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A13952 A briefe institution of the common places of sacred divinitie Wherein, the truth of every place is proved, and the sophismes of Bellarmine are reprooved. Written in Latine, by Lucas Trelcatius, and Englished by Iohn Gawen, minister of Gods word.; Scholastica, et methodica, locorum communium s. theologiæ institutio. English Trelcatius, Lucas.; Gawen, John, minister of Gods word. 1610 (1610) STC 24261; ESTC S103024 183,328 620

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Hyperbaticae out of Grammaticall order Phrases Tropes and Figures note any obscurity of them III. THe vse of commentaries doe not simply argue the obscurity of the Scriptures but our Infirmity for wee doe not conceyue the doctrine of the Scripture in it selfe perfect after a perfect manner but according to our size or measure by meanes vnperfect and as they speake proportionated IIII. THe doctrines which are propounde● in the Scriptures are three waye● considered first in themselues ●●condly so farre as they are propo●●ded in the Scriptures thirdly so far 〈◊〉 they are of vs vnderstood the first an● third way the Scriptures in some measure are obscure but the second way they are most playne The Places which Bellarmine there doth cite are these Psal 119.18 Ans It is one thing to treate of our Internall and Naturall blindnesse which must be holpen with the Internall Illumination of the eyes of the mind but another thing of the obscurity of the Scripture in it selfe and therfore the consequence from the persons to the doctrine is a consequence of no force Luke 24.32.17 Act. 8.31 24 An. The meanes which serue for the vnderstanding and exposition of the Scripture appertayne not to the Scripture but to our infirmity which is wont and ought to bee holpen by the interpretation of the same 2. Pet. 3.16 Ans Obscurity of thinges in themselues by reason of that Maiesty they haue ought to bee distinguished from the manner of delivering them for obscure matters may bee plainely delivered Neyther is that consequence of force which is from the integral part to the whole because it is one thing that the Scripture is hard and another thing that certaine points in the scriptures are hard OF GOD AND THE Attributes of GOD the Part Confirmatiue CHAP. III. THe second Principle of holy Divinity is GOD The second wee call it not in the order of Nature for nothing is before God but of our better knowledge or vnderstanding because as the Scripture is the first Instrument of every healthfull knowledge concerning God so God is the first and supreme Principle of the being of those things which serue to this knowledge on whom all thinges immediately depend Now concerning God whom to be both nature and reason hath sufficiently taught the naturall man to make him inexcusable as also the Scripture and Faith hath sufficiently taught the Christian man to his salvation Rom. Ioh. 17.3 we must know two things first what hee is to witte his Nature secondly who he is that is his Attributes The Nature of God according to the manner of divine Revelation and measure of our knowledge may and should bee known two wayes the one is of the Name the other of the thing or definition by which two every knowledge touching any thing is wont to bee made playne or perfect Whatsoever is spoken of God certaine it is that that thing is not God which is spoken of him because hee is Ineffable or vnable to be spoken of yet sith a Name is the signification of that thing which might be comprehended as farre as might be divers Names are attributed vnto God in the Scriptures whereby the Nature of God is not so much expressed as that thing which may bee knowne of vs concerning the same And all those are wont to be expressed and declared in a double manner the one Negatiue the other Affirmatiue or Positiue The Negatiue names which are given vnto God as Incomprehensible Infinite remoue farre from him the imperfections of the Creatures Those which are Affirmatiue are eyther vttered Essentially or Relatiuely or by a Metaphor Essentially whether it bee properly such as that proper and Essentiall name of God IEHOVA and others equivalent vnto the same which cannot bee attributed no not Analogically to any Creature or commonly which may indeede be applied to men yet are meet for God both for the manner of excellency as God King good wise c. as also by meane of the cause not depending as Creator Redeemer c. all which are distinguished in God not in respect of the Essence but of the Effects Those which are sayed to bee Relatiue are the names of the persons of which there is no commeation or confusion but are severally proper to the severall persons to witte the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost These are vtered Metaphorically which are given to God eyther after humane affection or passion as man angrie sleeping or else by a congruency and similitude as a Lyon a Stone a River c. From the consideration of the names of God wee proceede to the explication of the thing or the description of God himselfe Now God is as the Hebrewes most briefly define IEHOVAH ELOHIM b Exod. 6.2 3.13 the Lord God that is one Essence of three persons Of this discription there are two members the one of the Essence and the Vnity of the Essence the other of the Persons and the Trinity of the persons which two can neyther bee separated from the declaration of the divine Nature nor ought to bee confounded in the same for as there is an exceeding great and indivisible vnity of the divine Essence in the plurality of the persons for the Essence of the Father is the Essence of the Sonne and the holy Ghost so is there a reall and different Distinction of the persons in the vnity of Essence for to be the Father is not to be the Sonne or the holy Ghost We discerne the vnity of the Essence two wayes first by the verity of the Essence secondly by the manner of Vnity The Essence is that wherby God both is and existeth by himselfe and of himselfe absolutely for hee alone is that thing which is and who is that is a being not leaning vpon any other The manner of vnity is not of knitting together nor of the generall nor of the speciall nor of consent but of number because there cannot be many Gods This manner of the vnity is proved by three arguments by the testimonies of Scripture both very many and evident even of the olde and new Testament c Deut. 6.4 Esa 44.6 1. Tim. 2.5 1. Cor. 8.4 by beginning which as it is the first so of necessity it ought to be but one for two or more infinite beginnings are not granted by Essentiall perfection which the persons haue in common whole in them all and whole in each one for the whole Godhead is equall in it owne perfection d Ioh. 5.26 Mat. 1.27 Through this Identitie of Essence in the persons or most single and very one vnity Christ is sayed to bee in the Father and the Father in Christ e Iohn 14 10. which thing of the Fathers is called an vnion of the persons This Essence which is one in number and individuall is improperly sayed to bee communicated from one person to another whereas that of the Essence is an Essence of it selfe and in respect of it the three persons in the
Godhead are of themselues God but most properly it is sayed to bee common to the three persons not as the vniversall to the things singular not as the accident to the Subiects not as the cause to the Effects not as the whole to the partes Lastly not as one thing to others but as the thing to his proper manners which are in the thing for the persons are the manners of subsisting or divine Essence from which they are distinguished not by the respect alone nor by the reall distinction but by the degree and manner of the thing The name therefore of persons which was vsed of the Fathers against Sabellius as also the name both of Essence against Samosatenus and of both against the Arians signifieth three thinges first the Individuum it selfe or singular thing subsisting intelligible incommunicable and not sustayned of another secondly the very propertyes of every Individuum by which they are distinguished from others and which also the Schoolemen haue called Principia Individuantia lastly these both together they are called subsisting Individua together with theyr properties and the manners of being because they signifie nothing else then the Essence subsist●ng in some one Individuum and by the property thereof severed and limitted These persons are three the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost f Esa 63.7.8 Mat. 3.16.17 Ioh. 15.26 distinct not by degree state or dignity but by order number and the manner of doing By Order for the Father is the first person of himselfe not of another not in regard of Essence but in regard of person existing g Ioh. 5.7 1. Ioh. 6. the Sonne is the second in respect of person in deed of the Father existing by eternall generation of which as the truth is i Hyperphisica supernaturall so likewise is the manner vnspeakeable but as touching his absolute Essence he ●s of himselfe and God of himselfe the holy Ghost is the third coeternally proceeding and comming forth from the Father and the Sonne in regard of person but God of himselfe with the Father and the Sonne in regarde of Essence By Number for they are among themselues truly distinct and every one by themselues subsisting for the relations of the persons are incommutable and incommunicable the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost which are not names of Essence but of relations and persons and the properties which from thence flow and come forth distinguish the persons among themselus to witte paternity or a not being begotten a beeing begotten and a proceeding which are works k Ad intra ad extra from within and divided that is proper to every person incommunicably By the Manner of doing for even in the workes from without which are Indivisible the persons indeede worke the same thinges but not after the same manner the Father createth the Sonne redeemeth the holy Ghost inlighteneth in respect of the cause the effect or absolute finishing equally and inseparably but in respect of the bound distinctly or severally These three persons are God three in vnity vnconfusedly and one in Trinity Indivisibly that the Father is God all men confesse That the Sonne is God three things do proue the equality of divine essence with the Father divine names and the essentiall proper things of God The Equalitie both Christ proveth Analogically by his workes l Ioh 5.18 and Paul layeth it downe expresly m Phil. 2.6 Col 2.9 as also very many places of the olde and new Testament n Parallelorum mutually compared together doe confirme the same The Divine Names which are attributed vnto Christ are all those which are sayed to bee of God essentially whether properly he be called IEHOVA p Esa 43. or commonly hee be called GOD. The Essential proper things of God which are attributed vnto Christ are eyther divine q Esa 9.6 properties as Eternity r Idiomata vniversall presence omniscience ſ Apoc. 1.17 omnipotency t Mat. 28.20 or divine workes as of Creation u Apoc. 2 23. Redemption x Phil. 3.21 Miracles y Io. 5.46 or divine worshippe as Invocation Faith z Ep. 1.1.2 That the holy Spirite is God the selfe same course of Argumentes doth proue the equality Christ prooveth a Mat. 8.2 the Divine Names which are attributed vnto him are both that proper name of IEHOVAH b Phi. 2.10 and the common of God and others c Ioh. 15 6 the same proper thinges are attributed vnto him in the Scripture whether they bee the very properties as eternity d Act. 1.16 vniversall presence e 1. Cor. 3.16 Act. 4 24. Inscience f Heb. 9.14 omnipotency g Rom. 8.9 or divine workes as of creation h Ioh. ●4 26 of redemption i Heb. 3.7 of miracles k Iob. ●6 15. or divine worship l 1. Cor. 2.10 Rom. 1.5 Mat. 28.9 And these three persons are one God for although personally the Father be one the Sonne be another and the holy Ghost another person yet Essencially the Father is not one thing the Sonne another thing and the holy Ghost another thing The truth and perfection of this both Vnity and distinction is seene in the knowledge of the Attributes or proprieties both of the Essence and the persons We call the Proprieties of the persons those m Characteristica Idiomata marking Idiomes or limiting Attributes which comming from the persons are not onely limited in the persons but also doe limite the persons both in themselues among themselues for wee consider as it were a double respect of those vnto the persons the one personall the other Notionall both in relation but in a diverse manner and degree The Personall respect is in those properties which together note indeed a Relation yet especially according to the vse which they haue obtayned in the holy Scriptures and among the Doctors of the Church they note and point ●ut the very subiects l Hipostases or subsistings as ●re the names of the persons the No●ionall respect is in those properties which are called Notions or Relations ●he vse of which is in relation alone as ●re the names of Generation Nativity procession The Properties of Essence wee call Attributes in God Essentiall to God whereby both the verity of the Essence clearely appeareth in it selfe and is distinguished from others yet so that they really differ neyther from the Essence nor among themselues not from the Essence because they are so in one Essence as that they are the very Essence for God is a simple working power not among themselues for that which is in God is one and from the first vnity every difference and every number ought vtterly to bee farre away But because they differ neyther from the Essence nor among themselues they are no meane qualities betweene power and act but they are in God most inward actuall perpetuall 〈◊〉 from his forme act essentiall whence it is that
cause of salvation Efficient Act. 23.48 Ans There is 〈◊〉 Consequence from the state marke and conditiō of the persons which we● elected to the causes of Election eyth● impulsiue or meritorious Rom. 8.29 Answere The Pres●ence or fore-knowledge of God is n● the Consequent or the Effect of thing but the Antecedent neyther dooth● signifie in the place cited a foreseeing of the beginning but the speciall lo● of God but the fore-knowledge of approbation is one and that of naked science and knowledge is another Heb. 11.6 It is one thing to tre● of the first cause of Election and another thing of the meanes and subordinate causes for faith is the proper and onely Instrument of our Iustification and reconciliation with God of which mention is made in this place Rom. 11.20 It is one thing to treate of the perseverance of the Saints but another thing of the election neyther ought those which are the meanes to bee mingled with the Causes and beginnings Places for good Workes Rom. 8.29 The Conformity of ●●e Image of the Sonne of God is the ●onsequent of Predestination but not ●e Efficient meritorious cause there●f and those words which are to bee ●●pounded according to the sense of the ●postle by the vnderstanding of the ●erbe Substantiue Were ought not to ●e taken in a contrary meaning 1. Tim. 2.20 to treat of the seales of ●aith which of the Apostle are reckoned ●o be two the one Inward the note or ●nowledg of divine approbation the other outward the avoiding of iniquity of which the Apostle speaketh in this ●lace as also to treate of the cause and beginning of our salvation and election are things diverse Apoc. 3.11.4 It is one thing to treate of the crowne of Ministrie and another thing of the crowne of eternall life and the worthinesse which in scripture is attributed to the elect is not 〈◊〉 naturall excellencie but of meerenes o● fitnesse by God given freely also the● is one by inherence in the faithfull and another by imputation of which mention is in this place Distinctions for the matter I. THe matter of Election is called so Equivocally eyther Ex qua out 〈◊〉 which and it is the counsel of God 〈◊〉 Circaquam about which and it is ma● or in which and it is Christ as the Mediator II. MAn is considered eyther Commonly without any considerati●● of the qualities or Singularly as he i● a Sinner after that manner in the f● Act of Election and Reprobation b● after this in the second III. THe number of the Elect and Reprobates the person numbering and numbered is certaine though both be not certainely knowne vnto vs. For the FORME I. THe Forme of Predestination consisteth in two thinges in the Action and manner thereof the Action is Adoption the maner is in Christ in whom as in a bond lying betweene the vnion of vs with him was made II. PVrpose Prescience Predestination are distinguished in God not by time but by order Purpose signifieth the whole counsell of God Prescience the first degree thereof Predestination not only them but also those which depend on them III. DEcree together with the execution therof as they ought neyther to be confounded or mingled together nor plucked asunder so it is needefull they should bee ioyned together and distinguished all which distinction is from that which is the latter from the maner of the thinges effected OF CREATION The Part Confirming CHAP. III. THat sorte of Divine Actions immanent wee haue already declared in the doctrine concerning Predestination now by order wee passe to Gods actions externall Of these according to the double obiect there ought distinctly to be had a double respect and notice for those divine actions which passe over vnto the Creatures doe eyther belong to this common nature the common beginning of things naturall or to speciall grace the speciall beginning of thinges supernaturall vnto the communion whereof Man is to bee advanced Those which concerne Nature men distinctly consider to be eyther that first beginning or springing vp as it is a In fieri in the doing or making or the conservation of the same as b In sacto it was already done or made that wee are wont to expresse by the name of Creation but this by the name of Providence The Worke of Creation is known of vs two wayes the one common according to the common consideration of all thinges which were created even as the generall and every speciall of them haue their proper conditions in nature which were effected since that first vniversall beginning in the very time of Creation the other particular according as there is a singular respect and expresse marke of the same the first maner properly belongeth to Divinity the second to the science of thinges Naturall Creation therefore Theologically is the first bringing foorth of Nature and of thinges in nature done or made by God in the beginning of time and finished in the space of six dayes vnto his owne glory and the salvation of the Elect. The Cause Efficient of Creation is God for the thinges created were not by one vnderstanding conceyved and by another procreated as the Valentinians thought not by another Nature which Cerinthus calleth one while the Wombe another while the Generall Worke not by the Angels as the Symonians deemed not by their peculiar spirites called Daemones as the Philosophers Lastly not by Fortune as Epicures but by God they were produced and disposed c Psal 33.9 Esa 40.28 which beside the Scripture eyther the distinct workings of the three persons or the nature or maner of the Creation or lastly the manner of beginning doth convince The persons working in the Creation are as the Causes first the Primordiall Cause is the Father d Act. 17.24 the working cause is the Sonne e Col. 1.16 Ioh. 1.3 and the perfecting or finishing cause is the holy Ghost f Gen. 1.2 Psal 33.6 The manner of Creation is two-folde the one by the bringing forth of things the other by the most wise setting of them in order g Iob. 9.8 Esa 40.22 both of them is from God eyther immediately or mediately The consideration of beginning is that it should loue singularity and there can bee no vniversall first thing vnlesse it bee one neyther one vnlesse it be God The matter of Creation ought to bee distinguished two wayes according as there is one creation primary immediate another secondary and mediate There was no primary matter of creation neyther with God coeternal nor of God existent or as a materiall cause put or spread vnder the work of this creatiō for God gaue not immediately the beginning of nature by nature but by himselfe for that he is of infinit power he necessarily excludeth all matter wherfore out of nothing as it were the bound God brought forth h Psal 33 9. Rom. 4.17 Heb. 11.3 nature by his owne power Of the second and mediate Creation the
