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A14305 The arraignment of slander periury blasphemy, and other malicious sinnes shewing sundry examples of Gods iudgements against the ofenders. As well by the testimony of the Scriptures, and of the fathers of the primatiue church as likewise out of the reportes of Sir Edward Dier, Sir Edward Cooke, and other famous lawiers of this kingdome. Published by Sir William Vaughan knight.; Spirit of detraction, conjured and convicted in seven circles Vaughan, William, 1577-1641. 1630 (1630) STC 24623; ESTC S113946 237,503 398

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three records on earth or sacramentall types and mysteries of water the word and the Spirit there are said to be three the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost which beare record in heauen three persons distinguished really in respect of their personall properties but indistinct essentially in respect of their perpetuall power I say in respect of originall order of Christs mysticall marriage with the freckled or spotted Spouse the militant Church on earth in respect of his office in mediating for sinfull men an office too meane for the sacred maiesty of God and in respect of his humanity that was crucified for the Elect by Gods promise euer since Adams fall or perhaps before his fall lest the whole generation of mankind had beene vnder a iust Anathema or excommunication the Sonne was and is inferiour to the Father and submitteth his will to the Fathers will as himselfe protested Not as I will but as thou wilt O Father And so the holy Ghost is inferiour to them both in regard of his humble function of vice-gerencie or deputation in comforting and instructing the sinfull sonnes of Adam These seuerall assignements of offices they appointed to themselues in their owne praedestinated wisedomes wherein though they all conspire yet as I said before one of them hath the name of Primate in regard of order but in regard of their eternity and omnipotence none is greater or lesse then another For this cause it is written that the Father created the world the Sonne redeemed it and the holy Ghost sanctifieth it and yet they are but one in effect in their ends one God one omnipotent power communicating to three persons to three properties as one center to three lincs all in all and three in all As no man can come to the Father but by the Sonne so no man can come to the Son but by the holy Ghost for we are sanctified because we are redeemed and we are redeemed because we are elected Pater eligit Filius diligit Spiritus sanctus coniungit vnit The Father electeth the Sonne loueth and the holy Ghost conioynes cements and vnites together The Father eternall in the consubstantiall word the word in him both in the coessentiall Spirit and the Spirit in them both doe all three co-operate co-adiute and worke according to their own counsell for the good of their creatures for the honour of their heauenly Hierarchy The Father begetteth in loue and iustice the Sonne begotten in loue and righteousnes and the holy Ghost proceeding from them both in loue and grace doe mystically teach the inward man that sees with the spirituall eyes of faith what care the Godhead takes for the restoring and repayring of that breach and lapse which the imbecility of mans brittle condition together with Sathans subtilty caused vnto all posterities And thus God manifesteth this three-fold distinction vnto vs that his elect might apprehend the mysticall operation of their soules saluation in the effects of his Iustice Grace and Loue. Againe lest for all this I seeme obscure I will exemplifie the vnited substance of the Trinity more familiarly yet with this prouiso that the words of Zophar to Iob may be read as a preamble Canst thou by searching finde out God or canst thou finde out the Almighty to his perfection That surely were to scale the heauens or build another Babel In a Spirit there is neither part diuersity nor multiplication but wheresoeuer the spirit is there is the whole spirit as the soule of man is not part in the head and part in the foote but the same whole spirit which is in the head is vndiuided entire all and the same in the foote neuerthelesse it appeares more eminent in the head by reason of the soules more notable operation there mans head being the noblest obiect the noblest Organ of the body which the soule doth like So in this spirituall substance of God there is no part diuersity nor multiplication but euery thing in God is God and the whole and the same substance of his Spirit for where one of Gods vertues are there also himselfe and all his vertues are as the influence of the Sunne But we commonly say Our Father which art in heauen not that he is altogether locally circumscribed there secluded from all other places but because it pleaseth his glorious Maiesty for the honour of his power to impart his Diuinity there most cleerely among his vndefiled and vnspotted creatures which as like to like pure to pure doe answere and satisfie the pleasure of their mercifull Creator So that God is in heauen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for the rarenesse and excellency of his operations in that purest place And surely God dealt like himselfe like a gracious Lord thus to communicate his soucraigne perfections to that choise place amidst his choysest creatures restrayning the same from vs poorepilgrims who for the brittlenesse of our e●rthly mould being clothed but with dust and ashes full of corruptions could no more then Phaeton or Icarus stand iustified before his sunny presence For when his heauenly Highnesse vouchsafed to guide and goe before the Israelites out of Egypt his magnanimous Spirit that could not brooke impurity was moued to such impatience against their sinnes that he was faine to withdraw his strong and powerfull presence from their weake complexions lest as himselfe said he should consume them in the way To returne and retire backe towards the entire essence of the Trinity I beleeue that Gods properties as I wrote before cannot be diuided into parts portions or parcels but that euery quality in God is God and the whole substance of his spirit and so the Speaker in Gods Spirit is Gods Spirit of the whole substance The Word in Gods Spirit is Gods Spirit of the whole substance But herein is their difference that the Father is the Speaker onely as begetting the Word the Sonne is the Word onely as the Word begotten And the holy Ghost is holy only as proceeding from the mutuall loue and from the mutuall wils of the Father or the Speaker begetting and of the Sonne or Word begotten So as the Speaker in God is God the Word in God is God and the holy Loue in God is God But yet the Speaker is not the Word nor the Word the Speaker if we regard the order and mysterie of their operatiue offices though both be God for the one is the Father begetting and the other I meane the Word is the Sonne begotten The propagatour or producer of Sanctification or holy Loue in God is loue which loue is God And loue produced in God is Loue and is God but the producer of loue is not loue produced I say the will of the Father and the Sonne being the producer of loue is not the loue proceeding or produced that is the holy Ghost though all be God in substance and power but differing in the manner of their operation for the Father is loue onely
as transferring loue to the Sonne the Sonne is loue as transferring loue to the Father and the holy Ghost loue onely as it is transferred produced and proceeding from them both Thus the whole Trinity according to the substance of loue agree all together in one for euery one of them partaking of one Godhead partakes also of the attributes thereof of loue of wisdome and others onely they differ in the order and maner of their loues or of their wisedomes productions In like maner the Father is wisdome ontly as begetting or producing wisedome the Sonne is wisedome onely as wisdome begotten or produced of the Father and the holy Ghost is wisedome as it is produced from the ioint and mutuall will of the Father and the Sonne so that wisedome is not the Father as it is wisedome but as it is wisdome begetting or producing neyther is wisedome the Sonne as it is wisedome but as it is wisedome begotten and produced of the Father nor is the holy Ghost wisedome as it is wisedome but as it is wisedome produced or proceeding from the Father and the Sonne Whereby good Christians may note the manner of the difference how that loue producing loue produced of the Father and loue produced both from the Father and the Sonne be three distinct things And so are wisedome begetting wisedome begotten and wisedome proceeding three personall properties distinct in the relation of one to another though indistinct in respect of their essence and eternity To wind vp this discourse in a word when I pray to the Father I pray with feare fearing his iustice when I pray to the Sonne I pray with hope hoping for mercy when I pray to the holy Ghost I pray with admiration admiring Gods loue in mitigating the seuerity of iustice with the sweete streames of mercy towards the penitent sinner through the spirituall apprehension of Iesus Christ crucified This the Pagan Poets of elder ages like guilty conscienced Caiphas were constrained to confes when they painted out Minerua their Goddesse of wisedome begotten in Iupiters braine and when they fained also that Bellona their war-like Goddesse was conceiued and begotten in a Goddesse fist for indeede the origen and roote of mans wisedome ariseth vp at first out of the braine and his strength out of his hand Both which serue for instrumentall agents to display out those worthy vertues of Strength and Wisedome Marke well my words muse vpon them thou that meanest to mortifie the outward man and to be conuerted into the inward man into a new Christian soule Maruell not at this distinction of mine touching Gods properties for I distinguish them not but into persons onely for order sake and that to the intent that thou mayest obserue his manifolde loue towards mankinde whose reasonable capacity his sacred Maiesty inuites by such a plaine distinction of personall functions to the mysteries of our soules saluation namely to know our Election by the Father our Redemption by the Sonne and our Sanctification equally breathed from them both in loue and wisedome by the holy Ghost who ingraues as with a seale these Diuine mysteries in our conuerted consciences And euen as these Poets like Apes glaunced at Gods personall properties by such Allegoricall examples so did they expresse their descending downe to men in varieties of shapes after the imitation of the Scripture where it is said that Iacob wrastled with an Angell that Abraham feasted three Angels vnder the habite of Pilgrims and that the Holy Ghost descended like a Doue at the Baptizing of Christ. Sometimes those Poets brought in their Gods disguised as men to feast with Philemon some other times as Heyfers Swannes and in a golden shower as Iupiter to Danae so that this verse may wellbe his Non frustra dictus Bos Ouis Imber Olor Courteous Reader here is in explicable admiration but no admirable explication nor yet any application worthy the least glimpse of his glorious name for the least sillable of this word Iehouah imports a more miraculous mysterie then slesh and bloud can possibly perceiue If his very name which no man knowes but himself containes such hidden wonders exceeding all the Anagrams Artes and Etymologies of the world much more mystically ought wee to conceiue of his vn-reuealed essence contenting our selues onely with the Scriptures phrase for a godly ignorance concerning such deepe matters downe poyzeth a world of Adams knowledge in good and euill LINEAMENT IIII. 1 The description of our Sauiour Christs Incarnation 2 In what maner he tooke vpon him our infirmities 3 His terrible passion and death 4 His Resurrection and Ascension 5 That he alone is our Mediator with the Father 6 His comming to Iudgement FRom the vndistinct substance of this omnipotent Godhead as fire from fire without diminution or waste came the Light of life the reasonable Word which was euer with God before the beginning of the world the Image of the inuisible God the first borne of all Creatures in whom all things consist by whom and for whom God made all things the bright sunne of our soules Horizon the giuer of Counsell the mighty God the euerlasting Father the Prince of peace the diuine Oracle the Paschall Lambe the Womans seede which must tread vpon the Serpents head our heauenly Fathers Ambassador to mortall men the Lion of the tribe of Iuda Iacobs Shiloh which must gather the people to gether the repayrer of that breach which was made by Adams fall betwixt the Angels and mankinde the Prophet whom God promised to raise vp like vnto Moyses the Angell of the great Counsell the roote of lesse which shall stand vp for a signe to the people and the nations shall seeke vnto it the life of the liuing the death of death The head corner stone which the foolish builders reiected the brazen Serpent which the Lord commaunded to be set vp as a signe to them that were slung with fiery Serpents in the Wildernesse for their recouery The stone hewed out of the Mountaine without hands which breake in peeces Nabuchodonozors glorious Image representing the Monarchies of this world The Virgins sonne Emanuell of whom Esay foretold King Ahaz This lightsome Word or Lord of peace to fulfill his Fathers predestinate counsell for the restitution of mankind which fell from the state of innocency to the intent that the sauage Wolfe might co-habitate and conuerse together with the silly Lambe vnder the same roofe of rest that the parents hearts might be reconciled towards their children and the children towards their parents that the stony flinty heart might be taken away and the tender fleshie heart restored to the second Adam that the different and disproportioned tuncs or thoughts of our mindes moulded after the diuers and different motions of the Planets at our nat●uities might at length after the manifold crosles of this world agree in one in the vnity or vniforme harmony of the Spirit to this end I say this Prince of
the vndiuisible substance of the Deity or the subsistence of the person though it seems diuided to the outward man for I confesse the vnity and identity in our Messias Euen as the reasonable soule and flesh is one man so God and man is one Christ by the vnity and vertue of the holy Ghost 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 All honour laud and glory be ascribed vnto thee O Father of prouidence which hast made vs meete to be partakers of this heauenly vision by whose power our sinfull soules in the blood of his Crosse are regenerate and reconciled vnto thee LINEAMENT V. 1 The description of the Holy Ghost 2 How the Catholike Church was preserued from vtter ruine in time of Poperie 3 That the misprision and contempt of the Holy Ghost wrought the ruine first of the Easterne Church and then of the Westerne 4 Why this third person in Trinity is peculiarly termed Holy 5 The manner to discerne them that be possessed with the Holy Ghost and why S. Paul in his Epistles salutes men in the name of the Father and the Sonne omitting the Holy Ghost 6 What it is to sinne against the holy Ghost 7 The Authours supplication to the Trinity for his presumptuous discourse OVt of the incomprehensible Deity likewise issued the Spirit of spirits the third person in Trinity our holy Iehouah as the meane of the other two Diuine persons namely of Iehouah vnbegotten and of Iehouah begotten I say the meane of the vnbegotten and begotten in respect of the Elect produced propagated or rather proceeding from both their wils the oyle of gladnesse the fiery Comforter the Messenger of zeale the Schoole-master of true loue the miraculous power of God the finger of God which wrought miracles and plagued the Egyptians the Treasurer of sundry pretions iewels as of Prophesie Faith Charity diuersities of tongues and other diuine gifts the water of life the wel of water springing vp vnto euerlasting life The mysticall seale of loue betwixt the Father and the Sonne or to speake more naturally the Sacramentall influence of both their actions immanent and transient Euen as it pleased God at Whitsuntide about seuen weekes after Easter and after the redemption of the Israelites from the bondage of Egypt to giue them the law of the tenne Commandements at Mount Sinai and that not priuately but publiquely before all the Congregation so it pleased his Diuine Maiesty at Whitsuntide about seuen weekes after Easter being the time of our Redemption from the bondage of Hel to inspire his Elect with his holy spirit openly before many witnesses of Parthians Medes Elamites and men of diuers Nations as it is written Suddenly there came a sound from heauen as of a rushing and a mighty winde and it filled all the house where they sate There appeared vnto them clouen tongues like fire and it sate vpon each of them And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speake with other tongues as the spirit gaue them vtterance But here is the difference worthy of obseruation that euen as there on Mount Sinay Iehouah the Sonne descended downe to the Israelites with fearefull thunder and lightning to signifie thereby the wrath of God the Father for the breach of his lawes so here Iehouah the Holy Ghost descends as the Angell of Christ not in fire of fury but in fire of loue and zeale not with the loud voyce of a Trumpet but with the sound of winde making a peaceable and still noise because the Gospell comforts the deiected man This is that spirituall Angell which inspires the Angels of heauen to honour their Creator which breathes into them the knowledge of all goodnesse which sanctified the Virgins wombe which reuealed to the Prophets mysteries and things to come This holy Spirit regenerates the inward man quickeneth our dull mindes like