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A10777 Certe[n] godly, learned, and comfortable conferences, betwene the two reuerende fathers, and holye martyrs of Christe, D. Nicolas Rydley late Bysshoppe of London, and M. Hughe Latymer sometyme Bysshoppe of Worcester, during the tyme of their emprysonmentes. Whereunto is added. A treatise agaynst the errour of transubstantiation, made by the sayd reuerende father D. Nicolas Rydley. M.D.LVI. Ridley, Nicholas, 1500?-1555.; Latimer, Hugh, 1485?-1555. aut; Ridley, Nicholas, 1500?-1555. Brief declaracion of the Lordes Supper. aut 1556 (1556) STC 21048; ESTC S115941 68,037 134

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Apoc. 2. ād you haue collered with hym or now blessed be godde that hath euer aided you so well I suppose he maye well holde you at the baye but truly he will not be so willynge I thynke to ioyne with you as with vs yongelynges Syr I beseche you let your seruaunt reade this my bablinge vnto you and nowe and then as it shall seme vnto you beste let youre penne runne on my booke spare not to blotte my paper I geue you good leaue As touchinge this Antoniane whome I haue here made mine aduersarie leste paraduenture anie ymagination mighte carrie you amisse and make you thinke otherwise then I ment Knowe you that I haue alluded to one Antonie a mooste cruel Bisshoppe of the Arianes and a very violent persecuter of them that were Catholique Victor li. 3. de persequut Aphricae and of a righte iudgemente To whome Hunericus a Tyrante of the Vandales knowing Antonies fearcenes committed his whole autoritie that he should either turne the Christians which beleued well vnto his false Religion or els to punish and torment them at his pleasure Which thing Antonius toke in hande to doe and executed the same againste a greate numbre but specially againste two mooste godlie Bisshoppes and most constante in the doctrine whiche was according to godlinesse Tit. 1. The name of th one was Eugenius an aged man thother was named Habet deum This Latter as it appeareth by Victors Historie of the persecutions of the Vandales booth the Tyranne and the false counterfaicte Bisshoppe desiered muche to haue turned vnto their mooste pestilēt heresie This Habet deum was bisshope of the Citee Tamallune wher Antonie hadde ben bisshoppe before And when Antonie hadde vexed hym as the storie sayeth with diuerse and sundrie persequutions and hadde fownde the souldiar of Christe allwaies constante in his Confession it is sayd that at lengthe in a greate rage he swoore and sayd to his frendes on this wise yf I make hym not of our Religion then am I not Antonie it is incredible what harmes and troubles he putte hym to what crueltye he practised against him and it wer to longe now to describe the same vnto you But the man of god stoode allwayes vnmooueable and in the confession of Christes fayth remayned euer vnto th ende the constante and vnfoyled souldyare of Christe Thys goode Bisshoppe Habet deum I praye to godde our heauēly father to geue me grace that I maye fathefully folowe throughe our Lorde Iesus Christe Amen Syr I haue cawsed my man not onely to reade your armour vnto me but also to write it owte H. Laty. for it is not onely no bare armour but also well buckled armour I see not how it could be better I thāke you euē frome the botome of my harte for it and my praier you shall not lacke trustinge that you do the like for me For in deede there is the helpe c. Manie thinges make confusion in memorie And if I were as well learned as was Sainct Paul I woulde not bestowe muche amongest them further then to gaule them and spur-gall to when and where as occasion were geuen and matter came to minde for the lawe shall bee their shote anchour staye and refuge Fare you well in Christe A treatise agaīst the errour of transubstantiation made by the fornamed Reuerende father Nic. Rydley Byshop of London in the time of his emprisonmente MAnie thinges cōfounde the weake memorie A fewe places well weighed ād perceiued lightneth the vndstandinge Trueth is there to bee searched with diligence where it is certaine to be hadde Though God do speake the trueth by man yet in mannes worde which God hath not reueled to bee his a man maie doubt without mistruste in God Christ is the truth of God reueiled vnto man from heauen by God himselfe and therefore in his worde the trueth is to bee founde whyche is to bee embraced of all that be his Christe biddeth vs aske and wee shall haue Searche and we shall finde Knocke and it shal be opened vnto vs. Therfore O heauenly father autour and fountaine of all truth the bottomeles Sea of al true vnderstanding send doune wee beseche thee thy holye spirite into oure hartes and lighten oure vnderstanding with the beames of thy heauenly grace We aske the this O heauenlie father not in respect of our desertes but for thy deare Sonne oure Sauiour Iesus Christes sake Thou knoweste O heauenlye father that the controuersie aboute the Sacrament of the blessed bodie and bloude of thy deare Sonne oure Sauioure Christe hathe troubled not of late onelie thy churche of England Fraūce Germanie and Italye but also manie yeares agoe The fault is oures no doubt therof for we haue deserued thy plage But O Lorde be mercifull and relieue our miserie with some light of grace Thou knoweste O Lorde howe this wicked worlde rolleth vp and doune and rieleth to and fro and careth not what thy wil is so it may abide in welth Yf truth haue wealth then who are so stoute to defende the truth as they But if Christes crosse bee laiede on truethes backe then they vanishe straighte awaie as waxe before the fiere Truthe in tyme of affliction hath sevin frendes But these are not they O heauenly father for whome I make my most mone but for those selye ones O Lorde whiche haue a Zeale vnto thee those I meane whiche woulde ād wisshe to know thy will and yet are lette holde backe and blinded by the subtilties of Sathan and his ministers the wickednes of this wretched world and the sinfull lustes and affections of the fleashe Alasse Lorde thou knowest that we be of oure selues but fleash wherin there dwelleth nothing that is good How then is it possible for man without thee O Lorde to vnderstande thy truth in deede Can the naturall man perceiue the will of God 1. Cor. 2. O Lorde to whome thou geuest a Zeale of thee geue them also we beeseche the knowledge of thy blessed will Suffer not them O Lorde blindelie to bee ledde for to striue against thee as thou didst those alas whiche crucified thine owne deare sonne Forgeue thē O Lorde for thy deare sonnes sake for they knowe not what they doe They do thinke alas O Lorde for lacke of knowledge that they doe vnto thee good seruice euen when againste thee they do moost greuouselie rage Ioan. 16. Remembre O Lorde we besech the for whom thy Martir Steuen did praie Acto 7. and whome thy holy Apostle did so truelye and earnestly loue that for their saluation he wished hymselfe accursed from thee Rom. 9. Luc. 23. Remembre O heauenlye father the prayer of thy deare sonne oure Sauioure Christe vpon the crosse when he saide vnto thee O Father forgeue them they knowe not what thei do With this forgiuenes O good Lorde geue me I beseche the thy grace so here briefelye to sette forth the saiyngs of thy sonne our Sauiour
