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A11010 Lectures vpon the first and second Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians: preached by that faithfull seruant of God M. Robert Rollock, some-tyme minister of the Euangell of Iesus Christ, and rector of the Colledge in Edinburgh Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599.; Charteris, Henry, 1565-1628.; Arthur, William, fl. 1606-1619.; Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599. In Epistolam Pauli Apostoli ad Thessalonicenses priorem commentarius. aut 1606 (1606) STC 21281; ESTC S116171 462,033 538

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Peter and the rest of them there is no standing but on the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Paul writing to the Ephes 2. 20. speakes of their building Being builded sayes he vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Thou shalt neuer be builded on Iesus Christ if thou be not builded vpon the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles and if that be not then there is no saluation for thee goe to Spaine goe to Rome as thou wilt thou hast noght ado with Iesus Christ if thou stand not grounded on the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles Then would ye see what ye call true perseuerance in faith VVhat is perseuerance and apostasie Euen that is true perseuerance that is in the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles onely and no more and no lesse Then what is Apostasie that is contrare to perseuerance If perseuerance be in keeping of the doctrine of the Apostles then that is Apostasie when thou falles away from their doctrin No brethren the falling away from that Roman Antichrist is no Apostasie The Lord at his comming in that great day shall justifie this and shall judge that Church to be a false and an adulterous Apostatike Church and whoeuer joines with it if they repent not shall be adjudged that day to damnation and they that departs from it and stickes to the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles shall be judged to be the holy ones of God Now followes in the end of the verse two sortes of teaching of them that the Apostle vsed The first is by word when he spoke to them face to face The other is by his Epistle The lesson is easie Men are taught aswell by writ as word all teaching is not tied to the personall presence of men No men are as surely taught by writ as by word And seeing it hes pleased the Lord to showe this mercy on vs that the writtes of the Apostles are comde in our hands which are read in your audience therefore we haue Paul to be a teacher to vs aswell as the Thessalonians had Therefore conclude surely that it is not so much this Minister or that Minister teaches you as it is the Apostle Paul and Christ Iesus in him for euery Minister is not so guyded as he was the ministers may erre and hes erred but the Apostles could not erre for they were immediatly called of Iesus Christ and were in their writting direct fully by the holy Spirit Therefore think that ye haue the Apostle Paul and the rest to be your teachers and as for a Minister if he goe a stray breadth off that ground of the Apostles he teaches false doctrine and so the surest teachers that we haue are the olde Prophets and Apostles that cannot erre Thinke it not a small mercy that the Lord hes made their writs to come to vs and no doubt Christ when he tooke good-night of the Apostles had respect to this Matt. 28. chap. 19. vers Goe your vvay and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father of the Sonne and the holy Ghost and loe I am vvith you vntill the end of the vvorld as he would say ye in a maner shall bide and liue till I come againe if not in your persons yet in your writte and I shall accompanie your writte as I did accompany your persons in the world and surely the Spirit of Christ accompanies this same writ and word as euer he did their dresence on earth Now I will answere one doubt that he ere occurres before I go forward Ye that hes red any thing knowes that the aduersars preases to make aduantage of this place keepe that that I haue taught you by word or writ Then cry they out traditions traditions The Apostles say they hes left traditions besides their writs verities vnwritten and therefore as great credite should be giuen to them as to the written verity and they should be receiued with as great reuerence as their writs Brethren it is true the words importes a diuersity but if ye will looke well about you ye shall find that there is no diuersity in the matter and substance but onely in the maner and forme of teaching as if he should haue said Keep that which I haue teached you either by word or writ which is all one thing for that which I spoke I wrote and that which I wrote I spok this is certaine But giuing this to them supponing the Apostle had spoken something which he had not written at this time what is it to the purpose Ergo wrote he i● not afterward Supponing the Apostle had not written this whole doctrine to the Thessalonians yet wrote he it not to the Romans Ephesians c and in one word the Apostle spoke nothing by mouth which he registred not in writte The same doctrine he spoke by mouth the same he left in register in writ to be red by the world Now then to return to the matter When he hes ended the exhortation he subjoines prayer and the same perseuerance he exhorted them to he begs to them frō the hands of God Brethrē al exhortation Teaching vvithout the spirite povverl●s all this doctrine and preaching all preceptes and admonitions are but winde and vaine voyces shal sounds in the eare and goes not to the hart except with the word the Lord concur by his spirit If the Lord by his power and spirit inwardly moue not the hart and affections of men all is but vanity and winde Now the meane ye see to get the Spirit to the preaching and hearing of the word is prayer And therefore take the lesson A man should neuer preach nor heare preaching but the eie of his soule should be lifted vp to him that is able onely to giue the power and increase In preaching the Minister should be begging power and the people praying and saying Lord as this is thy word which is thy power vnto saluation so by thy Spirit make it powerfull in me If thy eye be on the man and thy hart be not lifted vp to God thou shalt goe as empty home as thou came abroad Therefore set thy eye and hart on him who is only able to giue power to thy life and vpon him who giues only consolation when thou hast need and finally on him that giues saluation to all that beleues aright to wit the Lord Iesus for without him there is no grace to be bestowed on man be what he wil. Prayer is the meane to get the presence of the Spirit concurring with the word for the word without grace and power be giuen to it to open the hart is powerfull to close the hart The Gospell is an instrument to obdure thy hart if it be heard without praier to God and presence of his Spirit Therefore pray that in hearing ye may vnderstand and that ye may walke according to the knowledge thereof Now then to come to the wordes There are three thinges in this prayer First
aboue measure for the departure of their friendes by the way falles out in a discourse of the estate of the faithfull departed this life of the comming of the Lord of the rysing againe of the dead of the tyme of the Lords comming from the 13. verse of the fourth chapter to the 6 verse of the fifth chapter The fourth part of the Epistle is the Conclusion containing a prayer for them a promise of sanctification made to them with some other purposes from the 23. verse of the fifth chapter to the end of the Epistle MAISTER ROLLOCKS LECTVRES VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS THE FIRST LECTVRE THESSA CHAP. 1. Vers 1. 2. 3. 1. Paul and Siluanus and Timotheus vnto the Church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and in the Lord Iesus Christ Grace be vvith you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Iesus Christ. VVe giue God thanks alvvayes for you all making mention of you in our prayers 3. Without ceasing remembring your effectuall faith and diligent loue and the patience of your hope in our Lord Iesus Christ in the sight of God euen our Father WE purpose welbeloued in the Lord Iesus Christ by the grace of God as his Spirite shall assist vs to expone this Epistle which is the first Paul doth write to the Thessalonians Which furnishes to vs doctrine seruing for vnderstanding instruction admonition consolation c. Then to come to the purpose shortlie We shall speak something of these Thessalonians to whom he wrytes of the Argument of this Epistle and the purpose of the Apostle in it The Thessalonians were those who inhabited a towne called Thessalonica which as the Historie ●eares was a chiefe towne in the Countrie of Macedonia sounded and builded by Philip King of Macedonia after the victorie he had gotten ouer Thessalia for returning home victorious he builded at towne and named it Thessalonica to be a perpetuall memorie of that excellent victorie he had obtayned But to leaue this Paul as ye may read in the 17. Chap. of the Acts of the Apost in his peregrination together with Sylas who is heere named Siluanus comes to this towne in Macedonia called Thessalonica and entring into the Synagogue of the Iewes three Saboth dayes preached vnto them and all his preaching tended to this to proue that it behoued the Messias when he should come in the World first to suffer then to ryse againe in glorie Vpon this he subsumes that that Iesus whom he preached had suffered had risen vp in glorie And therfore he concludes that Iesus and no other to be the Messias and Redeemer of the World At Paules preaching sundrie of the Iewes who dwelt in Thessalonica were conuerted a great multitude also of the Grecians who abode there and of the chiefe women of the towne not a few Yet notwithstanding of all this sedition is moued against the Apostle and that by certaine obstinate Iewes who would not be conuerted so he is compelled to flee out of Thessalonica fleeing he comes to Beroea where he gets better entertainment and conuertes sundrie Occasion of the Epistle Yet persecution ryses and he is led to Athens where he abiding word comes to him that the Brethren who were conuerted at Thessalonica were heauilie troubled and persecuted by the obstinate Iewes there Vpon this the Apostle sendeth Timothie to them to confirme them and comfort them in their trouble Timothie returning and reporting the grace of God he saw there Paul would haue gone to Thessalonica but as he sayeth Sathan withstoode him and therefore he takes purpose to write this Epistle vnto them which should be in steede of his presence This is the occasion of the writing of this Epistle Then to come to the Epistle it selfe Partes of the Epistle and to speak of the parts thereof First there is a salutation after the salutation he hath a congratulation and rejoysing with them for the graces he vnderstoode to be in them by the report of Timothie He continewes his congratulation a long tyme almost to the end of the second chapter Then he comes to his exhortation and exhorts them notwithstanding of al trouble to preseuere constantlie to the end This he doth in the third chapter In the fourth and fift chapters he comes to the matter and as before he had exhorted them to perseuerance so he exhorts them to godlinesse and holinesse of life such as becomes them who haue receyued the Lord Iesus This is the substance of the Epistle Now in this chapter First we haue the salutation then the congratulation and rejoysing for the graces of God in them which continewes all this chapter and the most part of the next chapter Now to come to the salutation wherein the Apostle salutes the Thessalonians I will speake shortlie of it because it is a common forme vsed by the Apostle in his Epistles and hath beene oft exponed The persons from whom this salutation comes are Paul an Apostle Siluanus Timotheus two Euangelists They who are saluted are the Thessalonians that is the Church of God that was made vp of the Thessalonians who were inhabitants of this towne of Thessalonica The blessings or good things that are wished from Paul and the rest to the Church at Thessalonica are grace and peace the Author of this grace and peace from whom as from the fountaine Paul with the rest of his associates wisheth these things to the Thessalonians is the Father first the Sonne our Lord Iesus next The cause wherefore grace and peace is wished from the Father and the Sonne to the Thessalonians is because the Thessalonians stoode in that blessed conjunction with the Father and the Sonne and therefore it is said in the text To the Church of Thessalonica which is in God the Father and in the Lord Iesus Christ that is to say which is in that holie societie and conjunction with the Father and the Sonne Now to marke something of the salutation Note This forme of salutation that is vsed in this place and in other places by this other Apostles al these general salutations vsed by godlie men vnto godlie men what are they they are testimonies of that good minde and good-will that the godlie beares to the godly They are more too they are meanes and powerful instruments ordained by God wherby the grace of God the mercie of God in Christ is conuoyed from God Christ to them to whom the salutation is directed There are many meanes whereby grace is conuoyed from God to man amongst all the rest these salutations are meanes ordained by God to that end Brethren it is no small matter to wishe well to a man or woman if thou haue a godlie heart when thou wishes well to a godlie person of necessitie the affection of thy heart and mouth must bee effectuall The to goe fordward Grace and Peace is wished But from whome From God the Father and from the Sonne Iesus Christ
The Sonne must not bee forgote heere because all grace is geuen in him by the Father in such sorte that if any man will seeke grace without Christ hee shall neuer get it Therefore he who would haue grace let him seeke it at God through Christ that he may receyue it of that fulnesse that is in the Sonne The Iew that will seeke to the Father without the Sonne shall neuer see grace Whom to is this grace and peace wished to the Church at Thessalonica Wherefore Marke this ground Because this Church is ingraft in the Father and in the Sonne by faith Then first I see here there is no grace but from the Father and the sonne and therefore there no wishing of grace to man or woman but from the Father and the sonne who are the fontaine of all grace Againe I see grace mercie and peace pertaines to none but to so many as are in this happie conjunction with the Father and the Son Art thou in the Father Art thou in the son ingraft in him by a liuelie faith Then grace pertaines to thee mercie and peace pertaines to thee Art thou out of him and not ingraft in him by faith Let men wish welfare and peace to thee as they will no grace mercie nor peace pertaines to thee By grace peace is vnderstood whatsoeuer blessings of God that followes on that conjunction and vnion that is with God the Father and the Son Iesus Christ As for exemple Remission of sins Iustification before the Tribunall of God Regeneration clensing of this foull nature peace joy in the holie Ghost life euerlasting all flowes from this conjunction and therfore it must follow that to him who is out of this conjunction with the Father and the Sonne there is no remission of sinnes if thou be not vnited to the Father and the Sonne by faith no saluation no regeneration no life euerlasting no peace for thee all thy peace is false peace and thou shalt curse the tyme that euer thou had that peace Then it must follow that this forme of salutation pertaines not to the Iew this day who is out of this conjunction neither I nor no man can say to the Iew this day Peace and grace to thee from God the Father and from Christ Iesus his Sonne neither pertaines it to the Turke or Pagane who are out of this vnion with God and Christ by faith More then this it will not be the name of any thing that will do the turne there are many that taks vpon them the name of a christian so will seeme to be in the vnion with the Father and the Sonne that in heart haue no conjunction with them But I say to thee it will not be the outwarde conjunction with them in the name of a Christian it will not be the wishing of good dayes and good euenings that wil do thee good except thou find thy hart bound vp in that blessed vnion with the Father and the Sonne Iesus Christ Marke an other thing Learne heere a forme of an effectuall and pithie salutation that the godlie should vse first when the godlie salutes as Paul Siluanus and Timothie when they wishe any thing to thee what wish they Not any thing thou deserues if thou were neuer so holie but free grace without any merite as Paul heere doth then againe they wish it from them that hes this grace in their handes from the Father and the Sonne And last they wishe it to them who stands in the vnion and conjunction with the Father and the Sonne for this vnion will draw down the droppes of grace from the Heauen from Iesus that is full of all grace Therefore Brethren these salutations of the Heathen Gentiles and of prophaine men now are nothing worth they were neuer of valure I will not giue a pennie for Cicero his salutem dicit nor Plato his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because in wishing well they knew not what they wished they called it welfare well doing they knew not grace nor the free mercie of God they knew not God the fountaine of all grace nor Christ his Son from whom all grace flowes they knew not a Church nor the conjunction of the bodie or the members with the head so their salutations were of no value Euen so it is this day with prophaine men who knowes not God nor Christ nor the Church nor knowes not his conjunction their salutations are not worthie a stray all their good dayes and good euenings are deare of right noght for their salutations are only prophaine words and when they are blessing with their mouthes they are cursing in their hearts Now brethren to goe fordward to the next part which containes this congratulation rejoysing together with the Thessalonians for those graces of God which were bestowed on them Ye se the words We giue God alvvayes thanks for you making mention of you in our prayers In this congratulation he rejoyses together with them for the graces the Lord hath showne on them in rejoysing for the graces showne on them he forgets not God the geuer of all grace but in rejoysing with them he glorifies God thanks him for them and so acknowledges al the graces that were in the Thessalonians to flow out of this fountaine he acknowledges their faith their charitie their hope not to come of themselues but to be of God and therefore in rejoysing with them hee geues God the glorie of all the graces that was in them Why should wee not congratulate and rejoise for the graces of God we se in others we are bound to doe it Thou art oblisht to rejoise with him that rejoyses for the graces of God geuen him as if they were geuen to thy selfe Paul sayes Reioyce vvith them that reioyses mourne vvith them that mournes Rom. 12. 15. Wee are bounde when wee see the grace of God in anie people or nation to commend it in them for it is said trewlie vvhen grace or vertew is commended it growes But looke that thy rejoysing thy commendation of men for the grace thou sees in them be to the end that thou may glorifie God who is the Author and fountaine of all the grace looke that in commending of men if it were all the Monarchs in the earth on paine of thy lyfe thou forget not God Looke first vp to the geuer and then to him who hath receyued say not Sir or my Lord I commend you for your good witte and gouernance I commend you for your man-hood and wisdome The flattering Gentiles that knew not God sayes so but thou who art a Christian speake not so to any man but say I giue thanks to God who is the fountaine of all grace for the grace he hes geuen to thee thou hast no good grace no wisdom no manhood c. but that which God the Author of grace hes geuen thee as euer thou would see the glorie of that God who euer thou be haue thy eye first of
