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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A84134 A brief discovery of the blasphemous doctrine of familisme, first conceived and brought forth into the world by one Henry Nicolas of the Low Countries of Germany about an hundred years agoe; and now very boldly taught by one Mr. Randall, and sundry others in and about the citie of London. Whom multitudes of people follow, and which doctrine many embrace. The summe or briefe whereof is on the other side of the leafe set downe. Etherington, John, fl. 1641-1645. 1645 (1645) Wing E3382; Thomason E277_11; ESTC R200007 13,969 16

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Mahomet and his doctrine as there is for me or any Christian else to believe this Dutchman Henry Nicolas and his doctrine Although I confesse as touching my self I being in my youth zealously affected was very inquisitive into those severall sorts of Religions which I heard of then professed was as apt naturally as another to be seduced some way or other from the truth and had been but that the Lord of his goodnes he having of his free grace shewed mercy unto me in giving me repentance and forgiveness of my sins by the same grace kept me And as touching this of H. N. especially praised be the Lord I never had any the least inclination in my mind toward it but have always since the time that I first saw into it oppos'd the same as a very blasphemous deceit though I have bin by some very falsely charged with it And now because some may object and say the Scriptures speake plainly in some places of a perfection and resurrection and of an entrance into the rest of God and everlasting kingdom of Jesus Christ here in this present time as Mat. 19.21 Phil. 3.15 Joh. 5.25 Heb. 4 3. Rev. 20.5.6 Col. 2.12 3.1 2 Pet. 1.11 To this I answer and confesse it is true that in the Spirit the faithfull have through faith an entrance into the eternall rest of God kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ and so are risen from the dead and live and shall not come into condemnation soul nor body and this is called perfection the first resurrection renovation spirituall the first fruits of the Spirit c. but this is not the perfection nor the resurrection spoken of Joh. 5.28 Joh. 6.39.40 44. so Luk. 20.35 1 Cor. 15.32 1 Thes 4.16 Phil. 3.11 Heb. 6.1 Neither is this entrance into the rest of God and kingdome of the Lord Jesus Christ the full possession promised the Saints and which they look for But they presse hard toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus looking unto that which is before them and not casting off any of the principles or beginings of Christ as to say as Mr. Randall did away with this or away with that nay but only not to look upon them as if that were all but to leave and forget them in that respect as things behind and yet neverthelesse as Paul also saith whereunto we have already attained let us walk by one rule c. Phil. 3.16 The prize of the high calling being the full perfection and possession of all things promised even the Crown of righteousnesse concerning which Paul saith I have fought a good fight I have finished my course henceforth is laid up for me a crown of righteousnesse which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give me in that day and not to me only but unto them also that love his appearing 2 Tim. 4.7 And although the very perfection of the Law of God be now required of the Snints and that they are to set the same before them as a perfect mark as well in respect of the Spiritual intent thereof as the literal to love and delight therein with their whole soule and to keep it in the very perfection not in part or for an hour or day but fully and continually yet do they not attain thereunto here nor can though D. G. one of the Doctors of Familisme before mentioned hath very much laboured to prove they may and can but they sigh and mourn and weep because of their sins and daily failings and would fain keep it perfectly this is the law of their mind through the spirit but they have another law in their members which leadeth them captive to the law of sin and of death and yet neverthelesse they crying out against themselves bewailing the same do assuredly believe that they shall be delivered from their body of sin and death as Paul saith Rom. 7. the sting of death which is sin shall be taken away and death swallowed up in victory when the Lord cometh as he also saith 1 Cor. 15. And as touching the coming of the Lord at the last day it is not to be understood in a mystical manner in the Spirit onely as H. N. would have it as if Christ had left or quite put off his humane person neither because Christ hath been is and will be with his Church and chosen people to the end of the world in respect of his Spirit according to his promise to instruct to guide and comfort them is the presence of his Spirit to be taken for this coming nor the instruction guidance comfort of the Spirit which the Apostle himself at that present time injoyed the resurrection he speaks of 1 Cor. 15. as H.N. and the teachers of Familisme would have it Nay but the Lords coming shall be in a most open manifest and glorious manner so as that every eye shall see him and all shall know him to be the very same man Jesus the Chiist that was crucified and pierced at Jerusalem he shall in person really and truly come as the cleer Words of the Scripture speak Matth. 