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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14200 An epistle of moche learni[n]g, sent by saint Huldericus, Bisshoppe of Augusta, called Augsburgh, vnto Nicolas Bysshoppe of Rome, the fyrst of that name: agaynst the vnmaried chastitie of pryestes Ulric, Saint, Bishop of Augsburg, 890-973. 1547 (1547) STC 24514; ESTC S121060 6,207 28

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AN EPISTEL OF MOche learnīg sent by saint Huldericus Bisshoppe of Augusta called Augsburgh vnto Nicolas Bysshoppe of Rome the fyrst of that name agaynst the vnmaried Chastitie of Pryestes VNTO NICOLAS hys lorde and father ād moost vygylaunt Prouisor of the holye Church of Rome Huldericus by name onelye a Bysshoppe oweth Loue as his sonne or chylde and feare as hys seruaunt WHer as I haue chaūced of late dayes to fynde your decrees sent ouer vnto me made vppō the cōtynencye of Clerkes or Preestes to be farre aalyenate from dyscretion a certayne feare truelye with sorrowe dyd vexe me feare because of that where it is sayd that the sentence of a Pastor is to be dredde ande feared whether it be Iust or vniust Trulye I feared the weake ād feble hearers of the scryptur the which scant whear a Iust cause is do obeye that Sentence of it moch mor the vniust they treade vnder fote least those shulde blīde thē selues by a Precepte of theyr owne free wyll through the onerous and importable transgresse or vsurpīg of theyr Pastor And sorrowe trulye and pytye it was vnto me whyles I doubted howe the membres shulde be ware of them selues they re heade beyng taken in so greuous a syckenes For what can be more weightie or what more worthy then the pitye or compassyon of the whole Churche Ande theryn you the Bysshoppe of the hyghest seate vnto whome apparteyneth the examynatyon of the whole Churche to straie neuer so litell oute of the waye from the holye Discretion Ande truelye you haue gone not a lytell out of the waye when that you wylled the Clerckes or Priestes whome you ought to moue to contynencye of wedlocke to be compelled vnto the same by a certeyne Imperious violence Why is not thys thynke youe iustly by the common Iudgement of all wyse men a violence when contrarye to the institutiō of the Gospell ād agaīst the decree of the Holy Goost any Man is compelled to execute pryuate decrees Where therfore many holye exemples are of the Olde ande Newe Testamēt as you knowe that teach Dyscretion Lett it not be I praye youe greuous vnto your Fatherhod a fewe of thē amongest many to be graffed intermixed ī this litell boke The Lorde of truth in the olde lawe hath appoynted vnto a Pryest wedlocke the whych is not redde where afterward he hath forbydden the same But he sayth in the Gospell Math. xix There are some gelded parsons that haue chastysed them selues for the Kingdom of heauen But all men vnderstand not thys sayinge let him take it that maye take it Wherfore the Apostell sayth i. Corin. vii I haue no precept of the Lord for vyrgynes but I giue them my coūsell Wherby thou doest consyder accordyng to the former saying of the Lorde that all can not take thys counsell But thou seest many flaterers of the said coūsell that are willing to please men ād not God to commytt manny greuous thynges vnder theyr colour of contynencye to vse vnlaufullie the Fathers wyues and not to abhorre from the embrasyng of the male kinde and of Beastes Least therfore the estate of the whole congregatyon maye chaunce to be to moch weakened by the callyng aboute of thys infyrmytye growynge euen vnto a very plage Because of fornycatyon sayde he let euery man haue his owne wyfe The whych these ypocrytes faine to parteyne specialie vnto laye men The whych albeyt that they be constytuted in neuer so holie an order yet doubte they not in dede to abuse other mennes wyues And the which we see not without teares all men rage in the abouenamed mischeues Truelie those haue not vnderstād the scriptures a ryght oute of whose pappes because they haue pressed thē to harde they haue drōken bloude in the steade of mylke For that saynige of the Apostell let euery manne haue hys owne wyfe doth trulye except no man sauing the professour of contynencie or hym that hath prescribed in the lord to contynewe in hys vyrgynytye The whyche thyng moost reuerēde Father doth become your mighty power that where any shal be that shal make vnto you by hand or by mouth anye vowe of chastitie ād afterwardes wyll forsake it to bynde the same of duety to execute the same vowe or to depose the same oute of all orders by your Canonycall auctoritye ande that you maie be able manly to fulfyll the same you shal haue me and all other men of my callīge to be vnto you dilygēt ayders But to the intēt that you may knowe that soch as knowe of no soche vowe are not to be cōpelled heare the Apostell speakyng vnto Tymothe sayinge It becometh a Bisshoppe to be irreprehensible the husband of one wyfe And because that no man shulde returne the same sētence to the Church alone he added vnto it He truelye that can not gouuerne his owne house howe shall the same giue diligēce vnto the Church of God Lykewyse he sayth let Deacons be husbandes of one wyfe the whych can well gouuerne their chylderen and houses And verely I knowe that you are sufficyently taught by the holy decrees of the holie Bisshoppe Syluester that the wyfe is blessed by the Priest Vnto these ande soch lyke sentences of the Scrypture the wryter of the rule of Priestes or Clerkes accordīge not whithout cause saythe a pryeste oughte to be chaste or at the least fettered wyth the bond of one Matrymonye Of the whych thinges he doth trulye gather that a Bysshop ād deacon are noted to be worthy blame yf they be deuided in manye women Ande yf they refuse one vnder pretence of religion Here the canonicall sentence doth condempne both Bysshop and deacon wythout differēce of degrees A Bisshop or Pryest ought not to cast of his proper wife vnder the pretence of relygyon for yf he so doo he ought to be excommunycate ād yf he continue to be deposed Saynt Augustine also a man not Ignoraunt of holye dyscretyon sayth There is none so greuous an euel but it is to be admytted to eschewe the worse We reade also in the seconde booke of Trypartita historya Canon dyscuc xvi Capitulo Si quis that when the coūsell of Nyce wolde haue establysshede the selue same decrees that Bysshoppes Pryestes ād deacons after theyr fyrst consecratyon shuld vtterlie abstaine from theyr proper wyues or shuld put of theyr degree Paphnutius rising in the middest of them one of those martyrs which Maximus the Emperour theyr ryght eies beīg plucked oute and their lyft legges cutt of did cōdemne spake agaynst it confessyng mariage to be honourable ād affyrmīg chastitie to be the lyuing with a mans proper wyfe And persuaded the counsell that they shulde make no soche lawes affyrming the cause to be greuous ande myght be vnto thē or vnto theyr wyues an occasyon of fornication And this did Paphnutius expresse albeyt he was vnmaryed And the counsell praysed his opinion or sentence and decreed nothyng of that parte but left that in euerye