a society of men called forth by an outward calling or communicating of the preaching of the word and Sacraments to the worshippe of Gods Glory i Mat. 18.17 And the Invisible Church the Society of men predestinated which are called forth by an effectuall and saving calling out of the state of corruption vnto the dignity of being adopted the children of God and are vnited vnto Christ as to their head not onely to the service and worshippe but also to the fruition of the glory of God k Luc. 1.33 Rom. 11.4 The Efficient Cause of both Churches is the one Primary the other Instrumentall or Serviceable The Primary and Principall ought 2. wayes to bee expounded according to the constitution of the church and according to the administration and ordering thereof The Cause Efficient of the Constitution of the church is God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost as the beginning of all good in nature and aboue nature l Rom 2.29 Of this Efficient cause or beginning in respect of the vnity of the Essence there is one and a common Operation but in respect of the distinction of the Persons there is a distinct Manner of working A Common Operation because in divine matters the cause of working is common the worke it selfe the same The Cause of Working in the constituting of the Church is the good pleasure of Gods will whereby from everlasting thee hath appointed to call forth some of Mankind to the communion of his Grace m Eph. 1.5 Tit. 2.14 But the Worke it selfe is the n Eph. 1.13 fulfilling or complement of the church which is to bee consummated with those degrees of meanes and periods of times wherewith it pleased God Of which decree and worke God the Father Sonne and holy Ghost is the common beginning but the maner of Working is distinct For the Father is the Efficient cause of the Church of the Invisible by election but of the Visible by Creation The Sonne is the Efficient cause of the Invisible by effectuall Redemption but of the visible by the common offering of the same Redemption by the preaching of the Gospell the Holy Ghost is the Efficient cause of the Invisible by saving sanctification and new creation in Christ but of the visible by outward calling whereby hee worketh more or lesse And this is the manner of the Efficient cause in the constituting of the Church Now the cause efficient neerest of the Administration and ordinance thereof is Christ God and man by a voluntary disposition and dispensation of Grace whereby God the Father made and appointed Christ the head over all to his Church which is his Body o Rom 12 5. 1. Cor. 3.11.12 Col. 1.18 And it is so not by order of nature but by the divine ordinance of saving Grace for the Church is not sayde to be a Physicall and Mathematicall but a mysticall body of Christ Wherefore also by the same benefite of divine Ordination Christ ought to bee helde and esteemed the head of his body not many heades but one for the church is neyther without head nor yet having many heades But as the condition of the head over the body doth chiefly consist in three thinges in Order Perfection and Power in Order towards the members in Perfection in it selfe in Power towardes the whole Body so Christ also in order perfection and power performeth all duties after a most excellent manner which can or ought to be performed of the best head In Order because he being true man and true God holdeth the chiefty in all things having the supreminence not onely of dignity but also of Regiment and power whence it is that the Scripture doth very often affirme him to haue Beeing before all things and to be placed aboue all things In Perfection because Christ alone is the King Prophet and High Priest having all things in himselfe from the Father which any way may be required for the perfection of the head In Power and Efficacy because hee alone inspireth vigour sense motion and spirituall life into his members and is alone knit fast vnto the body by the bond of the Spirit yeelding that whole ioyning and fastening together of the members among themselues and with God to the whole Church The Cause of the Church Instrumentall and serviceable is Generally the word of God what way soever revealed and communicated whether inwardly or outwardly or ioyntly both wayes p Heb. 4.12 Act. 2 4● 2. Pet. 2.23 1. Tim. 3.15 Whence it is also that the Word is in Scripture called the seede of the Church and the rule measure foundation of the truth which the Church hath as it were hanged vpon a pillar and as a sure prop vpholdeth the same But Specially the Instrumentall cause of the church Invisible is faith it selfe which sith it is inward is not indeede knowne by the judgement of men but yet it marketh or noteth out the true and essentiall manner and forme of a member of the church as being the onely Instrument of that inward and effectuall calling of God But of the Church visible chiefly and Primary are the Ministers of the Gospell who for that cause are called in the Scripture Builders and Master-builders q 1. Co. 3 10. Eph. 4.12 1. Pet. 3.5 to witte instruments vsed of God and the Lord Iesus Christ for the knitting together of the Saints for the worke of his Ministery and for the common edification of the Body of Christ r Eph. 4.7 2. Cor. 4.1 Now both the calling of these Instruments and their Office according to the Calling must be expounded Their Calling I meane whereby they are holily and lawfully called to a holy publicke function in the communion of Christ and of his Church Now they are called eyther of God inwardly by the Spirite or outwardly of the Church next after God in a holy and lawfull order The first manner if it be alone maketh the calling immediate and extraordinary which God alone causeth for the singular begetting and raysing of his church such as was that of the Prophets and Apostles whome the Lord extraordinarily called and informed by a singular revelation that their authority in teaching and writing might bee plainely divine ſ Luc. 21.14 Act. 13.1 Act. 21 4. The latter with the former maketh a calling mediat ordinate which God together with the church causeth by Order Ecclesiasticall t 1. Tim. 5 17. Of this Order there are two Essentiall partes The Choice and Confirmation the First is whereby a holy and lawfull examination is made both of life and doctrine u Tit. 2.7 2 Tim. 2.24 1 Tim. 3.10 The other is whereby a consecration and ordination to the Ministery is first made with Imposition of hands by the Cleargie the body of the Church therevnto consenting by Signe speech or free si●ence x Act. 6.6 ● Tim. 4.14 2. Tim. 1.6 And this calling for that it is Ordinary is also Successiue
Life but the Instrument and meane to attaine vnto life Neither doe the places which are cited proue any thing else which doe eyther note the quality of them that are to be saved and not the cause of Salvation Heb. 10.1 Tim. 2. Rom. 10. or doe intimate the way of righteousnesse by which men come vnto Salvation Phil. 2. 2 Cor. 4. Or lastly doe treate of the Effects from which as from that which is the a A Posteriori That is from the Effect to the Cause latter judgement both may and should be had of them that are truely justified and hereafter shal be glorified Mat. 25. Iac. 1. 2. Cor. 7. II. NEyther doth the reason alleadged from an absurdity and expressed in the ninth Chapter proue the contrary for Faith alone is sayde to saue vs aequivocally eyther in respect of faith because it is alone or of salvation because it alone saveth Faith is not alone without works but it alone saveth and justifyeth without workes as the eye onely seeth yet not alone but joyned together with the Body That the Law of God is not possible to be fulfilled by vs against Bellarmine Lib. 4. Cap. 11. I. THe Testimonies of Scriptures which are alleadged First Ma● 11. 1. Ioh. 5. treate not of the nature of the Law compared with the power of the Regenerate or not Regenerate for the fulfilling of the same but eyther of the burthē of the Crosse which the inward vertue and efficacy of Christs Spirite and the hope of eternal immortality doe ease or of Gods commandements in Generall aswell in respect of Faith as of good workes which are not so farre grievous that by them the faithfull should be oppressed for both the Spirite becommeth conquerour and whosoever beleeveth i● freed from the curse of the Law Secondly those in Ioh. 14. Ro. 13 Gal. 5. Ioh. 15. doe not treate of our power for the fulfilling of the Law but eyther of our duety or of the effect of our loue towardes God Or lastly of the loue of our neighbour as a most evident Testimony of the whole obedience of the Law Thirdly in Psalm 118. 1. King 14. Act. 18. 1. Kin. 15. 2. King 23. 2. Chron. 15. 11. There is no speech concerning any perfection of the righteousnesse of those who are named righteous absolutely but eyther respectiuely or by relation vnto others or Inchoatiuely as touching themselues or by Imputation in respect of Gods acceptance Or lastly after a sort in respect of their owne sincerity opposed or set against Hypocrisie II. THe reasons which are alleadged Chap. 13. proue not the question in hand Not the First for it is grounded vpon a false presupposall and vpon that which by the Schoolemen is tearmed Petitio Principij Not the Second because it playeth vpon a false consequent for our bond remayneth albeit our weakenesse or want of power bee admitted like as the debt is wont to remaine though the debtor bee not able to pay Not the Third because God hath his reasons First he doth not require a debt in vaine and we are put in mind of our debt Secondly the Principles of nature are not in vaine stirred vp for the convincing of the wicked and the saving of the godly Not the Fourth because the Apostle discourseth Rom. 8. of the right of the Law not of Iustification and that right is not saide to be fulfilled of vs but in vs. Not the Fift because the operations of the Spirit are produced in vs according to the manner of the Instrument and the measure of our Infirmity Not the Sixt because as being Iustified they are born of God they performe the Law but as they are regenerate vnperfectly they performe and fulfil the same vnperfectly OF MANS ESTATE after this Life The Part Confirming CAP. VIII ANd this is the State of Mā in this life both according to the condition of his first Originall or Naturall corruption as also according to his regeneration by Grace or the truth of Christian calling Now the other State of Man which shal bee after this life next ensueth the same and it ought two wayes of vs to bee considered and declared eyther Generally in respect both of the godly and vngodly or Particularly in respect of these or those Generally the estate of man after this life is knowne by two degrees by the resurrection of the flesh and the last iudgment The Resurrection of the flesh is an iterated and indivisible coupling of the soule with the body wrought by the mighty power of God that when death shall be conquered men made immortall might liue for euer eyther in glory or in torment The efficient cause principal of the Resurrection is the whole Godhead For the father raiseth the dead the sonne quickneth whome he will and the holy Ghost with the father and the sonne giueth a fulnes of life aswell to the body as to the a 1. Cor. 15.12 1. Thes 4 14. 1. Cor. 15.25 soule but the instrumentall or ministeriall are the Angells the effectuall working of whome the scripture signifieth by a Metaphor of a sounding Trumpet The matter is mans body the same in number as touching the substaunce which wee beare in this life whether it bee of them which are dead or of those which shall bee found aliue at the last day b Dan 12.2 Ioh. 5.26.29 1. Thes 4.16.17 The forme according to the consideration of the matter shal be eyther a Restoring of the dead vnto life or that proportionable and conformable transformatiō of those which shal be foūd aliue This form the changing of the qualities of the body doth accompany being indeed a generall incorruption and immortallity but besides these in respect of the faythful there shal bee a particular glory power and spiritualnes of the bodyes The end principall is the glory of the righteousnes and grace of God Subordinate according to the considerations of the persons that rise agayne eyther the salvation and glory of the Elect or the punishment and casting away of the Reprobate The last or extreame iudgement is a iudiciall act whereby Christ in the last day with greate maiesty and glory shal giue sentence vpon all men vniuersally The efficient cause principall as touching indeed the iudiciall power and authority is God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost but as touching the maner of iudgment or exercise therof Christ is not onely as he is God but also as hee is man both because of the estate of glory which followeth together with the personall vnion of the divine and humane nature as also because of the agreeablenesse and affinitie of himselfe with men c Mat. 24.30 Luc. 21.27 2. Tim. 2.8 The Administring Cause shall bee the Angells whose Service God will vse both in the gathering together and in the separating and singling out of them that shal be judged d Mat. 24.31 1. Thes 4.16 The Matter as it respecteth the subject is the faith or infidellty of every
contradictory which in the Essence of God voide of all falshood and in truth most absolute and perfect haue no place yet not to bee able to doe these thinges is a token of power for hee is exceeding able who enioyeth a constant and vnchangeable power and by no meanes departeth from that very thing which is one for it is a point of infirmity to bee able to doe things opposite and the propertie of one that is altogether powerfull is to abide and persist in the best thing Knowledge in God is that whereby he knoweth both himselfe in himselfe and out of himselfe all and singular thinges by himselfe by an indivisible and immutable act for God alone knoweth and vnderstandeth himselfe x Mat. 11.27 by a most inward and perfect Act he being infinite comprehendeth himse●fe being infinite infinitely and yet while by vnderstanding himselfe he comprehendeth himselfe the vnderstanding of God whereby hee comprehendeth is not one and that which he comprehendeth another for to bee to vnderstand to comprehend are reciprocated or made to haue recourse each one to the other Hee knoweth also out of himselfe all thinges and each thing in a common and distinct knowledge y Heb. 4.13 of the matter of the forme and of both their Accidentes even of good and badde thinges but hee knoweth indeede the good thinges by himselfe the evill by the good opposite thereunto Yet hee knoweth both himselfe and other thinges by an indivisible act in that by one act of vnderstanding and a whole looking on at once hee comprehendeth the vniversall distance of thinges both locall and temporall possessing all thinges at once and alwayes which with vs by times are vnfoulded and this indivisible and present knowledge of God is vnchangeable as well of things contingent as of thinges neecessary laying the condition of cōtingency on thinges contingent as also the law of necessity on thinges necessary Will in God is that whereby God freely and vnchangeably willeth his owne glory as the end and all other thinges as the meanes vnto this end this will for that it is of the end and of the meanes is the first and supreme cause of thinges comprehending with all other causes in it selfe and subordaining them to that first cause And albeit there is but one will in one Essence yet by reason of the Obiectes and Effectes of good and evill thinges wee distinguish the same into z Beneplacitum placitum good Pleasure and Pleasure for in respect of the good Effectes whereof God chiefly and by himselfe entendeth the ende and meanes wee tearme that Will his good pleasure a Eph. 1.5 but in respect of the evill effectes in which GOD indeed chiefly and by himself intendeth the end yet not the meanes themselues but for the end wee call it his pleasure b 1 Cor. 10.5 This will of pleasure and good pleasure in God is vnchangeable that it can neyther be deceyved nor deceiue not bee deceyved in respect of that secret will according to which God foreknew determined and willed all things from eternall c Rom. 9.19 Esa 46.10 Not deceiue in respect of that revealed will according to which God hath communicated the knowledge revelation of that eternall will as much as is necessary for our salvation OF GOD AND THE ATtributes of GOD the Part CONFVTING Distinctions for the VNITIE of ESSENCE I. THe name of God is taken eyther properly and that both essentially and personally or improperly that both by way of Concession and Imitation when the Scripture teacheth of false and fayned gods as also Appellatiuely and by a congruency when it treateth of gods not by nature but in respect of divine gifts and office II. ONe and three are not opposed privatiuely because both are truely vttered of God in a diverse respect one in respect of Essence three in respect of the persons Distinctions for the TRINITIE of the Persons and first for the distinction of them I. THere is one respect of those who are both finite and divisible who in this selfe same point are distinguished as in persons so also in Essence but there is another respect of God whose Essence as it is Infinite so is it indivisible also and therefore 〈◊〉 onely II. THose Actions which are common in cause effect are distinguished by the bound of the Action or Effect for the cause of working in thinges belonging vnto God is the same and the worke the same but the manner of working is diverse III. THose names which are given to the persons in the Scripture some doe point out the persons themselues some the properties of the persons and some the operations extra personas out of the persons The Places Ioh 14.9 Ans It is one thing to treate of the order of the persons among them selues and another thing of the order of our knowledge vnto them Ibidem 10. Ans Wee badly pro●ede from the Phrase and manner of ●peaking concerning the Essence to ●hat which is concerning the person or some thinges are spoken absolutely ●f the persons in respect of the Essence ●nd some thinges relatiuely in that they ●re persons Col. 1.15 Answere There is one ●mage Accidentall and another Substantiall Secondly for the Coessence of the persons I. IT is one thing to treate of the Originall beginning of the Essence which ●n thinges pertayning to God is none and another thing of the originall of the persons the Sonne and the holy Ghost haue onely the originall of person the one by generation the other by procession eternall but neyther of Essence II. HE that hath al things hath them by nature not by grace is not lower then he of whome he hath the● for but one of both respects can be granted to be of Inequality III. A Sending and obedience take no● away equality of power neythe● is he that sendeth and hee that is se● distinguished by properties Essentiall but Personall Places of Scripture 1. Cor. 8.6 Eph. 4.6 God alone is called Father in Scripture in a double respect first oppositely to the Creatures and counterfeyted gods not exclusiuely to the Sonne and holy Ghost secondly by an excellency God alone is so called to witte because he is not from another no not in respect of person Luc. 11. the Name of Father is taken sometimes Hypostatically when the Godhead within it selfe is described and the persons of the God-head are among themselues distinguished some●es Essentially when the outwarde ●rkes and benefites of God towardes Creatures and the Church are de●bed Distinctions for the Attributes for the simplicity of GOD. WHatsoever is simple it is so eyther absolutely or by it selfe comparatiuely and in respect of bo●s after the first manner God is ●ple after the second manner the ●gels and the Soules are but if any ●mposition seemes to bee given to ●OD it is altogether Acciden●l eyther in respect of the acti●s or the Subiects on which hee wor●th or lastly in respect of the Propo●ion which
