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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A73737 The vvonders of the ayre, the trembling of the earth and the warnings of the world before the Iudgement day. Written by Thomas Churchyard esquire, seruant to the Queens Maiestie. Churchyard, Thomas, 1520?-1604. 1602 (1602) STC 5260.5; ESTC S124798 16,729 25

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hollowed be Thy kingdome come done be thy will As well on earth as ti 's in heauen still Giue vs this day our daily bread With which our bodies and soules are fedde Forgiue vs our trespasse euery way As we forgiue them that seeke our decay And lead vs not into temptation But for Christs sake our onely saluation Deliuer vs from euils all That makes vs from thy fauour fall For kingdom glory and al is thine For euer and euer by powr diuine The Creede I Beleeue in God the Father of all might Made heauen and earth sent darkenes and light And in Iesus Christ his sonne and our Lord Conceiued by the holy Ghost as scriptures doe record Of the virgine Mary this babe was borne To redeeme man that else had beene forlorne Suffred vnder Ponce Pilate crucified and layd in graue Descended into hell the elect soules to saue Rose the third day such hope I haue Was seene aliue here ascended into heauen than Sits on Gods right hand a mediatour for man From thence shall he come to iudge both quicke and dead Amyd the cloudes to shew his great Godhead I beleeue in the infinite holy Ghost The Catholike Church that honors God most The communion of Saintes the forgiuenes of sinnes The resurrection of the body where gladnes begins And in the life euerlasting I trust To rise at the last day with Iob out of dust The ten Commandements GOd spake these words the Lord thy God I am That brought thee home when thou from Egypt came I set thee free from bondage euery way Because thou shalt my holy will obay Thou shalt not haue any other Gods but me Thou shalt not serue strange Gods in any degree Vnto thy selfe no grauen image make Like any thing that is in heauen aboue Nor earth belowe thy pleasure so to take Nor vnderneath the earth my wrath to mooue Nor worship them by any kind of meane For I thy God loues people pure and cleane Thou shalt not bowe downe to any image wrought Thy onely Lord a iealous God he is That plagues the sinnes of people vaine and nought Yea to the third and fourth generation note well this I visite the Sonnes and Fathers of them all That doe hate me or to idolatry fall And mercies shewes to thousands when I will That loues me and keepes my commandements still Thou shalt not take thy great Gods name in vaine He gilty is that will mine honour staine The sabboth day looke that thou keepe in feare Sixe dayes thou hast to worke to trudge and toyle The seuenth is the Sabboth euery where Than thou shalt not thy hands with labour foyle Thou and thy sonne thy daughter mayd and man That serueth thee shall doe no labour than Thy cattell and the stranger in thy gate Shall doe no worke that day early nor late For in sixe dayes thy Lord that all hath blest Made heauen and earth and in the seuenth did rest Thou shalt honour thy father and mother well That long aliue on earth safe thou maist dwell Thou shalt not kill for bloud craues bloud or vengeance still Thou shalt not breake true wedlockes band no way That knot and staffe is an honourable stay Thou shalt not steale for theeues robe Prince and common weale Thou shalt not beare false witnes in any sorte For that may take from iustice good report Thou shalt not wish thy neighbors house nor wife His man seruant nor mayden for thy life His Oxe his Asse nor nothing that is his Liue with thine owne as the Lords pleasure is Verses fitte for euery one to knowe and confesse TO bed I goe from you God knowes when I shall rise Nights darknes bids the day adue till morning glads the skies The bed presents the graue in shrowding sheetes we lie The flattring boulster that we haue is stuft to please the eye The blankets are greene grasse that growes when we are gone The pillowes with sun beames do passe for pilgrimes to looke on The couerlet is care that clothes vs whilst we liue The bed staues gentill scourges are that doth vs warnings giue The bedstocke and the tycke and all belongs to bed Is but vaine pleasures that we like to please a wanton head Sleepe is of death the shape to shewe mans substance small As earth doth for the body gape so death will haue vs all Then liue as thou shouldst die when God shall please to stricke The graue wherein our bodies lie and bed are both alike But sure when sences sleepe from labour toyle and paine The soule for feare doe wayle and weepe till man awake againe Death waites so hard at hand when soundest sleepe we haue That all our state doth doubtfull stand till body be in graue Man shortens his owne dayes and so doth weare and wast By wilfull steps and wicked wayes that cuts of life in hast Sleepe is a steppe to death and time that weares full fast Life waites no longer on the breath then bloud and health doth last When candell waxeth dimme or neere the socket drawes Mans goodly glistring glory trimme declines by kindly cause Then aged syres like me small tarrying haue you heere When faulters shall examind be they buy their folly deere In bed that brings no rest those strange euents we find When roling vp and downe the brest sad thoughts lodes heauy mind The bed breedes dreames and toyes that idell fancie brings More vaine than rash are earthly ioyes that hinders heauenly things The soundest sleepe of all in Abrahams bosome is Heere ioy is mixt with bitter gall and there gall turnes to blisse To bed goe in these bounds as babes in cloutes are layd To rise with Christ when trumpet sounds who hath our ransome paid FINIS
