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A30910 Hearts-ease in heart-trouble, or, A sovereign remedy against all trouble of heart that Christ's disciples are subject to ... prescribed by the great physician, the Lord Jesus Christ ... / by J.B., a servant of Jesus Christ. Bardwood, James.; Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. 1691 (1691) Wing B747A; ESTC R35313 73,337 198

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Thess 4. 13 14. and such like Now Faith applies such Commands to the Soul I must not be troubled in my Heart God forbids it Why must we not prophane the Sabbath nor Swear nor Lie c. but because God hath forbidden these Evils So here God hath forbidden us to be troubled and commanded us to be quiet patient contented submissive to hi● Will in all his dealings thus we should urge God's command on our Souls Yea we are commanded to be so far from troubling our selves when Afflictions befal us as that we must count it all joy when we fall into divers Temptations Jam. 1. 2. And to rejoice in Sufferings for Blessed is the Man that endureth Temptation Jam. 1. 12. Secondly Consider the Word of Promise Many exceeding great and precious Promises are in the Word of God which are as a full Feast for Faith to feed upon God promiseth to be our God to be with us in the Fire and in the Water Isa 41. 10. and 43. 2. to support and sustain us to lay no more upon us than he will enable us to bear 1 Cor. 10. 13. That all things shall work together for our good Rom. 8. 28. And what can we desire more The is no trouule that can befal us but ● may find a Promise suitable to it A● faithful is he that hath promised who a● will do it 1 Thess 5. 23. And why h● the great God so wonderfully condesceded to poor Creatures as to make many sweet Promises which are record in the Holy Scriptures but for this T● the Heirs of Promise might have strong C●solation Heb. 6. 17. And that their Hea● might not be troubled Thirdly The Word of Threatni● Matth. 10. 37. He that loveth Father Mother Son or Daughter so Husban● Wife more than me is not worthy of ● saith Christ Now by our immode● Sorrow for the loss of these we mani● our immoderate Love of these should consider that when these are ● moved that Christ remains ours s● and with us still our Relation to hi● not broken and Christ will be instead all and better than all to us and ● should keep us from Heart-Trouble Fourthly The Examples of God's Sai● in the Word We should consider al● what a famous Example is Abraham w● was content to part with his Isaac at ● Command of God his only Son the Son of his Old Age the Son of the Promise in whom all the Nations of the Earth were to be blessed yea content to lay his own Hands upon him to slay him and burn him but when he was tried God spared him Gen. 22. 12. The way to keep our earthly Comforts is to be willing to part with them when God calls for them So Eli when very sad Tidings was told him It is the Lord said he let him do what seemeth him good 1 Sam. 3. 18. So Aaron when that heavy stroke fell upon him That both his Sons were struck dead upon the Place for their Sin and it may be in their Sin too it is said Aaron held his peace Levit. 10. 3. So Job stript of all his Friends at once The Breath of his Wife was strange to him And David complained That Lover and Friend was put far from him Now we should consider these Examples and set Faith a-work on them and know That it is our Duty to be followers of them who through Faith and Patience inherit the Promises Heb. 6. 12. Fifthly The Word of Experience David tells us his Experience and saith It was good for him that he had been afflicted And many Christians living can and do bless God for their Affliction and tha● God by taking away of their Relation● from them he made more room in thei● Hearts for himself and communicate● more of himself to their Souls Thus b● acting of Faith upon the Word of God we may gain support and be preserve from Heart-Trouble Fifthly Faith acted upon the Work ● God will support under Heart-Trouble Eccles 7. 13. Consider the Work of Go● Faith looks to the Work of God wh● it is that killeth who it is that taketh ● way who can stop or mend or hind his Work This quieted David's Hear● when the stroke of God was heavy upo● him I opened not my Mouth because th● didst it Psal 39. 9. It is the Lord ● hath done it It is he that doth whats●ever he pleaseth Sixthly Faith acted on the Will ● God Faith resigns up all to the go● and holy Will of God So did our Lo● himself Not my will but thine be do● Luk. 22. 42. and so we pray continuall Thy will be done and therefore when it ● done our Hearts must not be troubled Lastly Faith acted on the gracious Ends and Designs of God in afflicting us and removing our earthly Comforts from us will prevent Heart-trouble God hath holy and good Ends which Faith looks unto God aims at our Profit as Heb. 12. 10. Such Ends as these 1. God's End is to discover and purge away our Sins Isa 27. 9. By this shall the iniquity of Jacob be purged this is all the fruit to take away his Sin 2. To try and exercise our Graces Job 23. 10. 1 Pet. 1. 6 7. 3. To crucify our Hearts unto and to estrange our Affections from the things of this World 4. To draw our Hearts nearer to himself Therefore many times God takes away our earthly Comforts from us because they had too much of our Hearts and because they lay between God and our Hearts and kept us at a distance from him 5. To bestow greater and better Mercies upon us God never takes away any Darling-Comfort from his People but his Design is to give a better in the room o● it as in the Text Christ leaves his Di●ciples in regard of his Bodily Presence because he would send the Comforter ●● them which should abide with them for ever John 14. 16. 6. To make them partakers of his H●liness Heb. 12. 10. 7. To fit and prepare them for that f● more exceeding and eternal weight ● Glory 2 Cor. 4. 17. These are God's h●ly and good Ends in afflicting his Peopl● unto which Faith looks and so suppor● the Heart Thus you see how Faith acted on G● in these Particulars will prevent or c● all our Heart-troubles Faith acted on t● sweet and gracious Nature of God He Love all Love on his glorious Attribut● his All-sufficiency his Omnipotency his asolute Soveraignty his Vnchangeablen● his Wisdom his Righteousness his Faithf●ness Faith acted on God's gracious evelasting Covenant on the Word of God ● the Word of Precept of Promise of Thre●ning of Example of Experience A● Faith acted on the Work of God on t● Will of God and on his holy Ends in ● his Chastisements I say Faith thus act● on God will exceedingly support under all Trouble Let not your Hearts be troubled ye believe in God So much of this first Particular And before I enter upon the second I shall make some short
