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A18521 The consolation of the soule being an assurance of the forgiuenesse of sinnes, with the most notable promises of God conteined in holy Scripture, both in the olde and newe Testament: briefly expounded and applied, as hereafter followeth. With certaine examples woorth the bearing in minde, touching the great mercies of God, towards poore, and miserable sinners. ... Made by Iohn Chassanion, and englished by H. S. of Greyes Inne. Gent.; Consolation de l'âme sur l'asseurance de la remission des pechez. English. Chassanion, Jean de, 1531-1598. 1590 (1590) STC 5061; ESTC S118621 36,864 96

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he maketh vs knowe that we be his and adorneth vs with all the giftes of his holy spirite and putteth vs in hope of life euerlasting he sheweth manifestly by these that he doth not reward vs according to our deserts neither recompence vs as we haue deserued By nature therefore we doe nothing but offend yet for our vnhappines hee restoreth goodnes againe Wherefore it is sayde that there is great mercie with the Lorde true it is that sometimes hee correcteth vs for our wickednes but neuer chasteneth nor puni●heth vs according to our desertes no more then if he had not regarded them or as they had neuer bene cōmitted seeing then that he remits wholy forgiues vs by which it is sayd that the mercies of the Lord is ouer all his workes and his goodnes reacheth vnto the cloudes not that it endeth there for it can not be contayned in the Heauen of heauens but because in this world nothing can seeme higher then Heauen which is raysed aboue the earth by an incomprehensible distaunce as it is said in the Psal 36. that the goodnes of God reacheth vnto the heauens therefore it is added afterward that it is excellent it is ouer our heades it doeth ouerpasse our sight it is altogether to be marueled at this is the height the breadth the deapth of the loue of Christ which is spoken of in the 3. Chap. to the Ephes It is marueylous high and wonderfull to behold it reacheth to the deepes beneath there is nothing which the spirite of man can Imagine to bee greater but onely Gods loue and bountie towardes vs who from the highest Heauens from his celestiall and glorious throne vouchsafeth to come to the bottomlesse Pit of the earth to drawe vs from it and to make vs ascende● where hymselfe abideth it scatereth it selfe here and there in length infinite in breadth wonderfull so that among so many regions the people may feele the vertue of it in their hearts by the holy ghost and yet wee must knowe that God neuer vseth this clemencie to them which shewe themselues profayned and cōtemners of his grace but those which doe feare him and sheweth him honour and reuerence therein lyeth properly the greatnesse of the bountifulnesse of the Almightie This is againe shewed by a notable effect when it is sayde that hee casteth from vs our offences as for the wicked their malice doth not remoue but remaynes still lying euen at the gate as the Lord speaketh of the sinne of Cain Gen. Chap. 4. ver 7. concerning the offences of the faithfull although they be set before thē and that they doe present them selues oftentimes before the eyes of the soule as it happened to the Prophet when he said that his sinnes was continually before him Psal 51. ver 5. which is nothing vnto them but an exercise of true repentance to bring them vnto humilitie and after makes them more circumspect yet neuerthelesse in respect of Gods mercie they be all put away for he putteth them farre from him scattereth them abroade and casteth them behinde ●im neuer to be remembred againe Which is shewed by a comparison of the distaunce betweene the East and the West which is the farthest distaunce that can bee imagined vnder the Sunne euen so then as the East is farre from the West and the West farre from the East by a separation and great distance euen so farre GOD doth cast all our sinnes away from vs yea so farre that they cannot be perceiued or no more appeare thē that which is carried away from one ende of the world vnto the other And to confirme al that is spoken before God is in holy Scripture compared vnto a father which is mercifull vnto his children for as you see a father couer many of his sonnes imperfectiōs neither vseth such rigour and seueritie towards them as he might but spareth them as much as possiblie he can In like maner also God who is our great and celestiall father is moued with all pittie compassion towards vs and readie to forgiue vs all our sinnes so that wee feare to offend him neither doe abound in our iniquities Psal 130. If thou O Lord shouldst straightly marke our iniquities O Lord who should stand before thee but mercie is with thee that thou maiest be feared Let Israel waite on the Lord for with the Lord there is mercie and with him is great redemption and he shall redeeme Jsrael from all his iniquities THere is none of vs which are not in daunger to fall into eternall ruyne and destruction if God should looke narrowly into our sinnes