them exhorting comforting rebuking them so must a Pastor stand in the midst of his flock to exhort comfort and rebuke them loue must be in dealing with discretion and all men must not be delt with alike all men must not be exhorted because all lyes not back in the way they who are sluggish must be exhorted all must not be comforted there is some ouer proude and haue need of a reprofe they onlie who mou●nes are to be comforted In a word that which is spoken to Tim thie 2. Epist ● ●5 there must be a right cutting of the word a Pastor must be a cutter and caruer and according to his discretion he must giue to euery man Now I finde this and ye see it he takes God to be witnes and the people among whom he dwelt saying ye know ye are witnesses to me Learne it The flock amongst whom the Pastor hes bene shall be witnesses to him in that great day either to allow of him and his doing or to disalow to absolue or to condemne If he hes discharged a faithfull duetie in his life his flock will stand vp before God and Christ and justifie him in their presence in that day if he hes bene vnfaithfull they shall make a complaint of him that he was an vnfaithfull Pastor who hes not done his duetie in his vocation Therefore let euery man take head hovv he behaueth himself vvith any people for either they shall be condemners or absoluers of him Now he exhorts them To vvhat thing To vvalke Not to ly down and sleep but to get vp on foote and vvalke in this world because this life is but a pilgrimage and a sleeping pilgrime is nothing worth If thou goe not on thou shalt neuer come to thy journeyes end How should they vvalke Not euerie vvay for it were better for men to be sitting or sleeping then to be walking wrong Walke vvorthie of God There is a kinde of comelinesse in going on the vvay a man may goe on the vvay in a comelie manner or else he may goe on the vvay in an vncomelie maner Rule of vvalking What is the rule of this comelinesse Walke vvorthie of God vvho hes called you to his Kingdome In a vvorde the rule is this glorious calling of God to be a Christian man and to be partaker of his kingdome He vvho is called to be a christian man or vvoman is also called to the Kingdome of God and Christ Brethren euerie mans life should be measured according to his calling and as his calling is so should he walke and that calling should be a measure of his life The king should vvalke in Majestie to command the people in loue and humilitie to obey the Minister in vprightnesse to teache the people in holinesse to vvalke before him a marchant a man of law each one of them is bound in their manner of liuing according to the rule of their calling So they that haue their calling to be christians should haue their walking according to their calling Is thy calling to be a christian Liue not as a Pagane then but as a christian Thou wilt say thou art called to be a christian and then thou wilt be in the meane tyme a murtherer an harlote a thiefe Is that thy walking in thy calling No this christian calling is to a Kingdome and glorie There are none who are called to be a christian but they are called to a glorie and Kingdome they are trāslated from the power of darknesse to the societie of Christ Therefore seeing their calling is to a kingdome they should walke like Kings sonnes we are all made by our calling the sonnes and daughters of God adopted in Christ and heires of that glorie that God dwels in Then walke worthie of God and glorie As our kingdome is aboue flee and mount aboue this earth in some measure so far as the heauinesse of this corruption will fuffer lift vp thy selfe sinne holds thee down cast off sin and preasse vpward that life that is in God must be gotten aboue in Christ otherwise if our harts be not lifted vp to that kingdome glorie if our conuersation in some measure be not answerable to our calling we are vnworthie of that calling and we haue neuer bene effectuallie called thou was called by the eare onelie thou heard the Gospell thy heart neuer receyued the Gospell nor saw this Kingdome and glorie that thou was called to These wicked lyues of men showes vs that they were neuer effectuallie called So as thou wouldst be a citizen of that heauenlie kingdome and partaker of that glorious calling liue an holie lyfe that after this lyfe thou mayest be a king raigne with God for euer in Heauen To this God the Father Son and the holie Ghost be all praise for euer AMEN THE SEVENTH LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 2. vers 13. 14. 13 For this cause also thanke vve God vvithout ceasing that vvhē ye receyued of vs the vvord of the preaching of God ye receyued it not as the vvord of men but as it is in deede the vvord of God vvhich also vvorketh you that beleeue 14 For brethren ye are become follovvers of the Churches of God vvhich in Iudea are in Christ Iesus because ye haue also suffered the same thinges of your countrymen euen as they haue of the Ievves THE Apostle ye remember brethren in the beginning of the second chapter he digresses and he falles out in a discourse concerning himselfe his entering among them what it was his sinceritie and vprightnesse in his whole dealing This he does in the second chapter vnto the 13. verse In which verse he returnes to his principall purpose that he had rejoysing together with them for the graces of God bestowed on them through his ministrie This rejoysing as he shew you in the beginning it stands in a thanks-geuing to God who is the geuer of all grace for without him no matter of rejoysing all matter of rejoysing is in him who is the geuer of all grace and mercie to vs. The occasion of his returning to the principall purpose is this In the verse immediatlie going before he hes spoken of his evvne carefulnesse in teaching them all manner of waye 〈…〉 and teaching them that they walk worthie of God that had called them to his kingdome and glorie Nowe in this xiij verse he thankes God for that meeting againe he found in them He teached he instructed exhorted ●nd comforted the effect They beleeued they 〈…〉 they heard and receiued the thing he spoke they embraced it not as the vvord of man but as the vvorde of God as it vvas in very deede It was not ineffectuall in them but as they embraced it so it vvrought in so manie as beleeued it was powerfull and made in them a wonderfull alteration and 〈◊〉 the operation thereof it shewe the selfe to be the word of God The meaning of the text is plaine And
vntill we see the Lord face to face and then we shall get saciety then we shall be filled when God who is loue himselfe shall be all in all thinges And therefore grovv euer get a peece of grouth this day another peece to morrovve and so day by day grovv vntill thy heart be filled vvith the grace of Christ As thou increasest in knovvledge so thou must increase in loue for these must be joined together knowledge and loue Knowledge is in the mynde and loue in the heart Ye see how pleasant it is to see the Sunne but the light of the mynde whereby we see the Sunne of glorie is more excellent it is the light that commeth from the Lord. Then joyne thereto the loue in the heart these tvvo should ansvvere other in proportion Growest thou in knovvledge of the vvay of Christ looke thou grovv in loue to God and man othervvayes I say thy knovvledge shall not auaile thee and the greater knowledge without loue grow there-with the greater damnation Now whom should they loue Loue euerie one among your selues loue next all men in the vvorld Loue all mankinde Ye are Christians loue together mutuallie Be ye among the Heathen loue them too who knows not Christ loue the Domestickes of faith but loue the strangers too loue the members of the bodie of Christ but loue them also vvho are out vvith the bodie but in a different maner The words lets vs see the loue of the domestick is mutuall As thou louest me so I loue thee as the hand loues the foote so the foote loues the hand So among the members of Christs bodie there is a mutuall loue The band of loue goes from my hart to thee and comes again from thy hart to me but it is otherwaies with the loue that reaches out beyond the body to strangers it is but a single loue going from my hart and not returning againe from them I loue him but he loues not me I loue the Iew but he loues not me I loue the Turke but he loues not me because he is not conjoined in a body with me we should loue them to saluation Then learne we should not be narrovv hearted in loue Say not I loue not him because he loues not me if Christ had done so vvhen thou vvas an enemie it had not beene well with thee He loued thee being his enemie Loue them then vvho hates thee and them vvho would slay thee I will not giue a penny for thy loue if thou loue them onely vvho loues thee And this telles that thou art a member of the bodie when thy loue reaches out with the bodie to others As Christ loues his enemie so thou if thou be of Christs bodie vvill loue thy enemie Alas the canker of our nature against loue If thou striue not to loue thy enemie and to get that rancor of thy nature slaine slaine shalt thou be Steuin when the Ievves vvere stoning him to death sayes Lord let it not be laid to their charge Act. 7. 60. Therefore as thou wouldst haue thy soule safe loue thy enemie He layes downe his owne ensample as I doe you He vses this commonlie when he bids them doe any thing I craue nothing but that ye should resemble me I loue you loue ye others There is a lesson Thou vvho vvilt bid anie other doe well doe vvell thy selfe vvilt thou bid me loue loue then first thy selfe and loue all men A Pastor vvho vvould teach his flock to loue let him shovv loue first in his life and actions himselfe othervvaies he shall not haue grace in his vvords let him cast himselfe to be full of loue and then his vvords shall edifie Let him euer seeke an hartie loue to their saluation and craue loue to them at the hands of the Father and Christ Iesus his Sonne To vvhom vvith the holie Spirite be all praise for novv and for euermore AMEN THE XIII LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 3. vers 13. 13 To make your hearts stable and vnblameable in holinesse before God euen our Father at the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ vvith all his Saints 1. THESSA CHAP. 4. vers 1. 2. 3. 1 And furthermore vve beseech you brethren and exhort you in the Lord Iesus that ye increase more and more as ye haue receiued of vs hovv ye ought to vvalke and to please God 2 For ye knovv vvhat commaundements vve gaue vnto you by the Lord Iesus 3 For this is the vvill of God euen your sanctification and that ye should absteine from for●ication IN the wordes going before ye heard brethren the Apostle makes mention to the Thessalonians of that earnest prayer he vsed to God for them that once it would please God to graunt him a prosperous journey to them He fell out immediatly in a prayer The prayer containes thre parts the first part is that God the Father and the Lord Iesus vvould direct his vvay tovvardes them The second part is that how euer it should fall out vvhether he should come to them or not at Gods pleasure yet that they shoulde abound in loue euery one tovvardes another and not that onelie but in loue to all men yea tovvarde their ver●e enemies Now shortly to come to our text In the last verse of this chapter ye haue the third head of his prayer he beseeches God to giue them holinesse holinesse in generall all kinde of holinesse As he prayed before that they might abound in loue and charitie vvhich is a part of holinesse So novv he prayes they should haue all sort of holinesse Thereafter in the chapter following he falles out in precepts of good maners and holie lyfe and conuersation and this he follovves out to the end of the Epistle sauing onely by the vvay he casts in one or tvvo informations resoluing them of certaine doubtes the first concerning the mourning for the dead the second concerning the day of Iudgement and the comming of the Lord Iesus Novv to returne He prayes for holinesse to them And vvhat should this holinesse doe To make your hearts sayes he stable and vnblameable before God And at vvhat tyme especiallie at the comming of the Lord Iesus Christ In vvhat companie should they be established with holinesse They alone No but vvith all his Saints in that happie societie of the Church of God and the Saintes There is the effect shortlie of this thirtienth verse Then brethren marke It is holinesse not a fashion of holinesse in outvvard behauiour Holines stablishes our harts before God but vvithin the heart of a man or vvoman that makes them stand vp in the presence of God that establishes them without feare terrour or trembling when they stand before the. Tribunall of a terrible Iudge Where there is no holinesse no sinceritie of heart in man but an heart filled vvith foull affections full of vncleannesse and filthinesse there the heart dare not present the selfe before the face of
that calles and God that is calling on you his vengeance shall sease vpon you And now it is no time to thee to ly in vncleannes when the Pest is at the doore woe to thee dying therein being in the puddle of vncleannes but well is thy soule that turnes to God howbeit thou die in the pest of the body Now followes another argument to moue vs to holines He who wil not be holie when God calles on him disobeyes not man but God As there are two thinges to moue vs to holinesse first our vocation to holinesse secoundlie the caller so there are two sinnes that accompanies the disobedience of that calling one sinne against the holie calling another sinne against the holie God the caller Contēpt of God the vvord the greatest sinne There is no sinne by the selfe allone One sinne must euer haue another with it and committing one sinne we sinne manie waies Compare these two the sinne against the calling and the sinne against the caller by all appearance the secound is the greatest The greatest sinne that can bee is to contemne God Thou that playest the harlote thy sinne is double first by thy harlotrie thou sinnest against thy calling thou was called to and this is a great sinne but the other is greater Thou contemnest the voyce of the high Majestie of God that called thee The oppressor sinnes by his oppression but his sin is the greater in that he contemnes his caller And in the latter day ye shall finde by experience the challenge shall not be so much against the adulterer for his adulterie as for that in sinning he contemned the voyce of God calling him from adultery This shall be a chiefe challenge dirtlay especially of christians who hes heard this word and Gospell of God that they contemnd the majestie of God who called them by this word Gospell And surely all these particular judgements of God that falles on men and these particular judgements on Scotland and on Edinburgh this day either the Pest or the famine fals not somuch for vncleannesse and other sins as for the contemp of the Gospel and God that calles thee by this base ministrie And therfore the right cause of all these judgements is the contempt of God calling vs to holinesse For we haue not onelie sinned in committing of sin but in contemning God calling vs from sin and we haue spitted as it wer in his face Put away the contempt of the word of God if ye put it away who wait but but God wil be mercifull If we contemne still looke for greater judgement The contempt of God and of this foode of the soule offred by the base ministrie hes caused this plague of famine and the Pest fall on this land The Apostle sayes In resisting ye resist not men but God There is no blessing in tyme that God giues but he ministers it by men He wil not come out of Heauen to speak to thee but he will speak to thee by the ministrie of selie simple men He tels thee of remission of sins of justification of sanctificatiō c. if thou dispise the ministry of base men though thou wer Monarch of all the earth thou shalt neuer get remission of sinnes sanctification nor glorification Now this is the thing that beguyles the world When they looke to the vyle ministrie of men they cannot see God in it They looke to the selie man they goe no farther Who speakes A selie man speakes Who calles me I heard a selie man and so through the man be looks not vp to heauen to se God speaking by the minister And from this flowes the contempt and resisting man thou resists God that is the principall worker The word is then contemned when the man is contemned in speaking it Resisting man thou resists God who sent the man Can any man resist God and not be plagued therefore if there be no repentance So they who are called to the ministrie let them care for nothing but to speake the word of God and open their mouth to glorify God And if he be resisted he is not resisted but God who sent him is resisted And at that last day it shall be seene it was not man thou resisted but God Happie are they therefore who gettes a sight of this in tyme and that giues obedience to the worde Happie is the bodie that receiues this word as the word of god and not of man Now the last argument followes Who saies he hes giuen vs his holy Spirite Looke now what he hes done He hes chosen vs from all eternitie to be holielie and hes giuen vs his Spirit and al graces to this end to be holy When the Lord hes begun to call vs to holinesse Spirite of god d●velling in vs bindes to holinesse if he stand there and doe no more it will not doe the turne if he giue vs ouer to our owne nature and free vvill and take away his Spirit when he hes broght thee on a point of holinesse and leaue thee there thou shalt neuer enter in Heauen And therefore when he hes done all these thinges to thee then he will put into thy soule and bodie his Spirit of grace to cleanse the foulnesse out of thy soule and bodie to bring in holie motions actions and speeches So that thou art made now as Paul speakes 1. Corint 6. 19. the Temple of the holie Spirit and then that same glorious person the holie Spirit comming from the Father and the Son will dwell within thee in soule and bodie as assuredlie as we are within this Church presentlie and thy soule and bodie shall be as sure Temples of this Spirit as this Church is to our bodies And is not this a great honour that in substance this glorious person will dwell within vs So this learnes vs that all is of grace the beginnig of grace the midst of grace the end of grace Our predestination in God our vocation our justification and sanctification all in God our glorification in God Brethren the highest estate we can come to in this life is sanctification We passe from predestination to vocation from vocation to justification from justification to sanctification we cannot reach higher so long as we are heere We may growe in this estate but we cannot come higher As to glorification we get it in the lyfe to come when we leaue this life All our actiones heere are impersite and all mingled with the corruption of nature but heereafter all will be perfited For when we leaue this lyfe we goe not backward Thinke not that bodie that sleepes in Christ that he goes backward That body is predestinat called sanctified heere in some measure after this life passes a degree vpward and commes to glorification for holinesse in this life it passes vp to glorie we are holie heere but glorious in the life to come We are not called to be glorified in this lyfe but to be sanctified when we
These shall be the signes that shall be joined inseparablie with Christs comming The signe of Christ In the meane tyme he shall come down when all the world shall be on a fire And this is called by Matthevv 24 verse 30. the signe of Christ the signe that shall be conjoined with his comming Reade of this whole matter in this 24. chap. of Matthevv verse 30. 2. Epist of Pet. chap. 3. verse 10. 12. Reuelat chap. 20. verse 11. and chap. 21. verse 1. Then brethren if there was such a commotion in the heart of men in the first signes that past before what commotion shall there be in the harts of men when they shall see the whole world on fire A wondrous thing When all this consumption shall be no body shall be burnt but the power of the judge shall reserue the bodies to the judgement that is to follow immediatlie Peter when he hes tolde of these signes saies If such a dissolution of the world be what maner of men should we be how should we studie to prepare vs to meete the Lord So on that great day all these thinges shall not make the godly to shrinke but they shall ay prease forward to meete the Lord in the cloudes As to the reprobate ô that horrour and terrible feare that shall ouertake them at his comming Now this for the two sorts of signes The first going before his comming the second joined inseparably with his comming down to judge the world Now shortly to speake of Christs owne comming And this is it which the Apostle speakes of in this place Which for our vnderstanding I shall gather out of this and sundry other places of the Scripture Christes cōming Now as for the comming of the judge he shall not come from the Sea from the Earth from the Plane Wherefrom commes all the Kings of the earth when they are in their triumph The Romane Emperours came out from the Capitoll in their Chariots But the King of Kinges shall come from the Heauen of Heauens abone all these heauens that we see from the highest place The maner of his comming is sodaine These signes that I spake of shall come on a sodaintie and yet there shall be a processe of tyme in doing thereof He shall come on a sodaine as the deluge of Noah did as the 24 chap. Matt verse 37. telles The people knew not of the deludge that ouerwhelmed them vntill it came No more shall this miserable world know Christes comming vntill he come sodainlie And therefore considering this in the Scripture the Lord giues a watch-word to his Disciples Many hundreth yeeres are past since and repeate it heere he saies Matt. 24. 42. Watch for ye knovv not vvhen the Lord shall come The sodaintie vncertainty of his comming shoulde make vs euer readie to looke for it The Chariot he shall be caried in is the cloudes of the aire As in his ascending the cloudes resaued him from our sight so shall the cloudes resaue him at his comming Such a Chariot got neuer Emperour in all his highest triumph none of them was caried in the clouds The company that shall conuoy him he shal come saies Matt. chap. 24. verse 30. with the Angels and a flame of fire that fyre that shall burne vp the world and shall burne vp the reprobate in the owne tyme. 2. Thess 1. 7. 8. Iude sayes verse 14. He shall come with millions of Angels there shall not be an Angell but all shall come in that conuoye to let all the worlde see that all the Angels are but seruants to that Lord and seruantes standing about him to obey his vvill vvhat hee commandes that his glorie and Majestie may be seene In the meane-tyme he hes no neede of them for they neyther can adde to his glorie nor diminish it yet it hes pleased him so to vtter his glorie to the vvorld And in that meane-tyme when he is comming he will not come in silence Ye see when an Armie marches forward there is a great noyse and crying shouting and blovving of trumpets So there shall bee a noyse in the Lords comming dovvne The Angels of Heauen shall blovve the trumpets So he speakes Matth. 24. verse 31. Paul in this place sayes there shall ryse a sound The worde in this place is a vvorde of exhortation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 borrovved from that sound vvhich the Mariners vses to others euerie one to moue others to rovv A shout direct to the dead that lyes in the graue it shall pearce through the graue and eares of the dead and shall waken them vp With the shout shall be conjoyned the voice of the Archangell and with the voyce of the Archangell the sound of the trumpet of God and this shall be the last trumpet and neuer shall the voyce of the trumpet be heard againe and it shall be the sh●●llest trumpet that euer was heard Now when the Lord in his comming downe shall come to the place where he is ordained to sit to judge the worlde which shall be in the cloudes Then all the Angels shall showe their presence and the Angels shall make a glorious Throne to the Lord of glorie and there he shall sit This much shortlie for the comming and appearing I shall be short in this matter For I will speake nothing but make a narration of it out of other parts of Scripture Would ye vnderstand the effectes that followes on his comming Effectes follovving Christs cōming Certainlie notable effectes must followe on it The Lord prepare vs for it The Father shall be there the Sonne shall be there cōming the holie Spirite shall be there vvith all their power and all their Majestie The glorie of the Father neuer appeared so glorious as it shall appeare that day The glorie of the Sonne neuer appeared so glorious as it shall appeare that day The glorie of the holie Spirit neuer appeared so glorious as it shall appeare that day Ye see in the Parliament the Kings of the earth appears in their greatest glory to the people so the Lord of the world shall appeare with an infinite and vncapable sight of glorie Now to come to the effects that shall follow on his comming Assēbly The first effect There shall be an assemblie a conuention the fairest conuention that euer was since the world stoode There are none that euer tooke lyfe but all shall bee there all shall be sommonded with the shout of the trumpetuall shall compeare no excuse the graue shall not excuse death shal not excuse dead and liuing neuer man nor woman excepted all shall be there So the first effect that shal follow the comming of the Iudge shall be a conuention of the whole world elect reprobate dead and liuing And I shall tell you after what order it wil be by the Scripture The first that shall come there to the conuention shall be they who were dead they shall preueene them who were alyue And Adam and
