not approve them in their head-strong courses It is true we must have no communion with wicked men and workers of iniquity as such in their evil works Eph. 5.11 Though we should not have communion even with the godly in their sinful infirmities yet we must not for these break off fellowship with them Gal. 6.1 And we should follow them and their example in all things wherein they are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 11.1 Quest 2. Wherein stands our spiritual Church-communion with the godly Ans It stands 1. in our partaking the same outward holy Ordinances Heb. 10.24 25. Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works not forsaking the assembling of our selves together 2. In having the same common priviledges as one heavenly Father one Head one Spirit renewing them one common inheritance purchased and reserved in Heaven for them for which cause all believers are said to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 kinsmen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of one mystical body 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fellow-heirs Eph. 2. 3. In mutual Christian-duties as in loving one another Gal. 5.13 Eph. 4.2 Forbearing one another in love not breaking fellowship for infirmities Paul reproved Peter to his face boldly but did not break off Christian communion with him Gal. 2.14 Cornelius and Cyprian lived in Christian fellowship and communion all the days of their life notwithstanding some difference in judgement The spiritual duties of Christian love for mutual edification we have set down 1 Thes 5.11 14. 4. In a sympathy and fellow-feeling 1 Cor. 12.26 As in the natural body there is a sympathy between the brain and the sinews between the stomack and the reins so there is a mutual sympathy between the members of the mystical body of Jesus Christ they will be pained at the heart with godly sorrow for the failings of one another 2 Cor. 11.29 Who is weak and I am not weak Who is offended and I burn not They will rejoice in the spiritual good of one another Joh. Epist 3.4 There will be a sympathy of sorrow in their outward calamities by condoling one with another 1 Pet. 3.8 A rejoycing and congratulation in outward prosperity Phil 2.27 28. 5. In a mutual supply of spiritual wants and defects 1 Pet. 4 10. As every man hath received the gift even so minister the same one to another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God He that hath more of zeal will stir up another that hath more of knowledge but less of zeal and he that hath more of knowledge and prudence will advise another that hath more of zeal but less of knowledge and prudence Likewise there will be according to their abilities a supply in bodily wants 2 Cor. 8.14 as was seen in godly Cornelius Acts 9.10 otherwise there is not any sincere love of God notwithstanding any great show in profession 1 Joh. 3.17 But whoso hath this worlds good and seeth his brother have need and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him how dwelleth the love of God in him Vse 1. For admonition as ye would show your selves true converts bewar of intimat and frequent fellowship with profane and ungodly men 1. Because evil company corrupts good manners 1 Cor. 15.33 Joseph learned in the Court of Egypt to swear by the life of Pharaoh It is said Prov. 22.24 25. With a furious man thou shalt not go lest thou learn his ways and get a snare to thy soul As contagion
together it groweth up in sanctification and becometh an holy Temple to the Lord wherein he delights to dwell but division and discord in the Church is both unpleasant and unprofitable Contention and division amongst the rowers in the ship and vain presumption in the passengers to take the oars into their own hands greatly hinders the progress of the Ship in her way What is the cause the Gospel was spred so far in the Apostl's time in one age only their sound went through all the world Rom. 10.18 and the Christian Church was wonderfully enlarged The reason is they were then of one mind and heart and the spiritual Guides had nothing so much before their eyes as the glory of God that he might be known in his rich mercy and grace and in the conversion of sinners that they may be saved they sought not themselves nor their own glory and pomp in the world but the glory of Christ their Lord and Master they were of one heart and rowed one to anothers hand they did not strive one against another in a bitter emulation but did strive together one with another in a godly emulation for furthering the Gospel It is true even in the Apostles times there was division in the Church of Corinth 1 Cor. 1.12 but Paul and Cephas were no ways the the Authors or Abettors of these divisions they did not foment them by their own contentions or by bitter emulation and popular ambition Paul sharply reproved it 1 Cor. 1.13 and condemned it as a course not of spiritual but rather of meer natural and carnal men 1 Cor. 3.4 5. And Peter requires them 1 Pet. 2.1 2. to lay aside all prejudice and to drink-in the sincere milk of the Word like new born babes who look more to the breast than to the face of the Nurse Division and discord in a Church hath many times proven as St. Jerom observed in the Donatists the occasion of errour and pernicious heresie which eats like a canker when the stones are divided one from another in the building then the rain getteth place and though not perceived at first yet in end undermyneth the wall consumeth the timber and in end bringeth ruine a small lake in the ship at first through the joyntours of the boords if not timously and carefully stopped doth drown the ship and also the passengers Division in Churches one from another doth entertain heresie and the Authors thereof What was the cause that great Heretick Marcion whom Tertullian calleth murem ponticum the rat that did rent and consume the Church of Pontus was received and kindly entertained in the Church of Rome after he had been excommunicate by his own father The cause thereof was that division between the Roman and African Church for Rome would have appeales to be made unto them from beyond the Sea this was the cause the Hereticks fleeing from the Eastern Church got shelter in the Western that by so doing they might maintain their pretended priviledge to revise and recognosce all causes Ecelesiastical What was the cause those who fled from the Western Church were countenanced and welcomed in the Eastern Was it not their division from the Western Church and their bitter emulation that thereby they might maintain their emulation of supremacy which ambition both in the Western and Eastern Churches proceeded from the pride of some chief Church Rulers both in the one and other Church In the Eastern Church It is true some godly and learned men have given and sometimes do give connivance to errour and heresie not out of any evil intention but out of