Certē godly learned and comfortable conferences betwene the two Reuerende Fathers and holye Martyrs of Christe D. Nicolas Rydley late Bysshoppe of London and M. Hughe Latymer Sometyme Bysshoppe of Worcester during the tyme of theyr emprysonmentes Wherunto is added A Treatise agaynst the errour of Transubstantiation made by the sayd Reuerende Father D. Nicolas Rydley M.D.LVI Ryghte deare in the sighte of the Lorde is the death of his sainctes Psal. 116. To The Reader GRace and peace c. Good Christian Reader her are sett forthe for thine instruction and comforte certen learned and comfortable conferences Betwene the two Reuerende and godly fathers M. Rydley and M. Latymer whose bodies the Romishe tyrannie of late hathe tormented and fier hathe consumed whose sowles mercie hathe embraced and heauen hathe receiued yelding th one vnto the enemie to deathe for testimonie of the truthe commending thother vnto god in suer hope of lyfe Wher vnto is also added a learned treatise and a cleare confutation of the fonde and wicked opinion of Transubstantiation written by the said M. Ridley And forasmuche as these their scrolles and writynges wer by goddes good prouidence preserued and as it wer raked owte of the asshes of thauthors cōteinīge as well cōfortable cōsolatiō for suche as are in the schole of the crosse as also goode ād profitable admonitiō for them which eyther of ignorāce either of infirmitie or by flattering of them selfes with vayne pretenses do yelde vnto the wicked worlde the reuerence due to the reuerende fathers the zeale towardes the setting forthe of the tried truthe and the readye goode will to conforte and confirme weake consciences would not suffer the any lenger to wante these smalle treatises and yett no smalle treasures That as in life thei profited the by teaching and in deathe by example so after death they may doe the goode by writing And albeit the matter of it selfe is sufficiente to commend it selfe yet it cannot be but the worthines of the writers will encrease creditte and giue no small authoritie to the writynges M. Latymer came earlier in the morning and was the more auncient workeman in the lordes vineyarde Matt. 20. who also may verie well be called as diuerse learned men haue termed hym the Apostle of Englād as one much more worthie of that name for his true doctrine for his sharpe reprouinge of sinne and superstition then was Augustine bisshop of Canturburie for bringing in the popes monkerie and false religion M. Ridley came later aboute theleuenth howre but no doubte he came when he was effectuallye called and frō the time of his calling became a faithfull labourer terrible to the enemies for his excellent learning and therfore a meete man to ridde owte of the lordes vineyarde the sophisticall thornes of the wrangling aduersaries which dyd well appeare in all disputations and conferences that wer in his tyme and partlye doth appeare in these shorte treatises folowing But what shal it nede in manye wordes to prayse them whose lyfes wer moste commendable whose deathes wer most glorious in office and vocation bothe lyke in labour and trauail bothe faithfull in learning and iudgemēt both sounde in minde and maners bothe milde but in goddes cause bothe stoute For neither threatned deathe neither loue of present lyfe could shake the foundation of theyr faithe firmely grounded apon the suer rocke Christe Matt. 7. They redemed libertie of conscience with the bondage of the bodie and to saue their lyfes they wer content to lose their lyfes This was not the worke of the fleshe but the operation of goddes mightie spirite who hathe euer frome the beginning not onlye builded but also enlarged his churche by the sufferance of his sainctes and sealed his doctrine with the bloude of his martyrs as S. Augustine speaking of the persecutions in the primatiue church doth well declare in theis wordes Ligabantur includebantur caedebantur De ciuita Dei lib. 22 cap. 6. torque bantur urebantur multiplicabantur That is to saye The Christians wer bounde wer emprisoned wer beaten wer tormented wer brente and yet wer multiplyed Yf Iustinus Martyr when he was yet an heathen Philosopher as he confesseth of hym selfe was moued to embrace the fayth and religion of Christe Apolog. 1 in beholding the constante patience of the martyrs which suffred for Christe in his tyme how muche more oughte the patiente suffringe and voluntarie death of these notable fathers with many other learned godlye men in our dayes whose names are writtē in the booke of lyfe not only moue but also pearce ād perswade all godly heartes constantely to remayne in the truthe knowen For vndoubtedly the truthe of the cawse they suffred for is moste euidente by goddes worde and hath ben so fully taughte so clearly sette forthe by many and sundrye writynges that it is open to the Consciences of all the worlde euen of the verie aduersaries themselfes that persequute it greater is theyr damnation excepte it be to such whome the godde of thys worlde 2. Cor. 4. malice ambition auarice or ignorance hath blynded Which thynge nedeth none other proofe especially for the realme of englande but only to call to mynde with what conscience and constancie these pyllers of the church that can nott erre haue walked in Religion these twentye yeares by paste how they not longe agoo receiued and allowed thynges which with fyre and fagotte they persequute now and shranke frome that thē which now they moste earnestly mainteyne And allthoughe ther appeared in the latter dayes a shadow of stowtenesse in a few yet it was in dede nothynge For it sprange not owte of any zeale to the cawse or clearenesse of conscience but rather owte of a lyke subtylle and foxye presumption as the Syrians once conceiued when they putte themselfes in the daunger of Kinge Achab sayeng 3. Reg. 20. Beholde we haue hearde that the kinges of the howse of Israel are pitefull and mercyfull For owte of all dowte K. Henry theyghte coulde as easely haue obteined at winchesters handes and others a conformytee in puttyng downe the Masse and all the reaste what so euer hath ben done by order sence if he hadde earnestly minded it as the abolisshinge of the pope monkerye pylgremages reliques with lyke baggage all which are now agayne thinges well estemed and couered as all the resydew is with the clooke of the Catholike church But to returne to the matter we haue in hāde in this littel treatise goode read thow shalte perceiue another māer of spirite thow shalte thīke if thow thi selfe be not verie dulle that thow hearest men speake which hadde learned the lessō of thapostles that is Acto 4. to obei godde rather thē mā ād hadde not learned the Romisshe Epicures lesson to applye fayth and religiō to the presente state of policie to turne with the tyme and serue all seasons men before death deade vnto the worlde accowmptynge with S. Paule all other thynges to be
