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A09147 The Protestants theologie containing the true solutions, and groundes of religion, this daye mainteyned, and intreated, betwixt the Protestants, and Catholicks. Writen, by the R. F. F. VVilliame Patersoune religious priest, Conuentuall of Antwerpe, preacher of Gods word, and Vicar generall of the holy order of S. Augustin, through the kingdome of Scotland. The 1. Part. Paterson, F. William. 1620 (1620) STC 19461; ESTC S101863 199,694 338

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Bishopes vnto this present day from the very seat of Peter to whom our Lord commended the feeding of his sheepe after his resurrection to the Episcopal dignitie of the present Bishop and last the name catholik doth hold me in the vnitie of the Church Not without caus the churh hath retained the name Catholick which name this Church hath alwayes not without cause among so many different sectes of heresies in such sort obtained that although all heretiks desire to be called Catholikes yet if a stranger should demaund where is the assembly of the Catholick Church No heresie can show their church for catholick ther is no heretik that dareth assigne him his temple or his preiching-hous for Catholick Lykewise in his Symbol sayes he we do beleue the holy Church that is Catholik for the heretiks schismatikes do cal their congregations Churches but the heretikes beleuing those things of God which ar false Heretikes by error do violat the faith Schismatikes by making diuisions violated vnitie They apertein not to the Catholik church do violate the faith the schismatikes by vnlawful diuisiōs do separat them selfes frō brotherly charitie although they beleue in all things the same with vs. And for this cause nether do the heretikes or schismatikes apertain to the catholik Church And againe S. Aug. lib. de vnit eccles c. 4. sayes all those that beleue that our lord IESVS CHRIST is come in the flesh in which he was borne and hath suffered that he is the Sonne of God with God and one with the Father the only immutable word of the father by whom all things weer made but do in such sort dissent from his body which is his Church that their communion is not withall them with whom the Catholick Church doth participate but ar in som diuided part it is a manifest token that they ar not in the catholik Church lykwise Prosper sayes that he who doeth communicat He who accordes with the vniuersall Church is a Catholik Vnder S. Cyprian the people where called Catholikes with this vniuersal church is a Christian and a Catholick he that doth not communicat is an heretik an Antichrist And Pacianus sayes the people vnder S. Cyprians charge haue neuer been called otherwayes then Catholikes Now amongst thiese testimonyes what place haue our reformed to be named with a catholik tytle whom as S. Aug. sayes dissention and diuision makes heretikes And againe in his Epist. 152. ad donatist Whosoeuer is deuyded from the Catholik Church sayes he how laudable soeuer he seeme to liue for this only cryme No heretik nor schismatik how soeuer he liue well can not be saued out of the church that he is only separated from the vnitie of the Church he shal be also secluded from lyf and the wrath of God shal remaine on him This same argument hath Fulgentius lib. de fid ad Pet. diac cap. 29 saying hold for most certain and dout not in any maner that no heretik or schismatik baptized in the name of the Father Sonne Holy Ghost if he be not in vnitie with the catholik-Church although he giue great almes and shede his very blood for the name of CHRIST yet can he in no wyse be saued Thus the fathers in the primitiue tyme wholly affirme how so euer they agree with the Catholikes in all the artickles of the belief and in holy Scriptur yet not being in the vnitie of the catholik church can not be saued What shal we say of the moderne heresies that deny the artikles of ther belief The ignorance of heresie to pretend which is no thaires and peruert the Scripture in adding diminishing in glossing and commenting in changing and chopping and yet will pretend the Catholik Church and hir name But in vaine as S. Augustin sayes to the Donatistes yow accord vvith vs in baptisme and in the belief and in all other Sacraments of our Lord but in the Spirit of vnitie and in the place of peace and last in the catholick Church No heresie could euer atteine to the name Catholick how soeuer they weere desirous to haue it you are not vvith vs and therfor heretikes separated and cut of from the church and nothing pertinent to this name Catholik For vve see euidentlie this name kept S. Augustein in the right faith for no heretik could obtein the name of the Catholik Church although euery heresie did much desyr to obtein it The reasō is because that all heresies be but partes and peculiar sects of some country or the doctrin of a small tyme. The word Catholik betokenes ane vniuersall profession Where as the vvord Catholick doth betoken a certaine vniuersall profession induring from the beginning to the ending and spread abrod thorovv all partes but those vvho began their doctrine after the apostles tyme vver euer named of their masteres The heresies haue thair names of the inuentors of that sect as the Arians of Arrius the Lutherans of Luther and the Caluinists of Caluin but they in the contrary vvere called Catholikes vvho kept the vniuersall faith vvhich the Apostles had first taught and vvhich vvas continued alvvayes in the vvhole Church And for that S. Augustin tract 22. in Ioh. We haue receaued the holy Ghost He hath receiued the holy Ghost that keeps vnitie and gif we reioyce of the faith with the name if vve loue the church and if vve be knit and conioyned together by charitie if vve do all exalt and reioyce to be a catholik as vvell in faith as in name Here vpon Pacianus Epist 1. ad Symphron sayes be not angry good brother and do not afflict thy self a Christian is my name The word Christian is the forname and the word Catholick is the surname and a Catholik is my surname by the former I am called and by the second I am made manifest Therfor this name is no wayes attributed to those who are enimies to this name and hath it in scorne and mockerie that iustlie they discouer ther corrupt affection The corrupt affections of heretikes to this name Catholik and hereticall malice toward the word in so much that some of them calleth it a voyd and vaine word some againe a gracelesse terme fruitles name so the old heretikes as S. August cont Gaud. lib. 2. cap. 25. sayes called it a humain fiction Thair intention is to put out of memorie the name Catholik by their euill nature and qualitie they geue diligence to abolish and extinguish both the veritie of our faith the name consonant thervnto therefore their name declare thē sufficiently what they are prognosticating of them as they are as Iustinus in triphone sayes Heretikes were prognosticat to com befor they cáme there shall aryse many false Christs and false Prophet and they shall seduce many of the faithfull and are distinguisht amongst vs taking their names of certane men as euery on was author of
Christ according to his persone should not be God or at least there should not equality of good-head be belieued And moreouer in his Comment in cap. 14. Gen. v. 18. and in 6. Ioh. v. 57 he sayes Christ our Lord to be but a second King next to God and a second cause of lyfe Hath this Arch-Rabbi had any respect to S. Paul Phil. 2. who iustifieth his equality with his Father to rob him so easily Moreouer the very deity it self could not retayne Caluin frō this abominable blasphemy Lykewyse Caluin affirmes That the word of the creation was imperfect for somuch that in Heauen he is not dutifully and sincerely serued without sinne committed euen by the Angells them selues Calu. in c. 1. col vers 20. Which doctrine is contrary to the Scriptures that witnes that in that Heauenly Citty is no vnclean thing or sinne Apoc. 21 Seing that all power and gouernement belongs to the Father all wisdome knowledge and doctrine belongs to the sonne all begnity liberaltty plenitude and sanctification is appropriated and imputed to the holy Ghost all good thinges are ascrybed to the three persones not excluding any good from any of them as being all three equall God and consequently not vnequally fountaynes of all good things as well in particular as in generall Morouer concerning this article which sayes and in Iesus Christ his only Sonne our Lord Against the 2. Article How the Protestants deny Christ in the Creed many of the Protestant Professors appeare to be against this article For some affirme that Christ is not the Messias others saye that the name of Christ is a filthy name Some other that he was a deceauer of the world and that he was not God Some other sayd that he had but a meane measure of Godhead Some lykewyse sayd that he was ignorant and his discourse absurde and himself no more God then Socrates and Trismegistus c. All these blaspemies are extant in the first and second article of the family of loue as wryteth Rogerus against the sect of the family of loue printed at Lōdon an 1579. Lykewyse Cartwright discentes nothing from his former false bretheren whyll he sayes in his 2. replic pag. 191. That he could not be persuaded that the Israelites was so madde as to belieue him to be the liuing God whom with their eyes they did behold to be a miserable and simple man And therefore all the world may see of themselues what distrust they haue of Ghrist to be God and our Lord. Morouer they impugne this Article who equal themselues in Gods fauour in right to Heauen vnto Iesus Christ the only begotten consubstantiall Sonne our Lord. Lykewyse they belieue not in Iesus Christ our Lord who distrust any part of his doctrine whether it be of the Sacramēts or whatsoeuer other point because they conceaue it not in their vnderstanding as Caluin affirmes in cap. 6. 7. Iob when the reason of any thing doth not appeare vnto vs such is our great Pryde that we esteeme it nothing Lykewyse they misbelieue this article who thereby haue made God the Father sometymes not to vnderstand which is his begetting For sayes Caluin it is foolishnes to think that God the Father doth continually begett his Sonne And so the sonne is abolished who is not otherwayes actually the Sonne of the Father but by determinating actualy the relation of the Father to himself Wherupon Luther disp de deo Thes 18. Tom. 2. VVittemb lat It is no marueil saies he if Arius if a Iew if Mahomet and all the wold denie Christ to be the Sonne of God And farlesse marueil if the Protestant be also thus persuaded to deny Christ cōsidering their principall Euangelistes teach the same Against the 3. Article Moreouer as concerning that Article Who was cōceaued of the holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Marie How the Protestants deny Christ to be conceaued of the holy Ghost and borne of the Virgin Mary in the creed It is impugned misbelieued by those who blasphemously affirme the holy Ghost to haue been Father to Christ in manner of other Fathers towards their children as reportes Maldonat in cap. 1. Mat. Lykewyse others misbelieue this Article who belieue Christ to haue byn only cōceaued but not borne of a Virgin Caluino-Turc pag. 530. 531. Greg. de Valent. de Virg. S. Mariae To which assertiō Caluin condiscendes saying That the blessed Virgin was in manner weakenned in trauail vpon Christ as other women in their trauail Lyckewyse they misbelieue this Article who equal or prefer themselues to be the B. V. M. and such are the Houling-Puritā-typling Sisters with Rachel Arnot the maistresse of the congregation with Smythes doughters besides these ring-leaders there is not a dyrtie hussy or drabbe in the I le of Britane but will auouch the same which the poore people would not so ignorantly doe if they were not teached of their high diuynes soe to say and belieue against the true grounds of Scripture that pronunceth her prerogatiue to be blessed aboue all women and to conceaue and beare a child and he to be the God of Heauen earth which no other women euer had or did Moreouer they misbelieue this Article who make Christs body as much in Abrahams tyme as when it was conceaued and borne by the Virgin Mary not only in efficacy but also in essence nature as Beza did lib. cont Hesbusium fol. 284. On this sam subiect is the colloq mompel gart saying Christs body was extant euen in the tyme of Abrahā Wherupon these absurdities followes that Christ was true man in essence and in existence before his conception birth so consequently the Angel sayd not true to the sheephearders that this day is borne to you a Sauiour and that the Blessed Virgin Marie was not his Mother c. Moreouer they make Christ to haue two bodies one deliuered in the supper another borne of the Virgin Mary because they forge another Christ thē was her Sōne as witnes aucto diallactici vide Bellarm. 5. Euang. pag. 98. Colon. 1595. Moreouer they misbelieue this Article who affirme that Christ was not eternally but began only at the tyme of his birth Symler in praef lib. de aeterno dei filio Against the 4. Article How the Protestants deny this article that he suffered and how they euacuate his passion Moreouer as concerning that Article That he suffered vnder Pontius Pilat was crucifyed dead and buryed many Protestants deny this Article by euacuating the Passion of Christ and that by saying that the blood is putrifyed in the earth and for that cause which is putrifyed and corrupt cānot redeeme vs but the Apostle defendes the contrary 1. Pet. 1. who sayes VVe were not redeemed by any corruptible pryce Morouer they euacuate the passion of Christ according to all other partes who with Molineus in Harm Euang. makes the merits of Christs of no effect saying they profit vs
Creed what the Protestāts beliue is from the catholicks beliefe by proper definitiō And seeing the first words of our beliefe consist in this forme I Beliue So that after S. Pauls definition Heb. 11. Fayth is the ground of things which are hoped for and the euidence of things not seen This faith must be resolute and vndoubtedly belieued of all Christians which all good Catholickes vndoubtedly doe belieue both in hart and mouth without any waueringe or erronious opiniō and this is the Catholikes beliefe such was not the beliefe of Luther saying That he hoped so soone as the curiosity of these tymes should be fulfilled his monuments would decay and perish Serm. conuiualis fol. 158. in praef Tom. 1. Tomo 2. fol. 9 in praef lib. de abusu missae Moreouer he sayes I neuer dismisse these cogitations out of my head that I wishe I had neuer begunne this course In this remorse and distrust is Zuingl epist ad Alberum saying In matters of faith we defyne nothing but only delyuer our opinion Lykewyse how laboures Caluin as reportes Bols invita Calu. cap. 22. Beza Oecolampad Melanch That they haue euer adioyned to their inconstant fayth to bynd it to the compasse of reason For say they Gods word ought not so much to be followed in diuinity as the words of nature in that we should looke with the left eye at the word of Christ but with the right at the natures of things Lykewyse Caluin in Ioh. cap. 6. cap. 7. declareth this of his bretheren what opinion they be of for sayth he That by meanes of their carnall conceipt of Christ they cannot attayne to perceaue him worthely and by corrupt interpretations they are come to a contempt of the Euangely for when the reason of any thing appeareth not vnto them they suddainly dispyse it So that in the beginning they stumble and doubt before they proceed any further How repugnant are the Protestantes in the belieue to say I belife in God who are found lyers And when they say I belieue in God to make a foundation in whom they anker their faith they are found lyers and condemne themselues for how doe they belieue in God who are Atheistes in profession for by the true signification of the word they renounce disclame all from loue or belife of God Moreouer neyther belieue they in God who make him the author of euill who doth atempt none Iac. 1. who in mystaking the effect of the article transforme him into a diuell for sayes not Luther that God doth work euill workes in the wicked Roff. art 36. and Caluin lib. 3. inst cap. 23. § 7. cap. 21. § 7. sayes That it was decreed of God that Adam should sinne And lykewyse in the same booke he sayes whom God hath appointed to damnation by his iust The Protestants misbelieue God and irreprehensible decree he shuts vp from them the way of lyfe Do these men belieue in God who they make author of all euill and iniquity Are they not lyers and their beliefe abominable Is not this defended of Zuingl de prouid dei Tom. 1. fol. 365. when we commit adultery or murther it is Gods works as mouer author and inforcer for the murtherer by Gods impulsion doth kill and is often constrayned to offend Moreouer they belieue not in God who account questions concerning the deity but triffles and indifferent things and no wayes necessary to saluation and such be the question of Christ his office and mediation his consubstantialitie with the Father of the vnity of the Trinity of Predestination and of frewill of iustification of Angeles For in true beliefe the reputation and knowledge of God and what belongs to him is of greater importāce then al other things in Heauen and earth The Protestantes misbelieue God whill rhey cal him Father deny the Trinity Beza de Haeret. a ciuili Magist. puniendis Moreouer as concerning that word of the beliefe in calling him Father truely as they misbelieue God so do they misbelieue the Father whyle they deny and misbelieue the Trinity for sayes not Caluin lib. 1. inst cap. 13. § 5. lib. ad Valent. Gentil Epist. 2. ad Polonos That he would the name of Trinity were buryed that these words in the Litanies rehearsed of Christiās Holy Trinity one God haue mercy on vs is a Barbarous and vnproper prayer Lykwyse Ochim Dial. lib. 2. dial 19.20 Calleth the name Trinity a sathanicall and diuelish name Wherupon the family of loue hath reiected the name Trinity as a papisticall fiction Edw. Roger. cont fam Lond an 1578. Art 24.25.26 Lykewyse Luther in enchired Praecum ann 1543 he saies That his soul abhorreth that prayer Holy Trinity one God haue mercy on vs and lykewyse that word Homousion that is to say the consubstantiality of Christ betwixt the persones in the holy Trinity To animate this detestable hatred the more the Seruetians called the Trinity a thre headed Cerberus and hel hound Beza epist 81. And moreouer to this effect was not the Embassadge of the Caluinistes of Poll and sent to Zurick and to Geneua to haue this Article abolished out of the beliefe and that the name Trinity should not be mentioned Wherupon the Caluinian Synod ensued at Vilnaan 1589 11. May where it was ordeyned by publick decree that all Ministers in their Sermons should not make mention of the Trinity Symler an 1560 in vitae Bulling fol. 33. Brendenbachl 7. cap. 19. Lykewyse they misbelieue the Father who with Caluin lib. 1. inst cap. 13 § 13.23.24 vlt. doe affirme it folishnes to belieue or think that God doth cōtinually beget his Sonne Wheras by this continuall vnderstanding he must euer produce a word which is the wisdome of the Father his Sonne Lykewise all they misbelieue the Father who exclude the Sonne holy Ghost from infinit Diuinity and coequality with the Father Melan. loc com ann 2539. fol. 8. 10. ann 1545. fol. 53. an 1558. loco defilio How the Protestants denye God almighty In calling and attributing to him Almighty amongst the principall protestants this Article is denyed Caluin lib. 2 inst cap. 7. § 5. 24. lib. 4. cap. 17. § 24. in psal 37. v. 4. Moreouer whereas we Catholickes professe him maker of Heauen and earth the which right beliefe doth confesse that the Sōne holy Ghost created asmuch as God the Father seing they are not dinstinguished one from an other as they are God and consequently their doings are and must be all one in externall operations such as in the creation of the world Against this article fightes Calu. cont Valent. Gent. lib. 2. inst cap. 14. § 3. saying that the name of God peculiarly doth belonge only to God the Father and that Christ considered according to his persone may not be called Creator of Heauen and earth Which vngodly assertiō being allowed to be true besydes all other absurdities it followeth that