their excess of moderation and charitable inclination being deceived by the insinuations of subtile Hereticks and Shismaticks but such connivance proved oft-times very unprofitable yea exceeding harmful unto the Christian Church because those dissembling Hereticks who seemed at first to be officious followers and flatterers of those good men afterward when these godly men that did tolerate them were gathered to their Fathers these deceivers began openly to vent and violently to press upon others their opinions as doctrins and matters of Faith which formerly they had desired to be in charity tolerated as privat opinions therefore we would beware of the beginnings of division Schism and all bitter emulation for if ye bite and devour one another take heed that ye be not consumed one of another Gal. 5.15 Let us remember and consider for our up-stirring to live in peace and concord one with another 1. Our God is called the God of peace our Redeemer the Prince of peace the Holy Ghost the Spirit of peace and of spiritual Communion and the more peaceable we are we become the liker to our heavenly Father to our elder Brother and to the Holy Ghost the Comforter 2. We are all members of one mystical body How unnatural a thing is it for one member of the same body to bear another Ephraim against Manasses and Manasses against Ephraim it is called an eating of their own arm Is 9.20 Such contention and division is like two sandy-stones grateing one upon the other till they be crumbled into nothing this fury and madness is a great grief of heart to the godly and sober-minded and a matter of rejoicing to the common adversaries of the truth thereby they think to spoil us of the truth and they cry out as Moab did against Israel 2 King 3.23 They have smitten one another now therefore Moab to the spoil 3. Consider often and seriously peaceable mindedness is an individual companion of true Religion Jam. 3.17 The wisdom that is from above is first pure then peaceable gentle and easie to be intreated Let us labour for christian moderation in our Opinions and Disputes and decline extremities Basil the great said truly that divers men 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 through an immoderat desire of opposing and counterpoising the opinoins and assertions of others are oft-times drawn away from the golden midst and afterward cannot retire although possibly they would for fear to offend their party whose opinion they have once espoused Let us beware of that too simple credulity to tatlers and whisperers who make it their business to separate chief friends but as Solomon saith Prov. 25.23 The north wind driveth away rain so doth an angry countenance a backbiting tongue And above all let us pray to God for much of the Spirit of Christ for he was of a meek and lowly Spirit that he would build the walls of Jerusalem and that peace may be within her walls and prosperity within her palaces Ps 51.18 Ps 122.6 7. VERSE IX For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea IN these words is set down the instrumental cause and ordinar mean of this great conversion and change in their disposition and conversation to wit the abounding and large knowledge they shall have by the preaching of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ whereby life and immortality shall
for evermore at his right hand Psa 16.11 But thou who has not yet attained to that rest and quietness from full assurance of faith rest thou by the faith of adherence and hope be not so unwise as to refuse to rest o● the promise because thou cannot reach to that full assurance consider thy adhering to the promise is a step appointed of God for thy ascending unto the assurance Were it not a childish folly for one to say I will not go up to an high room because at first I cannot step up to the upmost degree and step that leadeth into it Bless thou God for his gracious and faithfull promises made to the weary sinner Consider well that the life of faith is before spiritual sense and full assurance I say to thee as Philip said unto his brother Nathanael Joh. 6. Come and see Come by saith to the promise and thou shalt see thou shalt get some assurance less or more of thy remission and reconciliation with God in Jesus Christ before thou depart out of this life 3. The third thing affirmed by our blessed Lord of himsef is I am the life 1. He is life in himself Joh. 5.26 As the Father hath life in himself so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself The Son hath it communicate from the Father as the fountain of the Deity but he hath it not from the Father as the cause for the cause in order of nature is before the effect but the blessed Son is coeternal with the Father in nature and essence He hath life in himself from all eternity Psal 102.24 Thy years O my God are from generation to generation Which words are applied to our blessed Lord Heb. 1.10 11 12. and Rev. 1.8 He is call●d Alpha and Omega the beginning of all things and the end to which all things are referred and ordained equally as to the Father the primitive Christians for testifying their Faith concerning the Deity of the Son of God as also for testifying their detestation of the Arian Heresie denying his Deity did at their dying direct their friends to cause these two letters Α. Ω. to be ingraven upon their Tombs 2 He is the Life in relation to all creatures living a natural life he is called 1 Joh. 1.1 2. The word of life because he giveth life to all and not only giveth it but also conserveth their being and kind of being Heb. 1.3 He upholdeth all things by the word of his power that is by his active power in the course of providence manifesting his will and purpose for the preservation of their being as a Kings word of command signifieth what is his will This giving of life and conserving of life in the Creatures for all things consist by him Col. 1.17 proveth clearly our blessed Lord to be truely God for he that giveth life is truely God and therefore God is called frequently the living God because he liveth in himself and of himself and also giveth life to all things living which even the very Heathens from the light of nature acknowledged as the Apostle Act. 17.18 proveth out of their own Poet Aratus to convince them of their Idolatry in worshiping Idols that had no life It is God alone who preserveth and continueth the Creature in its being and operations Psal 36.6 Thou preserveth man and beast Job 7.20 O thou preserver of men and from the conservation of all things in the course of providence our blessed Lord proveth the truth of his Deity and equality in essence and power with the Father Joh. 5.17 Hitherto the Father worketh and I work Therefore we should acknowledge by the homage of honour and obedience our blessed Lord who is the author and preserver of our natural life as the Sun giveth light to the Air and by his shining continueth the same