the Salvation of the Elect. Of CREATION the Part Confuting Distinctions for the Cause Efficient I. CReation is sayed to bee eyther properly concerning the work of the first bringing forth of thinges or Metaphorically of those things or works which are of no lesse vertue and power both wayes it is attributed to God alone II. THose things are created which are made of no substantiall and materiall beginning but those things are generated which are made of a fore-being matter the Creation of God is by himselfe but the generation of nature next after God III. NO things being apt to generation or corruption which are brought forth of God by second causes cōming between are properly sayed to be created because to be created is immediately to be brought forth of God IIII. CReation is two-folde Actiue and Passiue the one sayeth that there is a divine Essence and that the Creature cannot exist vnlesse hee put the case that there is a divine Essence the other sayeth that the Creature was really brought forth by God and noteth withall a creating Essence V. TO Create and to make differ because that more strictly taken signifieth of nothing to make somewhat but this more generally importeth not that onely but also to bring forth somwhat out of a matter lying and being before VI. THe thinges themselues and the nature substance of them ought to be distinguished from the evill that comes vnto them and from the Accidents of the thinges and substances For the MATTER I. THere is one respect or maner of the Primary Creation another of the secondary wherefore that generall u Classicum Alarme of the Philosophers of nothing nothing is made may be fitted or applied to the estate of bodily things but cannot bee opposed to the Creation II. NOthing is sayed to bee eyther privatiuely or Negatiuely Negatiuely of the Primary Creation Privatiuely of the second For the FORME I. THe signification of beginning is threefold for it pertayneth eyther to the time or to the thinges and causes or lastly to the order but it is taken in the first signification when wee treate of the beginning of Creation II. THose thinges which of Moses are written down of the forme and order of things created are not to bee taken Allegorically but Physically or Natural●y OF PROVIDENCE The Part Confirming CHAP. IIII. ANd this is the beginning both Primary Secondary of things created acording to their nature now followeth the powerfull cōservation of the same and the most wise ordering of them vnto their end which by the vse of the Scripture and the Doctors of the Church we call Providence Now whereas a double part of this Providence is wont to bee discerned and distinguished the one of decree according to the eternall fore-knowledge and fore-appointment of all thinges in God the other of Execution according to the externall Administration of the same in time and wheras also the consideration of the former properly pertayneth to Predestination which is a kind of Gods operations Immanent wee in respect of this latter doe here consider and treate of Providence properly so called This Providence then is an outward and temporall action of God whereby he keepeth all and several things which are and disposeth ●ll several things which are done to that end which hee hath determined according to the liberty of his will and that to the end hee might in all and severall things be glorified The Efficient Cause of this Providence or governement is the same which is of Creation sith the one and the self fame beginning is of both from by which all things proceed are conserved to witte God the Father Sonne and holy Ghost a Psal 32.13.15 139.78 Ioh. 12.34 The Father or the loue and goodnes of the Father is the first beginning cause The Sonne in that he is the wisedom and word is the working causes The holy Ghost in that hee is the vertue and power of the Father and the Sonne is the finishing cause The nature of God teacheth this whose presence power operation the scripture cōmendeth in both works b Psal 9 4.8 Mat. 10.29 Ier. 10.23 Prou. 6.19 Esa 45.7 cōmon Nature testifyeth it which as the commō Instrument of God being stirred by that vniversall beginning stirreth and being moved moveth it selfe and al things according to it selfe Our nature together witnesseth and feeleth it because as in himselfe we haue our being so in himselfe also we liue and are moved c Act. 17.28 And the operatiōs of this efficient cause are according to degrees distinguished now they are distinguished by a threefolde order maner The first is of Conservation the second of Governing The third of Ordayning to the end of which more at large in the formall cause of providence The Matter about which Providence is imployed according to the twofold consideration of the things which are subiect vnto it may be distinguished two wayes one way in respect of those things which are another way in respect of those things which are don for after both wayes respects all and severall things are ruled by Gods providēce The things which are ought three wayes to be distinguished first according to their nature secondly according to their Accidents thirdly according to their vse Of the nature of things whether it be that superior or inferior wherof wee treated in the place of creation there is a double knowledge the one common and according to their natural form or kind the other singular acording to the d Individua things thēselues as they are indivisible The Accidents whatsoever they are are either of common nature in its beginning perfection or of singular nature in the defect and condition thereof f Agnata besides the course of nature Of things according to their vse there is a twofold distinction for eyther they are the ends or the means vnto the end but the ends are some furthest off and some intermediate vnto the same the meanes are severally known two waies first after the manner of doing for some are ordinary some extraordinary and both ordained to their proper ends Secondly by the quality and essentiall condition of them for some are necessary and some contingent Of those which are necessary there are two kinds for some are by themselues absolutely necessary by a necessity of the Consequent as they call it and some by the cause from a g Ex Hypothesi Supposition by necessity of the Consequence Those which are absolutely necessary when we treate of things created we distinguish by two degrees The first is in the first and common beginning of nature first by themselues and by all things necessary as when wee say that twice two is foure which vnchangeably and by an infallible necessity are true The other degree of necessity is from nature out of it owne inward beginning whether materiall as when we say that every thing compounded of contraries must necessarily perish
Virgine according to the natures because according to the divine Nature he is coessentiall with the Father but according to the humane coessentiall with the Virgine Ioh. 2.19 Ans The conclusion from the Natures to the person is of no force for the person of Christ is not called the Temple but his Manhood in which the Godhead dwelt bodily Heb. 7.3 The Nativity of Christ is two-fold the one without Mother according to the divine nature the other without Father according to the humane and both were vnited in the one and the selfe same Subject For the quality of Natures I. COncrete or conjoyned names are not multiplyed vnles the Subjects be multiplyed but whereas there is but one Subject alone in Christ of necessity there is but one Christ alone II. THe Actions and Passions are of the person and not of the natures now a conclusion from the persons vnto the natures is in consequent For the Hypostaticall vnion and the communications of Properties against the Vbiquitaries I. A Thing is vnited three wayes Essentially when of many there is made one Essence Accidentally when the Accidents are ioyned to the Subjects Substantially when the substance which otherwise of it selfe might exist is drawne to the being of another Subiect and dependeth on it as a part of 〈◊〉 it II. WEe must make a difference betweene the God-head sending and the person sent and there is one consideration of the Worde by reason of the Essence and another by reason of the office III. VVHatsoever thinges are pronounced of Christ eyther they are divine simply pertayning to his divine nature or humane pertaining the humane or cōmon mediately pertayning to the whole person therefore glory Power and other things when they are pronounced of Christ are these three wayes to bee considered as divine and then they are Essentiall and Incommunicable as humane and then they are proper to Christ in the forme of a servant as mediatory which are proper to the person of Christ in both natures together and in common IIII. SVch as is the substance of every thing such also is the manner of being but there is but one substance of Christs body therefore but one manner of being which is proper to bodies that is circumscriptiue not definitiue which is proper to the spirits nor repletiue which is proper vnto God V. FRom Christ being mā to Christs manhood the conclusiō is impertinent for neither the nature ought to be confounded with the nature the persō with the nature or the abstract with the concrete VI. THe imitation b Exoequatio equalnesse or communication of Essence or properties maketh not an vnion but the copulation of nature in one subsistence VII WE must distinguish betweene whole Christ and the whole of Christ the first whereof respecteth his person the second his natures for that which is true of whole Christ cannot conveniently or truely be pronounced of the whole of Christ The Places of Scripture Mat. 26. Act. 2. Ephes 1. The right hand is one thing and to sit at the right hand is another Christ is one thing and the man-hood of Christ is another thing the figured signification of right hand is one thing and the proper is another for in the Scriptures the right hand of God importeth two thinges besides the proper signification to witte Power and Glory both Christ hath communicated vnto him as hee is a person God-man whence it is that the Schoolemen affirme Christ to bee ascended vnto his sitting at the Fathers right hand c Aequaliter Aliqualiter equally according to the divine Nature in some sort according to the humane as a double descent is given him in the Scriptures one according to his e Exi●anitionem debasement as being God the other according to the locall places as being man Mat. 28. Phil. 2. Col. 3. Ephes 4. The properties of the one nature are attributed to the whole person because of the vnity of the Subject for all that power dignity exaltation is proper to the office and person of the Mediator and not to the natures now they are attributed to Christ being man partly by grace of the vnion and partly because of that exaltation of Christes person which was made aboue every Name OF THE OFFICE OF CHRIST The Confirming Part. CHAP. VII FRom the person redeeming wee passe to the manner of Redemption which the office of Christ doth circumscribe for whereas the manner of Redemption comprehendeth all that action course and manner of Christ which he hath performed according to the ordering disposing and dispensation of both his Fathers will and his owne wee must throughly discerne them by their degrees and the degrees of the office of Christ Now wee discerne them partly Generally according to a common maner partly singularly according to their speciall kindes and partes Generally the office of Christ is defined to be an office of mediation committed to the Sonne a Heb. 5 5. Ioh. 3.17 by the Father and of the Sonne both voluntarily receaved b Ioh. 10.18 Heb. 10.7 and in both natures perfectly fulfilled c Phil. 2.8 Rom. 5.19 that hee might vnite and reconcile vs to God and God to vs for ever d Ioh. 11.51.52 Rom. 4.25 The Cause efficient of this office essentially is God the Father Sonne and holy Ghost e Heb. 1.9 Esa 61.1 but yet the order of proceeding being kept to witte both that which is inward of the persons among themselues and that which is outward as touching the things created for in respect of both it commeth to passe that the Father from whome is both the Essence and vertue of working according to the beginning is sayde to be the Efficient cause of this office of whom the Sonne is annoynted both as touching the calling and as touching the bestowing of Gifts the latter whereof properly pertayneth to the humane nature the former to both Now the forme is sayde to bee the meane or mediating cause by order of person from the Father but by dispensation of office subordinate e Ioh. 14.28 to the Father The matter of this office is considered two wayes Subjectiuely and it is both the natures of Christ f Ioh. 6.33 not severally but joyntly together for there are two parts or offices of Mediatorshippe the first in the thinges that concerne God the second in the things that concerne vs and therefore Christ must bee as a Mediator in office so the middle-one in person betweene God and vs that communicating with both by nature hee might bee a Mediator betweene both by office Secondly effectually and they are all actions which hee performed Divine as God humane as man one and indivisible as Mediator whence it is that they are called Divine-humane because as there is but one Worker of the Workes of both Natures so is there but one absolute ending for the working is of the person but the beginnings of the workings are of the Natures The forme is the manner
miracle is vnwonted and vnusuall but those which are cited were eyther devised of superstitious men or false and put forth to deceyue the simple or lastly brought forth by the helpe and furtherance of the Devil according as Christ and Paul foretold of Antichrist Against the Communion vnder one kinde onely Bellar. Lib. 4. Cap. 24. I. TO reason from the Signes and Sacraments of the olde Testament which differ in the outward adjunctes in the circumstance of time in the maner of signifying and in the quality and number of the Signs to the Sacraments of the New Testament is inconsequent neyther is it needefull to require both kindes in those which eyther were not capable of both or in the lawfull vse whereof there is not extant a commaudement for both II. FRom a particular indefinite propositiō we badly conclud exclusiuely for albeit in some places there bee mention made of eating the other kinde therefore is not necessarily excluded for there is else where mention made of flesh and bloud together of eating and drinking the same yea foure times in the selfe same chapter III. THe consideration of meate and ordinary bread and of the mysticall and Sacramentall bread is altogether different not as touching the naturall substance quantity or quality but as touching the vse and office Now there was both in that miracle of the feeding of the people and in the Supper at Emaus not a Sacrament of Grace but a feast of nature Neyther haue the Fathers interpreted the bread concerning the true and naturall body of Christ but concerning the mysticall that is the church IIII. SYnecdoche is that which by name of the part comprehēdeth the whole very familiar in the Hebrew tongue wherein by the breaking of bread they are wont to signifie a dinner supper any feastes whatsoever from which feastes notwithstanding as drinke neyther ought nor can bee excluded so neyther may it from this Sacramentall feast whereof mention is made in the cited places whence it is also that the same Paul to whome this breaking is attributed expounding the Lordes institution teacheth that this Supper consisteth of bread and of the cup. V. IT is true that the Manichees communicated vnder the one kind of breade onely for they thought that the wine was the gall of a Dragon but that the ancient Church did not therefore reprehend them it is most false even those very men doe proue the contrary whom the adversary would haue to stand on his side to witte Leo the Bishoppe and Gelasius the Pope the former wherof called this mangling a sacrilegious counterfeiting and the latter a great Sacriledge VI. THe Consequence is of no force which is from examples whereof the former is of doubtfull credit as of which Chrisostome himselfe maketh no mention and because of the cunning and craft of a womanish wit ridiculous but the latter of a false and contrary credite as being that which by most certain proofe evidently sheweth that the communion was vsually and necessary vnder both kindes VII FRom extraordinary cases of necessity and those particular there is no conclusion to that which in lawfull ordinary and publicke celebrations of the Eucharist ought to bee observed Adde further that in all those rites and ceremonies though not alwayes yet for the most part there was vse of both kindes according as the constitution and custome of the Primitiue church doth most manifestly proue VIII TO reason from the authority of the Councels and Fathers for the establishing of some error is inconsequent Adde further that in the Primitiue Church the Communion for a long time was retained vnder both kindes even in the monasteries vntill the thousand three hundred yeare the mangling or maiming thereof was first by a publicke decree brought in by the Councell of Constance in the yeare 1484. IX FRom discommodities or inconveniences an argument concludeth nothing both because they leane vpon superstition and because the collection is faultie drawne from particulars and lastly because they being foreseen by Christ and the Apostles hindered not the Institution of the communion vnder both kindes In Defence of the Forme against Transsubstantiation Bellar. Lib. 3. Cap. 19. FRom a bad and insufficient Enumeration of the partes a false conclusion is drawn for every change is eyther Essentiall of the very Substance that is of the naturall matter and forme or Sacramentall of the office condition vse of the Elements both are true but after their manner that true Essentially by the manner of nature but this Sacramentally by the manner of Grace Now whatsoever change is in the Supper it is not essentiall or naturall but Sacramentall that is a Consecration appointment and setting apa●t of the Signes from a common to a holy and mysticall vse To the Testimonies of the Fathers which by Bellarmine are cited in the 20. and 21. cap. of the third booke and the whole second Booke I. THose Fathers who called the Eucharist the body and bloud of Christ vsed a Sacramentall manner of speaking wherby it commeth to passe that the names being changed the signe or Symbole is called by the tearme of the thing it selfe Now they vsed this for three causes First that they might declare whereto Christ had ordayned the Eucharisticall bread Secōdly that they might expresse the Analogy betweene the Signes and the things signified Thirdly That by the change of the names they might teach that there is a most true and indivisible conjunction of the things signified with the signes themselues in the lawfull vse II. THe Fathers who haue called the Eucharist the precious body the reverend mysteries the pledge of Salvation our ransome spake Hyperbolically of the very bread sanctified and not of any other body present by transubstantiation Now they vsed those Hyperbolicall Phrases for three causes First that they might extoll the dignity of the mystery Secondly least eating they should sticke in the outward signes Thirdly that with a great affection of godlinesse and reverence they might approach to that holy Communion III. THe Fathers which affirmed that the Body of Christ is touched seen and chewed with the teeth spake Figuratiuely For there is a double signification of the Sacrament and body of Christ to bee held for as a Sacrament is sometime taken Figuratiuely for one part and sometime properly for both parties so also is the body of Christ sometime properly and somtime Figuratiuely for the outward signe onely and ●n this sense by a figured and Metonymycall vse of speech the Fathers haue affirmed that the body of Christ is touched and seene that is the signe of his body IIII. THe Fathers who spake of the changing of the bread and wine in the Eucharist treated of the Sacramentall change whereof wee haue spoken in the first distinction and therefore willed and taught that their wordes should bee taken Figuratiuely and effectiuely V. THe Fathers who taught that our bodies are cherished nourished and fed with the body and bloud of Christ vsed a