short and vse the pearcing and weighty words of the Gospell we are told of warres earthquakes desolation faintnes of faith and warned if God did not shorten those dayes for the chosens sake the very elect might be dissaued and but a fewe should be saued so many opinions and errours would arise and iniquitie would be so great that it would striue for the victorie and faith would waxe so cold that God and all goodnes should in a maner be forgotten wherefore the maker of heauen and earth reuiues our dead memories with earthquakes and wonders not engendered and produced by naturall causes because that omnipotent Lord doth what he listeth both in the elements and earth compelling them to worke his will as their courses be set by the infallible order and ordinance of his maiestie that doth with his owne workmanship what séemeth best in his sight Now I pray you vnder patience and fauour demaunded shall the little starre lately séene in Iuly last be forgotten as vnfitte to be reckoned or noted for the smalenesse of it among the wonders of the ayre indeede the incredulitie of the world and hardnes of stonie hearted men beléeues as little as they may eyther of the forewarnings of God or diuine preachings of good men who daily in swéetest maner openeth the scriptures vnto vs and shewes familiar examples out of the old Testament and the new that might mooue millions to repentance and frame a fraternall conuersion among the people but thousandes growe so stubborne and stifnecked that they neither will stoupe to consider what is spoken nor bend their mindes to the amendment of life but runs all on head without looking backe into errours and vaine imaginations thinking that wonder or that worthy matter will blowe ouer and stands in feare of nothing no scarce of a terrible blast of thunder that often teares men beastes and trées in pieces and striketh down flat to the ground high towres and stately buildings All these strange accidents rehearsed and ten thousand times as many more fearefull matters if they might be set downe as a spectacle to our sight can neuer change nor alter the common course of our dissolute maners and incredulous mindes A wonder lastes but nine dayes a signe in the ayre is but wondred at an earthquake is called but a common custome of many causes a blazing starre makes people but babble a while a mounster in beast or man brings no great maruels a sommer winter like is but wayed as wicked world pleaseth an vnnaturall wett out of season is named but a foule weather a tempest or blustring stormes is quickly quieted with a calme a dearth of graine and all sustentation of man tries but our patience and seldome brings repentance and the plague of the sworde warre and pestilence is sodainly forgotten so carelesse is our life and so full of incredulitie are our hartes wherefore neither excellent men in a pulpit true writers of good bookes setting out of auncient histories nor shewing of fearefull examples séemes to doe no good neither to the benifite of the body nor blessednesse of the soule Than of necessitie all must be committed to Gods grace and goodnesse whose mercies must vphold vs or else the wonders of the ayre the trembling of the earth and the incredulitie of the world will increase the wrath of the almightie and bring a badde world to confusion Warnings to the world IN the forenoone doctor Rogers being in a matter to the rebuke of some disorders hee sawe sodainly fall a great darkenesse ouer all the Church a cracke of thunder following the darkenes whereby all the people were not onely amazed but likewise stricken downe in a great terrour and trembling and at their fall were marked vnder their clothes with bloudy signes and shewes of Gods wrath most wonderfull to behold because their garments were kept whole and sound at which season and feare some seemed dead and fell so sicke on the sodaine that long after they recouered not yet the preacher not a whit stricken nor none of his folkes hurt notwithstanding as doctor Rogers told me many of the people at that instant present were stricken downe but howsoeuer thinges fell out by Gods visitation and sufferance the mightie maiestie of the Lord was myraculously séene and vnderstoode in this fearefull action The bishop yet most stoutely preached in the after noone when no such wonders were to be noted at that instant but incredulous people cares for no wonders for the like of this was at Bongie a parish church in Northfolke I saw it my selfe and beheld the clocke house belfrie and walls torne in pieces euen as a mans hand had bin thrust through a great péece of warme waxe and another church neighbour to this at the very same season was visited with some signe of Gods displeasure for in some one of them or both were sundry people slaine other churches since that time as Norwich of late and Born in Huntington shire haue witnessed to the world that Gods anger on churches hath often beene marueilously séen which may make many men wonder at the strangnesse thereof namely for that in churches and places of prayer God permits and openly suffers his people to perish and chiefely when they are at seruice where men ought rather to be mindfull of their offences and frailtie of life then beare in breast any motion that may purchase Gods displeasure But some doe iudg and that a great number the vilest sorte that honours no vertue makes or would make the house of prayer a denne of théeues and so foorth as Christ himselfe found fault withall Solomon and no other was ordayned to build the Temple of the Lord and when it was finished Sollomons owne wordes and prayer in that Temple is a most diuine note and wonder to looke vpon honour and admyre wel well I dare say no more but God is marueilous angrie at some matters or men pertayning to the Church when in that holy house he sendeth such myracles and sendeth such warnings I referre the iudgement thereof to graue Fathers and Diuine preachers So bringing to an ende the small matter of this booke that hath treated of Wonders and signes in the ayre Trembling and shaking of the earth and warnings from God sent before the iudgement day which mightie matters because they passe my reach to iudge off and the common skill of men to discusse and deside I leaue vnto the almightie that daily workes wonders sendes warnings shewes myracles and neuer rests from making men knowe his dutie towardes the admiring of him and his workes which the more men write off thinke on or dispute in the more farther they run headlong to heapes of errours follies and vnpardonable offences wherefore auoyding ouer much boldnes and presumption of entering too farre in these causes I conclude and commit all to his mercies FINIS The Lords prayer and creede in verse with the ten Commandements OVr Father which art in persons three Thy mighty name most