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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B11281 A catechisme or briefe instruction in the principles and grounds of the true Christian religion With a short treatise premised concerning the profity and necessitie of catechizing. Olevian, Caspar, 1536-1587.; E. B., fl. 1617.; Ursinus, Zacharias, 1534-1583. 1617 (1617) STC 1024; ESTC S115851 22,891 64

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resteth on the promises of the Gospell p Rom. 4. 16. the summe whereof is the Apostles Créed Q. What is that Creed A. I beléeue in God the Father Almighty maker of heauen and earth and in Iesus Christ his onely Sonne our Lord who was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Mary who suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into hell the third day hée arose againe from the dead he ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty from thence shall he come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beléeue in the holy Ghost the holy Catholique Church the Communion of Saints the forgiuenesse of sinnes the resurrection of the body and the life euerlasting Q. Into how many parts is this Creed diuided A. Into foure The first is of God the Father and our Creation The second is of God the Sonne and our Redemption The third is of God the holy Ghost and our Sanctification The fourth is of the Catholique Church and its benefits of eternall Saluation Of the Father Q. What beleeuest thou when thou sayest I beleeue in God the Father Almighty maker of heauen and earth A. I beléeue that God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ who hath made of nothing heauen and earth with all therein q Gen. 1. 1. who likewise vpholdeth and by his prouidence gouerneth the same to be my God and my Father r Ioh. 20. 17. and therefore I doe put my whole trust and confidence in him Q. What is the prouidence of God A. The almighty power of God whereby he maintaineth and gouerneth all things so that nothing commeth to passe by fortune but only according to the counsell of his good will ſ Matt. 10. 29. 30. Q. What doth the knowledge of Gods creation and prouidence profit vs A. That in aduersitie we be patient and in prosperitie thankfull to our God and that in him we haue most firme hope for the time to come t Iob 1. 21. Of the Sonne Q Why is the Sonne of God called Iesus A. Because he is the only Sauiour that can saue vs from all our sinnes u Matt. 1. 21. neither can saluation in any other whatsoeuer be found x Act. 4. 12. Q. Why is he called Christ A. The meaning thereof is Anointed and this is to signifie that hée is ordained by the Father to be vnto vs a Prophet y Matth. 17. 5 Priest z Heb 5. 5. and King a Psal 2. 6. Q. What is meant by these his offices of being Prophet Priest and King A. A Prophet hée is in that hée teacheth vs by his word and spirit whatsoeuer is néedfull to eternall saluation b Heb. 1. 2. A Priest because hée offered vp that expiatorie sacrifice of himselfe and doth make continuall intercession for vs c Heb. 9. 28. Q. And what is meant by his office of Kingdome A. A King hée is in that hée gathereth vnto himselfe a Church by his word and spirit doth also gouerne and defend it that the gates of hell cannot preuaile against it d Mat. 16. 18. Q. How art thou called a Christian A. Because through faith I am a member of Christ and partaker of the ointment of his spirit e Iohn 1. 16 also of his offices Prophecie f Act 2. 18. Priesthood and Kingdome g Reuel 1. 6. Q. How art thou a Prophet Priest and King A. A Prophet I am that I may confesse Gods name i Matt. 10. 32. A Priest that I may present my selfe vnto him a liuely sacrifice and thanke offering k Rom. 12. 1. A King that here I may fight against sinne and Sathan and afterward may raigne with Christ in eternall glory l Rom. 8. 17. Q. Wherefore is Christ called the only begotten Sonne when as wee also are the sonnes of God A. Because he is the onely naturall Sonne of the Father begotten from all eternitie m Ioh. 1. 18. and wée are sonnes only by adoption and grace n Gal. 4. 5. Q. Why callest thou him our Lord A. Because hée hath redéemed our soules and bodies from sinne by his precious bloud o 1. Pet. 1. 