avvay this word and prophecying euen this word preached take me away the ministrie Mean● to 〈◊〉 the spirit in spyte of thy hart the Spirite shall die out The world would faine haue this word away but this is a maine violence done to Iesus to put the light of Iesus out of the hart O Lord vvhat count shall there be at that great day for the contempt of this word But is there no more to be had but the hearing of this word to enterteine the Spirit of Iesus Yea. It will not be the hearing only that wil hold in the Spirit Thy lyfe must be answerable to the word Thou must feede him with holy motions and thoughts within the hart feede him with holy speaches in the mouth Paul Ephesians 4. chap. 29. verse speaking of certaine vyces to be contempned he meanes planely that rotten talke puts out the Spirit Last he is fed within the soule with holy actions that holds in the light of Iesus Spirit As the oile holds in the fire take away these materials the Spirit shall die within thee The other meane to put him out is not onely to draw away from him the matter he feeds on but to giue him as it were poison to feede on An harlot poysons him with an harlatrous hart A murtherer with a bloudie hart A blasphemer with a blasphemous hart we poyson him with foull thoughts in the hart foull speaches in the mouth wicked actions in the hands this is water to put out the fire Then brethren learne one lesson As euery one should take heed to the graces of the Spirit to keepe patience joy prayer and thankfulnesse continually these are the graces of the spirit So specially and before all we should take heed to the work● of all the holy Ghost that dwels in our soules as a temple Take heed how thou treatst him what enterteinment thou giuest him looke that thou treat him well doe euery thing thou thinkest may pleasure him absteine from all thinges may offend him Set thy hart to please him and let thy pleasure be in pleasing him and pray euer Lord if thou hast giuen me thy Spirit giue me grace to enterteine him that I anger him not Lord giue me grace to doe all thinges to please him to doe nothing to offend him Alas if a honourable man would come in thy house and take a nights ludging thou would looke diligently that all the house and family were in good order So hold thy bodie and soule in reuerence and order for the holy Spirits sake that dwels in thee othervvaies he vvll not ludge with thee Murtherer fyle not thy hands vvith bloud if thou vvould haue him to dvvel vvith thee Paul sayes 1. Cor. chap. 6. verse 19. 20. The Lord hes boght thee out of the deuils hands out of thy ovvne hands for thou vvould lose both thy soule and thy body if it vvere in thy hand He hes boght thee with the bloud of the immaculat Lambe and to this purpose to be a ludging of the holy Spirit to dwell in He is speaking to harlots he sayes Thou art not thy ovvn Thou art boght vvith a pryce God hes boght thee with the bloud of Christ to be a temple of the holy Spirit Where the Spirit ludges there is the Father and the Son the whol Trinitie So in effect the man boght with the bloud of Christ is a ludging to the Trinitie the Father Son and holy Ghost Alas if thou could looke to this for all the world thou would not destroy that ludging of God If once this trueth of God could sinke in mens harts for all the world they would not quenche this Spirit and defyle this temple of God Alas the blindnesse of men vvho knovves not vvhat estate they stand in for vvant of sight and attention for want of regarding of the trueth we go to Hell And if euer thing was to be deplored in this world this is to be deplored that the Spirit of God is abused when he commes to sanctifie men and wemen he gets villanie and wrong done to him they wold pollute him when he commes to sanctify them Indeed he is disludged of his ludging These murtherers takes him by violence as it were and with their hands puts him out of their hart by the shoulders God keepe vs from the sin against the holy Ghost Goe thou on this way ay conte●ning the Spirit thou shalt enter in this sin vvhich shall neuer be for giuen thee in this life nor in the lyfe to come Now to speake of the way how we may know that we haue this Spirit These things cannot be told by words thou must go to experience and there is none of you that hes had a taste of the sweetnesse of the Spirit but ye will feill him dwell in you if ye haue him thou wilt knowe him aswell as euer thou knew any guest that ludged with thee for he brings with him such a faire light such a lyfe and joy c. that thou may easily know him He commes in joy in prayer in thanks-giuing thou wilt knowe him in these but thou wilt finde him in experience if thou growest in his seruice to honour and reuerence him as he dwels in thee To treat him as thou wouldst treat a honorable man that ludges with thee he will dwell with thee but if thou be ●●uggish in these things thou wilt finde he will draw himselfe to a nuke of thy soule as it were for a tyme thou wilt find him cease from his working of regeneration within thee if thou cease to enterteine him by praier godlines in hart holy speaches in the mouth holy actions in the hand he will ly closse within thee for a time and do nothing And then if the man be godly he will be ●ad and sory For no ioy in the godly but when he feeles the Spirit within him Now if when he is not well 〈◊〉 he depart How much more when we striue as it were to poyson him when we bring vp euill motions in spite of him when we fall out in euill language in mouth euill deeds in the hand shall he withdraw himselfe and depart so that we will finde no sense of joy When a man failes to harlotrie he smores the Spirit As for exemple Dauid if euer man felt the Spirit of Iesus in him he felt him yet when he fell to adulterie and murther the spirit lay so closse in him that he found him not Then he wakens and sayes I haue bene sleeping I find not the joy that I was wont and so he saies Restore to me thy spirit again Psa 51. verse 12. Would he haue said restore except he had found the Spirit of God which he had before withdrawen in working within him What shall I say No joy nor rest without this Spirit be enterteinde within vs. The Lord giue vs grace to enterteine him in soule and bodie in holy speaches thoughts and deeds To this Lord be glorie and
in sanctifying of the heart by faith of the hand by charitie that refuses suffering in hope let him not thinke he hes these graces of God Thou that hast no work no faith no laboring no charitie thou that can not beare patientlie and who at euerie thing comming to thee art readie to dispare thou that can not ly vnder the crosse thou hes no hope And therefore as thou would finde grace in the life to come looke that thou be exercised in this life for if thou be not exercised heere thou shalt enter in that damnation where there shall be no end of thy labour thou that wil be exercised in faith charitie and hope assure thee in the life to come thou shall not be pyned with worke thou shalt cease from thy labour and the teares shall be wyped from thy eyes all paine and anguish shall be put away Looke then how ye will spend a moment to eschew an eternitie if thou passe thy tyme idle and do no good heere neither to thy selfe nor to thy neighbor thy labour shall endure euerlastinglie Thou who wilt not spend a moment in labour looke not to obtaine rest for euer In the end of the verse he places and groundes this patient hope on Iesus Christ there is her ground foundation Looke the words And the patience of your hope in our Lord Iesus Christ in the sight of God the Father The faith and hope being begunne on Iesus Hope grūded on Christ a ground immoueable all the worlde can not shake it He setteth to her witnesse God the Father He must be witnesse and must stand looking into the heart to see what sinceritie is in the heart So beside the patience wherewith hope must be indewed she must be enarmed to dree out this destinie she can not sustaine trouble except she be grounded The ground is the Lord Iesus immoueable for euer who is able to shake him If my hope be set on Iesus I defye all the worlde shake me as thou wilt no more nor thou is able to moue him out of his place no more art thou able to moue my hope out of my hart There is the foundation she must haue Yet more she must haue a witnesse he who hopes must hope before the Father for the Father seeth all and there is no sinceritie but in the Spirit of God and thou who wilt hope consider God is before thee looking into thine heart and haue him euer before thy eyes otherwayes thou shalt do nothing in thy life-tyme sincerelie but all thy cogitations motions and actions of thy hand are all in hypocrisie Therefore when thou doest any thing do it sincerelie and say My God is looking on me and therefore Lord prepare my heart to doe it sincerely let me not seeke no approbation of men but let me seek the approbation of thee my God It is a miserie to se men in the world they wil steale from God as it were to a backside because they can not abide his eye euery man taketh counsaile at it were to hate God and he flyes from God because his pleasure is in hypocrisie and thou vaine man likes neuer to do any thing in sincerity but would as it wer ●yle thy own eyes and Gods eyes and the eyes of all the world with thy counterfaite falshood therfore as thou would be approued in conscience flee not from the sight of God but craue his presence that light may come from him lighten thee that in that light thou may walke and studie to be acceptable to God with whom thou must be bid all this world farewell Wo to them that studies not to be approued of God gettes not that approbation in their consciences To this God the Father with the Son and the holy Spirite be all praise for euer AMEN THE SECOND LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS THESSA CHAP. 1. vers 4. 5. 6. 4. Knovving beloued brethren that ye are the elect of God 5. For our Gospell vvas not vnto you in vvord onely but also in povver and in the holie Ghost and in much assurance as ye knovv after vvhat maner vve vvere among you for your sakes 6. And ye became follovvers of vs and of the Lord and receyued the vvord in much affliction vvith ioy of the holie Ghost THE last day Brethren we spake of the first part of this Epistle written to the Thessalonians to witte the salutation that the Apostle with Siluanus and Timotheus directs to them We entered in the second part which continewes the congratulation wherein he rejoyses together with them for the graces of God bestowed on them geuing God the glorie of all making him the chiefe Author of all grace Namelie for their faith which is imployed in clensing and purifying their hearts for their loue and charitie which was imployed in laboring with painefulnesse for their brethren and nighbours to their profite and well and last for their hope which was imployed in suffering and taking things patientlie grounded on the Lorde Iesus Christ hauing God the Father for an witnesse of her sinceritie This far for the matter going before Now followes in the fourth verse an other cause of this thankes-geuing to God and of this rejoysing a more effectuall cause nor any that was named yet their eternall election before all worlds All the graces told before were in tyme but as for this election it is before all tyme from all eterni●e Vpon this as vpon a foundation all grace that is receyued by vs in tyme is grounded as ye would ground an house vpon an fondation None getteth faith but those that are chosen of God from all eternitie None true loue but those whom God loueth from all eternitie None hope of lyfe but those who are chosen of God from all eternitie So all grace geuen in tyme is grounded on this ground of election that was before all tyme. But to come to the words Knovving saith the Apost brethren beloued of God your election He styles them brethren first then he calleth them beloued of God for I lyke that reading best The second is the cause of the first Because they are beloued of God therefore they are Brethren to him to Timothie and to Siluanus Marke this Note Whom God loueth and vpon whom he powreth forth his grace as he did on these Thessalonians we are bound to loue them to powre out our affections vpon them to call them Brethren in Iesus Christ to speake kindlie and louinglie to them for the graces of God we see in men hes force to conciliate the loue of men so that men when they see them in others are bound of dewtie to loue them If thou see the grace of God in any man thou art bound to loue the man for the grace as thou would vtter thou louest God the geuer of the grace The loue thou carries to a man for the graces of God thou sees in him vtters the loue thou carries to
fall down before a stock or stone Slauery of Idolaters of all slaueries this is the greatest it is true it is a slauerie to be subject to a tyrannous man in this worlde to his foull affections to abyde all things he will injoine thee but in the meane tyme while as thou serues the liuing and true God thou art a free man and thou hast a singulare comfort and consolation in thy heart and if anie will call the a slaue care not for that for thou art a free man to God 1 Cor. 7. 21. but albeit he were a King and had all the vvorld vnder his dominion if he be a slaue to a false fained God an Idole of all slaues he is the greatest slaue for not to knovve the true God is the greatest slauerie that is for there is no consolation but in God if thou had all the libertie in the vvorld thy soule is in slauerie if thou serue not the liuing and true God I will not call a Nation a free Nation a King a free King if they serue not that liuing God Will I call a Kingdome a free Kingdome that is subject to a miserable slauerie of Idolatrie Woe to that slauerie and thou Scotland if thou lose the seruice of the liuing God of all slaues thou shalt be the greatest because so shamefullie thou hast lost it Dauid in the 16. Psal vers 4. telles of the miserie of the Idolaters and of the libertie of them who serues Iehouah As for the Idolaters saieth he They multiple sorrovv vpon sorrovv to themselues then he rejoyses in his owne felicitie who serues the liuing God Iehouah the Lord saieth he is the portion of my inheritance Therefore ere thou lose the seruice of this true God and Christ his Sonne lose thy life and all that thou hast in this world This is the onelie liberty to serue the liuing and true God Now followes the second end of their conuersion which is to looke for the Sonne and his comming the first was to serue the Father of this life the second is to awaite for the comming of the Son Marke euerie word It is not eneugh brethren to serue the Father the liuing and true God in faith in loue in all seruice that pertaines to him in this lyfe except thy eye throgh hope reach out beyonde this lyfe in the meane tyme of thy seruice Hope of life to cōe Thou art heere novv seruing him looke that thy eye reach out beyonde this life to see and to hope for an other life There are many in wealth in honour in ease in healthe of bodie in this worlde that vvould make a Couenant with God and say Lorde Let mee dwell still to serue thee heere and it were for euer and I oblishe me neuer to looke for more at thy hand giue me this lyfe and wealthe and pleasure thereof I shall serue thee to let me liue heere for euer and I shall binde my selfe neuer to craue more of thee alas I trovv there be many of this sort Fy on it this can not be rooted out of the hearts of the most godlie euen as if either God had gotten glorie sufficientlie or we could get perfite happinesse in this life Alas if our hope were onelie in this lyfe and our blessednesse reached not out beyonde this life of all men the christian man wer most miserable I had rather chuse to be a Turke nor a Christian except my hope reache out beyond this life all the pleasure and seruice I can do to God in it If thou prease to be a true christian think not with thy self I shall driue ouer this life quietly shal stand fast in al trouble but thou must bide tossing toyling otherwise thou can not be a christian for throgh many tribulations thou must enter into the kingdom of heauen Act. 14. 22. Thē ye who wold serue God serue him as pilgrimes in a strange country far frō him what euer thou be doing here in his seruice walking in thy godly exercise in the mean time let thy hart be with Christ let thy hart be wher thy life is hid vp with Christ Paul giues an example of this in his own person saying I liue here as a Citizen of Heauen Philip. 3. 20. A Citizen in the heauen is a pilgrime on the earth And therfore he subjoynes liuing as a pilgrime heere and a Citizen of Heauen I hope for my saluation in Christ A pilgrime hes euer his eye out of this world The second Epistle to the Corinthians Chap. 5. vers 7. 8. he shovves that in this lyfe he walked in faith and confidence but saieth he I chuse rather to flit and remoue out of the bodie and to dvvell vvith my Lord Iesus Fy on thee that is so nailde throgh head and heart to this world that thou hes euer thy heart and sight heere Certainelie I am of this minde that the thing that euerie one of vs should most care for should be to steale away peece peece from this earth Lowse thy heart peece and peece and free thee from this wofull life Now this hope and looking is for the Sonne something pertaines to the Father thou must serue the liuing and true God something pertaines to the Son thou must looke for him from Heauen Thinke not to honour the Father without the Sonne The Iew is vaine that thinks to honour the Father without the Sonne No it will not be serue the Father but honour the Son also or else the Father shall accept no honour at thy hand Ioh. 5. 23. For all the honour of the Fathers is in the Sonne But marke the speciall honour that is geuen to the Sonne in this life The Sonne is honoured in faith in this life in beleeuing that he is alreadie come in the world that he is come in our nature and suffered the death for our sins that he died was buried rose againe from the death thou honoures him in beleeuing this But this is the speciall pointe of this honour to hope that he shall come againe as he come once so looke that he shall come againe But brethren neither hes his glorie yet appeared as it is in deed and shall appeare neither yet your grace appeares as it shall when he shall come againe And therefore the speciall seruice we can doe is to await for his comming ad to glorie vnder that hope No beleeue thou in the Father as thou wilt if thou hope not for that glorious returning of the Sonne thou honours him not This is all to stirre vs vp by hope to looke for an other life for all these things King and Kingdome vvill avvay and they who hoped for him in this lyfe shall shine in glorie with him in that life eternall Fromwhence shal we hope that he comes where shal we cast our eye if we looke for a man to come from one part our eye will euer be on that part where from he should come whither it be
