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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03254 A short catechisme, summarily comprizing the principall points of Christian faith, somewhat corrected and augmented by Iames Balmford Minister Balmford, James, b. 1556. 1607 (1607) STC 1337; ESTC S114854 8,753 30

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A SHORT CATECHISME SVMMARILY COMPRIZING THE Principall points of Christian faith somewhat corrected and augmented by IAMES BALMFORD Minister Prou. 24. 27. Prepare thy worke without and make ready thy things in the field and after build thine house AT LONDON Imprinted by Felix Kyngston for RICHARD BOYLE 1607. TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL THE Master Wardens Assistants and whole company of Carpenters in London IAMES BALMFORD a Carpenters sonne and a builder according to his calling and gifts wisheth the continuall edification of their godly faith while they trauaile in this vale of teares and at the last the end of that faith euen the saluation of their Soules THis litle Catechisme hath been long in Print but not yet dedicated vnto any Being now to reprint it with other litle treatises I haue thought it conuenient to dedicate it vnto you as a monument of my thankefulnes for your many fauours but especially for your charitable exhibition when I was a poore student in Oxford Hoping that this dedication wil not only incourage you to continue and increase as God shall inable your Christian charitie to Students of good hope in either Vniuersitie than which I know not a more charitable and fruitfull worke of faith but also stirre you vp both to reade the Catechisme diligently your selues carefully to cause your families to learne it For it is commonly seene that howsoeuer too many be newfangled yet for the most part men are rather moued with those Treatises which are expressely specially addressed vnto thēselues and that by such as in some speciall sort belong vnto them This only I desire that ye would take some paines in examining the quotations because they giue both light vnto the vnderstanding and warrant to the confirmation of the seuerall points of this Catechisme I doubt not of your good wil but whereas this Catechisme is likely to come into the hands of some who will not with you intertaine it fauourablie for my sake I suppose this obiection One generall and well conceiued Catechisme doth most edifie therefore many are but to litle purpose Whereunto I readily and freely answere That hauing experience how profitably the studies of children haue been furthered since diuersitie of Grammars hath been abolished and one certaine Grammar generally to be taught by act of Parliament established I grant that one generall and well conceiued Catechisme doth most edifie in respect of publike vse But I am assured that as sundry Grammars so sundry Catechismes doe much good in priuate studie and vse For the same method of teaching which seemeth to some plausible pleasant plaine and profitable doth not seeme so to other And one Catechisme doth more cleerely lay opē some points of Christiā faith than another yea handleth some necessary point which another doth altogether omit Againe It helpeth much to the confirmation of faith when it is seene that howsoeuer sundry men in sundry ages countries publish sundry Catechismes or make sundry confessions betweene which two there is no great difference as to say with Iohn Baptist Behold the Lambe of Joh. 1. 29. God which taketh away the sins of the world or with Peter Thou art the Christ the Sonne of the liuing God the one publishing his office the other confessing his nature yet they hold the same Head belieue in the same Christ iustifie the same Wisedome and professe the same Truth What great profit do Gods children reape by the Harmony of cōfessions as of Churches so of ancient and late writers What benefit hath and doth redound to the Church of God by sundry Creeds not only extant but some of them in publique vse too as the Apostolique Nicene and Athanasian euery one doth know and acknowledge In these considerations I conceiue hope that this litle Catechisme will bee offensiue to none but acceptable to you and profitable to all such as with religious humilitie will vse peruse it And the rather because they shall find the most necessary doctrine of the Lords Supper more plainely set downe in this Catechisme than in many other of no greater volume Well what good opinion soeuer this Catechisme shall find in the hearts of other Readers let me exhort you as a brother to edifie your selues with all holy diligence especially in hearing the Word preached and as you may in reading first the Scriptures and then other Godly Treatises Vnderstanding that Edification so much commēded and commanded in Holy Writ doth signify Building Of which spirituall building your temporall building should daylie put you in mind Lest otherwise yee incurre a censure and sentence like to that of the Prophet Haggai Hag. 1. 4. 6. 1. Cor. 3. 9. 