more Troubles Act. 14. 22. 2 Tim. 3. 18. All that will live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer Persecution of Hand or Tongue one way or other Indeed such as can be content with a profession of a Godliness that may suit with the Times that can please themselves with any kind of Godliness or with a Form any Form of Godliness and that can change their Forms when they please such may avoid Persecution but all that will live godly in Christ Jesus in the Power and Spirit of Christ Jesus and resolve to live up to the Example and Rule of Christ Jesus they shall have Persecution no avoiding of it No entring into the Kingdom of God but by Tribulation But notwithstanding this our L●rd lays this positive Command on his Disciples Let not your Hearts be troubled These poor Disciples were like shortly to sustain an heavy Loss of their dearest Lord he was now a going away from them a greater Loss they could not have and yet saith Christ Let not your Hearts be troubled Which Command is repeated and explained in the 27th Verse Let not your Heart be troubled nor let it be afraid What! might they say Must we not be troubled at all Must nothing trouble us No we must not be troubled for any outward Loss for any outward Tribulation for parting with the nearest and dearest Relation we must not be troubled Yet we are not forbidden to be troubled for Zion It is a grievous Sin not to be grieved for the Afflictions of Joseph Surely we must be troubled for God's Dishonour because Men break God's Commandments Trouble of Heart except for Sin is sinful Trouble Where Sin lies heavy Affliction lies light Isa 33. 24. They shall not say I am sick for their Iniquities shall be forgiven them Sense of Pardon to those Souls that have felt the burden of Sin much alleviates and lightens the burden of Affliction Strike Lord said Luther now I am absolved from my Sin We are always too prone to fall into Extreams to sin either in Excess or in Defect too much or too little we are faulty both ways As for Sin which is the worst of Evils we are apt to be troubled too little How few fail here in the Excess tho 't is possible so to do and some have that refuse to be comforted by all the sweet Promises of Christ in the Gospel But there are but few of those most of us fail in the Defect We are not troubled for Sin so much as we should our Sins do not lie so hard and heavy upon as they should our Hearts do seldom feel the weight of Sin pressing us down many Sins lie light on us our ●●in Thoughts our Omissions careless performance of Holy Duties misspending precious Time idle Talk c. and such like Evils which should trouble us most they trouble us least But our Afflictions which comparatively are but light lie too heavy upon us and press us down even to the Dust So in resp●ct of Afflictions themselves we are apt to ran into Extreams against which the Holy Ghost gives caution as to both Extreams Prov. 3. 11 12. My Son despise not thou the chastning of the Lord neither be weary of his Chastisements the Apostle explains it neither faint when thou art corrected of him Heb. 12. 5 6. Adding a most powerful Argument against those Extreams Ver. 6. For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth even as a Father the Son in whom he delighteth and therefore despise not his Chastisements and fatherly Corrections slight them not for they come from a loving Father a wise Father and should not be despised by his Children they are the Fruits of his Love Also you must not be weary of them nor faint under them for the same reason viz. because they shall not hurt you they flow from your Father's Love from a Father they come who delighteth in you and therefore ye ought not to faint under them or as it is in the Text Whatever Affliction befals you let not your Heart be troubled It is Heart-trouble you see that is here forbidden not a filial sense of God's Hand nor a Child-like acknowledgment of God's Rod God's Rod hath a Voice and its Voice must be heard When his Hand is ●i●ted up to strike to say on any blows on us or on any of our Relations or earthly Comforts we must observe it and him and acknowledg the same but not to acknowledg and observe the Hand of God not to consider in the Day of Adversity not to humble our selves under his mighty Hand not to stoop and yield to God but to think or say of our Affliction that it cannot be helped there is no Remedy it is common and ordinary and the like this is to despise the chastning of the Lord take heed of this But yet we must take heed too that under the pretence of being sensible of the Hand of God and of his stroaks upon us that we do not fall into the other Extream of being weary of his Chastisements and of Despondency and fainting under his Corrections we must be careful that we do not let our Hearts be troubled Quest But is it possible that we should be afflicted deprived of Liberty of Estate of loving Relations of the Desire of our Eyes and of the Delight of our Hearts for such in a most eminent manner was Jesus Christ to his Disciples He was the Desire of all Nations and not be troubled at our very Hearts Can we behold our Benjamin's our Sarah's or Rebekah's our Joseph's c. taken away our dear Husbands or loving faithful tender Wives snatch'd away from us with a Stroak with a sudden Stroke to be in a moment deprived of such Comforts and in such a Time too in an Evil Time in a sad and suffering Time when such Helpers would sweeten our Sufferings and help bear our Burdens would give us sweet Counsel and uphold us in the Way of God What is it possible such Knots should be untied and so suddenly such Flowers cropt off cut down such sweet Friends removed from us as lay once in our Bosoms and sent to the Chambers of Darkness sealed up in the Dust made silent in the Grave to see their sweet Faces no more till the Heavens be no more Is it possible I say in such cases not to be troubled or if it be possible Is it necessary or is it attainable May we arrive to such a Temper may we get such a calm quiet tranquil and submissive frame of Spirit It is Admirable but is it Attainable I answer We must not despise the Chastning of the Lord as was noted before we must not be as Stocks or Stones altogether insensible of the Hand of God upon us No we must be sensible we must lay those things to our Hearts and consider the Work of God Such losses and of Such are to be lamented they will be found wanting their Relations will find them Wanting their Families will find them
22 usually our Success is according to ou● preparation as in Prayer Psal 10 17. compare 2 Chron. 12. 14. with 2 Chron. 19. 3. make Conscience the● of preparation 2. Prayer Pour out your Hear● to God in Prayer for a Blessing o● the Word that you read or hea● O lift up a Cry to God and say Lord make this Word effectual to wor● Faith in my Soul c. 3. Earnest Desire and Expectatis of meeting God in the Word and o● his blessing on it if we expect nothing from it no wonder if we receive nothing there is a fulness of Blessing in the Gospel Rom. 15. 29. We should bring hungry and thirsty Souls after God the Living God as Psal 63. 1 2 3. and 84. 1 2. God filleth the Hungry with good things Luke 1. 53. Secondly Some things are Concomitant As 1. We must read and hear it as the Word of God and not as the Word of Man 1 Thess 2. 13. Acts 10. 33. and we must acknowledg God's Authority in it 2. Receive it with Meekness opening our Hearts to it and give it the most tender entertainment Jam. 1. 21. 3. With Love readiness of Mind and gladness of Heart 2 Thess 2. 10. Acts 2. 41. 4. With Faith giving credit to it believing it to be the Word of God Heb. 4. 2. 5. We must be careful to remember it See what great stress is laid upon our remembring 1 Cor. 15. 2. Our Salvation lies upon it Psal 119. 11. Love the Word for Love is the Act of Memory 6. Prayer must be added again for a Blessing Thirdly Some things must be done afterward also As 1. Meditation upon what you have heard and read for want of this usually all is lost I am perswaded this is one great Reason why most profit so little by the Word because they make no Conscience of Meditation they hear and read but never think more on it afterwards So Preaching Hearing Reading and all lost and Souls and Heaven and all lost For God's sake then whose Word you read and hear and for your own Souls sake if you are not willing they should perish for want of Faith make Conscience of Meditation on the Word Psal 1. 2. and 119. 97. if ever you get good by the Word meditate upon it 2. Application of it take it home to your selves Job 5. 27. Let it sink down into your Hearts saith Christ it must be an ingrafted Word you must receive it into your Hearts and not into your Heads only 2. Cor. 4. 6. your Hearts must be joined to it and mix'd with it 3. Practice Yielding up our selves to the Government of it making it the Standard and Rule of your whole Conversation We must be doers of the Word and not hearers only lest we deceive our own Souls Jam. 1. 