they may see what danger they incurre by controlling the libertie of the worde in the Church There is his moderation in teaching Now one thing more Al this power is in the beginning in his enterance to them The Apostle is now afflicted in Macedonia when he comes to Theslalonica all his preaching is but a battaile last shamefully is he put away and goes to Ber●●a What shall I say of this If Paul had had no more but the spirite of a man he would not haue immediatlie gone to Thessalonica and there teached and being in Thessalonica he would not haue vttered any thing that would haue displeased them No but he does otherwise the power of God neuer so well appears in men as vnder affliction for when man is weakest God is strongest in them My strength sayes the Lord 〈◊〉 shovven in infirmitie 2. Cor. 12. 9. And in the fourth chapter of the same Epistle vers 7. he showes the Lord hes put a treasure in earthen veshels that the excellencie of his povver may be knovven Then he falles out in a probation of this power My bodie is daylie slaine where euer I go there is nothing but afflictiō But saith he by this I know the lyfe of Iesus is manifest in me He hes not a better token to knowe the life of Iesus nor by affliction and none can know the life of Iesus so well as in the last agonie of death Other countries hes experimented this power of God that appeares in affliction better then we haue done Scotland hes no manifestation thereof in respect of other Churches Well brethren our tyme is comming fast on The Lord of Heauen that is strongest when man weakest giue vs strength and courage to abyde that tyme and holde vs vp in our infirmities that he may be glorifyed in our affliction To this God the Father Son and the holie Spirite be honour and praise for euer AMEN THE FIFTH LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 2. vers 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 3 For our exhortation vvas not by deceite nor by vncleannesse nor by guile 4 But as vve vvere allovved of God that the Gospell should be committed vnto vs so vve speake not as they that please men but God ●v●o trieth the hearts 5 Neither did vve euer vse stattering vvordes as ye knovve nor coloured couetousnesse God is record 6 Neither soght vve praise of men neither of you nor of others 7 Whe● vve might haue bene chargeable as the Apostles of Christ but vve vver gentle amōg you euen as a nource cherisheth her childrē BRETHREN the purpose we haue in hand and hes had these dayes bygone is the rejoysing of the Apostle together with the Thessalonians for the graces of God bestowed on thē The Apost falles out in a narration concerning himself the manner of his entrie among the Thessalonians setting out the grace of God that vvas vvith him vvhen he entered in among them to this end to let them see the ground wherevpon their faith vvas builded vvas not faire vvordes but that effectuall grace of God that was hid vp in the 〈◊〉 The last day vve shevve the Apostle proponed his manner of his entrie among them it vvas not in vaine it vvas not fectlesse but fectfull and when he come and entered amongst them he come vvith a libertie and boldnesse vttering the Gospell of Christ and a libertie not grounded on man or on his ovvne affection but on the power of God This boldnesse he amplifies in respect of the afflictions vvhich before he had suffered at Philippi in respect of that suffering he had while he preached that word of the Gospell with libertie among them Now to come to this text we haue in hand The Apostle in the third verse of this chapt answeres to that which might haue bene thoght and objected by the Thessalonians for he meetes the thoght of the heart Thou sayes thy entrie amonge vs was with libertie boldnes but looke with what sincerity thou entered among vs it is not eneugh to preach with boldnes libertie but there must be sinceritie looke that thy preaching hes not bene with deceat to deceiue vs with vncleānes with guile If any of these thre things haue concurred with thy preacing exhorting al thy liberty in preaching exhorting auails not The Apostle answeres marke euerie word for our exhortation vvas not by deceit nor by vncleannes nor by guile Look to the vvords Our exhortation our doctrine or preaching for by a speciall part of the doctrine which is exhortation he vnderstandes the whole and that because all doctrin ends in exhorting Exhortation is the cōclusion of all doctrine exhortation sayeth he was not with deceat with vncleannes nor with guile that is to say was not with any kind of fainednes neither in substance of doctrin which is called deceat false doctrine deceiues Neither in affection in vttering the Gospell which is called vncleannesse neither in the manner of delyuerie which here is called guile In a word our exhortation was voide of all sort of vnsinceritie no part was simulate Marke the lesson on this verse Ye see here this meeting the Apostle makes to the verie thoght of the heart and to the opinion they might haue conceyued that he was not sincere in doctrine vtters plainlie that there is oft-tymes a verie opinion and suspition in the heartes of the hearers that there is vnsinceritie in the teacher in delyuering the doctrine and this will make such a doubt in the heart that it will hinder edification and faith And therefore the teacher had much neede to take head to himselfe in teaching to his affection and to eschew all sort of vncleannesse if it were but in his thoght and affections before he speake he should striue to get a sanctifyed heart and in word let him meete the verie thoght and suspition of the people to remoue all blame of vnsinceritie in preaching and vttering the Gospell that edification and faith may increase His end in preaching is faith that the people may beleeue and be edified Let him therefore put away all occasions that may stay the edification of the people that the worke and building may goe vp and faith may grow Then secondlie ye se there are sundrie sorts of vnsinceritie A man may be vnsincere in teaching many wayes he may teache and yet teache false doctrine he may be vnsincere in his heart in teaching he may be vasincere in delyuering and thereby deceyue thee And there is none of these wayes but they will stay edification if the people take a suspition if it were of an vnsinceritie of the heart it will stay the worke And therefore in all manner of way the teacher should striue to be sincere in vttering the Gospell that if there be any stop it may be in him that heares and not in him who teaches for if the preachers stryue not for his part to sinceritie and the people for their
of the Gospell Farther ye may perceiue in the person of Paul and his example who was in such neede as he Albeit he was the Apostle of Christ he was pinched in his bellie 2. Corinth chap. 11. verse 27. I haue sayes he beene oft in hunger oft in thirst oft in nakednesse oft in fasting and Philippians chapter 4. vers 12. I haue learned to be hungrie Then vve see by the example of Paul God vvill let them vvhome he loues best oft tymes want their necessities Measure not the grace of God by his outvvarde dealing vvith his he vvill let his ovvne be as hungrie as naked as anie other And againe learne in the example of Paul the remedie hovv a man that vvants shall supplie his vvant Paul vvanted vvhat refuge had he He biddes thee not goe steale nor reaue from them that haue Labour remedie of vvant Thou vvho art able to vvorke he biddes thee not goe begge hast thou hands canst thou delue man canst thou keepe ●heepe hast thou learned any craft labour with thy hands as Paul did Rather ere thou begge goe to the vyldest labor in the world Idle raskals in this countrie their labour all the day is crying and begging Alas it is a shame vvhen a stranger sets his foot in Scotland to see this great misorder and that shamelesse begging Then there is the remedie labour O but thou wilt say I am a gentle man a Lords son a gentle-mans son it is shame to me to put my hand to vvorke fyle thy hands or perchance thou wilt be hanged if thou wer a lords son go to the vyldest exercise that is ere thou be idle thou glorifies God in thy doing labouring but in idlenes thou glorifies not God if thou be going at the pleugh thou glorifies God Eate thy bread vvith the sweat of thy browes otherwise it shall not do thee good thou who lyes on other mens labors thou eats and drinkes their bloude Woulde to God this matter could be mended aswel as it is lamented alas that there is no remedie for idlenesse Now when he labours wherefore labours he for himselfe onelie ' no brethren euen to releeue the Thessalonians that he should not be burden some to them Paul saies Eph. 4. 28. He that steales let him steale no more Alas it is ouer long to liue one day in theft but goe and vvork vvith his hands not to himselfe onelie but also to helpe others There are none that are bound to labour but they are bound for the sustenance of others Thy labor is nothing worth if thou keepe all to thy selfe put it all in thy owne bellie Now ye haue heard two of the arguments whereby he testifies his loue he bare to them The third argument whereby he testifies that loue and affection he bare to them is not from this or that particulare but from his whole life conuersation 〈…〉 an argument of 〈◊〉 ye are vvitnesses hovv I liued among gou sholilie to my God iustlie to my neighbour and then hovv vnblameable which followes on the other tvvo he who is holie to God and just to his neighbour there is no blame in him A man that loues be he pastor or be what he will he will showe his loue in going before others in a godlie life and conuersation In his life and conuersation he wil be an example to others and he liues not without vvitnes in the worlde when thou goest out the way the eyes of manie are vpon thee goest thou out like a murtherer many followe thee goest thou out like a thiefe an harlote● a number followes thee and shall breake their necks on thee Againe a louing pastor will manifest his loue especiallie in going out before his flocke in an holie life and these that haue not an holie life I will not say they haue loue I will not say that the murtherer hath loue no not to his owne wife and children and he is but a stumbling blocke to all them that looke on him An harlote hes no loue she is but a stumbling blocke would haue al the world to follow her these are destroyers of the building that shoulde be builded on Christ woe to the destroyer of the Church of Christ This is to be marked thou wilt not liue without vvitnesses in the world liue as well as thou wilt Paul had vvitnesses of his life and manner of conuersation God was vvitnes and men were witnesses ye are vvitnesses and God 〈◊〉 vvitnes There are two things in a mans conuersation the one within the inward sinceritie of the heart an other without the outward behauior and doing Therefore he must haue two witnesses The heart none can see but God and therefore he is witnesse to it the outward actions men may be witnesses to them The whole actions of man are seene by God and man God sees within men sees without both these witnesses are requisit● for if you haue not the approbation of God al thy approbatiō of men serues for nothing who can allow when God dislikes So thou who can not nor dare not say Lord be witnesse to my sincere heart thou hast no witnesse of God Againe it is needfull that the consciences of men among whom we liue in this worlde should geue vs a testimonie of a goode life if thou laikes the testimonie of men thou laikes an approbation thou shouldest haue and Paul euer seeks the approbation of men and appeales their consciences The worde in the end of the verse is to be marked Among you that beleeue That is you that are faithful he takes the approbation of the faithfull It is faith that decernes it is the eye of faith that sees good and euill and not the eye of the bodie The faithlesse man if he were neuer so quick can not take vp holinesse if he be faithlesse he can not decerne betweene the holie and vnholie This will be his discretion the best man he will judge him worst and the worst man he will judge him best And therefore with Paul let no man take him to the approbation of wicked men but let him rejoice when wicked men speake euill of him but take him to the approbat on of good men The approbation of an vnsanctified bodie is of no valour The true approbation is onelie of God and of these who hes faith to take vp the trueth of good and euill Now the last argument that testifies of this loue it is in such things as concernes his calling namelie in exhorting comforting Faithful 〈…〉 beseeching There are thre named vnder the which thre are cōprehended the whole dueties of the Pastor as the other duety was in doing so this is in speaking and not onelie must the Pastor speak priuatlie but openlie and not onlie openlie but priuatlie Wel then a louing Pastor wil not be dumbe a dumbe Pastor is nothing worth but as Paul makes the comparison he must be as a father teaching his sonnes standing in the midst of
vp their hand the fathers slay the Prophets the children slay the Lord then the Apostles Ere I goe forvvard marke this iniquitie in●●ietie vngodlines when once it enters in anie familie or clan in any race of men in the vvorld howe hard a thing it is to get it out againe Oft times when the fathers begin with it it followes on so vpon the whole race of them that it makes an end of them and their race both Beginnest thou that art a father thy sonne and thy vvhole posteritie vvill follow while in end the judgement of God light and destroy all together Is the father a murtherer and slew he one the sonne will double it and so forth of other vices and then the Lord throwes dovvne the house and cuttes off all the generation And the Lord did so vvith these Ievves It is said in the second command that the Lord visites the th●●d fourth generation of them that hate him What is the gro●nde of this because the iniquitie of the fathers is driuen to the children to the thrid and fourth generation Therefore the vengeance of God lights on all Ye fathers therefore take head to your selues and purge you frō iniquitie for if ye be carelesse of your selues the vengeance of God shall be on you and your children both The example of the Iewes might be a spectacle to al the world the verie iniquitie proceeding from the fathers to the sonnes till all were cutted off might nowe suffice to exhort all fathers to leaue sinne as they woulde not be destroyed and their vvhole race after them Marke an other thing heere There is nothing that can not content this people there is no kinde of message that can please them First the Lord sends Prophets to them then he s●ids his Sonne as it is said in the parable that they might reuerence him Matt. 21. 37. Last he sends the Apostles his seruants and they are as rigorous against them as they could so no sort of message could content them 〈◊〉 Act. 7. 51. layes downe the ground of this Persecuters malice euer against the light of the spirite 〈…〉 So there is the ground because all come with the light of the holie Spirite therefore they persecuted all The malice of a persecuter is euer against the light of the Spirite of God So let euerie man be sure so long as the Spirite of light is there must euer be persecution Had I an other man will the prophaine man say I would heare him No if thou hast this hatred of the light of the spirite in thy heart if Paul should come and preach thou vvouldst persecute him yea if Christ him selfe should come in proper person thou wouldst persecute him take therefore head not so much to the preacher as to thine owne heart if thou hast the loue of the light the preacher can not be disliked by thee and by the contrair if thou hast not the loue of the light thou wilt persecute all that come to thee This for the thrid point of their dittay Now comes on the fourth part of their dittay God ●hey please 〈◊〉 This followes the other three The slaying of the Lord the slaying of his Prophets and the persecuting of his Apostles They that slew the Lord and his Prophetes and persecuted the Apostles How could they please God that was the sender of them And so in these wordes he takes off the couer of their faces For these malicious Iewes when they were doing all this euill they boasted of themselues they pleased God they wer his people saying We are the Church and all these are enemies to God Paul pulles off this couer and he showes that they in doing of this were nothing but enemies to God Ye knowe in these dayes men will come in and say It is we that are the true Church it is we who are seruing God aright and in the meane tyme they will be persecuting burning ●ormenting the children of God But what are they will ye haue them deciphered they are enemies to God the Pope is the Antichrist and this shall be ratified in that great day But to let them alone there are many amongst our selues who will ay be doing euill and are enemies to God for thou that art an enemie to his seruants thou pleases not God for heere is a ground There is no glorifying of the Lord but in his ministrie Contemne thou this ministrie by little and little in end thou shalt be an enemie to God if thou hadst sworne the contrair If thou seuere the glorie of God and this ministrie and be a contemner of it thou shalt neuer be glorified of God Ye haue heard foure pointes of their dittay Now to come to the fift They are contrai● to all men Iew and Gentile This is a consequent of the first three slayers of the Lord and of his Prophets persecuters of the Apostles pastors they are enemies to the saluation of all mankinde 〈◊〉 what they wil enemies to the seruants of God to the ministrie 〈…〉 which saluation is wrought and without it thou shalt neuer obtaine saluation nor see the face of God they are enemies to all mankindes saluation Come to the last point of their dittay They forbid vs to speak to the Gentiles they are enemies to the saluation of the Gentiles that by our ministrie shoulde be wonne to God and to his Church the porple-wall is broken down that did hold out the Gentiles before yet they wil hold thē out of the fold There are sundrie sortes of Iewes that hindered the saluation of men there is one sort of them that vvould not suffer Christ to be preached to the Gentiles at all but euer raised vp sedition to impead that vvorke Of these ye may read in the 13. of the Acts. There was another sort of the Iewes that suffered the Gospel to be preached to the Gentiles but added to it circumcision and the law of Moses of whom read Act. 15. The first sort is worst Now the Apostle heere meanes chieflie of this first sort who as the Lord himselfe sayes vvould neither enter them selues into the kingdome of heauē nor suffer others to enter For this is a sure thing euen as a man that hes gotten his own heart enlightned by the loue of the trueth would haue that light to be imparted to all the world and wishes from his heart that all were partakers of it as Paul wished to Agrippa and the rest that heard him that they were lyke vnto him sauing his bondes Acts 26. 29. Well had they bene thogh they had bene chainde to haue had the light of Iesus yet he puts to these wordes for reuerence cause sauing these bandes Euen so a man who hes the hatred of the trueth and light he would haue all the world blinded as he is he woulde haue all mouthes closed as his mouth is closed that neuer man should name Christ to the world He would haue all eyes put out that neuer
a man might see one jote In a word he that is in Heauen translated out of this darknesse of nature he woulde haue all in Heauen with him And by the contrair He that is yet in darknesse and so in Hell he would haue all with him So looke what condition the man is of he would haue all lyke to him Therefore I will neuer thinke well of men that impeades the progresse of the Gospell of Christ they argue what is within them for were this loue of the light within their hearts for all this worlde would they not hinder the progresse of the Gospel Alas ye shall finde this ouer true in the end woe woe to them that hinders the planting of the Gospell Alas if there were this loue of the light in their hearts there would not be so many churches vnplanted so many soules fuffred to perishe Now I draw to an end When he hes set down these six points of their dittay whereof the least is worthie damnation for what judgement must light on the slayers of the Lord of the Prophets and Apostles He sets down the end of all that euer they should I fill out their sinnes As though he said they are euer exercised this vvay to this end that the measure of their sins should be filled out and then the judgement should ouertake them This is the end of the counsell of God They had an other end But to make this plaine all things fall out to man by measure vvhole the fulnes come All thinges that fall as it vvere out of Heauen out of the counsell of God vpon men fall in a measure and in a quantitie The grace of God in Iesus Christ is giuon in a measure to euerie one Ephes● 4. 7. The afflictions of the godlie is giuen in a measure and peece and peece this measure is filled out vntill it come to the heape and then the affliction shall cease The filling of them did begin at the creation and Abell felt them first and euer since the measure of them hes beene incressing vntill it came to Iesus and he tooke an heauier vveight of affliction vpon him nor euer was before him Yet the measure of the afflictions of the Church is not filled out In comes the Apostles and they get their part after them comes the Pastores and they get their part and enerie persone that is in Christ gets his part and so euerie one hes his ovvne burdene So long as the world shall stand this measure shall be in filling out when it shall be full the world shall fail and the pillers of it shall be cutted and an end shall be put to all teares Reuel 21. 4. This measure is long in filling It did begin soone it must be 〈◊〉 out sayes 〈…〉 1. Epist 5. 9. So euerie one hes his owne part Likewise some goe by a measure and since the beginning this measure hes beene in filling euerie age hes casten to their their owne part It is not one age that hath ●●lled vp the measure of sinne but euerie generation hes casten to the ovvne part to fill vp sinne and in this age euerie one is bearing their arme-fall and burdene of sinne he vvith murther the with harlotrie and he with oppression and persecution and he comes in with blasphemie yet the cup is not full and the measure of sinne shall not be filled vp so long as the worlde doeth stand When the father dies the sonne will liue to fill out this measure he makes his testament yet the sin is not filled vp but the thing he could not doe himselfe he bids his sonne do it and he will say to his sonne Sonne I could not get this man slaine nor this euill deed nor that euill deed ouertaken if I had liued I should haue done this or that doe thou therefore that I coulde not do So doe the Iewes and therefore the Lord sayes Fill out the measure of your fathers sinnes Matt. 23. 32. Now when this measure is full the vvorld shall take an end and all shall fall down but vvoe is the sinner and vvell is the godlie for the sinner shall be destroyed for euer and the afflicted bodie shall finde saluation Take head There are none that knovve when this measure shall be filled out but he who in his vnsearchable counsell hes appointed this measure of sinne that is God I know it not thou knovvest it not and therefore it is ouer presiumptuous a thing when thou seest a man i● sin to say this man hath filled the measure of sinne for it may be the Lord will let him hue to commit greater sinne And in deed it is a vvonder to consider the patience of God in suffering of sinne and so it is called the ri●hes of the ●enignitie of God Rom. 2. 4. And this should learne vs patience to sit still and abyde Gods leasure and glorifie him Farther this vvould be marked heere there are sundrie measures of sinne one of all the wicked that euer vvas is or shall be to the end an other is of any certaine nation or countie as of the Ievves heere the thrid is of the particulare persone vvhereof Paul speakes Act. 3. 10. And in lyke manner vve may consider the same measure of grace There is now the dittay Will ye heare the doome the vvrath of God is come on them to the vtmost As he would say the vvrath of God ouertooke them long since It holdes on and shall holde on vntill it bring them to a miserable end There is the doome and judgement It is set dovvne as a cause of the filling vp of their sinne Proportiō betvvene vvraith sinne because the wrath of God leaues them not When once Gods wrath begins to light on a bodie that bodie will neuer doe a good turne but sinne on still vntill in end the vvrath light on him and bea●e ●ut all his b●aines And againe when once God beginnes to looke on a creature vvith a fauourable eye that creature will be exercised in vvell doing for it is the mercifull face of God that makes the man to doe vvell And for this cause it is said that God hated Esau and therefore he neuer did a goode turne and againe he loued Iacob and therefore hee did all to pleasure his God All serues to this end that men and vvemen should seeke to stand in the fauour of God seeke tokens of his loue And on the other part seeke to be free of the vvrath of God for if it possesse thee thou shalt doe nothing but sinne vnder it and as thou sinnest vvraith after vvraith shall follovv on thee vntill it come to an height and then it shall be heaped on thee to thy euerlasting destruction vvhen thou art crying peace peace the vvrath of God vvill come on tumbling on thee as a Mountaine as vvas seene on these Ievves fourtie yeeres after this Novv to end The Lord giue vs euer grace to seeke to be vnder his fauourable