sinne and loue of God yet notwithstanding not without feare and trembling if they consider their owne infirmity and weaknes And as concerning that saying of S. Iohn 1. cap. v. 10. who belieues in the sonne of God hath the testimony of God in himself It is true to wit by fayth belieuing the verity which God witnesses so that this place doth not speake of the testimony of righteousnes but bea●e witnesse and giues testimony of the diuinity of the sonne of God which the Father exhibites of his Sonne and is belieued of man OBIECTION THe Apostle sayth 1. cor 13 v. 8. That charity neuer failles but we haue this charity in baptisme which we are certaine neuer to lease Therefore we are certaine of grace and consequently of righteousnes ANSVVER SAinct Paul denyeth not but that charity may faill in this lyfe but in the other world to come it shall not faill For if fayth and hope may faile why not also charity Ergo we are not certaine of our righteousnes OBIECTION THe Apostle sayth 2. cor 1. v. 12. This is our glory the testimony of our consciences but a testimony is none except it be certaine ANSVVER THe testimony of conscience in which the Apostle glories and reioyses or by whose example we may glory the lyke to wit is not to be guilty in our selues of sinne and to liue confidently vs to stand in grace Which testimony of conscience consistes not in righteousnes of workes but in sanctification and holines of lyfe for all reioysing anexed with feare is not assured and certaine For it it sayd ps 2 serue the Lord with feare and reioyce in him with trembling OBIECTION MAny are certaine in themselues to haue walked righteously and to haue eshewed all mortall sinnes which cannot be without iustifying grace therefore must certainely and assuredly any man may know himself to be in grace and consequently certaine of his saluation ANSVVER THe Minor is false for it is sayd ps 18. v. 13. who doth know his sinnes And S. Peter 2. Epist cap. 1. v. 10 Exhorteth by the flying of sinne to make our calling and election sure by good workes That we be not in vaine called for whosoeuer perseueres not in vaine is his vocation consequently a man is neyther certayne of iustifying grace neyther of saluation OBIECTION TO Deny this certitude of grace makes men to doubt and dispayre Ergo. ANSVVER ALbeit his certitude of Grace and only fayth be excluded and denyed there is no occasion of anxiety doubt because there is many things that brings consolation to go fordward in righteousnes in the feare of God as loue charity contrition the Eucharist tribulations as witnes the Apostle saying 2. cor 7. v 4 Aboue measure I reioyce in all our tribulations c. QVAESTIO XXX Of the Purenesse of good Workes WHerefore extolleth the Papists so much the workes of Righteousnes seing all good workes whatsomeuer whosoeuer done of any man are sinne and blotted with impurity of the corrupted flesh and are made imperfect with a perpetuall affection of imperfections So that as our Arch-Rabbies teaches that the very elect are Guilty of sinne before God and of the feare of the iudgement of death Luth art 31. 32. Caluin lib. 3. inst cap. 11. § 11. cap. 14 § 9.10.11 lib. 4 cap. 15 § 11. ANSVVER VVHat execrable assertion is affirmed be there Ghospellers who being empte of all good workes and holynes following the flesh must sauour of the impurity of the flesh consequently wyld sinners and as brutish creatures to follow their owne imaginations concerning righteousnes and good workes Many good workes are without sinne and glorifyeth God Which we defend and confesseth that good men de facto may performe and exhibit by the help of Gods grace many good workes meritorious and verily to be without any spot of sinne as vndoubted fayth teaches and holy Scriptures beare witnesse For to what end doth Christ exhort men to good workes if they be sinne in themselues saying Matth. 5 v 16. Let your light thyne before men that they may see your good workes and glorify your Father which is in Heauen But wicked and sinfull workes are not good neyther is God glorifyed of them but in the contrary what is good and glorifyeth God are not si●ne neyther polluted of the flesh which is verifyed secondly of the doctrine of the Apolste who exhorting them to follow good workes shewing what offect follow them saying 2. Pet. cap. 1. v. 10. In doing of these things you shall not sinne which ●●hey had been sinne the Apostle Peter so foolishly world not haue bidden vs to make our calling electiō sure by good workes if they had not profited vs and glorifyed God Moreouer the Apostle 1. cor 7. v. 38. speaking of Virginity sa yt Who giues his virgin to Matrimony doth well and who doth not doe better if this positiue gifte Mariadge be not sinne How much more excellent a worke is Virginitie to be a worke without a sinne Lykewyse the Apostle commending the dignitie of a Byshop sayes 1. Tim. 3. v. 1. If any man desyre to be a Byshop he desyreth a good worke● And last of all it is sayd to the great prayse of Iob that in all his afflictions he had not sinned in his lippes cap. 1. v. 22. Therefore it is euident that many good workes by the helpe of Gods grace may be accomplished and done without any spot of sinne or any quality appertayning to sinne both to the glory of God and profyt of the doer If good works were sinne God should be a prayser of sinne And therfore to say that our good workes are defayled and spoted with sinne it should follow that God should prayse euill workes which is opposed to the nature of his owne goodnesse Moreouer reason accordeth with the Scripture because there is no quality in man that necessitates and forces him that he should defayle and contaminat his owne workes with sinne neyther is he moued of God nor of his owne nature to that euill seing that God is no tempter of euill neyther doth nature desyre of it selfe or worketh force or any violence neyther the Diuell because he cannot compell violently the freewill of man neyther bowe it or fraime it to his disposition and desyre For if a man can doe no good wo●●● without the blot and euill effect of sinne it should follow that the grace of God and the whole merits of Christ should be vnprofitable and without effect to abolish sinne And againe in the day of iudgement there shal be neyther merite nor demerite rewarded in the present tyme it is all a lyke to spoill and robe as to giue almesse consequently mortall sinne and habituall grace shall dwell and exist togeather and moreouer in vaine are all the exhortations monitions perused in the Scriptures to moue men to pennance mortification and satisfaction of l●fe if a man can doe no good thing but sinne And
point of religion called in controuersie but lock to be directed as they haue been alwayes in all former ages by there Catholik Pastors to vvhō they are cōmanded by the Apostle to obey submit thēselues no lesse thē the soger to his captain or the passager to the schipper master of the shippe Therfore after the exāple of the Apostle I haue set down the Protestantes opinion sound doctrine that the modest and discret Reader may iudge with equity that their profession is reall heresie and containes nothing but filthy abominable assertions without any good grounds eyther of Scripture or reasone That in vveighing the balance in thy hand of iudgement and vnderstanding thow may saue thy soule which is lost if thow remaine in the profession with them who will goe about to saue his soule will learne the verity And therefore Gentle Reader I haue set downe in this Protestant Theologie there owne wordes lest some would say that I doe belye them which to doe I am very loth but to obserue charity as I would they should doe the lyke to me and whereas Gentil Reader that thow hadst not the full work accomplished blame me not I lippened to mens promises who hath failled when I haue brought this booke so farre on the way for my owne part I am sory that it is manked or abriged if pouerty hath not been my impediment notwithstanding to my ability with the curtosie of some goodes friends out of the zeall of their deuotion This first part of my booke is commed to light expecting opportunatie and frienship to effectuat the other part which God-willing in his owne tyme shall be seene Therefore inioy this for the present and pitie my pouerty bidding the hartly fairewell Thy friend in Christ F. VV. P. A. THE PROTESTANTS THEOLOGIE QVAESTIO I. WHerefor good Christians adheere ye and ioyne rather to the Papists Church and faith than to our reformed Church seing our Church and faith is the trew Catholik faith and is from the Apostles them selues delyuered Cal. praef ad Franc. Gal. Reg. ANSVER The Catholik Roman faith was long befor the reformed WHEREFOR praefere ye not the Roman-Catholik-Church and hir faith befor the Lutheran Caluinian or any vther sect what soeuer vnder pretence of reformation with a whorish applaud for as God was befor the deuil appeared euin so his trew Church and faith out of all dout is more ancient than the false and was befor it euer appeared for when the husbandman hade soowed his good seed in the feild than efter came the enuyous man and owersowed cockle as is said Matth. 15. but our Catholik Roman Church faith religion by the rest is long befor the reformation The Church and hir crew faith is from the tyme of the apostles ordeered and printed in the tables of verytie forasmuch seing that these many ages it hath bene from the tyme of the Apostles and long befor hath preuented the reformed nether can any of their wryters or centurians shew and declare as yet any forcible and sufficient argument what tyme place or by what author any corruption entered in the Catholick Roman Church Morouer ther was none except heretickes who beleued thes thinges contrary to the doctrin of the Roman Catholik Church or haue proposed to be beleued which they dogmatically indeed belieue and peruersly propound to be belieued if they can as yet shew and declare An honest chalenge let them approue them selues men for thair souls good and the honor of their reformed religion and for the satisfaction of many halting betwixt their new opinions and our old Roman Catholick doctrine Morouer we may easily declare demonstrate these your dogmaticall opinions and paradoxes in which yow do discrepat The new reformed religion is long sensed condemned disagre frō vs long since to be condemned and to be tryed real heresies out of diuerse sectaries alredy condemned by the Church also what tyme place increas procedings author of whō they weer oppugned gainsaid It is bulded on the old heresies alredy condemned which when they weere brought to light and made knowne to all men did all sauour of heresie noueltie and change of religion with no long apparant continuans of long keiping possession or perseuerant tyme as shal be in euery place argument of this book obserued the man and his opinion the oppugner and contradictor the censor iudgment the age tyme. And therfor as for our part we shall first let Tert de praescr haret c. 32. as a defender of the Catholik Roman faith steppe into the feild with whom we demande Tert. demandes of the heretikes their entres and inquyre of your newe nouation and vpstatt reformation becaus yow claime the Catholick Church and hir name vnto you in this maner asking of you by these interrogations saying as he said to the heretikes in his tyme What do yow in my place and bee none of myne lykwyse by what right Marcion Luther Caluin cut ye doun my woodes by what licēse Valētin Luther Caluin made into my fountaines by what authoritie Appelles Luther Caluin break yow my boundes myne is the possession why do ye rest heere to sowe and pasture at your pleasure myne is the possession Tertul defendes the Catholik name to aperte in to him as to a lawful successor of the Apostles long synce I possest it and first I did possesse it I shewe the first original of the owners to whome the thing was proper thus he Morouer our holy father S. August lib. de vtilit cred c. 7. as an other martial champion entereth in the feild against the heretikes of his tyme who vsurped the Catholick name and sayes ther is one Church All heresie confesse one Church as al confesse and if you look on the wholl compasse of the world it exceedeth all other in nomber as they affirme that know also shee is more sincere in doctrine of the treuth and ther is one Catholick Church Diuers heresies heth geuen diuers names to hir bot culd neuer deface hir of the Catholick name to which diuerse heresies haue geuen different names whē as euery on of them haue their proper name which they dare not deny by which it may easily appeare to whom the name Catholick of which al are desyrous ought to be attributed This word Catholick made him to boast and outface the enimyes saying contr epist fund c. 4. I may not omit this wisdome This name catholick mad●s him to boost against heresies which you deny to be the Catholick Church ther ar diuerse other things which do most iustly retaine and hold me in hir boundes as vnitie ther hould me the consent of people Consent of people authoritie and the name Catholik held S Augastin in the Church and nations the authoritie which had hir beginning by mirackles nourished by hope augmented by charitie confirmed by antiquitie there do hold me the succession of
Geneua in Sauoye their preachings They neuer saluted Ierusalem nether is their reformed faith farr spred abrode nether hath it ben in Asia Africk Grece Egypt nether in many Kingdomes of Europe and farlesse through the world nether to the middest of it And although the Church as they say is old and aged yet their Synagogue is more apparant to be at an end Diuisions and sectes are futer tokens of an● end for their own diuisiones and daily mutations are prognostications of an end for the Euangellist sayes Luc. c. 1. euery Kingdome diuided in it self shal be desolat this desolation appeares rightly in the propagation of sectes for some are Sacramentaries In what nomber of sectes the reformed fallin whil they forsake the Catholick Church some Confessionistes some fierce some slacker some contra-deuills some hellishe deuills some two Sacramentaries other thre Sacramentaries some superintendents some Luther-Caluinists some anti-Caluinists some new-Pelagians some new Manicheans some Puritans some Gomaristes contra-Puritanes Arminians c. What a rable and a degenerat crew of sectes ech one hath the new reformed Church and the new no faith In vaine they wold be called Catholickes wher Sathan hath his dominiō it tendes to desolation and are not ashamed to claime the Catholik name to them and the Church of Christ Where Antichrist hath his desolation abominable confusion of sectes And therefor their religion reformation and faith is nether religion faith nor Gospel The Protestants sayes without warrandes Ther exception here can not be omitted vndiscouered in that they affirme and say them to hold the same doctrin which begann at Ierusalem ther vpon to assume to them the Apostolicall and Catholik faith This exception is in vaine for when soeuer any heretik did appare he sayd and affirmed the same Christ answer e our Catholik beg nn●g but euill proued here vpon Christ ●eencounters their folish-cauilling-lies who hath not placed the doctrine but the beginning of the Euangelicall preaching to take place at Ierusalem for he sayes Trew doctrin is no● knowne but preaching and to preachers beginning at Ierusalem to wit the self preachers for the doctrin is not knowne except by preaching as the Apostel sayes how shall they belieue in him in whome they haue not heard and how shall they heare without preaching therefor the preacher and the doctrine must beginne first at Ierusalem The preacher the doctrin most beginne at Ierusalem Which the new reformed preachers haue not done therefor their doctrin and reformed faith is nether Apostolical nor Catholick All Churches hath one beginning of the Apostolicall preaching beginning at Ierusalem For all particular Churches haue one originall and commun beginning to wit the Apostolicall pr aching beginning at Ierusalem and after by the same Apostles spred abrod in diuerse nations It ●est now after so many ages that albeit the Churches of the other Apostles hath perished not w h standing only Peters the Prince of the Apostles to wit the Church of Rome Rome Church standes by singular priuiledge of God that in it is livly authoritie by the singular benefit of God to remain Wher many yeares he teached and in it ended his lyf which as S. Aug Epist 162. ad Glorium sayes hath euer bene resident with the authoritie of the apostolicall chayre And theirfor for verification of our mission doctrin and faith we make manifest and declare one originall to be of the Apostles for Peter him self first of all other hath preached in Ierusalem and also from this seate when as yet the seates of the other apostles weer extant The church of Rome is cheif of all other seates when the Apostles wer a-liue All the fathers defended ther originall by this church Trew faith should be vndouted in all thinges not with standing as cheif of all others and hereto many holy fathers and the trew Senatours of the world haue inferred and induced punctually the orignall of their churches against the heretikes of their tyme. As Tertull. de praesc haeret 2. con lib 3. c. 3. Epiph. haret 27. aug 4. The fourth reason is that the trew Catholick faith ought to be vndoubted in all things the which the Church proposes to be belieued so that it is most certain to vs the thing which we are commanded to belief to be such lyke for other wayes it should not be trew faith because faith is the substance of things hoped this is the trew proper and sure fundament and an argument of nothing seene Heb. 9. and this is the trew definition of our Catholik faith and the vndoubtenes there of to depend on the Church But the Reformed faith of Luther and Caluin is not vndoubted and first I proue The Protestāts faith is full of doutes because in matters of greatest importance and moment of faith they disagree one from the other extremly For Luther omitting many to touche a fewe discrepants in his booke de capt bap printed anno 1520. about the beginning doth acknowledge only one Sacrament if we do speke sayes he according to the custome of the Scripture Luther and Caluin varie in the number of the Sacraments notwithstanding after he takes occation for the tyme to place three bapt the Lords supper and pennance Far other wayes disputes Caluin in his Parnassus lib. 4. instit cap. 18. § 19 whil he reckneth two Sacraments saying besides these none other is institute of God and yet the Church of the faithfull ought not to acknowledge any other Notwithstanding a little after in the same booke Order a Sacrament acknowledged of Caluin cap. 19. § 31. he sings an other thing placeing order amongst the Sacraments ther rests imposition of handes sayes he which in trew and lawfull ordination I graunt to be a Sacrament Bread wyne to be turned in to the body blood of Christus is Luthers opinion Againe Luther in his book de abroganda miss pri plainly teacheth that Christ when he sayd this is my body and this is my blood changed the bread into his body the wyne into his blood likewyse in his Serm. de Euchar. it is not there bread sayes he and wyne but only the species of bread and wyne Caluin called bread wyne Sacramentall symboles Contrariwise Caluin denyed his body and blood corporally and essentially to be in the Eucharist but only spiritually and sacramentally as lib. 4 instit c. 17. § 5. for that we confesse him to be no other way in the Sacrament thā by the eating of faith neither can he no other wayes be presupposed who in his first § sayes bread and wyne sayes he are signes which do represent the inuisible foode that we receiue of the flesh and blood of Christ by faith Morouer how variable and inconstant is Luther in the other artickles of the faith Luth. is so variable in the artikles of our faith that in one artkle he is noted of 36