as the Sunne with his vegetatiue heat nourisheth the barrennest earth and insinuates himselfe into the zealous professours of the Gospell effectually mystically and miraculously This is that Spirit of God which moued at the creation of the world vpon the face of the waters This is that Spirit of sanctification which descended down from heauen in the likenesse of a Done and sate vpon our Sauiour Christ. This is that spirituall Light whose vniuersall presence is neuer absent from the Lordes Spouse the Catholicke Church euen as hitherunto euer since the Ascension of our Sauiour his pure power hath vouchsafed to preserue her from vtter damnation in some Countrey or other When Idolatry ouer-swayed these Westerne parts of the world doubtlesse the Lord had his Spouse eyther in Moscouia Greece Armenia Aethiopia or some other Region and perhaps in one or two housholds as heretofore fell out in Adams Noahs and Abrahams time This the Apostle in the Apocalyps manifesteth when as he prophesied that she should flie into a Wildernesse and soiourne therefor feare of the Dragon or Antichristian deceite while faith was departed and Gods two testimonies lay dead and despised O yee that go vnder the naked name of Catholikes marke how well the concordance of these three places Propheticall answeres your stentorean vociferation on Priestly succession It is dangerous to measure Illumination or any other mentall gift of the holy Ghost according to mistaking times or mens traditions for the Gold-smith that softneth hardneth and tempeteth the mettall at his owne free and secret pleasure may cause his old iewels to be newly in request and distributed againe as it were by degrees or nurses milke by little and little for Our reconciliation to the Lord of life the Lambe that leades to the liuing fountaines of waters or to these Royall Magazins and shops of the Spirit Euen as this Spirit speakes in the hearts of true Gospellers without any noyse of wordes and moueth them oestro miraculoso so the misprision of this Al-quickning Spirit made our forefathers subiect to schismes heresies and superstition and wrought the ruine of the Easterne Church their chiefe Imperiall Citie of Constantinople as it is said being taken on a Whitsunday our festiuall time of the holy Ghost And at this day if we strictly examine our consciences we shall finde the originall fountaine of all our errours Detractions defamations and other infinite pollutions to arise from our hardnesse of hearts in not glorifying our most glorious God and seeking after this Spirit of consolation who is the third person in Trinity As our Sauior Christ said to his disciples Go and teach alnations baptizing them in the name of the Father the Sonne and of the holy Ghost And as the Apostles taught There are three which beare record in heauen the Father the Word and the holy Ghost and these three are one But why is the third person in Trinity peculiarly termed the Holy Spirit Is not the Father Holy and the Son Holy God forbid that I should hold the contrary The Father is a
conuersion then that this lightning Accident hath enlightned both our soules Thine it preferred into Paradise mine it prepareth for Paradise thy soule as a type of zeales flame it purified actually secundum passionem mine it purifieth potentially secundum propassionem Thus both of vs do stand as monuments to the Church here on earth the one as a relicke richer then Mausolus his Tombe the other as a publicke notarie reserued to sound out the wonders of the great God and to transcribe vnto after-ages thy extraordinarie end If the Spirit of Detraction reply that I intend a needlesse labour to embalme a dead carkasse with such costly oyntment saying what needed this waste Loe I returne his enuious demand this vnparalel'd answere of our Sauiour I did it to bury her It is to performe the last obsequies of her funerall that wheresoeuer the Gospell is sincerely preached throughout this Land there also these Circles of mine vvhereof her memory next vnder God was the motiue may be read as a mirrour of Gods miracles as a memoriall of her liuing vertues and as a monument towards her of my kinde affection It is the last solemnitie the last precious oyntment which I can poure vpon her head the last Adieu the last office of good will which I can accomplish for her sake This kind of Epitaphes in honour of the dead an holy Father highly commendeth It is pietie saith he to publish the deceaseds vertues yea it is a meanes to encrease grace in our owne selues Therefore let no man blame me because I erect these paper-statues to the glory of my deceased wife seeing that many others of nobler endowments haue endeuoured to illustrate their dead friends It is not long since that famous Gentleman Phillip Mornay Lord of Plessis mourned in the like manner for the death of his onely sonne who of late was slaine with a musket-shot at the siege of the Citie Geldre vnder Graue Maurice which dolefull Catastrophe hee set out in a little booke called Du Plessis teares written to his wife Charlotte Baliste why then should I feare thy shadowie prickles O spitefull Spirit In praysing her from whom haue I detracted Downe therefore downe vvith thy malicious stings and interrupt me not in my zealous offices while I betake my selfe to the mournfull accents of a voice almost stopt vvith throbs of griefe while also I sacrifice my last gratuities vnto her sacred spirit interrupt me not Adieu thou seruant of Christ thou patterne of piety Adieu thou map of Gods miracles Adieu my loue my ioy my comfort Adieu and rest thee henceforth among the heauenly roses rest in peace for euer free from the thornes of malice Adieu againe and againe Adieu Elizabeth my wife for a while and welcome sweet Iesus my Sauiour for euer THE SEAVENTH CIRCLE OF THE SPIRIT OF DETRACTION CONIVRED AND CONVICTED LINEAMENT I. 1 That the spirit of Detraction can neuer annoy vs while the Maiestie of Iustice shines vpon vs. 2 The Authours supplication to the Lord Chancellour of England the Lord President of Wales and to all other his Maiestics Iudges of Record within this Monarchy of Great Brittaine for the extirping out of notorious Blasphemics 3 The Spirit of Detractions craft in molesting his Maiesties inferiour Officers 4 His diabolicall craft in wronging of priuate persons 5 The Authours Conclusion to the aboue-sayd Lords for reformation of the said abuses HOW amiable shewes thy face O Queene of Uertues when the light of Maiestie shines vpon thee Euen as amiable shewes thy face as the face of an Angell as the face of Moses which he was faine to vaile by reason of his bright-shining beautie after hee had seene a glimpse of Gods glory When thou sittest equally in thy throne of state with the ballance in one hand and the sword in the other hand how worthy then to beadored being so adorned so transfigured in glory with the three Apostles on Mount Tabor While this ballance lasteth euen the Lambe may dwell with the Wolfe without dread or doubt While this sword of Iustice hangs ouer Caines head as it sometimes hung ouer Damocles his head by a slender threed his yonger brother Abell may walke innocent in his vocation and cheerefully sacrifice his oblation of thanksgiuing sounding out this dittie of the princely Psalmist I will sing of Mercy and Iudgement vnto thee O Lord will I sing The carefull Magistrate need not feare the sword of Ismael which is a reuiling tongue Iacob after his three apprentiships vnder Laban may trauell vpon the Kings high-way towards his natiue home secured from his eldest brother Esaus sword Moses may exercise his office with alacritie and courage notwithstanding the rebellious muttering of Corah Dathan and Abiram In this golden age of Iustice ' Dauid may manifest his zeale and ioyfully dance before the Lords Arke for all the scornefull flouts of Michol or the scolding speeches of Semci Now hee cares not for his emulous and enuious aduersaries who to some out the dregs of their mindes subborned false witnesses laying to his charge those things which he neuer knew In this flourishing time Mephibosheth triumphes ouer his seruant Zibaes scandalous accusation While this thy ballance O sacred Iustice or this thy sword the one as a cause indented to leade the vse of thy fine the other as a finall concomitance or statute staple to establish thy euer-stable Iudgements or vvhile both of them together as Causa Causatum two friendly Correlatiues doe follow the strict contents of their Commission of Oier and Terminer the iniurious imputations of Potiphars wife can neuer impeach chast Ioseph nor can the snarling and doggish letter R redoubled out of Doegs nostrils impaire the credite of Abimelech Neither can Iezabels letter produce seduced testimonie against Naboth nor can the Rulers of Babilon worke the ruine of Daniel Reioyce thou daughter of Israel renowned Susanna for the Elders which accused thee are ouertaken in their owne snares they are found in contrarie tales While this seate of Iustice stands sincere without staine without sicklenesse Stephen may boldly reproue the sinnes of our lawlesse Libertines without feare of forged witnesses or clamorous suggestions that hee blasphemed God and Moses So full of efficacie is the influence of Iustice vvhen her bright beauteous body is countenanced with the glorious aspects of Prudence and Magnanimitie the attributes of the Eternall Maiestie that presently the Spirit of Detraction with all his blacke Guard of sinne will disperse themselues to nothing as a companie of bragging Waspes at the violence of Northren winde There flocked sometimes out of this fluttering swarme innumerable to beare downe the reputation of Ionathas with his Prince but what became of them and of their runnagate slanders as soone as they heard the sound of King Alexanders Trumpet proclaiming Ionathas to be the Kings friend and him for this cause to be cloathed in purple and to weare a collar of gold they vanished away like Waspes or
Hee which cannot erre nor lye no more then Socrates if wee may credit Plato for the one and Antichristians for the other because his seeming Holinesse by vertue of his Eagles feathered force indictes me for an horned beast and my bookes for Heresies I must not trauerse the indictment nor appeale to Caesar nor to the generall Councell but I must rest contented with my doome that the spirit of Detraction stands as yet stout vnconiured and vnconuicted Ascend then yee spirits of euer-darkning night aduance your selues on high yee spightfull spirits of Contradiction extend your stings intend your Circles and conuict your fellow spirits if yee can But why doe I imagine reail Castles in the skies why reuerberate I the fleeting Aire The Ae●●iopian can as soone change his blacke skinne as yee driue out the spirit of Detraction Thou hast loued liars O vsurping Eagle and thy blasphemie is come vp vnto the highest Therefore appeare no more thou Eagle with thy horrible wings with thy wicked feathers thy vngratious heads thy sinfull clawes and all thy vaine bodie At the least presume not to take in hand this important taske to confound this powerfull Pantagruell the limme of that mighty Leu●athan least your winged members as Sathans subiects doe contrarie one another and so diuided through ciuill discord they occasion the finall subuersion of your vvhole dominion One graine of Faith preuailes more then a masse of Masses then millions of Ceremonies of mens Inuentions for the conuicting of Spirituall Monsters Goe thy way then O detracting spirit notwithstanding all these stings tuskes clawes contradictions carpings calumnations and cauillations of sauage people of Aristarches of Catoes of Momistes of Monsters and Vsurpers goe thy way I say conuicted I adiure and coniure thee in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost the ternall and Eternall Vnitie vvho for the mysterie of mans saluation is really distinguished in appellation operation and personall function but indistinct in Essence Omnipotence and Eternitie and venture not hereafter to possesse the sanctified soules of our new-borne Brittaines nor attempt to tempt the Authour of this aduenturous Arke fraught by him but with simple Circles in steed of Noahs necessarie implements vvhose spirituall faculties I finally pray our Heauenly Lord the Lord of Hierarchies to fence and fortifie with the shining shield of his sunnie spirit not onely against thy spirituall spite O blast of Blasphemie but also against all other aspiring spirits whatsoeuer whether they dwell in the flesh or out of the flesh Amen FINIS THE CONTENTS OF THE LINEAMENTS AND CIRCLES CONTAINED IN THIS WORKE The first Circle Lineament I. TO whose capacitie the description of Spirits is difficult to whose it is easie 2 The Authors inuocation to the Godhead through whose onely operation the spirit of Detraction is to be coniured and conuicted Lineament II. 1 That the true meanes to conuict the Spirit of Detraction is the Meditat● on Heauenly mysteries and on the operation of goodnesse 2 Mans curiositie in prying into Gods nature stinted by a non vltra 3 The description of some of Gods attributes 4 That his a●seription is too excellent for mans apprehension 5 That Good or Euill cannot come to mankinde without his will Lineament III. 1 The admirable incorporation of the three persons in Trinitie 2 Their mysticall operation vnfolded according to our reasonable capacities 3 How God is said to be in heauen 4 After what manner the Trinitie doe differ one from another either in Appellation or in Operation 5 That the Pagan Poets like Apes aymed at Gods mysteries by their darke Allegories Lineament IIII. 1 The description of our Sauiour Christs Incarnation 2 In what manner he tooke vpon him our infirmities 3 His terrible passion and death 4 His Resurrection and Ascension 5 That he alone is our Medigtor with the Father 6 His comming to Iudgement Lineament V. 1 The description of the Holy Ghost 2 How the Catholike Church was preserued from vtter ruine in time of Poperie 3 That the misprision and contempt of the Holy Ghost wrought the ruine first of the Easterne Church and then of the Westerne 4 Why this third person in Trinity is peculiarly termed Holy 5 The manner to discerne them that be possessed with the Holy Ghost and why S. Paul in his Epistles salutes men in the name of the Father and the Sonne omitting the Holy Ghost 6 What it is to sinne against the Holy Ghost 7 The Authours supplication to the Trinity for his presumptuous discourse Lineament VI. 1 Their Heresies conuicted which detract from the seruice of God because they see him not with their corporall eyes 2 The knowledge of God proued by an instance of our earthly King who is knowne throughout great Britaine of all his subiects though not of all with corporall sight 3 The excellencie of his spirit aboue the rest of his subiects 4 Meanes to know God 5 Why mortall men cannot see God Lineament VII 1 The description of some of the good spirits which attend on their Creator in heauen 2 Their Offices 4 Greatnesse The second Circle Lineament I. 1 THe true application of the aboue said Coniurations 2 That the names of other good spirits be manifold and diuersly taken in the holy Scripture 3 After what manner Sinne the messenger of Sathan stings vs. 4 By what meanes we may repell the stings of Sathan 5 That it is hard to iudge of our spirituall stings and from whence they come Lineament II. 1 The originall root of Detractions and other pollutions and whether the spirit of Detraction and other sinfull spirits which possesse mankind be reall spirits or stings of the Diuel 2 The sight betwixt the knowledge of Good and the knowledge of Euill 3 That the Good gets the victory ouer the Euill 4 That the Diuell cannot harme a man really Lineament III. 1 That all wicked Spirit ordinarie and extraordinarie doe issue from the same head 2 That they cannot harme a man really without his owne naturall or wanton motion 3 Their varieties proued out of the Scripture where Sauls lunacie is censured 4 That the Spirit of Detraction attendeth on all the said spirits Lineament IIII. 1 Why God giues vs ouer to be tempted by Sathan 2 After what manner the Diuell vseth now a-dayes to ensnare vs. 3 The Diuels policy for the circumuenting of soules Lineament V. 1 Mans fall from the state of innocencie is censured 2 Curiosity curbed for intermedling with Gods secrets 3 The first reason why man was not left altogether perfect and incapable of sinne 4 The latter reason Lineament VI. 1 A meditation vpon Sathans stings occasioned by an vnfained dreame of the Authours 2 Whether the Dragon which S. Iohn saw fighting with the Archangell was reall or spirituall 3 Whether the Serpent which deceiued Eue was reall or spirituall or both wherein the manner of her deceiuing is laid downe Lineament VII 1 That the Holy Ghost applies the Scripture
