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A10909 An answere vnto a wicked & infamous libel made by Christopher Vitel, one of the chiefe English elders of the pretended Family of Loue maintaining their doctrine, & carpingly answeringe to certaine pointes of a boke called the displaing of the Fam. Aunswered by I. Rogers. Rogers, John, fl. 1560-1580.; Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579. 1579 (1579) STC 21180; ESTC S116065 74,007 215

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I that all people vpon earth which were withou● the house of Loue were all ●rapped in vnbeliefe and that there ●as no●hing among them but va●i●un●e ●tr●fe and conten●ion reuiling blaspheming misusing derid●ng taun●●ng and ●hecking and euery one would haue right and be the comm●●●l●ye of Christ and condemned all others for heretic●es and false Christi●ns none would be culpable or beare the blame but euery one put the fault vpon an other Aunswere WEre you so relesed of your blindnes that you were not subiect to be blind againe for that is a questiō were your eyes so opened as HN. sayth of himselfe in the pre●ace of his p●ophesye the sight of mine eyes became clearer then the Christall and mine vnderstanding brighter then the sunne ●ou would faine counterfaite your Aucthor in wordes which become neither of you both with your opened eyes you saw that all people which were without the house of loue were wrapped in vnbeliefe which in playne speach is that all the world which hold not your doctrine nor beleue it are vnbeleuers If this be true then are you vncharitable to lurke in corners and hide this doctrine among yourselues and will let so few be pertakers thereof No feare of torment no threatninges of men should preuaile nor stonish you if this your saying were true is there nothing vpon earth but variaunce contention c You speake of your sight but you haue put on a payre of blinde specta●le● and so see nothing For if you saw aright you should to your comfort s●e the Gospell preached true mortification vsed among some and for contentions and strife you your Aucthor HN. are the cause thereof who possessed with phantasticall spirites haue troubled the quiet proceeding of Christ his gospell in that Sathan rayseth vp sectes and errors it is a manifest tokē that he enuieth the prosperitye of the same gospell For in tyme of Poper● when men followed dreames and illusions then Sathā was quiet but now the Gospell is published to the comfort of Ch●istes Church now ●athan besturres himselfe in his members to moue contentious persons to disquiet the ●oyfull proceeding thereof Where wheat doth grow ther cockle and ●arnell will shew it selfe you are those that make the contention and quarell and yet cry what disssentions are in the world you say euery one challengeth to be called the comminaltye of Christ Why flee ye the name Church putting in stede thereof comminaltes but so you may be lyke your Aucthor in wordes you care not how vnlyke vnto the scriptures you teach Vitell. ANd I saw that by that occasion there was much murmuring vprore rebellion disobed●ence to God and to spirituall and temporall gouernors and the lord caused me to see also that there should be no peace erected which should remain or continue without the most holy seruice of loue c. Also then shal no kingdome prosper which is agaynst or despiseth the kingdom of the loue For it is the kingdome of God the Father of God the Sonne of God the holy Ghost For the kingdome of Israell shall be set vp againe and the Children of loue shall raign there in with God and all his Sayntes vnto whom be laud honor and pra●se frō generation to generation both now and euer Amen Answere AFter this mans blindenes was restored then he saw much murmuring c. An● yet you could neuer se rightl● into your selues for if you cold then should you perceue that you your selues the Papists Anabaptistes Pelagians and Libertines are those that make the rebelliō and are cause of the dissention and disobedience to spiritual and temporall gouernors And further you saw no peace should be on earth or continue without the seruice of loue The doutfull significatiō of this word Loue is often confounded amōg your Familie sometime you woulde haue it taken for God sometime for Christ and sometime for your wholl doctrine and profession and sometime for a property or vertue proceeding frō God but to take it simply as I thinke you mean it for the order and manner of your doctrine and seruice of God Then we aunswere that Christ his peace we haue inioyed in his church and it hath contynued with his church since his assention and yet I confesse that such was his pleasure to afflicte his church to suffer wicked persons to persecute the same yet his peace the church neuer wanted Therfore your sight was very dimme when you saw such things Moreouer you saw that no kingdome should prosper which is agaynst the loue Kingdoms and nations haue prospered and do prosper by the protection of the almighty with his blessing and yet are against your Familie of loue Therfore cleare your