so our blessed Lord giveth life and by a continued influence of his active power doth continue our life when the Sun withdraws his influence of light there is nothing but darkness in the Air so when the Lord of life withdraws his hand of power the Creature liveth no longer Psal 104.28 29. Thou openest thine hand they are filled with good thou hidest thy face they are troubled they decay and perish Mans life is but a vapour it is in his nostrils thou cannot tell when thou breathest out the air if thou shalt take it in again how soon is our life gone if the God of our life should stop and obstruct the common conduits of life in the body or if for any long time he should obstruct the common Cyres that serve for purging the body think not thou that meat or drink only holds in thy life it is the Lord of life that doth it by blessing and impowering these means when he taketh away his powerful blessing thou may eat and yet not be satisfied Mic. 6.14 Hag. 1.6 Ye eat but ye have not enough ye drink but ye are not filled with drink ye cloath but there is none warm 3. He is the Life because he is the Author and Preserver of our spiritual life our life of justification and absolution from eternal death and damnation is from him Rom. 3.24 We are justified freely by his grace through the Redemption that is in Jesus Christ Our life of Sanctification whereby we are recovered in part from that deadly sickness of sin that we pine not away in our iniquities is by Christ 1 Pet. 2.24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sin should live unto righteousness And he is the Perfecter of the life of grace by the life of glory Joh. 14.19 Because I live ye shall live with me We live in him by faith we live to him by new obedience and we shall live with him in glory Col. 3.3 4. Our life is hid with Christ in God when Christ who is our life shall appear then shall ye also appear with him in glory Seing spiritual and eternal life is only to be gotten in Christ it is our duty and happiness to seek our life in him 1. Because except we be in him by faith we are dead and damned creatures 2. If thou come to him for life thou may be confident to obtain it for it is his great regrate that the Jews would not come to him by faith that they might have life Joh. 5.40 3. His willingness to give life unto penitent and believing sinners is evident from his solemn protestation Ezek. 33.11 As I live saith the Lord God I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his way and live turn ye turn ye from your evil wayes for why will ye die O house of Israel It is evident from the Sons errand in coming into the world Joh. 12 47. I came not to judge the world but to save the world It is evident from his faithful promise Isa 55.3 Incline your ear and come unto
me hear and your soul shall live Joh. 6 51 I am the living bread which came down from Heaven if any man eat of this bread he shall live for ever When thou has be●n made partaker of the life of grace from Christ labour to preserve that life for he that is born of God keepeth himself 1 Joh. 5.18 Preserve the life of grace 1. By frequenting the Ordinances of Word and Sacraments for as by these means the Lord begets this new life in us so by the same means he preserves it in us 1 Pet. 2.1 2. As new born babes desire the sincere milk of the Word that ye may grow thereby As children who forsake their meat do decay daily so Christians who loath or neglect the Sacred Ordinances do decay in respect of the vigour of grace 2. Frequent good company as a good and wholsome air is very profitable for preserving life and health natural so good and gracious company is very profitable by their wholsome conference and admonitions to preserve the spiritual life of grace Prov. 27.17 Iron sharpeneth iron so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend But evil and ungodly company is like evil weeds that hinder the growth of good herbs they by their evil example and their mocking the work of Gods grace in others do discourage them and sometimes abate the vigour of the life of grace in them 3. Daily exercise is a mean to preserve natural life and health in some vigour because through want of exercise the body becometh lazy and the life less active so daily exercising of our selves to keep a good conscience void of offence toward God and men is a notable mean to preserve the life of grace in some vigour as Paul did Acts 24.16 4. When at any time thou perceivest a beginning of fainting in the life of grace then at the first go by prayer to Christ who is the life and wrought life in thee by his Spirit pray to him that according to the promise Isai 40.29 he would give power to thee who faintest and that he would increase strength It was the wisdom of the Shunamite to come unto Elisha that he might restore life to her child who had gotten life at first by the help of his prayers so it is the wisdom of believers when in their sense they seem to be dead and deprived of the life of grace that sometime they had at such a time to go to Christ and by prayer and faith to wrestle with him that he may come by his Spirit and revive their fainting soul It is their wisdom to do as Peter did Mat. 14.30 31. who beginning to sink immediatly he cried saying Lord save me and immediatly Jesus stretched forth his hand and saved him so although the Lord may suffer thee to sink and fail in spirit that thou may see and be humbled with the sight of thine own weakness yet if thou run to him by prayer he will not suffer thee to drown but will stretch forth his hand of power and revive thee and renew the vigour of thy faith that thou may praise him who is the Author the Preserver and the Perfecter of the life of grace in his Saints To him with the Father and the Holy Ghost be immortal praise honour and glory for now and ever Amen The Attractive Power of the Death and Cross of Christ SERMOM II. JOHN 12.32 And I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me OUr blessed Lord in the vers preceeding has spoken of his victory over Satan of casting him out of his spiritual possession of the elect and of their delivery from his power and bondage In this vers he speaketh of the procuring cause of their delivery to wit his own death on the Cross and also of the powerful and efficacious application of the vertue of his death by giving faith to the elect to believe in him and draw their hearts toward him Divis In the words we have these two things 1. The manner of our Lord his death And I if I be lifted up from the earth 2. The vertue and efficacy of his death I will draw all men unto me Whereas it is said If I be lifted up the meaning is when I shall be lifted up for the particle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 here is taken for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 when as it is taken also 1 Joh. 3.2 But we know that when he shall appear 