and offences to examine them in seueritie and execute a iust punishment for them for there is no man that could stand before his tribunall Seate nor bee able to iustifie himselfe by his owne righteousnesse Therefore Dauid in his prayers and supplications to the Lord desireth him not to enter into iudgement with him as he had deserued Psal 144. ver 2. neither may this seeme straunge or spoken without speciall purpose but it is the same in substance which the author of this Psalm speaketh of here which is done for our consolation and trust that forgiuenes of our sinnes only cōmeth from the Lord neither doth he take any heede of them therby to condemne vs but he sheweth himselfe gentle and mercifull to vs which made the Prophet in conclusion to say That because there is mercie with God therefore he should be feared And that this might not be done in himselfe onely he stirreth vp all sortes of men and euery state and cōdition of nations to the due feare and true reuerence of his Maiestie thereby that high and lowe rich and poore one with an other might wholly giue themselues to serue him in thankfulnesse and heauenly melodie for the more he powreth on vs his boūtifull and mercifull liberalitie the more we are bound to him and ought to be much more desirous to serue him in holinesse and righteousnesse all the daies of our life So that the forgiuenesse of our sinnes is ioyned with the honor and glorie of GOD and our obedience which ought to followe his grace not onely particulerly but also generally among all true Christians For for this cause Dauid doth giue certaine assuraunce vnto the Catholicke Church of GOD vnder the name of Israel saying that the Lord would deliuer Israel from all his iniquities and purge them from all their sinnes although the Church be not without sinne during the time that it is in this earthly perigrination but hath wrinckles and spots subiect to many infirmities and transgressions by whom it is as it were made captiue and brought into bondage yet God will deliuer it continually out of such miserie and by his infinite mercie forgiue it not some faults onely but all her iniquities how great soeuer they bee and of what number soeuer Vpon this hope then the Prophet exhorteth the Church to trust in the Lorde hoping in him in time of oppression when
we haue of GOD that if wee aske any thing according to his will he will heare vs. And if we know that he heareth vs whatsoeuer we aske we know that we shal obtaine that we haue desired of him WE cannot be in doubt when we come to God in our prayers grounded on his commaundements and promise but that we shall be heard and receiue such things as we want which condemneth those men that call vpon strange Gods yea on those which are no Gods and pray to those which are departed out of this life who can haue no certaintie of their prayers But wee must bee certaine that GOD doth hearken vnto vs when wee pray to him as wee are taught in his holy worde for he hath promised to giue and graunt vs such things as we aske him being necessary and conformable vnto his will which are the meanes whereby he vseth to doe vs good and to giue vs his grace in full and conuenient tyme. Rom. Chap. 8. ver 26. Likewise the spirite also helpeth our infirmities for wee knowe not how to pray as wee ought but the spirite maketh request for vs with sighings which cannot bee expressed but he which searcheth knoweth what is the meaning of the spirite seing he maketh requestes for the Saincts according to the will of God AS by the holy Ghost wee are lead to the true knowledge of our saluation so by it we are made certaine of the same being the seale and earnest of our inheritaunce which testifieth with our Spirite that wee be the sonnes of God in that wee hate all euill and on the contrary take pleasure in the lawes of the Lord. For it is the Spirit which comforteth vs in our affliction and strengthned vs in our weaknesse in making vs beare paciently the burden of our tribulation and aduersities in so much that our affections being at variance among themselues many tymes slowe to prayer are yet stirred vp by the holy Ghost who teacheth vs to stay our selues vpon the promises that we are to aske of God with desire and earnest affection of heart which cannot bee declared in wordes By this meanes are our prayers exalted to God and accoumpted iust and reasonable being made by the holy Ghost which is the Spirite of God God who acknowledgeth and accepteth that which is his and proceedeth from him by giuing vs deliuerance and adiudge vs vnto saluation Seing then that our prayers ought to bee ordered according vnto the will of God and done in such sinceritie and singlenes of heart we may comfort our selues in the vertue of his grace and operation of the holy Ghost To this is added that which the Apostle teacheth in this Chapter that by the spirite of adoption wee may boldly crye abba father In this maner then ought wee to aske in faith and certaintie without doubting as S. Iames exhorteth vs being founded vpon the assuraunce that wee haue of the fatherly goodnesse