22. 1 Pet. 1. 22. Mat. 7. 22 24. And in observing these Scripture-Rules here laid down in the careful and conscientious use of God's Word after this manner you may not doubt but the Holy Spirit of God will work with the Word of God to make it effectual to work this most precious Grace of Faith in us whereby to believe in God and in Christ to the Consolation and eternal Salvation of our Souls But if we neglect the Means God hath ordained to get Faith and for want of it die in our Sins and perish eternally our Destruction will be of our selves Direct III. Thirdly Would we have Faith Let us engage our whole Souls in the deep and serious consideration of the infinite unspeakable unconceivable Love of God the Father in this the highest and fullest demonstration of it in giving his Son his only begotten Son to be a Sin-Offering a Sacrifice a Ransom for poor Sinners and that for this very end and purpose that we poor Sinners might believe in him and by believing might not perish but might have Eternal Life I pray read and ponder upon the following Texts and let your most serious Thoughts fix on them and meditate on them Isa 53. throughout John 3. 16 17. Rom. 3. 25. Rom. 5. 8. 10. Prov. 8. 30. Col. 1. 12 13. 2 Cor. 5. 19 20 21. Rom. 8. 3. 8. 32. with many other which for brevity sake I cannot transcribe If we can but believe this wonderful Love of God the Father in giving his dear Son to be a Surety a Sin-Offering to lay all our Iniquities on him that he was pleased to bruise him and put him to Grief for us and consider and meditate upon the Heighth and Depth the Breadth and Length of this immense imcomprehensible Love of God in giving his Son and that on purpose that we might believe in him and by beleiving might have Eternal Life I say it will greatly help us to believe in his Son to accept of this his unspeakable Gift and to receive him as he is offered to us in the Gospel Moreover let us also consider of and deeply meditate upon the transcendent Love of the Son of God himself who though he were the Delight of his Father and lay in the Bosom of his Father even then his Delights were with the Sons of Men then was his Heart full of Love to poor Sinners and his Love brought him down from Heaven to Earth to assume Humane Nature to take upon him all the Sins of his People to bear them on his Soul and Body in the Garden there sweating great drops of Blood and on the Cross there pouring out his Heart-Blood made a Curse endured the full measure of the Wrath of God due for Sin and became the Ransom of Souls Philip. 2. 6 7 8. Luke 22. 44. Gal. 2. 20. He loved us and gave himself for us Loved us and washed us from our Sins in his Blood Rev. 1. 6. 1 Pet. 1. 18. 1 Pet. 2. 24. Gal. 3. 13. Tit. 2. 14. But while I am writing these things I cannot but conceive an Indignation against my self and heartily wish I were filled with Shame Sorrow and Grief of Spirit that having read and heard so often of the surpassing Love of God the Father in giving his Son and so often of the unspeakable Love of Jesus and to be no more affected with it no more sensible of it to have my Affections no more stirred and moved no more quickned and warmed Alas my dead Heart my Adamantine Heart Lord sprinkle it with that Blood Lord shed abroad that Love of thine upon my Heart abundantly by the holy Ghost Lord Jesus manifest thy Love to me that I may love thee I am ashamed and pained for want of Love to God to Jesus O that I could believe thy Love to my Soul then I should not chuse but love thee Lord I believe help my Unbelief The consideration of this Love of God and of Christ is a means to work Faith try it I pray you and you will find it so Direct IV. Fourthly Improve and act the Historical Faith you have on the Doctrines Promises and Threatnings in the
pardon all our Sins to give us his Spirit and all Grace here and Glory hereafter Now Christ our blessed Mediator hath perfectly fulfilled all that God required for us and in our room and stead that is most certain for he finished the work that his Father gave him to do and he hath made many sweet Promises to us That he will send the Spirit into our Hearts to work Faith in us to receive him and to apply the Merit of his Blood to us to sanctify and renew us thereby and hath promised That whosoever comes unto him he will in no wise cast out Matth. 11. 28. And all that come unto him shall find rest to their Souls That whosoever believeth in him shall be saved that he will keep them and non● shall pluck them out of his Hand Tha● he will raise them up at the last Day John 10. 28. Assuring us That he i● gone to Heaven as our Fore-runner t● prepare a place for us there and that h● will come again and take us to himself that where he is we may be also Now if we can but act Faith on this Jesus and on the Covenant whereof he is the Mediator and on his Promises applying them and relying on them our Hearts shall not be troubled Besides Let us consider there is not a passage of Providence from God to us but it comes through the Hand of this Mediator 1 Cor. 8. 6. All things are by him Put what you will in the Hand of a Mediator and in his Power it must needs turn to the good of him for whom he is a Mediator Now to support and comfort us in all our Troubles let us consider two things 1. This Mediator steps in between God's Wrath and us in all our Afflictions that no Fury or Effects of it may break forth from God on his People for whom he is the Mediator that nothing but Fatherly Love may be in the Chastisement and if Love send the Affliction whatever it be to try and purge c. there can be no hurt in that Affliction Again our Mediator interposeth either to hold off the Smart or to allay and mitigate it that it shall not distract Dan. 3. 25. no nor hurt 2. He steps in to uphold us and to strengthen our Weakness enabling us to endure Phil. 4. 4 12 13. It was the Mediator that did strengthen Paul The Lord stood by me and strengthned me said he Faith acted on this Blessed Mediator eying him and believing that our Afflictions come through his Hands even his who loved us and died for us our dearest Friend and who hath all Power in Heaven and Earth must be a mighty support to us in all our Troubles Fourthly Let Faith be acted as the Word of Christ also Ye believe the Word of God believe the Word of Christ also His Mouth is most sweet None but gracious Words proceed out of his Mouth Grace was poured into his Lips Psal 45. 2. and he poured out Grace in all his Words His whole Gospel is a Gospel of Grace Words of Peace and Salvation Hear him speaking most sweetly Matth. 11. 28. Come unto me all that are weary and heavyladen and I will give you rest O what sweet Words are these Ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the Waters and drink without Money and without Price Isa 55. 1 2. I am the Way the Truth and the Life Joh. 14. 6. Behold I stand at the Door and knock if any Man hear my Voice and open the Door I will come in and sup with him and he with me Rev. 3. 18. This is but a taste of those sweet Clusters of most refreshing Grapes which hang upon the Boughs of the Gospel let us take frequent view of what lies upon Record in the Evangelists and often read over the manifold Promises of Grace that fell from the sweet Mouth of our Blessed Lord and meditate and ponder and consider of them and act our Faith upon them and we shall find comfort in them his Words drop as an Honey-comb his Words are Spirit and Life More particularly First Our Faith must be acted upon Christ's Word of Precept his Word of Command in time of Trouble Fear not h●m that can kill the Body but 〈◊〉 that can cast both Soul and Body into ●●●ll Luke 12. 4 32. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer Let not your Heart be troubled nor let it be afraid Rejoice when Men shall persecute you c. Luke 21. 