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 As for the manner of his death If I be lifted up from the earth There was a twofold lifting up of Christ one from the earth unto the Cross whereto his body was nailed at his death whereof here and Joh. 3.14 There was another lifting up after his death unto the Throne of glory in Heaven Acts 5.31 Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour for to give repentance to Israel and forgivenness of sins By his lifting up upon the Cross and the merit of his death he procured the remission of our sins and by his lifting up after his death to the Fathers right hand he doth apply the remission of sins by his intercession Our blessed Lord gave himself willingly for his sheep Tit. 2.14 Joh. 10.17 18. for if he had been pleased to make use of his own Almighty power all the power of the world could not have taken his life from him he that with one word did cast his enemies to the ground who by his power even upon the Cross did rent the rocks he could easily have rent in pieces the tree whereto his body was nailed yet in his wisdom he was pleased to suffer death at the hands of his enemies though his death was simply voluntar yet in some respects it was necessar 1. There was a necessity of it in respect of the punishment threatned against man upon his disobedience The day thou eatest thou shalt die therefore there was a necessity of satisfaction to divine truth and justice by the death of Christ the Mediator and surety of the Covenant of Grace which was made in him Gal. 3.16 and ratified by him Heb. 7.22 2. There was a necessity in respect of Gods decree to send his Son that he might make satisfaction to Divine Justice in our nature therefore it is said by our Lord Joh. 17.6 Thine they were and thou gavest them to me They were the Fathers by election and given to the Son that he might satisfie for them reconcile them and in end bring them to the salvation appointed for them As a King resolving to release and give liberty to so many Rebels Prisoners giveth them over to his Son that he may pay their ransome and so obtain their liberty according to the Fathers decree For this cause our blessed Lord in respect of the decree of the Father to send him into the world that he might die and save his elect is called the Lamb fore-ordained
for I have sinned against thee We should use the outward means ordained by God for healing our souls such as are the hearing of the Gospel receiving the holy Sacrament of the holy Supper and daily Prayer these are through Gods blessing strengthning and healing Ordinances but we must not rest on the outward performances or on the abilities of the Minister thereof as if there were any Intrinsecal vertue in them for healing a sick and fainting Soul The Word was preached by Christ himself and yet no healing followed Matth. 23.37 Luke 19.42 The Sacrament of Baptism was ministred by Philip the Evangelist to Simon Magus and yet there was no healing of that gall of iniquity in his heart when a people look too much to the instruments who preach the Word or minister the Sacraments it provokes our jealousie God many times to withhold assistance from the Ministers and a blessing from the outward means to the people for all these outward Ordinances are but empty cisterns till they be filled by an influence of power and life from himself Joh. 6.63 It is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing The outward Ordinance without the Lords special presence and blessing is like the staff of Elisha in the hand of Gehazi they do not quicken a dead soul nor awake the sleepy and secure soul 2 Kings 4.31 Therefore inusing the outward means for healing our souls we should go by Prayer to the great Physician himself that by his Spirit he would go along with the outward Ordinances If thou go to him thou needest not despare of healing for in his own due time he will heal all that come to him Jer. 17.14 Heal me O Lord and I shall be healed There is no soul-disease incureable to him though in it there were a complication of infirmities and distempers Isai 1.16 18. Wash ye make you clean put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes cease to do evil Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow c. Though thy sins were inveterat through custom from thy child-hood like the Lunatick child Mark 9.21 Though incurable through all the counsel of friends like the disease of that sick woman Luke 8.43 Therefore come your selves to him and let parents bring their stubborn children in their prayers to Him the great Physician who can heal perverse spirits and make crooked things straight even when parents and friends has despared of their recovery from their soul-distempers and evil wayes In all distempers and wounds of spirit from outward grievous afflictions come to this Soveraign Physician though creatures neither can nor will heal thee yet he will come near to the afflicted who under affliction bodily are most afflicted in their spirit for their sins Psal 27.10 Jer. 30.17 Hos 2.14 I will allure her and bring her into the wilderness and speak comfortably unto her When the godly are in a desolat and wildernesse-like condition and few or none to comfort then the Lord in an acceptable time comes in to the soul with comfort all the moral Instruments of our comfort and healing are but as an Apprentice who can do nothing without their masters secret information and direction therefore the broken-hearted would come to Jesus Christ who had a calling from the Father Luke 4.18 to bind up and heal the broken in heart he healed Inveterat bodily diseases as one of twelve years one of eighteen and one of thirty eight years for the comfort of all poor humbled sinners who formerly have accustomed themselves to do evil He is a skilful Physician to apply several Medicines for healing several diseases He has Corrosives to awake these who are in a spiritual Lethargy even the spirit of burning and judgement Isai 4.4 He has sharp afflictions as a scourge to tame and daunt proud and vain men who are in a spiritual Phrency and distempered with an heady conceit of their own righteousness Job 36.8 9. If they be bound in fetters and be holden in cords of affliction then he sheweth them their work and their transgressions that they have exceeded He has Lenatives and Restauratives to poor fainting Souls even the sweet promises of the Gospel Isa 57.11 Matth. 5.3 4. Matth. 11.28 Though this great Physician the Lord Jesus Christ in the Humane Nature be locally in Heaven yet he can heal broken hearts on earth by the vertue and presence of his Spirit through the power of hi● Intercession at the Fathers right hand 1 Joh. 2.1 2. If any man sin we have an Aduocat with the Father Jesus Christ the Righ●eous and he is the Propitiation for our sins He healed the Centurions sick servant at a distance Matth. 