of God towards vs by the holy Ghost Parables similitudes of the grace mercie of God towards poore sinners which do repent them selues IT is manifest not onely by all the sayinges which heretofore are shewed and other places of holy Scripture to the same purpose touching the grace of God proffered vnto vs by the forgiuenes of our sinnes but also by certaine Parables and Similitudes which serue vs as promises and which our Sauiour Christ hath vsed for our comfort as we may reade in the 15. of S. Luke The first is of the Sheepe that went astray and was lost in the wildernes whome the Sheepheard seeketh earnestly and finding it taketh it vpon his shoulders bringeth it home and reioyceth more ouer that one then for the nintie and nine which he had in like sorte saith our Sauiour is it in Heauen for one sinner that repenteth him selfe Hath sinne then deceiued thee hath it caried thee away from the flocke of Christ and made thee stray from the right path Art thou in the middest of a Desert in daunger of a roring Lyon the enemie to thy saluation Withdrawe thy selfe betimes and recant of thy straying and goe to thy flocke least thou perish vtterly returne vnto thy soueraigne Sheepheard Iesus Christ which will bee gentle vnto thee neither stande in doubt but that he wil receiue thee if thou returne to him seing he goeth seeking and calling those which goe astraye to bring them into his fould and when thou art returned be not afrayde but be sure of thy saluation and reioyce for the Angels in heauen reioyce for thee Luke Chap. 16. ver 18. As a woman which hath lost a peece of siluer after she hath found it againe reioyceth so doth the Angels of God for a sinner which doth repent ALthough we lose our selues by our owne fault bee guiltie of our estraying from God yet for all this he houldeth vs so deare and precious and hath such care of vs that he will neuer forget vs but prouideth for our saluation bringeth vs to himselfe keepes vs as his owne euen as though he should keepe some excellent treasure for which the celestiall and heauenly Angels doe sing for ioye and gladnesse Luke Chap. 15. ver 11.12 BY the goodnesse of the father towardes his prodigall sonne our Sauiour sheweth the great clemencie of God our celestial father towards poore sinners which conuert themselues vnto him If by the lightnes and foolishnesse of our mindes and by the vanities of our harts we haue abused the goodnes of God either temporally or spiritually by our owne meanes are drawne from his commaundements in slouthfull and dissolute life and so fallen into confusion by feeling our pouertie and miserie let vs not feare to turne againe to our God with true humblenes acknowledging our misdeedes seeing he is gentle and mercifull he will receiue vs as his children he will clothe vs with his benefites and spirituall graces with all ioye and mirth By the Parable and Similitude of the Publicane acknowledging himself a poore sinner standing a farre of and thinking him selfe vnworthie to lift vp his eyes to heauen striking his breastes and bewayling that he had neglected the mercies of God our Sauiour makes vs certaine and perswades vs of the iustification and mercie for our sinnes if truely we feele our selues guiltie if we be beaten and humbled in our harts if we haue a true displeasure and are sorie that we haue offended our God if wee be so touched wee shall finde him gentle and quiet towards vs. Worthy examples touching the great mercie of God towards poore sinners ALthough many promises and excellent proofes be here set before vs as sufficient to quiet the conscience of euery one notwithstanding it shall be needefull to set forth some examples for more certaintie and confirmation of the same seeing that such examples and instructions do stirre vs vp the more to consider better of the matter Wherefore as in our first father Adam sinne began to appeare so in him also God shewed the
onely by nature creation but also by right of redemption for he is our redeemer and our pledge which hath redemed vs and keepeth vs against all enimies Mich. Chap. 7. vers 18. Who is a God like vnto the Lord that taketh away iniquitie passeth by the transgressions of the remnant of his heritage he retaineth not his wrath for euer because mercy pleaseth him hee will turne againe and haue compassion he will subdue our iniquities and cast all our sinnes into the bottom of the sea thou wilt performe thy trueth to Iacob and mercie to Abraham as thou hast sworne to our fathers in old time TRuely there is none that may bee cōpared vnto God either in gentlenes or in power for he and none other remitteth sinne and although he met a sinner in the way because all thinges bee present vnto him yet he will not stay himselfe to punish but depart farther of as though he took no heede what is done and leaue behind him the offence committed By this maner of speech it is sayd that God casteth our sinnes backe from him Esay Chap. 38. ver 17. yet onely to those which do properly appertaine vnto him whom he doth auouch acknowledge for his inheritance and peculiar people who