vnderstanding being but a sparkle in respect of a world of fire failes me and as a candle at the flash of a strong lightning suddenly extinguisheth for in thine interminate vnderstanding there resides infinite wisdome omnipotency prouidence predestination true reason true knowledge and the representation of all thy workemanship If I enter into the speculation of thy gracious and inexhausted will I shall want words significant to expresse the singular proprieties which depend theron as comfortable grapes on one goodly cl●ster or bunch Thy Charity thy Iustice Mercie Clemency Loue Patience Magnificence with other attributes which we doe not deserue to know attend on thy powerfull will O mighty Deity of vnsearchable worth as thy Prophet Dauid said Such knowledge is too wonderfull and excellent for me I cannot attaine vnto it Whither then shall I goe from thy Spirit or whither shall I goe from thy presence If I climbe vp to heauen thou art there If I goe downe into hell thou art there also Thou beholdest all our doings with exceeding patience Thou art wholly in the world as mans soule is wholly in the braine and body and dispersed through euery part of the same and seest as in a manifest map all the world ouer Thou art present with vs in our closest counsels in our closest closets Thou art deck't with light as it were with a garment Thou art most glorious in heauen as mans soule in the head is most conspicuous and therehence like the Sunne with his influence illuminatest all places and searchest the very secrets of our hearts and reines for the light dwelleth with thee Thou art a most pure perfect and actiue forme without any mixture or composition of matter or forme or distinction of parts Thou art the beginning and the end of all things the beginning without beginning and the end without end To end before I haue scant begun thou art al sight all hearing all vnderstanding all reason the origen of all goodnes Totus oculus totus auditus totus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 totus ratio fons omnium bonorum Thou art aboue all things and yet not elated Thou art in all things and yet not concluded Thou art vnder all things yet not restrained Thou art great without quantity good without quality iust without wrath All our ioyes al our pleasures al our profits all our welfare arise from thy fruitfull bounty as on the contrary all our losses all our crosses all our misfortunes proceed by our deserts from thy iust conceiued fury When thou sendest out thy Spirit we are recreated When thou hidest thy face we are troubled Whither then shall we miserable caytiues flie whither From our displeased God to our pleased God from our angry Father to our patient Father Where shall we finde goodnes but with the Author of goodnes Omne bonum à Deo profluit in eundemque tanquam in causam principem finem vltimum reflectitur Euery good springs from God againe the same returnes to him as to the soueraigne cause and last end He euen he it is that subsisteth aboue vs through his prouidence round about vs he substitutes his Angels as it were in fiery Chariots in vs he breathes his fiery Comforter He maketh his An gels spirits adhis Ministers a flaming fire LINEAMENT III. 1 The admirable incorporation of the three persons in Trinity 2 Their mystical operatiō vnfolded according to our resonable capacities 3 How God is said to be in heauen 4 After what manner the Trinity doe differ one from another eyther in Appellation or in Operation 5 That the Pagan Poets like Apes aymed at Gods mysteries by their darke Allegories IF Imeditate on the admirable Hypostasis of the Deity I am rauished with an extasie to behold their heauenly Harmony their consort their consonance and their proportion Goe said our Sauiour Christ to his disciples and teach all Nation s' baptizing them in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost The Father vncreated the glorious Word begotten of his euer-being substance the holy Spirit of comfortable loue out of them both producted All three like wieke waxe and light incorporated in one glorious Torch as the beames and influence of one Sun or as waters of one fountaine or as Peter Paul and Barnabas all three building vpon one Rocke and preaching the same doctrine or as will vnderstanding and memorie the reflecting Image of the Deity in one soule equally partakers of one vndiuided Godhead one light one power one beginning one maiesty one glory and one authority Thus hath this One Diuine Spirit three peerelesse properties the hauing of euery which property is called a Person a terme which we giue to shew the peculiar being of a reasonable spirit which word Person also the Gramarians haue distinguished according to mens common conference into notorious appellations As when God speakes of himselfe to signifie his inexplicable essence he speakes in the first person singular Iehouah I am that I am I the Lord thy God When after deliberation he vtters out his determination then the whole Godhead with a cleere distinction of the personall functions speaks according to mans capacity in the plurall number Let vs make man that thereby we might note his deliberation before his determination then both of them made manifest by his omnipotent Word And forasmuch as a peron is nothing els but a body or a spirit seuerally singled out by himselfe forasmuch as euery thing in the Godhead consisteth substantially by it selfe without the helpe of any other therefore are his seuerall properties or functions to demonstrate the particular or personall orders and operations of Gods will and being In like sort there be two kindes of persons the person of his Spirits Essence and the person of his Spirits properties The person or being of his Essence is but one the persons or subsistences of the properties be three distinct euery one a Spirit by himselfe euery one a liuing God by himselfe and yet all one Spirit one liuing God The Father or the first speaker is God by himselfe and of himselfe and therefore the first being or person The Sonne or word is God by himselfe and not of himselfe but of the Father or speaker onely and therefore the second being The holy Ghost or holy loue is God by himselfe and not of himselfe but ioyntly of the Father and the Sonne and therefore the third being There is no difference at all betweene the Speaker the Word and this Loue but onely in the reciprocall relation of one to another for in respect of their being beginning which was coeternall before al worlds before all times or termes of times they are one essential one equall and one transcendent Person But in respect of order in their heawenly Hierarchies of their offices operations and effects ordayned among themselues by their owne diuine decrees and also in respect of the
holy Spirit and the Sonne a holy Spirit yet notwithstanding because Holinesse or Sanctification towards mankinde proceedes from loue which loue is sent or produced from their mutuall will from the Father by election in loue and from the Sonne by his word and redemption in loue this Holinesse as a Tertian or third influence proceeding out of two Diuine respects towards the saluation of mankind is rightly attributed to the third person in Trinity as to the Ambassadour of both their willes so that the whole Trinity partakes of the same Holines of the same Loue of the same Will of the same Spirit of the same Godhead of the same Vnity as S. Paul very manifestly expresseth in these wordes Endeuourye to keepe the vnity of the Spirit in the bond of peace one body and one Spirit euen as ye are called all in one hope of your calling one Lord one Faith one Baptisme one God and Father of all which is aboue all and through all and in you all So that whatsoeuer name or power is ascribed to anyone peculiar person of the Trinity the same is meant of the whole Trinity The Father is called the Spirit of God the Sonne the Spirit of God and the Holy Ghost the Spirit of God yea the Father is the Spirit of him of whom S. Paul speakes that raised vp Iesus from the dead the Sonne is that Spirit that raised himselfe and the Holy Ghost the same Spirit The Sonne is the Father and the Holy Ghost is in the Father the Sonne is the euerlasting Father This the Prophet witnesseth when as hee names Christ the mighty God and euerlasting Father But when they are seuerally named or distinguished into persons that sense or morall is to be vnderstood parable-wise as including the mysteries of our saluation which our humane capacities cannot otherwise rightly apprehend For euen as a Prince in his prudence loue an I wisedome and for the more honorable establishment of his Monarchy or Kingdome authorizeth his sonne and some other as his Chancelour to impart his lawes vnto his subiects and to gouerne them in order whereby their power becommeth equall so let vs conceiue that the glorious Trinity is but one Diuine and essentiall power all alike all equall and of one authority onely for the glory of the Godhead and for the mysterie of our Redemption the Trinity is really distinguished to the view of the inward man whose wil is stirred vp to meditate vpon the personall relation of their functions and offices which they deriue one to another But how shall we discerne who is possessed with the Holy Ghost To be possessed with the Holy Ghost is as much to s●y as to be possessed with the giftes of the Holy Ghost namely with saith humility and other Diuine gifts Of these his gifts some are visible some in●isible some abundant some restrained With the former the Apostles and Prophets were miraculously inspired with the latter all we who according to our Christian profession doe protest to fight in this life against the world the flesh and the Deuill doe hope to be possessed through grace according to the measure of Christs gift The branch that drawes not iuyce and life out of this spirituall Vine is adiudged dead for what amity can there be betwixt light and darkenesse betwixt life and death The chiefest gift of the Holy Ghost is saith which is a spirituall light enlightning our liues with the Gospell with the beames of good workes causing vs to loue all men after his owne example who communicates his Sunne to the iust and vniust And if we may lawfully boast of any gifts of the Holy Ghost ingraffed by his powerfull Maiesty in our hearts then surely may wee glory of our Illummation wherwith we are enlightned vndeseruedly in these daies Neither is it possible for vs in these dayes to obtaine a more visible measure of spirituall gifts by reason that our mindes are captiuated vnto coueteousnesse enuie and other vncleane thoughts by reason that our bodies are pampered with gluttony drunkennesse eating and drinking without appetite or necessity and by reason that we dare not in respect of these pollutions and of our vnworthinesse communicate one with another the Lords holy Supper but very seldome whereby the gifts of the Holy Ghost might be multiplied and increased in vs. As long as we are carnal and worldly minded our soules are farre from these gifts of the Spirit which the Apostle likewise calles the fruits of the Spirit as loue ioy peace long suffering gentlenesse goodnesse faith meekenesse and temperance They that are Christs doe endeuour to follow his Fathers will And what is the will of the Father Euen our sanctification and vnion in the Spirit For euen as the carnall coniunction of man and wife makes of them one flesh so the spirituall coniunction of Christ and the sanctified soule makes of them one spirit so they that are vnited in the Spirit are vnited in their willes and they that are vnited in their willes are vnited in their actions They that follow Christs actions doe labour in all humility to attaine vnto these gifts of the Holy Ghost But first they must tame their bodies with fasting And here I giue you one note worthy the consideration that whereas S. Paul in all his Epistles makes often mention and sendeth often salutations in the name of the Father and of the Sonne not ioyning the Holy Ghost in plaine litterall wordes with them he doth it because it was the Holy Ghost himselfe that spake through the mouth of Paul in those Epistles And whatsoeuer he wrote he wrote by commandement and inspiration of the Holy Ghost whose office and function was to signifie vnto the Church the will of the other two persons in Trinity So that the naming of the Holy Ghost was needlesse while the Elect vnderstand that it was He which spake and that Paul was no other then as Moyses to God or as Baruch to Ieremy that is the Notary or Scribe of the Spirit and as it is else-where specified a chosen vessell This himselfe protested in these words If any man thinke himselfe a Prophet or spirituall let him know that the things which I write vnto you are the commandements of the Lord. There is no sinne more detestable nor more difficult to be forgiuen then the sinne against this Spirit of God Dost thou wantonly detract from God the Father and denie thine owne and the worlds creation by his omnipotent word Search the Scriptures repeale thy detractions and vpon thy recantation thou shalt receiue remission Dost thou blaspheme the Sonne of the euer-liuing God and belie his Incarnation his Passion his Resurrection Reade ouer the new Testament remember to compare the same in an euen ballance with the Prophesies of Esay and the rest of the Lords holy Legates and it may be thine eyes will be opened and thou wilt renounce thine errours by the bright light of the holy Spirit But
silly soule what wilt thou doe if this glorious Spirit comes not neere thee Where then wilt thou expect forgiuenesse of thy blaspemies Nay how caust thou expect or aske forgiuenesse seeing that without his operation the fruites of repentance can no more spring in thy faithlesse heart then the Apples of Paradise could fall into the hands of Tantalus in hell All other sinnes are pardonable and therefore termed debts or trespasses Onely this sinne against the Holy Ghost is Treason in the highest degree against the whole Godhead his crowne and dignity by reason that his personall subsistence was produced both from the Father and the Sonne and propagated vnto vs euen from our Baptisme so that to sinne against his authoritie is to sinne against the whole Maiesty of the sacred Trinity and against our owne soules being created by the Father redeemed by the Sonne and sanctified by the Holy Ghost Chiefly those reprobates are guilty of this vnpardonable sinne which sometimes hauing had great feeling great vnderstanding of the word of God and perhaps especiall inspiration of the Holy Ghost as Ananias and Saphira had if such persons afterwards without neede do fall into malitious Apostasies causelesse Hypocrisies and contumacious blasphemies against the sanctified Church of Christ in their words works thoughts ending also their liues without repentance doubtlesse they incurre the penalty of this irremissible sinne for this their spirituall fornication But to discerne who they be particularly that offend in this height of sinne in my iudgement very few or none can vndertake that charge in these dayes because we haue not that gift of the Holy Ghost namely of discerning Spirits as apparantly as the Apostles had To conclude these excellent exorcismes against the spitefull spirit of Detraction O ●riumphant Trinity distinguished really and indistinct essentially not into three Gods as that holy Martyr protested nor into three incarnated but into three of the same degree of the same honour 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whose powerfull Maiesty vnited and identified in one eternall Deity the celestial spirits loue to contemplate and we earthly Pilgrims long to see Here I your vnworthy seruant prostrating my soule in all humility doe craue remission in the dust and ashes for my simple speaking of your intellectuall substance O God of endlesse bounty direct my vnskilfull pen that it stray not too much from the rule of verity nor lay down any thing but with reuerend shame of my blinde and bluntish ignorance concerning thy Heauenly vertues thy blessed Guarde and holy Hoste let them which reade this Treatise beare nothing in their hearts away saue that which is conformable to the square of wholsome doctrine Inflame my spirit with true zeale the true seale of thy sacred Spirit that it may soare vp like an Eagle to the sunne of thy Grace with feruencie founded on Diuine discretion for feruency is but foolish fury without Diuine discretion LINEAMENT VI. 1 Their Heresies conuicted which detract from the seruice of God because they see him not with their corporall eyes 2 The knowledge of God proued by an instance of our carthly King who is knowne throughout great Britaine of all his subiects though not of all wito corporall sight 3 The excellency of his spirit aboue the rest of his subiects 4 Meanes to know God 5 Why mortall men cannot see God MAny of vs detract from the seruice of God because his Maiesty is not so familiar as to speake vnto vs visibly at conuenient seasons as though so high a Maiesty should debase himselfe with euery sinfull creature It is reported that the King of China will not be seene abroad among his ordinary subiects aboue once a yeare And yet we wanton worldlings would limit our great Creator to sight and daily conference God is a Spirit not bound to any bodily Organ but to compare his Greatnesse after flesh and bloud euen as mans soule when it is separated from his body his power is infinite immensiue incomprehensible and no more to be seene or sensibly vnderstood of flesh and blood then if a man should measure the waters in his fist or the heauens with his span or if he should weigh the mountaines in a ballance All people are in comparison of him but as a drop of a bucket-full or as Grashoppers or as nothing or as nothing lesse then nothing No earthly man can erect a statue or a carued Image according to his likenesse No Gold-smith can couer him with golde or cast him into a forme of siluer plates O Lord who is like vnto thee No man can enter into thy Counsell no man can finde out thy secrets or attaine vnto this perfection Thou art higher then heauen deeper then hell the measure of thee is longer then the earth and broader then the sea Though thou turne all things vp side downe closest them in and gatherest them together who will turne thee from thy purpose Worldly sight is one thing and Diuine knowledge another thing The one is subiect to insumities and errours the other is insallible certaine and can neuer saile cyther with olde age wounds or false specta cles The one is the instrumentall light of the body to guide a man in his worldly busines the other I meane mentall knowledge is the euerlasting Lampe of the soule This latter I pray God instill into vs. As for the other it cannot absolutely be termed perfect before it be first sowne in winters corruption and before like ripe corne growne with full and glorious eares it rise vp glorified in the summer of immortality At which time both lights and sights externall and internall being by the Diuine bounty become eternal we shall both see and know aright in all perfection almost euen as God himselfe seeeth and knoweth vs at this present Quid est quod non videant qui vident●m omnia vident What thing shall they not see and know which alwayes see and know the Authour of all sight and knowledge In the time of their visitation they shall shine they shall shine as amiable as the Sunne more admirably glorious then Moyses who was faine to put a vaile before his face by reason of his ouerbrightsome beauty though he saw God but for a moment and that imperfectly for all light proceedes from him In his light we shall see light But quoth the spirit of Detraction how can we know him whom we neuer saw O vaine Spirit if thou knowest his lawes and fulfillest them thou knowest God As for example let me instant in our earthly King for mine owne part I neuer spake with King IAMES nor euer saw his face yet notwithstanding I verily belecue that I doe know him I know him to be our King by publique Proclamation by his decrees by the vnifom●e consent of all his subiects My conscience perswades me that he is the Diuinest and deuoutest Prince that euer swayed the Diademe of this Monarchy and aboue all the rest