19. and deliuering vs out of the Deuils power hath set vs frée to serue him p Tit. 2. 14. Q. What beleeuest thou when thou sayest Hee was conceiued by the holy Ghost and borne of the Virgin Mary A. That the Sonne of God who is euermore very God q 1. Tim. 3. 16 tooke mans nature of the substance of the Virgin Mary r Luke 1. 35. by the working of the holy Ghost ſ Heb. 5 17. and so is become like to his brethren t Heb 4 15. in all things sinne except Q. What profit reapest thou by Christs holy conception and birth A. That hée is our Mediator u 1. Tim. 2. 5. and doth couer with his perfect holinesse my sinne in which I was conceiued that it may not come into the sight of God x Iohn 17. 19. Q. What beleeuest thou when thou sayest he suffered A. That all the time of his life but especially at the end thereof he sustained y Esa 53 8. for our sinnes the wrath of God both in his body and soule that hée might deliuer vs from euerlasting death z Matt. 26. 38 and purchase to vs the fauour of God and life eternall a Iohn 3. 16. Q. Why was he to suffer vnder Pilate as his Iudge A. That being innocent and yet condemned by a ciuill Iudge he might deliuer vs from the seuere iudgement of God b Rom. 8. 1. Q. But is there any more in it that he was fastned to the Crosse then if hee had suffered any other kinde of death A. Yea for by this I am assured that hée tooke on himselfe c Gal. 3. 13. the curse which lay on mée because the death of the Crosse was accursed of God d Deut. 21. 23 Q. Why was it necessary that Christ should humble himselfe vnto the death A. Because the iustice and truth of God might not otherwise haue béene satisfied for our sinnes e Heb. 5. 8. 9. Q. To what end was he also buried A. To manifest thereby the truth of his death f Matt. 27. 64. 65. Q. Since Christ hath died for vs why must wee also die A. Our death is not a satisfaction for our sinnes but an abolishing of sinne g Rom 6. 7. and passage into life eternall h Ioh. 11. 25. Q. What is meant by this Hee descended into hell A. That he suffred the lowest abasement to wit the ignominious captiuitie vnder death so that he was for a time deaths prisoner in the graue i Act. 2. 24. whereby euen I might neuer despaire how low soeuer I be brought Q. What doth the resurrection of Christ profit vs A. First it serueth for our iustification k Rom.
4. 25. secondly as by his obedience to death he is our Sauiour in merit so by this hée is our Sauiour in efficacie l 1. Cor. 15. 45 Thirdly it is a pledge of our owne resurrection to glory m 1. Cor. 15. 20. 21. Q. How vnderstand you this Hee ascended into heauen A. That Christ in the sight of his Disciples was taken vp into heauen n Act. 1. 9. and yet is there for our sakes and will be vntill his comming againe to iudgement o Act. 3. 21. Q. What fruit doth Christs ascension into heauen bring vs A. First he doth there make intercession for vs p Heb 9. 24. Secondlie he sendeth from thence the holie ghost on vs q Ephes 4 10. Thirdlie his ascension is a pledge of our ascension in our very bodies r Ioh 14 2 3. Q. What is meant by Christs sitting at the right hand of God A. That hee hath all power giuen him by the Father and all things ſ Phil 2. 9. and doth gloriouslie execute the office of Priest and King for vs t Math 28. 10. Q. What speciall benefits haue wee by this glorious estate of our Lord in heauen and by his office of Mediatorship there performed for vs A. First we haue hereby a bringing out of vnbeliefe wherein by nature we were shut u Rom 11 32. vnto true sauing faith x ● Pet 2. 9. Secondlie a continuall pardon of our sinnes y 1 Ioh 2 12. Thirdlie the sending downe of the holie ghost on vs with all needefull graces z Ephes 4 8. Fourthlie defence against all our enemies whatsoeuer a Ephes 1 12. 13. Q. What comfort hast thou by Christs comming againe to iudge the quicke and the dead A. I am hereby frée from all feare of condemnation sithence he shall bee my Iudge who suffred himselfe to be condemned for me a Rom 8. 34. Also I am certaine that his comming shall be to lift mee vp to the fruition of eternall glory with him b 1 Thes 4. 16. 