are of that Church to whome hee graunteth grace from which all others bee sequestred And be it that sometymes he doth anger himselfe and his wrath be mooued against his owne iustly yet it is not of long continuaunce in so much that hee is rather prone to mercie and clemencie then to seueritie and rigor And although he seeme by our offences and vices to turne himself back from vs and to afflict vs as we deserue yet he will returne againe and wil shewe vs the cherefull and comfortable light of his countenance in shewing compassion on vs he forgiueth all our sinnes by putting downe and destroying all the violēce and force of death so that we are no more houlden in captiuitie and bondage but made free and set at libertie by him not by casting them on the groūd onely but by destroying and deliuering vs from them by throwing them into the bottome of the Sea that they may appeare no more but the memorie of them passe away as a thing which is bound vp and cast into the deepest Sea And in this we see that he is not mooued for any worthinesse that is in vs but of his onely bountie and clemencie being gentle and full of mercie slowe to anger and of great goodnesse by nature faithfull in his promises which he made vnto the fathers and cōfirmed by his oth and in these latter tymes fulfilled the bountifulnesse of his mercie in his onely Sonne who is the onely pledge to assure vs of the forgiuenesse of our sinnes And wheras the Prophet saith that God doth not onely forgiue our sinnes but passeth them ouer not by putting them downe onely but casting them into the bottome of the Sea for to abolish them wholly it cannot be more plainly expressed or declared how God forgiueth vs. Then if in the tyme of the lawe and shadowes his promise was not in vaine how much ought we now to be more certaine of it vnder the kingdome of Christ by whome wee obtaine trueth and grace The grace of GOD towardes vs by meanes of our Lord Iesus Christ Ieremy Chap. 31. ver 31. Beholde the day is come sayth the Lord that I will make a new couenant with the house of Jsrael and with the house of Iuda J will put my law in their inward parts write it in their hearts and wil be their God and they shall be my people I will pardon their iniquities and will remember their sinnes no more THis is the holy and happie alliaunce that wee obtaine with God by Iesus Christ his Sonne by whome albeit we bee sufficiently taught and instructed in the knowledge of his trueth both in wil and affection to obey him according to his commandements yet we goe oftentimes astray and doe against his deuine precepts by the wickednesse and imperfections which remaynes in vs wherefore we haue alwayes neede of his grace for the remission of our sinnes in the promise which hee hath made vnto vs as wee are taught in this place of Scripture which although it was made in the auncient couenant of the lawe wherein al things also are included yet it partaineth properly vnto the newe promise obtained by Iesus Christ the very Sonne of GOD the sure foundation and perfect substance of our saluation for he is the mediator of the newe Testament as it is sayd in the Epistle to the Heb. Chap. 9. It is he by whose desert all our sinnes are forgiuen which could not bee remitted by the outward figures and vaine shadowes of the lawe Esay Chap. 53. ver 4. Surely he hath borne our infirmities and caried our sorrowes he was wounded for our transgressions broken for our iniquities the chastisment of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes wee are healed The Lord hath layd vpon him the iniquities of vs all by his knowledge shall my iust seruāt iustifie many for he shall beare their sinnes AS God is by nature gentle and mercifull so is he a seuere and iust Iudge for he leaueth not sinne vnpunished but layeth the punishment of it vpon his onely Sonne who in the fulnesse of time deliuered him for vs vnto the shamefull and accursed death of the Crosse wherein his iustice and mercie is founde by ioyning both together in an inseperable bond of vnitie And first in that that Iesus Christ suffered for our iniquities the other in that that he was well pleased to suffer his Sonne to be a pledge and an attonement for vs. This then the Prophet teacheth in this place that Christ hath suffered for vs an infinite number of greefes torments and punishments as touching his soule he suffered a death full of shame and reproch in the worlde to iustifie and deliuer vs from damnation and eternal death acquiting vs from the wrath of God Seeing then that in hart and affection wee acknowledge him for our tru● Sauiour and Redeemer we neede not to feare although we shall perceiue and acknowledge our selues to be guiltie yet wee may bee assured that wee are in peace with God because Iesus Christ our Redeemer hath borne the paines due for our iniquities If Sathan then doe assaile vs by terrible imaginations of the paines and torments which we haue iustly deserued in respect of our iniquities let vs present our selues in the rightuousnesse and holinesse of Iesus Christ for he hath borne our greefes layde our sorowes on him he hath bene wounded hurt and murthered he died for vs which are vniust and rose againe for our sanctification to the end he might iustifie and absolue vs. Zach. Chap. 12. ver 1. In that day there shal be a fountaine opened to the house of Dauid and to the inhabitants of Ierusalem for sinne and for vncleannes THis is the