errores That in one artikle of the communion of the one kynd or vnder both he is conuinced of 36. filthy errors as Cochlaeus Reherseth at length In this giddinesse laboures Caluin whill in his booke adu gentil in diuerse his epistles to the Polonians affirmes some tyme Christ the Sone of God to be equal to his father furth with in his 2. of instit cap. 14. § 3. the same aequalitie he retractes Caluin is also variable in his opinion concerning the equalitie of Christ with his father and subiectes it to the Father alswell the diuine nature as the humane for treating how Christ in the day of judgment is to delyuer vp the kingdome to God his father than sayes he the name it self and the croun of glory and what soeuer he receaued of his father he shall again subiect to the father that God may be all in all In conclusion of this their reformed faith is not vndouted nether which they propound to be beleued is of the giddinesse of Heretikes whose variablenes and inconstancy is lyke to the windes of the heauen and therefor no faith nether religion is the profession of the reformed The last reasone is trew faith doth declare and shew the trew God trew saluation Trew faith shewes the trew God saluation and a good life The Protestāts faith is cleane contrary the trew way to liue well as also to escheu all kynd of filthynes and vncleannesse and such is the Catholik Roman faith and not Luthers or Caluins which conteine many things contrary to right reasone against diuine and humane lawes and naturall good maneres As first that infantes belieue in Baptisme Luth Luther sayes that infantes belieue in Baptisme Caluin that yt was decreed of God the sinne of Adam Caluiu sayes that God hath ordened some to life some to death and this is called his predestination Caluin makes God author of sinne contr Cochl Anno 23. Secondly that it was decreted of God that Adam should sinne Calu. lib. instit 3. c. 23. § 7. Thirdly that God hath decreed some to eternal life and other some to eternall condemnation and this is his preordination for all is not created to a lyke condition therefor as each one is made to his own proper end wither to life or to death we say that he is predestinat of God Caluin lib. 3. institut cap. 21. § 5. Morouer he makes God the author of sinne and to work iniquitie For sayes he he moueed Absalon to commit incest in that sayes he that Absalon with an incestuous commixtion defiled his fathers bed and did commit a detestable crime not with standing God pronuncis this work to be his dede and not Absalones Calu. lib. 1. inst cap. 18. § 1. ibid. c. 17 § 8. Morouer in the same book and chapter he sayes that God not only vsed the workes of the wicked but also gouerned their counsell and effects and to be author of all their scelerous deedes Againe he goeth about to glosse and defende the maiestie of God from sinne and accusation whill in the same booke both he purgeth God and makes him author of sinne and now sayes he from whence are the euills of Iob and the disobedience of Helies children which immediatly befor he hath alledged and proued to be of God and in the end plainly declaires and affirmes God to be the author of sinne how soeuer these Censorists-Papists wold of lykelyhood haue these to happen by his ydle permission Calu. lib. 1. cap. 14. § 16 cap. 18. § 4. Caluin sayes man hath no freewill but doth of necessitie A man is justified by only faith and all good workes are sinne Likewise hath he not extinguished and robbed man of freewill but to be ruled by necessitie Calu. lib. 1. cap. 15. § 1. Morouer Caluin teaches a man to be justified by only faith and good workes not only to be vnprofitable but to be abominable and how soeuer they be done of the righteous man they are euer sinne and abominable in the sight of God Calu. lib. 3. instit cap. 11. § 19. in this maner and paradoxes playeth the reformed applying against the law of right reasone and all good manners The end that heresies intendes and for the teaching of the trew faith vnto the knowledge of God and saluation and to liue Godly and well but their new no faith and hereticall reformation makes an open way to all kynd of wickednesse and to damnatiō and by this way the reformed blindes and obscures the knowledge of God which is made known by trew faith in teaching strange doctrin not to saluation but to condemnation and auouching such damnable paradoxes and opinions to the libertie of the fleshe to the following of all sensualite and wikednes and for conclusion this is the prophane bragg of the protestantes to call them selfs which they ar not no more then an ape is a man so no more ar the reformed catholikes albeit they desyre to be so called Whose reformation is inuented by the priuate inuention of particular men Heresie is by tolleration of som particular man now allowed now disproued and manteined by priuat affection of som priuat prince som tymes for fourtie yeares or fyftie as new faithes ar accustomed to be receaued now allowed now disprowed now imbraced now disliked so that this priuat faith is farr from the catholik faith which from the begining hath ben receaued and without interruption hath continued this faith may no wayes be devysed of man or inuented by man or vpon affection allowed and approwed but it must be learned of the church for faith is by hearing Bot treue faith is by hearing of the church and not be reading or reuelation as we see in the vocation of S. Paul to be a chosen vessell of God he was sent to Ananias in Damascus to learne of him what he should do also Cornelius a godlie mā and fearing god although he might haue ben taught of the angell that appeared to him yet was he not but by that same angell was commanded to send to Ioppa for Simon Peter to com to him and he shall shew thee Sayes he what thow ougthest to do So that this treu Catholik faith which the Roman church holdes is of Gods ordinance and learned of our predecessors and not as the reformed fatth is It is ane euil thing not to beleue the church deuysed and fained of new inuentions for as S. Leo sayes to Eutichian What is more wicked than to haue vngodly opinions and no● to beleue the church and the holy fathers of the church whose wisdome and learning is in admiration to the world and therfore in the fight of all the world the reformed is condemned in vsurping their faith and name for Catholick whose entries and progress is nether of God nor for God nor sauor no point of the catholick faith nether of the catholick name for they ar allienat from this church and
consequentlie frō god him self for as S. August sayes he shall not haue god for his father that will not haue the church for his mother OBIECTION OVr faith is pure reformed and is Catholik forasmuch as it is free of the errors and superstitions of the papistis and therefor this our reformation is to be preferred and is more Catholik then the papistes faith is ANSVER TOo late hast thou sprūg vp vaine boaster that with these vaine wordes and suchlyk illusiones thow labores to seduce and blind so many learned men in the church of God or perchance thou thinkest them to be children lying in craddles that in singing of such triflinge songs thow canst mak them slumber or rather stumble The protestants reformation admittes no power spirituall or temporall What puritie ●s in yowr faith how reformed and how long catholike that more iustlie it may be called deformed and the in bringer of all deformatiō and distruction of all ecclesiasticall powere the which reformation admits no policie and no ecclesiasticall forme but damnes the rites of all former ages Derides the cannones of the Church They deride the canons of the Church and Scoffes at the fathers mockes and scoffes the holy fathers howsoeuer they weer neere the tyme of the Apostles for euidence doth not Cal. lib. 3. instit cap. 4. § 38. condemne all the anciēt fathers whose bookes ar extant in speaking of satisfaction and that in his fourth booke of instit cap. 12. § 20. sayes he Caluin condēnes the anciēt fatheres and presseth them to haue sown superstition in the Church In all he will not excuse the ancient fathers but that they haue sowed the seede of superstition and haue giuen occasion to Tyrannie which therafter a rose in the church and than furth with beganne the superstitious obseruance of Lent thus he and thus is the beginning of the reformation and the puritie of the gospell to bolster heresie for treuth and veritie It may be called a renouation of old damned heresies harken good frends and I shall declare the assumtion and the effect of this reformatiō first the trew church of God visible in all the countries of the world in this reformed churches opiniō to haue perished and to remaine and a byde in som certaine places of the world obscure and hidde of this mynd was the Donatists as witnes Opt. meleu lib. 2. cont parm and S. Ang. lib. de Vnit. Eccl. cap. 12. this same doctrin of reformed faith The Church to haue perished was the old heretikes opinion with the reformers hath Caluin teached that the church of Christ hath perished and remaines inuisible aganst the plain tenor of the Scriptur Cal. lib. 4. cap. 2. § 2. Secondlie the Arrianes taught the sonne not to be aequall to the father in deitie as witnes Epiph. heresie 69. The sone is not equall with the father And the same groundes hath Caluin for his reformation lib. 2. inst c. 14. § 3. God is the author of sinne Thirdlie Florinus held opinion God to be the author of sinnes as Euseb lib. 5. c. 20. And the same opinion is stoutly defended of Caluin lib. 1. iust cap 18 § 4 5. lib. 1. cap. 15. § 16. Man is instified by onlie faith Fourtly man to be iustifyed and saued by only faith and not by workes was the opinion of Simon Magus and Eunomius as S. Aug. haer 54. Iren. lib. 1 cap. 20. The same doctrin teaches Luth. in Serm. de piscat Petri We should come only with Ysaac sayes he that is with faith and the seruantes and asses that is workes it behoweth to leave them below and a syde And in an other Sermon in that subiect Sic Deus dilexit mundū if thow com sayes he with Sackes full of good workes it behoveth thee to lay thē down otherwayes thow canst not enter into heauen And Caluin ther mak his bragg in his thrid book of inst cap 11. § 14. Now plainly the reader doth behold sayes he with what oequitie the Sophisticall papistes do cauill and iudge our religion when we say Aman is iustified by only faith Man hath no freewill Fyftlie Manicheus condemned and denyed frewill as S. Aug. haeres 49. The same hath Luther renewed as in his book of Servill will cont Eras and suchlyk Cal. lib. 2. cap. 2. § 4. This name of frewill hath euer beene extant with the Latines but with the Grekes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is a word much more arrogant Mariadge and Virginitie is alyk in merit Sixtlie Iouinian made Mariage alyke in dignitie and merit to Virginitie and plainly to haue taught fasting and abstinence to be of no merit as S. Hier. obserues lib. 1. 2. cont Iouian These same subiectes teaches Luther and Caluin Luther in his epithalamio and Cal. lib. 4. c. 12. § 19. cap. 13. § 3. what if I should repeat the erroneous opinions of the Albigenses Waldens Wiclif Hussites Abailardes Baer●● garians Almarik and suchlyk abominable sectes condemned long since of the Church and of all generall counsells accursed and yet not withstanding these are the patrones The old heretikes ar the patrones of the newe heretikes and Rabbies of the reformed who weer renewers of Heresie inuentors of noualties whose begininge and progresse is knowen to be wrapped in errore and superstitiō while they think to be free ar snared in blindnese of vnderstanding and in hardnes of hart They ar blind through the hardnes of ther hart and indured goeth headlonge to perditiō as reprobated of God through the hardnes of their own hart and therfore if any mā censure and iudge with equitie the reformed they haue no faith no religion no name but the name of particular men as Caluinists and Lutherans and of suchlyk monsters already condemned And therfore for conclusion let the catholik Romā faith liue and reigne to whose campe I admon she all aduersaries not to approch for treuely it is plesant and delectable to be a protestant but more Secure to die a Catholik therfore let euery good Christian eschewe and flee from the Lutherans and Galuinistes who ar particular sectes seing each Gentell reader flee the heretikes for they promise much and porforme but little one of them promisseth with Faustus Manicheus to giue a new illumination and a new reformation euery on of them endeuoreth to draw the into his sect but take heed and be warned and cry with S. Hieron epist ad Damas Meletius Vitalis and Paulinus also Luther Caluin and Rotman and all other sectaries doe say that they haue the trew and Christian faith so said the heretikes of old so sayes the moderne perchance aman might beleue if one said it but two and three do say and they all do lie what hunting mak they to mak a proselite and a child of hell o tymes o maneres o monsters what absurdities followeth this new reformation as is rehersed that Christian men are
feare least perchance by ignorance he had sinned for the hart of man is a depth and what is more profound then this depth Psal 41. for men may speak and may be seene mouinge and workinge and harde speake but of whome is his hart penetrated of whome is his thoughtes beholden what he meanes within him self What within he may think what he would what he would not who shall comprehend this depth hearing the Apostell saying I know nothing in my self yet do I not iudge my self would any beleue such a profunditie to be in man that this depth to him self is not known in wkome it is this profunditie of infirmitie appeared not to S. Peter S. Peter knew not his own weaknes in his rashe promises how shall a man know of his full perfection which is iustificatiō when he knew not what was to be done in him self when rashlie he promissed to dye for our Lord Matth. 26. Therefor is any man secure in this lyf which is called a warrfaire and temptation and as Hierem. 17. sayes the hart of man is froward and inscrutable who shall know it so that no man knoweth what is in man except the spirit of man which is in him and yet treuly the spirit him selfe not fully for when the Apostle sayes I esteme litle to be iudged of yow or of man but addinge therto nether do I iudge my self wherfore becaus I cānot giue a treu sentēce of my self for although I am nothing guyltie yet in this I am not iustifyed God knowes in man that he knowes not in him selfe for God heares and sees in the hart of the thinker that he nether heares nor sees in him self that thinketh For this cause Hier. 17. sayes thow knowest I haue not desyred the day of man and if this my day smyled on me nether iudge I my self because nether do I know my self sufficient therefor is our Lord Iesus worthily constitut iudge of the liuing the dead who knowes the thoughtes of all mens hartes and vnderstandeth their workes so that all good Catholikes doe attende the iudge whome we acknowledge our only iustifyer No mā should be temerous iudge of him selfe And therfor I do not vsurpe and tak vpon me being a Seruant the authoritie of the sonne nether do I nomber me with these solifidianes without knowledge of their oun weaknes and the hidde secretes of their hartes to iustifye themselues to iustify my self against whome the Prophet complianes Men heaue taken from me my iudgment God complaines on man that vsurpes the office which is gods Iob nor S. Paul would not iustifye them selues and therfor it is euident when the Apostle did say nether do I iudge my selfe rightlie he doth imitate Iob cap. 9. Who treuely in this same maner speaks of him self howbeit if I should haue any thing iust I shal not answere but I shall pray my iudge and when he shall hear me call I beleue not that he heares my voyce also if I be simple this same my soul is ignorant of and I was affraide of all my workes knowing that thow sparest not the sinner are not these sufficient scrupulous testimonies in so holy men as Iob and S. Paul doth not all men clearlie see that this their vaine solifidian faith The protestantes do plain cōtrary to all good rules and presumptuous persuasion and lykewise their sinfull securitie and impious iustification to be contrary to the holy Scriptures doctrine of holy fatheres from the primitiue church to iustify them selues while they ar conuersant in the fleshe and this verdict of iustification all heretikes vsurpe to them which is properly the office of Christ Iesus Iudge of the liuing and of the dead and not mans office Only faith anulls the lords prayer Morouer this doctrine of only faith taketh away and a bolisheth the Lordes prayer in which we pray that our sinnes be forgiuen vs for seing it is certaine that no man rightly askes in prayer that he hath assuredlie in him self but by this only faith a man persuades him self certaine Caluin mockes thē that do say the Lords prayer of the forgiunes of sinnes therfor it followeth according to Caluins saying that the faithfull man scornes God while he prayes forgiue vs our trespasses for what shall he pray for remission that hath already obtained remission of sinnes and is by only faith iustifyed Only faith anulles baptisme Moreouer the doctrine of this only faith is contrary to the Scripture concerninge baptisme for no man can be admitted in full yeares to baptisme except those who haue the Christian faith according to that sayinge of Philippe to the Eunuch Act. 5. if thow beleeue from thy whole hart it is lawfull to baptise but according to the doctrin of this only faith by assured persuasion If a man only beleue hee needes not baptisme a man in perfect yeares by belieuing this faith he is certaine in him self that he is the sonne of God that now in apprehensiō of this faith God is merciful to him and hath forgiuen him his sinnes and therfor consequently it is not need to baptise or to giue baptisme that sinnes may be forgiuen or to be borne againe of the water and the spirit So that this doctrin is contrary to the symboll of our profession which sayes I confesse on baptisme in the remission of sinnes and in lycksort to that Sermon of S. Peter to the Iewes in the day of Pentecost Act. 2. let euery one be baptised in the remission of sinnes as also to our Lords cōmaund Ioan. 3. saying except a man be borne of the water and the spirit he can not enter into the kingdome of heauen but this doctrin of only faith is false Who would persuade men of iustification and remission of sinnes without mediation Only faith is against the doctrin of the Apostle in the receauing of the Lords supper Moreouer this doctrine of only faith is against the doctrine of the Apostle concerning the right vse of the Eucharist for he sayes who soeuer shall eat of this bread and drinck of this cuppe of the Lord vnworthilie shal be guyltie of the body and blood of our Lord but let a man proue him self and so let him eat and drink of this cuppe for he that drincketh ad eateth vnworthily eates and drinkes to his own iudgment not iudging the Lordes body But this doctrine of only faith commandes thee to be certaine and to persuade thy self and firmly deere with thy selfe that thow shal be nether guyltie nether shall incurre iudgment and shall escape all perrill If we only belieue it suffices although we neuer examine our conscience if that thow only belieue but the Apostle teached the faithfull Corrinthians to proue thē selues least they should tak the holy Eucharist vnworthily to their gvyltines and therby be condemned but Luther Caluin and all the rest teach by only faith securitie and assurednes of the mercies of God and