serue the holye sygne as S. Augustine speaketh in steade of the thinge signiffied whiles the sacramentall breade by a solenne or commen errour is adored and worshipped for the flessh taken of the sonne of godde N.R. L. 3. dedo Chris. c. 9. Iff ye denie vnto them theyr corporall presence H. L. and transubstantiation theyr phantasticall adoration will by and by vanissh awaye Therfore be stronge in denienge suche a presence and then ye haue wonne the felde Furthermore in the first supper celebrated off Christe himselfe ther is no mention made off adoration off thelemētes who sayd Eate ye and drincke ye not worshippe ye Therfore againste Adoration maye be spoken that saynge off Christe concerninge diuorse Matt. 19. Frome the begynnynge it was not so But the deuill secretlie and by litle and litle infecteth all Christes ordināces and as for the priuate Masse with all the sinewes theroff what maner offthinge it is may be easelie perceaued by the readie acceptation off the people whose heartes are prone to euell euen frome theyr yowthe Gen. 8. They plucke awaye the honour frome the onlye sacrifice off Christe N.R. whiles this sacramentall and Masse sacrifice is beleued to be propitiatorie and suche a one as purgeth the sowles both off the qwicke and the deade Contrarie to that is writton to the Hebrewes With one offringe hath be made perfect for euer them that are sanctified Hebr. 10. And agayne wher remission off these thinges that is off synnes is ther is no more offring for synne H. L. Hebr. 2. By hys owne person hath he purged owr synnes These wordes by his owne person haue an Emphasis or vehemence which driueth awaye all sacrificinge priestes frome suche office off sacrificinge seinge that which he hath done by himselfe he hath not lefte to be perfited by other so that the purging off owre synnes may more trulye be thowgthe paste and done then a thinge to comme and to be done Yff anie man synne c. He sayeth not ● Ioan. 2. Let him haue a prieste at home to sacrifice for him But We haue an Aduocate the vertue off whose one oblation endureth for euer S. Paule sayeth ● Cor. 9. They that serue the Aultare c. euen so the Lorde hath ordeyned that they which preache the gospell sholde liue off the gospell Why doth he not rather saye they that sacrifice in the Masse Ther be manyfold abuses and superstitions which are done in the Masse N.R. Coniuringe of salte vuater breade and abowte the Masse Salte is coniured that it may be a coniured salte for the saluation off the beleuers to be a saluation and health hoth off the mynde and off the body vnto euerlasting lyffe to all them that receiue it Water is coniured that it maye be made a Coniured water to chase awaye all the power off the enemy to chase awaye deuels c. Breade also hath his seconde blessinge that it maye be health off mynde and bodie to all them that receiue it Yff we doo thinke that such strengthe is to be geuen to salte water and breade or if we iudge that these thinges are able to receiue anie such vertue or efficacie what leaue we to Christe our sauior But if we thinke not so why then doo we praye on this sorte Forasmoch as all prayer owght to be done in fayth As towching the abuses off the Masse H.L. A booke agaynst the masse made by D. turner I referre you to a litle booke the title wheroff is Mystresse Missa wher she was iustely condemned and banisshed vnder payne off burning But the deuel hath browght her in agayne to bringe vs to burnynge The prieste turneth himself frome the Aultar N.R. and speaketh vnto the people in an vnknowē tounge sainge Dominus vobiscum orate pro me fratres et sorores c. that is the Lorde be with you and praye for me brothers and susters and turnyng frome the people he sayeth in Latin Let vs parye and The peace off the Lorde be allwayes with you Also the people or at least he wihch supplieth the place off the people is cōpelled three tymes to saye Amen when he hath hearde neuer a worde off that the prieste hath prayed or spoken excepte these few wordes Per omnia secula seculorum Wher as to the answering off Amen S. Paule willeth the answerer not only to heare ● Cor. 14. but also to vnderstande the thinges that wer spoken H. L. Yea and Ite Missa est must be songe to them with a greate rollinge vp and downe off notes So bydding thē goo home fasting when he hath eaten and dronken vp all himself alone A felowe ones rebuked for goinge awaie before Masse was ended answered that it was not goode maner to tarie till he wer bydden goo After that he was blamed for not taking holy breade he answered that he was bydden goo awaye before N.R. Vuordes ovute of the Canō of the Masse The preeste when he lifteth vp the sacrament he murmureth to himself these wordes Hec quotiescunque feceritis in mei memoriā facietis That is As often as ye doo these thynges ye shall doo it in remembrance off me He semeth by hys wordes to speake vnto the people but he suffreth not hys voyce to be heard off the people H. L. I can not tell to whome the Masse man speaketh as he is a lyfftynge seinge that neyther Christe badde hym lyfte neyther is the people allowed to doo those thinges and as for that fourme of wordes it is off their owne framinge But the papistes doo all thinges well be they neuer so moche deceiptefull workers taking apon them the viser and Title off the churche as it wer shepes clothing as though they wer the ministers of rigteousnesse 2. Cor. 11 ▪ wher as in dede they are the deuels ministers whose ende shal be accordynge to theyr dedes They rolle owte theyr Latine Language by hearte but in so doynge they make the poore people of Christe alltogether ignorāte and so moche as in them lyeth they kepe them backe frome that which S. Paule calleth the beste knowlege 1. Cor. 2 which is to knowe rightly the thynges which are geuen vnto vs of Christe Butt this is the matter so longe as the priestes speake Latine they are thoughte of the people to be meruelouse well learned Apon the which vouche safe to looke with thy mercyfull and chearefull cowntenance N. Rydl. What meaneth this prayer for the sacramente it selfe if it be as they saye the body off Christe Vuordes ovute off the Canō off the Masse if it be godde and man How shuld the father not looke with a chearefull countenance apon his onely welbeloued sonne Why doo we not rather praye for owre selfes that we for hys sake maye be looked apon off the father with a chearefull countenance To thys let them answer that so praye H. L. Excepte
muche your sacrifice is auailable as who saye it is so much auailable that the valeu cā not be expressed nor to deare boughte with bothe landes and goodes Esa. 64. The eye hath not sene and the eare hathe not hearde c. This is a fine spunne threade a conninge pece of worcke worthelie qualified ād blaūched be ye sure But oure nobilitie will not see they will not haue that religion that hathe the crosse annexed to it Al popishe thinges for the moste parte are mannes inuentions where as they oughte to haue the holie scripture for the onlie rule of faithe When Paule made allegation for him selfe before Felix the highe deputie he did not extende his faithe beyonde the worde of god writtē beleuing all things saieth he which are written in the lawe Acto 24. and the prophetes making no mention of the Rabbins Moreouer they haue Moses and the prophetes saieth Abrahā in the parable not their persones Luc. 16. but their writinges Also faith cometh by hearinge and hearinge by the worde of god Rom. 10. Luc. 11. Hieron in 23. Matth. Aug. cōt lit Petil. l. 3. c. 6. And agayne blessed are they which heare the worde of god c. The thinges which haue not theyr authorite oute of the scriptures maye as easely be despised as allowed sayeth S. Hierome Therfore whether it be of Christe or of his church or of any other maner of thinge which belongeth to oure faythe and liffe I will not saye Yf we sayeth S. Augustine which are not worthy to be compared to him that sayed Yff we Gala. 1. butt that also which forthwith he addeth Yf an Aungell frome heauen shall teache any thynge besides that ye haue receiued in the scriptures of the lawe and gospell accursed be he Diotreph ▪ is described Ioan. ep 3. Our Diotrephes with hys papistes are vnder this Curse But how are the scriptures saye they to be vnderstanded De doctr Christ. S. Augustine answereth giuynge this rule The Circunstances of the scriptures sayeth he lyghten the scriptures and so on scripture doth expownde another Li. 3. c. 28. to a man that is studiouse well willinge and often callynge apon godde in contynualle prayer who geueth his holye spirite to them that desyre it of him Luc. 11. 2. Pet. 1. So that the scripture is not of anie priuate interpretation at anie tyme. For such a one thoughe he be a laye man fearinge godde is moche more fytte to vnderstande holye scriptures then any arrogante and prowde prieste yea then the bysshop hymselfe be he neuer so greate and glystering in all his Pontificalles But what is to be sayed of the Fathers How are they to be estemed S. Augustine answereth giuyng thys rule also that we shulde not therfore thinke it true bicawse they saye so doo they neuer so moche excelle in holynes or learnynge but if they be able to prooue theyr sayeng by the canonicall scriptures or by goode probable reason Ep. 19. ad Hieron meanynge that to be a probable reason as I thinke Which doth orderly folow apon a righte collection and gatheringe oute of the scriptures Lett the Papistes goo with theyr longe fayth be you contented with the shorte fayth of the sayntes which is reueled vnto vs in the worde of god written Adew to all popissh phantasies Amen For one man hauing the scripture and goode reason for hym is more to be estemed himself alone then a thowsand such as they eyther gathered together or succeding one another Panorm C. significasti extra de appellat The fathers haue both herbes and weedes and papistes commenly gather the weedes and leaue the herbes And they speake many tymes more vehemently in sounde of wordes then they dyd meane in dede or then they wolde haue done if they hadde forseene what sophisticall wrāglers should haue succeded them Now the papistes are geuen to brawle aboute wordes to the mayntenance off theyr owne inuentions and rather folow the sounde of wordes then ▪ atteyne vnto the meanynge of the fathers so that is daungerouse to truste them in citynge the fathers In all aeges the deuel hath styrred vp some lyghte heades to esteme the sacramentes butt lyghtly as to be emptie and bare signes whome the fathers haue resisted so fearsely that in theyr feruour they seme in sownde off wordes to runne to farre the other waye and to geue to moche to the sacramentes when they dyd thynke more mesurably And therfore they are to be redde warely with sownde iudgement But our papistes and they seme but a litle soundinge to their purpose they will owte face brace and bragge all mē it must nedes be as they will haue it Therfore ther is no remedie namely now when they haue the mayster bowle in theyr hande and rule the roste but patience Better it is to suffer what crueltye they will putte vnto vs then to incurre goddes hyghe indignation Wherfore goode my Lorde be of goode cheare in the Lorde with dew cōsideration what he reqwireth of you and what he doth promesse you Our commē enemye shall doo no more then godde will permitte hym 1. Cor. 10. Godde is faythfull which will not suffer vs to be tempted aboue our strength c. Be at a poynte what ye will stande vnto sticke vnto that and lett them both saye and doo what they liste They can butt kylle the bodie which otherwise is off it self mortall Neyther yet shall they doo that whan they liste but when godde will suffre them when the howre apoynted is comme To vse many wordes with them it shall be but in vayne now that they haue a bloudye and deadely lawe prepared for them But it is verie requisite that ye geue a reasonable accowmpte off your fayth if they wille qwietly heare you Elles ye know in a wicked place off Iudgement a man may kepe silence 1. Pet. 3. after the example off Christe Lett them not deceiue you with theyr Sophisticall Sophismes Luc. 23. and fallacies you knowe that many false thynges haue more apparence of truthe then thynges that be moste true therfore Paule geueth vs a watche worde Coloss. 2. 2. Tim. 2. Let no man deceiue you with lyklynesse of speache Neither is it requisite that with the contentiouse ye shuld folow strife of wordes which tende to no edification butt to the subuersion of the hearers and the vayne bragginge and ostentation of the aduersaries Feare off death doth moste perswade a greate number Be well ware of that argument for that perswaded Shaxton as many men thoughte after that he hadde ones made a goode profession openly before the iudgement seate The flessh is weake but the willingnesse off the spirite shall refressh the weakenes off the flessh The number off the cryars vnder the aultare must nedes be fulfilled Apoc. 6. if we be segregated therunto happie be we That is the greatest promotion that godde geueth in this worlde Phil. 1. to be