from his grace and forgiuenesse of sinne though wee fall by infirmitie into the same sinne againe which may bee a confutation of the irronious and detestable opinion of the Nouations renewed by certaine Heritickes in our time but sufficiently reproued and condemned by the fathers out of the word of God For seeing the promises of God bee made onely for his people and his Church through grace and mercie vnto them which may appeare in the effects of the same by notable example of worthy memorie hereafter declared that if in the tyme of the Law and old Testament GOD hath shewed himselfe fauourable towards those which of good wil haue drawne themselues towardes him how much more will hee spred abroade the bright beames of his mercie to vs vnder the raigne of his sonne Iesus Christ by whom and through whom he maketh vs free inheritours of the treasures of his grace Let vs see now what declaration wee haue of these thinges in holy Scripture Deut. Chap. 4. ver 30. When thou art in tribulation and all these things are come vpon thee if thou returne to the Lord thy God and be obedient to his voyce for the Lord thy God is a mercifull God he will not forsake thee neither destroy nor forget he sware to thy fathers to performe it MOses speaketh in this place vnto vs vnder the person of the people of Israel that thereby wee might make our selues sure that if by the vanities of our mynde wee commit Idolatrie and worship strange Gods therby corrupting our selues and deseruing the wrath of our God vpon vs by falling into diuers euilles and calamities yet if wee repent and bee displeased with our selues in hauing offended such a mercifull GOD and desiring to serue him hereafter in holinesse and rightuousnesse all the daies of our life he will cease from punishing and performe his promises made in and by the meditation of his Sonne Christ Iesus Psalm 51. ver 19. The sacrifice of God is a holy spirite a contrite and broken heart O Lorde thou wilt not despise THese are the wordes of Dauid which he setteth downe as a patterne and example of a true penitent man strucken by the spirit of God who declareth vnto vs that in the feeling of his weakenes and vnworthines he is ouercome he is afflicted in his soule and sorowfull in his heart complayning for his sinnes watering his couch with his teares greeuously pained lyeth groning all the day long he repenteth that he hath done amisse he humbleth himselfe before his God in Sackcloth and Ashes This is the man whose Sacrifice the Lorde receiueth whose broken and contrite hart he neuer despiseth who pleaseth him more then all the Sacrifices of the Beasts that haue hornes and houfes then the offrings of their newe Monies and the giftes of high and proude hippocrites then all the vanities of the supersticious Idolatours which thinke to honour and serue him with any faith and repentance Prouer. Chap. 28. ver 13. He that hideth his sinnes shall not prosper but he that confesseth and forsaketh them shall haue mercie THe holy Ghost doth certifie vs here that although there can no euill happen vnto him which humbleth himself before God by acknowledging his sinne and that there is grace forgiuenesse mercie offered to those which feele themselues guilty and acknowledge their transgressions asking absolutiō and deliuerance by a true amēdment of life I doe thinke this place of Scripture principally to be touched among the rest because the holy Ghost of purpose setteth it downe to comfort the penitent Sinner which are very sorie that they haue offended so heauenly a father who is of long suffring and compassiō who is in Scripture named the God of all comfort and consolation and therefore they will not hide their sinne but confesse it vnto the Lord who will heale all their infirmities and cleanse them from their sinnes for the Lord is mercifull vnto al such as call vpon him yea al such as call vpon him faithfully Hast thou then bene a blasphemer a robber a lyer Hast thou giuen thy selfe to Vsurie Art thou couetous Hast thou bene a Fornicator an Adulterer If thou leaue thy blasphemie forsake thy euill doing shun couetousnes as a Serpent if thou flye from the paths of the strange woman and the delicious pampering of the belly if thou flyest from euill and doest the thing that is good if thou abhorrest the bosome of the light woman the alluring bed of the Harlot doubt not but thy sinnes be forgiuē the debt payd the wrath of God against thee is pacified by the sight of the Lambe which stādeth on the Mount Heare the wisedome of God which sayth he that leaueth his sinne shall obtaine mercie Hast thou then left thy wickednesse Art thou become a newe man Hast thou amended thy euill life God will shewe thee mercie and compassion we neede not to