8. And the Son of that Noble man Joh. 4.51 at a distance also As the Sun in the Firmament though at a distance from the Earth doth quicken and revive the Creatures by the influence of light and heat so the Sun of Righteousness the Lord Jesus Christ doth by the influences of his Spirit and Vertue quicken and revive a soul fainting under the burden of sin 2. The Patient under Gods Cure is the broken in heart or wounded in spirit The broken heart is called also in Scripture a contrite spirit Ps 51.13 Is 57.15 When the heart that was sometime whole and hard like a stone is broken into pieces like a grain bruised between the upper and nether milstone so the heart of a truly humbled sinner is crushed between the sense of divine justice displeased with its sins and the sense of divine love manifested in the Gospel it is called a bruised spirit Isa 42.3 When the heart is bruised and bowed down so with the burden of many and manifold sins that from the deep sense of greif and shame for them they have not the confidence to look up to God Psal 40.12 Mine iniquities have taken hold upon me so that I am not able to look up c. It is called a wounded spirit Prov. 18.14 because the Lord of hosts provoked by our sins doth justly wound the guilty conscience with pain that the wounded spirit can get no rest Psal 38.3 There is no soundness in my flesh because of thine anger neither is there any rest in my bones because of my sin It is called a soft and tender heart sensible of the danger and vileness of sin Josiah his heart was tender and humbled at the hearing of the Law 2 Chron. 34.27 A rent heart Joel 2.12 When the love of sin is emptied out of the heart by repentance as water out of a rent vessel and it is called an heart of flesh plyable and yeelding to walk in the commandments of God Ezek. 36.26 27. The necessity of a broken heart is evident from the text because it is the broken heart only that God healeth 1. God taketh speci-notice of the broken in heart Psal 56.8 Ezek. 9.4 2. He preserveth the broken in heart in the midst of common calamities Psal 34.18 Ezek. 9.4
is all my salvation and all my desire although he make it not to grow Heb. 3.17 18 Although the Fig-tree shall not blossom neither shall fruit be in the Vins c. yet I will rejoyce in the Lord I will joy in the God of my salvation 5 The sick man in the way to recovery gets ●●me ability to walk our blessed Lord said J●h 5.8 to the man that was healed Take up thy bed and walk So whereas formerly thou was wallowing in the m●re of vile sins or lying in the bed of sluggishness and carnal security Now if thou be in the right way to perfect Soul-health thou wilt endeavour to walk in the wayes of God as Manasseh did 2 Chron. 33.16 and as Zacheus did Luke 19.8 Quest Ye will ask what direction give ye us after we are in the way of soul-recovery that we may not relapse into our former fits and soul-distempers Answ 1. Be thankful to the great Physician who hath begun in thee the course of Sanctification to heal thy soul Hezekiah was thankful to God after his recovery from his bodily disease and went up into the house of the Lord to worship and praise him If thou be unthankful to thy Physician thou cannot with any confidence in new troubles and distempers go to him for help and relief 2. Keep a good dyet be thou of a sober and humble spirit both under the sense of former mercy recovering thee and also under the sense of the dregs and reliques of corruption dwelling in thee which will not be perfectly cured till the hour of our death a man in the way of recovery abstains from such meat as would provoke his old disease and distemper him again so abstain thou from evil company and all occasions that would cast thee into a new fever of trouble in thy Conscience as the holy Patriarch Judah did abstain from going to Thamar any more Gen. 38.26 And as the holy Apostle Peter went out of the high Priests hall where he had been tempted to deny his Lord Luk. 22.62 3. Be thou watchful and circumspect after thy begun recovery as Hezekiah was Isa 38.15 What shall I say he hath both spoken unto me and himself hath done it I shall go softly all my years in the bitterness of my soul As a man who is recovering of a broken leg walks at leasure and circumspectly especially in rough wayes wherein are many stumbling-blocks Remember often what our Lord said to the sick man that was healed Joh. 5.14 Behold thou art made whole sin no more least a worse thing befal thee Be not secure but follow the advice given by the Prophet to the King of Israel after his victory against his enemies 1 Kings 20.22 Go strengthen thy self and mark and see what thou doest for at the return of the year the King of Syria will come up against thee Much more shouldest thou watch against thy spiritual enemy for thou knowest not how soon he may return with a violent temptation and assault upon thee 4. Be careful to keep acquaintance and daily correspondence with God in thy devotion and spiritual duties as a man healed of bodily sickness is careful to keep good correspondence with the Physician that healed him and when at any time he is afraid of a new fit of his old disease he doth acquaint him so do thou by prayer make daily application to God who hath begun to heal thy soul Mat. 26.42 and at thy first apprehension of the rising of any lust or noisom humour in thy soul cry to him as Paul did 2 Cor. 12.8 9. and thou shalt get a gracious answer as he did My grace is sufficient for thee To God Father Son and Holy Ghost be immortal praise c. Amen Soul-healing Vertue from Christ by believing in him SERMON IV. JOHN 3.14 15. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of man be lifted up that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life IT is said Joh. 1.17 The Law was given by Mose● but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ The Moral and Ceremonial Law was by Gods appointment proclaimed by Moses but the grace of Justification and absolution from the curse of the Moral Law as also Truth in fulfilling the Ceremonial Law and answering to all the types under the Old Testament came by Jesus Christ who is the Truth the body and substance of all the legal Sacrifices and Offerings Joh. 1.29 Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the World He is the truth of all the legal washings and purifications 1 Joh. 1.7 The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin He is the truth of all the lights and lamps in the Levitical service Joh. 8.12 I am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life He is the truth of all the Levitical Altars as he was of their sacrifices Heb. 13.10 We have an altar whereof they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle He is the alone Altar that sanctifieth all our spiritual offerings 1 Pet. 2.5 His death was the true antitype of the lifting up of the brazen Serpent in the wilderness as is clear from the words in the text in which we have a vive resemblance between Christ crucified and the brazen Serpent as is clearly insinuat in the particle of similitude as and in the particle of reddition and application even so The resemblance is 1. In that which was lifted up to wit the brazen Serpent and the Son of man 2. In the place to wit in the wilderness 3. In the lifting up of the Serpent upon a pole and the lifting up of Christ upon the tree of the Cross 4. In the necessity of the lifting up of both there was a necessity of lifting up the brazen Serpent to heal those who were stung so there was a necessity of the death of Christ for healing and saving sinners even so must the Son of man c. 5. There is a resemblance in the consequent and benefit following their looking all those who being stung did look on the brazen Serpent were healed So all sinners wounded with sorrow for their sins and looking by faith receiving him in all his offices and resting on Christ crucified as he is offered in the Gospel shall not perish but have eternal li●e 2. There was some resemblance between that brazen Serpent and Jesus Christ who by way of excellency is called The Son of man 1. That Serpent was in outward form like unto Serpents that have stings but really it had no sting So our blessed Lord though he was in form like unto sinful men yet was he without all sin Rom. 8.3 He was in the similitude of sinful flesh it is not said In the similitude of flesh for he was truly and really partaker of flesh and blood but without sin for he behoved to be
large as the hand of men grown up to ripe age the promise of salvation is universal to all true Believers whether stronger or weaker Joh. 3.16 Joh. 3.36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life The Church of Christ is compared to a flock of sheep Act. 20.28 And all the sheep are not alike strong yet the great Shepherd of our souls doth gather the Lambs with his arm and carrieth them in his bosom and doth gently lead those that are with young Isai 40.11 It is compared to a family Heb. 5.14 And all in the family are not alike strong so it is in the Church and yet our heavenly Father feedeth all by Jesus Christ the bread of life Therefore look unto him with the eye of Faith though weak and be ye saved Isai 45.22 It is not so with the eye of a believing soul as it is with the eye of the body in beholding this created Sun the more it looketh upon it the eye is the more dazled and weakned but the more a Believer looketh on Christ the Sun of righteousness he groweth the stronger in the grace of Faith because he seeth more and more of the power of Christ to save all who come to God by him who is the Son of God in whom the Father is alwayes well pleased he seeth the more of his willingness to accept of sinners he seeth him on the cross giveing pardon and promising Paradise to a notorious malefactor he heareth him praying for forgiveness to his enemies Therefore he concludes that he will not reject his soul that cometh unto him sincerely though weakly It is not said that the Son of man must be lifted up that all men may believe or that all men may have eternal li●e For if the Lord had intended that all men should believe or that all men should be saved then all men should believe and should be saved for who hath resisted his will and purpose Rom. 9.19 It is also repugnant to his wisdom to intend what he knows cannot come to pass to wit that all men should have Faith for Faith comes by hearing the Gospel and God intends not to send the Gospel to all men The bite of the Serpent in the wilderness was in it self deadly yet all who looked to the brazen Serpent were healed So all sin in it self is deadly for the wages of sin is death Rom. 6.23 But if we confess our sins with sorrow for them and a purpose to forsake them and if by faith we look to Christ crucified and rest on him we shall be saved 1 Joh. 1.9 If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness We would consider well the covenant of Grace made in Christ to Believers It is a covenant well ordered sure and everlasting 2 Sam. 23.4 It is well ordered and adorned with rich and free promises of all things requisit for our eternal happiness as promises of mercy I will forgive them their sins of grace and sanctification I will put my Law in their inward parts and writ it in their hearts c. Jer. 31.33 34. It is a sure Covenant because grounded on two things immutable to wit Gods eternal Counsel and Decree manifested in the Gospel for blessing and saving all Believers in Jesus Christ Gal. 3.16 All the promises are Yea and Amen in him because made in a respect to his satisfaction and performed by him in the fulness of time The other ground of the sureness of the Covenant is the Oath of God Heb. 6.17 18. Gen. 22.16 It is made sure by the blood of our Surety and Mediator Jesus Christ who shed his blood both to purchase and to assure us of the remission of our sins It is ensured to us by the Seals of the holy Sacraments and although the Seals under the Old and New Testament be diverse yet the Covenant sealed is one and the same as the face is one and the same when vailed and unvailed It is an everlasting Covenant Jer. 32.40 I will make an everlasting Covenant with them c. It is put in the hand of our Surety to be kept for us and he by the power of his invincible Grace keepeth us for the possession of the heavenly Inheritance 1 Pet. 1.5 Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation For farther clearing the Doctrine of believing in Jesus Christ for Justification or Remission of sins and for eternal Life we would answer some Questions Quest What is the Object of justifying and saving Faith Answ The Object of divine Faith is all the divine truths revealed in the holy Scripture but the Object of justifying and saving Faith is the Lord Jesus Christ he is the only Object whereunto we must look for justification and salvation Isa 45.22 Look unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth Act. 10.43 To him gave all the Prophets witness that through his Name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins Act. 13.39 By him all that believe are justified from all things from which ye could not be justified by the Law of Moses As these who were wounded by the firy serpents in the wilderness looked also to the pole whereupon it was set but they were healed only by looking to the brazen Serpent its self so though the whole Scripture is as a ring of gold precious and much to be esteemed yet the Lord Jesus Christ is as the precious stone in the midst of it and for obtaining justification and salvation is to be looked unto allanerly The Lord Jesus Christ and Gods rich and free love in sending him into the world is mostly among all divine Truths to be looked unto Joh. 5.39 Search the Scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life and they are they which testifie of me Joh. 20.31 But these are written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing ye might have life through his Name So as he is the alone Object to which we should look as the meritorious cause of our justification and salvation so of all revealed divine Truths he is the principal Object of our Faith he is the end of the Law Cerimonial Gal. 3.24 He is the entire supplement of the Moral Law by his perfect righteousness and satisfaction to divine justice Rom. 8.3 For what the Law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh God sending his own Son in the likness of sinfull flesh and for sin condemned sin in the flesh And he is the Mediator and substance of all Gospel-promises 2 Cor. 1.20 All the promises of God in him are Yea and in him Amen Therefore it is our duty to be conversant in all divine Truths revealed in holy Scripture but we should meditate most frequently upon this divine Truth of our justification and salvation by Jesus Christ wherein most eminently is manifested the Father's love in