him againe fall with his owne waight in the waters breaking his bones strangled and almost left dead this was the euent of his myracle as witnesseth Thomas Bozio de signis eccl dei lib. 5. cap. 2. Therfore iustly of the reformed minysteres and all Protestants we Catholycks demaunde and aske by what power they haue entered into the church of God Myracles for confirmation of their doctrine iustly demaunded for no true faith is without myracles and with what supernaturall signes for the confirmation of their reformation for a new faith moust haue newe myracles and therefore seing they haue induced a new faith in all things repugnant to the faith professed and belieued this thowsand fyue hundreth yeares past and doe contemne the ordinary mission lawfull succession ordination of the Church and haue intruded thēselue extraordinarly by their mouing spirit therfore rightly demaūde we supernaturall myracles for the confirmation of their supernaturall vocation And seing from the tyme of the begynning of the old Church Myracles are necessary to proue trew faith and lawfull vocation vnto the vprysing of the new no man denyes and all affirmes that myracles were euer needfull For the Heretickes thēselues affirmes myracles to be so necessary as a proofe of their lawful vocatiō That they who otherwayes would entre into the Church of God to be preachers reformers planters of Religion and Faith are to be adiudged bold temerous heretickes presūptuous imitatores of Chore Dathon worthy for their intollerable Zuing. condemnes those that preach a new faith without myracles and diuelish arrogance to descend into Hell for taking more on them then Iohn the Baptist Peeter and Paul yea and Christ himself This hath zuingl vttered against the Euangelicall extraordinary vocation as is euident to be read in his owne booke Tom. 2. Eccl. fol. 52.53.54 Lykewyse Brentius declareth the effect to what end myracles are done Brent declairs that myracle are to confirme trew faith In cap 3. Luc. hom 6. hom 76. de Resurrectione Christi myracles sayth he haue this vse especialy that they are a testimony and a confirmation of a doctrine and religion reuealed from heauen Vnto Brent agreeth and subscrybeth Luther Tom. 4. in cap. 35. Isa Musculus in loc comm 41. de nomine dei pag. 394. The Hereticks seek myracles of the other Sectes and professores of the new Gospell In so much that the Heretycks themselues impugne and contradict other Sectaries and requyre of them myracles who professe a new doctrine For they affirme proue that no doctrine which is from heauen can want myracles for the confirmation of the same doctrine Therfore this their doctrine is not from heauen Heretycks are lyke the sons of Scena the Iewe in working of myracles who are men lyke vnto the sonnes of Scaena the Iew as is written of them Act. 19. v. 14.15.16 who were more presumptuous then wyse who thought to haue cōi●red Diuells and for their laboures were beaten of the Diuels so the Protestant willingly would worke myracles but the proofe takes none effect not so much as onlay me-horses No maruail that they worke no myracles Casu blasphemy against myracles after the pharisies manner who account so little of myracles for they so esteem of them as Caluin sayth as of feined fantasticall and Diuelish things and not to be of God Cal praef instit So sayd the Pharesyes of Christ myracles Matth. 12. and the paganes of thoses myracles which were done amongst the Christians yea the Heretyckes shew themselues worse and attributed the working of myracles to the Diuell The Heretiks of old were of this same mynd against myracles Of this mynd were the Arrians Eunomians Vigilantius so that these myracles done by the Catholickes were ascrybed to be wrought by the power of the Diuell and not of God as witnesse the holy Fathers as Aug. lib. de ciuitat dei cap. 18. Ambros Serm. de Geru prof Hier. cont Vigil Victor lib. 2. de vandalica persecut But the Catholyks haue better assurance to wit the word of God and promise of Ghrist for the defence of myracles against all counterpoyses manyfolde sleightes of Sathan Moyses with lawfull vocation workes myracles in Aegypt or what such hyrelings can obiect For first is not Moyses sent to Pharao by diuyne vision and hath communicated to him myracles and the power to worke myracles that the Iewes may belieue that the God of their Fathers hath appeared to Moyses Iohn Baptist natiuity and lyf is full of myracles as Scripture witnesseth Exod. 4.5 Lykewyse is not Iohn the baptist sent to denounce the mysterie of the Incarnation hid to the world who vvas adorned and beautifyed vvith many heygh myracles and a man replenyshed with the holy Ghost Moreouer is not Iesus the sonne of God sent who hath not glorifyed himself as heygh Priest but aboad vntill the tyme that his Father sayd Thou art an high Priest for euer after the order of Melchisedech ps 109. And was approued of God by the oppenyin of the heauens Christ proues his owne mission with myracles and the descēding of the spirit of God in the forme of a doue vpon him vvith a voyce saying This is my beloued sone in whom I am well pleased Mat. 3. That after bearing vvitnes to the truth for vvhich he vvas sent sayes to the Ievves The workes themselues which I do bear witnes of me that the Father hath sent me Ioh. 5. And agayne he sayes in the 10. cap. If you will not belieue me yet beliue the workes that ye may know and belieue that the Father is in me and I in him And lykevvyse the Apostles The Apostles and Disciples are sent to preach and do confirme it with myracles and Disciples are sent into the vvhole vvorld to preach the Euangely but not except from Christ the chief presedēt of his Church vvho gaue them povver to preach baptisme and cōsecrat bread into his blessed body vvith povver to absolue and bynde synners and to vvorke myracles receauing giftes freely and commaunded to giue freely as witnesseth Mat. 10. saying He gaue them power ouer vnclean spirits to cast them out and to cure all deseases Moreouer in the 7. v. he sayth to them As ye go preach saying the kingdome of heauē is at hand heall the sicke clense the leprouse rayse vp the dead cast out diuels frely you haue receaued frely giue And in lyke forte diuerse Prophets vvere sent extraordinarily The Prophets mission was approued with myraclest but not allowed except their missiō were approued of God vvith signes and myracles for so it agreeth vvell vvith the disposition of Gods prouidence as S. August disputes lib. 22. de ciuit dei cap. 8. For except mission and the doctrine be approued vvith myracles from heauen and receaued with common consent of men Trew doctrine must be approued from heauen with myracle and by the authority of the
Church and approued by authority for trew doctrine according to the iudgment of men and of them who haue authority to iudge in matters of Fayth Otherwayes their mission and doctrine cannot be receaued nor belieued who without this ordinary authoritie by thēselues approue doctrine to be sufficient or insufficient and must be moued thēselues by some other preacher and his authority to belieue and therfore if there want myracles I know not how they shall approue their doctrine discusse ambiguities resolue doubtes neuer I say by their owne reasoning and vnderstanding of their priuie spirit but their doctrine shall euer be held suspect No doctrine can be known trew without myracles zuing affi mes the same And for the verity of this assertion Zuing. Tom. 2. eccl sayes how many haue vsurped the function to Preach and teach or to worke myracles were called of God cōfirmed by eléctiō of the pastores of the Church Thus he I hope Zuingl hath sayd as much as I would say that ordinary vocation is necessaey that therby God workes often tymes myracles for the maitayning of the same and therefore both lawfull mission and myracles are of God The heretycks make themselues Pastors without ordination to their shame and ignominie who sitting in the Chayre of pestilence contemne and blaspheme all lawful succession and ecclesiasticall ordination calling themselues and presuming to gouerne vvithout lawfull ordination and taking the name of Byshop on them and no man gyuing it to them as sayth S. Cyp. de Simpl. prael They succeed to none but beginne at themselues Hereticks are prophane persones Calu. flyeth to extraordinary vocation and are prophane and enemies to our Lords peace and his diuyne vnity But Caluin teaches in his book de vera eccl reform That God rayseth vp pastores extraordinarily by the inspiration of his owne spirit who should restore his decaying and ruinous Church as long since he did in the Synagogue of the Prophets And so in our tyme by the ordinary vocation of man he hath raysed Prophets and Pastors for the building of his Church as Luther Zuingl c. Whose commendations of their owne Bretheren of the Gospel is wonderfull and first The commendation of the extraordinary Pastores Towit luth and zuingl Bez. to Sanctezij calles Luther the wonderfull instrument of God most heauenly inspyred and an admirable seruant of God in whom who acknowledgeth not the spirit of God knowes nothing Iewell calls him the most excellent man of God sent of him to lyghten the world Apoc. part 4. cap. 4. § 2. Mathesius calles him the Supreme Father of the Church con 8. de lut pag. 88. Amdorff sayes that there was none lyke in the world in spirit and faith vvisdome and profunde knowledge of the Scriptures Amdorff praef tom 1. Luther Albertus calls him a trew Paul and Elyas and a man sufficient to appease and diuerte the vvrath of God from men to whō Augustin myght think no shame to be his Scholler lib. cont Carollost lib. 7. Some other call him the Angell of God Austen might haue bene Luther Scholler flying throw the myddest of heauen hauing the eternall Ghospel in his hand Illiricus in apoc cap. 14. Schussinburge sayth that Elyas and Iohn Baptist vvere but figures of Luther Elias Iohn baptist were figures of Luther Luther vituperation and disprayse of his owne professors Theol. cal lib. 2. fol. 124. in the end this extraordinary Prophet is descrybed of his owne for Schulss lib. 2. art 12. de Theol. cal calles him proude furious intolerable full of errour impudent a forger and a deprauer of Gods word deceyptfull a seducer a false Prophet lunatyck presumptuous a crucifyer and a murtherer of Christ Lykewyse Zuing. calles him a drunken dreamer and a head full of lyes Moreouer Caluin vvould be numbred amongst these Prophets Caluin would be accounted a Prophet and extraordinaryly called as is obserued in diuerse of his sermons saying I am a Prophet I haue the spirit of God am sent of God I cannot erre if I erre it is God that deceaues me and puts me in errour for the synnes of the people His myracles and lyf his Propheticall extraordinary vocatiō is rehersed of Schlussinburge one of their owne professiō His myracles and vocatiō is commēded of the professors of the Gospel lib. 2. art 12. fol. 72. de Theol. Calu. who sayes that God would not be mocked by men hath shewed his iudgment in the world against Caluin visyting him in the scourge of his fury punishing him before the day of his death for he strok this sacramētal heretyck in such sorte that he dyed desperate swearing and inuocating the diuells to whom he randered his spirit vvhich isued out of his priuy members and out of his vlcerous soores and lay so stincking that the people was notable to endure the stinck and thus miserably ended his lyf Besides this he vvas infamous by sodomy Calu. dieth desperat cursing God and inuocating the diuels his bad lyfe The Catholyckes haue registred the myracles of the Sainctes for a memory all as S. Luc did the actes of the Apostles cruell bloody tyrannous deceytfull treacherous a babler a contemner a sophist an epicure and a tosser of the Scriptures as Quid in his metamorphosis thus he So that this way they haue made their extraordinary vocation conformable to their extraordinary myracles but for the Catholyck part all the holy Fathers haue accounted of myracles and haue written the admirable lyues of the Sanctes and haue them in regyster from Christ tyme imitating S. Luc admirable and miraculous relation of the actes of the Apostles and Dauid praysing God in his Sainctes as also to follow their deuotion and holynes of because the Prophet sayes Ps 14. He that glorisyeth them that fearour Lord shall dwell in his tabernacle and rest in his holy hill For their myracles done on earth haue made them glorious in heauen for Caluin confesseth In heb 2.4 2. cor v. 12. That myracles are seales of doctrine Calu. is contrary to himselfe for now he sayes that myracles are seales of trew doctrine The Heretyks wāt myracles Myracles The ouerthrow of Idolatrie Myracls were the cause of the conuersiō of Scotland and do establish faith and Scripture Wherupon all the Sectaries haue great cause to distrust their faith as a nouelty vnsealed and vnestablished by the vertue of God for they are knowne altogeather to want myracle as also good lyfe Far otherwayes was the conuersion of Scotland from Idolatry to the Catholycke fayth which was not only by the preaching of the vvord but also was in the working of myracles as trew faith reuealed and approued from heauen with admirable holynes of lyfe and modest conuersation both in clergie and lay persons that many ages after death and solution of mortality we see and read the lyuing Lord honoured and worshipped in them whose bodyes whilst they liued were the temples of the holy Ghost
Antichrist shall only preuaile in his Kingdome but three yeares and an half and in this time the Saincts shal be delyuered into his had who shall deale with them after his pleasure as Dan. cap. 7. 12. apoc 17. but when he hath reygned the forsayd tyme and hath spoyled all things in this world and shall sit in the temple of Ierusalem whose vprysing shal be by the working of Sathan with all deceipt of iniquity extolling himselfe aboue God And taking away the daily sacrifice Dan. 11. and the signe of the Crosse in all places as sayes Hippol. lib. de consummat saeculi Antichrist shall abolish the daily Sacrifice the signe of the Crosse and follow all sensualitie And lykewyse shal be the cause of the departure from Christs faith lawfull Pastor and Roman Emperour whose glorie shal be in all synne and therfore iustly is called the man of synne and following all sensuallity and lust as Dan. 11. But this the Pope doth not ergo he is not Antichrist neyther is his lyfe blem●shed with such bad qualities Therfore what vnderstanding haue these men in the worde of God that belieue it not concerning Antichrist neyther the graue authorities of the Fathers but rashly and presumptuously doe iudg the heigh Priest of God and vicare of Christ to be that abominable enemy of God and Antichrist to be his sonne our Lord and Sauiour QVAESTIO VIII Of the Primacy of S. Peter WHerefore doe the Papists worship the Pope as Supreame head of the Church and Byshop of all other Byshops Successor called to S. Peter and infallible Iudge in all causes of faith which titles and preheminence doe all sauour of Antichrist Luth. art 25. apud Roffens Cal. lib. 4. cap. 7. Centur. 1. part lib. 2. cap. 10. Nilus de primatu ANSVVER GOd did forsee that the people of Israel sometime might fall and declyne from religion eyther to the right hand or to the left therefore he prouided in the Synagogue a Pastor to whom in matters of doubt they might haue recourse God prouyded in the Law a supream Head for deciding of controuersies doubts that by his authority all controuersies arysing might be decyded and defined Moreouer the Sc●ipture addeth Deut. 17. v. 12. If any man will do presa●●●uo●sly and not obey the commaundement of the Priest who in that tyme ministreth to the Lord thy God by decree of t●e iudge that man shall die the death God is no lesse carefull for his Church then he was for the Synagogue What the high Priest in the law was the same is S Peter in the Ghospell It is of greater reason to haue an head now then it was in the law A head is for holping of vnity in faith religion All men belieue that the Pope is head of Christs Church Wherefore seing with no lesse fauour the sonne of God doth assist and succour his owne Church with ●he Priest hood and authority now in this age then he did long since the Synagogue For which he hath instituted and placed S. Peter Pastor and hath ordayned that his successors shall rule in hir Therefore now it cōmes to passe that greater necessity is at the present tyme to haue a Pastor for the gouernement of his Church then in S. Peter tyme. For at this tyme there are many more Christiās in the world indued with farr lese holynes and vertue thē they were long since Moreouer they are inuironed and compassed daylie with vpstart heresies and nouelties and for this cause greater necessity of a head by whom Gods flock may be preserued keept in one faith and religion and that all controuersies and dissention may be taken away For confirmation of the veritie all good Christians belieue that the Byshop of Rome sitting in S. Peter chayre is by lawfull ordination and the appointment of Christ the chief Pastor of the whole militant Church whose voyce euery sheepe ought to harken to as to the voyce of Christ his Apostle For no man that hath his senses free and is not led with the spirit of errour Will make any question of the Supremacy of S. Peter No man makes question against him that hath not the spirit of errour and his successores Seing so many euident testimonies co●firme the same thinge as first Christ sayes to him Iohn 1. Thow art Simon the sonne of Iona thow shalt be called Cephas the which by interpretation is Peter that is a stone or a rock Here it is to be obserued that Christ makes a promise that Simon shal be called Peter for as a stone is the foūdation of the house For Simon Peter had the first place by Christs appointment so shall Peter be the foūdation of his m●litant Church Secondly in choosing his tw●lue Aposties M●rc 13. Luc. 6. Simon is nominated first and is furnamed Peter Thirdly when the Godhead of Christ was reuealed to him and when he had confessed the same Chr●st answeres expounding his name saying and I say vn●o thee thow art Peter and vpon this rock I will build my Church c. For his name declairs him to be a rock and a ground stone of Christs Church In which wordes the promise of Christ is fulfilled and the reason of the prom●se is declared concerning the new name So that Peter himself is called here a rock and that Christ promisseth to build his Church on him for in promising to Simon that he should be called Peter when as yet he had confessed him was to that end that he might confesse the more strongly and firmly as a rock Christ pronūces Peter blessed and a rock to build his church on Next he named him Peter before he had confessed him so that he was thus farr forward in being the rock before his profession And thirdly when as yet he had not confessed Christ pronunces him not only a rock or a man in stedfastnes of the propertie of a rocke in his faith but also such a rock wherupon he would build his Church for euery Apostle was a rock in generall but S. Peter was this rocke in speciall whereof Christ now speakes Fourthly that the confession of Peter might remaine vnmoueable after Christ ascention For allwayes the Church needs a visible head rock Christ prayed for Peters faith The Church hath need of a visible head therefore Christ prayed for Peter that he might strēghen his bretheren What the giuing of the name and promise of Christ erected and he was bid to strenghen his bretheren After his conuersion of Christs denyall last of all to showe what kynd of strength Peter should giue to his Bretheren Christ willed him feede his lambes as for conclusion of these a foresayd the promise of the name of Peter was the first cause of Peters being this rock The giuing of the name was the performance of the promise The confession of Christs God-head was the fruite of the gift and of the promise The promise to haue the Church build on