goe farre to seeke proofes and testimonies of the grace of God towards vs the very amendement of our life is an euident demōstration of the same which the Prophet Dauid felt in the 32. Psal when he sayth then I acknowledged my sinne vnto thée neither did I hide myne iniquitie for I thought I will confesse against my selfe my wickednesse vnto the Lord and thou forgauest the punishment of my fault Therefore shall euery one that is godly make his praier vnto thee in a time when thou maist be found surely the flood of great water shall not come nere him Thou art my secret place thou preseruest me from my trouble and compasses me about with ioyfull deliuerance Esay Chap. 55. ver 7. Seeke ye the Lord while he may be found call vpon him while he is neere Let the wicked forsake his owne waies and the vnrightuous his owne imaginations and returne vnto the Lord he will haue mercie vpō him for he is ready to forgiue For my thoughtes are not as your thoughtes neither are your waies as my waies saith the Lorde For as the heauens are higher then the earth so are my waies higher then your waies and my thoughts aboue your thoughts ALthough by our offences we estrāge and withdrawe our selues greatly frō God he is neuerthelesse nere at hand if we draw our selues from our euill and sinfull life if we be touched with a true repentance if wee commit our selues vnto him if we call vpon him with all our hearts with all our soules we may be sure he wil be mercifull vnto vs as the Prophet sayth And although our sinnes abound yet his mercie aboundeth much more though our iniquities as we thinke are infinite and without pardon not esteeming the goodnes and clemencie of God according to his greatnesse and infinite mercies but according to the weaknesse and frailtie of our vnderstanding yet wee see that the Lorde sheweth by his Prophet that his thoughtes and his workes doe surpasse all that is in vs or can come from vs. For although our sinnes were in number as the sande of the
frō the slaunders which was reported of them had for this thing such a displeasure and sorowe in themselues that the Apostle thought it commodious profitable for their saluation On which example he draweth this excellent and notable sentence that the sorowe which is according to the will of God for offending him in neglecting the charge committed to vs is profitable And this is drawne by an vsuall fashion to bring the offendor to repentaunce and to induce a man into an ardent desire to do better in tyme to come which is the way and perfect meanes to come into the porte of saluation for such a kinde of repentaunce none ought to bee displeased but rather bee glad and reioyce for it Ioh. 1. Epist Chap. 1. ver 9. If wee acknowledge our sinnes he is faithfull and iust to forgiue vs to cleanse vs from all our vnrightuousnesse AS the poore sicke man ought to declare his disease to the Phisitiō therby to receiue helpe of his griefe euen so ought wee in like maner to acknowledge the spirituall desire of the soule before God not that hee is ignorant of them or that hee hath neede of any aduertisement but to this ende that we may beare witnesse of our sorrowfull repentaunce and humilitie which shall neuer be without forgiuenes of sinnes apprehending the promises of God who infallably will fulfill his workes beeing true and iust in all his promises Of Prayer THe great and wonderfull bountie of God is shewed when he vouchsafeth to open the heauens vnto vs poore wretched creatures of the earth making vs fit to enter into his glorious kingdome laying downe his eare to heare and vnderstand our desires and requestes and exalting the prayers which we make to him in our need at such tyme as we be most poore and miserable and in greatest daunger but the care he hath of vs and how much he loueth vs is seene in this that hee himselfe warneth and stirreth vs vp by teaching vs to pray with assurance that he will graūt vs our requests which he fulfilleth when wee truely require him of his grace goodnesse mercie wherof wee haue manifould testimonies in the word of GOD which we will set downe as worth the noting Psal 50. ver 15. Call vppon me in tyme of trouble and I will helpe thee and thou shalt honor me ALthough the time when in our soules we are afflicted by feeling our sinne or otherwise be in tribulation or payne or some perrill or daunger may threaten vs that our God is offended with vs and will destroye vs yet he promiseth vs by the Prophet Dauid to deliuer vs from all euill if so wee honor him and earnestly desire in our prayers to haue him our aide and refuge in our trouble Psal 145. ver 18. The Lord is neere to all that call vppon him yea to all that call vppon him in trueth he will fulfill the desire of those that feare him and will heare their crye and saue them ALbeit sometyme it may seeme that God should bee farre from vs in that he doth not so visibly appeare vnto vs as he is wont yet we may be sure that he is not farre of if with our whole heart and affection we pray vnto him if wee bee moued by the feare and reuerence of his name to obeye him if wee