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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A53891 A dissertation concerning the pre-existency of souls wherein the state of the question is briefly unfolded, and divers arguments and objections on both sides alledged and answered : and a free judgment concerning the summ of the controversie allowed to every one / being originally written in the Latine tongue, several years since by the learned C.P. ; and now made English by D.F. [and] D.P. upon the recommendation of F.M.H., their friend. C.P.; D. F.; D. P. 1684 (1684) Wing P10; ESTC R5799 19,339 146

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c. The minor is proved from Psalm 39.12 1 Peter 2.11 CHAP. IV. Containing Arguments drawn from Holy Scripture to prove the Praeexistency of the Soul of the Messiah IF Christ's Soul did praeexist then did all Souls praeexist But the first is true as presently shall be taught from Holy Scripture Therefore c. the major is proved because Christ is in all things like unto us sin excepted Now by and in the Reason of all Souls there is the same manner of duration The minor is proved 1. Because Christ hath long since often appeared to the Patriarchs He often conversed with Moses He delivered the Children of Israel out of Aegypt He accompanied them in the Wilderness and led them into the Land of Canaan c. witness besides innumerable places in the Old Testament that of Paul 1 Cor. 10.4 and that of John 1.11 2. Because he himself testifieth that he had a glory with his Father before the World was made Joh. 17.5 But this was not the Glory of his divine nature because that was in its own nature immutable Therefore it was the glory of his Soul which already did praeexist 3. Moreover He himself testifieth thus I came but from the Father and am come into the World Again I leave the World and return unto the Father As in John 16.28 4. John 3.13 No man ascendeth into Heaven but he who descended from Heaven the Son of Man c. 5. John the Baptist testifieth of him That he came from above John 3.31 6. Again Christ himself saith Joh. 6.32 My Father giveth unto you the true bread from Heaven for he is the true bread of God who descended from Heaven 7. Vers 38. I descended from Heaven 8. The living Father hath sent me This is the bread which descended from Heaven Joh. 6.57.58 compare herewith vers 41. 51. 9. 1. Cor. 15.47 10. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus Who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a Servant and was made in the likeness of man c. They are the words of Paul Phil. 2.5 6 7. All which together with the foregoing words can by no means be understood of the Divine Nature of Christ which can neither be varied nor moved from place to place by reason of his divine Excellency and Omnipresence which is essential to him and by consequence they must necessarily be meant of the Soul of Christ which praeexisted long before its earthly body from whence a most certain argument may be framed That the Souls of all other men did praeexist 11. Compare herewith Heb. 1.6 The Father bringeth in the first begotten into the World Which is to be understood according to his humanity 12. 1 John 3.5.8 He who is manifested or appeareth he doth not then begin to be in being CHAP. V. Containing Arguments taken from humane Authority yet are such as in their kind are Sacred 1. LEt the Apostles of our Lord be here produced even when they were not as yet illuminated who were addicted to this opinion and yet were not corrected by our Lord as is manifest 1. in that that they asked him concerning him who was born blind Joh. 9.2 2. In that that they said that some thought that he was John the Baptist others Elias others Jeremias or one of the Prophets as in Matth. 16.14 Which assertion cannot stand unless upon the foundation of Praeexistency nor yet was it corrected by our Lord as without all doubt had it contained in it any thing that was erroneous it would have been by him who was the most holy and the most benign Master or Teacher 3. In that that when our Lord said That he came out from the Father they presently answered Behold now speakest thou plainly and speakest no proverb Joh. 16.29 2. Let Clement of Alexandria come forth next who often in his writings makes mention of this opinion nor ever once redargueth it as erroneous For in his Stromat 1. He thus saith It is manifest that the Barbarians did especially honour their Lawgivers and Lords calling them Gods for they thought together with Plato that some good Souls having left their supercelestial abode did make a descent into this inferiour Orb and having assumed bodies became partakers of all those miseries which are obvious in Generation and became sollicitously careful of mankind to whom they gave Laws and taught Philosophy And then in his 3. Book he saith when he disputeth against the Marcionites and alledges many places out of Plato which do partly directly and partly indirectly include this opinion amongst which is that out of his Phaedo viz. That there is a Secret brought down to us by Tradition that we men are in this life as it were in a Prison So also is that other where he citeth Heraclitus also Pythagoras and Socrates together with Plato That Death is but what we see when up and awake but what we see in sleep is a Dream But most agreeable of all is what he quoteth out of Philolaus the Pythagorean The Ancient Divines and Poets do testifie that the Soul is conjoyned to this earthly body by way of a punishment and that she is all the while she remaineth therein as it were buried But against this he saith nothing In the same Book although he mightily sets himself against Julius Cassian yet he useth these words This Noble wit is of an opinion which accordeth more with the mind of Plato viz. that the Soul which is divine and from above bei●● effeminated with lust doth descend into Generation and Corruption Yea in his Protrept he expresly saith That Christ did again call back into Heaven those who were thrown down upon and to the Earth 3. Let Origen follow next who more openly did propagate this opinion so as there is no need to give any Quotations out of him 4. Moreover Synesius Bishop of Cyrenia who in his 105. Epistle saith expresly In good truth I shall never design to be of the opinion that the Soul in its existence comes after the Body And in his 3● Hymn As a drop from Heaven I was poure● forth on the earth Restore me to my spring whence I flowed in this banisht wandring birth 5. To these joyn Arnobius who in his 1. Book against the Gentiles saith thus Do we not all owe unto God this in the first place That we are That we are called men That being either sent from him or fallen thorough blindness we are detained in the chains of a Body 6. Prudentius appears next who in his Hymn at the funeral Solemnities of the deceased singeth after this manner See now how to the faithful is made plain The bright path of the ample Paradise again And man may freely now approach that grove Which the sly Serpent took from him above There O thou best of Guides I humbly pray Command that thy Servant-maid this Mind