church and beinge so gathered in the name of Christe they haue a promesse off the gyfte and guydinge of his spirite into all truthe But that anie such counsell hath at anie tyme allowed the masse such a one as ours was of late in a straunge tounge and stuffed with so manie absurditees errours and superstitions that I vtterly denye 2. Cor. 6. and I affirme it to be impossible For like as ther is no agreement betwixe lyghte and darknesse betwixe Christe and Belial so surely superstition and the syncere Religion of Christe will worship and the pure worshippinge of godde such as godde requireth of his Ioan. 4. that is in spirite ād truth can neuer agree together But ye will saye wher so greate a Companie is gathered together it is not credible but ther be two or three gathered in the name of Christe I answer If ther be one hundreth goode and two hūdreth badde forasmoche as the decrees and ordinances are pronounced accordinge to the greater numbre of the multitude of voyces what can the lesse numbre of voices auayle It is a knowne thinge and a commē prouerbe Often tymes the greater parte A prouerbe ouercommeth the Better As touching general counseils H. Laty. at this present I haue no more to say thē you haue sayd Only I refer you to your own experience to thinke of our cōtry parlaments and conuocations how and what ye haue there seen and heard The incōstancie of the Englissh parlamentes ād conuocations The more part in my time did brīg furth the sixe articles for thē the king wold so haue it being seduced of certē Afterward the more part did repel the same our goode Iosias willing to haue it so The same articles now again alas another greater but wurse part hath restored O what an vncertaintie is this But after this sort most commonly are mans procedings God be mercifull vnto vs. Who shall deliuer vs from such tormēts of mind Deathe the best phisition to the faithful Therfore is death the best physitiō but vnto the faithful whom she together and at once deliuereth frō all grieffes You must thinke 〈◊〉 this written vpon this occasiō because you woulde needes haue your paper blotted Anton. obiect 9. Yf the matter shoulde go thus that in generall counsailes menne shoulde not stande to the more numbre of the whole multitude I meane of them whiche ought to geue voices then shoulde no certaine rule bee lefte vnto the churche by the whiche controuersies in waightie matters might bee determined but it is not to bee beleued that Christe woulde leaue his churche destitute of so necessarie a helpe and sauegarde N. Ryd Ansvu. Ephes. 5. Christe who is the moste louinge spouse of his espoused the church who also gaue himselfe for it that he mighte sainctifie it vnto himselfe did geue vnto it abundantlye all thinges which are necessarie to saluacion but yet so that the churche shoulde declare it selfe obediente vnto him in all thinges and kepe it selfe within the boundes of his commaundementes and further not to seke any thing whiche he teacheth not as necessarie vnto saluacion Nowe further for determination of all controuersies in Christes religion Luc. 16. Christe himselfe hath left vnto the church not only Moses and the Prophetes Esa. 8. whome he willeth his church in all doutes to go vnto and aske counsell at but also the gospelles and the reste of the bodie of the newe testamente in the whiche whatsoeuer is harde in Moses and the prophetes whatsoeuer is necessarie to be knowen vnto saluation is reueled and opened So that nowe wee haue no neede to saie who shall clime into heauen Rom. 10. or who shall go downe into the depth to tell vs what is needfull to be done Christ hath done both and hath commended vnto vs the worde of faith whiche also is aboundantly declared vnto vs in his worde writtē so that hereafter if wee walke earnestly in this waie to the ser ching out of the trueth it is not to be doubted but throughe the certaine benifite of Christes spirite Luke 11. which he hath promised vnto his we may finde it and obtaine euerlastinge life Shoulde mēne aske counsell of the dead for the liuing saieth Esaie Esai 8. Let thē go rather to the law and to the testimonie et c. Christe sendeth them that bee desierouse to knowe the trueth vnto the scriptures saiynge Iohn 5. search the scriptures I remembre a like thing well spoken of Hierome Hieron in 23. Math. Ignoraunce of the scriptures is the mother and cause of al erroures and in another place as I remembre in the same authoure The knoweledge of the scripturs is the fode of euerlasting life But nowe me thinketh I enter into a verie broade sea in that I beginne to shewe either oute of the scriptures them selues or oute of the aunciente writers how muche the holy scripture is of force to teache the trueth of oure religion But this is it that I am nowe aboute that Christe wold haue the church his spouse in all doubtes to aske counsel at the word of his father writtē ād faithfully lefte and cōmēded vnto it in boeth testamētes the old and the newe Neither do we reede that Christ in any place hath laiede soo greate a burthen vpon the members of his spouse that he hath commaūded them to go to the vniuersall churche Rom. 15. What soeuer thinges are written saieth Paule are written for oure learninge And it is true that Christ gaue vnto his churche some Apostels some Prophetes some Euangelistes Ephe. 4. some shepards and teachers to the edifiynge of the sainctes till wee all come to the vnitie of faithe et c. But that all menne should meete together oute of all partes of the worlde to define of the articles of our faith I neither finde it commaunded of Christe nor written in the worde of God H. Latim There is a diuersitie betwixt thinges pertaining to God or faith and Politique or Ciuile matters For in the firste we muste stande onely to the scriptures whiche are able to make vs all perfecte and instructed vnto saluation 2. Tim. 3. if they bee well vnder standed And they offre thēselues to be wel vnderstanded onelye to them whiche haue good willes and geue themselues to studie and praier Neither are there any menne lesse apt to vnderstand them then the prudent and wise men of the worlde But in the other that is in Ciuile or Politique matters often tymes the magistrates doe tolerate a lesse euil for auoiding of a greater as they which haue this saiynge ofte in their mouthes Better an inconuenience then a mischieffe and it is the propertie of a wise man saieth one to dissemble many thinges And he that canne not dissemble can not rule In which saiyngs they bewraie themselues that they doe not earnestely weighe what is iuste what is not Wherfore forasmuch as mās lawes if it