call vpon him in this sorte he will exalt vs and will deliuer vs from all our sinnes Psal 6. ver 1. O Lord rebuke me not in thine anger neither chasten me in thy heauie displeasure haue mercie vpon me for I am weake O Lorde heale me for my bones are brused my soule is sore troubled but Lorde how long wilt thou delay Returne O Lorde deliuer my soule saue me for thy mercie sake for in death there is no remembrance of thee and in the graue who shall praise thee FOr as much as Dauid sayth in the 34. Psalme that the eyes of the Lorde are vpon the iust and his eares are readie to heare their mone in harkening vnto them when they crye and deliuering them from al their tribulations and least some men might thinke that poore sinners are cast away frō God and he wil not vouchsafe to heare their requestes wee heare the Prophet Dauid praying vnto him not as a iust man but as one feeling himselfe greatly guiltie of his infirmities as it is plainly shewed in the 38. Psalm of the like sort also is it when he confesseth his iniquities to haue ouerwhelmed him which like a burthen is heauier then he is able to beare For all this yet he testifieth that although he were poore and miserable by reason of his sinnes yet God had accepted his prayers and taken pitie and compassion on him Psalm 86. ver 3. Be mercifull vnto me O Lord for J crye vnto thee continually reioyce the soule of thy seruant for vnto thee O Lord do I lift vp my head For thou O Lord art good mercifull and of great kindnesse to all them that call vpon thee DAuid beeing in calamitie desired of God to bee restored in his soule putting the assurance of his prayers vppon the naturall loue of God who is by nature gentle and mercifull according to his promise yea he is the very selfe same foundation vpon which the poore afflicted ought to comfort and reioyce themselues in heart and soule and by feruent prayer vnto God be deliuered from their iniquities Ioel Chap. 2. ver 32. Whosoeuer calleth vpon the name of the Lord shall be saued AS faith is neuer without repētance so it cannot bee without helpe goodnesse and soueraigne power of God by calling vpon him according to his promises to the ende wee may get his fauour and grace which is here promised vnto vs as a consolation and comforte in the greatest miserie and affliction that we haue whosoeuer then of what condition or estate he bee whether rich or poore great or small that doth acknowledge his omnipotent and infinite power if he humble himselfe before his Maiestie and heartely pray him for mercie let him assure himselfe that he shall bee exalted and that God will be fauourable vnto him Iohn Chap. 16. ver 23. Verely verely J say vnto you whatsoeuer you shall aske my father in my name he shall giue it you aske and you shall receiue that your ioye may be full THis is the Sonne of God our Sauiour Christ which speaketh and maketh vs certaine that our prayers are exalted not for our owne worthinesse but by his fauour not by the desert of any creature either in heauen or earth but in and for his sake onely who is our aduocate and redeemer Vpon this cōfidence he doth warne and teach vs to pray vnto his father with this promise that we shall neuer bee sent emptie away but after this mortalitie hath put on immortalitie this corruption shal put on incorruption we shall be receiued into ioy and consolation for euer Ion 1. Epist Chap. 5. ver 14. This is the assurance that
first token of mercie when he saw him lost and fallen into death he was carefull to raise him and set him vp againe his clemencie he shewed there to be so much the greater and his goodnes declared it selfe so much openly for after he had done so much good and shewed him such fauour to create him after his own likenesse hauing committed to him the sole authoritie and dominion of all things which are vnder heauen onely aduertising him to obediēce which he ought in trueth to haue performed yet among all these things so easie he lendeth his eares to the craftinesse of Sathan rather then to the voyce of his God and at the length fell into infidelitie and vnthankfulnes towards him yet he left him not nor gaue him ouer in such euilles but goeth after him although he had despised and offended him so much neither stayeth he till Adam came to seeke him yea the Lorde goeth first to finde him not to auenge himself or to chide him by hard reprehensions as in good right he might doe but to bring him to the knowledge of his sinne and to giue him helpe for his saluation Oh the goodnesse of God how marueilous and how wonderfull are his doinges his mercie is excellent and great for who knoweth not that where iniquitie aboundeth there his grace aboundeth much more The sinne of Lot was no light sinne in committing incest without thinking on it with his owne daughters yet God had mercie on him as S. Peter testifieth calling him a iust man not in respect of the abhominable deede but because of the grace of God which shewed it self in him for the iust works and godlinesse that were in him all his life tyme. Iacob hath not bene guiltles for defiling himselfe