19. In patience posses ye your Souls with many such Now Christians must yeild up the Obedience of Faith to such Commands and urge them upon their Hearts charging themselves to obey the● saying O my Soul my Lord hath forbidden me to fear to be troubled t● be thoughtful to be dejected c. ●● hath commanded me to be patien● yea to rejoice in my Suffering He● my Lord and I must obey him I mu●● keep his Commandments else I canno● love him I must keep his Sayings or else I cannot be his Disciple ●● I keep his Commandments he wi● manifest himself to my Soul his Father will love me and he will love me and they both will make thei● abode with me for it is his Promise John 14. 21 23. Say thus ● my Soul Jesus Christ is my King an● my Law-giver I must obey him h● is my Prophet also and I must he●● him in all things whatsoever he sha● say unto me I have taken him for my Lord as well as for my Saviour for my King to rule me as well as for my Jesus to save me for my Prophet to teach me as well as for my Priest to satisfy for me O my Soul consider He is the Author of Eternal Salvation only to those that obey him Thus applying the Commands of Christ to our selves and urging his Authority upon our Hearts it will help us to bear up under our Troubles 2dly Act Faith upon the Promises of Christ of which somewhat was said before He hath promised to be always with us to send the Comforter to manifest himself unto us that he will not break the bruised Reed nor quench the smoaking Flax Mat. 19. 29. That he will give us an hundred-fold for all our Losses for his sake That he will gather us with his Arm carry us in his Bosom that he will hear our Prayers that he will give us a Crown a Kingdom Everlasting Life with many more O could we act our Faith upon his precious Promises and lie sucking by Faith on those full Breasts of Consolation and draw by Faith Prayer and Meditation from these Wells of Salvation we shou●d find sweet support under all our Troubles 3dly Faith acted on the Word ● Threatning may put a stop to Hear Trouble Jesus Christ hath drea● fully threatned those that love Fathe● or Mother Son or Daughter mo● than him or their own Lives a● those that are ashamed of him ● his Word and those that fall fro● him and those that
hear his Saying and do them not and those that a● fruitless Branches c. Mat. 10. 3 Luke 14. 26. Mark 8. last Joh. 15. Faith acted on the Examples in th● Word of Christ especially his o● Example Learn of me saith he I ● meck and lowly in Heart Matth. 11. ● He was as a Lamb dumb before ● Shearers 1 Pet. 1. 21. and we m●● follow his steps We have also ● Cloud of Witnesses the Example of the Primitive Christians who bo● all their Troubles with Patience a● Holy Courage and we are expres● commanded to be Followers of the● who through Faith and Patience inher● the Promise Heb. 6. 12. Thus Fai● acted on the Word of Christ wi● help against all Heart-Trouble Fifthly Faith acted on the Work of Christ will either prevent or cure Heart-Trouble And that again if Faith be acted upon the Work he hath done for us already and upon the Work he is now doing for us in Heaven and upon the Work he is now doing in us on Earth and upon the Work he will do for us and in us and upon us at the last Day All which Works of Christ if we act our Faith on them we shall not be much troubled in our Hearts Believe also in Christ Believe me saith he for the Work 's sake John 14. 11. 1. Faith must be acted upon that great and glorious Work of Christ for us when he was upon Earth that Work which his Father gave him to do in the Days of his Flesh as our Redeemer and that in doing and in suffering for he came to do the Will of God by his Obedience as well as to suffer it by his Sat●●faction and this is his state of Humi●iation He assume● Humane Nature entred the Virgin s Womb was b●rn of her yet without Sin He lived on Earth a time doing Good and healing all manner of Diseases spent most of his time in Preaching Praying Fasting and revealing to Men the whole Will of God for their Salvation and fulfilling all Righteousness He professed he came not to do his own Will but the Will of him that sent him John 6. 38 39. And saith he This is the Father's Will which sent me th●● of all which he hath given me I shoul● lose nothing but should raise it up a● the last Day A comfortable Consideration indeed and a Cure for our Heart-Trouble That our Lord Jesus will raise up all our dead dear Relations and Friends now rotting in their Graves All that died in Jesus will Jesus bring with him 1 Thess 4. 16 17. And this also is the Father's Will That every one that seeth the Son that is every one that by Faith receiveth and believeth in the Son shall have Everlasting Life Now to accomplish and finish this Will of the Father was the whole Work o● Christ upon Earth even to draw poor Souls unt him to work Faith in them by his Word and Spirit to fulfil the whole Law of God for them and in them Rom. 8. 4. And to begin and finish the whole Work of our Redemption Faith acted on this Work of Christ upon Earth for us in the several parts of it He being partaker of Flesh and Blood with us to deliver us from him that had the Power of Death that is the Devil and to free us from the fear of Death by which we were always subject to Bondage Heb. 2. I say if we can 〈◊〉 Faith on these Works of Christ for us we shall have no cause of Heart-Trouble Let us consider that our Blessed Lord denied himself on Earth and was well-pleased not to have his own Will nor to do his own Will but referred himself intirely to his Father's what reason have we poor Worms to be troubled when our Wills are cross'd Let us in Heart and Life say as we pray Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven Mat. 6. 10. And when the Will of God is done upon our Families and Relations let not our Hearts be troubled but let us imitate Jesus Christ in our submission to the Will of God making it our Work on Earth to be doing ● the good we can and so to put hi● on and walking as he walked a● not be troubled Secondly Faith acted on Christ Suffering-Work on Earth will greatl● contribute to our Support He wa● a Man of Sorrows Isa 53. 1 2. i● that if we meet with Sorrows ● Earth we do but drink of our Master own Cup and that should quiet us Christ's Suffe●●●gs on Earth were ● two kinds viz. ●●r our Imitation a● for Satisfaction for our Sins 1. For our Imitation His pati●●● suffering of Reproaches Scorns i●vilings Contradiction of Sinne●● Temptations Persecutions Bond Poverty Shame loss of Friends ● suffering all with invincible Patien● and Meekness without the least mu●muring repining disquiet or disco●tent without any Retaliation f●● when he was reviled he reviled not agai● he prayed for his Enemies c. a● all this as our Example that we sho●● follow his steps 1 Pet. ● 21 ●● ● And if our Lord the Lord of He●ven and Earth suffered such thing● what reason or cause have we to be troubled in our Hearts when we are persecuted reviled forsaken of all our Friends impoverished exposed to Shame and Sorrow seeing our Blessed Lord was so exposed and so exercised upon Earth Is it not enough for the Servant to be as his Master Shall we think to fare better than him His Sufferings were to teach us to bear ours with Christian Patience and to sanctify ours to us yea in all our Sufferings he sympathizeth with us Let us then act our Faith upon Christ's Sufferings on Earth his whole Life being a Life of Suffering he knew what Trouble meant he was acquainted with Grief he knew what it was to lose a Friend for in his greatest Trouble all his Disciples whom he calls his Friends forsook him and fled and being tempted himself he knows how to succour them that are tempted Heb. 2. 18. and 4. 15. He hath a feeling of all our Infirmities Let us labour to act Faith on Jesus and our Hearts will not be troubled 2. But his great Suffering-Wor● for us ●as his Work of Satisfactio● All our Sins being laid on him it please● the Lord to bruise him and to put him ● grief and to make his Soul an Offerin● for Sin He poured out his Soul un● Death was numbred among Transgressor Isa 53. 6 10 12. Was made Sin for ●● He bare our Sins on his own Body on t● Tree was made a Curse for us 2 Cor. ● 20. Gal. 3. 10. suffered the Wrath ● God for us to deliver us from th● Wrath to come O blessed Jesus ● when our Sins were upon him he w●● sore amazed groaned was exceeding sorrowful even unto Death He was ●● a bloody Sweat in a bitter Agony in th● Garden He was falsly accused u● justly condemned and then barbarousl● crucified suffering that cursed an● cruel shameful and painful
