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A52317 Terra pacis a true testification of the spiritual land of peace, which is the spiritual land of promise, and the holy city of peace, or the heavenly city of Jerusalem, and of the walking in the spirit, which leadeth thereunto / set forth by H.N. and by him newly perused and more plainly declared ; translated out of Base-Almaine.; Terra pacis. English Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580? 1649 (1649) Wing N1131; ESTC R16943 81,471 191

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TERRA PACIS A TRUE TESTIFICATION OF The Spiritual Land of Peace which is the Spiritual Land of Promise and the holy City of Peace or the heavenly Jerusalem and of the holy and spiritual People that dwell therein as also of the walking in the Spirit which leadeth thereunto Set forth by H.N. and by him newly per used and more plainly declared Translated out of Base-Almaine Depart out of thy land and from thy Kindred and out of thy Fathers house and travell into a land that I will shew thee Gen. 12 Act 7. I will lead thee on the ●●ght path that the course when thou goest be not painful unto thee and that thou stumble not when thou runnest Take ●he information to heart leave it not keep it for it is thy life Go not in the path of the ungodly and walk not in the way of th● wicked leave the same and go not therein depart therefrom and pass by it Prov. 4. London Printed for Samuel Satterthwaite at the sign of the Sun on Garlick Hill 1649. THE PREFACE of H. N. To the Spiritual Land of PEACE H.N. Wisheth to the good-willing Reader and unto all Lovers of the Truth which read or hear these present Testimonies of the Land of Peace that they might be prepared to be an upright people for the Lord and taught to the kingdom of heavens and also to have obtained in their spirit and minde ●●n the obedience of the Love the simple eyes of the true Sight the spiritual ears of the godly Hearing and he second birth in Jesus Christ whereby they might understand in spiritual maner the holy and spiritual understanding that is witnessed therein to the end that the same which becometh seen and heard migh be rightly judged according to the Spirit of the heavenly Truth also the waye that lead●●● to the Life entered into a ●●ght and so the true Life of the Living and the pleasant Lands of Peace become inherited rightly and according to the Truth O yea that it come to pass even so IN these true Testimonies of the worthy Land of Peace O ye good willing Hearts which love the Truth there is out of an inclination of Love witnessed and described unto you by Writing the many maner of weldernessed Lands together with the sundry kindes of Travel and Vnrestfulness of the disorderly people of the wicked world and the a Isa 54. Apo. 18. departure out of the same as also then immediatly following the entrance into the spiritual Land of Promise b Isa 32. Heb. 4. Apo. 21. the Rest of all the children of God to the end that every one which loveth the Rest of the Lord in Jesus Christ might forsake the said wildernessed lands and so according to this our direction enter into the noble commodious Land and into the holy c Isa 60. City of Peace 2. Therein is likewise evidently declared unto you with clear manifestation the holy people of the same Land and how lovingly peaceably and uprightly they live in that same good Land 3. Into the Which good Land of Rest and Peace d Isa 13. and 54.55 Ier. 3 and 17. and 23. and 31. and 33.50 Ezech. 20. the Lord will now in the last time under the obed●ence of the Love according to his Promises assemble 〈◊〉 people or his Elect and be gracious unto them and so will through the service of his Love e Isa 65. and 66. Ezech. 34. and 37. 2 Mach. 2. bring them into the same out of all Wildernessed Lands and separate them from all disorderly and seditious people 4. O ye children of the Kingdom consider of the minde and the lovers of the Truth humble you now every one under the obedience of the Love and f Ioh. 13. and 15. 1 Iohn 3. and 4. have or exercise love among each other to the end that ye may remain unoffended also g Ioh. 8. 2 Ioh. 1. know the Truth in the Spirit through the Love and live in all Truth and upright righteousness 5. For I will open my mouth h Psal 49.78 Matth. 13. in similitudes reveal and witness the riches of the spiritual heavenly goods as parables and figure forth in writing the mystery of the Kingdom of God or Christ according to the true beeing 6. He that hath ears to hear let him hear and who so hath eyes to mark let him mark what the Spirit of Love saith and bringeth to light by his Minister 7. I looked and behold to the children of the Kingdom the Family of the Love of Jesus Christ it is given to understand i Matt. 11. and 13. Luke 8. and 10. the mystery of the heavenly Kingdom but to those that are therewithout it is not given to understand the same for that cause all spiritual Vnderstandings do chance unto them by Similitudes Figures and Parables 8. Verily the strange people together with all those that have their forth-going without the Family of Love are k Deut. 32. Sap. 2. and 5. Psal 14. ignorant and all the enemies to our godly Testimonies of the gracious Word of the Lord and of our most holy Service of Love are l Gal. 3. resisters of the Truth of God For that cause also they have heard very painfully with their ears and m Isa 6. Matth. 