a Giant refresht with wine He that but a little before as an abiect among men was crowned with a crowne of thornes in a ridiculous manner rose vp in triumph the third day crowned with a glorious garland to raigne for euer aboue all the Angels in heauen And after that hee had conuersed with his Disciples forty dayes here on earth and shewed himselfe to more then fiue hundred brethren at once making his resurrection manifest by many signes and tokens and palpably opening himselfe vnto them and particularly vnto Thomas Didymus whom in the rest of the Apostles presence he caused to put his hands into his sides that thereby he might confute his incredulity hee then ascended vp to heauen in their sight where he sits in his humanity preferred at the right hand of God hauing all power giuen him of the Father ouer all things farre aboue all rule power might and dominion and aboue euery name that is named not onely in this world but also in the world to come as thousand thousands of Angels and Saints proclaymed with a loud voyce in heauen Worthy is the Lambe that was killed to receiue power riches wisdome strength honour glory and praise Without the intercession of this reuiued and rightly respected Lambe the iust God-head will not accept the prayers of flesh and bloud be they neuer so humble neuer so vrgent On this mysticall Lambe on this sacred flaming Serpent fixe wee our internall eyes fixe wee our thoughts that are so stung by the sinfull Serpent and our God is pleased As contrariwise he is displeased if we craue the assistance of any other Saint or Angell Power or Principality There is no health to man saue onely by thy meanes and mediation Lord Iesus that boughtest the same ful dearely with thy blood innocently shed There is but one God and one Mediatour as thy chosen vessell shewes It is farre better to trust Gods word then the bonds of Saints who indeed are but creatures and no Creatours They are Gods members the spirituall Citie and Temple wherein his workes of mercy shine but they are not the Builders of this Citie or Temple to whom Diuine honour is onely due Who can preuaile more with the Father then the Sonne Who with the Sonne then a penitent soule whose conuersion the whole Quire of Heauens Inhabitants doe likewise most ioyfully applaude O man how deepely art thou indebted vnto thy Creator which for thy deliuerance out of the dark dungeon of death and errours hath appointed this great Angell to be thy Redeemer Mediatour and soueraigne Iudge We should blaspemously detract from thine omniscience O Lord omnipotent if we retained any other Attourney any other Aduocate besides thy soueraigne Maiesty Or if we were so credulous as to vse any such mediation farre be it from their submissiue thoughts to vsurpe thy puissant place which alone hast the Fathers key of fauourable Grace the same to open or to shut at thy soueraigne pleasure Diuine honour belongeth only vnto thee which thy seruant Peter well acknowledged when as he would not suffer Cornelius the Captaine to worship him but tooke him vp saying Stand vp my selfe am also a man The like disswasion vsed thine Angell to Iohn See thou doe it not for I am thy fellow seruant but worship God Thou art iealous of thine honor and limitest thy creatures to their conuenient functions for the glory of thy Name Cultus adoratio nulli creaturae concedi possunt sine Diuinitatis iniuria Worship and adoration cannot be graunted to any creature without wrong to the Godhead as an auncient Father testified And as another learned Doctor taught Maledictus omnis homo qui spem habet in homine quamuis Sanctus sit quamuis Propheta Cursed is that man which putteth his trust in men though they be Saints though they be Prophets Is it not then a wrong a blasphemous wrong to the whole Maiesty of the sacred Trinity for a man to distrust Christs absolute Soueraignty ouer all Principalities and his Diuine knowledge ouer all the world And doe we not distrust these prerogatiues of his when with a blinde zeale we deuoutly suc vnto inferiour persons as though our Sauiour were otherwise occupied or that he loued state and pompe Doe not we distrust when we repeate ouer as Persius his Parrots 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 often greetings to our Lady yea millions of Aue Mariaes when we reade our Ladies Offices our Ladies Psalter or when we trauell in pilgrimage for her sake for satisfaction of our sinnes to Lorette to Guardalupe or to Montserrate No doubt but that herein we distrust his Diuinity and detract first from the Father who sent his Sonne in person among his vnthankefull tenants raised him from death and set him on his right hand inspiring him with his omniscience whereby he might know the very secrets of all hearts and refresh them that were laden with the burthen of their crying sinnes Then we detract from Iesus Christ when we foolishly and phantastically despise his word not onely refusing to beleeue in his Crosse to be saued through his merites alone through his sauing Name alone for what else betokeneth the name of Iesus but an al-sufficient Sauior O Iesu esto mihi Iesu but also hoping by the Moone-shine in the water by other mens deserts to obtaine remission And lastly we detract and wrong the holy Ghost when we compell him with his spirituall gifts to depart away sorrowfull from the mansion of our soules being willing to performe and execute his office in testifying and wittnessing to our consciences our saluation through Christs onely merites Let me doe good workes let me like Zaccheus giue halfe that I haue to the poore let me fast let me represse the perturbations of my minde by taming my body with discipline or with whipping as some Papists doe or by launcing and wounding of my flesh after the example of Baals Priests yet if I want faith and loue faith to beleeue onely in Christ and loue to liue as a member of his mysticall body reiecting all other helpes whatsoeuer I am an Anathema an accursed Excommunicate out of his faithfull family Neuerthelesse God forbid that I should proue so ingratefull vnto the Mother of my Sauiour that I should forbid honest-minded Christians to yeelde her memory that reuerence and reuerend regard which is not repugnant to the Diuine Maiesty or offensiue to his iealous Spirit For I holde it a very laudable custome that the monuments of her name vertues and conception be preserued from obliuion and extinction by an anniuersary or yearly renewing of them vpon those festiuall daies as our Church hath destinated for the celebration thereof As I defie those which Deifie her memory and person in saying vnto her O Sauuoresse sauue moy O my Sauiouresse sane me so I defie those which defie her memory and person This the Scripture warrants This my earthly Soueraigne witnesseth and confirmeth
in these wordes She is as she prophesied of her selfe that is she is blessed among women and all generations shall call her blessed To steale more fire with Prometheus from Gods Licutenant I confesse that I dare not mocke her and blaspheme against God in calling her not only Diua but Dea and praying her to command and controule her Sonne who is her God and her Sauiour In he auen she is in eternall glory and ioy neuer to be interrupted with any worldly businesse But to returne vnto mine owne opinion whereto I will not binde others the same being no matter essential of faith I am of the minde that the Angels and Saints of Heauen in the beholding of the Godhead do know many things here on earth especially the estate of their elected fellowes For proofe whereof we reade in the Reuelation of St. Iohn that they glorified God for iudging the great Whore and as Christ himselfe said There is ioy in Heauen among them at the conuersion of sinners So I daily see some mortall men from these Westerne parts of the world extending their knowledge to the proprieties of sundry minerals enwombed within the center of the earth to both the Poles to the Equinoctiall line to the Tropique of Capricorne to the East to the Indies to the superiour bodies to their constellations to prophesie of Eclipses and to ayme at mens silent imaginations and at their secret inclinations Yea and the Saints doe pray for our repentance though we cannot pray to them without detraction and blasphemy against Iesus Christ who is the sole and onely Master of Gods Court of Requests Therefore let it suffice that I honour their memory as the chiefe Elders and pillars of our Christian Corporation as men inspired of the holy Ghost for our edification in our Redeemer but in no wise will I pray vnto them for feare of that Iealous eare which heareth euery word They neuer died for the heauy burthen of my cole-blacke sins themselues being Adams sonnes as well as I but thou O Christ thou and none but thou alone didst die for me No man can come to the Father but by the Sonne for none but thou alone O Sonne of God could conquere death Besides thy selfe O mighty Conquerer I trust to find none other helper To other helpers I may hopelesse say with that Holy man Silly comforters are yee all Thy Godhead is neuer asleepe neuer so cumbred with businesse but thy Grace will bee ready at all times day or night to receiue a Chauncery bill from thy reformed Creature This liuely faith thy seruant Chrysostome commended in the woman of Canaan See saith he the wisdome of this woman She requesteth not Iames she goeth not to Iohn she beseecheth not Peter she respecteth not the whole company of the Apostles she seeketh no Mediatour but in stead of all these she takes patience for her companion whom she chuseth to be her Aduocate and so she commeth directly to the first fountaine To conclude this Chapter or line of my Circle hereafter in the fulnesse of time I know that thou wilt surely descend in the cloudes O humane God with terrible Maiesty accompanied with multitudes of Angels to seuer the tares from the good seede the reprobate from the Elect the dead in faith from the quicke in faith and from those which thou shalt find liuing at thy comming at which time the Triumphes Trumpet shall sound and in the twinckling of an eye all men shall rise vp with eternall bodies bodies without maime without deformity without difficulty which before were resolued from dust into the first elements now new like verdant trees reuiued Bees or like the Phoenix that flourisheth out of his owne ashes and euery one shall receiue doome according to his own merites in the mercy of Christ without partiality and that out of his mouth who is a perfect man himselfe I say according to his owne merites not as merites the Authours of his happinesse Non vt regnandi aut mercedis causam sed vt viam regni retributionis regulam Not as the proper causes of saluation but analogically as the way to Heauen as Iacobs ladder as the Ensigne or euidence of faith This vncorrupt Iudge will pronounce sentence of damnation against stubborne sinners and their punishment shall bee in Hell which hath varieties of torments euen as Heauen hath many Mansions of delights all of them aboue mans strength aboue mans patience to endure There is the stinging worme that neuer goeth out vnquenchable fire fearefull sights and the absence of Gods glory where the rich glutton sought but a droppe of colde water and could not obtaine it for the cooling of his scorched tongue And yet poore caytife nolens volens he must eternally endure more grieuous paines more griping paines then Phalaris his brasen bull O eternall time without terme or space of time O eternal time shal I terme thee which caust neuer be mesured neuer circumscribed neuer comprehended by the vnderstanding of mortal man O eternall Time which after many millions of yeares after an hundred thousand thousand years will be to the damned soule but the beginning of his damnation O what a terrible torment it is for a man to imagine that he shall burne in the bottomles pit of fire and brimstone so huge a time without end without defect without hope of redemption O eternall time without end whose finall terme we can assoone conceiue as the time before the worlds creation as the beginning of Gods being O Lord graunt vs the grace to thinke on hel-torments lest we fall into hel torments On the contrary if we conforme our liues according to our Masters life endeauouring not onely by fight but also by flight to auoyde the contagion of sinfull nature in steade of our ragged coate of corruptions we shall be clothed in the robes of Angels in long white robes standing before the Lambes Throne in the heauenly paradise where we shal shine in the same crown of dignities where we shall sing sweet tuned songs and salute one another in the same priuiledge of immortalitie Thus will this triumphant Iudge reward the righteous with the presence of Gods glory with glorious happinesse with happy ioyes and with a ioyfull perpetuity thereof for euer and euer world without end All these vnspeakeable hopes will he fulfill at his comming which as yet the Father in his prouidence prolongs vntill the iust number of them which were sealed and predestinated to euerlasting life be complete vntill his foes be made his foot-stoole and vntill he hath subdued quite and trodden vnder foote the Diuell and his rebellious Angels whose poysonous power euer since the first mans fall possessed the soule of man by mans owne willing election When all things shall be subdued vnto him then shall the Sonne himselfe be subiect to his Father who did put all things vnder him that God may be all in al Neither doe I confound
termes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as an ouer-curious work for our weake capacities I will relate the differences of such good Spirits as wee finde registred in the word of God to the entent that the spirit of Detraction may tremble the more when he hears their energie and efficacy expressed their energie and efficacie which they possesse by the sight and light of the heauenly Sunne Michael the Archangell is the great Prince which stands for the Lords people And as St. Iohn recordeth in his Diuine mysteries there was a battell in Heauen Michael and his Angels fought against the Dragon and his Angels whom they ouercame by the blood of the Lambe that is by Christs innocency This Michael as many suppose is no other then our Sauiour Christ. For euen as by the Dragon the Arch-spirit of sinne is parable-wise included so by this Michael the Archangel of saluation might very well be figured By Michaels Angels I vnderstand his glorious spirit his Oracles comprehended in the Scripture the intercessions of Saints for our conuersions zealous bookes published by many good men for our edification in Christ besides our faithfull hearts prepared to heauen by deuout prayers and necessary mortifications of our lustfull bodies By the Dragon the Serpent or Deuill I expound the contempt of the Holy Ghost the deprauing of his precious gifts the spirit of Detraction the spirit of enuie the spirit of vncleanenesse and other sinfull spirits repugnant to the pure spirit of God For as S. Paul confirmes the selfe same because they regarded not God therefore God deliuered them vp into a reprobate minde to doe those things which are not conuenient being full of all vnrighteousnesse fornication coueteousnesse malitiousnesse full of enuie c. In some places Angels are termed the starres of God for euen as starres doe shew the light of Heauen vnto vs shining onely to our outward sight so Angels signifie to the inward man the heauenly light of the sun-shine of grace Where mention is made of the Seraphins we may coniecture that for our weakenesse in nature and easie instruction they appeared with wings to the Prophet crying one to another Holy Holy Holy the Lord of Hostes The whole world is full of his glory as a prefiguratiue reuelatition that the word of God the Gospell of Christ should flie ouer all the world and fill the same with his glorious power In like manner their description with wings portends their cele●ity and swift readinesse to succour vs in extremity Another Prophet layeth downe the forme of the Cherubins in this manner Euery one of them had foure faces and euery one foure wings and the likenesse of a mans hand was vnder their wings Vnder which vision we may containe the similitude of the foure Euangelists with Christs hand or with his holy Spirit transported into the foure quarters of the world into the East West North and South according vnto the foure ages of the world vnder Adam Noah Moses and Christ which is the last and renueth vs to euerlasting life Among others of Gods spirituall ministers which his Maiesty sent to mankinde one is named Gabriel an Angel that appeared first to Daniel when he prayed to haue that performed of God which he had promised touching the returne of the people from their captiuity in Babilon While he was speaking and praying euen the man Gabriel whom he had seene before in a vision came flying and touched him The said Gabriel came