He sayes all this joy is before God All ioy in the face of Iesus all the joy that the heart conceyues is in the sight of God and in his presence it is all in the sight of christ No libertie sayes Paul but when the heart is turned to God and laid oppin to him 1. Cor. 3. 16. 17. No no light of the knowledge of the glorie of God but in the face of Iesus Christ 2. Cor. 46. No sacretie of joy but in his countenance sayes Da●●d Psal 16. 11. And Peter in his 1. Epist 7. 8. sayes that beleeuing in Iesus and keeping him in our presence vve reioyce vvith a ioy vnspeak 〈◊〉 and glorious So no joye for thee except thy eye be fixt in some measure on the face of Iesus Looke not for it turne thou thy back to him and thy face from him no joy for thee if thou were all the Monarches in the earth No no joye peace nor tranquillitie of conscience but in the face of God And therfore who euer would haue joy and rejoyce and be glad in heart in this world let him cast an eye on Christ and be humelie with him for his face is joyfull And what is all this joy we conceyue in heart but as little sparkles of the plenitude and fulnesse of that heauenlie joy in Christ all proceedes as blenks from it Experience teaches vs that neither by day nor night can the soule rejoyce but when it hes the presence of the liuing God in the face of Christ for there is no sight of him but in Christ Now last I gather of all this He can not thanke the Lord eneugh for their perseuerance Then all perseuerance in faith and loue comes of God if thanks must be giuen to God for it of necessitie it must follow that God is the giuer of it and therefore it is a vaine tale to say that mans perseuerance is in his owne hand he has a free will he may stand if he will he may fall if he will All is vanitie all our standing is onelie in God if he holde vs in his hand we shall stand if he pull away his hand we shall fal therefore seeke at God that we may stand and perseuere for without him we shal not stand one moment euerie one who stands is bound to praise him who is the author of all perseuerance So brethren by Pauls example a Pastor when he sees his flock perseuere in the faith of Christ aboue all men he is bound to praise God Now to the next verse shortlie As he hes showen he thanked God for that grace they haue gotten and the joy he had conceiued of it so he addes to and showes that as he thanked he prayed and asked more Prayed how long Night and day After what maner Excedinglie vvith all feruen●●e To whom pra●es lie to God the Father and his Sonne Christ. What prayed he that he night see their face And to what end ha● he might accomplish that vvhich is looking in their faith That is the effect of his prayer So the Apostle vvould haue prayer continualie joy●ed with thankes-giuing And there is not so great matter of thankes-giuing for the grace which is receiued and for the joy that ry●es of the grace Prayer should be ioyned vvith thankesgiuing but yet there rests great neede to seeke more grace and more joy So long as we liue heere there is ay a want and inla●k in the best liuer in this world Faith is not perfite heere Reg●nerat on newnes of life is not perfite heere no perfection in this life and they who haue come farthest toward that glorious face of God yet they are farre from the marke Albeit thou hast run before others yet so long as thou liuest here thou art far frō the mark and therefore night and day thou must ask grace and furtherance say Lord further me fil out the grace it is not ful yet Lord the thankes-giuing is not full yea the faith is not perfite Lord fill it out Lord augment that heauenlie life in me Now behold the maner of his prayer and his continuance of it He sayes he prayed night and day instantlie After what maner Not coldlie but feruenthe with exceeding great earnestnes in praying So ye see Paul hes bene a man much exercised in praier partlie for himselfe partly for others And certainelie a Minister in his calling should be much exercised in prayer not for himselfe onlie but for the people he hes adoe with night and day Prayer 〈…〉 and not for the fashion but with feruencie Then note two properties in praier The first in respect of the tyme Praier would haue a instantnesse and continuance 〈◊〉 must not be one word and away no but it must be 〈…〉 night and day Then againe Prayer would haue an 〈…〉 Be instant in tyme be feruent and earnest 〈…〉 if it haue not feruencie it is little we use it is 〈…〉 on seem morning to euening 〈◊〉 thy beeds without 〈…〉 in the heart al is vaine Then againe feruencie without 〈◊〉 is but a vaine blast and will blaw away So if thou wouldst pray to God and vvo●ldst haue him to heare thee for he of purpose holdes backe his eye to make thee instant and earnest pray earnestlie and not for the fashion And when thou commest before that Majestie present thy selfe with an ardent desire of that that thou crauest wilt thou compeare before him and not desire that thing thou crauest ' so thou scornest him Novv the th●●d thinge in this verse is that he might see their face and that to this end that he might fill out that which vvas inlacking in their faith It may be demanded Coulde not their faith be supplyed without Paule that is vvithout his ministrie was it not eneugh that Paul had once grounded them in their faith and reuealed to them the counsell of God No marke this No increase no growing in the faith of Iesus Christ without this ministrie In plaine wordes contemnest thou it thou shalt neuer grow one inche in faith but thou shalt goe backward It is true it is God that giues thee the increase and growth Increase of faith onelie by the ministrie 1. Cor. 3. 7. but it is as true he giues no growth in faith and grace but by the ministry God giues the growth to the corne but if the corne be not wattred vvith raine which is the ordinarie meane thereto the corne will not grow So if thou be not continuallie wattred with this ministrie thou shalt not growe I saye ordinarelie and not extraordinarelie The Lord let vs see the miserable estate vve are into through contempt of the ordinare meane that the Lord hes appointed Paul Ephes 4. 11. sayes When the Lord past vp to heauen he gaue some to be Apostles some to be Prophets c. And how long is it needfull that this ministrie shold abide with thee for a day a month a yeere or twentie yeeres
No it is not eneugh but it must abide with thee ay vntill thy breath go out and vntil thou giuest vp the last gaspe thou hast ay neede of the gospell Therefore the Apostle in that place he limites the time vvhile ye come altogether to the vnitie of the faith and vnto the perfite man in Christ When commest thou to that perfite man Not so long as life is in thy lippe So thou hast need of the ministrie so long as thou liuest But in deede when all thy senses goe away when speaking and hearing go away then the ministrie leaues thee thou feellest a sense of these things that thou heardst before but if thou lay not to thine eare to heare in time thou shalt neuer see them Brethren ye will wonder at this earnest desyre he had to see them Might not the sending of Timothie and wryting of this Epistle satisfie him No he thinkes he can not doe them that goode that he would vntill he see them and speake them and that for this purpose to fill out then faith Well brethren when once Sathan gets a seuering of the pastor from the people it is hard to get them together againe Do what Paul could do he could not meete with these Thessalonians For he sayes Sathan held him away when he would haue bene at them Then ye see the remedie against Sathan to stay his course is prayer and instant prayer night and day Presence of the Pastor verie povverful But to the purpose There is much in the presence of him who hes the grace of God in him for augmenting the faith and grace of God in men his message will do much but his presence will do more the lyuelie voice of man vvill be more effectuall nor the written word will be his presence will edifie more nor his letter And so it is no small matter to haue the presence of a man that is gratious Paul knew this well and therefore he is so instant in praying to haue their presence If the Lord hes chosen out a man to win soules there is nothing in that man but it will edifie his tongue his eye his behauiour his countenance all will edifie and further men to Christ Novv in the second part of this text he falles out in a prayer There are thre parts thereof The first part is that yet God the Father and the Lord Iesus should direct his journey tovvard them that he would giue him that grace to see them and haue that mutuall presence Then when he is speaking of the prayer he vsed to God looke what fell out Showing them he vsed to pray instantlie for them in the meane tyme he leaues off this narratiue and he bursts out in prayer to God There is a sodaine change Now take head If that earnestnesse and feruencie to pray be in the heart the least occasion in the world wil walken it vp and make a man hold vp his hands and fall on his knees immediatlie The verie name of ardent prayer vvill raise him vp to prayer for as of the aboundance of the heart the mouth speakes so the words in the mouth will walken the heart if there be anie spark of grace in it and the hart being walkned the mouth will fall out immediatly to prayer Looke to thy heart mouth both Looke that thy heart be filled with God looke that godly speaches be in thy mouth for certainlie as thou speakest so thou vvalknest the heart speake well a good affection will rise in thy hart speak euil a foul affection wil rise in thy hart and thy words shall be as bellowes to blow vp thine owne heart and the hearts of them that knovv the sinne and vncleannesse To the purpose he prayed to whom To God the Father To whom next To Iesus Christ the Lord. He giues them both their owne styles Christ hes bought vs vvith his bloude and so hee is our Lord and wee his seruanes And the Apostle sayes For this cause is Christ risen againe that he should haue 〈◊〉 ouer all creatures Rom. 14. 9. Nowe brethren marke their styles more narrowlie and shortlie God is a name of majestie but Father is a name of loue Paul vses to set downe the majestie of God vvith loue to cause vs to imbrace it This style the Lord is a style of superioritie dominion The style then that Paul vses telles you what disposition was in his heart in praying he spoke to a Majestie he spoke to a Lord therefore reuerence was in his heart He spoke to a louing father Disposition of the heart in prayer therefore loue and homelines was in his heart This telles vs vvhat disposition shoulde be in our hearts is when vve speake to God In prayer thy heart shoulde be disposed with feare and reuerence with loue and homelines Reuerence and feare would not be allone for then it were a seruile feare Loue and homelines woulde not be allone for then thou wouldst grow in contempt So joyne together homelines and feare loue and reuerence and then in exceeding sweetnes shall follow And this was 〈◊〉 fashion and the fashion of all the godlie fathers and this should be our fashion in prayer Looke the persones he directs his prayer not to prayes not to the father allone nor to the Sonne 〈◊〉 allone he prayes God the Father 〈◊〉 Iesus Christ 〈◊〉 Lord. What showes this to vs If there were no other place in the Scripture yet this declares ●●sufficientlie vnto vs Iesus the mediator is equal with God the father else 〈◊〉 had neuer prayed to him joyned him with that glorious Majestie of the Father Now to open this more plainelie to you The Father and the Sonne are one in nature essence and substance next as they are one in nature Iesus eternall God so both their doing is but one that that the father does the sonne does and that that the sonne does the father does also In Iohn he sayes My Father vvorkes to this day and I vvorke vvith him Iohn 5. 17. Farther the Father vvorkes with the Sonne when he is incarnate cled with our nature and Iesus Christ God and man being in our nature workes together with the Father and the Father giues vs all the graces out of the fleshlie hand of Christ the man all the goodnesse that flovves to thee it flowes through the vaile of the man-hood of Christ Looke their thou seuere not Christ and his Father and look that all thy duetie thou doest to them be a common duetie beleeuest thou in the one beleeue in the other Ioh. 14. 1. Praiest thou to the one pray to the other seruest thou and glorifies thou on● glorifie and serue both together honor euer the Father and the Son together for if thou seuer the Sonne from the Father or the nature of the man from the Sonne Father nor Son shall doe thee no good For when thou praiest to the Father seuering him from Christ as the Iewes do or to Iesus seuering
him from our nature thou drawest down a plague in stead of a blessing Then joyne all together in prayer Pray to God the Father and the Son manifested in our nature and looke in vnto God the Father throgh the Sonne Then he prayes to the Father and to the Sonne What seekes he In the first part of his praier he seeks that his iourney should be directed to the. Thessalonians Prouerb cha 16. vers 9. The heart of man vvill dispone his ovvne vvay but God vvill direct his steps Man will say I will byde heere to morrow and there other morrovv and he vvill be at the fire side and no thought of God who hes the journey in his hand Man dispones his waies but God directs them Without God when thou hast taken all thy purposes thou hast not a foote to lift to doe them and if he giue thee leaue to lift thy foote vvithout him and not knovving him thou shalt not be able to set down thy foote in the hie way a curse shall be on thee and thou shalt runne and ride to destruction and either thou shalt goe back or else goe to this side or that side and not in the right vvay Brethren vvaite ye not what ye haue to doe When thou takest any journey in hand thou wilt not come to the doore so soone in the morning but the Deuill vvill meete thee and if Gods Angell doe not conuoye thee the Deuill vvill conuoy thee Alas haue ye adoe vvith fleshe and bloode onelie vvill ye not looke to him vvho is working aboue All this telles vs that we should hang on that holie will God which is the rule of all our doing Paul sayes Romanes 15. 32. I vvould be at you if by any meane the vvill of God vvill permit Men vses this prophainnes●e in speaking as Iames sayes 4. 13. 24. I vvill goe to 〈◊〉 and buy and sell c. But he sayes to the what art thou doing hast thou thy journey in thy owne hand thy lyfe is vncertaine I say farther then Iames. Suppose thou liue vvhat if he giue thee not legges to trauell with and suppose he giue thee legges what if he curse thy journey and send Satan in the way All this learnes vs to haue God before vs and depend vpon him and to speake with houes ●f it please God I vvill doe this or that Alwayes I submit my selfe to his holie vvill knovving that vvhether I goe or byde all shall be to my well and comfort Hang on God for there is no prosperous succes except thou striue to haue an hart lifted vp to God in all thy doinges For all this vvorld vvill vanishe avvay but to him who depends on God what euer falles out al comes for the best This is the rule of the Apostle Now the second part of the Prayer is Seing he can not come to them as he vvould he prayes to God the Father and to the Sonne the Lord Iesus Christ that those thinges he could not get done by his prefence the Lord wil do them in his absencer that is That the Lord vvold make them abound in loue and charitie first among them selues and then among all men The example he giues is euen as I loued you Then when thou canst not get that which first thou wouldst haue leaue not off to pray for the next best There are many that when they pray for any thing and cannot get it they leaue off all praying No but vvhen thou canst not get that first thing thou prayest for pray for the second it may be if thou get not the first thou shalt get the second and well is the soule that gets any peece of grace So vvhen one thing failes thee Loue the gift of god o●ely seeke an other and neuer leaue off suting Then he prayes for loue and charitie Alas for loue and charitie in this age fare well loue thou hast gone away out of Scotland There is a vaine name of faith among vs he beleeues and she beleeues but loue vvhich is the true vvitnesse of faith is gone Fare vvell loue These are the latter dayes all loue is dead But to the purpose Ye see that he begges loue from God to them Then it must follovve of necessitie As faith is the free gift onelie and grovves not in our foull stinking nature so loue and charitie is the gift of God and growes not in nature Thy loue by nature is a foull stincking selfe loue thou hast that rooted in thy heart thou wilt hate God and all the world for that loue and if thou ●akest a shovve of loue to any vvho is conjoyned to thee all it for thy selfe and not for Christ Thou wilt loue thy vvyfe and children but not for Christ but for thy selfe No sinceritie in that loue The Papist will say God commands vs to loue therefore it is in our owne hand to loue or not to loue Is this a faire argument But I reasone by the contraire out of this place Paul begges loue at God to them therefore it followes well loue is the gift of God onelie For if it were in nature whereto should I aske it from God Marke one rule It is a foolish thing to measure the commaund of God by the strength of nature and the strength of nature by the command of God and to reason God hes bidden me doe this therefore I haue free-vvill vvithin my selfe to doe it this reasoning will deceiue thee The Lord when he commaunds thee who stands in that Couenant made with vs in Christ with the verie command by his Spirite he workes in thy heart aboue nature the same thing he commaunds thee he workes that loue that he commaunds thee O the greatnesse of this loue of God Say Lord doe that thing in me thou bidst me doe bid me doe nothing Lord but that vvhich thou vvorkest in me for I can doe nothing without thee The Lord open mens eyes to see this The next thing is the measure of loue that he askes of God He seekes not loue in a small measure he seeks not little loue but aboundant loue Seeke euer these spirituall giftes in as great measure as thou canst seeke aboundance for thou canst not seek so much with thy mouth Measure of loue nor conceiue so much in thy heart as the Lord is able to giue thee His hand is larger nor thy heart and so be greedie of those spirituall graces and neuer leaue off to seeke or to begge till thou findst thy heart running ouer vvith grace full of loue full of knovvledge and light Paul to the Coloss 3. 16. prayes that the Lord would fill them vvith knovvledge Looke Ephes. 3. 10. 20. Col. 1. 9. For our perfection standes in abundance our glorie standes in fulnesse and our fulnesse goes forward degree by degree There is nothing in this life but a growing in faith in knowledge c we are neuer filled with loue knowledge c. but we must grow peece and peece