13. Act. 7. and 28. hardned their hearts against the Truth They have likewise wholly shut to the sight of n Ier. 5. and 7. and 16. their eyes before the Truth to the end they would not see the same nor her Requiring and altogether stopped the hearing of their ears before the calling-voyce of the Truth for that they would not hear the same nor the Requiring thereof because they would in no wise understand in their hearts the Truth and her Requiring as also for that they would not turn them to the Truth and her Requiring neither shew forth any upright Fruits of Repentance o Ioh. 5. nor yet come to the godly life and have even so in the hardness of their hearts turned them about to the condemnation 9. For that cause likewise their portion or inheritance is not with the children of the Kingdom in the Family of Love p Psal 1. Wis 2. and 5. but with the children of the wicked world whose q Iohn 8. father and head is the devil himself 10. Seeing then that they through their resisting against the Love and the requiring of her service are become children of r Rom. 9. Ephe. 2. wrath and through the seed of the old Serpent are grown disobeyers of the Requiring of the Word of Jesus Christ and of the Doctrine of his Service of Love as also a ſ Deut. 27. and 28. Eccl. 41. cursed people even to be coheirs of the everlasting fire which is prepared for the devil and his angels therefore verily they understand nothing at all of the wisdom of God the Father nor yet of the upright beeing of Jesus Christ the Son
of God and man 11. Therefore cometh now likewise the u Ezec. 7. end and Gods mighty hand upon the ungodly which have had no will to Gods Love x Rom. 2. 2 Thess 2. nor liked that the Love should r●ign over them But Gods mercy cometh over his Elect which sigh and pray night and day unto him y Luke 18. and have an hunger and thirst z Matth. 5. after the Righteousness 12. For truly the gracious time cometh and is now already come wherein the blessed people of the Lord shall a Isa 60.61 and 65. and 66. Eccl. 2. delight recreated and rejoyce them 13. In which this gracious time there shall nothing be figurely or Image like nor yet also the Testimonies of the Truth of God b Matt. 13. Luke 8. any Parables or Similitudes to the children of the Kingdom for through Gods heavenly Truth the Light of Life-from Heaven all whatsoever is of God and Truth becometh now published unto them c Ioh. 16. openly nakedly or clearly from the right hand of God the Father and they are made heirs therein under the obedience of the Love 14. Yea the holy Spirit of Love which is a comforter of the heart whom the Father sendeth in the name of the Truth the Beeing of Christ he d Ioh 14. and 15. and 16. teacheth and declareth all things unto them namely all what was spoken unto them in times past concerning the Truth as Parables or Similitudes for in times past the whilest the covering which is the foreskin of the flesh of sin was yet before their hearts and the Vail which is the flesh of Christ still before the clearness of the fare of God and Christ they could not g Ioh. 16. endure that which is the clearness of the holy Ghost it self 15. But when as now in their new birth the Vail● departeth from their hearts so is it all th●n Light and life unto them through the holy Spirit of Love h 2 Cor. 3. and 4. Col. 2. which cometh unto them out of the Father i Ephe 5. from the uncovered face of Christ as also k Iohn 14. and 16. remaineth with them everlastingly and leadeth them into all Truth It is very true 16. Come now all hither O ye peaceable children together with all ye which love the Truth and Peace and have your Forth-going in the Spirit l Rom 6.8 Phil. 3. to the life of the new birth in Jesus Christ according to the Requiring of the Word of the Lord and his service of Love 17. Fly now m Zach. 2. out of the North and out of all wildernessed Lands Rest not your selves among the strange people nor among any of the enemies to the house and service of Love but assemble you with us into n Isa 60. Zach 8. Apo. 21. the holy City of Peace the new Jerusalem which is descended from heaven and prepared by God like a garnished Bride for her Husband 18. O Jerusalem thou holy City of the great King o Isa 60. the Light of thy God of Israel doth now rise up over thee according to the Promises 19. Therefore p Isa 51. and 52. and 60. Baruc 5. stand now up and set thy self in the high place and look round about thee towards the East or Sun rising and behold the Comfort which cometh unto thee from God 20. Behold q Isa 43. thy children assembled them together from the Sun rising and going down rejoycing them in the holy Word and are mindfull of God 21. They were r Bar. 5. led away captive from thee on foot by the enemies But now thee Lord bringeth them unto thee and exalteth them with Honor as it beseemeth the children of the Kingdom 22. For God will bring down ſ Isa 2.40 Bar. 5. all high Hills and make the high stony rocks and the Vallyes plain that Israel may t Gen. 23.33 walk and dwell free without fear to the honor of his his God 23. The Groves and u Bar. 5. all pleasant sweet-smelling trees shall shadow Israel round about by the commandment of the Lord. 24. For God will now in this day of his Love x Bar. 5. be gracious unto his people and through his mercy bring Israel again y 2 Mac. 2. with joy as also lead them continually with his Righteousness in the clearness of his Majesty c. 25. Now this passed over will in the Testimonies of the spiritual Land of Promise rehearse more at large touching the holy ones of the God of Israel and of their garnishing as also distinct the wildernessed lands and the unpeaceable people from the good land and the peaceable people to the end that the death and destruction may be