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father_n holy_a lord_n son_n 40,281 5 5.6012 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B00129 [Paitrikes places] Hamilton, Patrick, 1504?-1528.; Frith, John, 1503-1533, tr. 1531 (1531) STC 12731.4; ESTC S92849 10,430 18

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vnto the saluatiō of the hoell worlde For he maye pacefye goddes wrath and satisfye his iustice sayeth my lorde by applyinge these merites to them that lacke good workes And so if that pope will / goddes iustice maye be fullye satisfyed and the hoell worlde saved Now if he maye so iustlye and easelye save the hoell worlde cherite also movinge him vnto it and yet will not applye these merites so frutefullye / then is the faute on lye his / and he the sonne of perdicyon and wort hye more payne then can be imagined And so is not the reason improved but moch more stablished / and as I thinke inevitable Beholde I praye you whother my lorde of Rochestre hath brought oure holye father in avauncynge his power so hye / even in to the depest pitte of hell Vvhich if my lorde saye true it is impossible for him to avoyde But it chaunceth vnto him even as it doth customablie where such pryde raigneth for when they are at the hyest / then falle they doune hedlinge vnto their vtter confusion and ruine If anye man feale him silfe greaved and not yet fullye satisfyed in this matter lette him wryte his minde / and by goddes grace I shall make him answere / that with spede ▪ ❧ ☜ Praye Christen reader that the worde of god maye encrease ☜ Amen Iohan Frith vnto the Christen Reader 1. Pet. 1. 2. Tim. 3 BLessed be god the father of oure lorde Iesus christe / which in these last and parylous tymes hath sturred vpp in all contres wittnesses vn to his sonne to testifye the truth vn to the vnfaithfull / to saue at the least so me from the snares of Antichrist which leade vn to perdicyon 1. Cor. 9. As ye maye here perceyve by that excellent and well lerned younge man Patrike borne in scotlande of a noble progenye / which to testifye the truth sought all meanes and toke vppon him preesthod euen as Paule circumcysed timothe to wynne the weake Iewes that he might be admitted to preach the pure worde of god Actes xvi Notwithstondinge assone as the chamberlayne and other bisshopes of scotlande had perceyved that the light beganne to sprynge whych disclosed their falshed that they convey in darkenesse / th●y layed handes on him and because he wolde not denye his savioure christ at their instance they burnte him to ashes Neverthelesse god of his bounteous merrye to pubish vn to the hole worlde / what a mā the monsters haue murthered / hath reserved a litle treatise made by this patrike / which if ye liste ye maye calle Patrikes places For it entreateth exactelye of certeyne comen places / which knowne / ye haue the pith of all diuinite This treatise haue I turned in to the english tongue to the profite of my nacyon to whom I besech god geue light / that they maye espye the deceytefull pathes of perdicyon retourne in to the right waye which leadeth vn to life everlastinge Amen Patrikes Places ¶ Of the lawe THe lawe is a doctrine that biddeth good forbiddeth evell as his cōmaundementes specifye ¶ The ten commaundementes 1 Thou salt worshuppe but one god 2. Thou shalt make y● none image to worshuppe i● 3. Thou shalt not swere by his name in vayne 4 Holde the sabboth daye holye 5 Honoure thy father and thy mother Er. 20. Mat 22. 6 Thou shalt not kille 7. Thou shalt not committe advoutry 8 Thou shalt not steale 9 Thou shalt beare no false witnesse 10 Thou shalt not desyre ought that belongeth to thy neyghboure ¶ He that loveth god and his neyghboure kepeth all the commaundementes of god Love thy lorde god with all thyne harte / with all thy soule and with all thy mynde Maior Deu. 6 Mat. 22 This is the first and greate commaundement The seconde is like vn to this that is / love thy neyghboure as thy silfe In these two commaundementes hange all the lawe and the prophetes ¶ He that loueth god / loueth his neyghboure Minor 1. Joa 4 If a man saye / I loue god / and yet hateth his brother / he is a lyar He that loveth not his brother whom he hath sene / how can he love god whō he hath not sene ¶ He that loueth his neyghboure as him selfe kepeth all the commaundementes