example of the prophetes of Christe and of thapostles are cleane contrarie Therefore et c. The firste part of the argument is euident and the seconde parte I proue thus In the tymes of the Prophetes of Christ and his Apostels all things were mooste corrupte The people was miserablye geuen to superstition the priestes dispised the law of god and yet not withstanding we neither read that the prophetes made any schismes or diuisiōs and Christ himselfe haūted the temple and taught in the temples of the Iewes Luc. 21. Acto 3. Acto 13. Peter and Ihon wēt vppe into the temple at the ninthe howre of praier Paule after the readinge of the lawe being desyred to saie something to the people did not refuse to doe it Yea further no mā can shewe that either the Prophetes or Christ and his Apostles did refuse to praie together with others to sacrifice or to be partakers of the Sacramentes of Moses law I graunt the former parte of youre argumente and to the seconde parte I saie N. Rydl. Ansvu. that althoughe it containe mani true thinges as of the corrupt state in the times of the Prophetes of Christe and the Apostles and of the temple being haūted of Christ and his Apostels yet notwithstāding the seconde parte of your argument is not sufficientlie proued For ye oughte to haue proued that either the Prophets either Christ or his Apostles did in the temple communicate with the people in any kinde of worshippinge whiche is forbidden by the lawe of God or repugnant to the worde of god But that can no where bee shewed And as for the churche I am not angrie with it and I neuer refused to goe to it and to praie with the people to heare the worde of God and to doe all other thinges whatsoeuer maie agree with the worde of God S Augustin speakinge of the Cerimonies of the Iewes I suppose in the Epistle ad Ianuariū although he graunt they greuousely oppressed that people Ep. 119. both for the numbre and bondage of the same yet he calleth them burdens of the lawe whiche were deliuered vnto them in the worde of God not presumptions of men which notwithstanding if thei were not cōtrarie to gods word might after a sort bee borne withall But nowe seing they are contrarie to those thinges whiche are in the worde of god written Whether they ought to be borne of any Christian or no let him iudge which is spiritual which feareth God more then mā and loueth euerlastinge life more then this shorte and transitorie life To that which was saied that my facte lacketh example of the godlie fathers that haue goone before the contrarie is moste euident in the historie of Tobie Of whome it is saied Tob. 1. that when all other went to the golden calues which Hieroboam the Kinge of Israel hadde made he himselfe alone fledde all their companies and gotte him to Ierusalē vnto the temple of the Lorde and there worshipped the Lorde God of Israel 3. Reg. 13. Did not the man of God threaten greuouse plages both vnto the priestes of Bethell and to the aulter whiche Hieroboam had there made after his owne fantasie Whiche plages Kinge Iosias the true minister of god did execute at the time appointed 4. Reg. 23. And where doe we read that the Prophetes or thapostles did agree with the people in their Idolatrie When as the people went a whoring with their hill aulters for what cause I praie you did the prophets rebuke the people so muche as for their false worshipping of god after their owne minds and not after gods woorde For what was so muche as that was wherfore the false prophetes ceased not to maligne the true prophetes of God Therfore they bet them they bannisshed them Hier● 20. Hebr. 11. et c. Howe elles I praie you canne you vnderstande that S. Paule alledgeth When he saithe What concorde hath Christe with belial 2. Cor. 6. Either what parte hath the beleuer with the infidele or howe agreeth the temple of God with Images For ye are the temple of the liuing God as god himselfe hath saide Leuit. 26. I will dwell amonge them and walke amonge them and will be theyr godde and they shall be my people Wherfore come owte frome amonge them and separate your selfes frome them sayeth the Lorde and towche none vncleane thinge Esa. 52. so will I receiue you and will be a father vnto you and ye shall be my sonnes and dowghters sayeth the Lorde Allmightye Iudith that holye woman wolde not suffer her selfe to be defiled with the meates of the wicked Iudith 12. All the sayntes off godde which trulye feared godde when they haue ben prouoked to doo anie thinge which they knew to be contrarye to goddes lawe haue chosen to dye rather then to forsake the lawes of their godde 2. Mach. 7. Wherfore the Machabees putte them selfes in daunger of deathe for the defense of the lawe yea and at Lengthe died manfully in in the defense of the same Yff we doo praise sayeth S. Augustine the Machabees ād that with greate admiration Conr 2. Ep. gaudē tij cap. 23. bicawse they did stoutely stande euen vnto death for the lawes of theyr Cowntrey how moche more owghte we to suffer all thinges for our Baptisme for the sacramente of the bodie and bloud of Christe c. But the supper of the lorde suche a one I meane as Christe cōmaundeth vs to celebrate the masse vtterlye abolisheth and corrupteth most shamefully Who am I that I should adde anie thīg to this which you haue so wel spokē Nay H. Laty. I rather thanke iou that iou haue vouch safed to minister so plētiful armour to me beīg otherwise altogether vnarmed sauyng that he cāne not be lefte destitute of helpe whiche rightly trusteth in the helpe of God I onli learne to die in reading of the new testamēt and am euer now and then praiyng vnto my god that he will be an helper vnto me in time of neede Psal. 9. Seing you are so obstinatly set against the masse Anton. obiec 13. that you affirme because it is done in a toūge not vnderstanded of the peple and for other causes I cā not tel what therfore it is not the true sacramēt ordeined of Christ I begin to suspect you that you thinke not catholiquely of baptisme also Is oure baptisme which wee do vse in a toūge vnknowen to the peple the true baptisme of Christ or no If it be thē doth not the straūge toūge hurte the masse If it be not the baptisme of Christ tel me how were you baptised Or whether ye will as the anabaptistes doe that all whiche were baptised in latyn should be baptised againe in the English tounge Althoughe I wolde wisshe baptisme to be geuē N. Rydl. Ansvu. in the vulgar toung for the peoples sake which are presente that they maye the better vnderstande theyr owne profession