understood and known from the life and preservation of salvation z Deut. 30. Ier. 21. Eccl. 25.35 and that no man may err ignorantly 26. But hereforth on following in this our Preface before the beginning of the spiritual Land of Promise we wil rehearse the mercy of God where through this lovely rest of the spiritual land of Promise is out of Gods heavenly truth appeared unto us and the knowledg thereof given us to understand therefore hear and understand ye dearly beloved 27. Forasmuch now as we had a great desire to the place a Psa 95. Heb. 4. of Rest and Peace which God hath promised and that we sought after the same with a fervent longing for that we might finde it or come to the knowledg of the same holy Land of Promise so hath the God of heaven been gracious unto us and not shut from us the knowledg of his holy Land which he hath promised unto his People as a land of Rest and Peace b Exod. 3. Heb. 4. neither yet covered nor hid from us his Truth of the same 28. But verily we are gone thorow or passed beyond many and sundry maner of wildernessed lands and ignorant people and so have considered of the nature of every land and people 29. In all which we have found the strange ignorant people very unpeaceable and divided in many kinde of maners dispositions and natures as also vexed with many unprofitable things to a great disquietness and much misery c Isa 42. and 59. unto them all 30. The whilest we considered diligently hereon so found we by experience that every people had their disposition and nature according to the disposition and nature of the land wherein they dwelt or were born 31. But when we passed thorow and perused used all this same so have we through the mercy of God at the end of all this found a lovely land d Isa 26.60 Zach. 8. or a peaceably city whose people and none other is a peaceable concordable and lovely people agreably minded living peaceably and are faithful to each other Into the which peaceable City and unto the peaceable people of the same the Lord the God of heavens hath
will not ever be r Esa 54 angry with his people their chastisement shall not alwaies indure 21. He punisheth them for their sins ſ Jer. 30 he saveth and justifieth them for his holy Names sake 22. He will not forget his Covenant that he hath made with Abraham Isaac and Jacob. 23. He will not leave his u Psal 32. Jer. 31. Mich. 7. mercy which he hath promised by his Servants and Prophets 24. Yet once againe will he move x Agg. 2. Heb. 12. the earth and gather his people together out of all quarters of the earth y 2 Mac. 2 and be gracious unto them 25. Also he will erect a new z Jer. 31. Heb. 8. Covenant with them and give them a new Name the everlasting free-ones a Esa 62. the released by the Lord. 26. To whom the Law of the Lord his Statutes and Rites shall no more b Exo. 34. stand written in tables of stone 27. But God will write them in their hearts in the c Jer. 31. Heb. 8. innermost part of their minds in the ground of Faith according to the manner of the Father Abraham 28. Rejoyce you then that have been d Esa 54.60 rejected among all Heathen 29. Clap then with your e Psal 47. hands and stamp then with your feet 30. Make then your songs of joy at Sion sing then Alleluia f Tob 1. in all the streets and lanes of Jerusalem 31. Then cast from you the mourning-garment for that is the end g Esa 61. of your shame and contempt 32. Then put on h Esa 49.54 the apparell or ornaments of joy sing play and laud the Lord in triumphing 33. Play i Psa 33.8 upon Harps upon Lutes upon Cymballs Flutes Tabors Gitterns and upon all manner of Instruments with strings 34. For then will God k Esa 33. Eze. 34. be your King your Head and onely Pastor or Shepherd 35. No sinne l Jer. 50. shall ruinate or spoile you any more no Prophets shall seduce you any more 36. You shall every one m Jer. 31. Heb 8.10 know the Lord your God as also his Law Statutes and Rites 37. Thereon hope now O Israel the same shall come unto n Esa you all ye Children of Jacob Alleluia Alleluia 38. Give perpetuall thanks unto the great God of Israel for besides him o Esa 34. there is no God more CHAP. XLVII In these Chapters following there are recited certain benefits shewed on the man through the Service of the Love of Jesus Christ with also a lamentable complaint over the blindnesse of the people and over certain good thinking wise and Scripture-learned ones and likewise how grossely they have over-reached themselves or failed in their giving of judgment over the spirituall and heavenly things with more other notable Declarations and good Instructions ALL this O ye good willing hearts and lovers of the truth which we have here set forth in Letters have we through love written for the service and furtherance of you all because that every one of you likewise should understand the upright life of Peace whereof we doe witnesse also wherein our health and preservation consisteth and likewise whereunto th● promises of God the Father a Gen. 22. made to the blessing of all generations of the earth doe extend and nought become agreeably minded with us and we with you for to enter into the same good life under the obedience of the Love through the love and her service to a b Eph. 1. 2 Pet. 3. renewing of the world and of all whatsoever is waxen old as also to become one onely Communaltie of Peace whereby to prepare in that manner through the service of Love the c Esa 54. 60. 