vve shall finde as many destroyed by deceit as by violence and a faire clocke of justice casten ouer deceite And in vvhat thing should they not circumveene In any manner of dealling or trafficking The Lord so long as it pleases him that we remaine in this worlde hes appointed a mutuall buying and selling otherwayes we could not liue and he hes ordained this buying and selling to be so that bothe the parties winne the buyer winne the seller-winne and he vvho blockes aright and deales vvithin his neighbour according to the word of God aright he vvill not be content to vvinne himselfe alone No the conscience of him will say and must say I vnderstand as I haue made my ovvne vauntage so shoulde my brother make his vauntage also But alas such is our selfe loue that vve can neuer thinke vve get aduauntage except our brother get losse Alas this sin is ouer much vsed in Scotland The Lord amend it The Lord is the auenger of sinne And if in blocking thou seeke not the aduauntage of thy neighbor that blocks with thee with thy aduantage thy aduantage shall be a curse to thee and thou shalt cursse the time that euer thou got that aduantage Whom should they not deceaue He sayes a brother Thou shouldst not beguyle any man neither Turke nor Pagane much more shouldst thou beware to beguile a Christian a brother or sister for I assure thee God will not see them wrongde The Lord that is thy master he vvill repaire the vvrong He that is made a brother to the first begotten of the Father the Lord vvill not see that brother vvrongde The Apostle 1. Corinth chap. 6. verse 8. settes dovvne that matter as a great indignitie saying Ye doe injurie ye doe hurt to your brother and them vvho hes giuen their names to Christ ye shame your selues to beguyle your brethren But to open the matter more deeplie There are manie conjunctiones the Lorde hes ordained to be among men as of bloude affinity ciuile societie c. and euerie one of these conjunctiones oblishes them to do no wrong to that person with whom they are conjoined But when this Christian conjunction commes in in our elder brother Christ when we are all members of one bodie in one head Christ not sundrie bodies as brethren on earth are this conjunction aboue all conjunctiones bindes me and thee to deale truelie in anie blocke vve haue vvith our brother So vvhen thou art dealing vvith anie man say this vvith thy selfe he with vvhom I deale is my brother and a member of that bodie of Christ and therefore farre be it from me to deceyue him Alas if men coulde thinke on this at their blocking that they vse to deale vvith a brother in Christ and member of that bodie for all the vvorlde they vvoulde not set themselues to beguile their brother Many testifies by their deceite they are not brethren in this bodie for if they vvere brethren indeed for all the world they vvoulde not deceaue them Novv there is heere another thing I see among all conjunctiones that euer hes beene in any societie or conjunction in this earth the most powerfull conjunction to keep men together in one societie and mutuall loue and concord is this spirituall conjunction of vs in the Lord All the lawes and conjunctions that euer hes been in any commonwel since the beginning are not so powerfull to keepe men in societie as this conjunction we haue together in one head Marke it I tell you if men and wemen be not joined together in one head by a spirituall vnion it may be there be a face of vnitie in the Countrie but no societie and sinceritie in loue except the Lord be the binder and conjoiner together no true conjunction If Christ be not the conjoyner and the binder of the man with the wife the father with the sonne no true conjunction I will not say that that Romane and Grecian Common-well that had no part in God through Iesus Christ had euer any true conjunction or sinceritie in loue No sinceritie in concorde but that that is made vp in Iesus the Lord when we runne all in to be members of one bodie and he sitting and joyning vs altogether as peeces of that bodie then there will be a sweete conjunction Alas ye see this sweete harmonie and vnitie is not among people yea alas among them that professes Christianitie greater outcasts nor among Turkes The cause is there are manie and ouer manie that call themselues Christians and takes vpon them to be in the bodie that hes no part in Iesus and hes nothing adoe with him It is shame that they should take this name vpon them for it is true if thou wert a true member of that bodie thou wouldst not seuere thy selfe from the rest of the bodie by thy murther oppression deceit c. These homicides and murtherers does testifie men and wemen are not truelie conjoyned in this bodie but keepes the name of Christianitie without effect Now he casts to one reason of these two thinges saying God is the an●●ger of all such thinges bothe of deceitfulusse and oppression The reason is terrible and it telles vs God sees all and teaches vs that in this rinke to Heauen if we be not hedged in with terrors yea the best of vs with terrors on this side and terrors on that side we will runne out of the way And therefore as God hes appointed faire promises to exhort men to goe forward saying Goe forward thou shalt get a faire Crowne So on the other part knowing faire promises will not doe the turne he threatens judgements saying Goe thou out of the way my vengence shall ouertake thee yea he does more nor this and casts in greater terrors he knowes that wordes will not doe the turne whiles he takes an harlote as it were by the neck and and in the sight of the world he will teare him in peeces and let men see that the vengence of God followes on sin and wil strike him with such a sodaine death that men will feare to doe the like We see daily such experience of Gods judgements whiles he vvill take an oppressour vvho hes oppressed men in this world and wil tred on him with his feet to terrifie the world and this is his daily doing in this world Now taking this man and that woman now and then punishing them to let the world see that punishment is for sinne and sin craues judgement yea and let them see there is a day of judgement comming when he wil tak soule and bodie and cast them into hel For these temporall judgements are but as many tokens to tell vs there is a day comming when all oddes shall be made euen When ye see a man plagued temporallie stand not there but thinke on the last punishment vnlesse repentance interueene Ye will maruell when ye see a man running in wickednesse that the Lord in our sight instantlie strikes him not No knowe
affirme if there be not a better meeting and greater care to reuerence this calling and to loue and honour it and to prouyde sustentation for them that laboures the eyes of our posteriue shall see this Ministry decay It is going away Men beleeues it is well if they get the teyndes If the Lord and Laird get the teyndes Teinds he will indent and subscryue all with you But either must these things be redressed or else certainly there shall be a decay and then farewell all grace Shame and confusion to Scotland Trowes Scotland that the common-well shall floorishe or that the estate shall be good if this Ministrie goe away No there shall be nothing but desolation If they were heere to whom this matter and this admonition pertaines I woulde charge them in the name of God that they would show a better meeting to entertaine this Gospell or else shame shall ouertake them Now this farre as the wordes of the text furnishes to me I haue spoken of the duety of the people Nowe there is another precept added to this exhorting to peace Peace cōmanded Be at peace sayes he among your selues This is agenerall precept giuen to Ministers to people and to all men commaunding peace loue vnitie and concord of mynde This is the fountaine of other graces She goes before vs as a mother other graces as children followe her If she goe not before no following of graces Where peace is there is grace where peace is not there is no grace And therefore Paul first to Tim. chap. 2. verse 1 sayes Pray for Kings for what end that vve may lead a quyet and a peaceable lyfe in all godlinesse and honestie Where he meanes where peace is these two followes godlinesse which is the ground of the first table and honestie which is the ground of the second table Where peace goes avvay farevvell these tvvo Will ye looke to your ovvne families if there be not peace betvveen the Husband and the Wyfe tell me what grace can be in the familie tell me can godlinesse can grace be in the familie vvhere there is nothing but stryfe and enuy can common honestie be there No no grace Go to a Cittie where there is nothing but dissention can therebe grace godlines or honesty there Goe to a Kingdom or common-well where a Kingdom is rent in peeces can there be grace holinesse or honestie there So it is the peace in Iesus Christ vvhich is the mother and conquerour of all graces where the hearts of men and wemen are bound vp in peace there is floorishing either in Citty or houshold But yet vvhat peace should this be Wherein standes it It stands not in a faire vvord in a faire goode morrow nor in an outvvard behauiour or false fained smiling vvith thy mouth vvhen thou hast no loue in thy heart but this peace standes chieflie in the lenitie and conjunction of myndes and heartes Paul to the Eph. chap. 4. vers 3. sayes Studie to keepe the vnitie of the Spirit in the bond of peace where he earnestly recommends an vnion of myndes Paul to the Philippians in the 2. chap. vers 1. sayes If there be any consolation in Christ if any solace if any communion of the spirite if any bovvels of pittie fill vp my ioy and wherein standes it Be sayes he of lyke minde and affection There my joy let your affection be one haue one loue haue one minde dwell with all your soules together Ioyne so your hearts together as if they were one heart joyne your soules together and make vp one soule of all And as concerning your judgements he sayes be not of contrare opinions and judgementes There are some that euer delytes in contradiction When one will say one thing they will make a contradiction to it Now ye see wherein this peace stands and this is the peace that makes vp the Kingdom of God Paul sayes to the Romanes 14. 17. The Kingdom of God standes not in meate and drinke but in peace and righteousnesse tovvards God Indeed the Kingdom of men will be made vp of an outward counterfaite peace The Grecian Kingdom the Roman Impire stoode of an earthly peace but all vanitie the Kingdom of Christ is made vp of an vnitie of our soules knit together in Christ When our conscience is peaceable then our souls is knit to him Reade the 4. chapter to the Ephesians ye shall not finde so many arguments in no place as there to exhort men to vnitie There is sayes he but one bodie one spirite one hope of your vocation one Lord Iesus one faith one baptisme one God one Father of all Then if there be so many one thinges why should ye not be one Now the whole blessing of men standes in vnion Yea the blessednesse of God standes in an vnion the Father the Sonne and the holie Spirite vnited together in one God-hood The blessednesse of our nature standes in the vnion with our head Christ and in the vnion of the members among our selues Where this vnion is not there is nothing but miserie In the Kingdom of Heauen there is nothing but vnity by the contrare there is no peace in Hell If the father and the sonne goe to Hell together trow ye there shall be any loue betweene them No nothing but inuy all inuy and hatred is among the Deuils all peace and vnity is in God who drawes the soules of men and wemen together and makes one soule as it were in that glorious bodie of Christ The Lord giue vs this bond of vnitie and loue that we may be joyned with the rest of the members in one bodie to our head Iesus Christ To whom with the Father and the Spirite be immortall praise honour and glore world without end AMEN THE XXIII LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 5. vers 14. 15. 14 We desire you brethren admonish them that are vnruely comfort the feeble mynded beare vvith the vveake be patient tovvarde all men 15 See that none recompense euill for euill vnto any man but euer follovv that vvhich is good both tovvard your selues and tovvard all men WE goe forward brethren in these exhortations and preceptes concerning goode maners and godly conuersation vvhich the Apostle settes downe heere to the Thessalonians As for these whereof we haue alreadie spoken as that wakrifnesse that should be in them that sobernesse that spirituall armour vvherevvith they shold be armed concerning that mutuall exhortation euery one of them ought to other concerning that duetie that the flocke and the people ought to their Pastour concerning that mutuall peace that should be among them we speake nothing now recommending all to your memories who heard vs. Now in this text we haue reade presently first we haue three particulare directions concerning three estates of persones first concerning vnruely men secondly concerning feeble minded men and last concerning them that are infirme and vveake in saith vveake in the knovvledge
meddle not vvith it doe neuer thing vvith a doubting conscience And therefore I say to thee if thou doubt of the verie least thing that is good if thy conscience be not perswaded it is good doe it not● I say to thee it is better to doe the thing that is euill and haue a persvvasion in thy conscience that it is good nor to doe the thing that in it selfe is good if thy conscience thinke it euill If thou doe against thy conscience it is euer euill Doe neuer against conscience What euer is not of faith it is sinne if thou be not perswaded in conscience it is good if it vvere neuer so good it is sin to thee So if there lyes any suspition in thy hart of the doctrine that it is not altogether sound abstaine from it and meddle not vvith it As for other things any thing in the vvorld that hes appearance of euill Appearance of euill to be eshevved suppose it be not euill yet if it appeare to be euill touch it not meddle not with it If thy conscience tell thee this is sin on paine of thy lyfe doe it not Fight neuer with thy conscience what euer thou fight with suppose it be euill informed for it is sin If it seeme to thee to be euill meddle not with it More if it seeme to be euill to others namely to those that the Apostle calles vveake ones albeit thou be persvvaded of thy christian liberty yet for their sake that thou make them not doe contrare their conscience abstaine abstaine for their sake albeit not for thy owne sake from these things may offend their conscience as meate drinke c. Iude in his Epistle verse 23. goes further in this and sayes and hate euen the garment spotted by the flesh that is the outward coat that is spotted with sin touch not once the coat of sin Lay not thy finger to the outward slugh of it for it wil spot thee if thou lay thy finger on it Then brethren take it vp in one word Ye see here how ware men shold be of sin thou art bound to abstaine from it yea to hate and detest the very appearance of it the mowe of it let be the inward body of it Thou sinst when thou layest thy finger end on the coat of it Alas then how sinst thou when at all thy senses thou drinkst it in as it were water The murtherer drinks in bloud as it were water the harlote drinkes in harlotrie at all his senses as it were water If it be euill to allow of the appearance of it how great euill is it to take the whole bodie of sin in thy arme and lay it with pleasure to thy hart Neuer man will take thing so sweetly in their armes as men will take this viper of sin in their hart A murtherer can neuer be satiat with bloud an harlot can neuer be satiat with harlotrie A blasphemer can neuer be satiat vvith blaspheming Ye that would doe no euill the common word is doe no euill like abstaine from the hew and collour of it touch it not once let be to embrace or suffer it to reigne in thee Now brethren to go forward to that which followes In the last verse we haue red he● concludes the whole exhortations of this Epistle with a prayer to God I shal be short in it Novv saies he the God of peace sanctifie you throughout I pray God that ye may be keept in soule and bodie in sanctification to Christ Exhortation concluded vvith praier that is the effect of the words All his exhortation is to holinesse and sanctification For that is the generall he laid downe in the 4. chap. 3. vers This is the vvill of God euen your sanctification Now in the conclusion what does he He prayes What prayes he That the Lord would grant them that same thing he was exhorting them to He was exhorting them to sanctification and he praies God to giue them sanctification This is the Apostles fashion in other places to the Ephes 3. chap. 13. verse He beseches them to stand constant in the faith of Christ and faint not for his tribulation And then he subjoynes For this cause I hovv mykrees to the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ that ye grovv not faint So he exhortes them to constancie and he prayes God to giue them it Paul and the rest of the Apostles neuer exhorted any Church to sanctification to any good thing as though it had lyen in the handes of the people and Church to haue done it But in the meane tyme while he exhortes them he was perswadod that it behoued God to giue them grace to doe it and that it lay in the hands of God onely whether they should do it or not do it And therefore when he exhortes them to doe any thing he addes praier I beseech God to giue you the grace to do it The Papists thinks it lyes in the hands of a mans selfe to doe godd they euer extoll free will Fy ●n them it lyes not in the pow●r of fleshe and bloud to do any thing that is acceptable to God No it is a poisonable doctrin and this vanity they gather vpon these preceptes and exhortations If say they there were no power in mans hand why should the Lord command● it is vanity to command that which cannot be done I answere in one word This is a foolish conclusion if there were no more but this that the Apostle sayes first it is the vvill of God your sanctification Then he subjoynes I pray to God that he vvould giue you the gra●e of sanctification as if he would say I bid you not as though inlay in your owne hands but I pray to God that he would worke it It showes the vanity of this conclusion Now to the wordes Whom to prayes he To the God of peace The God of peace sayes he sanctifie your soules Read all the Canonicall scriptures ye shall neuer finde that any of the ould fathers directed their prayers to any Saints either to Abraham Isaac or Iacob or to any other holy men or Angels But this by the way In all the praiers of the ould fathers and all the Psalmes there is neuer a prayer but to God onely Now how styles he him He calles him the God of peace The God who is the Author and giuer of all peace Peace What peace is this Euen the peace that he calles The peace of God that passes all vnderstanding that guardes your harts and myndes in Christ Iesus Philipp 4. chap. 7. verse No other thing but that same peace of the conscience when we are surely perswaded that all our sinnes are freely remitted vnto vs in the bloud of Christ and that through him we shall get glorie for euer Then if we haue this peace we will be quyetnesse in all the miseries of this world Then end of all grace is peace Iustification ends in peace our calling and predestination from
giue eare to these false teachers that said that Christes comming was at hand And therefore he prophecyes of the comming of the Antichrist and of the vniuersall defection of men in the world And in the third and last chapter he enters in as his maner is to exhortations and Christian admonitions to the end of the Epistle Now to come to the first chapter first he salutes them next he commes to a congratulation for the graces of God receiued by them last he commes to the consolation As to the salutation it is the common forme he vses in all his Epistles and there is not one word altered from the salutation he vsed in the first Epistle And therefore because I handled euery word in the first Epistle I mynde not to insist in it here againe onely this far There are three persons that salutes Paul Siluan● and Timotheu●● Paul an Apostle Siluanus and Timothe●● two Euangelists These three persones salutes the Church of God at Thessalonica That Church he sayes that is in God the Father founded and grounded first on him Then in the Lord 〈◊〉 Christ the Sonne builded on the Father and the Sonne All 〈…〉 must stand on the Father and the Son The graces he wishes to the Church are these common graces he vses in all his Epistles The grace of God the peace of God that is from the Father and from the Lord Iesus his Sonne Now onely this far by the example of the Apostle we learne of the salutation that he permits before his Epistle When we enter in to speake of any Church to wryte to any people concerning faith concerning Iesus Christ to make a declaration in the entresse of that loue that beneuolence that hartlinesse that we beare to that people to the end that they may be prepared againe to heare with alike loue beneuolence and hartlinesse and so the Pastor vttering his lyking to the people and the people againe their lyking of the Pastour the Pastour may haue courage and libertie to goe forward in doctrine the people may giue audience and receyue the better instruction There is the end of all the salutation Now I goe forward to the thanks-giuing and I will speake something of it as God will giue me the grace We should thanke God alvvaies for you He sayes not we thanke God simply but vve should thanke we are addebted bound and oblist of duetie to thanke him Then the lesson is cleare Thanks-giuing to God is a debt that we are bound and oblist to pay to God Gods benefi●es matter of thanksgiuing for we giue him not thankes for nothing Ye will not beare the Apostle say we thanke him simply but ye will finde a matter wherefore he thanks him euen for his graces and his benefites There are two sortes of his benefites and graces there are some bestowed on our selues some on others As for them that are bestowed on our selues out of question there is none but he vvill confesse he is debt-bound to thanke God for them at lest he must confesse this in word thinke as he will As for the benefites bestowed on others we are bound likewayes to thanke God for them As concerning the Pastor that hes adoe with any people if euer man was bound to thanke God for any benefite he is bound to thanke him for the benefite showen on the people he hes adoe with because their blessing is the frute of his labours and trauels and therefore he is bound to be thankfull for it I say more There is no member in the Church of Christ but he hes cause to thanke God for euerie blessing he bestowes on another I am bound to thanke God for the blessing he bestowes on thee thou art bound to thank God for the blessing he showes on me And euery one should thanke God for others blessinges All is for the well of the bodie the grace I get is for the well o● the bodie The grace thou gettest is for the well of the bodie We are al members of the body and therfore we are al bound to thank God for the benefites bestowed on the bodie I shall giue you a familiar similitude Should not the hand of a man thanke the man that hes cured the foote if the foote hes bene sore The eie likewise in a maner wil it not be thankfull to him that hes cured the hand and so of all the rest of the members Now would to God we were as sensible members of the spirituall bodie of Christ as the members of the naturall bodie of man are sensible among themselues and could vnderstand that euerie one is a member of that bodie But let our sense be as it will if thou be a member of the bodie of Iesus Christ thou art as much bound to be thankfull to God for any benefite bestowed on another as the hand is bound to be thankfull for the graces bestowed on the foote otherwayes thou shalt be challenged at that day of judgement for vnthankfulnesse Paul 12. chap. to the Romans 15. vers sayes Reioyce vvith him that reioyces and mourne vvith him that mournes Now to go forward We should thanke God ●lvvaies Then brethren thanks-giuing is an euerlasting debt a continuall debt we ought to God there is no end of it there is no intermission or leauing of it day nor night As Paul speakes of charitie to the Romans chap. 13. vers 8. Ovve nothing to any man but loue euery one another Charitie is a debt that should neuer be payed out at the ground but ay continuing in paying Euen so thanks-giuing to God is a debt we should euer be paying but neuer put an end to paying of it for it can haue no end in earth euer thanking in Heauen when we are with ●im euer thanking and our glory shal be in an euerlasting thanking of him for why if he could leaue off to show grace and could draw his hand frō vs as men does then we had cause to 〈◊〉 from thanking But the graces of God in Christ are endlesse grace for grace And therefore seeing his grace hes neuer an end why should thou make an end of thanking him when his hand is opened liberally to thee why should thou close thy mouth and not render thanks to him Yet further We thank him alvvayes for you sayes he as it is meete Marke the words as it is meete as it is worthie The word sounds so in the proper language as if he had said He is worthy of all thanks and therefore we should thanke him There is a worthinesse in God for the blessinges he bestovves on vs there is a deseruing in him there is a merite in him it is be onely that deserues and merites There are two thinges debt and merite I but touch them euerie one respectes other where there is a debt there is a merite and where there is a merite there must be a debt God onely merits man is debtor These two wordes answeres to other There is