by incest with his two wiues being sisters yet God ceased not to continue his grace and fauour towardes him following the promise made to his posteritie for euer The xij Patriarks the children of Iacob are accused for many diuers great faultes and misdeedes as Ruben the first borne defiled his fathers bed with Bilha one of his Concubines Iuda did the like with Thamar his daughter in lawe and although he knewe her not yet he is not excused Simeon and Leuy shewed themselues altogether vnfaithfull disloyall cruell and bloodie in the murther of the Shechimites The other brethren mooued with wrath and fed with hatered were like murthers on Ioseph their younger brother they were so impudent and without humanitie that they cared not to afflict their old father by making him thinke that some wild beast had deuoured his sonne and their brother Ioseph notwithstanding for all their misdeedes God hath bene mercifull and blessed them The sinne of Aaron is in no wise to be excused although he had this honour of God to beare his worde with his brother Moses to the people of Israel and before the King of Egipt being ordayned an high Priest a ruler of his Church in the seruice was instituted by the lawe yet he became so slouthfull of so small courage that he suffered himselfe to bee guided by the affection of the blinde people ignorant and supersticious and not onely consented to them in their wicked interprice but he himselfe became a workman and founder of their Idoll and a minister to their Idolatrie setting vp the Alter and appoynting a feast to be solemnized for the seruice of their Calfe for which Moses his brother reproued him very sharply as though he had bene onely the cause of this euill for he had by this meanes destituted and disapointed the people of the grace of God who was readie to giue them ouer into the handes of their enemies as we may reade in Deut. 9. Chap. vers 22. Yet his wrath was pacified neither ceased he to continue his goodnesse towards him but raised and established him to the office of the high Priest It happened also that afterward he committed a great fault when he contented not himselfe with the great office of the high Priest which was graunted him and his sonnes for euer but enuied his brother Moses accusing him as an vsurper in taking on him the gouernement of the people for which hee esteemed himselfe as worthie as Moses was For which cause though the Lord was angrie against him and his Sister and stroke them with Leaprosie for the space of seauen daies a iust punishment for such a quarrell yet he vsed so great clemencie towards them that his wrath went no farther and healed them After that Dauid had concealed his flight from Saul vnto Abimilecke and reporting not the trueth was some cause that 85 Priestes were put to death by the commaundement of Saule their townes were destroyed and sacked and all the dwellers therein passed on the edge of the sworde both men women and children Afterward being placed in the Crowne by the singuler grace of God who had deliuered him from so many daungers and made him happely to raigne and fought so many worthie victories conquering all Gods and his enemies in the lande made them tributaries to him yet when the Soldiours fought against the Ammonites and besieged the Citie of Rabba the Arke of the Lorde beeing in Campe he began to liue in ease and pleasure remayning quietly in Ierusalem at which tyme he committed adulterie with Bethsabeth not by the infirmitie of the flesh as if had not other meanes to satisfie his incontinencie and to quench the heate of his lust but by a disordered desire which made him commit whoredome with his Subiects wife and this also made his sinne much more greeuous considering the tyme wherein he should haue bestowed him selfe in praier for the good estate of his kingdome and the Arke of God neither was he so satisfied but cloked sinne with sinne for he caused Vrias his faithfull subiect to bee murthered by the enemies of God thereby to couer the sinne of adulterie but after hee knewe his sinne and God had receiued him to mercie he repented him of his misdeedes and receiued grace and fauour frō the Lord. Great and filthie were the sinnes of Manasse the King of Iuda for he builded vp the high places that his father Ezechias had plucked downe and worshipped the Planets as the Sunne the Moone and the Starres and prophaned the walles of the Temple with the Alters that he caused to bee built following al the abhominations of the Gentiles he burnt his sonnes in the fire looking himself on them he receiued Sorcerers and familiar Spirites he vsed Witchcraft and set vp grauen Images in the house of God expresly against the commaundement of the Law neither did he this himselfe but caused the people also to goe astray and do the like and which is more he reiecteth the attonement which was made vnto him and his fathers but gaue himselfe more and more vnto euill and sold himselfe altogether to work wickednesse in the sight of the Lord he shed in Ierusalem much innocent blood and put to death those which did reprooue him