66. Agg. 2. Peace upon earth according to the Promises 2. To that end also tendeth our whole service of writing whereunto likewise we are moved out of an inclination of love for that the d Rom. 10 righteousnesse which God esteemeth might come to light and be manifested thorough the love and her service to an everlasting e Esa 9.26 1.54 Peace for Israel according to the Promises 3. Moreover because there should be nothing with-holden from any one of all what serveth or is profitable for the man to the knowledge of the life we have also to a more abundance of the godly understanding witnessed of this same life in the Spirit which we do here point unto in these present testifications of the Land of Peace with many distinct sayings in the foure Bookes of the Glasse of Righteousnesse and likewise in all our Writings that are published or set forth by us 4. In which writings we have also as much as we were able and saw into it to serve to edication evidently and apparently distincted the f Deut. 30 Jer. 21. Eccles 15. wayes of life from the wayes of death 5. Seeing then that the glorious g 2 Cor. 4 light as a day or cleernesse of Christ is by Gods grace given us to behold therefore have we out of the same sight or heavenly Revelation rehersed likewise in those same foresaid books and writings many of the secret heavenly h Rom. 16 Eph. 3. Col. 1. treasures or riches of God which in times past even hitherto have not been made known unto the world like as God doth now presently through his love reveale and make them knowne unto his Saints 6. Which testimonies of the heavenly treasures or riches of God we have out of inclined love witnessed as a Glasse of upright righteousnesse and to a beholding in the Spirit of all Righteousnesse Light and Life to the serving and furtherance of all Lovers of the true being whereby to draw all those to the love of the true being that are good i Luk. 2. of will to the same true being and that they might even so adjoyn them to our Communalty and Service of the love of God and Christ and likewise submit them with us under the obedience of the Love 7. Which God-service of ours under the obedience of the love of God and Christ is the most holy God-service k Mat. 22. Mar. 12. Jam. 1. before God the Father For the same Service in his Declaration is neerest unto the godly heavenly truth above all God-services and understandings of this world CHAP. XLIX FOr what God-services soever do not submit them with us under the obedience of the Service of the a 1 Cor. 13 love of God and Christ shall all be found false b Jer. 10. and as no God-services and what understanding soever doth not yeeld it selfe captive thereunder shall all be knowne to be lying and as ignorance and likewise what Preachers or Teachers soever do not submit them nor stand subject there-under shall all become manifest that they preach or minister not the holy Word of the Lord and that they are not
e 2 Tim. 3. 2 Pet. 2.3 Jud. 1. stout and puffed up in mind as those that will reigne themselves according to their own advice or opinion seeking their selfnesse and not the Lords the which they do apparently shew by the deed because they will not stand submitted under the love nor her service neither yet do love the unity in the love and therefore likewise they understand not the f 2 Tim. 5. truth 3. Whose hearts are blinded with the g 2 Cor. 4 blindnesse of the wicked world and with the blindnesse h 1 Cor. 1.3 of her dissentions and chosen i Col. 1. holinesse for that they should not behold the light of the heavenly cleernesse in the love 4. For that cause also they cannot understand nor comprehend the service of Love which tendeth to the everlasting life nor the upright k Rom. 8. freedome to the blessing of the manly generation whereof we do witnesse 5. For that same is our service towards all those which love the good life and the peace namely for to declare and shew unto them under the obedience of the love and assured way to the life to the end that they might all now in this day of love have a free l 2 Pet. 1. passage to the good life through Faith for to live lovingly and peaceably in the same life m Joh. 1. 1 Joh. 1. which was likewise from the beginning and shall remain for ever and unto the which the manly generation is created and that ●t might go well and prosper with them perpetually 6. That same is the everlasting life that was n Mat. 28. Act. 2. published in times past unto the people as an Evangelie or good message for that they should be saved therein CHAP. LII BUt oh alas we have now in this perillous time very speciall cause to sigh and mourne grievously over the a Esa 6. 59. blindnesse of many people and to bewaile the same with great dolour of our hearts and that chiefly because there is now in this same day of love b 2 Mac. 2. and of the mercy of God so little knowledge of the good life of Peace and of love to be found among them and also for that the same knowledge is desired of so few and yet much lesse loved But they do almost every one delight to walk in strange c 4. Esd 5. Mat. 7. waies that stretch to contention and destruction by which occasion they live in many molestations and deadly afflictions every where 2. Therefore may we with wofulnesse and ●ighing hearts very jostly say that it is now a perillous d Amos 5. Mat. 24. 2 Tim. 3. time to be saved or to escape or remain over to preservation Oh what venemous winds do there blow to the desolation and destruction of men Yea it seemeth to be almost e Mat. 19. 24. unpossible for the man to come to his salvation or preservation in Christ or to the lovely life of peace 3. But yet is it easie and f Mat. 19. possible with the Lord namely for all those that seek him with all their g Deut. 4. Jer. 29. hearts and under the obedience of the Love do believe his Word of Truth whereof all false hearts have a lothsomnesse and it is unto them a secret h Mat. 13. 