of god Cōclusion Vvhat so ever ye wolde that men shulde do to you / even so do to them Mat. 7. For this is the lawe the prophetes Rom. 13. He that loveth his neyghboure / fulfilleth the lawe Thou shalt not committe advoutrye Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not steale Thou shalt not beare false witnesse Thou shalt not desire / and so forth if there be any other commaundement / are all comprehended in this sainge loue thy neyghboure as thy silfe Gala. 5 All the lawe is fulfilled in one worde / that is / love thy neyghboure as thy selfe ¶ He that loveth god kepeth al the cōmaundmētes He that loveth his neighboure kepeth all the cōmaundementes of god Ro. xiij Gala. v. he that loveth god loveth his neyghboure Maior 1. Ioan. iiij ergo he that loueth god kepith all his commaunde mentes Minor ¶ He that hath the faith loueth god My father loveth you / because ye loue me and beleve that I come of god Ioan. 16 ¶ He that hath the faith kepeth all the commaundementes of god Conclusio He that hath the fayth / loveth god / ād he that loveth god kepeth all his commaundementes ergo he that hath the faith kepeth all the commaundementes of god ¶ He that kepeth one commaundement of god kepeth them all For with out faith it is impossible to kepe any of the commaundemētes of god / and he that hath the faith kepeth all the commaundementes of god Hebre. 11. ergo he that kepeth one commaundement of god kepeth them all ¶ He that kepeth not all the commaunde mentes of god kepeth not one of thē He that kepeth one commaundement of god / he kepeth all / ergo he that kepeth not all the cōmaun dementes of god kepeth not one of them ¶ It is not in oure power to kepe anye of the commaundementes of god Vvith out grace / it is impossible to kepe anye of the commaundementes of god / grace is not in oure power ergo it is not in oure power to kepe anye of the commaundemētes of god evē so maye you reason concerninge the holye gost and fayth The lawe was geuē to shew vs oure sinne By the lawe cometh the knowlege of synne I knew not what sinne mēt but thorow the lawe I had not knowne what lust had mēt / excepte the lawe had saide thou shalt not lust Roma 3. Roma 7. with out the lawe sinne was deed / that is it moued me not / neither wist I that it was sinne / which not withstōdinge was sinne forbobedē by the lawe The lawe bidd●th vs do that thinge whych
and delyuer the from al euell thou wylt aske me what worde I answere / the gospell He that beleueth in Christ shall be saued He that beleueth the sonne hath euerlastinge life Ioan. 3. Ioan. 6. verelye / verelye I saye vn to you / he that be leueth in me hath eueriastinge life This I write vn to you that beleue on the name of the sonne of god that ye maie know how that ye haue eternall life 1. Ioan. 5. Thomas because thou hast sene me / therfore hast thou beleued Ioan. 20. happie are they that haue not sene / and yet haue beleued in me Al the prophetes to him beare witnesse / that who so Actes 10 euer beleueth in him shal haue remission of their sinnes Actes 16. Vvhat must I do that I maye be saued the apostles answered beleue in the lorde Iesus christe thou shalt be saued If thou knowledge with thy mouth that Iesus is the lorde Roma 10 And beleue with thyne harte that god raysed him vp frō deeth thou shalt be sate He that beleueth not in christ shal be cōdēpned He that beleueth not shal be dampned He that beleueth not the sonne shall neuer se the life but the ire of god bideth vppon hym Marc. 16. Idan 3. The ho●ye gost shall reproue the worlde of synne / because they beleue not in me They that beleue in Iesu christ are the sonnes of god ye are al the sonnes of god because ye beleue in Iesu christ Gala. 3. He that beleueth that christ is the sōn of god is safe Peter saied / thou arte christ the sonne of the lyuinge god Mat. 16. Iesꝰ answered saied vnto him happye art thou Simō the sōne of Ionas for flesh bloude haue not opened to the that / but my father that is in heaven Vve haue beleued and knowe that thou arte Christ the sonne of the lyuynge god Ioan. 6. I beleue that thou arte Christ the sonne of god which shulde come in to the worlde These thīges are writē that ye might beleue that Iesus is christ the sonne of god / ād that ye in beleuynge might haue life I beleue that Iesus is the sonne of god Actes 8. He that beleueth