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father_n holy_a lord_n son_n 40,281 5 5.6012 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A50181 An epistle to the Christian Indians, giving them a short account, of what the English desire them to know and to do, in order to their happiness written by an English minister, at the desire of an English magistrate, who sends unto them this token of love. Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. 1700 (1700) Wing M1178; ESTC W18263 11,109 30

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you to cry out How Good is God and let it lead you to Repentance How good is God who hath given you the Scripture whereby you may be made wise unto Salvation Gods Book the Book of life the Bible is translated into your language Among all the thousands of Na●ions of Indians on this mighty half of the Wo●ld there is not one besides you so Lifted up to Heaven And you have Catechisms and other Treatises in your own language to help you in understanding of the Bible You are Instructed That there is but one God of whom are all things even JEHOVAH He is the True God he is the living God That great is our Lord and of great Power His understanding is Infinite And The Lord is Gracious and full of compassion slow to Anger and of great Mercy And The Lord is Righteous in all His wayes and Holy in His works That in the one God there is the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and These three are One That God hath predestinated His People unto the Adoption of children by Jesus Christ and works all things after the counsel of His own Will That in the Beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth and God saw all that He had made and behold it was very good That God upholds all things by the word of his Power That there are Angels who are Ministring Spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be Heirs of salvation And there are other Angel● who k●p● not their first Estate but left their own Habitation and be Reserved in everlasting Chains under Darkness unto the Judgment of the great Day That God created man in Hi● own Image That by one man even by Adam and his wife Eve ea●ing the F●uit of a Tree forbidden by God unto th●m Sin entred into the world and Death by Sin and so Death is come upon all men for that all have sinned That God so loved the world as to give His only Begotte● Son that whosever Believeth on Him shou d not perish but have ever●asting Life Tha Christ who is of the Israelites as concerning the flesh is God over all Blessed forever That Jesus Christ took upon Him the form of a Servant and being found in fashion as a man He humbled himself and became obedient unto Death even the Death of the Cross Wherefore God hath highly ex●lted Him and given Him a Name above every Name That God hath appointed a Day in which He will Judge the world in Righteousness by that Man the Lord Jesus Christ whom he hath Ordained whereof He hath given Assurance unto all men in that He hath raised Him from the Dead That the Hour is coming in which all that are in their graves shall Hear the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ and shall come forth they that have done Good unto the Resurrection of Life and they that have done Evil unto the Resurrection of Damnation That we are saved by Grace through Faith and this not of our selves but it is the Gift of God That through Jesus Christ is Preached unto us the forgiveness of Sins and by Him all that Believe are made Righteous That it is a Faithfull saying That they who Believe in God should be carefull to maintain good Works for these things are good and profitable unto men That He who hath begun a good Work in us will finish it until the day of Jesus Christ Poor Indians The Lord of Heaven and Earth has hid these Glorious things from other nations of the Earth who are destroyed for the lack of knowledge and has Revealed them unto you It is your main Duty now to Receive this Truth in the Love of it If you do Receive it Let it appear by your consenting to that Covenant of Grace which God hath made with His People through Jesus Christ Say O Glorious Jehovah One God Father Son and Holy Spirit Thy Free Grace does now help me to give my self unto thee That I may be happy in thee alone as my God and my Portion forever and to give my self unto the Son of God that I may obtain Righteousness and Salvation and be brought Home unto the Father th●ouh Him and to give my self unto the Spirit of God that I may know the Son and Love Him and serve Him and have an Heart to keep the Laws of my Redeemer Poor Indian Let thy Heart and thy Hand be put unto this Covenant Wh●n thou Readest and Hearest the Words of this Covenant Let thy Tongue say Lord I am Willing Lord I am Willing This Covenant of God was offered unto many Nations of your N●ighbours but they Refused it And because they Refus●d it they are destroyed by the Dreadful Judgments of God just as one would Burn up the Trees in the Wilderness The Lord Jesus Christ hath appointed Baptism to be the Seal of this Covenant When you heartily lay Hold on the Covenant you must then be Baptised by a Minister of Jesus Christ When a Minister pours Water on you In the Name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit God says I give you my Self and my Grace and Pardon and Heaven and you must say Lord I am thine Save me Lord I am willing to be thy servant And now it must be your endeavour to keep the Laws of your Lord Redeemer Because the Lord hath sent you good Tidings of great Joy that unto you there is born a Saviour you must be thankful to Him and show your Thankfulness by your Obedience Will you be Rebellious against the King of Heaven who hath Blessed us with Spiritual Blessings in Heavenly Places through Jesus Christ our Lord Oh Foolish people and unwise If you so Requi●e the Lord. God hath given you Ten Commandments which are all Holy and Just good Those Ten Commandments require thee my Indian Freind To Love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart and all thy Soul and all thy Mind and To Love thy Neighbour as thy Self Look upon these Ten Commandments as often as upon thy Ten Fingers The first Commandment is Thou shalt have no other Gods before my face That is Glorify the only True God Jehovah only in the Lord Jesus Christ Let thy Love thy Trust thy Joy be placed on Him and pray to Him and Hear His word and sing His Praise And worship Him with Soul and Body And none else besides Him The second is Thou shalt not make to thy self any Image That is Observe such Ordinances in the Worship of God as God Himself hath ordained And None but such The third is Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain That is In all the Worship of God and especially in Swearing be very Serious And Neither Irreverently nor unprofitably make us of any thing whereby God makes Himself known unto us as His Names His Words and His Works The fourth is Remember the Sabbah day to keep it Holy That is When the Lords day comes wholly set it a