16. viz. Can yee build houses for your selues and other and will yee carelessely suffer the Temple of the Lord which is your selues to lie waste Yee shall therefore earne wages and put them into a broken bag But hoping as I wish that yee will more and more apply your hearts vnto wisedome euen that wisedome which is vnto saluation I commend you to God and the Word of his grace which is able to build further and to giue you an inheritance among all thē which are sanctified A short Catechisme necessarie to be learned of all Christians Q WHo is the Creator and gouernour of this world A. a Genes 1. Esay 45. 5. One God in whom there bee thrée persons b 1. John 5. 7. the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost Q. Of all visible creatures which is the chiefest A. c Genes 1. 26. Psal 8. 5. Man Q. After what manner made hee him A. d Genes 1. 26. Like vnto himselfe Q. How was that A. e Eccles 7. 31. Ephes 4. 24. Frée from sinne and perfect in righteousnes Q. To what end made hee him righteous A. f Psal 119. 73. Esay 43. 7. To serue him Q. Did man continue righteous A. g Genes 3. 6. 7. 10. No he sell from righteousnes to sinne Q. How did he fall into sinne A. h Genes 3 6. 7. By cating the forbidden fruit Q. What abilitie was left in man to serue God after that sinne A. i Genes 6. 5. Ierem. 4. 22. Ephes 4. 18. None at all either in knowledge or affection Q. Did that sinne rest in Adam alone A. k Iohn 3. 6. Rom. 5. 12. No it descendeth from him into all mankind Q. What fruites doth it bring forth in all mankind A. l Genes 6. 5. Rom. 5. 12. c. Sinfull thoughts words and déeds Q. What is the punishment due for sinne A. m Genes 2. 17. Rom. 6. 12. 6. 23. Euerlasting death and damnation Q. How come we to the knowledge of sinne A. n Rom. 3. 20. By the Law Q. Wherunto serueth this knowledge A. o Act. 2. 37. 24. 26. 1. Cor. 14. 24. 25. To humble man and to cast him downe in the consideration of his owne miserie Q. How is it possible for man to be saued in
6. 35. the things signified to their saluation Q. Why so 2. Thess 3. 2. A. y M●t 8. 11. 12. 1 Cor. 11. 27. Because they receiue vnworthily Q. How may we receiue worthilie A. By comming to the Lords table with z Iohn 6. 35. Faith and a 1. Cor. 11. 30. 3● Repentance Q. What is repentance A. A forsaking b Ezec. 33. 11. of our sinnes and turning c Jerem 4 1 2. to God by d Matth. 4. 17. amendment of life Q. Can we beleeue and repent of our selues A. e Philip. 1. 29. Ezec. 11. 19. No And therfore we must craue f Marke 9. 24. Je●em 31. 18. these and all other graces of God by hartie prayer Q. What is prayer A. g Luke 18. 1. c. An earnest request to God in y● name h Iohn 14. 13. of Christ for all things i Iam. 4. 3. necessary Q. How may we be sure to obtaine all things necessary A k Mar. 9 22. 33 If we aske in faith l Matth. 21. 2● For so God hath promised To whom b● glory for euer Amen A PRAYER O Most mercifull and gracious Father whereas we are not able of our selues to perceiue the things of the Spirit m 1. Cor. 2. 14. being naturall men yea so foolish n Ierem. 4. 22. and of no vnderstanding that howsoeuer we are wise to do euill to do well we haue no knowledge we most humbly beseech thee for Christ his sake to remember thy o Ier. 31. 33. Couenant and teach vs by thy p Ioh. 16. 13. holy Spirit which searcheth all things q 1. Cor. 2. 10. 12. yea the deepe things of God to know those things which thou hast giuen vs. Suffer vs not therefore O Lord with the r 1. Ioh. 5. 19. 20. world to lie in wickednes but giue vs a mind to know thy Sonne Iesus Christ who is very God and eternall life And open our ſ Luke 24. 45. vnderstanding that we t Iohn 5. 39. searching may vnderstand the Scriptures which are able to u 2. Tim. 3. 14. 15. make vs wise vnto saluation And whereas sinne x Hebr. 12. 1. 2 hangeth so fast on that we cannot run the race that is set before vs with an eye still looking to Iesus the Author and finisher of our faith with groning spirits we intreate thee to separate them from vs as far as the East is y Psal 103. 12. from the West that hauing laid a sure foundation z Hebr. 6. 1. of repentance from dead works and faith towards God we may be led forward to perfection and hauing learned the doctrine of the beginning of Christ we may grow a Eph. 4. 15. 13 vp into him which is our head vntill we meete together in the vnitie of faith and knowledge of the Son of God vnto a perfect man and vnto the measure of the age of the fulnes of Christ That so growing in b 2. Pet. 3. 17. 18 grace and knowledge of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ we be not plucked away with the error of the wicked and fall from our owne stedfastnes but hauing the righteousnes Rom. 1. 16. 17. of God reuealed to vs from faith to faith we may perceiue indeed the Gospel to be to vs the power of God to saluation and so go from strength Psal 84. 7. to strength till we appeare before God in Zion Which graces with all other blessings spirituall and temporall for our selues and euery member of thy Church we beg of thee O holy Father in the name and mediation of our Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus further recommending our selues our prayers and wants to thy fatherly consideration concluding in that most holy prayer which our Maister himselfe hath taught vs saying Our Father which art in heauen c. FINIS