asmuch as he had first by vision that the gentiles also were called to belieue in Christ act 10. For asmuch as God choose that the gentills should first of all hear the word of the Ghospel by S. Peters mouth and should belieue Act. 15. For asmuch as when Peter was in prison prayer was made in the Church for him without intermission Act. 14. For Peter prayer is made by the church Peter decides the question moued about the Law For asmuch as when a sedition was among the disciples in so much that Paul and Barnabas came to the Apostles at Ierusalem to seeke a solution from them and chiefly from Peter and tould the controuersie in the counsell Act. 15. Theod in Epist. ad Leenem For asmuch as Peter did not only first speake but also gaue a determinate sentence that the gentils should not be burdened with the law act 15. For asmuch as S Paul came to Ierusalem to see Peter Gal 1. And that as S. Amb-sayes in com cap. ad Gal. 1. Because he was first and chiefest of the Apostles to whome our Lord had commited the cure of his Church For asmuch as Peter was eyther alone or first or chiefest in the greatest affaires of the Church Chry. in act apost Hom. 21. For asmuch as he was send to possesse with his chayr Rome Peter by Gods prouidence is sent to Rome to possesse that see with his chayre the Mother Church of the Roman Empyre Athan. ad Solit. Vit. Agent Aug de sanct serm 27. Leo serm 1. in nat Pet Paul VVho calleth Rome the Head-city of the world to conquer all superstition Heresie and infidelity For asmuch as his chayr and succession hath bynacknowledged of all the auncient Fathers hath florished there to this present day without interruption of that faith which S. Peter professed and taught as expertence doth bear witnes Conc. Calced act 3. Bern. epist 190. For as Christ excelleth the Angels Heb 1 because God neuer said to any of them as he said to Christ euen so Christ neuer sayd to any of the Apostles as he said to S. Peter Thow shaltbe called Peter or vpon this rock I will build my Church or to thee I will giue the keyes or pay for me and thee or I haue prayed for thee that thy faith fail not feed my sheepe and rule my lambes Matt 16. Luc. 22. Iohn 21. To declare one Pastor and one chayre wherein vnity might be kept of all men The building of Christ Church varieth not but is neuer syk it self least the other Apostles might echone chaleng a chaire to himself Opt. milet lib. 2. de Schism donat So that in Peter himself is this rock and faith of his Church And because the building of Christs Church varithe not after his Ghospell planted but is alwayes lyk it self therefore all Catholyckes belieue that when S. Peter died who was the head cōstitute by Christ another succeeded in his place by ordination of S. Peter All christians belieue the Pope to be the head of the church and confessor of the true faith and consequently the rock of the church vpō whō Christs militāte Church might be as stedfastly builded as it had ben once built on S. Peter And seing the Byshop of Rome succeedes S. Peter all Christians doe constantly affirme that the Byshop of Rome is the rock and head of his Church who confesses euermore Christes true faith Vpon which confession of the sea of Rome as vpon a sure rock Christs Church is built VVhervpon Bern. lib. de consid ad Eugen. pp. lib. 2. Other Pastores haue flockes assigned to them euery Pastor one flock to thee all are committed one flock to one sheepheard And not only of the sheep but also of the Pastores thow allone art the Pastor doest thou aske how I proue it by the word of our Lord. For to whom I say not only of the Byshops but also of the Apostles so absolutly without distinction are all the sheep committed as it is said It thow louest me Peter feed my sheep which sheep whether the people of this or of that city or country or certaine kingdome he sayes my sheepe Out of which worde it is euident that Christ did not appoint out some to a particular Pastor but assigned all nothing is accepted wher nothing is distinguished Thus he Therfore seing the pastorall office and authority of S. Peter was ordinary it behoueth that it must go for euer vnto his successors and for asmuch as the Byshop of Rome is that ordinary Pastor who succeedeth in S. Petees chayre and is aboue the rest according to Gods word All ordinary offices goe by succession for when the Church was built on S. Peter and he was made cheif Pastor of the same at what tyme he was in Palestina and not in Rome euen then he was accompted the high Byshop of the circumcision of the faithfull Iewes yet notwithstanding for asmuch as the same Peter at the lēgth setled himself at Rome by Gods appointement and left a successor there as the holy Fathers affirme as Iren. lib. 3. cap. 3. Tertul. de praese And seing he was the rocke promised by Christ vpon whome he should build his Church and also the pastor who as he hath loued Christ more then any other So he had the authority to feed Christ flock more then any other B●shop and seing that power of S. Peter was ordinary it must continue in the Church of God permanent and also it must continue in on chiefe sheepheard only which is the byshop of Rome who ordinarily succedees in the said authority of S. Peter therfore the said supremacy of the byshop of Rome is auouched and taught by Gods owne word Et Cyp. ad iubatan de simplicit prol sayes Christ gaue that authority that there should be no schisme Authority is in the Church that there should be no schisme and breach in vnity and that he might make vnity manifest that the originall of the same vnity may haue his beginning of one And therefore Iren lib. ● aduers Haeret. cap. 3. Speaking of the successions of Byshops in those Churches which the Apostls had first intituled called the church of Rome the greatest Church and most auncient and knowne to all men All Churches concures with the Church of Rome as mother Church Hereticks haue appealed from the affrican counsels to the sea of Rome being planted setled by two most glorious Apostles Peter and Paul and ech Church that is about this must come agree and concurr with her for her mighty principality and gouernement Hereupon S. Cyp. lib. epist 3. confesseth the authority of S. Peter to be at Rome for wheras certain factious persons Heretycks sayled from Cathage to Rome intending to complaine of him and the other Byshops of Africk sayd to Pope Cornelius they dare cary letters from Schismaticall and prophane men to the chayr of Peter and principall Church whence the
priestly vnity began neyther do they consider them to be Romans whose faith is praysed by the Apostles owne mouth to whom infidelity can haue no accesse This he For this Seat Emperours and Kings honoured and reuerenced Ruff. lib. 10. Eccl. Hist. cap. 2 Lykewyse Byshops To the sea of Rome infidelity can haue no accesse and Prelates haue made their appellatiōs to Rome as Cyp. cont epist. Steph. ppae Hist. tripart lib 4. cap 15. Arnob. in ps 106. Opt. mel cont parm Donat lib. 2. Hier. Epist ad Dam. Papa By her authority Generall Counsells haue been indicted and appointed By the authority of the roman see Hereticks Schismaticks are accused No Heretick Byshop euer found in the sea of Rome Schismaticks and Hereticks by the same authority or accursed and condemned In this succession and authority noe Heretick Byshop euer was found as witnes S. Aug. epist. 165. And therefore as S. Aug. sayes to the Donatists in ps cont par donat Come yee bretheren if yee wil be grafted in the vyne it grieues vs when we see youly thus cut of Nomber ye the Byshops euen from the very seat of S Peter and consider who succeded whō in that order that himself is the rock which the proud gates of hell do not ouercome What greater testimony can be said for the primacy of the Byshop of Rome and successor of S. Peter whom all good Christians ought to honour and reuerence as the high priest of God and gouernour of his Church OBIECVIO THe Protestants affirme that Peter himself is not called this rock but eyther Christ alone or the faith which Peter confessed is called this rock So that the wordes of the text are thus meant Vpon this faith and confession of thyne which thow hast testified of me vpon this rock which I am or on this stronge faith which is confessed of me I will build my Church And wheresoeuer this faith is there is the rock vpon which Christ buildeth his Church ANSVVER ALbeit the faith cōfession of Christs-goodhead be indeed a most stronge rock wherevpon the Church is builded yet that is not all which Christ meanes at this present For these wordes thow art Peter haue a respect vnto three diuerse tymes First to the tyme past because they are spoken to him who was promised to be called Peter And secondly to the present tyme because they are spoken to him who now confessed Christs-goodhead And thirdly to the tyme to come because they are spoken to him to whom Christ sayes he wil giue the keyes of Heauen and vpon whom he will hereafter build his Church which thing he performed when he sayd to him Peter louest thow me c. Io. 21. For the proposition is qualified with the persone to whome it is spoken and with the diuersity of three tymes To conclude the Protestants deny Peter himself who make the confession te be this rock and deuyde the confession from the promise going immediately before which wrought the effect which ensued after for somuch it is affirmed true but in respect of that which is denyed it is a maine falshood for Christs wordes doe teach that this rocke wherupon Christs Church is built is S. Peter in respect of the promise past present confession and the authority of feeding of Christs sheepe Io. 21. OBIECTIO PETER alone was not made the sheepheard of Christ flock aboue all others but that in him Christ spake to all the Apostles ergo ANSVVER PEter alone is spoken to and commanded to feede Christs sheepe in the presence of al the other Apostles to none of thē Christ speaketh any thing therof at this tyme. Ergo Peter alone is preferred OBIECTION AL Hereticks cry out that all the Apostles were equall and the rest were the same thing which Peter was which thing say they S. Cyp de vnit Ecclaes doth witnes and lykenwyse the very practise of the Apostles in so much that Paul withstood and reproued Peter who was not one of the twelue Ergo. ANSVVER SAINCT Peter was not only an Apostle in which office duringe their lyues all the Apostles were his equalles but also both chiefe Apostle and also ordinary sheepheard and high Byshop wherin they all were inferiors to him as the members and body to the head Ergo. OBIECTION THe old Catholik Fathers haue written and pronunced that no mortall man as Peter was but Christ himself the sone God can be this head Ergo. ANSVVER IT is manifest false for all the ancient Fatheres agree and affirme that Peter receaued the building of the Church on him as Bas aduers eunom lib. 2. Hilar. lib. 6. de Trinit S. Cyp. ad Iubatan S. Aug. de past S. Hier. lib. 1. de Iouin l●b 2. aduers Iouinian Leo in assumpt serm 3. Aug. Epist 165. in Tract Io. 124. OBIECTION SAINCT Aug. de verbis Domint sayes Christ was ●he rock vpon which foundation Peter himself ●as also built Ergo. ANSVVER WHo doth not know that one rock might be built on another the lesse on the greater is not the house of God built of many stones Christ is the chief Rock and the corner-stone vpon him lyeth S. Peter a Rock in comparison of Christ very small in comparison of vs very great Vpon S Peter the rest of the Church which liued vnder him was built who is also a Rock since euery man in his degree is a liuely stone concurring to the building vp of the whole Church which are ioyned togeather and fastned by faith and charity make also a Rock of themselues beside that they are built vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles 1 Pet 2 1. Cor. 10 Ephes 2. Neyther doth one of these verities contradict or disproue the other Ergo c. OBIECTION VVHEN the Apostles who were in Ierusalem had ●eard that Samarta had receaued the word of God They sent to them Peter and Iohn Act 8. But no man is sent but by a higher power Therfore Peter was not head of the Apostles ANSVVER THe holy Ghost is sayd to be sent of the Father and of the Sone is not yet the holy-Ghost of equal honour and dignity with them Is it therfore because he is sent that he is inferiour But we vnderstand that he is inferior that is sent by commandement Otherwyse equals and superiors are sayd to be sent from thē at whose request counsel they go chiefly if those from whom they come be of great authority with those to whom they are sent And such was the college of the Apostles in Sama●ia For indeed it was much to moue them that the Prince of the Apostles with the beloued disciple of Christ by iudgemēt and decree of all the Apostles came to their conuersion OBIECTION IT is sayd that Peter did suffer an heauie reprehension of the Apostle Paul Gal. 2. to wit that to his face he withstood him but this was not decent in a subiect or inferior Therfore the Apostle did not acknowledge Peter Superior but a
7. Brent in prolog cont a sotum Cent. Madeb lib 4. cap. 7. ANSVVER I Say no counsell eyther particuler or generall or whatsoeuer Prelates or Byshopes are assembled haue any infallible authority to defyne themselues without the authoritie and approbation of the Byshop of Rome No counsel may of it self define matters of faith without the head Diuers counsels haue erred which we proue manifestly with reason seing suchlyke sometymes without his authority haue erred as the counsell of Ariminense in which counsell were six hundrith Byshops with Arius in which it was defined by thē that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 homousion should not be vsed as an vnproper word which is to say that Christ Iesus in his Godhead is not to beheld consubstantiall to his Father Lykwise the Counsell of Millan which confirmed the Heresie of Arius Neyther this should seeme to any a maruell that two such great Counsells are dispysed and reiected because they are imperfect and lame without a head neyther doe such Counsels represent the vniuersall Church but only the body of the Church without a head Therefore it is not to such lyke coūsells The promises of God are to the head not to the body not to no particular member that the infallible promises of Gods diuyne assistance in defining matters of Faith are promised and effected but only to the head who by lawfull ordination hath receaued from Christ immediate power and authority to defyne matters of faith as head of the Church So that the body cannot defyne any thing without the head In the head is the sensitiue power to rule the body seing in the head are the sēsitiue powers of the body Therefore the body is vnder the gouernement of the head and not contrariwyse the body to rule the head Moreouer whatsoeuer counsell hath ioyned to it the authority and approbation of the Byshop of Rome is of infallible authority whether it be general prouincial The counsel of Ierusalem is a paterne to all other lawfull counsels or national because the decrees and definition of the counsell of Ierusalem are called the decrees of the holy-Ghost who cannot erre In which counsell it is sayd it is seen good to the holy Ghost and to vs. Act. 15. v. 28. For this cause all other counsels lawfully assembled may say the same words representing the vniuersall Church because that counsell was the forme and exemplar of all other counsels lawfully gathered with the authority of the head As also because no lesse necessary is the assistāce of the holy ghost in these letter dayes then he was in those dayes but now more necessary because of the greater breaking out of Heresies Greater reasōs are in these tymes to gather coūsels then were in the dayes of the Apostles which shall deny our Lord that hath bought vs bringing on themselues swift damnation not knowing what they professe and lyuing lyk brute-beastes only seaking their pleasures and liberty without contradiction of a superior power For which causes generall counselles are vsed to be ordayned that they may suppresse and extinguish such new nouelties and Hereticall opiniōs which from the beginning of the Church by generall counselles with the head as chief Pastor and vicar of Christ haue byn damned accursed So that aswell by Scripture as reason it concludeth that whatsoeuer counsell is gathered lawfully and hath the authority of the Pope Counsels approued by the Pope are infallible is infalible that in one word I shall make it euident that euer in the Church that auncient costume hath bene that whatsoeuer decreetes of a Synode were concluded were euer sent to the Byshop of Rome to be confirmed Counsels remit their decree and examination with the Hereticks books to the Pope to be censured by his iudgement and approued So that S. Aug. Epist 90. beareth witnes of the counsell of Chartage wrytting in these wordes to Innocent Byshop of Rome saying vnto our most blessed Father and honourable brother Holy Innocent Pope VVe Aurelius Mundinus Rusticanus Fidentius and the rest who were present in the Counsell at Carthage and after cōmemoration of those who were present and of those things which were decreed in the counsell against Pelagius they add these words following Lord and holy Brother we haue thought good to intimate to thy charity what we haue done that the authority of the Apostolick seat may be annexed to the statutes of our iudgementes and meaning for the defence of the saluation of many and the correction of the peruersitie of some others as also the Heretical booke of Pelagius and the answer of the Catholyck Fathers we haue sent vnto thy holynes to be adiudged The same lykewise This infallibility is ascrybed to the assistance of the holy Ghost S. Aug. doth witnes in his epist 92. 95. for we doe not ascrybe this infallibilitie to the Byshopes and Fathers gathered togeathe in the counsell for that they are many or learned men but to the promise of the assistance of the holy Ghost as Matth. 18. v. 20. 28. v. 66. Which assistance of the holy Spirit we belieue you not to haue in your synodes wherin lyke manner men are foūd This holy Ghost no Heretycks are assisted with where also is found men and noe Angels The Protestant counsels are left without determination and worse then they be good Luther sets at nought all counsels and condemnes the Canons of Nyce and not Angels neyther Prophets nor Euangelistes but very men with whome the spirit of dissention makes matters indeterminate and without conclusion amongst you And moreouer wherefore giues your Bretheren such obedience and are in subiection vnto your pseudo Byshops as to a spirituall and higher power and accept of their decrees seing they are lyke our Catholicke Byshops in name mortall men whose lyues are knowne to all men Therefore we haue attributed infallibility of the counsels to the assistance of Gods holy spirit and not to man which if Luther in his booke of counsels would haue behoulden with a pure eye would not haue broken out in that bitternes to accurse and blaspheme the counsels with which he sets at nought the Canones of that holy counsel of Nyce which in all former tymes hath been esteemed soe venerable in the Church of God tearming all the articles of this counsell to be but haye stubble and strawe Kemnitius will examine the counsell of Trent after his spirit To augment this did not Kemnitius a Lutherā a prophane temerous fellowe wryte the examen of the counsell of Trent in which was so many learned men and all are tryed and examined of him In which doing they not only violate and transgresse the diuyne law of God which law commaundes all men to seek the knowledge of the law of the mouth of the Priestes Hereticks trāsgresse the law of God and imperiall ordinances of man as Mal. 2. but also the humane law of Martian the Emperour which commaundes