sayes 14. vers the Lord 〈◊〉 come vvith thoulands of his S●ints And I say as I think there shall not be an Angell in Heauen but all shall come with Iesus And what shall be then habite They shall come like an armie al as it were in a●mes Men who are in their armour in their harnes they appeare most glorious to the world So all the Angels shall come as an army armed with power and therefore it is said Angels of his povver terrible to the wicked because they shall be enarmed against them comfortable to the godly for they come for their defence The Angels in their owne nature are strong by their creation potent they are principalities powers by vertue of their own nature But the word would import more They shall not onely be strong with their owne power but they shall come enarmed with the power of Christ with an exceeding and extraordinary kinde of power such a power that they were neuer sene in before in such a majesty as neuer was seene of before and al to the glory of that glorious Lord Iesus who is Lord and judge blessed for euer An earthly king when he is in his greatest glory is but accompanied with selie infirme creatures who hes little strength But the Lord Iesus who is King of kings shall be accompanied at his comming with Angels of such an infinite strength that the deuill and all the world shall not be able to withstand any one of them Now to goe forward the next companie that shall be with him shall be creatures something inferior Not so glorious as the Angels Flaming fyre shall accōpany Christ. but very glorious a flamming fire a fire with a great flame and therefore fire that shall cast downe from it exceeding great heat and light to the world Ye will aske what fire will this be I will not be curious heerein but I think that that fyre that shall be at that day shall be that same naturall element that the Lord created when he made the rest of the creatures This appeares very vvell of Peter in his second Epistle chap. 3. vers 6. 7. When he sayes the first world was destroyed by vvater and the second vvorld shall be destroyed vvith fyre Certainely as the first vvorld vvas destroyed by a naturall vvater so shall the second vvorld be destroyed by a naturall fyre This fyre shall then appeare in such a glorie quantitie and light as it vvas neuer of before because it is imployed in the seruice of a most glorious Lord. Would ye knovve vvhat shall be the vse of this glorious fyre Read 2. Epist of Peter chap. 3. This fire going before him shall burne first the heauens then it shall come to the elements and melt them all vvith heat It shal next come to the earth and shall burne vp the earth and all the works Would ye know what shall come after There shall be a new heauen and a new earth And so this fire shall serue for the purifying and burning of the drosse of the creatures for all the creatures the Heauen the Earth the Sunne the Moone he● drawen on a corruption through our sinnes But is there no other vse of this fire This fire shall also in the Lords justice be a fire to deuoure the aduersaries Heb. chap 10. verse 27 to burne the reprobate for eeuer And therefore vaine man who takes pleasure in thy sinnes let ●he memorie of this flamming fire terrif●e thee that in tyme thou may repent Now this much for that glorious companie where-with the Lord Iesus shall be accompanied in that glorious comming Now come to the effects in the next words When he is come from the Heauen accompanied with the glorious Angels and flamming fire certainely he will not come for nothing Kings in the earth may fli● their campes for nothing but the King of glorie will not doe so Now the effect in one word is rendering repaying recompencing the judgement is in rendering to euery one his owne due In rendering first he beginnes at the godles and wicked after his comming in such a glorie He shall render the wicked that which is due to them that is vengeance To whom To them that knovv God on this earth 〈◊〉 them that obeyed not the Gospell of the Lord Iesus Marke it The Lord keepe vs from the causes of this rendering There shall be none that knew not God Faith accōpanied vvith a troup of graces and obeyed not the voyce of Christ in the Gospell but vengence shall ouertake them in that glorious appearing of that judge in the world These are the two great ●aultes and sinnes that shall procure in the day of judgement vengence from Iesus Christ Now as there are two thinges that procures this vengence so there are two things that brings life at that great appearance of the Lord Iesus Christ The first is the knowledge of God The next is the knowledge of his Sonne the Lord Iesu● Christ Ioh● chap. 17. verse 3. This is lyfe euerlasting to know thee to be the onely God and whom thou hast 〈◊〉 Iesus Christ knowe these two knowe God knowe Christ in his Gospell 〈◊〉 vengence shall not ouertake thee Then by the plaine contrare There are two grounds and causes of death and damnation The misknowing of God and the 〈…〉 of Iesus heere 〈◊〉 in his Gospell and these two are 〈…〉 gether Then brethren in one word Let not the Iew be bold to say he knowes God when he knowes not his Son all the knowledge a man can haue of God when he knowes not his Sonne is nothing for God the Father cannot be knowne but in his Son Iesus Christ and without the knowledge of God in his Son there is no saluation from judgement The Son is the Image of God and God will be knowne in him Heb. chap. 1. verse 3. He is the brightnesse of his glory and the ingraued forme of his person So that there can be no sight of God but in the face of Christ the man Ioyne these two together know God know the Son know the Son that thou may know the Father for no sight of the Father but in the Son This further wold be marked When he speaks of obedience to Christ He sayes not they that obeyed not the Lord Iesus but he sayes They vvho obeyed not the Gospell of the Lord Iesus This is spoken to the commendation of the Gospell and of the preaching of it and this base ministry which men esteemes so litle of Looke how he rankes this Gospell and the preaching of it with Christ himselfe He counts them that obey the Gospell to obey Christ and he counts them who are rebellious to the Gospell to be rebels to Christ And therefore say I boast as thou wilt of Christ and of the knowledge of him if thou despise this Gospel and this base ministry vengence shall light on thee Thou wilt say thou knowest Christ and in the meane time there wil be nothing in
and the 〈◊〉 Christ is both the beginning and the ending the shining begins at him and ends at him And therefore it is said Rom. 11. chap. 36. verse For of him and throgh him and for him are all things to him be glory for euer Now what shall be the cause of this glorie of ours He sets it downe in these words according to the grace of our God and of the Lord Iesus Christ Grace is the cause of our shining Grace from the Father grace from the Sonne Then there is nothing but grace there shall be nothing but grace in Heauen grace in earth no merite in this earth no merite in Heauen No merite in this earth but Iesus merite no merite in Heauen but onely grace grace and mercy in earth all standing here and in Heauen is only by grace And so the cause of our euerlasting standing is euerlasting grace the onely grace of God in Christ To whom with the Father and the holy Spirit be all glory for euer AMEN THE FOVRTH LECTVRE VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 2. THESSA CHAP. 2. vers 1. 2. 3. 1 NOW vve beseech you brethren by the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ and by our assembling vnto him 2 That ye be not suddenly mooued from your mynde nor troubled neithr by spirit nor by vvord nor by letter as it were from vs a● though the day of Christ vvere at hand 3 Let no man deceiue you by any meanes IN the chapter preceding ye haue heard brethren first of the saluation of the Apostle wherein he wishes to the Thessalonians grace from God the Father and from the Lord Iesus Christ Then we came to his preface wherein he rejoices and giues thanks to God for the increase of grace of faith of loue they had receiued And thirdly we came to that consolation that he ministers to them against the affliction and trouble vnder the which they lay for the faith of Christ Now to come to this chapter In it the Apostle first admonishes the Thessalonians that they giue not eare to deceiuers and false teachers who would perswade them that the comming of the Lord Iesus was at hand and thereafter ●e enters in a refutation of this pointe of false doctrine and heresie Now to make this more plaine The occasion as it appeares of that which the Apostle wrytes in this chapter is this In his first Epistle written to them and fourth chapter thereof he spoke concerning the second comming of the Lord Iesus 〈…〉 and beside other thinges as we may read there he specifies these wordes We sayes he vvhich liue and are remaining in the comming of the Lord shall be caught vp in the cloudes vvith them vvho are departed this lyfe after their resurrection The Thessalonians reading this incontinent concludes Christ shall come ere euer we die we shall be found on lyfe at his comming and we shall be re●t vp in the aire to meete the Lord in the cloudes vvith them who are departed Now in this meane-tyme the deuill is busie to confirme them in this error and therefore he raises vp deceyuers and false teachers that went about to perswade them of the trueth of this as though it had beene true that they should be liuing at the Lords comming These false teachers alledged for them partlie the reuelation of the Spirite of God partlie a tradition of Paul which both were false Therefore the Apostle vnderstanding this tooke occasion to vvryte this Epistle and especiallie this second chapter wherein he admonishes or rather effectuouslie requestes them that they suffered not themselues to be deceiued as though the comming of the Lord were at hand and thereafter falles out in a refutation of this error To returne to the wordes In the wordes we haue read in the first verse we haue the earnest request of the Apostle together with an obtestation adjuring them with all grauitie by the comming of the Lord Iesus by the assembling of the elect to him at his comming that they should not suffer themselues so to be deceyued as though the comming of the Lord were at hand Now to insist in this first verse Novv vve beseech you sayes he by the comming of the Lord Iesus Christ and by our assembling vnto him The words bears a great obtestation wherein he straites them vnder the paine of lyfe and death that as euer they wold look to haue joy in Christs comming and to communicat with his glory they shold not suffer themselues to be deceiued Then brethren ye see in requesting and that in lenity he obtests and adjures them in grauity and in some seuerity He joines and tempers two contrare things together sweetnesse and lenity on the one part sowrenes and seuerity on the other part First he dravves them on and intreates them vvillinglie to obey that vvhich he requyres of them and then againe in a maner violentlie he pulles them He both leades and dravves Requesting in l●●●tie he leades them obtesting in seuerine he dravves them as it vvere violentlie Commonlie ye shall finde he vses this forme of requesting In the 2. Epist to the Cor. 10. chap. 1. verse 〈◊〉 I Paul myselfe beseech you by the meeknesse and gentlenesse of our Lord Iesus Christ. There ye haue the request vvith an adjuring and charging of them Novv brethren take these tvvo take lenitie vvith seueritie together they vvill haue a great force in the hearers to bring them forvvard sunder them none of them vvill be so effectuall lenitie the alone hes lesse force seueritie the alone is ouer sharpe It will destroy more nor vvin bind them together they haue a great power In the 2. Epistle to Timothie 4. chap. 2. verse 〈…〉 there is ●eueritie and againe exhort vvith all 〈◊〉 suffring and 〈◊〉 there is meeknesse Looke that these two be not seuered This was the Apostles maner of doing and thus forme ●e vses bindes euerie one of vs that speakes in the Church of God to the end of the world to vse the lyke Yet to insist in the vvordes I beseech you by the comming of the Lord Iesus Christ and by our assembling vnto him Ye see tvvo thinges heere vvhereby he adjures them to obey his request The first is the co●●●ing of Christ The second is our assembling to him at his comming Then it fellowes that seeing he obtes●s by these two thinges that we should not doubt but the Lord Iesus will come and when he commes that we shall assemble vnto him for all obtestations are made by things which are counted vndoubted trueths The things whereby any man objures and obtests another man should be sure grounds Now the Apostle obtests them by these two things Therefore we should not doubt but these two are true Christs sec●nd comming to the cause of our assembling vnto him that Christ shall come and we shall assemble vnto him Yet compare these two together the first is the cause his comming the second is the effect our assembling vnto him
swordes Heard you euer of a Pope Benifacius the ●ight● of whom it is said He entered in lyke a Tod raigne like a Lyon and died like a dog In the tyme of his jubile in the first day thereof he commes out in the Popes weed and as he goes he blesses the people In the next day he commes out in Cesars warlike clock and a naked sword horne before him and sitting downe he cryes out Behold two swordes heere I am the head of the Church I am the Pope and Cesar I haue the Empyre in Heauen and earth Who calles himselfe the head of the Church A style onely proper to Christ Who calles himselfe the Vicar of Christ The brydgrome of the bryde the Church Who calles himselfe the high Priest Styles onely proper to Christ Is it not this beast of Rome Whereto should I insist It is wonder that the earth can beare such a proud filthie villaine It is a wonder that the Heauen can couer him but we must reuerence the long suffering patience of the Lord. And seeing the Scripture hes pointed him out so euidently it is a wonder that men should be so blinde that they should so reuerence him when he rages this waye in sinne and that they will call him the successour of Peter and the head of the Church What shall I say all reading and hearing will not inlighten the mynde and perswade men except the Spirit of God be present to open the hart Therefore leauing this beast I pray God to send his Spirit to let men see that they may abhorre such an enemy to God and Christ and that they may imbrace the light of Iesus and that he would keepe vs that we be not deceyued by these vanities To this God euen the Father Sonne and holie Spirit be all praise for euer AMEN THE SIXT LECTVRE VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 2. THESSA CHAP. 2. vers 5. 6. 7. 8. 5 Remember ye not that vvhen I vvas as yet vvith you I told you these things 6 And novv ye knovv vvhat vvithholdeth that he might be reueiled in his tyme. 7 For the mysterie of iniquitie doth already vvorke onely he vvhich novv vvithholdeth shall let till he be taken out of the vvay 8 And then shall the vvicked man be reueiled vvhom the Lord shall consume vvith the spirit of his mouth and shall abolish vvith the brightnesse of his comming THE Apostle Brethren ye heard proues against the false teachers that the comming of the Lord was not so neere hand as they thought and as they teached He takes his argument from one thing that was to fal out in the world before Christs latter comming Ere euer become sayes the Apostle there shall be an vniuersall defection from that faith of Iesus Christ This matter will conteine a long processe of tyme and therefore would the Apostle conclude Christs comming is not so neere hand as they make the people beleeue He expresses not the name of the Antichrist but for the name he hes a long description and painting out of him This description we entered in the last day and he lets them see when he shall be when he shall come He pointes him out in his nature First in his very essence he shall be a man of nature lyke other men Then he commes to his properties What shall they be First a man of sinne a wicked man as euer was or shall be in the world The next propertie He shall be the son of perdition a man long agoe ordeined to destruction Then he commes to his actions when he shall come and reueile him in the world he shall oppone himselfe against euery thing that shall be called God or shall be worshipped That is against euery superiour power and Majestie whether earthly or Heauenly against God himselfe and his Sonne Iesus Christ Another action He shall not be content onely to oppone himselfe in malice but in pryde he shall exalt himselfe aboue all thinges that shall be called God and worshipped either in earth or in Heauen Then he commes to two speciall actions of his pryde first exalting himselfe aboue God he shall sit in the Temple of God in the Church of God For so the Antichristian Church is termed because shee keepes some ensenzies of the Church of God the Word and Sacraments He shall sit there as God on the consciences of men and wemen to thrall and controle them at his pleasure The other particulare action of his pryde he shall showe himselfe as God in the properties perteining to God he shall take them all on him This far we proceeded the last day in the description of the Antichrist whom the Apostle prophecyes will come in the world ere Christ come againe onely this I aduertise you as I did before Take not this man whom ye call the Antichrist to be a single man one person take him to be a succession of men euery one following another in one kingdome and tyranny The kingdome of Antichrist all is termed vnder the name of a man They are but one kingdome of all one purpose of all to exercise tyrannie on the Church of God heere on this earth Now brethren to the text He leaues off this description for a tyme vntill he come to the ninth verse following and there he returnes againe Now in the meane-tyme he falles out in some speaches and admonitions to them concerning the Antichrist and in the first verse we haue red he confirmes the thing he hes spoken of the Antichrist from the speaches he had with them when he abode among them in Thessalonica Concerning the Antichrist I wryte would he say no other thing to you now nor that which I told you when I was with you That which I then spoke that same thing now I wryte vnto you Then in the next verse he showes to them that the Antichrist and Antichristanisme is come and begun already in the world albeit his reueiling and his comming to his pryde is not yet yet the Antichrist is come Antichristanisme and fals religion is begun Then againe he telle what withholdes him that he is not reueiled so soone and hastily There is an impediment casten in which I told to you when I was with you He insistes on this impediment and telles when this impediment shall be tame out of the way then this wicked man of sinne shall be reueiled And last as he hes tolde of his comming out and growing to an height in his pryde so he propecyes of his decay and his destruction Now to returne to the wordes Remember ye not sayes he vvhen I vvas vvith you I told you these thinges To assure them the more of the trueth of these thinges that he wrytes to them concerning the Antichrist hee calles them to remembrance of that which he spoke to them face to face concerning this same purpose and in doing this the vtters some peece of anger Remember ye not He vses some sharpnesse in wordes because