afterwards to Zacharias the Priest to shew him the Natiuity of S. Iohn Baptist and was also sent to Mary the mother of Christ. An Angel called Vriel reproued Esdras because he seemed to enter into the profound iudgements of God And there Ieremiel an Archangell confirmes the wordes of Vriel Raphael one of the seuen holy Angels which goe forth before the Lord tooke the shape of a man and fellowlike conuersed with yong Tobias vntill he brought him home safely from his great iourney bound Asmodeus the lustfull spirit and restored to olde Tobith his sight Now it remaines that I shew what Angels be Angels are ministring spirits sent forth to minister for their sakes which shall be heires of saluation The Holy Ghost in the Scripture expresseth their outward formes particular names and numbers in plaine termes to make their Embassages and messages of greater reckoning to our terrestriall senses and simple vnderstanding Their mansions be diuers as our Sauiour testified My Fathers house hath many Mansions Their multitudes infinite Thinkest thou said Christ to his Disciple which smote the High Priests seruant that I cannot now pray to my Father and he will giue me moe then twelue legions of Angels These be they whose loude voyces that profound Diuine heard saying Praise honour glory and power be vnto him that s●teth vppon the Throne and to the Lambe for euermore These be they whom our Sauiour Christ prophesied to send against the day of Iudgement to gather together his Elect from the foure windes and from the one end of the Heauen to the other These likewise be those diuine Ministers which at the end of the world shall goe forth and seuer the bad from among the iust and shall cast them into a Fornace of fire where there shall be wayling and gnashing of teeth In the holy Scriptures we reade that holy men such as Aaron the Prophets and Priests were called Gods or Angels because they resembled them in proprieties and perfections for euen as it is the office of Angels to praise God in purity of minde and sanctification so likewise it is the duty of Ministers to preach and teach the word of God without hypocrisie negligence or worldly craft THE SECOND CIRCLE OF THE SPIRIT OF DETRACTION CO NIVRED AND CONVICTED LINEAMENT I. 1. The true application of the abouesa●d Coniurations 2 That the names of other good spirits be manifold and diuerfly taken in the holy Scripture 3 After what manner Sinne the messenger of Sathan stings vs. 4 By what meanes we may repell the stings of Sathan 5 That it is hard to iudge of our spirituall stings and from whence they come THe meditation of these mysteries I hope will shake the power of our spiritual Tempters and shape our humane wils after the refined mould of the Inward man so that we prostrate our selues before our Heauenly Lord humbly prying into our owne vnworthines and putting off our vncleane s●oes before wee touch his holy Mount so that we employ our knowledge in testimonium veri non in adiutorium falsi for the glory of God and not for the support of sinne so that also we apply our contemplation of his Saints for admiration and not for adoration applauding their happy estates with the acknowledgement of our owne vnhappinesse For who can thrust Peter into Gods Throne were he ne're so glorious a Saint without apparant Treason Downe then yee Detracting soules into your earthly caues
to the Arch-spirit of heauen is the knowledge of goodnesse both which Good and Euill we know euer since the eating of the forbidden fruite which man had not lusted except God had commanded the contrary Deteriora sequor Sinne took● occasion by the commandement and deceiued vs. So that we left the tree of life and tooke the worst The knowledge of euill is sinne or worldly craft The knowledge of the good is the seruice of God or innocency Assoone as Adam had eaten the Apple in the garden of triall his eyes were opened and he knew the differences both of the Good and Euill yea he was made partaker of Euils and miseries as well of equity happinesse and innocency O what a Diuine mysterie is this Mans body and soule stands almost in suspence in an equall ballance betwixt God and the Serpent betwixt innocency and sinne Or more mystically to compare our states we stand in this world like our Sauiour Christ cruelly crucified betwixt two theeues the one penitent the other desperate the one acknowledging his Deity the other blasphemously detracting from his innocent life Euen so doe we wade betwixt Good and Euill betwixt the spirit and the flesh betwixt peace and warre betwixt heauen and hell betwixt life and death betwixt vertue and vice Xenophons pathes for Hercules in his youth betwixt light and darkenesse betwixt truth and falshood betwixt loue and hatred betwixt ioy and sorrow betwixt eternity and time Gods spirit of Goodnesse seekes to winne vs by infusing into our intellectual senses faith loue truth and other vnderspirits of his Our Ghostly tempter wicked sinne the old Serpents sting inwardly prickes our soules to know euill as well as good for malum cognitum facilius euitatur euil being knowne is the more easily auoyded to permit wantonn●sse licentiousnesse Detraction and other petty petulant spirits of sinne vnto our children in their tender age that they may leaue them of the sooner in their riper yeares according to the prouerbe A wilde colt will proue a good horse a rude youth a good man and a young Diuell an old Saint God labours to mortifie the body that the soule may see his Godhead The Diuell by sinne his earthly substitute deceitfully aduiseth to pamper the body with daiaty delicaci●s that the soule being stupefied may behold nothing but perpetuall darkenesse God pronounceth rigorousnesse vnto them which fall but towards thee kindnesse if thou continue in kindnesse The Diuell whispereth into thy heedlesse heart Sisaluaberis saluaberis If thou shalt be saued thou shalt be saued If thou be reserued among the remnant of Baals seuen thousand according to the election of Grace what needest thou make this world thy hell thy body thy crosse thy contentment thy discontentment If thou be not predestinated vnto saluation wilt thou enioy a double holi Therefore while thou hast time cheerish vp thy body with all kindes of sports and pleasures Laugh and b●fat I am veniet tacito curua sexecta pede Anon olde age with stealing pace will come Ah poore soule how art thou entangled being created after the image of God composed for his Spouse endowred with his spirit redeemed with his blood accompanied with his Angels capable of happinesse and partaker of reason as a learned Spaniard in imitation of Father Bernard broke out into admiration O Alma hecha a laimagen de Dios compucsta como para esposa dotada consu espiritu redimida consu sangre accompanadae consus Angeles capaz de bienauenturanza participante derazon Why dost thou follow thine enemy and forsake thy Maker O heauenly soule Why dost thou offer vnto the Diuell the fairest and the sartest of thy flocke and leauest vnto God a leane and a lame sacrifice Wilt thou draw vnto the Diuell thy sweetest drinkes and vnto God thy sowrest dregges O carelesse creature Say not God hath caused thee to erre for he hath no need of the sinful man He made thee from the beginning and left thee in the hand of thy counsell and gaue thee his commaundements and precepts He hath set water and fire before thee stretch out thy ●and vnto which thou wilt Before thee was life and death good and euill What liked thee was giuen Which excellent doctrine another confirmed Thus saith the Lord Behold I set before you the way of life and the way of death Say not thou I am besieged with Diuels with reall spirits out of hell For in thy center O intellectual soule is imprinted the very character of Gods owne essence and three persons in Trinity insomuch that thou resemblest the Diuine Hypostasis and indiuisible vnity and also possessest immortality from the Father vnderstanding from the Sonne and sanctification from the Holy Ghost All which concurring in one identified essentiall vnion make thee a perfect soule without blemish Let not thy fall from that blessed state discomfort thee The bloud of Christ if the fault be not thine owne doth like a lauer purifie thy sins though they become as red as scarlet These theeues of the Deity 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as a very ancient Father terms them can neuer harme thee really howsoeuer their spirit of Detraction as false spectacles to multiply thy feares layes downe that humourous tradition before thy simple sight Seest not thou how those spirits which dallied with the holy water dare not once come neere our reformed Church As there be degrees of sinnes so in my iudgement these deluding spirits neuer appeare but to the grossest sinner Where a man hath but one honest man in his house there that house prospereth better then if that one were absent for that hee terrifieth the rest from cousenages and conspiracies so where one Godly man dwelleth there the Diuell dares not draw neere LINEAMENT III. 1 That all wicked Spirits ordinary and extraordinary doe issue from the same head 2 That they cannot harme a man really without his owne naturall or wanton motion 3 Their varieties proued out of the Scripture where Saules lunacie is censured 4 That the Spirit of Detraction attendeth on all the said spirits EVen as good spirits or vertuous motions issue from the Godhead as from the cleere fountaine of goodnesse so wicked spirits and vnbridled affections fetch their pedegree from the deceitfull Serpent w●h allured Eue to insring the Lords commandement For his malicious spirit repining that man a new made creature found more fauour then himselfe belike long afore an out-cast from Gods presence turned about the weaker vessell the simple woman and makes her an instrument for all their ouerthrowes together They were all of them accursed mankind destinated to death the Serpent to darkenesse Since which time continuall calamities and phantasticall spirits the blacke guard of sinne pursue mankinde till death gets the vpper hand and looseth the soule out of her prison of flesh and bloud I say vntill death as Gods Sergeant doe attach our bodies vpon debt due vnto nature and our soules vpon sinnes committed
the Protestants and hardening of the Papists conferre I say the conformity of the present state with the state past of the Church olde age being another infancy and yee shall see as cleere as at noone-tide the true meaning of darke places which no man that stands vpon his owne high minde and his owne merites can possibly perceiue In like manner doe ye desire to discerne the Antichrist Compare those things which are prophesied of him one with another and yee shall firret him out yee shall finde him cunningly crept into our Christian Church Euen as Christ was a mysterie to the Pharisies so Antichrist is a mysterie to the Papists I say a mystery a mysterie the mysterie of iniquity which cannot distinctly be discerned without the spirituall eyes of faith in the inward man Looke on him with your bodily eyes and this Alcimus will deceiue the very Elect if it were possible In outward shew an Angell of light a sanctimonious Elder but inwardly a sacrilegious Serpent or a Foxe in a Lambes skinne O Antichrist thy Dragon is destroyed by Daniels arte by the bloud of the Lambe thy beast is conquered O false Prophet thy Babylonian whore is become wrinckled her beauty is faded her wich-craft discouered her force decayed her superstitions defaced What remaines Thou art driuen to a narrow straight to thy neerest shifts Post ouer thy title to another Perswade thy subiects that a new Antichrist but no mysticall is euen now borne in Babylon Let Iohn Doleta with all expedition publish this in Print It is a point of policie to temporize and to beare thy credulous Catholikes in hand least suddenly they flinch from thy yoake and of Romanists fall to be Apostolickes By the mysticall allusion of Michea that saw the Lord putting a false and a lying spirit in the mouth of Ahabs Prophets that claymed themselues like the Pharisies and Papists to be within the Church yee shall gather with this and with the Reuelation of S. Iohn that these termes of Decemer salfe Prophet the worker of false miracles which set to sale the bodies and soules of men cannot bee applied more significantly to any other then to him who went out from vs but was not of vs. Would ye answere their obiection which alledge that the Pope cannot be that great Antichrist because his Holinesse denieth not the Father and the Sonne nor exalteth himselfe aboue that which is called God Turne them to the Etymology of these words Iesus Christ that is the Al-sufficient and annointed Saniour of the world and tell them that the entire and whole vertue of the Godhead is wounded it besides him they vse any Mediator to saluation Turne them to S. Paul and reade that the Antichrist must sit in the Temple of God The Pope sits not with Peters humility but with pompe and Maiesty in Peters chaire in the mother Church of the West being now become a cruell stepmother and a common harlot shewing that he hath authority to graunt Indulgences and Pardons to release the paines of Purga●ory peremptorily to aduance his Standard aboue the Church which is to magnifie himselfe aboue the Holy Ghost by whom it is ruled vnder Christ to consecrate beades water crucifixes yea and the glorious body of Christ which is already consecrated in Heauen In which prerogatiues he extolleth himselfe aboue God doing those spirituall offices which are flat contrary to Gods word and law Likewise it is prodigious that such things be sanctified by sinfull man specially since the ceremoniall law and partition wall betwixt the Iewes and vs is broken downe after the resurrection of Christ. It is derogatory I say to his sacred Maiesty that a mortall man vsurpe that Promethean pre-eminence for hee that commits such sacriledge aboue mentioned doth vndoubtedly vsurpe the power of God in a high degree He that vsurpes after this manner detracts from faith only in Christ Iesus and from other gifts of the Holy Ghost He that detracts from these gifts of the Holy Ghost blasphemes and he that blasphemes so high a Maiesty sinnes irremissibly except the Lords mercy left out some other exception vnknowne vnto vs. Thus Christian Reader shalt thou ponder other points of the Bibles mysteries And now seeing I haue sore-armed my soule with sufficient exorcismes and methodically fished out the great Leuiathan let me anathomize the Monsters principall members LINEAMENT IX 1 The Conclusion of this second Circle shewing that the Spirit of Detraction can neuer confound vs while we meditate with saith on Christs passion 2 That we become guilty of his death when we detract from his name or workes 3 The Authors supplication against the spirit of Detractum SHut fast thy mouth from lies and vanity Shoot in thine eyes to loue and verity Thou soule of mine which euery day dost fall Through Sathans web into pollutions thrall Let faith inflame thy will to meditate Vpon that Flame in flesh incorporate To see those wounds which thou hast made so wide With dint of Speare in his bloud gored side Doues build in holes of rocks but thou my Doue In holes of bloudied Rocke must build thy loue For while thou look'st with faith and zealous feare How that his head a thorny crowne did weare How Pilates scourge his holy skinne did teare How his meeke soule both mockes and flouts did beare And how his hands and feete were nailed to the Crosse To ransome thee and to repaire the losse Which Lucifer with Adders sting did cause To thee when Eue first brake her Makers lawes While thou with faith dost view this mystery The fiery Serpent of Mount Caluary No wile no guile no blacke tongues archery Nor selfe-conceit of fancies flattery Can flesh and bloud the world or Sathan worke Against thy life Though Pope conspire with Turke Though Haman with his Counsellors combine Though Machiauell complot with Aretine To blow thee vp vet thy essentiall parts Shall stand vnshak't in spite of all their arts Wherefore yee winds of praise yee wings of pride Packe hence all sinnes which vertues sonnes deride Yee grinning dogs yee grunting hogs away The night is past and wel-come is the day The day is come to day without delay I must contemne such lust vile dust and clay The bell rings out the Drummer sounds Alarme I must rise vp for feare of future harme Teares and prayers are my armes I must pray And speake the truth without all faile to day All haile cleere day long may thy Sun-shine last Without eclipse or cloud or winters blast All haile cleere day through whose reflecting beames Broad waking I do see truths open glcames I see my Lord alas what doe I see My Lord and Sauiour hurt By whom By me By me he lies with thoughts misdecdes and words Wounded as with sharpe thornes or edged swords I crucified my Christ I rent his name I crowned thee with obloquie and shame O Lord of life when I should