part for the Service of the Lord. And keep Solemn Dayes of Supplication and solemn Dayes of Thanks giving when there is occasion for them The fifth is Honour thy Father and thy Mother That is Let every man be respected in his Place Let Husbands and Wives Let Parents and Children Let Masters and Servants Let Rulers Subjects Let Pastors and People Show suitable Respects to one another The sixth is Thou shalt not kill That is Use all due means to preserve our own Life and Health and Peace and the Life of others The seventh is Thou shalt not Commit Adultery That is Shun all unchast Filthiness of Heart and of Speech and of Action Be Modest in every Thing The eighth is Thou shalt not Steal That is Be Honest in increasing and preserving our Estates and unjustly take away nothing of another mans but give Alms to them that are in want The ninth is Thou shalt not bear False witness against thy Neighbour That is Evermore speak the Truth our selves and Labour that the Truth may be spoken by others and particularly be Tender as of our own Credit so of other mens The tenth is Thou shalt not Covet That is Let our Heart be content with what condition God shall order for us and Let not our Heart burn with any Envy against the prosperity of others Hear O Instructed Indians If you Believe in the Obedience which the Lord Jesus Christ yielded unto God that you may be Righteous by the obedience of the Lord Jesus Christ then as a sign of it God gives you an Heart to imitate His exemple as far as you can and be Followers of God as Obedient Children Indeed it is but little Obedience that you can yield unto the Holy God And you must with daily Repentance Loath and Judge your selves before the Lord for its being so little But if you don't Obey the will of God in Jesus Christ with Respect unto all His Commandments you are unbelievers and the wrath of God abideth on you And if you be not Saints and persons who Desire and study to be Holy in all manner of conversation you will not be meet for the Inheritance of the Saints in Light Come then Say my dear Indians O say Lord I count thy Precepts concerning all things to be Right and I hate every false way For indeed I must tell you Without Holiness no man shall see the Lord. Is it so my Indians How comes it then to pass that many of you fall into the sin of Drunkenness as easily as a man going in the Dark falls into a Pit The sin of Drunkenness is against the Third Commandment for it abuses the Good creatures of God And it is against all the Ten Commandments For a Drunken man Tempted by the Devil will soon break all the Ten Commandments How miserable do you make your selves even like a Swine wallowing in the mire when you make your s●lves Drunk Unhappy Indians will you sell Christ for a little Drink Will you truck away your souls for a little Rum or Cider Don't forget the Terrible Word of God which sounds like the Thunder Drunkards shall not inherit the Kingdom of God And Why have so many of you so Little Order in your Families Teach your Children Rule your Children do what you can that your Children may pray to God Else the Fifth Commandment will condemn you The eighth Commandment will condemn you if you Live in Idlenes They that work not at all do walk Disorderly What ails you that you can't have your Houses and Orchards and Cattel and gainful Trades as well as We Let our enample shame you spur you into Diligence When you exercise your selves to keep a Conscience void of offence towards God and towards men Then 't is time for your Godly Men to Gather a Church But when you Gather a Church you must Pray with Fasting over the undertaking and ask the Advice of other Churches both English and Indian You must then Enter into solemn Covenant and promise after this manner We heartely give up our selves to the Only true God JEHOVAH who is Father Son and Holy Spirit Resolving by His Help to Serve Him forever And we give our selves to one another promising that by the Help of God we will Worship Him together and Help one another in the Right wayes of the Lord. After this you must Choose a Pastor who must be a Good Man Able and Ready to feed you with the Know●edge of the Lord and Open and Apply the Oracles of God unto the whole Flock and a Watchful and Sober man and a man much in Prayer bo●h by himself and with you and one that Ruleth well his own House and a man of Good Report and one of an Heavenly conversation When you have such a Pastor you must Obey him as having the Rule over you and watching for your Souls being to give an Account of them And you may Join to him Elders that shall Rule well and unto such Elders you must give more Honour then unto other men Deacons also should be in your Churches to Provide Necessary things both for the Pastor and for the Table of the Lord. At the Table of the Lord your Pastors will then administer unto you Bread Broken and Wine in a Cup to signify the Body and the Bl●od of the Lord Jesus Christ which were once offered unto God for you B●fore the Administration of that Sacrament you must spend some time in searching your Hearts and Lives and in mourning over all your sins against the Ten Commandments and in crying to God for the pardon of them through the Death of Jesus Christ And at the Sacrament when you Receive the Bread and the Wine you must with all seriousness inwardly say Lord I Receive thy Christ Lord I Receive thy Christ And Lord Because thy Christ did Dy therefore let my sin Dy and let my Soul Live If after this you fall into Sin your sin will be worse then other mens The Holy God will be very Angry at them that sin after the Sacrament If any of you do now sin you must Reprove one another and bring the sinful to Confession and Repentance But if they are Incorrigible you must put away that wicked Person from among you My dear Indians If you do forsake the wayes of the Lord Jesus Christ I earnestly testify unto you That you shall utterly perish God will kill you with one Thunderstroke of His wrath after another And in Hell you shall cry out I am Tormented I am Tormented for more years than you now see Leaves upon the Trees But if you do follow the wayes of the Lord Jesus Christ you will be Rich above those people that have Money and all Riches At your Death God will take your Souls to be among the Angels The Lord Jesus Christ shall Raise you from the Dead unto everlasting Life at the Day of Judgment You shall be Blessed with the Lord Jesus Christ infinitely more years than you see stars in the Sky or stones on the Earth or Drops of water in the Rivers Now Consider what I say and the Lord give you understanding FINIS