marueilous hardnesse to win thinges that ye thinke be easie to be done and againe an easinesse to come to thinges which ye thinke hard All tends to this that we may know all is decreed by the secreet and effectuall prouidence of God In the beginning of the next verse we haue the effect that shall fall out vpon this prophecie when once he that withholds the 〈◊〉 out of the way that is the Romane Emperour which is termed heere as a man by reason of a kingdome many Caesars but yet one kingdome The● sayes he that vvicked man shall be reueiled that great Antichrist shall be reueiled As for the small Antichrists that were forerunners of the great he speakes not of them then this great Antichrist shall show himself in power to the world he is called a lawlesse man and who cannot be subject to a law Who is that He that craues an absolute power And who craues an absolute power if not that beast of Rome Who breakes and makes lawes as he pleases Gods law mens law Read the history of him So ye haue heere the reueiling of him his comming to his greatnesse To make this plaine When was it that the great Antichrist came for this prophecie is of him and this reueiling is to be vnderstood of him When came he to this perfection When was he first reueiled I shew you before in the dayes of the Apostles the Antichrist beganne and lurked vnto the six hundreth and three yeere of our Lord and a great part of that time lurked in Rome he was not yet in greatnesse well then his greatnesse beganne in the six hundreth and three yeere of God as the Histories notes And vpon what decasion Grovving reueiling of the antichrist One Photas an adulterer a parricide and wicked man alwayes when he had slaine his master 〈…〉 Emperour and so had become odious to the people to 〈◊〉 to him the fauour of the people he would showe himselfe beneficial to the Church he pronounces Bonifacius the third and his successors after him there is the Antichrist to be Popes to be supre●me and 〈◊〉 Bishops of the whole earth which styles 〈◊〉 his predecessor so much abhorred Then in the six hundreth and seauen yeere in a Sinod all counsell holden 〈◊〉 Rome vnder the same Bo●●facius the third this priuiledge to be vniuersal Bishops of the world is ratified to the Bishoppes of Rome A little after this see how this growes in a counsell holden in Africa vnder the Emperour Constantine the nephevv of Heraclius Theodorus the Bishoppe of Rome gettes this style and these tytles sent to him Domino Apostolico culmini sublimato sancto patrum patri Theodoro Papae summo omnium praesulum princip● Synodus Africana That is vnto the Lord lifted vp on high to the Apostolicall seate the holy father of fathers the most high Prince of all Prelats Theodore the Pope writes the Synode of Africa And yet he is not come to his height till in the 666. yeere of the Lord which number in the reuelation of Iohny 18. is called the number of a man that is an explicable number easie to be counted with men In this yeere he commes to the height of his perfection as that prophecy of Iohn tels and experience teaches Who makes him vp and perfites him Euen he who should haue holden him downe the Emperour of Constantinople Constantinus Prorogatius Barbarus Vitilianus being Bishop of Rome for the time he makes vp the beast He sets him vp on the top of his honour Then brethren the Roman Bishoppe who was before but a legate to the Roman Emperour he is set downe in his soueranitie subject to no mortall man vnder the Heauen Then commes in al abominations all corruptions all vices and among all the rest in commes the Masse and it is determined that it should be celebrate in the Latine tongue in all the world The Antichrist in this 666. yeere commes to the height of height he cannot come higher Now brethren to end this matter Heare a little of his downe going againe As the Apostle heere prophecyed of his climming vp to the height of the ladder so to comforte the Church of God in all ages he prophecyes of his destruction Whom sayes he the Lord shall consume vvith the breath of his mouth and shall abolish vvith the brightnesse of his comming There are two parts here of his decaying The first part is his consuming the next part is his abolishing His consuming is with a slownes for as he came not incontinent to his height so he decayes not incontinent long ere he decay he consumes away as a body consuming and then ●e endes at a sudden Who consumes him Who abolishes him Who but the Lord Iesus Christ He it is who shal consume the Antichrist Ma●er of cōsuming of the antichrist To speake of his consuming Where-with melts he him away with the breath of his mouth that is by the preaching of the Gospell and that by the poore Ministers who are despised in the world He makes his Ministers breath and blow on the beast and this breath of the Ministers consumes the beast When began this consuming of him Euen soone after he came to his height Ye heard of one Iohn W. ckle●ff in anno 1383. he blew on the beast Iohn Husse Ierome de Praga in Bohemia albeit he was burnt and the beast got the mastrie of him yet he consumed the beast Ye heard of Luther in Germanie his name shall not be buried Melanthon Zuinglius Oe●olampadius men of worthie memorie and then good Iohn Caluin in France Viretus Farellus they blew in their tyme on the beast What shall I say To be short so many faithfull men as the Lord raises vp in the ministry they are as many slayers of the beast with their breaths Now learne one thing When the Antichrist is come to his height who goes too to beate the beast downe from his height Is it the Emperour is it this king or that king No no word of them Is it any power in this world No it is the Lord Iesus He will haue the honour of the wreack of the Antichrist And therfore as it were in his owne person he will enter in combat with the beast Now what armour vses he Commes he on with this wordly armour gunnes and gainzies I aske of thee No no thing is spoken of them but a breathing and blowing is told of Iesus Christ blovves on the beast and consumes him vvith the breath of his mouth The word of the Gospell is the armour he vses that same armour the beast abuses to hold vp his kingdome vvithall the Lord takes out of his ●and and slayes him vvith What instruments vses he to this turne He takes not Angelles from the Heauen to breath on him No but sillie simple bodies some out of the beasts owne bodie some otherwaies raised vp to blow on the beast Marke all these circumstances They all let you see that in
the persons to whom it is directed The second is the arguments whereby he will assure the Thessalonians that the praier shal be granted to them And the last is the things that he prayes for to them To come to the persons I pray sayes he the Lord Iesus Christ. He names him first for the sweetnesse of grace he had found in him euer since first he knew him his soule was so filled with the swetnes of Christ that in nothing he could forget him neither in his praier nor exhortations to others as euery one that is touched with such a feeling of Christ will doe Know ye not this ye that make a glorious profession of Christ 〈◊〉 is thee that euer took the profession of Christ in thy mouth if thou find not a sweetnes of his grace towards thee in thy hart if thou finde it thou wilt neuer speake of any matter concerning grace and saluation but Iesus Christ shall be first in thy mouth Next he commes to the Father and he sayes and God our Father There then the two persons which are the two fountaines of all grace that comes to mā in the world Mark here a double honor giuen to Christ First he is joined with the Father as a fontaine of all grace and next he is first named for he sayes I pray the Lord Iesus and then he sayes and God our Father He puts the Father in the second rowme Iesus Christ god equal vvith the Father albeit in other places he puts God the father in the first rowme as ye may finde in all his salutations Now what must followe on this Euen this that Iesus Christ is very God as he is very man coessential of the same nature with God coequall of the same dignity and majestie with the Father and coeternall with him if this were not he could not haue giuen him such a style without blasphemy against God The olde Heretikes thought they got a great aduantage of such places of the Scripture that placed the Father in the first rowme to conclude that Iesus Christ was not onely inferior but far vnequall to God the Father and especially they gather it out of these wordes I baptise thee in the name of the Father and of the Son c. Ergo say they the Sonne is inferiour But looke here and ye will finde that Christ is named in the first rowme That olde doctor Chrysostome when he hes reasoned against this fond opinion at last he concludes They are equall in eternitie dignitie and in euerie thing that is or may be called truely God Indeed the Father is the first person but that makes not that the Father is aboue the Sonne for there is equalitie in dignity and essence and therefore he whiles puts the one before the other and that not in respect of any supremacy but to testifie that Iesus Christ our Sauior and the Father is one and equall in euery respect Now to come to the argumentes which are not set downe so much to mooue God as to assure the Thessalonians that the thinges shall be granted that he craues for them The arguments are from the effects of God First Who hes loued vs. Secondly vvho hes giuen vs euerlasting consolation And the last who hes giuen vs good hope and all throgh grace and mercy contrare vnto our deseruing Marke bethren a generall He bringes these Thessalonians to remembrance of these graces of God bestowed on them before Argumentes to assure vs that God vvill grāt vs benefits craued in prayer to assure them the Lord wil grant them these benefits he praies for to them When God begins to show his mercy on men or wemen and in Iesus Christ to powre out his blessings vpon them he giues as it were an obligation subscriued with his own hand I shall be with you for euer neuer man bond himself as the Lord binds himselfe from once he begin to deale mercifully with vs if he begin once to giue vs faith in Iesus christ and to minister that inward consolation and to giue vs hope of life euerlasting in so doing he giues vs an obligation that that mercy shall continue with vs for euer Therefore mark the graces of God giuen to thee and neuer forget them for they vvill hold thee vp That God that hes comforted thee once shal comfort thee for euer He is not like man I am sayes he Iehoua not changeable and therefore ground thy hart on that vnchangablenes of God For he who hes once begunne with thee to giue thee mercy assure thy self he shal not leaue thee How was Dauid and the godly of olde holden vp but by this same obligation Would euer any of the olde fathers haue stood without this No. There only prop vp-hold was the experience of the mercy of God once showne on them and diligently remembred by them Now to come to the particulare Who hes loued vs not as a Creator does a creature The first Gods loue but as the father does the son that is an higher degree of loue for he called him Father immediatly before then he subjoines he loued vs. Brethren would ye come to the thinges we haue of God throgh Christ The first is grace mercy and free fauour He is bound to no creature but what euer he giues he giues it freely The first blessing that God bestowes on man on earth and the first effect of grace and of his free fauor is loue this loue is giuen to make the creature to powr out as it wer the hart on his Creator againe He hes loued vs ere euer we wer of this loue proceeds eternal election as ye may read in sundry places of the new Testament This loue stayes not here but after he bringes vs in the world at his owne appointed tyme he makes the loue that was in his hart before all tyme towardes vs to break out and he sheds it abroad in our harts And the first effect of it is our effectuall calling He will say Come hither out of the foule pollution of the world and I wil exceme thee from the damnable end of the world and so from thence forth mercy hes no end but from calling he proceeds to justification from justification to regeneration and last to glorification So the first thing God giues thee is his hart and harty loue He will not giue thee any of these blessinges that are in Iesus Christ vntill with them he giue thee his hart He is not like man who will giue thee a faire countenance alone and will take no further thought what become of thee but God will giue thee his hart as the first gift and giuing thee his hart what can he deny thee When he hes giuen thee his hart can he deny thee life And therefore Rom. 5. 5. it is said that the loue of God is shed abroad in vs by his holy Spirit Now as he embraces vs with loue Lord if we could meete him with halfe loue againe We
eneugh put me from his gun and pistolet sayes he I am sure eneugh and in the mean-tyme there is neuer suspition of the deuill stronger and subtiller then al the men in the world He wil get on a croslet and plateglufe ô miserable catiue what armour hast thou for the enemy of thy soule It is not with men we haue to do but with powers we haue not to do with flesh and bloud but with Empyres and Principalities Gouernours Princes of the world rulers in the Air. If thou hast adoe with Princes and Kings earthly they wil sute the field with thee but if thou hast adoe with the deuill as euery vnbeleeuer hes he will not sute the field with thee but he will be aboue thy head where thou shalt not get one stroke of him but he vvith great fetches and force will beate thee downe and vse thee at his pleasure Therfore it is not eneugh to pray to giue thee grace to stand and to keepe thee from such as are enemies bodily to thee but thou should say Lord keepe me from that euill one Satan from spirituall powers from that deuill thou art neuer free of him night nor day for he is going about like a roaring lyon seeking vvhom he may deuore 1. Pet. 5. 8. and when thou hast thus praied to be saued from the deuil then say Lord keep me from these bodily enemies Alas men liues carelesse of Satan as thogh there wer not a spiritual enemie while as there are millions of them to deuore thee for euer Ye see then this that is spoken to the Thessalonians is applyed to the whole Church of God in the world for this that he speaks of the Church of Thessalonica he meanes of the Church of God euery where that the Church hes many enemies the Church of Christ hes and euer had and shall haue many enemies The 〈◊〉 ●es many enemies the Church it selfe is but an handful in respect of the multitude both of spirituall and bodily enemies multitudes of deuils multitudes of wicked men and wemen in the world and therfore she cannot be without some noy and hurt no think it not But there is a consolation The Church of Iesus Christ shal neuer be tread vnder foote the deuill and all his supposis shall neuer tread on her nor ouercome the Church of God Hold that fast for a sure ground The Church of God shal neuer be vtterly ouerthrowne and this is a wonderfull thing And yet brethren as the might and omnipotency of God appeares in other things so especially his might appears in holding vp a poore handful of the poorest and vilest bodies in the world in appearance against such multitudes of strong and mighty both spiritual and bodily enemies and the Lord will be glorified in this few number and in end he shall make that handfull to tread on the necks of the multitude of the wicked vpon Princes necks and on Powers and Principalities and on the deuill himselfe The cause of her standing is because she is grounded on Iesus Christ who is immutable and vnchangeable she reposing and leaning on Iesus shall stand still and be vnalterable as long as he is vnalterable which is euerlastingly all the power of the world and Hell shal neuer ouerthrow her and bring her at vnder This is her joy that she shall neuer finally fall but shall stand notwithstanding of all assaults for euer And at last be victorious ouer oer enemies through the strength of him on whom she reposes Now to this God the Father Sonne and holy Spirit be praise and honor AMEN THE ELEVENTH LECTVRE VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 2. THESSA CHAP. 3. vers 4. 5. 6. 4 And vve are persvvaded of you through the Lord that ye both doe and vvill doe the things vvhich vve command you 5 And the Lord guide your harts to the loue of God and the vvaiting for of Christ. 6 We command you brethren in the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ that ye vvithdravv your selues from euery brother that vvalleth inordinatly and not after the instruction vvhich he receiued of vs. THIS last part brethren of the Epistle of Paul written to the Thessalonians containes precepts and admonitions to liue an holy and christian lyfe The last day wel ad in hands the first precept which concerneth prayer to God which is the cheefest exercise that a christian man can haue in this world there is none before it Therefore he began to pray and as he had prayed for them immediatlie before so he craues of them a recompence which is pray for me againe and good reason that when I pray for thee thou pray for me againe When the Pastor prayes for the flock the flock should interceede againe with God by prayer for him So the Apostle sayes Pray for vs for me and my fellow-laborers from whom in common this Epistle was directed But for what things should they pray to him The first thing is the Gospel and what of it Pray that it may runne and haue a free course through the world And what more That the Gospel of Christ running throgh shold not run through the mouthes and eares of men onely that is a small matter if there be no more but that in running it may haue the course with power and effectualnesse in the hearts of the hearers working lyfe and saluation in them and so consequently she may be glorified that is that men and wemen feeling the great force may be inforced to glorifie her in this world for none will glorifie the Gospell but he that feeles the power of it in his hart and to whom the Gospell is the power of God to saluation The next thing that he craues they should pray for is for his person the persons of his fellow-laborers that we sayes he may be deliuered from vnreasonable and euill men He giues the reason of this desire All men hes not ●aith When we goe abroad preaching the Gospell we will haue great opposition of many wicked men euil inclined in hart euil disposde in hand so that our persons must be oft in great danger Therefore pray for vs And the ground is all men hes not faith Howbeit some will professe God and religion yet in very deed God is not in their hart Christ dwelleth not in them by faith they are not elect and therefore they beleeue not It is dangerous to be amongst them yea euen for the persons of men for without Christ the hart of a man is as cruell as is the hart of a Tyger and Lyon or any wylde beast before it be drawen away from that cruelty and tamed by faith in Iesus Christ this is the nature of all men Then in that third verse lest that matter concerning faith and the scarcitie of it should haue offended them and moued them to doubt and to thinke it might be that they should fall away from the faith He sayes the Lord is faithfull and he shall
stampe that is with such a Majestie in speaking with such gratiousnesse and spiritualnesse both in words and matter that they that hes a spirituall eye to discerne betweene light and darknesse will take it vp to be of God I pray you tell me how was the olde Scripture tane vp to be of God The Papist will say because the Church said it they were of God Is that all the warrand And who told the Church If the olde and new Scripture bare not the markes of the Spirit in themselues the Church had neuer tane them vp to be of God So the marke of the Scripture is that stampe of the Spirit that Majestie in such a simplicitie of wordes that gratiousnesse and power which shows both in the wordes and matter these things telles vs they are not mans writs for mens writtes hes not the gratiousnesse and power that is in the Scripture Brethren this marke of Pauls subscription is away albeit we haue the Epistle but a better marke bydes the stampe of the Lord bydes and this telles that it is the Scripture of God and Pauls writing Now followes the saluation The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be vvith you all I see the affection of the man in the end of his writ is powred out on this Church of Thessalonica and when he takes his leaue he burstes out in frequent prayer and al his praier is for heauenly and spirituall thinges Then first we learne we must not euer bide al together and we cannot haue euer conference either by word or writ But how is our sundring recompensed To wit with greatnesse of affection let thy loue grow And how shalt thou vtter it In prayer to God for them with whom thou may not dwell affection is nothing worth without praier And what should we pray for Especially for heauenlie things Pray for heauenly peace for the presence of Iesus Christ and that the grace of Christ may be with him Pray also for things earthly but so that they may further him to heauenlie thinges And I say the man that cannot pray for heauenly things cannot pray truely for earthly thinges Dare thou pray if thou seeke not first the kingdome of Heauen no thou cannot pray if it were for thy dinner except thou pray first for the kingdome of God Now the next word is grace that is free fauour of God I reade not of such a commendation of any people as of these Thessalonians He commended them in both these Epistles from their faith hope loue and all the dueties of loue Yet he sayes not The Lord render you a rewarde for your merite but he sayes grace be vvith you This is contrare to all merite Read the 2. Timo. 1 16. there ye will finde a very notable exemple to this purpose There he sayes Onesiphorus vvas very beneficiall to me he oft refreshed me he thought no shame of my bondes he sought 〈◊〉 Rome very diligently How should he be requyted for this He sayes The Lord grant that Onesiphorus may finde mercy vvith the Lord at that day He is but a miserable man when he hes done all this And therefore this shall be my prayer for him for it will not be his merite that will do him good but it is the free grace and fauour of God O foole all thy merites shall stinke in that great day and then thou shalt see what free grace shall do for in that day none shall stand but such as stands by free grace Now whose grace is it he prayes for It is Iesus Christs No there is no grace but Christs grace How is it the Lord Iesus Christs He hes boght of the hand of the Father all grace al gifts of the holy Spirit all glorie in Heauen and earth with a pryce euen the pryce of his precious bloude And therefore the Father hes giuen him all So there is no sparke of grace giuen to any creature but it must come through Christ his hand euen the hand of the man Iesus All righteousnesse sanctification and glorie must come from him he must be the giuer thereof Therefore it is said he gaue gifts to men Ephes 4. 8. The Father giues no graces immediatly but all are giuen through the hand of Iesus Christ Therefore let vs haue recourse to this Lord of grace and seeke not to the Father without him but seek all from the Father in him Now how far should this grace extend Euen as Iesus Christ is an head that extends himselfe to al so the grace that commes from him is sufficient for all it is sufficient if it were for a thousand yea infinite worlds Rom. 5. 15. The Heauens are not capable of the greatnes of the grace of Iesus Christ Greatnes of the grace of Christ so that if there were a thousand worlds there is sufficiency of grace in him for them all There is no inlack in him but the inlack is in thy narrow hart it is capable but of a very small portion Learne here then by the exemple of Paul that we should not haue narrow harts to wish this grace to a few but we should wish it to be giuen to all Looke what he sayes of himselfe 2. Cor. 6. 11. My meuth sayes he hes bene vvyde open vnto you my hart is dilated ye dvvell not narrovvly in my hart So all men should haue an open and a dilated hart in wishing grace spare not to be liberall in wishing fill thy hart and mouth with his grace and 〈…〉 with liberalnesse to others seeke that grace of Iesus to all that if it were possible all the world might be saued For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Sauiour vvho vvill that all men shall be saued and come vnto the acknovvledging of the trueth 1. Tim. 2. chap. 3. 4. vers Yet the Lord hes his owne and so many as he hes written in his booke shall be saued Therefore thou should seeke all the warrands thou can to assure thee that thou art Iesus Christs fore-ordeinde to lyfe euerlasting for if thou be of the number of the elect the grace of Christ shall extend to thee and thou shalt haue glorie with him for euer To this Iesus be all praise honour and dominion for euer and euer AMEN FINIS