sending him the love of the Son in coming into the world that by the merit of his death we may be justified and saved and the love of the Holy Ghost in anointing and qualifying him for these great effects as the Bee passeth thorow many flowrs in the Garden but stayeth longest on these where it getteth most hony so we should often meditate upon the mystery of Gods free love in Jesus Christ All the Scriptures are faithful sayings and worthy of all acceptation yet this saying is eminent above all 1 Tim. 1.15 Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners We should turn away our eyes from looking to any thing as meritorius of justification and salvation but we should look unto Christ alone and his righteousness for the salvation of our souls because life eternal is the gift of God through Jesus Christ our Lord Rom. 6.23 And we are saved by grace through Faith in him Eph. 2.8 This doctrine from the force of truth upon the Conscience and for quieting the heart in the remembrance of our own unrighteousness the learned and worthy reformed Divines have maintained according to the holy Scriptures and the learned Bishop Andrews in his Serm. on Jer. 23.6 saith piously and soundly That if men would set God before them in his justice and their own souls in their guiltiness they would interpose nothing between the revenging justice of God and their guilty souls but the alone righteousness of Jesus Christ yea some of the Roman Church have acknowledged that justification and salvation is to be sought only in the Lord Jesus Christ as was evident from that directory for visitation of the sick reprinted at Venice one thousand five hundred seventy six the priest is directed to propone this question to the sick person Believest thou that none can be saved by their own merits or any other way than by the merit of our Lord Jesus Christ And the Priest is directed to instruct the sick person that there is no other way of salvation but by Faith on Jesus Christ alone Bellarmin lib. 3. of Justif after a long debate he concludes It is safer for the uncertainty of our own righteousness and for shunning the danger of vain glory to put our confidence only in the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ Ferus a learned and moderat Divine commenting upon the parable of the Labourers in the Vine-yard Mat. 20. speaketh to this purpose God promised freely and he rewardeth freely therefore if thou wouldest keep Gods favour toward thee make no mention of thy own merits for he will give all things out of his own mercy nevertheless thou must not be the slower to do good works yea rather thou shouldest be the more zealous of them seing we have so bountiful a Lord. Quest Is there no more required for justification but only Faith in Jesus Christ Is there no more required for inheriting eternal life but to receive him and to rely on him Answ Some of late even Divines of the reformed Church have spoken very rashly to say no worse of some eminent and Orthodox learned men of the Reformed Churches as if they did not require in the believer new obedience and sanctification It is true they require according to the Scriptures that by Faith alone in Christ and his righteousness they should look for justification but they require new obedience and sanctification in the believer as a necessary antecedent unto eternal life The Harmony of learned Divines of the reformed Church in the Doctrine of justification See in learned Hornbeck his Institut Theolog. Cap. 11. and they affi●m that as our sins were imputed to Christ the Surety and Mediator of the New Covenant so his Righteousness is imputed to believers for justification therefore it is not as some in their expressions complying with the Papists have spoken a fancy or Justitia Putativa a supposed righteousness but it is real of God the Father accompting his Sons Righteousness unto the sinner and by that accompting making it his to all effects as if the sinner himself had performed it as speaketh the learned and famous Arch. B. Vsher in his Sum of Christian Religion up●n this Subject Because saith he this Righteousness is in Christ not as in a person severed from us but as in the head of the Church the second Adam from whom therefore it is communicated unto all who being united as members unto him do lay claim thereunto and apply it unto themselves Rom. 5.19 Rom. 10.4 And though saith he it be not fit to measure heavenly things by the yard of reason yet it is not unreasonable that a man owing a thousand pound and not being able to pay it his Creditor may be satisfied by one of his ●riends And answering to that question how then doth the soul reach after Christ in the act of justifying Even as a man saith he fallen into a river and like to be drowned as he is carried down with the flood espyeth the bough of a tree hanging over the river which he catcheth at and clingeth unto with all his might to save him and seeing no other way of succour but that ventureth his life upon it This man so soon as he had fastned upon this bough is in a safe condition though all troubles fears and terrours are not presently out of his minde until he come to himself and seeth himself quit out of danger then he is sure he is safe but he was safe before he was sure Even so it is with a believer Faith is the espying of Christ as the only means to save and the reaching out of the heart to lay hold upon him God hath spoke the word and made the promise in his Son I believe him to be the only Saviour and remit my soul to him to be saved by his Mediation So soon as the soul can do this God imputeth the righteousness of his Son unto it and it is actually justified in the Court of heaven though it is not presently quieted and pacified in the court of conscience that is done afterwards in some sooner in some later by the fruits and effects of justification Quest Is there an infallible and inviolable connexion between true faith on Jesus Christ and salvation by him Ans Yea for it is said here That whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life And it was said ●y the Apostle Paul unto the Jaylor Acts 16. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt he saved Christ is said to dwell in the heart by faith Eph. 3.17 As there is a local union between a man and the house wherein he dwells and resides so there is a spiritual and real union between Christ and a believer and there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ and to assure believers on Christ of the certainty of their salvation it is said in the present tense Joh. 3.36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life Believers are as sure