euer called Catholick as witnes Zozom l. 7. c 4. that Gratian Emperor would not permit to disput of the Roman Faith but made an edict that euery one should hould the same religion which the head of the Apostls Peter had deliuered from the beginning and that which Damasius Pope of Rome doth keep and so with Gratian all the Catholick Byshops doe call the Church of Rome Catholicks cannot be called by any other name the Heretickes themselues shall beare witnes the Mother Church and true Catholicke Church as S. Ambros orat funeb de obit frat Suppose if any man come to the portes of London or Edinburg and be asked what he is if he doth say I am a Catholick forthwith will the Protestants answere and say then thou art a papist also if he demande for a Catholick house to lodge in it will they not out of humanity conuoy him to a papists house which title name declares them to be members of the Catholicke Church for they can no other wyse be named for the word Catholick is ●he surname of a Christian and therefore of his mother he is called a Christian Catholik The Protestants could neuer be called Catholiks which no Hereticke can suffer to hear because they hate the Church for the name sake Therefore the reformed Church can no wayes be called Catholick because neyther the Lutherans Caluinistes Anabaptistes or whatsoeuer sect else separat from the Roman-Church at any tyme hath occupyed the whole world or any one Kingdome of it The Protestants are euer in suspitiō of Catholicks yea and where they professe and are surest and in the greatest feruor of their Heresie they remaine doubting in suspition of the Papists as an open enemie of their religion Wherefore their only note is to flee to inuisibilitie of the Church and to lurk in certaine corners and bragg with the Donatistes that the Catholick Church hath perished only lurketh in corners and that Church which was visible to the whole world and was through the world is obscured become inuisible and yet with the Donatists they will clame this Catholik Church and showe her visible in their corners and in obscure dennes The Protestants are lyke the Donatists of old For with the Donatistes cryeth Luth. here is Christ and his Church In Saxonie Calu. lykewyse cryes behold here is Christ and his Church In Geueua Memmo Pacimont Rotman crye Christ and his Church is in Morauia lykewyse the Puritans of Scotland crye lyke Rauens here is Christ and his Church and ech kingdome Common-welth Prouince and whersoeuer Heretickes are all crye behold Christ and his Church is here with vs. But who can belieue them when we see no tokens and markes of his Church The Protestants make a monster of Christ his Church and yet all bragge of Christ and are repugnant to themselues they make a monster of Christ and his Church there is one Christ and one Church and yet all Sectaries will haue as many Christes and as many Churches as they are deuyded in factions who fayle to be called Christian and farelesse to be named Catholiks As concerning this note Catholick see more in the first quest on The Church is called Apostolicall because of the Apostls planting excelle●cy and prerogatiue The fourth note is called Apostolicall because it retaines the seat of the Prince of the Apostles so that for her singular excellency and prero a●ue from the holy Apostle himself of all the auncient Fathers she is called Apostolicall As S. Hier. ep●st ad Dom. To thy Holynes saith he that is I ioyne my selfe to the communion of the chayr of S. Peter And seing all the other Seates of the Apostles as Ierusalem Alexandria Antioch haue perished and are possessed of the infideles only the chayr of Rome by the prouidence of God The Apostolicall chayr still remayned vnmoued albeit Rome hath byn subiect to diuers mutations remayneth in which as S. Aug. epist 162. sayes hath euer liued the principality of the Apostolicke chayr And albeit in Rome there hath byn diuerse mutations and temporall Lordes sometyme Emperors ruling now the Go●hes now cōsuls notwithstanding the Seat of Peter hath remayned vnmoued which is done by the prouidence of God See more in the 8. question concerning the Apostolicall succession To what ende the Protestāts labor Cant. 4.5 Apoc. 3 Prou. 23. Ephes 5 2. ●ar 36. Zac. 7. For conclusion it is the intention of the Protestantes that there should be no Church at all but such as is none prophane obscure and satanicall They lay the fault on Christ and defende that he hath forsaken his owne spouse and to haue discharged the gouernour of the ruling his owne Ark and to haue dispysed his owne flesh Hath he permitted the Synagogue which was lesse beloued of him to remaine only seauē●ie yeares in captiuity for her sinnes and his Church which once was visible Mat. 20. and perfect to be led into error and from error to haue perished these th●wsand years past hath the diligent husband man who went out diuerse tymes in the day to conduce laborers into his vyneyarde neclected it or hath byn so carrelesse to suffer and permit brambelles thornes of error superstttion to suppresse the vyhes and his vyneyard to be come a wildernesse only fit for the fyre Is the kingdome of God which in the Scripture is called his Church corrupted with error Matth. 3. and is falshood permitted to reygne in her seing the kingdome of God is the kingdome of verity Apoc. 21. Psalm 18. Apoc. 21. Matth. 18. 14. Is lykewyse the tabernacle of God set in the sonne become inuisible and obseured Is the city of God situated on an hill become confused babell Hath Hell gates preuailed against his Church Hath the shipp of S Peter byn drowned with the seas of Heresies Is the sanctuarie of refuge become adenne of dragonnes Is the mount of thy sanctification become the moūt of prophanation Is the inheritance of God soe polluted Is the strong castel with adamant walles thus beaten down O wondrous reformatiō who belieues them OBIECTION THe Lutherans and Caluinistes and moreouer all the Ghospellers agree in one vniforme defence of the reformed faith Against the Papists Ergo. ANSVVER I Grant ye agree but lyke Sampsones foxes who forthwith running hyther and thyther brunt vp the corne of the Philistins but their heades were deuyded Such are Luth. Calu. and all the rest of the crew of the Euangelistes Protestantes to wit that their tayles that is to say forces and euill will do assist and help others handes to burne the haruest of Gods husbandrie but in religion and capitall pointes they are extreame discordant through the whole articles of our faith euen vnto death OBIECTION YOw are called Papistes which is a name not pertinent to the Ca●holicke Church but seing this name is a particular name ergo it doth also separa●e you from the Catholicke Communion
nothing they were of no force but only the death of Christ redeemes promerits for vs and that his preaching is lesse a vaylable then other mens who by preaching do cancell the multitude of sinnes Lykewyse his fasting and prayers werelesse worth then the Niniuites who thereby eschewed the wrath of God likewyse lesse worth thē Moyses who purchased to the Israelits gods fauour more ouer his volūtary pouerty his innocent lyfe his circumcision his workes of mercy are of noe value and benefit Wheras in any other all and euery one of these had been a sufficient pryce for Heauen which cānot be denyed to be of infinit pryce in Christ and consequently of sufficiencie all and euery one of them to redeeme a thowsand worlds vnlesse Christ be denyed to be of infinit dignity Wherfore all divynes belieue that Christs death was a demonstration of excesse of loue because he so loued his that of the end and consummation of all loue he left them aboundant proofes and that his merites were sufficient to redeeme a thowsand worldes if Christ would haue ben cōtented with that which was sufficient omitting what was aboundant D. Thom. 3. part de Christs mers is 1.2 quaest 114. rota Wherupon it followeth that neyther his death was sufficient satisfaction of sinne and consequently neyther Christs lyfe nor death are allowed to be meritorious and sufficient to redeeme vs. Morouer a great absurditie followeth because they euacuate Christs death who make Christ vnuoluntary to haue suffered for vs for as euery sinn is voluntary so is euery merit But Calu. in cap. 26. Mat. v. 39 sayes that he refused to discharge the office of a mediator reputed Christ at the tyme of his passion to haue had no sufficiencie aboue other men and that in his prayer did not appeare a temperate moderation et Caluin lib 2. inst cap. 13. § 10 11.12 sayth that he was tormēted with doutfulnes of his conscience and that he was astonished with the horror of Gods malediction and tormented with the fear of the bottōles pit of horrible destruction and he burst out into a voice crye of desperation and being ouerwhelmed in desperatiō he ceased to pray long to God Which doctrine also cōfirmeth Beza in cap. 27. Matth. Marlor in Psal 22. Morouer they euacuate the passion of Christ who affirme him to haue been our deliuerer only and not our redeemer He●lius apud Cle●itium in Victoria part 2. And lykewyse also they who reiect the name of merit and with Caluin affirme lib. 2. inst c. 17. § 1 If any would sayth he oppose Christ to the iudgement of God there would no place remayne to any merit because there is not in man that dignity to deserue any thing of God And so for conclusion of Caluins assertion the merit of Christs death is naught Christ is only affirmed to be but man not God For in expresse tearmes all Hereticks saye Christs blood Death and passiō to haue nothing auayled to the redēption of mankynd and that Christ with all his workes deserued not heauen or at the least to say that his death and passion are profitable only for the predestinat and that no other haue any benefit thereby Calu. cont Heshus pag. 39. Beza in colloq Mompel 1. pag. 522. Bucc sup Ioh. pag. 34. Musc in loc Theol. fol. 363.367 Zanch. in miscellam pag. 3. 200. 206. Aret. apud Schlus lib. 1. art 6.25.26 lib. 2. fol. 42. Theol. Calu. Wherby it followeth that Christ is not redeemer of all or mediator for all offences and offenders neyther intending their saluation Against the 6. Article How the protestants deny Christ to haue descended into Hell Moreouer as concerning that Article He descended into Hell the third day he rose againe frō the dead It is mightely impugned of the Protestantes for Carlil in his book that Christ descended into Hell sayes it is a pernicious Heresie to say that Christ descended into Hell and Beza in Apol. 2. ad Zantes pag. 385. These wordes sayes he entred into the creed by inaduertisement Or otherwayes by glossing these wordes that his descending was only the suffering of the panges of death on the crosse wher not only his humanity but also his diuinity indured paynes yea and death Luth. conc pag. 276. sayes that he would not acknowledge Christ to be his Sauiour if only his humanity had suffered Yea Caluin backes Luther in Cataeches cap. de fide This is Christ descention to hell that he suffered that death which God in his angre inflicteth on the wicked And againe lib. 2. inst cap. 16. § 10 cap. 26.27 Matth. That he suffered all the paynes in his soule which by God in reuendgmēt are exacted of the damned thus he In which doctrine is contayned besyde the death of Christs body the death of his soule Calu. blasphemies against the holy Ghost and of his diuinity that after he had endured such deaths to haue suffered all punishments of the damned Morouer they impugne this article by making his descentiō nothing els Christ descention to Hel how it is vnderstood of the Hereticks but Christs buriall in the sepulchre as Zuing Oecol Buc. Calu. inst Trem Marel Beza doe affirme And because the common name for Hell in Hebrue doth signifie somtyme a graue or ditch And yetnotwithstanding Caluin confesseth that the sayd name more vsually properly doth signifie Hell the place and state of the damned also many of the Protestāt professors oppose Beza shewing by manifold passages of Scripture that the Hebrue word Scheol the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and in Latin Infernus doe signifie an Infernall proper place of the damned And yet neuerthelesse some are not ashamed to deny Christs descention to heel thereby to maintayn their former blasphemies They intend to deny limbo and purgatory by denying Christs descētion of his suffering the paynes of the damned on the Crosse and to euacuate the delyuerance of the Fathers out of the Limbo and purgatorie And therfore to remoue these blockes out of way Beza in cap. 2. Act. He trāslates by his owne confession and contrary to the opinion of his fellow compagnions contrary to the Greeke Latin interpretors and Fathers Wherupon D. Humfrey lib. 2. derat interpret pag 219 220. saies that the forsayd Hebru word should not be trāslated graue but hell if the authority of the holy Ghost be obserued For this hath been Bezas intētion to trāslate graue for hell and Christ soule for body to deny hell Hell is taken metaphorically of the Protestantes and all infernall torments and that mention is made of hell metaphorically Albeit forgetting himself proueth by Scripture and Fathers the cōtrary saying in cap. 16. Luc. That Christ descended into the earth into the receptacle of those who were there long retained Moreouer Bullinger in 1. Pet. cap. 4. impugnes this article that Christ descended no otherwayes into hell then as he dayly
descended to vs to wit only by spirit and vertue in such sorte as none surmise his body or soule to haue discended To which agreeth Brentius that there is no other but a figuratiue imaginatiue and spirituall hell without other tormentes then metaphoricall This practise of Heresie S. Ang. lib. 3 de doct Christ cap. 10. fortould saying when the myndes of any are preoccupated by errour all that Scripture hath to the contrary they affirme it to be spoken but figuratiuely As for example they begunne at the Sacramentes to make them but figures and followed next to affirm all promisses by Christ Al Christs suffering actions shal be but figuratiues nothing in effect made for good workes to be but hyperbolicall diuerse mysteries of his lyfe to be ineffectuall all his passiō suffered to be but figuratiue and histrionicall and Heauen and hell to be but only tropical fantasticall so hath sayd of thē Iosias Simler in vita Bulling fol. 3. Alan cop dial 5. cap. 18. Morouer this article is impugned for the other part of Ghrist resurrection saying with Calu. in sua harm in cap. 24. Luc. v. 38. Beza 1. Cor. cap. 15. v. 23. That Christ wanted some perfection of a glorious resurrectiō and as yet neuer to haue rysen but yet to remaine dead wherupon great exceptiō hath been made against the feast of Easter in remembrance of Christes resurrection amongst the new professores who desyred to abolish it or obserue it according to the Iewes ceremonies Luth. de conc Bal. lib. 3. cap. 25. de scrip Morouer this article is impugned by Zuing. tom 2. resp ad Luth. librum de Sacr. fol. 465. VVho denyes Christ to haue rysen by his owne power but ridiculously mocking Luther sayes that the grosse pretor Luther apparelled in his red hose in lyke māner as Christ went out of his Sepulchre might also haue issued For Christ after his death issued out of the Sepulchre of his own force and power without remouing the stone place or monument as all the Fathers and Doctours affirme As concerning that Article Against the 7 Article He ascended into Heauen sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty This article is contradicted of the Lutherās affirming Heauē to be belowe in the bowels of the earth and hell in the highest partes of the world Vid admonit Caluinist ad libr. concord Danen cont Osiand Next by Caluin saying lib. 2. inst cap. 14 § 8. That Christ sitting at the right hand of God will continue no longer then till the day of iudgment Lykewyse Beza impugnes this article in cap. 3. Act. v. 21. saying his being at the right hand of God his Father doth hinder his true being in the Sacrament And lykewyse Caluin lib. 2. inst cap. 14. § 3. Denyes that he surpasseth the qualities of a naturall body and consequently could neuer ascend to Heauen lykewyse some other affirme his being at the right hand to argue an inferiority or inequalitie with God the Father or that God the Father had a spirituall kind of body hauing hands c. Vid. inter mangerie pag. 157. Niuerium in Bello 5. Euang. pag. 72. Lykewyse Caluin denyeth and sayes that it is not to be imagined ther is any place in Heauen wherunto Christ is ascended or the humanity of Christ accepted Lykewyse many Protestants hould opiniō that Christ ascention is nothing but a disappearing without any motion vpward where he was before ita Ios. Simler in vita Bulling fol. 35.55 Luth. tom 7. VVittemb fol. 408.409 And concerning that Article Against the 8. article From thence shall he come to iudge the quick and the dead This article is impugned by those who graunt a Generall iudgement at the day of doome but denye him to iudge with any particular iudgment at the houre of death Lykewyse some hold that only infidelity is to be subiect to iudgement Luther sup Lykwyse this article is impugned of those who say that God will iudge iniustly as Luth. tom 2 fol. 461. de seruo Arb. saying That like as God in this lyfe hath poured mercy grace vpon the vnworthy euen so in his iudgment he shall poure angre and seueritie vpon the vndeseruing Which iniustice demonstrates That God is the author of euill not only by prouocation but by impulsion and inforcement For being the forcer to euill how can he punish them iustly who obey him Lykewyse they deny and impugne this article who affirme that Christ who should come to iudge is dead according both to his humanity Diuinity and this Musculus doubted not to mantayn publickly to professe spread abroad that Christ remayned dead and is not rysen neyther ascēded or yet shall come from heauen to iudge any quick or dead Siluest CZecanonicus de c●rup Morib viriusque part art 3. And as concerning that Article Against the 9. article I beliue in the holy Ghost the holy Catholicke Church Many Protestants belieue not in the holy Ghost because they affirme it blasphemous and idolatrous to confesse Christ to be God or to haue had any point of deity before his birth of the Blessed V. M. and thereby denyeth the holy Ghost proceeding from the Sonne no lesse then from the Father Bez. cont Heshus fol. 284. colloq mompel fol. 77. Lykewyse who impugneth the holy Trinity doth to that end that more easily he may reiect the holy Ghost Zanch lib. 3. Elohim Simler in praf de aterno det filio Vnto which barbarisme Calu. epist ad Polon pag. 946. accords What is it we belieue one God as much as to say the Trinity belieue you in God as much as to say in Trinity I hat they should know thee one God as much to say the Trinity This is not only vnsauery but also prophane and I do dispyse it This blasphemous derision other Protestants dissembled not but rebuke in highest manner Vid. Schlus in Theol. Calu. lib 2. fol. 2 8 14. 20 26. VVherupon his disciples followed his example to mocke the holy Ghost as Prateol in Haer lib. 10 cap 10. saying nothing in holy Scripture of the old or new testaments to be had of his Diuinity Hereupon a Protestant exclames Stanch in ●pistol contra Calu. num 45. Beware Christian Reader saies he and especially yow Ministers of the word of God beware of the bookes of Caluin especially in the article of the Trinity Lykewyse another Iohn Schutz in lib. 50. caus causa 48. sayes Arianisme Mahumatisme Caluinisme are three bretheren and three sisters thre breeches of one cloth he that will not fal in Arianisme let him beware of Caluinisme who as a Iewe Iudaizes 53 Moreouer they impugne this article who make their phantasticall imaginations the very inspirations of the holy Ghost and all their wicked inclinations his motions So Zuinglian affirmed him to haue this spirit saying Tom. 2. in Act. Tiguri fo 609. I know for certaine my doctrine to be no other then