spectacles and looke better vpon the matter for surely I thinke you were in some dreame whē you writ this And wher as you would haue vs beleeue y kingdome and seruice of the loue is y kingdome of God the father the sonne and the holy Ghost this you haue brought in to make the world beleeue that your Familie of loue is nothing els but the true doctrine sent from God but you herein deceue your selues and others for the doctrine taught among you is strange and no where to be found in the word of the Lord and your Author HN. geueth testimonye on●ly of himself without warrant from God or his word therfore your doctrine in the Familie of loue is not from God the Father c. If you say that others also geue testimony of HN. his doctrine name vnto vs it is your Fidelitas who in deede in his booke chapter 2. sex 8. sayeth as followeth You shal furthermore vnderstād ▪ that the iudgement which the God of heauen hath declared through HN. vpō earth set forth through the same his minister is very true that also the same iudgement pronounceth and declareth the right forme and state of all what is in heauen and vpon earth of all what is Gods and mans spirituall and heauenly and of all what is naturall right and reasonable And that no such wonderfull workes coulde be wrought nor brought forth by any man vnles God were with him c. In deed this fellow Elder Fidelitas testyfieth much of your HN. But whether his testimony be true let vs examine it a litle If the iudgemēt which God hath declared through HN. be very true thē was there no truth before For HN. teacheth such a doctrine as was neuer heard of in the world since the creation especially the doctrine how man is godded with God c. and tha● man and God had all one order being and nature Also the doctrine of pe●●e●●●on to be in this life attayned vnto and that the law is possible to be kept all which if it be very true what ●N hath declared and set sorth then doth the holy Ghost in the scriptures teach vs contrary as shall appeare more ●n treating of the particularities of these poynts Moreouer if we would geue credite to this
some thinges yet so as hitherto vntouched of you except we should take your bare word agaynst many witnesses Vitell. FVrther you write of two men which we●e before a worshipfull Iustice Anno 1561. which you affirm to be of the Fam. of loue what they were that is that but of HN. his doctrine at that time they knew not also you affirme you knowe what but seeing you will ●eedes slaunder vs we will in the patience of Christ beare th●t and h●pe ●pon the goodnes and mercifulnesse of the Lord desiring him to geue you a better minde Aunswere TOuching two mē examyned before a worshipfull Iustice I haue collected that they were of the Family of loue you answere the doctrine of HN. at that time they knew not but this is certain one of them is liuing knoweth you but to well and is a welwiller to your Family and scoller of Allin but what they were you aunswere that is that Such suttle aunsweres are fittest for men of your profession you know what they were it seemeth and in deed they were of your hatching although for further increase of knowledge ▪ Allin their neare neighbor did more instructe them and lead them forward into your error Plain dealing would haue put men out of doute seeing you know what they were But since they haue bewrayed your doings ▪ in secret you regard them not For some of your Familye haue aunswered that by compulcion and threates they made their confession others say playne they were not of our Family you are ashamed of them now that they haue disclosed your secret conference You say I affirme I know what I thinke you meane touching your owne person wherein I haue vttered you to be y onely man y hath brought this wicked doctrine of HN. which lay hidden in the Dutch tongue among our simple English people to their euerlasting destruction except the Lord in mercy open their eyes that they may see into the wicked monstrous drift of your Author HN. and repent thē and so turn vnto the Lord Iesus from whome they haue departed following a stranger an enemy to Christ and his gospell set vp by Sathan who enuieth the prosperitye thereof The Lord geue you hartes to vnderstand and also geue euery one of you a better minde Vitell. COncerning Christopher V●tell of his a●t or his small skill in learning he knoweth it also neither doth he make any boast of any thing that he ●ā for he knoweth if he haue any go●d whether it be godly or ma●ly that ●t commeth f●om aboue for all go●d cōmeth from the Father of light with ●home there is no variablnes ●ei●her is he chaunged into da●kenes but all what is neither g●dly ●o● man●y that commeth out o●●he ●l●sh of 〈◊〉 or ●l●shfly wisedon● 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 g●od thinking his 〈…〉 ●hi●h bringeth 〈…〉 holy●●s a counterfa●te ri●hteou●●es as also many manner of religions or chosen God seruices sectes or errors c. Aunswere TOuching this Christopher Clitel in Latten Vit●lus or Vitulus I haue sayd he is a ioyner by occupation a wauering minde and vnconstāt delighting in