and also be more hable to teache their childrē the same yet notwithstanding ther is not lyke necessitee of the vulgare tounge in Baptisme and in the lordes supper Baptisme is geuē to children who by reason of their aege are not able to vnderstande what is spoken vnto them what tounge soeuer it be The lordes supper is and oughte to be geuen to them that are wexen More ouer in Baptisme which is accustomed to be geuen to children in the Latin tounge all the substantial poyntes as a man wolde saye which Christe commawnded to be doone are obserued And therfore I iudge that Baptisme to be a perfecte and true baptisme and that it is not only not nedefull but also not lawfull for anie man so Christened to be Christened againe Butt yet notwithstandynge they oughte to be tawghte the Cathechisme of the Christen fayth whan they shall come to yeares of discretion Which Cathechisme who so euer despiseth or will not desirously embrace and willingly learne in my iudgemente he plaieth not the parte of a Christiane man But in the popisshe masse are wantynge certeyne substantialles that is to saye thinges commawnded by the worde of godde to be obserued in ministration of the lordes supper of the which ther is sufficient declaration made before H. Laty. Wher you saye I wolde wisshe surely I wolde wisshe that you hadde spoken more vehemently and to haue sayed it is of necessitee that all thinges in the congregation shulde be doone in the vulgare tounge for thedyffyenge and cōforte of them that are presente Nottwithstandinge that the childe it selfe is sufficientlye baptised in the Latin tounge Forasmoche as I perceiue you are so stifflie Anton. obiect 14 I will not saye obstinately bente and so wedded to your owne opinion that no gentle exhortations no holsome cownsayles no other kynde of meanes can call you home to a better mynde ther remayneth that which in lyke cases was wonte to be the only remedye agaynst stiffe necked and stubburne persones that is you muste be hampered by the lawes and compelled either to obey whether ye will or no or elles to suffer that which a rebelle to the lawes oughte to suffer Doo you not knowe that whosoeuer refuseth to obeye the lawes of the realme he bewrayeth himselfe to be an enemye to his cowntrey Doo you not knowe that this is the redyest waye to stirre vp sedition and ciuille warre Yt is better that you shulde beare your owne synne then that throughe thexample of your breache of the commē lawes the cōmen qwiette shulde be disturbed How can you saye you will be the qwenes true subiecte when as you doo openly professe that you will not kepe her lawes N. Ryd Ansvuer O heauenly father the father of all wisedom vnderstandinge and true strengthe I besech thee for thy onli sonne our sauiour Christes sake looke mercifulli vpon me wretched creature and sende thine holye spirite into my breaste that not only I maye vnderstāde according to thy wisedome how this pestilēt and deadly dart is to be borne of and with what aunswere it is to be beaten backe but also when I must ioyne to fight in the fielde for the glorye of thy name that then I being strengthened with the defence of thy right hande maie manfully stande in the confession of thy faieth and of thy trueth and continue in the same vnto the ende of my life through the same our Lorde Iesus Christ. Amen Nowe to the obiection I graunt it to be reasonable that he whiche by woordes and gentilnesse can not be made yealde to that is right and good shoulde bee bridled by the straite correction of the lawes that is to saie he that will not bee subiect to gods worde muste be punished by the lawes It is true that is commenly saide He that will not obeie the gospell muste be tamed and taught by the rigoure of the lawe But these thynges oughte to take place againste him whiche refuseth to do that is right and iuste according to true godlines not againste hym whyche can not quietelye beare superstitions and the ouerthrowe of Christes institutions but doth hate and detest from his harte suche kinde of procedinges and that for the glorie of the name of God To that which ye saie a transgressour of the commen lawes bewraieth himselfe to be an enemy of his countrie suerly a man ought to looke vnto the nature of the lawes what maner of lawes they bee whiche are broken For a faithfull Christian oughte not to thinke alike of all maner of lawes But that saiyng ought onelye truely to bee vnderstanded of suche lawes as bee not contrarie to gods woorde Otherwise whosoeuer loue their contrie in treuth that is to saie in God they wyll alwaies iudge if at any time the lawes of god and manne be th one contrarie to the other that a man ought rather to obeie God then manne Acto 4. And they that thinke otherwise and pretende a loue to their contrie forasmuche as they make their contrie to fyghte as it were againste Godde in whome consisteth the onelie staie of the countrie surelye I do thinke that suche are to bee iudged mooste deadly enemies and tratours to their countrie For they that fighte againste Godde whiche is the safetie of theyr countrie what doe they els but go aboute to bryng vpon theyr countrie a presente ruine and destruction But they that do so are worthelie to be iudged enemies to their countrie and betraiours of the Realme Therfore c. But this is the rediest waie ye saie to stir vp sedition to trouble the quiete of the commen welth therfore are these thinges to bee repressed in time by force of lawes Beholde Sathan doth not cease to practise hisolde giles Satā his ministers doo alvuayes charge the godly vuith sedition 3. Reg. 18. Hiere 26. ād accustomed subtilties He hath euer this darte in a readines to whorle againste his aduersaries to accuse them of sedition that he maie bringe them yf he can in daunger of the higher powers For so hath he by his ministers alwaies charged the Prophetes of Godde Achab saied vnto Elias art thou he that troubleth Iraell The false prophetes also complained to their Princes of Hieremie that his woordes were seditious and not to be suffered Did not the Scribes and Pharisies falselye accuse Christe as a seditious person Luc. 23. Ioan. 19 Acto 24. and one that spake againste Cesar Did they not at the laste crie if you let this manne go you are not Cesars frende The Oratoure Tertullus how doth he accuse Paule before Felix the highe deputie We haue founde this man saith he a pestilent felowe and a sterer of sedition vnto all the Iewes in the whole worlde c. But I praie you were these men as they were called seditious persons Christ Paule and the Prophetes God forbid But they were of false men falsely accused And wherefore I praie you but because they reproued before the people