impediments of Education in the land where I liue which because the curiosity of our hodiernall wittes will sooner helpe to rebound with fr●mpes then to redresse or pitty I will forbeare them with a wary caution lest the enuious enueigh against my zealous Muse lest also I seeme to kicke against the prickes and striue against the Heauenly power which perhaps hath decreed such fatall fortune vpon these parts of the Iland for our fore-parents faults and for our owne filthy facts LINEAMENT V. 1 That the secret and spirituall suggestion of the Diuell is the third cause of the Spirit of Detraction 2 The cunning reasons of the Diuell to confirme finne 3 There Consutation THe Diuell being a spirit inuisible to any mortali eye by close and cunning meane blowes with his pestilent breath into the formost seat of our braines when we be excommunicated from Gods presence and there wheeleth and circleth about our phantasies with a thousand colourable obiects able to entrap another Eue. Thence gradatim by degrees his virulent breath like the Dragons venome steales into our hearts where hee moueth the bloud peruerteth the humours corrupteth them with sensuality in such wise that we detract like vnto wanton children our best benefactors we long and lust after innumerable toyes after varieties of women wines meats apparell caualeering companions and other wordly vanities openly repugnant to the lawes of God and true nature Among many slie stratagems which he daily inuents to subdue our soules to his slauish yoake this is not the meanest nor the slowest that he enchants our willes with charmes of selfe-liking such as goe beyond all the Magicke spels of Medea Circe and Calypso Assoone as we attaine vnto yeares of discerning good from euill by his spirituall insinuarions wee flatter our sond selues with some imaginatiue excuse or other for euery particular sinne which we commit Are we swolne vp with pride and ambition Lo Sathan a friendly Sophister an Aduocate without fees out of our mouthes pleades that the sonnes of Zebedee sought for seates of highest honour and also shewes that familiarity breedes contempt that it graceth much a Gentleman to shew some stately port or portly state that euery abiect treades vpon humilities backe and that men must behaue themselues according to the times Ambition is an honourable thought of high spirits a point of magnanimity a lofty step vnto vertues chaire Are we angry cholericke or franticke Our bad Angell sayes it is but heate of bloud a short vanishing vapour a short fury Ira furor breuis est Patience is but a Poets fancy to be practized by ignoble groomes and dunghilled spirits A cholericke man hath an honest heart Doth the spirit of fornication tempt thee to defile thy vessell with forraine seed and to conuert the temple of the holy Ghost into a denne of diuellish sports with venereous thoughts Alas poore brother it is but a veniall sinne a sinne of flesh and bloud the least of a thousand sinnes to which all the world is subiect Age will tame this sinfull spirit Is it possible for vs to be chaste when Iacob Sampson and other Patriarches could not liue without their Paramours Doth the Enuious man pine away by reason of anothers prosperitie Is he sicke at the heart with griefe to see his neighbour flourish like a Palme tree Inuidus alterius rebus macrescit opimis Behold a friend in a corner a friend at neede Sathan himselfe transformed into an Angell of light protesteth that it would moue a Saint yea another Caine to see his yonger brothers oblation accepted and his graue eldership reiected We are all borne of one father Terraesilij all sonnes out of the same mould all worthy to participate the like equal immunities priuiledges and fortunes one as well as the other If thou delight in Company and dost wallow in pleasure as the Sow in the mire There 's One within thee which will wrastle alone with many bookish Preachers He layes out in colours the sweetnesse of pleasure the contentment of company the auoyding of melancholy the shortnesse of life and therefore hang sorrow kill care Let the spirit of coueteousnes possesse thee and hee will settle his possession which is as strong as eleuen points of law by teaching thee Sophistry in stead of true Logicke by perswading thee that thou carriest an Atlanticke burthen vpon thy poore shoulders Euristeus neuer imposed halfe such a cumbersome charge on Hercules as God hath laid restlesse cares on thee for an exceeding great housholde of wife children and lazie seruants how caust thou cherish thy selfe in thy olde age or arme thy selfe against worldly practises without a large stocke Et genus formam regina pecunia donat Queene coine doth giue both kinne and shape Doth truth lay in their dish that their Teachers are dumb dogges their Preachers illiterate or their companions detracting Zachary was dumbe the Apostles vnlearned and Peter detracted in denying his Sauiour Doth thy Pilades thy friend thy second selfe reproue thee again for Detraction and calummation Thou hast more friends then one Thy genius thy old familiar tels thee that this other friend is malicious he rebukes thee of hatred and not of good will A true friend will labour to conceale in the cap-case of silence the couert secrets of his friend be thy iust or vniust lawfull or vnlawfull as that Italian Poet hath well aduised vn ' vero amico A dritto a torto doue esser preposto Se tutto il mundo lui fosse opposto A trusty friend must stand with wrong or right Though all the world oppose his friend with might Wherefore was the tongue giuen to man but to vent out what the heart conceiues All men are not learned in Lullius his Art that they can discourse of euery extemporary matter Each man hath his proper gift some men be apt to inuent some other to controule some to speake as if their tongues were on wheeles and some dare not speake without precise deliberation yea some cannot finde matter to speake vnlesse their wits were refined with Tobacco good sack and sugar or their senses rub'd ouer with other mens relations tending to nouelties and strange reports Among which ranke range thou thy selfe deceitfull Sathans darling and beleeue it from the most experienced politick that if a man disclose vnto thee the secrets of his heart it is a kind of morality or morall kindnesse in thee to poure out likewise the affects of thy heart and to answere him in like proportionable measure It is no wrong while thou speakest by surmise or by heare-say Admit it were true then how can these Critical Catoes bend their browes against thee how can they m●●ly taxe thee or commence suite de libellis famosis de scand alis magnatum in the Starre chamber or recouer damages by way of an action on the case at the Common law It is not amisse to bruite and blaze abroad doubtfull detracting newes for it may
threats from S. Michacls Mount to the furthest bounds of Calydone against all licentious and lying libellers against detractors of their neighbours names or at least wise against such prophane persons which presume to wound the Maiestie of their great Creatour by their malicious or wanton wordes To this end like vnto that Clowne of Danubius who spared not to speake the truth from his very heart before the Emperour Aurelius and the whole Senate of Rome an obedient and obsequious seruant of yours borne vnder Cambriaes climate doth here enforme your patient Highnesse that the Sunne can no longer shine in your Christian Kingdome vpon truth and blasphemy without a most terrible eclipse of discontentment Arise therefore O King and cause these noysome Foxes to be both slaine and slaine Let their habitation be desolate and no man dwelling therein For they that be Traytors to their Heauenly King can neuer be true to their earthly King They that wittingly and wilfully teare in pieces the Titles of the great Iehouah will also proue rayling Semeies and reuiling Sathans against your royall Highnesse Their tongues like sharpe pointed arrowes will passe and pierce through your hard steely armour your armour of proofe my Lords both spirituall and temporall Their throats like open Sepulchres doe threaten to bury your wounded bodies O yee Knights Burgesses and Commons Yea these Knights of the Post these common swearers and detractors will conspire some time or other to blow vs all vp one after another with the gun-powder of their blasphemies O then let not such Atheisticall Agags be spared but let them perish by the hands of Samuell let them perish in the pit of perdition as persons faire worse then murtherers for these kill but the body whereas the periured kill themselues totally both body and soule And as an auncient Father writes They that blaspheme Christ now reigning in heauen do sinne no lesse then they that crucified him here on earth When they forsweare themselues whether it be by compulsion or of custome or of some worldly respect all is one eyther by Gods body by his bloud or by his woundes they spiritually pierce his sides with their bloudy weapons for a wicked tongue is worse then any weapon and like pitilesse Pilate they scourge his sanctified body againe When they sweare by his head as our swaggering swil-bowles will sweare by any part they plaite another Crowne of thornes vppon his hallowed head When they sweare by his foote they naile his innocent feete to the Crosse anew When they sweare by Gods death by Gods heart they put him to death and being worse then Iudas Iscariot they plot to supplant the heart of life When they sweare by senseles blocks stocks by the Masse by Gog or magog they detract from Gods honour in attributing his due to dumbe and deafe Idols But when they wilfully sweare betwixt party and partie in iudiciall proceedings by Gods Sacraments or forsweare themselues vpon his louely Legates the Testament eyther olde or new they blasphemously detract from the Father the Word and the holy Ghost by reason that Gods word comprehended in those holy Oracles is the right record on earth resembling the word incarnate now in heauen who redeemed the penitent from Sathans thrall euen as the other two mysticall records of water the spirit or of Baptisme and the Lords Supper represent the Father the holy Ghost the one signifying our Election by Baptisme and repentance from the Father before all worlds and the other witnessing and sealing the same into our consciences and also breathing faith loue charity and other Diuine gifts into our barren wils as is most euidently testified in those Testaments so that wilfull periury and blasphemous Detraction either to the derogation of Gods honour or to the detriment of his creatures if without commission I may discerne of spirits may be termed a sinne against the holy Ghost or against the whole Maiestie of the sacred Trinity No lesse also sinne the suborners of periurie then Periurers themselues nay they encurre a farre greater punishment because they occasion the losse of other mens soules namely of the suborned persons besides the losse of their owne soules And to detaine them more surely and safely in hell the iniured parties against whom such periury was committed will continually craue and crie for vengeance In respect of which abhominable abuses and for that the Diuell is now-a-dayes most spiritually busie at the shutting vp of this last tragicall seene of the world may it please your Soueraignties to ioyne together as mystical members of one vndiuided and vnblemished corporation for the extirping out of such prophane sinnes which being begunne in youth continued in manhood and confirmed in olde age doe continually raigne among vs as it were by destiny so that likewise other blasphemies in manner of branches beginne to ouer-spread their leaues of lies and libels aboue the plants of truth onely by the slight and too too light stocking vp of that sinfull and saplesse tree of periury Or if your wisedomes iudge it not expedient to promulge and put out any new Acte against this manifolded spirit of malignant Detraction yet notwithstanding for the preuenting of periurie and for the protection of innocencie that Naboth may not sustaine damage by Iezabels false witnesses and that all other sincere subiects may walke dreadlesse in their vocations it were a worke of charity and very likely to hinder the future budding vp of innumerable inconueniences if you would but adde one materiall clause more to the Statue of periury viz. That none be admitted to beare witnes against honest men but honest men men of some sufficiency and substance vntouched vncorrupted and vnsuspected I meane not that they should be voyde of sinne for then we must goe out of this world to fetch in the Angels of heauen but I meane sober men vnattainted of notorious crimes those whom the common law termes probos legales so that common drunkards haunters of Alehouses hunters of whores Barretours beggars rogues and light persons whom the Londoners call Knights of the Post may be excluded from deposing against substantiall subiects For to what end requires the law to haue witnesses produced Is it not to trie the truth And what truth can there be found in such notorious lewd liuers whose thoughts are altogether dulled with sensuall pleasures What true proofe can there be expected from them who differ but very little from bruit beastes Therefore it were sit that Iudges and Iurours regard circumstances as well as witnesses Doth a common drunkard or a common whore-hunter depose such must haue meanes to maintaine their vices Doth a beggar or a prisoner sweare beleeue him not for pinching penu●ie will perswade persons to testifie that the crow is white Neede will make the olde wise trot Quid non mortalia pectora cogis Auri sacra fames Is a common Barretour produced to testifie his knowledge A Barretour is euer
of God from the sonnes of B●lial to the glory of his heauenly Ma●●stie to the comfort of his Deputy heere on earth to the discharge of your owne consciences which yee pawne and pledge for the security of your duety and diligence Discite Iustitiam moniti non temnite Diuo● THE FIFT CIRCLE OF THE SPIRIT OF DETRACTION CONIVRED AND CONVICTED LINEAMENT I. 1 The Authors scope in this Circle 2 His inuocation to the Godhead against his Ghostly Enimies IN the precedent Circles I haue affoorded the Reader a taste of my present purpose in it I haue coniured the spirit of Detraction forearming my selfe with the spirits of Goodnes or to speake Poetically Aegide Palladia with Mineru●es shield and so by descent discried the tree of Good and Euil wherin I haue exercised my declining will with excellent exorcismes of Michaels mysteries and also I haue therehence deseended as it were by steps and degrees to the pedegree of those degenerate spirits which gape after mans damnation euer since our deiection from that Paradise of free-will being but the mysticall meanes of olde Adams probation and particularly I haue canuased the said spirit of Detraction that domineeres it in all places at Ordinaries at Feastes at Tobacchonizing without curbe or checke one while breathing forth blasphemies against his God that will not holde him guiltlesse another while possessing the soules of our reprobates like vnto those of Ahabs false Prophets so that they broach out whole pipes of poisonous periuries paradoxes slaunders and ridiculous girdes in the derogation nay in despite of the meeke and milde spirit of God whom they for●e to depart away out of their quondam baptized consciences being very sorrowfull to see their hardened hearts and to see his holy gifts bestowed in vaine But our Fathers determinate will be done in earth as it is in heauen that hath sealed vp the certainty and number of the Elect before this world was made by his word and wisedome And now that the spirit of Detraction stands forth to be arraigned at the barre of vnderstanding let no man blame me if I lay out Truth it selfe in euidence against him as well to conuince him present as also to confound his absent adherents acceslaries and abertours which together with the abouesaid diuellish euils make no conscience in this licentious age with the Gyants of olde time to raise and roule vp mounts against the Heauens with Prometh●us to rob God of his ●ight to father his workes of highest honour vpon the Father of lies and according to the nature of base spirits which cannot eleuate themselues to the Spheare of speculation to stand in greater feare of the Diuels supposed realty then to become rauished with the louely Maiestie of the euerliuing God who with one blast can tumble downe such detracting Clinickes into the abisme of eternall night where their Chymist God inhabites without hope of redemption In execution of which important charge I doubt not but Sathan whose miracles I annull wil coniure vp many sulphure ous wits of both sexs nicking Momes and nipping Niobes to scolde and scoffe to raile and reuile at this worke of charity Cadmus with his Serpents teeth grinnes many menaces Medusa with her prodigious art threatens to bang me and to stone me and all because I write the truth O that I had Perseus his vertue to conquere this terrible Gorgon But why interpose I the fictions of Paynime Poets among the sentences of holy Writ O heauenly Spirit be thou my Perseus lend me thy Dauids sling to encounter this Ghostly Golias and this grisly Giantesse Behold how my spirituall Foe mounted on his iade of Detraction dares me to the fielde daunt thou him with thy potent Word and his omnipotence will be impotent cast forth thy Aarons rodde and his arrowes will be swallowed vp While thy Grace shines on me I feare no Magi●ke spels no Serpents teeth no Witches curse Let them draw my picture by Pygmalions skill in the purest Virgin waxe reuenge their wrath with sharpe pointed needles my heart shall neuer quaile let them burne the same for an Hereticke as those of Tholouza burnt their Kings I wil not feare what man or Diuell can do to me not although they disgorge vpon mee their bane of Basiliskes nor though they discharge their Iambicke volumes or rather vollees of their Basiliscoes for the God of heauen is he that reigneth ouer all things that ruleth all things in all places at all times He euen he it is that is All in al the Glorious God that maketh the thunder the onely worker of powerfull miracles to whom all Principalities all Dominions all powers and all creatures as well incorporall as corporeall inuisible as visible must kneele for mercy with honour dread and reuerence LINEAMENT II. 1 How the Spirit of Detraction attributes the glorious workes of God vnto the Diu●ll 2 That mens guiltie consciences driue them to extoll the Diuell and his supposed power IF men be guiltie for blaspheming the name of God If they be precisely forbidden to haue any dealings with false reports If they must account for euery idle word all which I haue proued hithereunto in what a grieuous case are those wretches which commit not onely all these vanities together but likewise diminish derogate and detract in peremptory proud and presumptuous manner from their great Creator his glorious appurtenances his types of maiesty and his titles of heauenly honour In what a forlorne estate are they which liue in the darksome dungeon of spirituall Aegypt and in the whorish brothelry of spirituall Sodome How vnhappy are they which leaue so superstitiously vnto the leauen of our Pharisaicall Papists walking a whore-hunting after strange Gods both in bodie and soule with both these the most part of the world obserue the Spirit of Detraction with the principall members of the body with their tongues they detract with their eares they lustfully listen with their hearts they consent sucking like spungeous or hydropicke bodies all corruptions whatsoeuer with the principall faculties of the soule with their reasons willes memories they hatch foster and reiterate such blasphemous paradoxes No crosse nor losse can chance but the Diuell sent it No signe nor sigh can happen but the Diuell sent it The Diuell say they is the onely Emperour of hell king of the Planets Starres and Meteors and also absolute Prince of this earthly world These are the ordinary speeches diuulged at our Ordinaries No Tauerne bur is full of this hellish stuffe No conference but the Diuell by stealth gets in his cursed name What eares could not glow at these runnagate reports What heart would not burne at these vncharitable conceits What scholer of worth would not set out his talent to aduantage his learning in print in hearing the Archangels honour extenuated and the Dragons horne exalted Truly for my part though inferiour to many Phinehees in zeale and deuotion I cannot silently suffer these ignominious iniuries against the