of God lykewyse that Church which was after Christ hath neuer fayled or might fayle according to that stait in which it was instituted of himself It is euidēt by testimony of holy Scripture in which Christ kingdomes is fortold to be eternall as psal 47 v. 9. Is sayd as we haue hard so we haue we seen in the city of our God and God hath established it for euer Which psalme is spoken altogeather of the Church and her perpetuity lykewyse her visibility is also mētioned whyl the prophet sayes as we haue hard and seene therefore it is not obscurly designed or inuisible Also Dan. 2. v. 44. sayes That in the dayes of those Kings the God of Heauen shall set vp a Kingdome which shall neuer be distroyed and this Kingdome shall not be giuen to another people but it shall break and distroy all these Kingdomes and it shall stand for euer Moreouer S. Matth. 16. v. 18. sayes That the gates of Hell shall not preuayle against her for as there is a visible head there must be a visible body and seing Christ was seen in earth did conuerse with men shall not his body and members therof also be visible if the foundamēt be visible it behoweth also the house to be visible and seing the Apostles and prophets are foundament of his Church Ephes 2. who can deny the building not to be visible Lykewyse our coniunction with Christ is not only spirituall but also is bodily that we may be bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh the Apostle calleth it a great Sacraments Eph. 5. And seing by Sacramentes we are vnited and knowne togeather which are visible things and therfore appertayne to a visible body which is his Church also which hath a visible head that the Church of God may euer appeare visible wherupon Chrysest Tom. 5. orat de non rontemnend Eccles What is more stronger then the Church of God the barbarous may pull downe the walles but the infernall diuels cannot ouercome it When she is battered she is victor and when she is inuaded with deceipt ouercommeth thus he And S. Bernard Serm. 79. neyther by the verbositie of Philosophers neyther cauillations of heretyckes neyther by the sword of the persecutors might the Church at any tyme be separat from the loue of God thus he Moreouer it is sayd Eph. 4. v. 11. He gane some to be Apostles and some Prophets some Euangelistes and some Pastors and ●eachers for the ●●summation of the Saincts for the worke of the ministery and for the edification of the body of Christ whyll we all meer togeather in the vnity of faith and in knowledge of the sone of God vnto a perfyt man and vnto the measur of the age of the fulnes of Christ In which words the Apostle rehearsing these offices Apostles Pastors and Doctors to abyd in the Church to the end of the world declares the Church to be visible which no ways cā be vnderstood of an inuisible church by reason that there is no such offices that Moreouer it implicates a contradition the visible Church sometyme to haue fayled and the inuisible to remayne for somuch as the wonders of the world are noted partly by Scripture as the deludge Gen. 6 4 Reg 17 Matth. 25. the going back of the sonne the sonne mone to haue lost their light and darkenesse to haue ouer shaddowed the whole face of the earth at the death of Christ Lykwyse Historiographers and Chronologies make mention of erthquakes fyre tempestes pestilence and such lyke prodigious things which are registred and are extant in euery mans hand and yet what tyme the Church fayled and became inuisible there is no Scripture no chronologie no witnes euer to be found but only clamorous mens voyces to say it once it was visible this they graunt but how in fayled it is improbable For if the visible Church hath fayled and the inuisible remaine and was not seene there followe to wyld absurdities for eyther she professed her fayth and yelded not to the persecutions of the Gentills or Heceticks and in so doing it followeth that she was visible as the primitue Church in the tyme of the Apostles and Martyres in tyme of persecutors for in profession suffering sho appeared and was a spectacle to the world and contrary wise if she professed not her sayth but lurked and retayned it inwardly in the hart and outwardly by dissimulation accommodated hirself to the tyme in following of false worship as the Helchesi●nes did as witnes Euse lib. 6. cap. 31. In so doing sho cannot be accounted the true Church of Christ For Christ sayes Matth. 10. ● 33 VVho shall deny me before men him shall I deny before my Father in Heauen Therefore the Church in vigor and subsistance cannot want a signe of visibility Morouer the Church contayning alswell the vniuersality of faithfull as of Byshops absolutely cannot err in matters of fayth which vniuersally eyther are to be belieued of fayth or propounded vnto vs to be done for good manners whether expressely they be found in the Scripture or noe because the Church is gouerned of Christ the head as S. Paul sayes Ephes 1. u 22. He hath giuen him to be head of all the Church which is his body And therefore if sho may err it redounds vnto Christ which according to the verity it self no manner of way may fall because God is true and because the Church is the pillar and foundament of verity 1. Tim. 3 v. 15. Therefore sho cannot err lykewyse Christ promissed to his Apostles and to the whole Church The spirit of verity to abyd with hir for euer and to leade hir in all verity S Ioan. 14. 16. It is not to be vnderstood of simple verity because the Scripture speakes generally of all verity descrybing the holy spirit to teach the Church and sho to be a pillar of verity that in nothing sho should err otherwayes if the Church may erre in teachings things necessary to saluation no man shall know wher the verity is and the holy Ghost shall be found the lyar For haue not all the Fathers in whatsoeuer question and controuersie of fayth fled to the church as vnto the ancher of verity They would neuer haue taken this refuge if they thought that the Church might erre To this effect S. Aug. lib. 1. contra Cresc c. 33. sayth the verity of the Scriptures is kept of vs seing we doe that thing which hath pleased the vniuersall Church the which doth commend the authority of the selfe Scripture forsomuch the holy Scripture may deceaue none but whosoeuer hath feared to be deceaued by obscurity of any question let him consult with the Church which without any ambigu●ty doth demonstrate and shaw the holy Scripture Againe Epist 118. To dispute against that thing sayes he which the vniuersall Church belieues it is most insolent madnes Againe in psal 57. In the bowells of the Church sayes he veritie remaynes
Reformation Whose doctrine is cōcerning Christ himselfe to wit when he descended into the Hell that he was shaken vvith horrible tormentes and griefe of conscience in thinking on Gods wrath towards him that he dispared of his eternall saluation as doe the damned and that God his Father had conspyred the distruction of the sonne which euidently may be read in Calu. lib. 2. inst cap. 16. § 11.12 Lykewyse he sayes that Christ refused to discharge the office of a mediator in his sufferings had no more sufficiency then other men and in his prayer did not appeare a temperate moderatiō and that he was tortored with doubtfulnes in his conscience and astonished with the horrour of Gods malediction and tormented with the fear of Hell and eternall damnation and that he ceased to pray long to God but burst out in a voyce of desperation In this tenor is Brent 2. part Hom. sup Luc. Hom. 54. 65. Therefore what assured Hope haue these men in Christ who is worse reputed by them then the most miserable sinner that euer was borne and adiudged equally miserable with the damned Diuells in Hell Againe what confidence and assured hope can they haue of God whom they auouch to be the author of sinne as witnes Zu ing lib. de diu prouid when we commit adultery murder and theft it is Gods work as the mouer author and inforcer Lykewyse Caluin sayes that the thief doth kill by Gods impulsion and is oft constrayned to offend Et lib. 1. instit cap. 18. Sinnes are committed not only by Gods permission but by his will Et ibidem cap. 16.17.18 he sayth all sinnes by whomsoeuer they are done they are Gods giftes and iust workes for iniquitie is not fulfilled by wil and intention of man but by the holy Ghost and that often tymes the will of God is contrary to his commandements which he approueth lib. de praedest prouident The will of God sayth he is the principall cause of the peruersity of men And in his inst lib. 2. cap. 4 that God suggesteth dishonest desyres with effectuall decree operation and will This he proueth more largely in his inst lib. 3. cap. 23. That the impious and reprobate doe more fulfill the workes of God in their iniquities then their owne workes hereupon he affirmes that it was absolutly ordayned decreed that Adam should sinne and consequently he hath created the most part of the world to be damned by the absolute decree of his wil. Hereunto if credence should be giuen what assured hope and what confidence can a sinner haue when it lyeth not in him eyther to merit or demerite but absolutely doth whatsoeuer he doth by Gods instigation and prouocation Contrary to this the Papists place their Christian Hope firme and sure because on his part in whome we hope it is most certayne that is to say it is most certayne on Gods part that there shall want nothing for obtayning of that which vve hope for For this cause hope is called assured and certaine because it leanes to a most sure fondament to wit the Heauenly promises and help of God by which assuredly we are conducted to saluation if secondly for our part we shall vse diligence to work with the same to our power as is sayd in the counsell of Trente sess 6. cap. 13. vvhere speaking of the gift of perseuerāce it saith let no man promise to himself security by absolute certitude and assurance but in Gods help all are to be reposed and with firme hope vvorking our saluation Where it is supposed that it is in our power in apart that vve fayle not or that vve vvork not vvith his graces as vve should do And as it is in the gift of perseuerance euen so it is in the hope of our saluation For if truly and properly it were not in our power to cooperat worke with the diuine power of God we should haue no more place to hope in God then if we wanted him and that there were not a God And therefore our hope is sure and confident in God because he is omnipotent and faithfull in his promisses as the ps 144. v. 15 sayth The Lord is faithfull in all his wordes and holy in all his workes to wit what lyeth on Gods part for this cause cōsequently it followeth that our Lord vpholdes those that be weake lifteth vp those that are fallē Againe ps 145. it is sayd Blessed is he that hath the God of Iacob for his helpe whose hope is in the Lord his God which made the Heavens the earth the sea and all that there in is who keepeth faithfulnes for euer Lykewyse Eccl 2. v. 11. No man hath hoped in the Lord and is ashamed For God helpeth euer so that the certitude of our hope consisteth in this that it is assured on Gods part for our saluation because his grace is ready if we cooperate and worke therewith and so rightly is vnderstood that saying of the Apostle that hope is not ashamed and this hope which the Catholickes belieue is far discrepant to the temerous presumptiō of the protestantes who are so certainly persuaded and assured that they confide in themselues more then in God whatsoeuer thing they persuade and assure thēselues of God must be bound to follow their opinion So that God shall not be God but each Protestant in his owne imagination is God and such is the Protestants assured and certayne hope which indeed is ashamed and not the hope which the Apostle commends which they want altogether QVAESTIO XIX Of publicke and priuate prayers WHerefore doe not the Papists in their sacrifice of the masse in administratio of the Sacramēts in all actions both publick and priuat vse the vulgar tongue which may be vnderstood of the people but the Latin tongue which our reformers call counterfeyt dissembled worship of God Luth. de form Missandi Cal. in catach ANSVVER IN the tyme of Christ there were three principall tongues to wit Hebrue Greek Latin to this the title of Christ crosse beareth witnes Matt. 27. Ioan. 19. In which tongues God euery where was praysed Three principall tongues sanctified of Christ in the Crosse in these languages chiefly diuine seruice was done To what ende is this question seing in the reformed bookes and prayers are obserued diuerse wordes in a strange language that the people cannot vnderstand as Amen Alleluia Osanna Eli-Eli-lamasachthani Sabaoth which are Hebrue words Lykewyse in the Baptisme of infātes you pronūce agreek word which surpasseth the vulgar peoples vnderstāding if it were not for the lōg cōtinuāce practise of it Therfore it is expedient that diuin publick seruice be don in the latin tongue and not in the vulgar tongue of each coūtry First because the vniuersall Church approueth this manner of prayer The reasons wherefore the latin tongue is vsed against whose practise to dispute is most insolent madnes as witnes S. Augusten epist 118. ad
Ianuar. So that what is instituted of the whole Church for the publicke vtility of fayth it is nōt to be changed Secondly because of the iudgement of the people who are naturally inclyned to Heresie and nouelties whilst in reading of the Scripture and not vnderstāding it they take occasiō to hold opinions against the doctrine of faith the precepts of manners least they should deryde sinistrously interprete these thinges which are religiously instituted and albeit many things be put in the vulgar tongue as the psalmes and other partes of the Scripture notwithstanding the people cannot attayne to the sense and meaning of them for euen these who are expert in the Latin tongue finde difficultie to vnderstād the Scriptures It is not needfull that the people vnderstand what is songe or said in the church except first they consult with commentaries and holy Fathers of the Church Neyther is it needfull that the vulgar people vnderstand what is songe or is celebrated in the Church more then the people vnderstood what the heygh Priest did in Sancta Sanctorum Hebrue 9. Luke 2. For the Ecclesiasticall songs are not instituted to instruct the people in their vnderstanding with wordes but it is instituted to awake and sturr vp their myndes to the worship of God by swet Harmony Reuerence Maiesty and solemne actions What if perchance it come to passe that eyther we trauaile in a strāge coūtry or that a stranger come where Religion is if Gods seruice be not in a vulgar language as Latin is how shall he vnderstand whether they serue God or mocke him how shall he that is ignorant say a men to thy benediction as the Apostle sayth Therefore publicke priuate prayers in a strange tongue albeit they be not vnderstood of him that prayeth yet are acceptable to God haue vertue to impetrate and obtayne blessings because God his saincts vnderstand all tongues which is probable Praiers in the latin tongue are acceptable to God for that common people with the chyldren cryed Matth. 21. v. 9. Osanna filio Dauid which wordes neyther the peoole nor the chyldren vnderstood and yet Christ commendes and prayseth the children neyther reprehendeth he the cry of the people Whereupon Greg. hom 20. in Iosua speaking of a strange tongue sayth If thow hearest somtyme to be read in thy eares that thow vnderstandest not yet in the meane tyme know thow that thou hast receaued vtility thereby in that the only hearing is to thee as it were a certayne charme to expell the deadly poyson dāmage euill spirits who ly snares and go about beseygning Christian souls Which grounds Caluin contradicteth who sayth in his Catechisme to pray in an vnknown tongue it is to mocke God and peruerse hypocrisie Contrary to this who is of sound iudgement A similitude conuinting Caluin will easily esteeme him no hypocryte and mocker who offereth a supplication in an vnknown tongue to the King who is expert in the tongue through dayly vse yet vnknown to the delyuerer It is to be thought that all nations had a common tongue as Gen. 19. in which God was serued but cōfusion of tōgues being made three speciall tongues are separat institute for the diuine seruice of God whereupō this custome followeth that in the occidentall Churches the vse of the latin tōgue was euer with them which was a naturall tongue to them and althought it was not altogeather common to all nations for diuerse nations and tongues were included in the occidentall Churche and yet for diuine seruice this tongue is most frequently vsed So the Greek church vseth the Greek and chaldaick and yet the Greek and chaldaick is another tongue different from the cōmon tongue which the people vseth in their meettings but the others were vsed only amongst the learned and with the Priests in diuyne seruice For it was neuer a custome through the vniuersall world that the vse of the vulgar country tongue should be admitted in diuyne seruice but that which is most cōmon vniuersally to all nations Vt omnis spiritus laudet Dominum And as concerning the reading praying in a vulgar nationall tongue it is no perfection to do so for then the vse of the better tongue failes as Hebrew Greek and Latin which were sanctified on the crosse of Christ And as Latin is common to all it is vsed much more specially it is cōmon to the seruice of God and seing God requireth the best of euery thing to be offered to him as soueraine Lord and most louing Father who doubteth but a learned holy and commō tongue is more honourable then a barbarous prophane priuate tongue is And moreouer in respect of the whole body of the Church with whom specially we cōmunicat in our seruice in prayers that we may say all one thing the vulgar tongues are counted strange and vnknowne which strange tongues S. Paul doth litle regard I. Cor. 14. and preferreth the common tongues which were delyuered to the first Christiās sanctified of Christ and delyuered by the Apostles in the East and West parts of the world not regarding the multitude of vulgar tongues which were vsed in particular prouinces For vsually the Greek tongue was specially in the East and the Latin in the West Church For Christ being on the Crosse from whome is the paterne of all prayers and oblatiōs who knew right well that the common people of the Iewes could not vnderstand him because the true Hebrue tongue was eyther lost or much decayed in the comon speach and euery day more and more failed after the captiuity of Babilon did recyte the beginnig of the Psal 21. in Hebreu my God my God why hast thou forsaken me And did not eyther then or any other tyme interprete it in a vulgar tongue Therfore out of doubt after his example we may do the lyke in these tōgues in our seruice and prayers which Priests and clerkes vnderstand albeit the common people do not vnderstand the same for this good aryseth to the whole Church by the vse of the latin tongue to wit learning and deuotion wheras the Protestants hauing once had the Latin seruice changing it into their particular vulgar tōgue haue lost both learning and deuotion for Amen Alleluia builded many Churches Hospitalles Bridges c. and augmented the deuotion of the people contrary wise So be it hath pulled downe the Churches c. and banished deuotion So that falling from the Latin to the vulgar they haue fallen from the better to the Worse and from vnity into heresy and so to deuyding the coate of Christ into many partes which thing the barbarous and prophane souldiers were affrayed to do Iohn 19. OBIECTION SAinct Paul I. Cor. 14. sayes let no man speake a strange tongue in the Church which is not vnderstood for sayth he who shall supply the place of the Idiot how shall he say Amen vpon thy benediction because he knoweth not what thow sayest but