Lord will call to us out of Heaven and say Come up hither Rev. 11. 12. Come up to me I have prepared a Place for you here There is room enough in our Father's House there are many Mansions and from thence there shall be no remove for ever no more any changing Houses for ever when once we are lodg'd in our Father's House There is our Forerunner for us entred Heb. 6. 20. The hope we have through Grace of getting into that blessed Place by that new and living Way to rest there after all our weary wandrings here and never to remove more is that which comforts us in these our troublesome removes here O that Place and that blessed State in that Place to see God and to be ever with the Lord to see our lovely Lord Jesus as he is and to be made like unto him Could we fix our Hearts and Eyes more stedfastly upon those invisible and eternal things we should more quietly and comfortably bear our present Troubles yea and rejoice in them And when we can act our Faith upon that Place and State above and conclude our Title to it by our Interest in Christ then our Hearts will not be troubled Also this Consideration should preserve us from Heart-trouble and Sorrow for the loss of our dear Relations which died in Jesus for that they are gone home to their Father's House they are arrived at their Harbor they are safely hous'd they are where the● would be they are gone to the Place that their beloved Lord went to prepare for them to that City of God ●● the general Assembly of the First-bor● whose Names are written in Heaven c Heb. 12. 23. They would not exchang● their Place now for the most stately and most magnificent Place in all th● World O could we but realize by Faith that most happy State and Plac● where our deceased pious Friends are gone our Hearts would not be trou●led for them And this may comfort us also under all our present Sufferings and Sadnesses that e're long we also shall go t● that Place to that City above whic● God hath prepared for us Our Lor● assures us that he will come again and take us to himself that where he is ●● may be also O could we believe this we should say Come Lord Jesus co● quickly Fourthly Our Faith must be acted upon the Work that Christ will do for us and in us and upon us in Heaven at the last It is above all our Understandings to conceive what glorious Works Christ will do for us and in us at the last day It doth not yet appear what we shall be 1 John 3. 2. There shall be a day of the Manifestation of the Sons of God The poor despised Saints all black and cloudy here covered with Shame and Reproach now shall then be manifested to be the Lord's Jewels That will be a Day of their full Redemption both of Soul and Body their Wedding and their solemn Coronation-day Then their blessed Redeemer shall publickly own them and bid them welcome to his Father's House saying Come ye Blessed of my Father c. Mat. 25. 34. Then will Jesus put the Crown of Glory of Righteousness and of Life upon their Heads Then will Jesus present them to his Father without Spot or Wrinkle or any such thing Eph. 5. 27. Then will he make their now vile Bodies subject now to vile Corruptions to vile Diseases to vile Abuses and to a vile dissolution at Death like unto his own gloriou● Body and their Souls shall be like to his to their full satisfaction The● the poor Disciples of Christ shall hav● a full End put to all their Heart-Tro●bles Sorrows Fears and Cares Then their Hearts shall rejoice and the● Joy no Man nor Devil shall take fro● them Sorrow and sighing shall flee away and they shall enter in into Everlasting Rest and into that unspeakable blessed State which was purchased by the precious Blood of Jesus and by him prepared and possessed in ou● Names and Steads All our dear Relations that died in Jesus are already entred Christ their dearest Lord hath wrought this glorious Work on their Souls already they are triumphing singing Hallelujahs in the highest Heavens While we are fighting sighing and sobbing here below they are with blessed Jesus above according to his Prayer for them seeing his Glory and participating of it Thus much for the Work of Christ upon whic● our Faith must act that our Heart● may not be troubled Sixthly Our Faith must act upon the Will of Christ in order to the preventing and curing our Heart-Troubles Fears and Sorrows What is the Will of Christ It is his Will that his Peoples Hearts should not be troubled nor afraid as in the Text It is his Will that in the World they should have Tribulation but yet that they should be of good chear It is his Will that in their Patience they should possess their Souls and not faint nor be discouraged It is his Will they should be sanctified and that all their Afflictions should promote their Sanctification It is his Will that although he love them yet to rebuke and chasten them And when he doth so that they should be zealous and repent It is his Will that they should deny themselves and take up their Cross daily and follow him That they should fear none of those things that they should suffer That they should walk in his steps hold fast to the End be faithful unto Death That they should overcome It is his Will that they should not love Father or Mother Son or Daughter more than himself no nor their Lives but be willing to part with all for his sake Yea it is his Will his last Will tha● all his poor Disciples after they hav● suffered a while may be with him who● he is to behold his Glory Thus if w● act Faith upon the Will of Christ an● labour to yield to it and acquiesce i● it we shall procure much freedom fro● Heart-trouble Lastly Our Faith must be acte● upon the Ends and Designs of Chri● in all his afflictive Providences towards us and these his Ends are all very good and gracious With thi● Argument he himself used to cure the Heart-Troubles of his Disciples for his departure from them viz. tha● he had good Ends in his going away from them his End was to prepare a Place for them a better Place than any to be found here a Place i● Heaven in the Father's House And his End was to send the Spirit the Comforter unto them which woul● not come if he did not go away John 16. 6 7. He had told them of his going away from them upo● which Sorrow had filled their Hearts and it is even so with ●s when ou● earthly Comforts leave us Sorrow fills our Hearts but to cure this our Lord answers them that it was expedient for them good and necessary for them that he should go away shewing them his End in going