stolne goods heale sicknesses and griefes with charming rimes yea these seducing spirits auerre that they walke euery weeke with the Fayries that they haue secret conference with Familiars But in the end their Familiars fall out to be a packe of knaues of their owne families resembling those vngodly familiars whose dissembling formes the Spanish Inquisition vseth as instrumentall tortures to wrest and wring out the consciences of supposed Heretickes Such cousening spirits haue deluded and daunted many of our worldlings insomuch that their fame and faigned shapes terrified men of resolution and of great renome farre more vehemently then if Goblins or Fayries had in very deede appeared vnto them though in truth they agree mutually together both meeting in one meaning both harping on one string of deceit I knew a valorous young Gentleman and one that sometimes behaued himselfe very resolutely in sold●ourizing both by Sea and land and also would not feare to meete any man in a Monomachy or single combate so terrified with a disguised Spright in the night time that he wanted but little of losing his vnderstanding Brutus that conspired against Iulius Caesar otherwise encouraged himselfe when his bad Angell appeared vnto him the night before he was slaine to dishearten and discourage him from the battell as I suppose Such another familiare Angell wrote on the Duke of Norfolkes Tent the night before he was killed with King Richard the third at Bosworths field Iacke of Norsolke be not ●oo bolde For Dickin thy Master is bought and sold. Many stratagems we finde in Histories to discourage and daunt men like vnto Hannibals Bulles which with fiery fagots tyed to their hornes hee droue out at midnight among his enemies to scatter them and scare them But to returne vnto these Cunning men who cousen our simple neighbours I will exemplifie their miracles At London I heard one constantly affirme that hee would cure any infirmity whatsoeuer with a drie napkin and with imposition of hands Coppinger and Arthington worse then the foolish Galathians bewiched tooke one Hacket for Christ as many in London yet liuing can testifie At Verona in Italy one of this bewiching rout a deceitfull Mountebanke extolled so highly a counterfeite oyntment of his singular as he said against all outward griefes that I could not disswade a friend of mine then present with me from buying some of it when as after in the experiment the said balme became of no more force then Scoggins pouder of an olde rotten poste To these Sorcerers I may adde another reputed one a poore Deuon-shire woman dwelling in my neighbourhood in Walsh called Swynwraig in English a charming woman who about three yeares suhence was brought before me and accused for bewitching an honest mans daughter in such sort that she languished like to die Euident proofes were not wanting that she vndertooke in the behalfe of a young man enamoured of the mayde eyther that she should be his wife or else neuer be her owne woman while she liued After due examination the poore woman confessed that in regard of gaine quod dolosi spes refulserit nummi she gulled the youth and promised largely to bring his desire to passe Being further demaunded how she cured with incantations her neighbours cattell another surmise by her accusers she aunswered that she healed them not by any indirect meanes but by drenches and medicinable hearbes Likewife to get her a name and money to supply her necessity she confessed that shee ledde some ignorant persons into fooles Paradises by taking vpon her matters of wonder About May last as I heard by credible report a certaine Gentleman of our Countrey hauing missed by ●●urse of iustice to finde out the theefe that had stolne some goods of his repayred to one of these Wizards earnestly requesting him to extend his cunning for the discrying of the said theefe and goods But all the comsort which he could obtaine for his fee was that he had lent his booke of knowledge vnto a friend of his so that he could not at that instant accomplish his desire though in time after restitution of his book he doubted not but he would coniure out the theefe Whereby we may note the scarcity of true Witches that in very deed indent with the Di●ell really And Sathan is so heedfull that we can hardly finde out his assured adopted children Another of this forlorne crew a runnagate Empiricke within thefe few dayes arriued in this Countrey vndertooke the cure of a diseased Gentleman which he could as well performe as reueale stolne goods which likewise he faigned to the simple Gentlewomen of the house yet notwithstanding he led many specially the weaker sort into the Paradise of fooles and to esteeme him for a rare Prophet whereas in truth he was no other then a Conicatcher for he disclosed no stolne goods at all sauing those which himselfe hidde of set purpose to get him a name Heretofore in time of Popery masters of families inuented that the Fayries haunted Butteries and Cellers onely to make young people affraid of sitting vp late in the night Againe seruants themselues sometimes would counterfeit that those Fayries vsed to suppe in their Masters houses vnder which colour they couered their own wanton thefts Herehence rose that prouerbe in France Ou sont filettes bon vin Cest la où hante le lut in Where faire maydes are and store of wine The Goblins there to haunt combine Let a man conferre with olde women for this sexe is much addicted to nouelties and lightnesse of beleefe and he shall heare many straunge fables of such Fayrie folkes A Comicke Poet introduceth such another knauish prancke practised by a seruant towards his Master This seruant the better to conceale and couer the loose and lauish life of the sonne from his fathers knowledge and to colour the sale of a certaine house which they had made in his absence inuented and told the olde man at his returne from his farme in the Countrey that both his sonne and he were forced to sell the said house by reason that Sprights in the nights vsed there to haunt and to molest them Let this suffice for the discouery of our common witchcraft and sorceries Now I must shew the validity of our ordinary coniurations exercised onely by learned men which iump with the vnlearned in the main namely in deceit Two substantiall Yeomen about twenty yeares since hauing lost plate other moueables and desirous to be acquainted with the theese resorted to a Colledg in Oxford where meeting at the gate with a needy scholer they enquired of him for such a mans chamber whom foolish fame had canonized in their credulous eares for a notable Coniurer The Scholer in outward appearance somewhat graue after a few questions circumstances and verball complements tolde them that he was the man But for satisfaction of their requests he tooke them priuily aside declared vnto them the danger of the law if it were knowne and
crosses NOtwithstanding the premisses the spirit of Detraction is readie to read a cruell lecture to pratling Momes and tatling Niobes that doubtlesse the punished partie vvas eyther very vicious himselfe or else his vvife or parents had offended God in the highest degree O my Friends be not so curious in your censures In that yee iudge others yee condemne your selues for yee that iudge doe the same things Iudge not least yee be iudged And as for the scornefull doth not the Lord laugh them to s●●rne Why then doe yee scorne and scoffe at your neighbours harmes whereof God is the Author who is hee that blesseth that curseth that rewardeth that punisheth Is it not he the Lord vvhy then detract yee from his vnsearchable secrets Why endeauour yee to vsurpe his peculiar prerogatiue We are persecuted but not forsaken we are cast downe but we perish not Our mortall bodies for a time returne to dust but our soules rest in Abrahams bosome It pleased the Lord to smite his righteous seruant with infirmitie to forsake him and to be angrie with him for a little season but at last he pardoned him as the Prophet forespake of Christ. For all this my defence the spitefull spirit of Detraction relents not at all By reason of anothers extraordinarie iudgement he chargeth me strictly with impietie Is not quoth hee thy wickednesse great and thine iniquities innumerable Therefore snares are round about thee feare sodainely troubles thee Doth not God reuenge the Fathers sinnes vpon the children to the third and fourth discent O menstruous or rather monstrous absurditie Though my talke be this day in bitternesse and my plagues greater then my groaning yet will I vndertake to controule thine errour and confute thine heresie All soules are mine saith the Lord both the soule of the Father and the soule of the Sonne The same soule that sinneth shall dye The Sonne shall not beare the iniquities of the Father neither shall the Father beare the iniquitie of the Sonne For mine owne part I confesse my selfe to be chiefe among sinners but yet much wronged to become subiect vnto your detracting iudgements Yee are none of my Iudges I appeale to Caesars iudgement seate I appeale to the King of Kings the King of Mercie who will reuerse by a vvrit of errour your false vsurped iudgements If thou Lord wilt be extreame to marke what is done amisse O Lord who may abide it Woe be vnto vs woe W●e be to the most laudable life that we leade if thou O Lord setting thy mercie aside shouldst examine it Who can say I haue made my heart cleane I am pure from manie sinnes Doth the blinde accuse the blinde Doth an olde senex fornicatour accuse another fornicatour Num Luscus accusat Luscum Clod●us M●●chum And doth the spirit of Detraction the most sinfull spirit of all spirits detect me for sinning Well my confession is not auricular but openly reiterated If I wash my selfe in snow water and purge my hands most cleane yet shalt thou plaegue me in the pit and mine owne cloathes will make mee silihie Mine owne fleshly vveedes being tainted vvith longing thoughts must sing a sorrowfull peccaui to the tune of stoope gallant And vnfainedly to vse Saint Pauls words I allow not that which I doe for what I would that I doe not but what I hate that doe I. Albeit that oftentimes I haue a will to doe well yet the nature of my flesh not any wise able to be expelled with the forke of mine owne naked reason confounds this readie will of mine and causeth me to commit moe sinnes in number then the sands of the sea All which with a contrite minde I submit to the mercy of God crauing most humbly on the knees of my heart in the lowest degree of reuerence my Redeemers merits as the vaile of grace to stand betwixt his diuine Iustice and their gore-bloud guiltinesse But certainly in my poore iudgement God took away mine innocent vvife after the aboue-said manner for though I say it all her acquaintance wil say as much as I that she liued as godly as honestly as any whatsoeuer in all her Countrie not so much for my sins though the same might be grieuous as for that all others might prepare themselues against their nuptials with Christ Iesus remembring that prophesie concerning Babilon who said in her heart I shall be a Lady for euer I am and none else I shall not sit as a widdow neither shall I know the losse of Children But thus said the Lord These two things shall come vnto thee sodainely in one day the losse of children and widdowhood O Lord of infinite iudgement widdowhood is sodainely come vnto mee thou hast iustly visited me and bercaued me of my chiefest comfort Thou knewest shee vvas too good for mee Thy vvill be done O mightie Lord. Let the infusion of thy grace into mine vntoward soule recompence my griefe and losse Thy grace is sufficient for mee thy power is made perfect through weakenesse When wee are most perplexed with worldly crosses then is thy spirit strongest in vs. And euen as the soules vertue is strengthened with infirmitie so certainely it is necessarie for our licentious natures now and then to be curbed vvith infirmities It is necessarie for vs that sinne the messenger of Sathan doe other whiles buffet vs and bruise our earthly heeles It is necessarie that malice bridle or rather prick as vvith sharpe pointed Needles our detracting wanton thoughts whereby we might remember our owne weake condition and turne to God who alone is without infirmitie Let me doe what good I can let me endeauour as much as is possible for flesh and bloud to endeauour yet I shall proue but an vnprofitable seruant I am blacke like an Aethiopian nay I am more blacke my very teeth are blacke My soule is all spotted all guiltie of vncleanenesse Onely my beliefe is that thy Grace is more aboundant then tongue can speake or heart can thinke or pen can paint LINEAMENT XV. The Authours gratulatorie Prayer vnto the Lord for the aboue-said wonderous effects O Louely Light O Lord of Maiestie how ouer-late doe I beginne to know thee My welbeloued put in his hand by the hole of my doore offring to breath faith into my soule But such was my dulnes such my drowsinesse that I could not once sigh sobbe nor say Abba Father O my Father I haue sinned against heauen and against thee Yea thou wert in the superiour part of my heart and I neglected thee Thou didst call mee both within and without and I reiected thee I reiected the Well-spring of liuing vvater and resorted to noysome cisternes of puddle worte full of wormewood comforts full of tickling hopes vvhich were speedily spent for all vvordly comforts and vaine hopes doe vanish away like winde And yet it pleased thy lightsome Spirit O Lord of life after many a scorching
Bees leauing not so much as one of their stings behinde to offend that renowmed Macchabee Right Honourable and prudent Senatours to whom the Sunne of this mightie Monarchie hath imparted part of his powerfull authoritie to iudge the Tribes thereof I haue purposely framed this preface towards your patient spirits that thereby your Honours may discerne the anguish of my sicke soule which labours like a woman intrauaile to discharge her long and toilesome load Non quaero quod mih● v●ile sed quod multis I sue not onely for my selfe though perhaps my particular griefe is such that it may crie for vengeance vnto the highest heauen but on the behalfe of many thousands who moane and groane vnder the vvaight of a little Diuell the Tongue of Sinne. In what measure this Tyrant lauisheth and lordeth I am not able to expresse in words significant seeing that it passeth the power of any one modest Writer to comprehend the sway and swing of spirituall monsters Amidst the incessant complaints of so many Subiects who continually like Iobs messengers solicite your wisedomes with their frequent informations besides your owne trials your Honours may enquire from one to one and obserue from day to day how many zealous persons finde themselues agrieued out of Court and in Court euen from his Maiesties starrie Court to the least and base Court Out of Court at Ordinaries at gossipping at Tauernes at Tobacco-taking a man shall heare nothing but Detractions nothing but contumelies and lies nothing but captious and carping speaches When they are wantonly wearie with iearing with ieasting one at another with tearing their neighbours good name and fame with their taunting tongues like vnto Delphick swords and with diuersities of scandals worse then the prints of scourges then they fall to swearing to swaggering and to blaspheming of their Lord and Father in Heauen in stead of hallowing his holy name O times O iniquitie If God be their Father where is his honour If he be their Lord where is his reuerence To you iudicious Lords as the watchfull Sentinels or rather the wise Surgeons of our State it belongs betimes euen before the darkest night of errours steales vpon vs to prouide for corrosiues and cauterismes against these vgly vlcers which ranckle within the body of our Common-weale Sith it hath pleased his Royall Highnesse to communicate part of his light vnto you whereby euery one of you might moue in his place not naturally ab oriente ad occasum but supernaturally from Nature to the Authour of Nature I beseech your Lordships in the lowest degree of reuerence by vertue of this your heauenly motion your vertuall Influence and irradiation to dissolue such clouds of Detractions into dismall showers vpon the Detractours heads according to that of the Princely Prophet they haue digged a pit for others and haue falne into the m●ast of it themselues