same pertaineth to a Divine and to the Principall end of Divinity which is Salvation is generally limitted as it were within 2. boundes of places and times for wee must necessatily know and discerne a double estate of man the one in this life while hee is in the way the other after this life when hee shall attayne to the last Gaole eyther of felicity or eternall death In this life wee are wont ought to consider a double estate of man according to the distinction of the works which indeede passe from God to the creatures by an outward and temporall action the one of nature the other of grace that belonging to man as he is naturall as touching himselfe this as hee is to bee advanced by the grace of God aboue his nature and naturall condition The Former State of man in this life which is according to nature ought to bee discerned and distinguished according to the divers condition and consideration of Nature Now the Nature of man is two wayes considered one way according to his Beginning and first Originall condition and creation the other way according to the Change and Corruption which followed after as man fell from his Naturall goodnesse by his owne mutability and fault into the evill of Nature and guilte or sinne wherevpon there ariseth a double Estate of Man in Nature the one of Integrity the other of Corruption OF THE STATE OF Integrity or first Creation of MAN according to the Image of GOD. The Part Confirming CHAP. II. THe State of Integrity or the first creation of man before his Fall is a singular worke of God in Nature whereby hee made man a Reasonable creature being of a compound or double nature according to his Image for his owne glory and the good of Man himselfe The Efficient Cause is Iehovah Elohim The Lord God or God in the Plurality of Persons and Vnity of Essence for there is but one finishing or perfecting of the worke of one Essence though according to the distinction of the persons the order of working is distinct For the Father created by the Sonne through meanes of the power of the Spirite himselfe Now God effected it both by a cōmon consultation will and consent going before a Gen. 1.27 and by a manner of of effecting or creating partly immediate if you respect the soule which God of nothing created by infusing and infused by creating b Gen. 1.7 partly mediate if you respect the body which was brought forth from a matter pre-existent The Matter or Subject of this first estate is humane nature endued with all perfections which in thēselues might befitte for a thing created according to the condition thereof Now whereas wee call it a matter wee vnderstand not onely that which is incorporeall or the corporeal onely but that which is composed and as it were tempered of both for there are two essentiall partes of this Subject or humane nature whereof wee treate the Body and the Soule the truth whereof ought to be discerned and distinguished by their first Beginning Substance and Qualities By their first beginning because the bodies of our first Parents were created of a matter preexistent or having a fore-being eyther neere as the body of Eue of Adams ribbe and the body of Adam of the dust c Gen. 2.7 22. 1. Cor. 15.45 or remote of the 4. Elements which Synecdochically are vnderstoode by the name of earth as being an Element for substance and quantity predominant but the soules were created of nothing by the vertue of Gods infinite power as after the same manner God createth new soules in every body for they are not brought forth from the body d Per traducem by derivation but are brought into the body by creation e Psal 33.14 Zach. 12.1 Heb. 12.9 nor are they forced out by the power of the matter as other living creatures as well perfect as imperfect for they are simple spirites which are neyther divided nor changed nor corrupted By Substance because the bodies are compound substances furnished with diverse Organes or Instruments by which the soules exercise their powers and faculties but the soules are substances both simple and immateriall for being compared to other materiall thinges they consist of no matter and that they haue not any materiall matter their beginning and originall hath taught as also immortall not absolutely by themselues by the Law of nature or composition for God alone being life it selfe is by himselfe immortall but by the grace of God the creator and his divine will which created the same to be such that though it had a beginning yet it should not haue an end f 1. Tim 6.16 Luc. 16.22 23.43 By Qualities because even their bodies had also an incorruptibility not in their owne nature absolutely for everything composed of contraries is corruptible but by Gods grace whereby man was able as touching his body not to die vnlesse through his g Gen. 3.19 Rom. 5.12 Iac. 1.15 owne fault hee had voluntarily brought on himselfe the first and second death also a Bewty so that there was not any Infirmity or deformity but a convenient proportion and a most godly well ordered constitution but the Soules which are humane and as they are so had two principall faculties the vnderstanding and the will according as the obiect of them is two-fold to witte Being and Goodnesse to which faculties as beeing Subalternall all the other are referred For the vnderstanding apprehendeth Being and Truth the vniversall indeede by it selfe but the particular by sense The Will inclineth forward to good which because it is in the things them selues it doth not properly draw and take vnto it the very things but is drawne of them The Forme of this first Estate of man is limitted in the condition and consideration of the Image of God according to which man was created Now we call the Image of God that likenesse whereby man resembleth the nature of his Creator after a convenient manner of his nature partly in the soule properly partly in the body because of the Soule Last of all partly in the whole and entire person by reason of the vnion of both In the Soule whether you respect the Nature thereof and the faculty of substance or the Faculties or lastly the qualities of the habites wherby they are perfected The Substance of the Soule resembleth the Nature of God according to her condition and the measure of the condition for three causes first because as that so this also is one though it cōsist of many faculties as her essentiall partes For of one singular thing there is but one substantiall forme Secondly because as that is so also is this simple spirituall immateriall Simple in respect of the materiall i Act. 17.26 Spirituall in respect of the bodies k Gen. 2 9 Immateriall in respect of Originall l Gen. 2.7 Thirdly as that is so is this also incorporeal
that it is a naked representation made in the vnderstanding but for that it is a certaine and vndoubted assurance of the will as it may easily bee collected by the places compared the one with the other Psal 39.8 Heb. 3.14 Againe Faith is called an Evidence because it affordeth that certainety of demonstration whereby not onely the mind but also the will is convinced that it might particularly apply vnto it selfe Gods promises vnderstood by the mind Secondly that which is alleadged concerning the vnderstanding of the Creation by faith for besides that there is an other respect of Faith iustifying which properly hath an eye vnto to the benefite of Redemption and not vnto the worke of Creation we must also note that some thinges are pronounced of faith in Scriptures rather in respect of knowledge or assent and some things rather in regard of confidence or assurance neyther doth the vnderstanding exclude assurance but goeth before it Thirdly the example of Noah for the Act of his faith doth not onely respect the deluge and the truth of Gods judgement but also the saving of himselfe from the deluge which hee could not beleeue and embrace but by the Assurance of the wil. Fourthly that which is alleadged concerning the things belonging to God because that same faith whereof the Apostle treateth doth withall suppose both knowledge in respect of the Essence and Nature of God confidence of his gratious rewarding Against Bellarmine Cap. 6. I. ROm. 4. Answ The nature and force of faith is not principally and chiefly placed in knowledge which is of the vnderstanding but in assurance which is of the will For hence first mention of the promise is made which the will properly respecteth that it might bee embraced Secondly Abraham is sayd to haue beene strengthened by Faith not to haue doubted through vnbeliefe or distrust and to haue beene very fully perswaded that God was both mercifull which would and mighty which could do him good all which doe testifie his confidence and not his knowledge onely II COr 1.13 Hope and Faith are sometimes of the same signification and import the same thing sometimes they are distinguished as in the place cited Now they are thus distinguished that Faith is a knowledge assent and assurance but hope an expectation which followeth Faith and is begotten by Faith III. COr 2.10 The Apostle doth not treat of Iustifying faith properly but of the Effects ther of or of that spirituall vertue whereby we renouncing our selues doe bring into captivity all our thoughtes to the obedience of Christ IIII. EPhes 3. Assurance is diversly wont to be considered eyther as the Forme or as the Effect of faith as the forme as it embraceth Christ with a sure perswasion of the heart as the Effect as out of this perswasion it begetteth in vs tranquility of conscience and boldnesse or assurance of Liberty V. THere is one Obiect of faith level another chiefe or speciall that which is levell is the whole word of God in respect of knowledge and assent that which is speciall is the word of Grace in respect of assurance VI. TO beleeue is wont sometimes to be taken largely sometimes strictly being largely taken it signifyeth generally every voluntary assent with a certainety to that thing which is not seene being strictly taken it signifieth a Iustifying faith which doth indeed presuppose a knowledge but formally it is an affection towardes the promise of Grace OF GOOD WORKES The Part Confirming CAP. VII ANd this is the first and principall part of Christian Calling being Inward and Invisible which the other which is outward and visible doth succeed that is good Workes which proue and testifie the truth and life of faith by the outward exercises of Pietie and charity Now it is needefull that the doctrine of good workes bee expounded two wayes first according to their owne common nature and respect secondly according to the chiefe kind of a Christian life and the principall exercises of a Christian man in this life Good Workes according to their own common nature and respect which of vs in this place are indeede considered Theologically and not eyther Philosophically or Politically are defined to be Actions which are done the holy Ghost working the same of the Regenerate by faith according to Gods law to the glory of God the confirmation of faith and our election and the aedification of our neighbour The Efficient Cause of good works is vsually considered eyther as principall or Secondary The Principall is God the Father in his Sonne by the holy Ghost from whome in whom and by whom is the beginning and finishing as in nature so aboue nature a Phi. 2.13 1. Cor. 4.7 Ioh. 3.27 15.5 Eph. 2.4 Now God effecteth good workes partly in respect of the agēt or Instrument which is man regenerate whom hee prepareth informeth and instructeth after a saving and singular manner of the Grace of sanctification that hee might both be willing and able to worke well partly in respect of the action which hee sanct fieth that it might bee good both in the generall and in the speciall and in all circumstances The second Efficient Cause is eyther Externall or Internall both Instrumentall in respect of that former or superiour Cause The Externall is man regenerate Immediately producing good actions according to the measure and degree of his Regeneration For because the Spirite and the flesh are mixed one with an other in a man regenerate it commeth to passe that in one and the same worke the action springeth mixed of both by a mutuall conflict which by the more intentiue quality is vsually named the worke of the Spirite or of the b 1. Ioh. 1.8 Rom. 7 23 Eph. 2.3 flesh Whence is the infection and imperfection even of the best workes The internall is Faith not by the vertue efficacy or efficiency of it selfe but as it apprehendeth that her object instrumētally vnto which it is carried to witt Christ in respect of whome onely the holy Ghost worketh in vs both to will and to doe good and our actions though most vnperfect doe neverthelesse please God and are approved of him The Matter of good works is whatsoever is prescribed by the Law of God for both God alone hath the authority of commaunding and the Law of God alone hath the rule and manner of every commandement which hath respect vnto that which is right and good c 1. Sam. 15.22 Ezek. 20.19 Mat. 15.9 Esa 29.23 Of this Matter according to the distinction of Gods Law into two Tables there are two chiefe and principall parts the former whereof prescribeth and commaundeth the duty of man towards God or godlines the latter the duety of man towards man or humanity The good works which belong to godlinesse are absolutely and necessarily good and cannot be otherwise the consideration whereof is most perfectly set downe in the fowre precepts of the first Table For the works of godlines do properly belong eyther to the
Diuinity CHAP. I. ALL Sciences haue their proper principles aboue which as being those that cannot be demonstrated and are immediately the first wee may not ascend but among many sciences that is the more perfect which is or commeth of the superiour 〈◊〉 Principles and that the most perfect which resolveth a matter into the first Principles which depend not vpon any former of which sort Divinity alone is For the principles of other sciences are not simply the first bu● onely in their owne kinde because indeed in their owne science they haue no other Former but there ought not to bee any other Former Principles of Divinity neyther in it selfe nor out of it selfe to wit neyther any Principle of being nor any principle of knowing For there are two Principles the one of the thing the other of knowledge those out of which other things are produced these on which the knowledge of other thinges doe depend both these a Analogi●e proportionably are of vs to bee considered in Divinity for the true exposition of the word intimateth vnto vs those two beginnings to wit God and the Word God is the Principle of being and the first cause of Divinity from which both the end of Divinity and the means vnto his end doe spring the Word is the principle of knowing by which the end of Divinity and the meanes vnto it may be knowne Both the principles are immediatly 〈◊〉 the first God is a Principle immediately first because nothing was be●●h●● the word is a principle im●ediately first because nothing was ●poken before it which two though ●hey goe together in dignity and office of beginning yet in the course of order in the manner of doing and in ●he producing of the effect they are distinguished and are mutually each to other subordinate for God first mediately speaketh vnto vs in the worde then the Worde mediately bringeth vs vnto the knowledge of God which knowledge sith it is entended to be the principall and proper subiect of whole Divinity the meane thereunto subordinate which wee called the Word ought first to be knowne Of the Word of GOD. The parte confirming CHAP. II. THe Primary Principle of Divinity for dignity is God but for the order of better knowledge the word● is the first The word we vnderstand 1. En●●tiatiue or which is vttered whereby God hath communicated with man eyther specially through Revelation by Oracles visions or dreames or generally through a liuely tradition o● doctrine from hand to hand or through a more excellent manner by the Scripture The same wee thus define It is at holy Instrument concerning the truth necessary a Rom. 15 4. 1 Tim 4. ● Ioh. 5.35 to salvation faithfully and perfectly written in the Canonicall b Rom. 1. 2 Pet. 1.19 2 Pet. 3.15 16. bookes by the Prophets and Apostles c 2. Tim. 3 16. as the Secretaries of God for the healthfull instruction of the Church d 2. Pet. 1 22. Psal 1 19.1 1. Tim. 4 13 16. Wee call it an Instrument both in respect of the Covenant whereof God would haue an Instrument to be made and by a renued contract publikely to be registred as also in relation to another thing as in the proper vse and office thereof because the holy Scripture is not for it selfe but as the manner of ●struments is for another thing the ●hority perfection perspicuousnes ●d vse of this Instrument shall be made ●dent by a Methodicall e Analyst resolution the causes The Cause Efficient of the Scripture God f 2 Tim. 3.16 2 Pet. 1.21 the Father in the sonne by the ●rit for the same hath the Father layed ●en to the Church by the word Enun●tiue and by the workes of grace ●wer generally and specially ordina●y and extraordinarily g Heb. 11. the Sonne ●th both wayes confirmed it in the ●ew Testament h Heb. 1.2 the holy Ghost sea●th the same in the hearts of the faith●ll by the word inwardly testifying or 〈◊〉 an inward Testimony i Esa 59.21 Ioh. 14.26 the Scrip●re then is diuine by originall and by ●e things thereof both Essentiall and ●aturall as also assumed By Originall because every know●dge of truth is from the first truth ●hereof the Scripture is an instrumen●ll badge and as it were a shapened ●mage hence it is that God both ●mmediately with his own finger wrote the Decalogue in Tables and k Exod. 34 27. mediately by servants as his l Actua●ios Ta●ula●ios Notaries and publicke pennemen commaunded that whole m Systema compacted body of holy scripture with every part thereof to bee written n 2. Tim. 3.16 Insitis Adsitis The scripture also is divine for the matters both put therein and put thereto for both the Essentiall parts thereof are divine in matter and forme and the end divine also as hereafter shall bee declared yea and the apparant signification and demonstration of the Spirite and presence of God very antiquity the invincible force of the truth and many other pointes doe witnesse the same to be divine now it must needes bee that the Scripture which hath God to be the author hath also divine authority Further this authority is two wayes considered first in it selfe secondly in respect of vs the authority of the Scripture in it selfe is divine if we consider the cause subiect and certainty of doctrine The Cause because the authority of the Scripture is as great as that of the holy Ghost o. 1 Ioh. 1 9. who endited both the matter and words thereof and whose Prophets and Apostles were onely the Amanuenses pennemen p Ioh. 14.16 The Subiect for whereas there is wont to be a double respect of testimonies concerning the authority of a thing one from the power or efficacy of him that witnesseth the other from the Nature and property of the Instrument the Scripture in respect of the thinges whereof it is the Instrument hath an exceeding great and infallible authority q Heb. 4 12. The certainty of doctrine which the Scripture hath from God by Vertue Verity and Complement by Vertue because he hath confirmed the same both at all times with his spirit and at convenient tyme with his workes of grace and power r 1. Thes 1.5 by Verity because it contayneth the whole truth communicable in it selfe both alone and perfectly ſ 2 Pet. 1.19 By Complement because as in substance so also in event all thinges are most certaine and most true in the Scripture t Mat. 24 35. Now in respect of vs or vnto vs the authority of the Scripture is divine by the testimony of God both particular and generall Particular because God hath both publikely testified that soveraigne Authority by ordinary and extraordinary meanes and privately sealed it by his everlasting spirite in the conscience of the godly u Ioh. 1.37 5.6 Generall because first God vsed the vndoubted Ministery of his servants as fi●te
