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father_n holy_a manner_n son_n 14,262 5 5.8799 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15440 A supplication to the Kings Maiestie of Spayne, made by the Prince of Orange, the states of Holland and Zeland, with all other his faithfull subiectes of the low Countreys, presently suppressed by the tyranny of the Duke of Alba and Spaniards. By which is declared the originall beginning of al the commotions [and] troubles happened in the sayd low Countrie: to the relief wherof, they require his Maiesties speedy redresse and remedie. Faithfully translated out of Duytsch into English, by T.W.; Sendbrief. In forme van supplicatie aen die Conincklicke Majesteyt van Spaengien. English William I, Prince of Orange, 1533-1584.; Philip II, King of Spain, 1527-1598.; T. W., fl. 1573-1595. 1573 (1573) STC 25710; ESTC S120037 18,049 46

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or daughters frō their filthy lustes or their lyues from their bloudthirstinisse Nobilitie Richesse manhood or good seruice done in tymes past could nothing preuaile if once hée was entred intoo hatred of them And without taking regard to the Iurisdictions or ordinary courses of the countrie hath stopped the Iurisdictions of al Iustices either in ciuill or criminall causes which in any wyse concerne the confiscations pronounced in his bloudy Counsell in such sorte as neyther spirituall or temporal persones widowes or orphanes hospitalls Spittels Lazarus houses or other whiche had good and deuable reuenues amongst the confiscated goods could get any payment or satisfaction But the Duke of Alba hath gotten all into his hands without any mind to discharge any the premisses notwithstāding the diuers and earnest solicitations requestes to him made in that behalfe by the States of the Countries delaying the poore agréeued subiectes with dilatorie and vnfounded apostillations the one alwayes contrarying the other and without sending ouer the matters to the prouinciall Counsels or ordinary Iustices to the intent to make them dispaire of any satisfactiō to be made by the court where by proces they haue ben sōmoned to their excissiue charge and vpon summes of small value haue bene forced to greater charges then the principal hath amounted vnto not suffering any law full transport to be made of any one debte for the other To consider what number of honest woomen and yonge maydens they haue with force and violence rauished that the one after the other yea misused some euen to the death Howe often haue they compelled the husbande to remaine with the wife and the father with the daughter to force thē with their eyes to beholde their most vilanous filthinesse and made them as instruments to the accomplishinge of their luxurious luste vsing such vnnaturall and beastly fashions that wée are in a manner abashed and astonied to declare the same to your Maiestie Howe often hath it happened that the husband séeking to defend hys wyfe or daughter of their rauishement that they haue all togither as furious curres run out of the house togither crying Spania Spania murtheringe a number of the poore commons How many women great with childe haue they ript vp the bellies off and murthered the frute in their wombes Haue they not fleyed and pulled off the skinns of some men being aliue and headdid their drommes with the same skin others haue they not tosted with small fyres nypped thē with red burning tonges euen to the death and consequently murthered a number and made them dye a hundreth deathes Howe many women haue they chased from their husbands and children from their parents yea what is there vnder the heauens so honest or holy which they haue not defiled and troden vnder foote Uerily amongest all other Nations yea amongest the cruelest the buryinge of the dead hath alwayes bene permitted and reuerenced But this Tirant in the despyte of God and nature is so obstinate and peruerse that hée hath caused to be taken out of the graue the carcasses of the dead and conueyed vnder the gallowes vnder pretence because some of them dying without shrifte others without houseling had forfaited his goods which hée tooke as confiscated What is there amongst men more holy and honest then is the state of Matrimonie being the only and true foundation of all mutual loue friendship the originall of loue the bond of peace and the direct way of all dealings amongst men whereof this Tyrant maketh so little accompte that hée seuereth the mē frō their wyues and the wyues frō their husbands being ioyned togither in the congregation before God and his Angels cleane contrary to the commaundement and institution of almighty God and rightes all vnder pretence that they were ioyned togither in the way of heresie but to saye trueth it is onely in spoyling manner to match the beautifull and riche Matrones with his Souldiours ruffians and finally by his crueltie burst in sunder the original bande tending to the intertayning of all mutuall loue murthering and killing the women which in time of extremitie had reléeued their husbands the childrē for succouring the necessitie of their parents yea those which had onely with a letter cōforted any of them And to the ende that nothing shuld by him be left vndefiled hath hée troden in most despitefull manner vnder foote the most holy Sacramēt of Baptisme whereby wée are incorporated in the body of Iesus Christ and cōmunion of God his Church willing and commaunding that those children which were Christened openly and lawfully according to the institution of Iesus Christ in the name of the Father Sonne and holy Ghoste should once agayn be baptised vnder pretence that they were Christened as heretiques and repugnant contrarie to all godly and naturall rightes ordonances of the church decrées of Counsells Furthermore it néedeth not to rehearse to your Maiestie the gréeuous exactions inuented by him one after an other and with out measure doth vrge of the poore commōs as the hundrethes twenties yea the tenth penie of all goods mouables and immouables of all goods bought and sold demaunding yea vrging by execution contrarie to the aduise counsell of al estates in these coūtries not of the cleare gaines of the same but the tenth and twentie penie of the capitall some of all sales Whereby not onely all trades and trafficques are abandoned out of the land but likewise the subiectes of the same depriued from the getting of the liuing of them their wiues and children And notwithstanding that the states haue at sundry times done their endeuour largely to infourme the said Duke of the inconueniences which might follow vppon the said demaund and requested that he would in their behalfe aduertise your Maiestie therof would not hearken to them but shaked them of without any comefort although he was by intercession of the counsel states of the land therunto most earnestly instanced and so therby caused the decay of all marchandise compelled the inhabitants through misery to flée away into other countries And yet it is apparant that when any necessitie is towardes for payment of the souldiers no money is to be had in such sorte that the Spanish souldiours are at afterdele in their payment xxviij monethes and the Dutche moste of them constrayned to go a begging from doore to doore of which some haue by famine and misery perished Notwithstanding the great sommes which the states haue leuied and paid to the paying of the said souldiours yet neuerthelesse haue his garnisons consumed and eaten out the most part of the townes suppressed the same with the Seruitio which they haue bene forced to minister to the said Spanish souldiours and those which haue giuen most money as well to him as to Don Frederico or any of theirs haue bene the first that were discharged of the sayde bondage of Seruitio With which garnisons he hath most vexed the