away to wit that he might send them the Comforter he would remove from them a great Mercy the greatest earthly Mercy that ever they enjoyed which was his personal Presence they must part with so dear and near so sweet so loving so faithful a Friend as himself was to them And could there be a greater loss for this Sorrow had filled their Hearts But he tells them it was to make way for a greater Mercy which was to send them the Comforter in all the saving and miraculous Gifts of the Holy Ghost by which they should be able to do greater Works than he himself did John 14. 12. which was a greater Mercy than his bodily Presence with them and with this he calms and quiets their Minds Now if we can act Faith upon the Blessed Ends of Christ in removing our earthly Comforts from us which are to bestow upon us better Mercies to give us more of his Spirit and of the Grace and Comforts of it our Hearts would not be troubled could we believe that Christ's End in all his Chastisements is to prepare us for that Place in his Father's House it would comfort and support us His Ends are very good and that should quiet us So long as the People of Christ enjoy most of the Comforts of this World I speak it by sad experience commonly they enjoy least of God and of his Spirit and usually when Christ takes away their earthly Comforts then he manifests most of Himself and of his tender Love to them He brings them into the Wilderness and then speaks comfortably to them Hos 2. 14. then he speaks to their Hearts and not to their Ears only as in time of Prosperity then he gives out most of the Graces and Comforts of his Spirit Christ never takes away these outward Mercies from his People but with design to bestow better if our Discontent and Unbelief do not hinder When the Lord took away from his Servant David the young Child begotten in Adultery it was to give him a Solomon Thus I have endeavoured to shew what it is also to believe in Christ that thereby we may prevent and cure our Heart-trouble The last thing I have to do is to shew how Faith acted thus on God and Christ or on God in Christ is the best Preventive of and Remedy to cure all our Heart-troubles which hath indeed been shewn partly in the two former Particulars and will serve for the confirmation of the Point also Two ways principally Faith acted on God and Christ doth effect this great Cure of Heart-trouble and procure Hearts-Ease First By way of Application and Appropriation Secondly By way of Holy Confidence and Reliance First By Applying and Apropriating God and Christ to the Soul and All that God is and All that Christ is and all that God hath and all that Christ hath and All that God and Christ hath promised Faith applieth and appropriates All this to the Soul Faith gives the Soul Right Title Claim Propriety and Interest to and in God and Christ Faith makes All the Believer's own Believe and All is thine This is the Language of Faith My God my Lord my Christ my Saviour my Redeemer and this quiets and satisfies the Soul fully or nothing in Heaven or Earth can do it whe● it can thus act its Faith on God and Christ So was David cured of his great Troubles 1 Sam. 30. 6. He encouraged himself in the Lord his God ●● God his God in Christ so in that pregnant Text 2 Sam. 23. 5. His Interest in God's Everlasting Covenant whereby God was become his God it Christ he acted his Faith upon and that satisfied him So Mich. 7. 7. Ps● 73. 25 26. Either God is ours or he is not either Christ is ours or he is not li●● God and Christ be not ours we have cause enough of Heart-trouble cause enough to mind our Danger and to be troubled at our very Hearts that we are in such a woful case and should now above all things labour after an Interest in God and in Christ whatever our Losses in the World be this dangerous State of our Souls should be most minded and speedily look'd after above all things But if God be ours and if Christ be ours if we have chosen God for our Portion in Christ and if we have rightly and truly received Jesus Christ the Lord for our only Lord and Saviour and have unfainedly given up our whole selves to him then may we act our Faith upon God as our God and upon Jesus Christ as ours and may claim our Right in God and in Christ and in All that God and Christ is and hath as our own and then what cause of any Heart-trouble If God be ours if Christ be ours All is ours Life ours Death ours What if we want Relations and Friends Honour Wealth and Health is not the All-sufficient God enough Is not Jesus in whom dwells all Fulness enough to supply the want of all This God proposed to Abraham I am thy God and to Israel Isa 41. 10. Jesus Christ is All and in All and if Christ be yours al● is yours God is yours and all the Good of both Worlds are yours and what can you desire more Secondly Faith exercised in Holy Confidence in and Reliance upon God and Christ and the Promises will prevent or cure all our Heart-trouble David was cured both these ways Psal 31. 11 12 13 14 15. viz. by appropriating God to himself and by trusting in him I trusted in thee O Lord I said thou art my God Psal 43. 5. for God is pleased to ingage himself to discharge those Souls from Heart-trouble and sinful Fear who trust in him Psal 37. 40. Trouble doth disorder the Heart and discompose the Mind but Faith in this exercise of it trusting in the Lord doth fix and settle the Heart so that then no evil Tidings shall make such a Person afraid for his Heart is fixed trusting in the Lord Psal 1 12. 7. God hath promised to keep them in perfect peace whose Minds are staied on him because they trust in him Isa 26. 3. Diffidence is the cause of all Disquiet no true Rest can be had nor Quiet to our Minds but by Confidence in God Psal 2. last O the blessedness of those that trust in Christ God in Christ is the only fit Object of our Confidence in all our Extremities A Believer hath a God to go to in all his Troubles an All-mighty and loving Father in Christ and this should be our Comfort that we are in Covenant with him that rules the World and hath committed the Government of all things to his Son our dear Redeemer who hath bought us with his Blood and we may be sure that no hurt shall befal us that he can hinder and what cannot he hinder who hath all Power in Heaven and Earth and that hath the Keys of Hell and Death unto whom we are so near that he carries our Names on
the Reason why so many faint in the Day of Adversity and sink under Trouble and others use unlawful means to prevent Trouble or to get out of it It is because they want this Faith in God and Christ and for want of it too many miscarry under Affliction The Second Use is by way of Exhortation to all the Disciples of Christ in the Words of the Text Let not your Hearts be troubled but Believe in God and Believe in Christ You must get and act Faith in God and Christ this is the only Preventive the only Remedy against Heart-Trouble Our Lord in this Text commands it and commends it we must needs get Faith above all gettings next to Christ we must get Faith for we cannot have Christ without Faith Go to God for it it is his Work his Gift yea it is his Operation yea the same Power that raised up Jesus from the Dead must be put forth upon a Soul to work Faith Eph. 1. 19 20. The exceeding great and mighty working of the Power of God to raise up the Soul to God and Christ and to enable it to lay hold on God and Christ for such is our natural proneness to live by Sense and Carnal Reason and such is the most transcendent Excellency of God and Christ and of Divine Things which Faith looks unto and so great an Inclination we have to Self-sufficiency and so much rooted in Self-Love and inordinate Love of the Creature and so hard to take off the Soul from false bottoms and because we are such Strangers to God naturally and because there is so much Guilt of Sin still remaining on us by our renewed Provocations that we are afraid to entertain serious Thoughts of God and because of that infinite Distance between God and us we can never come to believe in him and rely upon him until our Hearts be renewed by the Power of Grace and this Divine Grace of Faith infused into them Therefore must we go to God and Christ and put up strong Cries and Prayers to God to work Faith in us and never give over until it be wrought in us And having got Faith we must act and exercise it upon God in Christ upon God I say He only is the Object of Faith and is worthy of it for a Man can be in no condition in which God is at a loss and cannot help him If Comforts and means of Deliverance be wanting God can create Comforts and command Deliverance Isa 57. 