singularitys alwayes held hereticall opinions almost this 36. yeares wise men haue noted 3. euills being once rooted in man are seldome or neuer voyd of some spice of y same disease that is Lunasy Ieolously and heresye and it so falleth out by this mans example who in king Henryes raigne was vnconstant in king Cowardes raigne a dissembler and in Queenes Maryes raigne a playne Arryan and now in this our Princes raigne a chiefe teacher of the Familye of Loue now he hosteth of nothing surely there is no cause but rather to sorrow that many poore people by you are deceiued and abused and their simplicitye caryed away by your suttle speaches You say what so is godly or manly that is from aboue the phrase is somewhat difficult I think you mean spirituall and earthly But where you adde what is neither godly nor manly y cōmeth of the flesh of sinne c. Here is a distinction more scholasticall then meane wittes can attaine to if by godly and manly you place manly as contrary to godly then is manly taken in the euill part and so not from aboue excepte you will haue euell thinges from aboue which cannot be The thirde distinction is ambiguous for of our corrupt nature wee bring forth fleshly wisdome imaginations c. And herevnto are we by nature subiect if the Lord by his grace doe not guide vs and lead vs and deliuer vs yea and so deliuered if he still doe not protect and gouerne vs we shall be ready to fall agayne and agayne therefore we dayly craue at his handes saying deliuer vs Lord from such euels as by our owne corrupt nature we are subiect vnto Here are also 2. phrases I thought not good to let pas vntouched the one the mans good thinking and this is taken in the Family in the euill parte If his thought be good it is from aboue why despise ye it The other is chosen God seruices If it be a seruice of God then you doe not well to place this phrase with sects and errors But these men haue a delite to publishe strange Religion and to set it forth with strange phrases also For so they may speake like their Author they care not how vnlike the holy scripture they write Vitell. ANd all these come hereout because the man will iudge the ●orkes of the Lord with his naturall wisdome or lernedenes And he●out namely out of the wisedome of the flesh sprang all Christopher Vitelles errors but not out of any other mās councell or bookes Answere ALl errors sectes and coūterfaite righteousnes as this man saith come of this that man will iudge the wor●es of the Lord with his naturall wisdome lewdnes Touching man simply which S. Paul calleth Ammalis homo the ●leshly minded man knoweth not the things that are of God yet it is also affirmed that no man can say Abba Father without the spirite of god This man would perswade that there is now some secret teaching frō God by reuelation which is proper to this Family and therein they haue a speciall gifte they litle regard the ordinary way and meane to attayne knowledge and the true sence of the holy scripture It is not to be denyed that almighty God hath taught his children by his holy spirite in reuelations extraordenary but that now the sonne of God is come into the world e●en the wisdom of the Father with an vncouered face shall we now in this light looke to be taught by reuelations or inspiratiōs he hath by his wisdome established an ordinarye way of teachinge in his church wherunto we must stand ob●dyent except we will deny his ordynance Faith commeth by hearing of the word of God If we haue faith we shal not want other excellent vertues she is neuer alone but loue chariti● humilitie patience c. waite vpō her as handmaydes Hath not the Deuill deluded many
good but forasmuch as your doctrine is false wicked and fantasticall therfore your prayer is corrupte and abhominable and to be despised and all princes that fear the Lord wil become vtter enemies to you ● your doctrine and seek diligently to amend if it be possible your corruptions and I doute not but the Lord hath in his Church men of zealous mindes who will not see the glory of our immortall God nor the death passion and resurrection of Christ Iesus our Lord so defaced dar●kned and shadowed And that his Church may be purged of such corrupt weedes which spring vp séeking to destroy that good corn which is sowed already O Lord God we humble sinners abiding in the vnity of thy holy Church doe most humbly hartely pray thee euē for thy sonne our Sauiour Christ Iesus sake that thou wilt in m●rcy looke vpon thy poore afflicted Church and the members thereof that by no malice of Sathan no pretence of collored speach nor no vanity of minde any of thy children be caryed away as straying from thy fould but that O Lord they may agayne be ioyned to thy flock so that so many as pertayne vnto that good shepherd of our soules Christ Iesus may laud and prayse thy name with one voyce and O Lord we most humbly beseech thee to clense thy Church from the filthy dregges of doctrine which wicked mē through the malice of Sathan haue deuised to disquiet thy peaceable Sion conuert thou them O Lord wée beseech thee mollify their stony