God is a substance without composition of matter and forme with out quality good true iust c. without quality or bound exceeding great and incomprehensible without motion or action without passion pittifull without scituation of place most present without time the first and the last without habite or addition the Lord of all thinges for all the properties are affirmed of God Essentially and that both formally and in the abstract because of the individuall perfection of the Essence as also subiectiuely and in the concreate because of the verity of God existing Of these properties some doe note out vnto vs the Essence as it were a Priori partly Negatiuely as Infinitiues and partly Affirmatiuely as simplicity some other as it were a Posteriori and that partly Properly as those thinges which are in GOD principally and by themselues as Power Knowledge Will partly improperly as those thinges which are spoken of God Metaphorically or by way of translation or according to the similitude of a humane passion or affection as Loue Anger c. Those which are in God a Priori are given to God one and onely according to his Essence Action and Vse and they are sayed to be incommunicable as Simplicity Infinitiues Simplicity is in God altogether Indivisible and Absolute admitting no either diversity or composition of parts or accidents neyther in himselfe nor in the persons nor in his workes not in himselfe because God is the same that his Essence is and his Essence is the same that the being of God is m Eph. 5.26 1 Ioh. 1.7 for God is the principall first and pure acte of whom all things are wrought and by whom all thinges doe worke Not in the Persons because the Essence is whole and the selfe same in them as whole and the selfe same abiding in euery one whence we say that the Father is in the Sonne the Son in the Father the holy Ghost in both each one in euery one not in works because the Essence Will and Action are altogether the same thing for as the Essence of God is naturally disposed so it willeth and doth and againe as it willeth and doth so his Essence is disposed Neither do the Act and the thing done differ in God but they are the selfe-same thing so as while one thing seemeth to be done by the Godhead all things are together effected in one thing and while many things one thing is effected in many things By this simplicitie the exceeding great perfection of God is concluded for that which is one and most simple is of all most sufficient and most content with himselfe and therefore is both selfe sufficient for himselfe from himselfe and in himselfe to all things and in all things as also to others a paterne and cause of all perfection Nature grace Infinitnes in God is not a magnitude or multitude which wee may not passe through but an incomprehensible power or an incomprehensiblenes of an act whereby he is neyther from without nor from within finite in himself every where whole or most inwardly in all things by his Essence and power For by his Essence God is every where n Psa 145.3 1. Rin. 8.27 Ier. 23.23 or by speaking more properly hee is every where it selfe that is that selfe same thing which we call every where being in every place without definition dimention or circumscription in every time without changeablenes whole in all thinges whole in each thing whole in himselfe the manner of this Infinitnes is that it be neyther multiplyed norrarified and that the Essence of God be not made diverse but the same whole and one that it be sayed to be present with all thinges and with each thing yet of none contayned according to which manner wee say that God is every where and no where to witte in that hee is contayned of none hee is no where but in that hee contayneth all things he is every where By his power God is every where because by him this o Vniversum whole frame was both perfected and is affected yet so that neyther by perfecting that power of God is weakened for it is vnmeasurable and infinite no time no where failing nor by affecting doth suffer for hee is God of power super-essentiall not onely p Superficies comprehending the outmost partes of all thinges but also with it whole selfe pearcing and passing thorough the depth of all things That which necessarily and as it were by an Issuing forth q Cōsectarium followeth vpon this Infinitenes is immutability that which likewise followeth Immutability is Eternity for hee which is Infinite can neyther bee mooved nor changed according to vtter and inner qualities and whereas he hath in himselfe and from himselfe the fulnesse of perfection r I ac 1.17 Mal. 3.6 Essence and Power hee cannot bee extended neyther concerning Essence nor concerning worke hee which is immutable is not changed into another nature but possesseth the same whole neyther receyving nor ever hereafter about to receyue but without time hee is that hee is and that hee is not hee never may be that is it which we call ſ Psal 90.2 Apoc. 1.8 eternall Those properties which being from that which is the latter are in God bee spoken indeed of God principally and by themselues but yet according to the proportion both of his Act and vse in the Creatures they are communicated vnto them and are t Ex concreto ioyntly vttered of them these therefore are in God most inwardly according to beginning and vnmoueably but in the Creatures Accidentally by participation and after a mooueable manner as are these amongst the chiefest Power Knowledge and Will Power in God is that whereby he perfectly doth all things which he willeth and all thinges which hee can will hee can perfectly doe this is called absolute that actuall And both of them are actiue Now God willeth by act partly Internall and Eternall which act is in God eyther according to beginning limite as the vnderstanding of God or else it is indeede according to beginning in God but according to limitation in another as Providence Predestination and in respect of this Act the actuall power in God is called Immanēt or abiding in partly also by act externall and temporall as Creation Redemption and in respect of this act the actuall power in God is called Trāsient or going forth Hee can Will infinite thinges u Mat. 3.9 as his being is Infinite and so likewise hee can doe infinite thinges which are absolutely possible and yet never shall bee determined to a certain order of things he can then doe more thinges then hee doth if hee will yet he never will do them But as hee cannot will eyther things contrary as evill good or thinges contradictory as to be and not to be so can he not do eyther contrary things which in a nature most simple and incommutable cannot subsist or thinges
of nature from God the naughtines came vnto the Subiect by the corruption of man The Places of Scripture which are wont to bee wrested against the truth of this Doctrine of Providence are for the most part these Against the Materiall Cause 1 Of the Corinth 9.9 Ans Providence is eyther generall or speciall A conclusion from the deniall of the one vnto the deniall of the other is of no force 2 Sam. 1.6 1. King 21.34 Ans Providence and chance are not repugnant the one to the other if the respect of divers causes bee distinguished Esay 31. 1. Act. 5.38 Ans according to the divers considerations of the beginninges wee iudge both of the Causes whether neerest or remote and of the qualities of Actions whether good or bad but whatsoever quality is vitious it is from the particular beginning and not from that which is Vniversall or Common Against the Formall Cause Ezec. 18.33 Ose 13.9 Answ a double consideration of the punishmēt of sinne is wont and ought to bee distinctly noted one is of Iustice in God and hath a respect of morall good another of merite and fault in man hath a respect of evill and in this latter signification these places are to bee vnderstood Prou. 16.4 Answer The working of God in respect of the wicked presupposeth three thinges first the limitation of sinne secondly the withdrawing of Grace thirdly the ordayning of punishment Ierem. 10.7 Answ The Prophet speaketh from the feeling of his own infirmity not of an vntruth in doctrine nor of any wickednesse in life but of his vocation vnto which hee was drawne against his will Exod. 4.21 Esa 69.19 Ezek. 14.9 Rom. 1.28 2. Thes 2.11 Answere A Working is one thing and a working permission is another thing That is in good thinges onely this both in good evil for by permitting God worketh foure wayes first as touching the materiall of sinne secondly as touching the withholding of grace which God oweth to no man because it is grace Thirdly as touching the endes vnto which God disposeth sinnes Fourthly as touching the iust punishment of the sinner whereof this is the highest degree by sinne to punish sinne OF THE WORKES OF Grace or of Redemption CHAP. V. THe Worke of God Externall and Temporall which he bringeth to passe in thinges is twofold of Nature and of Grace The Worke of Nature whereof hithervnto we haue spoken is whereby God hath eyther created thinges not as yet being or conserveth governeth and ordereth them being created by his Providence The Worke of Grace is that which God effecteth in the Elect who shall be heyres of Salvation according to the good pleasure of his will And this Worke commonly is called Redemption for the explication of which worke three thinges concurre the beginning the manner and the Effect or the Application thereof The beginning is Christ as hee is God and man from whome there is no power nor healthfull Action which is needefull for Redemption but doth proceed The manner according to which Christ executed this worke is that holy disposing and dispensation of his offices Now the Effect or Application is discerned first by the degrees hereof in this life that is by Calling and by Iustification Secondly by outwarde meanes that is by Gods Covenant and by his Sacraments Thirdly by the Subiect that is the Church which Christ hath redeemed with his blood Wherefore wee must treate first of Christs person secondly of the offices of his person Lastly of the other places pertayning to the application OF THE PERSON OF CHRIST The Part Confirmatiue CHAP. VI. THe neerest singular and determinate beginning of our Redemption is Christ as hee is God and man because by him Man was to be redeemed in whome our redemption was from everlasting Predestinated by him againe to be restored by whom at first he was created in him he ought to bee made partaker of the loue of God who was the Sonne of loue or the beloved Sonne and at last in him to obtayne the right of Sonnes or adoption who by Nature was the Sonne and heyre of God from everlasting Christ therfore being God and man is as the scripture most briefly defineth the Worde made flesh or God made manifest in the flesh that is a person in whose singularity two Natures the properties thereof remayning whole are vnited for the Redemption of mankind For the explication of this Definition we must consider of three things in order First of the Natures and the necessity verity and actions thereof Secondly of the Subject of the Natures or of the person and of both the Vnity and the operation thereof Thirdly of the Hypostaticall vnion of the Natures and of the manner foundation power and efficacy thereof As concerning the Natures whereas Nature is an outward beginning making the thing it selfe and distinguishing it from other things we acknowledge two such natures in Christ according to the Scripture Divine and Humane both in themselues and in their properties distinct a Rom. 9 1 1. Ioh. 5.20 Phil. 2.6 the one from everlasting immutable immortall impassible the other in time conceyved and borne mutable mortall passible Both are Indivisibly necessary for the redemption of mankind or the dispensation of the office of a Mediator the divine Nature that hee might satisfie God that the satisfaction might bee proportionable to our debt that an Infinite good might helpe an Infinite evill by overcomming death and by vndergoing both the heavines of sinne and the infinitenesse of Gods judgement Adde further that whereas the arbitrement betweene God and man is aboue the humanity because no man can bee a chiefe and supreme messenger of divine thinges but God by his God-head because no working aboue nature such as is a sufficient Intercession with God is of or from nature because no beginning but of the Godhead it selfe can bee the beginning of that satisfaction which may stand before God it must needes bee that according to the divine nature in his person hee tooke on him all the partes of Mediation or Mediatorship But the humane that being man hee might according to the Law satisfie Gods justice that hee might sufficiently suffer for the accomplishment of the worke of satisfaction both by obeying made vnder the law and by dying made a curse according to the Law that in all thinges being like vnto his brethren sinne excepted hee might bee a faithfull and vniversall high Priest in those thinges which are to bee performed before God to purge the sinnes of the people b He. 2.17 Now the divine Nature of Christ that wee may in few wordes speake touching the verity of those Natures is that whereby hee obtayneth the same Essence with the Father and the holy Ghost albeit both according to his person whereby hee is distinguished to bee the Sonne of God and according to the dispensation of his office whereby hee is discerned to bee a Mediator hee is distinguished from the essence of God of which nature
we haue more largely treated in the place concerning God The humane Nature of Christ is that whereby hee holdeth the same Essence with vs both the manner of subsisting or being a person and the vitious accidents and sinnes of the substance being excepted For neyther is the humane nature of Christ any thing by it selfe subsisting without dependance but being without subsisting was assumed in the singularnesse of person without any eyther confusion of natures or division of person c Phil. 2.6 Ioh. 1.1 Neyther could any contagion of sinne infect that humane nature of Christ the substance whereof being otherwise in it selfe corrupt originally the vnspeakable operation of the holy Spirite sanctified and most fully purged from every spot nor yet ought to infect as being that wherein the purging of our sinnes was to be performed d Luc. 1.35 Heb. 4.15 These thinges excepted Christ tooke our true and Reall Nature the same both whole and perfect according to the substance properties and infirmities thereof The Substance for Christ had both our whole Nature and the Essentiall parts of it whole Our whole Nature for hence is he called in the Scriptures The seede of the Woman e Gen. 3. 22.16 the seede of Abraham the seede of David according to the flesh or the fruite of his loynes f Act. 2.30 and very where the Sonne of man The Partes for hee had both a reasonable Soule and an Instrumentall body A reasonable Soule this the Scripture and g Ioh. 10.17 Mat. 26.38 the end of his Incarnation prooveth for that which is not assumed is incurable The Verity of Nature because the other partes of man haue their beauty by the Soule An Instrumentall Body this proued the verity of his humane Nature which requireth a limitted matter that is a fleshly and an earthly body h Luc. 22.42 the verity of satisfaction which ought to bee made in a body truly passible mortall Lastly the verity of demonstration for Christ shewed even by signes that hee had a body not phantasticall or heavenly but fleshly and earthly i Luc. 2.40 Mat. 4.2 Ioh. 11.35 Ioh. 4.6 Mat 8.24 Mat. 27.50 Iob. 19.27 The properties which Christ coassumed are eyther of the whole nature to witte to bee created and to bee finite or of the partes as of the Soule for he had vnderstanding k Mat. 26.28 and will l Luc. 22.42 the operations of both and of the body for hee had a shape quantity and circumscription and all the properties and naturall actions of a body m Luc. 2.40 Mat. 4.2 Ioh. 11.35 Ioh. 4.6 Mat. 8.24 Mat. 27.50 Iob. 19.27 Infirmities for it was behouefull for the end of his Incarnation that hee should wholy take vnto him all naturall defects sinne excepted for of defects some are simply miserable as Augustine tearmeth them and some damnable or as Damascene calleth them Detestable those Christ wholy tooke because they were no let to his perfection knowledge and grace n Ioh. 1.14 1. Tim. 3.16 Heb. 5.7 but these hee did not so because they had hindered our Redemption Of these natures the necessity and verity whereof hath beene declared there are divers operations o 1. Pet. 3.18 for there are two natures in Christ as it were two inwarde and effectuall beginninges out of which formally Actions and their manners are deduced wherefore as all thinges in Christ his subsisting onely excepted are two-fold or of two sorts to witte his Nature Properties Will Knowledge p Mat. 11.27 23.37 Ioh. 2.19 1. Cor. 15.27 Luc. 2.47 so are there two-folde operations some divine some humane distinguished by their beginninges manners of doing and the particular Actions of each of them By their beginninges because looke how many Natures there are so many formall beginnings of actions there are By the manners of doing for every beginning worketh according to it owne manner and condition the God-head after a supernaturall and divine manner the man-hoode after a Naturall and Humane manner By particular Actions for the Worde worketh that which is of the Word and the Flesh that which is of the Flesh without any confusion of Natures in the vnity of Person Thus much concerning the Natures the other thing followeth concerning their Subject that is the person and both the vnity and operations thereof Of the Person of Christ there is vsually held and declared a double respect in the Scriptures the one in regarde of the Essence of the Word the other in regard of the office and dispensation In respect of Essence Christ being considered or severally or without commixture as Nazianzene speaketh is in the divine Essence another person from the others but not another thing In respect of the dispensation which wee consider of in this place he is that second person of the God-head Incarnate that is that person who tooke mans Nature by creating it in the singularity of his subsistance immediately and by his person vnited the same with the divine nature mediately so as Christ is one of both Natures not two into both one and the same without time begotten of the Father the Sonne of God without mother and in time begotten of the Virgine the Sonne of man without Father the naturall and consubstantiall Sonne of both This Vnity of Person three things doe proue first the authorities of the Scripture for Christ is as the Prophet teacheth Emanuel r Esa 7. as the Angell teacheth the same Sonne of God which should bee borne of Mary Å¿ Luc. 1.35 as the Evangelist teacheth the Word made flesh t Ioh. 1.1 as the Apostle teacheth the same who came of the Father according to the flesh who is God aboue all things to be praysed for ever u Rom. 9.5 Secondly the end of his Incarnation because that God and man might bee made one in the Covenant It was behoofefull that one should bee made God and man in person not by participation of grace but by verity of nature not by confusion of substance but by vnity of Person Thirdly the denominations of both natures attributed to the same Subject for as those thinges are not incident to the divine nature which are proper to the humane nor those vnto the humane which are peculiar to the divine so all in common and according to truth are vttered of the person according to both Natures x Act. 20.28 1. Cor. 2.8 therefore the one and the same person is Eternal and not Eternall Infinite and Finite holding all the divine and humane properties those from everlasting as he is God these in time assumed as he is man both really yet Intransitiuely as he is man-God This Person is the common beginning of those actions which the Greeke Fathers haue called divinely Humane for the actions of Christ are not onely some humane some divine but also some of common operation which Christ effecteth both as he is Man-God by Nature and as hee is Mediator