2 Cor. 4. or unknowne Treasure of wisdome 4. Oh! when we behold all the perills and snares which are now presently in the way as lets or hinderances against the good life of peace namely by the worldly foolishnesse pride and corruptiblenesse also by the many manner of seditions of the Scripture-learned i Mat. 6. 15. 23. Act. 7. and chosen holinesse and again by the sundry sorts of conceited opinions of men so doth our soule oftentimes suffer great sorrow and that even herefore because that all understanding of the flesh which is borne of the bloud of the flesh k Gen. 6. 4 Esd 3. and earthly being runneth on so ignorantly after the knowledge of the godly truth and over-reacheth it selfe so grossely in giving judgement in the testimonies of the spirituall things 5. For verily many of the opinionated or good-thinking wise ones and of the Scripture-learned sort have with their good-thinking understanding or arrogant wit of the flesh made up themselves for to judge there-through the truth of God which is brought to light by us and so have by the fleshly conceiving or mind of their l Act. 7. uncircumcised hearts and unilluminated understandings considered of or weighed our spirituall and heavenly testimonies of God and of the holy Spirit of the Love of Jesus Christ m Joh. 7. 8. according to the outward appearance and judged them after the same manner 6. Not only these our spiritual and heavenly testimonies of the spirituall land of Promise and of the spirituall Saints of God but they have also judged according n Joh. 7.8 to their earthly and fleshly minds other more spirituall and heavenly testimonies of God which are gone out from the holy Spirit of the love of God and Christ and that are set forth or published by us and which have their ministration unto spirit and unto inward spirituall things or doe extend thereunto and have not rightly understood our Ministration which guideth to the spirituall and heavenly even like as the same is happened unto us by some and become manifest before our eyes but chiefly by the principall ones in the Scripture-learnednesse and likewise by those which did advance and give forth themselves to be o 1 Tim. 1. Treachers and that seemed to be the most prudent and expert ones in the services and also how resistingly many false hearts have made up themselves with their earthly and fleshly minds against the truth of the spirituall and heavenly testimonies of God and his Promises and against the holy Spirit of Jesus Christ and of the mercifull love of God the Father p Heb. 10. 2 Pet. 2. Jud. 1. as blasphemers of their most holy goods and likewise against us who do witnesse and publish forth Gods Word his everlasting truth out of those same spirituall and heavenly goods for to defame and persecute us with much q Mat. 5. lying and falshood CHAP. LIII BUt although many of them have grossely over-reached themselves therein yet have some notwithstanding according to the imagination of their knowledge run on or laboured for the spirituall things for that they would understand them also many have according to their understanding of the flesh testified of them 2. But seeing they have not sought their knowledge of the spirituall things in the obedience of the Christian doctrine of the Service of Love but in their knowledge of the flesh and so have taken on their understanding of the knowledges of the spirituall things out of the imagination of their owne knowledge therefore have they likewise understood those same
spirituall things according to the mind of their flesh and witnessed of them in the same manner also For that cause likewise the right a 1 Cor. 2 knowledge of the spiritual and heavenly understanding hath not in the cleernesse of the true b Sap. 5. light shined unto them 3. Forasmuch then as they were c Eph. 4. yet estranged from the true light of life and of love and stood not subjected under the love nor to the requiring of her service therefore have they also made up themselves so much the stouter against us and against our most holy Service of Love 4. But all that which is happened unto us by them and by all those that turne them away from us or which doth yet daily happen unto us as to slander or speak evill of us and reproachfully with many lies to defame and to persecute us with falshood have we for the love of Christ his sake indured at their hands d Mat. 5. Heb. 12. in all patience giving laud and thanks unto God with joy for that he hath accounted us worthy for to suffer e Act. 5. reproach slander and persecution for his love and truths sake to the end that our most holy Service of Love and the godly Doctrine of the same might in the proceeding on or continuance of our patience so much the more break thorow f 1 Cor. 4. 2 Cor. 6. or come to light unhindered and become generally knowne to be the true God-service that God requireth and that it might also be knowne that we are unguilty of the false bruits that be laid to our charge behind our backs and that we doe Minister the g 2 Cor. 6 Word of the Truth of God and Christ under the obedience of the Love to the peace and salvation of men 5. For verily this assured confidence have we in the Lord that although our Cause be oppressed or contemned by many for a certain time yet shall notwithstanding h Eccles 1. in his time the just or the right understanding ones commend our wisdome which God hath graciously given to us and laud God for the same 6. But truly those that do now charge contemne and with their venemous i Psal 14. Jer. 9. Rom. 3. Serpents tongues sharply reprehend or maliciously speak evill of us and persecute us have not spoken evill of and contemned us only but also k Mat. 10. Luk. 10. Acts 9. 