19. He can bring Light out of Darkness to him all things are possible 1. Then Faith assents to and is perswaded that there is a God the Infinite First and Best Being of all things and who giveth Being to all Things Hebr. 11. 6. 2. That in this Blessed Being are Three Persons Father Son and Holy Ghost and all the Object of our Faith 3. Faith must always act on God in Christ and not otherwise for in Christ God reconciles the World In Christ God becomes our Friend is at peace with us by Christ the Enmity between God and us is taken away in Christ God becomes our Father John 1. 12. Gal. 3. 26. 4. Faith is acted by Meditating on Considering of and Applying and Appropriating of God in Christ to the Soul laying claim to all that God is and to all that God hath as its own 5. It must also act upon the Promises of God in his Word and upon God and Christ in them God hath opened all his Heart to us in his Word making many sweet Promises exceeding great and precious Promises 2 Pet. 1. 4. and also He hath made a Covenant of Grace with us to bestow himself and all good things upon us upon which we must live until Promises e●● in Performances These Promises a●● our Spiritual Treasury Promises 〈◊〉 Pardon of Sin upon Repentance and Faith Promises of renewing sanctifying Grace Promises of the Spirit of Heaven of Eternal Life and Glory of Mansions in the Father's House and of all things needful it the way to the Kingdom that we shall want no good thing and that all things shall work together for our good c. Lastly That our Hearts may not be troubled but fully satisfied and comforted we must by Faith lay hold on God take hold of God's Strength which is his Mercy in Christ and most solemnly most considerately and most sincerely take God for our God in Christ and actually enter into Covenant with him This Covenant is founded upon Jesus Christ his Satisfaction and Righteousness and therefore we must also believe in Christ taking him for our only Lord and Saviour receiving him by Faith as he is offered to us in the Gospel to be All in All to us As God offers so Faith receives God offers himself in Christ and so Faith receives him God doth as it were say in the Gospel O poor lost Sinner come to my Son Jesus take him for thy only Lord and Saviour and by him come to me and take me for thy God and Father and by Faith the poor Believer ecchoeth back My Lord and my God I humbly and heartily come to thee accept of thee close with thee and so by Faith the believing Soul becomes one with God and Christ and hereupon the Soul by Faith cleaves to God and Christ and unfeignedly and unreservedly resigns and gives up its whole self to God in Christ taking God in Christ for his and intirely surrenders up it self to be the Lord's My Beloved is mine and I am his Now Faith thus acted will certainly cure all our Heart-Troubles In order then to obtain solid Comfort in all our Distresses let us carefully look whether these Acts of Faith have really passed upon our Souls Have we thus actually understandingly and sincerely believed in God a●● in Christ Have we unfeignedly e●tred into Covenant with God ●● Christ Can we conclude that G●● is our God in Christ by our bei●● his If we be intirely his he is 〈◊〉 for certein 1 John 4. 19. Cant. 2. 1● If we place all our Happiness in hi● Psal 73. 25. If we give him t●● Throne in our Hearts subjecting o● whole selves to his Government making God in Christ all our Love ●● Trust Joy Desire Delight Fea● our All cleaving to him alone and above all depending upon him as o●● chief Good contenting our sel●● with him as All-sufficient for us ●signing up our selves to his go●● Will to be to do and suffer wh●● he will If we can and do engag● our selves to sincere Obedience th●● none of his Commandments be gri●vous to us If in all things we gi●● Christ the preheminence if we ha●● received the Spirit of Christ as R●● 8. 9. Gal. 4. 6. which joins us him and makes us one Spirit with hi● and which is a Spirit of Adoption whereby the Soul seeing his Interest in God as his Father can freely go to God in all its straits If we have the Graces of the Spirit as Love Meekness Patience Humility
Afflictions he is afflicted Isa 63. 9. He knows all our Troubles Trials Temptations Sicknesses Losses and Miseries Jesus himself knew when he was on Earth what it was to lose a Friend He wept when his Friend Lazarus was dead He is a most tender-hearted Saviour a most merciful High Priest He sees and feels now in Heaven all the Miseries of his People upon Earth and pleads for them there believe this and let not your Hearts be troubled And as to his Spiritual and Providential Presence he is always with his People on Earth He is in his People Christ in you the Hope of Glory Col. 1. 27. He is in his Word and Ordinances by his Spirit to bless them to his People Christ is All Col. 3. 11. and in All. He is All that is instead of All of Father Mother Husband Wife of Son and Daughter instead of Health Wealth Liberty and All to his People In him dwelleth all Fulness Eph. 1. 23. and 3. 17. And he is also in All he filleth all in all In all his People he dwells in their Hearts by Faith All our fresh Springs are in him All the Strength Support and Comfort we have comes from him He is in all Providences be they never so bitter so afflictive never so smarting so destructive to our Earthly Comforts Christ is in them all his Love his Wisdom his Mercy his Pity and Compassion is in them all every Cup is of his preparing it is Jesus your best Friend O ye poor Believers who most dearly loves you It is he that died for you that appoints all those Providences orders them all over-rules moderates and sanctifies them all and will sweeten them all and in his due time will make them All profitable unto you that you shall have cause one day to praise and bless his Name for them all O that we could but believe all this and could by Faith look unto our Jesus in all dark Providences and by Faith behold this Jesus managing of them and believe his Love Wisdom Tenderness and Faithfulness in all in our Sicknesses Losses Prisons Restraints c. then surely our Hearts should not be troubled Thirdly Believe in Christ Believe what he hath told us In my Father's House are many Mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you John 14. 3. Let us act Faith upon these true sweet sayings of our dear Lord who is Truth it self In my Father's House are many Mansions In my Father's House my Father's and your Father's House one House must hold us all John 20. 17. I ascend to my Father and your Father to my God and your God and it is in that House which is far above all Heavens all visible Elementary Heavens the third Heaven that is the Father's House That House not made with hands whose builder and maker is God and is Eternal 2 Cor. 5. 1 2. This City of the living God this New Jerusalem there saith Christ are many Mansions many Dwellings many fixed abiding lasting everlasting Habitations Not Tents and Tabernacles such as we live in here on Earth but Mansions abiding-places Is not this a most comfortable Consideration to such poor Saints as have here on Earth no certain dwelling-places not an House of their own wherein to lay their Heads but are forc'd to remove from place to place still seeking an Habitation banished from Family and Friends from Relations and Acquaintance some cast into Prisons while others dwell safely in their own Houses and none to make them afraid and others exposed to much hardship and danger I say this is good news to them That in their Father's House are many Mansions there are everlasting Habitations ready to receive them made ready for them from which when once they are entred they shall never be cast out more from whence there shall be no more any remove for ever When once their earthly House of this Tabernacle is broken down they shall possess that House not made with hands eternal in the Heavens Let us then by Faith often look into the Father's House and view and review those