II. THe Calling which is common to all by naturall Grace is wrought by God according to the a Esse naturae being of Nature as the Schoole-men speake generally but that which happeneth to those that are called Supernaturally is concluded in two partes for it proceedeth generally from the caller belongeth particularly to the called III. THe Formall of the calling ought to bee distinguished from the Materiall thereof because the Subject of that is particular but the Subject of this belongeth to all men alike OF MANS IVSTIFIcation before GOD. The Part Confirming CHAP. IX THe Second degree of Application which is here made on the behalf of God is Iustification It is needefull that the verity of this Iustification bee declared two wayes by Anotation of Words wherof there is vse in the explication of this doctrine as also by definition of the thing it selfe according to all the causes The Words whose doubtfull signification is to bee taken away lest they should in the doctrine it selfe breed any difficulty are chiefly two Iustice and Iustification Iustice which indeede is of the Person is two wayes vsually considered one way in the manner of quality or Inherence and it is the obedience of the Law which wee performe to it the other in manner of Relation or Imputation and it is a gracious giving of another mans obedience for vs performed that is called the righteousnesse of the law or Works this of the Gospell or Faith that is in the person subjectiuely this of the Person by Grace of Imputation It is needefull that both bee distinguished because there is a diverse vse of both of this in the Private and inward court of the conscience before God of that in the publicke and outward Court of christian profession before men Iustification generally considered is the very application of righteousnes but specially if wee treate of righteousnesse inherent it is the effecting of a certaine habituall holines in man which signification is most vnusuall and vnproper if wee treate of the righteousnesse of Imputation it is a gracious Imputation of another mans righteousnes by faith and so an absolving of a man before God And this signification as most proper and vsuall both the common custome of tonges a Idiotismus the proper phrase of the holy Scriptures doe confirme The common custome of tongues for as with the Grecians to justifie hath two significations besides or without the doctrine of Iustification the one to judge and pronounce one just by publicke judgement the other after the cause is judged judiciously to punish one so that there is the same vse of the word with the Hebrewes two things doe most evidently proue first the direct and most frequent vse of that word in court or pubilcke judgements causes and actions b 2. Kin. 15.4 Deut. 25.1 Esa 43.9 secondly the manifest c Pro. 17 15. Esa 50.8 Rom. 8.33 ●4 opposition of condemnation and justification as being contraries d Antithesis And in this signification the word to Iustifie commonly importeth three thinges To absolue a person accused e Esa 5.23 Exod. 23. Luc. 7.29 to iudge one for righteous to giue a testimony to one already Iustified as also rewardes which are due to the iust and innocent If you respect the proper phrase of the Scripture by iudiciall proceeding it proposeth the whole doctrine of Iustification this the Phrases of speaking which the Scripture vseth as also that whole manner and course of our Salvation which it describeth doe proue The Phrases which in this point the Scripture vseth do proue some by way of deniall that hee which is iustified is not condemned not iudged and that sinnes are not imputed vnto him f some by way of affirmation doe proue that hee is made iust is freede from the accusation and condemnation of the law that righteousnesse is imputed vnto him c. g Rom. 5.18 8.33 The whole course and manner of our Salvation is fully performed as it were by two degrees by the knowledge of our misery and the trust of Gods mercy Of our misery there are three partes the Offence the Guilt and the Punishment Of Gods mercy there are three opposite parts the foregiuenesse of the fault the absolving from the guilt and the freeing from the punishment That whole course or proceeding frō our misery to Gods mercy is caled Iustificatiō by a signification taken from common pleadings h Forensi or from the Lawyers Iustification therefore is properly a free iudiciall action of God whereby hee iudgeth the elect in themselues subiect to the accusation and malediction of the Law to bee iust by faith through Christ by imputation of his righteousnesse vnto the prayse of the glory of his Grace and their owne salvation i Rom. 3.24.25 That this definition might be rightly vnderstoode it is needefull that the Causes which are orderly noted in the same bee two wayes considered according as Iustification is taken eyther Actiuely in respect of God who iustifyeth or Passiuely in respect of man who is iustified The Efficient cause of Iustification taken actiuely is God the Father in the Sonne by the holy Ghost k 2. Cor. 5.19 2. Cor. 6.21 for it is in him to absolue or acquite the guilty person by whose Iustice hee is made guilty in him to pronounce one iust whose will is a rule of Iustice Lastly in him to giue iudgement of life or death who by nature right and office is supreme iudge l Esa 59 1 Psal 5● 4 Esa 43.21 Mar 27. Of this Efficient there is a double Impulsiue cause Outward and Inward the Inward is the onely mercy of the father m Rom. 3.23 both in regard of his good plesure which predestinated vs n Ephe. 1.5 into the adoption of sonnes o Rom. 3.23 as also in regard of the p Oeconomiae disposing and dispensation which both ordained the Sonne for this end and applyed the benefite obtayne● by the Sonne vnto vs q Coloss 1.12 And this is the grace which in Scripture if called the Grace of r Free gifts in Schooles the Grace that maketh one acceptable and among the common sort the Grace that freely giveth and is alwayes opposed vnto workes which are called the gifts by grace or of grace freely givē because God tooke not the first cause of Iustification from vs or our workes but in himselfe and from himselfe for the vnsearchable riches of the glory of his grace Wherefore there can bee from vs no disposition and preparation which of the Popelings is surmised to be necessary for the bringing in of the forme of Iustification ſ Eph. 2.8.9 Tit. 3.5 Eph. 2.4 for albeit there bee two speciall degrees of preparation if not in time at leastwise in nature going before Iustification to witte the feeling of our misery and a confused knowledge of Gods mercy yet none of these maketh for the manner of the Efficient Cause not
workes whereas these are two divers propositions to bee without workes and to iustifie without workes The third Argument is taken from the removal of the Causes whereas Faith alone Iustifieth which causes are of Bellarmine referred to three heades cap. 16. The first is the authority of the word whervnto the Adversary answereth That it is no where taught in the scripture That wee are iustified by faith onely Answ Though the Particle alone be not expressed in the Scripture yet the signification of that word is expressed by Synonimall formes of speaking which are these 1. Without Workes 2. Of Grace freely by Grace 3. The exclusiue Particles which are two particulars Galat 2.16 but by Faith Luc. 8.30 By beleeving onely by which formes of speaking as all works aswell Ceremoniall as Moral are excluded so faith alone is included as the only Instrument of Iustification The second head is the will of God who will haue vs iustified with the alone condition of faith The Adversary answereth that it contradicteth the Scripture which layeth downe also the condition of Repentance Answere 1. Repentance is the condition of faith and of the person justified but not properly of Iustification 2. It is one thing to treate of the condition of Iustification but another thing of the cause and Instrument therof for a condition noteth a consequent or effect but a cause the Antecedent or Efficient 3. Neyther is our Iustification with the condition of Faith as Faith is a habite in vs but as it apprehendeth Christ out of vs. The third is the nature of faith which alone hath that property that it apprehendeth Iustification The Adversary answereth that Faith doth not properly apprehend Answ There is a double apprehensiō the one of knowledge in the vnderstanding the other of trust in the Will both these Faith includeth which in respect of the vnderstanding and the will apprehendeth Christ but the nature of the Sacramentes is otherwise which were instituted not that they might iustifie but that they might confirme the party iustified in the feeling of his Iustification The fourth Argument is from the maner of Iustifying for we affirme that faith Iustifieth not by the maner of cause worthinesse or merite but by relation onely which Bellarmine denyeth and proveth by three arguments that faith iustifieth by the manner of merite and cause cap. 13. The first is taken from testimonies which teach that faith is the cause of iustification Rom. 3. Rom. 5. Ephes 1. Answer First for Faith is one thing and by Faith is another thing The one is of the cause the other of the Instrument Secondly neyther is the maner of works the same with that of faith in opposition because workes haue the nature of righteousnesse inherent in vs but faith the nature of righteousnesse imputed vnto vs. Thirdly nor doe the places which are alleadged note the cause of Iustification but eyther the Instrument thereof or the quality and state of a man iustified The second is taken from those testimonies which testifie that faith is the beginning of righteousnesse and hereby the formall cause of Iustification Rom. 4. First there is a two-fold imputation as in that very place the Apostle noteth the one of debt the other of grace and the Apostle trea●eth of this and not of that Secondly ●●th Faith is the instrumēt it is no strange ●hing if as it is vsually the manner of ●nstruments the name and the office of the thing whereof it is but the Instrument bee attributed vnto it 1. Cor. 3. First A foundation is vsually considered two wayes properly or by a Metalepsis properly Christ is so but by a Metalepsis Faith which hath respect to Christ For distinctions sake the one may bee called i Primum ad primū the first the other to the first Secondly a foundation is eyther vnderstoode to bee as a part of a building or a ground of a building Christ and Faith are sayd to be the foundation of the Church not properly as they are a part thereof but as they are the Ground and Base of the same Act. 15. First the hearts are justified by faith not as the cause but as the Instrument not by effecting but by affecting or applying Secondly the place it selfe doth manifestly distinguish Faith which is onely the inner instrumētal cause from the cause properly Efficient to witte the Father in the Sonne by the holy Ghost The third is taken from those Testimonies which teach that Remission of sinnes is obtayned by Faith Luke 7. Ans First men are sayde to bee saved both properly of God our onely Saviour and figuratiuely by the meanes which it hath pleased God to vse eyther inward as faith or outward as the voyce of the Gospell and the signes thereof Secondly the efficacy of faith wholy dependeth vpon the object which it apprehendeth and it is sayde to saue for that it is the effectuall and necessary Instrument of Salvation like as the Gospell is called the power to every one that beleeveth vnto salvation Rom. 4. Ans First The Particle wherefore noteth not the cause of the Consequent but of the Consequence Secondly it is there shewed not what the habite of faith deserveth sith faith and merites are opposites but what is the vse and effect of true naturall faith Rom. 10. Answ First the Apostle doth neyther make preaching the cause of faith nor faith the cause of invocation and salvation but teacheth that as that is the Instrument of the one so this is of the other Secōdly the degrees of Salvation are reckoned vppe by the Apostle which are badly confounded with the causes thereof Thirdly those things which Faith obtayneth by Invocation it obtayneth as an Instrument and not as a Cause because all the power of Faith consisteth in Relation Heb. 11. Ans First men please God by faith not for faith Secondly whatsoever examples are cited they note not the merite of Faith but the vse and effect thereof The Fift Argument is fee from two principles the first whereof is the Formal Cause of Iustification which the Adversary affirmeth to bee righteousnesse inherent in vs The second is the merite and necessity of good workes Of the former wee shall treate in the explication of the Formall Cause of the latter in the place concerning good workes DISTINCTIONS IN DEfence of the Materiall Cause I. THere is one Iustice Create and another Increate the one is of God of Christ as hee is God the other of the Creature and of Christ as hee is a creature II. THe Create righteousnesse is eyther of the Person or of the cause by that some person is judged just by this a righteousnesse of the Cause of some controversie is vnderstoode the righteousnesse of the Person to speake properly is in Christ III. OF the person there is one inherent another Imputatiue that was in Christ this is in vs by the worke of the Spirite for Christ IIII. INherent righteousnesse is eyther originall or habituall or else
By the name of couenant wee vnderstand not that generall earthly and temporarie couenant which God made and keepeth with all created things according to their nature by the free law of his prouidence neither that speciall couenant which hee entred into with our first Parents in that state of integrity a speciall examination or triall of obedience being added as also both the promise of a life supernaturall and the threat of a double death being put therto d Gen. 3 22. the one is of nature vniuersall the other of humane nature limitted by a certaine bound of time and state neither of both are properly pertaining to vs who are to be aduanced from the vniuersall nature and the corruption of particular nature to the communion of supernaturall glory but we vnderstand that couenant which God entred into with man after his fall by his speciall grace which covenant is one onely for as much as there is but one only way of salvation though a variable and divers maner of adminishing the same bee pointed out Wherefore first we must speake concerning the very substance of the covenant Secondly of the Formes therof which diversly it had from the outward maner and circumstances The Covenant then which God entered into with man corrupt is the free disposition of God whereby hee promiseth eternal salvation by the death of his Sonne to the glory of his Grace The Efficient cause of this Covenant is God e Ier. 3● 31 c. Gal. 4.24 for here is not the disposition of two parties which is wont to presuppose the equalitie of persons and right betweene parties for such a one can never befall betweene God and the creature but it is of God alone who of his meere will stroke that covenant with man whereby hee might bee advanced from his owne nature vnto the communion of Gods grace and glory And the manner of this Efficient cause in the Scriptures is vsually two wayes circumscribed both Generally Immediately as also Particularly and Mediately Generally and Immediately it is the benefite of the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost But Particularly and mediately it is the benefite of Christ God and man who as hee is the foundation of Election so is hee also of Gods grace in time communicated vpō which this covenant is built ſ Eph. 13.4 Act. 3.15 The Matter of the covenant is two-folde whereof the one is of the Obiect the other of the Subiect wherein also the parties are to bee considered The Obiect or the matter as they tearme it about or concerning which is two-fold First it is God promising life vnder condition of faith and his worshippe secondly it is man g St●pulās covenanting for grace and promising faith and obedience The Subiect or parties of the Covenant doe circumscribe the conditions thereof which are of two sortes the first is of them which are promised of God in the Law and the Gospell the latter of those to the performing wherof man bindeth himselfe promising faith and good works The Forme of the Covenant is a mutuall binding of the parties according to certain conditions of God promising by the death of his Sonne a free Remission of sinnes and everlasting life h Gen. 12.1 ● Ier. 32.40 Of Man promising faith obedience i Gen. 17.1 Mar. 16.16 And in respect of this obligation the manner of the parties is diverse for in respect of God it is his owne free Grace and mercy who bindeth himself to man by his loue and promise in respect of man it is an obligation wholy of right and due The End Generall is a declaration of Gods soveraigne goodnesse mercy and Iustice in our Salvation Particular is mans salvation as farre foorth as faith by it selfe hath respect to mans good though through his owne fault the same bee not alwayes saving vnto him And this is the Substance of the covenant which God made with man after his fall the truth whereof is expressely and perfectly contayned in the olde and new Testament the Law and the Gospell The Manner of administring this covenant was divers according to the difference of the times k Heb. 1.1 wherein a diverse face and forme was put vpon that selfe same substance of the thing The Generall distinction of the times hath two Periods the one of Christ to bee exhibited the other of him already exhibited And that wee may speake of the first euen before Christes comming he administred this covenant diverse wayes according to the manner of the three Ages The first Age was from the time of Adams fall vnto Abraham at which time God expounded no lesse evidently then briefly the whole manner of the covenant in that promise which is extant in the third of Genesis l Gen. 3 15. And this was the Manner of the Promise The second was from Abraham vnto Moses when the promise which hithervnto was proposed vnto all being restrayned to Abraham and his posterity was sealed with Sacraments after that a solemne covenant was added to the promise conditions were layed downe on both sides aswell on Gods behalfe as on mans behalfe And this is properly called the Manner of the Covenant because of the expresse mention of the mutuall obligation m Gen. 7 4 5. c. The third was from Moses vnto Christs comming when God in a more speciall manner disposed declared and confirmed that covenant into the forme of a Testament n Heb. 9 15 16. Of this Testament there are two partes subordinate the one to the other The one Legall and conditionall requiting of man a perfect obedience of the law and vnder condition thereof promising life eternall o Leu. 18.5 Luc. 10.27 which part was as it were a preparation vnto the other according as the Law is the Schoole-master vnto Christ but the other part of that Testament was the Doctrine Evangelicall concerning mans reconciliation with God and his deliverance from his misery by the death of Christ which part was shadowed forth with divers Types and Ceremonies p Exod. 14 20. Heb. 8.8 And this was the Maner of Administring the covenant before Christes comming After Christs birth first at the cōming of Christ into the flesh afterwards in his administration in the flesh and lastly at his death the old being abrogated hee brought in the new Testament q Heb. 7.17 Heb 9.16 We say abrogated after a sort in respect of both partes of the Testament of the former because God neyther vrgeth nor requireth the manner of perfect obedience of the Law of the latter because the body succeeded the shadowes the truth the figures the thing signified the signes and sacrifices And hence it may bee easily concluded what might bee the difference and agreement of the Law and the Gospell of the old and the new Testament The Agreement is made in the Substance of both for there are no Essentiall but Accidentall differences according to the divers manner of