god beleueth the gospell He that beleueth god beleueth his worde the gospell is his worde / therfore he that beleueth god beleueth the gospel As / christ is the sauiour of the worlde Christ is oute sauioure Ioan. 4. Christ bought vs with his bloude Christ wish vs with his bloude Apo. 1. Heb. 7.8 1. Pet. 2. Christ offered him selfe for vs. Christ bare oure sinnes on his awne backe c. ¶ He that beleueth not the gospell beleveth not god He that beleveth not goddes worde / beleveth not him selfe / the gospell is gods worde / ergo he that beleueth not the gospell beleueth not God him selfe / consequentlye they that beleue not the aboue writen and such other / beleve not god He that beleveth the gospell shall be saffe Goo ye in to all the worlde and preach the gospell vnto euery creature / he that beleveth is baptised shal be saved but he that beleueth not shal be condempned Marc. 16 A comparison betwene faith and vnfaith fulnesse or incredulyte Faith is the roote of all good Incredulite is the roote of all evell Faith maketh god and man good frendes Incredulite maketh them foes Faith bringeth god and man together Incredulite sundereth them All that fayth doth pleaseth god Faith onlye maketh a mā good and rightwise Incredulite onlye maketh him in iust and evell Faith maketh a man a membre of Christ Incredulite maketh him a membre of the deuell Faith maketh a man the enheritoure of heauē Incredulite maketh him enheritoure of hell Faith maketh a man the seruaunte of god Incredulite maketh him y● seruaūte of y● deuell Faith sheweth vs god to be a swete father Incredulite sheweth him a terrible iudge Faith holdeth stiffe by the words of god Incredulite Wauereth here and there Faith counteth and holdeth god to be true Incredulite holdeth him false and a lyar Faith knoweth god Incredulite knoweth him not Faith loveth both god and hir neyghboure Incredulite loueth neyther nother Faith onlye saueth vs Incredulite onlye condempneth vs Faith extolleth god and his deades Incredulite extolleth her selfe her awne dedes Of hope HOpe is a trustye lokinge after the thinge that is promised vs to come as we hope after euerlastinge ioye which christ hath promised vnto all that beleue in him We shulde put oure hope and trust in god alonlye and in no nother thinge It is good to trust in god and not in man He that trusteth in his awne harte is a fole It is good to trust in god and not in princes They shal be like vnto the images they make all that trust in them He that trusteth in his awne thoughtes doth vngodlie Cursed be he that trusteth in mā Psal 117. Psal 113 Bid the rich mē of this worlde that they trust not ī their vnstable riches / but that they trust in the lyvinge god Pro. 11. Hie. 17 It is harde for them that trust in monye to entre in to the kingdome of heaven Moreouer we shulde trust in him onlye that maye helpe vs god onlye maye helpe vs / ergo we shulde trust in him onlye Mar. 10 well is them that trust in god and wo is them that trust not in him wel is the man that trusteth in god for god shal be his trust Hier. 17 He y● trusteth in him shall vnderstonde y● verite They shall all reioyce y● trust in the / they shall ever be glade and thou wilt defende them Sapi. 3. Psal 5 Of cherite CHerite is the loue of thy neyghboure The rule of cherite is this Doo as thou woldest be done to For cherite holdeth all a like the rich and the poore / the frende and the foo / the thankefull and vnthankeful the kinseman and straunger A compari●on betwene faith / hope cherite Faith cometh of the worde of god / hope cometh of faith / and cherite springeth of them both Faith beleueth the worde / hope trusteth after it that is promised by the word / cherite doth good vnto her neyghboure thorow the loue that it hath to god gladnes that is with in her selfe Faith loketh to god his worde / hope loketh vn to his gifte rewarde / cherite loketh on her neyghboures profitte Faith receav●th god / hope receaveth his rewarde / Cherite loueth her neyghboure with a glad harte / that with out anye respecte of rewarde Faith pertayneth to god onlye / hope to his rewarde / cherite to her neyghboure Of workes NO maner of workes make vs rightwyse we beleue that a man shall be iustefyed wyth out workes Gala. 2. No mā is iustefyed by the dedes of the lawe / but by the faith of Iesu Christ / and we beleue in Iesu