in Holy Writ is no such addition that man was to multiply according to his species or kind but it is nakedly put thus increase and multiply which are indifferent phrases without all determination of the principal efficient cause 2. From Gen. 5. vers 3. If Adam begat a Son according to his own image likeness it follows then that his Son was also begotten by him as to his Soul But the first is true therefore also is the latter so Answer We deny the antecedent because likeness may be understood to be external by reason of the body to the corruption of which the Soul was also subjected although it came into it from without 3. From Gen. 46. vers 26. whatsoever went forth from out of the loyns of the Parent that did not praeexist but the Souls of the sons c. Therefore c. Answer In this Saying is a Synecdoche of one part for another where the Soul is taken for the body as the Scripture also speaketh elsewhere as Psal 16.10 He will not leave my soul in the Grave c. 2. In this also may be said to be a metonymy of the form for the thing formed of the Soul for the thing animated 3. If the acception were proper this absurdity follows that the Soul is propagated from the Father only the Mother contributing nothing 4. From Job 14.4 Who can give a clean thing out of that that is unclean whence it followeth that from the impure Soul of the Father must proceed or come forth an impure Soul of the son Answer The particle From doth not always signifie the prinpal efficient cause but often times also the instrumental cause or that cause without which the effect cannot be produced and so is it to be understood in this place 5. From Psal 51. vers 5. Behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me Answer The Text speaketh of the iniquity and sin not of the Infant but of the generating Parents but if the sin were to be understood of the infant this is then the sense or meaning Behold my Soul being already in in-iniquity from a preceding fall is received into the Womb of my Mother 6. That which is born of the Flesh is Flesh John 3.6 Answer The word or term to be born importeth no essential dependence on him who begetteth for the Soul even already before its nativity being carnal that is having gained a vital aptitude unto Flesh coming forth from carnal Parents is called Flesh even as impure water derived through impure pipes when it breaks forth is so much the more impure 7. Rom. 5.12 As by one man sin entred into the world and by sin Death so Death is passed unto all men because all have sinned from this it follows that before Adam there was no sin Answer Adam in the Allegorical History of Moses is a figure of all mankind and this very Text doth shew that death is passed unto all men not upon that account that Adam only hath sinned but in as much as every single man hath sinned The Particle One signifies the same as First doth as in Mar. 16.2 Luke 24.1 John 20.1 Acts 20.7 8. Rom. 9.11 it is said that the Children who were not yet born had done neither good nor evil whence it is concluded that Souls before this earthly life had not committed sin Answer Not being as yet born are either such as exist before the union of Soul and Body or such as exist in that union the Text speaks of these latter not of the former because first they are expresly named Children 2. The determinate time in which they had committed neither good nor evil is denoted viz. when the Lord said The Elder shall serve the Younger which he then said when they were already alive and the Infants moved in the Womb and so being not yet born they may be said to have committed neither good nor evil actually although before the union somewhat of a fall had preceded and therefore the predicate is to be limited they had done nothing of good or evil viz. in the state of the earthly union of Body and Soul 9. From 2 Cor. 5.10 They argue thus If in the place where an account is to be rendred of all sins an account is to be rendred of those only which are proper to the body as every one hath done it followeth that without the body there is no sin But the former is true and therefore also the latter Answer The Antecedent is denyed 1. Because in the Text is found no such exclusive particle Only but from the greater part viz. the actual sins is the denomination of the judgment made therefore it may also be that that account must be generally rendred of original sin 2. Granting that an account was not to be given of this sin yet it doth not follow that it was not committed because 1. it would have been obliterated already by the general oblivion in the Soul 2. It should have already suffered punishment for it viz. it s being thrust down into this earthly Dungeon or Prison 10. From Hebr. 7. v. 5.9 10. Who paid Tythes in the loins of his Father He even as to his Soul is in his Father But c. Therefore c. Answer The Antecedent is denyed for this phrase to be in the loins of his Father signifieth nothing else than not to be as yet born and yet to be in a possibility to be born therefore such as is the Nativity such also is the possibility or power of being to be born Now the Nativity doth not admit of the concurrence of the Father otherwise than as an instrumental cause to prepare the matter for the introduction of the Soul Therefore also the possibility or power of being to be born ought thus to be understood 11. From Ecclesiast 12.7 The Spirit returns to God who gave it whence they thus argue As the body is from the Earth so the spirit is from God and at the time of generation dust is given from the Earth Therefore also at that time the Spirit is given from God Answer We must distinguish between a giving which is originary and that which is participative this is meant in this place but not that For as although the body be taken out of the earth yet its matter originally does not then at last begin so although the spirit be given from God at the time of generation viz. by an universal concurrence yet it followeth not that it then at length beginneth 12. From Zach. 12.1 The Lord saith who formeth the Spirit of man in the midst of him if therefore the spirit of man is formed within him it did not praeexist Answer By Spirit in this place is to be understood the animal Spirit as often it is elsewhere Gen. 6.17 ch 7.15 compare the 15. verse importing the same sense almost of Psalm 33. even as also is the determination in the midst of him viz. it denoteth it to be in his bowels whence it is that it so follows not in respect to the Soul FINIS