cited as that of the Councell of Carthage and of Milevitum out of Augustine For those Councels doe treate against the Pelagians who at that time denied the baptisme of children and some are suspected as that of the Tridentine Councell and the Testimonies of the Popes III. INfants ought two wayes to bee considered eyther according to common nature or the singular manner of the covenant and grace that way they are conceived in sin but this way they haue obtayned remission of sinnes by the promise In Defence of the Effects of baptisme against the same Cap. 4 and the rest that follow I. SInne dwelling in vs is by baptisme taken away by three meanes and degrees First because it is not imputed Secondlie because by little and little the body thereof is destroyed Thirdly because in death it shall vtterly bee taken away by the power of the same bloud of Christ wherewith wee are washed in Baptisme II. IT is one thing to speake of the cause of Iustification and another thing of the Instrument thereof lastly an other thing of the sealing the cause is the merite of Christ the Instrument is Faith and the sealing is Baptisme III. THe new and vncertaine devise of the Schoolemen concerning the Character or Marke which cannot bee defaced is with the same facility denyed as it is affirmed chiefly whereas neyther Scripture teacheth nor necessary reason sheweth nor authoritie of Fathers proveth any such Character Adde further that the chiefe reason why Baptisme is not iterated is not the impression of the character but Gods onely Institution OF THE LORDES Supper The Part Confirming CHAP. XIII THe other Sacrament of the christian church immediately instituted of Christ for the perpetuall vse thereof is The Lords Supper whereof though there be divers appellations both in Scriptures and with the Fathers for in the Scriptures it is called The body and bloud of the Lord The New Testament The Communion The breaking of bread The Lords Table The bread and the cup The Communicating of the body bloud of Christ a Mat. 26.28 Luc. 22.20 Act. 20.7 1. Cor. 11.25 1. Cor. 10.21 1. Cor. 10.16 which by the Fathers First it is called a gathering together The Eucharist or Thankesgiving Publ●●g Administration Secondly the Lat●●● Offering because of collections and sacrifice for the remēbrance of Christs Sacrifie yet most properly by this appellation Of the Lords Supper the thing it selfe hath most fitly beene expressed and indeed it is called The Supper with respect had both of the thing and of the time because it is a holy banquet of the soule and not of the belly instituted of the Lord and that in the Evening but the Lordes in respect both of the Author who is the Lord and of the End which is the remembrance of the Lord. Now it is defined to be A Sacrament of the New Testament instituted of Christ consisting of the Signe and the thing signified proportionable by an Analogicall Relation and action of themselues betweene themselues whereby the full growne members of Christ and his church are trayned vp and taught in the lawfull vse of the visible signes concerning the true and spirituall communication of the body and bloud of Christ vnto life eternall The Efficient Cause of the Lordes Supper ought to be considered eyther as instituting or as vsing and administring the same that is the principall cause but this is the serving or administring cause The Principall or Instituting cause is the Lord from whome it hath beene customably called the Lordes Supper to wit Christ God and man our onely Redeemer instituting the mystery of his body and bloud by the oblarion whereof hee redeemed vs b Rom. 15 18. 1 Cor. 11.23 Of this mysticall and divine Institution there are two parts Christs Deeds and his Words by the one wherof hee limitted and left an example of Administration by the other a doctrine of Institution Of Christs Deeds wherby the manner of the lawfull publicke office or administratiō is declared there are three partes according as concerning both signes which Christ receyved he orderly vsed holy and ceremoniall actions c Mat. 26.26 Mat. 14.22 Luc. 22.19 1. Cor. 11 24. The first is Blessing and Thankesgiving for the Scripture vseth those two words the one Mathew Marke vseth the other Luke and Paul both signifying the one selfe same thing to witte how Christ by prayers to God by thanksgiving and all that holy action prepared appointed and sanctified the Bread and Wine to a holy vse that they might bee a Sacrament of his Body and Bloud not by their owne nature but by divine Institution and this is that true Consecration or Sanctification of the Sacrament whereof mention is made among the Fathers The Second is The breaking of the Bread and the powring of the wine into the Cuppe which Christ vsed not onely for the cause of dividing and distributing thereof but for the representing of his death for it is an Essentiall and Sacramentall Ceremony of the Lordes Supper pertayning to the end forme thereof d Mat. 26.26 Mar. 14.22 Luc. 22.19 1. Cor. 11.24 The third is the offering and distributing of the Bread broken and the Wine powred in For Christ gaue not the same to his Disciples that they should distribute but that they should receyue that which was distributed e Mat. 26.26.27 Mar. 14.22 Luc. 22.56 because they were in that Supper not the dispensers of Gods Mysteries but the Guestes But Christ as being the Feast-maker with one labour instituted and with his owne hands dispensed the Sacrament of his Grace and withall sanctified the Ministeriall dispensation thereof And all these Actions are Sacramentall and ought diligently to be considered as farre forth as they are vsed for the signifying and sealing of Spirituall things by divine Institution To these Actions that wee may come to the second part of the Institution Christ added Words whereof some include a Commaundement some a Promise and lastly some an Explication These in Schooles haue vsually been tearmed Preceptiue the other Definitiue and Sacramentall Lastly these Expositiue The Words Preceptiue are those by which hee hath injoyned both vpon the dispensers a necessity of their administration and vpon the communicants a necessity of taking and hath prescribed vnto both a forme of both Administration by his deed whereof we haue aboue spoken and by his commaundement of Imitation ioyned therevnto e Mat. 2 6 26. 1. Cor. 11.24 Of Communicating by a double Precept by the one To take by the other To eate and to drinke The Taking is a Sacramentall Rite prescribed to him that commeth to the Lords Table whereby wee receyue with our hand the Bread and Cuppe of Thanksgiving for it cannot bee gathered eyther from the Story of the Institution of the Lordes Supper o● frō the fashion of Christs sitting down and his Apostles that Christ in the first Supper did put those signes into the mouth of every of the Apostles by which
Sacramentall Trope For as Christ sayed This is my Body when he gaue but the signe of his body so our bodies are sayed to bee cherished nourished and fed with the body and bloud of Christ when in very deede they are nourished with those thinges which are the Signes of the body and bloud of Christ VI. THe Fathers who spake of the Adoration of Christs flesh treated not of that which was done in the mystery but in the celebration of the mystery for that flesh hypostatically vnited to the eternall Son of God is rightly adored of vs as oft as the Supper of the Lord is celebrated VII THe Fathers who required of Communicants a feare trembling and faith did not put any essentiall change of the thing signified into the signes but they required a certain feare least the signes for their vilenes should be contēned but faith they required that that thing which is not seene might yet be beleeved and by faith receyved VIII THe Fathers who affirmed that a myracle was wrought in the Eucharist vnderstood no miraculous Trāsubstantiation of the bread into the body of Christ but the majesty of this mystery which they compared with the greatest miracles and by a Catachresis called it a miracle because by a wonderfull and incomprehensible manner God worketh in the hearts of the godly as oft as by a true faith they celebrate this mystery Of the Presence of Christ in the Supper against Bellarmine Lib. 1. Cap. 1. I. FIgures are eyther so called oppositely as they are opposed to the body as also shadowes to the Image or Relatiuely as in generall they figure signifie some thing else besides that which is seene In the first signification the Figures of the olde Testament are not opposed to the sacraments of the New but to the fulfilling of those things which were prefigured in the second signification the Figures or Sacraments of the old Testament are badly opposed to the Sacraments of the New Testament whether as touching their quality or as touching their excellency Because albeit by the word of Institution they agree in the generall partes the Relation and the end yet they differ in the measure vertue and easinesse of signification In which respect the Sacraments of the New Testament are saide to bee more excellent then the Sacraments of the Olde Testament II. AGainst Bellarmine cap. 5. 6. The Sermon which treateth only of the matter of the Sacrament and the communion thereof and not of the Signe as the very sence of the place the Interpretation of Christ the Analogy of Faith doe most evidently proue cannot proue the reall presence of Christs body vnder the formes or kindes of the Signes for the Spirituall eating is to be distinguished from the Sacramental because that is internall and invisible this externall and visible and though it bee granted that in that place there is speech made of the Sacramentall eating yet the foure arguments which are from thence drawne cannot proue that presence Not the First because the bread Synecdochically is taken for meat and the meat Figuratiuely for the flesh of Christ Wherefore in the place cited the bread is not the Subject but the predicate of the flesh Not the Second because Christ by correcting reproved and by reproving corrected the Capernaits and his Disciples as verse 61.62.63 doe evidently shew Not the third because the wordes of eating and drinking are taken Figuratiuely and as the Text declareth they are of the same force with these maners of speaking to belieue in Christ and to abide in Christ Not the Fourth because Christ confirmeth his censure before going shewing that then they shal consider their error when they shall see the sonne of man ascending III. THe Arguments which in cap. 9.10 are taken from the words of the Institution are aboue confuted in the distinctions of the Efficient cause IIII. THe three arguments which are drawne out of the 10 chapter of the former to the Corinthians haue no consequence not the first because it is a fallacy of that which is not the cause as the cause For the blessing or consecration is not the cause of the Sacramentall conjunction of the thing signified with the Signe but the Institution onely and the divine ordinance declared and confirmed by the blessing Not the Second for the breaking which is properly sayde to bee of the bread is improperly and Figuratiuely spoken of the Body Not the Third because the word Communion signifieth an Vnion ioyning together in fellowshippe properly of our persons with the person of Christ beeing indeed that same which is spirituall supernaturall if you respect the manner yet reall and true if you respect the bound and object thereof V. LIb. 1. cap. 13. The argument which is taken out of the 11. chapter of the former Epistle to the Corinthians concludeth nothing because the apostle treateth not of the eating of his body but of the outward receyving of the bread and wine which indeede with the former is conjoyned in the lawfull vse thereof but in the vnlawfull vse of them that communicate vnworthily is alone and yet maketh the communicant guilty of the body and bloud of Christ because the vnworthy taking and handling of the signes redoundeth vnto the reproach of the thing signified VI. THe Testimonies of the Fathers which are alleadged throughout the whole Second Booke we haue aboue answered VII LIb. 3. cap. 3. The profes which are alleadged from the omnipotency of God doe inferre no corporall presence of Christ in the Supper Not the First because the omnipotency of God excludeth both things contrary to his nature and things contradictory and not to be able to doe those things is not a point of weakenesse but of infinite power and constancy Not the Second because his first apparition was heavēly which nothing furthereth the presence of Christ on earth The second was in the night which appeared not to the eyes but to the minde Not the Third because the Fathers treated eyther of the presence of Christ as touching his person as Chrysostome or of the Sacramentall presence of his body in the Supper as Ambrose or of the effect of the eating of his body as Cyrill and Theophilact or lastly they spake Hyperbolically as Augustine Not the Fourth because to reason from the divine nature to the humane and from the one part of man which is spirituall to the other which is corporall is even proportionally inconsequent Not the Fift because it is one thing to treate of the mysteries which goe beyond Nature but another thing of the miracles which overthrow nature Not the Sixt because of those things which are equally vnited the one cannot be any where else where the other is not or may not be and to attribute to Christ two bodies equally vnited were a monstrous thing VIII CAp. 6. Lib. 3. The proofes which are taken from the illocality of the body are false The First because the consequence is of no validity from a
which is OF CORRVPTION CAP. III. AFter this first state of Integrity the second which is of Corruption by and by succeeded and followed It is The Condition of Man whereby in turning away goodnesse from himselfe and himselfe from goodnesse and in estranging the same into the contrary hee by himselfe as touching himselfe wholy perished And this condition ought two wayes to bee knowne according to the quantity and quality thereof For first wee are to see concerning the corruption which man procured to himself through his owne fault and naughtinesse then concerning the power of man which after that corruption remayned in Man The place concerning Sin containeth and expoundeth the Doctrine of Corruption but the place concerning Free-will containes and layeth open the doctrine of Mans Power OF SINNE The Part Confirming CAP. IIII. SINNE by which name the quality of humane Corruption is wont to be expressed is in Generall defined to be a Ioh. 3.4 a breaking of the law or iniquitie that is a Defect or want of that lawfull good which was given to our Nature by God whereby man declining from good and inclining to nothing but to evill is made guilty of Gods wrath and damnation and everlasting punishment but in Speciall it ought three wayes to bee distinguished defined and through the causes to bee expounded For there are three degrees of Sinne the Beginning of it was in Adam the Propagatton from Adam in vs and the Effect of the same from vs Wherefore wee must by order consider together of the Sinne of Adam Original Sinne and of Actuall Sinne. The Sinne of Adam is an act of disobedience in Adam as in a singular individuall person and generall beginning of all men whereby by violating the Law of God hee destroyed both himselfe and his posterity for ever b Gen. 3. Rom. 5. 2 Cor. 11.3 Originall Sinne is an hereditary vitiousnesse whereby for the disobedience of Adam all men from him either propagated or to bee propagated are made guilty of both euils both of sinne and punishment c Psal 51.7 Eph. 2.3 Rom. 5.12 Actuall Sinne is an iniquity and Lawlessenes whereby wee swarving or going awry in our actions from the straitenesse of the Law dayly increase the guilt of sinne and punishment d Mat. 12.34 Iac Rom. 7.8 The Efficient Cause of Adams sinne or the beginning thereof may bee noted to bee two-fold according to the former and the latter Actiue as wee distinctly speake and Actuall The Actiue beginning is a naturall power to both opposites the morall good and evill e 1● Tim. 2 13. Rom. 5.12 The Actuall whereby through the act of disobedience the will of man abused that his power to evill lost his power to good and alienated the same into the contrary f Gen. 3.6 Rom. 5.19 Ecle 10.15 The Efficient Cause of Originall sinne ought to bee considered and discerned by three wayes and degrees for there is a double outward cause one inward The outward neerest cause is the actuall sinne of Adam who was as the mediate and common beginning of whole humane nature g Rom. 5 12.19 but the Remote was the justice of God which God had shadowed in nature and expressed in speech plainely vttered or in the word Enunciatiue h Gen. 3. The inward Cause is the very Law of Nature originally passing of which law God layed downe a double ordinance By the one hee commaunded a propagation absolutely by the other hee threatened a punishment conditionally with the former he furnished both man in man Nature with the latter man only Hence it came to passe that by that ordināce of propagation man is begotten but by the ordinance of punishment hee is begotten vitious i Rom. 5.12.16 Heb. 7 9.10 1. Cor. 15.22 Both alike necessarily The Efficient Cause of Actuall sin properly immediately is the wil which commaundeth the Act in which the whole Action of evill resideth as in the Agent or working Instrument k Gen. 6.5 Iac. 1.14.15 The Matter of Adams first sinne which is as the Subject is the whole and entire person of Adam and in him as in the actiue beginning the whole matter of mankind l 1. Cor. 15 22 But that which is of the Object is the taking of the forbidden fruite and the vse or eating thereof m Gen. 3.4.5 both whereof includeth a contempt of Gods commaundement an impious consent of licentious will Briefly a most miserable backesliding from God and a disobedience of the whole man n Psal 51.5 T it 33. 1. Cor. 2 14. Rom. 7.23 Eph. 2. c. The Matter of Originall Sinne which is as the Subiect is whole man and every man according to himselfe wholy and the whole of himselfe for the whole Subject is subjacent to whole sinne both in respect of receyving for whole man receyveth whole sinne and of power and manner for the whole man doth and worketh whole sinne and therefore whole sinne affecteth and infecteth whole man with a corporall and effectuall taint or contagion o Rom. 5.6 7. Rom. 6.6 Gal. 5.16 Col. 2.11 Rom. 8.3 6. Eph. 4.17.18 but that which is as the object is first a defect or want of originall righteousnesse then an inclination or quality contrary to that righteousnesse or vprightnesse which is commonly called naturall corruption or originall concupiscence the former those testimonies of Scripture doe proue which speake of Sinne negatiuely or privatiuely but the latter those which speake of sinne affirmatiuely or positiuely p Mat. 12.34 Mar. 7.31 The Matter of Actuall sin which is as the Subject is man according to his body and Soule and all the faculties of both to witte both of body and Soule p Gal. 5.19 20. c. Mat. 15.19 Rom. 14.1 Eph. 2.3 Rom. 15.18 Col 3.17 Gal. 6.1 Iac. 4.17 but that which is of the Obiect are the thinges spoken done and lusted after against the Law whether they be of omission or commission eyther by infirmity or by malice or whether they bee outwardly or inwardly committed wherevpon many kindes of sinnes arise and those which are neyther mutually matched each with other nor linked together but some more grievous then other yea and oftentimes some contrary each to other q Ioh. 9.11 2. Pet. 2.20.21 Hence also is the difference between sinne pardonable and vnpardonable whereof the one is sayed to be a sinne which is committed against the father and the Sonne that is every transgression of Gods law wherevnto Repentance belongeth and therefore that which is pardonable not by the properties of it own nature but by the grace mercy of him against whome it is committed r Mat. 12.31 the other is sayd to be a sinne which is committed against the holy Ghost and therefore is called by an excellency in Scriptures the blasphemie of the Spirite and a sinne vnto death ſ Mat. 12 31. 1. Ioh. 5.16 Now for the making