17. Of the holy Ghost Q. What beleeuest thou concerning the holy Ghost A. First that hee is very God coeternall with the Father and the Son c Act 5. 3. 4. Secondly that hee is giuen mee to make mee through faith partaker of Christ and all his benefits d Rom. 1 9. Also to comfort me and to abide with mee for euer e Ioh 14. 16. Of the Holy Catholique Church Q. What beleeuest thou concerning the Holy Catholique Church A. I beléeue that the Son of God doth in all ages f 1 King 19. 18. by his Word and Spirit gather gouerne and defend a company chosen to eternall life g 2 Tim 2. 19. and that I am a very member of the same and so shall remaine for euer Q. What meaneth the communion of Saints A. First that all true beléeuers are partakers in common of Christ and all his benefits h Gal 3. 27. 28. Also that euery one might cheerefully bestow their gifts to the mutuall good of each other i Act 4. 32. Q. What beleeuest thou concerning forgiuenesse of sinnes A. That God for the satisfaction of Christ hath put out of his remembrance all my sinnes originall and actuall k Ephes 4. 32. Also that hee counteth me fully iust in the righteousnesse of his Son imputed to me l Rom 4. 5. Q. What comfort hast thou by the resurrection of the body A. That not only my soule presently on the departure out m Luk 23 45. of my body shall be taken vp into Paradise but that this my body shall by the power of Christ be reunited to my soule and made like the glorious body of Christ n 2 Cor 15. 42. 43. Q. What comfort hast thou by the article of life euerlasting A. That whereas at this present I beginne the enioying of life eternall o Ioh 6. 47. I shall at length haue the same perfected with all fulnesse of felicitie p 1 Cor 2 9. Q. What benefit hast thou by thy beliefe of the Gospell A. I am thereby righteous before God q Rom 8 1. and heire of life eternall r Heb 11. 7. Q. How art thou righteous before God A. Only by faith in Christ ſ Phil 3 9. whereby his perfect satisfaction righteousnesse and holinesse are made mine as if I had performed the same in mine owne person t Rom 8. 3 4. Q. How saist thou that thou art righteous by faith onely A. Not that I please God through the worthinesse of my faith u Mark 9 24. but because the only satisfaction righteousnesse and holinesse of Christ is my righteousnes before God x Cant 2 16. And for that I cannot take hold of it and applie it to my selfe any other way then by faith alone y Rom 4 16. Q Why cannot our good workes go for righteousnesse or some part of it before God A. Because that righteousnesse which must stand before the iudgement of God must be perfect and in all points agreeable with the law of God z Gal 3. 15. now our workes euen the best of them are imperfect and defiled with sinne a Es 64 6. Q. How doe our workes merit nothing sithence God promiseth a reward for them both in this life and that to come A. That reward is giuen not out of merit but of grace and frée fauour b Coloss 3 24. Q. Doth not this doctrine make men secure and prophane A. No because those who are incorporate into Christ by faith cannot but yéelde forth the fruits of thankefulnesse c 2 Cor 5 14. Of the Sacraments Q. Sithence then that Faith onely maketh vs partakers of Christ and his benefits from whence doth this faith proceede A. From the Holy Ghost d Gal 5. 22. who begetteth it in vs by the preaching of the gospell e Rom 10. 14. and confirmeth it by the same f 1 Thes 3. 2. and by vse of the Sacraments g Act 2. 42. Q. What are Sacraments A. They are visible signes and seales from God h Rom 4 11. to declare and seale vnto vs the promise of his gospell i Math 28. 19. that not onlie to beléeuers in generall but to euerie such one in particular k Rom 4. 11. hée giueth free remission of sinnes and life eternall for that onely sacrifice of Christ which he offered on the crosse l Luke 22. 19. Q. Doth not then both the word and the Sacraments tend to this end to lead our faith vnto the sacrifice of Christ finished on the crosse as to the onely ground of our saluation A. Yea for the holy ghost teacheth vs by the gospell m 1 Cor 2. 1. and assureth vs by the Sacraments that all saluation is grounded on the only sacrifice of Christ offered for vs on the crosse n 1 Cor 11. 24. 25. 26. Q. How many