They sought to bemire beray their honest neighbors with their legends nay with their legions of lies intending to set them vpon the stage of scorne on the scaffold of scurrility and there to cloath them with reproach and shame not vnlike those spitefull Iewes which plaited on our Sauiours head a Crowne of th●rnes crowne to delude him thornie prickles to torment him By vertue of your authorities your starrie motions let such clouds and vapours be dispersed into vvhole flouds of vengeance vpon the Spirit of Detraction Let their bodies feele the smart of your sword whose wilfull Wills will not relent with the waight of your ballance If other mens examples serue not to bridle their vntoward tongues let their owne estates pay the ransome of their contempts While such monstruous sinnes beare dominion among vs neuer let your wisedomes thinke that your Officers of inferiour rankes dare execute in that proportionable expectation your monitorie directions your wholesome rules for the repressing of ryots for the restraining of vnrulinesse as otherwise they would were they assured of protection While Periurers and petti●ogging Promootors range vp and downe at their pleasure neuer let your Honours looke but for vnequall proceedings and vniust presentments at our neighbours hands But some one will obiect that the Courts of Iustice lie open as well for the basest as for the noblest Subiect neither will our lawes permit a priuate person to lay violent hands on an Out-law or on him vvhich is attainted of Premunire so equall a reference beares Iustice towards subiects of all conditions By these reasons Periurie fortifies it selfe against the open face of Truth Yet notwithstanding whosoeuer ponders more pregnantly the present state of our publike weale comparing the same with that of the olde vvorld shall finde that our present policie had need of further muniments to vnderprop it least also your Atlantick shoulders become wearie or to speake more properly least your vp-streatch'd hands like those of Moses might faile at length in their important charge Though God I confesse hath ordayned the Sunne to shine vpon the vngodly as vpon the Godly and as the Preacher wrot All things come alike to all The same condition is to the iust and the wicked to the pure and impure to him that sacrificeth and to him that doth not sacrifice Though the Lord created them all alike in respect of outward endowments or accidentall meanes yet notwithstanding he hath seuered them specially in the second life entitling the Innocent as Lambs the reprobate as Goats the one as good seede the other as tares the one for Heauen the other for Hell The like distinction I could wish to be practised among those Iudges which either take or hope themselues to be partakers of that second life so that all notorious lewd members might be excluded if it were possible from molesting of quiet spirits To this purpose after a sort our late Parliament prouided a countermining order for the speedie dispatch and triall of suites commenced against Officers at the Common law But so it is Right Honourable that these Caterpillers implead a barre in this finall concordance for if your Officers come accompanied vvith honest neighbours to search or suppresse suspicious people or else to apprehend disturbers of his Maiesties peace these wicked ones apparrell themselues in the robes of subtiltie and with the helpe of mercenarie tongues laying an ambush for Iustice they surmise with Aesops Wolfe that the poore Lambe in forcible and riotous manner mudded the Well where water was vsually drawne for their Lordly mouthes This offence by their Sathanicall inuentions being exorbitant and beyond the capacitie of the Common law they frame their suggestions before your Honours in hope that their suites by reason of the manifold affaires vvhich distract your diligent mindes shall hang vnheard for two or three yeares space within which terme they will worke meanes to compromit their said friuolous suites or else by tossing and tiring their Aduersaries too and fro with tedious trauailing to end them at home for their credite and aduantage If an honest man
Wizards now with your witlesse wonders while yee auerre some of your Constellations and Meteours to be kinde vnto vs and some vnkinde yee open your mouthes against heauen it selfe according to that of Origen Dum alij stellas beneficas faciunt alij maleficas os suum in coelum aperiunt For all this our spitefull Spirit houers in the Aire ouer the heads of our malecontents and as yet will not descend into his darke home pretending himselfe priuiledged by the Diuels sanctuarie vntill the great Day to tempt the flexible soules of flesh and bloud True Sathan true thou art licensed I grant to peruert our faith for a vvhile but not to subuert the same for euer Thy peruerting is but momentanie as a corrosiue to conuert and to cure the dead rankled flesh But if this seducing Serpent persist to eate into the bone resist his biting bitternesse yee seruants of the Highest resist his power though his words seeme coloured and couered with the purest gold of Ophir though he come disguised vnto you like Ieroboams wife to entrap you by reason of your blindnesse If he insinuates into you slanderous suggestions concerning your Prince his soueraigntie aduising you to vent them out at your mouthes least wanting vent they burst your straight-laced hearts like vnto the embotteled Aire coniure him in your Sauiours name and boldly say vnto him Auoid Sathan We must not raile at our Superiours for there is no power but of God the powers that be are ordayned of God Cursed be he which curseth the Lords annoynted Cursed be hee which detracteth from Gods Lientenant But Mariana and his detracting Iesuites doe laugh at these positions It is lawfull say they to curse and curbe our Princes if priuate mens acts be warranted by publicke iudgement that is if Ipse dixit my Lord the Pope that cannot erre doe locke them out of the doores of heauen O heathenish infidelitie Laugh on yee Kingkillars laugh on for a little while in this earthly world and yee shall surely weepe in the world to come Dauids heart smote within him because hee cut but the lap of King Sauls garment And yet our mortified Schoolemen our Ghostly Romish Fathers make no conscience to cut off the heads of our annointed Kings to compare these Regicides with renowmed Iudith If reucrent Bede were liuing in these dayes how deadly would hee defie their profane deedes separating himselfe from their Communion This action of Dauid quoth this honest Clerke doth morally instruct vs that wee must not smite our Princes though they wrong vs with the sword of our lips that wee must not in detracting-wise aduenture to teare the hemme of their superfluous deedes If we approue not the holinesse of their liues let vs applaud the holinesse of their vnctions But in my iudgement such questions of Princes Scepters ought not to be disputed nor called into controuersie no more then the Eternall purpose of God which is inscrutable incomprehensible by mortall men Chiefly we of the Reformed Church to whom God hath sent an vnparalel'd Prince ought not once to conceiue amisse of his Royall purpose Or if it otherwise chance must not we brooke his spots with the like patience as we brooke an vnseasonable showre of raine a storme or an abortiue birth The dishonourable things which a Prince doth must be esteemed honourable or else obserued but with halfe an eye If we had any iust cause of such complaints we ought rather to haue recourse to lacobs ladder to the Spirit of Prayer and so by repentance to rectifie our depraued wills that God may take away his scourge according to that Schoole-mans counsell Tollenda est culpa vt cesset Tyrannorum plaga In a peaceable Common-wealth to set out problemes of this muddie nature argues no profound policie specially it becomes not meane Ministers or vtopian Chymerizing Schollers to busie their braines with Princes matters whose eares and hands are stretcht out at the longest size Auriculas Asini Mida Rex habet An nescis longas Regibus esse manus In this case as in many other Theodore Beza ought to be highly magnified for that being seriously consulted by some seditious Sectaries whether inferiour Officers might not lawfully raise Armes against their Prince that violates his Oath made vnto his Subiects that infringeth their liberties immunities that turnes Tyrant vnto them hee teturned this circumspect demur vnto them We must demur vpon this point not onely because it is dangerous specially in this age to lay open such a window but also because that we may not determine the state of this question simply as you propose it but herein we must consider many waighty circumstances And therefore 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 we deferre our full answere vnto your demand at this instant But this graue answere suffiseth not the spirit of ' Detraction He broacheth it further what if such things come to passe vvhat if the Prince becomes an Apostate Which is as much to say what if Atlas his shoulders should waxe weary of supporting the Skye Capi●mis alaudas Then wee shall haue our labour for our paines O vanitie of vanities Doth our Heauenly Father for his Sonnes Righteousnesse deliuer priuate persons from Sathans slauery and shall wee distrust his diuine prouidence that hee will not defend his Church both from Sathan and all his Instruments visible and inuisible Or if our sinnes be so grieuous in his sight that his wisedome iudgeth it expedient to chastice our wanton wils to season our luxurious natures with sowre sauce and by tribulations to prepare roome for the Holy Ghost in the Temple of our Soules shall wee grudge or grieue at his discreet corrections Is it not his owne saying that through the bryars of troubles vvee must passe into his heauenly world Let vs therfore content our selues with sober knowledge and not cauell and trauell about such mutinous arguments which were they in actuall presence we may sooner wish to auoid then salue it any other way but by teares and prayers Man proposeth but God disposeth He euen he it is that treades and tramples downe all tyrannies that ordereth them for his own glory he that abridged Queene Maries life for the propagation of his Gospell that sithence confounded so many attempts of Iesuites Traitors and that now of late sodainely and miraculously discouered the transcendent Pouder-plor no doubt but hee will still continue his care ouer vs in the midst of our worldly waues in the heate of our worldly warfare Amen LINEAMENT VI. 1 The Authours scope in this subsequent discourse 2 The Spirit of Detraction conuicted in Protestants for exasperating of Puritanes in their peruerse humours 3 The Spirit of Detraction conuicted in Puritanes for their obstinacie against our Ecclesiasticall Canons IN the former Circles I haue coniured and conuicted the Spirit of Detraction for the breach of the third commandement thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine
malapertnesse of thy tongue of thy tempting tongue of thy tickling tongue of thy tatling tongue thy taunting tongue thy vaunting tongue thy iesting tongue thy gibing tongue thy iarring tongue thy warring tongue thy checking tongue thy chiding tongue thy clattering tongue thy clacking tongue thy carping tongue thy babling tongue thy boasting tongue thy blazing tongue thy blaspheming tongue thy rai●ing tongue thy reuiling tongue thy scoffing tongue thy scolding tongue thy nicking tongue thy nipping tongue thy quipping tongue thy tripping tongue thy defaming tongue thy detracting tongue temper the phreneticall furie of this little Tyrant of what other inclination so euer it be and whet it not against thy neighbour whom Baptisme hath regenerated and adopted to the selfe same heritage as well as thy selfe Say with that noble French man Du mesdisant la langue venimeuse Et du flateur les propos ●mmielez Et du mocqueur les brocardes enfielez Et du maling la pursuite animeuse From Sycop● an●s and their foule pois'ned quips From Flatterers and their smooth-honied lips From Democrites and their gall-stinging bookes From Hypocrites and their dissembling lookes Good Lord deliuer vs. LINEAMENT XII The spirit of Detraction conuicted for censuring men for their 1 Poucrtie 2 Birth 3 Bodily imperfections DEride no man for his pouertie for a man of faith is onely rich Hee that is poore in worldly wealth hath no superfluous cares to with-hold his mind from spirituall exercises While thou gluttest with gurmandize stalkest with state walkest with wantons swaggerest with swash-bucklers swearest with swaggerers and detractest with Detractours the poore man fasteth and prayeth yeelds euery man his due he liues not in feare of theeues nor of oppression for his goods Cantabit vacuus coram Latrone viator The same God that made him poore may make thee poore for it is his Sunne that shines vpon poor● and rich He euen he it is that exalteth the humble and meeke and scattereth the proud in the imaginations of their hearts If thy neighbour be not as well descended as thy selfe but basely borne contemne him not with contumelious speaches in charging his birth with contagious sinne The very best of vs all as the Prophet Dauid testified was conceiued in sinne and borne in sinne But through our cleansing by Baptisme our soules become purified and so doth the bas●st borne bastard Better it is for a man to be the head of his kinne as ●icero was then to be the last of his kinne as Catiline was Better it is to be the vertuous sonne of a vicious father then to be the vicious sonne of a vertuous father for a man is not accountable for his birth but for his behauiour and conuersation in hi●liuing Therefore that vncharitable detracting distick deserues the fagot Spur●s ille puer nullum suadebit honestum Na●us adulterio semper adulter erit When thou beholdest one that is crumpshouldred lame or otherwise distorted and deformed in his body laugh him not to scorne nor iest at his infirmities For he that is deformed in his body may conceale a generous spirit within like vnto a tottered ship which containes within it more goods then tenne such ships are worth Consilio pollet cui vim natura negauit Obserue the contrarie subiect and tell me how many proper bodies hast thou scene without defects in their mindes In my iudgement none but fooles euer gloried in their bodies constitutions strength or power wherein the horse the Asse and other beasts goe farre beyond mankind The regard whereof causeth vs to require bodily force in a labourer and wisedome of the minde in a Commander The body is earthly carnall fraile the house nay rather the prison of the soule which indeed is heauenly noble permanent and created after Gods owne likenesse both in the essentiall vnion and in the trinarie subsistence A body is not to be termed crooked or crazed as long as it lodgeth an vpright soule and harboureth an honest heart Aesope was crooke-backt and yet admirable for his wit Tyrtaeus the Poet was lame and yet chosen Generall of the Lacedemonians Innumerable persons there are whose bodily deformitie God doth recompence with large measure of spirituall gifts supplying that place one way which wanteth in another way so that this saying is true Deus nihil fecit frustra God created nothing in vaine no not the craggiest mountaine made hee without some profitable vse for mans good Perhaps there lurkes a goodly mine or at the worst milstones or quarries of tile lime or such like Others againe haue imperfections in their eye-sights whom the spirit of Detraction followes with girdes and floutes wherein who can but smile Spectatum admiss● risum teneatis amici In hearing blinde-minded people mocking at blindebodied people A man in Diuinitie is not held to be blinde except he liue in darknesse of errours which altogether blindfold the vnderstanding and depriue the soule of the eternall light the knowledge of the liuing God Short-sighted folkes commonly shoote inward into contemplation the noblest operation of the soule and whiles the quick-sighted I meane quicke of their corporall sights doe gaze on euery idle obiect eyther in iudging of beauties or in marking at the skipping of Grashoppers or in seeing the goodly combate betwixt the Mouse and the Frogge The other by the benefit of his spirituall nature wanting such obstacles and impediments doe wholy addict themselues to reading or to musing From which no Spider sport no trifling toyes may with-draw their intentiue mindes And why because their Creatour hath conuerted the infirmitie of their bodily eyes into their eyes of memorie and vnderstanding whereby they become sagacissimi in coniecturis ingenious and very studious LINEAMENT XIII 1 The Spirit of Detraction conuicted for blabbing out tales concerning womens credits 2 Wherefore it is not lawfull to speake abroad of womens causes LIkewise take heed how thou talk est like a tatling tell-tale about womens credits by suspition and suppositions crackt or if in deed and euidence thy neighbors wife playes false in violating herfaith in vitiating her chastitie towards her honest Husband or if his Daughter waxeth more lustily wanton then becommeth a Christian virgine let not thy tongue be traduced or produced as a reuiling runnagate in noysing abroad such ribauldries and baudries if true or else such surmised secret things which no earthly creature besides themselues can proue It is alwayes incident to Roysters and Ruffians to read suspicious lectures on the carriage and behauiour of the most beautifull Some iudge the worst fatally because themselues are guiltie of adultery and so according to the often wishes the shrewde and lewde nores of their owne peruerted fantasies they condemne the pure with the impure Some againe doe but gather by presumptions and circumstances that chast women prostitute their bodyes because they goe gallantly attyred in the fashion with strange Periwigs with false bodyes truncke sleeues verdingales and with costly Iewels belike