speaking of immolations because the Gentils vsed to immolate which immolation was not done to the true God whervpon cōtrary wise the Apostle signifieth that true sacrifices and Altars are offered and erected to God for he forbiddes Christians not to drinke of their drink offerings or to eat of their meat immolate in the Temples and Altares of their Idols seing that their worship can no wayes stand with the Christian worship where the cuppe and Altar of Christ is which is the sacrifice of his owne Blessed body immolat in the Temple on the Altar and receaued of all Christians the which Altar he will not haue to be a compagnion of Diuels that is to say that he will haue it to haue no part with the sacrifice of Idolaters who offer their facrifices to Idols of the which true sacrifice those holy and venerable Fathers haue left vs in remembrance these wordes the sacrifice tēples and Priesthood of the new testament as Aug. lib. 8. de ciuitate dei cap. vlt. Ambros lib. 2. offic cap. 21. Secondly Churches are instituted for prayer more then preachings for Christ himself sayeth Luc. 19. my house is the house of prayer and not an house of preaching For this cause it is sayd of the Apostles who preferred prayer before doctrine Act. 6. We wil be instant to prayer and secondly to the ministery of the word Lykewyse Peter and Iohn did ascend vnto the Temple at the nynth houre to pray Act. 3. Thirdly more easily God heareth the prayers of the godly in the Church then in any other place because the Church includeth the vniforme prayers of many as also the presence of Christ Iesus our mediator both in his power in speciall effect in the blessed Sacrifice of the Altar In the Church also the diuel is lesse powerfull to vex tempt the members of Christs body And lykewyse it agreeth with reasō that it is better to pray in the Church thē elswhere because to pray in the Church doth proceed of obedience and commādement of God and his Church which circumstances rehearsed doe not quadrat and agree to be done in priuat houses or in any other places for in S. Chrysostomes tyme some there were that excused themselues that they could pray at home and hereupon vsed Sesdome the Church whom he reprehendes Hom. 3. O could excuse sayth he which I hear of many whyle they say we may pray at home but we can heare sermons and doctrine but in the Church O man thow deceauest thy self and walkes in a great errour for albeit licence be giuen thee to pray in thy house notwthstanding it cannot be so well done that thow prayest in thy house as in the Church where so many Fathers and holy men are for the ernest cry of a whole society is made to the immortall God who heareth the cry of the humble and cōtrit in hart c. and a litle after he sayth there in the Church men haue a greater occasion to pray then in any other place because the oblation of grace is present in his obiect which is the sacrifice of the masse Morouer our catholick Churchs are erected consecrated adorned beautifyed without superstition only to the honour of God and his Saincts That Churchs are consecrated erected to the honour of God it is out of controuersie but also they are erected in honour of his Saincts as shal be proued for if the Temple of Salomon was erected not only for the Sacrifice prayer but also for conseruation of the Arck of God to wit that it should be a house in which as Dauid vowed 1. paral 28. The Arck of the couenant of the Lord should repose euen so the Temples are for the cōseruatiō of the reliques of Gods Saincts who sometyme will they liued were the tabernacles of God and mediates by whom God hath spoken and wrought myracles and if the Arck of God was honoured in the Temple and the Temple builded for the Arck of God why also may not Christians reuerence honour and pray where the relickes of the blessed Saincts are and and for their honour and worship erect Churches and Altars without offence or calūny of heretikes as Dauid had vowed and Salomon performed to build a Temple for the Ark of God The which erection and consecration is without all magick superstition for the fact of Iacob approueth it in the Law of nature Gen. 28. where erecting a stone in title to the vse of a sacrifice powring oyle on it for sanctification and in calling the place Bethel that is to say the house of God which ceremonies pleased God and were without all magick superstion euen so our consecratiō of Churches Altars is without all inchantments or superstition eyther explicite or implicite Morouer we decore and adorne the Churches for the greater magnificence of Gods house which magnificence extendes to the honour of God for Moyses by the commandement of God appareilled and adorned the tabernacle with gold siluer pearles silk and other precious tapestrie for the greater honour of God and for the mouing of deuotion for in these things the faithfull are helped and the Sacraments are honoured with maiesty reuerence for when we see these things before our eyes forth with the hart is lifted vp to think on heauenly things and to contemplate the diuyn Maiesty how great and powerfull God is that is worshipped with such magnificence And contrariwyse the Churches are contemned and despysed which wante these ornaments consecration and appareilling as may be seene in the Protestant Churches which are no Churches but merchant bankes citizines walking places a gallery for common people a spy-house for taillours a law house a common hall for examining a malefactors a place of verdict a place where equity and falshood is iudged a consistory for the Caluinian sessioners and Church wardēs a place for the imprisoning of whores and fornicators that verily Christ fortold in effect that it was nothings els but Spelunca latronum non Domus orationis OBIECTION GOd is euery where neyther dwelleth the most highst in houses mad with handes or in temples as S. Stephan Act. 7. sayd and therefore no more is he to be prayed to in the Churches thē without and without aswell as in the Church ANSVVER I Confesse God is euery where by essence presence and power neyther dwelleth he in tēples as included in them or indigent of them as S. Stephen vnderstands yet he dwelleth in them another way as sayth Hier. cap. 7. I shall dwell with you in this place because the Temple is a house dedicated to God and his worship who hears prayers in that house more willingly then in any other place whatsoeuer so that it followeth that as it is a place dedicated to God and acceptable therefore howsoeuer magnificently we can decore it for that cause our prayers are more easily hard of God and our petition graunted QVAESTIO XXIII Of Predestination and Reprobation WHEREFORE doe not Papists
obtayning of blessednes which only fayth failles to that end The Doctor neuer dreamed that it should suffice without good workes and farre lesse that fayth can saue any mā without workes QVAESTIO XXIX Of the incertitude of Righteousnes VVHerefore denyeth the Papists that a man of his owne propre righteousnes is vncertaine seing the spirit himself giveth testimony to our spirit that we are the sonnes of God as it is written Rom. 8. v. 16. Luth. art 10.11 Kem. in exam sess 6. Calu. in Antid sess 6. lib. 3. iust cap. 2. § 16 17.39 40. ANSVVER YF yow affirme with your Rabbines that all the faythfull assuredly and infallibly ought to belieue with themselues sinnes no wayes to be imputed Who are assured of the remission of sinnes should not say the Lords prayer because of the righteousnes of Christ to what effect rehearse yow the Lordes prayer and why aske yow remission of sinnes saying forgiue vs our sinnes c. Why is not this prayer reiected aswell as the Puritās in Scotland hath reiected the beliefe For if you hold this opinion infallible and true of the certitude of righteousnes the Lordes prayer is no wayes profitable or necessary as is mentioned already in the second quaestion in discouering only fayth c. Therefore no man howsoeuer iust and holy cannot attribute vnto his owne righteousnes without peculiar reuelation of God that infallibiliter confidence in his owne righteousnes which is proped No man is certaine of grace farelesse of remission of sinnes and grounded vpō common reuelation made in holy Scripture that thereby any shall know himself to be in the grace of God it is vncertaine which proposition if it were true Iob would haue been more bold nor any Protestāt who as it were doubting sayd howbeit I were simple yetnotwithstanding my soule is ignorant of that cap. 9 v. 21. where distinctly by the name of simplicitly he names his owne righteousnes absolutly to be vnknown as thought he would say albeit I am iust notwithstanding I cannot confidt to it assuredly Moreouer this assertion is opposed to reason for whosoeuer is certaine of the remission of sinnes estate of grace it falloweth of necessity to haue the same certitude of their conuersion to God with true pennance and others motiues of fayth as charity patience and perseuerance c. requisite to iustification inteire receauing of the sacramentes but none is that can promise to themselues such certitude for no man is assured of his disposition to be supernaturall or in the receauing of the Sacramentes to haue a perfect intention Therfore no man without speciall reuelation of God is certaine to be in the state of grace And consequently the Rabbies of the reformed Synagogue are lyke vnto the serpent in paradise who whyle he promised to our first parents knowledge spoyled him of knowledge broght him in grosse ignorance euen so whyle they would teach the confidence of rightousnes to iustification send vs away empty of righteousnes but wrapped in grosse ignorance with presumption as at lenght is discussed in the third quaestion vt sup OBIECTION It is sayd by the Apostle Rom. 4. v. 16. That it is by fayth according to grace that the promise may be firme which is to say that we are iustifyed by only fayth and that we may be certaine to be confirmed in grace ergo c. ANSVVER THe Apostle meane an other thing for he teacheth men to be iustifyed by liuely fayth in Christ without the obseruation of the old Law and by that fayth we are made certaine and the promisses of grace is fulfilled and this assumptiō is proued in Abraham who belieued him to be a Father of many nations so that this promise of grace is made to Abraham and his fellowers of fayth whether in the tyme of the Law or after without the workes of the Law OBIECTION Lykewyse the Apostle sayth Rom. 8 v. 38.39 I am certaine that neyther death nor lyfe neyther Angells c. Neyther any creature may separate vs from the loue of God Therefore in this lyfe we haue certitude of grace through the certitude of Gods loue which argument Caluin vehemently vrgeth lib. 3. inst cap 2. § 40. That this certitude is not only for S. Paul but also it is a certitude apperteyning to all the faithfull and a perseuerance of the grace of God ANSVVER THis word I am certaine or as Caluin willeth I am persuaded speaketh not of the certitude of only fayth neyther infallibly of the fayth it self but only of morall confidence trust hope as is probable of the frequent common phrase as Rom. cap. 15 v. 14. where the Apostle speaketh confidently of the Romanes saying and I my self also am persuaded of you What is else this persuation but to confidt well Lykewyse 2. Tom. c. 1. v. 5. The Apostle repeates the same saying When I call to remembrance the vnfayned fayth that is in thee which duelt first in thy grād-mother Lois and in thy mother Ewnice I am certaine it dwelleth in thee also Here is no mention made of the certainty of fayth but only a good confidence and trust of them to haue pietie to saluation not to boost of fayth but to hope to haue it OBIECTION IT is sayd by the Apostle Rom. 8. v. 16. That the spirit himself beires witnes to our spirit that we are the sonnes of God And lykewyse S. Iohn 1. Epist cap. 5. v. 10. sayth who belieue in the sonne of God hath the testimony of God himself But the testimony of the holy spirit bringeth certitude therefore all are certaine in themselues to be the sonnes of God ANSVVER THe Scripture is falsly alledge because the meaning of the Apostle to the Romās is that ye H. Ghost with diuerse miracles distributions of giftes did worke wonderfull things in tyme of the primitiue Church for the confirmation of the fayth and to beare witnes of the same fayth vnto all those who worshiped and imbraced the fayth of Christ and keep it in lyfe to be the sonnes of God In this manner also is vnderstood that saying of the Apostle to the Gal. 4. v. 6. Because yee are sonnes God hath send forth the spirit of his sonne in your hartes which cryeth abba Father this witnessing of the spirit is to the wholl Church to no priuate persone as the Apostle sayes Gal. 3. v. 26. saying for yee are all the sonnes of God by fayth which is in Christ Iesu And lykewyse these places verify the same testimony of the spirit to be promised and giuen to his Chrurch as expoundes all the ancient Fathers 1. cor 2. v. 12. 1. Iohn 3. v. 14 4. v. 13 5. v. 19. and not particularly is to be attributed to only one For albeit in the righteous man this affirmatiue might be attributed notwithstanding not so really but by a certaine moral certitude of his own righteousnes good lyfe with hatred to
their merite is not mercenary not basse but honourable good and acceptable to God our Father whose sōnes we are if we inclyne our hart to doe his lawes for a reward and this is the good pleasure of God that concommināter we should worke good workes with his grace vnto lyfe eternall whose will is to remunerat gine that beatitude for a merit of good workes QVAEST 10. XXXIII Of Confidence conceaued of merites WHerefore doe the Papists conceaue such confidence of eteruall lyfe by their merites seing it sauours of presumption and in preiudice of the excellency of our redemer Calu. lib. 3. inst cap. 12. § 3.4 ANSVVER I Say it is not anough to confide and trust simpliciterly but also with assured faith we are bound to belieue good workes to merite lyfe eternall for we cannot obtayne lyfe eternall except we haue laboured to promerit the same with good works as is euidently discussed already notwithstanding no man can firmely determine and assuredely persuade him self in his merites to obtayne and haue lyfe eternall defacto The reason is because we are not certaine of our owne righteousnes that any man is iust absolutly and to haue meritorious workes and howbeit he might in some part repose confidently to haue notwithstanding it followeth that no man assuredly can assure himself of perseuerance and therefore seing no manner of way any man can be certayne in this lyfe without a speciall reuelation of God or els if we would precipitat our selues in the damnable golfe of the Caluinists only fayth We belieue vnder hope sub gratia giuing diligence to make our calling and election sure by good workes as the Apostle teaches 2. Peter 2. and so we may conceaue of our good workes some trust and confidence of eternall glory notwithstanding so that chiefly the same confidence and trust be placed dependently in the only mercies of God and merites of Christ and secoūdely in workes And therefore to the purpose the first part is proued Tob. 4. v. 12. Great confidence is with almesse before the most high-God to all them that doth the same Lykewyse 1. Tim. 3. v. 13. sayth who haue ministred weell purches to thēselues a good place much confidence in fayth And seing good works are the cause of our saluation already proued we may the more rightly trust and confide them to obtayne our saluation as for example when the Phisick is very good the patient may the more cōfide of his health and therefore in such manner I may confide that merites are the cause of which saluation may come and so consequently we may haue that confidence and trust of good vvorkes as an effect depending on the cause Secoūdly the posterior part is prouen of the for sayd introductiō because the chiefe cause of our saluation is the merites of Christ and Gods diuyne mercy therefore by the merites of Christ vertue is giuen vs to merite and to be perseuerand So that our merits are the workes of Christ which he worketh in vs by the spirit of his grace which no man is ignorant of forsomuch as in all our petitions prayers we remite them to be graunted for his diuine mercy saike and the merite of Christ And therefore the holy Church and euery member concludes their prayer saying by our Lord IESVS Christ c. And therefore here is neyther done nor inferred eyther presumption or preiudice to the excellency of our redeemer for whose fauou● and grace all helpe requisit is giuen vs to merite and so it is acknowledged of vs to be frō him as the principall cause and so we doe not trust and confide in our owne merites but seconda●ly and dependenterly for all that we haue receaued or worketh we affirme it to be by the merites of Christ and diuyne grace and whatsoeuer we worke or merite it is through the grace of God and merite of Christ and not of our selues absolutly as our aduersarie imagine Neyther doe we presumptuously any thing neyther with iniury to Christ As concerning their Scrupels for conclusion they are full of scrupelles to withstand the verity reuealed out of the word of God and make no Scrupell where Scruples should be obserued it is no Scrupell with there diuines to affirme God the author of sinne with predeterminat predestination without forseen causes the fall of man and the reprobates damnation of Christ disparing on the Crosse of mans freewill of the whole twelf articles of our Beliefe of the impossibility to keepe the Commandements in defending that all our actions are mortall sinnes in making all sinnes equall and in teaching that Christ hath fred vs from all Lawes in taking away all feare of conscience by only fayth in teaching necessity to be forced in the freewill of man in taking away vyce and vertue in mans actions merite demerite sinne and grace with others infinite numbers of assertions swallowed vp of them without any scrupell lyke another Leuiathan plunged in the weest Sees with a deuoring mouth Soe passe they without Scrupelles walking after their owne fantasies and not according to the word of God neyther the reason of morall knowledge The end of the first Part. THE TABLE OF THIS BOOKE TO whome properly the Catholick name appertayne Quaest I. pag. 2. Of the damnable and speciall Faith of the Heretikes Quaest II. pag. 23. Of the Article of the Creed I belieue the remission of sinnes Quaest III. pag. 44. Of the informall Faith of Synners Quaest IIII. pag. 49. Of the necessity of Myracles Quaest V. pag. 45. Of the verity of Myracles in the Catholicke Church Quaest VI. pag. 61. The Pope is taken of the reformed for Antichrist Quaest VII pag. 73. Of the Primacy of S. Peter Quaest VIII pag. 89. Of the Roman Sea of S. Peter Quaest IX pag. 107. Of Iohne the eight Pope a VVoman Quaest X. pag. 112. Of the infallible authority of Generall Counsells Quaest XI pag. 116. Of the verity of the Roman-Church and of her notes Quaest XII pag. 127. Of the pretended reformation of the Protestants Quaest XIII pag. 145. Of the stability of the visible Church Quaest XIIII pag. 169. Of the interdicting of Scripture Quaest XV. pag. 183. Of the adulterating the Byble Quaest XVI pag. 199. Of Traditions Quaest XVII pag. 206. Of the certitude of Hope Quaest XVIII pag. 214. Of publicts and priuate Prayers Quaest XIX pag. 218. Of the Aue Maria. Quaest XX. pag. 225. Of the Beades Quaest XXI pag. 228. Of Praying in the Churches Quaest XXII pag. 231. Of Predestination and Reprobation Quaest XXIII pag. 236. Of Free VVill. Quęst XXIIII pag. 251. Of Prescience Predestination and Free-will Quaest XXV pag. 259. Of the keeping of the Commandementes Quaest XXVI pag. 264. Of Reall Iustice Quaest XXVII pag. 269. Of good VVorkes Quaest XXVIII pag. 276. Of the incertitude of Righteousnes Quęst XXIX pag. 281. Of the Purenesse of Good VVorkes Quęst XXX pag. 289. Of the Merite of good VVorkes Quęst XXXI pag. 296. Of good VVorkes done in respect of an eternall reward Quęst XXXII pag. 304. Of Confidence conceaued of Merites Quęst XXXIII pag. 306. FINIS