24.30 Rev. 1.7 and sundry other places and this resurrection shall be also in a most plain and evident manner all that are in the graves shall hear his voyce and shall come forth and that truly and really as the Word saith Joh. 5.28 29. Then Abraham Isaac Jacob and all the holy Fathers before them and the holy children after them which sleep in the dust of the earth shall come forth out of their caves tombs graves and places where they have slept each bone of every one shall come to his bone and sinnes shall knit them together skin shall cover them breath shall enter into them and they shall live and stand upon their feet according as Ezekiel prophesied 37. and as Paul testifieth 1 Cor. 15. 1 Thes 4. and also Christ himself Rev. 20.12.13 14. And when the Lord Jesus Christ the Sonne of Man for so hee stileth himselfe shall indeed so come in his glory and all his holy Angels with him as he hath said Matth. 25. Then shall he sit in the Throne of his glory even in that Throne whereof he spoke unto David concerning him saying I will raise up thy seed after thee which shall bee of thy sonnes and I will establish his Kingdome and he shall build me an house and I will estabbish his throne for ever I will be his father and he shall be my son And I will not take my mercy away from him as I took it away from him that was before thee But I will settle him in my house and in my kingdome for ever and his throne shall bee established for evermore 1 Chron. 17.11 12 13 14. And again Once have I have I sworn by my Holinesse that I will not lie unto David his seed shall endure for ever and his throne as the Sunne before me it shall endure for ever as the
Moon and as a faithfull witnesse in heaven Psa 89. According to which the holy Angel Gabriel spake unto his mother Mary saying He shall be great and shal be called the son of the highest and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David and he shall reigne over the house of Iacob for ever and of his kingdome there shall be no end Luke 1.32 33. And as God the Father will settle his Son Jesus Christ in his House and in his kingdome for ever and in the throne of his father David even upon his holy hill of Sion as he also said Psal 2. and establish the same throne for evermore So will he give unto him the he●●hen for his inheritance and the utmost ends of the earth for his possession hee shall breake them with a rod of iron and dash them in peeces like a Potters vessell He shall also have dominion from Sea to Sea and from the river to the ends of the earth They that dwell in the wildernesse shall bow before him and the enemy shall lick the dust yea all Kings shall fall downe before him all Nations shall serve him Psa 772. What can be more plainly spoken then these things are These are no mysticall fantasies nor allegories of humane invention as those of H. N. are but they are the most true Oracles of God Now at this present time Christ sitteth in the throne of God the Father at his right hand in the heavens reigning in the supreme kingdome with him and there he is to sit and reigne yet a little while till God hath put downe all enemies under his feet And then at the last day when he commeth he is to resigne and deliver up the same unto God even the Father as it is written 1 Cor. 15. Psa 89. And then is he to take possession of his own kingdome and throne which God the Father had promised and appointed unto him long agoe even the throne kingdome of his Father David it being Gods kingdome also to reigne over the house of Iacob for ever as it was foretold 1 Chron. 17. Luke 1.31 32. Not in this corrupt world where and while his enemies rule and reigne but in that which is to come when God shall have created new heavens and a new earth and wherein righteousnesse shall dwell for ever according to his promise Esay 65.17 2 Pet. 3.13 Rev. 21. For all enemies even the last which is mortality and death of the body and the sting thereof which is sin shall then be destroyed swallowed up in victory taken away All iniquity shall now stop it mouth as the Scriptures testifie 1 Cor. 15. Psa 117.42 And then also shall the Bride the Lambs wife even the holy Citie the new Jerusalem appeare complete with all her children in her perfect beauty brightnesse and glory according as the Scriptures declare Esay 60. 62. Rev. 21. 22. God wil create Irusalem a rejoycing and her people a joy he will rejoyce in Ierusalem and joy in her children his people the voyce of weeping shall be no more heard in her nor the voyce of crying Esay 65.19 There shall be no more thence an infant of dayes nor an old man that hath not filled his dayes Esay 65.20 There shall be no more marrying nor giving in marriage nor taking of wives nor getting of children neither shall they die any more as H.N. would have it to be in his resurrection Nay all these things will be passed away as it is written Luke 20.35.36 Rev. 21.4 God will now dwell in the midst of his people as in his own Tabernacle and his Sanctuary also shall be in the midst of them for evermore as he hath spoken Ezek. 37. Rev. 21. And they shall bee a treasure in the hand of the Lord a peculiar people an holy nation and a kingdome of Priests before him for ever as it is also written Exo. 19.5.6 And as it is given to the King Psa 2. So hath he promised and will give unto them power likewise and they shall rule the nations with a rod of iron and break them in peeces like a potters vessel Rev. 2.26.27 And as he overcame and is sitten down with his Father in his throne so will he give them all that overcome to sit with him in his throne Rev. 3.21 This for the present and if farther occasion shall require and oportunity serve there may be yet a more full discovery FINIS