their giles superstition and deceites And when the other could not bere it and would gladly haue hadde them taken out of the waie they accused them as seditious persons and troublers of the commen wealthe that beinge by this meanes made hatefull to the people and Princes they mighte the more easilie be snatched vppe to be tormented and put to death But howe far they were from al sedition their whole doctrine life and conuersation doeth well declare For that whiche was obiected laste of all that he canne not be a faithfull subiecte to his prince which professeth openly that he will not obserue the lawes whiche the prince hath made here I woulde wishe that I mighte haue an indifferente iudge and one that feareth god to whose iudgement in this cause I promise I will stande I aunswere therfore a man oughte to obeie his prince but in the Lorde and neuer against the Lorde For he that knowingly obeith his prince against god doth not a duetie to the prince but is a decieuer of the Prince and an helper vnto him to worke his own destruction He is also vniust whiche geueth not the prince that is the princes and to god that is gods Here commeth to my remembraunce that notable saiynge of Valentinianus the Emperoure for chosinge the Bisshop of Millaine Set him saith he in the bishops seate Theodor. eccl hist. l. 4. cap. 5. Euse. eccl histo l. 4. cap. 4. Niceph. li. 3. cap. 35. to whome if wee as man do offende at any time we maie submitte our selues Policarpus the moste constante Martyr when he stode before the chiefe Ruler and was commaunded to blaspheme Christe and to sweare by the fortune of Caesar c. He aunswered with a milde spirite we are taught saieth he to geue honoure vnto princes and those powers whiche be of god but suche honoure as is not contrarie to gods religion Hitherunto ye see good father howe I haue in wordes onely made as it were a florishe before the fighte whiche I shortelie looke after and howe I haue begōne to prepare certaine kindes of wepōs to fight againste the aduersaries of Christe and to muse with my selfe howe the dartes of the olde enemie maie be borne of and after what sort I maie smite him againe with the sworde of the spirite Ephes. 6. I learne also hereby to be in vre with armour and to assaie howe I canne goe armed In Tyndall where I was borne not farre from the scotishe borders I haue knowen my contreiemen watche nighte and daie in their harnesse such as they hadde that is in their Iackes and their speares in their hands you call thē northen gads specially when they hadde any priuye warninge of the cōming of the scottes And so doyng although at euerie suche bickeringes some of them spente their lifes yet by suche meanes like pretie men they defended their countrie And those that soe died I thinke that before God they died in a good quarel and their ofspringe and progenie all the countrie loued them the better for their fathers sakes And in the quarell of Christe our sauioure in the defense of his owne diuine ordinaunces by the whiche he geueth vnto vs lyfe and immortalitie yea in the quarell of faithe and Christian religion wherein resteth oure euerlastinge saluacion shall wee not watche shall we not goe alwaies armed euer lokinge when oure aduersarie whiche like a roaringe Lyon seeketh whome he maie deuoure shall come vpon vs by reason of oure slouthfulnesse 1. Pet. 5. Yea and woe be vnto vs if he canne oppresse vs at vnwares whiche vndoubtedly he wil doe if he finde vs slepinge Let vs awake therfore for if the good manne of the house knewe what houre the thiefe woulde come he woulde surely watche and not suffer his house to be brokē vp Ma●● Let vs awake therfore I saie and lette vs not suffer oure house to bee broken vp Resist the Deuill saieth S. Iames and he will flie from you Iaco. 4. Lette vs therfore resiste him māfullie ād taking the crosse vpō oure shoulders let vs folow our captaine Christ who by his owne bloude hathe dedicated and halowed the waye whiche leadeth vnto the father that is to the light whiche no man can attaine 1. Tim. 6. the fountaine of euerlasting ioyes Let vs folow I saye whither he calleth and allureth vs that after these afflictions whiche laste but for a momente whereby he trieth our faith as gold by the fiere we maie euerlastinglye raigne and triumphe with him in the glorie of the father and that throughe the same oure Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ to whome with the father and the holie ghooste bee all honoure and glorie nowe and for euer Amen Amen Goode father forasmoch as I haue determined with my selfe to powre forthe these my cogitatiōs into your bosome her me thinketh I see you sodenly liftyng vp your heade towardes heauen after your maner and thē lookynge apon me with your propheticall countenāce and speakynge vnto me with these or like wordes Truste not my sonne I beseche you vouchsafe me the honour of this name for in so doynge I shall thinke my selfe both honoured and loued of you Truste not I saye my sonne to these worde weapons 1. Cor. 4. for the kingdome of godde is not in wordes but in power And remember allwayes the wordes of the lorde doo not imagine afore hande Matt. 10. Marc. 11. what and how you will speake for it shall be geuen you euē in that same howre what ye shall speake for it is not ye that speake but the spirite of your father which speaketh in you I praye you therfore father praie for me that I maye caste my hoole care apon hym and truste apon hym in all perilles For I knowe and am surely perswaded that what soeuer I can imagine or thinke afore hande it is nothinge excepte he assiste me with his spirite when the tyme is I beseche you therfore father Ephes. 6. praie for me that such a complete harnesse of the spirite suche boldnesse of mynde may be geuen vnto me that I maye owte of a true fayth saye with Dauid Psal. 44. I will not truste in my bowe ād it is not my swearde that shal saue me For he hath no pleasure in the strengthe of an horse c. Psal. 147. But the lordes delyte is in them that feare hym and putte theyr truste in his mercye I besech you praye praye that I maye entre thys fyghte only in the name of godde and that when all is paste I beinge not ouercome throughe his gratiouse ayde maye remayne and stande faste in hym tyll that daye of the lorde Apoc. 2. in the which to them that obteine the victorie shall be geuen the lyuely Manna to eate and a Tryumphante Crowne for euermore Now father I praye you helpe me to buckle on this geare a little better For you knowe the depenes of Sathan beynge an olde souldyar