heart is ready to every good work and commanded duty with the Apostle Paul Acts 9.6 saying Lord what wilt thou have me to do For the Doctrine of Justification by Faith obligeth believers the more strictly to the duties of Sanctification for knowing they are justified in the blood of Christ which is the price of our redemption therefore should they glorify God in their body and in their spirit which are God's not only by the right of creation and temporal preservation but also by the right of redemption and everlasting salvation 1 Cor. 6.20 Seing they have the promises of free grace ratified in the blood of Christ they should cleanse themselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God 2 Cor. 7.1 See more 2 Cor. 5.15 Tit. 2.11 12 14. So that the Doctrine of Justification by faith in Jesus Christ doth not make void the Law but establisheth the Law Rom. 3.31 Though it make the Law void as to Justification by it Rom 8.3 yet it doth not make it void or cancell it from being a fixt rule for our direction Now to the Lord Jesus Christ the Author and Finisher of our faith with the Father and Holy Ghost be all praise c. Amen Spiritual Life and Spiritual Walking SERMON V. GAL. 5.25 If we live in the Spirit let us also walk in the Spirit THe Apostle having spoken in vers 22 23 24. of the seve●al fruits of the Spirit in the soul wherein he hath planted the life of grace he inferreth this conclusion If we live in the Spirit c. that is if we be quickened by the Spirit of God and raised to a new life of grace let it be seen in the course and actions of our life Let us walk by the Spirit that is by the guidance and direction of the Spirit according to the Word of God which was inspired into the Prophets and Apostles by the Holy Spirit In the words we have 1. A benefit supposed If we live in the Spirit 2. A duty proposed Let us walk in the Spirit For clearing the benefit supposed we would know 1. The nature and condition of this life which we are said here to have by the Spirit what it is 2. We would know the necessity of this life 3. The excellent quality of it in excelling all other kinds of life 1. As for the nature of this life it hath three effects or operations 1. Our Justification whereby our sins are forgiven and we are absolved from the sentence of damnation through the perfect obedience and satisfaction of our Mediator the Lord Jesus Christ as a man sentenced to death for some hainous crime is called a dead man even before the execution of the sentence and when he is absolved he is said to be a living man so by nature through sin and guiltiness we are children of wrath and dead in sins and trespasses obnoxious to eternal death and damnation but being justified by faith in Jesus Christ we are said to live in Christ and have the hope to live with him for ever This life is purchased to us by the merit of the death of Christ and is applyed by the Holy Spirit working faith in us whereby we are united to Christ and receive in and through him remission of sins offered to us in the preaching of the Gospel and s●aled in the holy Sacraments 1 Cor. 6.11 But ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God 2. The act also and operation of the life of grace is our Sanctification wrought in us by the Holy Spirit mortifying in us the deeds of the body Rom. 8.13 If ye through the Spirit do mortifie the deeds of the body ye shall live to wit the life of glory in Heaven and it is a quickening of us to live here unto righteousness as a man pincing away in sickness is said to be a dead man in respect of his fast approaching unto death and when he is in the way of recovery he is said to be a living man because there are pregnant hopes of his better health and life This life of Sanctification purchased also by Christ is applyed and wrought in us by the Holy Spirit through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost Tit. 3.5 3. There is the life of comfort and spiritual chearfulness it 's said of old Jacob Gen. 44.30 His life is bound up in the lad's life because he was much comforted in his son Joseph When sin and judgement is set before us our heart is dead and comfortless like the heart of Nabal whose heart at the report of David's wrath against him died within him through fear 1 Sam. 25.37 But when the Spirit of the Lord in our fears and faintings doth revive us by the sweet and piercing smell of the cross of Christ received by faith into the soul then we live a comfortable life and our soul rejoyceth in God our Saviour 2 Cor. 4.11 For we which live are alwayes delivered unto death for Jesus sake that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh that is that the life of comfort and inward strength from Christ might be manifested in our sufferings 1 Pet. 1.8 Whom having not seen ye love in whom though now ye see him not yet believing ye rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of glory This life of inward comfort and strength purchased also by the merit of the death of Christ is applyed and wrought in us by the Holy Spirit Eph. 3.14 15 16. I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ c. that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner-man This life is called our life in Christ Col. 3.3 4. For ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God It is purchased by him hid and preserved in him and with him as the life of the branches is preserved in the root Joh. 14.19 Because I live ye shall live also It is called the life of the Spirit or by the Spirit in this place because by the Holy Spirit we are united and joyned unto the Lord our Head and Saviour 1 Cor 6.17 He that is joyned unto the Lord is one spirit and because we are renewed to a new life by the Holy Spirit Joh. 3.5 Except a man be born of Water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God It is called the life of faith Gal. 2.20 because by faith we receive the life of Justification Sanctification and of inward comfort from Jesus Christ 2. This life of grace is absolutely necessar as a midst and necessar antecedent unto eternal life 1. As the natural life is a necessar foundation of natural actings and operations dead Trees grow not dead Animals walk not dead men discourse not so the life