one declared by the effects of both but as concerning the Object are both vniversally all Creatures even the vnreasonable which shall be freed from the servitude of corruption and generally all both Angels and Men and particularly that man of Sinne and Sonne of Perdition Antechrist e Mat. 29.32 1. Thes 4.17 Apoc. 20.12 The Forme is that whole order and proceeding of the most majesticall judgement comprehended in the very preparation both of the Iudge and of the Persons to be judged in the sentēce of the judgement and in the execution of the sentence f Mat. 25.32 1. Thes 4.16.17 The End Supreame is the glory of God himselfe and the accomplishmēt or Christs office Subordinate the iust condemnation of the wicked and the glorious felicity of the faithfull both which the infinitenesse and eternity either of joy or sorrow followeth g 2. Tim. 4 8. Particularly the State of man after this life after the time of that vniversall life resurrection and last judgement is eyther of life or death eternall Life Eternall is the life of glory wherein the Soule ioyned to our body enioyeth God for ever being advanced to the highest toppe and height of her felicity The cause of this life is God to wit the Father the Efficient the Sonne the Meritorious and the holy Ghost the sealing and applying Cause h Ioh. 14 2● Apo. 21.3 1. Cor. 15.45 Rom. 8.11 The Matter which hath the respect of the Subiect are those good things which neyther eye hath seene nor eare heard nor can the mind of man comprehend i 1. Cor. 15 28. That which is of the Obiect are all the blessed and elect k Apo. 21.3 Mat. 25.24 The Forme is the most perfect knowledge vision and fruition of God himselfe and the exceeding felicity blessednesse of man which accompanieth the same which also consisteth both in the separation and absence of all evill things in the participation and presence of all good things both are both perfect and eternall l Apo. 22.4 Psa 7 15 1. Ioh. 3.2 Psa 16.11 The End is the glory of Gods grace and the glorifying of the elect m Apo. 1. Cor. 15.28 Death Eternall is the vnspeakeable and most miserable condition of the reprobates appointed or decreed of God whereby both their Soule and body are most justly adiudged to eternall punishments The Efficient Cause remote is God the most iust iudge the Instrumentall is Sathan the neerest is Sinne n Mat. 25.41 The Matter which hath the respect of the Subiect are Eternall punishments that which is of the Obiect are the Cursed and the Workers of iniquity o Ioh. 5.29 1. Thes 1 9. The Forme is the perpetuity and the infinitenesse of the punishments in Hell p Apo. Esa 66.24 Mat. 4.42 The End Supreame is the glory of Gods Iustice The Neerest is the iust condemnation and punishment of the wicked OF MANS ESTATE after this Life The Part Confuting Touching the Resurrection I. THe Resurrection in the holy Scripture is two wayes taken Figuratiuely or Properly Figuratiuely eyther by a Metonymy it signifieth immortal life or by a Metaphor eyther a deliverance from danger or the regeneration of the Soules which is a spirituall resurrection and is called the First Properly Resurrection signifieth the quickning of the Bodie which shal be done at the last day which also is called the Second II. THere is one Resurrection Vniversall and Finall which no man shall escape an other Particular or foregoing whereof there are particular examples extant in the Scriptures Of the last Iudgement I. IVdgement in the Scriptures signifieth three things eyther the cause of damnation or an vniversall governement or the very Act eyther of condēnation or Iustification II. THere is a two-fold Iudgement of the Lord Particular or Antecedent When God in this life eyther defendeth his people or represseth the wicked Vniversall being the last which shall be done in the last day of the Resurrection III. THe Sonne is sayde to be the iudge of the world not exclusiuely or oppositely but by an appropriation for that by the Sonne in a visible forme the last iudgement shall be executed IIII. THe Sonne is said to be ignorant of the day of iudgement eyther because he would haue vs to be ignorant thereof or as touching his humane nature which by ordinary and naturall knowledge knoweth nothing of this matter or as touching his state of humility which as touching his voluntary dispensation hee hath taken vpon him Of Life Eternall I. THere are 3. kinds or differences of life there is a life of nature which the Apostle calleth Naturall There is a Life of Grace which the Sons of God alone doe enioy in this world there is a life of Glory which consisteth in the vision of God II. LIfe Eternall is two wayes taken Metonymically both for the way to life and for Christ himselfe Properly for the State of the blessed after this life III. THere is one Vision of God Naturall in the thinges created an other Specular or Symbolicall by resemblances and Signes an other of Faith by the doctrine and doings of Christ an other of Present sight or of glory to come when we shall see God face to face Of Death Eternall DEath is fowre-fold First Corporall which in the Scriptures is also called Temporall and the first death in respect of the wicked Secondly Spirituall and that eyther of the faithfull or vnfaithfull that of the faithfull is three-fold of Sinne which is called Mortification of the Law as it is the power of Sin of the world as the world is dead vnto them The death of the vnfaithfull is that which may be called the death of faith or of the soule Thirdly Eternall which is called the second Fourthly Civill death which of the Lawyers is sayde to be of them which are condemned to death FINIS
o● the Gospell ſ Esai 59.21 Ier. 31.31 of which promise there would be no accomplishment vnlesse the holy Scriptures which exhibite ●●to vs the summe of the Law and that ●●ctrine were evidently playne in all ●●nges which are necessary vnto sal●●tion but as there are degrees and ●●pediments from the flesh of the fee●●●g of this faith and promise so are ●ere of this playnenesse in the regene●te whence it is that neyther all ●ings are cleare perspicuous to each ●●rson alike nor each thing to all per●●ns equally yet to all and singular per●●ns sufficiently vnto saluation accor●ing to the measure of Fayth and di●●ne illumination The second meane of Instruction is ●●e Reading of the holy Scripture ●hich is necessary to all and singular ●odly men First for the precept se●ondly for our salvation thirdly for ●e edification of others the conside●ation of the precept is declared in the ●criptures two wayes expressiuely t Ioh. 1.39 A●alogically and by consequence be●ause in the Scripture God speaketh vnto all therefore by the same ●ight the doctrine of the Scripture is common vnto all also the end of th● Scripture is to be the power vnto salvation to every one that beleeveth with many other arguments which from the force of Consequēce may be drawn but whreas the point of our Salvation i● perfectly expressed in the scripture the cōmon Edification of others commendeth vnto vs the reading of the scripture as the study diligence duty of attayning the same for sith we are bound to instruct others as in life so also in doctrine wee needes must learne those thinges in which we haue a rule both in life and doctrine written down most perfectly The third meane is Interpretation whether it bee of publicke or private authority the first beginning whereof is the holy Spirite the manner is the truth the rule is the Scripture the vse is Charity now the meanes which are Principall are a continuall collation of the holy Scripture with Scripture the consideration of the Essentiall pointes of a place that is both of the intention of the Speaker and of the nature of the Word spoken The Analogy of Fayth that all thinges bee expounded according to the truth of the Principles 〈…〉 in Divinity but those which are secondary are these the practise of the Church the decrees of the founder Councels and the expositions of the Fathers to all which so farre place is to be given as they consent with the Scripture and Analogy of Fayth OF THE WORD OF GOD The Part Confuting COncerning the truth of the Scripture we haue already spoken in an explication of the Definition by causes a Analytica by way of resolution now for the truth thereof wee will briefly speake against the obiections by an Appendix or Addition of generall solutions and distinctions following the order and methode of the Causes already declared DISTINCTIONS FOR THE Authority of the Scripture against COSTERVS Ench. Lib. 2. Cap. 2. I. There is a double consideration of the Church and the Scripture the one common in respect of the Author the other singular in respect of the Authority which the Author hath put into them God is the Author of both whether mediately or immediately but the Authority from God is diverse that of the Scripture is principall and formall but the other of the Church is secondary and ministeriall II. THe Scripture is two wayes considered eyther according to the substance of the Word principally or according to the manner of Writing Secondarily in that the Scripture is more ancient then the Church as by which the Church was begotten or generated III. SOme thinges are required for the confirmation of a thing absolutely and of it selfe and some by accident and for another thing if the Scripture neede any confirmation of the Church it needeth the same by accident not of it selfe and therefore the confirmation of the Church belongeth not to the Cause Efficient but Ministeriall IIII. IN causes coordinate those which are inferior and latter cannot obtaine the force and faculty of others which are the former Now every Authority of the Church is subordinate yet the vse of both is very great of the Scripture as the meane principal to beleeue of the Church as the meane outward and ministeriall V THere is one corruption of wordes and certaine particular places through the blemish where of the principall parts cannot bee corrupted and there is an other corruption of the essentiall partes of the Scripture the former if any hath happened vnto the Scripture for the latter we vtterly deny is not the corruption of the Scripture but was caused eyther by the naughtinesse of some other or through the infirmity of the church or through the particular ignorance of them that were of the houshold The places of Scripture which COSTERVS wresteth are these Iohn 14.16 I answere that is badly transferred to the church generally which is spoken of the Apostles particularly for the testimony of these is immediate blamelesse and extraordinary but of it mediate weake and ordinary Luke 10.16 I answere that which was spoken concerning the office of the Church in respect of Ecclesiastical censure and discipline is not to be restrayned vnto the office of the same in respect of doctrine 1 Timoth. 3.15 I Answere the prayses which in the Scripture are given to the Church declare the Ministery and not the authority of the same as beeing that church which should keepe the b Depositū pledge of the truth committed vnto it as the house of God should set it foorth as a pillar whereon it hangeth and in that pillar should keepe it vnmoueable as the ground therof Basis Distinctions for the Canon against Bellarmine 1. Tom. Lib. 1. Cap. 7. vnto the 16. THe Obiections which are wont to bee brought against the Canon are eyther those which are alleadged against all the bookes of the Canon generally or against every one particularly of all these the solutions are generall I. The Councels which haue their Canons concerning the canonicall and Apocryphal Bookes are eyther ancient or latter the ancient are eyther c Oeconomica generall the credite of which is the worthier such is that of Laodicea celebrated in the three hundred yeare after Christs birth which with vs acknowledgeth the selfe same Canon or Provinciall as that third of Carthage celebrated in the yeare fower hundreth having no authority not onely because it is particular but also because it is convinced of error by the former generall of Laodicea Againe the latter are that of Florence and of Trent of which there is no authority but because they are too late as also because they are papish and tyrannicall II. T Hese tearmes or Epithetes holy Divine and Canonicall are so called eyther properly in very deede and according to the truth or by a certaine similitude that is from the opinion and ordinance of men according to a certaine resemblance and in both significations
they are taken with the Fathers in generall in the former when they treate of the bookes truely canonicall in the latter when of the Apocryphal III. IT belongs vnto him only to prescribe giue and maintaine a Canon in the church who is the Author Lord and Preserver of his Church IIII. NEyther doth the Apocryphal confirme the authority of the Apocryphal nor the Councels of Florence and Trent nor the Ecclesiastical reading nor lastly the Fathers eyther by citing of places out of the Apocryphall or intitling the Apocryphal with the name of holy Scriptures for the Canon of ecclesiasticall reading is one and the Canon of saith is another Distinctions for the perfection of the Scripture VVHereas our Adversaries are wont to bring two kinde of Arguments against the perfection of the Scripture the one against the necessity the other against the sufficiency thereof wee will treate of both together Against Bellarmine 1. Tom. Lib. 4. Cap. 4. I. THere is a two-fold necessity the one absolute the other by an d Or supposition Hypothesis or something is sayed to bee necessary two wayes eyther as the Cause or the e Concausa Fellow-cause the word of God revealed is simply necessary to all men as the cause but the Scripture as the Fellow cause Now it followeth not thus to conclude the Fathers vntill Moses vsed the necessary cause without this the Fellow-cause therefore we may for a conclusion drawne from the change of time is deceitfull II. A Tradition onely is sayed to haue beene eyther b After a sort or in part Simply or Absolutely secundum quid that 〈◊〉 without the Scripture and so wee confesse a tradition to haue beene vntill Moses or simpliciter and that we denie for they had in stead of Scripture other innumerable Principles and Ru●diments III THe whole is sayde to be two waies eyther according to quantity or according to the perfection of the Essence thereof All the Bookes severally are sufficient in their owne Essentiall ●erfection though according to their ●ntirenesse and quantity they haue not the sufficiency of the whole but their owne IIII. THese Bookes which perished eyther were not Canonicall or their substance is found in those which are Canonicall V SOme precepts of God are expressed and manifest some other inwarde and hidden God commaunded his Word to be written downe both by the inward inspiration of the spirit generally and therefore is sayde to bee inspired i Divinitus of God as also expresly to certaine persons in particular k Reu. 1.11 Apoc. 1.11 VI. ALL thinges are contayned in the Scripture eyther expresly or Analogically so what wee are to think● of Women not circumcized of Infants dead before the eight day of the Gentiles saved we may know out of the Scripture Analogically VII A Principle of a Principle cannot be had nor ought to bee sought Now the Scripture is knowne to be divine not from Tradition but first from the inward testimony of the spirite of Christ secondly from the testimony of the Apostles as the publicke Notaries in the Church Thirdly from the testimony of the Scripture as a divine Instrument and lastly from the ●●stimony of the Church of God open● and as it were in a pillar setting ●rth the testimony of the Apostles and ●f the Scripture VIII THe Scripture is not doubtfull in it selfe but vnto vs by accident and ●ther seemeth so to be through the cor●uption of our vnderstanding but God 〈◊〉 an infallible Interpreter of the same ●y his Spirit and word written and ●f this divine tradition wee haue need ●r the vnderstanding of the Scripture or those things which it behooveth vs ●o know concerning the equality of ●●e persons the proceeding of the Spi●ite originall sinne the descension of Christ into Hell are sufficiently decla●ed in the Scripture for our Salvation IX THose thinges which are spoken concerning the Virginity of Marie af●er the birth of Christ the Passeover to be celebrated on the Lords day the l Paedabaptismo Baptisme of Infantes and Purgatory eyther are not necessary as the first and the second or are found Analogically in the Scriptures as the third or are false as the fourth The Places which are cited by Bellarmine against the perfection of the Scripture 1. Tom. Lib. 4. Cap. 5. are these Ioh. 16.12 Ans The Place treate● of speciall thinges the knowledge o● which is infinite which therefore als● are expressed in the Scriptures not i● particular and one by one but b● Word and in generall or else o● those thinges the Revelation whereof according to the dispensation o● time Christ would defer vntill th● time of that extraordinary and visibl● communicating of the holy Ghost 1. Cor. 11.2 Ans In the holy Supper of the Lord two things concurre● the very substantiall thinges of the Supper to wit the matter and forme se●●ndly the meere Ceremoniall thinges the Rites Those are of themselues ●●cessary and were most faithfully de●ered by the Apostles but these 〈◊〉 after a sort m Secundū qu id for that which is morall 〈◊〉 them is necessary and therefore ●ly written downe of the Apostles ●t that which is Ceremoniall onely is 〈◊〉 Indifferent n Adiapho●um and left free to the ●hurches 2. Thes 2.15 Ans The Word of ●●adition is Equivocall for eyther in ●enerall it signifieth every doctrine ●owsoever delivered by Word or Wri●g or it signifieth in Particular or ●ppositely that doctrine which is not ●itten in the first signification the ●postle taketh it and not in the se●nd 1. Tim. 6.2 2. Tim. 1.13 Ans ●hat the pledge and patterne of whole●me wordes cannot be otherwise ex●ounded then of the Scripture it selfe ●nd the substance of christian doctrine ●ll the circumstances of the place doe teach 2 Ioh. 1.2 Ans That kinde of reasoning hath no consequence which is drawne from particulars eyther deedes or rytes which it was not needefull to expresse in writing but the case is altered concerning the very substance of the doctrine of Faith Distinctions for the playnenesse of the Scripture against Bellarmine 1. Tom. Lib. 3. Cap. 1. I. THe clearenesse or obscurity of the Scripture is two-fold the one to vs partly through the Nature of the thinges partly through our owne infirmity the other in manner and meane of the Scriptures every obscurity whereof mention is made among the Fathers is not of the Scriptures but eyther of the thinges in the Scripture for the maiesty therof or else ours who without the inward light of the spirite cannot know them those thinges which wee know wee know onely in part and after an vnperfect manner II. THe matters of the Scripture though for their maiesty they are vnto vs obscure yet as they are proposed vnto vs in the Scripture they are not obscure for the manner of speaking is every way perspicuous neyther is there in the Scriptures eyther any contrariety or ambiguity or falshood nor doe the speeches which go e