hartes which haue set vp a Prophet whome thou O Lord hast not sent let them O Lord behold how farre they haue declyned from thy wayes and followed the doctrine of deceaueable men let them see from whome they haue departed to whom they clea●e fast And although we O Lord by our offences and the manyfold transgressions wherwith we prouoke thy merci●ull goodnes who doe know thy will and yet are so slow performer● therof wherby thou O Lord doest punish our offences so that wicked men now set vp thēselues against vs accusing vs and that worthely of the breaking of thy holy lawes So O Lord although we haue thus sore prouoked thy goodnes by our offences yet we beseech thee consider thy sonne our Lord and Sauiour whose obedience righteousnes to thy will ▪ thou hast by promise made it ours so that belōging to thy sonne we are shadowed vnder his righteousnes and couered vnder his winges in safety from eternall destruc●ion But such is thy goodnesse O mercifull God to try thy children here in earth how stedfast we will bid batta●le against Sathan and his impes and how constant we will abide therein so that no blast nor inuation of enemies shall I hope shake that foundation of faith that thou hast pl●nted in vs which we most humbly desire thy maiesty to increase and that we may perseu●re and continue in the vnity of thy holy church in this life and after we may inioy t●e fruition of thy godly mai●stye and sing pr●yses vnto thee world without end Vitell. O Lord let vs finde grace before thine eyes and heare ou● humble s●pplication which we make vnto thee in the sorrowfulnesse of our ha●ts For a broaken hart and a sorrowfull sp●●ite wilt thou O Lord not despise ▪ for euen there wilt thou enter 〈◊〉 and therby m●●e thine habitation and sanctifie thy name from gen●ration t●●en●●●tio● 〈◊〉 in euerlastingnes It is very true Answere O Lord we b●seech thée turne the harts of thes● deceaue● people and graunt them thy hol● s●irit y they may discern thy truth tau●ht in thy holy word and not geue ea●e vnto an●e which teach cōtrary therto ouerthrow their deuices brig to light their de●●●ts for thy holy names sake That we thy childrē may rei●yce ouer their t● uersiō so together with one voice magnifie praise thy glorious name ▪ and that those straying sh●●p may be brought in to thy fold again 〈◊〉 it be thy bles●●d wil Reueale vnto them O Lord we beseech thee the office and death of thy sonne our Lord and Sauiour that they tasting the swetenes thereof may ●orsake the confidence they haue in their perfection and that we may all acknowledge onely Christ Iesus to be per●ite and we our selues dust and dung and whatsoeuer is vile let n●t Sathan lead thē captiue but O Lord we besech thee pull them out of the Lyons mouth and conioyne them to thy holy Church out of which they haue wandred ouer long in doctrines of men Let thy strength appeare O Lord and let our weakenes be made open to them let the effect of thy Gospell breake into their hartes of stone that they may tast féele how sw●ete the Lord is in mercy towardes sinners and how seuere to such as iustify thēselues And if it stand with thy good will pleasure thus to cōuert thē at the sute of our earnest prayers we shall for the same geue thankes in thy Church euermore But if thy Churche shall haue thereby their tryall made knowē to the world herein O Lord kéepe thy children and such as loue th● Lord Iesus embrace the ioyfull tidinges of the Gospell in thine owne bosome that they be not led away with any pretences of pietye into error or corruption but defend them as thou hast promised that what pittye a Father hath ouer his childrē lyke pittye thou O Lord wilt shew vnto thē which we besech thee graunt vs for thy sonne Iesus Christ his sake to whome with the holy ghost be honor land prayse power and dominion from euerlasting to euerlasting So be it The state and condition of a regenerate man by the rule of holy scripture compared with the state of a regenerat man by the doctrine of HN. in the Familye of Loue. I Being in my creation at the first in most excellent state and happines hauing by diuine prouidēce in my selfe frée choyse will to choose the good and refuse the euill described by fire and water I willingly and of mine owne accord gaue place to euill and so worthely by iustice brought vpon my selfe the heauy hand of my God and the dexteritye of his law ▪ with malediriō cursse where in ● had remained euerlastingly had not the Lord my God in mercy and of his speciall grace beholding my woe●●●l ●ase without any desert of mine prouided and promised a deliuerer a Sauiour euē the Lord Iesus which in ●ulnes of time came whome the Patriarches hoped after whome the Prophets foretold of which died for my sinnes and rose agayne for my iustification who put out the hand writing of the law pronounced agaynst me ●astened it to his crosse who suffered for me y I might raigne with him who left me an example that I should ●ollow his steppes And which is more without cōdition promis●d me eternall lyfe which by the onely sacrifice of his death he hath obtayned and by his paynefull