2 Thes 4. God himselfe who is our true Master-builder of his house of Love and have judged his holy service of Love through the which we do testifie and publish abroad the upright righteousnesse before God and Men for a most detestable error and so with their false judgement have drawn away l Mat. 18. many wavering hearts from the same 7. But alas the which out of the good nature of the Love maketh us sorry for them the judgment and the condemnation wherewith they have judged and condemned us is come upon themselves m Mat. 7. Rom. 2. for with all their judgement over us they have not condemned us but themselves inasmuch as they are found guilty in that which they have judged over us CHAP. LIV. O My beloved hearts in the Love of Jesus Christ forasmuch now as we do consider all this to stand thus over our enemies and that it is become manifest unto us therefore let not their misunderstanding and their resistance against us be any offence unto us neither yet let us make up our selves against them a Rom. 12 1 Pet. 3. to requite evill but pray unto b Mat. 5. God for them that the Lord will give unto them and unto all erring or strayed hearts and unto all those which out of their ignorance and unskilfulnesse in the truth do slander and persecute us as likewise unto all those that have turned them away from us and our godly Doctrine c Eph. 1. eyes of true sight and hearts of upright understanding that they may see and know their error and turn them d Eze. 18. 33. penitently to the Love and her Service and so under the obedience of the love become amended touching all their errors and evill deeds and may through the Love and her Service be raised up e Esa 35. Heb. 12. againe from their fall or be set upright in the truth and godlinesse O yea that same with prayer unto our God is all our desire towards all our enemies to the end that they might every one turn them to the love of Jesus Christ receive the Doctrine and requiring of the Service of Love obediently and so under the obedience of the Love might live in the upright godlinesse of Jesus Christ 2. Wherefore ye deerly beloved for to avoid all perills of destruction so let not every man take upon him to be a f Mat. 22. Jam. 3. Teacher or a Minister of the Word much lesse a Judge of the Truth for therethrough bringeth he the more grievous g Rom. 2. judgement and condemnation over himself 3. For it is not every mans office to be a Teacher or Minister of the holy Word but only his that h Exod. 28 Num. 17. Heb. 5. like unto Aaron is raised up promoted or chosen thereunto by God and his Word whose rod or stock verily doth also even like unto Aarons rod wax green and blossom and beareth fruit and his likewise who in the first Schoole-rule of the Christian Doctrine of the Service of Love hath like a faithfull i Joh. 15. Acts 1. Disciple of the Word and lover of the true being of Jesus Christ received the Doctrine and Administration of the holy Word from the Elders in the Family of Love obediently with a simple heart and so is growne up under the obedience of the Love in the holy and godly understanding till unto the k Eph. 4. Col. 2. old age of the Man Christ and taught to the l Mat. 13. Kingdome of the God of heavens 4. Who doth then also as a meet Elder and Houshold Father in the Family of Love m Mat. 13. bring forth out of his Treasure both the new and the old in whom likewise Christ with his Spirit of Love hath his n Joh. 14. 17. dwelling and shape and also his being like unto a flowing or o John 7. springing fountaine of living waters 5. Which living waters do then likewise flow p John 7. from his body with the which the thirsty souls after the righteousnesse be refreshed and the Lords fields or tilled lands moistened or made wet to a fruitfulnesse for to bring forth good fruits which doe serve the life of man to q Apo. 22. all healthfulnesse 6. Behold such a one which with his understanding and thoughts is thus in all r 1 Pet. 1. obedience to the gracious Word and the requiring of his service of Love Å¿ Joh. 17. Eph. 3. 2 Pet. 1. incorporated to the
together with all abominations and des●lations and all undiscreetness and unrighteousness 7. But within in the City among this lovely people of Peace there is nothing but all life and prosperity i Isa 60. and 61. and 62. as likewise all loveliness peace and heavenly delightfulness 8. Also no man getteth shame nor reproach there no man there coveteth after Honor or Praise nor yet after Dignity or greatness of estimation for there is no mastership nor violence but all brotherly love and concord 9. There likewise no man raigneth over another but they are all alike with each other loving and peaceable fellow-brethren or members of Jesus Christ even as one only man or as one k Ephe. 2. and 5. body of the godly Disposition and Nature 10. Even thus also they do all there eat of one maner of bread and l 1 Cor. 10 and 11. drink all there of one maner of drink and inasmuch as they are every one spirituall children of God and Christ and are not covered with any foreskin of the sinful flesh nor yet with fleshly or earthly m 1 Cor. 3.4 mindes therefore do they likewise with their spiritual members walk naked and uncovered both before God and before one another 11. Also there the one doth see no unclean thing in the other for it is there