many Mansions that are there and let us act Hope also that shortly we shall possess that Place and enjoy that blessed State The believing frequent Prospects of that place will prevent our Heart-trouble or cure it If it were not so I would have told you saith our Lord If there were not such a blessed State and glorious Place for you my Disciples in the other World after all your Sufferings in this I would have told you so For I have told of the many Troubles you must endure in this World and for your support and comfort I am now telling you what good things you shall shortly enjoy above in my Father's House where is all Joy Peace Re● and Consolation There are many Mansions no Prisons Chains nor Fetters but glorious Dwellings enough to hold all the Saints that ever were and that ever shall be in the World where they shall enjoy full and free Communion with the Blessed Trinity and with one another perfect Liberty without any Restraint or remove for ever Believe this and let not your Hearts be troubled I go to prepare a Place for you I have purchased this most glorious Place for you by my Blood I have promised it to you now I go away to take Possession of it for you in your Name and Stead O what an Heart-comforting and Heart-easing Consideration should this be to us poor Believers That our Lord went from Earth to Heaven o● purpose to prepare a Place in Heaven for us to possess it in our Name and stead and in the mean time he is preparing us by his Word and Spirit by Afflictions and Deliverances for that glorious Place Hence he is called ou● Forerunner who is for us entred into that within the Vail Heb. 6. 20. So that as sure as Christ himself ascended and went into the Highest Heavens so sure shall all his Disciples all true Believers ascend and enter into Heaven also because he went thither himself to prepare Heaven for them by taking Possession of it in his Humane Nature for us as our Head and Saviour God hath prepared for them a City Heb. 11. Heaven and heavenly Glory is said to be prepared A Kingdom prepared from the Foundation of the World Matth. 25. 34. If we could believe that Christ hath prepared a Place in Heaven for us and that Heaven will make amends for all our Sufferings in the way thither and if we could keep the Eye of our Faith upon that Recompence of Reward that far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory 2 Cor. 4. 16 17 18. we should bear up bravely under all our Sufferings and not have our Hearts troubled Let us then look more Heaven-ward more to our Father's House Let us have our Conversations more in Heaven and set our Affections more upon things above upon that blessed State and Place above and
Gospel which you profess you do believe Act the Faith you have on the Doctrines of the Gospel the Promises of Rest for your Souls Pardon for your Sins Life and Righteousness Grace and Glory made to those that believe in Christ and to none else Believe and think what Heaven is that state of infinite Blessedness in the seeing and enjoying the Blessed God to all Eternity Believe what Eternal Life is Eternal Glory and believe also what Hell is Separation from God Go ye Cursed into Everlasting Fire Lakes of Fire and Brimstone everlasting Death the Wrath of God Damnation And seeing you profess that you believe all this then believe also and consider it well that neither is Heaven's infinite Happiness to be attained nor Hell's unspeakable Misery to be avoided but only by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ John 3. 16 17 36. John 8. 24. Direct V. Fifthly Would yo● have Faith then seek it diligently pray O pray for it as for your Lives cry mightily to God for it pour out your Hearts to God in Prayer for it pray continually for Faith pray without ceasing be importuna●●●ith God for it go all Day and ●●ght panting and breathing after i● O that God would give me Faith Go to Jesus also for it cry to him for he is the Author as well as the Object of it Heb. 12. 1 2. It is the Gift of God O pray for it Direct VI. Lastly Consider seriously and often how wonderful willing God is that you should believe in Christ as you have heard and how much he is displeased with those that will not believe in him and how dreadfully he hath threatned them as Rev. 21. 8. Also consider how exceeding willing Jesus Christ himself is that poor Sinners should come to him and believe i● him how sweetly he calls them how freely he offers himself and All he is to them be they never so bad never so vile and wicked He every one that thirsteth Isa 55. 1. they that have no worthiness in them nothing but Sin and Misery John 6. 37. and 7. 37. Rev. 3. 18. and 21. 11. O set your Hearts to the consideration of the incomparable unparallel'd Love of Jesus in dying that cursed Death of the Cross for Sinners Consider and meditate hold your Hearts to it until your Hearts be affected with his Love his Love that passeth the Love of Women Love passing Understanding and consider how well he deserves and how much he challengeth your Love Consider once again what a most lovely Person Jesus is who is altogether lovely the Brightness of his Father's Glory in whom dwells all Fulness Heb. 1. 3. and in whom is all Power in Heaven and Earth Matth. 28. 18. and labour to affect your Hearts with his most admirable Excellencies and then come unto him weary and heavy laden with your Sins willing to part with them all give up your whole selves to him give him your whole Hearts and take him for your Head and Husband for your only Lord and Saviour enter actually into Covenant with him to become his and his alone and his for ever Thus work out your Salvation and you● Consolation by believing in Jesus in Blessed All-sufficient Jesus trusting to him betrusting all with him and God will work in you both to will and to do Phil. 2. 12 13. Use these Means in the strength of God and doubt not but in the use of them you shall obtain this precious Faith which having and acting you shall find it to be your Hearts Ease in all your Heart-Trouble Laus Soli Deo FINIS Some Books printed for and sold by Jonathan Robinson at the Golden Lion in St. Paul 's Church-Yard THe Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New with Annotations and Parallel Scriptures To which is annexed the Harmony of the Gospels As also the Reduction of the Jewish Weights Coins and Measures to our English Standard And a Table to the Promises in Scripture by Mr. Samuel Clark His Holy History in brief Or an Abridgment of the Historical Parts of the Old and New Testament Dr. Thomas Goodwin's Works In two Volumes in Folio viz. on the Ephesians Revelations The Knowledg of God the Father Election c. His Treatise of the Punishment of Sin in Hell In 8o. Dr. Bates's Works viz. The Harmony of the Divine Attributes in the Contrivance and Accomplishment of our Redemption by the Lord Jesus Christ Or Discourses wherein is shewed how the Wisdom Mercy Justice Holiness Power and Truth of God are glorified in that Great and Blessed Work His three Sermons at the Funeral of Dr. Jacomb Mr. Clarkson and Mr. Ashurst His Sure Trial of Uprightness c. Practical Discourses on Sickness and Recovery By T. Rogers M. A. A Discourse of Closet-Prayer By M. Slater Mr. Pearse's Preparation for Death His Best Match Or The Souls Espousal to Christ Last Legacy Or Beam of Divine Glory c. 12º An Explanation of the Assembly shorter Catechism Price 6 d. Mr. Case's Treatise of Afflictions The Epitome of the Bible in English Verse useful for Children Price 6 d bound A Present for Children Being a brief but faithful Account of many Remarkable and Excellent Things uttered by three young Children to the wonder of all that heard them To which is added A Seasonable Exhortation to Parents for the Education of their Children Published by William Bidbanck M. A. Price 6 d. bound The Barren Fig-Tree Or The Doom and Downfal of the Fruitless Professor By John Bunyan