all of God n Ephe. 1. Apo. 21. spiritual holy and good and pure are all their works and thoughts 12. Seeing then that these holy people are every one Spirit and spiritual and pure and undefiled in all their works and thoughts and that likewise it is all namely Land City Riches with all whatsoever is and cometh into the same spiritual godly and Gods own workmanship therefore also they are not ashamed of the godly works neither yet do they hide any spiritual o Gen. 2. members from each other for they altogether are no more then one spiritual body p Rom. 12. Eph. 2.5 or one man of God VVherefore the one member cannot be ashamed of the other 13. Forasmuch then as there is no shame nor reproach there q Gen. 2. among each other and that it is all good there and is all looked into and known for good whatsoever is there among them and what becometh assembled unto them so is there likewise no coveredness before God nor before one another and lauding and honoring their God perpetually they live in the true freedom of their God wherein God hath made them free through his truth and put off the r Isa 23. covering of reproach from their eyes and members 14. And in this maner doth God in this holy City of Peace and of Perfection behold the man in his manly nakedness ſ Gen. 1. and again the man the glorious God in his godly nakedness even thus do they there also behold one another in their manly and godly nakedness and that altogether in the Spirit and life of the pure hearts and that same pleaseth God namely that all partitions coverings and middle walls are put away from his t Gen. 2. 2 Cor. 3. Ephes 2. hand work that God may behold his hand work for good even as he hath created it and so likewise again the hand-work his Creator that they may all praise and laud God in the works of his hands u Gen. 1. Eccles 39. because he hath made it all so upright and well 15. Behold this same is the upright minde of life in the holy City of the living and is Gods Being and Nature and the very true x 2 Cor. 3. cleerness of the uncovered face of Jesus Christ and the inheritance of the holy Ghost and of all spiritual and heavenly Goods It is very true CHAP. XXXV SEeing then that this City is a spiritual City of Life and of perfect Righteousness and also full of wisdom and of the knowledg of God therefore doth not the one brother there teach the other neither is it needful for any man there to say to his neighbor a Jere. 31. Heb. 8. 1 Pet. 2. Apoc. 1. Know the Lord for there they are all Kings Priests or Elders and do all know the great glorious God both small and great and have all their dealing among each other in the upright love 2. Inasmuch now therefore as that they do all stand well-minded with one accord to the love and her upright being b 1 Tim. 1. so do they not there likewise compel any one to any righteousness as to learn or to observe the same by compulsion but they have all of themselves a c Isal 2. Jere. 50. Zech. 8. delight and pleasure in the life of righteousness 3. And so out of their inclination in the love they deal in all what is d Phil. 4. right and equal For the life in the love which is Gods true being it self is their chiefest and most perfect righteousness who is the e Eph. 1.5 Col. 1. head of them all 4. Moreover there is no man that claimeth any thing to be his own as to possess the same to his own private use for no man and that out of every ones good disposition can desire any thing to be his own or yet to make any thing f Acts 4. proper to himself from another but all whatsoever is there is free and is there left free in his upright form 5. There is also no man denied to use any thing g 1 Tim. 4. in freedom of all what is profitable and needful for him for they stand all in the equity h Ephes 4. as one in the love 6. Seeing now that they walk i Phil. 4. according to all maner of equity so is there no desire to any mans increasing nor diminishing nor yet to any mans extolling nor dispraising and therefore likewise there is no man extolled above his state and ordinance nor yet contemned or debased to be reputed less or lower then the same For the Almighty God is k Psal 7. 9. Isai 33. their Judg who directeth leadeth and upholdeth every one in his right Ordinance through his holy Spirit of Love 7. Every one there also useth l 2 Pet. 1. temperance and equity There is nothing done privily neither do they deal in any thing secretly but all naked and openly there is likewise no m Acts 4. self seeking nor unfaithfulness CHAP. XXXVI THere also no man desireth to serve a Exod. 20 Isal 2. any strange gods nor to make to himself any Images or similitudes for to worship them for they are come to the b Joh. 1.3 Beeing of God in the light of life And so they are c John 17. Ephes 2.5 one with God and God is one with them 2. Whose name likewise they use d Exod. 20 Eccles 23. not in vain for all what they speak of the Godhead to the Laud of his holy Name that same hath a living form in them 3. In this maner
do they e Deut. 5. sanctifie the Lords Sabbath day for they live peaceably in the light or day of his sanctification 4. They do honor their Father f Eph. 6. and their mother as in the Loves Obedience Even so doth the Lord likewise give unto them a long g Eccl. 3. life a life for ever in this same holy Land 5. Also they h Exo. 20. Matt. 5. kill not for they have no nature to destroying but all their desire is that it might all live whatsoever is of the life and can live and whatsoever serveth and laudeth God 6. They also commit not any i Deut. 5. adultery for they are all honest k Tob. 3. and chaste of lift and l Matth. 5. clean or pure of heart Thus they live in the blessing of their God wherein God blesseth them and whereunto he hath appointed or ordained them 7. They do not steal m Exo. 20. Matth. 19. nor rob likewise but they till or dress the lands of God and are labouring towards all things and in all things whatsoever is n Ephe. 4. profitable and expedient and are much more inclined to impart or distribute their spiritual gifts and heavenly goods if any thing thereof were needful unto any one then that they would be inclined to crave any earthly things of any one o 2 Cor. 9.12 or to diminish or scant him in his possession for no man desireth to possess nor to have any thing more under his hand or power then is needfull for him or expedient to a good Government 8. They also bear no p Exo. 20. false witnesse For no man q Eph. 20. Col. 3. lyeth against his neighbor there 9. They likewise desire not anotherbodies r Mat. 5. house nor their neighbors wife but every one there liveth in faithfulnesse with his own Å¿ 1 Cor. 7. Conjunction even as God hath joyned them together t Gen. 1. Matth. 19. from the beginning 10. Thus doe they live in all faithfulnesse among each other and permit not their thoughts to think u Tob. 4. any thing to the satisfying of their owne Appetites without the same 11. Inasmuch now therefore as that they have such an upright disposition and nature as that they do not desire nor lust for any thing that is against the Law or Ordinance of the Lord so are they likewise faithfull therein 12. Seeing then also that their Love is x Eph. 1. pure and undefiled as that they live uncoveredly according to the truth so are there likewise among them no deceitfull y Mat. 18. Mar. 9. eyes nor false thoughts nor yet bitternesse z Eph. 4. Col. 3. contempt nor offensivenesse 13. Also they know not there of any a 1 Cor. 1.15 contention or discord nor yet of sin nor death for there is nothing else but b Gal. 5. love and unity of peace with joy of the everlasting life 14. There is likewise no deriding or mocking c Eph. 4.5 1 Pet. 2. nor any unfit thing used They talk not there also of any foolishnesse nor lightnesse 15. They use not also any unlawfull or disorderly Liberty but all what they use speak and do that same is agreeable to the d Pet. 4. holy Word of Life and is the true Libertie of all the Children of God And therefore is there likewise among them no superfluous vice that exceedeth measure or equity 16. Seeing then that they stand every one concordably inclined to the good so is no man there also compelled to the good life but every one liveth in the upright e Eph. 4. righteousnesse and holinesse that God esteemeth And thus all their nature is no other but to be f Gal. 5. serviceable one to another out of meer love CHAP. XXXVII BEhold in such an upright being is this lovely people which hath his dwelling in this good City named Gods-understanding grounded or established and the a Eph. 4. Col. 3. love is their band wherewith they are united with each other in the light of the true life 2. By which means all their nature and mind is nothing else but love b Gal. 5. Peace and righteousnesse as upright Children c 1 Pet. 1.2 borne of the love like those that are risen againe from the death with the Resurrection d Dan. 12. Joh. 5. 1 Cor. 15. of the righteous ones in in the everlasting life and do live eternally 3. For ever them there is no death nor e Rom. 8. damnation neither doth any f Esa 25. 1 Cor. 15. death reigne in the same Land of the righteous and so the man dieth not there neither yet whatsoever is manly 4. The women likewise do not bring forth their children in paine or grief g Esa 65. 66. but with joy for the whole Land is h Deut. 28 blessed for the righteous lifes sake yeelding forth his fruits as a blessing 5. Thus the man eateth not his bread in the sweat of his face or in the carefull travell of his life i Esa 65. but with joy and receiveth his food in blessing 6. Forasmuch now as God hath made and ordained all things k Gen. 1. well from the beginning therefore do they also live uprightly in Gods Ordinance do neither take from nor adde to any thing 7. And therefore inasmuch as they do neither take from nor adde to touching all that which is the Lords so live they likewise only in the Works and Ordinances of the Lord and do not vow orbind themselves in the Matrimony of men nor yet suffer themselves to be bound therein but are l Mat. 22. Luke 20. like the Angells in heaven or like Messengers that are publishers of the spirituall heavenly goods and are the chosen generation the Kingly m Exo. 19. 1 Pet. 2. Apo. 1.5 Priesthood the holy people the peculiar people of God who are all Kings and Anoynted ones 8. For all there whatsoever is manly those same are every one Lords Kings and Priests and doe bear their Dominion over Sin Death Devill and Hell 9. Also no man reigneth over another and that pleaseth God well namely that the one man of God raigneth not over the other nor that the one is the others n 1 Cor. 7 bond-servant neither yet to the o Rom. 6. sin nor to his owne sensuality or affection but that they doe alwayes submit them concordably p Eph. 4. 1 Pet. 1. under the love and her service and do still stand ready to doe the Lords Will to serve their God q Luk. 1. in righteousnesse and to beare the Dominion with him r Rom. 6. 1 Cor. 6.7 over the evill and over all what hath a liking to the evill whereby to live eternally in the Å¿ 4 Esd 2. immortality with God and his Saints CHAP. XXXVIII EVen thus now these spirituall Saints of God that dwell in this